#I took a lot of ts4 pics with them some of which are on my other blog and it's hard to believe it's their first ts3 ones
mattodore · 9 months
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The BOLD THE FACTS tag with Theo (requested)
tagged for theo by @wldestluv-rs and @earthmoonz <3
The Rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty / other (theo is financially dependent on his wealthy parents and technically has no money of his own) ✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly (he overworks himself, gets very little sleep, smokes frequently, and abuses drugs… he’s not doing so hot) / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable ✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other ✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but hasn't been caught (theo uses illegal drugs) / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children ◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parents / not applicable / other (while technically living with his parents and being raised by them as a teen, theo was raised more closely by his au pair when he was younger)
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between ♦ disorganized / organized / in between ♦ close minded /open-minded / in between ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between (he can lash out but generally theo keeps a lot of his thoughts to himself) ♦ leader / follower (theo doesn’t like the spotlight) / in between ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown (theo hasn't had enough people in his corner to answer this one with any amount of certainty) ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown (similar to the above, theo hasn't dated enough to give a general answer for this)
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual ❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless / other (theo has sex regularly but that doesn't necessarily mean he's favorable... this isn't to say that he never wants or enjoys sex, but that he has a tendency to use sex in unhealthy ways. it's complicated.) ♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naïve and clueless / romance suspicious (doesn’t trust people not to hurt him) ❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naïve / inexperienced / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic ☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker ✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict ✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed (headache meds regularly and sleeping pills a few months out of the year) / frequently / to excess ☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater $ Splurge Spending: never/ sometimes / frequently / shopaholic ♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
tagging @wldestluv-rs for faye (i've got you nene ☝️), @veone for nick, @stinkrascal for vlad and also maybe amarie if you wanna, @omgkayplays for malaika, and @lucidicer for pogo and vincent whenever you come back from your break ♥
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melien · 5 months
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novvaable · 11 months
Get to Know Me- Sims Edition
thank you @hurricanesims for the tag <33
sorry for taking so long to reply, for some reason it took me ages to actually answer these questions🤠
What's your favourite Sims death?
i hate when my sims die.. i can honestly say i’ve never forcefully killed any of my sims as I get so attached to them. in this case, id probably say death by old age.
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
alpha! back when I used to play ts4 i gravitated towards maxis match.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
seems pointless to me lol
Do you use move objects?
yes!🫡🫡 impossible to build /decorate without it
Favourite Mod?
nrass master controller - it so universal and makes life a lot easier 🥺
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
my first expansion was university life. it will forever have a special place in my heart, I love it so much
Do you pronounce live mode or aLIVE or LiVing?
never even thought about it honest, probably like alive??
whos your favourite sim that you've made?
my girlie marcie, she’s come so far with me so I just have a special kinda attachment to her lol
Have you made a simself?
no i think this would just make me miserable
Which is your favourite EA hair colour?
none. I always find the tones of ea hairs to just be a little off? i just use custom colours
Favourite EA hair?
well i dont use any EA hairs they look ugly I have default replacements hairs by maryjane
Favourite life stage?
young adult
are you a builder or are you in it for gameplay?
only recently have i been in it for the gameplay. but i use that phrase lightly. i wil forever be a builder at heart.
Are you a CC creator?
barely lol. sometimes i post occasional things for dl. my knowledge of cc making only scratches the surface. i can do the basics like make poses, and custom photos (alongside sims and builds - but who doesnt).
ive tried to get into cc making a couple of times but its so complicated? i have mad respect for cc makers in the community. ill leave that job to the professionals.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
back in my day... lol not so much anymore. after i took a fat hiatus a lot of the people i used to regularly talk with moved on.
@pixelevia is still my girlie. she doesnt post much, but we talk all the time off tumblr and regularly get each other excited about sims storylines that are yet to come to life lol.
Do you have any sims merch?
yes.. i am embarrassed to say that when ts4 was release i pre-ordered the deluxe version. it came with a mouse pad.. its long gone now. but i always remember it having a funky smell ??
also i dont wanna talk about the fact i paid an arm and a leg for ts4 (i dont even play it?!) and now its free. forever going to be salty over this fact.
How has your ''Sims Style'' changed throughout your years of playing?
i'd like to think it has! considering my blog is old, i feel like it has grown with me and that reflects in the style of my sims. recently ive been striving for a slightly more realistic looks to my sims
Whats your Origin ID?
i do have an origin id unfortunately. (is it stil even called that?)
i have a lot of opinions on this new ea app bs. but we wont go into that.
Who's your favourite CC creator?
everyone! honestly anyone who has the skills to be able to make beautiful and functional cc are brilliant.
but just to name a couple:
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How long have you had simblr?
I had to check my email for this.. as of feb 2023, my blog turned 9 years old?! so I guess almost 10 years. (thats kind of mad)
How do you edit your pictures?
depends on the picture! usually for scenery pics I will just sharpen them and adjust the brightness / saturation / contrast.
for sim pics it really just depends on how bothered I can be.
