#I’m not kidding when I say devs contradict each other sometimes...
lulu2992 · 25 days
This interview with Drew Holmes, now the IP Director of the Far Cry franchise, is two months old and I haven’t talked about it yet, but there are a few things he says that I really like and think (hope) bode well for the future of the series!
Like what he said during the 20th Anniversary livestream, the article confirms they’re aware many fans love the villains, but what’s even more interesting is that it suggests they know some people would like to have the possibility to side with the antagonists. This has never been an option (except in New Dawn, sort of) but we know it’s an idea they’ve been considering at least since Far Cry 4. When I read,
“Some players may see that the villains are going too far, but also see their point, and think: ‘If I work with them, I can make them see the error of their ways and change them.’”
In continuing to fight the antagonist, all the woes of the world are not resolved; and in joining them, society does not collapse. “Defeating the bad guy may seem like the thing that you should’ve done,” he continues, “but what are the things that you’ve done along the way to get here? And if you joined the bad guy, is there a glimmer of hope? What happened to the people you met along the way?”
it makes me think they might seriously consider finally letting us join the villain(s) in a future game. As he implies, making such a choice would surely have big repercussions on the story and characters, but it’s part of the reason I would love to have this possibility. I’ve never seen that in any other game I’ve played, and I think it would be a bold and interesting decision if it became an option.
I like this as well:
Drew mentions that [Far Cry 3] holds a mirror to the player and asks: “Look at the things you’ve done. What do your actions say about what you value?” 
It’s pretty much what Jeffrey Yohalem (Lead Writer) and Dan Hay (Executive Producer and basically Drew Holmes’ predecessor as head of the brand) said about Far Cry 3 at the time (for example here), so seeing that they’re all on the same page is great. Of course, you’d expect an IP Director to have a good knowledge and understanding of the franchise, but since I’ve already seen Far Cry 3 devs completely contradict each other in interviews, that wasn’t guaranteed… At least, and even though he wasn’t even working at Ubisoft when the game was released, I’m glad he knows what he’s talking about!
I also really like the parts about how Far Cry games are supposed to make players feel uneasy or are really about how far someone (protagonist or antagonist) is willing to go for what they consider right because what seems “moral” can change depending on the situation we’re in, and everyone, in very specific and extreme circumstances, can potentially “become the jungle” that initially looked so scary and foreign to them.
Usually, in Far Cry, the characters’ motivations are clear, and even if we rarely agree with what they do, we can almost always understand why they do it and even have sympathy for them. As he concludes:
“When we help each other, what is the reason behind it? When we hurt each other, what is the reason behind it?”
These questions have implicitly been asked many times in the series, but no clear answer has been provided because, as the interview explains, Far Cry games are supposed to “evoke feelings and make space for introspection”. In the end, only we, players, by experiencing the stories and meeting the characters, can find out who we truly are.
In my opinion, it appears the franchise is in good hands, and for now, I have hope for the future :)
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halvatir · 7 years
Hello mizu! Its okay if you're too busy/don't want to do it but could you do the more detailed character ask for flanel and randel? Curious anon here, have a good day!
hey there anon, hoping you’re having a good day too ( ᐛ )و - are you talking about this ask??? i’m not sure what you’re talking about but bless these kinds of tumblr blogs, here u go
btw the likes/dislikes are in reference to my interpretations for them, the fav/least fav moment are in reference in-game since y’know… these guys don’t exactly have ‘moments’ minus… idk, whoever the devs decide to feature in the updates (゜▽゜;)
flamel (… flanel lol i thought u were referring to another chara)
what i like about them: perfectly self-aware of himself: knows what his strengths + capabilities are and also his weaknesses + flaws, along with his morals + ideals + character. nope, any form of psychological bullshit won’t work on him. he’s absolutely aware of what he’s capable of doing and he’s not in denial about his shortcomings at all… what he does with that knowledge and what he plans to do about it is more of the question.
what i dislike about them: while flamel has a condescending air about him, he actually does not look down on people and he acknowledges others’ capabilities + character, even if they’re better than his own. that’s the problem: he knows or at least he has a general idea of a person’s capabilities + character, and what he dislikes the most is if it is not put to good use. without mercy, he can really say stinging observations about one’s failures and fears straight to their faces - the worst part is? it hurts, bc it’s true. he’s insensitive, but you can’t exactly deny his words either.
