#I've been playing Project Playtime too much
shattered-sparks · 1 year
(Sun and Moon Show spoilers) Okay first of all. Earth is 100% Autistic like Lunar. She takes things at face value and generally head empty, very slow. Super smart as well. Though Idk how to really fully feel on Earth. She seems okayish as a character. At first I was concerned that they were doing the dumb girl trope but then later learned that, thankfully, wasn’t the case. Still very iffy on her character as a whole. I kinda want her to be sassy but she seems really reserved but that could just be her Autism.  (I am very happy for the VAs having a extra hand now for the show, takes stress off of the two’s back now that she’s here. Warm welcome to the cast btw!!)  Seeing Simp Monty was funny as fuck. That was great! Had me and my 2 other friends laughing the whole time. For such a bad reception at the start of hearing Earth was going to be a character this was a great way to combat that. Good job to the VAs.  Though I do share the same concerns as NovaRays. I’m praying they didn’t replace Bloodmoon with Earth. I love and adore the twins and wouldn’t want them to get this treatment. My only hope is they either come back or come back via the death of Earth.  (Crying at how I need to figure out a proper design for her now. Though I’ve been needing to make a proper design for Nice Eclipse as well so they’ll be put on the same page)
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archetypal-archivist · 10 months
I read Outer Wilds fanfic sometimes and ponder over like, how long some of the Hatchlings in the stories spend in the cycle of loops. Not every story has a loop between exactly 22 minutes, but a lot of them do and then discuss how the Hatchling has been looping for months or years and I just wonder what they were doing in all that time. I consider myself a truly average gamer and in under 200 loops- less than 48 hours of playtime- I've nearly completed the game.
Given that even if you 100% the log it still takes less than 100 hours of play, what can you do in the hundreds of thousands of hours contained in a year or three of looping? Are you taking samples of Nomai pottery back for chemical analysis? Trying to perfectly hop around the black hole such that you can jump off from the Tower and get to Riebeck without dying?
From a *player* perspective, it's fun to match story time to player type to Hatchling personality too.
Perhaps on a meta level, this reckless Hatchling who spent years in the Ash Twin Project is a speed runner. They spent ages practicing to be able to take part A to location B in under twelve minutes. Perhaps this nervous wreck of a Hatchling is controlled by someone who has never touched a video game before and thus barely even knows that the A and B buttons do. Their months of loop time is spent learning how to use a jetpack without killing themself. Perhaps this Hatchling who loves the Nomai so much spent *their* loops examining every inch of Brittle Hollow because their player is a miniature maker who wants to make a Brittle Hollow scale model.
Food for thought, you know?
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dyemelikeasunset · 7 months
I used to feel really self-conscious about original projects, mainly bc art isn't my Big Thing In Life and I'm just a hobbyist. Nowadays I've been feeling better about my abilities to create stories, but sometimes I still feel discouraged since I need to focus on my non-art job to keep myself afloat. You've been such a huge inspiration for me to get out of the Self-doubt Hole. If I may ask: how do you personally find inspiration in the midst of a busy life? Additionally, how do you convince yourself to actually take the plunge and write that idea you've been so passionate about for so long?
Hi!! So this has been in my inbox for a while because I'm struggling to verbalize how exactly I found my emotional break. I don't think the journey looks the same to everyone, in fact I think it's more likely it will be vastly different. I have no idea if what changed for me will work for you, but I'll tell you anyway cause it's the only perspective I have
(under a readmore cause i'm verbose)
So I'll be honest, I don't think I properly convinced myself to take the plunge... I kind of just got sick of myself. Last year was honestly one of the lowest points of my life, I won't get into it, but a lot of bad things were happening and I was close to giving up many times. I felt cornered by depression and self doubt and constantly investing in other people's projects and investing in my jobs to give me a sense of creative satisfaction.
For a couple years, I had been poking at my personal project in the background and trying to work up the energy to make "It Was You & I & The Afterlife" my first comic series, but I didn't know what it would look like at all. I had a moment where I just took a break from writing this really serious story and playing with the characters. I found so much joy in what I thought was a "cheap escape" that something started shifting inside me. I'm the type of person that actually takes things a little too seriously most of the time, so letting loose and reveling in joy and comfort is a very big lesson I'm constantly relearning.
