#I meant to post it right away but alas 😔
therealrbs · 5 months
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It almost makes me sad seeing such a cute nickname go to waste :(
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Okay friends of the MDZS/The Untamed fandom
If you've seen my previous post about making lotus root and pork rib soup, you know the journey I've been on. If you'd like to try making the soup yourself, a link to the recipe is toward the end of the OG post. That one got a little long with all the additions and extra advice from friends, but since I've made it again I'm reporting the results. Why I feel the need to do so is beyond me but this is the only genuine cooking I do and I deserve to be proud of every attempt, so if this annoys you, imagine these faces:
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I will give a disclaimer that I had meant to make this soup a week and a half earlier but the mental illness was too strong, so yesterday I forced myself to push through the mental illness anyway so I wouldn't waste too many ingredients (we still wasted some 😔). So, alas, this soup had no ginger and half as much lotus root as desired, plus I forgot to read how much seaweed I was actually supposed to use (way less than what I used), and completely omitted the chopped scallion even though I had it ready because I just. Forgot to actually add it.
We carry on.
In all of my past versions of this soup, I didn't include the rehydrated seaweed. I was advised to give it a go this time and ...well. 😅
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That bowl is a good 9 inches in diameter and 3 inches deep. And I took that photo AFTER adding a liberal amount of seaweed to the pot. Yes, I rehydrated the whole package. I didn't think about anything other than, "I'm finally adding the final step to this recipe I've been following!" and entirely missed that it only calls for 1 cup. [Hold on. Googling how long rehydrated seaweed be stored right now. OMG YOU CAN FREEZE IT THANK HEAVEN.]
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This is me scooping out all the fuckin seaweed that entirely took over the soup 😅😅😅😅😅😅
Remember how I said there was half as much lotus root? Yeah, this is seaweed soup with a hint of pork now. Good luck finding any slices of lotus root.
I had also assumed that this seaweed would be salted (the packaging was NOT in English, but honestly I can't blame the label for this). I had certainly added what I thought was already a generous amount of salt but let's remind ourselves that I am barely a cook by any means. This girl doesn't know shit about how much salt should go into 12 quarts of water to add enough taste. I did go heavy on the goji berries though.
This resulted in the broth being mainly pork and goji berry water :/ if I'd had the motivation to go out and buy fresh ginger and remembered the scallion I'm sure it would've been better (and more salt obviously), but hopefully I'll be in better spirits next time I make an attempt. I learned a lot from this one.
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The one thing I am proud of though?
Look at how clear that broth is. The oily bubbles are from the meat, and I also apologize I don't know if it's my phone's camera or my photography skills, but if it doesn't look clear to you I promise it does irl! I didn't use any of the cooking wine or soaking the meat with the ginger like @of-sevenseas suggested, but just by following the process in the recipe and making extra sure I washed the meat well this time, it seemed to work out!
Lessons learned:
Making soup while having a bad mental illness day is not a failed endeavor, but watch out.
Don't do this without ginger. What are you doing. That soup is wet stuff in hot water.
Read the recipe including measurements. Cooking is, of course, more improvisational than baking, but there's a reason we follow guidelines. Especially when we're rookies, still.
Next time we're gonna try the cooking wine and ginger thing with the meat. It sounds like an adventure.
Celebrate your wins!!!! I did have a success in this attempt!
I also did very well keeping the cat away from this whole 7 hour process, which is the greatest success of all.
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(Obligatory kitty pic, since I mentioned her. Meet Lucy everyone. She's hiding under my blankets from the loud scary generator outside my window.)
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coquelicoq · 1 year
this post is brought to you by: la lettre A
i finished all 58 pages of the letter A in this french dictionary! and it only took me 18 days!!
knowing myself and how i work, if i want to actually keep this up long enough to finish the entire dictionary, i should celebrate this milestone with a look back at what i have learned and accomplished. (not that i actually need an excuse to ramble about words, but i'm not gonna turn one down lol.)
keep reading to learn exciting things such as: which french nouns for abstract concepts can be masculine OR feminine! which french playing card is idiomatically considered to have bad fashion sense! which prefixes are actually TWO prefixes meaning totally different things, the little fuckers! and more!!
first, some stats
percentage of dictionary taken up by A words: 7.6% (58/763)
percentage of dictionary read so far: 8.4% (counting the preface and abbreviations)
rate and duration: 3 pages/day for 18 days (approximately 1-2 hours per day)
total entries: 2304. note: this is not the same as the number of words defined (an entry will often contain derivations of the main word, such as adjectives and adverbs formed from a noun) or number of definitions (an entry will often define multiple senses of the same word)
rows added to my vocabulary spreadsheet: 214. these are not all of the words i didn't know, just the ones i want to prioritize learning. baby steps.
