#Francesco Baracca
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1918 06 15 Francesco Baracca Last Victory - Mark Postlethwaite
Ranking Italian ace Maggiore Francesco Baracca of 91ª Squadriglia obtained his 34th, and final, victory on 15 June 1918 whilst at the controls of SPAD VII 2445 during the fierce aerial dogfights on the first day of the last Austro-Hungarian offensive against Italian forces defending the River Piave.At 1300 hrs, Baracca had shot down a Hansa-Brandenburg Br C I two-seater of Fliegerkompagnie (Flik) 32/D near Saletto for his 33rd success. Flying with his veteran wingman Sergente Gaetano Aliperta, Baracca subsequently wrote in his combat report;' We spotted a great patrol of 25 fighters flying at a height of about 1200 m. They chased our aeroplanes for a short while, then headed back toward their lines. One of them had drifted away from the patrol, and we quickly surrounded it. I repeatedly hit the aeroplane with my machine gun fire until it struck the ground and nosed over onto its back.' Baracca had succeeded in downing Albatros D III 153.266, which crashed in a cultivated field near San Biagio di Collalta. The ace generously shared credit for this victory with Aliperta, Baracca recalling that 'he had helped me out by continually blocking off the enemy pilot as he attempted to retreat'. The latter, Ltn von Josipovich of Flik 51, emerged unscathed from the wreckage of hisAlbatros and was immediately captured. After the war, he resumed his career in aviation, but this time as a civilian pilot. Josipovich subsequently perished in a flying accident
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italianiinguerra · 2 years
230 anni fa nascevano due leggendari reggimenti di Cavalleria
230 anni fa nascevano due leggendari reggimenti di Cavalleria
Il 23 luglio 1692, il Duca Vittorio Amedeo II ordinò che lo Squadrone di Piemonte poi Reggimento di Cavaglià, nato nel 1691 per fusione di Compagnie di Genti d’arme o Compagnie delle “Corazze” quale nuova unità di cavalleria pesante (di linea), venisse ridenominato in Reggimento di cavalleria “Piemonte Reale”. Nello stesso giorno veniva fondato anche il gemello Reggimento “Savoia Cavalleria”.…
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usafphantom2 · 3 months
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A fantastic view of needle-nosed F-104s from ItAF's 9º Stormo "Francesco Baracca". Classic! #avgeeks #aviation #aviationdaily #Italy
@RealAirPower1 via X
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autopilotart · 3 months
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Yellow Ferrari 458 Spider by The Beach ⛱️
Creating digital art can be an expressive and imaginative journey. Picture this: a stunning yellow Ferrari parked gracefully in the golden sands of a tranquil beach. The vibrant yellow hue of the car illuminates against the calming blue backdrop of the sea and sky, creating a mesmerizing contrast of colors.
The attention to detail in this digital masterpiece is truly mesmerizing. The sleek curves and sharp lines of the Ferrari are meticulously depicted, showcasing its powerful and luxurious design. Every glimmer of sunlight reflects off the car's glossy surface, adding a touch of realism and brilliance to the overall composition.
As the Ferrari rests by the beach, the artist has skillfully portrayed the surrounding environment, transporting the viewer to a world of serenity and relaxation. The gentle waves softly kiss the shore, while the endless expanse of the ocean stretches into the horizon, inviting a sense of freedom and tranquility.
The digital medium allows for a seamless blend of reality and artistic interpretation. Perhaps the artist has added elements such as palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze, seagulls gracefully gliding overhead, or distant sailboats dotting the horizon. These subtle touches breathe life into the artwork, capturing the essence of a peaceful coastal getaway.
In essence, this digital art piece of a yellow Ferrari by the beach serves as a captivating fusion of luxury, elegance, and escapism. It beckons viewers to immerse themselves in a world where the allure of high-performance automobiles meets the timeless allure of coastal serenity, evoking a sense of wanderlust and appreciation for the finer things in life.
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The Ferrari brand is synonymous with prestige, performance, and timeless elegance. As I delve into highlighting some fascinating facts about the company, it's evident that Ferrari's rich history and unwavering commitment to excellence have solidified its status as a legendary automotive icon.
1. Enzo Ferrari: The company's legacy is deeply intertwined with the enigmatic figure of Enzo Ferrari, who founded Scuderia Ferrari in 1929. His relentless pursuit of perfection and passion for racing laid the foundation for a brand that is revered worldwide.