I’ve recently made the change to gshade so that’s been doing all the heavy lifting for me.
I use hunnybee’s moon syrups preset <3
What expansion/ stuff pack is your favourite?
university life!! it was the it was the first expansion pack i got and so it holds a special place in my heart. its also a pretty awesome pack too.
@satellite-sims / @smallsimmer / @pixelevia @kitty-pixelz
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youredreamingofroo · 3 months
20-22 and 8-10 pleaseee ❤️
got a REAL big fan here, making me answer 6 questions 🤨
under the cut again cuz longggggg ass post LMFAO
20: Pick your favorite edit you've done
I dont really have a fav, its kind of hard to choose sometimes, but heres a couple of favs :)
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21: Pick your least favorite edit you've done LMAO okay, doing a couple again cuz its hard to pick
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first two sims have never been shared and I do plan to share them under the unrooleased tag, but anyways I hate the first one cuz of the text. I generally just hate all the pics I took from the second render, I just didnt know what i was doing or how to do the things i wanted to achieve. now LISTEN FOR THE LAST ONE, i know ITS CUTE BUT .... i just hate Leo's facial expression, its not how i want it to look and i couldnt fucking get it to look right, so i gave up on it.
22: is there an edit you didn’t like when you made it but like now?
so surprise surprise its actually my navi post pic, ONLY because the plan for this render was for it to be a like text conversation between an AI and Roo, so Roo is supposed to look annoyed at his phone and I only realized AFTER I finished rendering and got it into GIMP, just how stupid the conversation seems especially since some of the dialogue is supposed to be cut off but that doesnt work over text ykwim, and i ALMOST scrapped it, but I stuck it out cuz I thought it'd be cute idk, then I hated it, now I LOVEEEE it.
I dont think ill ever actually share the intended dialogue, but the AI was supposed to be named ROO - Recondite Ovoidance Overseer, and at the end of my navi post was supposed to be the end of the conversation with Roo commenting "That's not even how you spell Avoidance. Stupid technology." I mainly scrapped it cuz I figured nobody would read it and it doesnt make that much sense 🙃
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8: show an unedited screenshot and the finished product
Bringing back the Cataleya render (if you were expecting any TS4 screenshots im sorry 😭😭), honestly all the before and afters of the renders from that post would probably give you whiplash but this is the one that i thought best showed off "before and after" screenshots/renders
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9: show us your most recent edit an edit of my own edit cuz I made my laptop Roo themed and I needed a wallpaper version of the navi banner lmao
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10: show us your oldest edit okay now THIS one i can get behind because I actually really like my first edit now looking back on it, im also doing a second one cuzzzzz im really proud of it as well looking back on it. My OLDEST oldest edit (the Catty one) was my first blender render as well, that one I used someone else's pose (i dont remember which one) and then my very next edit (of Constance) is where I made my own pose with a reference and it came out pretty nice, the vogue stuff is reallyyyyyy cute I love it, granted there is a LOT of noise on the first vogue one but from faraway it looks rlly good
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auroraeternal · 5 months
If I could say something 🙋‍♀️
What is with sims 4 creators and making lofts. Like there’s so many lofts. Everyone is building a loft. Why? It’s like the sims 3 sims with those face apps making them uncannily smiling… it’s just everywhere …
Hiii! I miss your asks :3 Sorry for late reply, I had to take a long time to figure out my answer. About sims 4 lots: I don't know about it, I only check ts4 for new stuff that I want to convert 😅 And for ts3 AI edited sims: I think it was a part of a more huge trend, because I've seen pics of real people, that edit their photos with these AI. I don't really feel "uncanny valley" effect actually, I think it looks just tasteless for me. But if people likes AI art, its good for them.
...Longread with my opinion about AI and some personal stuff under the cut, hope this will be interesting to read:
I don't really feel good about generative AI, not only because their devs are unethical in selecting material for training (like using artworks without consent), but also because when I try to use them they become artificial stupidity instead of artificial intelligence. So I'm not afraid of "ai is gonna rule the world" or anything like that. There was some cases when media corporations tried to use AI to replace humans art- and/or text- work, but it came out shitty. So I don't think that in the near future like 95% of "big" media will became AI generated. I hope there was more accessible that type of AI, that can automatize some monotonous and annoying stages of human work (e.g I recently retouched a photos for a friend of mine, and although his skin was in pretty good condition, it took quite a bit of time to clean up various blemishes, with AI it may be way more faster), but there is not that much, and that type of software prices is really insane (also that really annoying that there is little-to-no stuff that you can buy for ever, everything is for subscription now). What worries me most of all is that it will become another bubble that which when it burst will leave a lot of people without work and without money. It bothered me because of my other friend who is studying computer science and she's interested in AI and I wouldn't want that bubble to burst so she doesn't get rich. And this scenario looks more realistic than anything :(
Thank you for reading <3333
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musicallisto · 2 years
Oh yeaaaahh haha I used to be crazy about TS3, though in the end I mostly made stories with it rather than actually played 😂
Dug up some story pics for you from 2014 😄 The story was called "Sininen Ruusu"/"Blue Rose" and I was extremely proud of it. Basically it told about a school bully, Crista, who had a difficult relationship with her father (because he was out of town a lot because he was a highly respected businessman) and then she fell for this shy, quiet boy, Noah, and her friends tried to bully him which ultimately made Crista realise how she had been and slowly became a better person. Noah was shot later in the story and her father ended up brain dead because of that same guy (he was obsessed with Crista) who shot Noah, Noah lost his memory and thought Crista is still his bully which ofc created more drama, then Crista got to know who's the shooter and the chapter ended there. Then one of my piggies died suddenly and I ended the story and deleted the blog in a wave of emotion (regretting it deeply til this day, I only have half of the first part's pictures too 😭 The whole story as text still exists but pictures are gone), but Crista would have went to court with the guy who shot Noah and killed her father and then work with Noah so he'd remember her or at least start to trust her/believe her and in the end Noah would have got his memory back and they would have lived happily ever after. (Hshshsh I just realised, they never changed clothes and it was that way with everyone's stories???)
