#Electronic Garbage Disposal
Eco-Cycle Transforming Tech Trash into Tomorrow's Treasures
E-waste recycling and disposal play a vital role in mitigating the environmental and health hazards associated with electronic waste. By properly managing e-waste, we can prevent harmful materials like lead, mercury, and cadmium from contaminating soil, water, and air. Recycling old electronics allows us to recover valuable metals and components, reducing the need for virgin materials and conserving natural resources. Additionally, e-waste recycling helps alleviate the strain on landfill space, as electronic devices are often bulky and non-biodegradable. Moreover, responsible disposal practices ensure that hazardous substances are safely contained and processed, minimizing risks to human health and the environment. Overall, e-waste recycling and disposal contribute to a more sustainable approach to electronic consumption, promoting resource conservation, pollution prevention, and a healthier planet for future generations.
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junkawayremoval · 3 months
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futurionic · 2 years
E-waste recycling: How to handle Corporate E-waste?
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E-Waste recycling: How to handle company e-waste? The company always has to deal with difficulty disposal of electronic waste while protecting the safety of workers. They also have to ensure a systematic approach to eventually reduce the negative effects on the environment. This is a very difficult task, but what becomes much simpler once you know what to do and where to do it. Learn how to recycle electronic waste for your business in this article and many more ecologically friendly practices!
What is E-Waste?
Electronic waste is referred to as "E-Waste." Electrical components or gadgets that are damaged or do not need to be called E-Waste. The company's e-magic usually consists of old laptops, servers, printers, fax machines, servers, and computers.
All forms of electronic waste must be recycled, but dealing with company waste is very difficult. This is due to the fact that organizations often produce a large number of electronic waste, most contain sensitive or confidential information (CI) that cannot be easily discarded.
How do you plan your electronic waste recycling process?
The first step in recycling electronic waste is to identify the products produced by your organization.
Let's look at the type of electronic waste found in the company's office:
Computers or peripherals- whatever with circuit boards, such as laptops, tablets, and desktop computers.
Television and monitor-flat screen or cathode ray tubes are used in it.
Mobile phones, standard phones, and their batteries are all below.
Equipment: They refer to other electric devices, a little or large.
As a next step, find a business that buys electronic waste for cash or credit.
To find out more, do an online search or contact the electronic waste recycling factory. You have to gather information about your electronic memo after you choose a business. The type, number, and state of the equipment are all included in this regard. You can ask for company prices after providing this information. You can adjust your e-Waste drop-off if the cost can be received by you.
In the last step, create and apply successful electronic waste recycling plans for each electronic equipment found on the spot.
The most important factor in company electronic waste management is having a plan. This means being aware of which electronics can be recycled, where they can be sent, and how to get rid of it properly.
This process can be much easier by employing efficient e-waste recycling company. They can do all this plan for you. They will gather all e-waste products that meet the requirements and make sure they are categorized correctly. After that, they themselves will take them to recycled facilities and throw them according to your recommendations.
In this way, you can ensure that your company's electronic waste management solutions are applied correctly and do not cause environmental damage by following these steps.
Here are some instructions for managing business e-waste responsibly:
Find a trustworthy E-Waste recycling business:
Find a reliable e-waste recycling business by conducting research. Make sure this business comply with all local, state and federal standards. They also have to comply with strict environmental regulations and are ready to handle all types of electronic waste.
Schedule the right pickup time
After you find a reliable business, set to pick up at a time that functions for your organization. While most businesses will come to your office to collect e-waste, you can also be asked to send it to their office or electronic waste collection site.
Communicate correct information
Tell your company representatives how much trash is being recycled; If not, your E-Waste recycling plans can be thwarted and they can also collect you well.
Handling toxic electronic waste properly
Some commercial computers use harmful chemicals and heavy liquids such as mercury. Unfortunately, dangerous waste is often discharged directly into the environment in underdeveloped countries, endangering human health and ecology. Instead of irresponsible disposal, this toxic waste can be sent to hazardous waste disposal companies. They recycle harmful waste in a way that promotes energy recovery and environmentally friendly disposal.
Various methods of disposal of e-waste and recycling for your company's electronic waste
Fortunately, there are many choices available to recycle your business electronic waste. Here are some of the most commonly used options:
Product Taking Initiative - Many electronic producers provide initiatives that allow companies to recycle their outdated equipment.
Services To Dispose of IT Assets - Some businesses concentrate on recycling gadgets that are outdated. For your convenience, they often offer pickup and transportation services.
Programs for electronic waste management offered by certain cities including the collection and recycling of electronic waste from commercial sources.
Electronic Recyclers-There are many e-waste recycling companies in India that will collect your E-Waste and recycle it for you.
Re -use your electronic waste. Many electronic parts can be used again in other gadgets. On a new computer, for example, you can exchange memory chips from the old one. Or, you can provide used gadgets for charity that will fix it and distribute them to those in need.
How can you get the benefits of recycling electronic waste?
There are many advantages of recycling electronic waste. You can get money back in return not only to preserve the environment. You can get from recycling your e-waste in the following ways:
E-Waste recycling efforts you can give you money.
There are many e-waste recycling businesses that will buy your used electronics. After that, they will recycle and use it to make new items. This is a fantastic way to complete your income while preserving the environment.
2. You can reduce pollution in the environment.
Your electronic waste recycling makes it out of a landfill where it can leak toxic gas into the atmosphere and earth. Every day, millions of tons of electronic waste that are not mixed to be discharged in landfills, are released into rivers and rivers, or burned in incinerators containing hard chemicals that endanger the environment, including cyanide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide. The main source of environmental pollution including landfills. However, recycling e-Waste e-waste reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps avoid landfills.
3. You can help preserve resources.
Recycling your electronic waste aids in preserving materials such as metals and plastic that should be used to make new items.
4. Your carbon trail can be reduced.
You can avoid burn electronic waste, which will emit harmful carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, by recycling it.
5. You can support employment creation
When recycled companies start processing their electronic waste, new jobs are often made.
6. You will save time and financial resources.
Electronic waste recycling is more affordable than buying new devices. Engineering reduces the need to provide space in a landfill, which reduces the costs and time needed to provide space at the waste location.
In conclusion, e-waste recycling business is very important for various reasons. This can help businesses save money while also preserving the environment and natural resources. Although it may be difficult to recycle a large amount of electronic waste, many businesses and organizations can offer assistance. The company's e-waste recycling can be very easy with a little thought and work.
