#FSD Emoji
writing-system · 4 years
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FSD Emoji Fabrizio Schiavi
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lethbians · 5 years
Migz, your brain, is So Goddamn Beautiful.
im litrally in love w u i dont even know what to say
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adriansmithcarslove · 4 years
Tesla Lovers Get App for Finding Lovers Who Also Love Teslas
Find Tinder lacking in electricity? Does Bumble and its rules for courtship engagement need more autopilot? Wish eHarmony was better at plugging into your emotional needs? Are you hoping to open up your relationship with your Tesla to include a third party? Worry not, lost would-be polyamorous electric vehicle lover, because we think there might finally be a digital matchmaker for you: Tesla Dating.
This new dating app under development—website here—promises to connect like-minded Tesla fans for the purposes of courtship. That is, if someone so far up Tesla’s, um, charging port can peel away from bragging to their friends about how their car “drives itself” to find a partner equally engrossed in their electric car.
Amusingly, the app’s creator, Ajitpal Grewal, told Business Insider the weird obsession among Tesla owners with their own vehicles is what spurred him to act. He figured why not connect people who couldn’t stop talking Tesla with one another? We figure Ajitpat never thought about the consequences of such ego-stroking—after all, what happens when these people meet? Do they simply talk over each other about how cool their Teslas are? What’s the driving range of a Tesla-on-Tesla date? Do these dates have some sort of semi-autonomous feature, in which the heavy lifting is done by a computer?
One thing is for sure, if that computer is in fact the Tesla Dating app, well, we kind of dig its sense of wordplay. The website touting the coming app blares, “The Dating App for Tesla Owners,” followed by “Because you can’t spell LOVE without EV.” Several sample conversations between surely fictional Tesla Dating app users include bio mentions such as “Looking for adventures and fun. FSD so you can meet me in the back seat…” This is a reference to the Full Self Driving feature, better known as Tesla’s current Autopilot functionality with the promise of more autonomous capability later, and the idea that the user and their date could hook up in the back seat of a moving Tesla driving itself. Another sample has a text thread between two Teslarati: “Your eyes are as blue and beautiful as the deep metallic blue exterior on your Model X,” followed by the response “omg [emojis] wanna zoom rn?” Yeah, barf.
Ownership of a Tesla appears to be a prerequisite of making it onto the Tesla Dating app’s roster of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes, which, duh—who else would want to be matched with someone who won’t stop talking about their Tesla? Oh, wait, let us again reference the Tesla Dating website, which notes it is for “Elon stans.” We’re sure the icebreaker about how Tesla’s model lineup spells out “S3XY”—you know, what with the Model S, Model 3, Model X, and new Model Y—will be popular.
As for how the app functions, well, based on the provided screengrabs of the app in action, we figure it works a lot like Tinder. Instead of swiping, users hit either a big red “X” or a green circle that resembles an on-screen smartphone “on” button. Beneath a photo set is a Tesla-style rendering of each user’s car—it looks like those Tesla uses on its in-car, on-screen animations and its website—and a description noting the model. In smaller font beneath all this critical Tesla info is a short bio area where users can write pithy, flirty things intended to ensnare other Tesla people.
Features mimicking those of Tesla’s own app for owners are mercifully absent. For example, you cannot set your match’s climate-control settings for them, open their camera to see their surroundings while they’re parked (creepy), or remotely open your matches’ cars’ windows or sunroofs from afar. Wanna turn up the heat, take a peek, and…you know? Gotta do that the old-fashioned way, folks. Throw down some silver-tongued Tesla talk on your Tesla Dating match and let chemistry—not of the battery kind—take over.
The post Tesla Lovers Get App for Finding Lovers Who Also Love Teslas appeared first on MotorTrend.
via RSSMix.com Mix ID 8134279 https://ift.tt/3laylLK
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perksofwifi · 4 years
Tesla Lovers Get App for Finding Lovers Who Also Love Teslas
Find Tinder lacking in electricity? Does Bumble and its rules for courtship engagement need more autopilot? Wish eHarmony was better at plugging into your emotional needs? Are you hoping to open up your relationship with your Tesla to include a third party? Worry not, lost would-be polyamorous electric vehicle lover, because we think there might finally be a digital matchmaker for you: Tesla Dating.