Letting "Dom & Mor" become its own entity was something I had never even considered, but I guess I let myself just like... play around? I call D&M "me just making my Barbies kiss" all the time, because that's how it feels. Like playtime? I had a very cold childhood so it's been very healing to be able to play. I'm actually throwing discipline to the wind because I've spent my entire life and career being disciplined and trying to do things "right." The skills I've built up to this point have definitely been helping me a lot, but I think the most important thing is that I've been experiencing the unadulterated joy of creation and it actually shook me out of my depression so hard that it's been startling. I mean, my depression isn't cured, not at all, but it was helped. Having fun is honestly a human need, and I think that's the core of how I started prioritizing myself again
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breesays · 8 months
But me, I'm still a sunbeam
THIS is a blog of a balanced person (me, right now), so let's capture this moment in my personal history.
These are the workouts I do. No talking, just simple instructions and percentage progress + music that serves the purpose. I've been trying to view workouts more as playtime and tell myself "I get to" rather than "I have to." The toys I have are bosu, bala, mini bands, kettle bells, sliders, stability ball. We're playing, that's all. Not measuring or weighing, just the tiny triumphs of "Oh, when I did this two weeks ago it was much harder."
I went to Nico Vega's comeback show at The Bellwether and got a ticket to their headlining show at The Lodge Room in December. I've used all my ticket perks for 2024 already, plus K.Flay in March. WWWY and The Postal Service next month.
We got a hummingbird feeder for our balcony, and we've started to name them. So far: Murphy (after the balm I must cover my body in to fend off the mosquitos), Quacksley, Mousey, Little Puff and Cherry. We're growing stuff out there, too - grape tomatoes, basil, nasturtiums, pretty succulents.
Read Maggie Smith's "You Could Make This Place Beautiful" and I definitely started out thinking I was going to give it 5 stars but had a lot of mixed feelings about it toward the end.
This is everything I've read so far this year - but a few on that list are DNFs (looking at YOU, Russell Brand). Speaking of that, I'm giving Clare Dederer's "Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma" another chance, but some of it is hard to stomach.
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From Kate Baer's "What Kind of Woman"
I've used ALL my kitchen appliances this month: Air fryer (everything), blender (raspberry lemon smoothie), food processor (pesto, hummus), instant pot (tomato soup, tiktok pasta). This is mostly because I can fit them ALL on my counter at once. Oh, and I made a vanilla cake from scratch. Baking is not my favorite, but I like to challenge myself. And sometimes it's more about not being able to find what I want as ready-made.
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Desmond's teacher told me his gross motor skills are advanced - he finishes projects early, is great at any sport he tries (even ones he invents) ... has he expressed interest in sports? Oh yes, I said, he loves all sports... he just doesn't want to play them with other kids. Maybe we'll give soccer another try. But I prefer to let him play openly - we draw, we build, we plant, we cook, we dance, we make up words (this is harder than it sounds). He asks for playdates with friends so I know he cares very much about them -- I just don't think he wants parameters placed around what he can do with said friends. He has a 2-year-old friend and he loves to just explore Griffith with him. It used to be ME, but he has since requested the presence of said friend. Said friend extracts more joy from sliding down piles of dirt than I do, anyway.
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Desmond has really changed my relationship with food. He is such an adventurous eater. I have a history of disordered eating that's been mostly resolved with meds and years of therapy - but I still had rules, you know? Things I wouldn't keep in the house, ingredients I didn't trust myself with. But Des is such a role model of intuitive eating. He'll try anything, even give it a few good chews before making a decision. Jicama was a recent rejection. I'm trying all kinds of recipes, not just low calorie or veggie-based. He makes me excited to make new meals, and he loves to help, too. We have a dining table and he drinks oat milk and I drink fizzy water and it's just an entirely new experience for me. Tasting and tweaking and using our senses. There's no good and bad. He's allowed to have candy, but he isn't crazy for it. We listen to our bodies. Are we full? Do we want more because it tastes good, or because we're still hungry? Listen.
What else? Getting my last peak hike in might be a challenge, since WEATHER has arrived in SoCal. I feel like the window for hiking in good conditions was a relatively short one this year. Baldy is the closest, but might have to trek down to South OC for Sitton.
