#I got a few selfies with the moths so that made me feel better too
kimarisgundam · 7 months
On the morning of the day of my granddad's death (bless his soul 😅) he gave me a dream telling me to visit him and bring desserts
The moment I visited, he died 😐. That lowkey traumatised me cos I felt it was my fault he died, but therapy helped me get over that 👍
(not your fault granddad... but geez did you have to be so dramatic with the dream and the dying in my arms thing >_>)
I'm apparently the "connection" to the afterlife for my family now 😅
My family was just reminiscing about granddad, but it devolved into shittalking about all the annoying/semi-chauvinistic stuff he did...
And my granddad's portrait was literally hanging above the dinning table smiling like "are ya'll talking smack about me :) ?"
When I said granddad can hear you guys, my grandma told me to tell her if he visits my dream to complain 😂
Cos she's "not sorry, this is the truth" and "tell him I said hi" 😂
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fortressofserenity · 1 year
Mummy most embarrassing
While I do think there were times when Britney Spears parented her children well or at least well enough, at other times she wasn’t so responsible. Surely she makes mistakes, but the one she never learnt from is her newfound habit of doing nude selfies. It’s so embarrassing that one of her own sons said that it’s tough, their classmates certainly have mothers who are the same age as she is but never stoop so low that’s why they’re so ashamed of having her as a mother.
She also has a habit of ranting a lot on social media, which would’ve also humiliated them even if they never spoke about it (to my knowledge). Surely Britney is human, but her own sister was and is never like this. Jamie Lynn certainly has her moments every now and then, but she doesn’t do nude selfies that often. Hence why her own daughters never feel ashamed of having her around the way their cousins do with Aunt Britney.
Her own contemporary Christina Aguilera, again to my knowledge, doesn’t do this often. It can be said that she has the decency to not do it. I think Britney could’ve gotten away with it if she became an art model, but that’s a path she never took even if she would have a pretty good excuse for doing the thing she currently does. Britney could do better than that, but that involves realising she can control herself if she did.
She does to some extent, well sometimes but at this point with her constant ranting and nude selfies even if she wanted to be close to her sons again she burnt a bridge, made her bed and has to sleep in it too. They don’t want to be close to her again, as much as she wanted to. You could say that Katy Perry also appears in the nude, but nowhere as often as Britney does.
Britney Spears could do better than this, but that involves realising how embarrassing her behaviour’s gotten. Her current husband doesn’t like it either, which means she often alienates the people she loves. She could get away with it more if she got a new career as an art model, but it’s something she’ll never seem to do even if it gives a good excuse for doing so.
Even then, Britney has alienated some of the people she loves because of her bizarre behaviour.
Now here’s a comment from Lipstick Alley:
Britney still hasn't learned how to take baths on her own. I never said she blamed anyone for the acne. I said my stepmom blamed me when I had an allergy. Maybe you should get an allergy test too and see if your skin is just reacting to the allergy.
No. Britney is unkempt. Britney has shown up to court with her breasts hanging out. Britney does not understand social rules and can not teach her children that. Britney is clearly behaving like a person trapped in childhood. Since her mental age is somewhere in childhood, she is not equipped to be a parent. And it's very possible that Team B has been able to hide the truth of her illness from KFed. He has a right to ask why the cship was needed and what her medical issues were and are before those kids ever step foot in her door.
Britney is behaving like a child by bad mouthing other celebrities. That doesn't work. If her solution to a problem is to lash out angrily and hate on innocent people who had nothing to do with the conversation at hand, then she is not equipped to teach those kids how to deal with anger.
People keep saying the kids are bratty but let's rewatch Chaotic where Britney has a mental breakdown over a movie she didn't know already came out. How she got mad for no reason and banged her hand on the table like a toddler. Or how she has spent the last few years hating on her parents. Britney has an anger problem and she has had an anger problem for many years. She is not capable of teaching these children how to communicate without sounding winey or as you claim a brat. She doesn't know how to communicate anger without lashing out and bad mothing everyone. She can't teach these kids to deal with anger.
Britney is not mentally fit to teach these kids very much. Her hobby is stripping in front of a tv. She dropped out of school and dropped out of church and she pretty much dropped out of life. She stays holed up in her home day after day and maybe one day she sits by the pool and maybe one day she watches xes and the City. Her life is not appealing to teenage boys.
These boys want to talk to someone who can help them with their homework. Britney the high school drop out who now has the mental acuity of a child can't help them with high school homework. Let's get real. They are thinking about college. They are thinking about life outside the home. They aren't thinking about being dutiful kids so Britney can make herself sound mentally healthy to her fans. These kids want to play video games and ride dirt bikes and play with their friends. They don't want to play Disney dress up with mommy. These boys want to go explore the library or museums. They don't want to go to Disneyland for the zillionth time. They want to play sports and win scholarships without their mom flashing her butt to the other kids like she did previously, Some woman was just arrested for flashing herself at a children's evert. Britney wasn't arrested because the cship said she's a mentally ill woman. But Britney has apparently never been invited back to watch her kids play sports.
These kids want to learn and grow, not sit on the couch all day counting twitter likes of their mom's porno-ish videos. They don't have to like that her only hobby now is stripping for money. These kids want to have big discussions about big ideas. Britney wants to play Barbies and use instagram filters of Mickey Mouse.
These kids have had lived a normal life and actual school and actual learning and actual friends and actual hobbies. When they see Britney, they are old enough to see a mentally ill woman who still believes she is important, but all she was was a pop star. Britney taught them that laziness is ok so long as you feel you have nothing left to prove. She can't help them through college. Britney can't teach them how to be happy as single adults, because she doesn't know what that is. Britney doesn't know how to be single. She goes from one bad relationship to another. The only thing she can teach them is to not follow her bad example.
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
if you’re still taking requests could i request #8 or #9 with carla? 🥰
#9 is here ^ - ^ so i did #8 for you! I also combined it with this:
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Hope you like it!
Grumpy prompt (closed)
Drinking night, crazy night (Carla x Fem!Reader)
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a/n: this is looooooong. Sorry for that 😅
Warnings: Smut, alcohol mentions, Carla's dirty mouth. Dom!Carla...i think.
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You sighed and settled back in your seat, trying to be subtle enough not to attract Gwendolyn's attention and avoid her scolding. God, you hated these things, you hated being here. But what else could you do? You knew that if you had gone to Amy Mitchell's house, Gwendolyn would find out and she could do something terrible to your daughter. You would not allow the witch to get near your precious girl.
So here you were, in the middle of a huge house, surrounded by other moms who definitely didn't want to be here either, praying that the blonde woman in front of you would shut up soon.
"Y/N, Look at this" Cassandra, a mother whose son was in the same group as your daughter, whispered next to you.
You glanced at Gwendolyn quickly before looking at Cassandra's cell phone screen. It was a message from Janice.
Come to Amy's. We have shitty wine.
Followed by a selfie where the woman appeared, surrounded by other 3. They seemed happy and drunk. Lucky them.
"Let’s go" Cassandra whispered to you
"Are you crazy? If Gwendolyn finds out-"
"She won't" she interrupted you "besides, she can't do anything against everyone"
You frowned in confusion and looked around you. You noticed several moms silently slipping away. You smiled to yourself and turned back to Cassandra.
"We better go now that we can" she winked at you
There was no way you would directly face the blonde. Not if you could help it. You took your bag and smiled.
"Right behind you" you said.
You two held back your laughter as you sneaked out of the place. Whatever was going on at Amy Mitchell's house, it had to be so much better than this.
You were surprised when you arrived at the place. There were too many people here!! How many moms had sneaked out of Gwendolyn's house before you?! Too many in your opinion. How the hell had the blonde not noticed? You didn’t know or care.
Anyway, you were too busy dancing and screaming with the rest of the moms to care about those things. Tomorrow maybe you would, but right now, to hell with everything.
You heard someone yell loudly behind you and saw a row of moms taking a shot as a wild-haired woman yelled at them one by one.
It looked fun.
Your head was starting to spin, but you were still sane enough to know what was going on around you. You watched from a few meters as the wild-haired woman laughed with two other women, kissing one of them and then making them kiss each other.
Pretty wild in your opinion. You liked it.
The more you looked at the woman, the more you tried to remember her. You were sure you ran into her a couple of times in the school parking lot, but her name escaped you.
Carolina? Carmen? Carola?
Something like that.
You turned around when you felt a hand on your forearm and Cassandra dragged you into the living room to dance. You missed the amused look that the blue-eyed woman gave you.
You grunted when an elbow hit your rib. This is why you didn't go out to parties!...And because you had a daughter to take care of, but that wasn't the point.
You worked your way through the other moms and sighed when you walked back into the hall. You couldn't tell it was fresh air, but at least there weren't that many people here.
You leaned against the wall and closed your eyes for a moment, until you felt someone looking at you. You straightened up and looked next to you to find a pair of incredibly blue eyes looking at you.
The woman looked you up and down without shame, running her eyes all over your body. She took her time on your legs and you mentally thanked whatever god was listening for enlightening you and making you wear that dress.
She didn't say anything to you, but she had a funny smile on her lips. Shit, she was beautiful, you weren't going to deny it. And the image of her kissing that other mom hadn't left your head in the last hour.
"You like what you see?" you asked with a raised eyebrow.
Normally you would have blushed, but you blamed alcohol for your actions. Also, you weren't really expecting an answer.
Oh, but you got one.
The woman smiled at you and approached you with a confident stride, trapping you between her and the wall. You swallowed audibly. She smelled like she had a few too many drinks, but you guessed you weren't exactly better.
"That was my question" she told you "You haven't stopped looking at me since you arrived"
You frowned in confusion. What was she talking about? You didn't even know her name or who she was? Why would you -...but you did...
You looked at her when you walked into the house, when she had made all those moms drink a shot, when she had danced in the living room, when she had laughed with those women and kissed them. You had been looking at her all night. Shit.
"I'm sorry" you mumbled, smiling at yourself. Your confidence disappeared little by little "I didn't mean to be rude"
"You weren't" she told you. Her face was too close to yours and there was no indication that she planned to walk away "But I'm going to ask you for a favor."
"Of course" you nodded and smiled.
"That!" she growled she, making you jump a little "Please, stop smiling at me like that. I'm not sure what will happen if you keep doing that."
You blinked in surprise. Have you been smiling at her too? Hell, you really had to stop drinking. And yet you found her frown too cute.
"Why?" you said, smirking at her "does it make you nervous?"
You teased a bit and ran your tongue across your lower lip to moisten it. The woman in front of you grunted again and suddenly your back hit the wall hard. You didn't have time to react by the time her lips were pressed against yours. It was a hot, demanding and desperate kiss. You loved it.
You wrapped your arms around her neck and pulled her closer to you, returning the affection and pushing your tongue into her mouth. You could taste the alcohol in her tongue and something that was purely her.
You moaned against her mouth when you felt her hand climb up your thigh, lifting your dress little by little. Unfortunately, you weren't drunk enough to do it...not here.
"Wait" you said with a broken voice "we can't do this here"
"Come with me" she ordered, taking your hand and pulling you.
She led you upstairs, saying nothing. You were sure this wasn't her house, but that didn't seem to matter to her.
Well, at least she had the decency not to take you to her friend's bed.
You grunted when your back hit something. Maybe the wall, maybe a shelf, you weren't sure. It was hard to tell when everything in this damn closet was so dark.
"Are you sure your friend won't mind?" you asked, suddenly feeling nervous
"She won't find out" she assured you "Now strip" she said harshly.
"I don't even know your name" you said, trying to sound more confident than you were, but god, that tone had made your legs shake.
"Carla" she said simply "Now strip, I'm not going to repeat it again, Y/N"
Carla! That was the name that had escaped you all night. You were going to ask how she knew your name, but then you remembered that your kids went to the same school, damn it.
