🀄️ My Top 10 Most Anticipated Moments in the Richonne spin-off:
It's been like one long celebration in my mind since it was confirmed Richonne is coming back to us. We're finally going to see Rick and Michonne's story continue and close out in what I believe will be a truly beautiful way. I'll forever be rejoicing over them and this spinoff. While I don't know what all is in store, I compiled the ten things I most can't wait for and hope to see when our lovely Richonne returns.
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#1: Michonne telling Rick they have a son 🥹
For some reason imagining this moment when Rick first learns he has a son is what chokes me up the most. This exchange makes me emotional for so many reasons but especially because Michonne didn’t know if she’d ever get to look at Rick and tell him that they really did build for the future like they wanted. But now she will, and Rick will get to know the child he wanted with her is really alive and well and out there somewhere. I’m so curious how she’ll reveal the news about their adorable little prince. And I’m especially curious how Rick will react. I know it’ll be so emotional and rewarding to see and I cannot wait.
#2: The moment Rick and Michonne reunite 🥳
This epic love story is bound to have an epic first reunion between them. There are so many amazing ways their initial reunion could go. I keep thinking about who will lay eyes on the other first. How shocked will they be that they’re really back together at that moment, etc. All I know is it’ll have me ascending the second we have R&M back on screen together. And whether the moment is a quiet or busy one, the emotion will be palpable, riveting, and beautiful.
#3: Rick and Michonne reuniting with their kids and Rick officially meeting RJ 🥰
When the Grimes family is back together, the joy (and waterworks) will be never-ending. I am so stoked about this moment. I can’t wait for Mama Michonne to be back with her kids. I can’t wait for Judith to finally get to embrace her dad as Rick gets to see how incredible she grew up to be (and how much she’s like Michonne.) I’m excited that Andy and Cailey will likely get to act together finally. Plus I'm excited for Rick to hear Judith call Michonne mom since we hadn’t had a scene of that when he was still on the show.
And among this Grimes family reunion is also an extremely significant Grimes family introduction so you already know I am beyond excited and anticipating Rick finally meeting his son RJ. That moment will end me and I ain’t mad at it. I so hope they keep the original RJ actor just so it doesn’t feel as much like a random kid. But no matter what, I will be absolutely elated to see this father and son, Rick and RJ Grimes, together at last.
#4: Hearing Rick call Michonne his wife & officially hearing “Michonne Grimes” at some point in the show 😍
Tbh this is not just a want for me, it’s a need lol. I so badly hope to hear Rick refer to Michonne as his wife. Don’t get me wrong, if we don’t get it that doesn’t make the relationship less valid. They’re a love supreme regardless. I just feel like with Michonne wearing his ring, it’s clear she views him as a husband and she’s so clearly his wife so I’d love to hear him say it. And I really want it to just be officially canon that she is Michonne Grimes. That way all the publications that report on them can call them what they are. They are as married as can be lol. And I’d love to hear that confirmed in the show.
#5: A Kiss Of Life 😇
No one does passion like Richonne. Period. I love every heavenly kiss of theirs and I hope we get several (well-lit) ones in the spin-off, but especially one that rivals my current fav - the KOL in 7x05.
#6: “I Love You’s” and every sweet vocalization of that sentiment ☺️
Rick and Michonne have both said so many seriously sweet and romantic stuff to each other on TWD. Like it could be a whole other list of its own. And I’m so looking forward to more of those lines that just stop you in your tracks at how beautiful, adoring, and loving they are. And I’d of course love to hear blatant I Love You’s again too.
#7: A Carl reference 😭
I feel there’s gotta be some reference to Carl in the spin-off, even if subtle. R&M love him too much for Carl to just not be mentioned. So I’m looking forward to how the memory of Carl will be honored through them. Plus, a heartfelt Carl reference along with the Grimes family reunion means every member of Grimes 2.0 will have been noted in the spin-off. I also personally would love to finally hear what Carl wrote in his letter to Michonne, even tho I know time is limited with just 6 eps. No matter what we get, I’m looking forward to any moving recognition of the kid who helped Rick and Michonne see they were meant to be family.
#8: Richonne’s versatility and layers on display 🤩
Rick and Michonne are all things and I adore every side of their versatile characters and relationship. So I cannot wait for those quieter private moments between them where they get to be human with each other and just give each other life in every way. I know with just 6 eps we won’t see Rick get briefed on all he missed while away, but I’m curious what he will learn about. Like I could see him reacting to her X scar at the least. And then of course, since Rick and Michonne are also the baddest to ever do it, I can’t wait to see them back to being a force to be reckoned with together and fighting the fight like the icons they are.
#9: Callbacks & Parallels 😉
I’m always here for a Richonne callback and good parallels. And they’ve had some great callbacks in the past, from protein bars to damn gorgeous cat statues, so I’m looking forward to more. One parallel I’d personally love is hearing Rick reflect on Michonne with someone, similar to how she reflected on him in season 10 with the “that walk” scene. Like I love that we got to hear Michonne remark on an outer attribute she loved of his and I’d love to hear Rick voice a physical quality he loves and misses too. And I also wouldn’t be surprised if there’s an indicator that during their time apart Rick hallucinated or talked to her like she talked to him. You know they both tend to see thangs lol. So it would be fitting. But all and all, these two both have been shown to be really sentimental when it comes to each other so I’m curious what all they’ll recall and what parallels will be made.
#10: Rick and Michonne getting a happy ending and growing old together 🤗
Ok this is just my personal biggest wish for the greatest couple of all time. They so deserve a happy ending. I hope we get to know and even see that they closed out their story growing old together and having got lots of time with their children and their eventual grandchildren. Like I just keep having this final vision of the two of them older and still as in love as ever while having a sweet dynamic with an adult RJ and Judith. And imagine seeing Rick holding RJ’s baby after not getting to hold him as a baby. 😭 And then of course in my ideal world we’d just end the series and their story with a final shot of Rick and Michonne holding hands. It’s their signature thing. ☺️
These moments and more are what I’m hoping for and looking forward to, but I’ll be happy and grateful for whatever is in store during the final chapter of our precious Richonne’s awe-inspiring story. We’ve been blessed ten times over by the fact that a literal Richonne miniseries exists (like seriously couldn’t even dream of a better conclusion for them than a show dedicated to them that is actively being marketed as an epic love story) and I can’t wait for the Richonne gold to just keep pouring in. Richonne has been gold since the beginning and will be til the very end. 👌🏽😌
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xgoldxnhour · 14 days
don't look back
[x] continued from here
Eloise never considered herself a reckless person despite one to claim a heart of dramatics. She was cautious, thoughtful and steadfast and perhaps that's what drew the two together. Stubborn and firm in beliefs that could result in survival in this world. But whatever fool fell abandon at the entrance Rick Grimes had in her life. The very sight of him leaves her heart beating at a rate much faster than even walkers assume. She has fallen head over heels and rushed at the sight of comfort, desire and humanity. A vulnerability that only two people share ever so closely at the mere touch of a whisper. But now the look leaves her to sit in the guilt of loving someone who cannot love back. There is no blame per se, but it cannot take away her hurt or anger.
So, she attempts distraction in a rushed break upstairs with notably little regard for possible dangers to be hand. It's stupid and perhaps it goes deeper in the harsh weakness she carries with trust. Something that was taken away and dwindled for a long time since Terminus but was found and resurrected in her time with Rick. Tears threaten to burn quickly turns into an empty bedroom and searches for that very distraction in a closet. If she had declined his help or left earlier, perhaps they wouldn't be in this mess. But then there's the reality if she were alone, trapped and snowed in for who knows how long. And if no one knew where she was or any promise of a return. Would the group just write it off as a mistake and wait it out or forget altogether. This isn't a world that graces the right to be remembered.
But, it's those footsteps, ones she could recognize in a crowd, and the voice searching for that nearly causes her to hunch over in defeat. 'There you are' as if he was truly looking for, as if he sought for her, worried about her, or even cared. The flux of anger returns as she does as she's told, dropping the blanket and standing up to face him--look him in the eyes. "Like this? Is this what you want?" The look he is met is one of heartbreak, fighting back tears and a quivering lip. "I didn't ask you to come. I didn't ask for this. But I'm just a fucking fool, right?" Her arms rise and fall, hitting her thighs. "It's actually too painful...to look at you. Especially like that...I don't want your pity. I don't want us to be like this? But, I can't...turn off the way that I feel about you. But I also can't look at the man who knows that I love him but doesn't love me back. Not after all we've done."
And if she were brutally honest, she was planning to leave. Without much of a word or goodbye. There'd be a note left at his bedside but that's it. She wanted to rid of him of his burden. To longer be forced to deal with whatever weakness she may have been for him. It wasn't fair for either of him, so this was supposed be their way out. But then he found her leaving, asked where she was going and when she said a supply run, he insisted on coming with. And now, they were trapped once again. Did he know what he was stopping?
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"You should've let me go. So, I could rid you of this burden."
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carolina-bleus · 3 years
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~Something You Read: From Rick to Michonne~
“I cannot believe he actually logged into class this morning from his bed! I think he’d just woken up like five minutes before. He could barely hold his eyes open and had bed hair and everything. Who even does that?” Michonne scoffed.
Rick chuckled. “That sounds exactly like something Shane would do.”
“Mr. Horvath even had to tell him to put on a shirt...which got a lot of grumbling from some of the girls.”
“You included?”
Rick outright laughed at the look of disgust Michonne shot him through his phone’s screen.
“Richard Sutton Grimes, I am offended! You know I have better taste than that. No offense to Shane, but it would have to be the end of the world and we’d have to be the last hope for continuation of the human race before I’d even consider him anything other than a smug nuisance.”
“Ouch! So I’ll take that as a no.”
“Take that as a hell no!”
“Michonne Colette Richardson with the potty mouth! I’m gonna tell your mama and daddy.”
“What’s the worst that could happen? I get grounded and confined to the house and not allowed to go out with my friends? Too late, Miss Rona already beat them to that,” Michonne replied glumly.
“Yeah, it sucks. I can’t believe this is how we’re spending our senior year of high school. I thought everything would be back to normal by now.”
“I don’t even know what normal is anymore.  I certainly hope this isn’t our new normal...going to school online, not being able to hang out and only seeing each other “face to face” through a screen in class or during phone calls.”
“I never thought I’d say this...and if you tell my mama, I’ll deny it...but I actually miss school. Not the work,” Rick quickly added. “I miss interacting with everybody, even Eugene and his mullet.”
“Really, Rick? Of all the classmates you could name, you pick Eugene...and his mullet...and not me?”
“You know you’re not just my classmate. You’re my best friend, Michonne. Of course I miss you.”
More than you even know, Rick thought.
“I miss you, too. The two of us haven’t been in the same space in what feels like forever and I’m over it. We don’t even get to go the mountains for Christmas this year,” Michonne lamented.
The Grimes and Richardson families were extremely close. The teens’ parents grew up together in King County and had been close long before Rick and Michonne were born. The families had been planning to spend Christmas break in a vacation home rented out for the holidays. But, now instead of a big Christmas celebration in the mountains, the families were doing as they had for Thanksgiving and keeping their celebrations small and confined to immediate family. Gift giving was even different this year.
The families decided to keep it simple and follow a modified version of the five-gift rule. Each household pulled the name of someone from the other household. The gift recipient told the gift giver what category they wanted their gift to represent. Luckily, Rick and Michonne pulled each other’s names. But even if they hadn’t, they would have managed to get a gift for each other a gift anyway. Michonne wanted “something you read” and Rick asked for “something you want.” Michonne’s gift was already wrapped and ready on Rick’s nightstand.
The canceled vacation and altered holiday routines were just another reminder of how different things were this year. Rick and Michonne had been inseparable since they were babies. They’d seen each other just about every day before pandemic brought their in-person interactions to a halt. The physical separation was something neither teen had really gotten used to even after so many months.
Michonne sighed. “You think it will be like this when we get older if everything does go back to normal and we can get on with our lives?”
“What do you mean?” Rick asked.
“We’re about to go off to college in some form or another and start the next phase of our lives. Do you think this is what it will be like...never seeing each other except through calls or whenever there is a holiday?”
“You think we’re going to grow apart?” Rick asked with a tilt of his head.
Michonne shrugged. “I don’t know. I hope not. But I never thought I’d live through a pandemic either. Life’s funny that way.”
“I know you want to explore the world and go to all these exciting places during and after college. But what about later? Do you think you’ll come back home? To your family?”
To me?
Rick had been in love with his best friend for as long as he could remember. He’d never quite found the words to tell her. He thought maybe he’d ask her to prom and do it then but prom most likely wasn’t going to happen this year. Rick worried if he’d even get the chance to hug Michonne again before they went off to different colleges next fall.
“You mean come back home to live?”
Rick nodded. “Yeah.”
“Is that what you’re going to do...come back home after college?”
“That’s been the plan.”
“Have you ever thought about living somewhere else?”
“Not really...but I guess I would for the right reason.”
And the right person.
“What reason would that be?”
Rick shrugged. “I guess I’ll know when I know.”
Michonne looked away briefly before clearing her throat. “Oh...well, we don’t have to worry about that for a little while longer, anyway.  Soon it will be Christmas break. And then it will be New Year’s Eve and we can put this hellish year behind us and start looking forward to the future...wherever that takes us.”
“Michonne, I---
A knock sounded on Rick’s door.  It opened and his mom stood in the doorway.
“Honey, I know it’s distance learning but you still need to get some rest for tomorrow. Michonne, you do as well,” Mrs. Grimes added, knowing without question who Rick was talking to this late.
“Yes ma’am,” the teens replied in unison.
“Alright. Goodnight you two. Love you both.”
“Goodnight, Mama.”
“Goodnight, Auntie Suzanne.”
Once his mother closed the door behind her, Rick turned back to the screen.
“Rick, what were you about to say before?”
“Oh...umm...just that I hope you like the Christmas gift I got you.”
“You always pick out the best gifts, so I’m not worried. Well, I guess we better head to bed. Talk to you in the morning before classes?”
“Of course. Goodnight, Michonne.”
“Goodnight, Rick.”
The best friends ended their call and Rick slouched down with a sigh. He had been about to confess his feelings to Michonne right then and there. Her conversation about them growing apart scared him. He didn’t want to lose her.
But what if telling her how I feel pushes her away?
Needing to get his feelings off his chest somehow, Rick tore a piece of paper from his notebook, grabbed a pen and began to write.
Dear Michonne,
You’ve been my best friend since before we could talk and I hope you remain so even after I tell you what’s in my heart. Michonne, I love you...I’m in love with you. Whew! It feels good to FINALLY say that. I’ve loved you since...well, honestly, I can’t think of a time when I didn’t love you in some way.  Every moment that’s meant something in my life has had you in it...holding my hand when I was scared on our very first day of school, when you helped me study for and win the spelling bee in third grade, when we took down the school bully, Phillip, on the playground in fifth grade, being each other’s first kiss in sixth grade and each other’s date for our first high school dance, sitting and crying with me when my grandpa died from the virus, stressing about applying to college early decision and celebrating together when we both got into our dream schools. The serious moments, the fun moments and everything in between...you’ve been there.  And somewhere along the way, my love for you grew beyond friendship.
