wildtornado-o · 2 days
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More boyfriends art!! Something appears to be off though idk man... actually so so happy with how this turned out I think they look really cute <3
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heathcliffgirl1847 · 3 months
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trying to tenderly bandage your comrades wounds but he keeps giggling and kicking his legs
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presidentheartbeat6 · 25 days
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HI AGAIN. sorry for dying i've been so! busy!!! it's kiiiillllliiiinnggg meeeeeeee kbfghbfgjkbnmfm. take a bunch of temeraire doodles as an apology, some dating as far back as when I used to draw Granby with short hair...
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crownomancer · 7 months
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VI - The Lovers - John Granby & Augustine Little
Balance, choices, connections, harmony, love
[card analysis to be posted later]
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cactusspatz · 8 months
August recs
Okay, I've got a handful of miscellaneous recs, and then ten recs for Victoria Goddard's Nine Worlds series, which I'm putting under a cut because at least two of you I know are still reading and the recs are full of spoilers for At the Feet of the Sun. Enjoy!
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The Long Way Home by itsnatalie (DCU, gen)
With Jason tentatively back in the Batfamily, things are going pretty well for him--except for the whole thing with Tim. But who gives a shit about Tim Drake? But when Jason and Tim are pulled into a frightening race for their lives inside a labyrinth that's out to kill them, they may have to look past their differences just to stay alive. Maybe along the way, they'll discover they aren't as different as they thought, and family comes in many different forms.
Spectacular in every aspect: the horror, the action, the hurt/comfort, the brotherly devotion underlying their swarm of issues, and the ending. I really can't rec this one highly enough.
Late Night, North Station by raitala (Untamed, Wangxian)
Lan Zhan finds A-Yuan lost in the railway station. He maybe finds more than he bargained for. Some mornings you leave for the office and come back with a son (and possibly a husband too).
Sooooo sweet, with a lovely autistic LWJ POV. The sequel is still a WIP but is great so far.
Beginning at the End by WerewolvesAreReal (Temeraire, Granby/Little)
In many ways it seems that John's life revolves around William Laurence.
Lovely character study trilogy with Granby sorting out his unrequited thing for Laurence and his ongoing thing with Little.
thou, who art victory and law by The_Apocryphal_One (Goblin Emperor, Csethiro/Maia)
He couldn’t help his unintelligence, any more than she could help her father. And he was kind. She should try to remember that. (Or: Csethiro Ceredin goes into her betrothal to Emperor Edrehasivar VII with assumptions, and has every one of them challenged.)
Great Csethiro POV as she works through her pride and preconceptions.
Embers by alfgifu
Kip Mdang returns to Solaara, hardly confident that the Imperial Service will take him back but sure that there is no place for him in the Vangavaye-ve. The City of Cities is still expanding from the backwater village it was before the Fall; the work of reconstruction continues but it is no longer a simple crisis. In the Palace the big political beasts are circling for position under the newly awakened Emperor. Despondent and determined to bury himself in work, Cliopher finds his former patron disapproving and the new Master of Offices openly hostile. But he is still a fifth degree secretary, and some problems are easier to solve when you feel that you have little left to lose… and don't care which enemies you make along the way.
Amazing!!! Basically a novel-length series digging into the difficult period between Kip returning and Kip becoming the Hands of the Emperor, with tons of bureaucracy and corruption and competence porn and of course, his devotion to His Radiancy and building a better government. Also features wonderful OCs, worldbuilding, a really horrifying bit of magic, some unexpected allies, humor, and Kip being just a really lovely (and determined, and traumatized) person.
thank you!!! no walnuts!!! by mage-pie
Pikabe has fucked over his army career (and maybe his whole life) by refusing illegal orders to commit a war crime and kinda sorta leading a mutiny (he was cleared of wrongdoing, but still, mutiny). He’s been shuffled out of the way to some random base where everyone gives him the side-eye (because mutiny) and he’s never going to see anyone from his old unit ever again. (Which doesn’t matter, his former lieutenant’s also-fucked-over life is none of his business, whatever, it’s fine it’s fine.) Then he gets a mysterious package and a mysterious Solaaran visitor who might have an idea about turning things around (a suggestion, even).
Fun possible backstory for Pikabe; part of a series that I haven't read in full yet but it stands alone.
Signals by Penguinity
Kiri cleared her throat, and the secretaries looked up as one. She waved the letters in one hand. “The stack in the second pigeonhole, what sort of letters are these?” “The ones from people who aren’t crackpots, but don’t need help from our office.” Cliopher nodded, satisfied. “Indeed, well-sorted.” Kiri held up a finger to silence him. “And?” There was a brief pause, before Gaudy gave an almost inaudible sigh and answered. “And who are flirting with Lord Mdang.”
