#I shouldn’t be over analyzing a LEGO show
zoomertheweimarwolf · 1 month
My opinion on Lloyd’s mental vs physical age argument.
Okay hello, I’m here to share my opinion on the Lloyd age situation, this is my opinion so if you aren’t happy with it then fine but atleast hear me out. For years now I have seen people argue that Lloyd’s mental age is younger than his physical age, so using my own experiences and maturity, knowledge from my biology class, and evidence from the series, I will show why I think his mental age was never a problem and why people see it as such.
In season 2 Lloyd uses the tea and turns into an teen, now his physical age is the same as the other ninjas, however everyone argues that he stayed a child mentally, so let’s break this down.
To start I wanted to get into some more biology stuff (my bio class actually is being useful out of school lol), as you grow your brain must mature as well, and will continue to mature until you are in your twenties. So when Lloyd is turned into a teen, instantly that maturity in his brain is going to be more apparent, his body at this point is already going through puberty, we can already see that from his voice getting lower and his overall change in appearance, and as a reminder puberty is caused by hormones from the brain.
The way people have described this makes it seem like he still has a small child brain while his body is an adult, speaking of child brains.
Child behaviour/maturity:
In this section I will be showing how he acted as a child.
As a kid he was very immature and never thought things through. Surely after releasing two tribes and having them be friends rather than enemies you would know releasing another would be bad right? Well wrong, he is a kid and doesn’t know any better, his brain isn’t mature enough to understand that this is a bad idea. He never really took his responsibilities seriously and always tried doing other things to get his mind going in a way that entertained him, let’s be honest here it’s like going to school, you don’t wanna be there most of the time and can’t wait for recess. He was a child, his attention span was probably not great, and he was not mature enough to fully realize his destiny, yes he gets close but he never seemed like he had the full motivation to.
Teen behaviour/maturity:
Now let’s compare that to after he used the potion.
I noticed a change in his behaviour and maturity right away. We instantly see how mature he is when he calmly rejects the comics, how seriously he is taking his training, and overall how he is so responsible. He starts to behave more like the others and if someone who never watched the show came in around the time they all made it to the dark island they would have believed Lloyd was always the same age as the other ninja. By season 8 he is very mature and it’s no question if his age is younger or not.
Personal connection:
I’ve seen people argue he is still mentally young because he acts childish sometimes, or doesn’t know what some things are. Now I am a sheltered person, and that’s my own fault, I didn’t know what a kilt is even through my ancestors are Scottish. I am typically someone who hyper focuses on things so much that I don’t pay attention to much else, and I hate that about myself sometimes, so not knowing what some things are is not a reason to call someone a child. Also with acting childish I would like to once again refer to myself, since I didn’t have the best childhood with a lot of bullies so I notice I tend to act more childish now, I litterally was giggling like a little child when I was able to get two new Ninjago sets today (including DR Lloyd), I am a girl who is going to be an adult in a few years and I am here obsessing over a show about Lego Ninjas, so does that make me a child? No. And that probably shouldn’t make him a child either.
What could have prevented the age argument:
The main problem, his voice, if they changed his voice back when he aged up or season 3 then we would have had less of a problem. I think the fact that they kept a slightly deeper kid voice for him for so long hurt the character.
Wrap up + final thoughts:
Now I am not saying this as a way of justifying any weird ships like GreenFlame or any other ship involving Lloyd and the ninja, I still say that we should stick to whoever the creators give us an okay to ship him with or make ocs to because my boy deserves better. It’s still weird to ship people who are teenagers who knew him as a young kid so just stick to what is legal pls.
Personally I don’t think the age thing matters too much, especially in dragons rising, he is at least 22 by now, chill guys. And remember this is all my opinion, you do not have to agree nor will I force you to, but please keep it in the back of your mind, and remember this is just a LEGO show.
Anyways thanks for reading my rambles, I’m very tired and I’m gonna go to bed now, goodnight everyone :)
Bonus: here is the new Lloyd minifig I got today!
