#I used to have a doc with a bunch of prompts and writing ideas but I'm pretty sure I deleted it so that's an L for me
multishipper-baby · 1 year
Been thinking about writing FHS fics again... Haven't done that in a while.
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tommyssupercoolblog · 3 months
HERE ARE 55 FANFIC IDEAS/PROMPTS (some detailed, some not) that i wrote down in google docs to make septicinnit fics for but never did actually made full fics of; some are short one sentence ideas and others are full plots!!!
I posted these because there was a time period where we were super hyperfixated on writing together (almost like a d&d roleplay but you're yourselves and also it's just text) as like our main bonding hobby and wrote down way too many fucking ideas- we don't rlly write like that anymore (we do other stuff when we hangout or have dates) and so most of these have been sitting in our google docs for a long time and i felt bad abt wasting them. now though!!! they won't rot away in the secret depths of google docs!!!
soulmates switch bodies, (through TIME) on a specific birthday. So, when tmy turns (age), he switches bodies with a s3án of the SAME age. Neither of them will remember the experience after, so it's their job to leave clues or enlist friends to help them track their Soulmate down. tmy's friends gather the night before his birthday and vow to figure out who his soulmate is and help him find them. (Past!s3án is very confused about all the things that have changed (tech, gay marriage being legal) and also very awkward because he's still an anxious bean.) (can you tell we wrote this one after a Your Name rewatch)
2. THEY MAKE A LONG FURBY TOGETHER!!!!! They both help design, scrap, sew and put it together by hand, and they decide on a name together, and it ends up becoming their sort of child and now they’re gay parents of a long furby (maybe they aren’t together when they decide to make it but they end up bonding over the furby and it helps them get together in a way??)
3. Coffee Shop AU where s3án is the owner and barista at T0p 0f Th3 M0rn1ng C0ff3e, which in the fic is an actual physical coffee shop. tmy becomes his first regular customer and also flirts with him over the counter a lot.
4. The five times tmy tries to hit on s3án and fails miserably (except shhh no he doesn't), and the one time he’s actually successful.
5. Sickfic again (I wrote one already) but it’s established relationship and S3án'S one who gets sick this time. Tmy is very determined to take good care of him, help walk him around the house when/if he needs it, make him soup, etc. Maybe he tries to cook but is kind of bad at it and S3án eats it anyway. Maybe tmy brushes his hair out of his face to check his temperature,,, hhhh fluff
6. tmy and s3án going to the movies and having a good time. That's it. That's the prompt.
7. s3án teaches tmy about The Wheel Of The Year and a bunch of celtic pagan traditions and stories (and some catholic ones, of course, bc he grew up in that too) and tmy EATS THAT SHIT UP bc anything remotely s3án-related is precious to him
8. Tmy finds out that there's services where you can just. Pay to go on a date with some guy (or other person), like a rental-boyfriend type thing. He’s like, “Yeah. I can go on a date with some guy to try it (being gay) out. Why not?” and while you can make requests, he decides, “fuck it, why browse the catalouge and make myself more anxious, I’ll just have them send some random guy”. Turns out, s3án works there part-time. Also turns out, he gets selected to go be tmy’s date. Oops.
10. tmy pretending to purr every time s3án shows him affection to be annoying
11. They keep fucking flirting on stream and everyone is so annoyed because they will NOT stop hitting on each other and playing it up and it’s like. “Get a fucking room ohh my god,,,”
12. S3án goes to a party with his friends and uses an ouija board, but this accidentally lets tmy into the human realm where he follows him home and haunts him!!!! Does silly shit like moving magnets on the fridge to spell penis or drinking all the milk or going just solid enough to throw a pillow at him and then becoming un-physical again so he can’t retaliate. (the pranks and haunting are actually just bc he thinks S3án is cute tho. And S3án ends up warming up to it.)
13. s3án is TRYING to make cookies but tmy keeps attempting to steal batter from the bowl, and it escalates into a food fight for the history books (ofc they have to clean up after)
15. tmy’s anxiety gets out of hand and he starts overworking himself. s3án’s been there (I mean, he used to upload every day for christ’s sake) and so he does his best to help.
16. s3án is crushing on tmy and gets pretty upset about tmy flirting with…. every guy ever on twitter (and also on stream) but tries to hide it. tmy realizes he's jealous/pining and confronts him about his feelings.
17. Animal Hybrid Au where tmy's like. A Feral cat (or smthn like that. Maybe a vulture instead?) and keeps bringing s3án (human or more domestic animal) dead things and at first s3án’s very put off by it but he warms up to it over time
18. tmy wants to do a storytime vlog of his first kiss but realizes he's technically never kissed anyone on the lips, so tries to convince s3án to kiss him (on camera) for the clout. 
19. s3án gets into an argument with someone who's saying mean shit about tmy, and they turn to insulting s3án instead (maybe even making threats). It is at this point that tmy conveniently stumbles upon the conversation and immediately tries to THROW HANDS
20. tmy going to a party, having a hangover, and then s3án caring for him and helping him get better.
21. s3án helping tmy when he wants to try painting his nails for the first time <<<3
22. tmy tries to be flirty/romantic to s3án in Irish bc. He’s irish. But conveniently forgets that even IN ireland everyone speaks english because the language is basically dead. s3án is. Confused. And only gets like half of the words
23. tmy being emberassed abt how he hordes things and s3án showing tmy his own little weird quirks so he feels better
24. They’re both autistic and adhd - tmy has internalized ableism like younger s3án did and s3án helps him slowly realize it’s ok that he needs extra help and stuff for things.
25. Another autism one- tmy helping s3án through a sensory overload!!!
26. ANOTHER another autism one- s3án slowly piecing together some of why tmy does stuff he does, like learning he likes routines and sameness and figuring out he genuine;y cant tell when someone is annoyed with him (cough cough… mr b34st hates me video…) and helps him out, supports him, just accommodates him and tries to explain to other ppl when they don’t get it. Also sees himself in some of these things to a lesser extent and ends up figuring out they’re both autistic as hell
27. They start flirting and calling each other their boyfriends as a bit and then uh oh! It's not a bit anymore !!!! because they’re literally cuddling wearing each others clothes and everyone just reads it as actually being gay and because the jokes aren’t really jokes anymore the flirting is beginning to hit different
28. (Based on the Time Source!tmy had a beard for like. A bit) s3án hyping tmy up when he grows a beard bc tmy's so happy with it and s3án wants to support his weird fashion choice
29. Snowed in :0000 ??!!!!! SNOWED IN???? And eventually the heater breaks and they have to huddle for warmth????
30. Since tmy can sing and play piano, he decides to give s3án a little private concert to subtly (or well, not that subtly) reveal his feelings and. It’s very cute
31. s3án kisses tmy at a con when they think no one's looking, but the next morning it's all over the internet. s3án is definitely terrified but tmy is feeling even worse, so he comforts him and they take care of each other, staying in the hotel to wait for things to blow over and trying not to go outside
32. Fic where tmy speaks a fluent second language, and a mutual friend of him and s3án speaks the same language- unknown to tmy. This friend hears tmy confess in this language and now has to cover for him, KNOWING he has a crush on s3án. This gets worse when they are out shopping and s3án, talking in korean w a cashier who speaks it, shyly admits to the cashier that he’s buying something for a crush, ALSO NOT KNOWING that this friend speaks THAT LANGUAGE TOO, before handing it over to tmy as a gift a few minutes after they leave. So NOW they have to live with the knowledge that both of these fuckers like each other, but they also don't wanna be a fucking snitch. Comedy.
33. s3án and tmy are chilling when Uh Oh, Religious Trauma!!!! tmy cuddles him and comforts him until he feels better. Major angst and hurt/comfort
34. one of them goes on some sort of podcast and when the hosts mention the other he almost immediately accidentally leaks that they're together lol
35. tmy’s drawing, and for background noise, starts listening to music he knows s3án likes to try and feel closer to him. 
36. s3án and tmy TRY to watch a Generic Seasonal Movie ™ (Christmas or Halloween) On Netflix to try and get into the spirit, but they’re too hyperactive to pay attention and so they give up halfway through and go out to get fast food.
37. They're talking to a third party when s3án slips in conversation and calls tmy “his” tmy. tmy is ELATED
38. AQUARIUM DATE *foams at mouth*
39. tmy gets kinda nervous that no one takes him seriously bc of how extra™️ and loud and hyper he is and also because he likes pretty childish stuff and s3án helps out and it's pog
40. :00 showering together /nsx
41. Soulmate AU where the first time your soulmate kisses you (anywhere), it leaves colors on your skin for a bit
42. Obligatory beach episode; s3án is shirtless and tmy is GAY or vice versa
43. s3án helping tmy through a thunderstorm (bc those are scary as FUCK)
44. S3án trying to teach tmy how to play 3ld3n R1ng or D4rk S0uls and tmy is...bad at it
45. Delirious giggly all nighter softness. Maybe w snacks??? They’re so eepy and sleepy,,,,, they’re so uwu,,,,,
46. Meeting!! tmy’s!!! Parents!!! s3án already met them at tmy’s show but now he’s meeting them as tmy’s BOYFRIEND and he’s lowkey nervous as hell
47. s3án realizes he likes tmy, and because he’s a hopeless romantic he starts listening to embarrassingly cutesy generic love songs about it. That's it that's the prompt I just think it's funny to imagine Jck S3ptic Eye, heavy metal fan, listening to 3d Sh3eran or even kpop like Twic3 or some other cutesy kpop group LMAOOOOO. His headphones unplug on accident or some shit and it's T4yl0r Sw1ft’s “You Belong With Me” and he's cripplingly embarrassed. like. It's so funny to me.
48. tmy1nn1t starts sleeping with a jcks3pt1c3ye stuffed animal (like the t0tm coffee one) and tries to keep it a secret because he's emberassed, but he goes over to s3án's house and s3án forgets to his his own tmy1NN1T stuffed animal, which tmy sees very obviously in his bed next to his pillow when he comes over.