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Also dug up some of my sims I'm still proud of and who often were side characters in my stories:
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Also my last selfsim (made her for my 21st bday):
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I decided to leave the community at the end of 2016 though because there was a loooot of drama. Not Simblrs though, they were always supportive and I never got one single anon hate message, only praise, but I left the Simblr world earlier than I left the Finnish community because I felt like my English is not good enough + I felt insecure of my sims and compared them to everyone else's sims all the time. People enjoyed my scenery pics and I got a lot of notes on my scenery collages (like hundreds, one of them got almost 5k) but never on my sim collages which made me overthink it. The Finnish sims story community on the other hand had full of unsupportive pricks and cynicism bloomed. I was mostly hated because I almost never finished my stories because my mental health went in huge waves at the time and I deleted blogs out of nowhere in a whim of emotion.
But I also got 3 friends from there who are my friends to this day, actually we're going on a lunch date with one of them next Tuesday 😄
(Also one scenery pic, only one because it won't let me add more than 10 per post/ask)
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And yeah, maybe I should try 😄 I'm not sure if I want to go through the bug and crash fight with TS3 though, I uninstalled it a while ago because it just took space from my PC because I never felt like fighting with it and installing with my internet speeds will at least take 24 hours.
Also despite me not really liking TS4, I own almost all expansion packs, stuff packs and game packs because a while ago someone literally got angry at me for not liking TS4 and gifted me all of them which were released at the time because she wanted to "prove that TS4 is superior" and then just blocked me??? That was really weird 😂😂 But might give that a try too and try to create a sim/decorate a house/give makeovers to Maxis-made sims and houses, I'd just have to go on a grand CC hunt which I don't really enjoy.
omg all these screenshots are really sending me back in time when I used to write sim stories with TS3, I shall never forget that time... looking back it was so cringe askdjdjdjd but I had a good time still
and your screenshots look amazing! mine were really crusty because I figured out how to use Poseplayer really late, and when I eventually did I went crazy and downloaded every pose I could find lmfao,,, here are some of what I could find in the caverns of my old folders (she was the MC from this massive TMR Newt fanfiction I wrote in like 7th grade, I was obsessed with her but please go easy on me, this was 2013😭):
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also, I scoured the old Sims 3 blogs I would occasionally post on in 2014-2015 (this is unearthing middle school relics I didn't want to remember asjdjdjdj) and dug probably deeper than any normal person would've, but I can't remember the name of the particular blog I posted on! I remember doing a Legacy challenge (?), I'll try to look deeper and find it!
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dystopianam · 2 years
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Unfortunately for us Italians, the DLCs always come out in the evening, so we always have a few hours to play them before having to turn off the PC and rest our eyes throughout the tiring day (we wait a lot and then we have to play them even at an inconvenient time...) Obviously I'm not complaining, it's normal that we can't make the hours match for everyone but now I want to play with it but I'm too tired ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ I was also very unlucky because every time a new DLC comes out in the game it RAINS and there is always such a gray atmosphere that it NEVER lets me enjoy the new scenarios! And as if that were not enough in my save it was Friday, so I was able to do only one school day and I already have to go to the school prom on Saturday... isn't funny in this way! Anyway apart from the school which is umh... horrible, I love the scenery (who was the EA worker who took those pics/videos of the scenery in the previews that didn't show Copperdale's true beauty at all??) Aside from all of that, there are a lot of new things to discover and I can't wait to play well! (I love Social Bunny so much!!) And as you can see from the screenshots I'm going crazy with gshade, but isn't Gshade the problem, but TS4. Each scenario has a different lighting and there is practically no Gshade/Reshade preset that works for ALL scenarios. The last one I had chosen in some past posts was very nice, but that pinkish tone got me tired... I love pop colors but as I have already said, each scenario has a different lighting and it's too difficult to find a perfect preset for everything... If anyone has any suggestions for any presets that work for any scenario please tell me!
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rstarsims3 · 3 years
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Hello, hello!