My show (Setlist Insider) x 311 is published
My Oli bug turned 6 years old
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I have 33k words written.
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wishbonegame · 1 year
hellooo, i have been following your project for what like two or three years now idk, and i'm delighted to keep reading all your updates. anyway you mentioned that you decided to trim the fat and try to speed up the pacing of the game, and i have to say, WELL DONE with keeping an eye on your scale and such! you said the game as it was would still take longer than most typical jrpgs, which scares me a bit because i've poured a good 100 hours into some jrpgs, so uh. how long was your original 1/2
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That's a good question... we'd initially aimed for the game to be somewhere around 40 hours, maybe 50, and had planned the in-game timescale with that goal in mind.
...The fatal oversight was that that calculation didn't take into consideration the cutscene events, which can be quite long and have the in-game clock paused during them. When our playtesters played the first season of the game, we found that, counting cutscenes, they were averaging more like 8-10 hours to get to the end of the Spring Year 1 demo. With 4 seasons per year and 3 years in the game, that would result in an estimated playtime of a whopping 96-120 hours.
The new plan is for the game to be a more condensed and optimized 2 years in length, which means an updated estimated playtime of 64-80 hours. So still pretty dang big, but much more manageable, and with the major plot events happening at a faster clip it'll hopefully not drag too much and bore people. Also, those estimates are all assuming that average players play as thoroughly as our debuggers/playtesters... realistically, very few of them probably will, especially in the latter parts of the game once they've unlocked just about everything, accomplished most of their major goals, and settled into a routine.
This project has certainly been an exercise in learning to set realistic goals, hah. I think that taking an axe to the plot document and cutting down some of the particularly bloated features is something that we should have done a lot earlier, but the game is certainly better for it. Overall, very little completed work had to be thrown out, though a few things needed to be retooled (which is what I've been quietly working on for the last few weeks), which was nice. I've been very pleased with the direction the project has been going since that decision has been made.
Thanks for the kind words, Anon!
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risu5waffles · 1 year
Another 10days gone already? Alright then.
Seriously, time is kinda a jerk. Still, got another ten for a wrap up.
i hate to say a level is just, kinda, there; but this one is just kinda there. It's not not fun, and it does have its charm, but... at the same time, it kind of blends in wiv a lot of similar in theme levels. i did appreciate the credits at the end, it's always nice to see shout outs to creators that've helped out. You know... i wonder now if some of these "just there levels" are really more to give a chance to have fun wiv friends in LBP. i wonder what that was like.
i think this might be, hands down, my favourite all-around level i've played in all of LBP. Just 10 outta 10, no notes, the whole she-bang.
i need to come back to this one, 'cause i'm pretty sure Mellan updated it wiv a bit more polish on player communication, and on the main gimmick. Even in the form we have here, tho', it's a pretty solid level. Mellan's a good kid, and i'm glad to have met him. i think i can say that about most all the folx who've stuck around wiv the channel for a while. i have been exceedingly lucky in that department.
This one's a much different take on kokeshi than the previous one, but i think it mostly manages to pull things off. i can't say it's scary (that's a real hard thing to accomplish in LBP), but it is effective. The boss fight at the end is really quite neat, too. Took me forever to get the timing right on my first playthrough. i think the one we have here was my third?
i think i might actually like school a little more than carp at the end of the day. They're both masterpieces, and carp is an object lesson in level design, but this one is just so charming. The only thing i didn't quite like about it was the use of the cushion as a main building material, the corners of it always feel a little to puffy when it's used in larger constructions, but that's very much a me issue. There's one more secret area here that i wasn't able to find no matter how much i poked around, and you have no idea how much that irritates me from an archival standpoint.
i don't run into a lot of these expansive "just explore around" kind of levels it feels like. They're... honestly a bit of a mixed bag for me? i do like that there's just a lot of stuff all over, and some of the set pieces in this one were pretty cute. It's kind of cool that you could go through the level and just miss stuff if you bee-line for the exit, and that's interesting from a level design/player experience perspective. At the same time? i kind of like a little more of a throughline in level design. i want to know what i'm meant to be doing, and then i feel more comfortable going against the grain of that. i think that's part of the reason why sand-box/open-world style games don't super appeal to me. That and so much of the side-content winds up feeling like "well, i did that because it was available to do, but why?"
i really, really like this one. It clicks for me so well as the introduction to a larger whole (which we may or may not ever see. i don't know if the creator has any interest in continuing to build on the concept). This one really manages to nail that Gardens feel, while still feeling like its own thing. Also, that princess is kinda goals? Like, my self-image doesn't lean heavy towards the feminine, but even still, there was a voice in the back of my head that was, like, "oooh, but... gender?"