So you did what she told you and took your dress off quickly. Carla made a noise of satisfaction and you felt a hand caress your leg. The woman suddenly dug her nails into your inner thigh, making you gasp.
"Shut up" she growled "I haven't even started on you, save it for later"
You swallowed when you felt her press against you and one of her hands went down to holy ground. You bit your lip hard when one of her fingers caressed your already wet slit.
"My, my...You're so ready for me" she teased "No wonder you looked at me all night...you should have come to me earlier, honey, instead of showing your legs all over the house. trying to tempt me "
"I wasn't-" you tried to say, but she slammed her finger into you, making you scream.
"You were" she told you, nibbling on your lobe "but don't worry, you'll have what you want...you won't be able to walk after I'm done with you"
You had no doubt about that.
Your head hit the wall behind you, but you didn't care. You were too busy chasing the orgasm that she had been denied you times already.
"Please" you moaned "Please, please, please"
Carla smiled against your neck and moved her hand so that the three fingers that were inside you dug deeper. But the pleasure only lasted a few seconds because she yanked them out, just when you were almost there.
You grunted in pain and frustration. Your eyes stung with unshed tears. The older woman just laughed.
"Please" you sobbed "let me come, I need to come"
"Then you will have to work for it" she told you "On your knees, now"
You opened your eyes, but you could barely see her figure in front of you. Your legs were shaking, but you did as she commanded and knelt in front of her, groaning a little when your heel brushed against your center.
Carla quickly took off her pants and underwear, separating her legs right in front of you. She didn't have to tell you what to do, because the mere scent from her center drew you like a moth to the light.
The woman gasped a little as your hot tongue tentatively licked her slit and her fingers tangled in your hair to keep you in place. For a moment you were tempted to return her favor and play with her a bit, but she must have read your thoughts because she immediately reprimanded you.
"Don't even think about it princess" she growled "If you want to cum tonight you better start working"
She tugged on your hair tightly and that was enough to send an electric current to your already sore, wet core. So you got to work quickly.
Carla moaned as your tongue slipped in and out of her. Sometimes, you would suck hard on her tangle of nerves, making her jump a little. Little by little, you got braver and then your fingers entered the game.
You smiled against her when she moaned loudly as you shoved two fingers into her.
"Fuck" she growled "Don't you dare stop" she threatened
And you didn't. You continued your rhythm for a few more minutes, until you felt her tighten around your fingers and you knew she was close. You sucked hard on her center while twisting your fingers inside her and that was it.
Carla screamed loudly as waves of pleasure washed over her. Happily you helped her work it out. Her hand never left your head, though, and you found yourself cleaning up the mess that was coming out of her pussy.
"Good girl" she gasped when she calmed down a bit.
"Can I come now?" you asked.
"Stand up" she ordered and you happily obeyed
Carla pushed you against the wall again and kissed you fiercely, tasting herself in your mouth. Her fingers quickly found their way to your center again.
"I think you deserve a reward for being so good" she said and you trembled with excitement when she started pumping her fingers inside you.
You begged that this time she would let you finish.
You hurried out of the house, grateful to the one upstairs for the fact that most of the women were drunk and no one would see what a reeling mess you were.
You sighed when you got into your car and took a moment to recover. Your legs were weak and it hurt to sit. But you didn't regret it in the least. The best sex you've had in years since your divorce and it had been with a half-drunk mother from your daughter's school.
You laughed at it. That night, you couldn't help but dream with a pair of blue eyes.
"I made-out with so many women tonight" Carla said.
"I know" Amy laughed
Except no. The woman didn’t know what her friend had done in one of her closets and Carla intended to keep it that way. She couldn't help but think about the way you were walking when you left the house, anyone could see that you were in pain and that made her feel incredibly proud.
"Good morning" you greeted the woman after your daughter said goodbye and ran to school.
"Hey! What's up, pretty lady?" Carla smiled and walked towards you.
You blushed a little. You didn't expect her to get close to you, you just wanted to be nice. The truth is that you hadn’t been able to get her out of your mind all week, neither her nor her evil fingers.
"What are you going to do today?" she asked
"Oh...well...I don't have work today, so cleaning the house I guess" you said nervously.
"Do you mind if I go with you?" she said "Those two idiots over there plan to go to a sewing class and there is no way in the universe that you will see me there alive"
She pointed to Amy and Kiki talking a few meters behind. You laughed a bit and felt as if the air around you was no longer so thick.
"You can come" you said "But I don't know if you want to help me clean up"
"Oh no" she smiled at you "I was actually thinking of making more mess. I think we both deserve a second round, no alcohol and in bed" she winked at you.
You have never dragged someone into your car so quickly in your life.
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KH’s tags: @midnight-lestrange @emilyprentissslut @mochiadria
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whiskynottea · 5 years
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An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27,  Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35,  Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44,  Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51 Chapter 52, Chapter 53, Chapter 54, Chapter 55
A/N: We are 56 chapters in, and I would like to thank you for reading this story  even though my updates have become irregular in the latest months and for your beautiful comments. ❤️ Real life is very demanding at the moment and I don’t have time to reply to all your comments but they mean a lot to me and reading your feedback always makes my day! Thank you!
The chapter is beta-ed, as always, by @theministerskat​.
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Chapter 56. Oxford
I was excited and afraid. 
I was intrigued and intimidated. 
I was enchanted. 
I was at Oxford.
That city had been to me what castles and voluptuous dresses were for other little girls. A fairytale. A dream.
It had all started when I was eight years old. Lamb had taken me with him to visit one of his dearest friends -- one who by chance had just discovered a new archaeological site and was convinced that a whole city lay underneath tons of dust. This kind of information always worked like a fluorescent light for the kind of craved-for-knowledge-moth my uncle happened to be, and it took him only a few days to find airline tickets for us to fly from Lebanon to Oxford. 
While my uncle and Andrew -- or Professor Horcrof, as he was known at the university -- spent endless days talking over manuscripts and pictures, I had been a PhD student’s burden to entertain. Extremely unprofessional on Andrew’s behalf, but I was too young to realize it back then and Emma insisted that taking care of me was no trouble at all. She was as sweet and kind as she was impressive -- almost as tall as Lamb, with golden hair and beautiful blue-rimmed glasses. Not really beautiful, but imposing, and it was obvious that everyone respected her. For me, the genuine niece of uncle Lamb, that meant much more than alluring eyes and an aristocratic nose. 
Emma had been the reason I prayed for nearsightedness for years after we left Oxford. And the reason I found Oxford’s grey the most beautiful colour, and started building my own fairytale in the city of dreaming spires. She was the one who had taken me to the Bodleian Library and made me take the Bodleian oath. Sometimes, in the years that followed, when I closed my eyes, I could still feel my chest puff up with pride and self-importance as I spoke the words, ‘I hereby undertake not to remove from the Library, or to mark, deface, or injure in any way, any volume, or document…’
That day I had also sworn to her that when I grew up, I would study at Oxford as well. Emma had replied that she was sure I would.
And now, here I was. I wondered what Emma would think. 
My college was not at the centre of the city and I felt my heart beat faster and faster inside my chest as I walked towards my destination. It was a struggle to bring my shallow breathing back to normal and not break into a run when I first glimpsed Lady Margaret Hall. A college with more than one hundred and forty years of history, and the first to educate women at Oxford. 
I searched for the word in my head as my feet led me to the entrance. Honoured, I thought, and stepped inside. 
Three days in Oxford and I was sure that Jamie’s phone would soon reach its maximum storage capacity after receiving so many pictures -- the buildings, my college, my room, the gardens… I didn’t even take the time to sort out the best pictures, but sent him everything, unable to contain the happiness I was feeling. 
“You have to take me to each and every one of these places when I visit, Sassenach,” he’d written. I promised him I would. 
The accommodations at Lady Margaret Hall were better than most colleges in Oxford, and Mary Hawkins, my roommate, was a sweet, if not a bit shy, girl from Bath. She had a quiet beauty, and luckily for both of us, she was a fellow medical student. I liked her from the first moment we introduced ourselves and she seemed to like me too, though she talked at a frequency that was barely audible, and it was a struggle to carry on a conversation without asking her to repeat herself over and over again. I soon realized that the low voice was a way to hide her stutter, and hoped that it would get better once she felt comfortable. Sometimes I wondered how it would be, if Louise was at Oxford with us and not in France. Or Jenny. Louise would tease Mary to no end. Jenny would, most likely, take Mary under her wing and protect her throughout our years at university. 
I wasn’t surprised Mary kept mostly to herself. She mentioned once or twice that she had grown up with a strict father who made it explicit to her that Oxford University wasn’t a choice, but an obligation. He had gone to Oxford University. His father had studied there. Mary’s mother had graduated from Lady Margaret’s Hall. It was unacceptable for Mary to break the family tradition. I felt sorry, but happy she had made it and was away from them now. Sometimes distance was all it took for a child to become an adult.
Freshers’ week had been full of tours and social events for the new students. A whole week for everyone to become familiar with the university and have fun -- everyone except us, the medics. Our welcome included writing three essays for the first week of the term, and we spent a good amount of the week doing research in the library. There were four of us in Lady Margaret’s Hall and having to work while everyone else had the time of their lives formed a bond between us in a matter of days. The solidarity of the maltreated medics, we called it.
At least we had our parents, to help. The college family system assigned each one of us a student who was a year older, to guide us, give us advice and notes. Maisri, my college mam, had big brown eyes, thick black hair, and a deep voice that made everything she said sound serious. Even if it was something like, “Dr. Raymond won’t need the essay if you present yourself like this on Monday. One look at your hair and he’ll be scared for good. By no means, do continue running your hands through your curls.” 
When we took a break from studying, I made sure to drag Mary with me to one party or another, determined to bring her out of her shell. When she wasn’t in the library, I usually found her in the piano room. It was the only place I saw her relax. She played the piano beautifully, and more than once, I grabbed a book and lounged there, feeling the notes dance in the room around us. I had tried to convince her to join me and Maisri in the yoga classes that were taking place in the gardens during the summer months, but Mary resolutely denied. 
The Michaelmas term started right after Freshers’ week. And with the courses, real life commenced. 
I had read that the University demanded eight hours per day be spent on focussed, concentrated academic work. Theoretically, that was fine. Practically, the workload of medical school was much heavier. We were in lectures and practicals from 9 am to 3 pm, and then we had three tutorials per week which required either an essay, a worksheet, or a presentation prepared beforehand.
It was amazing, studying medicine. But with the courses, meeting new people, and trying to socialize in an effort to be a part of the university community, I always felt exhausted. The pictures I sent to Jamie were limited to selfies showing me and my books while I was studying in the library, or shots of the collections of pints gathered on the table in front of me at local pubs.
Some nights I fell asleep so early that I missed my nightly call with Jamie. And other times I was out for drinks and ended up having a short video call outside a pub or a club, just to see him for a few minutes and hear his voice. 
In any case, we still managed to talk at least once every day. And we texted when we couldn’t. And sent pictures. 
It was the beginning, I reminded myself. It was expected that I would need some time to adjust. Jamie understood. He, too, had an intense schedule. His term was more demanding now that he had been admitted to the Ross School of Business, swimming meets had begun, and he pushed himself to his limits, which meant that he often overslept and missed our morning call.
I almost screamed when I read his text after his first race as a Wolverine. Almost, because at that time I was in a lecture. Mary and a few other students shot me bewildered glances, trying to guess what Dr. Hildstand had said that I found so fascinating, but I just shook my head and swallowed my smile, trying not to attract more attention. I texted Jamie a minute later, with a row of emojis. Then, I told him that I was proud of him and I loved him. He sent me a wet kiss picture in response.