2. Prancing Horse: The iconic prancing horse emblem, a symbol of power and speed, has become synonymous with Ferrari. It was first adopted by Italian World War I hero Count Francesco Baracca, and after meeting Enzo Ferrari's father, it found its place on Ferrari's race cars, consolidating its identity.
3. Racing Heritage: Ferrari's roots in motorsport run deep—its early successes on the racetrack served as the catalyst for its enduring reputation. The brand's Formula One achievements are exceptional, with an unparalleled record of 16 Constructors' Championships and 15 Drivers' Championships.
4. Limited Production: Ferrari's exclusivity is underscored by its limited production approach. The company deliberately restricts the number of cars it manufactures annually, imbuing each model with a sense of rarity and desirability.
5. Technological Innovation: Ferrari's relentless drive for innovation is evident in its groundbreaking technology. From cutting-edge aerodynamics to pioneering hybrid powertrains, the company consistently pushes the boundaries of automotive engineering.
6. Design Excellence: Ferrari's design language is a study in elegance and performance. Each model is meticulously sculpted to marry breathtaking aesthetics with aerodynamic efficiency, epitomizing the marriage of form and function.
7. Global Icon: Beyond its automotive prowess, Ferrari has transcended the realm of automobiles to become a global luxury brand. Its merchandise, theme parks, and experiential offerings ensure that the Ferrari experience extends far beyond the racetrack.
In conclusion, Ferrari's enduring allure lies in its unique blend of heritage, innovation, and passion. As the company continues to evolve and expand its horizons, one thing remains unchanged—the unparalleled spirit of a prancing horse that continues to captivate automotive enthusiasts around the world.
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How Do I Buy The Art??
(With 3 easy steps)
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To purchase the digital download of a beautiful sports/luxury car in 3 easy steps using Cashapp:
1. Send $15 along with the name of the art piece and your email address to the seller's Cashapp account. ($MirrorEyesArt)
2. Allow 5-10 minutes for the seller to send the email containing your desired art piece to the provided email address.
3. Once you receive the email, simply click the download button on the image to save it to your device for personal use.
After purchasing the digital download, you can explore options for printing and enlarging the image at websites like "CanvasDiscount.com" for affordable prices compared to other competitors.
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praesidiummilitum · 11 months
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Cerimonia del "Nastro Azzurro" ad Aviano,22 luglio 1917...
Tra i Tanti Militari Italiani intervenuti si vedono il Capitano Pilota Francesco Baracca che osserva il Tenente Pilota Fulco Ruffo di Calabria visibilmente divertito...
Baracca perdera' la vita precipitando durante una Missione di Combattimento su Nervesa il 19 giugno 1918.
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valentina-lauricella · 9 months
Ferragosto, di Achille Campanile (1953)
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(Giorgio de Chirico, L'enigma di una giornata, 1914)
Nell'aria immobile della città rimasta quasi vuota per il Ferragosto, tuonò il comando: "Tutto quello che è finto, diventi vero! Beninteso, quanto a statuaria". Immediatamente, dalla base del monumento a Cavour si alzò il leone di bronzo, diventò all'improvviso di carne e d'ossa e, dopo essersi stiracchiato e aver fatto uno sbadiglio accompagnato da un quasi impercettibile guaito, con un balzo leggero fu a terra e si voltò ad aspettare che Cavour lo raggiungesse. Cavour intanto, un po' impacciato dalla redingotta, cercava a fatica di venir giù dall'alto basamento, badando dove metteva i piedi e borbottando: "Piano, figliolo, io non sono un leone come te, e poi sto molto più in alto; avrebbero fatto meglio a metter te qua in cima e me laggiù". L'Italia, la formosa matrona in costume succinto, che sedeva sul basamento, l'aiutò a metter piede a terra e dié una spolveratina e una rassettatina alla redingotta dello statista, che nella discesa s'era un po' gualcita; poi la brigatella s'avviò verso il centro, Cavour con gli occhiali, il leone scodinzolante, la matrona solenne. Qualche raro passante già fissava la donna prosperosa, incerto se mettersi dietro. "Piano," diceva Cavour" venite dietro me. Cerchiamo di non perderci. Ormai la mia famiglia siete voi."