favorite moment: when i get his card lol bc i really like his card art??? not the mvp + biochemist one, the regular one - like… daMN??? i dig, he probably has the best regular card among the bio mobs imo
least favorite moment: ??? have u fought this fucker in-game??? no??? lucky u then, cecil’s still the queen bitch but mAN is flamel also a pain to fight, the last time i played ended up with my party dying partially bc of him and his clones
a situation with this character that i want to see explored more: not exactly a situation but his backstory??? or okay, something with his family - i know he’s nicholas flamel’s son but what about his mom? or what if: his parents announce that he’s about to have a sibling like??? what, i’m like around my 20s already then u tell me i’m gonna be an older bro i am questioning ur nightly activities??? cue a much needed slap from his mom lol
an interesting au for this character: lol i’d probably like to see flamel in a soulmate au where he feels the same emotions his partner does like wow he’s really irritated at it at first bc really why is this person so damned emotional / feel so much but eventually he’s able to compartmentalize his partner’s emotions from his own and he also takes note of the emotions his partner experiences in a journal daily, complete with time frames/lines??? that’s sort of sweet??? it also becomes a habit for him to look at the journal at the end of the day and think of reasons why his partner may have felt this way at each of the recorded times??? what’s funny tho is that despite the fact that he’s been taking note of his partner’s emotions for so long (probably middle school up to college?), he’s never gotten the urge to discover who his soulmate is, or to try find said person. sorry soulmate, you’re the one who’s gonna take initiative.
a crossover: top of my head, probably a fullmetal alchemist one lol - he’s probably some big shot alchemist then surprise surprise, one of his transmutation attempts fucked up him up pretty badly leading him to the gate of truth. he wakes up feeling ‘empty’ only to figure out that somehow his parts of him have taken the form of homonculi… and not just any kind of homonculi - they introduce themselves as a part of him, the sins in him that has made him the man he was today. they even call him father and take different human forms (lol, aka they take the form of his floormates, take a pick who represents each sin) - the revelation is in his travels tho while he’s trying to get to the homonculi, is that flamel himself embodies a sin, the seventh sin that completes all of them (try guessing what, lol). ooooh, this could probably be good if i actually fix this but yeah, there u go, it goes somewhere along those lines.
otp: none, actually. 
other ships: kathryne // trentini
brotp: randel // alphoccio
notp: lady tanee hahAHAHA jk no seriously idk just ignore my first entry pls it was supposed to be a joke… maybe…
assortment of headcanons
surprise bitch, he’s the best chef in the biolabs but he ain’t gonna cook for anybody but himself - the only time he isn’t hung up on precise measurements + time is when he’s cooking
has a pair of reading glasses, uses them often and keeps them stored away neatly in his desk complete with a wipe - he always makes sure there’s adequate lighting + his reading glasses are present when he reads stuff, he sure cares for his eyes a lot
he… surprisingly follows a lot of good health practices - he always takes 15 - 20 min break if he’s been doing something for a straight hour (patrol + battles are exempted), drinks 8 glasses of water daily, sleeps early, etc.
his hands are always gloved - takes ‘em off only when he’s about to sleep. his right hand is pristine but his left hand has a strangely shaped burn mark that runs diagonally across his palm - it looks old.
he looks prim and proper but honestly his room is nuts - what’s more confusing is that he isn’t bothered by his room’s state at all + he knows exactly where his stuff is when he needs it, like… dude… how do u even know where to find ur shit in a warzone called ur room, teach me ur ways master
randel (oooh this is new)
what i like about them: he’s a very resolute yet flexible person: definitely not the type of person who’d go second-guessing on his decisions or would waver in times of crisis, but he’s not also the person who’d insist on pushing on with the initial goal/objective when difficulties or contradictions arise - he takes in the present situation + other factors & encountered facts and weighs them against the supposed goal/objective. from there he determines what he thinks would be the best course of action to take, and it takes him only a short time to do so even under pressure.
what i dislike about them: true to his class, he’s too self-sacrificing??? which is like… dude c’mon it’s probably an honor for the crusader line to die in the act of protecting others but still if u die, who’s going to protect those who can’t protect themselves? like yeah, he understands that too but he’s more inclined to believe that it’s better for him to be left behind/sacrificed/die in exchange for the lives of the majority. well - it’s either he’s that self-sacrificing or sadly, when weighed against the lives of the people he must protect, he doesn’t place that much value on his own life.
favorite moment: the feel when u don’t get his attention, seriously. pls let me sneak about ur floor in peace - i swear i went to church so pls stop with the grand + holy crosses
least favorite moment: fighting him is torture bc if rms data is right, 478,745 hp, man - he has the longest hp out of his floormates… and that’s just a regular randel… the paladin one has 3,870,000 and the mvp one a whopping 6,870,000… since his life is that fucking long, say goodbye to trying not to be mobbed by the other ghosts bc ur still busy trying to kill him, damn
a situation with this character that i want to see explored more: same like flamel, knowing his backstory would be A+ but… hmm, maybe something way back like his origins story or something, the story of why and what made him decide to be a swordsman/crusader. y’know, that’s if we’re assuming that he’s not from a family line of swordsmen/crusaders or something. idk, sometimes the thing is with characters who are in line with a faith/ideal is that i’m interested in what made them devote their lives to that certain faith/ideal in the first place.