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(+ the lovers got reunited 💙🩵)
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goldenheartstudios · 2 years
I wanna share some thoughts about Lego Monkie Kid
  Disclaimer 1: Spoilers
  Disclaimer 2: Any theories and predictions for the next season I may talk about in this post are made by the storm of thoughts I constantly have in my head, and as such they shouldn’t be taken too seriously
  Alright, we’ve got that settled
  You see, I was rewatching the show since it’s a big comfort of mine and with some unfortunate news about something, I kind of needed that-
  And as I was rewatching it, I’ve got to appreciate more some elements and structures the show has, which this is what I want to talk about
  First thing I want to talk about is the structure of the seasons. The system used is a very simple one, but very effective for story telling and it gives significance for each of the season
  Season 1 is the introduction of the characters, setting, and of some plot elements. It’s mostly episodic because its role is to make you familiar with the world and story, but there is continuity kept throughout the plot. Without this season, it would be harder to get attached with the characters and you would miss some elements that were meant for build-up
  Season 2 is a combination of episodic and plot driven. Even if the action inside the episode is not necessarily connected with the others, there are some plot elements that you would miss if you skip over one episode. This season’s purpose is to be a bridge between season 1 and 3, where you also get tension and anticipation of what would come
  And season 3 is where it all comes together. It’s my favorite season, but it wouldn’t hit as hard without going through the other two, because this season is meant to be the reward, the big end of the things we’ve seen so far. This is the moment you’re rewarded for keeping attention and for getting attached with the characters and story, and it’s done very well (Heck, I love the little details added like MK thinking of them going in the Celestial Realm when they were going in space, only because in season 2 he was corrected that they were going in the Celestial Realm when he guessed that they were going in space-)
  This show is not only very fun and emotional, it’s also a very good example of the three acts structure, by having the three acts set in three seasons. So it can also be taken as an example or inspiration for a type of writing, being shown in a simple way to analyze
  And man, I’m so glad that this show was able to go this far and have this story told, because it feels so complete with only these seasons. They managed to tell an exciting story with likable characters (and my god I could make a whole other post about how they successfully made MK likable when he’s the classic “I wanna be a hero” protagonist-) in three seasons with episodes of 10 minutes each
  Like, I like lego ninjago, but how the heck did lmk manage to make me be this invested and even feel emotions that I didn’t feel throughout the many seasons ninjago has? The difference in writing shows, and I love the care in writing monkie kid has
  The way the ending was told was also smart. It left room for a new arc, but it also served the role of being a satisfying ending for the series. If it ended right there, I honestly wouldn’t have complained. But it still made me curious for the future because of the narrator telling me how a new story can begin after a finished one, plus having a scroll open, which is symbolizing the opposite of the classic closing book
  Now with a new season, it comes the question of what could be about, which I did stumble on some opinions. For example, the possibility of the arc being about the Celestial Realm, which I can see it since it can be a chance of introducing a new set of characters and villains for a new arc, while not having the need to create whole new characters for it
  I also highly believe that Nezha will be more involved for a couple of reasons:
- it wasn’t that much with him in this season, but it was made clear that he’s an important character
- he brings a new dynamic with Wukong. If Wukong and Macaque have a mutual rivalry, with Nezha is one sided while Wukong is just “Heyy my man! What’s up?”, which is classic and entertaining, so it can be used further
- the show loves having recurring characters, and I doubt this will be an exception
  Also, on a little tangent, but I find it hilarious how Nezha criticized Wukong for doing a very bad job at hiding the ring and said that he gave it to Chang’e to take care of it, but we know from Chang’e that the ring fell on the moon without knowing what’s the deal with it. So technically, Nezha threw the ring on the moon and called it a day
  At least DBK had the ring somewhere he could watch over and protect constantly, while being modified to look a little different from what it was originally. Not a perfect/ideal hiding spot, but there was more effort to it
  All three of them failed at doing this single job of hiding the most powerful weapon from existence tho, and I love every bit of it
  But aside from Nezha, I wouldn’t be surprised if other new characters introduced last season will appear again, because as I said before, the show loves having recurring characters. So as long as there’s potential of a character to be used again, they will be used again
  On the other hand, I think the characters who were less important in these seasons may not reappear that much/at all in the next arc, because it’s something normal with new stories: some characters are left behind to bring room for new ones. And we’ve seen already some of that happening in season 2
  Although, the chances of the Gold and Silver Demons coming back are high because they’re the iconic comic relief, who also have the important role of being the British Villains of the series
  I also saw some people that talked about how they would want to have more/bigger fights and/or bigger episodes, as long as the studio gets a bigger budget for it of course. Which I would like as well, but I’m very honest when I say that I don’t have the need for it
  Because this show is already good, and if they keep on doing what they were doing until now, I’ll be completely satisfied
  Genuinely, the only thing I want is for them to take their time with making the series, keep on giving care and passion to the story and characters, and keep on doing the series as far as they’re allowed to do so and as long as they have a story to tell for it
  So yeah, these are my thoughts about the show, and I’m very much looking forward to the future!