Il punto di ritrovo dei monumenti cittadini era stato fissato, naturalmente, in Piazza Duomo. Dove già scorrazzava e ruzzava una moltitudine di lupi e lupacchiotti latranti, cani e strane bestie, che fino a un momento prima servivano a sostenere i pluviali del Duomo. Erano stati i primi ad arrivare, per la buona ragione ch'erano già sul posto. Intanto si staccava dalle mensole, e con uno svolazzio leggero scendeva sul sagrato, una folla di santi, santoni e santerelli, con barba e senza, uomini e donne, grandi e piccoli. Vittorio Emanuele II a cavallo galoppava in lungo e in largo intorno alla piazza con la sciabola sguainata divertendosi a mettere in fuga i lupi e i santerelli, seguito a passo di corsa da una doppia fila di piccoli bersaglieri scesi dal bassorilievo del basamento, e in atto di andare a un attacco alla baionetta. Nella lunga palandrana, veniva in fretta da via Orefici l'abate Parini, mentre, fiancheggiato da quattro valletti, Leonardo da Vinci in accappatoio e cuffia da bagno, traversava la Galleria, tra le scappellate dei tre o quattro perdigiorno presenti. Con un rumore zoppo di zoccoli sul selciato, arrivò al piccolo trotto stracco da via Mazzini il generale Missori sul suo cavalluccio a penzoloni. Intanto da Monforte arrivava San Francesco d'Assisi a braccia aperte. Dall'altissimo piedistallo, sempre a braccia aperte, aveva fatto un vol plané di trenta o quaranta metri. Roba da Santi. Da un'altra parte arrivava l'asso Baracca. S'udì avvicinarsi un coro di voci argentine: dal Monumentale arrivava dietro il Duomo una fila di vetture tranviarie piene zeppe d'Angeli che cantavano, di sconosciuti e di mezzi busti, i quali ultimi pagavano mezzo biglietto. Intanto, alla Stazione Centrale succedeva un parapiglia. Al comando iniziale, s'era visto un brulichio, un formicolio sulla facciata, sui fianchi e sul tetto, come se l'edifizio s'animasse tutto. C'era uno starnazzar d'ali, uno scrollarsi. In men che non si dica, vennero giù con fracasso certi strani e massicci cavalli alati, condotti per la cavezza da uomini nudi, o quasi. Roba da alzar l'idea. Fortuna che non c'erano vigili in giro. Scesero strani grifi e mostri, chimere, sfingi. Aquile come piovessero. Già s'allontanava verso il centro scodinzolando la lupa, seguita da Romolo e Remo. I due frugolini stentavano a tener dietro alla bestia, correndo a piedi nudi sull'asfalto rovente, nudi essi stessi come mamma li aveva fatti, e ridendo e giocando, ruzzando e facendo mille monellerie. In cima a una colonna dell'edifizio ferroviario, il toro che rappresentava Torino, scalpitava e sbuffava inferocito, non osando fare il gran salto. Qua e là per la città avvenivano altri episodi. In piazza Scala spuntarono gli Omenoni, col torcicollo per l'incomoda posizione in cui stavano da circa cent'anni. Nel cortile della Casa di riposo per i vecchi musicisti, Verdi s'alzò dalla poltrona di pietra, come si fosse seduto un momento prima. Non parliamo poi di Beccaria e di Manzoni: naturalissimi. Un certo contingente fu fornito anche dall'Arco del Sempione. Ma erano mezze figure, altorilievi. Il Napoleone nudo di Brera arrivava disinvolto, pavoneggiandosi, seguito da Gabrio Piola, Pietro Verri, Luigi Cagnola, Tommaso Grossi e certi Ottavio Castiglione e Bonaventura Cavalieri; i quali tutti esterrefatti, dicevano all'uomo del destino: "Non si può girare in costume adamitico". "Nel mio vocabolario" ribatté il fatal còrso, senza voltarsi "non esiste la parola impossibile."