I am back!!!
Actually I was never away, just a bit inactive. The thing is that after meeting with my uncle for a few hours (at the end of November), my household has also been suspected of contracting this nasty thing that has screwed up 2020 for the entire planet. You can imagine the constant state of tension we’ve been in until my uncle’s results came. Fortunately, they were negative & we’re all good and healthy. But it did take 5 days for the definitive results to come out. Apparently the first set of tests was inconclusive...
Also my computer had some problems with the fan, which had to be replaced. Took it to the service guys, purchased and installed a new fan, but still there’s some strange noise everytime a program (S3 included) requires more resources. Of course, after that I had to reinstall everything, Windows included.
I did not stay away from our favorite game. I kept working on my worlds and other stuff. Removed the ST Premium Content requirement for Coconut Palms Island, made a populated version of the said world, finished Pine Spring Valley (except for the flyover) and made a lot of progress with Port Valentine. I’m still testing so I need a couple of weeks more before I can post them. The first 2, that is.
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Also -as you can see in the first pic- I converted some stuff from TS4 and as a result, a post with 6 CAS items is coming up next. I gotta say, I like the way the EA meshes are built although the low-poly for TS4 is bugging me a bit. But I’ll probably adopt this style for my clothing, instead of using Marvelous Designer which frustrated me so much that I was just so close to giving up the CAS CC creation.
I also created a Patreon page (although I have no idea how to use it) because creating stuff feels more authentic when you have one of these babies, amirite?! :))))) I’m not expecting anything, everything I create and share is for free (while respecting my T.O.U), but I see that having one is a trend so why not. 
So, that’s it from me. For now. See ya later!
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murfeelee · 4 years
Chinese Creatures INSP
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This set was directly inspired by Chinese mythology and folklore around the “Asian unicorn“ the Qilin (Japanese Kirin) and the “Chinese chimera” the Bai Ze.
I decided to let y’all DL the files separately in a folder dump, cuz there’s basegame CAS CC and Pets EP CC included, in case some of y’all don’t have Pets and just want the CAS stuff.
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Included are 9 files:
TS4 to TS3 Hairy Tail ACC
TS4 to TS3 Unicorn Tail ACC
AMR Oriental Horse Ball for Pets EP
Qilin Antlers + Whiskers as Accessory for Horses (Pets EP)
Qilin Antlers + Whiskers as Bridles for Horses (Pets EP)
Qilin Kirin Horse Coat (Preset for Pets EP) the green one
Kelpie Kirin Horse Coat (Preset for Pets EP) the blue one
Qilin Kirin horse .sim file (the green one)
Kelpie Kirin unicorn .sim file (the blue one)
Download folders (package files only) : Mediafire | SimFileShare
Descriptions & preview pics under the cut:
Tail Accessories for Sims
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The TS4 to TS3 Hairy Tail ACC was converted from this one here, and the TS4 to TS3 Unicorn Tail ACC was converted from this one. Both tails are Unisex, Found under Garters, and fully recolorable.
And that’s the end of the basegame CC -- everything else REQUIRES the PETS EP.
AMR Oriental Horse Ball for Pets EP
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I took my old AMR decor ball here and remade it for horses to play with.
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Found under the other Pets stuff for Horses in Buy Mode. Fully recolorable, blahblah.
Antlers & Whiskers Combos
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This comes in 2 versions: Qilin Antlers + Whiskers as ACCESSORY for Horses (Pets EP), and Qilin Antlers + Whiskers as BRIDLES for Horses (Pets EP). I set the to Naked, Unisex, Fully recolorable, etc. Credit to Ginko for the antlers, to match their Sims accessory.
Now for the headaches:
2 Horse Marking PRESETS, and 2 Horses
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After being asked about my horses, I decided to share them with y’all. HOWEVER:
I use a lot of extra sliders & CC which are NOT included
You will NEED the extra horse CC I already listed HERE; I DID NOT make/include those manes or scales!!
I stopped sharing Sims/Pets & Lots for a reason
The Markings Presets DO NOT include the actual scaly markings -- just the preset for their arrangement & colors on my horses.
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The Markings Presets are found in the saved presets under the Advanced section for horse Coats in CAS.
I also shared the horses themselves as .sim files: Qilin Kirin (the green one), and Kelpie Kirin (the blue one). The .sim files go in your Saved Sims folder, and are found in the Premade Horse bin in CAS.
And that’s it!
Download folders (package files only) : Mediafire | SimFileShare
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nikatyler · 5 years
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Look at that, I’m doing replies after...more than a month? I don’t know. I didn’t check. I also won’t reply to every single thing because 1) my activity feed doesn’t show it all, as always and 2) it’s too late to reply to some things, it would be pointless now. However, thank you all for commenting from time to time, it makes my day. And well, I was against it at first, but I might start replying directly under the posts, I’ll only do replies posts for things I want to talk about more.