I can be my whole self with you because you bring out the best of who I am and you inspire me to want to be even better.  You’re the one person I can tell anything and everything to without hesitation. You’re the only person I want to tell everything to. So, you’re probably wondering why I never told you how I feel. Well, I haven’t told you for the same reason your question about us drifting apart scared me...I don’t want to lose you. I can’t imagine...I don’t want to imagine...us not being in each other’s lives. I didn’t want to risk pushing you away or making you feel weird. I still don’t want that. But this year has taught me more than ever that life is short, time is precious and you have to let the people in your lives always know how you truly feel about them while you can.
Whatever you feel for me, please know that your happiness and our friendship are the most important things to me. And I want us to always remain friends, and in each other’s lives, whether or not we ever become a couple. I know we’ll be walking different paths for the next few years, but I hope those paths always lead us back to each other.
This is my first love confession I’ve ever written so I’m not really sure how to end it. I guess, thank you for reading it.
Love always,
P.S.- If you don’t feel the same way, you don’t have to say anything. We can just pretend this never happened.
Finished, Rick neatly folded the paper in half, wrote Michonne’s name on the front, and placed it on his nightstand beside Michonne’s gift.
Now the question remains if I’ll ever give it to her.
Before Rick knew it, there was only one more week until school let out for the holiday break. He’d decided to have a change of scenery and attended school in his dad’s study today. Returning to his room, Rick plopped down on his bed and reached for his phone that he’d left on the nightstand. To his horror, the phone was there, but Michonne’s gift...and more importantly, Michonne’s note...were both gone.
“What?! Why are you yelling?”
“Mama, where’s Michonne’s gift?”
“Your Aunt Sheila and I did our socially distanced gift exchange this afternoon. I dropped their gifts off on their porch and ours were waiting there in a box. I already put them under the tree.”
“So you got Michonne’s gift from me off of my table?”
“What happened to the piece of paper that was there as well?”
“Well, it had Michonne’s name on it, so I put it in a nice envelope...since you neglected to do so...and added it to her present.”
“Oh, Mama, you didn’t,” Rick groaned.
“Yes, I did. It was beside Michonne’s gift. It had her name on it. It was meant for her right?”
“Yes, ma’am. It was.”
“So why are you looking like I just destroyed your world?”
Because you may just accidentally have.
“Uh...it’s nothing,” Rick hedged. “I uh...I just wanted to exchange gifts in person.”
Mrs. Grimes nodded sympathetically.
“I know sweetie. We all wanted to do that this year, but we have to take the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe.”
Unfortunately, my heart might have just become collateral damage.
The morning after he wrote it, Rick had decided not to give Michonne the letter. He still felt the same way, but he just couldn’t run the risk of his confession altering their friendship in a negative way. However, now all he could do was wait and hope Michonne didn’t take an early peek at her gifts like she used to do when they were kids.
Rick looked at the date on his phone...December 10...fifteen days until Michonne opened the letter. He smiled wistfully at his lock screen.  It was picture of him and Michonne that she forced him to take on the last day they saw each other before their world got turned on its head. They were lounging in the hammock in his family’s backyard just talking about their hopes for senior year and beyond. It had been a perfect afternoon. He’d almost told her how he felt then but backed out at the last minute. Now the decision to tell had been taken out of his hands.
Man, I hope I didn’t make the biggest mistake of my life.
As the days to Christmas dwindled down, Rick didn’t notice a change in Michonne or their interactions. They still spoke every morning and every night and she acted the same as always. Rick didn’t know if that meant she hadn’t yet read the letter or that she had and was just not saying anything because didn’t have any romantic feelings for him.
Rick had tried to bribe Michonne’s younger brother, Noah, to find and destroy the letter. But that ended in utter failure. Noah couldn’t find the letter and he got yelled at by Michonne for snooping around her room. But Noah was true to his word (and the fifty dollars Rick sent to his cash app) and never implicated Rick in the plot.
~Christmas Eve~
Rick’s nerves were shot.
One more day until I know if I need to ask to go live with Granny Grimes down in Florida to finish out senior year.
Rick hadn’t spoken to Michonne at all today, which was a rarity.
Maybe she’s avoiding me.
Rick trudged glumly down the stairs so lost in thought that the sudden ringing of the doorbell scared him.
“Did y’all order food?” Rick called out to his family.
“No! It might be a package though,” his father yelled back.
Assuming the delivery person left the package on the porch, Rick pulled open the door without hesitation. He nearly fell over when he saw who was waiting.
“Michonne?! What are you doing here?” Rick started to push open the storm door, but caught himself. “Wait, a second.”
Rick grabbed his mask off the hallway table and put it on before stepping outside. The teens stood on opposite ends of the porch.
Michonne offered a small wave. “Hey, Rick. I came over because I wanted to see you.”
“Why? It must be important if you came in person.”
Oh, man. Is she going to break my heart in person?
“I promise to explain. But, first, I need you to answer some questions.”
“Questions? Why?”
“You’ll see.” Michonne pulled out her phone and unlocked it. “Okay, have you experienced any of the following recently...fever, cough, or headaches?”
“Good. Fatigue...muscle or body aches...loss of taste or smell?”
“Sore throat...nausea...diarrhea?”
“Rick, just answer the question.”
“Has anyone in your family experienced those symptoms recently?”
Rick shook his head. “No.”
“Where have you been in the past fourteen days?”
“I’ve been home.” Stressing out over a letter.
“You haven’t gone anywhere outside? Not even to the grocery store?”
“Other than the porch or backyard, I’ve been in the house.”
“Good. I’ve haven’t gone anywhere for the past fourteen days either. I’ve been in the house and avoiding anyone who doesn’t live in my house...basically a self-imposed quarantine.”
“So I could do this.”
Michonne removed her mask and walked over to Rick.  She reached up and removed his mask, smiling at the question in his eyes before leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on his lips. After a moment of shocked delay, Rick quickly responded by wrapping his arms around Michonne and deepening the kiss.
Needing a breath and a moment to process it all, the couple slowly broke off their kiss and stared at each other with twin smiles on their faces.
“I take it you read the letter?” Rick asked.
Michonne nodded. “Exactly fourteen days ago.”
“You read it the first night?! Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I’ve never had anyone confess their love for me before...at least not outside of a daydream. I needed time some time to deal.”
“And do you feel the same way?”
“Rick, I quarantined for fourteen days just so I could kiss you. What do you think that means?”
“Maybe I just want to hear you say it.”
Michonne rolled her eyes but couldn’t keep the smile off of her face.
“I love you, too, Rick.”
“For how long?”
“For as long as I can remember.”
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
Michonne shrugged. “It’s the same reason you didn’t. I was scared and I didn’t want to lose you in case you didn’t feel the same way.”
“But we both feel the same way. So...we’re a couple?”
“Almost. There is something you have to say first.”
“What?” Then it dawned on Rick and he flushed, suddenly shy. “I wrote it in the letter.”
“Maybe I just want to hear you say it.”
Rick chuckled at his words being thrown back at him, before he turned serious.
“I love you, Michonne.”
Michonne’s face lit up with a smile that took Rick’s breath away.
“Now, we’re a couple,” she declared.
Rick took Michonne’s hand and led her over to the porch swing.  The couple drew close under the blanket Rick’s mom kept there for the chilly winter nights.
“Guess I won’t have to open any gifts tomorrow.”
“What do you mean?” Michonne questioned.
“Christmas came early. I have everything I want now.”
Michonne smiled and pulled Rick into a hug.  When they separated, a sudden question occurred to Rick.
“Hey, did you open my actual gift I got you to read?” Rick asked.
“Not yet, I was waiting until tomorrow. I only opened the letter because I thought it was a card. I’m glad I didn’t wait though because that letter was truly the best thing I’ve read in my entire life.”
Rick blushed happily at Michonne’s words. 
“Well, maybe you’ll read something even better one day.”
“Like what?”
“Our wedding vows.”
Michonne’s eyes widened before she smiled sweetly, “Yeah, maybe one day.”
The couple shared another kiss before they cuddled against each other and slowly rocked in the swing, enjoying the Christmas lights shining across the neighborhood.
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elsac2 · 4 years
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Prompt by @darknessstartstorise
Hey, I saw your post about sending prompts. I am not sure if this is something you would be interested in. I am a fan of paranormal romances, and was wondering if you would ever consider doing an AU kinda based off the In your Eyes film. I wasn't crazy about the film itself but the idea of seeing through others eyes..that person being your soulmate and what not. I don't know if that is a very good one but figured I would put it out there for Richonne.
" and the hallucinations?"
Michonne raises her head at the question. 
She scratches her eyelids out of acquired habits. 
She blinks to centre her vision.
" It didn't last past a week," Michonne replies with a tone, which hides her lies.
" That's good."  
He kisses her, and Michonne remains stoic. Lying does not sit well with her, but she does not want to risk psychiatric internment over simple hallucinations due to a severe coma.
Michonne already made a mistake to say too much about her visual hallucinations. 
She would not truly call what she has hallucinations.  The thing is close to something, which she cannot explain. 
It feels like becoming blind to see through someone else's eyes. 
 She sounds crazy, and it only gets worse when she tries to explain.
"Don't worry," She cajoled her boyfriend. " the doctor says I'm recovering well enough. I will be ready to go back to work, Mike."
" and it's what worries me. " Mike replies, " You should take time to rest before jumping back into your job. The world won't end because an art gallery owner takes five days away."
Michonne smiles, and it is hardly different from a grimace.
"Yeah," she begrudgingly agrees. 
" and the hallucinations," 
Michonne sighs, and she should have been careful. She picks her shirt, and she begins to button it. Michonne almost feels vulnerable with all those wires on her.
" all gone," she regulates her breathing to maintain her heartbeat at an appropriate rhythm. 
" I hope it's not a lie," Michonne's doctor says as she feels a pile of documents, which Michonne needs. " I can't let you back on the field if you still are experiencing trouble with your sight." She raises her head and looks at Michonne.
" I feel brand new." She smiles.
" I'm going to clear you out for a desk job first," her doctor says." Two weeks later, you will be able to return to the field." She signs the files and returns it to Michonne.
Michonne is not happy, but it could be worse. She scratches her eyes. The discomfort is almost unbearable.
" Michonne,"  
She does not immediately reply. Even the loud yelling does not pull her out of it. It is nothing different from her usual hallucination.
A small scene of everyday life, she watches it happen enclosed in a body, which does not feel like hers. 
She lifts a little girl with blond curl waves, and she hears laughter. For a moment, she sits on the breakfast table with the girl and a teenager
"Dad,"  he calls her.
" Carl, finish your breakfast." She replies with a rather masculine voice. " your mother is coming to pick you up, and you know how she gets." 
"Michonne, " 
She breaks out of her hallucinations. Michonne looks around her, and she notices her heavy hand.
" What is going on with you?" Her colleague asks. " You froze while shooting." She adds. " maybe you weren't ready to come back. How many more sessions with the psychiatrist?" 
" I'm fine, Sasha" Michonne promptly responds. " I got shot before, and it is part of the job." She continues. " No trauma here. " She lies.
Michonne writes the name on her note pad. She adds more of what she can remember. The hallucinations began after being shot while on a mission in Nicaragua. 
She draws from her memories the little girl. Everything feels strange about her visions.  
It feels like looking through a window.  
Michonne draws a deep breath. On the last day, the hallucinations have not bothered her. In a week, she won't need to be on the desk. She would go back on the field.
Michonne closes her notepad. It would slowly go away.
It does not go away.  She lets her cup of coffee fall. Michonne is no longer in her kitchen. She is staring through the windows. 
There are broken glasses everywhere. She stares at a gun. 
" You thought we would not find you, Grimes. " 
A man says while he presses the gun on her. It is not truly how Michonne can describe it. He points it on Grimes.  She is only behind the window watching it happen.
" It doesn't have to be that way,"  Michonne recognises the voice. 
It is always the same voice. Carl's dad or Grimes, and she begins to believe they are the same man.  Michonne does not get to see more, and the window shatters into darkness.
" Michonne," Mike calls her.
She finishes packing dinner. He cooked, and she agreed to clean. Michonne has not had a hallucination in days. She scratches her eyelids.
Michonne is going to return to the field in a few days. She has her lie made up. Michonne would tell Mike that she has to go recover a piece of art in Malaysia. She has a mission in the country. It sounds like a simple one. Michonne only has to recover intelligence. 
"What?" Michonne yells from the kitchen.
" There is something on the news," Mike replies. 
Michonne assumes it is something about painting or an art gallery. She comes to the living room to feign interest.
" What is going on?" She asks when she sits.
" There is a local cop who has disappeared," Mike replies.
Michonne cocks an eyebrow. She does not see why he would call her over it. 
" Hmmm," Michonne says with slight confusion.
" Detective Grimes," He says the name.
Michonne freezes, and her eyes quickly turn to the TV.
It has been about a week since local hero Rick Grimes. One of Atlanta PD finest detectives also one known for his grand coup against drug cartels plaguing the city has disappeared.
On 7 March, his house was attacked, and the security alarm went off. The police arrived a few minutes later and found a scene of horror. 
Michonne registers the date. She loses part of what the news anchor relates. She thinks of her last hallucinations.
Blood has been found in Grimes' home with nobody in sight. There are many signs of struggle, and many clues lead to believe in a vendetta against the officer. 
Michonne scratches her eyes, and she leaves the room without a word. She retrieves her notepad, and she reads a detailed description of her hallucinations. Signs of struggles. It does not sit well with Michonne. 
It is nothing, but trauma. 
 For a minute, it is pitch black until the window is clean. She struggles to see blinded by the light.  Michonne stares at the face coming to focus.
" They are all looking for you, Grimes." 
There is no answer. She looks around her with slowness. She focuses on every little detail. She does not focus on what they say.  Michonne sees a foot coming toward her, and the image moves out of focus.
" You're going to rot here, and when we're done, they will find your body."  
Whoever the man talking to Grimes is, he spits toward him before living.
Michonne waits, and she continues to stare at the room.
"Michonne," she hears him mumbling, " That is your name, right." Grimes talks to her. " I know you're here." He insists, " I get in your head sometimes." He continues." Talk to me." He pleads.
Michonne panics. It all ends before she can respond. 
She leaves her desk. She rushes to the bathroom to wash her face. Michonne is frightened. It is insane. She is going insane. Nicaragua is coming to haunt her. Her entire career in the CIA is claiming her sanity. 
Michonne takes a deep breath, and she returns to her desk. 
She opens her motor of research, and she does what a good agent would do. She begins to dig.
Rick Grimes is a white man in his late thirty. By all standards, he is attractive. He is a father of two, and he recently divorced from his wife.  She finds nothing out of the ordinary. Until his date of divorce coincided with the day when she pulled out of her coma.
Michonne takes note of it.  She continues to dig. He is an excellent police officer, and he made himself some good enemy. From negan to Philip Blake, Rick Grimes is responsible for the biggest seizure in the Atlanta narco world. It is all impressive and yet nothing explains why she would build a story around him.
It started while she was lying on that wet floor in a dirty room of a hotel in Nicaragua. She had finished her mission. Michonne was waiting for extractions.  Someone burned her, and next she knew the bullets were breaking through the walls. 
An hour later, she began to have hallucinations. Nothing important more like little things she dreamed off. She spent six months in the coma. 
She spends six months in her head having a conversation. 
Those conversations became hallucinations when she opened her eyes. 
Michonne stares at the screen. She continues to read articles about Rick Grimes. He has a teenage son named Carl. 
 She searches Carl Grimes. 
Staring at the many pictures, she recognises the one from her drawing. Michonne switches off her computer.  
