#I still really hate that he ruined the 1975's music for me
outdoorpool · 10 months
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enchantred · 4 years
folklore reactions
the 1: i totally called the tone of this album. I also love how all the album is in lowercase. this is such a sweet song! melancholy but beautiful. however, joe???? is she good? are they good? um hello I need to do some research about who this is about bc its beautiful but also sad. God I love Taylor Swift. She truly is the greatest songwriter of this century. 
cardigan: I’m really excited about this one tbh. nice into? YESS LANA VIBES. dark edgy rep mood and im here. how is this album already better than lover? also is she okay again? like i need to know about my girl. if this album doesnt win a grammy im going to riot. I love how poetic this album is. I didn’t really understand the black and white but I think I understand it now. 
the last great american dynasty: from the title im hoping also lana vibes but lets see. okay halsey 929 vibes in the beginning.  love the storytelling. I love this album so far. is this about the kennedys? is this about her past relationships? wait it totally is! marvelous? rhode island? or wait this is tiwwchnt? is this a reflection on her friendships? i’m so curious. Love the background instrumentals. wait no i’m wrong this is about her house? or the lucky one? i too had a marvelous time ruining everything also this is a mood
exile: I’m not the biggest fan of bon iver so i’m not too excited about this one, but i’m open to it, I guess. This is very The Last Time of her and I love that song so. oh no sad again. you were my crown now im in exile! no no please taylor be happy im going to straight up cry. I really hope she’s doing okay, but this song is beautiful. okay some quick research and taylor and joe are still together and apparantly he wrote things which makes sense 
my tears ricochet: very its nice to have a friend of her. okay i def hear the jack antonoff in this song. another sad song. :(  Wait yes here comes the orchestra why is this speak now x 1989? im here for this part of the song for sure.  florence inspo for sure.  
mirrorball: wait this is very fearless era is it not lmao? like the vocals are floaty and seem younger. okay this is sweet. yes begin again vibes I love it!!! yes empowerment and happiness!!!!! this is my favorite so far. This is what Me! wishes it was. hush! this is so relaxing. tbh i did think she said “im still on my toilet” instead of “tallest” so lets see if anyone else makes this mistake.  wait THIS IS THE LUCKY ONE PART 2. beautiful 10/10
seven: this is about the lover album going to call it. okay why does this literally not sound like her at all? wait im so wrong. like this is fairies in the field and she sounds like an irish folk singer from the 90s. this is cute. cottagecore lesbians on tiktok are going to use this sound for sure lmao. who does she sound like? ok i am not a fan of this song just going to put that out here now its kinda boring. 
august: if theres not an upbeat song on this album i will freak out. ugh another slow song. wait this is happy! yay! very beautiful kiss for him. why do i get like past romance vibes from this? (tom????) we love yearning. cruel summer who?also fearless vibes from this too.
this is me trying: based on the title im worried again? i almost do who???? I got wasted like all my potential ugh mood. why can’t she have the album booklet secret sentences again i sure hope she does omg. call it what you want also. 
ilicit affairs: now this has got to be about the getaway car triangle. can i be right about one thing. yearning again, but nice this time too. HIM! this is very red era and I don’t know how to feel about it. treacherous inspired this for sure. okay this is my favorite because its lowkey a diss track. dear john vibes also!
invisible string: never grow up vibes. however, I still need to know if taylor is okay like genuinely because i’m scared lmao. I hate it when people are sad esp her and like her albums define my life a bit so if shes sad im sad? bad blood lmao. aww time heals everything, this is so cute i sure hope shes happy. we love a self referencing queen. 
mad woman: the man part 2? oooh swear words. is this about k*nye? is this about k*m? wanting me dead has really brought you too together? who else? ive got to find some fan theories omg
epiphany: the 1975 vibes? i swear if this is instrumental.. okay why does this sound like a small british child singing in choir. its really beautiful though, no insult meant I just don’t really listen to music like this ever. its not really my aesthetic but I can appreciate it. 