times i learned a word from the dictionary and then later that day encountered the same word in the wild: probably like ten times!
times i learned a word from the dictionary and then later that day encountered the same word in the wild and still knew what it meant: maybe four times lol
fun facts about A words!
you may have noticed that there are a lot of pages in the A section (relative to the mean, which would be about 29 pages/letter). this is primarily because some very productive prefixes start with this letter!
prefixes of note
a- (toward, to). eventually i managed to internalize that if there's a word i don't recognize that starts with an a, if i chop off the a (+ the following letter, if it's a doubled consonant) it will often leave me with another word i do recognize, and the a- word indicates some kind of movement toward the state or action indicated by the shorter word. the entry for a- (the second entry in the entire dictionary) told me this explicitly, but it didn't really sink in until like...yesterday lol. you'd think i would know better, from 1) taking latin (this prefix is from the latin word ad, meaning to), 2) having a form of this prefix in english as well, 3) knowing how prefixes work, etc., etc. but alas. i stay humble 😔
a(n)- (not, no, without). very fun when you have a letter which at the beginning of words can mean either "not [root]" or "becoming [root]". big shoutout to greek and latin for that.
it's interesting that this dico didn't have an entry for the ab- prefix (also from latin, the opposite of a-). ab rights!! (one of my favorite latin verbs is abesse, meaning "to be away". present participle: absens, absentis. look familiar???)
anté/anti- (before), from the latin ante, vs. anti- (against), from the greek anti. greek vs. latin strikes again!!!
apo- (away from, off). obviously english also has this prefix because french forced their lexicon upon us, but i hadn't actually put together before now that it was a prefix because i've never studied greek. so now i am doing the next best thing, learning about english by reading about greek in a dictionary about french.
archéo- (ancient) vs. archi- (chief, ruler). mostly notable because i used to be very distressed by the fact that the ch sound is pronounced differently in these two environments. but now i know (it's a k sound in archéo and an sh sound in archi)!
auto- (self) vs. auto- (related to road vehicles). i just love that the second one came from the first via back formation (from automobile), aka the popular girl of the morphological processes.
i wouldn't really call them prefixes, but avant (before), après (after), and arrière (behind, back) also all begin with A, and they are stuck in front of other words to make new hyphenated words, thus padding out the A section further.
page hogs
(entries taking up 1/6 of a page or more)
like you guys don't get enough attention already !
🤯 momence
accourir takes être as auxiliary in the compound tenses! are you seeing this shit!!! dr. & mrs. vandertramp is a LIE!!
guess what the verb alphabétiser means. did you guess "to alphabetize"? WRONG! it means to teach someone to read and write!!
in other "learning things about english by reading a french dictionary out loud" news: did u know that reMUNeration is a word? not just reNUMeration (which is also an accepted spelling), but reMUNeration. the m and then the n! what! how have i never noticed this in the past 34 years of my existence! some people may say it's strange to read the dictionary, but i think this proves i need to read MORE dictionaries actually. life is beautiful. consciousness is a miracle!!
the noun l'après-midi (afternoon) can be feminine or masculine! how do you pick? idk! gender anarchy! this just in: every afternoon is genderfluid hours selon les francophones!!
okay, here's a headscratcher. l'auriculaire (noun) means "pinky finger", but auriculaire (adjective) refers to the ear/hearing. the only explanation i can find for this is on french wikipedia, which is very [citation needed] and seems apocryphal at best. (and if that wasn't enough totally unrelated body parts for one word to be about for you, auriculaire can also refer to the chambers of the heart 😇)
mes bien-aimés
favorite words to pronounce
antipathie [ɑ̃tipati]
antiquité [ɑ̃tikite]
antithétique [ɑ̃titetik]
architecture [aʀʃitɛktyʀ]
association [asɔsjasjɔ̃]
au-delà [od(ə)la], especially with the article (l'au-delà [lod(ə)la])
authenticité [otɑ̃tisite]
autochtone [otoktɔn]
tous azimuts [tuzazimyt]
please listen to my one true love (voice reading french words on wordreference dot com) pronounce "association". crops watered etc.
least favorite words to pronounce are any that start with aéro-. consecutive vowel sounds and an r sound? sans façon, je m'abstiens 👍
une accolade: an embrace/a hug, or one of these guys: { }. is that not the cutest shit.
une agrafe: a staple. i've become very attached to this word for some reason. (haha, attached, get it)
un aimant: a magnet. i am SURE i knew this at some point but fortuitously i forgot all about it, allowing me to see it with fresh eyes and be delighted all over again. (aimant is the present participle of the verb aimer, meaning to love. therefore magnet = one who is loving 😫💘)
tu ne manques pas d'air ! : you've got some nerve! ooh, i just know this is going to come in handy.