  As a final note: I love the crisis this show gives to people when they see how good the animation is while it’s about freaking legos. I’ll never get tired of seeing it
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reinlili · 4 years
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[Not Pictured:  One framed personalized piece of art by Lili done in watercolor and pastels that resembles a profile drawing of Joe with a fun watercolor haze of a background.   ]
Dear Joe,
Hi. It’s me. The one who talks in novels and I’m pretty sure that you shouldn’t expect anything less out of me when it comes to what should be a simple birthday message. I mean, how much can you write to someone who you known in all actuality for a month and even still, it feels like I’ve only really started to know you in the last week or so. Truth be told, I really didn’t think you liked me much at first. I’m probably the worst the worst at over analyzing things and when it comes to people I really do want to be liked. As much as I would love to say that people not liking me doesn’t bother me, it does sometimes.  – I digress though since this isn’t about me and I don’t think you think that I’m just some annoying, blonde girl from that CW show who blathers on end anymore.  Maybe I’m just that girl who talks way too much. If that is what you actually think, please don’t tell me. It would break my heart.  Either way, Happy 28th Birthday.
I set some pretty high expectations for your birthday gifts though and one thing that you’ll learn about me is that I always keep the promises that I make.  If I say that I’m going to do something, I do it.   I would like to really put a disclaimer that if you absolutely hate the drawing that you can burn it.   I was kind of going for a pastel and water color kind of thing.  It’s supposed to be you or the essence of you anyways. If you’re like super offended by my attempt at your profile, I won’t blame you. Anyways… the moral of this story is be careful what you ask for, especially when you’re asking me.
I did get you a real painting as well though to make up with mine.  I figured you’re still fairly new to town so you probably have room on your walls to fill up. This one is of the Salt Marsh on Plum Island. I might have done some research after talking about your family because I figured that you might enjoy having a little something to take you closer to home.  It seems like there are a lot of fun architecture and scenery in Newburyport or close to it.  I thought the Plum Island was especially pretty and once I saw this particular piece of art it spoke to me. Hopefully it speaks to you in the same way.
You also made it clear that you’re a Red Sox fan and since the actual stadium is a little out of my price range and not for sale, I got you one that you can build out of legos.  I felt like it was pretty appropriate to get you a toy when you’re never too old for logos and you, yourself said you didn’t feel like an adult.  If it helps you stay young then it’s all the better, I guess!   I did get some adult stuff too with little touches. I know that music is something that you’re passionate about so these are special picks that you can play with. Maybe they’ll help you on your way to make new music in your down time.   I know that the Guitar Amp Key Hanger is probably the most boring gift but it’s pretty practical and it’s kind of cool.  
Lastly, what kind of birthday it without something sweet? I kind of feel like this won’t be an area you’ll be short in since you’re a generally sweet person and so you’ll probably find yourself drowning in sweet stuff. This is from my kitchen though … Happy Birthday.
Lili ( & Dylan)
[ @joekrry ]
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pray4meireadstarker · 5 years
You’re Not Broken, Just Lost. (And I’ll Lead You Home) Chapter 1
Peter Parker has a problem. He knows that if he screws his boyfriend, he will do everything in his power to screw his boyfriend’s dad as well. And if he’s not focused on that, he’s letting any guy that asks fuck him. -- So when a new student named Harley Keener transfers to his school, Peter tries to stay away at all costs. Because he really likes Harley. And if they get too close, Peter will ruin everything by trying to sleep with his dad. - Simultaneously, Peter's career as Spider-Man is just starting to take off, thanks to the billionaire Tony Stark. And even though this started out as a simple favor, Peter is starting to get attached to the older man.
Click Here to read on AO3 -- Or continue on to read here. 
@peterparkerstarker @readysetstarker (If you want to be added to the tag list, just ask me!) 
Peter Parker knew that he enjoyed sex from a very young age. He could never really pinpoint an exact time, but he knew it started with his masturbating habit. The little boy would find himself rubbing against things as a child. From the pillow on his bed, to the banister he had slid down to get to the ground floor faster. He was alone for all of this, and didn’t think anything was “wrong” until Aunt May caught him rubbing up against the side of the couch.
“It makes my peepee tingle,” the six year old had explained, to which May just shook her head. She was obviously upset, telling Peter to stop, and that it was not appropriate for him to do. The boy was taken by surprise, and with not wanting to get in any more trouble, he agreed to not do it. Apparently this  act had to be a secret.
The first time Peter ever saw people have sex was when he walked in on May and Ben fucking in the kitchen. It was late in the night and the eight year old had woken up to get a drink of water from downstairs. As the boy descended down the first three steps, he could hear noises coming from the kitchen. Moaning and skin slapping skin. Peter instantly stopped and crouched down from the top of the stairs to watch as his uncle pump in and out of his aunt as she leaned over the kitchen counter, their backs to him.
The boy knew it wasn’t right for him to watch, this was something only adults should know about. But the boy couldn’t help but analyze everything that was happening. The way Ben pulled May’s hair with one hand, the other planted firmly on her hip. Or the way May held on to the counter so she could arch her back, letting her chest and neck be exposed. Peter was fascinated. And as soon as the two seemed to finish, Peter quietly crept back to his room, trying to process what he had just witnessed.