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
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Someone was having trouble getting decent sound in his living room and instead of recommending a room treatment or better speakers this person just casually suggests PUTTING AN ADDITION ONTO THE HOUSE.
Trying to get advice on audio forums is often a challenge because a lot of these dudes just have *so much* disposable income. And they just assume everyone else is wealthy too. You can even tell them you have a budget and they'll be like, "You should save up longer and buy this thing that is three times your budget."
And it's not like there aren't wonderful options that are more affordable. I think I may have about $3000 worth of home theater equipment that I have collected over the last 20 years. They will spend that on a single speaker and suggest you do the same.
The people in these forums would have a fit if they knew I had a single subwoofer. Apparently, the cardinal audio sin is having only ONE subwoofer.
Your room could have NULLS!
Seriously, they will lecture you anytime you mention having a single subwoofer. "Your seat-to-seat response is going to be inconsistent!"
I also saw a guy say that a 15" subwoofer was "tiny" and "pointless."
My 70-pound, 12" subwoofer is currently vibrating items off the shelf in my house ever since I moved it upstairs and don't have concrete floors like in the basement. I'm going to have to buy special subwoofer feet to decouple it from the floor. I can't imagine what a 15" sub would do to my house. It might collapse on top of me.
So you can only get a sub that is at least 18" and you need a minimum of 2... but 4 is much better. Actually, 4 is the minimum. 2 is garbage. 2 in front and 2 in back.
And, of course, you have to get a Rythmik or PSA subwoofer. Don't cheap out on the brand!
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You have to build an addition to the house AND buy $8000 worth of subwoofers and then MAYBE your sound will be somewhat listenable.
But only if you calibrate the subs with a MiniDSP and the proper UMIK calibration microphone.
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Wait, do you have a regular AVR with built in amplification? That won't do. What you need is an audio processor with individual external amplification.
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You'll need a 9.4.6 configuration for the proper surround sound experience. That is 9 ear-level speakers, 4 subwoofers, and 6 atmos ceiling speakers.
So 2 of these.
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1 of these.
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3 pairs of these.
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6 of these... plus professional ceiling installation.
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And an individual amplifier for each speaker.
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Do you really need a 600 watt amp for the ceiling speakers too?
Comfort is important too. So you'll want a Valencia leather power recliner with LED cup holder.
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And... by far... the most important home theater component...
The power cable.
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This will assure that only the highest quality electrons are delivered to your audio equipment.
Don't think about it too much.
Don't think about all of the janky powerlines that deliver electricity to your house.
Or all of the generic power cables inside your wall.
This cable magically negates all of that and turns the last few feet of electricity into pure, audio-grade power.
Guaranteed to drastically improve your sound quality... somehow.
It can't be nonsense, otherwise someone would have never written such beautiful prose about a power cable in a review...
"I was smitten by the piano’s extra depth in its nether regions. I’m not talking about what some audiophiles like to refer to as testicular bass, but rather, a rich and absorbing presentation."
$14,000 for rich and absorbing testicular bass? WORTH IT!
So that's roughly $65,870 for all of that and between $50,000 and $100,000 for a 500 square foot room addition.
A small price to pay for a room that is not junk for listening to music.
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sjsmith56 · 3 months
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Comfort - Chapter 2, Eyes of the Father
Summary: Bucky helps Lacey with some chores in return for food and shelter. A comforting gesture becomes more.
Length: 4.7 K
Warnings: Minors DNI, contains sexual content not suitable for readers under the age of 18. Mourning. Reference to drug use.
<<Chapter 1
🔨 📚🛌
Bucky re-entered the house a few minutes later, his back pack and jacket in hand. Before Lacey said anything to him he put a finger against his lips to stay quiet. Cocking his head slightly as if he was listening to something, he walked around the room like he was honing in on a signal. Approaching the bookcase he quietly pulled out several books until he found a small electronic device. After pouring a glass of water, he dropped the device into it. He cocked his head again and this time went into Lacey's bedroom. She followed him, watching silently as he looked up at her light fixture. Stepping onto her bed he reached his hand into the open bowl of the shade and pulled out another device, dropping it into the glass of water that held the first one. Lacey started to say something but he put his hand out again and walked throughout the house listening until he was satisfied there were no more.
"How did you do that?" she asked.
"I can hear a larger range of frequencies than most people," he replied. "As soon as I came in the house I knew there was a different sound and just assumed they planted something. I'm sorry about your brother."
Her lips trembled and she began weeping as she covered her face with her hands. Bucky put his arms around her, holding her, while rubbing her back with his right hand. He stood there with her for some time until her weeping began to subside and she reached for a tissue to blow her nose. As she sat on the couch he sat next to her, looking at her sympathetically.
"Were you and your brother close?" he asked.
"Yesterday was the first time I saw him in five years," she replied. "He fell in with a rich crowd in college and once he graduated kept hanging out with them, even working with a couple of them. Before he went to college we were pretty close."
Bucky listened without interrupting as she told him about her brother looking out for her during her teen years. Then she told him about the fun they had staying with their grandparents in this house, exploring the property and laying out under the stars until their grandparents would call them in to bed.
"It sounds like he cared about you," he stated softly. "Perhaps he left without saying anything to keep you safe. I can stay here for a while longer, in case anyone dangerous shows up."
"What about that boat to Europe?" She looked up at him. "Don't you want to get out of here as soon as you can?"
"There's always cargo ships going there," he replied. "Right now, I think you need someone to make sure you're safe."
"Why would you do that?" she asked, echoing his earlier question to her. "You don't know me."
He smirked then his face softened. "Matthew 25:35," he stated, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. I'm not religious but my parents lived by that verse during the Depression from what I can remember. You helped me. I can at least repay that."
"Thank you," said Lacey. "I appreciate it."
His smile flashed again and Lacey felt her cheeks get warm. By his own admission Bucky had revealed he had a reputation with women and she could see why. Those blue eyes and brilliant smile probably got him into a lot of beds. Remembering the bloody bandages she emptied the garbage can from the bathroom into the kitchen garbage can.
"They didn't find these during their search," she said. "In fact, they never went into the bathroom at all."
Bucky pulled the bag out of the container. "Let me dispose of this," he said. "Don't want them to associate you with me."
He left with the garbage bag and didn't return for about ten minutes. For the rest of the afternoon they worked on fixing the windows as Lacey really didn't want to talk to her mother just yet. Bucky found caulking in the garage and seemed to know how to apply it to the windows so it was even. Lacey started painting the windows that didn't need the caulking and by the end of the afternoon had finished them. The upper windows had been sanded by Bucky who showed no fear of going up the ladder to deal with them, unlike Lacey who had put that chore off due to her fear of heights. He came back down and asked for the paint, which she handed to him gratefully. When he came back down from that task she noticed he had paint on his pants and offered to wash them again before the paint set. Remembering something she stepped into the house. He followed her inside and saw her pull the ladder down from the attic access door.
