#GGDD my love
bzhitstruth · 8 months
A little about the types of "candy"
I apologize in advance for my English - this is not my native language, I do not speak well (and maybe sometimes I speak like Master Yoda).
Recently, there has been a wave of outrage among the turtles on Tumblr, because from time to time there are malicious anti-accounts that try to devalue our fandom and “wash” candies. This pissed me off and I decided to write a post.
But now this is not about these accounts.
I want to organize (mostly for myself) candies and arguments that we all love so much and look for in every GGDD action.
I am of the opinion that many of the candies are probably really wrong, but this is very individual, and if many people are happy with candies that seem unconvincing to me, they have every right to be. I also have candies that I strongly believe in and, in my opinion, they can not be "washed".
Maybe my "organization" will help someone better understand and also determine for themselves what kind of candy are more reliable, and which ones can be "washed" over time (and are really unintentional).
And one more thing: all these my fabrications are completely fantasy and fake, I just talk about all sorts of nonsense, in reality this nothing doesn't exist! 🤡🤡🤡
There are a lot of materials in Yizhan's world, I will give only a few examples. You don't have to agree with me at all. Everyone has their favorite “candies”, if you are so interested of GG and DD that you want to follow their life and work, then on this way you will find many exciting and intriguing details that you personally will like.
1. "Numeric candy" in social networks — kadian
I like kadian very much. I won’t talk about what it means and how to use it, many already know, and who doesn’t know, there are many materials on this topic, for example, there is good post of @rainbowsky.
Before, when I first became a turtle, I counted everything that was published by GGDD, but over time I realized that this is not worth doing. It is unlikely that DD, GG or their teams bother counting the date and time numbers in each post. It's just absurd and no one busy person would do that. But I think they make sure the numbers look neutral and won't post every day 28 or 23 knowing full well what it mean.
On the other hand, I believe that the direct kadian (for example, the time 18:33 or 23:38) wasn't made by chance.
Sometimes I believe in kadian with counting numbers (for example, 1+8+5+9 = 23), and I have reasons for this - sometimes they both publish such kadian (for example, 28 and 23) on the same day, and that reduces the likelihood of coincidence.
If someone is trying to "wash" kadian, then his argument can be only one thing - "this is an accident." It is impossible to prove intentionality or unintentionality of numbers. In this case, you'd better just decide for yourself whether you believe it's an accidentally or not. Look at the type of post with kadian (it is most less likely in advertising and it absents in posts on social and political topics), what circumstances preceded it and what happened after it. And if you understand for yourself that in this case it is quite appropriate, then no "washing" is valid here - kadian, by definition, cannot be "washed", it's just a matter of probability and faith.
I will give a little example, when the kadian in the ad looked suspicious, and I am inclined to believe in it - this is the time of the publication of GG's advertisement at 10:18 on March 26, 2023. Yes, this is just an advertisement that GG constantly publishes in the morning. But firstly, the timestamp :18 is completely atypical for him, secondly, he knows perfectly well what it means and what kind of reaction may follow, and thirdly, the accompanying circumstances. This post appeared on the morning after the ambiguous Weibo Night, they were in the same city, and in the morning GG was leaving, and bad rumors and gossip spread immediately after the event. I personally believe in this kadian, because for me the circumstances are convincing, but in each specific case, everyone decides for himself.
This category also includes GG's posts of 18 (actually 33) or 12 (actually 28) photos with which he periodically pleases us, 18 photos, including 8 “movie tickets” from GG. It is impossible to prove whether this is a coincidence or not. Look at the likelihood and yourself decide. I believe in this kadian.
2. "Numeric candy" (kadian) that GG and DD demonstrate personally
These are the hands and numbers on watches, the numbers on the sleeves, above the head, spoken verbally personally by GG and DD etc.
I noticed this most often with DD: the numbers 31 and 5 on DD's jacket before GG's birthday, 21:33 on the clock above DD's head in Los Angeles, 32-33 on DD's sleeve on June 21, “2nd row 30th place, 3rd row 20th place” at a fan meeting in Qingdao, and the like.
As for the GG, he has an episode in the vlog on February 7, when someone stops the radio dial at numbers 8 and 3. Although GG himself is not in the frame at that time, this is still his vlog, and it seemed remarkable to me. GG makes it more elegant and not so obvious (the picture can be enlarged).
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Can it be "washed"? Some of this, of course, can be controversial and it can be explained as coincidence. For example, a clock display in LA could show a random time. Or DD not chosen the clothes with numbers by himself, but the brand insisted on this (I believe that this is DD's choice).
But how do you "wash" what DD said personally twice at the fan meeting if he and the whole world know perfectly well what those numbers are? If the anti's claim that he "disapproves bjyx" were true, then this just could never happen.
And Y.-Off. posted on Instagram that photo from LA with 21:33, and in fact they could easily not have done this, but they did.
3. Specific things that are pretty obvious
One example of such things is the glowing BJYX sign posted on Weibo by DD's team on October 29, from the final of SDC5. This photo was placed in the very center, and the light sign could be easily cut off or simply erased, and a million photos were taken at the final, but this was chosen. Try to explain why the person who allegedly "disapproves bjyx" did this. This is the very reliable and loud candy.