Life updates? I’m doing good. My life, surprisingly, didn’t turn upside down when I started uni. My social life also didn’t change too much. But I have a few friends that I talk to in the classes we have together. It’s not a friendship friendship if you know what I mean, but hey. It’s only the beginning, things might change. I’m not losing faith that I’ll walk out of this school with at least one friend.
Played Roses a bit in the past three days. The random gameplay part was boring, I didn’t know what to do, my heart really wasn’t in it, most of the time I just left the game running and interfered only when it was needed, so I cut down on that and went straight to the storyline. I’m not discontinuing this legacy before Regan gets a happy ending. Once Regan is happy, it’s Golden Days time...which means even more intense storytelling. Yay. I’m already exhausted just thinking about it but also, it’s exciting. I love that story so much and I can’t wait to bring it to life.
So yeah. Here are some replies from the past month!
dandylion240 replied to your post “Also apparently on this day one year ago I started creating my ts3...”
I sometimes feel guilty too. I seldom open my ts3 game. But I don’t want to remake my ts3 sims into ts4 because then I know I’d never open the game again
elisabettasims replied to your post “Also apparently on this day one year ago I started creating my ts3...”
I don't play TS3 anymore because it often took up to an hour for my game to even decide it was going to open.
And that was with a GOOD computer.
berrybbbies replied to your post “Also apparently on this day one year ago I started creating my ts3...”
yeah its just a trade off i guess lol but having not played sims 3 for a long time makes me miss it and actually enjoy playing it instead of go in to take pics only! plus loading times are not that bad if you merge everything (but thats a problem on its own haha)
Yeah, creating your ts3 sims in ts4 can definitely lead to not wanting to open ts3 because hey, you have them in this other game that loads a lot faster! And I mean, I do love ts3, but...I’m not going to spend an hour or something just on trying to get into the game to do a random photoshoot.
I have a lot of my stuff merged, but I should probably do it again because I got a lot of stuff since then. Right now, it takes about an hour to load my legacy saves...and that’s quite a long time because by the time it loads, I start working on something else and I don’t feel like playing anymore. I’m usually writing while waiting for it to load and of course, when it loads, I’m in the middle of something I can’t put off - a good dialogue, a fun scene or just something important that I was dying to write and now I finally got to it.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Dad! Let’s take a selfie!” Ross: *contemplating the meaning...”
Hey, Ross? Remember that time you took a selfie flexing your non-existent muscles?
Never forget
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what an icon
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Yeah, she’s cooking in your house. Don’t be so upset.”
I bet she doesn't have the "always welcome" trait. It's the first thing I buy, it's only 500 points, LOL
Thank you for reminding me these bonus traits exist! I totally forgot about them.
fataleromeo replied to your post “The character ask meme thing for Ross please ❤”
"This post has so many opportunities to be ruined by tumblr" OMG I feel that so hard ��������
Sometimes I’m surprised by all the ways tumblr can go wrong...and then I’m surprised that tumblr can still surprise me.
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Oh look, your stepfather still has moodswings of a teenager. That...”
Half the vampires in young adult fiction behave this way. :D Growing old is inevitable. Growing up is optional. LOL
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Oh look, your stepfather still has moodswings of a teenager. That...”
Lmao Edward oops I mean Caleb.....
I’d pick Caleb over Edward any day but yeah you’re not wrong lmao
elisabettasims replied to your photoset “Sooo…I don’t know what happened (actually I think I might have an idea...”
One of my sims was an elder and her hair kept going between grey and her natural color when she was younger. Sometimes in the same sitting. She'd come visit, I"d look and it would be grey. I'd look again a few minutes later and it would be red.
Interesting...I think this happened because I had a separate recolour for his red hair, it had only that swatch and no other. When he got older, I switched to a WMS file with all the colours, but I think the game left the original file for his other outfit.
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “Sooo…I don’t know what happened (actually I think I might have an idea...”
I miss his vibrant red hair
Then I might have a pleasant surprise for you in...the distant future. 👀
poisonfireleafs replied to your post “Yup, looks like the German class is destined to always be my biggest...”
Ooh, learning German can be so hard. Good luck!
I found that I actually don’t have trouble with the grammar. The grammar seems quite easy to me, everything has its place. When I’m reading something, I often understand what’s in the text. The problem comes when I hear someone speak German lol. I understand very little. It was fine in high school, my teacher spoke slowly, but my teacher here speaks so fast...it’s fun. D:
Also my vocabulary sucks to be honest...I need to work on a lot of things.
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Okay so you guys might remember that Eliza is a vampire in this save....”
can i just say that the way you wrote this post's caption is perhaps THE funniest way to phrase this
That was my intention, thank you for appreciating it!
desira-sims replied to your post “spoiler”
We don't accept death. They must all live forever. ��
I wish I could promise that...but hey, I’ve turned one of my heirs into a vampire, I could give in with every generation and they could all be immortal...hmm...it’s tempting.
dandylion240 replied to your photo “So I opened the Rose Legacy save for the first time in four months...”
I saw this and thought he'd been abducted by aliens lol
I thought aliens were involved too and it scared me haha. They’re a big part of this legacy (or of this blog in general) but their time to shine is over. We can’t make everything about them, can we?