"I don't know why I didn't remember this earlier," she said. "My grandparents never threw anything away. There are boxes of clothes up here. I'm sure there's something that would fit you."
She went up and pulled on the dangling cord of the light bulb. It illuminated the dim and dusty space enough that she quickly found a box marked Clothing. Pulling the tape off she opened it and found a pair of overalls right away, handing them to Bucky.
"May I?" he asked, pulling the box over.
He went through, pulling out several pairs of work pants and T-shirts, as well as a few other things. The button up shirts were too small and he put them aside with a smile. Then he pulled up an old army uniform and looked at it.
"Your grandpa was in the army?" he asked.
"Korean War," she replied. "He was only 18 when he went over. He said it changed him, made him anti war." Bucky looked thoughtful and for a moment Lacey wondered if she had offended him. "Grandpa always compared later wars to World War II. He always thought we entered that one later than we should have. I think he just became more cynical about why they became involved in later wars. Said it always felt like they were manipulated into them."
"He wasn't wrong," replied Bucky, frowning. "I had a hand in setting some of those wars up. HYDRA thrived on chaos and used me to make it look like a war was the only way to deal with some of those situations. They tried to set themselves up as the answer to the chaos they sowed ... the chaos I sowed for them."
He turned his face away breathing heavily and Lacey stood up, moving to stand in front of him as he still knelt on the floor. At first he wouldn't look at her until she finally reached out and grasped his right hand, feeling the heat of it again.
"Don't," she said earnestly. "You didn't have control, they did and they used you as their blunt instrument. I've read some of their decrypted files on the internet and it's obvious they pulled the strings on a lot of what was wrong with this world. They're still out there but you're not going to let them control you any more. I respect that. You are a good man inside and that's what counts."
He raised his head and his blue eyes bore into her deeply. "If they catch me, they can still control me," he said quietly. "There are a series of activation words and all they have to do is say them so I become the Winter Soldier again, ready to do their bidding. I would do it without hesitation because that is how I was programmed."
His left hand gently touched her cheek. Unlike his right hand it was cold, and it's metallic surface felt strange against her skin. Then he dropped it and looked at the clothes he had pulled out.
"I'll take these," he said. "Thank you."
He gathered up the bundle, stood up, then descended the ladder. Lacey put everything else back in the box, turned out the light and went down herself. He was inside the spare bedroom with the door partially open and his shirt off to change into another shirt. She gasped when she saw the arm, realizing how it had been attached to his chest, shoulder, and back. The skin along the edge of the metal shoulder was angry, red, and covered in scar tissue. Approaching the door she gently pushed it open, looked at him with sympathy, as he looked back, almost ashamed.
"It hurts all the time, doesn't it?" she asked softly.
He nodded. "All the time," he replied. "It's integrated into my spine, my skeleton, and my muscles. It weighs more than a normal arm so it hurts my back and affects my gait. Even if I succeed in getting away I can't see how they will ever be able to remove it without damaging parts of my body. The prospect of a normal life with this isn't good."
Hesitantly Lacey approached him so she was standing in front of him. He bent his head to look down at her letting his hair fall over his face. Gently she touched the scarred skin that was adjacent to the shoulder portion of the arm. It felt even hotter than his hand had. She resisted the urge to touch his chest but she did look up at him.
"I'm sorry," she said sadly. "What they did to you was evil. I have no words of comfort except that I believe in you and hope that you find a way to live a normal life."
He was lightly licking his lips and once again she could feel her cheeks getting warm. Just as she was going to step back he put his flesh hand on her arm, locking his eyes with hers. She could have pulled away but she didn't want to and when he touched her lips with his she responded, opening her lips enough to feel his tongue on hers. The kiss was hesitant at first then became firmer as his other hand rested on her shoulder. Lacey felt a pool of warmth form inside of her, filling her with a desire for more. Just as she put her palms on his chest he suddenly released her and stepped back.
"I'm sorry, that was forward of me," he said, in barely more than a whisper.
She stepped back as well then practically ran out of the room and outside to the garage where she leaned against the work bench and breathed deeply, trying to get her bearings back. Never had she had a reaction to a man like that but then never had she met a man like him before, either.
"Get yourself together, girl," she said to herself.
When she came out of the garage Bucky had changed into a pair of the work pants and one of the T-shirts, which further accentuated his muscular physique. He was back up on the ladder again, painting the window trim.
"I've left my jeans on the table," he said, without looking at her. "I hope you can get the paint out."
She went inside, not wanting to betray how she was feeling. Using some dish soap and elbow grease she got the paint out then threw the jeans into the washer again with some of her clothes. Checking the time she pulled some steaks out of the freezer and defrosted them in cold water. While waiting for them to thaw she made a marinade and set it aside. Preparing some potatoes for baking she started the barbecue and put the potatoes in it to get them going. The steaks were thawed by then and she put them into a plastic bag, pouring the marinade in and distributing it. A prepackaged bag of coleslaw with the addition of some salad dressing made up the salad and she put it in the fridge. Turning around she was startled by Bucky standing in the doorway.
"I've finished painting the upstairs windows," he said. "Is there anything else I can do?"
"I was going to start cleaning the garage," she said. "Grandpa was a bit of a hoarder and I thought there might be some stuff in there I could sell. If you want to start that supper should be ready in about half an hour."
He turned away and she watched him walk to the garage, noticing how he walked. It was almost a swagger. When videos of him first surfaced on the internet there were many people commenting about the confidence it showed. Many called him a badass and he developed a bit of a cult following. Knowing what she knew now she could see how he was compensating for the weight of the artificial arm. All together it pointed to a man who was much more than what the media showed him. Her cell phone rang, showing her mother's number on the display. For a moment she considered whether to answer it but knew she would have to talk to her sooner or later. She answered it and almost regretted doing so immediately.
"Hi Mom," she said quietly. "You've heard from the FBI?" She listened to her mother and began to cry. "Don't yell at me! He just showed up unexpectedly, said he was in trouble and left before I got up this morning. I'm still dealing with it." There was still yelling from her mother and Lacey sat down, leaning her face into her hand. Then the yelling on her mother's end stopped and Lacey just cried for a time. "I know. It hurts. I need to do some things here before I come home for the funeral but I'll be there, I promise. Okay, I love you too."