This new dating app under development—website here—promises to connect like-minded Tesla fans for the purposes of courtship. That is, if someone so far up Tesla’s, um, charging port can peel away from bragging to their friends about how their car “drives itself” to find a partner equally engrossed in their electric car.
Amusingly, the app’s creator, Ajitpal Grewal, told Business Insider the weird obsession among Tesla owners with their own vehicles is what spurred him to act. He figured why not connect people who couldn’t stop talking Tesla with one another? We figure Ajitpat never thought about the consequences of such ego-stroking—after all, what happens when these people meet? Do they simply talk over each other about how cool their Teslas are? What’s the driving range of a Tesla-on-Tesla date? Do these dates have some sort of semi-autonomous feature, in which the heavy lifting is done by a computer?
One thing is for sure, if that computer is in fact the Tesla Dating app, well, we kind of dig its sense of wordplay. The website touting the coming app blares, “The Dating App for Tesla Owners,” followed by “Because you can’t spell LOVE without EV.” Several sample conversations between surely fictional Tesla Dating app users include bio mentions such as “Looking for adventures and fun. FSD so you can meet me in the back seat…” This is a reference to the Full Self Driving feature, better known as Tesla’s current Autopilot functionality with the promise of more autonomous capability later, and the idea that the user and their date could hook up in the back seat of a moving Tesla driving itself. Another sample has a text thread between two Teslarati: “Your eyes are as blue and beautiful as the deep metallic blue exterior on your Model X,” followed by the response “omg [emojis] wanna zoom rn?” Yeah, barf.
Ownership of a Tesla appears to be a prerequisite of making it onto the Tesla Dating app’s roster of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes, which, duh—who else would want to be matched with someone who won’t stop talking about their Tesla? Oh, wait, let us again reference the Tesla Dating website, which notes it is for “Elon stans.” We’re sure the icebreaker about how Tesla’s model lineup spells out “S3XY”—you know, what with the Model S, Model 3, Model X, and new Model Y—will be popular.
As for how the app functions, well, based on the provided screengrabs of the app in action, we figure it works a lot like Tinder. Instead of swiping, users hit either a big red “X” or a green circle that resembles an on-screen smartphone “on” button. Beneath a photo set is a Tesla-style rendering of each user’s car—it looks like those Tesla uses on its in-car, on-screen animations and its website—and a description noting the model. In smaller font beneath all this critical Tesla info is a short bio area where users can write pithy, flirty things intended to ensnare other Tesla people.
Features mimicking those of Tesla’s own app for owners are mercifully absent. For example, you cannot set your match’s climate-control settings for them, open their camera to see their surroundings while they’re parked (creepy), or remotely open your matches’ cars’ windows or sunroofs from afar. Wanna turn up the heat, take a peek, and…you know? Gotta do that the old-fashioned way, folks. Throw down some silver-tongued Tesla talk on your Tesla Dating match and let chemistry—not of the battery kind—take over.
The post Tesla Lovers Get App for Finding Lovers Who Also Love Teslas appeared first on MotorTrend.
https://www.motortrend.com/news/tesla-dating-app-for-owners/ visto antes em https://www.motortrend.com
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immedtech · 4 years
The Morning After: Samsung's clamshell folding phone
If I was going to start my own tech site or media vertical, with no intention of turning a profit or even being all that knowledgeable, I'd do food gadgets. I won't shut up about the Instant Pot, I own a sous vide machine (that I now have a guide for) and the contents of my kitchen drawers are the equivalent of the crying face joy emoji. The festive season and the epic-scale meals that accompany it make it a peak opportunity for simplifying your established cooking norms, but it's also a gamble. My mum has an Instant Pot, sure. Will she use it for sauces or sides for this year's Christmas dinner? Probably not. It's about consistency. She's cooked more Christmas meals than I've had... Christmas meals. I'm not going to suggest she shake things up.