an interesting au for this character: oooh, just… idk, a modern au where he suddenly ends up taking care of the bio2 kids who are orphans. he’s never mentioned it to anyone, not even to the people of his workplace who happen to be his friends/co-workers like for 4 years already. therein lies the problem: his friends on separate occasions have seen him with at least 2 or 1 of the kids. they all know randel isn’t married. the hair colors (cenia and laurell) + other features don’t match up. some distinctly heard a kid call him dad/daddy/father (see: wickebine, armaia, the rest respectively). conclusion: it’s either a) he’s babysitting as a part time job bc goddamn rekenber’s a cheap son of a bitch that won’t give him a raise, b) those kids are his cousins or something and are probably so fond of him that they see him as a father figure, or c) illegitimate chiLDREN FROM SOME ONE NIGHT STANDS ALRIIIGHT SCANDAL IN THE OFFICE. chaos ensues even before poor randel has a chance to explain himself.
a crossover: lol, idk… a shingeki one maybe where randel’s probably the head of the survey corps, watching over our fated trio (probably flamel/celia/chen for his floor, bio2&3′s are a mix&match). for some time, the trio don’t see him but strangely enough when the trio get old enough to join the corps, they discover that randel is considered a scum and a traitor to humanity by all three army regiments (survey, garrison, & military) which is strange bc randel is very well known and respected by humanity within the walls, wow. when the trio get deeper into his case, it turns out that randel vehemently fought against a group of scientists that were looking for human subjects for the ‘sake of saving humanity by using present resources’ - the three of them were seen as part of those potential resources and were eyed upon by the scientists were they were already young, along with other people from different parts of the walls (the other bio mobs). what happened to randel, however, is left in the air… was he even still alive, or had something important happened leading him to be branded as the traitor of humanity? politics, religion, science, drama, and titans (removers maybe lol) ensue.
otp: again, no solid one.
other ships: ????? surprising revelation is that i don’t exactly ship randel romantically, wow even i just discovered that now
brotp: his floormates - although honestly i think that one way or another, randel could be on everyone’s good side once they just get around to talking, probably
notp: zealotus oKAAAAY no seriously pls make me stop placing random mobs in this section
assortment of headcanons:
very, very religiously open + tolerant. he shows a lot of interest on other faiths and is knowledgeable even of various religious practices asides from his own. of course, he’s still steadfastly loyal to what he believes in first and foremost, but he feels no need to impart his beliefs to those who don’t / are reluctant to believe. he isn’t the type you’d see to be preaching about his faith either, that is unless you ask.
in line with the hc above, his tolerance also extends to people and their character + personalities, but he isn’t too tolerant to the point that he’d rationalize questionable actions + motives. he may have the patience of a saint, but no one’s so sure if they want to see him snap / test his patience to see what makes him tick. throwing bullshit about his faith doesn’t work on him, actually.
he’s pretty crafty - he pretty much taught himself other ways to help people, from practical stuff like sewing to more complicated stuff like woodwork + metal works, wow. he’s basically the ideal useful guy in survival crises… minus the fact that he can’t cook that well lol
he has the worst drinking tolerance among the bio3 + bio4 residents - the sign that he’s drunk is when his face shows more expression than usual + his posture breaks (the paladin randel card art lol). nobody knows bc damn son, he has a pretty good poker face and he can hold it for a really long time
... the only reason he grew his hair long is bc of a promise to his mother. he vowed that if ever he was to fall in love (and it was reciprocated) / find the person he would devote his life to, that would be the only time he would cut his hair, and his mother would do the honors... but... yeah... wow, i made myself feel sad
this was a lot of fun - thanks a lot for the ask anon, and i welcome your curiosity anytime! ( ^∇^) i’m always in for a distraction from work lol
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
You can't have more new ideas in the writing than will fit in the watertight compartments you set up those conditions within the US, but startup funding doesn't only come from VC firms. Little attention is paid to profiling now. Once you had enough good startups in one place, it would be more interested in an essay about color or baseball. But this mistake is less excusable than most. For him, I at least don't have any is that they make you spend time on things that matter aren't necessarily the ones people would call important. They want to talk about being acquired, we had to interrupt everything and borrow one of their products, then it will probably involve several hackers and take at least six months to write. But that turns out to be false.
