#I love how all of my characters are so good at dodging questions lol
Hello! I've recently taken the plunge and downloaded Ridgeside village for one of my save files. I'm enjoying it so far and I am eyeing some of the romanceable candidates 👀.
So I was wondering, you know the ask a while back about the farmer being oblivious to all of the bachelor and bachelorette's being in love with them? Could you do the same with the Ridgeside characters? And maybe expanded?
Eyyyyy glad you liked the Ridgeside Village mod, dear anon ☺️
I've added both SVE and RSV candidates as well. Sorry if the headcanon came out a bit stilted (wasn't sure what the best format was lol). Thanks for the ask and enjoy 💕
RSV bachelors/ettes with oblivious Farmer:
After the young Pelican Town candidates failed miserably to win the heart of Farmer, who must be the most oblivious person in the world, the bachelors and bachelorettes of Ridgeside Village decided that their time had finally come. They're the ones who can get the Farmer's attention, aren't they? Oh, but they didn't, because they didn't count on two things.
First, there were still competitors in Pelican Town - it was just that the other residents hadn't immediately joined the "hunt". Although Sophia and Victor weren't even sure what was even going on, they just wanted to spend more time with their friend Farmer. Victor, however, tried to give a couple compliments, but the gist of the content of his words apparently didn't get through to Farmer. It's a shame of course, but both Sophia and Victor just get over it and just switch to their own lives (and maybe even each other). Claire also threw a loving glance in the direction of the eternally energetic Farmer, but due to uncertainty and constant fatigue she decided that she had almost no chance (it's not true, but *sigh*). Olivia, of course, could show all these young amateurs how to properly compliment and hint at the object of their affection, but feels it's not her age to go after Farmer. She will respect Farmer's choice, and may even push Victor toward Farmer a little bit so that her son will be more confident.
Second, Ridgeside Village residents doesn't really realize how painfully oblivious Farmer is. All the advances and compliments the Farmer (unknowingly) dodges like a spy film protagonist dodges enemy bullets and lasers. And Jeric and Blair will be the first to question their own flirting abilities. Maybe they should have been more.... assertive?
Standing nearby the restaurant, Corine, Ysabelle and Paula greeted the Farmer more flirtatiously, asking to spend time with them just a little bit more. The girls decided to play fair: to whom the Farmer would pay more attention - the winner. Except that Farmer thanked "their good friends for the compliments" and ran off on their farming business, leaving girls in shock. Paula at least laughed at the comicality of the situation.
Faye and Irene thought that the way to the Farmer's heart was through their stomach, so when the girls found out what were the favourite dishes of the daredevil of the entire Stardew Valley, they immediately began the preparation. The Farmer thanked them not with dates, as the two girls had hoped, but with... fresh fruit from the greenhouse. Shit. Okay, well, at least the fruit is delicious. Bryle, passing by, decided to tease Faye and show her the "real master of pick-up", since he himself had had his eye on Farmer for a long time. A complete fiasco, as you might expect, causing Faye herself to start laughing at her friend's failure. The two will then argue again (but will become a couple in the future, but that's another story).
Anton... Doesn't even look in the Farmer's direction. He wants to try, wants to give them at least one good compliment, but... Why? So that Farmer will be disappointed in him like his ex-fiancée? No, Anton won't risk their friendship for that.
Apparently Yoba itself (or other magical forces) are protecting Farmer from flirting, because there's no way they couldn't pick up on Daia's hints. The girl is almost directly flirting, proposing to become something more, trying to kiss and, pardon my language, "get them into the nearest bush for some fun." "Into the bushes? Maybe we'll find a cute bunny there!" ....Bunny, huh.
But that's at least some effort, though, because Jio didn't come up with anything better at all than to express his flirtation in the form of... completely ignoring Farmer. Like, the more he ignores them, the more interested they'll be in him. Weird logic, and then the grumpy will have a face like "Wait, that's illegal" meme when Farmer ignores his ignore (and Kiwi is now constantly teasing him).
Ian, Kenneth, Phillip and Shiro decide not to act without haste, but to learn from the mistakes of other candidates who have failed on the love front. Slowly but surely, they try to spend more time with Farmer without making any drastic moves yet. And honestly, even if they too fail to endear themselves to Farmer, a caring and loyal friend would be enough for them. Sean also wanted to take leisurely steps at first, but he didn't have the patience and so he heads to the bench with the other losers. Better luck next time!
Zayne is a rather well-mannered young man, and he is not going to impose his company on anyone without their desire. If the Farmers themselves approach him, then he will try to make small talk and apply all his knowledge of flirting. It's a similar situation with June, but he may be a little more stubborn as he, unlike the others, has limited time and will be less likely to do so when he goes back for two whole seasons.
Flor, Alissa and Maddie are pretty shy in that regard, so they'll leave the flirting and sighing heavily when Farmer walks by. It's just that Farmer is a very close friend to them all, and to demand anything more from them is somehow wrong. If only they would notice... *Sigh*
For Kiarra, the best way is to be herself: no intrusive flirting, no those innuendos. Just have a nice time with a (so far) friend and not worry about anything. And then - just ask Farmer straight out. Do they want to date? Yay, Farmer and Kiarra have become a couple. They don't want to date? Yay, Farmer and Kiarra remain best friends. It's simple.
Magnus, who decided to introduce Lance to Mr. Aguar, became unwitting spectators of an oblivious Farmer being chased by a crowd of admirers. It's a funny situation, really. Heh, maybe Magnus would have joined them, but he decided to let fate take its course. If he's meant to be with Farmer in this dimension, then so be it, but if not, well, just suck it up and move on. Lance, on the other hand, believes he's in charge of his own destiny, and his sly smile suggests that he'll take matters into his own hands once the competition has died down. He has a couple of trump cards up his sleeve....
And somewhere nearby, the much-admired Lenny is sitting on a bench, eating popcorn and watching the whole thing like a favourite comedy show. "Huh, and they said there'd be no fun in old age!".
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nephriteknight · 3 months
Thoughts on Daggerheart!!
I'll admit I haven't really been following it until today, but after watching the videos released today I got very excited and ended up building a character and reading a lot of the book, as I am wont to do (might post about them later lol).
Now, full disclosure, I wouldn't say I'm all that familiar with the TTRPG space outside of D&D, so take my opinions with a grain of salt. That said, I've played D&D, Wanderhome, Alice is Missing, and the fan-made Hollow Knight TTRPG, and I've watched some AP of Kids on Bikes, Call of Cthulhu, Monsterhearts, and Candela Obscura, which is a longer list than I was expecting. Huh. Anyways, my thoughts!
I really like the duality dice! It's such an interesting way to do mixed success that incorporates story/character into mechanics, which is great.
Related to that, I also like Hope as a fluid resource, and I think that Fear is a nice way to both prompt GM action and to just create a fun sense of dread as the GM takes more tokens
The lack of turn order/action economy is... cool, and a really interesting idea, but my thoughts on this are complicated. As we're seeing in the oneshot right now, it really helps to keep combat as part of the story and give the players and GM room for creativity. (For example, Bunnie describing a counterstrike as part of her dodge, and being able to take it as soon as the GM's turn is over, as well as the tag team feature, which is very cool.) That said, I think this mechanic might not work so well with less experienced or less confident players, who might have trouble taking the initiative (heh) to act in combat (I know I certainly would if I wasn't playing with close friends). That's not really a criticism though -- this is a collaborative storytelling game, and part of playing it is making big moves and taking turns guiding the story. If that's not for you, then you might prefer a different system, which is fine! I think this mechanic has the potential to be really, really dope, but I also think it's the bit that has the most potential to go poorly in my eyes.