The best kitchen tech is simple. I own a Nespresso Barista milk frother. It can heat and whip up milk, making at-home flat whites a possibility. Is it smart, though? It has Bluetooth connectivity and a companion app, but besides downloading new recipes (more or less milk; hotter or colder) that's not remotely necessary. It makes silky milk for my latte nonsense, though, so it keeps its place on the kitchen worktop. Crucially, the metal jug and magnetic stirrer are both incredibly easy to clean -- something all kitchen gadgets could benefit from.
- Mat
Another Fold, but vertical this time.Samsung's next foldable phone could be this RAZR-like clamshell
Weibo user Wang Ben Hong shared five photos of what he claims to be Samsung's latest foldable prototype -- one that appears to be half the size of the Galaxy Fold. There's no word on internal specs, but we can see the punch-hole camera right below the earpiece, and the lack of chin allows the unfolded screen to extend all the way to the bottom. Both characteristics match the clamshell concept art at this year's Samsung Developer Conference, and Samsung has previously said it was working on a vertically-folding device.
Small steps.Panic's quirky Playdate handheld will be available for developers soon
Several months ago, Panic unveiled the Playdate, a tiny gaming handheld with a crank, which is perhaps the most adorable gadget we've seen this year. Panic is announcing a new preview program where developers can get their hands on one early, so they can start creating games for it before it ships later next year.
Self-driving cars could require redesigned controls.Honda's new steering wheel is built for cars that can drive themselves
How do you bridge the gap to autonomous cars? This Honda concept tries adding some Bop-It-like features to the standard steering wheel setup: Pat it twice to start the vehicle, pull it to slow the car down and push it to accelerate. "In the autonomous future, Honda believes that customers will be able to enjoy mobility in new ways when freed from the responsibility of driving," the company wrote in its announcement. "At the same time, customers may still want to experience the emotion and thrill of driving."
Employees have been testing FSD for over a year.Musk: Holiday Tesla update adds 'Stardew Valley,' self-driving preview
Elon Musk tweeted that a "holiday" Tesla update will add farming RPG Stardew Valley as an in-car playable game and include a Full Self-Driving "sneak preview." Earlier this year, Musk said Teslas would be capable of self-driving by the end of 2019, and there's not a lot of time left to make that happen.
All you need is a USB-C port.This Apple Watch charger plugs directly into your MacBook or iPad Pro
Charging an Apple Watch demands hauling around a proprietary charging puck. The cable is also USB-A not USB-C. Enter Satechi's USB-C Magnetic Charging Dock, which can recharge your wearable from a battery bank to your iPad Pro while you're sipping coffee. The puck and connection are all contained in one thing, though there's an extension cable included. The charger is more expensive than Apple's own options (including its native USB-C cables) at $45, but it might be easy to justify the outlay if you're in deep with the Apple ecosystem -- or bought a laptop in the last six months.
But wait, there's more...
The best PC games for the end of2019
Malware at Wawa stores has been stealing credit card info since March
A beginner's guide to smart sous vide
Malware at Wawa stores has been stealing credit card info since March
'Mario Kart Tour' multiplayer beta starts, but only for Gold Pass subscribers
Google buys Typhoon Studios to beef up Stadia's game library
Chipotle is redesigning its restaurants to better serve mobile orders
BMW now has 500,000 EVs on the road
Congress is raising the minimum smoking and vaping age to 21
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- Repost from: engadget Post
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deathbyunicornashes · 7 years
oh mt itgj fsd okay wait so - your actor au is just - *insert a+ emoji here* is eren generally pretty gleefully tmi when it comes to his relationship with armin/armin in general because highkey what kind of disaster would it be if armin had to deal with both him and mereren as like a special gues star or something sdfhdkfjghdkjfhg
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Actor Eren is generally very proud of his relationship with Armin, he values it just as much as he values Armin as a whole. And he’s not ashamed to tell anybody that asks. Even going so far as to state on his portfolio when applying for a role that he won’t be taking the job if he has to hide it from the public or fake a relationship with someone else for extra publicity. He’s very honest with his feelings, making him the more “soft boyish” man in the relationship, but he does have his dominant moments. He’s incredibly more subdued and nothing angers him easily except for insults to people he cares about (especially Armin, just don’t).
