#Hidden Projects: Remanence
facelessanimator · 4 months
Hidden Projects: Remanence
Just till i get the energy back to work on Merged again im playing around with a whole other AU lol. I shared a different post about it but finally i have set in stone character sheets! So yeah enjoy lol.
[First off the Main 4]
In order: Mike, Liz, CC, and Charlie
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Next up The Adults!
In Order: Mrs A, William, Henry
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Cant rlly expect much from Mrs A cause she died at the start of her infection lol
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viparts-nl · 2 years
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katsukikitten · 4 years
Late Night
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Have some fluff since I can't sleep and apparently cannot finish any of the request I start to work on today.
You remind him of shitty Deku as you sit in your office chair, thick frame hidden in a much too large sweatshirt muttering to yourself as you stare at the computer screen.
*His* much too large black sweatshirt that swims on you that he assumes you've worn for atleast three days. Your career choice allowing you to work at any time and any place sometimes dispelling your biggest demon.
And sometimes encouraging it as you sit unkempt at 3am voice softly slurring curses as your fingers clack away quickly on the keyboard.
Rare bags hang beneath your stunning eyes as exhaustion pulls heavy at your features, face thinning as you live solely off of caffeine trying to meet your deadline.
A deadline you'll make by the skin of your teeth. You grind them before lips part to mumble some more. Chewing on that damned pouty lip as you go on about *"But would they REALLY act this way or am I projecting..."*
As if you didn't create these characters, as if you didn't fuse heart and soul thinking of these two dimensional beings that somehow become three d.
They become bright and vibrant as they leap from the dull inky pages, they fight demons, hug, comfort and wipe away tears for readers.
And here you sit, the Goddess of these sentinel beings that wait for your every command through the stroke of a key debating with yourself if this is how they'd really act. If this is how they'd really fucking feel.
It's funny how he despised Deku's stupid fucking muttering but finds your's undeniably cute.
A scoff escapes him as he knows better than to disrupt you when work is flowing from your finger tips after what's felt like an eternity for you and your writer's block.
It didn't matter if your writer's block happened for one hour or one month. Once the story whispered itself into your ear the rest of the world faded away.
As you breathed life into a new one.
He uses a broad shoulder to shove himself from the doorframe softly descending the steps while carefully avoiding the creaking boards although it would go unnoticed by you anyway.
Still he knows that your concentration cannot be broken, especially not by him.
He sets his luggage as gently as his gruff demeanor allows into the laundry room for tomorrow, estatic his hero hell mission with Deku and shitty hair had finally come to a close.
And a day early at that. Seven days cramped in the small cabin of a car for sixteen plus hours in addition to sharing a studio hostel room was more than enough to make the hot head pull his ash locks out. Especially since the mission was a disengage if spotty type of bullshit.
As if Bakugou Katsuki could ever do anything incognito.
He slips steel toed boots from prideful aching feet more than thankful to begin his next four days off. He stretches one strong arm overhead, yanking at the fabric near the nape of his neck letting the black sweaty shirt fall to the bathroom floor.
Next come the rest of his clothes as he hastily undresses unable to ignore the siren call of scalding hot water streaming from the shower head. He steps in and immediately his heart flutters. Faintly he can smell the remanence of your last shower, warm citrus, tropical coconut, and a hint of ylang ylang attempt to cling to his skin. He cannot wait to trap you in his arms until he deams your body heat too hot although he hates to turn away. A hiss forces it's way from his lips before he wets his head. Running calloused hands through soft locks hypnotically as the weight of the week catches up to him.
The longer he runs his hands through his hair the more he wishes these hands were yours. Nails scrapping on his scalp, running down his nape before, and maybe with some convincing, they leave little pink welts on his sculpted back while you gasp out each sinful syllable of his name.
The thought perks him like a warm cup of coffee on a weekend morning. He washes himself in his usual scent of mixed spices that enhance his already mesmerizing caramel smell.
His sweat already a borderline hallucinogen and with the addition to this body wash there was no way you could resist him.
He knew because he tested it and each time you'd jump his bones without his asking or for him doing anything more than walking into your shared bedroom draped in a towel or black boxers.
He decides to do that now, drying as best he can before slipping on a clean pair of boxers that you've so lovingly folded in dresser.