She is going insane.
Michonne fails to forget. She wakes up, and she has again fallen asleep on the sofa. Things have been different since she woke up from her coma. She doesn't like to share a bed with Mike anymore. She pretends to fall asleep on the couch. 
Michonne pulls her computer. Her mind will not allow her to forget. She has found all she could find about Rick Grimes. It does not answer her question. She needs more.
Sharing sight post coma 
Michonne finishes typing on Google. Many pages appear. She meticulously reads through articles. It is mayhem of information. There is a lot of useless information. Until a small article about death and soulmate. It is more ridiculous than the rest.
However, she reads it. It speaks to her. The little testimonies at the bottom of the article sound almost convincing.  
Michonne finds a scientific article about soulmates or half of an orange. She reads how it works. The intricate connection between souls and it is so rare that most people don't have one. 
Michonne ultimately returns to the article. It is ridiculous. She wants to believe it is written by some lunatic. Between the thousand comments, there is one by Maggie Rhee. The experience sounds like Michonne's one. She closes her computer.
Hold on… don't sleep.
Michonne wakes up with sweat coating every inch of her body. She feels like puking, and she rushes to the bathroom. Michonne empties her stomach. For months, she did not remember the day in Nicaragua.
What is your name
Michonne recognises Rick Grimes' voice. The same one who pushed her to keep going and stay awake. 
Michonne stares at the mirror. She is going insane. She sits in the bathtub, and she searches for the ridiculous article. She remembers seeing Maggie Rhee' s number. 
Michonne calls, and she waits for someone to pick up.
Michonne has a soulmate if she can trust Maggie Rhee. Why would she trust a young woman who lived what she is living? She didn't understand the specific. 
Something happens when anyone is at the brink of death. The fracture of the soul and it only depends on how strongly your soul is linked to your soulmate. Her connection with Rick Grimes must be one stronger than iron.  
Whatever, Michonne understands is that she owes her life to Rick Grimes talking her back to consciousness. Now, it feels right. She always thought it was Mike keeping her alive with small talk.  
Now, she remembers where she picked her new habits. It all comes for hours, days, and months of conversation with Rick Grimes.  
Michonne draws a deep breath. Maggie told her to try and project. She tries and it does not work at first. She knew it was lunacy. Soulmates and life miracles are bullshit. 
Michonne stares at the ceiling. She fails to forget. She plays some country music. Michonne used to hate it. She began to like it after resurfacing from her coma. It is the same way that she now loves deep southern accents. 
"Hello," Michonne hesitates. " If you hear me, reply. " she does not have faith it would work.
" I'm going insane." She concludes.
" As long as you do it after,"  
Michonne sees her ceiling fade.
" Richard Grimes?" She calls with hesitation.
" Yeah," he replies, " but Rick will do, Chonne."
It does not feel strange that he calls her that.
" I'm not insane," Michonne tells him. She looks at the room before him. " You're not in my head."
" I don't think you got it right," he replies with nonchalance.
" I'm in your head, and you're in mine." Michonne sounds crazy.
" That's my girl," He says with liberating joy. 
Michonne does not react to what he says, and it feels normal. She is his girl. Michonne has been for the last six months.
" You're dying," Michonne comes to term with reality. 
" No," Rick casually replies, " Not if you can help it." He says with confidence. " only stay with me."
Michonne does stay with Rick. He helps her, and she returns the favour. 
" What is your big plan?" He asks while he scans his surroundings.
" kill everyone in my way," Michonne replies while she straps her weapon.
" That is not a plan," Rick replies. " That is a suicide mission."
Michonne groans. They have been going back and worth. She knows Rick won't be alive for long if they continue to talk about it.
" Call the police," Rick deadpans.
" and tell them what?" Michonne retorts. " My soulmate is Rick Grimes, and he is in my head telling me that Merle Dixon kidnapped him in retaliation. They would think I'm insane." Michonne points out.
" You're insane." Rick rebounds. " A dozen men are here. What are you going to do alone? It is a heavy rotation of armed men." He points out.
Michonne grabs her duffle bag. She leaves her home. She carefully places a letter on the table for Mike.
" What is that?" Rick asks. " your fucking suicide note." He says with seriousness.
" My goodbye to Mike," Michonne replies, " I think he has been waiting for that break-up."  
Michonne enters the car. She drives to the place where she suspected they held Rick.
" Michonne," Rick attempts to resonate with her. " We're both going to die. Chonne, don't."
" Oh my god, " Michonne argues, " shut up Rick Grimes and waits for me to come and rescue you," 
It is chaos, and a few men are on the ground. Rick manages to help himself up. A man watches him, and Rick opts for the clear solution. He jumps on the man before he can drag his gun out. He sinks his teeth in the man's neck until he bleeds to death.
Rick twists and gyrates until he can drag his hand in front of him. One of his shoulders slipped out of his socket through the effort. He grabs the man gun, and he begins to head toward the source of gunshots. 
He pushes the door, and he finds chaos. Most men are dead, and Michonne has melted into a headlock. A man runs toward her, and Rick immediately shots at him. She looks toward him, and he freezes into actions.
" behind you," Michonne yells.
Rick immediately fires behind him. Michonne continues to squeeze Merle windpipe until he loses consciousness.
" How much left?" Rick asks while he begins to head toward Michonne.
" None," She replies with a smile, " they were eleven men," Michonne tells him.
Rick fixes the safety of his gun, and he aims it toward merle. 
" Hello," He tells Michonne.
" Hello, Rick." She replies.
They exchange a look, and it quickly ends as the police siren song fills the air. 
" How do I explain this?" Rick laments. 
" The less crazy version."
Rick indeed does not explain beyond a sketchy version where he killed eleven men. How else would he explain that his soulmate sees through his eyes and speaks in his head?
" You could have approached me," Michonne tells him.
" You wouldn't have bought the story," Rick replies, and he sips his beer.
" I…" Michonne hesitates. " I would have felt this pull." She decides to settle on the truth.
"I thought I was insane until I found you," Rick explains to Michonne. " I didn't want you to go through it." He confesses. 
" I still thought I was going crazy. I would get those flashes of your life and day after day." Michonne counters. 
" Sorry about that, I did think a lot about you. I couldn't always get you out of my head." Rick says. 
" So that it is the deal," Michonne asks. " We're soulmates, and…" she searches for what's next.
" I'm single, and so are you." Rick points out, " so far this first date is going well. We're facing a complicated topic. We're good at chemistry. We can try a second date. " He suggests.
" We can try a second date, " Michonne agrees. 
Their date is like many first dates, and Rick has the advantage of already having six months worth of conversation. Their date ends at the door of her apartment. Michonne does not know if it is the entire soulmate thing, but she finds him charming. She certainly likes his walk, and she can not say that about many men.
" Good night, Michonne," Rick says, and he reaches for her hand. 
Michonne holds him back, and she pulls him toward her. She rises on her toes and kisses him. 
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justjessame · 4 years
The Deal Chapter 30
Negan, after taking away my gun and knife, motions to his bed. And I go rigid. Surely that’s not what he’s brought me here to do. He has a fully stocked harem. Full of women who look like they give a far bigger shit about what they look like than me.
He takes stock of my stillness, and gives a small chuckle. Dear God, was he going to laugh at my inhibition to go to bed with him? “Jessica, I’m not planning on joining you.” He takes my hand and I try desperately not to flinch at the casualness of the touch, so foreign to me since I cannot remember the last time anyone had tried. The pads of his fingers are calloused, they remind me of Daryl’s, but his hand seems bigger, more slender. He’s tugging me toward the bed, and then, once standing in front of it, he tries to sooth me. “You look exhausted.”
Do I? It seems like I’m always sleeping when I’m not taking care of Judith. My room in Alexandria had become a refuge from the world, and I’d had to force myself to leave it.
Negan watches me. And once again, I wish I could see what he saw. If my mask really had gone away, I wanted to know how far it had slipped, and how to put it back in place. “Go ahead, Jessica. I’ll be working right over there,” he points back to where we’d been seated.
Since sleep is the fastest way to nowhere, I take off my boots and without a shred of hesitancy left, I pull off my jeans and climb in the bed. The urge is heavy now, to escape again. To get away inside my own head, where nothing waits. Because, even if Negan can see that I’m broken, he can’t see that the dark release of nothing and nowhere is all I can ever wish for.
When I wake up, it’s dark. Completely dark, without even the light of the stars and moon coming through the window we’d sat by when I’d arrived. I wondered, had it happened? Had the darkness that I’d slipped into so willingly finally taken me over completely? I felt no fear. No worry. I felt nothing. And in that, I found solace.
The next time I surface, the light’s blinding. Sunlight shining through the window that I’d seen when we’d sat down and Negan had tried to unlock my secrets. I wished it hadn’t come. Morning. Not, I told myself, because I wanted to die. Simply because I found safety in the nothing. In the dark of nowhere.
Negan is sitting in the chair he’d sat in the day before. At least I think it’s the day before. I can see him without sitting up or giving him a sign I’ve awakened. And with this advantage, I study the man who had studied me. He’s reading a sheaf of papers. The bat resting on the table before him, within reach, as seems to be his habit. There’s a walkie talkie beside it. His leather jacket is gone, tossed over the chair I’d occupied before. One hand is shading his eyes, while the other is holding the papers. And I wonder, why him? Why could he see so easily what no one else could? What knowledge does this dangerous man have that my own father doesn’t? What experience would give him the ability to read me easier than Daryl, a man I’d given everything to? And what would he do with the knowledge? The truth about Rick Grimes’ daughter? The reality of my stability or instability? The fact that I wasn’t strong, or brave, or built for this world? The veil that I’d worn so carefully and fully that not even those closest to me could see through it?
He fidgeted, as though he could feel my eyes on him. And I closed mine quickly. Feigning sleep, praying that the darkness would come again, that I’d be able to escape back to nowhere, to nothing.
It didn’t work. He’d seen or thought he’d seen my eyes open. And he called to me, loudly and clearly. “Jessica, come over here.” It was an order. Plain and simple. And since I’d traded my life for Glenn’s, I complied.
I got out of his bed, pulled my jeans back on and walked barefoot over to where he was sitting. He’d tossed the papers onto the table and sat back in his chair to study me standing beside him. And I waited to see what he’d expect of me now. Whatever he saw, it didn’t seem to please him.
“Put on your boots,” he gestured to where I’d set them before resting. “Time for a fucking tour.”
I pulled on my boots and sighed. It wasn’t loud, but he’d heard it, I’m sure. It seemed like he was attuned to every fucking minutia of my being, and I’d just met him. I could hear him pulling on his jacket, the sound of him taking his bat in hand. I turned around to see him far closer than I’d expected him to be. His hand reached out and cupped my chin so he could tilt my face up for his inspection. A rough thumbpad traced beneath my eye, as he studied my face.
“Not much of an improvement,” his voice was low, quiet even. He shook his head and released me. “Let’s fucking go, let you see what you gave up your fucking life for.”
I should have felt fear. It should have made me worry about what I was going to see. Yet, I felt nothing. I wasn’t here, not really, not as long as I could slip back inside myself, back to nowhere.
I followed him, again close enough to keep up without exerting myself, but far enough that I didn’t have to be near him. As I’d been able to do for months, or years now, I took note of everything without taking in anything. Going through the motions, seeing but not experiencing, taking stock but not worrying, all of that was as second nature to me as breathing. As fighting. As surviving.
The marketplace, or whatever he termed it, where his people bartered points earned through work for necessities or luxuries. The cafeteria, again based around earnings through these jobs that he kept mentioning. He stopped our tour long enough to give me food. Hovering to watch me eat, making sure everything was consumed. Satisfied that I’d gotten something down, as though I didn’t eat, we kept going and I wondered, perhaps he had decided on my purpose. Perhaps. Outside, a closer look at his walker security system, I wondered if eventually we’d all be found here, guarding a building without any notice of what or who we had been before. Back inside, to the infirmary, where the wife that had introduced herself, Sherry, was getting results of a pregnancy test.
I had a flicker, as she told Negan it was negative, as the man with the ruined face was nearby, of something tugging in the back of my mind. Hadn’t I, at some point, wanted this? The hope of a child. The future of a family. With Daryl? Maybe, but that was once upon a time, and this was the real world.
I didn’t pay attention to the interaction between Negan and the doctor, or Negan and the man he called ‘D’ or the wife. The doctor, I’m sure I was told his name, but what need did we have of names? What did it matter? He stepped forward, toward me, and asked me to sit on the exam table. I sat. I did what was asked of me, nothing more, nothing less. It was automatic, muscle memory with a hint of listening to what was necessary. Simple. Done. I didn’t notice what he’d checked, or what he said. I didn’t care. I was healthy, clearly, since I was still breathing. I’m sure Negan and the doctor spoke. I’m sure they shot me looks. I didn’t pay attention, I’d gone back to nothing. To nowhere. Where it was blank and easy.
I was told to follow him again. And I did. Back through the building, more hallways, more information. Then we returned to the room filled with women. All clamoring for attention, and he brushed them off and took me back to his private space. And he told me to get more rest, and I wondered why? What was so important about my resting? But I only pondered for a moment, because in the end, nowhere was beckoning. And that temptation of nothing was too powerful to resist.
I woke to darkness again. Complete and perfect. Home. And as I let my internal darkness tempt me away, I wondered if it mattered where I was physically, since I wasn’t there. Not really.
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 5 years
Suicide Mission ( Daryl Dixon x Reader )
Summary: Before the whole world turned to shit, you lived next door to the Dixon’s. You grew really close to the Dixon brothers over the years. You and Daryl quickly becoming best friend, despite your massive  crush on him, (which at the time, you didn’t know he returned).
You weren’t with him when the outbreak started, but against all odds you managed to find him while helping a random group of strangers on the road. It seemed like fate always found a way, even during the apocalypse.
(Set during Season 3 of TWD and will follow the seasons basic storyline through yours and Daryl’s eyes)
Parings: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Word Count: 4,498
Warnings: Language, violence, mild descriptions of blood and gore
Chapter 12:
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"Field's filled with walkers." Rick's voice suddenly shouted from downstairs in the cellblock while you and Daryl sat side by side in your cell. 
"Stay here, I'll be back." Daryl said softly brushing a strand of your hair out of your face and you nodded looking over at him as he placed a gentle kiss against your lips before he got up and walked out the cell. No doubt going to talk to Rick about what the next move was.
Daryl was only gone for a few minutes before you heard him climb up the metal stairs and two seconds later he walked into the cell, but by the expression on his face you knew something wasn't right.
"What's wrong?" You quickly questioned, standing up from the bed as you reached his side in an instant, but he shook his head. 
"Nothin', just some of 'em don't want Merle here." Daryl muttered and you nodded. You didn't expect everyone to just welcome the older Dixon into the group, not after what he did, but he wasn't leaving so they were gonna have to get used to it.
"After what Merle did it's gonna take some time for everyone to get used to him living here." You replied and Daryl sighed rubbing his face with his hands as he walked over to the bed and laid down on his back, tucking his arm under his head as he stared up at you in defeat.
"What if they don't get used to it?" He questioned and you could tell Daryl was really worried about this. It was his brother and after losing him once, he didn't want to lose him again, you understood that.
"Merle is Merle. He isn't the same man I remember from next door, but he's still Merle." You began to say as you gingerly sat down on the edge of the bed as Daryl rested his arm over your thighs, looking up at you. "It doesn't matter if the others ever get used to him being here or not because he is staying. I'm not letting either of you leave again, alright?" You asked and Daryl nodded giving you a soft smile.