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Lucian: “They’re doing it again, aren’t they? They’re kissing. Dang it...”
Haha! Ross, in fact, probably CAN'T control himself, being a rose gen ��
You are absolutely correct haha.
Actually, they used to be able to control themselves. Back when Sunset was a child, they made sure to not have woohoo until they were sure she was away haha. But I guess times have changed and they care less now lol
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aharris00britney · 6 years
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wip pic, complements ;-;, some meshing questions, and other stufffff
Anonymous said: Would you ever consider doing a version of your Sam and Briana hairs with the halo braid but as a pixie cut?          
hehe this ask inspired me to make something kind of similar but not a pixie cut SORRY ;n; here is a pic ; this will be the next speed meshing video/hair
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@bluupxels​ said: what's ur opinion on dance the night away (TWICE comeback)?
I don’t hate it but it is in the bottom 2 for my title tracks ranking for them :( (OOH AAH is the bottom lmao ya’ll hear somethin?) The MV was pretty though and I like the side tracks on the album
Anonymous said: post selfies more often ;)
i never take photos of myself edfhvnb here is a pic i took a few nights ago bc i was wearing the same shirt Lucas had on in some pic of him lmao he just had some sweater over it
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Anonymous said: Hey, for your meshing videos, are all the hairs yours? and are they WIPS? they all look great!
yeah they’re all my WIP hairs! I just do stuff a lot earlier than they get released and hairs get released through a voting system so it is kind of out of my hands on which/when hairs get released.
Anonymous said: AHH AJSHFL u are so cute hehe u have a pretty face :')
thank you omg ;n; I don’t think I do but ill take the complement XD
Anonymous said: r u gay? ♡
Anonymous said: Not a question, i just want to say that i LOVE your cc hair's they are stunning <3
thank you so much!!! I am glad you like them <3
@garoto-estelar​ said: u're one of the best mm cc creators!! pls we need more male hair with bangss
I am super bad at doing male hairs @ayoshi-sims​ can vouch for me on this omg I am just... not able to do any good ones egdfbv I will try something though :P also ur header is gorgeous
had to look this up but omg the hair looks super similar rgfgbrgfdc
Anonymous said: where did you get blender from?
S4S has them linked but : Blender 2.76 (32x)  |  Blender 2.76 (64x)
Anonymous said: Oh gosh your content is perfect 💖 really love your blog ~alesimmers
thank you!!!! <3
@lrby01​ said: your sims are so prettyyy!! whats your secret?
most of the time i get a random off the gallery and use that as a base tbh, duplicate one of my main 3 sims, or use one of @ayoshi-sims​
Anonymous said: Hiya! Would the accessories you made in your newest speed meshing video also work w your Paige and Jennie hairs? Since they have the same headband? Thanks!
I think I moved the headband shape some so I’m not entirely sure, I will check before release though.
Anonymous said: You are f*cking perfect! love you
thank you ;-; I am no where near being perfect though lmao
Anonymous said: Sorry of you already are going to do this but will you upload that cute hair from your speed meshing video you uploaded? The half up half down one? It's so cute!!! I love your cc 😍😍😍
depends on voting :( currently I don’t think it will be released in August (there are 4 hairs that have more votes then it). Voting ends the 24th though so go vote if u want it :P
Anonymous said: do u watch reacttothek or like other kpop react channels? seems like ur into kpop haha and they’re my fave
I have seen some of the reacttothek videos!!! mainly just when someone I stan releases something new
Anonymous said: omg how ur soo organized 😂
I like neatness ;-;
Anonymous said: Hi, what's your ID? There I can find the sims that you use for every hair? Thank you <3
origin ID is aharris00britney
Anonymous said: I adore your hairs! I have so many of them in my game and it makes me so happy when I see what you have coming up. I was wondering if you have ever considered converting some of the hairs for kids as well as teens and older? I would love some kid hairs from you. Thanks for all that you do! <3
me and @ayoshi-sims​ are talking about collabing again and if we do then it will have some kids hair conversions :P
Anonymous said: Does the anathema palette you use for ur hairs have one for eyebrows?
I don’t think so :( not many people use the palette but I use the WMS eyebrows and then someone recolored the CC eyebrows I use in the WMS palette too. Links are on my resource page (which i know is broken rn but links still work)
Anonymous said: hi im sorry but are you a boy? ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
yeah! i am a boy lmao :P
Anonymous said: when i go to your resources page none of the pictures work?
I know ;n; all of my photos broke a few weeks ago (including all 140+ of my download page photos) so I had to change the links of the images from imgur to tumblr and it was a huge mess. I’m not happy with my current resource page so I am planning on redoing it eventually.
Anonymous said: Are you wcif friendly? If so where can I find the fruit choker on your last lovely sim. If not no worries. Hoping you’re having a rad day friend ❤️            
@ayoshi-sims​ drew it on, sorry ;-; thank you btw
Anonymous said: how close are you with ayoshi?
we’re engaged, wedding in winter
Anonymous said: let me just say I love the kpop references like the Minnie hair cause  kpop is my spirit animal but anyways I love you
Anonymous said: f(x)?🧡💛
yeah i went to the funeral, what about it?