He pauses in the low light of the room and notices that the bed is made, on it his shirt he decided to leave last minute hinting that you haven't been to sleep.
At least not here. More symptoms of your self neglect reflect with each passing room, bills, papers and some cups litter the kitchen and dining room. The sink remains empty and the few items in the trash are three large gallons of premade unsweetened tea and a pizza box with XX/3, just a day after he had left.
He grinds his teeth, angry that you did not care for yourself as you said you did. The thought of you cleaning your evidence of neglect up on your last day comes to his mind. He wonders if you do this EVERY time he is away for work.
Which, much to his fucking dismay, was often as of late.
Oh you were in for it now, your work and deadline be damned.
He bounds up the stairs two at a time to your little office, stepping in with slightly popping hands.
He's angry you lied, but more so angry you lied about your own wellbeing.
"You've been a bad kitten, lying to your Ki.." The sentence dies in his throat as scarlet eyes fall over you.
He drinks you in as you're head is down buried in the crook of your arm as a delicate snore mixed with an exhausted groan echoes back to him.
He sucks his teeth, cheeks flushed from how cute you are as he approaches. Long lashes kiss smooth cheeks as your lips are parted slightly, your usual pigheaded self presented in an unimaginably soft tone. He brushes hair from your face to get a better look.
Even after five plus years you still manage to shove butterflies down his throat that flutter wildly in his stomach. Some how malnourished and sleep deprived you send his heart racing as he scoops you into his arms. Careful not to disrupt your sleep. You snuggle into his chest breathing in his scent deeply.
"Bakugoo..." You mumble before a giant smile plays on your lips. He snorts then gently taking you back to your shared nest.
He manages to pull back the covers after readjusting you slightly before he folds the comforter back over you. He crawls into bed, muscles now screaming just how tired he is when his palm touches your skin. You turn to face him, nuzzling into his chest as your snoring increases. He yawns, slowly being pulled under by your own relaxed vibe.
"Fuck, you're luck you're so fucking cute." He settles into you, arms wrapped possessively around his greatest treasure, "But not cute enough to get out of your punishment tomorrow."
A feather soft kiss is pressed to your forehead before the hot head is pulled into a deep, much deserved sleep.
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kamenriderlogik27 · 4 years
Power of Heroez: Prologue
The day had begun like any other for the young president of Hiden Intelligence, Hiden Aruto. Despite setting around 20 alarm clocks, he woke up late. Panicked, he quickly got ready and used his Rise Hopper to make a speedy trip across town towards the company building, As he rushed through the glass doors, panting, he checked his watch. 
He was only 15 seconds late! A new record! 
After pumping his fist in the air and patting his back for a good job done, Aruto said his daily ‘hello!’ to the security guard- Mamoru, swiped his Risephone onto the security scanner, and made his way up to his office. Which was on the top floor of the large building. 
Like everyday, what met him when he got to his office was his secretary humagear- Izu, who was sitting patiently on her charging station, waiting for him. 
“Good morning, President Aruto.” Izu smiled as she stood up and bowed. “I see that you were only 15 seconds late today. I wish you congratulations on your new record!” 
Aruto smiled bashfully, but before he could say ‘thank you’, his office doors burst open with a loud ‘BANG!’ followed by the shuffling of feet. The loud noise caused Aruto to Jump in surprise. Turning around, he saw the Vice President- Mr. Fukuzoe, with his usual stressed out and stern face, rushing up the stairs from the door. Shesta-Mr. Fukuzoe’s secretary humagear, and Mr. Yamashista- the Senior Managing Director, both following his every step with arms full of large, paper-loaded folders.
“President.” Mr. Fukuzoe greeted with a short nod. “This is all the paperwork that you need to go through and sign. Along will all the new requests that you must either accept or decline. I’m also informed that you have a meeting with a few potential customers this evening, so I must encourage you to get all this paperwork done before then. If not-”
“Ok! Ok! I understand!” Aruto interrupted with a small, apologetic grin. “I’ll try and get it done somehow, ok?”
Despite the attempt to calm the VP, Mr. Fukuzoe just shook his head in annoyance. “This paperwork is all due tomorrow, President! You’ve had all WEEK to do it, however you were always out battling that terrorist group instead! For the sake of our company, you NEED to focus on this today!” 