betty: my friend freaked out about this song so from her reaction its got to be either confirmation of Kaylor/taylor being gay, the song is some weird genre thats not taylor, shes pregnant, or just really deep lyrics that hit differently? lets see. wait COUNTRY TIME? YO. oh no what did she did to betty? wait i feel uncomf. whats abigails opinion on this i need to know, were they friends? yikes friend breakup i’ve been there. is this from someone else’s perspective i gotta know. yay she goes to the party!!! wait what cardigan? whats happening im so ??
peace: interesting......this is beachy I love it? its nice to have a friend vibes again. she sounds like.. not herself? this is so different from everything she’s done before I need to sit with it and listen to it before i understand. clowns to the west. her voice sounds so beautiful here and so mature? i honestly was ready for this era after rep but not right now? idk how I feel about it. 
hoax: not s single upbeat song :(((((. faithless love??? not cute. is she going to perform any of these live i cant really imagine it. new york? aw no she’s sad my baby girl. hmm. don’t like this one. the vibes are great but I just dont like them. 
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storiesaboutcole · 6 years
Pointless (Part 4)
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
Cole disappeared from your radar again after that awkward encounter with him at Duan’s. But you sort of knew that he’s back shooting in Vancouver or was it New Orleans? Because news flew around pretty easily when you share the same circle of friends, of course. Your friends were careful not to mention Cole around you, but Duan being Duan, she did sometimes slip out his name once or twice. You heard from her that Cole was not being his best - shows up drunk and moody to sets and his family were getting worried. Naturally, the ones close to him started to blame you for it. Everyone assumed that you and that guy from work were happily dating - thanks to Cole for spreading the fiction. But, you were fine about it though. Guarding your own heart was your main goal and you weren’t expecting to be friends with Cole again anyway. Even after he poured out his feelings to you that night, you just knew it’s the best for you both to just stay out of each other to avoid unnecessary conflicts. You and him were never gonna make it. It’s the best for him. Most importantly, it’s the best for you too.
You bumped into his twin one afternoon. The warmth that existed between you and Dylan were evidently fading away. He asked how you were etcetera but you just knew that after what happened, he’d naturally be on Cole’s side. You considered asking how Cole was doing, but you just left it there.
“Are you okay?” Dylan asked again, like he was really concern with your well-being, not like a casual are-you-okay kind of question.
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” you clarified, chuckling.
“I don’t know. I just thought that after finding out about it, you’d be upset or something,” he shrugged.
“Find out about what?” you asked, blinking.
“Cole and Lili... Wait! You don’t know, don’t you? I’m so sorry that I brought it up I just thought Duan would have...”
“Don’t know what, Dylan?” you asked again with a firm voice.
“That Cole and Lili are really dating now?”
Hearing Dylan said it triggered something in you and you felt the ache in your stomach and the tightness of your throat. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Dylan whispered out of kindness.
“No. Don’t be,” you smiled, fighting the tears that were forming around your eyes. You cursed yourself for being too gullible. You should be expecting this. Your instincts were always right! “That’s good to hear. They are meant for each other.”
Dylan hung his head to look at you. You forced a huge smile within you and a good excuse to leave. He offered to buy you lunch, but you politely declined as you hugged him goodbye.
When you got home, you considered calling Duan to ask her about it or there’s another option of Googling whatever details you could find from the internet. You clearly couldn’t stalk Cole’s Instagram anymore because being dramatic and bitter as fuck, he’d blocked you from following him. But there’s Lili’s Instagram. Maybe you could...
You snapped out of your ridiculous thoughts as your inner soul scolded you for being so lame and stupid. Why do you even care if Cole were really dating Lili anyway? It’s non of your concern anymore!
It was a little before 7 when Duan knocked on your door. “Y/N, you’re coming with me. Craig has gone somewhere else and, and... Are you okay?” she asked.