SO funny, featuring the junior secretaries and Kip's ace obliviousness.
A Good Man by Quasar
It takes a while, but eventually Masseo discovers why a man with no name got saddled with a family curse.
Brilliant little premise run off that line about how Ludvic violating the Emperor's taboos would curse his whole family.
One Bed Too Many by white_hart
They slept beside each other on the deck of the vaha, and in a nest of cushions in the solarium, but this is the first time there's been a bed. In fact, there are two.
Sweet immediately-post-ATFOTS fic with them negotiating physical intimacy.
Five People Who Were Surprised The Next Time They Met Cliopher by Quasar
Five people who were astonished when they met Cliopher after the events of At The Feet Of The Sun.
What it says on the tin! A fun collection of people, culminating in Pali and Kip figuring out a detente.
Thrive in the Sun by electropeach
A day in the retired life of Cliopher Mdang: the sun, the sea, the wind, his fanoa… and a cousin baking up a storm in his kitchen. (Alternately titled "Enya Hears About Sardeet")
Immensely soft and funny series, with just a dash of feels about Fitzroy's tragic childhood.
The Tanà’s Day Off by rattyjol
Kip takes the day off. Fitzroy fills in.
In which they are so so cute and extremely married.
Homing by oliviacirce
Homing, adj., (1) having a natural ability to find the way home from a long distance away, (2) guiding or directing homeward; v., (1) to aim at something and move quickly and directly toward it
More on the theme of Kip and Fitzroy figuring out their asexual/allosexual relationship, with an assist from the retirement house squad. Lovely and domestic.
Kip Thistlethwaite by alfgifu
His tone was light on the offer itself, despite the sturdiness of his declaration of identity. She could refuse him with no embarrassment to either of them, turning this into a joke that they could laugh over with Basil later in the evening - but - but - those steady brown eyes were serious. “A marriage of convenience?” she said, equally lightly, “how gallant, sirrah.”
I am going absolutely feral waiting for more of this delightful series, in which Kip happens to be visiting Basil when Jullanar is blackmailed, and offers himself as an alternative. The second story deals with the Emperor finding out that his secretary is indeed married to THAT Jullanar.
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bayest · 9 months
That Blessed Arrangement (3021 words) by Phnx Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Temeraire - Naomi Novik Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: John Granby/Augustine Little, William Laurence/Tenzing Tharkay, John Granby & Tenzing Tharkay Characters: John Granby, Iskierka (Temeraire), Tenzing Tharkay, William Laurence, Temeraire (Temeraire), Augustine Little Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, POV Outsider, Tharkay's parents live, Bad Matchmaking, Granby/Little established relationship, Laurence/Tharkay first meeting, Crack Treated Seriously, Year of the OTP Prompt Event 2023, Blanket Permission Series: Part 8 of Year of OTP 2023 Summary: In a post-war AU where the crew didn't meet Tharkay during the war, Granby finds himself both a victim and a perpetrator of matchmaking. Little is very onboard with this.
[Available on Dreamwidth here]
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chiropteracupola · 2 months
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iskierka iskierkaaaaaa my honeycake my thousand-times darling i love you i love you i love you i love youuuu
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bichobolitach · 11 months
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I think Little would pick up on it real fast
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darkandstormyranger · 3 months
i hope they never make a temeraire movie BUT IF THEY DO i think the end credits scene should have all characters dancing to ABBA's Waterloo like in mamma mia. same clothes too
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themundanemudperson · 7 months
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have another bad meme
(also flying hehe geddit)
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wildtornado-o · 1 month
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Day 382942782 of being normal about him <3
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heathcliffgirl1847 · 3 months
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they are barbie dolls to me..... iskierka was so real for that
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presidentheartbeat6 · 2 months
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Why did I spend multiple hours on this.
From left to right: Chenery (he is crying happy tears), Harcourt, Granby, Little, Ferris, Forthing, Rankin, Tharkay, and Laurence.
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crownomancer · 7 months
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Honestly these two live rent free in my brain, and @heathcliffgirl1847, @a-pepper-honey, and @wildtornado-o have all been filling up my dash with them. I felt the need to repay the kindness.
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verdet-cadet · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Temeraire - Naomi Novik Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: John Granby/Augustine Little Characters: John Granby, Augustine Little, Iskierka (Temeraire) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Medical Trauma, Panic Attacks, Period-Typical Internalized Homophobia and Toxic Masculinity, Men with PTSD, Granby POV, Therapy by Plot Device Summary:
It is not a good time to be short an arm, if there ever was such a thing.
Granby has always prided himself on his competence and his easy good cheer. Now, at a stroke, he finds himself lacking in both.
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a-pepper-honey · 11 months
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Could have done this with Laurence & Tharkay, but come on we all know who the true gayviators are
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