Aruto paled at what the older man said and couldn’t help but feel a little bit guilty. It was true that he had spent the last week focusing on saving people from Horobi’s forces, but it wasn’t as if he was trying to avoid work because of it. Though, he does admit that he could have come in after battles to do as much work as he could... 
“I’m sorry!” The young President bowed. “I promise that I’ll do what it takes to get it all done today!” 
“Please do.” Mr. Yamashita huffed, shuffling the folders so that he could get a better grip on them. “This sort of job is only meant for the President anyway. Remember! The board re-elected you as President not too long ago! You need to start showing them that they made the right choice!” 
“Roger!” Aruto saluted, before taking the large folders from Mr. Yamashita and throwing them onto his desk. “I’ll get right to it!”
He had meant every word. However, not even an hour after his three coworkers had left, the young President was slouched down over his desk, groaning in exhaustion and a folder balancing on top of his head. 
“I will never understand how Grandpa was able to do this part of his job.” Aruto groaned. “Right, Izu?” 
Taking it as a legitimate question, Izu answered. “President Kurenosuke was always taking extra shifts to finish his work no matter what it was. There were even times when he would stay up all night and sleep in this office.” 
“Yeah, that makes sense.” Aruto mumbled to himself, thinking about the nights where he would come home from school and see no evidence of his grandfather ever being there. 
Before he could remanence more past memories, Izu’s ear modules beeped, causing her to stand up in alarm. 
“President Aruto.” Izu called in a sharp but calm voice. “Satellite Zea would like to inform you about a specific incident that has recently occurred.” 
Before he could respond, Izu instantly projected what looked like a news report in front of him. The reporter stood before a rather tall building that looked like it was hit by a large canon ball. 
“The incident happened on an island called ‘Sector City’.” Izu informed. “It’s reported that a small accident had occurred where part of a laboratory exploded. The cause is currently unknown.” 
“THAT’s what they call a ‘small accident?” Aruto laughed nervously, his eyes focusing on the large hole that ate the side of the building. Looking closer, however, Aruto saw something peeking out from the rubble. It was rather small, so Aruto asked Izu to enhance it a bit so they could get a better look. The tiny object looked like some kind of robot. Not a humagear, but a small-rounded robot with X shaped metallic limbs. 
“Izu, have you ever seen that robot before?” Aruto asked, knowing full well that she would know more patented A.I.s than him. She looked closer at the image but made funny, yet thoughtful face. As if she doesn’t recognize it. 
“Searching for possible patents, blue-prints and other possible data.” She announced before closing her eyes. After a few seconds, her eyes opened and looked towards the young President. “There are no current records of that type of A.I.” 
“No records, huh?” Aruto said with a thoughtful expression. He pondered, thinking how weird it was that a huge hole in the side of a building was so unexplainable and random. And in the middle of all of this was just a small little A.I. robot with no identification. 
Aruto stood up from his chair and grabbed the Zero-one driver. “Izu, I’m going to go investigate the incident for a little while.” 
Izu’s eyes showed no surprise by this statement. “I see. I’ll inform the potential customers that we’ll have to postpone their meeting till tomorrow, then.” 
“Alright. Tell them that I’m sorry for the inconvenience.” Aruto smiled apologetically, as if the customers were there in his office to see. He led the way as the duo climbed up to the helicopter landing area on the roof. 
He then placed his driver around his waist and authorized his Jumping Hopper progrizekey.
“Henshin!” he yelled, transforming into Kamen Rider Zero-one. Then, he authorized his Flying Falcon progrizekey. Before taking off, he turned to Izu and said. “I’ll go check it out real quick and come back. Hopefully Mr. Fukuzoe won’t notice that I’m gone. But if he does-” 
“I’ll inform him that you’re taking a short break and will be back soon to finish your work.” Izu confirmed without a beat. Aruto smiled behind his mask. They had been through too much together for Izu to not know what to do. 