“God! Why is everyone asking me that question today?” you groaned.
“Well, sorry, Miss Cranky Pants. Your face just screams ‘I’m Not Okay’, what am I supposed to ask? Are you hungry?” she laughed.
“Yes. I am actually hungry, thank you for asking” you rolled your eyes.
“So get ready!”
You and Duan went to a chinese restaurant in Brooklyn and you regretted filling yourself up with egg rolls up to a point of barfing. Duan knew that you’re the kind of person who’d stuff your face to death when you’re upset, but she was being careful not to ask anything, although she sort of knew that you were not feeling okay. You were glad that she was that kind of friend who’s just so understanding.
The next stop was a bar you’ve never been before. You were puzzled by Duan’s choice of hang out place that night because you knew she’s definitely not a bar person.
Like reading your mind, she explained upon entering the door, “Craig told me to meet him here. I hope you’re okay with this place.” The bar looked like it was built in the 40′s but has a very modern interior. You liked the fluorescent pink lightings hanging on the seasoned brick wall, which was very The 1975, you thought to yourself. You sat at a table and Duan went to order. 
Duan returned with two Long Island Teas, to which you smug a smile. The noise at the bar started to pick up as the people around you were having fun. You were taking a sip of your drink when you heard a familiar chuckle from behind. The voice has a crack that you knew to well. Cole. You looked up at Duan, before turning your head. She had clearly spotted him first as she glanced at you carefully.
“Y/N, I didn’t know he’s gonna be here. I swear. Do you want to leave?” she thoughtfully asked.
“Don’t be silly, Duan.”
You breathed in hard and turned your head. There he was, standing right behind you, trying to navigate a space for him and Craig to sit. You then saw a beautiful blonde appearing from behind him, a face that radiates sunshine and warmth, her blushed lips smiling thoughtfully at you. Of course. Lili.
“Y/N! OMG! It’s been too long,” she hugged you tight like nothing was wrong between you guys. You just didn’t know if she was really naive or she really did not think that she has done anything wrong to you. You mentally slapped yourself. Of course Lili did nothing wrong to you, you idiot! Returning her smile, you relaxed and hugged her back. You couldn’t help but glance at Cole who was eyeing you and his girlfriend with a clear horror on his face. Like you, he was not comfortable with it too. Lili went on to greet Duan and you were left there, having to face your ex. 
You only nodded at Cole. No hugs, because you were beyond politeness. You had no idea what you were meant to say to him. Obviously, he did not either. The tip of his hair was touching his cheek and you remembered the time he’d let you fondle with his hair although he was the most sensitive about anyone touching his hair. He’d only let you to do it, and you felt really special. The memories of him smashed through you like a violent storm. 
“Didn’t expect to see you here,” he slipped out, as he slipped his arm around Lili’s waist. It hurt. It almost felt like you were ruining a perfect night of a double date or something. It was a fuck up thing to say, you thought but that’s Cole. He’d speak his mind before his brain even allowed him to.
“Yeah. I was just leaving,” you lied. Duan and Lili both looked at you awkwardly. Craig being Craig, he was pretending to listen to the music playing as he bit his lip.
“Stay, Y/N,” Lili said out of kindness. “There’s so much of catching up to do.” Catch up? Seriously? What does she want to catch up on anyway? Probably ‘Hey, so Cole and I are really fucking now. Just so you know.’ Is that what she wanted to catch up about?
“Oh, let her leave. What is she doing here anyway?” Cole said bluntly.
“What?” you squeaked out in pure disbelief. You quickly gathered your purse and stood up. Duan was calling for you but you reassured her that she should stay with Craig, that you were okay leaving alone. Craig and Lili were glancing at you with clear shock in their eyes. You bid your farewell and quickly stepped outside of the bar. You lingered there for a moment, feeling dizzy. You were terribly hurting and in pure agony. Cole was purposely trying to hurt you and he won. He just knew how sensitive you were when it comes to Lili. He fucking read through you like you’re a book he wrote. His words and actions were very clear. You understood that it was a firm ‘Fuck you’ from him because you just knew him too well. 
