ecjxuulv8zm4j · 1 year
TEEN FOOT FETISH COMPILATION Mi gordita cachonda regresa Cute gay couple fuck aggressively Elegant fucking action with a brunette young Holly Michaels Small Penis Humiliation Compilation by hot girls Pawg oiled riding mounted dildo Phatt Blonde pussy Sly stepsis fucks her nerdy lil bro while doing his math HW Bodybuilder gay boy sex video xxx Fucking Student Boy Aaron Gay boys heat cum and my naked foreskin first time Elders Garrett
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superchat · 2 months
have you ever had one of those things that you think of often but dont ever rlly go out of your way to vocalize, you j ust never think to but its something you think of often
one for me is with omori, anytime i see headspace friends i just think of an artist by the name of Dain Fagerholm whose gifs captivated me so long ago, truly love their work. the 3D but the colors too grabbed me and i cant help but think to their works everytime i play omori
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dick-chugger · 9 months
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Remake of a meme I made like a couple of years ago. I don't even like his music really, but he looks so fucking cool.
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wqrer · 8 months
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Hand Drawn Animated Gifs by Dain Fagerholm
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mmepastel · 4 months
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Bon j’arrive pas à mettre les photos correctement TANT PIS 🤬.
J’ai lu un bon livre, ça y est, c’est celui-ci, avec ce drôle de titre, écrit par Monika Fagerholm, une finlandaise qui écrit en suédois.
C’est un livre étonnant, qui est très original dans sa composition, un peu circulaire, un peu répétitive. Il est question d’étés successifs en Finlande, sur une côte, où se retrouvent plusieurs familles (aux niveaux sociaux différents d’ailleurs) ; l’une vient d’Amérique et voudrait que sa vie ressemble à celle d’une star américaine ; elle lui emprunte tous ses attributs, attitude, centre d’intérêt, et surtout argent (son mari est riche et séducteur). Voilà pourquoi la narratrice parle de la vie rêvée de la plage, de l’été, sans cesse, jusqu’à ce que ça devienne une rengaine, un tic de langage dépourvu de sens. Elle s’y lie d’amitié avec Isabella, tout aussi attirée par le luxe, le désir d’enchanter chaque instant, passionnée d’elle même et pourtant terriblement désœuvrée, presque le reflet d’une personne, comme celui qu’elle aime regarder dans son miroir. Isabella a un mari et un fils, le passionnant Thomas.
On les suit dans leur amitié croissante, dans la répétition des mêmes rituels. Au début on peut être un peu surpris, voire ennuyé. Mais au fond, la narration cyclique a un effet très concret, celui de donner l’impression d’être avec elles, au milieu de ces journées infinies, que l’on finit par confondre, de sentir cet ennui à la fois mortifère et confortable, le temps se perd même un peu, ajoutant à la confusion, on a des flashs backs et des analepses, peu importe, il n’y a pas vraiment d’avant et d’après mais des fantasmes et au milieu, un jeune garçon, Thomas, qui grandit… il passe de huit à quatorze ans, et après beaucoup de stagnation dans son existence, les choses s’accélèrent tandis que les années soixante se terminent. Le monde change. Les femmes ont sans doute moins envie d’être les potiches, peut-être envie de se prendre en main et de considérer les autres choses que celles qui constituaient leur horizon. Y aurait-il autre chose en dehors de ce cercle familial et amical, au-delà de cette baie et de cet archipel ? On rêve de voyage, on joue à s’en aller, mais c’est dur de passer à l’acte, on risque le vertige, voire la chute.
L’histoire est racontée à la hauteur des yeux d’enfant de Thomas, à qui il n’échappe pas grand chose, même s’il ne comprend pas tout. Il découvre les silences des adultes, devine leurs mensonges, la cruauté et la bonté, la forêt, les fonds marins, joue à être scientifique, architecte, puis archiviste d’une famille en décomposition.
J’ai trouvé que l’enfance et son extra lucidité était incroyablement bien rendue. Ce ne sont pas les femmes que j’ai trouvées merveilleuses, mais cet enfant, sa solitude et sa sensibilité, sa faculté d’absorption et d’adaptation, ses réflexes de survie. Un héros inhabituel, discret et profondément touchant.
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hanoirazzle · 2 years
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Michael Monroe in Artists United Against Apartheid - Sun City (music video)
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lina-vas-dom · 9 months
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Часть первая..
Дейн Фагерхолм (Dain Fagerholm), известен тем, что создает окна в другую реальность, наполненную странными и пугающими, но в то же время такими милыми созданиями.