49. In which people's hearts/feelings can manifest physically if they ignore and repress them enough, so tmy gets stuck trying to wrangle another, tinier little nonverbal chibi tmy (like three to four inches tall) that is extremely obvious abt his feelings for s3án and VERY intent about getting his attention. One day, s3án comes over and tmy locks the smaller tmy in a drawer, but this mini tmy manages to escape, hitching a ride in s3án’s bag so he can be with him and follow him around. When tmy realizes what's happened, he's HORRIFIED and tries to figure out where s3án's going/been to try and get the his heart back before s3án figures it out, and of course at the same time s3án ends up slowly realizing he has a little hitchhiker and taking care of him. He thinks the little tmy is very cute and is endeared by him, and also figures out he has a crush because tiny tmy is the opposite of subtle and very obvious on purpose (kissing him where he can reach and stuff, begging for attention by whining like a puppy and making happy little noises when it is RECEIVED) By the time tmy catches up with him his little self is like. Hugging s3án’s hand/finger all affectionate and squeaking happily while s3án, petting the little guy, looks up to the actual tmy and is like. “i assume this is yours lol?”
50. S3án realizing he likes tmmy and then being really shy around him after and kind of caught off guard/embarrassed by it. That being said he cannot get it together and stop acting like a nervous little kid w a crush, he’s so shy and flustered and it's so painfully obvious how he feels that he’s kicking himself. Thankfully Tmy is immune to social cues so it’s only obvious to literally everyone else. Tmy is harem protagonist levels of dense to the point s3án would think it was on purpose if he didn’t know him well enough to know he is just Like That- and he only puts it together when he is told DIRECTLY and CLEARLY that s3án likes him, where upon he is super starstruck and confused (really??? For real??? U like me??? ME???? omg???) like it hasn’t been on a billboard in bold letters for months. (this is a very autistic prompt. Autism wins)
51. Classic “truth or dare kiss and whoopsies i liked it too much” but the twist?? It’s drunk and on a livestream so they have to have the internal panic afterwords live and mask it despite being too drunk to do it well at all
52. Secret admirer trope,,,,, woah,,,,,,
53. You get a specific task you have to complete to reveal who your soulmate is. Tmy's task is to fold a thousand paper cranes. He enlists s3án for help, they hang out and bond and have a fun time, and S3án is his soulmate yippee!!! (S3án couldn't complete his own task when he got it for whatever reason, so he is also surprised)
55. S3án is a shapeshifter/changeling and Tmmy is a bard type magic user who finds out about this mysterious shapeshifter a few towns over and is VERY intrigued and then he meets him and he's not only a shapeshifter but also this silly loud guy who's honestly very weird and pretty and tmy is like. "I am going to seduce this funky little magic creature if it litterally fucking kills me".
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jancy-central · 7 months
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Welcome, everyone, to another Spotlight Saturday!
This week we are spotlighting writer @throttlegainwell so read their answers to our ‘Get To Know Your Fic Writer’ questions below the cut. And here is the ao3 link to check out all of their amazing fics:
Reminder: This month’s prompt is ‘soulmates’…
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…so please see our pinned post for more info. We have posted a lot of soulmate prompts for those needing some inspiration so check those out as well.
And as always, feel free to message us with any questions, whether you are a fic reader or a fic writer. Both of us write fanfic so we are open to helping however we can. Need a beta? Message us and we’ll either help you or put out a call for beta help! Hit writer’s block? Maybe we can help? Or maybe you just want to recommend a fic? SEND US AN ASK OR A DM!
Happy Saturday! ✍🏼 📖
Spotlight Saturday Questions:
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@throttlegainwell’s answers:
1. I guess I prefer one-shots generally, but it's much more satisfying to me to write (and finish!) multi-chaptered fics.
2. A mix of both? There's usually at least some degree of planning for each chapter, but sometimes I just see where it goes.
3. ... It depends on the story. Usually, I'm rushing to slap a bunch of ideas into a document as quickly as I can type (or writing notes on my phone). Lines of dialogue, character ideas, themes I want to address, bits of description or narrative or details to include, plot arcs, whole scenes sometimes... I get those into one doc (which I clean up as I go, if I'm copying them over from my phone), then I create a corresponding doc titled LINEAR that I typically view side-by-side with the fragments/notes doc. I move bits into the LINEAR doc as I work, once I know where they're going or have a place for them (like when I've built the connective tissue), until the first doc is empty; I finish writing in the LINEAR doc. There's usually a brief summary of the story, by that point, in the Synopsis window on the right (I work in Scrivener) so I don’t get too off-track, and I'll probably have some notes in the Notes window, as well as any warnings that will be necessary if I post it (so I don't forget later). But sometimes I just sit down and write, like, an entire story, without thinking about it, or I'll try something stream-of-consciousness or experimental. And sometimes I actually do outline (though sometimes that outline is just a bunch of things that I know need to happen, and I drag those around until the order of them feels like a satisfying arc--I wrote an entire 40k+ story that way).
4. Oh, everywhere, I guess. From the source material, definitely. From books I read, concepts I've studied, themes that just interest me so they tend to crop up in my work or maybe I want to try a different spin on them. Sometimes a story I've written/am writing sparks an idea, or I want to try a variation on it to see where it goes, so I branch off from that. Sometimes I just want something, out of the blue. Occasionally, I browse prompts.
5. Nah. I did the whole concrit thing back in my early fandom days. I'm here to have fun and I assume so is everyone else.
6. Nope! I used to do beta reading, a long time ago, and I've casually edited for fandom friends, but I've never used a beta reader. I don't really see myself starting now.
7. Whichever one is the most interesting for the story or whichever one best serves the story's goals, usually. Sometimes because I haven't tried a particular POV before and I just really want to give it a shot, or because I'm writing it with one voice and the voice of a different POV character just *feels* right or sounds really interesting. But I've been branching out a little! I'm usually very committed to 3rd person limited, but this past year, I've been trying switching POVs a bit, I'm writing one story simultaneously from two different POVs (beginning to end, for each) just because it's such a different story for each character, and I'm writing one from omniscient POV because it was really the only one that would do what I needed.
9. I usually try to! (Not always. But usually.) I don't read a lot of fanfic, due to what I imagine is the very common combination of lack of free time and quite severe concentration issues (though I've always been a big reader and I love it a lot, so this is, needless to say, a massive bummer). It's worse with fiction than non-fiction, so if I actually manage to read a fic, it's a safe bet that I probably took notes during and the author will hear *at length* about all the ways I enjoyed it and what I found really interesting or memorable.
10. I have many WIPs, but blinks only came up in a few. One is too explicit to share here, but here's one: He can’t tamp down a shiver at the thought; he blinks extra hard, resisting the urge to grasp the back of his neck protectively.
11. Ooh. Like I said, I don't read a lot of fic (and I haven't read that many for the ST fandom), but I very much love what maddie_grove is doing with Tonight, Tonight, The Highway's Bright. I wildly enjoyed where the hours bend, by fakelight. And this world is gonna pull through, by scoutshonour, hit just right.
12. I don't tend to expect much feedback. I post because otherwise I'll go back and tinker with fics, and I don't really have the time for that, plus at a certain point it's not fun anymore, but I'm still messing with it. So when it's done enough that I've accomplished what I set out to, I post to free up my brainpower to move on to other things. It doesn't necessarily discourage me to not receive it (usually), but it really does encourage and motivate me when I *do* receive it. If someone enjoys a story and wants to talk about it, I'm likely to write more works in that vein or explore those ideas/characters/fandom more. I’m more likely to go back to a WIP if people are excited about it with me. I've received some truly lovely, thoughtful, analytical, humbling, and memorable feedback, and I hugely appreciate and enjoy all of it.
13. Don’t delete/erase anything. Save it all.
14. I tend to get into a certain headspace to write, but I wouldn't say that I usually feel what the characters are feel. Sometimes, I probably do. (I'm one of those people who moves their lips when they read an emotional scene, so I guess I do get a bit into it while I'm writing! Embodied cognition, what a trip.) I do sometimes draw from personal experience, but typically only in very broad strokes.
15. Happily. :) I've written a LOT of sex scenes over the years, for a lot of different thematic, narrative, and character purposes (and sometimes just for rule of horny, rule of funny, or to explore a particular kink). I approach each one differently, based on the tone I'm trying to set, whether I want it to be particularly erotic or emotional or something else, the level of narrative distance I want the reader to feel, what the characters are like, what the overall genre is. Sometimes I get visual or detailed, depending on what I'm trying to do (and whether I feel those characters would do so or whether it would be a help or a distraction in that moment), but I tend to depict the internal processes more than the physical details. The sensory aspects. The observations, interpretations, and reactions. Connections between characters, if there's more than one. I personally tend toward realism in my sex scenes, but I'm not going to pretend that I don't skirt the edges sometimes or just say fuck it and throw realism out the window for a particular story. But I don't think realism is necessary in smut (or any fiction, when it comes down to it). It's a matter of preference.
16. Omg how many fic ideas am I NOT nurturing right now. Way, way too many. Here's a Jancy one that hasn't quite made it to the WIP stage (still in the synopsis-in-dedicated-doc stage): Jonathan and Nancy break up over the college thing. (It’s not really the college thing.) Years later, as they're both settled into their careers (Jonathan as a photographer, Nancy as a journalist, both constantly traveling for work and hard to reach), they end up sharing a room when they visit for Lucas and Max's wedding. Lots of angst, lots of pining, lots of denial, and ultimately an exes-getting-back together story. Sometimes you just want the cliche done your way.
17. I just don't write, tbh. I try to address whatever issue is preventing me from writing (if possible) or (if it's beyond my control) I just accept that it's not a writing period of my life. I'm happier when I'm writing regularly, and I do think it's good for me overall, but I'm not going to let hobby writing cause me genuine stress. (I've got non-hobby writing for that, ha.) I take it as a sign that something is wrong or that I'm just tired of writing and need to recharge (by engaging some other interest or hobby for a while).
18. Depends. Sometimes the title comes first, sometimes during, sometimes after. Sometimes I really do just fall in love with a title, though. I rarely struggle to title fics after the fact, but when I do, I'll just slap a quick and vague title on there and call it a day. Often it's a pun or something relevant, sometimes an important line from the story, sometimes lyrics. I have a series of art-related titles for some Will stories I want to do and some science ones I have saved for some Dustin stories. Some photography terms for Jonathan. Stuff like that.