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fsdemoji · 7 years
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Fear......... of what? set in FSD Emoji → https://www.fsd.it
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madat-55 · 7 years
Cany you check zigi(.)af on insta. There is a pic of Zayn she *thinks* he is naked in Gigi's apartment because he is standing right in front of that stupid art work in her house. I don't know where she got it from. But you need to check. Also on her account check the screen shot of Gigi's comment under Zayn's IDWLF acoustic video. She has posted tongue emojis! eww! How thirsty! And now the zigi's are making a connection with his naked picture and her tongue emojis and his dick tweet.
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Hello my Anon and thank you for the laugh! The ZiGistan is truly on fire! Insert fireman Liam here!
First of all, the screencap is from the videoclip of the acoustic version that Zayn uploaded on his personal youtube account (you can find it here) which (from what it seems) is not label related and you can find it on 2.58 .  Here is an excellent post by @ziamgreatesthits where you can see it clearly.
It is supposed to show Zayn in Gigi’s flat parading around  naked (because this is what the deleted now photo implied), or in his underwear. And I am asking you, my Nonnie, how would you react if you saw your bf in the house horsing around and singing wearing a pair of STAR WARS boxers??? Is the spectacle sexual or erotic or it would make you start laughing? 
What I found truly disgusting is Gigi’s comment on Zayn’s IG:
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Apart from everything else, this comment is completely irrelevant to what Zayn posted (an accoustic version of a song). This leads me to believe that gigi tries to “insert” herself in the picture. Last night was the premiere and after party of the FSD movie. I haven’t seen photos from the premiere bt Zayn did attend the afterparty and once againhe was Gigi-less (but he did have a new “minder”!). Gigi apparently was feeling the need to stay relevant lonely, so she posted that... chich and classy comment!
P.S. Imagine a guy like Zayn who in reality is very closed up about his personal life, seeing this comment left by his “gf” on a video he had posted and now imagine the same closed-up guy posting the infamous dick tweet. Now tell me if anyone in their right mind who has relationship experience thinks this is real....
PPS. I just saw your last message...
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chouxx · 7 years
🐝 what’s your worst trait? how are you planning to improve it?
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be?
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone?
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike
send me emoji asks !
my worst trait is prolly being very.... impulsive but also observative ??? like i look at the situation and realize what my instincts/impulses are and i’m like “wow this is Bad” but i do it anyway fsdfksdf i guess i don’t plan on improving it tho, since it’s ?? just kind of a part of my life ????
i’d hug those huge costco bears bc they just look very..... huggable..... and i’m pretty bad at hugs irl like..... How Do I..... Do This.....
hmmmm ! i want to get better at cooking so i looked a bunch of stuff up but i also left the stove on for too long and it was.... Not Good...
ldfds;fsd something i rlly dislike is the fact that i don’t think i’ll ever look good without glasses ??? i pass for seven years old, really
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fsdemoji · 7 years
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Circles set in FSD Emoji → https://www.fsd.it
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fsdemoji · 7 years
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Evil driver set in FSD Emoji → https://www.fsd.it
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fsdemoji · 7 years
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Winking face Reaction set in FSD Emoji → https://www.fsd.it/
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fsdemoji · 7 years
River in motion behind poo Reaction set in FSD Emoji → https://www.fsd.it/
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fsdemoji · 7 years
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Poo Reaction set in FSD Emoji → https://www.fsd.it/
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fsdemoji · 7 years
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Look an angel! Reaction set in FSD Emoji → https://www.fsd.it/
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fsdemoji · 7 years
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Reaction set in FSD Emoji → https://www.fsd.it/
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