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Отсканированные рисунки художника приобретают г��убину с помощью примененных программных фильтров, по технологии создания стереографических картинок.
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Вашему вниманию представлены работы Дэйна Фагерхолма созданные в 2013 году.
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Dain Fagerholm is known for creating windows into another reality filled with strange and frightening, but at the same time so cute creatures.
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Scanned drawings of the artist acquire depth with the help of applied program filters, according to the technology of creating stereographic pictures.
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The works of Dane Fagerholm created in 2013 are presented to your attention.
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compneuropapers · 9 months
Interesting Papers for Week 32, 2023
Temporal Dynamics Underlying Prelimbic Prefrontal Cortical Regulation of Action Selection and Outcome Evaluation during Risk/Reward Decision-Making. Bercovici, D. A., Princz-Lebel, O., Schumacher, J. D., Lo, V. M., & Floresco, S. B. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(7), 1238–1255.
Negative symptoms, striatal dopamine and model-free reward decision-making in schizophrenia. Brandl, F., Knolle, F., Avram, M., Leucht, C., Yakushev, I., Priller, J., … Sorg, C. (2023). Brain, 146(2), 767–777.
A goal-directed account of action slips: The reliance on old contingencies. Buabang, E. K., Köster, M., Boddez, Y., Van Dessel, P., De Houwer, J., & Moors, A. (2023). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152(2), 496–508.
Neural representations of vicarious rewards are linked to interoception and prosocial behaviour. Contreras-Huerta, L. S., Coll, M.-P., Bird, G., Yu, H., Prosser, A., Lockwood, P. L., … Apps, M. A. J. (2023). NeuroImage, 269, 119881.
Pallidal neuromodulation of the explore/exploit trade-off in decision-making. de A Marcelino, A. L., Gray, O., Al-Fatly, B., Gilmour, W., Douglas Steele, J., Kühn, A. A., & Gilbertson, T. (2023). eLife, 12, e79642.
A primer on entropy in neuroscience. Fagerholm, E. D., Dezhina, Z., Moran, R. J., Turkheimer, F. E., & Leech, R. (2023). Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 146, 105070.
Representational integration and differentiation in the human hippocampus following goal-directed navigation. Fernandez, C., Jiang, J., Wang, S.-F., Choi, H. L., & Wagner, A. D. (2023). eLife, 12, e80281.
Behavioral status modulates CA2 influence on hippocampal network dynamics. He, H., Wang, Y., & McHugh, T. J. (2023). Hippocampus, 33(3), 252–265.
Mechanisms That Underlie Expression of Estradiol-Induced Excitatory Synaptic Potentiation in the Hippocampus Differ between Males and Females. Jain, A., & Woolley, C. S. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(8), 1298–1309.
Bayes factor functions for reporting outcomes of hypothesis tests. Johnson, V. E., Pramanik, S., & Shudde, R. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(8), e2217331120.
Replay and compositional computation. Kurth-Nelson, Z., Behrens, T., Wayne, G., Miller, K., Luettgau, L., Dolan, R., … Schwartenbeck, P. (2023). Neuron, 111(4), 454–469.
Presaccadic attention sharpens visual acuity. Kwak, Y., Hanning, N. M., & Carrasco, M. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 2981.
Expansion and compression of space within and beyond the boundaries of an object. Lebed, A., Scanlon, C., & Vickery, T. J. (2023). Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 85(2), 387–403.
Strategically managing learning during perceptual decision making. Masís, J., Chapman, T., Rhee, J. Y., Cox, D. D., & Saxe, A. M. (2023). eLife, 12, e64978.
Thoughts matter: a theory of motivated preference. Nagler, M. G. (2023). Theory and Decision, 94(2), 211–247.
Equifinality in infancy: The many paths to walking. Schneider, J. L., & Iverson, J. M. (2023). Developmental Psychobiology, 65(2), e22370.
Predictions and choices for others: Some insights into how and why they differ. Smith, S. M., & Krajbich, I. (2023). Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152(2), 528–541.
Neural assemblies uncovered by generative modeling explain whole-brain activity statistics and reflect structural connectivity. van der Plas, T. L., Tubiana, J., Le Goc, G., Migault, G., Kunst, M., Baier, H., … Debrégeas, G. (2023). eLife, 12, e83139.