19. Turns out it's hurt/comfort! This should surprise no one.
20. Oh, have I ever. Yeah, I've had people read enough of my work to point out themes that I tend to tackle a lot (I'm big on autonomy, resilience, and kindness--you'll see them repeated a LOT in my work, from different angles--and, yeah, I write about trauma a lot), and I definitely have some words/expressions that pop up a lot (and with each passing year, I try a little less to cull them). Also, you'd be hard-pressed to find a story of mine where someone isn't making, drinking, or talking/thinking about coffee. No reason. It just... seems to happen.
21. I had a shared 'verse with a friend, a long time ago. It was a huge amount of fun. We really gelled and produced just tons of material for it that had us in tears laughing and, you know, was also incredibly horny. That was a shared 'verse, rather than a collaboration for an entire story, but, yeah, I'd say that I'd be willing to collaborate. I don't consider myself terribly reliable or consistent, though, so I worry that a potential writing partner would find this frustrating.
22. I used to think so, but, honestly, I've been proved wrong many times, so I'd say no, not really. There's not a lot that I absolutely won't write. There are a few things that remain pretty serious squicks for me, but I'm sometimes able to write about things that I would find difficult to read. Some things also don't necessarily interest me or I would find it technically difficult to write them.
23. Don't worry about making it beautiful. Just get it all down. (You can’t sculpt what’s not there, you know?) And in that vein: write EVERYTHING down. Even if you’re not sure it works. Don’t assume you’ll remember or won’t need it. Just write everything.
24. Anything that's involved regimentation. That just doesn't work for me in every case. It's important to be flexible, both to discover what *does* work for you or to be able to move between different strategies for different stories or at different times in your life. Close second, though: that you should mine your pain to write because that's where true art comes from. That advice is shit. Sometimes art is aliens fucking in a time warp and also there's a ghost with daddy issues. Write whatever the hell you want. It does not have to be profound literature to be a good story.
25. For my ST fics? I think I've gotten a pretty decent response for most of what I've posted, considering it's all very niche and this is a massive fandom (and one to which I came extremely late and very recently). I guess a little more response for already wise, already worn might have been nice, just because it's a weird little experimental story that I think actually came out really neat, but it's *very* niche so I never expected much response. Or possibly Two Steps Forward, just because I think it's an interesting little ghost story that's different from everything else I have posted, and I really do have a soft spot for gen works.
26. For my ST fics, our future foe scenarios is a pretty odd one. We've got Nancy really feeling her big sister duties while also kind of worrying about Jonathan, making out with him, then convincing the Party to let her earnestly and VERY awkwardly talk to them about the importance of consent (and kind of roping Jonathan into helping her, which he's not happy about but dutifully does). It’s kind of clumsy, but she means well.
27. I love when the ideas slot into place, when I know where things are going, I see how it's moving, and I get all the pieces lined up so it's a straight shot to the end. Extremely satisfying. I dislike working out the kinds of technical details that I'd prefer to gloss over but that are sometimes story-significant, like ages and timelines. I'm increasingly just ignoring that shit.
28. Apparently I'm getting several thousand words done a day, on average, with as many as 6-7k some days. But I'm happy if I just do a couple hundred, or a line or two. This has just been an unusually productive year for me.
29. Ideally: I ignore it for a couple of weeks until I've forgotten the shape of it, then I read it over with fresh eyes. Increasingly: when it's written, I go over it for typos, overall continuity, basic coherence, and (if it covers sensitive themes) to make sure that I'm not inadvertently presenting something wildly hurtful or counter to my goals. And then I just call it done.
30. I'd say that I never really polish all that much to begin with, these days. I mostly post 1st drafts, even though there's typically stuff that I would pretty easily catch and adjust if I gave it a real once-over. I've just decided that I'm okay with not fussing with it very much. But I share WIPs these days, some of which are pretty rough. (I did not used to do this that much.)
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cheriboms · 5 months
BTTF Year-End Tag Game!
Thank you to both @bttf-dork and @future-boi for tagging me in this ;w; also pika ur comments about my art WAHHHH ILYSM <33 oTL
This year:
How many times would you guess you watched the first back to the future movie?
Since I only hopped on this time train towards the final third of the year lol: fully all the way through, at least 4! Otherwise I've jumped around a lot while looking for clips and references and stuff. So if I stitch all those together, then we'll say approx 5ish :) The first movie is my favorite one!
Did you get any sweet bttf merch? If so, what?
Noooo, I don't really have any merch for things I like, actually... it gives me too much anxiety to publicly show my interests ;w;
How many cans of Pepsi Free did you chug this year?
None LOL I don't really drink soda to begin with, but if I do, I prefer white (lemon lime) soda anyway :P
What was a favorite bttf fanfic you read this year?
I'm going to be honest, I... don't read fanfic very much. 🫣 I usually end up creating my own stuff (art/writing) when I have free time vs looking at other people's, which ik I need to get better at T_T So I don't have a loooot to rec... that being said I MUST shout out "Emmett's first weather expirement." by @alex-a-fans !!! <3 It is my greatest treasure of the year <333
I also really liked "incredible" by @penny-anna, which I read before I officially entered le fandom ;w; lone pine doc and baby marty my beloveds !!!!!
Finally, like basically all of the Doctober prompts from @doctorbrown *O* Days 8, 22, and 30 are some of my favorites, but I really recommend them all oTL theyre SOOO GOOOOOD !!!!!
A favorite bttf fanart you saw this year? (please give us a link, not a screencap/repost!)
See: everything I reblogged. Jk but fr, everyone is so so talented it's really hard to choose :'0 Here's a bunch of some of my faves in no particular order!!
[x] from @hearts-for-winona | [x] from @maxintime | [x] from @future-boi | [x] from @bttf-dork | [x] from @synthsays and @daryfromthefuture | [x] from @therobotwig | [x] from @22194isbestboy | [x] from @mythical-bookworm | [x] from @mkayeatsspaghetii | [x] from @tobytost / @tobytost-star
Did you create any bttf fanart or fanfic? If you did, what one(s) are you proudest of?
Yes I did !!! It is actually the most fan content I've ever made for a fandom since I was in... maybe junior high? So like YUH. Tbh, it's very difficult for me to find what you would call 'pride' in my art so ehh >_>; that being said, I do think that I had a lot of good IDEAS for Doctober (esp days 19 and 28), but my execution wasnt really the best. I would have liked to draw days 17 and 24 (+ time travel day) a little more properly too; like, I'm not as disappointed at how they turned out, but I still wish they were better and/or I could have given them more time. The ones I most actually-tried-and-dont-mind are days 7, 9, and 21 + under the sea dance day. (So many links was probably cheating but tbf I've kinda bent the rules for the past few questions so... whatevs lol). I've ALSOOO still been working on my godforsaken essay, it is 40 pages rn but even tho it's not done, I'm INSANELY proud of it Q_Q
How many times were you late for school this year?
None! B) For one thing I'm graduated lol, but also I'm typically early gang. I'm that person who'd sit in the classroom by myself for like 5 minutes before everyone else would show up LMBO ^^;
Did you watch any other movies/tv shows with BTTF actors in them?
Yess I did!! A... lot actually :0 Most of them were by chance/pre bttf era, but still :P Here is my list as well as I could find, sorry it is soooo long, but what are ya gonna do:
Star Wars/The Mandalorian; The Addams Family (1991); The Tale of Desperaux (2008); Cyberchase; & Clue (1985) -- Christopher Lloyd, havent rewatched the latter 3 since I was a kid and literally went :0 to learn he apparently was in them. Also Kings Quest (2015) which isn't a movie/show but I think it counts uwu
Stuart Little (1999) -- Michael J. Fox, which also rocked my world to discover O_O like hearing it now I'm like "yeah thats him alright" but as a kid I would never have been able to tell you that was the same guy from that time travel movie, despite watching both way too much LMBO
Elf (2003) & Last Vegas (2013) -- Mary Steenburgen, nothing much to say except that she slayed ^_^
Love at the Christmas Table (2012) -- Lea Thompson, I didn't care for it and was shouting "LEA GET OUT OF THIS MOVIE, UR BETTER THAN THIS" like the whole time lol.
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002) & Curious George (2006) -- apparently these have Donald Fullilove (Goldie Wilson) in them? Same w Jason Scott Lee (Whitey) in Lilo & Stitch (2002)??? And Star Wars/Kenobi show apparently had Flea (Needles)????? ...HUH.
I binged both the entirety of Law and Order: SVU as well as Seinfeld this year w my sister; apparently Mary Steenburgen, Lea Thompson, & Casey Siemaszko (3-D) are in at least one episode of the former, while Elsa Raven (Clocktower Lady) and Ricky Dean Logan (Data) are apparently in a random episode of Seinfeld each. So like, technically I saw them, tho I don't distinctly remember it :'D Also, I have been making my way through Little House on the Prairie recently, which has Matt Clark (Chester the Bartender) in a few episodes !
Finally finally finally, I watched I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore (2017), as well as the LOTR trilogy like. Twice? And they all have Elijah Wood of course >:3c
Was there a memorable moment you heard a Huey Lewis song this year?
None in the wild, no :P But I did end up being in the top 0.1% of listeners for Huey Lewis this year... so UHHHHH take that as u will LMBO
How many times did you fall down this year?
Hmmm idk?? Probably at least 1 I would think ???
Did you get to see BTTF: The Musical? What was your experience like!
Nooo, I didn't even know it existed until like October !!! It looks super fun but atm/last I checked it doesn't come to where I live so :( I should listen to the soundtrack soon!
How many times did your mom retell the story of how she and your father met?
At least three times, and then probably a few times I'm forgetting :P
If you could describe your year in a BTTF quote, which one would it be?