You managed to hail a cab and as soon as you sat in it, you started to bawl.
Months went by. The heartbreak, like all wounds, eventually began to heal. There were still scars left but it didn’t hurt as much - it only reminded you of the good times and memories with Cole. Once the anger and hurt was less, you actually gathered the strength to love again. You once thought love was a tough concept to grasp again, but you told yourself to give it another chance and open your heart to someone else. You weren’t seriously dating yet though, but you were glad that your relationship with ‘your friend from work’ was blooming into something that certainly felt exciting. 
You stood in front of the mirror, getting ready to go on a dinner date. You looked at yourself for a moment. Happy. Content. Moved on. You were glad to see your new reflection. 
Your phone rang and you thought it was your date calling. Like a ghost constantly reminding you of his existence, Cole’s name flashed up on the screen. You just looked at your phone until it stopped ringing. Feeling glad that you didn’t have to answer it, you put your phone down, but it rang again shortly after.
You were contemplating a decision as your phone rang again and again. You decided to get it over and done with, so you picked up.
Like he was shocked that you answered his call, you heard him gasped. “Hello Y/N?” His voice was shaky. Your heart was beating so fast that you started regretting your decision to pick up the phone.
“Hi,” you replied short. You waited for him to say whatever he wants so you could quickly hang up.
“How are you?”
“Fine.” You didn’t ask how he was though. You just wanted to keep the conversation as short as possible. And you didn’t want to know the answer if you were to ask him. You’d hate hearing him said he’s fine or not fine, because either way, you just knew his answer would bother your current state of calmness. “What do you want?”
You could hear him breathing hard down the line. You waited as he was trying to figure out how he would word it.
“I’m... Uhm, I’m in the city. Do you want, uhm, to grab a drink or something?” Naturally, you froze.
“I don’t know. Lots of things happened. Lots of things happened that I want to tell you about.” It sounded like a job of a girlfriend. Or a close friend. But you both knew you guys were nowhere near the being friends territory.
“Okay. Okay. I missed you, alright? I missed you all the time and I can’t stop thinking about you, Y/N.”
No. Not this again!
“Cole, you can’t keep on doing this,” you scolded him.
“I know. I know. It’s just, Y/N, please, let’s have a drink so I can tell you everything. I feel like I need to tell you this before I go insane.”
Then, you heard the doorbell. 
“Hang on. Someone’s at the door,” you told Cole. For a split second, as you unlocked the door, you were panicking and worried that Cole would be standing  there. But it was your date. He smiled, and looked at you confused. You pointed at your phone and mouthed ‘Cole’ at him. Being the most understanding person on earth, he nodded and let himself into your apartment so you could finish your telephone conversation.
“Uhm, Cole, yeah, sorry about that,” you said, as you sat yourself next to your date. He held your hand like he he understood you were needing the emotional support from him.
“Were you expecting someone? I’m sorry for calling in like this.”
“No, it’s fine. It’s just uhm, my date is here.”
“Your... date?”
“Yeah, Cole.”
“Oh... I’m sorry. I am really sorry, Y/N. I didn’t know- Sorry for calling. I shouldn’t... shouldn’t have bother you like this. I’m sorry,” he repeatedly said. Your heart ached when you heard his voice cracked, but before you could say anything, he had already hung up the phone.
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sadprose-auroras · 5 years
‘About Time’ - Roger TaylorxFem!Reader (Part 1)
A/N: Hello my darlings! I can’t decide if I hate this or not, and I’m not sure if I’ll continue writing this, depends on the response. Please let me know if you want me to continue it (it would probably require way more parts, like a full on series). Hope you enjoy! - Also, this can apply to Ben Hardy’s portrayal of Roger. Whatever you prefer!