She looked up and saw Bucky in the doorway. "Sorry, I heard you yelling, then crying," he said apologetically. "Your mom?"
Lacey nodded. "She needed to vent," she replied. "As the last person to see Tom alive I was the obvious choice. She wants me home for the funeral." He nodded in an understanding manner. "I might as well get those steaks on."
She went to the fridge and took the steaks out to the grill, laying them on. Bucky had noticed the beer in the fridge and brought two out, opening them both. He offered her one and took a drink of his.
"Can I ask you a question?" asked Bucky. "What were the FBI looking for when they were searching the house and property?"
"I don't know," she replied, frowning. "They never said and I was still stunned at Tom's death.  Once I told them he had transferred the money to a secret account they changed his status from suspect to material witness. Maybe they were looking for something that pointed to the account."
"What did your brother do, job wise?" he asked.
"Stockbroker," she replied. "Why?"
"He would be pretty computer savvy, right?" he asked. "Do you think maybe he put the information on something and hid it here? I can't see a mobster killing him if he was the only source of where their money was hidden."
"He just showed up out of the blue," said Lacey, contemplating Bucky's words. "My grandpa built this house and there are all sorts of hiding places for his money since he didn't really trust banks. It's how I paid for his burial."
Lacey stood up as a thought hit her and went into the spare bedroom. She pulled a night table out of the way and knocked gently on the floor beneath it. One of the knocks sounded hollow and she tapped along the length of the piece of wood until it suddenly lifted up on one end. Lifting the wood she peered inside then placed her hand in and ran it around the interior. Her face changed and she pulled her hand out, opening it to show Bucky a flash drive. His face opened to a smile.
"You were right," she said. "Tom used to hide his stash here. I'm going to call Agent Jones. The longer this thing is here the more likely they're going to come looking for it."
She got back onto her cell phone and called the number on Jones' card. He didn't answer but the person who did said they would pass on the message and she could expect to hear from him. At first she was going to keep the drive but instead she put it back into its hiding place and replaced the wood then moved the night table back over it. Bucky offered her a hand up and they both went back out to the barbecue. About ten minutes later she heard back from Agent Jones who said he would send an agent to pick it up but it could be as late as the next morning before he got there.  It wasn't exactly timely considering how eagerly the agent had the house searched.
"Well, let's hope that gives them the information they need to find Tommy's killer," said Lacey, as she tested the doneness of the steaks.
Bucky pulled the baked potatoes out with his artificial hand while she transferred the steaks to a plate. As she pulled the rest of the food out of the fridge he set the table. There was none of the awkwardness she had felt after the kiss when they sat down to the meal. While they were eating he looked at her questioningly.
"You said your brother hid his stash in that hiding place," he began. "What did you mean?"
"Weed," she said. "You know, pot, marijuana?"
"Reefer?" he asked, then laughed. "Why am I not surprised it's still around?"
"Did you try it back in the day?" she asked. "I don't anymore. It interfered with my writing."
"Maybe once or twice," he admitted, grinning. "It wasn't my thing, and was associated with criminals and musicians. It wouldn't affect me now anyways. My metabolism is so high that I burn off any intoxicants as soon as I ingest them."
They both laughed about it and she shared other transgressions of her youth while they ate. Bucky helped clean up, washing the dishes while she changed the sheets on his bed. Lacey excused herself to write in her room while he continued reading her book until it was dark then knocked on her bedroom door and announced he was going to sleep. Coming out of her room Lacey made sure the outside doors were locked and they both went to their separate bedrooms, wishing each other a good night. Several hours later Bucky heard whimpering and sat up in his bed. Listening carefully he could hear Lacey talking and crying in her sleep. Quietly, he got out of the bed and went to her room, his bare feet hardly making a noise on the wooden floor. He knocked but there was no response and he opened the door to Lacey moving restlessly in her bed while asking someone not to hurt him.
"Lacey," he whispered as he sat on the edge of her bed. "Sweetheart, you're dreaming. You're having a nightmare."
He stroked her arm and she grasped his hand forcefully as she sat up. "Don't hurt him," she pleaded, her eyes open wide in fear but still unfocussed.
"Honey, you're having a nightmare," he repeated, and stroked her hair, then cupped her face with his hand.
She blinked her eyes several times then seemed to wake up because she looked at him with recognition and started to cry. As she pressed her head into his chest he put his arms around her and held her, murmuring softly to her. Gently he stroked her hair then pulled away slightly so he could kiss her forehead. Their eyes met in the darkness of her room, with only the light of the quarter moon peaking through an opening in the curtains illuminating the space. This time he kissed her meaningfully, pressing his lips on hers as they both opened their mouths to let the other one in. He pulled her close into his body and she felt the heat radiating off of him, penetrating her skin. One of his hands threaded itself into her hair while the other went down her back to her bottom pressing her close into him. They both shifted position and Lacey found herself straddling his lap, facing him, their hips pressing into each other. Both of them were grinding against the other, desperately caressing the other over their clothes. Bucky pulled away first.
"This isn't a good idea," he said, breathing heavily. "You're vulnerable. I'm taking advantage of you."
"Just shut up," she said, as she peeled off her sleep T-shirt, exposing her body to him. "I want you."
He gazed at her for a few moments, noticing her lips were slightly open and her eyes were dark with desire. His lips found hers again and the thrust of her tongue against his filled him with a lust he hadn't felt for a long time. With purpose he bent his face to her breasts, mouthing them hard arousing her even further. He wore one of her Grandpa's old undershirts and she pulled it up over his head, running her hands over the outlines of his muscles then pressing her mouth over where she had just touched. Lifting her up he turned back to the bed and laid her down while he nestled in between her legs. He was heavy but used his artificial arm to prop himself up while he mouthed her neck and collar bone, all while continuing to grind his hips into hers. She could tell that he was big, based on the hardness she felt through the old pyjama bottoms he was wearing. A pool of heat had settled in her core and she knew how wet she was in anticipation of having him inside her.
"Do you want me?" he asked in a low voice that dripped with desire. "I want to taste you first, make you ready for me."
"Yes ... please," she added, suddenly feeling needy.
He sat up in a kneeling position and pulled her bottoms and panties off at the same time, then ran the flat of his hand over her body, moving it down to where her heat was gathering. Spreading her legs further apart he bent over and flicked her with his tongue, making her gasp.
"Sweet and salty," he whispered, as he looked at her from between her legs. "Just how I like it."