The year in general is definitely "Oh great, the atrocity channel!" LMBO (but when hasn't it been since like... 2020? 2016???). For me personally, I think it's either "I don't know if I could take that kind of rejection." or "Don't talk to anyone, don't touch anything, don't do anything, don't interact with anyone, and try not to look at anything." ^^;
⚡️LIGHTNING ROUND⚡️ Did you get to: go on any trains, skate on a skateboard, ride a horse, drive a Delorean, run in the rain, go to a dance, hang up a clock, play the guitar, pull an all-nighter, read science fiction, or drive thru Burger King this year?
Your future is whatever you make it! So what are you going to make of this coming year?
I think I'm going to try to post more of the things I make, like my art and especially my writing ;w; Most of the time I'm quite George-ish and am too scared to put any of my stuff out there, for fear that no one will like it, so... I need to get better about that. Also I'd LIKE to get a full-time job and my own place some time next year, but we will see !!!
Idrk who to tag :0 ik @brinkle-brackle @mythical-bookworm and @alex-a-fans have already been tagged but havent technically done it yet... maybe also @backintime @tobytost @ectojester @stillpreoccupiedwith1985 @itsthemorph @doctorbrown @knickynoo and @fourth-dimensional-thinker :) but no pressure to do it, just didnt catch if youd been tagged or not!
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disappearinginq · 1 year
First Sentences Game
Tagged by @dragonnan and @itsjustdg
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway. Tagging 10 people up front: @buckky, @amandagaelic, @21forestglades, @altschmerzes, @vix-has-arrived,  @lovelucigoosey, @authorangelita, @djclawson, @cuppachar, anddd.....anyone else who writes and wants to play? 
So does this mean I do 20? Do I have 20? ::shrug:: Guess we’ll find out - and I’m not using the ones already published unless I run out of WIPs (which don’t have titles, just the idea that inspired them sooo...). 
1. 9-1-1 - mistaken for related prompt
“What’s it like working with your dad?” It wasn’t the first time someone made the mistake. It was admittedly an easy one to make - while they didn’t look exactly alike, there was enough overlap for people to make the assumption just based off similar features. Buck’s hair was a little darker, which Hen liked to tease the reason for was only the lack of gray hairs - most of which Buck gave Bobby himself. Their eyes were a little different, Buck with his electric blue that almost everyone noticed first, and Bobby’s a darker hazel. They were almost the same height, the same build, but mostly though, it was how they interacted. Buck hadn’t referred to Bobby as ‘Pops’ in awhile, especially not in public, but there was a familial ease which Buck would tease and Bobby would tolerate. Most people assumed the firehouse was like the military - the Captain was treated with absolute authority, and a chain of command followed. They naturally assumed that the youngest of the group wouldn’t be so familiar with their boss unless they were related. It was an easy mistake. It’d been made many times, though usually by someone in passing where either one of them could easily pretend like they hadn’t heard it, or smile and shrug it off with a simple head shake. But Career Day in front of a bunch of fourth graders was like sitting in front of a CIA interrogation.
2. 9-1-1 Buck and animals prompt
"Hey...Cap?" Buck asked hesitantly. "I have sort of a weird question. How do you convince a bird to leave the nest?" Bobby frowned, trying not to smile at the dead seriousness of Buck's face. "Well...when it's time to leave, the birds know." "Okay, but what if they don't leave?" Buck pressed. "Is there a way to convince them?" Bobby opened his mouth to reply before he paused, considering. "Are we talking metaphors, or actual birds?" "One hundred percent real birds." "Well....nature runs off instinct for the most part. If a baby bird isn't leaving the nest, there's usually a reason. Maybe it's not actually ready, or it's hurt, or..." "Okay, but what if it's not a baby bird? What if it's an adult?" "I...Buck, what exactly are you trying to figure out?" Buck held out his hands, which were cupped loosely together. "I found this bird, and it won't leave." He lifted his left hand, which was on top, and sitting cupped in Buck's palm was, sure enough, a brown and white bird. Too big to be a sparrow, and Bobby didn't know too many subspecies to guess any further than that, but it didn't fly away as soon as Buck's hand was lifted as Bobby expected. Instead, it looked quite pleased with itself sitting there and it didn't budge. "See?" Buck prompted, lifting the bird higher.
3. Outer Banks - continuation of Limits
“Mr. Maybank,” the ER nurse greeted them, flinging back the privacy curtain. “We meet again.” “Doc,” JJ acknowledged, offering a flippant two-finger salute. The man sighed, flipping through the paperwork from the folder on the foot of JJ’s exam bed. “This time with a police escort, I see.” He nodded towards Shoupe. “Is he under arrest, sheriff?” “He’s in our custody,” Shoupe deflected. The nurse muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like ‘figures’ before looking at JJ. He let out a low whistle. “Damn, kid. What happened this time?”
4. Slow Horses
It’d been eight days. Eight days, and they hadn’t found him. Lamb could easily throw the blame on Cartwright. The man was always wandering off, pursuing his own leads and his own cases, as if he were an MI-5 team of one. His instincts were solid, and if that little shit Spider and Taverner hadn’t purposely torpedoed his training exercise to cover up their own cock-ups, he’d have his golden ticket and golden legacy still in place. Compared to Lamb’s normal throwaways, Cartwright was almost competent. Lamb never felt like he had to keep a tight leash on the young man because of all the Slow Horses, Cartwright was the only one there because of someone else’s mess. It made Lamb complacent. Lazy, he cursed to himself on the fifth day. Lazy, and fucking stupid. Because he allowed himself to forget that River’s ambition and talent were soundly outdone by his absolute shit fuck awful luck.
5. Haunting of Hill House - steven is haunted as fuck prompt
Steven always hated hospitals. True, he couldn’t think of anyone who actually enjoyed sitting in the hard plastic chairs of waiting rooms, listening to the repetitive pages over the announcing system, waiting for the doctors to come and deliver bad news.   He clenched the flimsy paper cup in his hands, debating if he needed a distraction badly enough to get another cup of tar-like coffee from the vending machine. Or maybe risk leaving the hospital for Dunkin Donuts. This was Massachusetts - there was a Dunkins at perfectly timed increments based on how long it took the average human being to drink a medium coffee. One was probably close enough to walk to, and guaranteed to be open. Luke liked the sweet ones - triple shot of coconut caramel macchiatto something-or-other with ungodly amounts of whipped cream. Luke mentioned once how terrible coffee was in rehab, thick and bitter that no amount of cream or sugar could fix. Probably the same as the hospital. Steven could rationalize leaving if he said it was for his brother.
6. So Help Me Todd - going into shock prompt
“But Mom, that’s not how it works, that makes it a misdemeanor not a felony,” Todd protested. “I know the law better than you, Todd, I think I would know -” “You know about upholding the law, not breaking it!” Allison tilted her wine glass towards her brother, eying the rest of the bottle. “He does have a point there. And that is his area of expertise.” “That’s irrelevant!” Margaret protested. “Don’t they say that lawyers make the best criminals?” Chuck pointed out. “Yes, thank you…” Margaret acknowledged, smiling before the implication sunk in. “I beg your pardon?” “Ha!” Todd cheered, holding his fist out to Chuck who didn’t reach across to bump it, but merely held it up just above the table before the doorbell rang. “You know what Chuck, we’ll get there. We just need to work on your enthusiasm, you got the spirit, you just need the attitude. We’ll work on it when I get back.”
7. So Help Me Todd (even though I technically might’ve pawned this off on @itsjustdg) It’s Not My Blood Prompt
“Oh my god, Mom! Are you okay? Are you - are you hurt, ohmygod, you are! Don’t move!” Todd pressed his hand down on the growing blood stain on his mother’s blazer, hard enough to make her yelp in surprise and pain, but he remembered lessons from Allison yelling at various movies and TV shows about ‘YOU PUT PRESSURE ON THE WOUND, WHAT IDIOT WROTE THIS?’ and he may not pay attention to a lot of things, but he does remember first aid, and the second part of it was calling for help. There was a crowd gathering around, multiple people with their phones but no one sounded like they were talking to 9-1-1. What was it Allison said? You had to tell people specifically to do things? “You!” he shouted at a woman who almost dropped her phone in surprise. “Call 9-1-1! Tell them we have a sixty year old woman, abdominal injury…tell them we’re in front of the Portland Courthouse and don’t hang up on them!” The woman turned paler than a ghost, and for a moment, he thought she was going to ignore him. Or pass out too. But then she seemed to gather her wits, and nodded once, before dialing on her phone. He only paid attention long enough to know she’d reached dispatch, before turning back to Margaret, who was still looking dazed. “You’re gonna be fine, Mom, don’t worry - help is on the way,” he reassured her, keeping both hands on her wound. His hands were shaking from shock, but he tried to keep his focus on her. “Ow…my head,” Margaret groaned, moving her arm to touch the back of it where it’d collided on the granite stairs when he knocked her to the ground. “Sorry about that,” he apologized quickly. “But you’re going to be fine. Okay? You’re going to be fine.” Margaret winced as she put one hand over his, and the other still behind her head. “Todd, I’m fine, it’s just a bump…” Todd tried not to laugh at that. It wasn’t funny. It would be horrifying if he suddenly giggled at his mom right now. “No, I think it’s a little more than a bump, Mom. Try not to move.” That made Margaret frown, and she shifted her hand, brushing against the sticky damp redness on her blouse,and then reaching up to his shirt and he could see the moment it registered just how bad this actually was, and he tried to soothe her before she could really panic. “Don’t worry - help is on the way, they already called.” “Todd…that’s not my blood.”
8. Yellowstone - season 3 fix it fic “You want a way out of this shit?” Jamie snapped. He pointed an accusing finger towards Beth. “Out of the fucking corner she backed us into?” Beth scoffed at that. “I can’t wait to hear this revolutionary plan.” “Gift it.” Beth almost choked on her drink, roughly inhaling whiskey half way up her nose. “If you think after the shit you’ve pulled, we’re going to gift -” Jamie shook his head. “No. Not to me. To him.” He pointed to Rainwater. “To the Broken Rock Confederation. It’s a fix for everything, but the only one here smart enough to know that - who actually has something worth losing if we don’t - is Kayce.” “You can’t possibly be-” “This is your doing, isn’t it, you sonofa-” John moved towards Rainwater, who didn’t flinch even as Jamie did, instead studying Jamie carefully, as if trying to guess where his loyalty truly lay, and what kind of scheme he had up his sleeve. Not that Jamie could blame him.