The two of you sat there for a few minutes before Carol knocked against the door frame catching both your attention as you gave her a smile.
"I'll let you guys catch up." You said, realising the two of them probably wanted some privacy as you stood up, grabbing your crossbow and began walking out the cell before Carol grabbed your arm.
"Thank you for coming back." She said softly and you nodded giving her a smile before you walked out the cell. You weren't sure where or what you were gonna do, so you just made your way down the stairs in the cellblock, spotting Rick talking Glenn.
"Hey, Y/N?" Rick called spotting you walking down the stairs as he began walking over to you.
"What's up?" You asked stopping at the bottom of the stairs beside him as you slung your crossbow over your shoulder.
"What you did for me... For my daughter..." Rick began to say, trailing off as he looked down at the floor clearly not knowing how to word what he wanted to say, but you knew what he was meaning.
"You guys are like family to me now, it's what we do." You replied with a gentle smile as Rick looked up at you with kind eyes.
"Daryl said the same thing." Rick said meeting your eyes with a chuckle. Of course Daryl did, he was loyal to his family and friends, even before this, you could always rely on him no matter what. He was loyal and did everything in his power to protect and help the ones he loves.
"Dad! Andrea is in the field, walking towards the prison." Carl suddenly shouted as you both quickly turned around to find the young boy running into the cellblock.
"Andrea?" Rick questioned wanting to make sure he heard him correctly and Carl nodded.
"We have to make sure she's alone." You suddenly said pulling your crossbow off your shoulder as Daryl and Carol came rushing down the stairs after hearing what the younger Grimes said.
"No. Ya stayin' in here." Daryl quickly stated causing your head to snap around in his direction in disbelief. If Andrea was with the Governor or others from Woodbury then they needed all the fighters all they could get and you were a damn good shot. "You're already hurt, stay in here. Merle can help us." Daryl explained and you sighed, but nodded as everyone rushed out the cellblock.
After most of them left the building you made your way into the other room next to the cellblock, spotting Carol organising the makeshift shelves the guys built with the limited food you had left sitting on it.
You walked over to one of the metal tables, taking a seat as you rested your crossbow over your lap waiting for the others to come back. You didn't know Andrea. You knew she used to be apart of Rick's group until they got separated at the farm, but she was with the Governor now and apparently sleeping with him. Although you tried not to judge her considering Merle used to be one of the Governor's soldiers, so she might not be too bad.
After a few minutes the door to your left opened as Rick and the others walked in along with a blonde woman who you assumed was Andrea. You eyed her cautiously as she walked over to Carol, wrapping the other woman into a tight hug and you smiled slightly at the reunion as Daryl walked over to you, taking a seat on the table beside you.
You looked over at Merle, who was standing by the door watching all of you before you turned back to Andrea as she took in the scenery around her.
"I can't believe this. Where's Shane? And Lori?" Andrea questioned, looking around at all of you and you could tell nobody wanted to say it.
"She had a girl. Lori didn't survive. Neither did T-Dog." You informed looking over at Andrea as she quickly turned around, staring at you in disbelief.
"I'm so sorry. Carl. Rick I..." Andrea began saying looking over at the leader who avoided her gaze as he stared at the ground. "You all live here?"
"Here and the cellblock." Glenn responded, looking over at his old friend, but you weren't sure if he still consider her a friend, hell you weren't sure what any of them thought.
"There? Well, can I go in?" She asked pointing towards the door to the cellblock.
"I won't allow that." Rick suddenly said shaking his head. Alright, Rick definitely didn't consider her a friend anymore.
"I'm not the enemy, Rick." Andrea suddenly said, but now it was your turn to shake your head.
"We don't know that." You replied, looking over at the woman who was standing in front of Rick a few metres away from you and Daryl.
"Hang on, who are you? I was with these guys since the start and you weren't there. How do we know you aren't an enemy?" Andrea suddenly questioned, trying to turn things on you but you just laughed shaking your head as you grabbed Daryl's hand, lacing your fingers together.
"I'm Daryl's girlfriend." You answered looking over at her and you could see her eyes go wide in shock. "We had that field and courtyard outside until your boyfriend tore down the fence with a truck and shot us up."
"He said you fired first." Andrea tried to defend, but before you could respond Rick started talking.
"Well, he's lying. He killed an inmate who survived in here." Rick replied.
"We liked him. He was one of us." Daryl added looking over at the woman as you squeezed his hand gently for comfort.
"I didn't know anything about that. As soon as I found out, I came. I didn't even know you were in Woodbury until after the shoot-out." She replied, looking around at all of you as she took in all this information.
"That was days ago." Glenn commented crossing his arms as he looked over at Andrea who stared at him in complete shock before she turned around to Michonne.
"What have you told them?" She questioned.
"Nothing." Michonne simply answered, not bothering to elaborate on the topic any further.
"I left Atlanta with you people and now I'm the odd man out?"
"He almost killed Michonne and he would have killed us." Glenn responded. 
"With his finger on the trigger. Isn't he the one who kidnapped you? Who beat you?" Andrea responded point towards Merle before continuing. "Look, I cannot excuse or explain what Philip has done. But I am here trying to bring us together. We have to work this out."
"There's nothing to work out. We're gonna kill him. I don't know how or when, but we will." Rick responded not backing down as he crossed his arms.
"We can settle this. There is room at Woodbury for all of you." She tried to say but it was clear nobody was buying it.
"What makes you think this man wants to negotiate? Did he say that?" Hershel questioned, but Andrea shook her head.
"Then why did you come here?" Rick questioned, getting sick of all this small talk.
"Because he's gearing up for war. The people are terrified. They see you as killers. They're training to attack." Andrea explained and you weren't surprised, you all knew the truck through the fence was only the start of it.
"Next time you see Philip, you tell him I'm gonna take his other eye." Daryl muttered, anger evident in his tone.
"Rick. If you don't sit down and try to work this out, I don't know what's gonna happen. He has a whole town. Look at you. You've all lost so much already. You can't stand alone anymore." She stated, turning around to face all of you.
"You want to make this right, get us inside." Rick suddenly said, but she shook her head. "Then we got nothing to talk about." Rick responded before walking off into the cellblock, leaving you all standing and sitting around the room.
After that Michonne took Andrea outside to talk in privacy giving the rest of you time to decide what to do. You all eventually decided on giving Andrea a car, so she could go back to Woodbury and talk to the Governor. Rick agreed to meeting the Governor somewhere in a couple of days at noon, to hopefully sort this whole thing out, but you knew it wouldn't be that easy. The Governor wouldn't agree to any truce, the only thing he wanted was a war and for you guys to be gone.
"What time is it?" Daryl mumbled from the bed, his usual deep southern drawl now raspy, laced with sleep and you smiled watching him as he yawned, rubbing his tired eyes.
"Slow down, cowboy. There's still a few hours till daylight." You chuckled placing your rifle against the wall next to the two crossbows before you began getting changed into the new clothes Carol had given you, so you didn't have to wear that oversized shirt Merle gave you back in Woodbury.
"What are ya doin'?" Daryl muttered, clearly still half asleep as you finished putting on your new blue bra before slipping on a black tank top and a long sleeved flannel, feeling more comfortable and relaxed in better fitting clothes.
"You can't even keep your eyes open, go back to sleep." You whispered, not wanting to wake anyone else in the other cells before you climbed into bed beside Daryl as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders pulling you into his chest.
"Were ya on watch all night?" Daryl asked softly and you nodded against his chest causing him to sigh. "Wasn't Rick meant to take over?"
"Yeah, but he's going on that run with Michonne and Carl today to find guns and ammo. I didn't want to wake him, he needs the rest." You simply replied as you fiddled with the loose thread on Daryl's sleeveless shirt.
"You need rest too." 
"I can sleep all day if I want, we don't have anything better to do, but wait till that meeting with the Governor in two days' time." You muttered closing your eyes as Daryl began running his fingers through your hair.
"About that meeting... I want ya to stay here while we go." Daryl suddenly said causing your eyes to snap open at what he just said.
"Not gonna happen. I am not letting you guys meet with that monster alone." You quickly responded, lifting your head from his chest to look at him, but even with the small candle on the bedside table you could barely see his face.
"This ain't up for discussion. I don't want ya anywhere near that prick." Daryl responded, but before you could argue any further he continued talking. "Plus I need ya to keep an eye on Merle while we're gone. I don't want him doin' anythin' stupid, Rick is one step away from kickin' him out. Please Y/N, I need ya here." Daryl pleated and you sighed resting your head back on his chest.
"Okay. But if you guys aren't back after a few hours I'm going after you." You answered and you felt Daryl nod response as you relaxed back in his arms before the two of you fell asleep.
Rick, Daryl and Hershel left about half an hour ago to meet with the Governor, they wanted to leave early to scope the place out before the Governor got there and to make sure it wasn't a trap first. The rest of you were instructed to stay at the prison, a person on watch and by the gate at all times.
Most of you were in the large room next to the cellblock sorting through the various guns that Rick, Michonne and Carl managed to find yesterday. There were shotguns, assault rifles, hunting rifles, handguns, silencers, cases of bullets and magazines and much more. You still had no idea how they managed to find all these weapons, it was like they robbed a police station or something, but surely all police stations would have been scavenged by now.
"Carl, can you stash these at the loading dock?" You asked handing the young boy a couple of cases of bullets you grabbed from the table.
"If anyone gets pinned down, we need to make sure that they have plenty of ammo. I'll work on the cage outside." Glenn said as he grabbed one of the rifles and small blow torch as he began walking towards the door before Merle spoke up.
"What we should be doing is loading some of this firepower in a truck and paying a visit to the Governor. We know where he is right now." Merle stated from the other side of the room as he leant against the wall and you sighed. Merle had kept quiet for nearly 40 minutes without causing any trouble, but it looks like nothing lasts forever.
"Are you suggesting that we just go in and kill him?" Glenn questioned as you put the small handgun back down on the table taking a step towards Merle, not knowing how this little conversation will go down.
"Yeah, I am." The older Dixon responded, not taking his eyes off Glenn.
"We told Rick and Daryl that we'd stay put." Michonne replied from the kitchen space across the room and you had to admit that woman was growing on you, she had definitely earned her place.
"I've changed my mind, sweetheart. Being on the sideline with my brother out there ain't sitting right with me." Merle stated glancing over at Michonne.
"I don't like it either, but we don't have a choice. The three of them are right in the middle of it. No idea we're coming. They could get taken hostage or killed, a thousand things could go wrong." You spoke up looking over at Merle who shook his head at you.
"My dad can take care of himself." Carl commented before he began walking off with the cases of bullets you had given him.
"Sorry son, but your dad's head could be on a pike real soon." Merle teased, watching as Carl walked out the room, trying to ignore the older Dixon.
"Merle. Don't say that to him." You warned, glaring over at the older Dixon who gave you a sheepish smile.
"It's not the right move. Not now. Can't take the risk of putting them in the crossfire. Rick put Y/N and I in charge and that's our decision. It's final." Glenn instructed, glancing over at you for backup and you nodded in agreement before Glenn walked out the room.
"I'll help him with the cage." You muttered, glancing over at Merle before you followed Glenn outside.
Neither of you said anything as Glenn began cutting a gap through the metal cage so somebody could stand there and fire through the gap. It was a smart idea and if Rick and the Governor didn't work things out which was highly likely, then you guys were gonna need all the lookout spaces you could get.
"About what happened in Woodbury... I'm so sorry for what Merle did. He didn't have a choice and I know that doesn't make up for what happened, but-" You began to say before Glenn stopped cutting the wire and looked over at you.
"Merle took us to the Governor and Maggie told me what the Governor did to you both. I don't understand, after everything Merle has done, why do you keep standing up for him?" Glenn questioned in complete confusion and you sighed. It was a fair enough question and you probably should have seen it coming.
"I grew up in a shitty neighbourhood with even shitter people. Merle may be an asshole when he wants to be, but he always looked out for me and Daryl when we were growing up. He's like a brother to me and I will talk to him, alright?" You replied and Glenn nodded before motioning to the small gap in the wire cage and you grinned as you grabbed the rifle leaning against the wall before aiming through the gap he just created.
"That was easy." Glenn commented with a grin and you nodded before handing the gun back to him as you both made your way back into the building to find Merle filling a duffle bag with guns. Shit.
"Hey, you're not going." You stated, glancing over at Maggie who clearly didn't know what to do before you focused back on Merle.
"I don't need permission." Merle muttered and you sighed, walking down the steps towards him. You couldn't let him leave, too many things could go wrong.
"If you're going to live here with us, it's gonna be on our terms. If Michonne can do it, why can't you?" Maggie questioned as Merle began walking towards the door, but you quickly grabbed his shoulder trying to stop him.
"'Cause it's my brother out there, that's why. What's the matter with y'all?" Merle shouted, shrugging your hand off his shoulder as he climbed the stairs towards the door, but Glenn took a step forward blocking Merle from the door.
"I'm not gonna let you put them in danger." Glenn muttered as Merle took another step forward until they were literally face to face. Shit, this was not gonna end well. You had seen Merle in his far share of fights growing up and this was usually how they all started.
"Get out of my way, boy." Merle warned, but Glenn shook his head not backing down as you quickly climbed the steps until you were behind Merle, ready to pull him back if he started fighting.
"Get out of my way!" Merle shouted angrily as he grabbed Glenn, pushing him out the way. But in a split second Glenn spun around, grabbing Merle as he pushed him backwards causing the two of them to fall down the stairs taking you down with them.
The three of you tumbled down the stairs as you hit the cement ground hard landing on your back. You groaned in pain, grabbing your ribs in agony as stars began filling your vision. You could hear Merle and Glenn still fighting a few metres away, but you were too focused on not passing out to do anything about it until a gunshot echoed through the prison. You glanced across the room to find Beth standing there holding a small pistol in the air and you sighed with relief realising nobody had gotten hurt.
"Let me go! Let. Me. Go!" Merle's voice suddenly yelled and you forced yourself to sit up slightly, using the bottom stair to help you. You glanced over at Merle who was on his knees, Maggie, Glenn and Michonne holding him down before letting him go, taking a step backwards before Merle stood up, glaring at the three of them until his eyes landed on you and soften slightly.
"You alright?" Merle questioned, taking a step towards you and you nodded grabbing the railing to help yourself stand up as you grabbed your ribs with a wince.
"I'm fine. Guys, can I have a minute to talk to Merle?" You asked looking over at Maggie, Glenn and Michonne who nodded walking into the cellblock to give the two of you some privacy.
"Been a while since you and me actually had a proper conversation." Merle commented walking over to you as he leant against the other side railing of the stairs.
"Too bad the last conversation we actually had was right before you took us to the Governor and we all know how well that turned out." You muttered, looking down at the stairs.
"I didn't have a choice, the Governor, he-" Merle began to reply before you cut him off.
"I know." You sighed, rubbing your face with your hands. "You might be different, but you're still the same, Merle, deep down. I know you and I know you would do anything to protect Daryl and to make sure he's safe-"
"And you." Merle muttered causing you to look over at him in confusion as he folded his arms with a shrug. "You and Daryl are the only people who actually care about me and even then I think I've pushed Daryl away. He looks to Rick more as a brother than me." Merle stated and for a second you thought you could hear sadness in his tone.
