#Edgar Morin
Meet Edgar Morin - a 102-year-old Jewish veteran of the French Resistance, a renowned philosopher, and a strident voice for justice. It truly upsets me that I’d never heard of this incredible man till now.
“I am both astonished and outraged by the fact that those who represent the descendants of a people who were persecuted for centuries for religious or racial reasons... That the descendants of this people who are today the decision-makers of the State of Israel, could not only colonize an entire people, partly drive them out of their land and seek to expel them for good... But also, after the massacre of October 7, engage in a real massive slaughter on the population of Gaza and continue, incessantly, hitting civilians, women, and children.
And to see the silence of the world, the silence of the United States, protectors of Israel, the silence of the Arab states, the silence of the European states who claim to be defenders of culture, humanity, human rights.
I think we are living through a horrible tragedy because we are also powerless in the face of this thing that is unleashing. At least, I say: bear witness! The only thing that remains if we cannot resist concretely is to TESTIFY. Let’s RESIST IN OUR MINDS, let’s not be fooled, let’s not forget, let’s have the courage to face things head-on.”
Repost from @middleeasteye
“After the massacre of 7 October, (Israel) engaged in a real massive slaughter on the populations of Gaza.”
French philosopher Edgar Morin, a Jewish WWII resistance fighter, criticised Israel’s actions in Gaza. He expressed disappointment at the silence of countries like the United States, Arab and European nations, whom he referred to as “protectors” of Israel.
#jewsforpalestine #jewsagainstzionism #gaza #gazagenocide #humanrights #palestine #freepalestine #freegaza #freethewestbank #israel #crimesagainsthumanity #antifascist #solidarity #ceasefirenow #neveragain #neveragainisnow
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fidjiefidjie · 8 months
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"C'est lors de la pleine lune 🌝que la lunarité du visage et la visagéité de la lune se marient de façon éphémère."
Edgar Morin
Gif de Acbka
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corydon8 · 3 months
Lorsque Rimbaud dit "je finis par trouver sacré le désordre de mon esprit" il montre qu il a compris qu il y a dans le désordre quelque chose sans lequel la vie ne serait que platitude mécanique.
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dandanjean · 4 months
Une phrase inspirante d’Edgar Morin : Au 21e siècle, les analphabètes seront ceux qui ne seront plus capables d’apprendre, de désapprendre et de réapprendre. Ce que nous connaissons nous permet d’avancer. Mais, il faut reconnaître, à l’exemple de la préparation d’un voyage, ce que nous avons lu sur le pays, les principales adresses, les habitudes de vies, deviens dépassé lorsque nous sommes…
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mrapaz · 8 months
Entre Aspas
“A história várias vezes mostrou que o surgimento do inesperado e o aparecimento do improvável são plausíveis e podem mudar o rumo dos acontecimentos”. (Edgar Morin)
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Vivez poétiquement. La poésie ne doit pas seulement être une chose écrite, lue, récitée. C'est une chose qui doit être vécue.
Edgar Morin
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matto77 · 2 years
La missione si fa sempre più impossibile. Ma la rinuncia alla missione è diventata ancora più impossibile.
Edgar Morin
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oubliettederien · 2 months
“Le strutture del dominio e dello sfruttamento hanno radici profonde e complesse, e solo affrontando tutte le facce del problema si potrà sperare in un qualche progresso.” – Edgar Morin Ancora un momento è una silloge di argomenti filosofici espressi su quanto questo essere umano umano e onnicomprensivo ha percepito a proposito della vita umana (sua e di altri), esposta in modo narrativo. Il raddoppio di quell’aggettivo sarà poi motivato.
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vqtblog · 2 months
Edgar Morin: La tecnología progresa, el pensamiento retrocede
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monicadeola · 2 months
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footnotes-2-plato · 3 months
'The Progress of Knowledge Has Led to a Regression of Thought' By Edgar Morin
Edgar Morin: ‘The Progress of Knowledge Has Led to a Regression of Thought‘ The multiplication of wars, global warming, the rise of authoritarian regimes: the world is rushing towards disaster, but we must resist hatred, argues the sociologist and philosopher in a column for Le Monde. Originally published on January 22, 2024. ChatGPT translation with corrections from Sean Kelly. … Midnight in…
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ecosdoporao · 3 months
O Pensamento Complexo
A complexidade é uma palavra-problema e não uma solução. Nesse contexto, é crucial desfazer duas ilusões que desviam as mentes do problema do pensamento complexo. A primeira ilusão consiste em acreditar que a complexidade leva à eliminação da simplicidade. A segunda ilusão é confundir complexidade com completude. É essencial esclarecer esses equívocos para uma compreensão mais profunda do…
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philippequeau · 3 months
Minuit sonne-t-il ou l’aube blêmit-elle déjà ?
“Un Million d’Anges” ©Philippe Quéau 2024 ©Art Κέω 2024 Les métaphores me fatiguent. Leur pauvreté (stylistique et rhétorique), leur répétition (paresseuse, voire lymphatique), leur biais (implicites, et parfois, retors, délibérés), me sont de plus en plus insupportables. Pourtant, elles envahissent les médias, fort complaisants à l’égard des polémistes qui en abusent ad libidum. La demande…
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loisongcanbang · 8 months
327. Bình luận về quan niệm Tư duy Phức hợp của  Edgar Morin
Tập hợp quan điểm của Morin có trong bài viết tại đây – https://www.chungta.com/nd/tac-pham-hoc-thuat/tinh_tat_yeu_tu_duy_phuc_hop.html1. Lối tiếp cận của MorinEdgar Morin viết: “Bệnh lý hiện đại của tâm trí nằm ở việc siêu đơn giản hóa đang che k��n tính phức hợp của thực tại��� Chỉ duy có tư duy phức hợp mới khai hóa được tri thức của chúng ta mà thôi.”Ông xem con người hiện đại là “vấn đề” và coi…
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patriziaferrithings · 10 months
Studiare se stessi
Qualunque sia il fenomeno studiato, occorre innanzitutto che l’osservatore studi se stesso, poiché l’osservatore o turba il fenomeno osservato, o vi si proietta in qualche misura. Edgar Morin
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dandanjean · 1 year
La complexité
Dans cet entretien, Edgar Morin revient sur la complexité croissante du monde et sur l’inadaptation de nos modes de pensée, de nos apprentissages et de nos modèles économiques à ce monde complexe.  Il invite à changer nos manières d’appréhender le monde pour relier, apprendre autrement, décider en pariant et résister. Edgar Morin : Agir dans la complexité, la voie d’Edgar Morin
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