#I like asshole!wwx because I'm an asshole too ok
annebaneriddle · 2 years
I still try to undertand the logic going inside the brains of people who say "Well, why are you even writting the wholeass bible to badmouth 'X'?" ("X" character who is canonically a complete asshole who kills innocent people, gaslight people, plays the victim to escape the consequences of their own actions, blame others for what they did, blame-shift, victim-blame, terrorize people, yada yada).
I'm not saying you can't like said character. Far from me telling you who you should like, you and your likes are not my business and you can stan whoever you like, be them real or fictional. The thing is: other's and their dislikes is also not your business, specially if they have a completelly fair and reasonable reason to find a character disgusting.
Let's use Jiang Cheng from MDZS as an exemple: the man did suffer? Hell, yeah. He saw his whole sect being murdered, saw his parents being murdered, had to become a sect leader at a far too young age and then saw his sister being killed too. If that does not count as suffering, I don't know what does. That's totally ok if you feel for him, I do too, I think no one should suffer like that and I also think he is a pretty interesting charactet who adds to the story.
The thing is, the man also announced Wei Wuxian was now an enemy of the cultivation world when the plan was just for them to stage a fight and say the said sect brother has left the sect (that made public opinion of Wei Wucian even worse and contibuted to Jin Guangshan's and Jin Gangyao's plan of getting rid of Wei Wuxian to get tue Stygian Tiget seal to themselves), what makes clear that the thing that made him turn against WWX wasn't Jiamg Yanli's death; he lied to people saying WWX killed JY when JY willingly put herself on the way of the sword meant to pierce through WWX, when she willingly died to protect WWX; he led a siege against innocent people when he knew that they were civilians and that there was even a damn barelly 3 years old child amongst them (not taking the blame away from the other sects, because there is no way you put your sword through an old granny and doesn't notice it isn't an armed cultivator); for 13 years he continuously tortured and killed innocent people to the point of where his nephew was willing to lie to him to help one of them escape because he knew exactly the atrocities his uncle was capable of; civilians around Lotus Pier were afraid of him; his behaviour crosses the line so much that all female cultivators blacklisted him (and given it was at a time where men were excused from plently of shitty behaviour, that is quite surprising); he has the annoying mania of playing the victim, and so the list goes on.
So yeah, do you really has such a thick face to say that people who don't like him don't have the right to dislike him only because "he looked hot with doing that", "he suffered too" or whatever the hell your excuse is?
People who dislike a character have the right of disliking them and writting a wholeass bible about it just like you have the right of writting a wholeass bible worshiping the ground said character walks on. However, it's quite interesting how I seldom see antis clowining stans posts, but it's quite common to see stans complaining on anti posts. It's a two ways road, so get over yourself and stop whinning like a child that is mad because someone didn't find their toy as cool as they think it is.
Not even gonna lie, I don't mortaly hate most characters I find disgusting. What makes me hate them are their stans.
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k1201a · 2 years
I'm not a jc stan, I don't care about jc, chengxian, yunmeng bros. The reason I gave that example is that they're the ones who had a bond at some point but, tbf, I also believe that lxc cared about jgy as a friend? The same goes for xxc and the person he thought was xy. I don't consider any of those ships as crack, just not romantically canon. Crack is a whole different thing 🤷🏻‍♀️ so anon should Google.
Anyways, the problem with you radical hateful people is that you take everything to the extremes. I'm not saying any of these relationship were the most ~devoted and beautiful~ thing in the world and "omg the deserve better!!😩" I'm just saying that they were what you would consider a friend and you love your friends... unless you're literally a sociopath, lmao. And that's what you think of wwx apparently, like even when you talk about wangxian you make it sound as the most superficial and boring shit. Like how you dare make wwx talk about his feelings with lwj, eww, that's not what dudes do. That's what happens when you maybe didn't have a long term rs with a man and believe their façade.
And, well. just as you think everyone projects, I think you're also projecting the lack of people you formed bonds with in your life and that's why you'll reply to some corny post about "the power of love", the oldest trope probably.
Yo DO see these characters as one dimensional that never think about the past, never get sad about it, that barely have thoughts and feelings. Did you know that wwx not wanting jc again in his life doesn't mean he never cared about him? That he sacrificing something important for him (and that it's not just bc he's a Good Dude who only do the correct as you try hard to believe) doesn't mean that they should be friends again? It's like you can't live with the fact that one thing don't cancel the other, that wwx actually doesn't care about jc anymore but he did once and it's ok. And don't even try any kind of discourse about me projecting because I find them relatable, more human, morally gray, imperfect, etc on me... because I hate those too. I hate extremes, I hate when people woobify assholes but also when they make of these characters robots with no feelings. Jc stans are the first but you're the latter. Characters are fictional so they don't have to be "human", even less when most people use it to justify they acting like jerks, but the other extreme is to think they're so empty, and that makes them one dimensional... When it's like the mere idea of wwx having a moment and maybe just pondering about something equals a sob story as dramatic as a telenovela for you and NO. It's not even about that, but that's what obviously happens when you're extremist. You're projecting your views on things as much as them.
