#Wrote Good job as GJ
shattered-sparks · 1 year
(Sun and Moon Show spoilers) Okay first of all. Earth is 100% Autistic like Lunar. She takes things at face value and generally head empty, very slow. Super smart as well. Though Idk how to really fully feel on Earth. She seems okayish as a character. At first I was concerned that they were doing the dumb girl trope but then later learned that, thankfully, wasn’t the case. Still very iffy on her character as a whole. I kinda want her to be sassy but she seems really reserved but that could just be her Autism.  (I am very happy for the VAs having a extra hand now for the show, takes stress off of the two’s back now that she’s here. Warm welcome to the cast btw!!)  Seeing Simp Monty was funny as fuck. That was great! Had me and my 2 other friends laughing the whole time. For such a bad reception at the start of hearing Earth was going to be a character this was a great way to combat that. Good job to the VAs.  Though I do share the same concerns as NovaRays. I’m praying they didn’t replace Bloodmoon with Earth. I love and adore the twins and wouldn’t want them to get this treatment. My only hope is they either come back or come back via the death of Earth.  (Crying at how I need to figure out a proper design for her now. Though I’ve been needing to make a proper design for Nice Eclipse as well so they’ll be put on the same page)
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eobard-thawne · 3 years
What did Geoff Johns do to be evil? And why is Tynion bad?
i think geoff johns has always been evil that guy is born evil. and i'm not even gonna get into the whole fiasco with warner brothers and everything he's said behind ray fisher bc that's not about comics but people also should never forget about those. how this man still has a job is beyond me he is the worst.
a part of me wants him to stick to live action bc he should never be allowed to write a comic book but it doesn't make any difference at the end bc nothing ever happens to people like him. they never get what they deserve and they always come out on top.
gj is known to retcon things and bend canon to his OWN liking. he is responsible for a lot of stupid fcuking retcons and because this guy has written for pretty much every comic book character the list of all the messed up things he has done is never ending gvjakdlh
i read flash comics mostly so i've been severely traumatized by this guy. barry's parents were ALWAYS alive in silver age, barry actually died BEFORE his parents. but gj's first retcon was during wally's flash run, he killed nora (and one of his villains tried to dig up her grave like WTF and it resulted in ANOTHER disastrous retcons and character assasination for barry it's a whole thing and i can't even get into that now gvjakg) and after barry came back, well you know, gj did the retcon where eobard killed nora and framed henry for it. and henry died in prison before barry could exonerate him. that part was later re-retconned in n52 but like.. the damage has already been done.
he seems to think that heroes can't ever have good things. and a hero can't be a hero without being traumatized. like they have to have traumatizing things happen to them to make them into the heroes they are and it's ridiculous. dan didio 2.0
now a lot of fanboys think comics didn't exist before geoff johns bc that's how extreme his retcons are.
his writing might be good in the sense that it's easy to read but he can't ever complete an arc properly. his storytelling is half assed, his plots are sloppy and there is always so many plot holes left at the end and it leaves more questions than answers it's so frustrating.
also despite what ppl say geoff johns is the one responsible for flashpoint not barry gvkacnfsh all the missing characters, years of character developments going down the drain it's alllllll this guy. flashpoint in general is so f*cking stupid anyways like the demon speedster can travel through time all he wants and nothing ever happens to the timeline but barry, the greatest superhero and the best flash ever lived just wants to see his mom again and it's the end of the world??? FAKEEEE. ALL FAKE.
and tynion is a bad writer bc honestly??? while i admit i haven't read much from him (he mostly writes batfam and batfam isn't my cup of tea anymore) i don't remember why i wrote his name there lol i guess i was mad at something i've read THEN but i can't remember it now. but judging from what i've read, his writing is boring and it reads like a fanboy gvjaveg like i'm sorry but he is no different than tom taylor most of he writes seems very self indulgent to me. like i get it you like harley but i don't want half the issue to be about harley in a batfam/batman book. show your clown representation somewhere else.
and i'm ending this reply with a very sincere apology because i swear to you i don't get any notifications when i get asks/messages. i even enabled e-mail notifications but still nothing. i reblogged that post WEEKS ago so i'm very very sorry for the late reply. idk if you're still around nonnie but if you are, here it is.
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the-himawari · 4 years
A3! Anniversary Event Translation - On the Trajectory to Full Bloom. [Winter] (4/4)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
<*SORRY, LONG DISCLAIMER* So I've decided to record their performance myself because the more I was working on it, the more I felt text alone just didn't do the event justice and the voice acting is SO FUNNY so it'd be nice if others could hear it too. I was hesitant to do this since it's bending the rules, so if it's a huge problem just let me know. I will not do this again; this event is an exception due to how heavily it relies on the voice acting. That being said, please don't reupload or redistribute the video--if I see it being posted anywhere else, I can and will take it down. Please just be respectful and discrete and just enjoy it, thanks~ watch it here~>
Izumi: It’s finally the real thing! It looks like the other troupes are coming to watch too.
Tasuku: That’s because we didn’t tell anyone about our original story.
Tsumugi: We dodged it even when we were asked. That’s why everyone’s curious about it, right?
Azuma: The content is the content, and I want to make everyone surprised and enjoy it too.
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Izumi: (Tsuzuru and I were both surprised when they told us they’d write the script themselves but—.) (If that’s the content, then I’m fine with it. Fufu, everyone’s making a face like they’re mischievous kids…)
Guy: Tsukioka, there’s just 2 more minutes until showtime.