Layer- and cell-type-specific differences in neural activity in mouse barrel cortex during a whisker detection task. Vandevelde, J. R., Yang, J.-W., Albrecht, S., Lam, H., Kaufmann, P., Luhmann, H. J., & Stüttgen, M. C. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(4), 1361–1382.
Hierarchical architecture of dopaminergic circuits enables second-order conditioning in Drosophila. Yamada, D., Bushey, D., Li, F., Hibbard, K. L., Sammons, M., Funke, J., … Aso, Y. (2023). eLife, 12, e79042.
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hungercityhellhound · 4 months
Has Michael Monroe dates anyone
He's been married twice. Jude Wilder, who unfortunately died unexpectedly from a hemorrhage, and is currently married to Johanna Fagerholm.
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gepetordi1 · 2 months
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Artist Dain Fagerholm makes these incredible 3D illusions out of rough, sketchy drawings.
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zainabk-grad604-51 · 9 months
Week 3: 20 Sources
For this week's SDL, I collected 20 sources based on these topics.
Articles & Journals / Magazines
Looser, D. (2017). Viewing Time and the Other: Visualizing Cross-Cultural and Trans-Temporal Encounters in Lisa Reihana’s in Pursuit of Venus [infected]. Theatre Journal69(4), 449-475. doi:10.1353/tj.2017.0065.
Feast, L. Vogels, C. (2021). “Opening the door”: An authentic approach to decolonizing arts education in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, 20(1), 65–82. https://doi-org.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/10.1386/adch_00030_1
Horrocks, R. (2016). The arts in New Zealand: A changing field of forces. New Zealand Sociology, 31. 132-145. librarysearch.aut.ac.nz/vufind/EdsRecord/sih,120836618
Pankl, L. Blake, K. (2012). Made in Her Image: Frida Kahlo as Material Culture. Material Culture, 44(2), 1–20. http://www.jstor.org/stable/24396670
Turkheimer, F.E. Fagerholm, E.D. Bettelheim, E. Liu, J. Dazzan, P. Loggia, M.L. (2022). The art of pain: A quantitative color analysis of the self-portraits of Frida Kahlo. In: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2022.1000656
Parr, E. (2021). Toi Tū Toi Ora: Contemporary Māori Art. ArtAsiaPacific, 122, 76. https://librarysearch.aut.ac.nz/vufind/EdsRecord/vth,148897036
Lu, Y. Yang, G. (2008). Decorative rejuvenation — Aesthetic analysis of “Memphis” design. 2008 9th International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design. https://doi.org/10.1109/CAIDCD.2008.4730740
Fornari, D. Lzicar, R. Owens, S. Renner, M. Scheuermann, A. Schneemann, P.J. (2021). Introduction: New Perspectives on Swiss Graphic Design. Design Issues. Winter 2021, 37, 4-9. 10.1162/desi_e_00620
Page, C. (2019). In Praise of Drop Shadows. BOMB, 150, 149–159. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26876387
Hayes, C. (2023). Curating Art in Challenging Times. Art Monthly, 467, 39-40. https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/login.aspx?direct=true&db=vth&AN=163994903&site=ehost-live&scope=site
Droitcour, B. (2021). Living With, Dying From. Art in America, 109(5), 70–75. https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/login.aspx?direct=true&db=vth&AN=151869132&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Theo, K. (2021). Journey into Colour. Aesthetica, 104, 64–75. https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/login.aspx?direct=true&db=vth&AN=153889539&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Crawford, A. (1997). Ideas and Objects: The Arts and Crafts Movement in Britain. Design Issues, 13(1), 15–26. https://doi.org/10.2307/1511584
Parkinson, G. (2006). Surrealism and Politics: Interpretation, Determinism and Art History [Review of Surrealist Art and Thought in the 1930s: Art, Politics, and the Psyche; Obscure Objects of Desire: Surrealism, Fetishism, and Politics; Surrealism, Politics and Culture, by S. Harris, J. Malt, R. Spiteri, & D. LaCoss]. Oxford Art Journal, 29(2), 306–312. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3841021
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FridaKahlo.org. (n.d). Self Portrait Along the Boarder Line Between Mexico and the United States, 1932. https://www.fridakahlo.org/self-portrait-along-the-boarder-line.jsp
Johnson Witehira. (n.d.). Whakarare. https://www.johnsonwitehira.studio/whakarare