Il pittore Hayez, con la papalina in testa e la tavolozza in mano, s'unì alla brigatella e per prima cosa buttò via la tavolozza. "Sono cent'anni che volevo liberarmene!" esclamò. "Mi hanno fatto il monumento con la tavolozza in mano. Credendo di farmi piacere. Come se non avessi abbastanza tenuto in pugno, nella vita, questo strumento di tortura." Per avere notizie circa il grande movimento che si sapeva essersi manifestato contemporaneamente in tutto il mondo, si cercò il monumento di un giornalista. Allora le statue fecero una curiosa scoperta: fra i monumenti non ce n'era nessuno di giornalista. Nessun giornalista era stato mai ritenuto degno d'un monumento. Fu giocoforza ascoltare la radio. Le notizie cominciavano ad arrivare, e venivano diffuse di momento in momento: a Firenze s'erano mossi il Biancone, Ercole e Caco, il Perseo, Proserpina in combutta coi suoi rapitori, Savonarola, il Porcellino. A Bologna, il Nettuno s'era messo alla testa d'una sollevazione. A Roma, i primi a scendere in piazza erano stati Mosè, le sfingi, le tartarughe. Il piedone di via Piè di Marmo s'avanzava da solo come un'immensa sogliola verso il Collegio Romano, per accodarsi al corteo diretto in Piazza Venezia e del quale facevano parte Madama Lucrezia, Pasquino, Marforio, il Tritone, i tritoncelli, le Naiadi e le Sirene di Piazza Esedra, che ebbero un successo strepitoso, Vittorio Emanuele II, grossissimo e dorato, il bersagliere di Porta Pia, il ferroviere, Goethe, Toti, alcuni imperatori romani. Chiudeva il corteo il muletto di Villa Borghese con le salmerie. Gioacchino Belli scese tra il popolino di Trastevere e cominciò a molestare le ragazze con la punta del bastone, rispondendo a tono ai loro insulti. Sull'Appia Antica si videro avviarsi intere famiglie avvolte nei sudari, scese dai monumenti sepolcrali.
A Recanati, il gobbino Leopardi s'avviò tutto fiero: "Sono l'unico monumento del mondo che abbia la gobba" ripeteva.
Un senso di panico si diffuse quando si seppe che dal colle di Arona stava scendendo a passi di gigante il San Carlone alto cento metri. A Venezia, i cavalli di San Marco, Tommaseo, Manin col leone, Paleocapa, tutti con un piccione sulla testa. A Torino, gente a cavallo da tutte le parti, con le spade sguainate. Giungevano dispacci dall'estero. A Parigi, poco. I monumenti in bronzo erano stati portati via durante la guerra. C'erano la Repubblica, De Musset. Nel foyer del Théâtre Français c'era un po' di confusione. Quel seccatore di Voltaire pretendeva assumere il comando. Napoleone in cima alla colonna Vendôme aspettava che lo facessero scendere. A Londra, l'Eros di Piccadilly scese nella piazza eseguendo sulle punte la Danza delle Ore. Nelson in cima alla colonna altissima, impossibilitato a scendere da quell'altezza, strillava: "Tiratemi giù!". A New York, la statua della Libertà s'imbarcò subito per l'Europa, ma a mezza strada ci ripensò e tornò indietro.
Ritornando a Milano, s'incontrava un signore che girava spaesato tenendo in mano l'epigrafe del proprio monumento: "A Agostino Bertani gli Italiani riconoscenti" e mormorando: "Ma chi ero?". La piccola sfinge o chimera di pietra che sta dalla parte interna della stazione di Milano e si vede solo dal treno, fra le locomotive e gli scambi. Come deve soffrire in quell'ambiente! Scese anche lei e andò al raduno. Mancava il Sant'Antonio della fontana di piazza Sant'Angelo.
"O dov'è andato?" si domandavano tutti. Con la sciabola trinciando l'aria, Vittorio Emanuele II galoppò a cercarlo in piazza Sant'Angelo. La statua era lì, nella consueta posizione. Come? Il Santo non era diventato vero? Sì, era diventato vero. Ma, appena diventato vero, invece di andarsene, era rimasto nella stessa identica posizione del monumento, a guardare incantato i pesci rossi nella fontana. E non si muoveva.
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sayitaliano · 7 months
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Goodbye to Ettore Mo (left), journalist and former main war reporter of the Corriere della Sera (X); and to Luca goldoni (right) journalist and writer: some of his books' titles are 'Lei m'insegna', 'È gradito l'abito scuro', 'Italia al guinzaglio', 'Il sopravvissuto' (premio Fenice Europa), 'Il mare nell'anima', 'Cioé', 'Tranelli d'Italia', 'Francesco Baracca' and 'Non ho parole' (X)
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evilscuderia · 2 years
3. The Prancing Horse
"[The prancing horse] was originally painted on the side of Francesco Baracca's fighter plane – the fighter ace of WWI, the heroic aviator who died in Montello. When I won the first Circuito del Savio in 1923, which was held in Ravenna, I met Count Enrico Baracca, father of the hero. Through him, I also met the mother, Countess Paolina. She was the one who one day told me: "Mr Ferrari, put my son's prancing horse on your cars. It will bring you luck." I still treasure a photograph of Francesco Baracca – in the inscription, his parents entrust me with his emblem."
