#Eri's Ultimate Husbando
eri-talks · 2 years
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Soooo. You remember when I did this?
Well, I could not stop thinking about it and this happened.
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theuntamedangel · 7 months
Wanna get them off my chest
Few things i wanna talk about here. I'll go point wise
A: Overhaul arc had all the male characters do something epic all while giving us a solid background to their past lives, even the villains like Rappa were given a decent amount of interest. And they fought like crazy. The girls (god i HATE Nejire) were there just to be cute and have girly moments. Their team effort couldn't put up a respectable fight against that giant meat head of a villain despite having a pro hero by their side and their victory was shown off screen. Why were the female characters even there? They're all fap bait material and anyone who says otherwise, you need therapy, help, you need Jesus
B: This is hard for me to say it, but here goes. I have a soft spot for Shigaraki and a few LoV members. But they are as stupid as the heroes because if they'd been a tad bit smarter and actually did some serious digging, they'd be able to figure out about Hawk's true intentions. No chips, no tracking devices, no hidden cameras attatched to his clothes without Hawk's knowing, or anything of that sort despite knowing Hawk's is actually the #2 hero of Japan? I don't run any criminal organization but even my dumb brain can tell me that this is plain stupid. Thanks to the LoV being this gullible enough to allow Hawks to dance, prance and flutter his feathers all over the place, we are in this shit storm now.
C: The villains had Best Jeanist's dead body floating around in their facility, waiting for the right moment to use it and turn it into a nomu. Wouldn't the ''right time'' have been now, during the war? If you need to make both the villains and the heroes equally stupid and irrational, then it's better to take a 3 to 5 months hiatus and rethink about the plot of the series
D: Stars and Strips. Enough Said. Also, i won't be going into details about the latest events of the manga because I have self respect and also because I dont care. Maybe I will once the manga ends.
E: It's ok for both Izu and Mirio to use Eri's quirk but it's not if its the villains who are doing it. Double Standard. Also, Overhaul himself could have used his own quirk and made bullets to sell them off in the back market. He too can destroy and heal at the same time. Sell the healing part of his quirk to the heroes and sell the other quirk of his to the villains. Capture Eraser Head, use artificial drugs to enhance the erase quirk and also sell his quirk in the black market. Problem solved. This whole Eri plot still doesn't sit well with me.
F: MVA is pointless, Shigaraki's growth and achievement and him getting more powers from the crazy doc to become even more stronger because a war was coming, are not worth the the mention because potato ball sac just possess Shigaraki. That poor character is now a nothing ass character. I'm sorry Shiggy hunnie, you're my ultimate anime husbando but I see the reality too and it's twisting my heart, ripping it apart.
G: Don't expect/have high hopes for Deku vs Shigaraki to happen because the manga is busy wetting itself for Bakugou. Hori might not be decent enough to let this happen
H: Who is Izuko Midoriya?!?
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afi-mukami · 2 years
Discord shenanigans with friends
Memulia: Oh gosh, Leviathan! Oh gosh, Isaac! Btw, are there more R18 drama CDs from Henri's VA?
Afi: Oh gosh, Ruki! I can’t get enough!
Eri-talks: I wish there were more bearded otome men... Oh gosh, ultimate husbando!
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yuriko-mukami · 2 years
What do you think of me?
❤️ You deserve happiness
🧡I care about you
💚You sometimes like my stuff and I love you for it
💜You amaze me
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"Umh... thank you for your kind words, Eri. I believe you... though sometimes your actions seem to get me into trouble. Yet I think you deserve happiness too and want to help you... hmm... achieve it."
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"I love when you like my stuff and of course, I like yours. Also, you and your art keep amazing me over and over again. So... umh... I would say you are awesome. Thank you for everything."
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(( Thank you!!! uwu
Such kindness, I don't deserve it! It's so fun to have you here too and of course, you deserve happiness. I also care about you and as Yuriko said, you are amazing! So is your art!
Pakko lisätä tähän, että odotan vain et saadaan sarjis, jossa yhdistyy ultimate husbando, Henrin höngintä, qmotukset ja koulimato... xD
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unwrathful · 7 years
I was tagged by: @ms-erie​ A little something extra for everyone!
Current Favorite Anime: khr, dgm, and a fuck ton of others ngl
Top five all-time favourite characters: Xanxus, Tyki, Greed, Overhaul, & Noelle Three fandom Husbando/Waifu: Xanxus, Tyki, Overhaul :D (so many more tho rip)
Artist, Writer or Reader? writer but I read sometimes and I’m trying to draw :’D
Manga or Anime? manga. if I like the manga I watch snippets
Do you have nicknames for your favorite characters, if so, what are they? I don’t....unless it’s canon? so sometimes xanxus is ‘shitty boss’ (or ‘that arsehole’) and tyki-pon etc etc
Three of your favorite character Headcanons: Noelle collects recipes of cakes when she has the chance in the hopes of making them, Xanxus tried to meet with his mother after the Varia arc, Mikumo can actually draw v well Top Tropes? ....idk Do you like Crossovers? depends. if I know both then ye
Three OTP’s for three fandoms: ....um. allen/happiness, xanxus/decimo, & bakudeku? .........yeah?
Ultimate guilty pleasure in fandom, be it in writing, art or Headcanons: idk I do what I want. I guess I like messing with canon And last but not least, your absolute favorite character attribute: ambition.
Tag as many people as you dare!
@beanmaster-pika @toshiirou @ladyliquidlettuce @scentedgiraffe idk.....whoever else wants to do it.....
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eri-talks · 2 years
3 headcanons about your ultimate husbando
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Thank you for the ask again and sorry it took so long to get back to this. I wanted to make... corresponding art for the headcanons.
1. He doesn't smoke.
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2. He can cook.
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3. "Please value your life more."
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eri-talks · 2 years
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Soooo... I made a thing.
I had (again) a discussion about favourite husbandos and (you probably guessed it but) things escalated again.
We were discussing what aspects we like about appearance, what we dislike, and so on.
For me, my yes' and nah's would look like this:
Yes: - Beard - Some kind of big fur thingy - Older man - Buff - Leather jackets Nah: - Glasses - Long straight hair - Looks like a kid/little brother - Stick-figure body
So I created a mood board of my favourite husbandos and threw them into a blender (= Clip Studio Paint)...
May I present you, my Ultimate Husbando (Design edition).
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(Plus bonus eye patch because I like them too and I couldn't decide which one I like better.../////)
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