The art, design, and general aesthetic feel of this game are so unbelievably up my alley. I love it. That's all.
I'm excited to see that they're working on mechanics for playing disabled characters, but since they aren't out yet I can't really comment. (I did notice that the character in the bard art is in a wheelchair, which is dope.) Also, as others have noted, Daggerheart uses "heritage" and "ancestry" rather than "race", which is a small but good choice.
Personally, I also really like the choice to move away from precise measurements of distance and gold. This one is very much a personal preference, and I know some people will rightfully disagree, but I like it! As a DM, trying to determine the appropriate costs and rewards for things has always been a headache, and this seems much easier to manage; measuring distances with convenient and tangible measurements like the short side of a playing card or the length of a piece of paper also feels much easier to use.
The downtime mechanics are great! Each of the activities you can take prompts you to describe how you heal yourself or another, destress, repair armor, or prepare yourself for what's ahead, which really encourages quieter character moments both introspectively and with others. I'm a big fan of this. This combining of role play and mechanics is also present in other features, such as one of the major level 1 healing abilities, which is more effective if you spend the time it takes to cast learning something new about the person you're healing or sharing something about yourself.
I didn't look at this too closely because I was just making a character for fun and don't have a party to play with, but as part of character creation you're given questions about your relationships to your party members to answer. Wanderhome also has these, and they were MASSIVELY successful in creating depth and meaningful connections between players -- after our table's session zero I was already so invested in all our characters, and when we actually played them they really came to life. I haven't looked to closely at Daggerhearts version of this, but I'm very excited to see them.
The experience mechanic seems really fun and creative, and I especially like the idea of using a phrase rather than something specific. That said, when I played the Hollow Knight TTRPG, which also lets players create their own skills, the open endedness of it was more confusing than inspiring, and there was a lot of potential for a usefulness disparity between players. I do think Daggerheart explains it better, though, and limiting the use of experience with a Hope cost helps to counteract any choices that might be too broad, so hopefully it will work better
I probably have more thoughts, but it getting late and I have a headache, so that's all I'm saying for now :D
Overall, Daggerheart has combined a lot of things I've liked in other games with promising mechanics I haven't seen before, and I'm very excited to try it out. I'm now realizing that I just made a list of things I like without any negative feedback, which isn't what I wanted to do, but I'm not really sure what to criticize without having played it myself.
I'm most curious to see how the non-initiative mechanic works; it has the potential to be a really excellent solve for a major problem in D&D (plenty of people have talked about how initiative limits teamwork, can be boring when its not your turn, etc, so I won't get into it here), but I don't think it's a solution that will work for everyone. Of course, games can't work for everyone, and shouldn't try to. It's working really well on CR's oneshot as I write this, but making choices and sharing spotlight in TTRPGs is literally their job, so I'm not surprised this works for them. I could see this going really well with some tables I've played with, and really poorly with others. I'm still really optimistic, though; it seems like the kind of thing that with the right table could be really excellent.
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months
I don't know that much about superboy so forgive me if this is a silly question but what's the deal with Magdalene Visaggio?
not a silly question, dw!! if you haven't read many kon comics it probably doesn't look particularly noteworthy but OOF. OOF.
the tl;dr of it: despite being paid to write him once, she also hasn't read kon comics and it really, really, really shows. i'm talking geoff johns levels of flagrant disregard for the existing character - maybe even worse than geoff? which i say only because i know geoff did read sb94 even if he didn't act like it. but that's off topic; this isn't a geoff hatepost. this is a magdalene hate post.
under a cut for length, lets goooo!
so we start out with her canonizing supermartian. already off on the wrong foot - that's a ship out of yja the tv show which is a completely separate continuity from main comics and a completely different kon than main continuity kon. despite supposedly knowing that, she still shoves them into a relationship in main continuity, despite them never having actually interacted on page in main continuity.
she then goes on to characterize kon as angry and entitled and uncaring, and also in high school again. not only does she directly contradict all of his preboot existing characterization (which is important because kon-el never got reset during flashpoint - he was in another universe and thus dodged that bullet. current kon-el is canonically the same kon-el as pre-flashpoint/postcrisis kon-el.), but also she directly contradicts both young justice (2019) and superboy: man of tomorrow, which are in current continuity, leading one to really wonder if she has read a single comic kon appeared in at all. it's also worth noting that the asshole with anger issues characterization is, once again, much truer to the young justice animated tv show than any comic kon.
also worth noting is that the infamous red hair dye streak? well, uh...
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on her twitter, she once said something about kon-el not being a good name because it's "still a name someone else gave him", called him "the jason todd of the superfamily", and insisted that the meaning of a trans narrative is "burning down your life and reevaluating your place within it":
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kon-el is a name gifted to him to signify his acceptance into his family (superboy (1994) #59) and he was so overjoyed to receive it that he cried. overall, the superfam are very supportive and loving, and introducing strife just to make him run off and live with jinny hex instead of them just because she thinks one can't transition and retain previous relationships is... not it, lol.
her pitch also contained some outrageously egregious christianity bullshit, like villains named "saint", "shepherd", and "savior", as well as direct comparisons between clark and jesus christ. this is... sorry i really just have to say this is Fucking Cringe. i guess the more polite way to put it would be "incredible gauche" (considering the jewish origins of the superfam) but i just can't call it anything else. This Fucking Sucks Dude. i won't even get into the weirdness about genetic bullshit she leans into by introducing kon's "brother" who's also part luthor, part superman, but "luthor-dominant" (lol?) (do you know how genes work even a little bit).
she has quoted the one panel from reign of the supermen where kon says "don't ever call me superboy" a few times, claiming it's the first thing he ever said and no one listened. to me this essentially reads as her going "i've read one of his appearances and i would like to throw out the like 200 issues of character development he had since then in favor of making him my own self-insert to explore MY transition and religious trauma".
basically she doesn't seem to know how to write a story that's not about herself. as a trans person with a positive relationship with my given name (because as a first-gen kid of two diasporic immigrants, it provides an important tie to my family's cultures, to me) and with trans friends who involved their parents in picking new names and so on and so forth, i honestly find it very reductive and white to insist there's only one trans narrative and only one good way for trans characters to be named. i also find her putting her own christian religious trauma into a superfam story off-putting and . well. fucking cringe. i understand and respect that that is her story, but it sure ain't universal and i won't be able to respect her as a writer until it becomes clear she gets that.
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minnieposting · 9 months
Tell me about your Sun Haven character then. What's their favourite skill tree? Who are they romancing? How do they spend their days?
omg!! thank you for asking about my SH chara im OBSESSED WITH THEM...
this is noel!!