“Alright! See you in a bit!” Aruto waved before finally taking off. He flew fast, using the directions that Satellite Zea was projecting in his mind for him to follow. Turns out that Sector City was near by the city of Fuuto, which was right next to Tokyo. So, thankfully, it didn’t take too long for him to get there. When the island came into full view, he quickly searched for a place to land. This proved to not be easy, however, as there were armed guards near every road leading to the island. That was a bit concerning. Figuring it would just be easier to sneak in, he flew over their heads and landed on the roof of one of the taller buildings.           
“There’s an awful lot of security in place for what’s supposed to have been a simple accident.” Aruto said to himself as he looked around. “I only came because the A.I. robot that I saw on the news intrigued me, but there but be more to this.”  
Right at that moment, Izu’s voice came into his head. “President Aruto. The security levels are very high and you are currently in danger of being caught. Please do be careful and-”
 “I know! I know!” Aruto interrupted calmly, a playful smile was hidden behind his mask. “I need to deactivate the devices strengthening the security sensors first, right?” 
He started to look around again to see if any such device could be seen until his eyes landed on a glowing metal pedestal with something round placed on it. He walked closer and picked the round object up. It was no bigger than a coin, made out of a red transparent material, and gold encircling it. 
“Is this the device?” Aruto asked quizzically to himself as he turned the small object around in his hand to inspect it more. His eyes traced what looked like a symbol of a bird, carved into the hard-red material of the core. It didn’t seem like a device of any kind as the material might have actually been more of a stone than metal. Aruto thought it was odd yet.... strangely powerful in its own way. As if that made any sense even to him. 
Suddenly, a bright blue light erupted behind him, followed by a dark voice. 
“Hmm...” The dark voice hummed, observantly. “I do not have any data on you. However, you appear to be a Kamen Rider as well...”
“Wah!” Aruto Jumped in surprise, turning around. “Where did you come from?!” 
The.... man- though he didn’t really seem to be any regular human- sitting down in the floating chair, completely ignored Aruto’s surprise and groaned to himself. 
“One after another.... it seems you are determined to not leave me be.” 
“‘One after another’?” Aruto cocked his head to the side, confused. “Who else has been here?” The only other Kamen Rider he could think of was Mr. Fuwa and Ms. Yaiba, but they were probably still off doing their own things. Amatsu Gai was a possibility as well, but Aruto didn’t want to think about that jerk attempting to be a good-guy at the moment.  
Again, the oddly large man never answered him. Instead, he raised his staff to the side and shot some sort of lightning based ray right at the young President. The blast knocked the small red object out of Aruto’s hand, and caused his strength to rapidly deplete. It wasn’t long before his eyes forced themselves shut, and darkness took over.   
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darkelfguy · 5 years
One of the largest regions of western Morrowind, the Roth Roryn is a dusty and dry set of canyons, ravines, low grasslands, and twisting river valleys that's home to both Great House Redoran and Great House Hlaalu, with a number of small settlements dotting the region. Rather sparsely populated overall, outside of the main settlements of Bodrum, Kartur, and Menaan, you'll find few signs of recent civilization among the crags and rocks of the Roth Roryn, aside from the occasional farm and plantation. None the less, this rocky and broken landscape is home to some beautiful vistas, with ancient ruins, forbidden temples, and mountain-top monasteries all providing scenic destinations for would-be adventurers. Aside from beautiful landscapes, however, the largest city in the Roth Roryn is the rather unique and sizable Redoran city of Kartur, built in an almost hidden box-canyon near the coast of the Ascadian Bluffs. This city is home to some of the only factions and merchants you'll find in the Roth Roryn region, including a Fighter's Guild and Mage's Guild chapter, as well as a number of residences, manor houses, and other minor sights to see. Outside of Kartur, however, you'll find the ancient town of Bodrum, the site of one of many conflicts from the long forgotten Four-Score War when Emperor Reman II tried, and failed, to conquer Morrowind. Aside from these two prominent Redoran settlements, there's also a variety of Hlaalu villages and plantations, the most prominent of which is the village of Menaan, sitting in a valley in the eastern Roth Roryn region. Menaan offers, arguably, the best views and scenic vistas of the region, even if the town itself is quite small. Of course, there's more than a few dangerous elements to be found in the Roth Roryn, the crag-like canyons provide ample hiding spots for bandits and brigands, while ancient Dwemer and Daedric ruins dot many of the hillsides, offering adventure or death for the unwary traveler. The 2019 visual update to the Roth Roryn region is courtesy of Nemon, and with any luck, this region will be released sometime later in 2019 or 2020, depending on when quest production is finished. So stay tuned for more information on that front, and of course, stop by the Tamriel Rebuilt website and Discord server to follow more progress on this amazing and ambitious project! Tamriel Rebuilt Download Tamriel Rebuilt Website Tamriel Rebuilt Discord Server Tamriel Rebuilt UESP Map
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nxtherold · 4 years
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C O D E X :   T H E   U R Z A R A   F A M I L Y
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          The Urzara family has always been a proud Cyrodilic family. Their ties can be traced back to the famous hero Reman Cyrodil I, founder of the Reman Empire. In previous times, the higher echelon of the family even liked to believe that their lineage could be traced back to Empress Hestra of the First Alessian Empire, and by extension Alessia herself. However, the truth behind these claims was never verified, as many records from the First Era are sparse and contradictory to each other. The current generations aren't as adamant about their claims but remain proud of their bloodline nonetheless. It is especially popular among the family to name their children after famous Emperors.