Tsumugi: Yes. —Everyone, gather round. It’s already our 2nd anniversary… before we came here, both as individuals and as the Winter troupe, we’ve stumbled and fallen, and we’ve made detours but… Because there were those moments, the us of right now are here.
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Tasuku: Yeah.
Homare: Umu.
Hisoka: …Yeah.
Azuma: That’s true.
Guy: Right.
Tsumugi: I’m sure from here on as well, we may be clumsy and stumble and fall, and we’ll take the long way around many times over. But, no matter when, we’re not alone. —Well, was that a bit too pretentious?
Guy: No, there’s nothing wrong with that.
Azuma: Fufu, we’re bound by a common destiny, is that right?
Homare: Umu. In both sickness and in health—. —Haa, a poem has sprung forth! A blazing DESTINY, resonance’s AMBITIOUS…
Guy: There’s less than 10 seconds until showtime.
Hisoka: Time’s up.
Homare: What!?
Tsumugi: Fufu. Winter troupe, let’s go!
Winter troupe: Ohh!
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Narration: “This story is fictional. There is absolutely no connection to any real people or parties.” “…Probably.”
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Audience member A: Ahaha! What’s this—!
Audience member B: Is this really a Winter troupe play?
Izumi: (Alright, they’ve grabbed them perfectly with the narration!) (The stage is MANKAI Theatre’s dressing room after the Winter troupe show’s dress rehearsal finished—)
Tasuku: “Today’s dress rehearsal went alright, huh?”
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Tsumugi: “It’d be great if we can perform like this for tomorrow’s opening day too.”
Guy: “That’s right.”
Hisoka: “I’m tired…Marshmallows…”
Homare: “Huh, sorry. I’ve run out.”
Azuma: “Come to think of it, Director said before that we received some snacks as a gift.”
Hisoka: “…I’ll go get some.”
Homare: “I will go too.”
Tsumugi: “I’m also a little hungry, so I guess I’ll go too.”
Izumi: (When the Winter troupe members are talking about their opening day tomorrow, The other troupe’s members will come to cheer them on one after another.)
*knock, knock*
Azuma: “Come in.”
Tasuku: “It’s open.”
Sakuya? [Hisoka]: “Please excuse me! Good job on your dress rehearsal!”
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Citron? [Homare]: “Good wooork.”
Itaru? [Tsumugi]: “GJ.”
Sakuya: !?
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Citron: Oh—, what a soup fries*.
Tsuzuru: It’s surprise.
Azuma: “Ahh, so you came to watch.”
Sakuya? [Hisoka]: “Yes! It was really great! I’m looking forward to the real show tomorrow!”
Citron? [Homare]: “Tomorrow will be a ghoul house**.”
Itaru? [Tsumugi]: “You actually mean a full house.”
Sakuya? [Hisoka]: “Good luck for tomorrow too!”
Guy: “Yeah, we’ll give it our all.”
Itaru: Seriously? Tsumugi is playing… me, right?
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Citron? [Homare]: “…”
Azuma: “What’s wrong, your highness?”
Citron? [Homare]: “I envy Guy. The truth is, I also want to appear in a graceful adult programme much like the Winter troupe’s.”
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Tasuku: “!?”
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Guy: “Citronia, just now that wasn’t in Zahran. Is your language setting correct?”
Tasuku: “Or rather, you could speak such fluent Japanese?”
Izumi: (Citron-kun starts to speak fluent Japanese when the Spring troupe members aren’t around—.)
Citron? [Homare]: “Who do you think I am? It’s only natural. I’m usually only talking like that as a character I’ve made.” “The Spring troupe members are fussy about our character settings.”
Tasuku: “I-is that how it was…”
Guy: “I didn’t know that.”
Citron? [Homare]: “Anyways, I’m looking forward to your opening day tomorrow as well. Please do your best.”
Tasuku: “Y-yeah.”
Azuma: “Fufu, so that was the real his Highness.”
Tasuku: “That guy, that reminds me, he’s royalty, huh…”
Citron: Ohh, Homare, AMAZING!
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Tsumugi: “There were various refreshments, huh?”
Homare: “Umu, we won’t be troubled about snacks for the time being.”
Tsumugi: “Huh? Where are Tasuku and Azuma-san?”
Guy: “They went to buy some drinks. What about Mikage?”
Homare: “He found a large amount of marshmallows and stopped moving.”
Tsumugi: “I don’t think he’ll return for a while.”
*door opens*
Tsuzuru? [Tasuku]: “Great job.”
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Chikage? [Azuma]: “Good work.”
Tsumugi: “Ah, welcome.”
Masumi? [Hisoka]: “…Where’s Director?”
Homare: “She was handing out refreshments in the aisle.”
Masumi? [Hisoka]: “Then I’m going there.”
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Tsuzuru? [Tasuku]: “Oi, Masumi—”
Guy: “Just what did Usui come here to do?”
Tsuzuru? [Tasuku]: “He was supposed to come to encourage you though, more or less.”
Chikage? [Azuma]: “He’s a consistent Director devotee.”
Tsuzuru? [Tasuku]: “Good grief.”
Tsumugi: “How was watching the dress rehearsal as an audience member?
Tsuzuru? [Tasuku]: “The result is perfect. As the person who wrote the script, I’m glad.”
Chikage? [Azuma]: “Good luck for your opening day too.”