 9. Yellowstone fix it fic “Jamie didn’t turn on you,” Kayce pointed out from his chair. “You made him your enemy.” “All I ever did for that ungrateful sonofabitch was feed him, clothe him, put a roof over his head…taught him everything I know,” John snarled, swiping a hand across his chin. “I sent him to law school for chrissakes. And how does he repay me?” Kayce leaned back, folding his arms across his chest as he let his father rant. Experience said interrupting him just made him angrier. Best to let him ‘buck it out’ before he said anything to the contrary. After several minutes of railing against Jamie, John stopped mid pace, turning to look Kayce in the eye. “You’re awfully quiet.” Kayce shrugged without saying anything, waiting to see if John was finished, or just pausing. “Well?” “Jamie didn’t turn on you. Out of everyone, Jamie is the only one who ever did everything you asked - including give up his dreams, more than once - and it’s like it made you madder. This is why you ain’t broke a reliable horse once in your life - you can’t teach a horse through fear, because one day, they’ll find something they’re more scared of than you. Teach a horse they can trust you, and they will walk through fire for you, even when every other instinct is telling them to run the other way.” “Your brother isn’t a horse.” “No, but I figured you might understand the concept better if it was something you cared about.”
10. Yellowstone Kayce &Jamie fix it
“Why?” Jamie demanded. “If he didn’t want me, if he knew he was never going to love me - why? He could’ve just left me in a foster home, he could’ve just left me alone, but he didn’t. Is…is this a punishment? Is it some fucking mind game he’s been playing my whole life?”
“Jamie you know that’s not true -”
“DO I?” Jamie shouted, gesturing wildly with his hands. “Do YOU? If he hated me so much, if he was afraid of what I might do, why wouldn’t he just let me finish the job with the rifle on the hill? Why not just let me end it? But no, no, he couldn’t fucking let me go. A-and then what? Put me in the fucking bunkhouse with the rest of the orphans? But I went - I went, and you know what, Kayse? That’s probably the happiest I have been in years. And he couldn’t even let that go - as soon as he needed me, he put me back in the district attorney’s office, the same goddamn office he purposely pushed me out of with the Rodeo Queen - and now he’s governor - for what? For what?”
Kayce couldn’t answer - his mind was still stuck on the words ‘finish the job with the rifle’. “Jamie…what do you mean by that?”
“I mean, what the fuck is he doing in an office he hates and doesn’t want, just so I can’t? I-is it power? He doesn’t want me to be higher up than him? What does he think I’m going to do? I’ve done everything he’s ever wanted me to, I made a fucking lynch mob go away when he was lying in a goddamn coma -”
“Fuck the job, Jamie - what did you mean about the rifle?”
11. Magnum PI
“You know,” Thomas said, casting his gaze upwards to the cloudless blue sky. “I lasted twelve years in the Navy, and I was jumped by pirates a whopping total of never.” He turned back to Higgins, not inches from his face. “But somehow, despite the odds, two for two with you. Next time you need a yacht moved, call someone else.”
“Shut up!” the man with a harpoon gun snarled, jabbing the pointed end of the spear gun at Magnum’s arm, drawing blood.
“You can’t honestly blame this on me.” Higgins bristled indignantly.
“Uh, yeah,” Thomas answered. “Yeah, I can. I was literally on a pirate hunting mission. In pirate infested waters. For more than six months. And not once were we boarded by pirates. Zero. Zilch. Never.”
12. Hudson & Rex aphasia prompt
“Okay, I need you to be patient with me, Charlie,” Dr. Gates said, smiling briefly. “I know these questions are gonna sound ridiculous, but humor me, yes?”
Charlie nodded, trying not to wince as the motion pulled on the stitches at the back of his head.
“Only nod or shake your head for the first few. Or, if that’s too much, thumbs up or thumbs down for yes and no. Yes?”
Grateful for the out, Charlie gave a quick thumbs up.
“Is your name Charlie Hudson?”
Thumbs up.
“Are you a police officer with SJPD?”
Thumbs up again.
“Are you at home right now?”
Charlie frowned at that, his opinion of the question plain as day across his face as he gave a thumbs down.
“I told you they were going to sound ridiculous,” Dr. Gates reminded. “Do you have a dog named Rex?”
13. Hudson & Rex Lab Rat prompt
It was Charlie, but somehow…not Charlie.
His hair was a little too long, but it didn’t cover the strangely circular burn on his temple, the angry red contrasting with his otherwise much too pale skin.Dark smudges under his eyes spoke of too little sleep, his normally bright blue eyes dulled and staring a thousand miles away. Instead of a suit and tie, his clothes looked rumpled and filthy, the sleeves on his shirt too short and his jeans long enough that the back ends were catching on his heels. The five o’clock shadow did little to hide the bruising along his jaw, a deep and painful muddied purple that was shaped uncomfortably like someone’s hand.
And that was to say nothing of the gun in his hand.
“Charlie?” Sarah repeated.
He said nothing, didn’t flinch or move the gun, his gaze still fixed and empty of recognition.
14. Hudson & Rex It’s Not My Blood prompt
The door flew open with a crash, kicked in with such force it broke one of the glass panes in the window and making everyone - including the other animals - jump.
Bailey may have screamed. Just a little one though. Like when her brother would lay in wait around a corner in a darkened hallway and jump out at her.
Linda dropped her water bottle with a crack on the tile, choking more than swearing as she spit what was in her mouth across the monitor.
“What the -” Linda swiped at her mouth, angrily turning towards the door, but stopped short.
“I need help!”
An older man - not like, old old, but older than Bailey and younger than Linda - stood in lobby, a large German Shepherd in his arms. The beautiful dog hung limply, and for a horrifying moment, Bailey was sure it was dead.
There was just…so much blood. In the dog’s fur, on the man’s hands, on his suit jacket and white shirt.
And then the dog whined, briefly trying to lift its head, but unable to rise higher than a few inches before dropping back down.
15. Hudson & Rex - caught in a snare prompt
Charlie laughed. Or at least, that’s what it sounded like to Jesse. Or at least, what it was supposed to be, instead of the pained puff of air and the grimace it became. 
“You know, as much as this hurts - how stupid is it that I’m glad Rex missed it?”
Without really thinking, Jesse mused aloud. “He does have four feet instead of two - and he weighs about a hundred pounds less than you. It would be easier to carry him out.” 
The blood welled up between Jesse’s fingers even as he pressed down hard enough to make Charlie yelp, and Rex immediately pushed his head against Charlie’s, whining.
“Y-yeah,” Charlie admitted. “But animals don’t understand pain like that - there isn’t really an understanding of ‘it only hurts now, but we’re trying to help it feel better’. Rex is the best, b-but…” his teeth chattered for a second, and he looked almost apologetic. “That’s pushing it.”
“So…you promise not to bite me when I try and get this off, right?” Jesse asked, hoping he was actually distracting the older man. 
16. Hudson & Rex fell down a well (ish) prompt
For the most part, Charlie could laugh at himself. It was hard to deny the accusation of being accident prone when normally simple things, like walking Rex home when his car was in the shop, turned into life-threatening-near-death experiences, like being buried alive. Or diving for a lost camera, something which he’d done a hundred times - the diving part, anyways - before, became an actual drowning incident after having his air cut fifty feet below the water’s surface.
It was easier to laugh at it then dwell on it. He took offense to the constant Lassie and Timmy references only on Rex’s behalf, because Rex’s heroics were real, thank you very much, but it was an amiable offense, rooted in good natured teasing. His usual response was “Excuse you? I have not fallen down a well. Timmy and I are not the same.”
He shivered, shifting in the almost knee deep mud at the bottom of hole he found himself in.
There goes that defense, he thought bitterly.
17. Hudson & Rex claustrophobia
It really shouldn’t have come as any surprise that Charlie developed claustrophobia, but somehow, it did.
Maybe because it started off slowly. Rationally, even - if an irrational fear could ever be considered rational.
After the freezer incident, he stopped crossing the threshold into Sarah’s lab until he ran his fingers across the sliding door, feeling it move beneath his fingers at the slightest touch from the sensor, proving that it wouldn’t lock behind him.
After the diving incident, he stopped closing the door to the bathroom all the way when he was in the shower, facing purposely away from the spray and towards the open door.
After the near-miss with the shipping container, he started avoiding parking in the garage, opting to walk from the further open lot, no matter the weather. He rationalized it was for Rex’s benefit. The shepherd liked the extra walk, especially since it allowed him to get extra snacks and pets from their favorite coffee and donut vendor.
After being buried alive, he stopped sleeping in the dark. Rex changed from sleeping on his bed on the floor to the bed with Charlie, so when Charlie bolted upright in the middle of the night, gasping at air he was sure wasn’t there a second ago, Rex could sidle closer, stretching out the length of the bed so that from toes to shoulder, Charlie could feel the warmth of his body, the softness of his fur, and the cold wet of his nose.
18. The Umbrella Academy - Diego asks Five to help out with a case where kids are going missing from a prestigious boarding school
“I’d rather lick battery acid,” Five growled.
Diego sighed, scratching at the raised scar tissue on the side of his head. “Trust me, Five, you’re not my idea of a good choice, either. You’re not my first choice. You’re not even my last choice. You’re literally the only choice.”
“Guess it’s not happening then, huh?” Five quipped with a smirk, blinking across the living room and back to the bar for his abandoned drink.
“Five,” Diego protested, “it’s not like it’d be the worst thing you’d ever done.” At Five’s raised eyebrow, Diego hastily added, “I mean, how could it possibly be worse than the Apocalypse? Or, you know, ninety nine percent of your life so far?”