"Hey, you may have done some shit that Daryl and well nobody agrees with, but he's still your brother and he would never replace you with anybody. But you need to stop starting fights around here. Daryl cares about this group like family and if you keep arguing and fighting with them you are only going to push him away. Promise me, you will just go along with what Rick and the others say?" You asked looking over at the older Dixon who stared at you for a few seconds, contemplating what you just said.
"You know I can't promise that." Merle replied and you sighed with a nod. Merle would do whatever it takes to protect Daryl, even if that meant going against what everyone else agreed on.
"I'm gonna go take watch, stay here and don't do anything stupid." You ordered staring at Merle who chuckled, but nodded in agreement.
The sun was setting along the horizon, dying the usual white clouds with different shades of orange and pink. There weren't many beautiful things left in this world, but sunsets and sunrises were still the same and for the few minutes they lasted, it made you almost forget about the world around you.
You sighed taking a deep breath of the cool afternoon air as you leant against the railing of the guard tower. You enjoyed keeping watch, it kept your mind busy and it was a lot better than sitting in the prison doing nothing.
"Oh, thank God." You sighed, hearing the familiar rumble of Daryl's motorcycle filling the air before you spotted him and Rick's car as they drove through the front gate of prison through the field of walkers. "Open the gate!" You yelled leaning over the railing to Carol who was standing in the courtyard by the gate before she quickly opened it letting them in.
You watched as Daryl climbed off his motorcycle, wearing his usual poncho as he walked over to the others who all began walking out the prison towards them, wanting to know what happened. They all talked for a few minutes, but you couldn't hear what they were saying from the top of the tower.
You figured they would tell you what happened after your watch shift so you walked back around along the platform as you took a seat, letting your legs dangle off the edge as you rested your arms against the lower railing bar.
"How'd it go?" You asked glancing over your shoulder after hearing footsteps climbing up the stairs to find Daryl walking towards you, but by the look on his face it didn't go well.
"Rick says the Governor want's us all dead." Daryl muttered, taking a seat besides you.
"I could have told you that days ago." You responded as you rested your chin on top of your arms along the railing. "Do you think we can beat them? I mean this is gonna turn into a war, right? And we all know Woodbury has the numbers."
Daryl didn't say anything for a few seconds as he took his poncho off and wrapped it over your shoulders and you smiled resting your head against his shoulder.
"We have more guns now and the prison is big. We could use that against 'em." Daryl finally said as you both looked out along the horizon, watching the sky slowly turn dark.
"Like hide in the prison and attack when they aren't expecting it?" You asked and you felt Daryl nod as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. Neither of you spoke for a while after that as you both looked out along the horizon as stars slowly began filling the dark night sky. You could tell Daryl was worried about the Governor, hell everyone was worried about the Governor, but you weren't going to give up this prison. It was the first real safe place you had ever found in this new world and you couldn't live on the road with Judith, she needed a place to call home. A place to grow up. To have somewhat of a normal childhood, hell, Carl and Beth deserved that too, you couldn't lose the prison. 
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"Taking a bath together” - The Walking Dead.
Requested by - @rhyatt-deauxtreve  Also some of these gifs I had to find on google so full credit goes to the owners
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Rick Grimes;
Rick would be grateful that someone had managed to make it possible to have enough water so he could enjoy a bath. But he decides to choose his moment to enjoy the new luxury, which so happened to be after a long day dealing with the threats of Negan and Saviours. He doesn’t say a word to you as he leads you upstairs taking his time while you undress before getting into the warm bathtub. With you sitting between his legs, he’s grateful that he does to share this one moment of peace with you. 
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Being with Negan definitely has its perks. The ability to keep clean was one of them. Yet Negan doesn’t see it that way as such. He sees it as a way to spend intimate moments together, as his hands roam your body while discussing his frustrations about the current situation with the other groups. While Negan won’t admit it, he needs these moments with you in the bath. He needs to feel like someone is actually listening to him for once because they want too. Once Negan has vented he decides it’s time to reward you for listening to him... 
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Daryl Dixon;
Daryl likes taking baths with you. He enjoys that you two can spend time together when you're not having somewhere to rush too. There’s something about the feeling of the warm water and the bubbles floating around that soothes Daryl’s tense muscles. Daryl likes to lay between your legs while he plays with your hand occasionally talking about something that had been on his mind that he only trusts you with. Daryl would definitely want to take baths as often as possible. 
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Simon prefers to take baths with you whenever he’s tired. The thought of having to stand to take a shower makes him grumble. Simon’s long tall frame wouldn’t necessarily fit in the bath, perhaps that’s why he prefers to sit in front of you. Bathing together in this position allows him to be comfortable and he doesn’t have to worry about you being uncomfortable either. Simon’s favourite thing about taking a bath with you is when you begin to give him one of your famous neck massages they just feel so good, to Simon it’s what he envisions Heaven to be like. 
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Michonne is ecstatic when you're both given the opportunity to bath together. She’s been waiting to spend some quality time together for a while. She’d do her best to make it a special experience for you both. Days before you both planned the bath together she would have been on a run in an attempt to get some nice wine and candles. When she was successful she’d return home before taking you away from the others so you could finally enjoy the bath together. 
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Dwight definitely looks toward to sharing a bath you whenever he gets the occasion decide if your working for the right n. Pre-apocalypse was already complicated, but now it’s politics and trying to decide which side is the correct one. At least when he’s with you in the bath, he doesn’t have to hide intentions or try and not put his foot in his mouth. Dwight would definitely want to sit behind you so he can hold you tightly while you both relax in. Your the only person who’s left to fight for and he is never going to let anyone hurt you. 
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King Ezekiel;
Sharing a bath with you is something, King Ezekiel loves to indulge in whenever he gets the opportunity. He makes sure he has something sweet for you both to enjoy, a bottle of wine if he can manage to have any scavenged, rose petals dotted around leading towards the tub. Whenever King Ezekiel plans one of these nights he decides to never inform you of anything. He simply asks you to follow him before surprising you. During your time in the bath, he’d ask about your day, occasionally making you laugh with cheesy chat up lines. It’s one of the few occurrences where Ezekiel is happy and content with hardly any stress on his shoulders. 
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One of the luxuries that Gregory loves more than anything is his ability to have a bath since he is very persistent about cleanliness, So whenever your taking a bath with Gregory would be to relax and to make sure your both clean. Gregory would go on about how difficult his day had been while you sit and listen to him while washing his hair for him occasionally adding your own input in an attempt to calm down the very stressed and annoyed man. 
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Glenn Rhee;
Bathing together would be Glenn’s favourite way to start the day. Knowing that you two are taking a couple extra minutes with each other before you reunite with the crazy and dangerous world outside of your door. Throughout your time together in the bath, you and Glenn would constantly be muttering sweet things to each other telling the other how much you love the other. Both of you would wash each others back and hair while calmly discussing your morning and what both of you have to get done today. 
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Maggie Rhee;
Maggie was beyond stressed out. Running the Hilltop was no easy task, trying to keep track of supply count and attempting to win a war. After a long day of fighting and battling, the thought of being able to bath together for a few minutes relaxed Maggie. Sitting in the bath together alongside the warmth of the water and the beautiful smell of the bubble bath, sitting with you as you slowly bath each other while you speak about issues that are going on at the Hilltop prove to become a way that you both destress from the reality that you face on daily basis. 
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Gabriel Stokes;
Gabriel was hesitant to share a bath with you at first. His religion is important to him so he believes seeing you undressed would be a sin. But it occurs to Gabriel that he lives every day in sin. So one night after a day filled with battling Negan and the Saviours, Gabriel asked you and he was more than grateful that you had agreed. Relaxing in the bath with you in front of you as he worshipped your body making sure you were very much clean before asking if you wouldn’t mind washing his back. Taking a bath with Gabriel is definitely a learning process as he discovers what is acceptable and what is not. 
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Morgan Jones;
Baths with Morgan are away for you both to de-stress. It’s not just about being able to keep clean, it’s being able to escape from the word outside in the sanctuary of the structure you call home together. No evil can penetrate the walls as long as you both have got each other. Morgan would often play the old tapes that he had discovered so you could sit back and enjoy the warmth of the water and the normality of being able to listen to music. Morgan would talk about the days before the apocalypse and all the things he misses. While making promises to you that he will do everything in his power to make good of the world you currently live in. 
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Merle Dixon;
Merle definitely begs for you to take a walk with him. It’s not so he can keep clean. Merle is very handy when it comes to having a bath together. Unfortunately, you don’t get a lot of time together considering Merle’s constant work for the Governor, which is unfortunate yet that doesn’t stop from sneaking away from his duties to take a bath with you. Given the factors that Merle is in his “own home” so to speak, behind closed doors and allowed to have something that was his. Merle doesn’t see why he can’t spend some alone time with you, especially since it’s about hygiene which is just as important as keeping guard. Yet there’s hardly any bathing done... 
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Carl Grimes; 
Carl suggested the idea, the two of you had been together for a while and everywhere the two of you had gone there had been some sort of conflict. So Carl came up with the idea of the bathroom and the bath. Carl had managed to find himself some swimming trunks and you a swimsuit/trunks, like a mini pool. Surrounded by bubbles and warm water, the two of you goofed off and spoke about things that had been on your mind without being surrounded by walkers and conflict. 
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Rosita Espinosa;
Rosita had been dying to get clean for a long time. Some sort of normality, however, your shared home didn’t have a bath but you didn’t let that stop you from attempting to surprise Rosita. After speaking to some of the builders, you managed to get them to install a bath inside of your home. When she returned home after a particularly long run, you surprised her with it. That night the two you shared a bath, with her laying in front of you, you both talked laughed and enjoyed each others company as if there wasn’t an apocalypse outside. 
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The Governor;
The Governor likes to take baths with you after a long day running Woodbury. With a glass of Bourbon in his hand and you in front of him, casually running his fingertips up and down as you rest your head against his chest. The two of you of you talk about your respective days, the Governor leaning down to kiss you every so often. Bathing with the Governor is surprisingly sweet and gentle. 
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Milton Mamet;
Having a bath with Milton is always loving and surprisingly giggly. Milton tends to return home stressed out and tired after dealing with the Governor’s requests all day. So when he returns home to see you had prepared a bath for you two to enjoy together, he’s grateful that he managed to find someone like you in his life. After settling in the bath together, you in-front of Milton. The two of you begin to talk about your days, Milton referring to an experiment or something he learned. Knowing how excited Milton is you can’t help but join in his excitement. Milton begins to crack jokes just to see you smile. Bathing with Milton is a very happy affair. 
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Paul “Jesus” Rovia 
Both of you tend to prefer a bath whenever you're super tired. After running around all day covered in dirt. Both of cannot stand the thought having to stand under the shower, so you both opt to have a bath instead. The two of you would lazily begin to wash the dirt off each other occasionally giving each other soft kisses and promises to each other. Jesus jokes that perhaps you should do this again sometime. You laugh and agree, perhaps next time you both won’t be exsisted so you can enjoy the bath together. 
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Abraham Ford;
Abraham relishes in the ability to take a bath after a long day working on something or gunning on a run with Rick. He enjoys seeing you preparing the bath while he takes off his boots but making sure his gun is within arms reach just as a precaution. Grabbing the bottle of bourbon he had discovered along with a couple of glasses and one of the cigars that he recently with you in-front of him. Both enjoying the peace and quiet of an empty house. Abraham would lean back against the bath and relax. It’s an extra bonus to him if you give him one of your special massages afterwards. 
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Jerry loves taking a bath with you. After a long day protecting King Ezekiel. He loves to fill up the bath using your favourite bubble bath, being the sweet man that Jerry is. He’d light a few tea candles while making sure the water is just right before calling you to the bathroom. Throughout your time in the bath, both of you would talk about your days and Jerry would smother you with kisses and compliments. Don’t be surprised if Jerry begins to tickle you in the bath just to hear your laugh. 
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Tara Chambers; 
Having a bath with Tara usually gives you both the opportunity to blow off some steam. Bathing together is not particularly serious, just a way for you both to get clean and spending some quality time together before you both have to once again go off and do something. You and Tara would exchange kisses and many bad jokes together both trying to lighten up the mood of the other even if it’s just for a little bit. Getting out of the bath, the two of you would exchange a loving kiss before heading out to make the world a better place. 
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Lori Grimes;
You and Lori having a bath together would be a rather quiet time. The two of you would be exhausted and drained after a day doing chores and other things. One of the unique things about you and Lor’s relationship is that you don’t have to exchange words to tell each other how you both feel for each another and while from the outside looking in it would appear odd, the moment between you both is actually far deeper than people realise. 
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Noah surprises you whenever he wants to take a bath with you. You would already be in the bath, washing when he surprises you by sliding in behind you. Pressing a kiss to your temple, he’d wash your back and hair for you before turning so you can do the same for him. When he begins talking about the future and how he wants to do so many things with you. Perhaps one day you will be able to go on adventures without being in so much danger. Noah likes to think of a better world whenever he’s in the bath with you. 
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Spencer Monroe;
Spencer prefers to share a bath with you wherever he’s frustrated. It’s one of the only places that you both can get privacy nowadays, everyone is constantly in and out of each other's houses and Spencer’s not appreciative of that. He’d go on constantly about how he would be a better leader than Rick. While both of you share a bath together, you take time to try and ease Spencer’s horrible mood reassuring him that Rick knows what he’s doing he just needs to adjust after the death of his Mum and Dad. 
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Tyreese Williams;
Tyreese hadn’t been around running water for some time. So naturally when he realises he has the ability to have a bath he wants to have one. The moment the two of you had been settled in, Tyreese picks you up and throws you over his shoulder heading towards the bathroom, playfully kicking the door open before settling you on the sink so he can work everything out. Having baths with Tyreese are always so loving and tender because it’s one of the few things that can hopefully become normal for you both again. It also gives you both the perfect time to have some privacy. 
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Beth Greene;
Sharing a bath with Beth would be primarily to clean. Both of you would have jobs to do and spending a long time in the bath just wasn’t realistic to you while you both would want to spend a little extra time. It just wasn’t practical the two of you would discuss what both of you would spend the day together even making up plans to meet up for lunch. After the two of you and were dried off the two of you would say goodbye before heading out to do your respective chores.
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Axel would be grateful for a bath in its entirety. He might even get emotional about the entire thing, after being stuck in the kitchen for so long. He’d be thrilled to know that bathing was now an option. To share it with you tops it all off. Axel would relish in seeping into the warm bath seeing it work his aching and tired muscles. Laying with you, in the bath you both wouldn’t get out until the water goes cold. 
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When you have a bath with T-Dog, expect a lot of cuddles and kisses while your bathing. T-Dog loves it when you lay your head down on his chest. The warmth of the water, the gentle scent of the bubble bath. T-Dog had dreamed of this for such a long time, to escape the walkers, the blood, the violence. Being able to spend time with you in four walls where Walkers weren’t trying to invade the walls .
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Having a bath with Eric is certainly a way for you both to relax. After a long day, attending your chores around Alexandria. The two of you would have a romantic dinner together before Eric picks up a bottle of wine, leading you upstairs into the bath. The two of you would converse about your days while casually sipping your wine laughing about the general gossip and ongoings throughout Alexandria.