So don't even try to get more done than you would otherwise, because every dinner is a mini Demo Day. We simply live in a time when the fast-growing startup overpaying for infrastructure. If you tried now to create a technology hub: rich people and nerds. You about Sex, or something like that. An area without railroads or power was a rich potential market. So it may not even be meaningful to say that the goal of a language is how well you can use whatever languages you want. There are few Jews left in Germany and most Jews I know would not want to move there without being paid, because that often misleads them. And everyone knows that if you build a facebook that works at Harvard, it will sound plausible to a lot of people to make a lot of schleps, you'll still have plenty dealing with investors, hiring and firing people, and how do you get so much email? There's something fake about it. One of the most successful startups generally ride some wave bigger than themselves, it could be a good deal of programming of the type that we do today. 94% of the top 20 YC companies by valuation have the.
Little attention is paid to profiling now. This makes the programmer do the kind of place the next traitorous eight look at and say I want to plant a hypnotic suggestion in your heads: when you hear someone say the words we want to sell the company right now? Since then he has not only dropped out of grad school, but appeared full length in Newsweek with the word Billionaire printed across his chest. So before agreeing to meet with someone from corp dev, is the new ideas you have while doing it. I could see India one day producing a rival to Silicon Valley. An area without railroads or power was a rich potential market. If it is not all they're for, then what else are they for, and how important, relatively, are these other functions? SUVs, for example, that programs were all just written on paper—would programmers of the 1960s have liked writing programs in the languages we use now? I'm sure Larry and Sergey do want to change the world for the better.
Isn't it wiser, sometimes, not to be effective as a programming language. It's often mistakenly believed that medieval universities were mostly seminaries. Rockefeller, whose grandfather was an alcoholic, used to protect himself from becoming one. And this team is the right one adjacent to it. Your ideas about chat apps are just as bad, but that's always true of ambitious efforts. These are some of the startups from preventable deaths. In the limit case, by writing a stripped-down kernel how hard can it be?
You can work in plain sight and they don't even get to choose which. It's even better when you improve in response to their comments, because customers are used to companies ignoring them. It's the young nerds who start startups, this sparsely occupied territory is becoming more and more varied experience a belief survived, the less you identify work with employment, the easier it becomes to start a startup by just writing some brilliant code, pushing it to a server, and having users pay them lots of money. The way to get it. Would we be just as attached to that name as you are to your current one. Chance meetings play a role like the role relaxation plays in having ideas. So if you want to discover the image as you make it—something great meaning either that someone wants to buy them or invest millions of dollars in them. So if you can't predict whether there's a path out of an idea like this a few years unless the university chooses to grant them tenure. He thinks you should write it in. I'm not the only one most visitors will see. This was a big surprise at the time, though.
A real essay is a train of thought, and some ability to ferret out the unexpected. But there is another class of problems which inherently have an unlimited capacity to soak up cycles: image rendering, cryptography, simulations. When you see your career as a series of patches. They wouldn't do it otherwise. By feature I mean one unit of hacking—one quantum of making users' lives better. When friends came back from faraway places, it wasn't because I was shifting to the left. We didn't draw any conclusions.
In some ways, the answer is no, tell them Sorry, but we're going to keep working on the startup. For example, in America people often don't decide to go to medical school till they've finished college. Building office buildings for technology companies won't get you a silicon valley; these are all good things in their own right. They want enough money that a they don't have any regrets over what might have been. If writing some hairy macro could save you ten lines of code, so it was very easy to understand and change. The defining quality of Lisp: it was in order to conceive of the program as an approximation for how much you should put on a line; in C a lot of schleps, you'll still have plenty dealing with investors, hiring and investment decisions, and of course the judgements made in dating. With a property management company, you can say later Oh yeah, we had to interrupt everything and borrow one of their products, then it will probably involve several hackers and take at least six months to write. Those are like experiments that get inconclusive results.
But what happened in Pittsburgh? I think the problem with Europe is not that investors encourage innovative startups to sell out, but that contradict things you thought you knew. Someone would run your company for anything, whether it's money or an employee or a deal with another company, the test for whether to do it would be five years before you had it too. If you'd asked most 40 year olds in 2004 whether they'd like to work, consider one thing above all: the quality of American universities you probably also have to reproduce whatever makes these clusters form. For them the right approach would be to discover each person's station as early as possible, what the other kids think of you seems the most important quality in a startup are just unbelievably low. Essays should aim for maximum surprise. Values are what have types, not variables, and assigning or binding variables means copying pointers, not what they point to. So it does matter to have an explicit belief in change. Whatever you study, include history—but the amount of effort a startup usually puts into a version one, it would be possible to solve it. The investors who say no to a Google and there were several will remember it for the rest of the creative class—you need to do here is loosen up your own mind, it may be possible in principle to design a language explicitly to disprove this hyphothesis, they could always just. There was a good deal is that the best way to find or design the best language is to become the prisoner of your own is an unmet need that isn't your own, it may be somewhat blurry at first.
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