#I will go back on my word and watch season 9 if Cisco shows up but otherwise there's not really much point
icedteaandoldlace · 2 years
The ONLY way to reintroduce Cisco in season 9 is to have him do one of his classic just-in-time saves while Barry's in a dangerous situation, and Barry gives him this WTF look that doesn't leave his face the entire time they're fighting the villain. Then once the villain is properly knocked out or in police custody or whatever, Barry and Cisco turn to each other, and you think they're gonna have their "hey good to see you, bro!" moment and hug, but Barry still just looks shocked, and Cisco's like, "What?!"
And Barry just shakes his head in bewilderment and goes, "Dude, when did you cut your hair?"
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keep-it-i-resign · 3 years
Fic Writer Asks
tagged by the lovely @vampcoffeegyrl23 I am soooo sorry this has taken over a week! I promise I was just busy away from my computer and using mobile is not the way to go about answering these! 😅
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
6 on AO3 and 6 on ffn.net. I haven't used the ffn.net account in years, i.e 2013 (and therefore my user name isn't even the same) so those 6 stories are different from my AO3 ones. I don't post most of what I write and now that I'm in my mid-20s with a few published papers behind me - I'm much more confident in my ability to write a cohesive and interesting story so expect more posted!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
17,425 words which isn't bad for only 6 fics with two of those stories having additional chapters coming soon.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3? Just 1, which is The Flash and by extension Stargate SG-1 for the crossover I did for Snowells Week this year. Counting ffn.net that's 3 more with Castle, Doctor Who, and Firefly. Over my lifetime of writing fic for myself? I think only 7 more. Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Sanctuary, Harry Potter, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: TNG, and Left 4 Dead. Left 4 Dead isn't much of a fanfic but I did use the zombie types as place holders in an original story until I developed my own.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'll Be Waiting (The Flash - Caitlin/Harry)
Well... This is Awkward (The Flash - Caitlin/Harry, Frost/Nash, Caitlin/Nash, and Frost/Harry)
Rewind Time (The Flash - Caitlin/Harry)
Through the Gate (The Flash/Stargate SG-1 - Caitlin/Eowells)
Harvest Season (The Flash - Caitlin/Harry)
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
I don't write angst much and I haven't posted many stories yet but of the ones posted I guess "I'll Be Waiting" is the angstiest.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
"Well...This is Awkward" has a pretty happy ending with everyone alive and together. Or maybe "Twilight of the Gods" because ReverseSnow/ReverseFrost happens and there is hope of bringing everything lost back and balance the universe again. I guess it depends on your definition of what constitutes as a happy ending. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
I've only written one - The Flash/Stargate SG-1 crossover. I don't normally think about crossovers just because the shows I watch are so vastly different they can't really work or they are already in the same universe with the canon crossovers. I'm also not always a fan of reading them because they can get chaotic quick and characterization takes a dive in order to fit characters into other universes/situations. I admire anyone who can write it well though!
As a side note: I did have a thought about a Snowells into the Arkham universe fic just because I have been replaying the Batman Arkham video games which I might give a shot at.
8. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
👀I wrote one smutty story years ago and it's terrible because I was young and naïve. I haven't tried recently but I'm not opposed to giving it a shot now. I have a few ideas on a prompt list I have for Snowells already so it's really a matter of when will I get to it!
9. Do you respond to comments. why or why not?
I do when I can! I like to get feedback from my readers and having an open dialogue of what they liked or disliked is important for me! I want to know what my audience enjoyed and what to improve on! Responding to them also shows them I saw that they said and appreciate what they had to say! 🥰
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Surprisingly - no, even on my old and terribly written stuff. I'm perfectly open to criticism but hate? If you don't like it, you don't like it but others might. Why spend the time spreading negativity when the world has enough of it?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As far as I know - no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but given enough time I could probably translate mine. It would be grammatically atrocious because I rarely translate from English into any of the languages I know. It's normally the other way around! I'd definitely need a Beta who is fluent to correct my mistakes.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but it's definitely something I'd try! I co-wrote an original story with a few friends of mine years ago in high school and enjoyed it. I like the idea of getting to talk and bounce ideas off of someone who enjoys the same fandoms and character as me! I haven't really done that since I grew apart from one of my friends from high school who I did that with.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
What kind of question is this? Do people actually have an ultimate ship? Is that even possible? I have ships from several fandoms and sometimes multiple ships within a fandom. Most of the time I have a main ship from a fandom but that doesn't mean I discount any of the other ones that I or others enjoy as well. I'll throw out a few that I still got out and read for in order of what I read most often (either new stuff or re-reads) to what I read occasionally, at least according to my AO3 favorite tags.
Snowells (all variations) - The Flash
Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter - Stargate SG-1
Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla - Sanctuary
Harry/Hermione - Harry Potter
William Murdoch/Julia Ogden - Murdoch Mysteries
Phil/ Melinda - Agents of SHIELD
Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris - Star Trek: Voyager
Kate Fleming/Steve Arnott - Line of Duty
I will occasionally go check what kind of fics the fandom writes when I start a show just out of curiosity. Sometimes you can tell if there is fandom hate between ships by doing so and I know to steer clear, especially if I ship a lesser ship/non-canon ship. Also - the number of canon-divergence or rewrites will tell you if the shows writers start being ridiculous *cough* The Flash *cough* and whether it's worth getting attached at all.
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Hoo boy. I have a drive full of them. Most of which aren't even close to being posted. My biggest one right now is a complete re-write of The Flash dealing with a what if scenario of Earth-1 Tess Morgan being pregnant the night that Thawne kills them both and he chooses to birth the kid rather than let it die with her. It's set a few years earlier (so 18/19 years stuck in the past rather than the original 15 that the show has it) so the kid isn't Jesse but it changes how season 1 plays out and definitely how season 2 plays out when Harry finds out about the kid while dealing with the Jesse/Zoom issue. Plus it's Snowells too and I want to deal with Barry's mistakes and the consequences of them better than the show did since the show just kind of brushes them off? For some reason? I wanted things to have a little more consequence because some of the mistakes made are egregious and then they acted like it never happened which bothers me. It's a beast of a project and I'm - unfortunately- a perfectionist and a completionist. I'm thinking an episode per chapter rewrite but right now it's in bits and pieces and a lot of notes on how episodes would play out differently with an added character and dynamic.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and scene positioning. I can write out the dialogue for a story quickly with the bare bones of the scene and movements playing out. After that, it takes me ages to expand the scene and fill in the bits between speaking lines because I can see the piece play out in my head and putting that to paper accurately and engagingly without being overwhelming is a multi-layered process.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Some of this is normal, you know, like grammar and spelling. My brain moves faster than I type so words or bit of phrases end up missing and I later have to fix it. I'm also a Southerner who grew up watching a ton of British shows so a lot of the way I phrase things isn't commonly used anywhere. I have to spend a lot of time double checking things like that. I think my biggest one is not knowing how to end stories satisfactorily. I haven't posted many fics because it's hard to post them when you don't know how to wrap everything up.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It depends on whether it's an established part of a character or story and whether or not I'm comfortable with the language. Like with Sherloque - it's established he'll say something in French and then repeat it in English. I took 3 years of French so I'm comfortable writing it and it fits the character and situation. But take Cisco, we know he speaks Spanish, but it's never really shown in the show. So fics that I've read where he breaks into Spanish can be distracting as we've never seen him do it - even in dire circumstances. I also never took Spanish in school and I only know rudimentary pieces (I took Mandarin and Latin instead), so I'm unlikely to use it in any fic I write unless the circumstances warrant it (say - Cisco is talking to a grandparent or a meta struggling with English).
But again, it depends on the situation, what we know of the character, and how comfortable I am with the language enough to get it correct and in character. Any fic writer who can get the situation and character down while using a secondary language, and not make it distracting deserves applause!