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Bob Stookley;
Bob laughed when he saw the bath. After living in desperate and horrible conditions, being able to use it whenever he pleased. One night Bob gathered some fruit juice, some decent food. Bob had looked forward to this moment all day. After working super hard, he had perfected the mood when he surprises you with a bath set in a romantic setting. Bob would smother you with kisses and affection while the two of you relaxed in the bath. 
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Eugene Porter;
Eugene loves to have baths with you. At first, it’s primarily to save water and the fair distribution of water usage. Eugene soon discovered that whilst sharing a bath with you was great to keep track of your shared water usage, it was also used for a time to spend with each other away from the other Saviours. He can talk to you about his experiments and the complicated politics going on with Negan and the Saviours whilst be laying his head on your chest while you gently massage his head. 
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You and Sasha bathing together would be a routine thing. At the same time every day, the two of you would have a bath together away from the stresses of the world. It doesn’t matter to either of you where both of you sit nor does it matter where you both have to be in a hours time, what matters in that moment is that your both there together doing something absolutely normal. 
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After a long day running around for the Governor all day, attending to all his dirty work. Ceasar looks forward to heading towards your shared house, kicking off is dirty boots, Ceasar can already hear you running the water. You know him so well, it’s almost scary. Grabbing hold of a beer, Ceasar heads to be bathroom immediately With you resting in-front of him, you discuss your days, while Ceasar promises you that he’s going to be a way to give you a better world knowing what kind of man the Governor really is. 
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Denise loves baths whenever she’s stressed. After a day dealing with the injured and sick in Alexandria she needed something to refocus herself. There was something euphoric about going home and relaxing in the bath with you in front of her while you discussed your days laughing about how crazy it was or any strange injuries that someone had come in with. You’d always be the one to reassure Denise that she was good enough to be the medic for Alexandria. 
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Having a bath with Aaron is certainly a way for you both to relax. After a long day, attending your chores around Alexandria. The two of you would have a  dinner together before Aaron picks up a bottle of wine or some beer, leading you upstairs into the bath. Aaron would smother you in kisses and affection while you talk about your days while you both express your pride for each other and their accomplishments.
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You had suggested the idea, the two of you had been together for a while and everywhere the two of you had gone there had been some sort of conflict or argument about you both going somewhere. So you came up with the idea of the bathroom and the bath. After finding some Enid a bathing suit and you a swimsuit/trunks, The two of you enjoyed it like a mini pool Surrounded by bubbles and warm water, the two of you goofed off and spoke about things that had been on your mind without being surrounded by walkers and conflict.
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You and Carol would bath to keep clean and to share water. With supplies running low, you both decided it would be a good idea to share a bath rather than waste water. While the two of you shared a shared a bath you exchanged your thoughts about what has been doing on around Alexandria and between the other groups. It’s definitely time for you both to talk to each other and have time when you might not get the opportunity too. 
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Benjamin had watched you working away all day in the gardens with some of the others. You were smothered in dirt and sweat by the time you had finished your work. So Benjamin wanted to do something nice for you. So with help from King Ezekiel and Jerry, Benjamin prepares a nice relaxing bath for the two of you to enjoy together. Benjamin enjoys the new experience of having you lay against him while the two of you relax away from all of your responsibilities. For those few moments you away from the world outside and together with no intrusions. 
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Whenever you and Tobin have a bath together, it’s Tobin’s attempt to keep something normal. After Rick and the others entered Alexandria, he realised that the world outside was a very dangerous place, so keeping one solitary thing the same was important to him. Every day after a run or his duties at Alexandria, you both return to your home. Tobin kisses you gentle running his hand over your face before taking you to enjoy your bath together providing a sense of normality for the both of you. 
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Kal loves for you to sit in-front of him. After dealing with Gregory’s nonesense all day it’s the best part of the day to come home and be able to spend time with you. The two of you don’t particuarly say much while your having a bath together. Kal will gladly wash your hair for you while gently masaaging your scalp. He would do anything for you. After all it is you that keeps him balenced in a world full oif crazy. 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Walking Dead Season 10 Ending Explained: What Happened in “Here’s Negan”
This Walking Dead feature contains spoilers.
With Maggie back, there’s no doubt that Negan’s time in Alexandria is going to get harder. After all, she is there with little Hershel, and every day she has to walk by the man who killed her husband. When you add in the fact that Negan was there as Alpha’s second in commend when she burned Hilltop to the ground, it’s clear that there’s no road to forgiveness in Maggie’s eyes. 
Carol wisely steps in and attempts to defuse the situation by moving Negan and all of his stuff to a cabin nearby. Out of sight, out of mind. The only downside is being on his own gives Negan plenty of time to think. Negan looks back at the road that led him here. What turned him from a high school gym teacher into the leader of the Saviors? What terrible things did he do in an attempt to make sense of a senseless world?
The back half of season 10 went out of its way to avoid pushing the plot forward very far. “A Certain Doom” remains the season finale in truth, if not on paper, but the extra episodes have served as admirable attempts to push forward individual character arcs. Some have worked better than others, but none have worked quite as well as “Here’s Negan” did.
Here’s what the final episode of The Walking Dead season 10 revealed about Negan and where it leaves him going into season 11:
Finding Lucille the Bat
Exiled from Alexandria and stuck in Leah’s old cabin, Negan sits by the fire and confronts the worst possible version of himself. Negan, broken and attempting to rebuild himself, meets Negan at the top of his game. The leather clad, bat-swinging, shit-talking boss of the Saviors plops down in the chair and immediately starts dressing himself down. Negan as he is comes face to face with the Negan that the people of Alexandria cannot forget, no matter how many good deeds he’s done since the end of his war with Rick. Negan confronts this “cult of personality,” rejects the idea that he’s nothing without his past self, but he also comes to understand that he can’t just bury his past. Negan digs deep in this episode to figure out where he went wrong and why he’s ended up alone.
In fact, he does some literal digging. Negan goes back to the scene of his greatest failure and reunites with an old friend. Throughout his imprisonment, Negan wanted nothing more than to get Lucille back, to know she was safe and sound and somewhere in Alexandria. But she wasn’t. We learn in this episode that his bat was abandoned under the tree where he had his final battle with Rick Grimes.
After digging countless holes, Negan finally discovers Lucille’s resting place. Fingers around a maple handle. A big crinkly-eyed smile. Heroic lighting. And then the first flashback of the episode.
Saving the Real Lucille
A bag removed from a head. Negan tied to a chair, bloody, with two bikers giving him a once-over. He’s got medical supplies, and they want to know where he got them. Negan begs to be let go; his cooler is full of chemotherapy drugs for his wife, who is sick with cancer. He’s already led them on one wild goose chase, and if he does it again, all those rare drugs go down the toilet while Negan watches. With pain in his eyes, he relents.
Negan knows of a medical caravan with access to a warehouse full of life-saving drugs and supplies. He tells the bikers where they can find the doctors before they pack up and move to the next stop on their route. He knows these guys don’t have good intentions, and probably won’t keep their word, but he’s desperate. He’s desperate to get back to his wife before she succumbs to her cancer. He’s a man with everything to lose.
While the flashback is really meant to explore Negan’s relationship with his wife before he turned bad, it also reveals how he met Lucille the Bat. We learn that both Lucille’s are tied together by one specific event. Two or three days before being captured by the bikers, Negan, hungry, desperate, and exhausted, tries and fails to rob a doctor named Franklin and his daughter (who we learn is Laura, Negan’s future Savior lieutenant) with an unloaded gun. For his troubles, he gets a kiss from Lucille the Bat, and wakes up hours later being attended to by the very same doctor he tried to rob. They give him the chemo drugs he needs, and Negan is surprised that they expect nothing in return. They just want to help people, and what goes around comes around. It’s a philosophy that will eventually get you killed in the post-apocalypse.
Negan, of course, doesn’t make it home with his chemo drugs intact. After giving up the medical caravan’s location, the bikers head out to capture the doctor while Negan is locked in a storage room, agonizing over the drugs he needs to get to Lucille.
This time the information is good. The bikers get the doctor and Negan is let go with his chemotherapy drugs intact. No mention is made of what the bikers plan on doing to the Franklin and Laura, but the screaming of a girl suggests nothing good. Negan ignores that and rushes back to try to save his wife’s life. 
Negan’s Change of Heart
It’s clear Negan loves his wife and will do anything for her, but their marriage wasn’t an easy one, especially before outbreak.
Negan, seven months prior to the end of the world, was nothing but a selfish jerk. He bought a $600 leather jacket. He was fired from his job as a high school gym teacher because he beat up a guy in a bar fight. He yelled at kids while playing video games.
Worst of all, he had an affair with one of his wife’s friends, even going so far as to leave her waiting in the doctor’s office parking lot the day she was diagnosed with cancer while he was off with Janine. She’s smart enough to figure it out, eventually, but she doesn’t tell him she knows about the affair. When she gets home, she just tells him that she has cancer. That’s a turning point for Negan, the moment he becomes the husband willing to do whatever it takes to save his wife’s life.
Read more
The Walking Dead: What the Commonwealth Means for Season 11 and the Ending
By Alec Bojalad
The Walking Dead Comic: Negan Ending Revealed in Final Issue
By John Saavedra
Months later, they are locked away in their boarded-up house, a generator running whenever it won’t draw walkers, and all the while Negan is catering to Lucille. He reads to her, they watch James Bond movies on DVD, he makes romantic dinners with dog food as the main course, and he makes sure she sticks to her scheduled chemotherapy regimen, no matter what he has to do to make sure it happens.
It’s a side of Negan the show has never really showed before. We knew his bat was named for his wife. We knew she died of cancer. But what hadn’t been established before now is just how hard he worked to keep her alive while she suffered through nausea and chills, losing her vitality and her hair in the process.
Just before Negan leaves to go find Lucille’s drugs, she tells him that she knew about Negan’s affair, but that he’s made up for all of his mistakes. It’s a beautiful scene between Hilarie Burton and Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
Lucille Dies, Negan Lives
By the time, Negan returns with the drugs, it’s too late. Lucille is dead and come back as a walker. It’s a moment that would break anyone, and it certainly changes Negan. With his wife gone and his home burning down in the background, Negan grabs the two things which are now most important to him. The leather jacket that was his wife’s final gift to him and the bat that will carry her name forward. Using barbed wire from the fence around their house, Lucille the Bat is born, and she’s thirsty for revenge. Negan backtracks to where the bikers have Franklin and Laura imprisoned, and while he has never killed any people (and was even hesitant about killing the dead), he has a natural talent for it.
Negan gets his revenge on the bikers who captured him and, for what might be the last time, does the right thing and frees Franklin. However, with the bat and with his leather on, it is clear that the Negan who cared for his doting wife is fading away, and he’s transforming into the loquacious murderer Negan. As he says to the lead biker tied to the chair, “This time you best hope I never stop talking because when I do, something very terrible is going to happen to you.”
Negan has cast off the old world, and with the Viking funeral he holds for his wife, he is getting rid of that last little bit of the old world that he carried around with him. It’s a new day, and he is a new guy. Seeing red is not a bad thing anymore, and neither is killing in the right situation and for the right reason.
The Death of Lucille the Bat
The real Lucille was sent off in a fire after overdosing. She was trying to free Negan of his responsibility to her and to give him the freedom to move on. Sadly, it took a while for him to get around to doing that. His last link to the old world died when she died. 
His last link to Negan of the Saviors dies when Lucille the Bat breaks against the skull of a zombie. Negan might still be seen as the villain who killed Glenn and so many others all those years ago, but he’s not that guy anymore. As the remains of one Lucille hit the flames to join the remains of another Lucille, Negan shakes off the ghost of a different person, and a different life, to rejoin the community he has put himself at risk for. Maybe Maggie will kill him for it. Maybe that’s what he is counting on.
Either way, the Negan walking up to Carol and company is not the same man Carol left at the cabin. No more bat. No more swagger. No more shame. No more asking for forgiveness. No more expecting forgiveness for his past actions. New outlook, new Negan. 
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For the first time in forever, and perhaps the first time ever, Negan is at peace. He cannot change the past, no matter what good deeds he might do to try to re-balance the scales in his favor. Maybe he will never get a clean slate, but he can do good for the sake of doing good and hope that what goes around actually does come around in the end.
The post The Walking Dead Season 10 Ending Explained: What Happened in “Here’s Negan” appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3wv9qrY
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bojasonwalker · 4 years
Batwoman Star Calls Javicia Leslie’s Casting a “Blessing"
Aaron Perine
10/15/2020 07:00 pm EDT
Batwoman actor Camrus Johnson calls the series’ recasting a “blessing.” Much has been made of the switch from Ruby Rose to Javicia Leslie. Fans of the Arrowverse didn’t know what to think, but Johnson told Inverse that the casting will be such a moment for fans who can see themselves in the actress. Now, Leslie will be Ryan Wilder in the show instead of being Kate Kane. But, she acknowledged how big it was for her to be in this spot in a previous statement. She said, “I am extremely proud to be the first Black actress to play the iconic role of Batwoman on television, and as a bisexual woman, I am honored to join this groundbreaking show, which has been such a trailblazer for the LGBTQ+ community.” Johnson believes it has the potential to be a landmark moment for young Black viewers at home too.
“Oh, she's so awesome! I'm so, so excited to be working with her. I got to see her do a stunt and she broke into a huge smile before they even said cut,” Johnson remembered. “You could just tell that the little Black girl in her was like, ‘I cannot believe I'm Batwoman right now.’ I cannot wait for every other little Black girl in the world to be able to see her, to be able to see a Black female superhero in the Batsuit. It's such a blessing to be in a show that can remind them that there are icons for them to look up to.”
Former series star Ruby Rose actually talked about her decision to walk away from the series with SiriusXM recently as well.
"It wasn't that. That definitely made going back to work so quickly tricky, but they really accommodated trying to help me out the best they could, going back so early, because we wanted to obviously meet the release date of the show," Rose began. "I think what played a bigger part was more, we got shut down early. We didn't get to finish the first season, which is such a shame, especially for a first season show. And then we went into lockdown with COVID and thinking of in quarantine and locked down, there was a lot of thought and reflection and kind of everyone did it. We all kind of thought about where we're at and so Warner Brothers and [producer] Greg [Berlanti], and we were discussing the show and we had a conversation."
"I had a great time on Batwoman," Rose admitted. "I am so proud of what we achieved. We set out to achieve something pretty significant, you know, the first-ever live-action Batwoman and the first-ever, out gay superhero, her and Kate Kane. And I love that character and the whole experience, but we did have a discussion and we sort of mutually agreed that probably what was best for the show at the time was that they go in a different direction and I go in a different direction.”
“It was tough, because it was sad cause we will love each other, but also it made sense for so many different reasons. And I think at the end of the day, I'm really excited to watch season two,” she added. “I think the show is great. I love the cast. I'm still in contact with everyone, but it was, it was a decision that we talked about, we discussed, we slept on. But at the time with all that reflection, it just seemed like the right thing to do."
Are you excited to see the new Batwoman in action? Let us know in the comments!
Disclosure: ComicBook is owned by CBS Interactive, a division of ViacomCBS.
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jonesywrites · 7 years
Hey, I love your writing! I think I've consumed everything at this point. Do you have any favorite stories you can recommend? I may have blasted through all the fic updates of my own faves and just looking to see if people are reading stuff I might have missed. Looking forward to your next updates! No pressure!
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First, I am so very sorry it’s taken me so damn long to answer this. 
I actually did answer it - I wrote a very long, very beautifully gif’d post and then accidentally scrolled left on this stupid macbook and I lost the entire fucking thing and I wanted to throw my laptop out of the window.