19. Prodigal Son - totally forgot I had this
“No, JT, really, I want to know,” Malcolm snapped, holding his hand out – steadier than JT could remember ever seeing it – jabbing an accusatory finger at him. “What exactly was I supposed to do? Hmm? If you know, I’d love to hear it, because I haven’t got a fucking clue. I’m a bit of an outlier, you see – people aren’t good with things they can’t categorize. They want to stuff you in a box whether you fit or not, and I’m guessing as a black, male, combat veteran, there’s a couple boxes people like to tick off for you, right? Suicidal. PTSD. Temper problems. Into drugs and alcohol. Anyone ever tell you you’re a ticking time bomb, just waiting to go off?” JT didn’t answer – it was rhetorical and both of them knew it. Veterans today had a rate of suicide comparable to WWII, and instead of trying to curb the trend by digging deeper to find out why, Washington just swept it under the rug – denied treatment, refused disability claims, shoved people out on the street like Monday morning garbage. The only time people cared enough to even Google the statistics were November 11th and the last Monday in May.
annnnnnnd 20. 9-1-1 Bobby calls Buck his kid outloud
“He’s my kid!”
The words were out of his mouth before Bobby could stop them, before he even registered what it was he was saying. The gunman sneered at the sentiment, unmoved by Bobby’s plea.
“Your kid, huh?” The man sniffed, ducking his head to swipe the back of his wrist across his nose without moving the gun from where he ground it against Buck’s temple. “Then he oughta be worth somethin’ to you.”
Bobby kept his hands up, placating, and trying not to let them shake.
This was too much like the explosion. Too much like the bomber.
Buck injured, close enough to see but too far to help, while Bobby had to talk a madman down from killing part of his family.
“He’s done nothing to you,” Bobby said. “Nothing to anyone.”
The man’s lip pulled back in a snarl, and gun dug further into Buck’s head. “Nobody’s without sin, Chief.” He gave Buck a swift jerk, making the kid cough again as his windpipe was slowly crushed in the man’s grip. “How ‘bout it, kid? If I go lookin’, what am I going to find?”
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cacodaemonia · 9 months
For the writer ask game 😃
65- Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
72- What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
76- Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of My Heart's Red Muscle? 
Hey there!
This got long so I'll put it behind a cut.
For 65, I have a bunch of prompts from Flufftober and Tropetember written down, but nothing concrete. Of my two current writing wips, there's one I keep getting stuck on. I first had the idea for it back in like February, and it's basically an AU where the clone war ends right after Geonosis.
Of course, it's about Waxer and Boil because I'm nothing if not predictable, and the fic starts shortly before they meet as civilians who are working for what's more or less a logging company. I have all the background details worked out but keep getting stuck on where to put what narrative moments so that things flow naturally.
But as someone who grew up very poor, one of the things I'm interested in with this fic is... hmm, kind of making the theme of poverty into a background character, to to speak? I want its effects to be felt throughout the fic but don't want it to be something the characters necessarily talk about or focus on a lot. Oof, sorry for the novel XD;;
Okay, 72! I pretty much write everything chronologically because my fics tend to evolve as I write them. The few times I've written scenes that take place later in a story, I've ended up having to scrap most of the lines because other stuff happened that made them not fit so well anymore.
76 - I did! The whole last chapter was originally going to be quite a bit different—without spoiling it just in case, there was going to be a lot more communication beforehand between the characters who reunite at the end. Also, I just looked at my discards doc - I have 1500 words in it from various scenes, so there were quite a few things I cut. The longest one was the first version of the scene in chapter... 4, I think, where Waxer and Boil have that little 'getting to know you' meeting, haha. Boil got way too talkative in it and I was like, "this doesn't make sense for him," so I ditched most of it and rewrote it.
Thanks for the fun questions! <3
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troutfur · 7 months
Cloudtail/Swiftpaw/Brightpaw, and the tension caused when Cloudtail becomes a warrior and the others don't.
Bright/Cloud/Swift(/Thorn?) is one I've been trying to figure out for a while in terms of what their pfurr dynamic would be like. Because I've already committed to Lionheart/Frostfur/Tigerclaw/Goldenflower. Which means that rather than first cousins Bright and Swift would be raised as myempfurr, father siblings. Although from a legal perspective, so to speak, they'd stop being so when Frostfur declares her two litters were sired by Lionheart, therefore stripping Tigerclaw AND Goldenflower from the pipfurr, father, role.
(Is she telling the truth? Maybe. Maybe not. I won't tell you either way, but if you wanna feel free to speculate.)
I've also been mulling over the specifics of the chronology of births of the three litters born from that particular pfurr before it falls apart. I have the order down, I believe, Brackenfur + Cinderheart -> Swiftpaw + Lynxkit -> Brightheart + Thornclaw. But I still struggle to really conceptualize what would be the ideal age difference between them and the timeframe during which they are born for it to be a) believable, and b) keeping mostly to canon.
Maybe I shouldn't sweat that detail too much but when writing young characters, as WC tends to focus on, I find it particularly important to have a clear idea of development stage and relative maturity. Hence why the brainstorming/pre-planning section of my docs very often has a timeline plotting births and relevant life milestones of key characters relative to plot beats.
Anyway not too much of this is going to be super relevant to the one-shot because these are meant to be very quick-and-dirty, mostly a means to train discipline and get the writing muscles working, but I still wanted to get my thoughts out. (Not to mention writing all this prologue is excellent for procrastrinating!)
(Wanna see me ramble a whole bunch before getting to your damn prompt? Check out my guidelines and submit one. I'm taking submissions all November long. I have enough to last me the month but I always appreciate having more than needed so I can have my pick. Plus we are rather lacking in the female-character centric prompts I wanted to do more of, so ya know. If you want a higher chance of getting chosen.)
“Swift,” Brightpaw said, reaching a paw out to his shoulder from her place in their shared nest. “I’m sure it’s nothing like what you are imagining. Cloudtail is a warrior now. It’s only appropriate of him to not interact with us the way he used to.”
“When has he cared one bit about what’s proper?” he retorted. “When have we for that matter?”
Brightpaw’s ears burned. It was true that she wasn’t supposed to sleep on a nest with anyone other than Thornpaw’s. It could be tolerated if it was a close myem, a sibling, who was close in age but it’d been a long time since the two had stopped being myempfurr in the eyes of Clan customs. And from there to have done so not only with him but with another tom that were they all warriors would be considered a suitable sire for her kits.
“This is more serious,” Brightpaw continued to insist. “Can you imagine the kind of scandal it’d be? Especially with the kind of history Cloudtail has? You’d want him to risk all of that just for us?”
“It’s no excuse to leave us forgotten like crowfood,” Swiftpaw snarled. “Besides, not only is he Bluestar’s newest darling, you’re forgetting we’re older than him, that everyone knows just how much of an unfair promotion that was, that we are just as skilled and just as strong, if not more! Anyone who took issue would be better off picking the thorns out of their nest.”
“Swift!” Brightheart scolded. “You know the Clan is not going to be like that. Not towards him, especially. Just let it go. When we’re warriors he can just court us and it’ll all be like nothing happened.”
“And when exactly is that going to be, Brightpaw?” Swiftpaw challenged. “A moon? A season? A year? Do you really expect us to just sit here idly by until the situation with Bluestar blows over? Do you think that while he has us forgotten and thrown to the wayside he is not going to be getting to know his fellow warriors? That he may not have fully forgotten us?”
“Oh, now you’re just assuming the worst possible outcome without any real proof,” Brightpaw complained.
“You said it yourself, possible outcome,” Swiftpaw retorted. “With what’s been happening do you really think that the worst one won’t be the one happening? How many times does it have to happen before you realize? How many times before you take it to heart?”
Brightpaw went silent.
“If Cloudtail will leave us forgotten, so be it, we will too,” Swiftpaw declared. “And if both of us want to stay as empf we need to do something. Something that will prove beyong anyone’s doubts that we are ready, that Bluestar’s judgement was warped, that we can do something to turn this Clan around.”
“What do you even want us to do?” Brightpaw asked.
The whiplash in what he was saying was just palpable. Wouldn’t he more than anyone be aware that even with a hundred assessments passed it ultimately rested in Bluestar whether or not to promote them? Wouldn’t he understand deeply that a cat set in his ways like her be would be unlikely to listen to his concerns? Wasn’t he the one wanting to sever from her ‘newest darling’ as he put it?
“We need to fight those dogs,” Swiftpaw declared.
Brightpaw’s eyes opened and she rose to her feet to stand in front of her empf. “No.” She stomped a foot down for emphasis. “No, no, and no. I’m not going to be agreeing to this. You’ve just got to forget this idea. Even with an expertly organized patrol this would be a risky mission but as an apprentice to put on this--”
“Brightpaw do we have another choice?” Swiftpaw challenged. “We’re practically warriors and we need to act like it. Moreso with such a paralyzed leadership over us. If a brat like Cloudtail can just strut around with respect by putting the shallowest act, imagine what we could obtain by actually doing an act of service to the warrior code.”
Brightpaw once again went silent and Swiftpaw rubbed across her neck in reassurance. “You’re more capable than you give yourself credit for, Brightpaw. Let’s prove that to everyone.”
It was a conversation that was forever burned into Brightheart’s memory.
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achairwithapandaonit · 8 months
For the wip game, any wip in specific you want to talk about? Also the fact you always have untitled ones is so funny to me. How do you even find anything. What are even untitled 1 3 and 4 about? What have you done to the 2?
hmmm i don't think i have any specifically i want to talk about. also my laptop needed updating so i saved all the untitled wips about an hour ago kjdsghjkgs. they're now 'sabo luffy reunion', 'random fic collection', and 'rosinante time travel au'. since i spam you with all my wips it's probably obvious what each of these except the middle one is, but i'll explain it for the non-aobas.
the sabo luffy reunion one is a crack fic where luffy recognises sabo prior to marineford when the straw hats and sabo and koala just happen to be at the same restaurant.
here's a snippet for that one:
“It’s rude to stare,” Nami scolds him. She grabs at Luffy’s head, twisting it around to face his food, but Luffy just whines and loops his neck around itself once to look back at the man. He wants to look at Sabo, even if he isn’t Sabo. “Luffy,” Nami says in warning. The girl says something to Sabo, then, and he turns his head and looks right at Luffy. He seems confused, but Luffy just grins at the attention. He waves. Sabo, eyebrows raising, waves back. He gets hit on the head for it, and Luffy hears the girl speak, “Why did you wave back, you idiot?!”
the random fic collection is just a bunch of things i started writing and then stopped writing and then continued using the doc for new things. it's got the start of me trying to write that au idea we talked about where the revolutionary army really wants to recruit luffy cause like...damn. he really is just doing his job for them. and also the start of some angsty writing about sabo that came to me at like 3am. and also some writing for that au we were talking about where luffy is the older brother of ace and sabo and meets ace (10 at the time) during the two year time skip where the straw hats are training and promptly becomes a Major Annoyance who ace (and sabo) cannot get to go away.
and the rosinante time travel au is an au where after dying rosinante ends up back in the past right when law stabs him and proceeds to silently follow him around everywhere, prompting law (and everyone else) to assume that he's taking the child hating to new levels and is plotting law's murder.
as for 2...i don't know where it is. i don't know what happened to it. maybe i closed it without saving because i was too lazy to save and decided whatever i wrote didn't matter.