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Hit me with a hard one why don't you? 🤣 I think it was Stargate SG-1 or maybe it was Stargate Atlantis. You're asking me to think back over a decade and a half ago to when I started reading and writing fic at the tender age of 7 or 8. I'm fairly certain it was one of those two fandoms and it might've been a crossover. I do remember writing part of it on an old Gateway computer running Windows '98 with a glass monitor that was mine and my sisters. The other half was written on an electric type-writer that I owned because this was before laptops were widely available and affordable.
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
It's a tie between "Twilight of the Gods" and "I'll Be Waiting". "Twilight of the Gods" because I got to show off a few of my degrees (History and Classics, I couldn't shoehorn in my others but they are science related and that doesn't quite fit that story). "I'll Be Waiting" is a favorite because it's a big middle finger to whoever / collective group wrote The Flash season 7. I'm still pissed off at how the Wells plotline was dealt with and let's not get started on the whole Chillblaine/Kramer/Forces as kids of WA plots (ewwwwwww 🤢). I'd need a whole new post to talk about how tired I am of the WA kids showing up (because screw how that'll effect the timeline, right?) and the reliance on the future to drive what decisions are made (because, again, screw how bad that would be for the timeline - it's not like we have seen how much that effects things before right?) 😒
Phew.....That was longer than I expected, honestly, but a lot of fun!
Tagging whoever wants to talk about their works because you are all wonderful people who should get a chance to share!
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dxxtruction · 4 years
Mr.Robot: Season 2 Episode 4
break-down / character analysis / head canons 
(Spoilers obviously, but contains stuff up through end of season 4)
A: first scene
I love this scene a lot so I wrote a lot. 
(The Memorial Day situation)
Elliot had been pen-testing, doing white-hat hacking for some wall-street gig. (Timeline= ?-May 2014)
He was on some type of project where he needed to hack until it was un-hackable. (Seemed dedicated to his job there)
Elliot is court ordered into anger management with a shrink (Krista) after being fired for destroying the servers. Hs he claims he was locked in there and fell asleep then woke up in a destroyed room. (I still suspect this retelling to be halfway unreliable even though it’s how it’s told at least twice in the show.)
This happened Memorial Day weekend. - night or around 5pm presumably - people wanted to go clubbing etc. and Elliot did not. They couldn’t leave because Elliot was working. (He didn’t care about them enough to let them go, or was just dedicated to his job you choose.)
        2. (Job offering) 
Elliot is offered to work at all-safe by Angela around this time (Halloween 2014) but it’s been months since he had been working so what was he doing?
A bunch of Grey-hat hacks to get shady people arrested? Seems he may have just finished one when Darlene arrived. 
He sees some potential in accepting, because it a Trojan horse (both what you think it is and slang for a backdoor into a server network). 
He’s been thinking about it, though we don’t know how long he’s been sitting on this offer. “the right access the right malware.” His plan is to take down Evil Corp (It’s the first time he’s voiced this, and Darlene doesn’t take him entirely serious at first.)
      3. (Darlene and Elliot)
Darlene comes on halloween, she seems bothered by something that may have happened that night (if my timeline is right it could be she had a fight with Cisco because they should’ve still been together then) whatever it is Darlene feels she needs Elliots company that night. 
This is the first mention of init-1 the code between her and Elliot. He tries to excuse himself when Darlene first answers, with an excuse he’s going out. Darlene picks up that this is half-assed, showing us that despite her being gone she knows her brother well. (It’s little things like these that give hints as to the hosts habits and how much they overlap with MM’s)
“Great Darlene, haven’t seen you in a long time either. I’d love to hang out.” Judging by the fact Elliot is just now telling Darlene he’s been fired we can assume the extent of there communication is pretty much zilch. Darlene has been away from the city for some time, but I’m not sure its ever mentioned how long. 
Per tradition, they’re smoking weed while watching the careful massacre of the bourgeoise (1984). (Darlene is a talkative/hungry type of high and Elliot just chills... and maybe has deep philosophical conversations) This movie carries a lot of importance because it becomes symbolic of F-Society. It starts out with the masked man killing the bourgeoisie kids at a new years eve party, but I do wonder if thats the entire plot or not.
Darlene says several things about it: 
(A) The movie was made to disprove meritocracy. (showing the separation of class through the absurd ways in which the characters act.) 
(B) it was the source of their psychological dysfunction. (Probably because it’s x-rated, I think this line should only be taken as a joke)
In the dream sequence later in the episode Tyrell and Joanna are wearing similar outfits to the brother and sister in the movie (hinting how Elliot probably sees them)
We get clarification on Darlene having Panic attacks, this is something that has come up before. Elliot shows genuine concern for her mental well-being.
 “Since when did pretending everything is okay become the all mighty norm?” *proceeds to act like that at the beginning of season 2* 
Unlike Elliot, Darlene has a digital social life. Has instagram, and orders off postmates probably lives a normal life of a 23 year old who happens to be really smart and good at stuff. I definitely think all that go thrown in the trash the second f-society became more than just a what-if. By the beginning of season 1 she’s just as off the grid as Elliot is. (But like I just wanna see Darlene live her life again dammit.) 
Sidenote: I wonder who this one is. Part of me wants to say this is Elliot the  host, but I have my suspicions MM took over after Memorial Day, (or at the least started to front more often…). Though it does leave me asking why there are sudden amnesia barriers in the time leading up to 5/9. Fragment Krista says MM found it important to start messing with Elliots memories and his past and inadvertently this meant forgetting his sister? Was it a subconscious choice? I can’t confirm, but I still do wonder how much of Elliot we really see in flashbacks and how much of it is MM.
         4. (“Do you talk to mom?”)
Dialogue: “No. You?” (“Fuck no, she still shits on dad every time I talk to her… I wish I remembered him better.”)
I don’t have a note really, but this moment is fairly awkward given what we know about Ed—d. Not sure how I read Elliot’s face here, but I think he’s probably on the same page as her because- 
Elliot has kept the Mr.Robot jacket.
I believe this indicates the host and MM I think are (were) both protected from knowing about what their father did otherwise that shit would be trash. I wonder Does host Elliot also have the view of his father as his only friend? Anyway I definitely see this as a trigger for Robot, like, thats his clothes for one and ed—d is sort of the trauma he holds.
A switch definitely occurs once the mask is on. There’s an awkwardness where Darlene loses her laughter: does she know exactly what his disorder is? I think at the very least she suspects and picks up on these things. She knows that Elliot is forgetful and experiences moments of derealization because she’s dealt with those moments with him. They are siblings after all, and I think this scene is pretty much in here to hone that in.  
Mr.Robot starts a whole speech about a plan to take down E-Corp. Elliot (in reference to everyone because I think this is a shared understanding) knows the hard part of this hack will be he fallout (“that’s the key, the follow through.”) 
More indicators he’s been really thinking about this for a while (At the very least since Memorial Day so 6 months; at most since his dad got leukemia). He (Mr.Robot) works out that E-corp will try to come back from the hack and there needs to be a way to stop the from happening. 
Destroy public confidence = destroy E-Corp  (And this is what Darlene’s been shown doing this season so far) 
He then takes off the mask and he’s gone quiet (dissociated?) Probably a switch back. (He looks at it in a way that makes me feel like he doesn’t remember putting it on.)
End scene. 
B: Darlene’s visit
“The only way to patch a vulnerability is by exposing it first. The flip side is exposing the vulnerability leaves you open for an exploit.” (I believe this line tells us this episodes logic)
(Plan discussion.)
The plan involves losing confidence in e-corp and Elliot has lost confidence in the plan. (though we are aware phase 2 isn’t necessarily just about losing public confidence, Elliot is later shown to not want this either). He sees it as too dangerous to continue on with, and he feels guilty about it given how Gideon was killed, he doesn’t want more people to die. 
However, I feel as if he probably already saw into all the vulnerabilities (because he’s like that). Already figuring they could be exposed (hence danger). He sees the best option would be to quit while they can, but Darlene is refusing. 
“What did you guys think was going to happen exactly?” - Darlene referring to Elliot as plural. (We love to see it)
Elliot says it wasn’t him who said everything. (Clarification that a switch did happen in scene 1.)
      2. (“This is what she does”)
What does darlene do? 