(This was totally inspired by a couple time travel fics I read a few weeks ago, I can’t remember the authors or the names but all credits to them for the time travel idea…. LOVE. IT. I just HAD to write my own, crappier version)
Find my other works here!
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 You sunk to the floor, your knees giving out beneath you. You felt ridiculous, curling up in a ball, in your wardrobe, but you had reached your breaking point; everything had suddenly hit you. As you hugged your knees, sobbing, your jeans became tear-soaked. Your mind wandered, as your cheeks flamed in embarrassment and shame about your current state, despite nobody being around. How did you get here? A few months ago, your life was great. You had a great job, a great circle of friends and boyfriend, and you were pursuing your passion; studying fashion design. Then, everything began to crumble around you. All your friends turned on you, you got fired, and your studies began to slip as a result, causing you to fail an exam.  
 If all that wasn’t bad enough, you found out your boyfriend of two years had been cheating on you for a year and 11 months. Go figure. It was as if the universe was playing some long, cruel joke on you, just to see how long before you gave up on trying to pursue any kind of happiness. Just as you came to the conclusion that you really had nothing to fight for, leaning your head back on the wall behind you and closing your eyes, the strangest feeling overcame you. Your head began to spin, and pins and needles covered your entire body. You tried to open your eyes, to move your body, but you were frozen. Your heart rate increased rapidly, and you began to think that this was really it. Whatever was happening, you were going to die. Strangely enough, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.  
 By some miracle, everything stopped. The pins and needles ceased, and, save a throbbing headache, you felt much better. You experimentally wiggled your toes, and you had feeling back again. Hesitantly, you opened your eyes, looking around you. It was dark, but you could make out the shapes of the clothes hanging around you. Oddly, you didn’t recognise any of them. The chair that was next to you when you closed your eyes was gone, replaced by a shoe rack.  
You stood up, closed your eyes again and rubbed your temples, trying to rid of the probable hallucinations. You racked your brain, thinking back to when you studied psychosis in high school. You couldn’t remember a thing. Was temporary paralysis a symptom? 
 You decided you needed to call a doctor. You pulled your iPhone out of your pocket, still in the dark, and opened up safari. You had no wifi, and no reception. Frowning, you opened the wardrobe door, the knob feeling unfamiliar, to be greeted by a figure doing the same. The door swung open suddenly, bouncing on its hinges.
 You both screamed loudly, and, without looking at the figure in front of you, you tried to push past to get away, however, a hand gripped you and pulled you back. 
 Your eyes became fixed on the man in front of you. You frowned, unable to tear your eyes off him. The hallucinations were getting worse; you were conjuring up images of people in your home. Hang on. You knew his face all too well; you had spent hours watching him drum and sing at concerts on YouTube. It couldn’t be, could it?
 “Who are you, and what the hell are you doing in my wardrobe!?” he asked, releasing his grip on you. You winced, rubbing where his fingernails had dug into you. This was all too much.
 “I should be asking you the same thing, why are you in my house? What’s going on?” you looked around the room, expecting to see your familiar bedroom; your posters plastered around the walls, your colourful duvet, and your plush white carpet. Instead, the walls were empty, the duvet was blue, and the carpet was grey.
 “I need to sit down,” you said, overwhelmed, perching on the edge of the unfamiliar bed. You glanced up at the man in front of you, his expression still shocked and wide-eyed, as he looked you up and down, his brows furrowing. 
 “God, you seem so real,” you laughed. “But there’s no way.”“What the fuck do you mean?” he replied. “I know I’m real, but I can’t say the same about you. I’ve never known anyone who can just appear out of thin air,” he shook his head in disbelief. 
 You frowned, rubbing your hands through your hair. “What do you mean, I appeared out of thin air?” your stomach began to sink. For reasons you couldn’t explain, something else was going on. Something much weirder than you initially thought.
 “Well, I don’t see how you could have got into my wardrobe without me seeing. I’ve been in my room for 20 minutes.” You glanced at his legs, frowning. What kind of person wears flared jeans anymore? 