The same category includes DD's “sneakers and ice cream”, “give the scorpions to WB” (GG's food vlog in Qindao), UGG shoes in GG's vlog June, 7, the text “heart with a mole” in DD's Weibo post on April 26, 2023, and the like.
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Something can be "washed", for example famous GG's "rainbow" umbrella, which many considered as such for a couple of years, turned out to be black, we had seen this in his recent July vlog.
You can try to “wash” UGG, refer to the fact that DD was not yet a brand spokesperson when the vlog was filmed. But going back to the previous point - GG KNOWS who the brand ambassador is now, he KNOWS how it will be perceived, other things in the room are blurred and hidden but shoes are on display. It is unlikely that he and his studio did this publication in a state of clouding of mind.
4. Very subjective things that are perceived emotionally and awaken the imagination
These are meaningful words in the songs, the “wedding” outfit on Weibo Night, mention of lychee and camping, a certain arrangement of photos, GG's photo with the dog, DD's T-shirt with the dog. Where DD looked and how smiled, how GG greeted DD's colleague in a special way, images and allegories that GG shows in vlogs and uses in interviews. Jaw and finger DDGG (which pops up again and again and haunts turtles! I'm agnostic about this "candy"). GG's drawings, DD's dances, "I'm out of the habit of spicy food", voices of GG and DD behind the scenes, birthday greetings to DD, sunset, moon and so on.
And our favorite bone necklace also falls into this category, because no one knows exactly where it comes from and what it really means for DD. We can only believe or not believe.
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This is the most vulnerable category due to its extreme subjectivity. This is purely a matter of faith and individual perception.
Sometimes such candy are "washed" by GG or DD themselves. If you remember, in November 2022 GG posted several photos, and among them one with incomprehensible blurry red-blue stripes. Many have decided that this is blurred photo of Lego "Titanic", which GG bought for DD. But in the December vlog, GG showed that those were streetlights that he filmed from the car. He sometimes advises us to hold our horses.
I really love things of this kind, I like to look for strokes in the drawings and peer into the photos of GG, guess what this or that emotion can mean, and what DD wanted to say with his dance. GG especially likes to make such riddles, his vlogs are special works of art, I always really look forward to them and find a lot of secrets in them.
It is very difficult to confirm these things. It is unlikely that GG will ever come forward and say what he really meant by drawing two boys on the beach … But I hope at least a small part of this will someday be clearer. Let it be so.
5. Timing of actions
After a long silence on social networks, the posts of both appear one after another. Or after a suspicious period of time - for example, after 13 or 85 minutes, or after 3 hours and 28 minutes. Same posts style. Simultaneous arrival in Beijing after the Hong Kong concert, supposedly from different cities. IP addresses from the same location. The gestures that DD made at the "water show" on July 10, GG shows us the next day in his vlog.
The simultaneous disappearance of both from the field of vision (August 4, 2023), GG being late for work during the DD's illness. This can be “washed” if you prove, for example, that there were definitely other reasons for being late or absence.
An example of such "washed candy" - many thought that GGDD were together on DD's birthday in 2022, but later it turned out that this wasn't.
6. Clothes
I put this in the separate category, because this section is quite large. These are fun candies that many turtles love (myself included). We've already lost count of the same brands that GG and DD wear. It is difficult to "wash" such candy, because that they both wore We11done, Alexander McQueen or Maison Kitsune is a fact. This is observed very often, and sometimes things of the same brand appear after a short period of time.
If I'm not mistaken, once was counted about a hundred matches in GGDD clothes (now there are probably more), and it was noticed that DD's employees used things those brands are represented by GG and on the contrary.
7. Acquaintances, colleagues and friends
These are a few people who sometimes hint to us that they know something. This is “Uncle Lan”, other CQL colleagues, DDU brothers, songwriter and her comics, colleagues from the industry, I won’t tell names, they are known among the turtles.
Sometimes their hints are quite transparent, and we are always happy to see that GG and DD are supported by other people in their circle.
To refute it is the same as to assert that all these people have conspired and are fooling us for some reason for years. Agree that this is absurd!
In addition to all this, beyond any categories, we have BTS of CQL, Rumor Houses and BottledJoy. There's been a real circus going on with BottledJoy lately, so it will be very interesting to see where this all leads, and it's a very funny to watch them performances.
Perhaps I forgot something important and didn't mention some categories, because there are too many materials regarding Yizhan. And this is great, because even if a few candies are "washed off", we will not lose anything, we always have many others!
And no antis can cope so much evidence that we believe in and that tells (and sometimes just screams) to us, that BJYXSZD💚���️.
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stoopid-turtle · 8 months
Timeline of GGDD Love
Hi yall. This is the index post for the BTS in Order posts. This is the post to bookmark if you want to refer to it later! (The first chunk is just copypasta from the April intro. Read More to get to the links)
I've looked for timelines of the bts before, but what I've found relies heavily on video clips, many of which I don't have access to. So I decided to make a text-focused timeline in English for the bts because I'm all up in my hyperfocus.