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tightjeansjavi · 11 months
Im thinking of writing a book, do you have any tips to get started? Just planning out the plot, characters and whatnot
Ahh hi Nonnie! First off, absolutely huge compliment coming to me to give you tips on writing 🥺 my heart is so warm rn
I usually start off by opening Google docs and go with the vibes (actually though I do this 99% of the time)
I have a bunch of things written down in my notes app whether it be the plot or dialogue I plan on including. I do this especially when I know that it’s a piece that is going to acquire a lot of my attention and it helps me *stay* on track!
For BIAHD I have the most notes for simply bc it’s a hefty story but whenever I come up with a new idea I quickly write it down so I don’t lose it!
As for finding the plot, for me it’s also based on vibes of the story. Is this a romance? Is this angst? Is this on the lighter side? Sometimes the plot comes to me right away and other times it’ll take me days to get the plot figured out. (I find that stepping away is super helpful if you’re feeling stuck)
Also it’s good to have a list of writing tools at the ready such as a body language masterlist, prompts and a dictionary so you don’t find yourself overusing words!
My biggest advice is to write with your heart (as cheesy as it sounds) we all have our own creative voice and style of writing! Let yours shine through in the way that feels the most natural to you. Don’t feel pressured to write like everyone else does. Being unique is what makes us human! Also, I know it’s hard to not want to compare yourself to other writers but try and not do this because it’s very easy to get into the mindset of thinking your writing isn’t good! No negativity here 🤍
Finally, have fun! Write silly stories! Write sad stories! Write stories with tons of dialogue! Write stories with tons of descriptions! Write long stories! Write short stories! Write 800k of pure angst if your heart sings for it!
Most importantly, write for you 🫶🏻
Hope this helps Nonnie! Have a wonderful evening x.
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coldercreation · 1 year
Would you mind posting an update on what snippets are in the works rn?<33 Like which are indefinitely on hold, which prompts (or like how many) you’re working on etc? Can’t wait for the next one!
Ohh hmm, let’s see!
I have a bunch of unfinished things floating about, I tend to start new ones whenever I’m stuck writing something or just get a brief idea in my head. Usually, whenever I get a prompt, I write down whatever comes to mind for that. These unfinished docs I have are anything between like a single sentence to a few thousand words.
These are all WIPs and I keep adding stuff whenever the inspiration strikes, and basically everything I write has been inspired by a bunch of different prompts! 
In no particular order:
The Sad!Kitty story.
A very AU version where Isac's meeting Lit for the first time, out on a night out. He’s just on a demon rampage bc he wants to have sex for the first time lmao this prompt was so creative and funny, love it<3
Nathan trying to celebrate an achievement only to feel dismayed bc his mum is… his mum (she’s happy for him but Nathan still ends up feeling like it isn’t a big deal after all. Too many feels to explain here lol). He protest-buys himself a chocolate cupcake and sticks a candle in it. It’s more of a feel-good one than it sounds here.
Pretty early on into their relationship, Kit comes home from work to find Nat in pre-heat and starting to nest. I have posted a text conversation from the beginning of this snippet.
Alpha!Nat AU: “Ok if you’re doing AUs, how about some twists: Nat growing up in a pack w the boys, as an alpha, with no og hurt background? What would he be like? What would the pack and the dynamic be like? Maybe his first rut w them? (—)”
Literally just a couple of lines of Nat being all blushy and thinking how Kit is so handsome, and then saying it out loud when called out for staring. 
Lizzy snippet, just them hanging out when they were still just getting to know each other. I have posted bits of this at some point too.
Nat being a good boi and doing more kneeling, but also finally getting to satisfy his curiosity for using his mouth. 
Lithan, basically the As just getting handsy with a sleepy Nat. I should start a sleepy boys being filthy soft on the couch -series at this rate hahhaah
Litzy meeting Sammy for the first time
Izzy having a panic attack over uncertainty with his birth control :( This one is just a few lines and I don’t like writing it bc I hate feeling Isac like that. The prompt asked for Isac having something rough happen & how he'd react, and I figured it’d be a good way to explore his issues with this topic. It was not a good idea I hate it why did I think I should scare him with one of his biggest fears horrible let my bunny be happy!!! 
Link visiting Nathan’s family
Link visiting Liam and Kit’s home town/families. <-This doc basically only has this one line. 
Izzy coaxing Nat into wearing some pretty underwear because he knows the As would pass out. Nat’s not personally that into wearing anything like that but he’s not against it and finds out that he’s very much into the reaction he gets lmao
More stuff with Nat’s friends
Some less specific angsty Nat snippets/notes
A filthy prompt-fill for the filthyspicy anon who wanted some spicy free use Nat. Anon you are filthy and I love you hahaha<3 
Liam getting teamed up on by everyone else until he’s all whiny and babie and loved to death. Or well, it’s mainly Kizzy bullying him while Nat is being v helpful and a good boy, and doing what he’s told to keep wriggly Liam in place. Heavily based on a prompt as well.
Izzy’s heat/preheat/nesting/instinct stuff, nothing specific in this yet, I just want to write more about it at some point
Haven’t started this but I do want to write more about the Lizzy dynamic where Isac/his O is the more dominant all the way through
Ohh and I have a couple of lines of some more Lucy and Nat just hanging out but I don’t know what to write for it so it’s just… there.
I have some more but these were the ones I could easily see just by opening my docs.
SO uh yeah. I keep trying hahahah I’m just having a hard time completing things :’) These are all technically actively in the works, so nothing is on hold, but my 'actively' has been a bit ehhh xx
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himbos-hotline · 1 year
Bucks 1K follower celebration
I chose to restart the celebration complain since I, 1. Had more ideas 2. Have more ability to think.
✨ send a wrestling ship and a prompt and I'll write a request for them! You can use this request list here. There's a whole bunch of prompt lists.
💖 and some wrestlers and ill draw them. This also goes for wrestling ships and stuff. I can't promise they'd be like *super* good because chronic pain flare ups but I'll try.
🐰 and a wrestler/song and I will make a little playlist for you. I love music!
🍕 gifsets! If you wanna request a gif set use this!! It can be for wrestlers or ships or for a song.
💚 and one of my AUs/WIPs and some questions and I will answer them! It might help untangle the knots from my brain.
🎇 send me a wrestler/ship/general vibe and I'll make a moodboard.
🌹 you can ask whatever you want about Jay! If you want questions you can use this request list here.
💘anything! You an ask me anything no matter what! Whatever you want to ask to get to know me or my system.
If you're going to request more then one thing please use them on different asks. It's mostly so it's easier to post the different things.
I will keep this open for a week. So that means it will close on the 23rd of march.
I do happen to have writing requests out right now. I'm going to get them out as soon as possible.
My anons are on and that's completely okay if you want to send some through anon that's completely fine!
If you're gonna send me asks and stuff I will appreciate if you mention the 1k celebration. Just so I can gather them into a seperate google docs and queue them up.
Thank youuuuu!!!
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docholligay · 1 year
Doc are you concerned that AI's will soon be able to write novels?
I was actually talking to someone about AI this morning and it reminded me of this ask.
I am hoping that the whole art AI thing blowing up has made people actually realize what AI actually does and why we all should have been against it in the first place, and maybe, just maybe, this will work, but I actually doubt it.
Like, AI does now, and always has, simply scraped information from the internet and reconstituted into the fast food version of whatever it's being asked for. I do not like this, and I did not like this when it was stealing work from translators, but apparently that made me hysterical and anti-technology and classist or whatever.
So I am a little annoyed that people are now like, "I never thought leopards would eat MY face!!!" about AI, basically because art got involved. But honestly I don't care as long as people actually do turn the tide on it. I can be annoyed. It's a survivable condition.
ANYWAY, am I concerned? I'm not a novelist, and I am lucky that the writing I do about TV shows would be very difficult for an AI to replicate. I'm not a copywriter, another job that is in a lot of trouble from this. So, from a job perspective, no, I'm not concerned. As far as fanfic writing, well, I've read some AI generated fiction writing and I like to think I'm slightly better than that, at the very least. But if I'm not I can probably still feed myself.
I do think YA writers should be concerned because it's a much less complex and formulaic form of writing that's much easier to replicate, and I don't mean that in a shady way at all, children's authors and picture books are in the same book.
But you know who should really be concerned? Colleges. Because you know what is the easiest form of writing to AI generate? Basic paper writing from kids that don't have a lot of analytical skill but can definitely regurgitate simple ideas in a format asked for by the prompt. College degrees are meaningless NOW, I can only imagine how much worse it'll get.
We're living in a hell of our own making! It's kind of like when I was telling everyone, YEARS ago, that putting a whole bunch of connected tech in our cars was bad, got called a grandpa, and now people are like, "BMW can just shut off your heated seats??" and I'm rolling my eyes in my 96 corolla that could be run off a potato.
I'm often accused of having a pessimistic attitude about tech, but in fairness, I'm not often wrong.
So I'm not WORRIED, in that it is not yet my job on the line, but I am so frustrated that I feel like fucking CASSANDRA about this tech shit, and everyone is like, "lol silly Doc!!"