Of course the image of the two of them festered in Peter’s mind, and soon that was all he could think about.
“Have you ever seen people have sex before?” Peter asked timidly one day. He and Ned were currently building the newest Star Wars LEGO set, and as soon as Peter asked the question Ned dropped what he was holding and gave Peter a surprised, yet quizzical look.
“Like, porn?” Ned asked, his brows pushing together.
“What’s porn?” Peter asked, the heat rising to his face out of embarrassment.
“Dude! You don’t know what porn is?” Ned asked, a giant smile spreading across his face. You can see so many boobs! It’s crazy, here let me show you,” the boy said as he grabbed Peter’s wrist and pulled him out of the room and towards the family computer room.
“Boobs?!” Peter squeaked as the two entered the room and Ned began booting up the computer.
“Yeah, It’s crazy. I’ve never seen any in real life, but I’ve seen so many now. And that’s not all. You can see people kissing and rubbing up against each other and-”
“Aren’t we going to get in trouble?” Peter whispered as he looked towards the doorway of the room, afraid that Ned’s mom might come in and reprimand them.
“Nah. My mom said she was going to take a nap. As long as we’re quiet and you don’t tell, we’ll be fine,” Ned explained as he opened up the web browser.  “See, now just type in anything you want and then just add porn at the end. It will take you to all these sites,” Ned explained as he typed “Big boobs porn” into Google.
The two spent the remainder of the day just looking at the pictures and videos of girls with their shirts off, and sometimes a guy would put his penis inside of the girl, but it wasn’t as much as Peter wanted to see. So one day, when Ben was gone for work, and May was cooking dinner, Peter opened up his own computer and did the same thing Ned had told him to do.
Over the years the internet had been helpful, to say the least. With the discovery of porn, Peter had done a lot of research. He had looked up men and women having sex, and a lot of it reminded him of May and Ben, but nothing really got his heart racing like the time he had seen them in the kitchen. And then Peter discovered gay porn.
It was a revolutionary idea that two men could be together like that. Of course he had heard of gay people, but he had never seen them together like this. Soon it was all he could think about. Every day he would come home after school and look up more and more videos. He wanted to know everything.
From there Peter found out what he liked. He would watch two men fuck and he wished with all his might that he could be the one bent over the chair begging for more. He wished he could be the one that was fucked silly til’ he couldn’t form words. He wanted to please someone like these guys on the internet were doing. And that is also where he found out that he had a thing for older men.
Any time Pete came across a video of an older, bearded man, fucking into a smaller, younger man, (what he would later learn was a twink) Peter would immediatly click on it. There was something about an older, wiser, more experienced man taking control of him that just really turned him on. And by the age of 14, Peter knew that he desperately needed to have sex. He knew with his age that it would be difficult to find anyone older, but surely he could find someone closer to his age to fuck him.
Peter tried having a few boyfriends at school, but no one was really interested in more than just holding hands or hanging out after school and cuddling. But then Mason came into Peter’s life. It was spring of Peter’s freshman year and apparently he had caught the senior’s eye. At first the two hung out after school together. Mason would drive him, Peter and Ned to get ice cream, they would hang out at the arcade for a bit and eventually Mason would drive them all home. From there it turned into Peter coming over to Mason’s house after school to work on homework, and then one night Mason asked if Peter wanted to spend the night.
“Oh?” Peter asked, his cheeks flushing at the older boy’s question. “I uh...let me go call my aunt and see if it’s okay,” Peter shyly offered before pulling out his phone. And of course May said yes, none the wiser.
That was the first night Peter had ever had sex. It was great, and Peter had never felt anything like it before. Masturbating had nothing on this. But yet...something was missing.
“Pull my hair,” Peter had begged to which the senior’s face scrunched up.
“Pull your hair?” He asked. “Isn’t that going to hurt you?”
“Yeah, that’s the point,” Peter panted out.
“N-no. I don’t want to hurt you,” Mason explained.
And by the time it was over, and Mason was asleep next to him, Peter had come to a conclusion. Mason was sweet, but inexperienced. Not that Peter was any better. But Peter knew what he wanted, and Mason was not giving it to him. If he wanted it done the way he wanted it, then they were going to have to work on some things.
The next morning Peter padded into Mason’s kitchen. It was still really early, maybe six thirty, but Peter was starving. Wearing nothing but his boxers, Peter quietly went through the fringe looking for something to much on, yet nothing that would be problematic if it was gone.
“Oh, Peter. Sorry, I didn’t realize you boys were awake,” Mason’s dad said from behind him. In alarm, Peter turned around to see the older man in just his boxers and a gray t-shirt, holding a mug of coffee.