I mainly used this playlist on billibilli, though I also looked at a few other playlists (I didn't keep links, I suck). If I came across a video/reference w another date listed for the clip, I added the alternate date in parenthesis at the end. I chose to primarily follow this playlist bc it has a LOT of clips, has clips for every day, and doesn't have anything that immediately jumps out at me as wrong. I also cross-referenced with accio-victuuri's BJYX Timeline bc it's the most complete English timeline I've seen, and I respect the effort involved. And I ultimately I triple-checked against this weibo timeline. Again, alternate dates noted in parenthesis. Not all sources always agreed.
(the note on the primary playlist has this as its explanation of its dating: 广告���官宣日期为整体依据,若跨年度拍摄,则以最新发布日期为依据整理。Which Google translates to "The advertisement is based on the official announcement date as a whole and, if shot across the year, on the latest release date." I can't parse that so *shrug*)
I've listed out the bts scenes by date. I try to describe the known scenes, though I don't list out in detail EVERYTHING that happens (if I say "Xuanwu cave, bondage conversation", I assume you all know everything else that happens around that moment)(Though sometimes I get hype and fangirlish in the descriptions). A lot of scenes were unknown to me, so I tried to describe the setting, costumes, and vaguely what's happening. Most of the scenes I did recognize had more to the clip than the ones I've seen translated.
As none of what I watched had translations, I can't provide much context with that, I'm afraid. I also do not think these are in order within a day. I don't have any way to tell, so the timeline within the day, itself, is probably wonky.
I only included bts for the most part, not stuff the boys were doing outside the production. Everything's color coded. Scenes with only gg are in red. Scenes with only dd are in green. Scenes with both are orange (yellow just isn't readable, sorry). (If there's text with no color, just assume it's the same as the last colored text)
I wrote this literally by going back and forth between billibilli and Google Keep, so the notes are a little off the cuff. Let me know if you have questions or if you don't understand something. Or if you can't identify a particular bts scene you're curious about.
People are also completely free to take this and flesh it out if they want by adding the non-bts stuff. Any mistakes are mine. People are free to correct it as well. Basically, consider this public property for other turtles. So take it, make it your own, create a comprehensive google sheet that details everything in pretty color-coded order with media links that are cross-referenced, filterable, and sortable or whatever (PLEASE SOMEBODY DO THIS).
No need to credit. If you feel you have to, just say a stoopid turtle did it.
The timeline of ggdd love yue tag
April BTS In Order
April Summary + Takeaways
May BTS In Order Pt 1
May BTS in Order Pt 2
May Summary + Takeaways
June BTS In Order Pt 1
June BTS in Order Pt 2
June Summary + Takeaways
July BTS In Order Pt 1
July BTS in Order Pt 2
July Summary + Takeaways
Aug BTS In Order Pt 1
Aug BTS in Order Pt 2
Aug Summary + Takeaways
Overall Summary + Takeaways
Addendum 1
Addendum 2
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rainbowsky · 2 months
Hi Rainbow 🌈, I love your blog, I always come to you to get your views.Hope you are doing well. May I ask the rumours about DD recently aiming to get intention away from incidents or political issues in China. It seemed to me things happened similarly with the other celebrities in China🤔 So we have to be more careful what we say about GGDD as the international fans. Looking forward to see GG in Milan. Thanks
Hi groguj23! I'm doing OK but let me tell you this cedar, alder and juniper breeding season is kicking my ass! Trees can be so indiscriminate about their mating rituals...
I hope you're well! Thanks so much for your kind words, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog. 😊
Yeah, unfortunately when there's something going on in China that's unpopular with the public you'll frequently see a sudden huge uptick in celebrity gossip and scandals. It is what it is.
As I said in this recent post, what we say about GG and DD internationally isn't very likely to have much of an impact on them. We simply aren't that relevant, in part because the average Chinese citizen will never see our words from behind the great firewall, in part because we are a drop in the bucket compared with the Chinese market, and in part because we're dismissable as debauched Westerners.
That isn't to say there aren't things we should always be circumspect about (and I talk about that in more detail here), but I don't think we should spend any time hand-wringing over what turtles say in the international fandom unless it falls into those categories.
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potteresque-ire · 2 years
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My favourite, out of my favourites. ❤️ 
The eyes, oh, the eyes. The profile is perfect, the lighting is perfect, the necklace is perfect, the water drops are perfect (honestly, I’d cling on that skin too if I were a H2O). 
c-turtles often call Gg ��媧炫技之作. 
女媧 Nvwa is the Mother Goddess of ancient Chinese mythology, the creator of humankind but unlike Bible!God who stopped at the prototype (Adam), she handcrafted the first humans one by one. 炫技 is to flaunt one’s skills, and 作 is the finished work; product. 女媧炫技之作 is, therefore, the product of Nvwa flaunting her skills. 