Likely: When she wants something but doesn’t give full honesty about it and doesn’t tell Elliot everything. In other words Darlene keeps secrets, and hides the important bothersome details. She sort of beats around the bush. (She does something like this in scene 1 she needs Elliots company but won’t talk about or say why then avoids confrontation of her mental health)
She’s doing it here not so much for her own comfort but the safety of her brother, because she knows he has vulnerabilities, and can be triggered and emotionally unstable. She doesn’t want to upset him because she needs him to help her and he can’t do that in an unstable state.
C: Chess 
1. (Meeting with Ray to play chess)
Chess isn’t really the focus here; Ray picks up on a lot of conflict happening internally, and as an exploit to get Elliot to trust him gives the chess board over. 
We see how guilt is burdening Elliot, and he is considering owning up to everything he did. Even mentions how it could stop Darlene from doing “crazy shit”. He doesn’t want to lose her either; or lose any more people for that matter. Losing people was not a part of saving the world he signed up for. There’s also guilt in general because of 5/9 because things are turning out bad. 
I’m fairly convinced Mr.Robot is incapable of feeling guilt, or is just hiding it behind the 10 layers of clothes. (Though I guess he’s never met Gideon so why should he care?). Anyway he is consistently focused on seeing everything through no matter the costs. 
I just find Mr.Robot coming in and saying he’d swan dive off a building for saying anything pretty funny (don’t ask)
He exaggerates a lot of the time but honestly sometimes he is dead serious about putting the body in pain or in life and death scenarios and so he can be fairly destructive so it’s hard to tell if he is joking, but hey MM (and to my hc host) does hard drugs, so...
2. (A game to end all games between us)
“Winner takes all.” (“Of what?”) “Us.”
(Mr.Robot really do be like “I’mma kill you or myself” Bitch I do not think..)
Robot says Elliot “will be absent from knowing. Losing time forever. A deep black void.” Basically he’s gonna throw him in a pit. And honestly it sounds confident, like he probably feels he can take full control since he’s been around the longest along with the core. (But we know he wouldn’t do it even if he could, the guy has a soft spot. Anyway this is like the IDK what number of times Robot be doing a loop around to get a point across to Elliot. He do be playing the long game and I think secretly he loves a good scheme.) (This is what Mr.Robot does.) 
Elliot gets visited by Krista in prison and has told her about the game. (Judging by the fact they meet in her ‘office’ and not in the “Kitchen table” setting we can assume they’re allowed to meet in a private location.) (Edit: disregard this bit I forgot about the reveal that he’d just imagining it on like two separate layers to feel safe enough to speak)
“Krista’s wrong annihilation is always the answer” (He’s just as bad honestly, Krista teach this boy constructive ways). He sees annihilation as self improvement, getting rid of parts of yourself that are ugly or unwanted. We create our identity around desire, and that means destroying parts that are undesirable so all thats left is practically a mask of who we are. (I think the tie into Whiterose through this spill about annihilation is a bit cheap but like I understand the choice) Anyhow Elliot’s pretty much agreeing to a western showdown and has no idea it’s all a rouse so Robot can have his point. 
4. The chess match
Ed—d apparently taught Elliot his first ways to code through teaching him computer chess. He talks like he really understands all the logic of chess which makes me think he was letting Ray win before. 
Mr.Robot definitely feels a bit uncomfortable with being associated with him just a hint in his voice. 
Ultimately they find out neither of them can either win or lose but Mr.Robot knew all along that would happen.
“Fighting for the future we want, it isn’t about playing chess is about what we do out there with them.” (peaking out of his ten layers to show he cares about the outside world, while also expressing how they need to get out of prison.)
“I want to be here Elliot, with you.” (God my heart.) 
D: Darlene and Cisco’s hook up
Darlene is very paranoid while walking around, she isn’t sure if F-society really are being offed. However in front of F-society she tries to comfort their suspicions. 
Cisco comes to Darlene to warn her about getting killed by DA… but he’s the one who ultimately gets offed. (Poetic cinema)
We learn Darlene’s the type to get upset and defiantly end up having sex in the bathroom of a shady dive bar with her on and off again boyfriend (also Cisco why didn’t you pull out before talking about Dark Army again, like dude lol.)
This is definitely the point they start getting back together. 
There a message in gold written on the wall that reads “There's an unequal amount of good and bad in most things. The trick is to figure out the ratio and act accordingly. Stay frosty all. Peace.” - its from this tweet: x 
Operation Berenstain is first mentioned. I’m in agreement the name references the popular conspiracy about alternate timelines. 
E: Leon lays it down
Leon asks Elliot if he wants to even be here, tells him he “has to dream in order to find out the future he’s fighting for.” (My initial though is I’m not sure if this means here as in prison or here as in alive, sorta feels like the latter)
“If you like it” (The future you envision) “then it’s beautiful, if it’s not then you might as well fade the fuck out right now.” (Hard) (definitely means the latter)
I appreciate Leon so much. “Existence could be beautiful or it could be ugly. But thats on you.” He’s really good for Elliot, really no bs, no loop arounds, he just tells it straight. And you know what? He listens to him because he actually goes to bed dreaming about it. 
“What is the future? Leon says one needs to understand that before they’re ready to fight for their existence.”
This dream sequence is so impactful, Leon’s influence. I’m not gonna go in on the shots, however we do get to see a really honest view on how Elliot truly sees the people that have been a part of his life in a variety of subtle ways. We see a lot of what he desires or seeks is happiness for everyone around him. 
“Will I reconnect for those I care for. Will I reunite with old friends long gone. See the ones I love find true happiness. Maybe this future includes people I never dreamed of getting close to. Even make amends with those I have unfairly wronged. A future that’s not so lonely. A future filled with friends and family. The world I’ve always wanted. And I’d like very much to fight for it.”
I bold texted that last bit because it really hits, and I think its what becomes the foundations for what Elliot ends up saying to Whiterose at the end. Not to pull a Darlene but this show is clearly trying to say how hard it is to find connection in a world of capitalist alienation. 
When Leon sort of digs into Elliot and asks if he really does want to die. Elliot’s dream confirms, no, we find out Elliot actually wants to live in order to improve the future, and he wants connections to be there. It’s what he’s always wanted. (Yet he still does the end all match right after this sequence because he’s convinced he’ll win and get that future on his own. Both these boys are very stubborn.) 
F: Do you remember the first command you ever taught me?
Init 1. 
What Elliot taught Darlene when her computer kept crashing. She says this in scene one, and its what makes Elliot stop making excuses. The same thing happens here, Elliot has no choice but to help. Thats what the code between them means: Drop everything and help me.
What is it? Init 1 is a run level in linux which indicates a single-user/emergency mode. Streamlining the route to only the root, while disconnecting from the network or multitasker. Used for administrative tasks.
Elliot has to stop the FBI from owning f-society and the only way to do that is by using Ray’s computer. (fuck Ray btw). Just to make sure, he asks Darlene is he is really needed by her or if she wants Robot. I think he needed the reassurance that Darlene still cares (and of course she does). 
The second part of the title is .Asec - android files preventing corruption from other programs. So the whole title translates to roughly; Help prevent corruption. And a nod to the way of doing it through hacking into the FBI android phone network. (These titles are genius and have so many layers)
G. Side stuff
1. The FBI have found Fun Society LLC through Dom. I love Dom but idk how I feel about her in these early episodes. She is a fairly good detective though. I think Romero’s character being linked to stealing power from the grid is a nod to the novel Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. Ellison touches on social and intellectual issues faced by the African Americans in the early twentieth century. Also I noticed Dom’s supervisor is there and he’s already seen trying to sway the direction away from uncovering he truth. 
2. On that note so is Angela. I think we’re intentionally supposed to be annoyed with her because she’s staying at E-Corp even though she knows she’s being manipulated. 
“All of my dreams are coming true right now.” - as the bastard guys are being arrested. Not to say this slapped but it did.