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ignore the writing on here, i've developed noel a lot more since drawing these. especially "shapeshifting demon", they actually aren't a demon at all, just a shapeshifting Thing(tm). they still live in withergate and work at the arcade though!!
in general, noel thinks that in order to fit in as a demon around withergate, they need to act tougher and way cooler than they actually are. they are genuinely wild and love to play pranks and scare people with shapeshifting. but they're also curious and out of touch with their new environment. noel isn't from withergate originally and used to live in the forest for SOOOOO long until stumbling upon the town one day.
originally i wanted them to date wesley and i had a whole story in my head until i realized donovan fits sooo much better with noel T_T <3 i really like to think about them adventuring through the sewers and finding fun stuff to do around town all the time. they're always hanging out at the arcade together too! their dynamic is like. noel trying and failing all the time to look cool and impress donovan while donovan thinks noel is cute regardless. noel has a huge crush on him that's why lol... they think he's suuper cool.
i also still think about a romance with wesley. i imagine that maybe a LOONG time into the future he would eventually visit withergate? or maybe nelvari opens up and curious demons would want to take a peak? haven't though that far ahead tbh it's just a vague explanation for how noel can specifically meet wesley while still in withergate, because i also thought about how noel can meet him in nelvari! it's by shapeshifting. idk if they'd be able to get past the "friend of the forest" barrier but WHO CARES they're successful because i say so. i'm not really sure what their dynamic would be like tbh, i've been mostly focused on donovan, but i just know that a common ground wesley + noel share is their connection with nature. cuz fun fact, noel could communicate with the forest they used to live in, and it's like they're "one" in a way.
as for that skill tree question, i feel like that doesn't really apply to noel. they're not my actual farmer oc and all they can do is shapeshift + communicate with nature. i'm still working on them so who knows lol. if anything they'd probably be really good at fishing and fighting things. they're rlly good at dodging and finding weak points
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exocynraku · 9 months
Hullo! Do you have any tips on just coming up with designs and markings and how to colour those designs/lines without making stuff clash? You're always able to make such creative and nicely made designs and I'm curious if you have anything you get inspiration off of and how you're able to colour your marking lines so smoothly?
i would make a nice image tutorial like i did yesterday but i do Not have the time to Sadly so you get words instead colouring lineart: colouring the lineart is easy peasy lemon squeezy. you gotta wait until youve FINISHED the colouring to do this part. okay, so, for the characters ACTUAL LINEART, when i draw their legs & tail & face & whatnot, i colourpick the DARKEST colour on the character, whether it be in their markings, eyes, accessories, or whatever. and then i take that colour and make it just... a LOT darker! and maybe shift the hue around aswell (ex: if the character was mostly yellow/cream i'd give them orange or red lines)! and then for the MARKING LINES i take the darkest MARKING. ignore the accessories and characters eyes they dont matter JUST pick the darkest coloured marking. and then make THAT darker, but not as much as you did the actual lineart!! you can also change the hue on this :3 how i come up with designs + inspirations: hmm well i'm going to be honest with you i don't exactly know how i come up with my designs? a lot of it just comes from how i picture the character in my head! especially if its a warrior cat design! i don't tend to stray away from those thoughts unless i picture them as like stupidly boring LOL ! inspirations is a biiit tricky, but i guess i kind of just look at a LOAD of other warrior cats animations & art, and uh! anime! lol! looking at how other people draw cats has gotten me better at drawing anatomy & whatnot, and watching various animes is why i started giving my cats hair lol! it's kind of hard for me to explain like, my EXACT process on why & how i design certain characters im sorryyyy x'''P i would if i could but literally 90& of is me drawing whatever and then thinking 'does this look good' and then saying yes or no LOL how i colour my designs: similarly to how i DO my designs, it's a lot of my just asking myself if it Looks Good or not, but there are a few things i do! a lot of designs i do i jump around the colour wheel a LOT! hue wise, i mean. i think i've managed to find different ways to use every single colour on the colour wheel lol! blues and greens and purples are good for greys & blacks, blues & yellows & oranges are good for white/ light markings, red & orange & yellow & purple are good for brown cats, etc etc etc! the other main thing is layer effects! sooo like if i draw a character but i'm not super happy with their colours, i find it hard & annoying to fiddle around and change each colour individually, so instead i make layer above the colouring, set it to one flat colour, and go through all/most of the layer options (like multiply, linear burn, lighten, glow dodge, difference, subtract, the list goes on) and find something i like! and then i usually do that a BUNCH of times with ALL sorts of different colours until the character ends up looking good!
also hi mossy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope this helps maybe? if you wanna get specific with another question, or maybe send some images (u can here on tumblr or message me where ever) then id love 2 help more!!!! this goes for anyone, i'll always accept art-help/tips/how i do things questions lol!
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fagidarity · 10 months
ok im silly and obsessed with your art so i wanted to ask you about it!
i really love your shading on art, the layering and different colors is very well done! do you have any feedback on how to do rendering and shading? cause i know nothing about it
im also curious about your anatomy, its accurate but also very unique between characters! do you mind doodling like... how your format it? u know what i mean???
NEXT I WANT TO ASK! ABOUT YOUR OUTFIT IDEAS!! where do you get your inspiration for those beautiful fucking designs?
on the drawing you made of shrimp mariana being held by charlie, im curious about how you did the filtering to make it like. fuzzy but still clear???
last but not least, what application do you use for drawing, and which pens do you use?
sorry for all the questions but your art is a very big inspiration for me and i want to be as talented as u ^^💦
this got really fucking long and i don’t even know if it’s particularly helpful but LETS GO
OKAY SO. shading, thing i am apparently accidentally really good at. it’s probably the thing i’ve gotten compliments on the most over the years which is funny because it’s probably the thing i’m Least confident that i can do well. therefore i can’t really give a tutorial but i can give a bunch of disjointed notes
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(shown above is my Default Shading, further examples of different lighting below)
everything else under the cut or this is gonna be a mile long
i like using blue for shading, yellow/orange for lighting but generally you can just make them opposite/complimentary colours to each other and that’ll work. cool shadows, warm light or warm shadows, cool light. you get it. that’s a general rule there’s probably exceptions. i will say i hate using purple for shadows but that’s a personal preference (as is every colour i use being so saturated lol)
the orange around the edges is supposed to be subsurface scattering on skin but i put it on all the edges because i like how it looks 👍
yes there’s two different bounce lights. idk why i do this. i also just think it looks nice. i guess the one on the shading layer is more for form and the one on the lighting layer is more for the yk. lighting? anyways the first one is just a lighter version of the shading colour the second one is darker and slightly hue shifted (depending on the lighting scenario — it can be brighter if the situation calls for it)
the reason i don’t just shade around the edges is because it can make things look very flat which is the opposite of what you want when shading. sometimes it can just go on the edges in some specific scenarios but i like my shadows Chunky. basically having it go over the form instead of just along it can help show that form more
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top left - night time | top right - bisexual? | bottom left - spotlight i guess? | bottom right - default/daylight again, just wanted to show a shape example
something i’ll also do a lot is have a separate multiply layer that’s just one colour and i’ll throw that over the whole thing to get the base colours correct for the lighting scenario. some people do it by eye but i am lazy so i cheat 👍 often it’ll be the same as the more detailed shadow colour but as with the top right example sometimes it’s different
shadows are either on multiply or linear burn, lights are either on add (glow) or glow dodge. depends on what looks best. same with opacity, i don’t have any real rules there
i also LOVE harsh lighting but that’s just a me thing. UMMM i can’t think of anything else to say
so next is ANATOMY okay this is also something i’m not super confident with lol but i can give some more disjointed notes by just redlining my own sketches lol
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the uuuh “bottom of boobs is 2/3 down the ribs” isn’t technically correct? if ur drawing someone with big boobs and no bra on they’re probably gonna go lower but that’s kinda. where they come out from i guess. i also don’t think the “ribs” i draw are technically accurate but it works for a reference point
arms are a diamond (the shoulder.. muscle.. thing… idk what it’s called) and then some Tapered Tubes idk they’re not super complicated. if you wanna get more into it go google buff people and trace/redline their arms that’s how i learnt orz and uuuh i kinda also have the taking up 2/3 of the ribs but a bit Above. the way i’ve worded that makes no goddamn sense i’m bad at explaining this
ANYWAYS yeah bodies are just shapes if you want ppl to look unique just squash or stretch out the shapes 👍 and also learn actual anatomy stuff that always helps. my final message: learn to draw fat people it is no more difficult than drawing thin people
OUTFITS i love outfits. i have a pinterest board where a lot of my inspo comes from and it’s a section within a bigger board so ig i’m just giving you my whole inspo board. here (it’s the one called character fashion) (i do not condone art being reposted on pinterest without artists permission just ignore how much i have saved)
pinterest in general is good for outfit design stuff as long as you know where/how to look. u could also try fashion blogs and stuff
ummm a lot of stuff does just come from my own head tho, like based on clothes i like or vaguely inspired by stuff i’ve seen before. if you look through the board you can also see that like i rarely ever copy stuff directly i kinda just use whatever stuff i find as a base to work from. just find stuff you like and go from there i guess, i sometimes like picking a specific subculture or fashion style for a character and seeing what i can make from that (like missa is emo/scene, slime is like some kinda ravecore thing?? idk)
OKAY i’m assuming you mean like the glowy effect? makes everything look Soft?