Some may have noticed that my blog is strangely devoid of human faces, despite my being a GgDd fan. Confession: I can be a bit weird about looking at images of humans, in that I require mental preparation to look at them. I don’t know why that is: their visual complexity, perhaps. As such, while I love beautiful faces as much as everyone else, too many of them, and I still get overwhelmed. They take energy away from me.
I can look at this photo all day though — this is an exceptionally rare thing; I’ve encountered < 100 photos like this in my life. Art is calming to me and so, I wonder, if my brain has decided that this photo has crossed the line between reality and art.
What can I say? Our Mother Goddess Nvwa is, apparently, 1) a show-off, 2) grossly unfair, and 3) debtor of the major sleep I lost last night. 😊
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pharrezychica · 2 years
On the third anniversary of CQL airing I felt the need to post something about it.
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Because this drama means so much to me… I jumped on the wagon pretty late. I kept seeing posts here about it but didn’t want to fall for the hype, so I put off watching it for a long time. I finally gave in more or less a year later, I think it was late summer of 2020. And I’m so glad that I did. I fell in love with the story, the characters, the setting… It was my first Chinese drama and it blew me away. I started reading the novel soon after (and lots of fics!). 2 years later and I still love this drama so much, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wanji story changed me. It’s such a beautiful, meaningful story, with so many layers, touching not only on friendship and love but also family, politics, the weight public opinion has and what it can do… I’m not articulate enough to express all that this story is but it left such a big impact on me.
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And of course Wangxian love story. Gave a new meaning to what soulmates really mean. At no point that romance turned cheesy, it’s so beautifully written in all of its moments. And Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo were truly the perfect Wei Wuxian and Lan Wanji. No one could have captured their essence and their feelings as well as those two did.
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And now almost 2 years later, CQL has an even bigger meaning to me, now that I care about Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo as much as I do.
Another case of me not wanting to give in… When I first saw people “shipping them” I thought it was just another case of fans shipping the actors based on the story, reading too much into things. So I didn’t check on the actors and stayed away from what at the time thought was RPF.
Then a friend of mine (that I didn’t even know had seen CQL) mentioned GGDD, talked about their story and I started to look into things… And months later here I am. A full fledged bjxzsdz turtle.
And so CQL became even more meaningful to me. I’m so thankful to those who produced this drama. To those who fought to have it made. To those who cast all of the actors, each and every one perfect for their roles. For being the place where GGDD had the time and freedom to get close and be free with their feelings. That summer truly must have felt like a dream to them. It brought them so much, and in return gave us so much.
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So thank you A-ling. For being an amazing piece of art. For giving us XZ and WY. For bringing them together. For… True Feelings 💛
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jounosparticles · 3 months
the newest chapter! yay!
uh uh I really liked it too :3 I was eating the young fukufuku up I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. it was really refreshing to get a long chapter after such short ones and especially after a break!! like a little treat to throw to a bunch of fish JDBNF
uh fyolai.......m hrgr. rhbe yea but! also chuuyas little quips and trying to get dazai in but dazai being like "no I think thats enough" is a really neat detail. dazai having won the game and gets to live and FINALLY besting fyodor and he has the decency to not gloat about it in front of nikolai who is very conflicted but grieving about his (boy)friend's horrific death. it's nice. it's human. I love it.
fukuchi in the novel being like "I wanted to apologize for not keeping in touch" I'm ahagsgs a are you KIDDING ME!!! AASGGGRE he still thought of fukuzawa and had guilt over not contacting him I'm gonna go crazy. running laps they make me so ill
and young fukufuku THE BABIES!!! I love them they're so cute AGHDE GGDD. GSVS. the panel of fukuchi holding up the hojicha is so stupid he's so stupid i NEED to bite him. love them. creatures....
anyway :3 pray we get tecchou crumbs next chapter 🙏
also side note I hope the manga explains what happened in the 1 hour time frame of "fukuchi is dead and everything is ok" to "there is a god here and we are back in the shit" hopefully.
the way fukuzawa and fukuchi acted UGHHHB MY HEART. the way they look at each other with such fondness and sadness in their eyes. Ouch. ough. they break my soul if we don’t see more reminiscing i will cry real life tears.
and i did like how dazai shows a bit of humanity towards a grieving nikolai. it would have really ruined the moment otherwise. dazai really hated fyodor yet he still gave nikolai time to grieve which shows tremendous growth in his maturity.
im hoping we get that one shot of tecchou next chapter please. really im praying the suegiku reuniting wasn’t cut from the anime so im hoping it happens in that little two hour gap and is animated next season. i will Sob if it was cut.
im sure we will find out what happens in those couple hours as well. a couple cooldown chapters are in need after how tense things have been.
but god please i hope we catch up quickly
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rarelyagoodthing · 1 year
A warm welcome to all fellow bxg/turtles who are coming from other social media! I have prepared you all a gift (especially for baby turtles!) and also decided to properly introduce myself to this fandom 💛
The Tumblr yizhan fandom had always been peaceful and is a peaceful place for fans of both gg and dd. From my experience, which is a bit limited (I tended to keep my interest in all things gg and dd offline and with my friends), this place had and has far less trouble than the Twitter fandom. I had always advocated for peace and to not engage antis so my advice to you is to curate your space and spare yourselves needless headaches by avoiding them entirely. We are fans of both gg and dd and that's all that matters.