“Sorry,” Peter apologized. “Mason’s  still sleeping, I was just really hungry and thought I could grab something really quick. Sorry if I’m snooping,” Peter said, biting his lip.
“Oh no, you’re fine, take whatever you want,” Mason’s dad said with a smile as he continued to look at Peter. And the longer Peter stood there, the more he began to realize how he looked. Sex crazy hair, bite marks and hickeys all along his body. “It looks like you and my son had some fun last night,” the man then said, letting out a small huff of a laugh.
“Uh...yeah, I guess so,” Peter said as he took the milk from the fridge to pour himself a glass.
And honestly, Peter wasn’t sure what lead up to it, but suddenly he was being pushed up against the wall and kissed. He didn’t have a lot of experience with being kissed, but this was something he had never experienced before. This was someone who knew what they were doing.
“Shit, I’m sorry Peter,” Mason’s dad said as he pulled away in shock. “I shouldn’t have done that I-”
“No, No. Please,” Peter said in desperation as he grabbed onto the father’s arm. “Please I want this. You don’t know how much I want this. Please,” Peter stammered.
And just like that Peter found himself bent over the kitchen counter being fucked by an older man.
“Pull my hair,” Peter tried, hoping this time his partner would follow through. Mason’s dad stopped for a moment before his rhythm picked up and a greedy hand found it’s purchase at the top of Peter’s head.
“Oh, you like it rough, don’t you, you little slut,” Mason’s dad chuckled.
“Yes daddy,” Peter panted as he tried to pull away, making the pressure on his head greater. Soon a moan was bubbling out of Peter’s mouth but a hand was suddenly pressed against him, keeping him from making a noise.
“Shh,” the older man cooed. “We wouldn’t want to wake Mason.”
And that’s how it started. Peter would spend Saturday nights at Mason’s, the two would fuck, and Peter would try and make some progress with his “boyfriend”. Normally nothing would be to Peter’s standards, so in the morning Peter would get up early, only to get it done right by his father. It was exhilarating. It was everything Peter wanted.
And then Mason went to college and his parents moved. Mason promised they would keep dating, he was going to college in the city afterall. But with the absence of Mason’s father, things didn’t last for long.
From there Peter didn’t know what to do. He felt lost. He needed sex, it was a part of him. If he wasn’t focused on school work, he was thinking about sex. He thought about how he could just go on some sites and find some random guy to hook up with, but Peter was scared. What if he got kidnapped, or murdered? That was something Peter did not want happening.
And then later that year, Peter got the spider bite.
The spider bite had brought a lot of changes to Peter’s life.  He was stronger, faster, more flexible, and that brought confidence. But unfortunately there were bad things that the bite brought with it as well. His senses had been dialed up exponentially. If they were at a six before, they now sat at a constant twelve. And that ranged anywhere from his hearing and sight, to his sex drive. Most days he found himself in a haze of almost pain as he tried to deal with his mind telling him that he needed to be fucked. His body ached to be touched, to be relieved, and Peter looked for any way to satisfy himself.
No one in his school wanted to date him, and honestly, Peter wanted to keep up the quickly fading illusion that he wasn’t a complete slut. So Peter moved on to other schools to find guys. There were tons of high schools in New York. And while Peter should have stuck to boys his age, he quickly found out that college guys would fuck anything that looked at them the right way.
Slowly Peter’s grades began to slip. Suddenly school didn’t matter anymore. The only thing Peter was looking for was relief. The teen slowly began pushing the boundaries of his his curfew, or he would sneak out in the middle of the night. Add on his slipping grades, and things were not looking good for Peter.
Of course May and Ben were concerned. They tried talking to Peter, begging for him to tell them what was happening. But the boy never answered. He would simply try and dodge the question or change the subject.
“It has to be drugs Ben, that’s the only thing it can possibly be,” Peter heard May say from the downstairs living room. He shouldn't have been listening in, but his enhanced hearing didn’t care.
“I don’t know May,” Ben sighed heavily, Peter could tell he was tired. “I think he’s just going through a tough time.”
“At least talk to him,” May insisted, her voice wavering as if she were about to cry.
“Yeah, I will.”
And Ben did talk to Peter, or at least he tried before Peter blew up at him.
“I don’t know what you want me to tell you,” Peter screamed, his heart hammering in his chest as tears spilled down his cheeks. Ben had picked Peter up from school the next day, only to corner him once they were in the car to ask him, once again, what was going on. And obviously, Peter did not take it well.