[nom] par alliance: [noun]-in-law. i like this because une alliance is a wedding ring (and also, more directly, an alliance. but that's boring!).
une amphibologie: sentence or phrase that's grammatically ambiguous. obviously i'm all over this. cela va de soi.
ahaner: to puff and pant. i love this one because it's onomatopoeic (the h is silent, so you make two "ah" sounds in a row, like you're breathing out twice)!
french has a word meaning "person who goes on vacation in august" (it's aoûtien(ne), from août, meaning august). how fucking rad is that?
i love et alors ? (big deal), et après ? (so?, so what?), and j'en ai vu d'autres (I've seen worse). also à d'autres ! (yeah, right! or likely story! or (for the brits out there) pull the other one! or (this is not in any dictionaries but i am extrapolating) nice try but i wasn't born yesterday!)
avoir une araignée au plafond: to be a little cuckoo, to have bats in the belfry. literal translation: to have a spider on the ceiling. just reminds me of that classic tumblr post about nicolas ii the last czar of russia hanging from the ceiling fan. i know that post is about bad vision, but the vibes are there and that's what matters.
archi- is a prefix in words like architecture, but it can also be added to adjectives as a slangy intensifier meaning very, extremely, super.
mentir comme un arracheur des dents: lie through one's teeth, though the literal translation would be more like "lie like a tooth-puller". is this because dentists are always like "this will barely hurt at all"? (omg i just looked it up and found a source (reputability: unknown) that says exactly that)
arrondir [qqch]: round [sth] up/down. aw look, it's got "rond" right in there. and i like that you can use the same construction regardless of whether you're rounding up or down, because it's not actually necessary to specify.
habillé(e)/ficelé(e)/fichu(e) comme l'as de pique: dressed like a scarecrow, looking like something the cat dragged in. literal translation: dressed like the ace of spades. is the ace of spades known for looking bedraggled in french card decks?? dying to know.
un ascenseur is an elevator, but it can also mean scroll bar. that makes so much sense! they do look like little elevators!
accrocher means a lot of things but primarily to hang, hook, snag, grip, etc. (it's related to crochet, hook.) one of its figurative senses is to get along, click, hit it off. les atomes crochus is chemistry (between people)...literally "hooked atoms". avoir des atomes crochus avec [qqn] means to have a lot in common with [sb].
autant pour moi: my bad, silly me. apparently was originally "au temps pour moi". au the temps, they are a-changin...
l'auto-stop: hitchhiking! as far as i can tell, stop came from english, but it happened centuries ago, and this dictionary isn't marking it as an anglicism. i mostly think it's funny that french definitely couldn't adopt the word "hitchhike" (french has, like, two of those sounds in its phoneme inventory lol) but they still ended up with something that came from english but which their lexicographers are not acknowledging as having come from english. (canadians say faire du pouce which is also great)
faire avec: make do, get by. i love a preposition that doesn't take a complement! feels illicit. like we're being naughty. even though it's actually so accepted as to be included in an abridged dictionary for a language that has literal laws about which words not to use. i know, okay? just let me have this!
next up: 34 pages of la lettre B 👀👀
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ongsasun · 4 years
Girl Next Room: Motorbike Baby livewatching
(i made this list as i watched so i could share w/ my friend later. but then it got long so i decided to just post it) SPOILERS AHEAD!
Mile= the REAL consent king tbh, everyone else can go home (anyone who calls fighter consent king is so very Wrong it pains me)(no i will not be accepting criticism)
literally, the only questionable thing (that i remember) Mile doing was sneaking his nametag into her bag which made her uncomfortable?