Anonymous said: So I just watched your speed mesh video and found myself wondering, what is the purpose of using edge split? I'm currently learning blender and though I've googled for various explanations, I'm unsure of what it achieves in terms of TS4 meshing.
sometimes when you remove doubles from the entire mesh, it makes weird shadows (you can see them in solid mode) that are super dark. Edge splitting gets rid of them without causing a seam to show in the mesh
Anonymous said: Wow, I've never sent an ask to you but I thought I'd just send some love your way! Your an amazing creator and I love that you take your time with each one of your creations. I love your edits and they inspire me to do better with mine! I love that you not only do straight hair but also curly, wavy and braided hair! Your sims are so beautiful and so are you! I always look forward to your cc too! :) Hope you have a great day/night!
thank you so so so much omfg i really appreciate it!!!
Anonymous said: hope this doesn’t sound rude, but why don’t you just release all the hair? I don’t know much about making custom content but it looks to me as if they’re finished, but I could be completely wrong of course. I was basically just wondering why you choose to do it this way if you don’t mind me asking :-)
I am trying to make sure I have enough to release if college gets super busy and releasing 3 a month is enough to have a pretty good amount of 36 hairs a year. Wasn’t a rude question at all btw :P
Anonymous said: OH MY GOD YOU'RE ADORABLE Anonymous said: omg you are literally the hottest thing ive seen all day and its 100 degrees outside *heart eyes motherfucker*         Anonymous said: ur cute    
i choked at these omg XD thank you
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kittrixsims · 7 years
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Before-After Series #2
This one I made last spring and is my very first outdoor scenario ever, thus, I didn’t succeed with is as well as I wished. One thing for sure: I procrastinated making this pic for weeks. I was damn afraid to do something I’d never done with sims 4 before and the fact that I’ve got extreme expectations for myself did not help.
First things first, I don’t/didn’t have Reshade. (never used it to be honest).
1. I began by exploring what I can do with the sims 4 world. I attempted to find a lot that might have a large meadow with a horizon far away. Well, I could not find any such lot. I’m so used to open world from sims 3 (where you can openly mod outdoors to your liking) so the sims 4 world restrictions are not easy to get used to. (At least the outdoor lighting is much better in ts4) So, I settled on a lot that could give me the illusion of a meadow from a right angle. This is what I had in the very beginning:
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2. I build a meadow which was just spamming flowers on the field with moveobjects on. I went with these cute cc daisies, and to match the realism of the flowers I also modded the sky. Then I tested poses and various camera angles.
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3. I soon realized I did not like the realistic flowers and sky, it just didn’t feel right to me. I adore the cartoon style of sims 4 so I needed to get it back asap. So I switched the cc flower to maxis match flowers and tried different colors with the whole scene.
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4. Once I chose my favorite screen shot, I then began to edit it. My editing methods aren’t fluent, I just try different things to see what I like and I use a lot of adjustment and mask layers.
First I used unsharp mask at 60% just to bring out some detail
Then I used Topaz noise reduction on 0.04 to get a bit of softness because I don’t like sharpness with sims 4, I want to stay close to the clay style
Then I tried out topaz clean basic blemish removal preset just for the surroundings because it made the grass, flowers and sky look nicer. I used mask layer to softy brush the effect off of the sim (that’s what that weird black-gray blur indicates in the picture below, haha)
after all that I needed to brighten up the big white flowers and the model to balance them with everything else. So I used Curve adjustment layer. Most importantly I used it with mask layer to paint the flower and the model visible only. Nothing else was affected by the curve adjustment.
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Then I used dodge and burn tool to shade the sim model. I darkened the shadows on her and added a bit of highlight for depth.
Next I applied slight amount of Gaussian blur on whole image but used the mask layer so the blur was applied onto the front flowers only
Then Brightness and Contrast: brightness 8 / contrast 17
Then Selective color: RED +9 +17, GREEN +16 -25and BLUES +12 +11
Gradient map of #f4dbf6 and #d05ed7 with Soft Light mode 40% opacity
Color Balance: Midtones Yellow/Blue -18
Lastly I created a simple radial gradient layer with overlay mode and used free shine brushes to stamp sun rays on the pic with soft light mode and finally added dust speckles with a free brush as well. For what reason? I dunno.
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Well, that’s all the randomness it took me to get the image done. It’s a big mess of adjustment layers for sure (〃∀〃)ゞ I Didn’t know what I wanted, just kept testing. So in no way is this a tutorial but just how I made this pic with some description.
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murfeelee · 5 years
♡ Simblr Questions ♡
I saw these questions reblogged here, and I’m killing time again, so....
1) Which is your favorite Sims Expansion?
TS1: Makin Magic | TS2: Apartment Life & Night Life | TS3: Supernatural
2) How long have you been playing sims?