(Enzo Ferrari, Le mie gioie terribili)
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In the picture: Count Francesco Baracca (1888-1918), Italy's top fighter ace during WWI, pictured standing next to his SPAD XIII fighter with the prancing horse logo, which later became the emblem of Scuderia Ferrari. Before becoming a pilot, Baracca was a passionate equestrian and cavalryman.
part 3 of ?
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lamilanomagazine · 2 months
Bologna, sfonda il portone antipanico di un supermercato per rubare rum e champagne. Arrestato 38enne italiano per tentato furto aggravato
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Bologna, sfonda il portone antipanico di un supermercato per rubare rum e champagne. Arrestato 38enne italiano per tentato furto aggravato. I Carabinieri del Nucleo Radiomobile di Bologna hanno arrestato un 38enne italiano per tentato furto aggravato. È successo alle ore 23:50 del 18 febbraio 2024, quando i Carabinieri della Centrale Operativa di Bologna sono stati informati che una persona sospetta aveva tentato di allontanarsi dal supermercato Coop di via Francesco Baracca, dopo aver asportato una scatola. Giunti sul posto, i Carabinieri hanno rilevato che il presunto autore, identificato nel 38enne, dopo aver danneggiato una porta di sicurezza del magazzino della Coop, era entrato all'interno e aveva asportato una scatola contenente undici bottiglie, in particolare, sette di champagne e quattro di rum, facendo scattare l'allarme anti intrusione dei locali. La refurtiva del valore di 580 euro è stata recuperata dai Carabinieri e restituita al legittimo proprietario. Su disposizione della Procura della Repubblica di Bologna, il 38enne arrestato dai Carabinieri, già gravato da precedenti di polizia, anche recenti (due giorni fa era stato arrestato da un'altra forza di polizia per un fatto analogo) è stato trattenuto in camera di sicurezza, in attesa del giudizio direttissimo.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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bookmyblog · 7 months
The History of Ferrari: From Racing Heritage to Luxury Icon
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History of Ferrari Cars
Ferrari S.p.A. is an Italian luxury car manufacturer which specialises in the production of smart and sports cars based in Modena, Italy. The enterprise was originally called ‘Auto Avio Costruzioni’ and was established by Enzo Ferrari in the year 1939. He stepped foot in the manufacturing of cars after leaving the Alfa Romeo racing division. After this, he conquered success and growth with his talent and hard work.
In 2023, the company had a market worth of  $52.01 billion according to a report given by Stock Analysis. This growth and revenue were not a result of instant success but faced many failures and difficulties. In this blog post, we are going to discuss the history of and top models according to their rates.
The story of Ferrari started in the year 1929
The story of Ferrari started in the year 1929 and comes in 2023 with the manufacture of different sports cars and luxury models. Initially, the founder of the company, Enzo Ferrari named it Scuderia Ferrari or Ferrari Stable. Back then, the organization did not manufacture its cars but worked as contractors. They had a contract with Alfa Romeo, for whom they manufactured various automotives. Around September of 1939, Enzo resigned from his post at Alfa Romeo to start his own car company. However, Alfa put a condition on him that he would not put the name “Ferrari ” in any of his manufactured cars or sports cars for at least four years. Enzo agreed to this condition, and several days later he established a corporation called Auto Avio Costruzioni, which manufactured small aircraft engines in 1940.
In the meantime, Enzo also launched a sports car established on a Fiat platform named Tipo 815. It was the first ever car produced by his company.
In successive years, Enzo moved his production to his hometown in Maranello, Italy. After which, in 1947 the “Ferrari 125S” was launched. It was the first car launched in Maranello.
In the year 1957, Enzo renamed his company from Auto Avio Costruzioni to Auto Costruzioni Ferrari, which turned into Ferrari SpA in 1989. Because of the quality and appearance, the demand for these cars was too high. To manage the increasing market orders, Enzo sold 50% of his stakes to FIAT Group in 1969, and an additional 40% in 1988 making Fiat a majority shareholder by 90%.
