#Health Advantages
healthwithoil · 16 days
It is a deliciously simple way to add some greenery to any meal. It’s also a nice alternative to a traditional salad when you want a lighter, more refreshing dish. It’s an easy, tasty recipe that you’ll want to make often – especially during the summer when tomatoes are in season and produce the most flavorful, vibrant result.
Examine the health advantages and optimal applications of avocado, olive, and coconut oils in the kitchen. Learn which oils work best for dressings and cooking.
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discoverybody · 2 months
What Makes Kale A Nutritional Powerhouse
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Kale is a nutritional powerhouse with many health advantages. It is a versatile vegetable with many different types, each having its own unique flavor and texture. Kale is high in critical nutrients such vitamins A, B6, C, and K, as well as manganese, calcium, and fiber. It also contains antioxidants like as beta-carotene, vitamin C, quercetin, and kaempferol, which assist to protect the body from free radicals and minimize oxidative stress. Kale in the diet can be especially useful for diabetics. Its high fiber content helps regulate blood sugar levels and may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Kale contains antioxidants such as vitamin C and alpha-linolenic acid, which can help avoid diabetes problems. Kale is a great choice for heart health because it contains potassium, fiber, folate, and calcium. Potassium reduces blood lipid levels, but fiber has been associated to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Regular use of kale can help maintain a healthy heart and prevent heart disease.
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Find Out the Nutrient Facts About Kelp and Unlock Its Health Advantages!
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California walnuts' health advantages
The benefits of walnuts for health For more than 30 years, the California Walnut Commission (CWC) has contributed cash and nuts to support health-related research on walnuts. Walnut Health Benefits More than 170 CWC-supported, peer-reviewed articles have been published that explore the impact of walnut consumption on heart health, cancer, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, body weight/composition, reproductive health, as well as studies to assess walnut micronutrients and bioactive content.
To know more, please visit @ Best Walnuts Brand in India
Social Media: Facebook, Instagram,Twitter
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cachejames · 2 years
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Most of us don’t need to oversee our meal preparation as long as we get our stomachs full and happy. However, this is not the case for many seniors and others with health issues.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Hello Stranger. Whom I have never met.
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drumlincountry · 10 months
It feels soooo silly to be like ‘holy shit, did you know oil & gas companies are evil?’ like ‘wooow omg did you know water is weT?’
But I was at a talk yesterday about fracking & they’re just, SO evil. It’s insane how evil they are?
First off, they are deliberately targeting traumatised communities. The activists I was listening to were from Northern Ireland, where approx 45% of adults have PTSD. The oil and gas companies were targeting NI because 1. the communities are so divided by the Troubles that they can’t always put prejudice aside to fight a big complicated fight, 2. similarly the political structures in NI exist on a sliding scale between ‘weak’ and ‘nonfunctional’, due to all the trauma and violence and division & they can’t effectively like, pass laws preventing extraction.
BUT if you do manage to develop laws preventing extraction, you’re still not safe ....because the oil and gas companies just change their terms! Say you outlaw fracking, right - they come back in two years time saying ‘ok, this thing we want to do now is the exact same industrial process, EXCEPT we are using a SLIGHTLY different machine so we aren’t calling it ‘fracking’ anymore. Now it’s called [dumb new acronym], and its totally legal!’
Oil and Gas companies lied consistently about the health impact of drilling/fracking/extraction on local communities, while the medical & scientific community spent decades building up irrefutable evidence that living near oil, gas, or coal extraction sites increases asthma, autoimmune diseases, infertility, cancer risk, etc.
Then what do the oil and gas companies do when they can’t lie anymore??? they just IGNORE IT. One activist (who was also a doctor) had a meeting with senior civil servants asking them to justify giving extraction licenses, given the health implications. And the senior civil servants said WAIT. WHAT HEALTH IMPACTS? WE’VE BEEN IN TALKS WITH THIS COMPANY FOR 3 YEARS NO ONE MENTIONED ANY HEALTH IMPACTS?
If you manage to create the community power & political will to prevent them from extracting oil and gas – they sue you for lost earnings! Millions & billions of pounds, euros, etc. Because there’s some international energy agreement that means they could have expected to earn money drilling somewhere, and you subvert that expectation, they can SUE YOU for what they ARGUE they MIGHT HAVE earned from drilling down there.
So now, when people create geothermal energy infrastructure, that involves drilling down into rock. If an oil or gas company gets their hands on that rock sample and finds there might be oil or gas down there, they can turn up out of NOWHERE and say ‘hey, we want to drill under this city centre because we saw there’s probably oil down there’ & the city are like ‘wtf? No?’ to which, oil and gas companies can say ‘yes. I expected you to say that. We’re now suing you for €€€€€€€€€€€€€€€!’
evil! evil! evil! evil!
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born-in-hell · 7 months
Im craving the 4halo reunion where qbbh just doesnt remember q4ever for a while until his mind just kicks in and q4ever has a slimmer of hope until qbbhs mind shuts down again i NEED THIS
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foldingfittedsheets · 9 months
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So in the first draft I was gonna have a time skip of the house getting a little neater each day of the week, and Sabine was gonna have a line about like, "Oh! You must be good luck, you attracted a brownie."