the way Mile literally got beaten to a pulp for Sundae and she walked away.... just for him to drive her home... sundae pls
the way BOTH of these guys have bruises all over but are so concerned over her bandage-sized cut. i'll have what she's having
young Tan was such a cutie 😔 sucks that he grew up to be Like That, huh
can we discuss Tan's secret artistic abilities? those deer paintings look great, maybe he's an art student
idk if it's because they're dating in real life or just bc they're great actors but Tan and Sundae have really good chemistry
Tan's dad is so funny omg
you're telling me Tan waited SIX MONTHS into the official relationship, which started wayyy after he asked for her number, to KISS HER. is this chivalry, shyness, or stupidity, i can't figure it out
mm. love that she called out Tan for being a jerk, but notice how she didn't do the same when Mile was throwing money at a clearly-financially-struggling Tan. he took it in stride tho, good for him
(Side-note: glad they showed him working for once, i was wondering how his bills got paid if he's just trailing behind Sundae all day long)
wow ok this ep was obviously meant to show Tan in a better light but. he gets the most points NOT for buying her food or rescuing her from the elevator, but for not judging her crying abt a cockroach & also rushing to go kill it. I'll Have What She's Having
this girl is.... so dumb. two (2) cute boys wore black for her and she failed to connect the dots both times 🤦🏽‍♀️
did u really think someone else's boyfriend would kill your cockroach for u??? pretty privilege.
the way i caught wind of foul play in their last relationship and am willing to forgive tan for everything... hi my name is Ayesha and i'm a Tan simp
(side-note: who else thinks Sundae's mom said something? omg PLOT TWIST it was her brother 🤔)
Mile made her a homemade tiffin now that he knows she's a picky eater 🥺🥺 you poor boy, they're gonna do u so dirty 😔
the way i forgot Tan went to school too LMAO
the guitar serenading during dinner is tacky, but at least he's self aware
she said she doesn't wanna see his face, so he came back the next day with his helmet on 🤦🏽‍♀️
so much gremlin behavior today Tan
actually he's gotten worse ever since she said she'd see Mile instead, that staircase bump was so juvenile
and still Mile has never reacted rashly, this boy can do no wrong
was the "Sunday" helmet bit an ultimatum? it felt like an ultimatum and also a game of hot potato asdfghjkl
OOP spoke too soon abt Mile. he kinda pressured Sundae into looking like a couple in front of Tan, knowing full well that she needs more time
I mean tbh compared to allll the strikes Tan has gotten, Mile would still be ranking higher- in a normal situation. Alas, I can't figure Tan's rank until i find out what the deal is about that "promise" he made also i'm a Tan simp but at least i can admit my favoritism
oh. the part where she comes back for the helmet... hits different
okay sundae is LYING to herself if she doesn't think she's been into Tan this whole time. like yeah she likes Mile too but c'mon we all know you never forgot abt Tan
Wait noooo not the dad i love him
LMAO the way Tan's life flashes before his eyes right when he realizes his brother is a loudmouth & will absolutely mention the post-breakup comfort session they had earlier 😂 true siblings
i thought Mile was gonna be pissed and petty, but he wasn't? he just listened to her and trusted her explanation and communicated how he felt?? only recommended cutting Tan off after Sundae asked for his opinion?? i stan one (1) second love interest
did i mention i love Tan's dad and brother like! yes call him out! knock some sense into him!! we stan honest, kind, and emotionally intelligent men
that confession 🥺 the yearning-from-afar Tan montage 🥺 the scene with his dad and brother after 😭
if i could forget about my pain from 5 mins ago i'd say this date scene is actually super cute
WOW OK I TAKE IT BACK ALL OF IT i had a feeling he'd be a cheating player. and he made her go gift shopping for his real girlfriend?? yikes
feels like a low blow to write him off as a love interest tbh, they just made him too perfect and had to backtrack 😪 rip mile's character
okay her brother shouldn't have blamed Tan for either times bc once it was also out of guilt/grief for her mother, and the other it was Mile's betrayal plus her grief for losing Tan. he just happened to find her both times
looking back, the way Tan kept that paper so he could control his emotions 😭 so he wouldn't close enough to break his promise, but also close enough to potentially hurt her again 😭 And when he said "i can't control my emotions anymore" he was actually so torn and felt super guilty and selfish bc he couldn't stay a "safe" distance and keep his word, i-
wowowow Tan on a normal day is cute and and sweet and endearing, but furious Tan is.... hot
Sundae WHY are you depriving me Tan and your brother the chance for them to jump Mile, it's what i deserve!
asdfghjkl this bitch boi said "i hate confrontation so i decided to two-time :)". electric chair.
Tan's reaction to that was like "babe should i kill him or should i kill him", and her brother's was "are u done did u say your piece great MY TURN"
cute scenes are nice but decent apologies and explanations are a balm to the soul 😌 his dad raised him well
did y'all see the way he still gets nervous before kissing sundae even after all this time 🥺
and then they lived happily ever after! this was fun, maybe i'll do another sometime
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