We talked about this not so far back, so all i'll add is the first time i played a level that had that "play chomping sfx when food item is grabbed" i thought it was kinda cool and/or neato. After a dozen times, tho', it started to get to me like the Wilhelm Scream does for film nerds.
The precursor to the level we looked at on Friday, and it's clear what a step up Aaron took between the two projects. Which sounds like i'm saying this one isn't good, and i'm very much not. This is, itself, a very impressive, and impressively presented piece of kit; and worth the 30minute playtime if you have it. i do feel like it leans more heavily on exposition to its detriment, tho'. You've got short bursts of "ok, i can do something now" between much longer cutscene sections. It doesn't help that the sfx Aaron chose for your legally-distinct Navi can get to be a bit grating after awhile.
This one's the real deal. The LeChonk. The.... umm... <checks notes> big chungus amung us? Scratch that. Don't like that. Will never say it again. i got to talk a bit wiv Aaron via 'Tube comments, and they're really quite nice. i had very much of the stress that i would be able to convey how i felt in a way that was honest. They did confirm that the level runs smooth wiv no issues on PS5, so if you've got one of those, maybe give this one a shot. If you don't, i still recommend it; but if you're worried about the level breaking, well, you do gots the video here for you (hint, hint, hint, hiiiiiiiiiiiiiint).
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mysmashplaythroughs · 8 months
99 Problems but F-Zero ain't one of them
I see Tumblr's joined the group of websites that felt the need to make their layout even more irritating with no actual gain. Well anyway, yeah another 'off-topic' post rather than something substantial. Admittedly, this has probably been my least productive year yet when it comes to my Smash Bros Playthroughs (Ironic that rereading my post at the end of last year I said I might actually be able to finish everything up to the Spirits etc on my list yet I've not even finished Tales of Symphonia yet...) I've beaten 3 games on my list and two of them I was barely able to justify being on the list as they were new releases (Pokemon Scarlet for the Pokeball item because it's the first main series game where you actually can manually throw a Pokeball to make a Pokemon appear and Fire Emblem Engage because of stage related reasons (there's no spoiler tag it seems on here so I'll hold off specifying). Beyond these though, I've been playing just new releases really including Tears of the Kingdom (the third on my list but I'll hold off why), Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed (which was fantastic) and I finally was able after all these years to play Spider-man on my new Steamdeck which took up a large chunk of my game playing this year (didn't finish Miles game yet though.) There are two other games I've mainly played, (besides every so often doing a few Mario Maker 2 courses which is part of a big project I've been working on for that) the first of which is finally relating to the dumb title I've used above. F-Zero 99 isn't what F-Zero fans wanted but it's still been great to play imo and I've been playing it far more than I thought I would. Hopefully this will be a sign of some possible attention for the series as a whole as it seems to have attracted quite a few casual players as well as F-Zero fans.
I thought I'd managed after what I mentioned last time to get every game I wanted to on the eShop before it closed on 3DS and Wii U, and I did manage that for my Smash list, but I was missing a game I'd always meant to pick up but never got around to... and I realised far too late that meant the only option now was trying to track down an overpriced copy on Ebay or something. I did however manage to win a copy in an auction (I wouldn't like to admit how much, just that it was below at least the prices for every other copy I saw on there) of Project X Zone 2. Because of this I've been playing that a lot recently, I've made it a fair way in, there's more characters than I expected that I at least knew the name or look of but it's definitely got a lot of ones I had to ask my friends who play a lot more obscure games about. With that said, since Phoenix Wright didn't get into Smash it is fun at least having him in something like it and I have been enjoying it. I've mentioned before I believe sometimes just liking crossovers even if they're things I've never heard of, I guess because in a sense it allows me as a newcomer to see it from the eyes of the other characters who've never met before and so I learn what they learn. Either way, that's been mostly taking up my playtime atm, which try as I might I haven't currently found a way of justifying to be on my list (granted, honestly adding it might be reaching too much even for me.) All of this however, has led to a problem that means I might have to change plans fast...