In 1948, the designers worked on a non-racing model called Gran Turismo. This model had amazing controls and features such as a roof, windows, heaters, and leather upholstery. These models were hand-crafted by experienced Italian artisans with luxury Italian styling and craftsmanship. These cars at that time were distributed to suppliers in stock of ten or fewer cars at a time. When the car finally reached its owner, features such as the paint colour, upholstery, and exterior trim were decided. This is how the company functioned until Fiat took over in 1969.
After the death of Enzo in 1988, the enterprise went through a hard time and Fiat decided to hire Luca Cordero di Montezemolo as chairman and managing director in 1991. During the revamping process, the company introduced various new models which gave customers a range of Ferrari electric cars. In 2014, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles announced its separation from its primary functions to turn it into an autonomous brand. In 2015 it became an Initial Public Offering.
About Ferrari Logo
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The Ferrari logo is famous for its black prancing stallion on a yellow background derived from the World War I Italian air force pilot Francesco Baracca. The story behind the formation of the logo is unique and subjective as the parents of Baraccas approached Enzo to paint the striding horse on his cars and keep the sign of their son alive. Along with that, they also revealed that it is a symbol of good luck. Enzo approved this request but painted the horse black instead of red as a symbol of grieving Baracca.
The original symbol appeared for the first time in the year 1929. It consisted of a yellow shield that symbolises Modena Enzo’s hometown, red and white bars at the top, ‘S’ and ‘F’ initials for Scuderia Ferrari, and the black horse in the middle.
In the meantime, the logo changed multiple times due to repeated upgrades and company renames. But in 2002, the logo was redesigned and included the colours of the Italian flag, giving the badge a smoother and more elegant look.
Top Ferrari Cars
Over the years, the company has manufactured and launched several premium and luxury cars. Here are the best and most searched cars in history.
1.   The iconic Ferrari F40
The Ferrari F40 is considered the legend of all cars because of its built quality and luxurious experience. It was built to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the company and comprised stunning features and controls. It was made using advanced material sciences and included the use of carbon fibre and bonded Kevlar panels. It was highly comfortable and convenient, the seats were ultra-lightweight, and the dash was simple aside from a few switches and gauges. The internal door handles and armrests were replaced by simple pull-cords to open the door. Considering, it was the first supercar to do more than 200 mph (320 km/h) without ABS brakes or any electronic controls, makes it a legend of history.
2.   Ferrari 458 – A timeless beauty
Ferrari 458 was launched in the year 2009 and currently costs around INR 3,86,54,281.00. It is a type F142 mid-engine sports car produced as the successor of the F430. It was succeeded by the 488 GTB Gran Turismo Berlinetta in the year 2015. The car has an extremely beautiful design, combining technologies from the company’s experience in Formula One.
3.   Ferrari F8
The Ferrari F8 is the replacement for the 488 model, with exterior and performance modifications. The launch of the car was announced at the 2019 Geneva Motor Show and instantly created hype among the audience because of its performance and specifications. It uses the same engine as the 488 Pista, with a power output of 720 PS at 8000 rpm and 770 N⋅m of torque at 3250 rpm. This makes it the most powerful V8-powered car produced in history. It also uses turbo rev sensors, to maximise the efficiency of the turbochargers based on the power from the pedal.
Ferrari is the most admirable and iconic car manufacturer to date. The company has manufactured various cars with powerful engines, making them the most superior and prestigious sports cars winning over 5,000 prizes in various competitions. In this blog post, we have discussed the history of cars, the best models, and the logo.
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bookmyblogs1 · 7 months
The History of Ferrari: From Racing Heritage to Luxury Icon
History of Ferrari Cars
Ferrari S.p.A. is an Italian luxury car manufacturer which specialises in the production of smart and sports cars based in Modena, Italy. The enterprise was originally called ‘Auto Avio Costruzioni’ and was established by Enzo Ferrari in the year 1939. He stepped foot in the manufacturing of cars after leaving the Alfa Romeo racing division. After this, he conquered success and growth with his talent and hard work.
In 2023, the company had a market worth of  $52.01 billion according to a report given by Stock Analysis. This growth and revenue were not a result of instant success but faced many failures and difficulties. In this blog post, we are going to discuss the history of and top models according to their rates.