          They are a longstanding family, one of the most ancient that survive to this day. Their loyalty has always been fervently placed in the Empire even throughout different dynasties as duty to the Empire itself has always been put before their duty to any individual emperor. As such determined vassals, their status as nobility has not disappeared, though their exact proximity to the throne tends to fluctuate depending on their relationship with whatever individual is currently in rule.
          They are a military family, with many of their lineage reaching high ranks in the Imperial Legion. They have also had the largest percentage of family members and bannermen to be given a seat in the Imperial Council over the course of the Empire's history and have produced a considerably disproportionate amount of High Chancellors. Although at times an Urzaran High Chancellor has acted as regent in absence of leadership, no Urzara has ever become Emperor. It is said among the populace that the Urzara have held such stations for so long along with why multiple dynasties have put faith in them is because of the majority of the family's commitment to stability and communal well-being instead of ambition.
          The current main family (excluding side branches and bannermen) consists of three living generations. The current tree starts with the Imperial Battlemage Naro Urzara. He fell in love with and wed Chancellor Hestrana, who was born Aphrodine of the Caerellius family from Kvatch. Aphrodine renamed herself for unspecified reasons and chose to call herself Hestrana in honor of the famous Empress Hestra; a tribute to her new husband's familial traditions. Hestrana bore Naro three children in his lifetime. Naro died at the age of thirty-eight from what we know as tuberculosis.
          Hestrana continued her service as a Chancellor after her husband's death. She and Naro's three children were named Evander(eldest), Viatrix(second-born), and Reman(third-born). Evander was born two years into their marriage. Viatrix was born eleven years later, and Reman was born one year after Viatrix. All three children had an inseperable bond with each other; not only were they siblings, but they were the closest of friends with loyalty to each other that seemed unending. Reman died tragically early into adulthood, and Hestrana decided to retire as a Chancellor and invite his young widow to come live with her in Skingrad. She is currently as strong-willed as ever at the age of seventy-seven, and shows no signs of slowing down any time soon.
          Reman was the youngest child born to Hestrana and Naro and behaved as such up into his teen years. He admired his elder brother Evander, and he and his sister Viatrix were often mistaken for twins due to their closeness in age and their strong bond. Reman was a very forgiving and gentle person; he was as brave in heart as he was young. He fell in love with Lady Sicara Carvain of Bruma when she was 18 and he was 21. He openly expressed his interest in her to her family, and eager to bolster relations with the Imperial Council and Legion, they gleefully offered him her hand in marriage.
          Lady Sicara, young and rebellious, did not reciprocate his feelings at first; instead she fancied an Altmer ambassador named Cinaaril and began an affair with him during her 2 year betrothal to Reman. However, Sicara soon found herself pregnant with Cinaaril's child. Cinaaril, not wanting his Altmer bloodline to be despoiled by Nibenean blood, refused to legitimize the child when Sicara informed him of her pregnancy and promptly ended all relations with her before returning to Auridon. When word got out, Sicara's reputation was tarnished and she was promptly disowned by her family; the betrothal being cancelled in turn.