Nintendo's announced that the Wii U and 3DS will be losing their online almost entirely next year, with only redownloads of software you own, updates to software and Pokemon Bank I believe to still remain after next April (and Bank is stated to end sometime after...) This announcement made me realise I had to heavily look at my list and see if there's something that will make impossible. I worried about Federation Force and Triforce Heroes but those do seem to be at least playable in single player (definitely not ideal but not completely unusable) however, it's the other thing that has me concerned, Pokemon Bank closing. Due to this, I've realised I have to do what I originally planned to do after finishing the items on my list, which is to capture every single Pokemon that's appeared in Smash Bros in any form (Pokeball, stage background, Trophies, Spirits) but in it's home region. I was then planning on transferring them all to Pokemon Ultra Moon and using that game to get screenshots of them (with their region exclusive photo backgrounds in the game). Due to this therefore, I plan to start very soon playing through the final two Pokemon games I had on my list, Emerald and Crystal. Admittedly, Emerald isn't one I plan on actually using to capture Pokemon specifically, it's far far easier for me to use ORAS to do so, but for my actual playthrough of the game's plot etc, I plan on playing the original Emerald on GBA. Crystal is one I've been looking forward to for a while as it's my favourite Pokemon game ever and on my list of top 10 games of all time (the majority of which are on my Smash list) I do also have Sword and Shield on my Smash Bros list as well as Legends Arceus and Let's Go, however since they're on Switch I'm going to hold off on those till I was originally going to play them. Also because it's almost impossible beyond hacking or using complicated means from what I've seen to get certain Pokemon, I will settle for simply having ones like Celebi or Mew rather than specifically getting them from their regions, basically as you can probably guess I just mean I'll get what I can.
So yeah, that's where I'm at basically, I'll probably update my list after posting this as I've added a fair few things (Daisy for example is going to have Super Mario Bros Wonder become her actual game now seeing as it fits her in Smash a lot more than Super Mario Party did on my initial list) so yeah. I guess if I have an aim for this by the end of the year, I highly doubt I'll beat all the games I have on my list for Mii Costumes (from Tales of Symphonia to DOOM 2016) but I do plan on going back to a few I've skipped over either because I couldn't play them at the time or didn't want to burn out too much on one series (numerous Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games I've skipped over for now regarding costumes or stage elements for example) so at the very least I'd like to end this year with that looking a little bit more respectable. Typing this out has made me decide to finally stop holding back on this and get a move on with it, so I'm hoping perhaps by the end of the year I might finally write those last two Melee character posts and have good news on my progress after that. Either way, I guess in honour of Charles Martinet, I'll try and stick to the mantra of 'Here we go!' (Yes, feel free to unfollow me after that)
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mrmallard · 3 years
I have played way too much Minecraft today. It was to get myself through an all nighter, and I got some laundry done - but I have spent way too much time looking through a screen today.
I don't have progress pictures of the current goal, they're gonna be really drastic and fucked up, but here's that island I mentioned last time:
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I did all that today, and built a new shelter, AND cooked some glass for the roof since it's a sand building, AND built 100 chests to put inside it - and that was probably the most straightforward part of my playtime today.
I've been digging up a lot of dirt, to the point that I'm on the verge of running out of room in my first storage shed. By the time I'm done with this current project, I'll probably only have two double-chests left to fill with dirt in my original shed. 30 double-chests are gonna be full of dirt by the time this is all said and done.
I think once I'm done, I'm gonna take another break from Minecraft.
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frogsandfries · 7 years
Finally finished
I finally finished the longest seams on each of my three privacy curtains. The reason it's three, which is admittedly a weird number for curtains, is that the fabric folded over for a double-sided curtain, and then cut into three, with the length that I purchased, happened to fit the space I was trying to block off with something pretty, horizontally as well as vertically. I figured with the fabric doubled over, I could also fit in batting or reflectix. Or both, I suppose. Of course, I planned my privacy curtain before it got so cold that I needed a heater and settled on a propane heater, and then decided that the best place for the heater was between the chairs. But I suppose it's not much of a stretch to move the heater forward in front of the curtain.