Tsumugi: “Thank you very much.”
Homare: “It can’t be helped about Hisoka-kun, and Tasuku-kun and Azuma-san both haven’t returned.”
Guy: “They said they were getting drinks for everyone, So it might be taking more time than expected.”
Tsumugi: “Then, I’ll go see how it’s going.”
Homare: “I will accompany you as well.”
Chikage: Heh, Azuma-san is me, huh?
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Tsuzuru: I mean… this never crossed my mind.
Masumi: …I can also do that much. If it’s for Director, then impressions are…
Tsuzuru: You don’t need to compete with them!
Tenma? [Tasuku]: “We’re coming in.”
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Muku? [Hisoka]: “Excuse me.”
Misumi? [Homare]: “I brought a triangle~! Triangle, triangle~!”
Yuki? [Azuma]: “Good job—.”
Kazunari? [Tsumugi]: “Yay~! We came to cheer the Winter troupe on, yo!”
Tenma? [Tasuku]: “Huh? It’s only Guy-san?”
Guy: “They’ve stepped out for a bit. Even though you came all the way here, sorry about that.”
Muku? [Hisoka]: “No! Not at all! Rather, it’s me who has bad timing who’s at fault.” “It’s because I’m a shriveled-up green onion or a dried-out carrot that’s been forgotten in the fridge…”
Yuki? [Azuma]: “No one said that though.”
Misumi? [Homare]: “Then, I’ll leave everyone’s share of triangles~!”
Kazunari? [Tsumugi]: “’Kay, make it lit for tomorrow’s opening day too~!”
Guy: “Yeah, I will tell everyone.”
Muku? [Hisoka]: “Alright then, please excuse us!”
Tenma? [Tasuku]: “…”
Guy: “Is something wrong?”
Tenma? [Tasuku]: “No, I was just thinking I envy how Winter troupe’s dressing room is so calm.”
Guy: “Well nobody is here right now.”
Tenma? [Tasuku]: “Summer troupe’s dressing room is noisy even when people aren’t there. With their triangles, and triangles, and triangles.”
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Guy: “…I see.”
Tenma? [Tasuku]: “I lose confidence sometimes. Is it ok for someone like me with a character that’s too dark to somehow be the Summer troupe leader?” In the end, I’m an actor who just sells with his face and benefits from the influence of my parents… I’m nothing but a radish, no, a shriveled-up carrot…”
Guy: “…Are you ok? For various reasons.”
*door opens*
Kazunari? [Tsumugi]: “Eh, Tenten, somethin’ wrong~?”
Yuki? [Azuma]: “What are you doing, useless actor.”
Tenma? [Tasuku]: “!!”
Misumi? [Homare]: “Tenma, you’re not feeling well~?”
Muku? [Hisoka]: “Are you depressed?”
Tenma? [Tasuku]: “Huh, WHO IS—! Who do you think I am?” “I’m Sumeragi Tenma, a man who’s going to make my name known to the world one of these days. There’s no way there will ever be a time I’m feeling down, alright!”
Yuki? [Azuma]: “…Oh really.”
Tenma? [Tasuku]: “AHEM! Then, please excuse me.”
Guy: “…That, well, don’t push yourself.”
Muku: Tenma-kun, if perhaps there’s anything troubling you, talk to us, alright…!
Tenma: Don’t take that seriously!
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Kumon: Azuma-san is Yuki, and Kazu-san is Tsumugi-san…???
Yuki: It’s too confusing.
Kazunari: Tsumu-tsumu, that’s sick~! If you do that at a mixer, it’ll probs legit be so hype!
Misumi: Arisu, your impression of me is so good~! Later, I’ll give you a Super Triangle-kun~!
Homare: “Guy-san, won’t you lend me a bit of your strength?”
Guy: “Is something wrong?”
Homare: “It’s said we will hold a casual closing party with the refreshments as snacks.” “I must carry the drinks, but regrettably there is a lot to carry so…” “I could only bring over this much.”
Guy: “Understood. I will go get them. It’s not good to leave these unattended. Arisugawa, please wait here.”
Homare: “I’ll leave it to you.”
*knock, knock*
Kumon? [Hisoka]: “Excuse me!”
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Omi? [Guy]: “I’ve brought a gift.”
Juza? [Tasuku]: “Good job.”
Homare: “Ahh, sorry for going out of your way.”
Juza? [Tasuku]: “Homare-san’s alone?”
Homare: “Right now, we’re clattering around in preparation for the closing party.”
Omi? [Guy]: “In that case, it’s perfect. I’ve brought a quiche.”
Kumon? [Hisoka]: “A closing party’s great, huh! I wanna join too!”
Juza? [Tasuku]: “You’re not part of the Winter troupe, ya know?”
Homare: “Oh no, no, don’t mind that. Definitely, please join in.”
Kumon? [Hisoka]: “Woohoo—!”
Homare: “Everyone, you came to watch the dress rehearsal, is that right?”
Juza? [Tasuku]: “Yea. It was really amazin’.”
Omi? [Guy]: “As expected of Winter troupe’s acting fanatics.”
Juza? [Tasuku]: “I wanna practise more, ‘n become able to act that much too.”
Omi? [Guy]: “Autumn troupe needs help with action though.”
Juza? [Tasuku]: “Settsu’s good at that, right?”
Homare: “Oh my, it’s somehow rare that Juza-kun is praising Banri-kun, hm?”