I was just as happy and proud after his second race, but Jamie wasn’t. He had finished second, and apparently for Jamie that was equivalent to finishing last. That evening, I was in the study room with Mary, Malva, and Davie when Maisri rushed in, still laughing from something that she had said to someone in the corridor, and invited us to ‘Dissection Drinks’ with medics from other colleges. Mary groaned at the prospect of going out again, but Malva and Davie quickly accepted the invitation. I had almost agreed on going too, when I remembered that Jamie would be getting home early and we would have time for a rather extensive call. Judging by the sulky texts I got throughout the day, I was sure that he’d need to talk.
“I can’t come, but maybe next time,” I said, ignoring Maisri’s frown. I would give my Friday night to my boyfriend. Looking at the big black clock on the wall, I realized I only had half an hour before our call. 
Mary called it an early night and after a quick visit to our room, I headed to the showers, wanting to be ready when Jamie called. 
An hour later, I was lying on my bed, still waiting. And then, an hour after that. I’d texted Jamie and he just replied that he wasn’t home yet.
When Jamie finally called me, I was more than irritated and Mary was sound asleep in her bed. Grabbing my phone, I resorted to one of the empty study rooms to have a conversation where more than whispering could be used.
“You’re late, Jamie Fraser.” I had planned for very playful greeting while I was in the shower, but after two hours of waiting and seeing him fresh as a daisy, my tone turned dourer than I’d thought it would be. 
“Ah, I ken. Sorry, Sassenach, we were out wi’ the team and I couldna leave earlier.”
I forced myself to relax and smile, and I was almost successful. It wasn’t his fault, I repeated to myself again and again, until I believed it. Keeping my frustration from being front and center, I focused on Jamie. Spending half of our time arguing about the fact that he was late would do neither of us any good.
“Congratulations for today,” I said, to change the mood and make it clear that the second place was to be praised.
He shook his head. “Second,” he said, glumly.
“You can’t always finish first, I hope you know that,” I admonished him. “Everyone has bad days, although I’m not sure that coming second counts as a bad day.”
“At the first race it was different. Today I was so stressed, I dinna think I’ve ever been that stressed before.”
“But why? You’ve participated in far bigger competitions before.”
“Aye, but in Scotland I knew my opponents. I had raced against them time and time again as we grew up and knew their mistakes and strong points. Here I have no idea what to expect. ”
“But in the first race --”
“I don’t think I’d realized the sheer size of competitions here,” he interrupted me. “The Big Ten, the NCAA championships…”
“Jamie, look at me.” I wished he could be next to me, so I could squeeze his cheeks between my hands and make him see how much he had already achieved. “You’ll do great. You’ll give your best self, you will keep working, and you will improve. You’re one of the best swimmers already! First and second place, come on!”
That made him laugh. “Thank ye, mo ghraidh. I wish you were here. It was always different when I was looking at you in the bleachers after seeing my times.”
“Well, if that makes you happy, I almost screamed both times I read your texts. During lectures, I have to mention.”
He laughed and his blue eyes shone for the first time that evening. “It does, Sassenach. It makes me happy. You make me happy. So, how was your day?”
“Good! I had my first tutorial with Dr. Raymond. He is absolutely amazing, Jamie. He’s tiny, really, no taller than Mrs. FitzGerald but he’s a force of nature. Ha. Funny, because the tutorial was on alternative medicine and herbs. It was the best tutorial I’d had so far.”
“So, uni is as ye expected it to be?”
“Heavier workload, if you can imagine that, but yes. I love it.” I smiled, realizing the truth behind my words. Medical school was everything I had wished for, and even more.
“Good. I’m glad ye do, babe. Did you look for tickets yet?” 
I hesitated. “No, not yet.”
Jamie sighed. “Dinna leave it for the last moment, Sassenach. You’re going to pay a fortune at the end.” He opened a bottle of water and drank until it was half empty. “Dhia, I’m always so thirsty after coming back from Hector’s.”
“Alcohol causes dehydration, you know.”
“Aye, aye doctor.” He flashed a toothy grin and took another big gulp.
I waited until his eyes met mine again, seeking the right words to express what I needed to say. “Jamie, I was thinking…” Jamie left the water next to him and slightly tilted his head sideways, waiting. “I was thinking that maybe coming in two weeks isn’t a good idea, after all.”
I knew he wouldn’t like that. “I know we planned on meeting in early November, but the term ends at the beginning of December, and I thought I might wait until then so I can stay longer when I come to Michigan. And maybe we could fly to Edinburgh together for Christmas.” I swallowed, uneasy, even though I knew that my proposal made perfect sense. There was no reason to spend so much money just to see him for a few days. “If I come before the term ends, I will stay only for a few days and I have lectures I don’t want to miss…” I added when he kept silent.
“I thought you’d be here for my race in New Jersey, that’s all,” he finally said with no trace of feeling in his voice. His face had changed into a neutral mask. 
“But it’s a better plan if I come before Christmas, no?”
“I guess so.”
I fidgeted with the hem of my top, avoiding his eyes. I knew he wanted me to be in New Jersey as we had planned, but that was before I came to Oxford. I didn’t really know what I would find here. When I finally looked at Jamie, I saw a strained smile on his mouth and disappointment dancing in his stare. “I wanted to be there, too, Jamie,” I tried to explain. He nodded. “I wanted to,” I insisted, forcefully. “But we must make compromises. It’s just four weeks, and then we’ll spend a whole month together.” 
“Yeah. Okay. You’re right.”
I smiled and blew him a kiss. He kissed me -- the screen -- back. 
“So, what place did John get today? ” I asked to change the subject.
“Fourth. He was so pissed.” Jamie chuckled and I could see some of the tension leaving his shoulders. 
We talked about swimming and his classes, and then about my practicals and my newfound love for yoga. “Until I find a decent dance club,” I clarified. 
We smiled, laughed, and teased each other, but I could still feel a lingering uneasiness between us. 
“Jamie?” I whispered when he said he was tired and would go to bed. “You know I wanted to be there, don’t you?”
This time his smile was genuine. “Aye, Sassenach. I ken. Ye just took me by surprise, is all. Dinna worry, aye?”
“And you know I love you, right?” I asked again.
His smile turned into a grin. “Aye, ye wee yogi.” He ignored my snort. “I love ye too, Claire.” This time his voice was guttural. I let out a heavy sigh and heard him mirroring it, as if we needed to hear the words even though we could always feel them resonating through our bodies. 
“Now go to bed,” he finally said. “I’ll dream of you.”
“Me too,” I said, and we ended the call.
Me too.
Chapter 57
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wondroussimmer-blog · 6 years
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Basically, no one actually tagged me in this, but I thought i’d give it a go anyway seeing as this is a new blog and you guys can get to now me a bit, so I tag anyone who sees this and also wants to have a go...
1. What is your full name? I’m not putting my last name on here, but my first name is Maja (Miya) 2. What is your nickname? I don’t really have one 3. Birthday? January 1st 4. What is your favourite book series? I don’t really read book series’ 5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Not 100% sure, I don’t believe in the sort of ghosts you see in films, but I think I believe our loved ones stay with us in some way. As for aliens, idk, we can’t be the only life but idk.  6. Who is your favourite author? I find the fault in our stars quite overrated, but i’d say John Green because some of his others are my favourites! 7. What is your favourite radio station? BBC Radio 1 8. What is your favourite flavour of anything? this is such a weird question, how can you have a favourite flavour for everything? but if it’s sweet, definitely strawberry! 9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Again, weird question, but i use so many words for this, my most used are probably lovely and amazing 10. What is your current favourite song? this changes alll the time, but right this minute it’s probably sunflower by post malone and swae lee 11. What is your favourite word? is this a thing? 12. What was the last song you listened to? vacation by hippo campus 13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? big mouth, orphan black, queer eye, dexter 14. What is your favourite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? the breakfast club or mean girls probably 15. Do you play video games? only the sims 16. What is your biggest fear? probably the death of people close to me, and in the future not being able to have children 17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? probably that i’m a friendly person  18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? i’m v insecure 19. Do you like cats or dogs better? DOGS... always dogs! 20. What is your favourite season? autumn/winter 21. Are you in a relationship? yes 22. What is something you miss from your childhood? having way more friends and barely any responsibilities 23. Who is your best friend? my boyfriend 24. What is your eye colour? blue 25. What is your hair colour? brown 26. Who is someone you love? my boyfriend and family 27. Who is someone you trust? my boyfriend and closest family 28. Who is someone you think about often? okay wow, so much variety in these answers but the same as the previous two answers 29. Are you currently excited about/for something? christmas and my birthday 30. What is your biggest obsession? probably sims 31. What was your favourite TV show as a child? Probably Tracy beaker or that’s so raven  32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? my boyfriend 33. Are you superstitious? only slightly 34. Do you have any unusual phobias? cracking knuckles, moths (but only indoors), realistic looking mannequins and gas masks... so not much 35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind, every single time 36. What is your favourite hobby? playing sims, graphic designing, video editing 37. What was the last book you read? The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks 38. What was the last movie you watched? Muppet’s Christmas Carol 39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? I play a bit of guitar and can play the mr bean theme song on piano if that counts 40. What is your favourite animal? dogs 41. What are your top 5 favourite Tumblr blogs that you follow? I definitely have more than 5  42. What superpower do you wish you had? be able to teleport and go invisible  43. When and where do you feel most at peace? probably at home with my boyfriend 44. What makes you smile? sorry if this is becoming a boring answer... but my boyfriend! also my dog :) 45. What sports do you play, if any? I don’t at the moment, but I have done tennis, dance (ballet, tap and modern), swimming, karate, speed skating and netball 46. What is your favourite drink? water... how boring ik 47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? Last month, I made my boyfriend a scrap book as one of my boyfriend’s presents for our anniversary and wrote some letters as part of it  48. Are you afraid of heights? not if it’s a secure height 49. What is your biggest pet peeve? I have wayyy too many and so many grammatical ones, I absolutely hate when people incorrectly use was and were, so if someone said ‘we was going’, I think it’s quite an essex thing but I hateeee it, I can’t stand bad grammar, but also slow walkers, people who walk through the door without looking behind them to hold the door open for people behind, other drivers not indicating, people that have to be louder than everyone else, people that chew with their mouths open... basically I have a lot and this list could go on and on and on 50. Have you ever been to a concert? I’ve seen all time low, the 1975, imagine dragons, sunset sons, ed sheeran and paramore in concert so far and i’m seeing panic! at the disco in march which i’m MEGA excited about!!! 51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? vegetarian 52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? This would change all the time, it went from radio dj, to dancer, to teacher when I was really young, then architect when I was a teenager, and now it’s clinical psychologist which i’m slowly working towards 53. What fictional world would you like to live in? I’ve not got a clue 54. What is something you worry about? EVERYTHING! I get a lot of social anxiety, so basically whenever i’m out of the house i’m worrying about absolutely everything and it’s the worst and gets me super down, so yeah, love that 55. Are you scared of the dark? okay so I don’t like leaving the dark, i’m fine being in the dark but I hate when i’m home alone and have to turn the lights off in the living room, kitchen and hall to go to bed... if that makes sense 56. Do you like to sing? i’m someone that, at home, is constantly singing, and when it’s only my boyfriend around, if one of us says a sentence that can in some way relate to a song, i’ll immediately sing it, but I suck so I won’t ever sing in public 57. Have you ever skipped school? in school I faked being ill a few times to get off of school, but in uni i’ve skipped way too many lectures over the past 3 years 58. What is your favourite place on the planet? I absolutely adore Spain, but also Belgrade (i’m half Serbian) 59. Where would you like to live? If not my current home town, i’d love to one day live somewhere like Norway or Sweden 60. Do you have any pets? yep, i’ve got a french bulldog 61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? I wake up pretty early, but I hate to start the day early 62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunsets. 63. Do you know how to drive? Yep 64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? the sound of headphones but I normally use earbuds 65. Have you ever had braces? nope, thank god 66. What is your favourite genre of music? this really ranges from charts, to indie rock, to ‘former emo kid’, to early 2000s r&b, to musical theatre 67. Who is your hero? probably my boyfriend 68. Do you read comic books? no 69. What makes you the most angry? as we’ve already gathered, I have a lot of pet peeves, so a lot! 70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?a real book! 71. What is your favourite subject in school? I currently study psychology which has been my favourite subject since A levels, but during GCSEs I enjoyed maths  72. Do you have any siblings? 1 younger brother 73. What was the last thing you bought? some christmas presents for my boyfriend’s cousins 74. How tall are you? 5ft4 75. Can you cook? yes 76. What are three things that you love? spending time with people I love, travelling, collecting photos  77. What are three things that you hate? busy places, cheats, confrontation 78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? I actually barely have any so this is kind of hard to answer 79. What is your sexual orientation? straight 80. Where do you currently live? England 81. Who was the last person you texted? my mum 82. When was the last time you cried? I’m not actually sure, which is funny because I cry all the time and super easily 83. Who is your favourite YouTuber? I have so many: in terms of sims: lilsimsie, urbansims, sophsims, simkim, plumbella, in terms of lifestyle: louise pentland, in terms of fashion and beauty: samantha maria, tati westbrook, busybee carys, patricia bright, antonio garza, and others: shane dawson, sarah baska, kendall rae, jaackmaate, and loads more! basically, if i’m not on tumblr, i’m on youtube, if i’m not on youtube i’m playing sims, and if i’m not on sims i’m on tumblr... 