Pay attention to tags because unlike Twitter, Tumblr heavily depends on tags. My advice to you is to follow tags that are of interest to you and to locate fellow bxg within them.
I've been keeping a list of background (ent. industry/politics/culture) posts for newcomers to yizhan. I am somewhat a person who tends to archive a lot of things and keep them organized and available at all times. I hadn't really kept my archive up to date (2022 is a busy year for me) but I hope you'll find the following posts helpful!
Dangai 101 phenomenon
Is it reasonable to blame gg or dd for the behavior of antis?
Breaking the CP (Couple)
The Cultural Context
How does shipping them openly affect them?
BJB to criminalize “soft violence��
CP competition (Why must the supertopic be Num.1?)
Regarding dd being hated on because of CQL
Fandom Talk (post 227)
gg going through a rebrand?
CCTV Reporting on Homosexuality: 2005-2017
The bitter relationship between solo fans and cpf
Regarding CQL and BL
Questions regarding bjyx
On clothes and style
Artists in long-distance relationship
Economic value of cpf
Turtles being banned from events
Unpacking Asian masculinity
gg's pr response (relating to 227) - more here
Breaking the CP #2
On Style - here, here and here
Sharing Clothes
(industry-related) about LGBT and “CQL”
bjyx supertopic lore
about Ace Troops
about Instagram accounts
Meta series on ZZH's incident - the upheaval of c-ent in 2021
Regarding dd leaving DDU (ttxs)
More recent:
Meta series on propaganda reposts
About Chinese paparazzi
The Big Politics Meta
About the inspirational ads
Article on Fan Culture in China
The people these posts come from have been my favorite posters in this fandom and my "go to source" even back when I was a baby turtle in 2020.
If you're totally new and are looking for a good place to start with these two then you can check the timeline compiled here (or over here) as well as check out:
BXG Calendar
GG and DD’s Projects
Glossary of BXG Terms
A bit more about me: I just recently made this blog more ggdd-oriented but have been a fan of these two since late 2020. I'm an older turtle that had kept an eye on both of them yet had decided to essentially resurrect this old blog of mine and make it more ggdd-oriented. I will be here to stay as their fan (even if I get a bit busy) because I realized that connecting with fellow bxg outside of the friends I talk with would be a welcoming experience. I love them both equally and a lot (I share passions with both gg and dd; art, racing, dancing, etc.) and if you decide to follow me, I post under the "ragt speaks" tag where I'll either fawn over them separately or talk about candy. If you have any questions (be it that you're looking for something, want to get to know me more, want my opinion on certain topics, etc.) please feel free to ask me!
A few facts about me are that I have been learning Chinese for three years now (very slowly progressing but getting there), that I'm a lesbian, heavily into poetry, art and dramas.
Again, a warm welcome to all of you! It always fills me with joy to see new fans of both gg and dd since they're amazing! I also hope I'll be able to connect to as many bxg/turtles as possible. 💛
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zhansww · 2 years
Hi ia have gone through your analysis.onntye yizhan journey since 2017, have 1 query regarding the Zhans Japan trip, is it speculation that he went there to clear his thoughts on Yibo.Also you mentioned that zhan changed his number and did not share with Yibo so is that true. So once untamed was aired in 2019 so we're they in relationship and are they still together? Sorry for such a big query.Just a curious fan
Hey :)
Hmm, you say you've gone through my analysis but I never mentioned gg's Japan trip in any of my posts. I never agreed with what cp fans speculated about that. Zhan-ge said that he likes to travel after finishing a role because it helps him fully get out of a character. That's literally it. I don't know about him, changing his number.
Ggdd have known each other since mid-2016. I don't know about Yibo but for Zhan-ge, it was love at first sight. They didn't get together until six months later, though, so around January 2017. In other words, they were already together before and when they filmed/released The Untamed and yes, they are definitely still together. They are actually married since January 2020, not officially but still. We've seen the ring gg wore around a necklace under his shirt in a vlog and the ring dd had in his pocket during a performance. They are in this for the rest of their lives, I have no doubt. I don't know if they'll ever be able to come out and be open about their relationship but that's something we're all hoping for, isn't it...
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huigusu · 2 years
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What were your first impressions of each other?
BAZAAR The Untamed Photoshoot Interview
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yibocheeks · 3 years
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Xiao Zhan for Dragon TV Spring Gala 2021
“Maybe this year there will be a lot of people like me, not able to visit home and meet with family. Not being able to meet up with childhood friends. But the city we're in now has already become our new home. We've met new friends, and colleagues who are like family...when a city has a light that shines for you, then it becomes your home.”
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bzhitstruth · 6 months
Two in Paris
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stoopid-turtle · 9 months
BTS In Order - April
I've looked for timelines of the bts before, but what I've found relies heavily on video clips, many of which I don't have access to. So I decided to make a text-focused timeline in English for the bts because I'm all up in my hyperfocus.