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(idk if u can even see the difference here orz also ignore how many fuckin layers i use i’m a mess) (the top layer is that catboy missa doodle i did ignore that too)
this is something i do on Most drawings to the point i have an auto action set up for it. duplicate the entire drawing (on csp the easiest way is to just merge visible to new layer), gaussian blur to like ? idk i think it’s 40% or something? i don’t remember, set that layer to soft light and lower the opacity
if that’s NOT what you meant feel free to send a follow up question LOL
OH actually if u mean the colour jitter stuff on the . colours. that’s not a filter i was just using a brush with slight hue jitter on i was Experimenting
AND FINALLY i use clip studio paint on my ipad and most of the brushes i use on the reg can be found here
favourites are the ones i made (i actually have more of those i need to upload—) and the raz sketch ones 👍 namely raz sketch (thick) with the density turned up a bit from the default, been using that a lot for lineart
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lol-jackles · 8 months
How do you think Jensen might be feeling in relation to Jared (or about himself) now that TW failed? If it was a way fir him to be "good enough" for Jared …
Also, I know you’ve been asked this before, so I won’t ask you to weigh in on whether J2 are still real friends. I think they still consider each other friends, but probably more in an extended family way, where you care and have shared history but don’t really talk overly often. Of course, Jared often mentions on interviews or at cons that he and Jensen were just texting "the other day," but for me that could mean anything from yesterday to three weeks ago, so I don’t see it as proof they talk all the time.
Anyway, my other questions was based off the fact that Jared and Jensen are getting increasingly more sentimental, or at least nostalgic, telling stories about back in the early days of SPN at cons during panels and their M&G. Do you think they play-up on their old memories because they don’t have many good new shared experiences to talk about, or do you think now that they haven’t worked together for a few years, they are truly starting to miss it and each other as cast mates? Or a secret third option where they are just trying to stir up fan nostalgia (even though J2 fans live that shit 24 anyway), and telling stories is easier than dodging strike-breaking questions?
Jensen probably self-soothed that The Winchester failure is mainly due to a combination of the SPN spinoff curse and bad timing due to Zaslav's reign of terror, burst of the streaming bubble, and the WGA-SAG strike. As for his post TW relations with Jared, my pet theory of psychology is there are two motivators of human behavior - love and fear. Codependency is where love and fear get messed up between it, sometimes fear gets disguised as love in that they fear that unless they control others, they will not do what they need them to do in order to feel loved. And it is attracted to those who “need saving” through control of their behavior. So kids, study your fears, lean to control or dismiss them as necessary. Set the people in your life free from you control.
To answer your other question... First, time and distance sanitize memories and paper over issues in their friendship. The thing about friendship is a lot of red flags are tolerated that is not tolerated in marriages. My friends can be late, or bad with money, or have significant differences of opinion on a variety of issues, because if it gets too bad, I can just not hang out with them anymore. But with life partners you have to trust and rely on them 100%, because there’s so much more at stake - buy property together, comingle finances, raise a child or bunch of cats or both, so you can't ignore the red flags.
Second, shared experiences are the basis for many deep and casual relationships rather than actual compatibility. It's why we still go to high school reunions because nobody else in the world knows what you’ve experienced other than your classmates, even if you hated them back in the day. Or thought you hated them. Again, time and distance sanitize many things and you and the kid you never talked to in high school are reminiscing and laughing together over nostalgia. So it's not surprising that Jared and Jensen have some nostalgia for the SPN days because it was 15 years of high school. So the answer to your question is option #2.
Third, in general, men don’t have many male genuine friends.  I hated the movie I love you, man because it was too familiar - Paul Rudd’s character doesn’t have male friends to be his best man for his upcoming wedding so he goes out looking for one. So even though Jared and Jensen’s friendship is more on the codependency level, it’s still more than what most actors could have in the industry. Aso, it's easier for Jared to be the bigger person because he’s currently in much better position: a lead actor who is able to film in the city of his choice.  Very, very few lead actors can demand to work in their referable city of choice and even then, the best they can ask for is L.A or N.Y.C.  David Duchovny got X-Files production moved from Vancouver to L.A and he still left the show.
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spoopy-arcade · 10 months
(Sorry in advance - this ask ended up being long. Swap AU my beloved <3)
Swap AU Cassie is SO BABY……. would love more of her and your beautiful human Roxy.
Although - and forgive me if I ramble a bit here - this takes place in a Ruin equivalent time yeah? Wouldn’t Cassie be more banged up? It’d be sad but she probably would be right? :[
It’s okay, I’m sure Roxy could fix her up. She probably does her own car maintenance ‘cause she’s a badass.
Ooh, now I’m also wondering what a base-game Swap would be like…
Lol, it should take place during the day and Freddy’s trying to smuggle Gregory out, and shenanigans ensue! (Possibly Gregory is due to be scrapped, so Freddy wants to keep the clearly sentient, slightly feral-acting child-like robot from that fate. He got emotionally attached <3)
Of course, if Roxy and Freddy are visiting there then there is prolly some attraction attracting lone adult patrons.. idk what that means for changes to the theme of the Megaplex.. But that’s not important right now!
Also, the main obstacle for Freddy would just generally be that he is trying to steal a child-sized robot in broad daylight while the place is possibly open/at least has workers there that he has to dodge. Good luck to the big guy.
Actually, the now-humans could be workers at the Plex. Like say instead of having tons of bots all over, they only had a few (like Cassie, Gregory, and possibly Vanny?) that were designed specifically to seem/be completely harmless, and more childlike. Cassie and Gregory could’ve been made to attend birthday parties (especially of lonely/upset kids), and Vanny could be a playful and friendly older figure who helps lost kids and cheers up anyone who’s feeling down. (I’d probably include Vanessa as a security program assigned to Vanny because. Security guard. Plus we’ve already seen that with Moon.)
In this case Gregory would probably still be messed up and act weird and get retired and shut down to be scrapped for parts, leading to Freddy finding him and rebooting him and then deciding to take him home once he figures out what’s up.