84. Do you like to take selfies? rarely 85. What is your favourite app? any social media  86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? fab 87. What is your favourite foreign accent? Australian and Scottish 88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? I have so many but I won’t bore you with another long list, so just a few: Sweden, South Africa, Iceland and Canada 89. What is your favourite number? 1 90. Can you juggle? no 91. Are you religious? I was baptised but don’t really consider myself religious 92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? both as interesting as the other 93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? not really 94. Are you allergic to anything? no 95. Can you curl your tongue? yep, one of my weird ‘party tricks’ is I can actually curl it 180 degrees 96. Can you wiggle your ears? no 97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? not as often as I should 98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? probably the forest 99. What is your favourite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?my dad probably gives the best life advice but there’s too much to put here   100. Are you a good liar? It depends 101. What is your Hogwarts House? Hufflepuff 102. Do you talk to yourself? All the time 103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I N T R O V E R T, i’m so introverted to the point I hate it but seriously struggle to change it 104. Do you keep a journal/diary? no but I have in the past 105. Do you believe in second chances? it depends 106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Hand it in 107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? It depends 108. Are you ticklish? VERY 109. Have you ever been on a plane? manyyyy times 110. Do you have any piercings? nope, I have but not anymore 111. What fictional character do you wish was real? no idea  112. Do you have any tattoos? nope 113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? I’m really not sure 114. Do you believe in karma? to an extent, but at the same time bad things seem to happen to good people, sooooo 115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? neither 116. Do you want children? yes 117. Who is the smartest person you know? my cousin 118. What is your most embarrassing memory? omg my whole life is filled with embarrassing memories that I seem to always remember at the most inconvenient times or when i’m about to go to sleep that just haunt me out of nowhere...fun 119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? yes 120. What colour are most of you clothes? black or white 121. Do you like adventures? yep 122. Have you ever been on TV? no 123. How old are you? 20 - nearly 21 124. What is your favourite quote? not really sure. 125. Do you prefer sweet or savoury foods? sweet
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hallucinosims · 6 years
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Hi here’s the get to know me tag let’s get to knowing
I was tagged in this by @gunthermunch
125 questions under the cut, if you do decide to read i suggest getting a snack first
I tag @emovatore @humanitys-shortest @liliithvatore if you haven’t done it yet
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? Lee and Leo are the go-tos in real life but I get called Hall on here and I think that’s a rad nickname too
3. BIRTHDAY? Feb 5th
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? I am a slut for the Percy Jackson series and Leo Valdez was one of the reasons why I started going by Leo more often then my full name
5. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS OR GHOSTS? Yes yes absolutely yes. One, earth really can’t be the only planet in a universe with infinite possibilities to have life on it, you know? And ghosts is more like a spirit thing.
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? oooh fuck me up this is a hard one uhhhhhh Classic author probably Edgar Allen Poe but Contempoary I’d say Tony Kushner
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? the Musical Theatre station
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? I don’t really like... food. I don’t enjoy it. But I guess I like savory over sweet
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? Liar by Queen or Greek God by Conan Gray
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? I-Cunt-tic, pronounced like iconic but... you know
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? Please Never Fall in love again Ollie MN
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? Kidding, that Jim Carrey tv show that premiered this year. Beautifully edited and told story
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE TO WATCH WHEN YOU’RE FEELING DOWN? I’ve seen Bohemian Rhapsody 6 times this month alone so probably that on wards
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? dying in the same place i was born
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? idk, i’m not really an animal person
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? playing in the ika playscape
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? i have quite a few best friends but when im at school/work then my good friend Julio
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? a very doe eyed dark brown
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? i re-dyed my hair black recently so let’s go with that
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? going to denmark to be a farm gay on my semester off
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? currently Sims, Queen, and Falsettos (the musical)
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? i didn’t have cable but there is no way in hell i’m saying cyberchase so, Mia and Miguel
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? none that i can think of
35. DO YOU PREFER TO BE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA OR BEHIND IT?i actually really enjoy both
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? True West, it’s a really good play
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? ...Bohemian Rhapsody for the 6th time
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? most stringed instruments i can figure out pretty quickly but i’m best at guitar and piano
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? i follow over 5k people i don’t even know who i follow
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? basically Kirby. I want the power to take others powers
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? in michigan on rainy afternoons in my bunk bed with my laptop on my lap. Or like, the floor of a bookstore
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? loaded question
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? I used to do competitve dance, competitve cheer, biking, and volleyball
47. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER OR NOTE TO SOMEBODY? like a week ago to my grandma, she likes getting post cards in the mail
48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? i used to be. not so much anymore
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? people who saunter. We got places to be fellas
51. ARE YOU VEGAN/VEGETARIAN? i’m to anemic to be either 
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? i’m actually not to into media that take place in other... wait i take it back i wanna live in Hobbiton
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? ehh sometimes
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? It’s a part of my career so hopefully
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? i’m skippin school rn
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? Manhattan’s Lower East Side. I live in the Upper West Side right now and it’s aight but it’s not the LES
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? Tony Kushner
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? yee and before you ask my fave is Deadpool
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? when people be on some bullshit
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? one sister who is ten years older than I am
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? ... iced coffee despite it being 30 degrees out
75. CAN YOU COOK? I’d like to think so. Wish I had a oven tho
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? music, my family (sometimes) I’m trying to love myself so let’s throow that one in there
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? people who stroll/saunter, when people are on their bullshit, dark chocolate
78. DO YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE FRIENDS OR MORE MALE FRIENDS? male “friends”. But, I know a lot more girls that I keep up with more often.
80. WHERE DO YOU CURRENTLY LIVE? Manhattan, Upper West Side
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Thursday in my Theatre class but we were all crying so i’ll let it slide
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? i don’t really watch anyone consistently
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? prety solid i love them both even if my mom hates my sexuality and threatened locking me at home when i came out to herelol
88. WHAT IS A PLACE THAT YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TO, BUT YOU WANT TO VISIT?Copenhagen! I’ve wanted to go to Denmark since I was ten
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? Nah son
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? defenitly a lot less than my story style insists lol. I do believe in God tho
94. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING? strawberries and some medicine that i can’t remember the name of
95. CAN YOU CURL YOUR TONGUE? yes i’m a lesbian it’s what we do
97. HOW OFTEN DO YOU ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING? Literally anytime i’m wrong about soomething. I love being exposed, put in my place, roasted.
98. DO YOU PREFER THE FOREST OR THE BEACH? Forest so I can find my mans... my MOTH mans
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? you know what you want, don’t let your concerns get in the way of your ambitions
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? Deadass I talk to myself more often than otherpeople
105. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES? I give everyone I can think of second chances because i’m a forgiving sone of a bitch and yet they continue TO BE ON SOME BULLSHIT
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? THat be mine i may be forgiving by moral compass be broke as hell and I haven’t eaten in like 3 days because i’m so broke
107. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF CHANGE? When I’m answering this question for a job application i sure do
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? tragicallu
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? i have 5 holes in my ears and a nostreil piercing
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? yes 2, one chest, one forearm. But that’s only because I don’t have money i need more
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? yes and she’s a bitch
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? eventually I feel like I would make a pretty solid kid
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? Being high for three days straight
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? i just finished pulling one
120. WHAT COLOR ARE MOST OF YOU CLOTHES? black as you can see by my simself  i really do dress pretty much only in black because i aged poorly out of my goth phase
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? Yep, Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, Trade Show stuff, probably for school or local news a few times
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 18
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? Know in your soul like your blood knows the way from your heart to your brain, know that you’re whole. - HEdwig and the Angry Inch
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? This is a really boring last question but savory but if you made it this far i’ll expose myself a little more. I’m black and Jewish, I go to a performing arts Conservatory, and this took me so long to answer because I hooked up with someone in Brooklyn last night and i had trouble getting back to my dorm.
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organizedstudy · 7 years
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A few moths back I went to Rome by myself! It wasn’t my first time there but it was my first time traveling alone. In this post I’ll try to answer some of your questions about traveling solo as well as giving you some tips!
How do you plan your days? I started with the things that I had to book (in my case the Colosseum and the Vatican) because depending on when I got a ticket for them changed what day I would do the other things. I searched some tourist sites for things to do and also asked on here. Try to group things together based on where they are so you don’t have to go back and forth all the time. I made a plan before going but I didn’t follow it perfectly and that’s part of the charm, you can do whatever you want whenever you want.
How do you find a place to stay? I searched online for cheap hotels close to the center. Check out for things like AC, curfews, rules, if breakfast is included etc. I personally stayed at a hotel but I think it would be cool to stay at a hostel too! This depends on you as a person though, for me it was very nice to have my own room to come back to.
How do you deal with creepy people? I had to deal with this a few times, I was never scared but I felt a little uncomfortable. I accidentally agreed to meet with an older man late at night (don’t do this!!) but I just didn’t go to our meeting point. The other men I had to deal with that asked me for my number/if I wanted to hang later I just said no to and thankfully they listened. When you go somewhere alone you will become an easier target. You can always lie, even if you already said you were there alone and don’t know anyone in the city you can always say something like you have a dinner reservation or that your hotel has a curfew, that you have to be somewhere (like on a tour) in the morning. You don’t owe people shit and they will never know. Don’t give out your hotel name or your full name! Put in the number to your hotel and your embassy if you want to, they are there to help you if you are in a crisis. If you think someone is following you, go up to a random stranger and start talking to them so you at least aren’t alone.
What do I do if I get lost? Before you go on your trip, download google maps on your phone. On there you can save locations (like your hotel, sites to visit, restaurants etc) and also download a map for a whole area! (Also, looking at your phone will make you look less like a tourist than looking at a big map!) I’d also suggest actually trying to get lost at least once on your trip because chances are you’ll find an amazing place you would’ve never seen other ways.
What is eating alone like? It’s a little hard tbh. You feel a little out of place and sometimes I ate way too fast. Bring a book! Pick a seat that enables you to look at other people/look outside! The first night I accidentally took a seat facing a wall and that was kinda boring tbh. Also!! Try to sit down at every meal! It doesn’t have to be at a fancy restaurant, even if your eating pizza to go, try to find a bench to sit at because otherwise you’ll exhaust yourself.