But what you’re saying is not what op was talking about. You’re talking about basic friendship, What op was talking about was “love change everything”, mxtx didn’t write that, except for Luo Binghe, that’s my point. OP didn’t say “care”, they said “love”, they went further to characterize that love to be something that change, heal, redeem people. Basic friendship is found in most fiction. It’s present in mxtx’s stories is not the same as saying that’s the message she’s trying to send.
“…that's why you'll reply to some corny post about "the power of love", the oldest trope probably.”
I don’t have problem with this trope, I did say svsss is about that, I just don’t agree all her novels are about that. I think that’s projecting and lazy crowd pleasing. OP just picked one corny thing they think no one would disagree and tag it in ALL major tags, despite the 3 novels are different.
“the oldest trope”. I think that’s why some people force this trope into their reading of every story, they think it should be there, and you can’t go wrong with this interpretation, even when what the author wanted to write got nothing to do with that.
You said you’re not a JC stan but all you talk about is JC and wwx. I said shen yuan did love and saved luo binghe, if I have problem with corn good old fashioned trope, I wouldn’t have said that. You only have problem when I don’t validate your view of jc and wwx’s relationship. You’re projecting on jc. When I said svsss is about love, Didn't I go corny? But it left no impression on you, because to you, I wasn’t corny about the right characters, the characters you project onto. The only thing that triggered you was what I said about jc and wwx lol
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plan-d-to-i · 2 years
I actually hate the "he suffered in his childhood and lost everyone" Because EVERYONE did one way or another, from one degree to another. What matters now to me was how they handled and no amount of uwu jc would change the fact that jc handled it the worst way and I could be here for another 5 mins elaborating the parts of the novel I'm commenting on but I think plan does a very great job of that and that's why I'm here.
xx („• ᴗ •„) ty.
Too many people these days want to act like assholes but be treated like victims, ofc they relate to jc.
What's particularly absurd & ironic about them using "he suFfered in his chilDhoOd and lost evEryone" in the context of mdzs tho is the kind of childhood WWX had!! WWX was out there eating melon rinds and being mauled by dogs for food & he still wasn't eaten up by envy and resentment towards others. He still tried to be decent. And people want to cry over jc?!!! It's pretty obvious within the context of the story 'he had it rough' (XY/JGY/JC) doesn't alter the fabric of morality and suddenly make it ok for ppl to do shitty things to others.
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jaimebluesq · 2 years
For the weird writer ask (if you're still taking those): 4, 8, 17, 24 :)
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
In a good way? Acquiesce. It just sounds lovely on the tongue and looks pretty when written. In a bad way? I've become wary whenever I see I've written "eyes" because I feel I'm overly repetitive with the "he saw x emotion in her eyes/ or /eyes filled with x emotion or concept" and now I'm paranoid about it lol.
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
I've written each, and it all depends on the tone of the piece. Dialogue-only works best with humor and fluff. The other works best with angst and drama.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
Omfg I have a fic I just finished but is on hold for which I did a fuck ton of in-my-head lore, much of which didn't make it in the story because it's a smutty fic. OK, it's a reverse Nies AU - NHS is Da-ge and became sect leader when their father died. The fic takes place a few years later, but my lore is that after taking charge of Qinghe, NHS went from sect leader to sect leader, asking for help and for someone to believe him that WRH was behind his father's death, but no sect leader supported/believed in him - but one PERSON did.
You see, because NHS was the heir, his father worried about his not being a strong warrior because strength was respected in the Nie, so daddy Nie brought in private tutors from Meishan to educate NHS in the many ways and strategies of subterfuge. So after his failures to gain support, NHS went to Madame Yu, the only person who fully believed him about the extent of the threat WRH posed. They came to an agreement to work together, and to aid in their communication and shared strategy, it was decided that NHS would marry Jinzhu and she would become Madame Nie.
To the rest of the Jianghu, NHS is the Headshaker who's been floundering after his father's death and who is being controlled by Madame Yu through his wife. Behind closed doors, he has come to care for his wife (who, yes, is quite a bit older than him) but only trusts her so far, but she's the same, and it kind of works for them, and the bunch of them have slipped spies into Qishan Wen, and sometimes Jinzhu and Yinzhu go off on missions and most of the time NHS doesn't ask for details because he knows she won't give them, he's just happy to have her home safe. NMJ also knows his Da-ge isn't the idiot he pretends to be, but trusts him fully to protect him and bring justice to their father's memory.