How could he tell his uncle, one of the two people who he loved the most, that he was sleeping around with every guy he could get his hands on. “I’m telling you the truth. I’m not doing drugs. I’m not, I swear, I just-”
“Peter please stop lying to us. If it’s not drugs it’s something else. We just want to make sure you’re okay. That-”
“You’re so clueless! You don’t even know me anymore. You have no idea what’s going on in my life, and you haven’t shown any interest till now. So stop pretending like you care. You just feel obligated to take care of me because I’m the little cum-stain your brother left on your doorstep,” Peter huffed, his chest heaving up and down as he quickly fumbled for the handle of the parked car.
“Peter Benjamin Parker,” Ben warned, trying to stop his nephew.
“Fuck off and just  leave me alone,” Peter growled as he exited the car, the door slamming behind him. The teen didn’t know where he was going, he just knew he needed to get out of there.
The teenager walked down the sidewalk and quickly rounded the first corner he came to desperate to get away from the scene he had just made in front of Ben. Peter was so caught up with his own thoughts and feelings that when he witnessed the bodega he was walking past being robbed,he did nothing to stop it. The only thing he could do was numbly watch. Peter figured he could have easily stopped him with his new found strength. But what would be the point? Maybe that guy needed a break. -- So Peter just sighed and let the man run past him, pushing his way forward.
No less than a minute later Peter suddenly heard a gunshot from behind him. Peter honestly would have just kept walking, but suddenly his enhanced hearing was picking up two voices from down the road.
“I said, drop the bag and the weapon and get down on the ground,” A voice demanded, and Peter’s blood ran cold. Of course it was Ben. Of course, his uncle, the off duty police officer, would have seen the man and try to stop him. Peter’s gut twisted as he stilled, silently begging Ben to just let the guy go, but all that followed was some yelling and suddenly two more gunshots rang out.
Peter wasted no time as he quickly turned around and made his way towards the area where he had left Ben. The teenager silently prayed to any God that might be out there that everything would be fine, and that Bed would be okay. But as Peter rounded the corner, he realized that things would never be okay.
The first night of Ben being gone was absolutely the worst. Peter would never be able to forget the sound of May wailing as she was delivered news that her husband had been shot and killed on a dirty street in Queens. And while May crumpled to the ground in sheer agony, all Peter could do was sit on the couch in silence, staring at his hands that still had Ben’s blood on them.
It was all his fault. It was all his fault that Ben was gone. If he wouldn’t have gotten out of the car, Ben would be there. If he hadn’t been so angry at everything, maybe he could have stopped the robber that killed Ben. If only he didn’t have this raging sexual addiction that was ruling his life, if only, then maybe none of it would have happened and Ben would be here. Peter had never intended for any of this to get this out of control. Yet here he was, a used and broken excuse for a human. Now he could add murderer to his resume.
When Peter was finally pulled from his head, hours later, May was kneeling in front of him, wiping off Ben’s blood from his hands with a warm rag. The teen sucked in a harsh breath that caused May to pause, only to stop and look up at him with wide, bloodshot eyes. “Baby, you know I love you right?” May asked suddenly, breaking the long silence.
“Y-yeah, I know,” Peter responded, his voice weak in his throat. “I love you too.”  And with that May dropped the rag and buried her head in Peter’s torso, only to wrap her arms around him in an awkward hug as she continued to kneel on the floor.
“You’re all I got. Please don’t let me lose you,” she practically whispered as tears began to spill out of her eyes again. “Whatever’s happening, whatever it is, it doesn’t matter. Okay, I don’t care. Just please,  please , talk to me.” She stammered, pulling away to look at her nephew. We don’t have to now. But just promise me. Okay? I’m here for you.”
As she spoke, Peter slowly slid off the couch so the two were now kneeling on the floor, the older woman holding the smaller boy in her arms. Peter let out a choked cry and returned the hug, pushing his face in May’s long hair.
“Yeah. I promise,” the teen croaked.
They never did talk.
In the weeks that passed, Peter did everything in his power to try and distract himself from the reality that was his life. At first he tried staying at home again with May. The teen desperately tried to relieve himself on his own while still dealing with the dangerous thoughts that stewed in his brain. He needed a distraction, and staying cooped up in the house wasn’t doing it. But slowly, ever so slowly, Peter found a solution.
The teen couldn’t give up his sexual pattern that he had had before. In fact, if he was being honest, he was even more desperate to find partners. But with all of that he still felt hollow and distracted. Peter thought he could fill the rest of the hole in his chest with re-focusing on school, but he continuously felt anxious. The only thing that he found that would keep the turmoil away was putting himself in life-threatening danger.
It started with Peter thinking: “How can I make up for all the shitty things I’m continuing to do? How can I atone for what I did to Bed?  What is something that would make Ben proud?” And soon it turned into, “what can I do to make sure that something like this never happens again...to anyone.”