How did you dare to do it? Honestly, Damon and Jo. They have a travel show on youtube and their “slogan” is “Shut up and go” so after I had thought about going to Italy for big parts of the summer, dreaming about being back I was like, ok I have to just shut up and go. And I did! Traveling is always worth it! Even if it’s raining all the time or it isn’t as fantastic as you thought you’ll always have the memories, that nice dish you ate, that person that came up to talk to you, the knowledge that you can do it, the feeling that you have something that no one else has, no one has those same experiences as you do, and that is cool!
Take care of yourself! Everyone says that the best thing with traveling alone is that you don’t have to worry about anyone else, this is true but it also means that there’s no one there to worry about or take care of you. The first two days I cried of exhaustion by the afternoon and night because I had just pushed myself to my limits. I walked a lot and didn’t sit down long enough for lunch and ate no snacks in between meals. The third day I went to a store and bought some trail mix and a box of bars and my trip took such a turn! From that point on I felt so much better, because I started taking care of myself properly. (Also this is a very good excuse to eat more gelato) I felt so much shame (from myself) the first night when I felt bad, I didn’t understand why I felt bad and I wanted to be able to get through it on my own but I ended up calling my mum. What I learned is that there is no shame in calling a family member or a friend if you don’t feel good! Do what you have to do to enjoy your trip as much as possible. There’s no meaning in keeping up a facade of feeling well just because that’s what you’re supposed to do. Don’t beat yourself up for not feeling good when you are traveling, it’s not your fault. Check that your basic human needs are for filled, have you slept? Have you eaten enough? Have you drinken enough? Have you sat down enough? If you are unsure or if you feel like you have not, try to take care of these things before you do anything else.
Language I’m in no way fluent in Italian but I can get along pretty well. I mostly spoke Italian when I was in Rome but everything that had to do with big sums of money or things I really didn’t want to misunderstand I took in English. Thing like paying for my hotel and transfer, asking about where I could pick up my ticket for the tour at the Colosseum and going through the airport security. Of course this will depend on how confident you are in the language spoken in the country you are going to but these are some general advice. If you don’t speak the language at all, try to learn some phrases like hello, thank you, excuse me and good bye. It’s nice and shows a little extra effort.
Remember your trip Take a lot of pictures!! And ask others to take pictures of you! I have so many ugly selfies from Rome but I’m smiling in every one of them so they still make me super happy to look back at. If you’re in a warm place (and especially if you’re carrying your phone in your hand) make sure to dry of the sweat from the lens. I’d also suggest writing down a few lines per day about what you did, how you felt, something that happend etc. I did this on facebook because then I kept everyone at home updated while I also got a personal diary. (Also you can upload loads of photos without clogging anyone’s feed) But how much of your trip you want to share is of course completely up to you! 
Your phone Make sure to check if you need any adapters for your electronics. Bring spare batteries (those rechargeable things) because you don’t want to be in the middle of an unknown city without your phone to guide you. Don’t forget your headphones! I did (fortunately still at the airport before my flight) so I had to go buy some cheap ones that weren’t that good and also hurt my ears. Download some podcasts and music (if not else for the flights). Don’t look too much at your phone while walking because you want to look at what’s around you.
If you have any more questions feel free to ask them! I’m not an expert as I’ve only done this once but there might be things I didn’t talk about in this post that I could help you with! I really do hope you travel alone sometime, yes it can be challenging at times but as you push through that it gets so much better and is so worth it! Take care! 
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sohannabarberaesque · 5 years
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Moth Mondays with the Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera: Sandy and Monica from Dinky Dog
We can understand where the Irish Wolfhound/Old English Sheepdog cross can be rather feisty for his size, but when invited to join the Skatebids on an inline-skating session along the Venice Boardwalk alongside his human owners/handlers--well, I think they're best equipped to explain all for you:
MONICA: Like anybody else, mind you, we can get to be rather fond of the inline-skating bit on occasion, as much as for exercise as for keeping Dinky in trim.
SANDY: Yet, even with such in mind, Dinky's sheer size translates into outright feistiness which can easily get the better of us. (Or can it, Monica?)
MONICA: The point of which was not lost, understand, when we got an invitation to join up with the Skatebirds trio of Knock-Knock, Satchel and Scooter on a session of inline skating big time on the Venice Boardwalk. The kind they like to pull off early Saturday and Sunday mornings around sunrise, before the crowds, tourist and otherwise, start making things otherwise unbearable. And this at a rather interesting time, what with Uncle Dudley rather seriously ill and our living with a slightly-eccentric aunt in Venice above a somewhat crazy surfwear shop.
SANDY: We say "somewhat crazy" because, for some reason, the surfboard wax they sold had that certain aroma bound to creep through the floorboards and make you wonder if you were about to be driven crazy. Enough so to force open the windows just to vent out the board wax smell.
MONICA: At any rate, this aunt was pretty much accepting of Dinky as much as ourselves ... and so it was this particular Sunday morning, traffic on Pacific Coast Highway being rather thin to begin with ... so, we got started off by packing some decent inline skates and Dinky's favourite bottled water, Mountain Valley such from Hot Springs, Arkansas. And for the little traffic to be had early Sunday mornings in Venice, to begin with, Dinky couldn't help but feel rather contented, sensing that an inline skating adventure--
SANDY: --or was that going to be "misadventure", considering Dinky's unpredictability?
MONICA: --at any rate, something wonderfully silly was bound to ensue. At any rate, getting our skates fitted and laced up, as well as Dinky's leash being fastened and straightened out at a bench near some all-night diner close to where Venice Boulevard meets the PCH, we couldn't help but be stunned on seeing the Skatebirds "themselves" ... and the Skatebirds being rather stunned at seeing Dinky as big as he was!
SANDY: Especially Knock-Knock, who sees himself as leading on that merry little band. Knock-Knock, to put it mildly, couldn't believe that we were bringing along Dinky Dog to exercise as part of our skate session! And Scooter couldn't help but chime in picturing what it would be like if a rather fast-moving dog made the whole rather embarrassing--
MONICA: Except, perhaps, for the usual early-risers, including some surfers on the "dawn patrol" and the inevitable seagulls flocking to overflowing garbage bins close to the boardwalk.... at any rate, the trio decided to set the pace for our run, and expected Dinky to follow suit. And did he ever, at least when I held the leash; you should have seen Dinky in his canine exuberance of feistiness, me towing along on inline skates and the Skatebirds somewhat surprised and stunned at what was happening barely half a mile into the run, which was to take us as far as the Santa Monica Pier and return!!
SANDY: Let alone what few early risers there were on the Venice Boardwalk besides!
MONICA: At any rate, trying to get Dinky to slow down by my bending down at the knees wasn't going to be easy, especially with the Sunday paper machines being restocked with the day's editions ... and even the street sweepers who otherwise probably didn't sense how feisty Dinky could get to begin with!!
SANDY: Once we got to Santa Monica Pier ... basically a water break, with yours truly chosen to take the leash on the return run. And Satchel hoping that such would be a cakewalk compared with the craziness of the initial leg ... but still, the Skatebirds trio again led to set the pace, for the most part ... and yet I had to wonder what could have made Dinky more casual in his pacesetting on the return leg, knowing breakfast would be waiting, and believe you me, the kind of breakfast Monica and I coluld not resist: Denver omlettes with cheese, hash browns, whole wheat toast and iced tea.
MONICA: Even then, the aunt we were living with wasn't all too stingy food wise, but she knew how to cook halfway-decently. We couldn't resist that particular diner for all the surf off Ocean Park, which is where, in the end, we let Dinky splash around in at the run's end just to release what canine energies were remaining in him (and just picture the whole done in slow-motion, scored to the Chariots of Fire theme, Dinky not resisting the playfulness the incoming tide would bring to him....)
SANDY: Still, at the ensuing breakfast and debriefing, the Skatebirds "themselves" admitted they hadn't seen a more interesting skating companion than Dinky Dog.
MONICA: Or a more rambunctuous one. Yet Knock-Knock admitted that since their old nemesis, Skat Cat, got injured rather badly in an accident some months back, so making him not quite himself, their own inline-skating experiences couldn't have become more interesting--especially with the opportunity to pose with skating wannabes for the inevitable selfies (especially the inevitable tourists and Iowa transplants of a newer generation) ....
SANDY: But still, Monica, we probably weren't from Iowa originally.
"... and that's the story from The Moth"
(The preceding is an independent fanfic feature having no official connexion or association with The Moth. For more information, please to visit their website ... and tune in to The Moth Radio Hour weekends on your local public radio station; check your local radio listings for the day and time.)  
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How Attractive Are You? What You Need to Know About Attractiveness
How attractive am I to others?
Am I attractive at all?
In some ways, it seems like society is putting more focus than ever on visual appeal for both men and women. We use dating apps to quickly assess whether we find someone cute, and if we don’t, we can just swipe left and remove them from our lives. And it’s definitely worse for you women: you have magazines trying to sell you all kinds of products to “fix” whatever is wrong with you. When, in fact, nothing at all is the matter with you!
But still, I understand. You may wonder how attractive you are, and that’s completely natural. If you recently got out of a relationship or were divorced, your confidence may be shaken, and you may want some security in knowing you can still attract the opposite sex.
I totally get it.
Attractiveness is like the Holy Grail for many people, particularly if they’re single. I want to tackle this huge subject for you by giving you some fantastic data and insights.
In this post, I want to dive into the topic of beauty and attraction, make you really examine how you see yourself, and then help you consider how others see you. I’m going to tell you about a couple of fascinating studies on this topic of attractiveness too, so stay tuned!
First: How Do You See Yourself? How Attractive Am I?
How attractive are you? How do you see yourself?
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and before you start wondering what others think of you, I want you to be that beholder for a minute.
How do you see yourself? Do you think you’re attractive?
The problem for most of us is that we’re too close to our own physical appearance. We track every wrinkle, every zit. We know when we’re having a bad hair day. Being in a bad mood can impact how we feel about our looks, and having self-esteem can make us feel positive about our attractiveness.
It’s hard to be objective when it comes to assessing your own looks.
If, when you ask yourself, am I attractive, you don’t have an answer, consider what you find attractive in other people.
Is it a perfect face? Probably not. Is it a genuine smile? Maybe laugh lines? Dark eyes? Is it more of an individual’s personality or confidence that makes them attractive to you? Knowing what appeals to you in others can help you determine how you see yourself physically.
I know it’s easy to criticize our own looks.
Ug. That zit covers my entire nose. I’m hideous!
These gray hairs make me feel so old!
I don’t fit in any of my cute clothes anymore.
You’re far from alone. In a thread on Reddit, participants commented on the question “How attractive am I and why?”
The majority were pretty harsh on themselves. I have trouble believing there are that many ugly people in the world.
I want you to realize that beauty isn’t just skin deep. It goes into your soul, into who you are. If you genuinely feel like a sexy, confident lady, then by golly, you are. No one’s opinion of you or your attractiveness matters nearly as much as your own opinion does.
How Do Others See You? Do You Know How Attractive You Are?
Dating apps don’t rate attractiveness the right way.
You searched for “how attractive am I to others,” so I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that you’re not completely sure how others see you.
Maybe you’re basing your self-worth on how few guys you’ve met on dating apps, where, as I said, you’re pretty much judged superficially, at least at the start. Or maybe you don’t get responses to the messages you send to guys, and now you’re criticizing yourself, thinking it’s your looks that didn’t spark his interest.
So if you’re basing how you think others see you on your dating app results, here’s why you shouldn’t.
1. Your Profile Pics Tell a Limited Story
Even if you took the time to pick out the photos and selfies of you that made you look as awesome as possible, those photos are only two-dimensional, so they only show what you look like in one pose. Because you’re smiling for the camera, that might not be what you look like when you’re smiling out of happiness. We tend to look different for the camera.
2. Everyone’s Looking for Something Different
You might have gone all out with the makeup in your dating pics, but did you know that 86% of men prefer women with light and natural makeup? So while you might think you’re making yourself more attractive by piling on the makeup, you might, in fact, be turning more men away than you knew.