          Reman, however, had not given up on the girl he loved. Instead, he asked her to marry him anyway. Reman also asked for her blessing to declare the child as his legal offspring regardless if she would marry him or not; that way both she and the child could be taken care of by his family's wealth even should something happen to him. Reman's care for both Sicara and her child moved her greatly, and she not only allowed Reman to adopt her son but agreed to marry him as well. She fell in love with Reman, and the Urzara family welcomed her with open arms, funding a lavish celebration for their marriage.
          Tragically, Reman was killed at the age of twenty-three in an ambush by Daedric forces, leading to a battle which his superior officer and elder brother Evander went on to win and name "The Battle for Reman" in his honor. The grief and stress caused by the news of his murder sent the 8 months pregnant Sicara into labor, from which a healthy son was born; named Roman after his father. He may not have had Reman's blood, but he was very much his son according to Sicara. Even Reman's mother Hestrana remarked at his birth, "He has not his blood, but he very much has his eyes...those tell-tale sparkling eyes and that cheeky smile that I've only ever seen on Reman." Sicara was now a widow at only twenty years old, but she found support and kindness in her mother-in-law Hestrana. Hestrana left her position as High Chancellor and invited the young widow to live with her.
          To this day, Sicara has not remarried, nor has she considered any suitors. She has hidden no details about her relationship with Reman including her infidelity during their betrothal. She has done much to spread the story despite its inclusion of her transgressions, as she believes that Reman's unconditional love was the truest mark of his character and that a person with a heart such as his should have their story told. The story of Reman and Sicara has become a famous one among young maidens and lovers during the ten years since Reman's death, spreading beyond even Cyrodil due to Sicara's determination to keep his memory alive.
          Viatrix has always been called the wildfire out of the three siblings. If Evander represented the mind of the family and Reman the heart, then Viatrix was definitely the soul. While her brothers both pursued military careers, she instead sought a more political career, culminating in her being named Countess of the Imperial City at the mere age of twenty-four. A beautiful woman sought by many, she has turned down many suitors in her day. Her heart was finally captured by a commoner known as Letreius Terenus. They were wed four months after she turned thirty-one. Though struggling at first to bear any children, after eight years of trying, she finally gave birth to a healthy pair of twins named Adom and Adomina when she was thirty-nine years old. Sadly, just two years later, her husband was murdered; the full circumstances of which are not known. Viatrix is currently forty-five years old, her twins the age of six.
          Evander, currently fifty-six years of age, is Commanding General of the Imperial Legion in Cyrodil. Outside of military work, he has always involved himself in community improvement projects and is well-known for working side-by-side with the laborers he hires. A man driven by ethics and communal welfare, there isn't a thing he would impose on those under his command that he would not do himself. His military strategy has been praised as well for his focus on the preservation of both military and civilian lives.
          Evander's marriage to the mystery woman Umbra Urzara when he was twenty-eight caught the attention of many. No one knew who she was or where she'd come from. While most expected the heir of the family to marry for political purposes, this did not seem to be the case. Umbra Urzara was an enigma to many. She did not get involved in many political affairs, at least none that brought the public's eye upon her. She was quiet and reserved, but unknowingly became somewhat of a mundane icon due to young noble women seeking to imitate her demeanor in hopes of capturing her otherworldly and ethereal presence for themselves.
          In truth, Umbra was far more otherworldly than the public would ever know. Umbra was not even a real person at all. She was, in fact, the mortal disguise of the Daedric Lord Nocturnal. It wasn't the first time a Daedra has done such, but for the reclusive and mysterious Nocturnal to do so was quite unusual. She'd always been one to influence the realm in smallest ways, particularly through her influence of luck. The ways of Nocturnal have always been unfathomable; this act even more so. The most baffling twist in this series of events was the birth of a child named Daeris. Over a year after her birth, both Umbra and the child disappeared. Evander was heartbroken for years, burying himself in his work and community and military service.
          Nocturnal's actions did not go unnoticed, however. Molag Bal, who had long held a particular disdain for the Urzara family because of Reman Urzara's efforts to disrupt his various cabals, took note of Nocturnal's influence and perceived a potential threat. So he set his followers upon the family to destroy them and any influence Nocturnal had gained over the mortals' Empire through her machinations. While he himself was preoccupied with other schemes, his mortal followers in the "Cult of the Vitiate" became a dedicated thorn in the family's side. They attacked the family repetitively and viciously after Evander's child was born, but slowly ceased their afflictions after both his wife and daughter disappeared. They would make themselves known only sparsely throughout the years since then; simply for the purpose of remaining a present nuisance to the family.