 “I, um,” you began, a laugh escaping your lips despite yourself. This was all too ridiculous. You were actively avoiding eye contact with him. You figured if you acknowledged that it was him, at that age, in front of you, this would all go away. It was impossible. Suddenly, it all came together, as shocking as it was. It wasn’t him that was in the wrong place, it was you. This wasn’t your house. You had no wifi or reception. And, Roger Taylor, looking as he did circa 1972, was right in front of you. Had you time travelled? Your head span at the possibility. What else could explain these strange occurrences? 
 “What year is it?” you asked, this time properly meeting his eyes this time. Photos didn’t do the real thing justice; his baby blue eyes were maintaining steady eye contact with you, his lips were slightly parted, and his hair looked so soft and angelic. He was insanely beautiful. You internally cursed yourself. Now was definitely not the time.  
“1972…” he said, becoming even more confused. Your theory was confirmed. You’d watched all of the Back to the Future movies countless times, but you’d never imagined anything like that could ever really happen. Especially to you; plain, boring, old you. 
 “I know you’re probably not inclined to believe the crazy girl from your wardrobe, but I think,” you bit your lip, concerned at how he would take the news. “I think I’m from the future.” 
 “So, you’re telling me you didn’t do anything for this to actually happen?” Roger asked. After trying to explain to him a million times, that yes, you were in fact just as confused as him, and no, you didn’t climb through his window, you tried to remain patient. He had every right to be confused as hell, you would definitely react the same if you were in his shoes. Despite this though, he was oddly trusting, allowing you to remain in his house and actually giving you the time of day to explain your side of the story. He even offered you a glass of water and something to eat, which you accepted gratefully. You were starving. 
 “Yes, I was literally just in my wardrobe, then the next thing I knew we were screaming in each other’s faces.” 
 “How do I know you’re telling the truth? You don’t seem very sane so far. I’m going to need some proof. You could just be a crazy girl who will do anything to sleep with me,” he smirked. You rolled your eyes. So the stories were true, he really was cocky.
 “Don’t flatter yourself, Taylor,” you retorted. “And no,” you said quickly, as he opened his mouth to speak, “I don’t know your surname because I’m a crazy stalker.” Your mind wandered to your extensive Queen record and CD collection. Okay, so maybe you were a little, but he didn’t need to know that. 
 “I know because Queen makes it big. I mean, massive.” You bit your lip nervously. If Back to the Future taught you anything, nobody should know too much about their own future. For the first time in your life, you had to think about what you said before you said it.
“How can I convince you?” you asked.
“I don’t know,” he sighed. “What year do you claim to come from, anyway?”
“2019,” you bit your lip. 
His eyes widened in disbelief. “Shit,” he mumbled. “Am I….?”
 “Still alive? Yeah.” Suddenly, you had an idea. You pulled your phone out of your pocket, thankful it was still charged. You turned it on, the time and date you had left still displayed on the screen (18th January 2019, 11:00), in front of a picture of Queen from 1975. You turned the screen towards him. 
 “Holy shit, is that me?” he gasped, leaning forward. “2019.” He looked up at you, and you shrugged and nodded. You were thankful he didn’t know the implications of having a picture of somebody as your lockscreen. 
 “There’s something else,” you unlocked your phone, opening music and searching for ‘Doing Alright.’ You pressed play, the song pouring out of the speakers.
Yesterday, my life was in ruin
Now today, I know what I’m doing… 
“Oh my god, that’s our song! We haven’t even released it yet.” He chuckled. You couldn’t help but grin at his excitement, encapsulated by his gorgeous smile. 
 “Wanna hear more?” you smirked. It’s funny, you had never felt so comfortable around somebody so quickly. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but something about him relaxed you. 
 “Have you noticed I haven’t asked about that thing you’re holding, ‘cause I’m too scared to?”