19 effing years. *pours another shot of Pepsi*
3) Do you have any favorite simblrs?
One of the very first simblrs I ever followed was Kosmokhaos. They’ve been wowing me since their days at Cstyles, and I’ve been in love with their style & creativity. So. Yeah.
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4) How would you describe your gameplay?
Derivative and sporadic. I'm almost always inspired by fandoms -- shows I watch, other games I play, and things I’ve read. I bounce around regularly, and my gameplay reflects that -- one week I’m doing this, and the next week I’m doing that. I might not return to something for months or even years. Who knows. Welcome to my crazy.
5) What made you want to create a simblr?
I was lurking Momosims’ blog for CC, and TSR was getting on my nerves. So I killed 2 birds with 1 stone -- I was able to follow Momo, and post my CC conversions without needing to follow some other site’s rules and whatnot.
6) What is your favorite Sim age?
Young adult, of course. The Sims is just not optimized for the younger & older ages, despite there being an entire expansion pack dedicated to them. It’s ridiculous.
7) Do you use cheats when you play Sims?
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8) What is your favorite thing about the Sims?
I was drawn to The Sims 1 because I love interior decorating, and when I was younger I was obsessed with architecture & design. My favorite part of simming is building lots. I only create CC cuz I’m often frustrated by the lack of objects I want to see in my sims’ homes. And I effing HATE making CC.
9) What is your least favorite thing about the Sims?
I'm strongly influenced by fanciful genres, so I am most interested in things from different time periods, cultures, religions, etc. And that’s like the least represented theme in the community. I wish more simmers would get into fanciful gameplay, particularly more content creators. The more simmers who play that way, the more we can influence EA to stop making boring AF packs about the same ole boring generic predictable stuff.
10) What expansion pack are you hoping for next?
The first TS4 EP to even marginally interest me was Seasons, cuz they added more holiday stuff than TS3 did. And they had that Day of the Dead patch, which was COOL. I hope they’ll keep including more holidays and festivals like that - give the Sims some multiculturalism, EA, dang. This franchise is so Westerncentic Californiacentric it makes me wanna puke.
City Living is a step in the right direction - I love the boho Asian-ish thing they added -- too bad it was in a weak AF half-baked EP where the “city” was just distant terrain. It’s mess like that that makes me nervous to even ask for a more fanciful EP like Medieval times or Steampunk, cuz the game engine's so dang limited. There's no horses, cars, or any transportation -- so how can we have knights? Or a live-in dirigible? Or dragon riders? How can we have mermaids or Pirates of the Caribbean or Chinese junk ships when sims can’t even swim in the frikkin ocean? Expand on THAT, EA. Ugh!
11) Do you like to play the Sims in the morning or at night?
Whenever I have free time.
12) Do you have a aesthetic for your Sims?
It depends on the gameplay. I TRY not to make my sims look too pudding, but I don't use reshade and HQ mods and any of that fanciness, so.... :\
13) What are your favorite Sim names?
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14) What is your favorite Sim Career?
The Ghost Hunter from AMB, and the Magician from SHT.
15) What is your favorite Sim World?
Shang Simla, as always~!
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It’s just so effing gorgeous -- the misty mountains and the DRAGON cave and the colors and the culture and the foliage and just everything about it. World Adventures was freaking awesome.
16) Do you prefer small or large Sim houses?
Larger houses tend to not have as many routing issues, plus you can add more clutter in them! I’m a cc-holic, okay.
17) Do you prefer more modern or traditional Sim houses?
Traditional. Which is ironic, cuz one of my 2 main gameplays is my Nagron couple, and they live in a modern home in freaking Starlit Shores. :P
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But I chose that cuz this is how I play TS3 the “straight” way (LOL!) -- I took my Spartacus sims out of their original medieval-ish save, and integrated them into a modern AU. So the fun for me is how I imagine these 73 BC characters would live in today‘s time. (Which is why I use Nagron for all the OC prompts & questionnaires I do, too).
18) What is your favorite Sims Challenge / Prompt?
The Simblreen photo challenge -- I always look forward to seeing what simmers come up with; Simblr turns into Halloween Town, and I love it.
19) What Sim emotion would you most often be?
20) What is your favorite skill to level up?
21) Describe your favorite Sim.
I’ll just direct y’all to my Nagron Page, cuz I describe Nasir all the time. :P
22) What kind of computer do you play Sims on?
As of Nov 2017, a Windows 10 Dell laptop. Before that I was on a HP Vista laptop, which I sorely miss.
23) Do you use Mods in your game?
24) How many hours of Sims do you think you have played?
Thousands. Mostly spent in Build/Buy mode. :P
25) What are you planning to do next in the Sims?
I have some conversions I’m working on, a few requests I took, some lots I want to get started on, some gameplay pics I need to finish, and just a bunch of simming!
I’m just so tired & low energy right now. But this is my last couple of months of free time I’ll have before I go to grad school in the fall, so I want to get as much done as possible. *sigh* I’m stressed.
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I tag everyone!
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