New Zealand History. (n.d.). Hinetitama by Robyn Kahukiwa. https://nzhistory.govt.nz/media/photo/hinetitama-robyn-kahukiwa
In Pursuit of Venus. (n.d.). About the Work. https://www.inpursuitofvenus.com/about
FridaKahlo.org. (n.d). Henry Ford Hospital, 1932. https://www.fridakahlo.org/henry-ford-hospital.jsp
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mundo-misterio · 1 year
Scrooge: Reseña de la película Cuento de Navidad (2022)
Scrooge: Reseña de la película Cuento de Navidad (2022)
Comparto con mi amigo y colega Matt Fagerholm un afecto devoto por la novela de Charles Dickens de 1843 A Christmas Carol y la mayoría de sus muchas adaptaciones. Escucho el audiolibro de Tim Curry todos los años y siempre veo mis versiones de películas favoritas, incluidas Alistair Sim, MGM y Mister Magoo (con excelentes canciones del equipo de “Funny Girl” Jule Styne y Bob Merrill). También me…
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nepallomo · 2 years
Oriental beat hanoi rocks lyrics
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#Oriental beat hanoi rocks lyrics series
The album features backing vocals by Katrina Leskanich, the lead singer of Katrina and the Waves. Many of the lyrics deal with typical rock n' roll topics like breaking the law ("No Law or Order) and teenage rebellion ("Teenangels Outsiders"). This album also marked the first time McCoy was not the sole songwriter, with Monroe being the second songwriter on the songs "Motorvatin'" and "Teenangels Outsiders". The album was produced, recorded and mixed by Peter Wooliscroft who had worked with Frank Zappa for example.
#Oriental beat hanoi rocks lyrics series
But Monroe and McCoy announced what would appear to be the final breakup of Hanoi Rocks in 2008, and the group subsequently played a series of farewell shows at Helsinki's Tavastia Club.nn In 2017, Finnish label Ainoa Productions released Rebels on the Run, a compilation of rare B-sides and EP-only tracks from the early '80s, remastered by Mika Jussila (Nightwish, Reckless Love).Recordings for Oriental Beat (then with the working-title, Second Attempt for Suicide) started in late 1981, at the Advision-studio in London. That year and the next, Hanoi Rocks toured Europe and Asia, and in 2007 the group released a new full-length, Street Poetry, on Demolition Records. The new lineup of the band issued Another Hostile Takeover, also on Major Leiden, in 2005. Monroe, Suicide, and Yaffa reunited in 1994 as Demolition 23.nn However, Monroe and McCoy re-formed Hanoi Rocks in 2002, releasing Twelve Shots on the Rocks on the Major Leiden label, and started touring once again. Chimes, McCoy, and Suicide formed the short-lived Cherry Bombz, Yaffa joined Jetboy, and Monroe recorded a solo album, Not Fakin' It, that briefly made the U.S. He gave the band notice early in 1985, and the group broke up in May after a farewell concert. (Neil was convicted of vehicular manslaughter.) Razzle was replaced by ex-Clash drummer Terry Chimes, but things were not quite the same for Monroe. The band ended the year with a tour of the U.S., but Razzle was killed in a tragic automobile accident while a passenger in Mötley Crüe lead singer Vince Neil's car. chart single the next year, from the album Two Steps from the Move. After it was completed, Casino was fired and replaced by ex-Demon Preacher and Dark drummer Nicholas "Razzle" Dingley.nn Hanoi Rocks signed to CBS in 1983 and began to spread their name in Britain their remake of Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Up Around the Bend" became their only U.K. Their Scandinavian-only (at first) debut album, Bangkok Shocks, Saigon Shakes, Hanoi Rocks, was released in 1981, and the bandmembers soon went to London to promote themselves and record Oriental Beat. All members except Monroe had previously played with one or both of the Finnish punk bands Briard and Pelle Miljoona Oy. Hanoi Rocks were founded in 1980 by singer Michael Monroe (born Matti Fagerholm) and guitarist Andy McCoy (born Antti Hulkko) after some lineup changes, the rest of the group consisted of guitarist Nasty Suicide (born Jan Stenfors), bassist Sam Yaffa (born Saki Takamäki), and drummer Gyp Casino (born Jesper Sporre). Finland's major export to the world of heavy metal, Hanoi Rocks, drew much of their sound and inspiration from '70s glam rock and were thought by some to have fused the two styles more successfully than similar acts such as Mötley Crüe.