That kinda begs the question of what everyone’s jobs would be in the Plex, ‘cause how would Freddy find Gregory? And why would Cassie and Roxy be close in this version?
Well I have some answers to that!! ….I have no idea what Freddy’s job would be! He has. Very little by way of interesting character traits. Same with Monty. Why are the men so uninteresting in this game. Maybe Freddy’s a manager, since he was the leader of the band? Maybe he was taking inventory when he found Gregory? Idk!
Chica is definitely easier to pick for because she actually has distinct traits, and gets the obvious choice of working in the kitchen/bakery. (On that note, this kind of feels like a lower tech AU with less automated jobs, so managerial work/cooking/other tasks that are automated in SB I’ll give to people lol)
Would it be a dick move to make Monty a janitor? Lmao I swear I don’t hate him but idk what to give him at this point. Night guard? He could be a night guard.
….do I need to assign Bonnie a job? Wouldn’t he technically be dead? (He’s associated with the wet floor bots right? He could be a janitor.)
Who I REALLY have ideas for is everybody’s favorite, Roxy!! Saved her for last cause I knew I’d go on about her. She would totally be the maintenance gal for the race track - keeping the karts in working order, making sure the track is safe to drive on, etc. I imagine she could also do general maintenance, but her main area she works in is the racetrack.
As for how she and Cassie met. Well. Roxy is shown to be a very insecure person in the games. So what if the people she knew were busy and forgot/missed her birthday? And a little bunny, built for accompanying lonely and upset folks on their birthday, sees how upset she is, and overhears Roxy talking to herself and mention her birthday?
Well, I’m just saying, that little bun might just go hunt down a spare small cake from the bakery to put some candles in, and saunter her way into the nearly empty room to place it right in front of her new friend, smile, and say “Happy birthday, Roxy!”
The thems <3 I hope any of this makes sense I am just Thinking About Them…..
OMG THESE ARE SUCH GOOD IDEAS ANON. BIG BRAINED !!! I love the job choices for the gang (Monty being a janitor/nightguard is so funny 😭) and Vanny being along with animatronic Cassie and Gregory is rlly good, it's something I definitely I thought of! (She would be a rabbit ofc)
And that last part IS SO CUUTE !! I need to draw young Roxy with Cassie.....
And to answer your first question: Yes, it takes place in ruin and she would be banged up. But!! I decided not to draw her ruined version because I wanted to show off her design, if that makes sense?? :0 when I do expand on this au, I'll change it in the future which will be PAINFUL :(
Ty for sharing these with me, anon!!
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degenerate-game · 4 months
Oh this game looks super interesting,,, can you tell us more about it? Plot? Triggers? Characters?
Hi! Thank you for your question, of course I can dive into some more details!
I like the idea of a sort of... Slice of life game? A daily life cycle where you can decide what you'd like to do each day, with the added stress of time constraints and such. The current beginning of the game has the player character struggling to find work, and your rent has just increased for your apartment! So naturally, you have to go out and find work! This will lead into meeting your first love interest, but there will be other ways to meet love interests; they're not all tied to work.
Events and forces will try to stop you from being able to succeed in your goals, which will be entirely up to the player on how they want their life to look. Want to dodge your landlord forever and not pay them? You can try to do that! Want to remain in your plush apartment by finding good honest work? You can try that too! Want to go for more seedy ways of obtaining money? You'll be able to try that too!
There will be other goals in the game too, particularly tied to love interests and their story lines. As well as seasonal (as in in-game seasonal, not like a battle pass LOL) events such as Christmas, Valentine's Day, etc.
I want there to be visual novel elements too, with interactable "special scenes" that differ from the majority of the written text scenes.
I'm trying not to get too ahead of myself because we're still early in development, but that's my initial idea anyway. A slice of life with drama, adult themes, and various goals (and ways to obtain them).
Because of the games early development I can't reasonably give you much in the way of triggers.
One of the first love interests being added is a yandere, but I'm not much of a fan of violence myself so at most there'll just be threats or off screen violence pertaining to other characters (never the player character). I can imagine there being some bad (soft)endings, as in the player character will never die but some bad things will still happen as a consequence of certain goals not being met...
So I'm not sure how to answer this! I'll for sure keep track of the triggering content as it's being added though, and I'll keep a list on this blog so users can follow along with it. In the interest of accessibility though I think implementing a "Trigger Content Toggle" could be good, so that if any of the triggering content is too much for one player then it can be toggled out for something less triggering, and it's something I'll look into!
I'm still undecided if I want to keep characters with a "canon" genders and sexualities, or if I want to let the player decide... Currently, I'm going with the canon option, with the potential to allow players to change them in future, so I'm focusing on adding one male and one female character to begin with! I don't want to give too much away but...
Lucas: The first male to be added! He's the yandere character I mentioned above. Lucas works as a personal trainer, and so I'm sure you can imagine where you can find him. If you're around him for long enough then his obsession over you begins, leading to the typical yandere shenanigans. Stalking, threats, intimidation. He's really cocky and confident in his physical strength, thanks to his job, so while he's likely to exert his strength over you; he'd never actually hurt you. His main theme will be... Pet play!
Angel: The first female to be added! She's a soft and shy girl, working in the local cafe. She likes to spend her time in parks and libraries when she isn't working, and if you visit her enough then she might just open up a little! She has a big sister type of personality, and maybe you can help her come out of her shell a little, perhaps even learn her secrets? If you did, I'm sure she'd more readily be able to protect you! Her main theme will be... Worship!
There are other characters I plan to add, such as:
Jun, a florist and a "friend" of Lucas. (Male)
Theo, the antithesis of Angel, though strangely, they get along fairly well. Nobody really knows what they do... (NB)
Killian & Wolf, an almost couple that you can help get together, or... Maybe you'd rather be with one of them? Or both? They work at a detective agency, and you'll likely run into them one way or another... (Male)
And many more!
I hope this answers your questions. If you have any more please don't be afraid to send them our way! And if you have any suggestions, we're super open to those too!
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hollowsart · 2 years
Hey Hollow, I have a (few hundred) question(s)! Do you think that Mysterio puts glitter in the smoke that he uses? Also if he did do you think he would use edible glitter? Honest questions all around.
(also another question that is more so for Aceida, does she wear different costumes for different times of the year/weather?)
((okay one more, because I know that I will forget but I've wanted to ask this question for a while, Aceida. How did you come up with her, why, and what do you think are the most important things to have for Aceida))
Thank you for answering any of this, it's just that sometimes I'm shy and then.... KABOOM lots of questions that may or may not be useful or worth your time. Anyways! Love what and who you are and I'm proud of you!
Sorry, I need to get this cursed thing out of my system first:
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OK ANYWAYS, to seriously answer your questions!!!
1) Does Mysterio use glitter?
Well, I would be disappointed if he didn’t LOL
Special biodegradable glitter that is a-ok for the environment is definitely something he’d use! Mostly for his entrances and exits tho, just to add that extra bit of flair to his performance. He thrives on the melodrama.
Edible glitter would also be good, just in case someone inhaled it by accident when he makes his grand appearance or get away. I mean, he’s not a killer, he’d actually be upset if someone innocent got hurt during his “performances”, someone he wasn’t intending on hurting in some way.. He’d feel horrible about it and, if given the opportunity, he would apologize.
But yeah, this man absolutely uses glitter! :D (despite my loathing of glitter that isn’t sealed to prevent it from transferring to other things, I’d so totally hug him still regardless of the risk of getting glitter on me for days after)
2) Does Acedia have seasonal outfits?