          When they finally decided to launch an attack of great scale, it resulted in the death of Reman Urzara. The cult had struck a fatal nerve, prompting Evander to retaliate in full force. He defeated their amassed forces and took no living prisoners in "The Battle for Reman". But he did not stop there. Evander traced the Cult of the Vitiate back to their roots and drove them out of every hiding place they had. He slaughtered every last member of the Vitiates found throughout Tamriel; a due price in his mind for the loss of his brother, wife, and child. If any Vitiates still remain, they have not shown themselves since their Cult's demise. There is a handsome bounty offered by the Urzara family themselves for anyone who so calls themselves a Vitiate, or anyone who can be proven to be linked to the Cult in previous or current years.
          Through all of their public service and charity, there is also a very dark and secret section of their history.Though unknown to the public, the Urzara family has aligned itself with several families with links to the Dark Brotherhood. Among such are the Caerellius family from which Hestrana was born and the Terenus family whom Viatrix's husband Letreius was from, though there have been more since the organization's original formation.
             In fact, it was Viatrix who told Nocturnal to give Daeris to the Dark Brotherhood. There she would be kept safe from the Vitiates and trained in skills to help her survive, but only for the hefty price of her service. Nocturnal agreed and placed Daeris in the care of the Imperial City matron, Sitha Abelas, and she has been a member of the Dark Brotherhood and loyal agent of her mother ever since. Whatever purpose Nocturnal created Daeris for, she does not know, but she is aware that the Daedra has something planned for her. That day has not come yet, but it may be closer than she thinks.
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cryptnus-blog · 5 years
Ripple is Just One Participant in Ecosystem
New Post has been published on https://cryptnus.com/2018/12/ripple-is-just-one-participant-in-ecosystem/
Ripple is Just One Participant in Ecosystem
Brad Garlinghouse
Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse has stated that XRP is  not only independent of Ripple, but the XRP ecosystem hosts Ripple as just one of a number of participants. He made the comments during an “Ask me anything” session as part of a Q4 2018 sit down with Ripple Senior VP, Marketing, Monica Long.
The session tagged “Ask Me Anything with Brad and Monica” included a number of interesting opinions as well as predictions ahead of the coming year. One of the questions that came up was the often-debated issue of whether or not XRP should be classified as a security.
Reiterating his long held position, Garlinghouse replied:
I think its very clear XRP is not a security… I think is if Ripple the company shut down, XRP trades on a hundred other exchanges around the world and XRP would continue to trade. Yeah, Ripple is one important participant in the XRP ecosystem but there are a whole bunch of participants.
He went on to state that while he acknowledges that the SEC has a difficult job regulating the crypto market, Ripple will continue to work with the SEC and other regulators around the world to ensure that XRP is understood as an independent open-source digital asset separate from Ripple.
Optimistic Outlook for 2019
It will be recalled that amidst the many woes of the crypto market in 2018, culminating in the so-called “crypto winter,” XRP has continued to post strong performances as it benefits from growth of the Ripplenet, leading to growth of volumes and global user numbers.
A lot of this growth is built on Ripple’s wealthy project support community and the fact that it remans the only cryptocurrency to have successfully integrated payments system of big banks with its platform. CCN recently reported that XRP overtook Ether to become the second most capitalised cryptocurrency behind bitcoin.
Referring to an earlier prediction that 2018 will see an increase in participation in digital assets from institutional investors, Garlinghouse stated that he has now pushed that back to 2019. He also dodged a prediction for bitcoin, describing it as a tough call to make because of the persistent risk of manipulation that currently exists on exchanges.
In his final prediction for 2019, Garlinghouse stated that he expects to see an increase in transparency in more projects , as cryptocurrency moves away from its clandestine roots toward regulation and subsequent mass adoption. As a direct result of this he said, 2019 will also be the ear that banks will begin holding digital assets on a large scale.
Featured image from Shutterstock. Garlinghouse headshot from LinkedIn.
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