NHS has also gained a reputation as a terrible flirt and regularly teases the wives (and husbands) of his fellow sect leaders, inviting them to Qinghe should they ever tire of their inattentive spouses. Most of them are flattered and enjoy the attention from a younger, handsome, and charming man - particularly Madame Jin who is unused to such attention considering the asshole she married. It's part for show, to be seen as a hedonist and not to be taken seriously, but also because he really doesn't like the way JGS and others like him treat their spouses and if Jinzhu allowed him he would totally start his own harem.
*ahem* and on top of all that, when WWX was first brought to Lotus Pier, NHS was visiting there with his father, so when JFM decided to give away JC's dogs, NHS asked his father to take them. JC and NMJ have become very close friends and play with the (no longer) puppies whenever one visits the other's sect. This has made Madame Yu a LITTLE less hateful toward WWX, though not too much. But the boys' friendship is another thing uniting NHS and YZY in their efforts - making the world better for the ones they love most.
The fic this was for, BTW, was for NHS pretending Jinzhu isn't his wife and seducing her away to an empty room for a quickie during a cultivation conference.
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
If there are a lot of thoughts and pieces, I like to do a point for outline, either of events/hoe the story will go, or facts and scenes I want in there cuz if I don't write them down, I might forget the details. Though quite often I don't prepare at all and just dive in head first lol.
Thank you for the ask! I'm sure you regret it now after my response to #14 lol
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winepresswrath · 4 years
Do you know any ChengQing fics that address the fact that JC wanted WWX to leave WQ's family to die, and that he is very much not a zombie rights activist WRT WN? Or actually killed her family in novel verse but that may be too far lol. I'm 1000% here for ships with conflict but ngl most stuff I've seen seems to either have her brush it off or leave it as the most awkward elephant in the room lol. I just can't see her being okay with that just bc he's hot and has good fashion sense.
I haven’t read a lot of post canon chengqing fic! The premise of most of the aus I’ve read is that he changes his mind, or it never comes up in the first place, which is what gives them the chance to get together. If anyone else has recs, please let me know!
I think that while she’d probably have a lot of feelings about it- I definitely agree that it would not be something she’d be ok with on hotness grounds- I’m also not sure those feelings would be a straightforward condemnation. One of the things I like about them is that their starting moral positions are pretty similar. She also wants to protect her particular people before all else and is extremely devoted to her family! While she wavers in that conviction, it never extends to open rebellion or support for their enemies, which is what Mingjue is being so stubborn about. Of course Jiang Cheng is in a more powerful and autonomous position than she was, but I think based on the deal she struck with WRH- she’ll serve him loyally as he embarks on his genocidal conquest, including spying for him so he can locate essential resources that will make him basically invincible and running his supervisory office; in exchange no one touches the Dafan Wen- she has a pretty good understanding of why he might choose to prioritize the well being of his people over the well being of other people and she’s not wholly unsympathetic to that choice. She seems to basically respect his position and think he’s doing, if not the right thing, at least an understandable thing that is in line with his responsibilities. She has two separate opportunities to tell him about the core transfer and try to cash in on that favour, or ask him for help more generally and she pretty vehemently does the opposite of that. She tells him they’re even and strongly suggests that helping her entire family is impossible for him to do, before adding that she IS a Wen and will be sticking with her people (the same way, I think, he’d stick with his). When she asks him if he’d have helped I don’t think it’s because she thinks he’s a terrible person who would have ignored the obviously correct thing to do for petty reasons; I think she is pretty intimately aware of what it can mean for the choices of the aristocracy to trickle down to the people they’re responsible for, as evidenced by all the innocent people she is responsible for who are punished for her uncle’s choices (and arguably for her choices, that she made to protect them, it is always crying about Wen Qing times). And also because the Jin are sadistic assholes and the Nie are down with collective punishment and Xichen didn’t want to fight with Mingjue about it but that’s a side issue.
And in the end she does turn herself, her brother, and her people over to the Jin to save Wei Wuxian. She basically follows Jiang Cheng’s exact plan but two years later. Is it a rejection of her previous my-people-first-philosophy? An outgrowth of the fact that Wei Wuxian is one of her people now too, and she thinks the Wen are doomed but maybe they can still save him? She’s functionally trying to undo the sacrifice he made when he saved them, and tells him they should have died in the camps; I do not think that implies she thinks he owed it to them.
I personally actually do think he owed it to them, and also that Jiang Cheng owed them more help than he gave. In CQL trying to turn them over to save his brother is the most fucked up thing he does by far (and it’s very fucked up!), but I also think the peasants going to die for Wei Wuxian is bullshit and honestly prefer the novel on that point. Wen Qing and I are clearly not in agreement about ethics in feudalism, is what I’m getting at here. Anyway I’d love to read fic that gets into any of this and I turn anon’s request for recs over to you all.
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