Kumon? [Hisoka]: “Nii-chan’s always praisin’ Banri.”
Homare: “Is that so?”
Omi? [Guy]: “He can’t tell him face-to-face since it’s embarrassing, right?
Juza? [Tasuku]: “T-that ain’t really how it is.”
Izumi: (Some members also reveal their true opinions when their own troupe’s members aren’t around, and their hidden, unknown face comes into view…)
Omi: So the reason I was always being watched by Guy-san was for this, huh?
Kumon: Hisoka-san is normally like that, but it’s really amazin’ when he appears on stage…
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Sakyo? [Guy]: “I’m comin’ in.”
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Banri? [Tasuku]: “Nice work—.”
Taichi? [Tsumugi]: “Great job, guys!”
Homare: “Ahh, precisely just before this, Omi-kun and them came here.”
Sakyo? [Guy]: “Then we missed each other?”
Azami? [Azuma]: “Homare-san, your makeup sits badly.”
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Homare: “Um huh? Really?”
Azami? [Azuma]: “Use this before you sleep tonight. First is this one, next is this one. Facial packs are also essential. Also sleep without missing golden time.”
Homare: “Um, I got it.” “That reminds me, just before, Juza-kun was praising Banri-kun. He said his acting was good.”
Banri? [Tasuku]: “Did he really? Well, I think Hyodo’ll improve more than me though—" “I mean, the attitude he has towards actin’ is different so, Well I’m no match for somethin’ like that.”
Homare: “Umu… So Banri-kun’s also the type to give praise from the shadows.”
Taichi? [Tsumugi]: “Both of you just can’t be honest, right, Ban-chan!”
Sakyo? [Guy]: “Geez, they’re troublesome brats.”
Sakyo: No way, they were thinking up something like this…
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Banri: ‘Sides, what kinda setting do we have!
Juza: That’s impossible.
Taichi: But it’s super interesting!
Azami: Winter troupe’s scary…
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Tsumugi: “I’ve come back now.”
Azuma: “Sorry for the wait.”
Guy: “We’ve brought all the drinks.”
Tasuku: “While we were at it, we yanked Mikage from the marshmallows.”
Hisoka: “…Arisu is absorbed and making a weird face.”
Homare: “What is a weird face? I was just thinking for a bit.”
Tsumugi: “Thinking?”
Homare: “No, I was thinking that, apparently, I still don’t know everyone in the Theatre troupe very well yet.” “The human heart is terribly complicated and mysterious, hm?”
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Hisoka: “…Not just his face, but what Arisu says is weird too.”
Tsumugi: “Did something happen?”
Tasuku: “…Well, somehow I understand what he wants to say.”
Azuma: “It’s that everyone has a hidden face, right?”
Guy: “…That’s right.”
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Izumi: (The six Winter troupe members gather again; they talk about how the Theatre troupe members also have their various circumstances and it ends—)
Audience member A: That was so interesting~!
Audience member B: I never thought that they’d actually do impressions!
Audience member C: They were really accurate!
Izumi: (Thank goodness the audience members also look like they enjoyed it…!) (In this friendly atmosphere where everyone is laughing and surprised, they change clothes and it’s the Winter troupe revue!)
Tsumugi: Now, everyone. It’s the Winter troupe-like adult showtime.
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Audience member A: Ehh, tap dancing!?
Audience member B: Amazing! So cool…!
Izumi: (I see. At a glance, it seems they’re well-arranged, and the steps are making proper use of each of their personalities.) (Tsumugi-san is dainty, and Tasuku-san is cool with his strong steps. Guy-san is also powerful in each of his movements.)
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Izumi: (Homare-san is elegant, and because of his original nature, Hisoka-san’s movements are light. Also, Azuma-san is sexy.)
Audience member C: Winter troupe, stuff like this suits them, huh!
Audience member A: I get it~! Everyone’s wonderful!
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Izumi: (They’re such gorgeous steps that I can’t imagine it was polished off in such a short time.) (…Azuma-san, just what kind of intensive training did you go through in that short amount of time.)
Tsumugi: Everyone, for coming today—.
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Winter troupe: Thank you very much!
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*Citron says "ぎっくり" (gikkuri) which Tsuzuru corrects as "ビックリ" (bikkuri: surprise) **Citron? says "満員怨霊" (manin onryou: manin = full & onryou = vengeful spirit) which Itaru? corrects as "満員お礼" (manin onrei: full house/ sold out crowd)
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heckinhacker · 5 years
Shen x Young Kinkou Student!S/O - meeting and falling in love headcanons.
A/N: I got request for fluffy shen headcanons but wandered off of topic so I decided to make separate post from the ask so nothing will go to waste!
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“Eye is blind for fear, hate, love - for everything, what can disturb balance.” - Shen was told that since he was born. His father was The Eye of Twilight and he had the honor to be his heir.
He’s very traditional and thinks he’s perfectly balanced, calm and without emotions, but let’s be honest - he’s still human, right? Human being cannot completly erase emotions, they’re needed for normal functioning!
After Akali left Kinkou, he started questioning himself and what he has done. What was everything for? Was he right?
He looked up meanwhile meditating at stars and sighed deeply. Everyone who he’s considering “being close with” distance themselves with time. Zed (Shen still thinks it was his own fault that Zed went away, not Zed’s. Took blame on himself, even though he felt betrayed when Zed killed his father.), Akali - who literally distanced herself after becoming The Fist of Shadow.