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tabletlomo · 2 years
Hanoi rocks oriental beat album
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Hanoi rocks oriental beat album tv#
That same month, the band released their second album Oriental Beat. In January 1982, Hanoi Rocks recorded their first music videos at the Lepakko, a concert venue and centre of independent youth culture, for the songs "Tragedy", "Oriental Beat", and "Motorvatin'". Another single, " Dead By X-Mas / Nothing New", was released in December. In late November they returned to Finland and released the single " Desperados / Devil Woman". On 19 September 1981, the band made their debut at the Marquee Club in London. In September 1981, after extensive tours in Sweden and Finland, the band moved to London, where they recorded their second album. That same month, the band released its debut album, Bangkok Shocks, Saigon Shakes, Hanoi Rocks, produced by Michael Monroe and Andy McCoy, calling themselves "The Muddy Twins." The album was well-received, reaching number five on the Finnish album charts. The second single " Tragedy / Café Avenue", written by McCoy when he was fifteen or sixteen years old, was released in February 1981. The tour developed the band's energetic and wild playing style, which audiences were slow to find pleasing but later praised the band for. The band launched a 102-day tour in January 1981, which is believed to be the longest rock tour in Finnish history. Gyp Casino was the band's drummer but did not play on the single as he was recording with another band in Stockholm. "Kill City Kills" was one of McCoy's oldest songs, which he had written when he was hanging around at a Finnish apartment block called Kill City. McCoy had translated the song, whose title means "I Want You" in Swedish, into English and claimed it as his own. "I Want You" was a new version of the Swedish song "Vill ha dej" by Heartbreak. In November 1980, the band struck a deal with Johanna Kustannus and released its debut single, " I Want You / Kill City Kills". When they moved to Stockholm, the bandmembers lived mostly on the street, begging for money, except Andy McCoy, who lived with his wealthy girlfriend. Stockholm, early recordings and London (1980–1981) By then Peki had left the band, and when they relocated to Stockholm, they hired an old friend of Monroe and McCoy's, drummer Gyp Casino. McCoy replaced Stefan Piesnack, who had been arrested for drug possession, and Yaffa replaced Nedo. In late 1980 Andy McCoy left Pelle Miljoona Oy to join Hanoi Rocks, and was later joined by another former Pelle Miljoona Oy member, bassist Sami Yaffa. Vesterinen soon became the band's manager after speaking with McCoy and Monroe. At one of the band's first shows was Seppo Vesterinen, who had brought big-name artists like Iggy Pop and Frank Zappa to Finland. The band toured Finnish clubs, playing McCoy and Monroe's own songs and covers like Cheap Trick's "He's a Whore", The Police's "Born in the 50s" and MC5's "Looking at You". The original line-up of Hanoi Rocks was Michael Monroe on vocals, former Pelle Miljoona Oy guitarist Stefan Piesnack, Monroe's guitarist Nasty Suicide, bassist Nedo Soininen, and drummer Peki Sirola. McCoy allowed Monroe to form the band with an agreement that McCoy would join later. McCoy did not join the band immediately, because he was the guitarist for the Finnish punk band Pelle Miljoona Oy. Hanoi Rocks were formed in Helsinki in 1979 by Michael Monroe (Matti Fagerholm) and his friend, guitarist Andy McCoy (Antti Hulkko). History Formation and early days (1979–1980) 1.7 Razzle's death, Rock & Roll Divorce, and break-up (1984–1985).1.5 Bob Ezrin and All Those Wasted Years (1983–1984).1.4 Tour in Asia, Back to Mystery City and a deal with CBS (1983).1.3 Oriental Beat and Razzle joins (1982).1.2 Stockholm, early recordings and London (1980–1981).