And just like that the teen began to test out the full extent of his powers. It started in the privacy of abandoned buildings and slowly Peter began to go out in public, putting himself on the line to save people. At first he didn’t have a name, just a dumb red and blue suit he wore around the city. But, based on his abilities, the city started calling him Spider-Man. And honestly, Peter liked it. So just like that he took a sharpie to his jacket, making the name official.
It had taken a few weeks with some trial and error, but Peter had found a regimen to all of his pain. It didn’t cure any of his bad thoughts, that was for sure, but it made it easier to exist.
“You think you’ll go home to May’s tonight?” Ned asked over the phone as Peter lounged on the top of a building. Neither Ned nor May had seen Peter in a few days, and it was starting to worry both of them.
“Nah,” Peter said, trying to ignore the concern that rested in Ned’s voice. “I’m on patrol right now and then I’m meeting up with his guy at Metro tonight. I think his name is Johnny. We’ve only talked but he’s willing to meet up after his night class gets over. If the sex is bad, I guess I’ll go back home. And if not...well..” Peter trailed off, fully knowing that Ned would get his drift. It was no secret to his best friend what he was doing, both with Spider-Man and his “extracurricular” activities. Ned was was best friend, he couldn’t keep anything from him, even if he tried.
“Yeah, yeah,” Ned said with a small sigh. “Well please be careful, May would kill you if you died.”
“No kidding,” Peter agreed. “We’ll, I’m gonna go. I’ll text you later tonight,” Peter said, knowing that Ned would appreciate a message letting him know that his best friend didn’t die. Ned was very supportive of Peter in his choices, but Peter knew that he worried the other. A text was the least he could do.
“Sounds good, see ya’ Pete,” Ned responded before the line went dead. With that conversation over, Peter dropped his cellphone into the hidden pocket he had in his suit before jumping off the building he had been sitting on. He had no idea where he was going, but that was okay. Danger had a way of finding him.
After two bike thefts, a robbery at the laundromat, and giving a woman directions, Peter decided to stop for the night. It was starting to get late, and Johnny would be getting out of class soon. But as Peter made his way towards where he left his backpack, he saw a large explosion a few blocks away. (And what the hell, was that explosion blue?)
Filled with new excitement, Peter changed his trajectory and headed towards the eruption. What he was not expecting to see was three men attacking a bank with something that looked an awful lot like alien tech. “Taking out a withdraw?” Peter chirped as he swung into the building through a broken window. He was obviously too excited to have assessed the situation, or maybe see that there were too many guys for his inexperienced ass to handle all at once.
“What the hell is this clown doing here?” A masked man asked as they all turned, pointing their guns at the boy.
“Look, I just wanted to let you know that what you’re doing is wrong...you know...highly illegal. And that-” Peter said before he was cut off by a blast that was shot at him, narrowly missing him as it whizzed by his head.
And suddenly Peter found himself in a full out brawl with the four men who stood in the empty bank, shooting beams everywhere as Peter attempted to stop them. At first Peter was confident that he was winning. But as time ticked by, the boy began to realize that he might be in over his head.
Towards the end, one man had him pinned to a wall with the energy coming from his tech while another man began to hit him with the butt of his own alien-tech gun. Peter was about to open his mouth to sputter out a smart-ass comment when suddenly the sound of repulsors made him still...along with all the other men.
“Ya’ need a hand kid?” a voice rang out as the iconic red and gold Iron-Man suit few onto the scene.
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grandmascottlang · 7 years
Love Letters (Peter Parker X Reader Soulmate!AU) P1
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Hey guys! This is for another writing challenge I entered. This one is for @theassetseyeliner  ‘s challenge! I was really excited to write this one! On to the story!
AU: Soulmate!AU where soulmates can see when the other is writing something on a body part. For example, if one of them writes a grocery list on their arm, the other will see on the same arm (and spot).
Prompt: “Your notes are really cute, but I swear that somebody will see them and then I’ll be super embarrassed.”
Summary: Sixteen-year-old Peter found his soulmate and now he’s really excited about it.
Words: 1.2k+
When [Name] first met her soulmate, she was a freshman in high school. She had grown up in a family who found their soulmates relatively early in life, so by the time she was twelve, most of her cousins and relatives had their soulmates.
Even though [Name] wanted to meet her soulmate, she also had a slight (very, very small amount of hatred) towards them. They always wrote little notes of what they needed to do on their arms (and sometimes, they wrote little math and science formulas). She hated that she had these notes scrawled onto her arms until her soulmate decided to wash them.
Every now and then, she would write on her arm and ask her soulmate if they could stop writing their notes whenever [Name] had a test the next day. Those were the only time the little notes stopped and on those days, [Name] really missed them.