Shen just accepted that as the one and only truth - he should not try to get close to anyone. Find his own way, keep on balance in himself and two worlds.
He had really big responsibility on his shoulders, making sure our human world and spirit world would be in harmony. He worries that one gesture in one of worlds can strongly affect second and it haunts him, literally.
Shen often has nightmares, no matter how much he meditates. You cannot tell after looking at him, but he really has trouble sleeping.
You met Shen when that “Dangerous Spirit” appeared in your village, brutally murdering people without reasonal explanation. Mayor sent letter to Eye of Twilight so he can make sure evil spirit’s gone.
When he came over, he had took your interest. You only heard of ninjas, and it’s real one. For epic bonus, he’s going to help yours evil spirit’s problem!
Shen delt with it pretty fastly. He agreed on fact that it was - indeed - the evil spirit. No more victims!
Generally, it would be over, but you were hungry for adventure and very thankfull (and enchanted by this ninja). So you collected presents from other villagers, took horse and rode to Kinkou’s Temple by yourself.
Shen was indeed suprised when you just stood there with mount of gifts. Adressed for him. He just did his job, right? Why would he get reward for what has to be done?
He accepted them anyway, he knew the  etiquette after all.
He invited you inside to have a rest, drink some tea.
It was dark when you appeared, so Shen suggest that you should stay over night.
None of you knew that staying over night meant you staying in Kinkou for good.
It just…happened. You just wrote letter to your parents you found yourself in here and you’ll visit them often.
You weren’t the best ninja ever, but you tried. You wanted Shen to have someone who understood his rules and traditions. Who understood him.
Maybe because you cared that much about his well-being he put his guard down around you.
When he did that - you just pierced your hand through his chest and tore away his heart, keeping it in your hands.
What you did in reality?
“Thank you for letting me stay and get to know you, Shen, it’s an honour.” with that smile. That honest smile.
You spent a lot of time together, but you never actually saw his face.
The first time you got this honour was when you wanted to enter hot springs, but didn’t expect Shen to be there already - you were 100% sure everyone was asleep, but as you know from earlier headcanons - Shen doesn’t sleep too well.
You saw nothing more than his face. Shen didn’t overreact it, he just asked you casually if you wanted to join.
You were the one to freak out and run away.
You couldn’t sleep that night too, Shen’s face was haunting you - only because he was that handsome. Great way of thinking about your best friend and master, [y/n], gj.
Little did you know that Shen lost his professionalism towards you long time ago.
You never noticed any changes in his behaviour, but he did - mostly, when he was alone. He noticed thinking about you more than about important stuff, like his next travel to somewhere he’s needed, or his duties as Eye of Twilight. No, it was all about you. He felt like he dissapointed his father.
He had his trip planned to some other village in Ionia, one place much further than yours village. You heard that this task was dangerous, some of other ninjas said that Shen might not come back from this mission.
You didn’t ask for permission to go with him, you just said you’re going, all packed and ready. Shen said no - you didn’t listen.
Maybe you should’ve had, you were not an experienced ninja at all, so when - unluckily - you almost got lethaly harmed by one of enemy’s assassins, he moved quickly to you  to cover you with his body.
He took blade deep into his back, spitting blood at his mask.
Goddamn, panicking was out of option, Shen needed you right now.
You helped him get away from battlefield and took care of him by yourself at first, so he’ll survive till you can get him to real medic. You cursed how Shen did a stupid thing.
“Since when you’re so sentimental? You’re way more important than I am! I am just some rookie, and you’re THE Eye of Twilight! Think about others too, it is so not-you, Shen!” You scolded him after Medic’s check out. He was without  upper-clothing, making him face you brutally.
He couldn’t keep eye contact with you.
“I’m sorry.” he said.
“Shen, for God’s sake.” You took his cheeks into your palms, kissing him shortly, but sweetly. “I love you, you know?”
“I…” He started, his cheeks getting dark red. “I am afraid I return your feelings. It’s dangerous, [y/n], I have responsibilities, love is a great distractio-hmf-”
You discracted him with next kiss. This one was longer, but not deep. You decided to give Shen some time before you make him more of a “un-traditional” man.
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softwonjunnie · 5 years
my thoughts of the final ep
this gets a lil long so click the button to read it all lmao
before the ep;
okay so i already know hyeongjun, yohan and eunsang will be in the top 11 but it will be fun to see where they place!!
also if dongpyo and donghyun dont make it in the top i will sue someone
and i am so not ready for this 4 hour thing lmaoooo its too long mnet why
during the ep (very out of context stuff);
daehwi is so cute :(( chaeyeon too :(((
aaah wonjin u fit the center so well, pls get the center position!!!!!