We find out Whiterose and Price are in bed together on this thing and this has something to do with Angela and the plant negotiations in the lawsuit. On the phone Whiterose is fussy about moving her operation to the Congo quickly. (lets not try to reason how this plan of hers all works or what the hell it even is). Things are awkward knowing that Price is Angela’s dad, I can’t tell if he’s actually getting close because he wants to know his daughter or if its purely out of getting her around he and Whiterose’s fingers. (both? both.) 
In any case I think Esmail sets up the Angela as a counter vulnerability within the main plot, as she’s being open to exploitation by remaining at E-Corp. (refer to the logic set-up) 
3. I don’t care for Joanna’s appearance in this episode but she’s running out of money to pay of this guy who has information that could frame Tyrell for murder and is still seeing this guy she definitely hates or likes him but doesn’t love him. Complicated. She needs the severance package to pay this guy off. Tyrell is another vulnerability but he’s undercover.
H. Head canons I thought of while watching 
If Elliot hadn’t opened the door when he did Darlene would’ve picked the locks.
Darlene’s go to is always some type of asian food.
The weed is Elliots but the Bowl is Darlenes.
We see coats on the wall hooks in Elliots room, but I think the likes the cold because its grounding so he usually leaves without one on.
When Robot is high (on weed) he just talks like nonstop.
Not a head canon really but I notice Elliot never uses the backrests in chairs. However Robot becomes the chair he is the chair.
Darlene stopped going to dance classes after the hack, I think Angela has also stopped going.
Leons favorite subjects are philosophy and history
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hellofaride2021 · 7 years
Fan fiction Questions
Fandom Questions;
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in? Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
2. What is your latest fandom? Arrow/The Flash/Supergirl/Legends of Tomorrow.
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in? A mix between Glee, White Collar & The Flash.
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms? Sometimes Glee because some people can get over the top if you don’t agree with them, like the same characters/ships/storylines/songs etc.
5. Which fandoms have you written fanfiction for? Buffy, Angel, Glee and Bones.
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in. Honestly, too many to name but here’s a few. Buffy - Buffy/Angel, Glee - Kurt/Blaine, White Collar - Neal/Kate & Neal/Sara, The Flash - Barry/Iris.
7. List your NoTP’s from each fandom you’ve been in. I’ll do the same as above. Buffy - Buffy/Riley, Glee - Will/any of the students, White Collar - Neal/Mozzie & Neal/June, The Flash - Barry/anyone but Iris lol.
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom? I’ve loved superheroes since I was a kid and would watch all the DC & Marvel cartoons and shows. I started watching Arrow and watched every spin off since.
9. What are the best things about your current fandom? The endless about of ideas and stories people come up with wether it’s in canon, au or or multiple universes within the shows.
10. Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in? White Collar, The West Wing and Arrowverse but I’m hoping to write some WC, WW & The Flash fic soon.
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom;
11. Who is your current OTP? Barry/Iris
12. Who is your current OT3? Neal/Peter/Elizabeth
13. Any NoTPs? Neal/Mozzie, Neal/June, Barry/Cisco, Barry/Caitlin.
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs? Barry/Cisco, Barry/Oliver, Neal/Peter, Neal/Jones.
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love? I don’t think so unless you count Neal/Kate as I know not many love her lol.
16. Are there any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike? I’m not a big Barry/Oliver fan. I wouldn’t never read a fic with them together but I don’t seek them out either.
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite? Buffy/Angel
18. What ship have you written the most about? Brennan/Booth (Bones).
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them? Buffy/Spike. I don’t mind reading them briefly and it ending with Buffy/Angel.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? Neal/Peter/Elizabeth.
Author Questions;
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote? That would be Angel’s reaction to the end of Buffy Season 5.
22. Is there anything you regret writing? I don’t think so. There’s some early Bones stuff that I wrote that I sometimes have embarrassment over but I don’t regret writing it.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it. Miles Away From Nowhere (Bones) which is on my ff.net account under tohavealifetimeoffun. I wrote this after the end of the third season because I wanted to explore the relationship of two characters who couldn’t be more different but suddenly had this somewhat shared experience. I think I described it as my first serious piece of writing and it was. It’s not perfect but it is special to me.
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit? Untitled and unposted Harry Potter fic. It was set the night of Harry’s parents deaths and focused on Sirius. I wrote just a few chapters but I could never get it right. I’d love to try and tackle it again. Also I’d love to rewrite “Why don’t you kiss her?” And take out the lyrics.
25. What’s your most popular fanfic? Why don’t you kiss her? (Bones)
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles? I try and take them from songs, films, quotes, history or something relevant to what I’m writing about.
27. What do you hate more: coming up with titles or writing summaries? That’s difficult but I think I’ll have to go with titles.
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fan art for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of? Opening Night (Glee) a behind the backs shot of Rachel & Blaine looking out to the stage and seats from the wings.
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not? No because I haven’t written since 2013 but when I get back into it soon I’d like to find one if I could.
30. What inspires you to write? Telling a story and sharing it with others and seeing how they react to it.
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing? It’s a toss between “This was positively beautiful” from Opening Nigth (Glee) or one that’s too long to type from Miles Away From Nowhere (Bones) from teenageblockhead.
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspires you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you? I sometimes listen to music when I write, other times it’s a distraction and I need quiet to focus but music itself is definitely an inspiration. What genre or artist it is depends on what and who I’m writing, for example if I’m writing Neal/Kate I’d go for some tragic love song.
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics? I’ve written oneshots and multi-chapter fics but never huge epic ones. If I had the idea and time I definitely would try it.
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic? 7,938
35. Do you write Drabble? If so, what do you normally write them about? I’ve only ever written one drabble within a one shot multi chapter fic (lol) and it was the characters thoughts in a particular scene/episode.
36. What’s your favourite genre to write? Dramatic, Hurt/comfort.
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why? Both and it depends on the story, chapter, character. First person is usually to get inside the characters head more and third to see the dynamic and awareness of all the characters. Am I explains that correctly? Sorry if it wasn’t that clear.
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs? I think so far I’ve only used established canon characters but I would write OCs if called for.
39. What is your greatest strength as a writer? My imagination.
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing? Translating what I see in my head to page exactly as I picture it.
Fanfiction Questions;
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
Earth 2 Comes to Earth 1 (Flash) archiveofourown.org/works/11717298/chapters/26391633
In Darkness and Hope series (White Collar) starting with archiveofourown.org/works/7260460/chapters/16485412
What Lies Beneath (White Collar) archiveofourown.org/works/5494976/chapters/12694760
White Collar: The Labyrinth (WC) archiveofourown.org/works/7685479/chapters/17506906
The Others (Flash) archiveofourown.org/works/9303875/chapters/21088148
41. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing. All the above authors!
42. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspire you? Honestly, all the above authors plus @trufflemores & @consulting-caffrey
43. What ship do you feel needs more attention? Neal/Kate.
44. What is your all time favourite fanfic? One (of many tbh) is Ride series (Glee) by nellie12 on ff.net.
45. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why? Miles Away To Nowhere and Opening Night because they are two I wrote on a whim, turned out better than I expected and I’m most proud of.
46. Archive of Our Own, Dreamwidth, LiveJournal, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr- where do you prefer to post and why? AO3, FF.net & tumblr as I find them easiest to navigate and I’m the most active on them.
47. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not? I use to, back in the early days, but not so much anymore. Mostly because I think my reviews are sometimes to standard. I’m trying to get back into reviewing.
48. Do you care if people comment/reboot your writing? Why/Why not? I care to some extent but I’m not checking every half hour and worrying about it throughout the day.
49. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction? I randomly came upon some Buffy fanfic years ago and loved it and for years I’d been daydreaming fanfic in my head so I wanted to try and get it out.
50. Rant or hush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go! I love the community supporting each other wether it’s commenting and sharing stories, helping each other out of writing funks, betas, fic requests etc.
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darkestsight · 7 years
Random Scene #9
(Rip’s first meeting with Felicity and Cisco. Any mistakes found in this story will be blamed on the flu.)
“Oh, wow,” said Felicity, her wide eyes roving up and down Rip as she took him in. “He’s totally like a British, time travelling, space cowboy, isn’t he?” She turned to Ray and Sara. “Why didn’t you guys tell us?”