Like when I say a cashless society is bad, actually, and makes you more easily trackable, every single transaction, and that it hurts poorer and homeless people, and that we should be resisting it, everyone is like, "But I love tap to pay!" and laughs at me for using cash everywhere.
We live in the world we deserve, I guess.
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palioom · 5 months
do you have any advice for writers? i’ve written a couple strories here and there throughout the years and want to start again. you seem to have so many interesting ideas and are brave enough to share them!
hello anon!! thank you so much for asking, that's really sweet and i'm honored tbh 🖤🥺
i'm honestly horrible at giving advice but i will try!
it's gonna sound clichée and all but - just go for it! even if it's just a small, silly idea - write it out, don't overthink what others might think.
write down anything that comes to your mind!
i have a doc specifically for snippets and blurbs that are just fleeting thoughts - dialogue, scene descriptions etc. etc. chances are that once you've written it down, you come back to it and flesh it out. or you have something that just perfectly fits into a fic in the future.
use prompt lists to get started! just googling like "smut prompts" or "fluff prompts" will give you many lists where you can pick and choose from.
what also helped me to find ideas is random conversations with friends, doesn't even have to be fandom related! engaging with others, or maybe drawing from your own life experiences all make for interesting and funny ideas.
browse google or pinterest, the most random moodboards or pictures will spark the most random ideas ngl.
start out small maybe. starting out with the biggest idea could make you feel overwhelmed. a few hundred words do the trick too and it makes you get comfortable with the whole process of writing and uploading something so it's not as daunting later.
don't force anything. don't feel the vibe of one story rn? put it down and continue or start with something else to do on the side until inspiration strikes again.
most importantly: do. not. compare. yourself.
seriously. it's difficult and man, i deal with it too. but a bunch of numbers on your stuff is not indicative of the quality of your fics. it's luck, really, and obviously it helps when people have friends that help share things around.
and ask for help if you need it! i'm sure many people are willing to help with all sorts of things or point you in the right direction, myself included 🖤
i used to write for years without publishing anything too, and i only really got the inspiration and motivation to share in this fandom ngl.
i still have hella anxiety to share stuff sometimes, btw, so if you worry about that, it really just is something you'll have to get used to. but it does get easier with time, trust me!
hope this helped a little, i tried to cover a little bit of everything but feel free to reach out again if you want more advice! 🖤
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storiesofsvu · 9 months
Hello dear :) I'd like to get into writing fiction again but it's been a long time and I don't know where to start. Do you have tips? Any for maybe starting to write for new fandoms/series/characters? Thank you.
ooo... i think it's a little different for everyone, but here's things i would do/do.
-spend some time reading, esp the fandoms that you want to write for and the tropes you like. read as much as you can to submerse yourself into that world
-same goes for watching said show/movie/whatever. i always like to throw on a few eps to catch the vibe and then maybe go for a character specific episode to get the feel of them back
-for new characters/shows i like to go through the SFW/NSFW alphabet headcanon things, or find other headcanon templates online and start with that, get a feel for the character/fandom, play around with things a little bit before delving into a full fic
-again with watching the show: i find that's the easiest way to come up with "fix it fics" or just ideas for stories in general. like, the stuff we don't see on screen that may or may not have happened, or should have happened. Like, character a comes home from a case/day at work that was a shitty shitty time, someone got hurt/etc, and they don't have a partner on the show to wind down with, so write those kinda things (ships or reader insert)
-find prompt lists! it can take a bit to have people sending stuff in but i found some, wrote down a bunch of ones that i really liked, and then went through that list and thought about which character they fit the best and did some little drabbles to start off with.
-as for getting engagement: post everything you write, if you think it's crap there's a chance it's not and you're just being hard on yourself! the more you post, the more you'll pop up in the tags and people will get to recognize you and interact more. also that being said, use the tags! but use them appropriately (ie; tag the fandom, the character you're writing for and what ship it is. you don't need to tag all the other characters in the fic, just the one/ship you focus on. personal pet peeve there lol.) follow people from the fandoms you want to write for, whether they be fandom blogs, writing blogs, gif making blogs, send req's into them, read/comment/reblog on their stuff, again, the more often they see your name, the more likely they are to check out your stuff. you can create a google doc to make a taglist, or you can make a general note all "tagged some people who i thought might be interested? lmk if you want me to take you off" and most of the time people seem to not care. it's easy to ignore a tag imo.
hope that helps!!
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impishtubist · 1 year
how do i get my motivation to write back?
That depends, Anon! Do you have lots of story ideas you'd love to write, and you just can't find the motivation for it? Or are you wanting to write but just don't have an idea that speaks to you?
The first one is hardest for me! I hate when I have tons of ideas in my head, but then when I sit down and open a document, all I do is stare at the page. Or maybe I can't even bring myself to open the doc in the first place. It's so frustrating! But usually that is a sign to me that I need to step away from writing for a while and go do something else that isn't related to writing at all, like playing music or going hiking. Sometimes a few days spent doing other things does the trick and helps you get your motivation back.
I also find that if I am reading or watching something that I think is spectacular, it inspires me to work on my own stuff again. We call this refilling the creative well :) Like right now I'm re-reading a fantasy series that I love, and it's making me excited about getting back to my own stories. (Reading and watching brand-new things is good, too. Inspiration can come from anywhere!) Alternatively, writing out of spite is also extremely motivating. 😂 There are a few times I've picked up a book that turns out to be mediocre, and then I think 'well I could have done it better than this', and then I am inspired to go write something.
It's also motivating to spitball story ideas with some friends! My favorite thing right now is to drop random tweets or reddit posts into Discord servers and go "okay imagine this is wolfstar though" and then a bunch of my friends and I will start spinning stories collectively together. And sometimes one of us then gets motivated to write the story! (With a healthy amount of loving bullying from the rest.) Having people talk through story ideas with you and help you flesh them out is another good way to get your motivation back.
I don't know if you're referring to fanfic or original fic, but if it's fanfic, sometimes signing up for a fest is helpful for me. Fests are usually themed, and they always have a deadline, so that helps me spit out a story on the page. There are also gentle prompt games you can find on Tumblr to help give you inspiration/motivation, like this one. (h/t to @aqua-myosotis for sending this one to me yesterday!)
Does any of that help?
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yerbamansa · 1 year
Ohhhh my god, so I wrote a novel-length fic over the last five months and I just…need to write down some Thoughts on that, because it hadn’t happened before and I have no idea if it will again, just seemed worthwhile to collect myself a bit. To be clear: I’m…really proud of myself?? Who knew I had it in me! And I think it’s a fun read! I learned a lot! More under a cut if you care to read my ramblings.
The gdoc containing my initial outline of ideas was created on October 29, 2022. I shared it with the group chat from whence the idea came, because I was planning to participate in a daily prompt challenge in November so I wasn’t going to have time for it yet. By late November, quite a bit of work was happening in the doc—a proper outline with a three-act structure I borrowed from various writing tips websites and then wandered off on my own with. I’ve never written something this structured and long before, so I searched for some structure tips.
I found a few different forms (a 9-block, 27-chapter structure; a three-act checklist) that I ended up using almost like a self-survey/brainstorm. A couple passes through that, plus trying to work it out as a character/timeline spreadsheet, gave the whole thing a much clearer shape. I knew I wanted to alternate between Ed’s and Stede’s POVs, but not limit it to theirs. Early on I decided that Oluwande would be a third POV character because (a) I love writing him and (b) the crew’s perspective is REALLY IMPORTANT. Then, because I used Lucius as an outsider, he became the fourth POV, introduced at the beginning of act 2.
Tumblr media
[ID: A bar chart showing word count by POV character. Ed has over 34,000 words, Stede about 26,000 words, Oluwande 13,000 words, and Lucius a little under 10,000 words. End ID.]
But it’s not like I had it 100% perfectly mapped out at a chapter level, nor did I know exactly what details would…emerge. Like, I knew the shape of the details, but I kind of worked them out as I got to know this version of the characters better. The outlining process was kind of my draft: I went through it to get to the point that I could sit down and outline each chapter (or two ahead, in some cases) and then write it.
Very few things were written out of order, but the scene where they’re trapped in the storage closet was written well before I finished chapter 1. And I thought it would happen later than it did. I really thought I was gonna enemies-to-lovers these guys! 😂
There were a TON of details/potential plotlines I thought about including, but ultimately decided not to, either because it was totally out of my lane to do it justice (ex.: literally anything to do with Ed’s heritage and food—I read up some and whew, it’d have to be its own story, and not really mine to tell) and/or because it would’ve overcomplicated/distracted from the plot as it unfolded. There was a whole thing where Stede was meant to pull a Christopher Kimball thing and screw over the magazine by starting a rival publication and, you know what, there was more than enough drama to mine from just the Bon Appetit Test Kitchen debacle(s).
The idea came from a group chat, and the same group chat was instrumental in helping me flesh out a bunch of character details. That was fun. That’s also where my main beta reader came from. It’s funny, I’ve written on and off pretty much my whole life, but rarely had an editor like this. It was very collaborative and challenging in the best possible ways, I think; especially with something this long, it really helped to have someone who knew some of what was in my head but wasn’t nose-deep in it.
While it hasn’t been a runaway hit or anything, it’s had by far more eyeballs than anything else I’ve written in this fandom. Definitely a lot more comments than anything else, which is fun. Some folks I really admire have said kind things and if that didn’t make me all 😊 well. (It did, though.) It was because of those commenters that I got a sense of how it was coming off—that it was, and could be, fun and frothy and still touch on subjects that were difficult (labor rights etc.) without making light of them. At least, that’s what I hope I pulled off in the end.
There were so many random little side routes and ideas that came up while thinking about and writing this that I really had to make a series. For the one-shots. For fuck’s sake, I put too much into building out this little world and this version of each character not to.
And if one of those ends up being some kind of E-rated fic involving Mary and Evelyn, like, posing for Doug with fresh fruit still-life and it turning into A Whole Thing, so be it. (It didn’t make the story text, but Mary and Evelyn are married and Doug is Mary’s guy who lives in the guest house out back. Also they make cooking YouTube videos together as a trio. There will probably be one-shots about them because Evelyn was too much fun to write.)
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