I mainly used this playlist on billibilli, though I also looked at a few other playlists (I didn't keep links, I suck). If I came across a video/reference w another date listed for the clip, I added the alternate date in parenthesis at the end. I chose to primarily follow this playlist bc it has a LOT of clips, has clips for every day, and doesn't have anything that immediately jumps out at me as wrong. I also cross-referenced with accio-victuuri's BJYX Timeline bc it's the most complete English timeline I've seen, and I respect the effort involved. And I ultimately I triple-checked against this weibo timeline. Again, alternate dates noted in parenthesis. Not all sources always agreed.
(the note on the primary playlist has this as its explanation of its dating: 广告以官宣日期为整体依据,若跨年度拍摄,则以最新发布日期为依据整理。Which Google translates to "The advertisement is based on the official announcement date as a whole and, if shot across the year, on the latest release date." I can't parse that so *shrug*)
I've listed out the bts scenes by date. I try to describe the known scenes, though I don't list out in detail EVERYTHING that happens (if I say "Xuanwu cave, bondage conversation", I assume you all know everything else that happens around that moment)(Though sometimes I get hype and fangirlish in the descriptions). A lot of scenes were unknown to me, so I tried to describe the setting, costumes, and vaguely what's happening. Most of the scenes I did recognize had more to the clip than the ones I've seen translated.
As none of what I watched had translations, I can't provide much context with that, I'm afraid. I also do not think these are in order within a day. I don't have any way to tell, so the timeline within the day, itself, is probably wonky.
I only included bts for the most part, not stuff the boys were doing outside the production. Everything's color coded. Scenes with only gg are in red. Scenes with only dd are in green. Scenes with both are orange (yellow just isn't readable, sorry). (If there's text with no color, just assume it's the same as the last colored text)
I wrote this literally by going back and forth between billibilli and Google Keep, so the notes are a little off the cuff. Let me know if you have questions or if you don't understand something. Or if you can't identify a particular bts scene you're curious about.
People are also completely free to take this and flesh it out if they want by adding the non-bts stuff. Any mistakes are mine. People are free to correct it as well. Basically, consider this public property for other turtles. So take it, make it your own, create a comprehensive google sheet that details everything in pretty color-coded order with media links that are cross-referenced, filterable, and sortable or whatever (PLEASE SOMEBODY DO THIS).
No need to credit. If you feel you have to, just say a stoopid turtle did it.
4.9-4.13 gg only - some group get together. The casting director is speaking to the group. this is where the clip of gg crying comes from. I don't see DD there. - Also boot camp stuff! 4.11.18 ggdd - table read (alt 4.5)
4.16.18 ggdd - opening ceremony (alt 4.6) - Dd only stuff at cloud recesses with lhk and uncle - Gg only stuff at burial mounds with yb and wq
4.17 ggdd cloud recesses punishment scene - Balancing sword on fingers with lhk - Sword point sand game - Burial mounds scene-inside cave. With wq and DD. Gg falls into DD's arms (wq shows her needles) - As a note, gg already doing the in and out sword thing as a kinda fidget while going over lines on his own - DD yells about needing to take a shit from off camera. GG looks directly at camera
4.18 ggdd - burial mounds outside scene. In forest. A-yuan hugging DD's leg and rocking him around. - While gg is reheasing, DD asks "Why are you being so fierce to me?" and apparently uses a cutesy way of saying 'me'. - GG and DD talk about Produce 101 - Also clip where gg is holding small white fan and yelling out in an exaggerated fashion while giggling - Night, DD looking at lhk's phone over his shoulder
4.18 gg only. Wwx in black getting ready to leave cloud recesses (jyl and jc in white)
4.19 ggdd at cloud recesses. Chatting while gg holds white fan - gg only - Jian trio with JC and GG running around JYL. GG and JC stare directly at camera. GG says "It's like looking in a mirror." - GG and DD talk about the difficulty of portraying LWJ across the timeskip.
4.20 ggdd - masked gg w lil apple. Confrontation with jc. Dd also there. Lots of sunscreen spraying (or bug spray?)
4.21 Gg only. Across table from lhk
4.22 gg only. In yi city w jin ling and other juniors.
4.23 Gg only. Gg talking to camera while holding white fan. He's drinking from a can
4.24 gg only. burial mounds. All villagers with him. - Gg only. Near river with mask - Gg only. Eating off-set with jc and wq.
4.25 gg playing flute while looking intense. Two handheld fans blowing on him (can't see who's holding them) - Ggdd - more cloud recess lectures. Both of them talking to Uncle and lhk - Gg takes a look at DD's Jade pendant.