He buried his face into her again and she could feel his tongue on every part of her, exploring and pleasuring her.
"Fuck, he's good," she thought.
More moans came out of her lips when he used his fingers expertly making her come closer to orgasm. Then he made one more move with his tongue and she cried out as she felt the rush explode from within her. Her hands were all over herself before finding his hair and grasping it, pressing him deeper into her. Then he raised his head and placed his flat hand on her pubic mound massaging it gently. Wave after wave of pleasure radiated up and down her legs as she experienced the echoes of the bliss she felt just moments before. He laid between her legs again, using his artificial arm to take much of his weight off of her and kissed her sensuously, transferring her taste onto her tongue. Then he watched her but didn't say anything, waiting for her to speak first.
"Your reputation is well deserved," Lacey finally said. "I've never ...." She couldn't finish the thought as she became lost in the large dark pupils of his eyes.
"We're not done," he said simply, then he looked down at himself briefly. "Don't be afraid. I'll take my time entering you and let you adjust."
"What do you mean?" asked Lacey, with just a hint of concern.
"Touch me," he ordered, and guided her hand down to his crotch.
Hesitantly she felt over the top of the pyjama bottoms, feeling his hard cock, big in both length and girth. She almost pulled away but instead she stroked him and he smiled dreamily at her. Then he raised himself up off the bed and pulled the bottoms off revealing himself to her. She swallowed nervously as he was the biggest man she had ever seen.
"There's lube in the night table," she suggested. "It might help."
Smiling knowingly he opened the drawer and found the bottle pouring some into his hand and smoothing it over himself. He wiped the remainder off on the undershirt and returned to kneeling between her legs. Lowering himself onto her he watched her face intently as he guided himself into her still wet and warm entry.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered. "I watched as you came and you made my breath catch. I want to make you come again with me in you. You tell me if it's too much. I don't want to hurt you."
As he got deeper into her Lacey couldn't help but hold her breath, as he filled her up tightly. Once he was in all the way he came out and thrust himself into her again. It was uncomfortable at first then as she got used to it she began to respond to him, raising her hips to meet him.
"Fuck," she whispered. "You're huge."
"Yeah," he agreed. "Side effect. You're taking me well. I can feel every part of you and it feels good."
Bucky began to press harder into Lacey bringing moans out of both of them. While he pumped he continued to kiss and mouth her neck and breasts, with the occasional deep kiss. Each thrust was like no other encounter she had ever had, pressing on all the pleasure spots at once. She could feel the pressure building in her and pressed herself onto his girth, trying to find the spot that would accelerate her coming. With a smile, he used his thumb to stimulate her and she was suddenly there crying out in loud gasps as she came again with him in her. Her cries spurred him and she could feel Bucky swell inside of her as he came loudly, thrusting hard several times to empty himself into her. As his erection slowly softened she began to kiss him sensuously, reluctant to end what had been one of the most satisfying sexual encounters of her life. He caressed her gently, also wanting to prolong the tryst they had just shared.
"Are you okay?" he asked, as he pulled out and laid on his side. "Did I hurt you?"
"No, it was incredible," she replied softly. "Were you always this good, with sex?"
He smiled self-deprecatingly. "Every man likes to think so," he admitted. "I was popular with the ladies. Back then I think it was more because I didn't kiss and tell. I guess since this side effect of the serum treatment, my size probably has more to do with it. They equated a man's size with his virility and had big hopes for me."
He looked away for a moment, uncomfortable with the subject matter. "Bucky, this was amazing, even before you were in me," she offered. "I'm on the pill, by the way, no worries about pregnancy."
He smirked in a way that seemed sad. "That's okay," he replied. "I'm supposed to be sterile. They wanted me to breed super soldier babies and no one got pregnant, so they figured I was a dud as a stud."
She looked at him with concern, appalled to hear how he described it. "Is that how they told you?" she asked, incredulous.
He shrugged. "Not to my face," he replied. "Except to be told what a disappointment I was. Don't worry about it. I'm glad no one got pregnant or else they would have a bunch of indoctrinated kids with super soldier abilities doing their bidding." Lacey snuggled up to Bucky and placed her head on his chest, intertwining their legs. "Am I sleeping here tonight?"
She whispered yes and he put his arm around her, kissing her forehead. They both fell asleep easily.
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kagrenacs · 11 months
Not to be like 'I'm not like other girls..' but I listen to such niche electronic ambient garbage disposal music youtube throws my way, or sociopolitical stuff that I just wouldn't put on an oc playlist. So I don't know how to play with the other kids and say 'oh this reminds me of blorgus'. I can't just send them a link to a movie soundtrack. It's the vibes! would people even get the vibes?? God gives her hardest battles to her most autistic warriors i guess. I refuse to change my taste in music.
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mylanguagesblogger · 11 months
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Waste separation has become an inseparable part of German culture. German households carefully sort rubbish into different categories of bins. Here are some basic categories and colours to consider if you want to dispose your daily garbage in Germany: The blue bin is for paper and cardboard “Altpapier”. This includes items like newspapers, magazines and clean cardboard packaging. The brown bin is the organic waste bin “Biomüll” where kitchen scraps, garden waste and compostable materials are collected. These items can be composted and used as valuable fertilizer. Separate white, red and green containers are for glass „Altglas“. The container colors match the colours of the glass. The yellow bin is for plastic items like plastic bottles, yoghurt cups and plastic packaging. The black/grey bin is for the residual waste “Restmüll”. If there is no suitable recycling bin for your waste, then it is likely that it goes to the black or grey bin. Please be aware that there are designated points to collect electronic waste. Did you know that if your pizza packaging is very dirty and greasy, you would throw it into the black bin instead of the blue bin.
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
One of the greatest lasting gifts we’ll give to another generation is all the sweet trash we threw out. Now, don’t get me wrong, throwing things out unnecessarily is wasteful and wrong. It will eventually doom us all, but the civilization that comes next is going to have access to so much useful shit in our dumps that they’re gonna be MacGyvering together some totally bad-ass rides.
Nobody really knows who will inherit the Earth from us. Could it be corvids? Sure, if enough birds survive the impending environmental mega-catastrophe. Birds used to be dinosaurs, after all, so I’ll put my money on magpies too. Imagine, if you will, a young magpie trying to bang together a General Motors electronic fuel injection system to run the carcass of a Power Wheels on a decrepit Briggs lawnmower engine. That bird is going to be King Shit of Bird County for at least a good weekend.