Hanoi rocks oriental beat album tv#
Although musically closer to traditional rock n' roll and punk, the band have been cited as a major influence in the glam metal genre for bands such as Guns N' Roses, Skid Row and Poison.Īccording to Finnish radio and TV personality Jone Nikula, who was the band's tour manager in the 2000s, Hanoi Rocks's albums have sold between 780,000 and 1,000,000 copies around the world, mostly in Scandinavia and Japan. Original vocalist Michael Monroe and guitarist Andy McCoy reunited in 2001 with a new lineup that lasted until 2009. The band broke up in June 1985 after drummer Nicholas "Razzle" Dingley died in a drunk driving accident with Vince Neil behind the wheel during their first US tour in December 1984. They were the first Finnish band to chart in the UK and they were also popular in Japan. Hanoi Rocks was a Finnish rock band formed in 1979. Johanna Kustannus, Lick, Nippon Phonogram, CBS, Major Leiden Productions, Liquor and Poker Music, Backstage Alliance, Pronit
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wqrer · 8 months
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Hand Drawn Animated Gifs by Dain Fagerholm
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kilopniche · 2 years
Hanoi rocks buried alive
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Hanoi rocks buried alive tv#
On September 19, 1981, the band made their debut at the Marquee Club in London. In September 1981, after extensive tours in Sweden and Finland, the band moved to London, where they recorded their second album. That same month, the band released its debut album, Bangkok Shocks, Saigon Shakes, Hanoi Rocks, produced by Michael Monroe and Andy McCoy, calling themselves "The Muddy Twins." The album was well-received, reaching number five on the Finnish album charts. The second single " Tragedy / Café Avenue", written by McCoy when he was fifteen or sixteen years old, was released in February 1981. The tour developed the band's energetic and wild playing style, which audiences were slow to find pleasing but later praised the band for. The band launched a 102-day tour in January 1981, which is believed to be the longest rock tour in Finnish history. Gyp Casino was the band's drummer but did not play on the single as he was recording with another band in Stockholm. "Kill City Kills" was one of McCoy's oldest songs, which he had written when he was hanging around at a Finnish apartment block called Kill City. McCoy had translated the song, whose title means "I Want You" in Swedish, into English and claimed it as his own. "I Want You" was a new version of the Swedish song "Vill ha dej" by Heartbreak. In November 1980, the band struck a deal with Johanna Kustannus and released its debut single, " I Want You / Kill City Kills". When they moved to Stockholm, the bandmembers lived mostly on the street, begging for money, except Andy McCoy, who lived with his wealthy girlfriend. Template:Fix Stockholm, early recordings and London (1980–1981) By then Peki had left the band, and when they relocated to Stockholm, they hired an old friend of Monroe and McCoy's, drummer Gyp Casino. McCoy replaced Stefan Piesnack, who had been arrested for drug possession, and Yaffa replaced Nedo. In late 1970 Andy McCoy left Pelle Miljoona Oy to join Hanoi Rocks, and was later joined by another former Pelle Miljoona Oy member, bassist Sami Yaffa. Vesterinen soon became the band's manager after speaking with McCoy and Monroe. At one of the band's first shows was Seppo Vesterinen, who had brought big-name artists like Iggy Pop and Frank Zappa to Finland. The band toured Finnish clubs, playing McCoy and Monroe's own songs and covers like Cheap Trick's "He's a Whore", The Police's "Born in the 50s" and MC5's "Looking at You". The original lineup of Hanoi Rocks was Michael Monroe on vocals, former Pelle Miljoona Oy guitarist Stefan Piesnack, Monroe's guitarist Nasty Suicide, bassist Nedo Soininen, and drummer Peki Sirola. McCoy allowed Monroe to form the band with an agreement that McCoy would join later. McCoy did not join the band immediately, because he was the guitarist for the Finnish punk band Pelle Miljoona Oy. Hanoi Rocks were formed in Helsinki in 1979 by Michael Monroe (Matti Fagerholm) and his friend, guitarist Andy McCoy (Antti Hulkko). History Formation and early days (1979–1980) 1.7 Razzle's death, Rock & Roll Divorce, and break-up (1984–1985).1.5 Bob Ezrin and All Those Wasted Years (1983–1984).1.4 Tour in Asia, Back to Mystery City and a deal with CBS (1983).1.3 Oriental Beat and Razzle joins (1982).1.2 Stockholm, early recordings and London (1980–1981).
Hanoi rocks buried alive tv#
Although musically closer to traditional rock n' roll and punk, the band have been cited as a major influence in the glam metal genre for bands such as Guns N' Roses, Skid Row and Poison.Īccording to Finnish radio and TV personality Jone Nikula, who was the band's tour manager in the 2000s, Hanoi Rocks's albums have sold between 780,000 and 1,000,000 copies around the world, mostly in Scandinavia and Japan. Original vocalist Michael Monroe and guitarist Andy McCoy reunited in 2001 with a new lineup that lasted until 2009. The band broke up in June 1985 after drummer Nicholas "Razzle" Dingley died in a car accident during their first US tour in December 1984. They were the first Finnish band to chart in the UK and they were also popular in Japan. Hanoi Rocks were a Finnish rock band formed in 1979. Johanna Kustannus, Lick, Nippon Phonogram, CBS, Major Leiden Productions, Liquor and Poker Music, Backstage Alliance, Pronitīriard, Pelle Miljoona Oy, The Suicide Twins, Jerusalem Slim, Demolition 23., New York Dolls, Cherry Bombz, Shooting Gallery, Mötley Crüe
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