But beyond makeup, there are men who are into voluptuous women. Men who like skinny ladies. Guys who like big lips. Big hips. Big eyes. You can’t please everyone, nor do you want to. But know that there is a segment of the population who’s into exactly what you have to offer.
3. In-Person, Attraction is Different
Because your dating profile pics capture you frozen in time, you may look completely different to someone when you meet them in person. Maybe your mouth is crooked when you talk, or you raise your eyebrows a lot. These are things that don’t show up in photos. And then there’s the whole chemistry thing. You can’t know that you have chemistry with someone just by looking at their photo. But when you meet them in person, you’ll know if you’re physically attracted to them.
And hey, if you don’t want to go on dead-end dates, check out the up-and-coming dating app Pheramor. This dating app takes a DNA sample from you, combines it with your social media activity, and matches you with men who you’re guaranteed to have sexual chemistry with!
I ramble on about dating apps because they’re a good example of why you shouldn’t assume you know how others see you, or use them as a metric for how attractive you are.
You could argue that everyone in the world is attractive…to someone. The guy who smiled at you with missing teeth in the checkout line may not be your cup of tea, but somewhere out there is a woman who would find him adorable.
Do We Usually See Ourselves as Others See Us?
How he sees you probably isn’t how you see yourself.
There’s almost always a disconnect between how attractive we find ourselves and how attractive we think others find us. Nearly always, we think we are less attractive than others do.
It goes back to what I said earlier in this article: you scrutinize how attractive you are and every single flaw you think you have far more than anyone else does. You may have spent 20 minutes bemoaning how your hair wouldn’t lay flat, but then you walked to Starbucks and some guy totally checked you out. He didn’t have the information about your hair struggle, and even if he did, he wouldn’t have changed his mind about finding you attractive.
And if you’re in a long-term relationship, you might think your fella loves you in spite of your flaws, but allow me to speak for him just a moment:
He actually loves you because of those (perceived) flaws.
Men are totally into your dimple, your stretch marks, and your curved belly. I’m not making this up! Ask your man what he thinks of whatever you think is so terrible about your body, and I guarantee he will have a different perspective than you. What a guy.
Scientists have studied what’s referred to as meta-accuracy, or how well what you think of yourself matches with what others think of you. In nearly all of the studies, what individuals thought of themselves in terms of attractiveness or personality didn’t align with how their friends and family saw them.
What Psychological Distance Does for How We View Ourselves
Nicholas Epley, a behavioral scientist at the University of Chicago, and Tal Eyal, a psychologist at Israel’s Ben-Gurion University, have conducted several studies to assess the correlation between how people view their own attractiveness and how others do. All the studies showed a discrepancy between the two views, showing that the subjects being rated for attractiveness were usually harder when rating their own attractiveness.
In one study, students were photographed and told that other students would be rating them for attractiveness. Some participants were told that they would be rated the same day, while others were told they would be rated in a few months. The students were then asked to predict how attractive they anticipated other people would find their photo.
The ones who were told they would be rated in months were more accurate in assessing how others would rate them than those who were told they would be rated the same day.
There was more psychological distance between the time participants were photographed and when people would rate them, and so those who would be rated later were able to better see themselves through the eyes of someone else.
If you were one of those students and you were having a bad day, you’d probably predict that someone assessing your attractiveness that same day would score you low. On the other hand, if someone was going to rate you in a few months, that bad day seems less important, so you might predict they’d score you higher.
Make sense?
The Role of Chemistry in Attraction
Chemistry plays a large role in attraction.
When you ask how attractive am I, what you’re probably asking is how attractive am I to this particular person?
Because really: do you care how attractive you are to the entire world, or do you want one specific person to go gaga for you? Whether you’re in a relationship or looking for one, you want that one person to be drawn to you like a moth to a flame.
Attraction and attractiveness are based significantly on chemistry. You might find someone mildly attractive in a photo, but in person, MAN! Is he hot!
What happens to make such different responses?
It might be how you smell, for starters.
You’ve heard of pheromones, right? They’re the chemicals we release from our bodies that can alter the behavior of others. There have been ample studies on animals and insects, which have proven that pheromones are involved in sexual attraction for them, and there are some assumptions that the same applies to humans.
Voice and scent, too, play a role in attraction. Science backs this up. So before you spend three hours in the bathroom getting ready for a first date, gargle some salt water to make sure your voice is clear and sexy, and use your favorite body wash, because he might be more attracted to you through those things than your physical looks!
Just don’t assume that a photo alone is enough to know if someone finds you attractive. All the more reason to go on those first dates!
And What About Personality?
Your personality impacts how attractive people find you.
Sally: I went out with a guy last night.
Jessi: Was he cute?
Sally: He had a good personality.
I don’t know when a “good personality” became a euphemism for being unattractive.  There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having a good personality!
In fact, having a pleasant personality might make you more attractive to certain people. Let’s look at a couple of scientific studies that prove this.
Science Backs It Up: Personality Matters in Attractiveness
A study at the Huazhong University in China discovered that certain positive personality traits made people more attractive.
Here’s how they did it: 120 people were shown photos of women with neutral expressions on their faces and asked to rate them on attractiveness. Two weeks later, they performed the same task, but this time half the photos had positive personality descriptions like kind and honest, and half had negative personality descriptions like mean and dishonest.
I’m sure you’ve already guessed this, but those photos with the positive descriptions were ranked higher for attractiveness.
Even if those women weren’t actually kind or honest, associating those qualities with their images made people — both men and women — find them more attractive than those with the negative descriptions.
People might assume that because you are kind that you might also be honest or even a good mother. At an evolutionary level, a man might be attracted to you if you have a good personality because he believes you might pass along those traits to your offspring, whether or not you actually have any together!
Allow me to nerd out on you just a bit. Psychologists have several theories about personality. One, the “Big Five” model, says that most people’s personality traits can be described in terms of the five major factors:
Openness to experience
We all have varying levels of each of these traits. But then another theory considers that all of these can be lumped into one “superfactor,” also called a general factor of personality, or GFP. If you have a high GFP, you might be low in the neuroticism department, but high in the others. In general, a higher GFP indicates a good personality, and therefore more attractive as a person!
So I bring up all this science stuff to make a point: don’t take an online attractiveness quiz to figure out if you’re cute or not because it goes beyond what your face looks like. You could be the most beautiful woman in the world physically, but if you’re horrible to people, you won’t be beautiful at all, really.
If you want to feel more attractive, work on being nicer to the people around you.
When You Think About How Attractive You Are Too Much
If you’re stressing about how attractive you are, you might have BDD.
  Like I said at the start of this article: it’s completely normal to wonder “how attractive am I.” But if you’re spending a significant portion of your life worrying about your flaws, this isn’t normal and you might need to be concerned about your behavior.
There’s this disorder called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) that some people suffer from, which can cause them to obsess with real or perceived physical flaws. I’m not talking using the up-close mirror to whine about wrinkles for 30 second from Meet Positives SM Feed http://ift.tt/2rijnvh via IFTTT
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How Attractive Am I? What You Need to Know About Attractiveness
How attractive am I to others?
Am I attractive at all?
In some ways, it seems like society is putting more focus than ever on visual appeal for both men and women. We use dating apps to quickly assess whether we find someone cute, and if we don’t, we can just swipe left and remove them from our lives. And it’s definitely worse for you women: you have magazines trying to sell you all kinds of products to “fix” whatever is wrong with you. When, in fact, nothing at all is the matter with you!
But still, I understand. You may wonder how attractive you are, and that’s completely natural. If you recently got out of a relationship or were divorced, your confidence may be shaken, and you may want some security in knowing you can still attract the opposite sex.
I totally get it.
Attractiveness is like the Holy Grail for many people, particularly if they’re single. I want to tackle this huge subject for you by giving you some fantastic data and insights.
In this post, I want to dive into the topic of beauty and attraction, make you really examine how you see yourself, and then help you consider how others see you. I’m going to tell you about a couple of fascinating studies on this topic of attractiveness too, so stay tuned!
First: How Do You See Yourself? How Attractive Am I?
How attractive are you? How do you see yourself?
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and before you start wondering what others think of you, I want you to be that beholder for a minute.
How do you see yourself? Do you think you’re attractive?
The problem for most of us is that we’re too close to our own physical appearance. We track every wrinkle, every zit. We know when we’re having a bad hair day. Being in a bad mood can impact how we feel about our looks, and having self-esteem can make us feel positive about our attractiveness.
It’s hard to be objective when it comes to assessing your own looks.
If, when you ask yourself, am I attractive, you don’t have an answer, consider what you find attractive in other people.
Is it a perfect face? Probably not. Is it a genuine smile? Maybe laugh lines? Dark eyes? Is it more of an individual’s personality or confidence that makes them attractive to you? Knowing what appeals to you in others can help you determine how you see yourself physically.
I know it’s easy to criticize our own looks.
Ug. That zit covers my entire nose. I’m hideous!
These gray hairs make me feel so old!
I don’t fit in any of my cute clothes anymore.
You’re far from alone. In a thread on Reddit, participants commented on the question “How attractive am I and why?”
The majority were pretty harsh on themselves. I have trouble believing there are that many ugly people in the world.
I want you to realize that beauty isn’t just skin deep. It goes into your soul, into who you are. If you genuinely feel like a sexy, confident lady, then by golly, you are. No one’s opinion of you or your attractiveness matters nearly as much as your own opinion does.
How Do Others See You? Do You Know How Attractive You Are?
Dating apps don’t rate attractiveness the right way.
You searched for “how attractive am I to others,” so I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that you’re not completely sure how others see you.
Maybe you’re basing your self-worth on how few guys you’ve met on dating apps, where, as I said, you’re pretty much judged superficially, at least at the start. Or maybe you don’t get responses to the messages you send to guys, and now you’re criticizing yourself, thinking it’s your looks that didn’t spark his interest.
So if you’re basing how you think others see you on your dating app results, here’s why you shouldn’t.
1. Your Profile Pics Tell a Limited Story
Even if you took the time to pick out the photos and selfies of you that made you look as awesome as possible, those photos are only two-dimensional, so they only show what you look like in one pose. Because you’re smiling for the camera, that might not be what you look like when you’re smiling out of happiness. We tend to look different for the camera.
2. Everyone’s Looking for Something Different
You might have gone all out with the makeup in your dating pics, but did you know that 86% of men prefer women with light and natural makeup? So while you might think you’re making yourself more attractive by piling on the makeup, you might, in fact, be turning more men away than you knew.
But beyond makeup, there are men who are into voluptuous women. Men who like skinny ladies. Guys who like big lips. Big hips. Big eyes. You can’t please everyone, nor do you want to. But know that there is a segment of the population who’s into exactly what you have to offer.
3. In-Person, Attraction is Different
Because your dating profile pics capture you frozen in time, you may look completely different to someone when you meet them in person. Maybe your mouth is crooked when you talk, or you raise your eyebrows a lot. These are things that don’t show up in photos. And then there’s the whole chemistry thing. You can’t know that you have chemistry with someone just by looking at their photo. But when you meet them in person, you’ll know if you’re physically attracted to them.
And hey, if you don’t want to go on dead-end dates, check out the up-and-coming dating app Pheramor. This dating app takes a DNA sample from you, combines it with your social media activity, and matches you with men who you’re guaranteed to have sexual chemistry with!
I ramble on about dating apps because they’re a good example of why you shouldn’t assume you know how others see you, or use them as a metric for how attractive you are.
You could argue that everyone in the world is attractive…to someone. The guy who smiled at you with missing teeth in the checkout line may not be your cup of tea, but somewhere out there is a woman who would find him adorable.
Do We Usually See Ourselves as Others See Us?
How he sees you probably isn’t how you see yourself.