The pair exchanged bemused looks.
“Uh,” Sara said, uncertainly. “We wanted it to be a surprise?”
Cisco, his own eyes equally focused on Rip, nodded. “He’s like a combination of Captain Malcolm Reynolds and the Doctor from Doctor Who.”
Felicity slapped his arm. “Exactly!”
Rip, who had been somewhat taken aback by the pair’s exuberant scrutiny, gazed from one to the other feeling rather baffled. “I’m sorry. What are you talking about?”
Cisco raised his eyebrows and gave Rip a disbelieving look. “You’ve never seen Firefly?”
Rip shook his head.
“Doctor Who?”
Rip shook his head again, the lines on his forehead deepening. “I presume you’re talking about television programs of some kind.”
Cisco and Felicity gazed at each other in shock.
“You’ve never even heard of them?” Felicity said, incredulously. “They’re only two of the best sci-fi shows ever.”
Rip gave a tired sigh. “I’m from the twenty-second century. I can’t be expected to know everything about this time period.”
“That’s no excuse,” replied Felicity.
“Seriously, Ray,” said Cisco, turning to the former billionaire. “You, of all people, didn’t think to enlighten this poor deprived man.”
Ray gave an apologetic shrug. “We’ve only just gotten him to watch Star Wars. We thought we’d try Star Trek next; then move our way up.”
“But Doctor Who’s got the whole time travel thing,” Felicity asserted. “I bet he could tell you all the ways they got it wrong.”
“Not to mention...” Cisco gestured at Rip. “I mean just look at him.”
Everyone, much to Rip’s increased annoyance, looked at him.
 He shifted his weight from one foot to the other feeling more than a little uncomfortable under their gazes. “Listen,” he said, raising a hand and twirling it around in the air, “could we maybe move on to more important topics of discussion. There is the whole matter of the...”
“I don’t see it,” said Felicity, frowning.
“Seasons five to seven,” Cisco said, gazing at her pointedly. “A certain male companion.”
Felicity’s eyes widened and she grabbed Cisco’s arm. “Oh, my God. I didn’t see it until now because of the beard but you’re right. He looks just like him.”
“Like who?” Rip demanded, growing more confused the longer the conversation went on.
“Rory,” Cisco declared.
Rip gave an incredulous snort. “You think I look like Mick?”
Rolling his eyes, Cisco shook his head. “There are way too many people named Rory these days. I meant Rory Williams.”
“Pond,” Felicity quickly corrected him.
“Fine,” Cisco conceded. “Pond. Though technically I should say he looks like the actor. What’s his name?”
“Uh, Arthur something,” supplied Felicity.
“Right, Arthur something.”
Rip rubbed tiredly at his forehead. “Could we just...”
“Hey, wait,” Felicity suddenly exclaimed. “You’re from the future. Does that mean you know everything that’s going to happen to us?”
Cisco’s eyes widened. “My God. Felicity’s right. You could tell us our future. We’re famous by your time, right? Semi-famous, at least.” He gazed hopefully at Rip.
Assuming one of his more sterner expressions, Rip folded his arms over his chest. “I’m afraid I can’t disclose anything that may effect the timeline.”
Felicity didn’t appear remotely intimidated by the stern look but then she’d been putting up with Oliver Queen for years. “Nothing at all?” she said moving a step closer to Rip. “Couldn’t you at least give us a hint?” Her lips pouted as she gazed pleadingly up at him.
Rip eyed her, somewhat disconcerted but remaining steadfast. “Knowing your own future is much too dangerous. Even a hint could cause you to do things that could lead to irreparable damage.”
“I hate to say it, but considering everything that’s happened with Barry, I have to agree,” Cisco said nodding, but then his eyes lit up once more and he too took a step closer to Rip. “But you could tell us generic stuff about what the future’s like, couldn’t you?”
“Oh,” said Felicity, enthusiastically catching on. “Like do we ever actually get real flying cars?”
“Or jet packs?” said Cisco. “Please say we get jet packs.”
“What about cybernetic implants?”
“And lunar colonies?”
“Are there like robots everywhere?”
Rip was about to get whiplash from swinging his head back and forth from one to the other. “No. I mean, well, yes, sort of. It depends on when and where you’re talking about.”
“Can you take us?” said Cisco. “To the future, I mean, the far future.”
“Oh, my God, yes,” said Felicity. “I want to see all the future space cities.”
“Plus it would be so cool to travel in the Waverider again.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” declared Rip, raising his hands to bring a halt the duo’s babbling. He took a deep breath trying to maintain the rapidly diminishing control on his temper. “When were you on my ship?”
“During the last invasion,” Cisco explained. “We took a trip back to the 1950s.”
“It was awesome,” Felicity declared with a giant grin, and then the grin turned into a grimace. “Though I may have kind of thrown up on your bridge.” The grimace grew deeper. “Twice.”
Cisco leaned towards her and said in a pseudo whisper, “Actually, I think it was three times.”
“Okay, so maybe it was three times,” Felicity admitted, sheepishly. “But your ship is totally awesome. There’s so many things I want to know about it.”
Cisco nodded. “Like how fast can it go?” he asked. “Specifically, in space and in the temporal zone. Can you even measure speed in the temporal zone if there’s no time?”
“Yeah,” said Felicity, “and what type of energy source does it use? It’s got be something pretty powerful to punch through time. Do you use multiple sources? What do you do if you run out of power?”
“What’s the hull made of? I’d really like to get my hand on some of it. Do you need to use a special type of alloy for time travel?”
“And what about the A.I.? Was she made specifically for the ship? What sort of things can she do? Is she really sentient? Can I pretty, pretty please take a peek at her programing? Just a peek. Please.”
Unable to get a word in edgeways, Rip stared at two of them caught between exasperation and bewilderment. Were these really the geniuses behind two of the centuries greatest heroes, he wondered, or was this one of his team’s little jokes? As Felicity and Cisco continued to bombard him with questions, he gazed over their heads at Sara and Ray sending them a desperate look, silently pleading for them to rescue him.
“Um, guys,” Ray said, thankfully getting the message, “maybe you could leave off the questions until after we’ve dealt with our little problem.”
“Yeah,” said Sara, coming over and placing a hand on Rip’s shoulder. “I’m sure Rip will be more than happy to answer your questions when were done.” A wicked smirk played at her lips as she gazed at Rip completely ignoring the death glare he was sending her. “I’d bet he’d even be willing to give you guys a personal tour of the ship.”
Cisco and Felicity’s eyes gleamed. “Awesome,” they said in unison.
Rip let out a long and heartfelt groan.
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jade4813 · 7 years
I Finally Did The Thing
So, a while ago, someone who will remain nameless sent me some SB points (purporting to be proof that there is a plan in place for romantic SB) to get my brother’s reaction on them - as a writer and as a person who is frequently and hilariously pained. I’m not going to post the OP here, but I’ll sum up the points and give his reaction for the amusement of those who are interested. As this is long, it’s under the cut. (My husband gets in on this a time or two, as well.)
Point 1: Caitlin’s feelings for and attachment to Barry are the reason she wouldn’t leave town with Ronnie. Barry has been compared to Ronnie. Caitlin’s feelings for Barry superseded her feelings for Ronnie and her desire to stay could only be romantic.
My brother: “Sure. That holds up in a court of law. And you’re an attorney, you should know. It’s like what When Harry Met Sally said 20 years ago. Men and Women can’t be friends. Wait…almost 30 years ago. Jesus Christ.”
Me: “Did I just give you a midlife crisis? We just got started, here!”
Him: “A little. Carry on.”
Point 2: Everyman didn’t HAVE to kiss Cailtin, but he felt there was something between them, in the way Caitlin interacted with Barry. And she kissed back, so she has feelings for Barry.
Me: “That was a noise. How do you type that, do you think? Mmmfg?”
Him: “Maybe rrrrrr. Wait. ARE YOU WRITING THIS DOWN?”
Me: “…No.”