[I will post these by themselves shortly for better viewing!!]
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Been meaning to design some alterations to the Sloth Suit, and this gave me the motivation to do just that! Enjoy my seasonal hero wear!
3) How did you come up with Acedia?
I originally thought about joining everyone during the initial big spidersona bang when Into the Spiderverse was first released and everyone was making their own. I saw a few people talking about spider crab based spidersonas and wanted to join that but, well.. that was too difficult and I never was able to come up with anything cool.
sometime down the line I was initially interested in the anime My Hero Academia (thank heck I never watched more than barely the full first season, knowing all the drama and junk that’s happened, I dodged a bullet LOL) but I did come up with some oc’s for it and even a ‘quirksona‘ that was sloth based named Acedia, basically myself, but more sloth and also not as cool as I wanted:
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You can see where I’m going with this lol
nothing came of that character so cut to years later, this year, I recently rewatched Spiderverse and started to get into the Spiderman side of things again out of the blue after watching TSSM and falling in love with the show all over again, and doodling Doc Ock, too. I thought back to my old failed attempt at making a spidersona, so I decided to try my hand at that again.
I remembered Acedia’s design and tbh I really did love the design so I reworked it and made adjustments to better resemble a sloth and better resemble Spiderman’s iconic appearance. On top of that I did also just make the character under the costume ME with no real changes at all. And thus, Acedia, The Cryptid Crawler was created:
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although the ref sheet has since been updated and changed from this^^
Anyways, that’s the story behind Acedia’s creation!
I just really like sloths.
I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “most important things to have for Acedia“ but I hope some of this answers that? maybe? you’re free to elaborate on what you mean by that and I can do my best to answer!
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littlecello · 7 months
Lazarus responses all in one place for better readability wahoo
belphegor1982 Holy cow, we really dodged a bullet there. Thank you for the write-up! I hadn't heard of Lazarus at all before. And now I'm very thankful that the fandom still exists and thrives! 💜
WE REALLY DID LOL. You're very welcome, glad to have been of service! And omg I feel the same ahhh! It's made me really appreciate the little space we built for ourselves over all these years 🥹
bisexualroger Was lovely to meet you and fern too! 😊 I definitely agree with this. I’m really glad I went for the experience, I’d have been gutted to have missed it, but ultimately yeah the shortcomings (especially with regard to how they handled the politics of the police 😬) mean it’s for the best we never got Lazarus the show. 
AHHH YES!! Seriously you all made my entire day 🥹🥹🥹 And god yeah, I am also genuinely glad to have been there, because the questions and forever-wondering would have killed my fandom-mojo I think. But now it's done the opposite and I am ENERGISED! I want to re-establish the best parts of the fandom as opposed to what we witnessed in that room! Seriously, all those cis-het men laughing so hard at all the bad jokes made me feel so uncomfortable.
youstupidplonkIt was so wonderful to meet you!! You’ve put this into words so much more eloquently than I have managed so far. I really do agree that the way they joked about current politics, both in the police and around the climate felt very out of touch. As you’ve said especially because the main demographic keeping this fandom active is young (from what I can tell) liberal people Thank you again for saying hi to us and taking the time to write this wonderful analysis ❤️❤️
LIKEWISE AHHH!! Your outfit was fantastic btw!! And I'm glad you feel my analysis hit the spot - hearing all the laughter around us and stuff made both Fern and me feel really lonely and out of place at times ghfkjgs. We're both really glad we aren't alone with our sentiments 🥹
fleurdeneuf oh wow, thank you for sharing all of this! i'm relieved the show won't be happening.
You're welcome!! It would've felt wrong not to do a little report on this, seeing as the event wasn't well advertised and tickets sold out so quickly. We've got to include the whole fandom in this! 💪
partywithponies I think it was very shallow as well in that it was almost entirely Life on Mars with barely any Ashes to Ashes to it at all, and coincidentally, Ashes to Ashes isn't as well known overseas. It didn’t feel for the fans, it just felt like what they thought would sell better. Poor Shaz didn't even get a single vague reference the entire event, and Alex, the literal third main character of the franchise, got one passing moment in the entire pilot.
I agree to some extent - they definitely went for what they felt would have the most recognition value. I do however think that they at least set up quite a bit of Alex involvement, seeing as she's the one who hits Sam and Gene in 2024 (or at least it's heavily implied that it's her). As for Shaz, I have to be cynical and say that with Matt and Ashley being old white men... they've probably forgotten about her and/or don't think she's important. Unfortunately.
Either way, I guess we can both agree that it's a good thing Lazarus isn't getting made as a TV show haha!
On a personal note, thank you all for your warm reactions to my little report :') I have to admit I was a bit trepidatious about posting it because of my (and our) negative feelings about it, as contrasted to what Fern and I perceived as a really enthusiastic response from the audience that was present... But I see now I needn't have worried. The fandom I remember and love is still here, and I can't thank you all enough for that. 💚
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venusandsaturnsrings · 8 months
I'm starting think manifesting is real or something lol. I have been chatting with inceltaru for quite some time and then a guy who literally acts and talks like him comes into my dm. I was like I'll humour you.
He was like "thank you for talking with me. I'm shy so I can't talk to girls. I work out but I'm more on the lean side. I work as software developer and security guard at stadium in weekends." Always referring to me as sweetheart or love.
Mind you it's only been barely a week. Keeps asking me to see my picture and asking weird questions. I keep dodging them like a pro thanks to my training I got from inceltaru.
What broke the camel's back was him asking about my bra size.
I was like this feels like a deja vu. So told him to download character ai and blocked him.
I love inceltaru and any variations of Tartaglia but he is fictional character and I really can't deal with men like him irl.
-🌼 anon
I READ THIS ANON IMMEDIATELY AFTER U SENT IT N WAS LIKE “not possible i haven’t gotten a sweaty bf myself yet…” AND GUESS WHAT?? GROSS SWEATY MAN ENTERS MY LIFE!! not my bf yet n i have a habit of losing interest in men very quickly idk why but… yk… not to dump on u but here’s some info on him that’s got me swooning a teeny bit: snake bite piercing, TALL, eyebrow piercing, longish messy brown hair, tells me i shouldn’t have to use my brain, calls me princess n dolly, wants to do nothing other than spoil me, n goes on n on abt how he loves my cute lil innocent face… he’s 25 so 6 years older than me but… i do not care he’s poking all the right spots in my brain!!
i respect u so much!! he does not deserve ur time or attention at all if ur not into him too!! it’s good to know what u like irl vs fictionally n not put up with behaviour or attributes that u can’t handle!! very good job i am so proud of u ^w^ i so sincerely hope u are able to find someone that isn’t like That someday, u deserve love!! mwah mwah kisses!! <3
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immortalled · 1 month
hi! i’m so sorry if this is strange, i’m just working on a story and i’d love a second opinion ^^’ no pressure to answer this at all! it’s very hard to explain without proper context so bare with me
i was wondering how you think nathan would react upon finding out he’s the only person who can kill a creature that’s been plaguing him and his friends for a while, in a sort of IT inspired way? most of his friends would be dead at this point, so it’d be like a heroic attempt to make up for their losses by strapping himself with explosives lmao
he’d be around the age he appears in the show but in a tiny rural town setting with no powers
it’s a little up in the air for me on whether he would do it and what could happen afterwards, i’ve kept this quite vague mostly because it is just a loose storyline i’ve strung together while listening to a song, but if it sparks anything for you i’d love to hear!