donghyun fits the to my world concept to well pls center
“three months” yohan you’re full of bullshit!! he takes feedback so well aaaah so good
hyeongjun being scared of going to the front when it’s his time to be the center lmao so cute
keumdongie is 110% perfect for the center, plsssss guys vote for the right boy
wonjun & hyuck’s hand heart, help my heart
dongpyo legit describing himself as what the center needs, thats my boy
yuvin’s “i’m still growing” iM QUAKING
dongpyo’s satoori gets me every time help
kookheon looking so happy for yuvin :((
“boy” was supposed to be the non-sexy song...... as if
i need yuvin to do the music works-move if he gets into the final lineup
eunsang tries out for center and all positions and everything all the time, pls just let him be center  
donghyun isnt even a candidate for center???? are these ppl blind or something
can i just say that i’m hella dissapointed at mnet for not making the boys sing live?? it’s super boring to look at them running around and lip-syncing
also thanks mnet for hiring your worst staff to cut the live performance of to my world lmao it looks awful
also mnet are great at slowing down the final episode to make it so long, applause for that?? no jk it’s horrible, it could've easily been cut down to like 2 hours or less... i’ve just watched both performances and it’s 2 hours and 45 min left.... they’ve been talking about the 11th place boy for like 4 minutes now.... what is this
guess if this bih didn’t just cry when they thanked seokhoon
dongpyo and yoonjung :(((((
dongwook is the best representative of all seasons, i love him
dohyun can play the piano?!!!!! i was expecting for him to joke around when they said “dohyun play” but then he did it so effortlessly
lee eunsang is a vocal legend !!!
dongpyo is crying, yuvin is crying, seungyoun is crying, (jo) yuri is crying, everyone is crying
seungwoo’s message to dongpyo, kill me
aND DONGPYO MADE ONE TO SEUNGWOO TOO im crying too much already
hyungjun nations crybaby
jinhyuk didnt make a message to jinwoo...... :(
suhwan saying he’ll become a better main vocal than yuvin :)))
they’ve lined up now for the results.... i’m not ready...
omg i always say their names along with dongwook in my head, and when he counted up the boys’ names and he said “brand new music lee” my mind said daehwi?? omg
dongpyooooo :( getting major daehwi-feels here
seungyoun rising from such a low rank!!! gj!!!!!
wait a sec.... 4 places left and we have eunsang, hyeongjun, seungwoo, jinhyuck, wooseok AND mingyu left?....... AND YOHAN WHAT
nations crybaby yES
the only three month trainee who deserves 1st place
my baby boy in x position... darling.... guess if i cried even tho i knew about him debuting already?
after the ep;
well well well
its so sad how it’s ending already
it feels like yesterday when i first saw the videos of the ppl nominated for the x1-ma centers
time flies by so fast
i’ve gotten waaaaay more emotionally attached to these boys compared to any of the other seasons
idk if im happy or sad bc it makes me so sad to see the eliminated boys
donghyun :(((( you made it this far and im proud of you to make it into the top 20. you fought hard all this time!! good job!!!!! we love you
i remember picking out dongpyo, donghyun and hyeongjun as my faves from those first pictures that came out...
and i remember how i found the ep1 live stream on youtube and just wanted to watch a super small part - and i turned it on right at starship’s performance. and i was so heartbroken at hyeongjun performing so poorly because he looked so cute, but he fought back!! and he did so well and came in 4th (!!!!!) place! i love him
and i remember how i first saw donghyun and thought “ah! he looks a lot like donghyun from season 2!” and then i was gonna write down his name and..... wait a second
now that i look back at my list i wrote in the beginning with trainees to look out for...... im shook
i wrote down song hyeongjun, ham wonjin, don dongpyo, lee eunsang, lee wonjun (ah bby :/ ), keum donghyun, nam dohyun, kim yohan, cho seungyoun, kim sihoon and yoon junghwan
8/11 were in the top 20, 6/11 got into the final lineup and the others are hella talented and were eliminated too early
but i guess overall i’m satisfied with the outcome?? like i would’ve wanted wonjin and donghyun in it but i’m not too bothered tbh. it’s alright
i would’ve wanted jinhyuk and wooseok to change places bc i think jinhyuk would bring more to the group, him placing 14th is bullshit
the most saddening thing tho is that the starship boys are all split up now for 5 years so we probs won’t see a starship boygroup now for another 2.5 years so bye guys
conclusion i love pdx101
i love the trainees
and i love you guys who follow me and send me love and support, let’s all support our wonderful boys together!!! pdx101 fighting!!!!!!
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maiji · 6 years
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Niounomiya / Kaoruchujo (The Perfumed Prince / The Fragrant Captain), 2018 Tale of Genji (Uji chapters)
“He [Kaoru] gave off [...] an otherworldly fragrance, and it was a wonder how no matter where he went, the breeze that eddied behind him seemed really to perfume the air to a hundred paces. [...]This most unusually personal fragrance roused His Highness of War [Niou] to special rivalry. He purposely suffused his clothes with the finest incenses[...] In spring he contemplated his garden’s plum blossoms...”
- The Perfumed Prince, Tyler translation
Fountain pen ink and waterbrush - Papier Plume Sepia, Kyo Iro Cherry Blossom of Keage, KWZ Confederation Brown, Kyo no Oto Yamabukiiro. Many thanks to my dad for supplying his calligraphy for me to copy!
Kaoru’s nice smell, which I mentioned previously, may seem odd/random from a Western perspective, but it’s tied to a major theme of his character. A beautiful fragrance is supposed to be sign of an enlightened being, so it’s a carryover of his karma from a past life. Except in this life it drives him crazy because he can’t get rid of it and everybody always knows when he’s in the area.
I wanted to include some brief thoughts about these characters and their relationship, but it accidentally exploded into an essay. See below the cut and I am so sorry to anyone for whom the cut fails.
(The Kaoru - Ukifune - Niou love triangle is such an obvious, common point of discussion in their relationship, so I won’t spend time on that here.)