Him: “Okay.”
Point 3: Caitlin was unhappy when she saw the byline because it told her that she had no future with Barry. She probably married Ronnie because she realized she had no future with Barry because of the byline. It doesn’t help that Barry was pining after Iris the whole time.
Him: “What…what…how?”
My Husband: “Answer his questions in order, honey.”
Me: “In answer to your questions…I dunno!”
My Brother: “Okay, I’m following what you’re saying; I’m not following the crazy. I just – I kind of have Stockholm Syndrome right now. How far into the show are we?”
Me: “Season 1.”
Him: “Oh good.”
Me: “Do you not remember?”
Him: “I drink to forget. Carry on.”
Point 4: Cisco warned them about creating a causal nexus if they change time. Iris decided to date Barry to avoid the causal nexus.
Me: “A creation of the show. Like a paradox.”
Him: “How…what?”
Me: “You’re going to have to come up with new questions. I’ve answered those.”
Him: “You DID NOT!”
My Husband: “I’m glad you’re laying it on his doorstep and not mine.”
My Brother: “No! Really! I need to know this! How is Iris loving Barry a paradox?”
Me: “Because she only does so because of destiny, I guess they’re saying?”
Him: “But how is…that doesn’t even have any relation to the show! To what the show has presented!”
Me: “You have to remove watching the actual show and I guess reason from this process.”
Him: “Oh is THAT what I have to remove?”
There was some screaming.
My Husband: “I was expecting more of, like, “How did expletive deleted they get expletive deleted out of the show?”
Me: “At least now we’re in season 2.”
My Brother: “Oh thank god we finally got there. I don’t think I could have stood much more of season 1.”
Point 5: Caitlin falling for Jay was probably her projecting her feelings for Barry onto someone just like him.
Him: “…What?”
Me: “Caitlin falling…”
Him: “No. I understand all the words you said in that sentence, but strung together, it doesn’t make any sense. I know I speak the language. I’m just kind of cocking my head confused. How is the fake Jay Garrick like Barry?”
Him: “…All right. Sure. Let’s move on. But…No. Didn’t the real Jay…she didn’t fall in love with the real Jay!”
Me: “No. He was Zoom. But he’s just like Barry. I guess.”
Him: “But…she didn’t fall in love with Reverse Flash.”
Me: “Well, she didn’t know her feelings yet!”
Him: “So she has a thing for people with speed?”
Me: “But Iris is the one who only loves Barry because he’s Flash. Caitlin only loves substitutes for Barry. And if she doesn’t love them, they aren’t substitutes for Barry.”
Him: “So why is she not fucking Usain Bolt?”
My Husband: “Because he’s black?”
My Brother: “Jesus.”
Point 6: The only real conversation between Caitlin and Iris has been about destiny - that Iris is destined to be with Barry and Caitlin doesn’t believe in destiny. This could be prophetic.
Him: “Because this show is all about the Bechdel test.”
Me: “Prophetic? But weren’t they saying the scene is about how Iris will be with Barry and Caitlin will, you know, not? So I guess that is prophetic. Were they trying to say ironic?”
Him: (whispering) “I don’t think this person knows. I’m just waiting to see where we go with this.”
Point 7: Iris told Barry her feelings when he was at his lowest point, having lost Caitlin. He needed emotional support, and Iris was there. Of course, the show can’t have Iris with Barry when Caitlin is around. Caitlin has to be entirely removed to give Westallen a shot. By the time Caitlin gets back, three episodes later, the damage is done and she’s already begun her transformation.”
Him: “Except she didn’t transform at that point. And there are a lot of scenes were Iris and Caitlin are together and Barry pulls Iris aside.  WHAT THE FUCK SHOW IS THIS PERSON WATCHING?”
Me: “You’d think they’d at least watch the scenes with Caitlin in them. And note it has nothing to do with the fact that the only reason Barry talked to Caitlin as he did in Season 1 was because he couldn’t talk to Iris about his feelings for her. They used Caitlin as a stand-in FOR IRIS, and once he could talk to Iris, that was no longer needed.”
Him: “Is there more to this?”
Me: “Yes.”
Him: “Oh Jesus.” (weakly) “Okay…I need to go to the grocery store soon and get more alcohol.”
Me: “They’re ignoring that Barry didn’t go save Caitlin for those three episodes, too.”
Him: “They’re ignoring like 2/3 of plot of the show! We could have a longer conversation about what they’re ignoring than what they’re paying attention to. Let’s just take it for granted they’re ignoring shit, at this point.”
Point 8: Caitlin has always kept track of Barry’s love life, but they didn’t talk about it when he started dating Iris. Friends talk about that stuff. It was clear in episode 3.07 that she’s jealous.”
Him: “…I’m processing. Give me a minute. … Okay…I think what’s going on there, is that in that episode, Caitlin didn’t specifically say “it’s so great you’re together” but she wanted to kill everybody including the two of them. So…essentially, this is like saying Jack the Ripper should have said some of the people he murdered “but congratulations on your recent engagement. I mean, I’m going to kill you…but congratulations!”
Me: “Only if he wasn’t jealous…The only reason not to say that is if he’s jealous they’re engaged.”
Him: “…Sure.”
Me: “That’s what they’re saying.”
Him: “…Let’s just move on. This getting difficult for me. We’re clearly in season 3. Thank fucking god.”
Point 9: Barry is closest to Caitlin and brought her crying to the surface.
I ACCIDENTALLY SKIPPED THIS ONE! DAMN IT! I’m totally going to tell him tomorrow.
Point 10: Killer Frost didn’t have to kiss Barry but she did. There was no other reason for them to do it. “We’ve dissected that moment into hundreds of gifs and even rotated the pictures.” He responded. That may have been GG’s feelings for DP coming through. But he kissed back, and she didn’t have to kiss him.
Him: “…Yes, yes. Oh good, good. You’ve dissected the moment. That is the action of a sane person. That is something normal people do. TRUST ME. No, it’s the rest of the world. You’re okay, babe. MOST PROBABLY it was GG being in love with DP. Most probably. When else does an actor every kiss an actress?”
Me: “And also, I mean, he doesn’t kiss back.”
Him: “But even if he did. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT???”
Me: “Because it’s endgame and the only way to see it is to slow it down and enhance it to find these signs but it’s clear that it’s endgame.”
Him: “Well, I have a picture of me kissing an actress and it looks like I’m kissing her, but I’m not. She’s engaged to someone else. And I’m not interested in her that way. These people are obsessed with TV but fundamentally don’t understand how shows are made!”
Me: “Also forgetting that kissing is canonically her attack.”
Him: “That’s like saying that when Poison Ivy kissed Batman…they’re saying Uma Thurman really is in love with George Clooney. And that Poison Ivy has a thing for Batman. But with GG and DP. They’re saying that Uma Thurman and George Clooney are really in love.”
Me: “Maybe if you slow it down and dissect and rotate the pictures. Have you tried that?”
Point 11: We can tell Caitlin has feelings for Barry because she patches him up as Caitlin. “As Killer Frost, she shows that by ripping him to shreds (emotionally), stabbing him with an icicle, and kissing him to death (almost)…”
Me: “I have talked to you about some of your exes. We can both agree that the only way to show love is to rip the other person to shreds emotionally, stab each other, and kiss each other to death.”
Him: “Well, that was in the 90s…it was a crazy time. I was wrong.”
Point 11, continued: THAT IS NOT FRIENDSHIP! Caitlin can’t accept that yet, but Killer Frost is helping her see that.
Him: “I would agree with that. That’s the first thing that I’m like…Rrrright. Remember that time I was possessed by a demon and I murdered everyone I knew? I think we can agree that wasn’t a friendly gesture. Also, patching him up isn’t friendship. It’s kind of her job."
As additional points, I reminded him of the following:
Caitlin froze Barry offscreen. The only way she could have done this is if she kissed him.
Him: “Definitely! Yup! This sounds like a sane theory. None of this sounds like China invented global warming crazy. None of this sounds like vaccines create autism crazy. This is legit.”