::calming breaths::
Let us pray that doesn’t happen again this time (I am a klutz, so it’s a definite possibility). Secondly, I decided that now is the perfect time to recreate this answer because a) there are some goddamned talented ass writers out there killing the game rn, b) there are also haters out there trying to steal our joy rn and not only is it not going to work, I think now is a good time to spread the love as far and wide through Richonne as possible, so reblog the shit out of this and get reading if you haven’t already and c) I don’t have time to write the way I want at the moment so I hope this makes up for it.
I also really really need a list I can return to b/c I signed up to read a lot and am still verrry slowly getting through it.
So! Here goes…
Current Favorite Richonne fics…!
1. Round After Round by @nattah-gudgrrl
ZA Canon - Rick and Michonne after 6x10, being domestic and sexy af, round after round.
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Holy crap, Anon. I was hooked from the first few words. I’m not finished yet, but this is incredibly sexy and beautifully well-written. Nattah’s writing is hypnotic and poetic. She drops precious gems throughout each chapter with her words, the way she phrases things is so original and addictive. Rick and Michonne are pitch perfect, but so is everyone else (and she’s hilarious, btw). She includes music to score her amazing writing, and trust me, listening to her suggested tracks while reading will only suck you deeper into the tantalizing atmosphere she’s created with these two. AND THE SMUT. HOLY SHIT. Prepare yourself. I love opening up to a chapter and letting myself fall. I almost feel like I need to smoke a joint, turn out the lights, and close my door reading this, no joke. (no seriously, i’m not joking, be alone b/c you will feel thangs down there)
2. Musings of Rick Grimes by @nyese3529
NonZA AU - Rick as a NYC photographer slowly falling head over heels for a charismatic college student Michonne as she becomes his muse.
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OKAY. I’m not sure anything I say here will do this amazing piece of fanfiction justice. I’m not even caught up, but the chapters I have read so far are PURE FIRE. Nyese is a master at unfolding a real, atmospheric, moody, sexy, intense, and totally riveting Rick and Michonne for us to fall in love with from the start. Rick’s attraction to Michonne leaps off the page, as does she. She is so damn cute and sexy and seeing her through Rick’s eyes the way Nyese has written them is just to die for. Nyese also NAILS New York City life, especially as a southern transplant and artist (I feel you Rick) AND as a young, gifted black woman looking to make a difference while everyone else covets her light (I feel you Michonne). It’s a beautiful read, and I encourage you to ASAP. The smut is off the chain, as in every fucking moment of it had me squirming around wishing I had me a Rick Grimes here in NYC damn you Nyese you’ve ruined me!
3. The Art of Control by @avintagekiss24
NonZA AU - Rick as a sexy, wealthy contractor Dom and Michonne the comic book shop/cafe owner as his sub in Atlanta (bonus: featuring probably the best version of Maggie I have ever read)
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GOTDAMN. Let me tell you something. THIS IS THE SEXIEST RICK GRIMES OF ALL TIME FOR ME. Every fucking word Miss Kiss wrote for him to utter had my panties wet and my brow sweating, do you hear me? This fic is hot as fuck. Even before Rick Grimes shows up in the story, I was feeling hot and bothered about his mere existence, just like Michonne. The way Miss Kiss writes the buildup throughout their relationship is simply riveting. She’s a very visual writer, just like Nyese, so I can see, taste, feel, and ground myself in this stunning world of money, undeniable attraction and absolutely delicious sex. AND DID I MENTION HER MAGGIE IS SEXY AF, FUNNY AF, NAUGHTY AF, AND GODDAMN IT I WOULD SO BE HER PLAYTHING?? The plot is really good, too, like really good. Screw 50 Shades of Garbage. Miss Kiss’s sub!Michonne and Dom!Rick Grimes are what you want, what you need, what you deserve. Go forth, and savor every moment of this. In fact, I need to catch up, myself. Hell yeah.
4. Sirens of the ZA, by @isisnicole
ZA AU - Michonne and her two sisters, fierce, trained fighters, find and protect Carl. Richonne begins to develop once Carl is finally reunited with Rick three years later.
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Sigh, I love this fic. Miss Isis hooked me with her stellar opening, and the plot just got more and more compelling the more I read. Carl is still very Carl, but he’s got that “loved, protected, and taught to survive by three amazing black women” vibe to him that makes my heart melt. Ila, Luna, and especially Michonne are just everything in this. EVERYTHING. Their relationship is tight af, they keep it real, they are badass warriors (trained, medal-winning warriors, mind) and even though your heart yearns for Rick and Carl to reunite and for Richonne to soar, you cannot help but fall in love with the family dynamic that Miss Isis has written for them with Carl. The tension between Rick and Michonne is even more intense in this than in canon when they first meet, I’d say, but deliciously so. And once they both start to realize the business, it’s time to pull out the popcorn because the buildup is sooooo good. And did I mention an alive Shane and Merle, also written so well you kinda sorta forget they didn’t make it in canon? Yeah. Read this.
5. Red Dirt Road by @siancore
NonZA AU - Young!Richonne in southern af King County, Georgia, teenagers that fall in love one summer along a red, dirt road.
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Honestly, this fic is just perfect. The world is real. I can smell the dirt. I can feel the heat. Rick in this is juuuuuuuust….! He’s everything we think of when we think of a teenaged Rick (but not underage of course). Kind, responsible, stoic, patient, respectful, and sexy. Michonne is a vessel for us all, transporting us back in time to when we went to our grandmama’s house and she bossed us while loving us like nobody else could. The whole gang is there and they’re all written to perfection, especially Shane. He’s as shady and selfish and yet completely charismatic as you’d expect a young Shane to be. The story is so sweet and the pacing is comfortable, fun, and easy, just like those summers we spent messing around with our friends, falling in love, learning to drive, staying out after curfew. I adore Sian’s writing and this is by far my all-time favorite of hers right now. It’s a must, must read! 
To Continue Reading, So Help Me…!
1. HALO, by leeeel
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Holy smokes. I have only read chapter one so far and it is absolutely amazing. AMAZING. I reeeeaalllyy need to get back into this one. Rick and Michonne meet under dire circumstances, and the mystery begins. The writing transports you, and I actually got chills reading this. CHILLS.
2. Deception by @severelybabykryptonite
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YO. I HIGH KEY LOVE “THE BODYGUARD” AND THIS IS THE RICHONNE VERSION AND IT IS EVERYTHING. Rick as a no-nonsense bodyguard to Michonne’s sexy, vulnerable star is a dream come true. I really need to catch up on this one, it’s just so good and it’s visual and it makes my geeky movie+Richonne loving heart soar. 
3. The Day I Met You, by @chezza3009
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I almost don’t know how to describe this one. It’s dark. It’s riveting. It’s nothing like I’ve ever read in Richonne before. Rick and Michonne in the aftermath of an affair that leaves Michonne devastated and Rick a mess. I don’t recognize this version of Michonne or Rick, but then I need to continue reading. What I’ve read so far makes me very, very intrigued by this story. And it shall have my undivided attention ASAP.
4. The Beginning, by @vegasloversteel
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Once again, Vegaslover has an uncanny ability to hook you with great story telling, dialogue that flows like “how is she doing this??” and chemistry between Rick and Michonne that vibrates off the page. Richonne is hot hot hot in this. Set in their college years with a great plot and fun with all your faves. Gotta catch up!
5. Palm Trees, by @cake-by-thepound
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I AM SO UPSET I CANNOT PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THE JUICY FIC TALK GOING ON ABOUT THIS STORY RN. Arrrrgggh the spoilers I’ve seen alone are killing me not so softly. I just loooove the way Cake writes Richonne’s worlds. Rich, grounded, dramatic but in a real, honest-to-goodness “that could totally happen to me” way that makes me want to stand up and cheer. I know this is going to be a beautiful ride, so far everything I’ve read is perfection, as usual, so I’m really looking forward to the day I am finally caught up and I can (too late, of course) dip into the forums and be like “GURL. BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT PART WHEN…” 
You Thought I Was Done? LOL.
These are the stories I haven’t gotten to yet, but that are also on my list. I’ve heard nothing but good things and I am hoping to get to them soon!
Right Where We’re Supposed to Be by @tigerwalk3 - I’ve read her mini-fic Sparklers and I cannot wait to dive into this one. Her characterization alone is amazing, and the way she puts phrases and details together makes me low key jealous.
Honey Bees by @cranesinthe-sky - I don’t get enough Michonne and Judith in my fandom diet and I’ve heard some really awesome things about this one. I’ve heard nothing but praise for Lady Cranes’ writing, so I’m excited!
The TWD Chronicles by @yellehughes - I read Yelle’s Richonne Secret Fantasy fic and loved it, and I actually feel rather ashamed that I haven’t gone back to dive into this epic Olympian take on Richonne!! Allow me to correct this, with the quickness. 
The Hunter of Screams, by @codename-me - I started this, and holy crap is it amazing so far. Like me, Lady Codename has a thing for sci-fi and fantasy, and her writing is rich and detailed and visual, which totally turns me on. 
The End of Wanting, by @glowysweetfab​ - I have started this, and love this period AU, it’s immersive and the plot is so interesting I’m not even all that fussed to get to the romance bits (well that’s a lie, of course I’m trolling for smut but I’m really enjoying the ride).
Honestly, there are so many more stories I have favorited/followed that it would take me all night to list them all here. But I will do more posts like these as I finish fics and move on to others, it’s important to me to show the same support for all of these amazingly talented writers that they have shown to me, and to spread as much positivity as possible because they deserve it. 
This fandom is chock a block full of major talent, huge hearts, astonishing intellect, and abundant passion. No one can deny that, and anyone who does is lying. 
Thanks for the ask, Anon! 
P.S. I promise I will get back to updating as soon as I can. I’m in the middle of preparing myself to move across the country and transition to a new career. But my beloved fics are always on my mind, and boy do I have such glorious Richonne in store for you! Thanks for sticking with me! I promise you won’t regret adding a few of these ladies to your reading list, either, if you haven’t already. 
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premiumcable · 7 years
Rick Grimes x Reader
Summary: You and Rick were together at the prison, but were separated during the Governor’s attack. Eventually you walk up to gates of a community called Alexandria, desperate and hungry.
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Warnings: Smut, swearing, unprotected sex, abduction attempt
Words: 2,578
A/N: Sorry for my terrible gun description, I know nothing about them.  
It felt like years since you had seen your family. When the governor attacked, you barely made it out alive. You wondered for miles and miles on your own looking for some shred of evidence that your family had made it out and where they could have gone. But there was nothing, it seemed like they all had just vanished into thin air.
You had seen signs for somewhere called ‘Terminus’, but you didn’t bother going. You had given up on pipe dreams like that a long time ago. And you didn’t think that after what had just happened with the Governor that your group would be eager to meet with a new group of strangers.
 At night you would climb a tree and tie a strap around your legs to keep safe, and you thought about old memories to curb the loneliness. Images of you and Rick would flicker through your mind; your first kiss, waking up next to him in the morning, how peaceful his face would look while he slept, and the look he would get on his face when he would watch you hold Judith. You didn’t want to accept the possibility that he and everyone you loved was dead, but your search had come up empty.
Eventually, you decided to head north; you were from D.C originally and thought maybe going back home could help heal the parts of you that were broken. You’d had enough of Georgia and now it only held bad, distant memories that were painful. A run in with a group that had tried to pick you up on the side of the road had left you with more than just the scar on your cheek from a knife they used when they tried to force you into their car. They had kept going on and on about a hospital in Atlanta where everything was better. You didn’t buy their line of bullshit and one of the male “officers” had pushed you against the car and put a knife against your face and threatened you. The knife you had hidden in your boot came in handy when you shoved it in his thigh and pulled your 9MM on the other man.
From then on, you went out of your way to avoid people. You were convinced that the last of the good ones had died in the prison that day where you should have too. A sickness somewhere in North Carolina had sidelined you for a few weeks, but as soon as you healed you set back on your journey.
When you made it to Northern Virginia, what little food you had with you became scarce and the forest was empty of game to hunt. While at the prison, Daryl had taught you how to hunt; nothing large like deer, but you could hunt rabbits and other small animals. Remembering what plants you could eat and which were poisonous was enough to get you by for now, but water was no longer a readily available resource and if you didn’t find something soon you wouldn’t finish your journey.
Walking through the woods you didn’t see much besides trees, so when you saw what looked like metal fences in the distance ahead you became somewhat intrigued. At this point you were so hungry and dehydrated you were willing to take the risk and go investigate. Slowly you walked through the break in the trees and towards a large gate. You could see a sign pinned up on the fence: “Welcome to Alexandria Safe Zone: Mercy for the Lost, Vengeance for the Plunderers,”
“Well, that sounds somewhat promising,” you thought as you moved closer, but you stopped in your tracks at the sound of a rifle being loaded. You look upwards towards the sound and see a bald, dark-skinned man staring down at you.
Raising your hands up, you spoke, “Hey man, I mean no harm. I just was hoping maybe for some food and water and then I can be on my way. I haven’t eaten in days and I don’t know how much longer I can go.”
You see him turn around and step from his post and disappear. Confused you look around to see if there is anyone around you. The sound of the gate opening interrupts your canvassing of the area. You walk forward and see the man that was previously just pointing a gun at you and he was wearing a priest collar?
“I’m Gabriel, welcome to Alexandria.” He says as he steps aside and lets you enter. You’re amazed at what you see when you walk through the gates. Houses line the streets and they are big, much more than you could have ever hoped to live in before the turn.
“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you helping me. I really won’t be any trouble, all I need is some food and water and I will be on my way.” You said as you continued to look around.
“Well, you’ll have to meet with our leader here, but I’m sure it won’t be a problem.” Walking through the street you see many unfamiliar faces. Approaching what looks to be the largest house in the community, Gabriel opens the door and walks in. You follow and he shuts the door behind you.
“Wait right here, I’ll be right back,” he says as he disappears into the next room. You take the opportunity to look around. You see a room with bookshelves adorning the walls and a couch and sofa with a video camera set up between them. At the sound of footsteps, you turn your attention to the room where Gabriel disappeared. You see him enter the room and you cannot believe your eyes at who follows in behind him.
“Maggie!” you cry as you walk forward to her and pull her into an embrace.
“Y/N! I can’t believe you’re here.” She says as she pulls back and rests her hands on your shoulders. Tears fall from both of your eyes at the turn of events. You couldn’t believe it; you couldn’t believe she was standing here in front of you.
“Is Rick here? Did he make it out of the prison? Are Carl and Judith alright?” You rambled on desperately.
“They’re here, they’re fine. We’re all here, all of us except for Beth, Tyreese, and Bob.” She said and you felt your stomach drop at her words.
“Oh no, Maggie I’m so sorry.” You said as you pulled her close, you couldn’t imagine how she felt having lost the last member of her family besides Glenn. She returned your embrace before pulling away.
“Come on let’s go see everyone,” she said as she motioned for you to follow her. She led you outside the house and down one of the streets. She stopped at one of the last houses on the street and led you up the steps to the door. Opening it slowly she stepped through the doorway and shut it behind you.
“Wait here.” She said as she stepped further into the house.
“Carl?” You heard her call and heard the approach of footsteps towards her.
 “Where is everyone?” she asks.