Of the three generations of friendship-rivalries in Tale of Genji, the third is by far the most diametrically opposed. Niou's a hotshot prince who chases practically any woman because he can, being so notorious that even his servants and guardians are constantly like, where the hell is Niou NOW and for god’s sakes, don’t tell him about whatever or he’s going to get into it!! Kaoru is a wannabe monk who keeps getting derailed in this pursuit, in the beginning because he's taking care of his mom, and later because he’s asked by the aging and dying Prince Hachi (whom he greatly respects and has been studying Buddhist scriptures with) to take care of his daughters. People have summarized Niou as successor of Genji’s dynamism, charm and passion, and Kaoru as successor of Genji’s spiritualist sensitivities. So I guess you can call them Genji without the morals VS Genji without the libido, which is simplified but fairly accurate.
It’s also interesting to compare/contrast their actual heritage. Niou is Genji’s grandson through his daughter the Akashi Empress. He was also Murasaki’s favourite, and he was a cute kid, but she might have been appalled to see how he turned out. Kaoru meanwhile is the result of an affair between Kashiwagi (To no Chujo’s son) and the Third Princess (Genji’s youngest wife), and though everyone involved kept the secret pretty well, he’s always had this unsettled feeling of displacement and a sense that something was weird about his mother’s situation. (I’m a huge sucker for quietly and privately sad scenes, and the brief one where Kaoru, after learning the truth about his birth, with his real father's incriminating letters in hand, rushes home to talk to his mother - and then decides never to let her know that he knows because it would only upset her - was definitely one of those to me.)
From my perspective, Murasaki Shikibu or whoever wrote these chapters did a decent job making the Kaoru-Niou friendship believable and even supportive (mostly thanks to Kaoru) before all the crap hits the ceiling later (mostly thanks to Niou). The Uji chapters are rightfully considered a tragedy, but as I was reading I found the predicaments these two kept getting themselves into, and the sheer contrast of their positions and dispositions, rather hilarious.
At one point in the story, the pair have befriended the sisters Oigimi and Nakanokimi (the daughters Kaoru’s been asked to take care of, mentioned earlier). Because both Kaoru and Niou are of excellent status, getting married to either of them is about as much assurance that a woman would be taken care of as you could get in aristocratic Heian society. Only dad kinda FORGOT TO TELL HIS DAUGHTERS that he asked Kaoru to take care of them before he died, so they think their father wants them to stay hermits in their isolated house forever. GJ DAD YOU HAD ONE JOB
So anyways, both of them are courting the sisters. Well, Niou is definitely courting one (or both, he was kind of confused who he’s talking to/exchanging poetry with, but he is Very Serious about whomever it is). Kaoru’s doing whatever Kaoru does, which mostly seems to be talking a lot to this old woman who serves the sisters because she knew his real father, and chatting with the sisters, and slowly falling in love with the elder sister Oigimi.
But Niou being an imperial prince can’t get out and travel as easily as Kaoru can, plus he’s frequently put under house arrest for his bad behaviour. This leaves Kaoru to visit the sisters regularly and plead the case of his best friend’s sincerity. I kept picturing Kaoru all bundled up and paddling out to the middle of nowhere, and apologetically explaining for the umpteenth time, “I am so sorry. Niou couldn’t make it again. Yes, he’s grounded again. No, he really is grounded. I know you’ve heard that he’s a terrible playboy, and, well, he is, but he really is very in love with you. Uh, with one of you. He’s really very serious about whichever one of you was writing to him. Really” And the sisters behind their screen are like “WTF KIND OF IDIOTS DO YOU THINK WE ARE” (Please don’t take this as an accurate description of the story)
And then you get passages like this scene. Here we have Niou observing Kaoru in private mourning over Oigimi’s death:
"After many days of tears [Kaoru’s] features had changed, although not for the worse, for they now had so fine a beauty and grace that [Niou], who deplored his own waywardness, saw that he would certainly lose his heart to him, if he himself were a woman."
- Trefoil Knots (Tyler translation)
The next few lines, beginning with "That was a worry" makes me interpret it as either Niou going, "Uh oh, better get my brain onto a new train of thought", or "Uh oh, better get my new wife - whom KAORU HELPED ME TO WIN OVER AND IS STILL TRYING TO HELP CONVINCE WHAT A DECENT GUY I AM - to my house quick in case she falls in love with him."
Obviously, I'm biased towards Kaoru. But hey, I’m not alone! Many readers from the Heian period onwards felt the same. The Mumyozoshi or Nameless Book - a 13th century work of prose criticism by an author many believe to be Fujiwara Toshinari no Musume (“Shunzei’s Daughter”), whose family was dedicated to study of Genji Monogatari - argues that Kaoru is perfect and defends him from criticism. I don't know if I'd go quite that far, but I was super amused. And there are quite a few ancient writings that extend or reimagine things to better favour Kaoru - or at least cut Niou down to size. Here’s an example:
And His Majesty the Emperor Niou said, "Wow, you found Ukifune? Really? That’s great! Uh, you’re not still mad at me after all this time, are you? Boy, I was such an asshole back then and caused so much shit for both of us. Blah blah blah grovel grovel sob sob grovel." The Palace Minister Kaoru was so thoughtful even when he was young that he put everybody else to shame, and he barely ever complained. He now knew even more that life was fleeting and everything was impermanent and that really they’d all been at fault and his depth of compassion and understanding was way beyond even what even the most devout monk could achieve. So he wasn’t bitter at all. He replied, "It’s OK, there’s no point being angry about the past. Whatever happened was fated to happen." And he chatted about this and that until they all felt better. After he left His Majesty said, ‘Goddamn he’s amazing. I’m not worthy to be in his presence.” Actually His Majesty was annoyed because the women in his service were always going on and on about how wonderful the Minister was.”