4.26 ggdd. Also jl. Everybody in cloud recess robes. Director sits in front of them and talks. - ggdd sit on either side of director running lines and talking about the scene
4.27 gg only. When jyl and jc. Cloud recess dress. Eating soup. 4.28 DD only. Wire work. During wen attack on cloud recesses. - gg only. Burial mounds with wq and a-yuan
4.29 ggdd under tent, watching playback, then standing with head together but each on their own phone - First black fan appearance!!!! - ggdd running lines outside mianmian's house. Each has person holding umbrella over them. - ggdd outside, DD blue robes, with jl. I think they're filming the scene where they spot the dire owl -DD and jl play slap hands while gg gets bored (alt 5.10) - ggdd. In open area with a line of parked cars in bg. Dd does that thing where he gathers up the back of the wig and his blue hair shows underneath. - ggdd filming the binding scene. Ggdd swordfight. Gg jump real high - cut line where wwx suggests calling the binding "bing di", which apparently relates to a married couple - ggdd. Gg rides lil apple while DD leads. Husband wife scene. Gg new fan. Light blue. - GG and dd (and later JL) commiserate about insects flying in their eyes - Apparently a famous scene of DD staring at gg and DD's assistant noticing - ggdd DD is doing the sword in and out thing while walking. Gg walks up from behind, grabs the sword, does it a couple times himself. 4.30 gg only. Yi City. With juniors and a-qing - DD only. With lhk. Lhk show DD how to play guqi
I'll do an index post for these once they're all up. right now, I have notes through July, and I'm working on formatting May for tumblr (tumblr formatting is so frustrating yall). Will post as progress continues!
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rainbowsky · 3 months
Hello rbs, what ggdd dramas/movies are must watch in your opinion?
(I am sorry if you already answered this question before 🥺 I am new here and I the search function doesn't work very well)
Hi new turtle! 💛🐢💛
I have a post with GG and DD's projects here.
In terms of what I feel are must-see... I think ideally we should try to watch them all. It's their body of work, after all.
I could also answer that question in various ways depending on why I think it's valuable to see various projects. For example, I recommend fans watch Oath of Love even though I totally loathed it (my full review is still in drafts), because I feel anyone interested in GG's career trajectory would find it interesting.
However, I'll answer this from the perspective of you wanting to start out with the most enjoyable projects.
DD must-see projects*
*Assuming you've already seen The Untamed - if not, GO WATCH IT NOW.
Hidden Blade
Being a Hero
GG must-see projects
Our Song
The Youth Memories
The Wolf
That can get you started, but like I said, I hope fans will watch them all. It's a goal of mine as a fan to have seen and be very familiar with all of their work.
Ace Troops (haven't seen all of it yet but my sister is a prolific C-drama watcher and massive GG stan and she says it's his best of any project he's done - second only to The Untamed)
Sunshine By My Side is widely loved, although I haven't seen it yet.
I also answered this question a while back, but less comprehensively, for anyone who's curious.
As a new turtle you might also find my masterlist post helpful.
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dilfxiaozhan · 3 years
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blue sky, white clouds
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potteresque-ire · 2 years
 Commentary ~ Little Red Little Green Episode 26, “Love in a Piggybank” [1]
Link to original post in Chinese, posted 2022/01/16. Link to official English translation. Link to @accio-victuuri​ ‘s commentary of the rumour, which covers the entire post and is much broader in scope! This commentary covers the first segment only, with a focus on the culture.
(Disclaimer / Notes + Commentary under the cut!)
Disclaimer / Notes:
While the posts by Little Red Little Green (LRLG) are among my most favourite candies, I’d like to remind everyone that they are fake rumours, and should be read and enjoyed as such. ie, all CPN below!
The English translation linked above is the only one authorised by the Fake Rumour House; therefore, please treat all content below as a very casual, very *unofficial* convo between fellow turtle friends! ❤️💛💚
With Chinese being a highly region-specific language, my reactions to it is necessarily filtered through my background, which is, admittedly, somewhat removed from Gg’s, Dd’s and LRLG’s. However, it is not uncommon for even c-turtles (and several times, LRLG themselves) to be lost with what they read / heard due to regional differences ~ which reflects the reality of communicating in the Sinosphere. In fact, the regionality of the dialects used by different “characters” in LRLG’s dialogues is among the most critical elements that make these posts so authentic-sounding, and so difficult to replicate. A fun activity of following LRLG is to watch c-turtles patch their regional knowledge together, from local slangs to food choices, to make sense of what’s going on.
Okay, with that all said *phew* ... onto the commentary! “p. X” refers to the panel number in the official English translation (there are 7 total in the Twitter post).
p1-2. “Piggy x 2” (Or, in which poor Dd’s nose almost became fine dining...)
Someone on GgDd’s team got food delivery for everyone, and one of the dishes was 拌拱嘴 (Line 3). 拌 is a food preparation technique, means cold-mixed that is in contrast to fried 抄, which is mixed while hot or cooking. 拱嘴 (literally, “arched mouth”) is a regional term for the pig’s snout, enjoyed in Sichuanese cuisine and often, cold-mixed with something called 折耳根 Chameleon plant ... which will be mentioned in a bit.
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Sample photos of cold-mixed pig snout (left) and fried pig snout (right), both Sichuanese dishes. Haven’t tried them before myself. :)
Gg remarked that cold-mixed pig snout, the dish brought in by the team member, was delicious (Line 3; 拌拱嘴 is the Chinese name given for the “mixed dish” in the translation). Dd failed to follow the convo—implying he didn’t recognise the name of the dish—and so he asked What? (Line 4)
Gg’s response was ~ he made a small tap on Dd’s nose, and said. “This”.