In fact, if you think even medium-hard about it, we have enough great stuff in our dumps, highway ditches, and average hoarder houses to keep us going until our inevitable oblivion. No need to make new junk. We can shut down all the factories, send everyone home to enjoy an extra year or two before things get really bad. All of us can meet up at the dump, and whoever pulls out a rad dirt bike first will make us really jealous.
Of course, there is opposition to this utopian way of life. I refer to my mortal enemy, the Municipal Garbage Disposal By-Law, Section Whichever One Says I Can’t Legally Take Trash Back Out of the Dump. It’s because of him that I’ve had to cut all these perfectly good parts out of my truck’s frame, so I can install some smuggling compartments with which to exfiltrate perfectly good garbage. As long as the scale says I dropped off something (for instance, all the metal from the truck’s frame,) Johnny Law won’t say anything about it. Which is too bad for the magpies, but they can always fly over to the Superfund site that used to be my house and get their dune buggy parts from the back forty.
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twilightmalachite · 11 months
Machina - Epilogue 2
Author: Kino Seitaro (with Akira)
Characters: Mika, Shu, Makoto, Sora
Translator: Mika Enstars
"I’ve been cheated~! It was a mistake to admire ya, Oshi-san!"
Season: Winter
Location: Machina Stage
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Shu: The curtain for our stage is about to rise.
Mika: Mhm. In these moments before the performance… I’m always so tense, or rather, excited. My head is strangely clear, but my body’s achin’. ♪
Shu: That’s good tension. Keep it going for the performance.
Kagehira. The digital art you created wasn’t bad as it seemed.
For Machina, I asked you to take an active part in the stage design so as to not put your creative motivation to waste…
But I didn’t expect to end up bringing in something as old-fashioned as CRT TVs.
If these giant monitors are considered state-of-the-art technology, then this is reminiscent of scrap art. Was that contrast intentional?
Mika: Ehehe, are ya praisin’ me, Oshi-san?
I am real glad ya didn’t yell at me, though. I really like this stage turned out, y’know.
When I heard that we could use video in our production, it all jus’ clicked.
Waaay back, when I’d go to the garbage dump, at times there’d be lots of illegally dumped TVs and such like this.
It cost money to properly dispose of that sorta stuff, right? Some of them would be fully intact, to me it looked like a treasure trove.
I didn’t use ‘em ‘cuz I felt that my work in the Test World looked like worthless garbage to ya, Oshi-san.
Though a world like that might appear worthless to some people. But it was fun t’be able to relax and create a work of art while rememberin’ how I felt back then…♪
I found myself thinkin’ “Ahh, I really do admire Oshi-san” again.
Shu: Hmph. The moment I go soft on you, you get carried away… No matter the means, rubbish is still rubbish.
I allowed it this time because it happened to fit the theme, but I cannot allow you to pick things up from the dumpster.
Mika: Nnah, I-I thought we’ve been over this!
We decided in the end to not meddle with each other’s personal items! Are ya gonna insist that I’m wrong again?
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Mika: I’ve been cheated~! It was a mistake to admire ya, Oshi-san!
Shu: Non! I didn’t mean it like that. What I meant for you is—
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Makoto: (whispering) It’s about to begin, both of you!
Sora: (whispering) Get into position!
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Shu: …Ahem. We’ll talk about this later. For now, let’s focus on the performance.
Mika: …Right. It’d be rude t’the audience if we were arguin’ on stage!
Shall we then, Oshi-san?
We’ve gotta deliver our songs to those waitin’ for our work, right?
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Mika: There are those that like us, of course, but there’s also those who hold grudges and those who are skeptical of us.
Especially to those who flamed Oshi-san’s SNS and those who got caught up in the Test World fiasco, we probably don’t look good to ‘em.
Even so, if they try to listenin’ to our songs, even fer a little bit, we’ll do our best to reach their hearts with our song! ♪
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Shu: …Hehe.
You’ve improved once again, Kagehira. What a well-tuned singing voice.
You may be clumsy, but I recognize your passion for art.
The electronic world may be built of the binary variables zero and one, but only humans hold the variable of emotion. And the one who makes it shine the brightest right now is you. I hope you will continue to improve.
There is so much in this world—many different principles, ideologies, financial standings, races, and genders.
And there is no small number of those whom I find to be the most distasteful human beings. And alive.
However, art exists to provoke questions of its viewer, putting aside such notions.
Nothing in this world is convenient. It is frustrating, but it by no means is a dead end. In this labyrinth, we can still progress, even whilst asking ourselves the same questions.
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Shu: Even if the created world comes to its end conveniently at the hand of a god upon a machine. Reality has us lose our way, sometimes we stray down the wrong path, but we continue on regardless.
Through this miserable reality… I hope we can walk together for a long time.
With you, an existence so different from mine.
“♪~ ♪~”
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earaercircular · 6 months
Unsold clothing may no longer be destroyed in Europe
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More than 100,000 tons of discarded clothing ends up in a desert in Chile
Europe is putting a stop to the throw-away culture through a ban on destruction[1] and a digital product passport with information about shelf life and repairability. No more mass destruction of clothing and other unsold merchandise.[2]
Every second in Europe, a full garbage truck of clothing is burned or dumped[3]. And every year, an estimated 11 to 32 million unsold and returned garments are destroyed. Europe has been wanting to reduce this gigantic waste for some time. The European Member States and the European Parliament reached an agreement to this end on Monday evening 4-12: Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation[4]. The aim of the 'eco design law' is to make many products more repairable, reusable and recyclable. A product passport and a ban on destruction of unused goods are the key measures.
1. What is a digital product passport?
Consumers are already somewhat familiar with this: the energy label on refrigerators and washing machines gives an indication of their sustainability. That label (or product passport) has had an enormous impact on making those appliances more energy efficient.
The European Parliament and the EU member states now have an agreement to roll out the digital passport more widely and to deepen its content. First of all, almost all products on the European market will have to have such a passport: from car tires and steel to washing tablets and cosmetics to clothing or smartphones. The only exceptions are food, medicine, cars and weapon systems, for which there are separate regulations.
In addition to any energy consumption, the passport also contains information about the origin, composition, repair and disassembly options of the product. This should also make it easier to repair and recycle them. “People can know at a glance which product is the most durable or easiest to repair,” said MEP Sara Matthieu (Green), who was rapporteur in the negotiations.
2. What does the ban on destruction mean?
Initially, the ban applies to textiles. Globally, 92 million tons of textile waste are produced annually. A large portion of these are returned or unsold goods. In two years' time, they may no longer be destroyed, but must be reused or recycled. This ban will eventually be extended to electronics and electrical appliances. Massive quantities of these are also destroyed every year, especially cheaper items that are not sold or have been returned to the manufacturer.