 You laughed, covering your mouth with your hand. You’d spent the last half an hour playing Roger a few more Queen songs. A small nagging voice in the back of your mind was telling you to stop, to not reveal anything about his future, no matter how small. But Roger’s pleading to hear more won.
 “It’s actually a phone,” you said, to answer his question. “Well, that’s its main purpose anyway. You can use it to take and store pictures, play music, and use the internet. Which, well, you’ll find out about in approximately 18 years.”
 “I’m intrigued, what’s the internet?” he asked. You thought of all the unspeakable things you had come across on social media, and shook your head.“You don’t want to know.” He raised an eyebrow at you, and you tried to suppress a blush.  
You cleared your throat, averting your eyes from him as you straightened up in your seat. “What’s the time?” you asked. He glanced down at his watch. “3am,” he laughed in disbelief. “We should probably get some sleep. I’ll sleep on the couch.” 
 You shook your head rapidly, taken aback by his utter kindness. “Oh my god no, please, I will. It’s your house,” you said, getting up from the chair you were sitting on. He did the same. You both stood awkwardly, basically staring at each other. You couldn’t help but think of the times you watched a Queen documentary on TV, with the Roger of your time’s commentary. It was hard to believe the man in front of you was the same person.  
 He cleared his throat, tearing his eyes off you, and going into his bedroom, mumbling something about getting something for you to sleep in.  
 As you awaited his return, you couldn’t help but wonder why you were so focused on how flustered you were around Roger, and not worried about the fact that you were literally stuck in the wrong year, and had no idea how to get back. The funny thing was, you had no desire to. You hadn’t felt so at home in a long time, than when you were laughing and talking with Roger. He made you feel so safe, so quickly. And that feeling would only grow stronger when you both gave up on convincing the other to sleep on the couch, and ended up sharing his bed. 
When I was writing this, I couldn’t stop imagining rom-com moments. Like, the outfit section? A cute montage with a cute song. Damn I wish I could express the images in my head more clearly, in words. My writing sucks. 
“Y/N, wake up. Y/N!!” A familiar, yet foreign, voice startled you. As you came to your senses, you realised your usual soft, silky sheets were replaced with cotton ones, and an unusual smell wafted around you. You slowly opened your eyes, to be greeted by Roger leaning over you, a slightly annoyed look on his face. Fuck. It was real. He must’ve read your disappointment on your face, and he smiled sympathetically and nodded.
“Yep, you’re still here,” he mumbled. You couldn’t help but sigh; you’d hoped it was a really long, unusual dream.
“I have to go to rehearsal for a gig tonight. Do you wanna come?” Of course you didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to meet the rest of the band, and literally see the magic happen, you couldn’t help but feel like you were invading. But then again, who could say they had the chance to sit in on an early Queen rehearsal, especially knowing how successful and impactful they were going to become?
“I don’t – I don’t want to intrude,” you mumbled, sitting up in the bed and clutching the duvet around you, suddenly feeling exposed in Roger’s white shirt.
“Well it’s your choice, I understand that you probably don’t want to sit around with us when you could be finding a way back home or finding your parents or something,” he said.
Although you would never admit it, you wanted nothing more than to go with him. Not only was it literally history in the making, but the absence of your birth parents in your life, leading to a childhood of foster families who couldn’t care less about you, gave you a sense of independence at a young age. You knew how to be alone, seeking solace in music. Music created by the greats like Queen made you feel less alone, as silly as it sounded. It was your escape from the struggles in your real life.
“Wait, no. I want to come. If you don’t mind. But I need something 70s appropriate to wear,” you chuckled, glancing over at your high-waisted skinny jeans and cropped knit jumper folded neatly on a chair.
“I think that can be arranged.” Roger grinned at you, and you were struck with yet another wave of disbelief. Roger Taylor was going to lend you come of his iconic clothes.