On her first day of high school, [Name] was walking around in her school’s hallways, looking for her first-period class. That’s when she noticed that her soulmate had written their schedule down on their arm! She immediately felt excited, seeing that her soulmate had also written down the school name. They went to the same school and they had all the same core classes with her.
“Well, today will be awesome! I hope I figure who they are today!” [Name] thought, keeping a bright smile on her face as she hummed the tune to one of her favorite songs. 
With her carrying three thick textbooks in her arms, she couldn’t see very well in front of her. [Name] walked into someone, dropping all her books. “I’m so sorry! I couldn’t see you with all of my textbooks!” She laughed awkwardly to try and lighten the mood. 
“Don’t worry about it! I’m super clumsy so I understand,” a boy with messy brown hair looked at her, giving her a crooked (but cute) smile. “I’m Peter.” Peter held out his hand for her to shake. 
[Name] went to shake his hand, but then she saw the same scribbles from her arm. Her jaw dropped so far that it almost hit the floor. “Oh. My. God.”
She froze, thinking about what she just noticed. “Um, Peter? I think that you’re the one who’s been leaving me little scribbles on my arms every day.” She showed Peter her arms and he took them into his hands, looking them over as if he was analyzing a book for an English class.
 “Holy shit.”
Before [Name] and Peter got into a relationship, they both decided that they should become friends first and learn everything about each other. After being friends for a few years, [Name] finally got the guts to ask him out on a date. And, of course, Peter said yes.
Before their date, [Name] was looking for the perfect outfit to wear. She ended up picking out a pair of black slacks and a nice white blouse. She looked at herself in the mirror and thought that she looked ready to go. 
She got even more excited than she already was when she looked down at her arm and saw a note from the one and only, Peter Parker.
Hey babe,
I just wanted to tell you that tonight’s going to be awesome
[Name] smiled at the short little note. [Name] and Peter had been writing little notes to each other on their arms instead of texting each other. It just seemed more… natural and personal. She swiftly picked up a marker and started writing a short note back to him, right under his note.
Hey Pete,
I’m looking forward to our first official date!
P.S. Your note is so cute! Thanks for writing it!
He responded immediately with a smiley face.
After the two had been dating for a few months, their relationship got more intimate and their cute little notes became longer and longer.
One day in class, [Name] was taking notes on a concept that she wasn’t quite getting and Peter was writing a very long and intricate note on his arm for her to read (and smile at).
Hey [Name],
I know that we’re in class right now, but I can’t get you off my mind. I look forward to seeing your smiling face every day when I come to school and every night that we hang out. You’re the most beautiful girl in the world, and I’m so happy that you’re my soulmate. I couldn’t ask for a better girlfriend, lab partner, and best friend. I’m so happy that I met you.
Your one and only,
[Name] looked down at her arm after seeing Peter give her the look he only gave her when he wrote one of his notes to her in class. She read it quickly, while at the same time trying to pay attention to her teacher. She smiled and quickly picked a marker out of her pencil case to write a short note back to him.
Hi Pete,
Your notes are really cute, but I swear that somebody will see them and then I’ll be super embarrassed. I love you so much and I want our little notes to continue, it’s just that
“Ms. [Last Name]! Are you paying attention to my lesson at all?” the teacher asked angrily.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“What’s the answer to the question I just asked then? Hmm?” After [Name] couldn’t answer, the teacher walked over the [Name]’s desk to see what she was doing.
“Writing notes to your soulmate, [Name]? You and Parker have detention after school today.”
[Name] held her head in her hands as the bell rang and sighed. Peter walked over to her and began rubbing her back soothingly.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Peter, it’s fine! I still love you,” she said as she started packing up all of her materials. [Name] then walked out of the classroom, hand in hand with Peter, her note completely forgotten by the both of them until detention. She continued from where she had left off and explained what she had meant previously.
Hi Pete,
Your notes are really cute, but I swear that somebody will see them and then I’ll be super embarrassed. I love you so much and I want our little notes to continue, it’s just that I don’t want to get in trouble when we write these in class. Sorry, baby!
Love you!
In detention, Peter looked over at her and smiled, picking up a marker and writing back to her.
Okay, I understand. I love you, [Name] [Last Name].
I love you too, you big dork, Peter Parker.
Every day the little notes continued, along with both [Name] and Peter getting detention (not that they minded it because they just continued to write notes to each other).
They continued to write to each other, writing every day, every hour, every minute. It became an obsession. A habit or a hobby. And the two had no intention of stopping anytime soon either.
 They were the perfect soulmates, the perfect couple, and soon became the power couple of the school. [Name] always hung out with Peter, whether they built the LEGO Death Star or even had a Star Wars marathon wasn’t important when they had each other and a maker.
Part 2
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