The story of Ferrari started in the year 1929
The story of Ferrari started in the year 1929 and comes in 2023 with the manufacture of different sports cars and luxury models. Initially, the founder of the company, Enzo Ferrari named it Scuderia Ferrari or Ferrari Stable. Back then, the organization did not manufacture its cars but worked as contractors. They had a contract with Alfa Romeo, for whom they manufactured various automotives. Around September of 1939, Enzo resigned from his post at Alfa Romeo to start his own car company. However, Alfa put a condition on him that he would not put the name “Ferrari ” in any of his manufactured cars or sports cars for at least four years. Enzo agreed to this condition, and several days later he established a corporation called Auto Avio Costruzioni, which manufactured small aircraft engines in 1940.
In the meantime, Enzo also launched a sports car established on a Fiat platform named Tipo 815. It was the first ever car produced by his company.
In successive years, Enzo moved his production to his hometown in Maranello, Italy. After which, in 1947 the “Ferrari 125S” was launched. It was the first car launched in Maranello.
In the year 1957, Enzo renamed his company from Auto Avio Costruzioni to Auto Costruzioni Ferrari, which turned into Ferrari SpA in 1989. Because of the quality and appearance, the demand for these cars was too high. To manage the increasing market orders, Enzo sold 50% of his stakes to FIAT Group in 1969, and an additional 40% in 1988 making Fiat a majority shareholder by 90%.
In 1948, the designers worked on a non-racing model called Gran Turismo. This model had amazing controls and features such as a roof, windows, heaters, and leather upholstery. These models were hand-crafted by experienced Italian artisans with luxury Italian styling and craftsmanship. These cars at that time were distributed to suppliers in stock of ten or fewer cars at a time. When the car finally reached its owner, features such as the paint colour, upholstery, and exterior trim were decided. This is how the company functioned until Fiat took over in 1969.
After the death of Enzo in 1988, the enterprise went through a hard time and Fiat decided to hire Luca Cordero di Montezemolo as chairman and managing director in 1991. During the revamping process, the company introduced various new models which gave customers a range of Ferrari electric cars. In 2014, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles announced its separation from its primary functions to turn it into an autonomous brand. In 2015 it became an Initial Public Offering.
About Ferrari Logo
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The Ferrari logo is famous for its black prancing stallion on a yellow background derived from the World War I Italian air force pilot Francesco Baracca. The story behind the formation of the logo is unique and subjective as the parents of Baraccas approached Enzo to paint the striding horse on his cars and keep the sign of their son alive. Along with that, they also revealed that it is a symbol of good luck. Enzo approved this request but painted the horse black instead of red as a symbol of grieving Baracca.
The original symbol appeared for the first time in the year 1929. It consisted of a yellow shield that symbolises Modena Enzo’s hometown, red and white bars at the top, ‘S’ and ‘F’ initials for Scuderia Ferrari, and the black horse in the middle.
In the meantime, the logo changed multiple times due to repeated upgrades and company renames. But in 2002, the logo was redesigned and included the colours of the Italian flag, giving the badge a smoother and more elegant look.
Top Ferrari Cars
Over the years, the company has manufactured and launched several premium and luxury cars. Here are the best and most searched cars in history.
1.   The iconic Ferrari F40
The Ferrari F40 is considered the legend of all cars because of its built quality and luxurious experience. It was built to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the company and comprised stunning features and controls. It was made using advanced material sciences and included the use of carbon fibre and bonded Kevlar panels. It was highly comfortable and convenient, the seats were ultra-lightweight, and the dash was simple aside from a few switches and gauges. The internal door handles and armrests were replaced by simple pull-cords to open the door. Considering, it was the first supercar to do more than 200 mph (320 km/h) without ABS brakes or any electronic controls, makes it a legend of history.
2.   Ferrari 458 – A timeless beauty
Ferrari 458 was launched in the year 2009 and currently costs around INR 3,86,54,281.00. It is a type F142 mid-engine sports car produced as the successor of the F430. It was succeeded by the 488 GTB Gran Turismo Berlinetta in the year 2015. The car has an extremely beautiful design, combining technologies from the company’s experience in Formula One.