I have to fix the glitter, or else it will just keep falling off. And it will fall off all over the inside of my van. It will get stuck in the flooring and I will find it long after I've gotten new curtains. I have clear sealant, so I'm very much considering using it on the fabric.
I have the next set of curtains I need to work on with me, the filler curtains for the lower level. I'm not sure if I should stick with the same pattern for the out-facing curtains for the loft, but whatever material I choose, I'm going to need a lot, especially for the hatch door, which is just a giant window. The best solution I have for the outer curtains, which will protect my space from prying eyes when I'm not home, or sleeping, somewhere I may not be 100% welcome, is to use a curtain at the top and bottom of the windows. Right now, the curtains hang away from the windows. I'm considering straightup crafting some replacement window frames from spray foam, because it would insulate the current metal window frames. Additionally, it would be an accessible option for me to build nice frames I could hang tension rods into.
I mean, I've already slated new trim for my van, since what remains of the original trim is hollow, and one of the missing pieces of trim was replaced by copious patterned duct tape. It would just be really healthy for my peace of mind if my steps were blocked when the doors are closed.
Once my dad had a pile of lumber, a charged drill, and a couple boxes of screws, it was like when you give me a pound of polyclay, some of my favorite tools, and a stable work surface. It was playtime. I should've done this the second the van was stripped out. Loud noises may stress me out, but my dad lives for these big projects. Unfortunately, he's not motivated for or by his own needs. So his own projects will rot while he fulfills others' needs. He seemed eager to come back tomorrow, even if he only wanted to swing by briefly to affix the ply. Too bad, but he needs to clean up his rabbits. I can't help with that at all.
It looks like he's motivated now...... sort of. We've got the shell up, we've got the lumber and fixings in order, for the most part. He should finish putting the sides together yet this week. I've decided to cool my heels and wait on him. He can't ditch the place he's renting if I've got nowhere to go because of his slackery--I've been fighting tooth and nail.
Like I've said, I've got p l l e e e n n n t t y y y y y of things to do--I just finished the second of four pairs of primary curtains, the functional curtains. I could get some work done yet on my futon mattress, which is going to have to be custom, so who better to design and execute? I've barely put any thought to my desk. I've mostly been waiting to see how the space comes together. But right away, I have the numbers to put my wardrobe together. I have a few ideas about that I can play with.
Additionally, it looks like I fucked up measuring, so maybe somebody take away my tape measure. The frame is being built entirely around the shell, but the shell is significantly shorter than the space that I actually have to cover, which will mean another project, but also tons of space to play with if I carry on the plan to put the tank up. We/I are/am going to have to figure out how to save this or else I'll have a beam in my forehead regularly......In the unlikely event that my dad has no thoughts, I think I have a couple of saves, one involving the cross beam up beneath the cross support of the shell. Which might happen anyway, and then probably just building a lighter add-on shell, since I'm trying to friction fit the 4×4s against the wheel boxes. The bummer is that it just occurred to me what my dad was saying: The front 4×4 is going to land right between my side door and the buddy door, which I actually rarely open unless I'm cleaning garbage. Once the tower is out of the way, I suppose it wouldn't hurt my feelings to turn the step space that I don't really use into floor space, possibly extending my seating/storage space.
The bonus is, if he wants to put the 4×4 there, he'll have to either take out the tower or fight with it. Well, he'll be running the grinder here soon enough anyway, so he's probably going to do the roof, the tower and the blower motor at once.
There's a ton to do even before the ceiling is finished. And tons more after.
I have pretty much no idea how to hang the curtains. Eyelets? Rings? A channel? Loops? If I had a good sewing machine, I would love to do a button hole on my privacy curtains. Probably a channel for the outer curtains, so there aren't any gaps to nose through. Some kind of variation on a button hole would help me weave on pretty, cheerfully colorful inner curtains. I guess a more accessible technique would be to use loops in a very thoughtful manner. I don't believe my mind has changed much since I last contemplated my curtains. I guess I'm sticking to the channel at the bottom of the outer curtains and loops at the top, for the windows, for minimum privacy breech, but also flexibility regarding my interior decoration choices. I think some simple white material for the loops would be a solid choice for unifying the decor.
Edit: Blanket stitch.
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