Barry saw her holding a baby and SB fans think he thought at first it was his. So we don’t know what will happen. SB IS ENDGAME!
Him: “…But…I mean…in…" (sigh) (sigh) "a…mmmg….let me sit down and collect…collect this thought…A…like…I…a…all right. Like…even…if you have in a dream…okay, all right, do people understand that in dreams, people…Like…like…like… All right.”
This seems to be the moment I actually broke him.
“Sure, man, sounds legit. … I got nothin’. Nothin’ more for you. I’m drained. This is…i…i…i…the last part, like, it’s not…yeah, if this were…a self-contained universe…but like, sure yeah, we don’t know who he’s going to end up with. All of this made me hurt.
Me: “But as a writer, would you say -?”
Him: “NO. To the answer you’re formulating. NO. NO NO NO. No. First of all, the ones they picked out…no. Just no. No. I mean, I wouldn’t rule out that they couldn’t do a sudden plot twist in a contained universe. But this isn’t and…no. No, no no! No! No is the answer to your question. NO! I …y-y-you’re really…you have…if…let me put it this way…if they did that sudden plot twist and I went back and saw foreshadowing…But…no…I wouldn’t be sitting there being like “I see this one coming you asshole.” That’s not how it works! Especially on TV. We’re pulling it out of our asses as we go, for the most part. In the case of most TV shows, they don’t write a season at a time, they’re just making it up as I go along.”
Me: “I’m curious. As a general audience member, because I’m so much closer to it than you are. If SB happened, would you be able to go back and rewatch and see it coming? Or would it be -?”
Him: “I’d think they pulled it out of their asses. That is pretty much pulled out of an asshole. They didn’t know what the fuck to do, so they said fuck it, throw the script out! But I’m also saying, I can kinda tell when I’m watching shows, how they’re made. If they’re made with an intent in mind or if they’re made up on the spot. And Flash is fundamentally a show made up on the spot. Season to season, they have a general idea of where this is all going. But I don’t think episode to episode they know exactly what the next episode would be. And I certainly think when they made the first season, they were just like “We’re making a show about a fast guy.” So it’s kind of a little inside baseball. You watch the pitcher and catcher and they obviously know what they want to do for the next nine innings, but they don’t necessarily know what the next pitch will be. You can see when they’ve mapped it out versus when they just kind of go with it. The Flash clearly has an idea of where it wants to go season to season, and the story they want to tell overall. They don’t necessarily have episodes planned out. But from what they’ve done, you can see the overall plan…it isn’t SB. So if they did SB, it would be like “Oh, they were just reaching…” I would totally assume that was an asspull. In a contained universe, they could change their mind and go there if they wanted. But as of right now, that isn’t a thing they’re moving towards at all. It’s an asspull. Is that…are we done?”
Me: “For now. I’ll have more next week, I’m sure.”
Him: “I’m…I’m gonna start drinking now.”
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
alright, so. today was fine. I woke up to my alarm at 11:45 am (I know, I know...) and got ready to go to PT at the new place. It was actually kinda warm today, in the 80s, so I opted to take the bus a few stops down to it rather then walking, though I’ll probably try to walk in the future. Got there, filled out some paperwork, and got called back. talked about the pain for a bit, then went through some exercises to see what works and what doesn't. I’m always amused when they’re like “okay bend down and try to touch your toes” and I just go down and touch them like it’s nothing, and they’re always like “wow, your flexible” and then as the eval went on and he’s like bending my leg around with no reaction from me and he’s like “wow, you’re really flexible....” I just always find it so amusing that that’s always the reaction from people. So we did some muscle work and went over some exercises, and I have another appointment for Thursday. he seemed optimistic about us being able to make progress, so that’s encouraging. Once I got out of there I needed to run to Target to pick up a prescription, so I had to figure out the best way to get there. Target is directly southeast from my apartment, so I generally either take the bus down the road near me south and then walk the rest of the way east because it’s difficult to find a bus that goes that route, or I walk the way east and then catch the bus south on the further road. Since I was already a bit south, I just walked east and then took the bus the rest of the way south. Pretty quick target trip, got some Starbucks and got the prescription, then I was looking at the baking aisle (because it’s finals and I stress bake) where I picked up some mini m&ms made for cooking and a bag of toffee bits, because I’ve seen recipes calling for them but never actually seen them, so I figured it’d be a good thing to have. Grabbed granola bars and pretzels, then went through the clothes section, and I was tempted to buy soooo many things, and I couldn’t resist a wonder woman tank top that was only $9, I mean, how am I supposed to say no to that? I checked out and tried to see if I could get on a bus west so I wouldn’t have to walk, which is then just tricky coordinating with the bus going north. but I got on the west bus and right as we pulled up to the stop there were legit 3 buses on the north route stopped there, and when I got off the bus I signaled one of the bus drivers that I was coming over as soon as the light changed and I could walk across the street, and he was kind enough to wait. While I was standing there waiting for the light to change there’s a tap on my shoulder, so I turn around and I’m just kinda looking at this guy being like “....yes?” and he was like “what you don't remember me?” and then I was like “OHHHHH,” he was the guy from the train platform I met a few weeks back. We only got to say like two words to each other because the light changed and I had to run, but he was like “we should chat on facebook” so I was like yeah sure and got on the bus lol. So that was interesting, lol. Took the bus the rest of the way to my apartment, my roommate was home which was interesting because she usually works 9-5 during the week but she had a dentist appointment and then the afternoon off, so it was nice to see her for a bit. we both tend to have busy schedules so we don’t always see that much of each other. mmmm, something also happened regarding the situation at my undergrad going on with Title IX that I mentioned, I don’t want to give away too much information right now in case it somehow gets in the wrong hands, but I will definitely spill everything once it happens, and oh, is it going to be great. The reckoning they hav coming is long overdue. so I was happy about that. I went to the outline depot website and the ones I uploaded still hadn’t been accepted, so I sucked it up and paid the $20 for the outline, and upon opening I was like well if I had this I wouldn’t have bothered to print off my case briefs, because it’s an incredibly detailed version of literally all of them lol, clocking in at 90 pages, so I at least feel good about having that at least. I tried to print it, but my printer soon stopped working and of course, I was out of ink, because it can’t be finals without my printer running out of ink. I was momentarily frustrated, but then I realized I can print it at school tomorrow because I still have a ton of money left in my printer account at school, so this would be a perfect way to use that, so I was pleased with that. Afterwards I watched the first lecture video on secured transactions from the bar prep company, it was like 48 minutes, it was the intro so it was pretty basic but it was good stuff. They have 6 of them, so I’ll probably try to watch those over the next week. When it got close to 7 I moved over to the couch to watch The Flash. I had mixed feelings about the episode. I feel like it didn’t really advance the plot all that much, but I was very happy to see Marlize standing up to Clifford and walking out on that douche. I’m not sure how to feeling about the Cisco and Cynthia break up, we got barely anything from them this season so it didn’t feel like a very committed relationship anyway. I loved the stuff with Harry and Cecile, that was hilarious and brilliant. When the episode was over I watched Rise, which was a pretty good episode. They’re doing a much better job than Glee did in actually fleshing out their characters, though they don’t have nearly as many musical numbers as Glee did. I keep cracking up that the show they wanted to replace Spring Awakening with was Grease because that’s considered “unproblematic” which is fucking hilarious because Grease is dirty AF and contains half the stuff in Spring Awakening anyway, lol. But yeah, I liked the episode. After that was over I didn’t really have anything else I wanted to watch, so I turned the tv off and spent a few minutes on my computer before deciding I’d start getting ready for bed a bit earlier since I have to wake up earlier than normal tomorrow. I have my “exit interview” with the school at 9:45 am, then my civil rights final at 1:30. I’m not very concerned about the final, I know I aced the midterm and I feel like I have all the notes necessary to help me through, so I’m okay with that. And yeah, thats about right. It’s not that late but since I already took my melatonin like an hour ago I’m starting to feel sleepy, so I’m going to stop here. Goodnight my dears. Have a lovely Wednesday.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
These Women's Lives Changed After They Gave Hillary Clinton The Blazers Off Their Backs
These Women's Lives Changed After They Gave Hillary Clinton The Blazers Off Their Backs
Hillary Clinton’s affection for pantsuits is as familiar in politics and pop culture as the iconic politician herself.