Hi, Nonnie! Not strange at all! I love talking to people. ♥ (And apologies in advance, this got long because I started analyzing him LOL. Please feel free to skip the analysis under the cut if that doesn't interest you.)
Okay, so first off, I'm flattered you're asking me, and secondly, this sounds like a really fun fanfiction. If you're comfortable, I'd love to read it! If you ever post it on Ao3, please feel free to drop me a link! I'll subscribe!! c:
As for your question... Of course, please do always play with him however you want! I'm far from any kind of... idk, definitive authority on his character LOL, and fancreations are your own sandbox, so I'd never want anyone to change what they want to do based on my or anyone else's personal interpretation of a character. But! My personal two cents is that whether or not Nathan would sacrifice himself like that is really down to how strong his connection with his friends has grown and if he thinks there is anything to gain or save by doing so!
Nathan Young is a character who loves living. He's the embodiment of the early 2010s YOLO motto and that particular brand of unapologetic, teenagery/young adult joie de vivre attitude is why I think the storm gave him immortality as a super power. The rooftop scene in the S1 finale is a great example of this and his entire speech about going crazy while you're young, even if it's dangerous, is actually a really solid look into Nathan's worldview and what seems to drive his impulses. In fact, I think rewatching that entire episode might help you get a better perspective on Nathan and how he might handle the situation in your fanfic!
So, that is to say, I don't think mortal!Nathan is the kind of person to sacrifice his life for anything without very good reason. In fact, I'd argue that he wouldn't at all without immortality as a safety net. He's kind of a coward at times and tends to dodge anything painful or unpleasant, be it emotional or physical. But let's look at the times he sacrificed or almost sacrificed himself in canon!
S1E6 - Falling from the Wertham Community Centre. Nathan does not know he's immortal here and he almost doesn't go back for his friends at all. He only decides to try stopping Virtue because he's been pushed to the edge and realizes how much his weird little ASBO family means to him. Without them, he's totally alone again, and Nathan hates being alone. Although, in fairness, I also do not think Nathan believed there was a possibility of dying in this scenario. Rachel was mind-controlling people, not murdering them, and he clearly did not account for the fact that either of them would lose their balance. I am unsure that he would have done any of this had he known he might not make it out alive... maybe if he had exhausted all other options? Either way, the key here is that he did take risks because he thought he could still save his friends.
S2E2 - Trying to save Jamie. Nathan doesn't think before running toward the burning car to save his half-brother. He could have died here because the ecstasy he took reversed his power, but it's unclear whether or not he heard Simon's warning or if it would have made a difference. Considering how blind the reaction looked, I don't think being immortal or mortal would have mattered. But, still, he was acting on the hope that he could save Jamie.
S2E4 - Almost lets Tim gut him. In order to keep his friends from being killed by Tim the Crazy GTA NPC, Nathan agrees to be killed in their stead. However, he has to be pressured into it by his friends despite knowing he will come back to life. I think Nathan would have deeply regretted it if he had let Tim kill them, but in that moment he was far more afraid of the pain of death than anything else.
S2E6 - Suicide for fame and going toe-to-toe with the Murderous Milkman. This is one of the best examples of Nathan's growth and how he has begun to cope with his power in an extremely unhealthy way. In this episode, we see him toy with the idea of allowing himself to be killed for fame (albeit not without a little bit of peer pressure from his manager), which he does on-camera. We also see him try to legitimately fight someone for the first time when he seeks out Brian specifically for revenge after learning Brian murdered Kelly. In both instances, Nathan knows he will or could die, but he's willing to go through with it anyway because he's immortal. Dying hurts, it sucks, but he's learning to see it as something unimportant when he's able to come back to life. Obviously, he wouldn't kill himself on camera without immortality, but I think it's fair to question whether or not he'd attack someone out of revenge for a dead friend. Maybe? I don't personally think so, but it might be worth watching this episode again and analyzing the scene for yourself.
S2E7 / The "Christmas Special" - Blocking a gunman from shooting his friends. I admittedly have some beef with the characterization and overall writing of this episode, but I don't think that this particular scene is OOC. In this episode, an armed gunman bursts into the bar where Curtis works and is about to shoot. Nathan wastes no time getting in front of the gun and telling him to shoot, who cares, he's immortal. It's all very badass until he's reminded uh oh! he sold his power and is actually mortal now. Realizing that, Badass Hero Nathan vanishes and he flings himself out of the way to avoid being shot (which gets Nikki killed in the process). Now, obviously, this scene is set up entirely just to fridge Nikki and you could argue that Nathan isn't as close to Nikki as his other friends, but I don't think that would have mattered. If Nathan, mortal, had the choice between jumping between his friends and a bullet or hiding... I really do think he'd hide.
Don't get me wrong, Nathan can be selfless and heroic. The fact that he's immortal does not cheapen the fact that he was willing to endure the pain of death and what appears to be a very unpleasant resurrection process for the sake of potentially saving or avenging his friends. Nathan's an ass, and he's regularly selfish, but he is not a bad guy and he sticks his neck out for people he loves way more often than any of them give him credit for. But I also just do not think that he'd be willing to sacrifice or get himself hurt if he had no supernatural "take-backs". If he sacrificed himself, I think it would have to be accidental, as with running to save Jamie; some great, fatal risk that he does not consider fatal because he's too wrapped up in an emotion greater than his fear of dying.
For your story, I think you would have to either push him to the point of not being able to think past a greater fear, or you would have to remove all other options from him. Friends gone, family gone, way of living, maybe even the rest of the world, gone. Or perhaps he's trapped, somehow, in a place where he can't return to the rest of the world? Maybe he's stuck in a place where it will forever be just him and the monster that's been hounding them. I think that he would have to sit with that revelation for a while, wear down, and then maybe he would seriously consider destroying himself to destroy the creature, if the alternative is too suffocating and grim to bear. Whatever the reason, without his friends to save, the catalyst for his decision would need to be something that directly affects Nathan, not people who are no longer alive.
Anyway, that's just my very long two cents. Again, fictional characters are up to interpretation and I think most any character can be pushed and changed to do whatever you want in the right circumstances, especially AUs. So don't let my opinions stop you if you want to take his character a different direction! The most important thing is to have fun and write the story you want to tell. c:
If you have any more thoughts or want to brainstorm some ideas, though, I'm happy to bat around some stuff with you and see what sticks! I read IT several years ago and loved it, so seeing the Misfits gang thrown into a similar situation sounds like a ton of fun.