3.   Ferrari F8
The Ferrari F8 is the replacement for the 488 model, with exterior and performance modifications. The launch of the car was announced at the 2019 Geneva Motor Show and instantly created hype among the audience because of its performance and specifications. It uses the same engine as the 488 Pista, with a power output of 720 PS at 8000 rpm and 770 N⋅m of torque at 3250 rpm. This makes it the most powerful V8-powered car produced in history. It also uses turbo rev sensors, to maximise the efficiency of the turbochargers based on the power from the pedal.
Ferrari is the most admirable and iconic car manufacturer to date. The company has manufactured various cars with powerful engines, making them the most superior and prestigious sports cars winning over 5,000 prizes in various competitions. In this blog post, we have discussed the history of cars, the best models, and the logo.
Frequently Asked Questions
What made Ferrari famous?
Ferrari car designs have made it famous.
What makes the Ferrari 458 so special?
Ferrari 48 is famous for its powerful engine and prestigious appearance.
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flyeurope · 7 months
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italianiinguerra · 2 years
19 giugno 1918, muore Francesco Baracca
19 giugno 1918, muore Francesco Baracca
Al culmine della Battaglia del Solstizio, il 19 giugno 1918, circa alle 18,15 dal campo di volo di Quinto di Treviso due velivoli pilotati da Francesco Baracca e dal suo gregario Franco Osnago decollarono per una missione di mitragliamento a bassa quota contro le truppe austro-ungariche che avevano occupato parte del Montello. Sarà l’ultimo volo dell’Asso degli Assi della nostra Aviazione nella…
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kssingh · 7 months
Ferreri LoGo **FACTS**☺️☺️
The iconic prancing horse emblem of Ferrari, one of the most recognized logos in the automotive world, traces its origin to a rather intriguing history. The symbol finds its roots in the heroism of Francesco Baracca, an esteemed World War I airman. The emblem that graces Ferrari's vehicles was originally painted on Baracca's fighter plane. In a meeting with Enzo Ferrari in 1923, Count Enrico Baracca, Francesco's father, and Countess Paulina, his mother, suggested that Ferrari incorporate their son's prancing horse on his cars for good luck. Honoring their request, Ferrari introduced the horse as his logo but rendered it in black on a canary yellow background, symbolizing his birthplace, Modena.
The debut of this now-famous emblem came in 1932 at the Grand Prix of Spa. The prancing horse was emblazoned on the Alfa Romeo cars raced by the Scuderia team. The emblem was displayed within a shield and topped by the Italian flag, with the letters 'S' and 'F' standing for Scuderia Ferrari. However, the emblem's journey towards its current iteration was far from over.
A critical transformation of the logo occurred in 1947 with the unveiling of the 125S, the first car produced in Maranello. The prancing horse, still set against the yellow backdrop, appeared without the protective shield. Simultaneously, the 'S' and 'F' were replaced by the brand name 'Ferrari'. The emblem had undergone a significant makeover, reflecting a new era for the brand.
Since this change, the revised logo has been a constant on all Ferrari vehicles, becoming a symbol of speed, luxury, and excellence in automotive engineering. The prancing horse emblem has not only brought luck to the Ferrari brand, as Countess Paulina once hoped, but also turned it into an enduring symbol of Italy's rich motoring history. Enzo Ferrari's decision to adopt and adapt the emblem has indeed led to the birth of an iconic brand, with its logo holding as much significance as the world-class cars it produces.
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bfphotostorie · 1 year
www.instagram.com/p/CqdtO53onb9/ I cacciatori del cielo, il film con Beppe Fiorello girato a Nervesa Da pochi giorni è stato trasmesso su Rai1 il nuovo film di Giuseppe Fiorello dove intrepreta l’avvincente storia del Maggiore Francesco Baracca, il principale asso dell’aviazione italiana durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale. Il film è stato trasmesso in occasione del centenario dell’Aeronautica…
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kritere · 1 year
La vera storia di Francesco Baracca e le ipotesi sulla morte dell’asso dell’Aeronautica
DIRETTA TV 29 Marzo 2023 La storia di Francesco Baracca, asso dell’aviazione italiana: le battaglie vinte, le onoreficenze e le ipotesi sulla morte del “Cavallino rampante”. 1 CONDIVISIONI Francesco Baracca è stato pioniere del volo e asso dell’aeronautica militare italiana durante la prima guerra mondiale e sicuramente l’aviatore più famoso del nostro Paese in quei tempi in cui pilotare un…
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