The new rule goes hand in hand with stricter requirements for composition, repairability and disassembly of goods. The details will be worked out product by product by the European administration, but some guiding principles are a ban on adhesives, the absence of toxic substances, the obligation to have spare parts available and, above all, to offer them at an affordable price. The passport should eventually lead to a 'repair score', comparable to the energy label.
Matthieu (Green) expects a huge impact on the consumer market. 'Instead of offering disposable products for mass consumption, companies will offer many more services through robust devices. So to speak, you will no longer buy a washing machine, but an number of wash cycles.'
3. How comprehensive are the measures?
That depends on the control. The product passport is also an important instrument for this. Europe is counting on the famous 'Brussels effect': foreign producers will have to adapt their products if they want to maintain access to the gigantic European consumer market. Although the European consumer organisation BEUC[5] warns against loopholes. The organisation mainly sees a risk that international online platforms such as Amazon or Alibaba will circumvent the new law.
4. Is this agreement now final?
It has already rounded the most important cape. The agreement was finalised in the so-called trialogue negotiations between the European Parliament, the European Council and the Commission. Now it must be approved by Parliament and the Member States, but that counts as a formality.
Lieven Sioen, Onverkochte kledij mag niet meer vernietigd worden in Europa, in: De Standaard, 6-12-2023, https://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20231205_96579697#:~:text=In%20eerste%20instantie%20is%20het,ze%20hergebruikt%20of%20gerecycleerd%20worden.
[1]  Deal on new EU rules to make sustainable products the norm; https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20231204IPR15634/deal-on-new-eu-rules-to-make-sustainable-products-the-norm
[2] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/722179599996534784/towards-a-circular-and-more-sustainable-fashion?source=share
[3] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/723895455727157248/new-report-clothes-are-mercilessly-downcycled-or?source=share & https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/720260226679488512/hms-answer-about-the-dumped-clothes-article?source=share
[4] The proposal for a new Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR), published on 30 March 2022, is the cornerstone of the Commission’s approach to more environmentally sustainable and circular products. The proposal builds on the existing Ecodesign Directive, which currently only covers energy-related products. https://commission.europa.eu/energy-climate-change-environment/standards-tools-and-labels/products-labelling-rules-and-requirements/sustainable-products/ecodesign-sustainable-products-regulation_en
[5] The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC, from the French name Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs, "European Bureau of Consumers' Unions") is an umbrella consumers' group, founded in 1962. Based in Brussels, Belgium, it brings together 45 European consumer organisations from 32 countries (EU, EEA and applicant countries). BEUC represents its members and defends the interests of consumers in the decision process of the Institutions of the European Union, acting as the "consumer voice in Europe". BEUC does not deal with consumers’ complaints as it is the role of its national member organisations.
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mrvcvaliente · 4 months
Vie's Entrepreneurial Venture: Formulating start up business innovation.
On the 1st of February, me and my team had an online conversation and wondered what are the possible products for innovation. One of my teammates saw the old trash can and we came up with an idea to ask questions to random people on our campus. What are their observations of our waste disposal and management? Also, what are the possible innovations to come their mind? Here are the questions we formulate: 1. What have you observed about our garbage management disposal? 2. Do you think the waste disposal on our campus involves proper segregation? 3. Have you observed any separation of garbage into biodegradable and non-biodegradable categories? If so, are the bins properly labeled? 4.Using technology, is there anything you would like to change in our ordinary waste disposal?
After that day February 2, 2023 we had a brief meeting and conducted an interview to 44 people in the campus.
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*After a few hours of interview, this are the following answers we got from them to our 4 questions: In question number 1 "What have you observed about our garbage management disposal?"
some says that the waste disposals are not organize.
other says, it is not clean enough.
some people are irresponsible in disposing their garbage.
no proper disposal.
This are the general answers we got in question number 1.
In question number 2 "Do you think the waste disposal on our campus involves proper segregation?" this are the general answers we got;
many says their is no proper segregation.
other says it is the work of utility worker.
some says "YES" but in limited places.
In question number 3 "Have you observed any separation of garbage into biodegradable and non-biodegradable categories? If so, are the bins properly labeled? "
many interviewee says a big "NO" as what they observed.
some says trash bins are properly labeled but some people are irresponsible.
some also says that in some places their is only one trash bin and their only choice is to combined the biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste.
In question number 4 "Using technology, is there anything you would like to change in our ordinary waste disposal?"
some says posting in social media about proper waste disposal.
other suggest to have a automatic segregating trash cans.
*After we conduct the brief interview to the random people we had a brief meeting again so that we can brainstorm and discuss the possible innovation we will work on related to the garbage disposal and management.
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In conclusion, we came up with an idea to innovate a normal trash can into a "Smart Trash Can" that automatically segregates biodegradable and non-biodegradable garbage. Using Arduino sensors as we did several Arduino projects in our Electronics major subject.
this is the end for this blog........... see you next chapter of our journey......... "Every time we innovate to protect our environment, we invest in our collective future."
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If anyone wants to know what recycling is like in the United States of Assmerica: it basically doesn't exist in my state so I've just been hoarding various lithium ion battery e-waste (old phone battery, broken headphones etc) and took my fucking e-waste with me when traveling to a state that I knew had recycling centers, where i tried to drop it in what seemed like the most appropriate bin (computer electronics) and an attendant came out and yelled at me wanting to know what I'd put in there and said they only took specific kinds of computer electronics. I asked where to put batteries and such and she said "I don't know, throw it in a garbage can." Disillusioned by this I very nearly did that but am now researching how to MAIL MY FUCKING E WASTE ACROSS THE COUNTRY TO BE DISPOSED OF PROPERLY
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siristaci · 9 months
I got so much done today! I'm fucking exhausted, but today I washed two loads of hand-wash dishes, vacuumed the nursery and hallway and got into the corners at the baseboards, six loads of laundry, spot-treated stains on a few clothes, cleaned out the top of the entryway closet, cleaned out three of five giant piles in the entryway, swept and mopped the kitchen and half of the entryway TWICE, cleaned the broom, cleaned the walls and baseboards of the kitchen and available half of the entryway, put most of the stuff that actually belongs in the entryway back, wiped down the garbage can in the nursery, took Little Miss on a short walk to check the mail (and let her walk in her own for half of it, making a 3 minute walk into a 15 minute walk), made a marketplace listing, made and cleaned up from breakfast, lunch, and dinner for Little Miss, got her to finally eat some veggies after a four day veggie strike, and got my husband to properly dispose of old and dangerous electronics (after nearly two years of occasionally reminding him).