“Daryl is out recruiting with Aaron, Carol is out helping Olivia in the pantry, Michonne is doing a patrol, Sasha is in the guard tower, Abraham and Eugene are out with the construction crew, and Glenn and the others went on a run.”
“Is your dad here?” You heard her ask and you could feel your heart speed up.
“Yeah, he’s upstairs putting Judith down for a nap. I was just about to go hang out with Enid and Ron for a while.” It was becoming difficult to stand here when all you wanted to do was go hug the teen; you had missed them all so much.
“You might want to put that off for a bit,” You heard her say and took that as your queue. Stepping into the kitchen, you saw the emotions run over Carl’s face as he took in your arrival. First shock, then joy overcame his features as he rushed forward towards you.
 “Y/N, we looked all over for you. We were all so devastated when we thought we lost you.” You wrapped your arms around him and let the tears flow. You almost felt like pinching yourself because you had dreamed of this moment so many times.
You heard feet rushing down the stairs and you pulled away from Carl.
“What’s going on down here, I could hear you all from-“ Rick’s words are cut off as he walks into the room and sees you. Wasting no time, you rush forward and throw your arms around his neck, burying your face in his shirt and soaking it in the process. His arms wrap tightly around you.
“Oh baby, I thought I lost you,” You pulled back at his words and pulled his lips to yours, kissing him quickly before turning back to Maggie and Carl, both of them wearing happy looks on their faces at your tender reunion.
You all ended up in the living room while you told the three of them about what you had been through on your way there. Maggie and Carl left a bit later when they heard everyone had come back from the run, leaving just you and Rick in the house while Judith was napping. You settled into his side and pulled his arm over your shoulder.
“I can’t believe I found you. It makes everything I went through on the way here worth it, feels like fate brought us back together.” You said as you looked up at him. His eyes met yours and he leaned down, taking your lips with his. The kiss quickly became heated as you ran your tongue across Rick’s bottom lip. He complied with a groan and you quickly climbed over him, settling into his lap. His hands ran across your back before falling to your ass and pulling you closer to him. You groan into the kiss as you feel his stiff member through your jeans.
As you feel him slowly grind himself upward, you pull away from the kiss with a moan. You never thought you would feel this way again, but you’re drawn away from your reverie when Rick places his hand on your cheek and pulls your attention back to him.
“I’m right here baby, I’m not going anywhere.”
“I love you so much,” you say as you crash your lips back to his and grind down against his now prominent erection. You feel the vibration from his groan and it spurs you to grind down harder.
“Take me upstairs,” You whisper into his ear and he stands up with your legs still around his waist, taking the stairs as fast as he can without dropping you.
Rick lays you down on the bed immediately after he kicks the door closed and you pull your shirt over your head. He does the same before leaning down over you and kissing you desperately. His hands run up your torso to your fabric covered breasts, he pulls down one of the cups and pulls his lips away from yours to kiss his way down your chest to your stiff peaks.
“Rick!” You cry at the delicious sensations his mouth is causing. But you soon grow impatient, pulling at his curls to grab his attention before attacking his belt with shaky hands to unfasten it. Rick’s hands cover yours as he takes over and you immediately unbutton your jeans and pull them down before kicking them off your feet along with your panties, abandoning them at the foot of the bed.
Standing up, Rick kicks off his boots and pulls the jeans from his legs before crawling back over you. The sight of his leaking erection makes your mouth water and you immediately think back to the times at the prison when you would suck him off and he would wrap your hair around his fingers and guide you up and down his cock. But that would have to wait for another day; you were both too desperate to reconnect in both the emotional and physical senses of the word.
Your legs fall open as he settles between them, his aching member resting against your thigh as he kisses you. Desperate to be filled, you reach down and take his throbbing erection in your hands and guide him towards your dripping center. Rick moans as his tip touches your wet, delicate flesh.
“Fuck me, Rick. I missed this so much.” You plead as you look up into his eyes, the normal crystal blue having been taking over by lust. You throw your head back as he thrusts himself completely inside you. Both of you pause for a moment; relishing in the feeling of being united in this way again. But soon, desperation takes over and he begins to move with slow, but deep thrusts.
“Oh…god…Rick,” you say as he increases the pace of his thrusting. Your hands migrate down towards his ass, pulling him into you harder and you let out a harsh moan at the feeling. He responds in kind and sets a brutal, desperate rhythm. 
“Fuck, Y/N. Your pussy is so tight,” He says as his grip tightens on your hips. You feel like a spring, slowly being wound tighter with each harsh movement as he drives you closer to your release.
“Rick, I’m so close.” His hand reaches down and rubs circles around your clit and you fist your fingers in the comforter at the feeling. 
“Come on baby, cum for me.” The combination of his words and a particularly deep thrust causes the dam to break and you feel yourself release crash over you in waves. The sensation of your walls gripping around his cock pushes him over the edge as well as you feel his release fill you, the pleasure of it eliciting a small moan from your throat. His hips buck, trying to get as deep as he can while he whispers obscenities into your neck.
After you’ve both come down from your highs, Rick pulls his softening erection from you and you whimper at the loss. You turn onto your stomach and rest your head on his chest, looking up at his relaxed face.
You could stay in this moment forever, memorizing the lines of his face and the planes of his body as he recovers from your heated moment. But, the sound of the door slamming downstairs pulls you from your reverie; you can hear the voices of your excited family and the eagerness to be with them renews.
Sitting up in bed, you pick your clothes up off the floor and begin pulling them on while he lies on the bed, watching you get dressed. Gathering his clothes from the floor, you set them at his feet.
“Let’s go downstairs, I think Maggie has kept them at bay long enough. Don’t you think?” You say with a teasing grin on your lips.
After you’ve both composed yourself, you open the door and begin towards the stairs to see the rest of your group. A hand on your wrist stops you at the top of the stairs and you feel Rick’s lips at your ear.
“Don’t think we won’t be continuing this later, I’m not nearly done with you yet Y/N.” A shiver runs through you at his words.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Send any requests you have. 
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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7 questions after 'The Walking Dead' Hearts Still Beating
"The Walking Dead" is returning much more quietly than it's fall premiere plus a lot less gruesome. Season 7 kicked off with a cringe-inducing double murder that was able to turn the stomachs of even its most longtime fans desensitized to the show's splatter fest. This was the first episode I can recall where people were saying the show had gone too far. Fans not used to seeing Rick Grims and company being put their paces weren't happy as they were all driven down by Negan into misery and subjugation for several episodes. Seeing Daryl Dixon forced naked in a jail cell eating scraps was a shocking change, but it was necessary to show the ramifications the group had when they went after Negan in season six. While Negan may at times be absurdly cartoonish with his antics, he's the worst villain to be on "The Walking Dead," and the only one to take Rick Grimes down to his core where he's lost even more than when he was taking phone calls from his dead wife many seasons back. The last episode of season 7A gave us hope as the crew got back together, and they know they have to fight Negan again or continue losing ratings and driving fans away. It won't be easy as they've now got to band together with other groups to help in their taking down Jeffrey Dean Morgan's memorable bad guy. For those that might be a little foggy on how things ended in December, here's the breakdown review from Heart's Still Beating and then those questions for the Sunday premiere.
The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 8 Hearts Still Beating Recap Review
Kids. Stay out of pool halls. Nothing good ever comes of it.
Could get stabbed. Maybe shot at. And even cause the death of a friend.
That’s the lesson learned in the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead.
This was a nice wrap-up to a tough season for the good guys. Sure, Team Grimes lost another team member. But the tide is turning. Even if only slightly.
Negan is still in full control, but his excessive bullying is gonna come back to bite him. He’s gotten away with terror tactics on folks that saw fighting back as futile.
Now he’s fucked with the wrong group.
A group that is now ready to go out on their shield if need be.
The episode started and ended with a shot of Maggie at the Hilltop gate. We got a reminder of how big a prick Gregory is, and I’m not sure he will last much longer.
Meanwhile, Negan is playing top chef at Rick’s house. He’s kinda impatient waiting for Rick to get back so he can tell him how Carl tried to assassinate him with the machine gun.
Rick and Aaron were busy getting to the little houseboat that the mystery doomsday prepper left behind. The duo managed to make it to the boat, but Aaron nearly bit the dust when he was yanked into the water.
Guess what, though. The prepper isn’t dead. Someone is watching Rick and Aaron as they load up the guns and supplies. I’m thinking this ninja prepper, whom we see at the very end of the episode, was waiting for someone to take his stuff.
He was out of ammo, so he wanted to find a new group. Anyone who made it through his obstacle course would be pretty powerful so that would be a good group for him to align himself with. Or herself?
We only got a tiny taste of the story at The Kingdom. We see Richard begging Carol and Morgan to help convince Ezekiel that they must fight off the Saviors. This little slave deal they have going doesn't sit well with Richard at all. He knows it will fall apart soon anyway. So why not fight sooner rather than later.
Were you shocked to see Daryl actually escape his cell?
Me too. I figured it was a trick all along. But he made it all the way out, along with Jesus. Of course, he had to use a steel pipe on the brains of Fat Joey before leaving on his motorcycle.
And he also yanked Rick’s hawg-leg pistol back from fat boy too. Could he have let the guy walk away like he begged? Yep, but no way Daryl was taking any chances on getting caught and sent back to his dog crate.
Michonne’s field trip with her hostage didn’t help much. She did realize how formidable Negan’s group is though after seeing the massive layout. She just headed home after popping her carjacking victim with her own pistol and silencer.
When Rick and Aaron arrive back in Alexandria, they get bullied and Aaron takes a real beating just for the hell of it. Nothing they can do. Take it or get someone killed.
Speaking of which, Spencer’s plan to get on Negan’s good side went terribly wrong. Turns out Negan doesn’t like a gutless wonder trying to get him to do Spencer’s dirty work. So he spills Spencer’s guts all over the street.
Didn’t even finish the game of pool.
Negan did slip up and ask the worst question ever. “Anyone want to finish the game?”
Rosita took him up on his offer and took a shot at the king with her single bullet. Barney Fife would have been proud.
But to quote Omar Little from The Wire, “Come at the King, you best not miss.”
She did.
Or more accurately, she hit Lucille instead of Negan. Damn, that was close. And it would have been cool to see Rosita take him out.
Not yet folks. The build up has to continue.
Negan is super pissed at this attempt on his life. He was just playing a friendly game of pool after all. This may change his mind about getting that vacation home in Alexandria he mentioned. Crime rate is just too high there.
Who paid the price for Rosita taking a shot at the king? Poor Oliva. She was murdered and still got insulted after the fact. Negan is cruel in case you have yet to notice.
So Eugene fesses up about making the bullet that is now embedded in Lucille. And he is taken back with Negan and company.
Rick put down zombie Spencer to complete the end of the Monroe family. His brother, mom, and dad all ended up dead after the arrival of Team Grimes. Thanks for coming.
The episode ended with Rick seeing the light as he and Michonne talked things over in the makeshift jail cell. Keep that location in mind for part 2 of season 7.
Rick is now ready to fight. Michonne says just being alive is important. But “it’s what we do with our lives that matters.”
They will find a way. A sensible way to fight an army that far outnumbers them, even if they are joined by the Hilltoppers and Kingdom dwellers.
The show concluded with a shot of Maggie on the wall again. This time, we saw hope on her face though.
Rick and the others walked inside, and hugs were shared.
The best of which was Daryl and Rick. No words needed. The gravity of what they both have been through showed on their faces. Daryl had been treated like a mutt for the past few weeks, and Rick has had his pride ripped from him as he’s watched his people tortured.
Norman Reedus is so good. My daughter actually clapped wildly when she saw him appear from the background at the Hilltop.
Daryl handed over the hawg-leg back to Rick as well. They may not have any bullets, but this group is well on its way to rising up.
The first few episodes of part 2, season 7, should show some careful planning. It has to be more than combining forces with other communities. The attack plan has to be super smart and unconventional.
Negan may be the most ruthless villain we have seen on TWD. Yet he puts himself in harm's way often. Carl could have killed him. And if not for TV luck, Rosita would have put him down.
The next battle Rick and crew wage should be one that they know for sure they can win. Short term and long.
“He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious.”
           - The Art of War
Top 7 Questions The Walking Dead Premiere Will Answer
Who all got killed, again?
Glenn and Abraham were the big ones, of course. We also lost Spencer and Olivia, but they were pretty marginal. Daryl and Eugene were taken by the Saviors, but Daryl escaped.
Glenn and Abraham’s brutal deaths set a gloomy tone for the first half of the season, which was primarily about Rick and friends grieving the loss and being victimized by Negan and the Saviors. We also met some new groups, and … well, that was about it. But eventually enough was enough, and the midseason finale ended with the core good guys reuniting, determined to throw off the yoke of Savior oppression.
So is a revolt coming?
The tagline for this half is Rise Up, so it seems like a safe bet. Perhaps the more pertinent question is, when will the revolt happen? Teasers find Rick on a diplomatic mission to bring groups like the Hilltop and the Kingdom into the effort. How long will it take to persuade them to join the fight? Hard to say. Will it all be resolved this season? Considering that Negan doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, probably not.
Will we meet any more groups?
Season 7 has kicked off a new phase of “The Walking Dead” marked by colonies that are collaborating and clashing as civilization recreates itself in a postapocalyptic dawn. So far, in addition to the Saviors and Alexandria, we’ve met the weak but industrious Hilltop, led by the sniveling Gregory; the Kingdom, led by the Ren-Faire poser King Ezekiel; and Oceanside, an all-female group, led by the hard-nosed Natania, who hates outsiders but has lots of guns. There are also the Wolves, a murderous gang that was a real problem last season but hasn’t been a factor in Season 7.
So is that it? Or are there more introductions to come? Based on this season’s general world-expanding tendencies, it seems likely.
Who owned that mysterious pair of boots?
O.K., it seems very likely. The boots in question glimpsed in the midseason finale near the pond where Rick and Aaron found supplies, could very easily belong to someone from yet another group.
What’s up with that zombie herd?
In the last episode, we saw Saviors tending a herd of walkers, which may or may not be the same herd the Alexandrians loosed from the quarry at the beginning of Season 6. Whatever its provenance, the swarm seems sure to come into play somehow — we all know what Chekhov said about zombie herds hanging out on the highway.
When’s Carol going to snap out of it?
Carol has been a real bummer this season, moping through her scant few scenes as people like Morgan and King Ezekiel tried to breach the antisocial cocoon she’s spun around herself. They were unsuccessful, and after she’d sufficiently healed from her gunshot wound, Carol got herself a hermit’s hut on the outskirts of the Kingdom.
You’ll recall that the mousy housewife turned stone killer reached a breaking point last season, and sought to distance herself from others so she wouldn’t have to kill again. Carol would seem to be too intelligent to believe such a policy is possible in a lawless hellscape, but perhaps we’ll learn that there’s more to it. Or maybe she just needed some me time. Maybe she’ll learn about Glenn and Abraham, and emerge from that cocoon as a battling butterfly of righteous vengeance.
Whatever the case, here’s hoping she returns to the center of the show somehow, as it has suffered from the absence of both Carol and Melissa McBride, who plays her with grit and grace.
Will Negan tone it down?
Jeffrey Dean Morgan is electric in his performance, which is unfortunately also full of affected mannerisms — wild exclamations, an odd backbend-type move — that quickly grew tiresome. A big villain helps to give “The Walking Dead” focus, and Mr. Morgan has shown promise, so hopefully he and the writers will find the actual man behind the tics.
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