Throughout her time in public life, Clinton’s wardrobe has been judged ruthlessly. Her clothing choices once again made waves when she accepted the “Champion of the Century” award at the Planned Parenthood 100th Anniversary Gala in May 2017. But that time, it was because she had embraced a refreshingly and decidedly chic new vibe. 
It set off a lot of questions: Who designed this fashionable piece? And did it signal Clinton was turning over a new leaf, style-wise?
Clothing line Argent, which bills itself as selling “functional workwear with attitude,” is the brainchild of Sali Christeson and Eleanor Turner. Christeson began her career in finance and switched gears when she noticed a pocket-sized hole in the market when it came to practical, chic workwear for women; Turner is a designer whose 10-year career in fashion includes work at J. Crew and Tommy Hilfiger.
They met through mutual friends and bonded over a shared frustration with the lack of stylish wardrobe options for women with lots to do and lots to carry. Together, they hoped they could change the conversation about and improve options for a new generation of professional women. 
Clinton attended the Professional Women of California Conference in March 2017. Argent held a pop-up show at the conference, and Christeson and Turner saw the opportunity to get on her radar. They wore items from their line that they thought the former secretary of state might like. It worked. 
HuffPost chatted with Christeson and Turner about that first meeting, how it changed their lives and what’s next for their brand. 
What was it like to meet Hillary Clinton? 
SC: She came out with this new attitude and amazing energy, and you could feel it. The biggest takeaway for us was like, “Oh my god, she’s not stopping. She’s ready to go to again.” We had chills ― it was incredible. [The 2016 election] was still so raw for everyone. It was healing. She just came out with power. People actually stormed the stage after. 
ET: Oh, yeah. And she was so polite, signing and smiling. Meanwhile, Secret Service is coming in like scrambling to get everyone away from her. 
Did you just go up to her? 
SC: We get herded into a freight elevator, we don’t really know what’s in store. We got up there so fast. It went from us strategizing what we were going to say in line to us being there in front of her so fast.
That must have been nerve-wracking! Did you always plan to lead with the clothes?
ET: Yes. We knew we had to. We planned our outfits. I wore the blazer she ended up wearing to Planned Parenthood. I knew she might like that one. And I knew Sali would look really streamlined next to me in hunter green and it would just be a good balance of what we offer. [Clinton] was behind this screen, and we just saw people running in, taking a photo and running out. Not even saying anything to her. We were like, “OK, we don’t have too much time, so we have to keep it short and impactful.”
What did you do when you got to the front of the line?
SC: We literally walked up, holding our blazers open. I said, “I quit my job two years ago at Cisco, she quit her job at J. Crew.” El jumped in and was like, “We make pantsuits,” and Clinton’s jaw just dropped. It was a physical reaction. It’s the worst photo I’ve ever taken because I was talking to her. I was like, “You would wear this? On stage? This is amazing.”
We’ve experienced sexism from both male and female at every level. We’re young, we’re female, we’re targeting women with our product ― that makes it harder. Sali Christeson
ET: Then she started asking a ton of questions. “What is this brand? What is it called? Do we have your contact? How come I didn’t know about this sooner?”
SC: We were showing her the functionality of the clothing. El had me rip off my jacket to show her the band in the sleeves we actually filed a patent on.
ET: There’s a band in the cuffs of our blouses so when you roll the sleeves up, it stays.
SC: It’s surreal. Words come out of your mouth, but I’m not sure which words they were. 
Is that where you met Clinton aide Huma Abedin, too? 
SC: We were talking to [Clinton] and she was signaling to her staff that she was interested in staying connected. We were hugging every stranger we saw, and then Huma just popped out of nowhere and talked to us for a few minutes. 
EL:  She was like, “What are these amazing clothes? Where can I find them?”
SC: It’s just been such an obvious gap for so long and not every woman wants to wear a dress. Women like that especially find their power in suiting. So we ran back to our booth and grabbed everything we could in their sizes. 
But they did ask for your contact information. Did you think they’d get in touch?
ET: We were like, “Oh my god. We lost our chance.” It was pretty deflating. Her staff had said from behind us in line that they were in touch with us and knew where to find us, so we maybe knew they knew how to get in touch. But we were like, how many times have they said that? These are really busy people. How can they even think to follow up?
SC: They did. Her chief of staff/executive assistant/doer of all things called us at 9:30 that night. 
And how long after that call did Clinton wear one of the pieces? 
ET: It was about a month later. They never confirmed, but we knew there was a chance. We did sort of get a heads up that we should be watching for her at the Planned Parenthood 100th Anniversary Gala. We started following the hashtags, that’s when she hit the step-and-repeat wearing the Basketweave Tie Blazer. I was out to dinner in New York and I fell out of my chair. I was just on the floor at Rubirosa.
SC: I did something similar, and I don’t normally react this way to things. I was walking down the street in San Francisco and just sort of collapsed. I just fell to my knees. 
That’s such a huge moment for any brand, let alone a start-up still getting its footing. How did it change your lives?
SC: I think when you’re building a start-up, something people constantly ask is: How do you stay positive? How do you keep going? That moment was really good for our team, just to validate what we were building. Morale shot up and just hasn’t gone back. I feel like there are these little wins that you really latch on to and it keeps you moving forward. 
ET: To have someone of that caliber ― who can literally wear whatever they want, whenever they want, choose to wear our stuff ― it gives us a lot of credibility in terms of the quality of the product and just speaking to it. 
Sali, you quit your job and left a path you created for 10 years to pursue this clothing line. Were you scared? What advice would you give someone who might be thinking about pursuing their own passion project?
SC: That decade of experience I had working and pursuing my MBA is pretty invaluable in terms of managing up and down, not being above any task, really being able to get your hands dirty and just learning firsthand. Coupling that with experience across a couple of industries, I think that helped improve my chances of actually starting something. 
ET: Learning is the biggest thing. I think people want to do this but they don’t have some of the key learnings you get from being in the workforce. I worked at Tommy Hilfiger, J. Crew, Tory Burch ― all those companies showed me different facets of the industry and different things that informed my experience at Argent and helped for this company. Get some experience. And then be prepared to be so scrappy. 
How were you guys scrappy in the beginning?
SC: We’re still scrappy. (laughs) You’re going to be disappointed, beat up, let down, question it and be questioned. It’s a form of sexism neither of us have every experienced for sure. 
SC: The start-up world is like the Wild Wild West, it’s not like a protected organization where you have HR. We’ve experienced sexism from both male and female at every level. We’re young, we’re female, we’re targeting women with our product ― that makes it harder.  
Any specifically bad moments?
ET: We had one potential investor ― we did not take money from him ― tell us that we had just gotten our initial raise because we were just two pretty faces. 
What kept you going through moments like that?
ET:  Conviction. Knowing this was a problem for women that we could solve and never wavering. People will waver, but you can’t.
Your price point is more reasonable compared to some of the other items at, say, Clinton’s disposal, but they are a splurge for a young woman starting out in her career. What is the argument for investing in something from Argent? 
ET: You’re judged by what you wear. Invest in what you wear.
SC: Another piece of it is we’ve heard from customers who are moving away from fast fashion for environmental purposes. We’re offering pieces intended to be in your closet for decades. They’re season-less, they’re high quality. You don’t see this price point for such high-quality pieces. There are studies now that quantify what you’re wearing with your bottom line over the course of your career, so the investment is going to pay off. One of my favorite things about Hillary is that she has reworn some of the jackets we’ve given her within a week. You wear and rewear, and that’s such a great example we should be setting. Shifting the mindset to just investing in a couple of staples is important. 
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.  
Argent clothing (which, by the way, can totally also be worn outside of the workplace) can be found at various pop-ups around the country, but you can schedule an appointment with the brand, too. Head to the Argent website to learn more. 
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