This is the rest of my to-do list:
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*wash Little Miss' clothes
but I'm exhausted and gross. I'm going to take a shower AND a bath, get my husband to put the laundry away, and go to bed.
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runaway-dog · 1 year
What In all actuality do Junk Hauling Companies Do?
Do you make them spring cleaning to do? Do you need to remove a goliath heap of rubble from a building site? There are various services that you can use a junk hauling company for.
If you have just done a destruction project on piece of your house or business fabricating, a junk hauling company can help you. They will accompany their heavy lifting hardware and haul building materials, for example, wall rubble, concrete, drywall, sheetrock and wallboard away leaving the site looking clean and clear. Most junk hauling companies might in fact assist with the genuine development process contingent upon the gear they have accessible.
If you are doing cleaning within your house, or maybe your carport, garbage removal incorporates both huge and small items the same. They can remove enormous machines like stoves, refrigerators, washer/dryer and yard trimmers. Those heavy things that you can't lift all alone can be hauled away securely. Why store up old apparatuses in the cellar that you realize you won't ever find time to use or selling from now onward? Call a junk removal service that can haul your junk away and even give it if it is as yet useable. You will get what you need simultaneously as carry out a good thing.
They might in fact do development within your house. If you need to wreck any walls or remove any renovating leftovers like tiling or garbage they can help. Things, for example, furniture from that room before the redesigning starts can be easily removed. Couches and book cases can be taken out rapidly by their professional colleagues.
Gadgets are removed and recycled. Whether there is a PC you need to dispose of, or a lot of dated computers, everything can be removed. Remodeling a computer lab? Don't worry about it. The individuals from the company will readily come and remove each piece of electronic hardware, each household item and each shard of garbage from the room so you can fill it with your new plan.
If you have an area of land that was once used for a land fill, you can have the junk removal company come and make the room. They are not just good for redesigns and wrecking things but they are likewise good for removing regular junk.
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hindisoup · 2 years
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Recycling Vocabulary
पुनरावर्तन, पुनर्विनीकरण - recycling (masculine) * पुनरावर्तन / पुनर्विनीकरण करना - to recycle (transitive), also पुनरावर्तित करना * पुनरावर्तन की प्रक्रिया - recycling process (feminine) पुनरावर्तनीय - recyclable (adjective) पुनरावर्ततित - recycled (adjective) पर्यावरणीय लाभ - environmental benefits (masculine) कम करना, पुनः प्रयोग करना, पुनरावर्तन करना - reduce, reuse, recycle अपशिष्ट को कम करना - to reduce waste (transitive) ऊर्जा की खपत कम करना - to reduce energy consumption (transitive) वायु-प्रदूषण को कम करना - to reduce air pollution (transitive) पुनःप्रयोग - reuse (masculine) पुनःप्रयोग करना, पुनः उपयोग में लाना, फिर से इस्तेमाल में लाना - to reuse (transitive) पर्यावरणनीय सचेतन विकल्प - environmentally conscious choice (masculine) उत्पाद - product (masculine) उत्पन्न करना - to produce (transitive) अपशिष्ट - waste (masculine) * मिश्रित अपशिष्ट - mixed waste * खतरनाक अपशिष्ट - hazardous waste * हरे अपशिष्ट - green waste * अपशिष्ट प्रबंधन - waste management (masculine) कचरा, कूड़ा, कूड़े-कर्कट - garbage, waste, refuse, trash, rubbish (masculine) * घरों के कूड़े-कर्कट - household waste, also घरेलू कूड़े-कचरा निपटान - disposal (feminine) * अपशिष्ट निपटान - waste disposal * उचित निपटान - proper disposal छांटन, छँटाई - sorting (feminine) * छँटाई करना, छांट लेना - to sort (transitive) * रंगों के अनुसार छांट करना - to sort by color पुनर्चक्रण बिन - recycling bin (masculine) कचरा पात्र, कूड़ेदान - waste bin (masculine) कचरा उठाने वाला, कूड़ा-कर्कट बटोरने वाला - garbage man, garbage collector (masculine) अपशिष्ट को एकत्रित कर ढ़ोने वाली ��ाड़ी - garbage truck (feminine), also ट्रक (masculine) एकत्रित करना, संग्रह करना - to collect (transitive) एकत्रीकरण, संग्रहण - collection, gathering (masculine) उबारना, उद्धार करना - to salvage (transitive) सामग्री - material (feminine), also पदार्थ (masculine) * कटी-छंटी सामग्री - scrap material संसाधित करना - to process (transitive) पुनर्संसाधन - reprocessing (masculine) कच्चा माल - raw material (masculine) सड़ना - to rot (intransitive) खाद - fertilizer (masculine) सड़ाकर खाद बनाना - to make compost (transitive) प्राकृतिक तरीके से सड़नशील अपशिष्ट - biodegradable waste (masculine) जमीन की भराई - landfill (feminine)
Recyclable Materials
कांच - glass (masculine) * कांच की बोतल - glass bottle मर्तबान - jar (masculine) कागज़ - paper (masculine) गत्ता - cardboard (masculine) धातु - metal (feminine) * विषाक्त भारी धातु - toxic heavy metals इस्पात - steel (masculine) प्लास्टिक - plastic (masculine) * प्लास्टिक का थैला - plastic bag (masculine) वस्त्र - clothes, fabric (masculine) बाग़-बगीचों का कचरा - garden waste (masculine) पेय पात्र - drink container (masculine) बैटरी - battery (feminine) बिजली के उपकरण - electronics (masculine)
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pizzopaps · 2 years
i had a dream a couple nights ago that i was disposing of someones ashes, and the appropriate way to do so was to flush them down the toilet. when i started, the ashes turned into a 13 piece chicken breast and thigh meal. i still tried to flush them down the toilet but obviously that didnt work and it clogged the toilet and made the water murky. i immediately went "what am i doing, i should have shredded the chicken first instead of flushing them normally!" so i put on dishwashing gloves and shredded the chicken in the toilet. i then started putting some electronics into the toilet to get rid of as well, but half way through realised i had accidentally mixed up some of my personal items, so i had to fish out a bunch of my USBs and some other stuff. while doing that i knocked over the bag of garbage i was supposed to take out afterwards and spilled a 4 gallon jug of milk on the floor. i let out the most resigned sigh and woke up.
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