There’s almost always a disconnect between how attractive we find ourselves and how attractive we think others find us. Nearly always, we think we are less attractive than others do.
It goes back to what I said earlier in this article: you scrutinize how attractive you are and every single flaw you think you have far more than anyone else does. You may have spent 20 minutes bemoaning how your hair wouldn’t lay flat, but then you walked to Starbucks and some guy totally checked you out. He didn’t have the information about your hair struggle, and even if he did, he wouldn’t have changed his mind about finding you attractive.
And if you’re in a long-term relationship, you might think your fella loves you in spite of your flaws, but allow me to speak for him just a moment:
He actually loves you because of those (perceived) flaws.
Men are totally into your dimple, your stretch marks, and your curved belly. I’m not making this up! Ask your man what he thinks of whatever you think is so terrible about your body, and I guarantee he will have a different perspective than you. What a guy.
Scientists have studied what’s referred to as meta-accuracy, or how well what you think of yourself matches with what others think of you. In nearly all of the studies, what individuals thought of themselves in terms of attractiveness or personality didn’t align with how their friends and family saw them.
What Psychological Distance Does for How We View Ourselves
Nicholas Epley, a behavioral scientist at the University of Chicago, and Tal Eyal, a psychologist at Israel’s Ben-Gurion University, have conducted several studies to assess the correlation between how people view their own attractiveness and how others do. All the studies showed a discrepancy between the two views, showing that the subjects being rated for attractiveness were usually harder when rating their own attractiveness.
In one study, students were photographed and told that other students would be rating them for attractiveness. Some participants were told that they would be rated the same day, while others were told they would be rated in a few months. The students were then asked to predict how attractive they anticipated other people would find their photo.
The ones who were told they would be rated in months were more accurate in assessing how others would rate them than those who were told they would be rated the same day.
There was more psychological distance between the time participants were photographed and when people would rate them, and so those who would be rated later were able to better see themselves through the eyes of someone else.
If you were one of those students and you were having a bad day, you’d probably predict that someone assessing your attractiveness that same day would score you low. On the other hand, if someone was going to rate you in a few months, that bad day seems less important, so you might predict they’d score you higher.
Make sense?
The Role of Chemistry in Attraction
Chemistry plays a large role in attraction.
When you ask how attractive am I, what you’re probably asking is how attractive am I to this particular person?
Because really: do you care how attractive you are to the entire world, or do you want one specific person to go gaga for you? Whether you’re in a relationship or looking for one, you want that one person to be drawn to you like a moth to a flame.
Attraction and attractiveness are based significantly on chemistry. You might find someone mildly attractive in a photo, but in person, MAN! Is he hot!
What happens to make such different responses?
It might be how you smell, for starters.
You’ve heard of pheromones, right? They’re the chemicals we release from our bodies that can alter the behavior of others. There have been ample studies on animals and insects, which have proven that pheromones are involved in sexual attraction for them, and there are some assumptions that the same applies to humans.
Voice and scent, too, play a role in attraction. Science backs this up. So before you spend three hours in the bathroom getting ready for a first date, gargle some salt water to make sure your voice is clear and sexy, and use your favorite body wash, because he might be more attracted to you through those things than your physical looks!
Just don’t assume that a photo alone is enough to know if someone finds you attractive. All the more reason to go on those first dates!
And What About Personality?
Your personality impacts how attractive people find you.
Sally: I went out with a guy last night.
Jessi: Was he cute?
Sally: He had a good personality.
I don’t know when a “good personality” became a euphemism for being unattractive.  There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having a good personality!
In fact, having a pleasant personality might make you more attractive to certain people. Let’s look at a couple of scientific studies that prove this.
Science Backs It Up: Personality Matters in Attractiveness
A study at the Huazhong University in China discovered that certain positive personality traits made people more attractive.
Here’s how they did it: 120 people were shown photos of women with neutral expressions on their faces and asked to rate them on attractiveness. Two weeks later, they performed the same task, but this time half the photos had positive personality descriptions like kind and honest, and half had negative personality descriptions like mean and dishonest.
I’m sure you’ve already guessed this, but those photos with the positive descriptions were ranked higher for attractiveness.
Even if those women weren’t actually kind or honest, associating those qualities with their images made people — both men and women — find them more attractive than those with the negative descriptions.
People might assume that because you are kind that you might also be honest or even a good mother. At an evolutionary level, a man might be attracted to you if you have a good personality because he believes you might pass along those traits to your offspring, whether or not you actually have any together!
Allow me to nerd out on you just a bit. Psychologists have several theories about personality. One, the “Big Five” model, says that most people’s personality traits can be described in terms of the five major factors:
Openness to experience
We all have varying levels of each of these traits. But then another theory considers that all of these can be lumped into one “superfactor,” also called a general factor of personality, or GFP. If you have a high GFP, you might be low in the neuroticism department, but high in the others. In general, a higher GFP indicates a good personality, and therefore more attractive as a person!
So I bring up all this science stuff to make a point: don’t take an online attractiveness quiz to figure out if you’re cute or not because it goes beyond what your face looks like. You could be the most beautiful woman in the world physically, but if you’re horrible to people, you won’t be beautiful at all, really.
If you want to feel more attractive, work on being nicer to the people around you.
When You Think About How Attractive You Are Too Much
If you’re stressing about how attractive you are, you might have BDD.
  Like I said at the start of this article: it’s completely normal to wonder “how attractive am I.” But if you’re spending a significant portion of your life worrying about your flaws, this isn’t normal and you might need to be concerned about your behavior.
There’s this disorder called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) that some people suffer from, which can cause them to obsess with real or perceived physical flaws. I’m not talking using the up-close mirror to whine about wrinkles for 30 second from Meet Positives SM Feed 3 http://ift.tt/2rijnvh via IFTTT
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fanfictionalltheway · 7 years
love in its different arts (chapter 2)
The next day Marinette School finished good again but Chloe ruffled some feathers in class today, she’s waiting for alya to come out of class be is asking the science teacher to give her another day to finish her homework. Marinette is sitting on the steps waiting for her, Adrien left early for a photoshoot she missed him but she knows she going to see him tomorrow.
“Nathanael what are you still doing here?”
“Oh err…. I usually stay so I can finish some of my drawings” said Nathanael, marinette leaned in to try and have a look, but then Nathanael sense the girl he like try to have a look he close the book, “sorry it’s not done yet I’m still finishing it off”
“Sorry” alya walked out.
“Hay ready for you to help me with my studying”
“She gave you another day?”
“Yes, so we have to finish is” alya try and drag marinette home.
“Okay, okay Nathanael do you want to come with us and I could tutor you if you want” she asked, the artist blushed,
“O-okay” he close his sketch book and was about to put it away but Chloe snatched the book.
“Oh look I thought I saw something in ugly in that book” the blonde bitch open the book and started to rip off pages “this one, this one, and this one”
“HAY” Yelled Nathanael.
“Chloe, stop it” said marinette
“Why it’s all ugly and this off you too” then she chucked the book to the road, Nathanael and marinette was about to go grabbed the ruined book, but a bus drove by and it took the book with it, Nathanael stop at the edge of the road and watched as scattered.
“Oh Nathanael” said marinette, “Chloe how could you, he done nothing to”
“So….” then she walked away with her ‘best friend’ behind her.
“Nathanael come on I can help you get it back”
“No don’t just go I’ll be okay, just go” he said marinette doesn’t want to go but she know he needs to be alone, so she and alya went home and the artist walked home. Nathanael arrived home and hour and a half later, he lay on his bed and sighed, the book was sent to him by his dad in Australia, kangaroo leather and eucalyptus pages, he found a page of him and marinette dancing from his book, he loved that book, he rarely use it but he want to use it that day and now it’s gone. He lay his head on the pillow wishing Chloe would disappear.
“It’s the artist again” the akuma flutter in the room and into the page “hello it’s me hawk – moth I’ll give you this power again but this time you must give me the miraculous if not I will use drastic measures ”
“yes hawk – moth” said Nathanael, then he turned back into the evillustrator, he took of his beret off and place the page in the hate and place it back, he picked up a random pen and it turned into his evillustrator pen, he walked out of his room and gone to la Grande Paris.
“I still can’t believe Chloe did that to Nathanael” said marinette
“I know, one day she will get someone dead” said alya finishing up her homework “hay marinette remember when your uncle sent you those sketch book for your birthday” she nodded “ why don’t you give him one of them, he gave you 5 and you barley finished one”
“That’s a good idea and I got the perfect one” marinette move to the end of her desk and look at her old sketches and found her book it have a gold and red Chinese dragon prints on the cover “so what you think” marinette showed alya, she smiled.
“Wow that so good, he will love it” said alya, “tomorrow he will love it”
“I know” and hour later alya finished and left for home as for marinette she went to her bed with a cookie her parents made and she gave it to tikki.
“So alya finished?” asked tikki
“Yes I hope Ms. Mendeleiev likes it” said marinette “I think I go to bed now” she change her cloths and lay back on her bed and slept.
The morning was the same get up change and go to school but this time she got her present for Nathanael so he feels better, she walked down to the school by the time she got there it was weird, the walls are graffiti, windows painted over and writing on the doors saying ‘I’m coming for you Chloe bourgeois’ everyone is curious on who did this, marinette believe it’s another akuma attack, she hope Nathanael didn’t turned into the evillustrator again, she walked over to alya, nino and Adrian “what happed?”
“Dude someone totally vandalize the school” said Nino
“Year you live next door right you didn’t see anything?” asked alya
“No I was too tired after helping alya with the science homework after that I went to sleep” said marinette
“well I wonder who did this?” asked Adreian, everyone walked to class as Sabrina farther investigate the vandalising, marinette walked to the back of the class, but Nathanael is not there. Now she think he turned back into evillustrator, after school ladybug have to go and fine him and get his akuma, maybe marinette  could help him. Lunch arrived and everyone are stuck in class for safety.
“I don’t blame Nathanael for skipping school I would his Chloe destroy my favourite thing” said alya
“But I’m still worried” said marinette
“Don’t worry I bet he’s venting his frustration right now” then at the end of that sentence the entire wall of the class room is being erased, everyone scream. Marinette stood up and watched as the walls disappears and there’s it’s the evillustrator on a platform, marinette ran out of the class room and into the girls bathroom “tikki transform me” then marinette turned into ladybug and she ran out to the door of the class room, as she was about to grab the door knob another hand reached it, she looked to see chat noir “chat?”
“My lady” he open the door and both run in, with the evillustrator throwing buzz saws around the classroom “hay shouldn’t you be colouring the town?”
“You, leave me, I’m going to get Chloe” shouted evillustrator he draw a few arrow pointed at Chloe, as it fired ladybug pulled out her yoyo and shielded her “don’t get in the way” then he draw up more arrows.
“Everyone out!” ordered chat noir, everyone ran out the door as chat leaped out to the evillustrator, he tackled him off the platform and onto the streets.
“Go home” said ladybug
“Okay but after a few selfie” said Chloe she wrapped her arm around ladybug neck, but ladybug pushed her away
“go home” ladybug jump out of the class and saw chat dodging flying arrow the evillustrator is drawing “ chat try and grab his pen” the last time she defeated evillustrator they broke his pen, this would happen again. Chat leaps off to grab evillustrator, but evillustrator drew a wall on front of chat, he crashed.
“Chat!” yelled ladybug
“I’m fine ma ’lady” said chat groaning wiping his blood his nose. Ladybug swung her yoyo to evillustrator, but he drew fan blowing the yoyo away “ladybug go hide” he’s behind the drawn wall, ladybug leap off to chat “okay, so how do we get to him”
“his pen chat grab it” she yelled, chat smiled wiping the last drop of blood from his nose, chat jump over the wall and run up to the evillustrator.