(ie. Dd’s nose is a 拱嘴 pig’s nose, according to Gg.) (ie. Turtles aren’t the only ones calling Dd a piggy! 🐷🐽🐷🐽🐷🐽)
Another team member explained to Dd that 拌拱嘴 was Sichuanese cuisine. Gg chimed in, helped explained that the snout meat could be prepared cold-mixed, or fried.
Dd asked Gg to make the dishes. Gg replied, with (feigned) exasperation, that he had never made them before ~  Da Ge = 大哥 Big Brother, when used in this context, has the connotation of please, I’m willing to admit defeat (and call you my elder to show my being humbled), but please let me get away from the task.
Of course, Dd wouldn’t let Gg get away! “I’ve never eaten them before”, and so he replied, perhaps with a pout, a pleading look or tone, therefore looking even more piggy ...
... To which Gg responded with: “Need a little pig’s nose”. (ie, I’ll need your nose for the dishes!)
Dd wasn’t impressed 😒. Gg laughed 😂 ... until Dd thought of the perfect comeback: “The small-eared pig works fine too (for supplying the snout).”
Now, time for a little detour.
The small-eared pig (S.E.P.) is very much worth explaining because it has already made an appearance in the Fake Rumour universe. First of all, here’s a portrait of the S.E.P.:
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This black-skinned, piggy-snouty beauty was first introduced in LRLG’s rumour posted on 2020/11/18. The story went, roughly, like this: Dd said something along the line of Gg being “more and more like it”, followed by “the one (photo) I sent you a while ago ~ that small-eared pig! Black as slick ...”
... and Gg hung up on him.
... and Dd had to call back, tame an angry bunny: “I was just teasing you. You couldn’t have taken that as the truth, could you?”
The offending photo, LRLG explained then, had been from Dd’s time at Xishuangbanna, one of the filming locations for Being a Hero. Dd had had an encounter with the S.E.P. and taken lots of pictures of it.
(Will S.E.P. be the breakout star of BaH??)
Given that old rumour’s posting date of November 2020, and Ace Troops having had just finished filming a month before, c-turtles have speculated that Dd was, in the rumour, teasing Yiye-Gg to be like a small-eared pig—tanned, and often covered in dirt—and (predictably) got himself into trouble.
So ... that was how turtles got acquainted with the S.E.P..
Fast forward back to the fake rumour of January 2022. With the comeback that S.E.P. (i.e., Gg) could supply the snout for the dishes, Dd was once again summoning the power (wrath?) of the S.E.P.—this time to his own rescue, to the defence of his own nose. The summoning, the comeback were totally justified *nods solemnly*  ~ if snouts are to be eaten, they should be from Gg, not Dd!!
Gg’s Ya response to the comeback can be understood as similar to HEY!!! in English. The long lines of ellipses that followed are, my guess, LRLG’s short-hand for push-push-shove-shove-hit-hit-kick-kick...
(Dd deserves it, sometimes.) (So does Gg.)
When the convo (finally) resumed, Gg made a concession, and asked Dd how he wanted the pig snout to be cooked. Hence, the mention of the (cold-)mix method, the chilli pepper and the Chameleon plant that, by the way, also goes by the name of 鱼腥草 — that 鱼腥 means fishy stink should be hint enough how much of a regional / acquired taste the herb is (草 means herb). Dd compromised too, said Gg could cook the snout in whatever way was the simplest.
Gg finished this segment with the retort that that the simplest way was to not cook it, because ... as I mentioned above, he deserves the long ellipses too, the push-push-shove-shove-hit-hit-kick-kick ... sometimes. :D
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accio-victuuri · 3 years
I see other high profile CP fans talking about their 🍬🍬which are similar to GGDD. no judgment, that's their fandom. I personally don't believe every BL star is in a gay relationship. I don't buy it but more fun for them. It does make me question GGDD sometimes. 'If those two are false, maybe GGDD is false too.' But I keep going back to "Give to your husband WYB" and "A year for you 2, right?" and their reactions. Everything else is just sauce or weak 🍬. What are your major convincing go to's?
Hey Anon! 👋🏼 yeah, I get what you mean. and it’s actually okay to question your judgement at times. That’s how you learn. Considering the premise of BJYX as well. Two of the Top Male celebrities in CHN are actually in a relationship? If you say that to a random person— they won’t believe you. All the more if you showed them GG/Web’s photos. && most of us don’t even know how we got this deep into the fandom. Lol.
My go-to’s are divided into ‘special candies’ and ‘things we can’t talk about’. So to answer your question, an example of a special candy for me is GG’s ideal life painting. historians will study that one day and still not find a heterosexual explanation for it 😂 ; Them singing Nanhai & Kepler to each other. Cause that’s what you do right? Sing a love song to your bro while gazing into his eyes. plus the LRLG rumors that turn out to be true. Those are a few things I can think about. As for the stuff we can’t talk about, well, I can’t. Sooo. BJYXSZD. 🏳️‍🌈
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