And then during a revision I was like, I haven't shown enough of the fantasy element to be sure that a brownie would land, because people might not know about the helpful home fairies who cook and clean for you.
So when I revised I decided it was funnier if Jazz was caught cleaning but it does make her look 1000% sillier because she just saw a mess and was compelled to clean regardless of consequences.
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discoverybody · 3 months
What Are The Different Medicinal Mushrooms
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Medicinal mushrooms are gaining popularity in the health and wellness industry because of their possible medicinal properties. These mushrooms have piqued the interest of both health professionals and amateurs due to their ability to improve a variety of health conditions. This article delves into the realm of medicinal mushrooms, examining their distinct qualities and the numerous health advantages they provide.
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cl4ssyjazzy · 4 months
since Bdoubs has (for a long time now) canonically become the horse girl of the server, I find it ironic that his love of horses plus his denial of being short is such a perfect combination when you relate it to Jockeys!
Jockeys, for the most part, are short because being tiny and light allows you to compete and gives you an advantage!
So every time someone comes to request Bdoub's horse expertise I just imagine this little jockey running around excitedly talking about his stallions and yelling angrily when someone asks if he needs help getting on the horse "I'M A FLIPPING PROFESSIONAL!!" Bdoubs my horse babygirl don't deny your natural horse girl advantage!!!
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i used to take the pill with estrogen and it caused a lot of health issues for me, among other things migraines that were so bad i was throwing up. i know many other women who stopped taking it because they had health issues from it, for example depression. when i stopped taking it, i had to get surgery because my hormones were all fucked which made me develop a malicious cyst on my ovaries causing immense pain. now i take the pill with only gestagen without issues so it was definitely the estrogen causing them! on the other side, people who take steroids (testosterone) also develop stark health complications, both psychological and physical. so i really dont think that giving people opposite sex hormones has any health benefits, on the contrary. its so fucked up that gender non-conformity is medicalised and pathologised this way!
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icaruspendragon · 1 year
cw: grooming, suicide, mental health
i know a lot of times when we see/hear the word grooming we think of a certain kind of victim of a very particular crime. to help clarify, i’m gonna give a concrete definition for what i’m taking about
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so finding out this is something that’s been happening to me for the past few months sure hasn’t been, ya know, great. and i don’t feel great about it or myself.
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nearly every. single. box. i get to check almost all those boxes. fortunately, the sexual aspect isn’t a facet of what i went through.
idk. i’m just. i’m hurt. i feel violated. i was manipulated and lied to and gaslit and taken advantage of and used. i feel used. and i think the worst part is that i’m still scared to talk about it. because the people involved would make my life even more miserable than they have already if i named names. they’re still finding ways to hurt me even in my silence. and i just. i don’t know what to do. i don’t have the mental fortitude to deal with the fallout that would happen if i said something but i feel an obligation to say something because this exact thing is still happening to others. i feel trapped.
i’ve talked about it in therapy. but i just don’t know how to deal with it. especially because all of the sudden my brain decided it was time for me to start processing my brother’s suicide. and this abuse started to happen literally days after he died. i feel like an emotional live wire. i cannot stress enough how much i’m not having thoughts of harming myself but i feel so used and so empty and so tired. and i can’t even talk about it. not really. not unless i wanna make it worse.
i managed to finally get out and i’m still scared of what they can do to me.
how the fuck do you handle this? what do i do now? because i feel sick to my stomach with fear and anxiety making this post but i can’t have all of this floating around in me anymore. i had to let some of it out. and i’m scared about what’s going to happen to me now.
that’s why i’ve been online less. that’s why the quality of what i have been putting online hasn’t been the best. between finding out i was emotionally and mentally manipulated and abused for months by people i thought were friends and being treated subhuman at work. i’ve had all the life zapped out of me.
that’s part of why i’m pushing patreon so hard right now. so i can at least leave my job and hope that doing so will free up the mental and emotional space to address the fact that at twenty-five-fucking-years-old i got groomed.
something has got to change. i feel like i’m at the end of my rope and that rope is about to snap.
once again, i’m not having any dangerous thoughts. but i feel like i’m on the cusp of a complete and total mental breakdown.
i just wanna catch a fucking break, man. it really does feel like one thing after the other.
so yeah. i’m scared and sad and empty and i feel dirty and used and violated and it’s sucking every ounce of joy out of me. i just wanted to focus on being able to be creative full time. on making people smile and laugh. on helping others. that’s all i want to do and now i barely have the energy to shower.
it’s not fair. after everything i’ve been through i get to add another thing to the list and it’s just. not. fair.
it’s been a really, really hard couple of weeks on top of having and really, really hard past eight months.
anyway. that’s why i’ve been like this recently.
if any of that looked/sounded familiar, here’s the site i got the info from. you should check it out.
and maybe talk to your therapist.
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greinkeephus · 1 month
I’ve been having an absolutely banging month. I’m on schedule for my final year submission. I got shortlisted for a nationwide design competition and everyone has been gassing me up ever since. Nothing but praise on all my work, no notes. Then I started getting into climbing and the instructor was baffled by how fast I learned the knots and how I could already climb F6 in the second session. Then I started indoor bouldering and everyone I talk to is blown away that I’ve only just started climbing. It’s like I’m on an IV drip of serotonin. This is what absolute monarchs must have felt like
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