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
Hi,.....if you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from SVSSS? And why do you love them? And your top 5 (or top 3) favorite moments from the novel? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
Hello, a svsss ask! I do not mind at all 😊
Top 5 SVSSS Characters (the last three are not ranked):
Luo Binghe: what can I say, I love a character who suffers grievously trying to achieve what should be a fairly simple wish, only to be rewarded with it finally at the end
Shen Qingqiu: thought he was hilarious on my first read, but found him absolutely enthralling on my second because of how I was able to pick up on him consciously choosing to be a good person in this book with how he attempted to cope with this violent new world by trying to remain unattached but ultimately failing and changing the narrative because he is literally that good of a person
Liu Qingge: literally was always, always there when Shen Qingqiu needed him, fought Luo Binghe every day for five years and lost every time just for the chance to give sqq a proper burial; best shidi ever
Gongyi Xiao: he was just honestly such a sweet kid, and his death came so far from left field I thought it was a joke the first time I read it
Zhuzhi-lang: my precious cutey snake boy who I ALSO didn’t realize died until my second reread 😭😭😭 upon the reread, I’m pretty sure I like him for the same reasons I like lbh because they are practically the same character with only the slightest differences in their narratives and character arcs
Top 5 Favorite Moments:
The Marriage Extra where sqq is so excited to get married to lbh that he has them do it directly after lbh’s botched proposal—even though lbh spent so much time planning for a proper wedding 😭—then after they consummate it, him calling lbh “dearest husband” without any reason or prompting
The entirety of the Holy Mausoleum Arc when sqq finally learns how all of his conceptions of his version of lbh are wrong and that he’s been blaming lbh for things that other characters were actually doing
The fight between Zhuzhi-lang, sqq, and lbh where zzl is trying to remove the seeds from sqq’s arm, lbh is trying to kill zzl for touching sqq, and sqq is trying to keep everyone alive and not expose lbh’s presence to Tianlang-jun lmao
The argument at the inn about who gets to sleep in a room with sqq, only for sqq to take a single room for himself, forcing lbh and lqg to share (and then both of them avoiding the room like the plague LOL)
Every time sqq saw a vision (whether in the deep dream extra where he gets sucked into lbh’s memories of while he was dead, or when he revisits Shen Jiu’s memories that he did not have access to) of lbh suffering and his first instinct was to try to hug and comfort him, despite never being able to directly interact with lbh in them.
Bonus: the extra where they go back to the town with the skinner to investigate a haunting and lbh tries to hold sqq’s hand while sqq playfully dodges him, and they both acknowledge it as their form of flirting cause sqq loves playing hard-to-get
Most of these revolve around bingqiu as a couple, but I really love how much sqq loves lbh and the ways in which the narrative cleverly shows it since he’s prone to hiding this affection in his words
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Oh fuck liminal spaces that drive you insane. What does that remind me of?
Brutal liminality babeey I love it.
I wonder if any of these sources are actually real or if they're all fictional?
'Architectural hunger' 😘
Woah these spaces are disconnected from the human mindscape that's so cool.
This epsode would probably be hitting me harder if I had any idea what this place looked like.
Paused the episode to try googling it and couldn't find anything. Is it not a real place??
Hmmm. Empty spaces. Hunger. Hallucinating lights. Hiding from miasma. So far it's been feeling like most of these statements are combinations of a couple of entities, like they've become blurred with each other by travelling between dimensions. This one could be Spiral and Lonely? Fear takes many forms.
Oh shit no time for meta speculation there's a sharply dressed woman becoming you through an open door!! Run the other way my dude you have got to get out of there!!
'You are here'??
Yeah you should not have gotten in that lift. Terrible mistake.
Cool ghost restaurant.
Oh creepy they're all fake talking. And they have the same features! It's like in the Matrix when all the background chaarcters are identical twins. Or that Lonely statement about the tourist who gets lost in the featureless crowd.
'Stay a while' nope gtfo.
Ah!! They're gonna eat him!!
Yuck they're eating him alive.
Did Jonny write this episode? Reminds me of that game he played about the house that eats you alive. (Alex wrote it)
Oh yeah lol this was supposed to be an academic paper. Kinda lost the plot there.
Oh Gwen you have no idea what you're getting into, I wouldn't be so smug about it if I were you.
Uh oh, see ya Colin. Enjoy your mental health leave.
Where are Sam and Celia?
But that's Gertrude for sure. I may not know my goths but I know a bitch when I hear one.
why are they living together what the FUCK
What is going on??
Oh Gerry is painting 🥰🥰🥺🥰🥺🥰🥺🥰🥺🥺 he has so many he has to give them away
Wait does that make Eric Delano her son? That's insane. WHAT IS GOING ON.
(Also seriously what the fuck is Sam up to? Did he get this job just to investigate the Institute? Why is he so obsessed with it?)
Oh shit he was in one of their gifted kids programs. That's why he's so obsessed with it. Hmm. Maybe I would have less questions if I listened to the episode for more than two seconds at a time, but this is how I'm choosing to record my thoughts so.... no.
Gerry was in the program too??
Ahhhh he's so happy!!! I'm dying!!!
Please please please let his happiness be real and fine and good and normal and not a symptom of something terrible going on. Don't hurt me like this. Please. I need there to be a version of him that's okay.
I've only had cheerful Gerry for two minutes and if anything happens to him I will kill everyone in this podcast and then myself.
Why is he living with Gertrude. Why is she pretending to be his grandmother. Why doesn't he remember anything about the gifted program. Does Sam not remember anything either. Is that why he's investigating it. What the fuck happened to them when they were kids.
Gerry is so genuine and Gertrude is so obviously dodging their questions and hiding shit. Something's up. She's weirdly indulgent and playing along with him. She knows something.
Big painting <3
Oh it was Celia's idea? What's she up to?
Ahahah she's investigating time travel and other dimensions. I wonder what that could possibly be about. Trying to travel back home or confused about how she got here in the first place? How much does she even know?
What is up with this episode and bringing back characters whose names start with the letter G?
Okay okay okay. Like. Our Georgie or this dimension's Georgie? (she's a podcaster in every dimension)
The presence of Gerry and Gertrude menas that this dimension has doubles of people we knew from TMA, so is there another Jon and Martin here?
Is Celia looking for them? Is Georgie?
But who gives a shit about that I got to hear a happy version of my HUSBAND hahahhahaha 🥰😘🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😬🥰🥰🥰😘
(Gerry and Gertrude's voice acyors not credited? Why would that be?)
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daz4i · 1 year
Who are some of your favourite voice actors?
oh oh!!! a great question! (my answers are a bit basic tho so sorry in advance hehe)
in english:
billy kametz, may he rest in peace. his voice was so pleasant and he was so good with intense emotions
yuri lowenthal! (<- played ps4 spideman game and fell in love) (he made me like yosuke more than i probably would've otherwise) (a talented king)
robbie daymond. ofc. the range of that man is insane and i like when he voices little fucked up and evil guys :)
matt mercer. again insane range and a super pleasant voice to listen to!
laura bailey! once again such a pleasant voice omg. and she brings life to characters in such an awesome way
erica mendez. somehow she ends up voicing all my favorite characters i swear
^speaking of, lucien dodge. again a super nice voice that's just super pleasant to listen to
in japanese:
jun fukuyama! literally the most insane range I've ever heard, he never sounds the same and yet he's always recognizable, not to mention naturally very talented when it comes to emotions
takahiro sakurai. just a very solid actor! but also I'm biased, back in like 2016 kinblr there was this joke of always kinning characters played by the same actor, and he was that actor for me lol. however with time that changed to
miyano mamoru. that man is in everything it's kind of impossible not to enjoy his work (but also from watching interviews and such he seems like such a fun guy hehe)
miyu irino. cannot stress enough this man has THE nicest voice in the entire world. it's like listening to cotton candy idk how else to decribe it. also super talented with emotions!
yuuto uemura. i am once again biased bc he keeps voicing all my favs. but also his voice and style of acting instantly makes every character likable to me so it's a bit of a chicken and egg situation really.
hiroshi kamiya. i don't think i need to explain that one :P
bonus in hebrew: liron lev. a gay icon. voiced zuko and many others. his brother was friends with my mom. we love to see it
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