After spending a couple of hours going through Roger’s clothes, which was your absolute dream, you finally settled on a pair of pants that were a little too short, and a shirt that was slightly too tight across the chest. You tried to spice up the outfit with a few of Roger’s necklaces, much to his dismay.
“Do I look okay?” you asked when you stepped out, twirling around with your arms out.
Roger, standing with a pile of clothes in his arms that you had rejected, furrowed his brows and looked you up and down. You couldn’t help but stifle a giggle at the sight; he was taking his job as your stylist very seriously.
“You’ll almost fit in,” he said, “although, the shirt is too tight,” he finished bluntly, gesturing to your chest. You folded your arms instinctively.
“Don’t worry, I won’t look at your boobs.” You frowned at this. Was that meant to make you feel better? Why did you feel slightly disappointed?
“Um, thanks?” you scoffed. “What should I do with my hair?” you tugged on each of your French braids. Roger walked towards you without warning, and pulled out your hair ties, running his fingers through your hair.
“Just leave it loose.” He said hoarsely, his face dangerously close to yours. Your heart was beating rapidly, and you couldn’t take your eyes off him. He was biting his lip in concentration, his eyes squinting as he adjusted your hair. It took everything in you to not lean into his touch; his fingers were so delicate. As he pushed a strand of hair out of your face, his eyes met yours.
“Perfect,” he almost whispered, his breath sending shivers down your spine. You knew you should pull away. You knew this would get way too complicated. Your rationality was telling you to snap out of it. But as his hands smoothly came to rest around your neck, bringing you closer, something else entirely was driving your actions.  Just as you began to lean in, he pulled away, clearing his throat loudly.
“Let me get you a coat,” he said, quickly rushing away from you. You bit your lip, cheeks flaming. You were humiliated. What were you thinking, trying to kiss him? He obviously wasn’t attracted to you; the weird, pathetic crazy time-traveller. You didn’t even belong here anyway, how could you possibly think he would want you? Your eyes began to well up, you just had to get out of there.
As you quickly began to gather your clothes and phone, furiously wiping the tears from your eyes, Roger returned with a fur coat in his arms.
“Here, this should fit – wait, what’s wrong?” he asked, realising your state.
“I’m just gonna go. I’m so sorry to have invaded your life like this, you shouldn’t have to deal with my weird ass problems. Thank you for everything. It was nice meeting you, I guess. I’ll never forget you,” you rambled, becoming increasingly embarrassed, trying to walk past him. He gently placed his hands on your upper arms, turning you to face him.
“Hey, hey, I don’t have to help you, okay? I want to. If you’ll let me.” he said, a surprisingly vulnerable look on his face.
“But, I’m burdening you too much! You can’t have me holding you back from living your normal life. You don’t want me clinging to your side like some kind of….” You paused, struggling to find the right words in your frazzled state. “Some kind of leech. I mean, I’m just annoying. For God’s sake, we have nothing in common! I’m technically young enough to be your daughter!”
Roger laughed softly. “Okay, first of all, you’re not a leech. And yes, it’s weird that you’re from the future, and I’ll probably never wrap my head around it, but so what? We shouldn’t get along, but we do.” You hoped he couldn’t notice your blush at this.
“And, lastly,” he said, a cheeky smirk on his face, “the thought of you being my daughter is gross, but me being your daddy on the other hand…”
“Oh my god, Roger! No!” you couldn’t help but laugh, as you rapidly shook your head. You couldn’t tell if he was joking or not; you secretly hoped he wasn’t.
“So, do you still wanna come to rehearsal?” he asked, all joking aside.
You sighed, hoping you weren’t being a burden. “Okay, give me that then,” you grabbed the coat off him, pulling it on.
“Do I look normal?” you asked.
“No,” he smirked, and you raised your eyebrows at him. “In a good way, though. Come on,” he said, grabbing your hand. You tried to ignore the jolts of electricity you felt from this sweet gesture. You never thought simply holding hands with someone would give you so many butterflies.
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