“No one will save her this time” yelled evillustrator, he drew two large swords and throw then at chat, ladybug throw her yoyo to one of the and pulled it out of the way and chat knocked it away with his staff “you all know she deserved this” evillustrator yelled looking at the students in the classroom “she evil to the heart, she’s a brat, she will hurt everyone she think is an annoyance” then he look back at the hero’s chat kicked him in the gut, chat noir then grabbed his pen and broken it, but no akuma fluttered out.
“What?” both ladybug and chat noir said, then the pen magically fixed itself and it fly back to the evillustrator “how...”
“I’m not an idiot” said the artist “did you really think I have the akuma in the same place, like last time, this time your miraculous are mine, and I shall take care of Chloe, everyone know she’s better off GONE!”
“Everyone loves’ me!” shouted Chloe, evillustrator anger grow then he drew an plane, it appeared, a large yellow plane he jump on it and it took off on its, chat frown and rose this hand “cataclysm” then he run to the plane and touched the plane, it turned into rust and dissolve slowly, but the evillustrator then draw a flock of bats scattering everyone shielded their eyes but then the bats fly off and the evillustrator is gone.
“Damn it!” said chat noir “we should go after him, ma ’lady”
“I will, you should go a recharge” chat look at his ring and it’s down to three he frown.
“But he’s powerful and I don’t know where his akuma is too”
“You need to stop go and feed your kwami, and I take Chloe home do she safe for now” said ladybug chat then jump up to the school and run.
0 notes
How Attractive Am I? What You Need to Know About Attractiveness
How attractive am I to others?
Am I attractive at all?
In some ways, it seems like society is putting more focus than ever on visual appeal for both men and women. We use dating apps to quickly assess whether we find someone cute, and if we don’t, we can just swipe left and remove them from our lives. And it’s definitely worse for you women: you have magazines trying to sell you all kinds of products to “fix” whatever is wrong with you. When, in fact, nothing at all is the matter with you!
But still, I understand. You may wonder how attractive you are, and that’s completely natural. If you recently got out of a relationship or were divorced, your confidence may be shaken, and you may want some security in knowing you can still attract the opposite sex.
I totally get it.
Attractiveness is like the Holy Grail for many people, particularly if they’re single. I want to tackle this huge subject for you by giving you some fantastic data and insights.
In this post, I want to dive into the topic of beauty and attraction, make you really examine how you see yourself, and then help you consider how others see you. I’m going to tell you about a couple of fascinating studies on this topic of attractiveness too, so stay tuned!
First: How Do You See Yourself? How Attractive Am I?
How attractive are you? How do you see yourself?
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and before you start wondering what others think of you, I want you to be that beholder for a minute.
How do you see yourself? Do you think you’re attractive?
The problem for most of us is that we’re too close to our own physical appearance. We track every wrinkle, every zit. We know when we’re having a bad hair day. Being in a bad mood can impact how we feel about our looks, and having self-esteem can make us feel positive about our attractiveness.
It’s hard to be objective when it comes to assessing your own looks.
If, when you ask yourself, am I attractive, you don’t have an answer, consider what you find attractive in other people.
Is it a perfect face? Probably not. Is it a genuine smile? Maybe laugh lines? Dark eyes? Is it more of an individual’s personality or confidence that makes them attractive to you? Knowing what appeals to you in others can help you determine how you see yourself physically.
I know it’s easy to criticize our own looks.
Ug. That zit covers my entire nose. I’m hideous!
These gray hairs make me feel so old!
I don’t fit in any of my cute clothes anymore.
You’re far from alone. In a thread on Reddit, participants commented on the question “How attractive am I and why?”
The majority were pretty harsh on themselves. I have trouble believing there are that many ugly people in the world.
I want you to realize that beauty isn’t just skin deep. It goes into your soul, into who you are. If you genuinely feel like a sexy, confident lady, then by golly, you are. No one’s opinion of you or your attractiveness matters nearly as much as your own opinion does.
How Do Others See You? Do You Know How Attractive You Are?
Dating apps don’t rate attractiveness the right way.
You searched for “how attractive am I to others,” so I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that you’re not completely sure how others see you.
Maybe you’re basing your self-worth on how few guys you’ve met on dating apps, where, as I said, you’re pretty much judged superficially, at least at the start. Or maybe you don’t get responses to the messages you send to guys, and now you’re criticizing yourself, thinking it’s your looks that didn’t spark his interest.
So if you’re basing how you think others see you on your dating app results, here’s why you shouldn’t.
1. Your Profile Pics Tell a Limited Story
Even if you took the time to pick out the photos and selfies of you that made you look as awesome as possible, those photos are only two-dimensional, so they only show what you look like in one pose. Because you’re smiling for the camera, that might not be what you look like when you’re smiling out of happiness. We tend to look different for the camera.
2. Everyone’s Looking for Something Different
You might have gone all out with the makeup in your dating pics, but did you know that 86% of men prefer women with light and natural makeup? So while you might think you’re making yourself more attractive by piling on the makeup, you might, in fact, be turning more men away than you knew.
But beyond makeup, there are men who are into voluptuous women. Men who like skinny ladies. Guys who like big lips. Big hips. Big eyes. You can’t please everyone, nor do you want to. But know that there is a segment of the population who’s into exactly what you have to offer.
3. In-Person, Attraction is Different
Because your dating profile pics capture you frozen in time, you may look completely different to someone when you meet them in person. Maybe your mouth is crooked when you talk, or you raise your eyebrows a lot. These are things that don’t show up in photos. And then there’s the whole chemistry thing. You can’t know that you have chemistry with someone just by looking at their photo. But when you meet them in person, you’ll know if you’re physically attracted to them.
And hey, if you don’t want to go on dead-end dates, check out the up-and-coming dating app Pheramor. This dating app takes a DNA sample from you, combines it with your social media activity, and matches you with men who you’re guaranteed to have sexual chemistry with!
I ramble on about dating apps because they’re a good example of why you shouldn’t assume you know how others see you, or use them as a metric for how attractive you are.
You could argue that everyone in the world is attractive…to someone. The guy who smiled at you with missing teeth in the checkout line may not be your cup of tea, but somewhere out there is a woman who would find him adorable.
Do We Usually See Ourselves as Others See Us?
How he sees you probably isn’t how you see yourself.
There’s almost always a disconnect between how attractive we find ourselves and how attractive we think others find us. Nearly always, we think we are less attractive than others do.
It goes back to what I said earlier in this article: you scrutinize how attractive you are and every single flaw you think you have far more than anyone else does. You may have spent 20 minutes bemoaning how your hair wouldn’t lay flat, but then you walked to Starbucks and some guy totally checked you out. He didn’t have the information about your hair struggle, and even if he did, he wouldn’t have changed his mind about finding you attractive.
And if you’re in a long-term relationship, you might think your fella loves you in spite of your flaws, but allow me to speak for him just a moment:
He actually loves you because of those (perceived) flaws.
Men are totally into your dimple, your stretch marks, and your curved belly. I’m not making this up! Ask your man what he thinks of whatever you think is so terrible about your body, and I guarantee he will have a different perspective than you. What a guy.
Scientists have studied what’s referred to as meta-accuracy, or how well what you think of yourself matches with what others think of you. In nearly all of the studies, what individuals thought of themselves in terms of attractiveness or personality didn’t align with how their friends and family saw them.
What Psychological Distance Does for How We View Ourselves
Nicholas Epley, a behavioral scientist at the University of Chicago, and Tal Eyal, a psychologist at Israel’s Ben-Gurion University, have conducted several studies to assess the correlation between how people view their own attractiveness and how others do. All the studies showed a discrepancy between the two views, showing that the subjects being rated for attractiveness were usually harder when rating their own attractiveness.
In one study, students were photographed and told that other students would be rating them for attractiveness. Some participants were told that they would be rated the same day, while others were told they would be rated in a few months. The students were then asked to predict how attractive they anticipated other people would find their photo.
The ones who were told they would be rated in months were more accurate in assessing how others would rate them than those who were told they would be rated the same day.
There was more psychological distance between the time participants were photographed and when people would rate them, and so those who would be rated later were able to better see themselves through the eyes of someone else.
If you were one of those students and you were having a bad day, you’d probably predict that someone assessing your attractiveness that same day would score you low. On the other hand, if someone was going to rate you in a few months, that bad day seems less important, so you might predict they’d score you higher.
Make sense?
The Role of Chemistry in Attraction
Chemistry plays a large role in attraction.
When you ask how attractive am I, what you’re probably asking is how attractive am I to this particular person?
Because really: do you care how attractive you are to the entire world, or do you want one specific person to go gaga for you? Whether you’re in a relationship or looking for one, you want that one person to be drawn to you like a moth to a flame.
Attraction and attractiveness are based significantly on chemistry. You might find someone mildly attractive in a photo, but in person, MAN! Is he hot!
What happens to make such different responses?
It might be how you smell, for starters.
You’ve heard of pheromones, right? They’re the chemicals we release from our bodies that can alter the behavior of others. There have been ample studies on animals and insects, which have proven that pheromones are involved in sexual attraction for them, and there are some assumptions that the same applies to humans.
Voice and scent, too, play a role in attraction. Science backs this up. So before you spend three hours in the bathroom getting ready for a first date, gargle some salt water to make sure your voice is clear and sexy, and use your favorite body wash, because he might be more attracted to you through those things than your physical looks!
Just don’t assume that a photo alone is enough to know if someone finds you attractive. All the more reason to go on those first dates!
And What About Personality?
Your personality impacts how attractive people find you.
Sally: I went out with a guy last night.
Jessi: Was he cute?
Sally: He had a good personality.
I don’t know when a “good personality” became a euphemism for being unattractive.  There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having a good personality!
In fact, having a pleasant personality might make you more attractive to certain people. Let’s look at a couple of scientific studies that prove this.
Science Backs It Up: Personality Matters in Attractiveness
A study at the Huazhong University in China discovered that certain positive personality traits made people more attractive.
Here’s how they did it: 120 people were shown photos of women with neutral expressions on their faces and asked to rate them on attractiveness. Two weeks later, they performed the same task, but this time half the photos had positive personality descriptions like kind and honest, and half had negative personality descriptions like mean and dishonest.
I’m sure you’ve already guessed this, but those photos with the positive descriptions were ranked higher for attractiveness.
Even if those women weren’t actually kind or honest, associating those qualities with their images made people — both men and women — find them more attractive than those with the negative descriptions.
People might assume that because you are kind that you might also be honest or even a good mother. At an evolutionary level, a man might be attracted to you if you have a good personality because he believes you might pass along those traits to your offspring, whether or not you actually have any together!
Allow me to nerd out on you just a bit. Psychologists have several theories about personality. One, the “Big Five” model, says that most people’s personality traits can be described in terms of the five major factors:
Openness to experience
We all have varying levels of each of these traits. But then another theory considers that all of these can be lumped into one “superfactor,” also called a general factor of personality, or GFP. If you have a high GFP, you might be low in the neuroticism department, but high in the others. In general, a higher GFP indicates a good personality, and therefore more attractive as a person!
So I bring up all this science stuff to make a point: don’t take an online attractiveness quiz to figure out if you’re cute or not because it goes beyond what your face looks like. You could be the most beautiful woman in the world physically, but if you’re horrible to people, you won’t be beautiful at all, really.
If you want to feel more attractive, work on being nicer to the people around you.
When You Think About How Attractive You Are Too Much
If you’re stressing about how attractive you are, you might have BDD.
  Like I said at the start of this article: it’s completely normal to wonder “how attractive am I.” But if you’re spending a significant portion of your life worrying about your flaws, this isn’t normal and you might need to be concerned about your behavior.
There’s this disorder called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) that some people suffer from, which can cause them to obsess with real or perceived physical flaws. I’m not talking using the up-close mirror to whine about wrinkles for 30 second from Meet Positives SM Feed http://ift.tt/2rijnvh via IFTTT
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