- extremely paraphrased by me from Kumogakure Rokujo (Tale of Genji apocryphal chapters)
I hope you will agree that this amazingness would not be out of place on fanfiction.net.
Conversely, to balance out this biased post, Royall Tyler wrote an essay titled "Pity Poor Kaoru" that argues the whole narrative is set up to make you feel sorry for him to the exclusion of consideration for the other characters, and that even bearing this in mind he's not really the deep nice guy everyone thinks he is. I don't necessarily agree with all of it, but I do agree the reader is intended to sympathize with Kaoru (there’s a reason I haven’t seen any readers rushing to Niou’s defence). In any case, it's an interesting read with some good points. Centuries-spanning annotated fandom debates are so fascinating!
Wrapping up with some thoughts on Niou. As you may already know, I don’t like him, but to be fair that’s kind of the point. For the most part, aside from his amoral philandering ways and his heightened sense of suspicion that everybody’s doing the same thing he is, he seems otherwise a decent...ish... person. I guess lol. He's authentically very passionate about whatever his stupid inclinations are at the time, he really was housebound against his will at those critical parts in the story (although it’s partly his own fault…), and there are multiple points where he appears to feel genuine remorse at his own asshattery. 
Regardless of whether I’d like him as a real person or not, he’s a character. I recognize the Niou/Kaoru dynamic and relationship is central to the Uji chapters, his role makes the story what it is, and this is what creates conflict, interest, and entertainment. After all, while *I* would read 1200 pages about Kaoru being a monk, not everybody would. And even as I’m writing that, I admit it’s not the most exciting-sounding material.... and 1200 pages is a lot of pages... Ultimately Kaoru and Niou are great reminders that stories are only more compelling when you have interesting relationships and interactions. And I can say with greater confidence that I would read 1200 pages of Kaoru trying to be a monk and dealing with Niou being a turd. Thank you for reading my long wall of text.
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millepara · 7 years
aikatsu stars episode 72 spoilers (im n ot cryign...,. jk im absolutely crying)
I know this ep is about Koharu and Yume and introducing Aria too I guess, but I only want to see AkoKira right now......🍴
in the ‘previously on’ bit Yume lists Koharu among the souvenirs she got from her time on Venus Ark......... (p.s. did anyone notice how I accidentally wrote Venus Arc every single time on the last ep?? I always forget and have to retype it)
ahhh but Koharu’s so cute though!!! still!!!! god I love her
Yume really did steal Kirara’s hair
they’re on a date!!!!!!
ahhhh I was just in the middle of wondering why Koharu was wearing a hat with a tie when it got really windy... it’s because of that Asahi scene!! she learned her lesson, haha. (edit: nvm, it’s a headband. whatever she still grabbed it really fast) but then Yume’s hat blew away. gdi Yume
gdi Yume stop being so... famous... .. I can’t handle seeing Koharu lose confidence again........ nooooo
suddenly Yume’s acting a lot like an actual member of S4 though!! finally!! I knew Yotsuboshi was what was missing from this season.
Koharu’s got an acting job with the 25th gen S4!!!!! whoa I wonder if we even get to see her act in this ep (also HIME-SENPAI!!! ♥♥♥)
Koharu’s new Yotsuboshi school dress was on the eyecatch!! it’s cute!! I wonder if we’ll get the cards for it sometime during the next series...
curry ice cream............... Yume’s curry princess dress is really cute though
Aria’s voice... is also cute
man... I really like aikatsu’s emotional moments like this one with Koharu and Yume after the party. it was one of the main reasons why oldkatsu is still my fav idol anime to this day, and though aistars hasn’t done it as much, there’s a few moments like this that still stick with me. but I feel like aistars is a lot more sparing with these serious moments and a lot of the conflict is very... fluffy? like oldkatsu explored some pretty complex emotions at times, but not so much with aistars... maybe it’s just because I have the entirety of aikatsu to look back on while aistars is still in progress, though. anyway I hope they do more
anyway they’re HOLDING HANDS!! and Koharu just SUPER DUPER CONFESSED HER LOVE FOR YUME!!! (in a way that obv can and will be interpreted ‘just as friends’ but sounds pretty goddamn unambiguous to me) and I’M CRYING!!! gj aistars.... . god it’s such a simple thing too but I love the double meaning in Koharu’s “I’m going to grab on to my dream (yume)!! I’m going to get closer to my dream (yume)!!”
Yume’s wide-eyed face during the whole thing is really good too... ahhhhh
*reading back over those last two paragraphs, I want to clarify that the reason why I love this scene so much isn’t bc it’s really gay, or....... it’s not only because of that, but bc Koharu’s whole character arc has been about gaining self-confidence and even though she’s clearly still having trouble with that, she decides to open up to Yume and trust her with her dream... I understand Koharu’s feelings here a lot and I love that she was able to be brave enough to talk to Yume (and thanks to ♥Hime-senpai♥’s reminder too!!) and it’s a really nice snapshot of Koharu’s progress so far. and thinking about how for all of us watching it was obvious that Yume would have such a positive reaction, but for Koharu it must have felt so wonderful to find out that you and your best childhood friend share the same dream........ohhhhh nooooo I need another tissueeeeee 🌊
I think... this is maybe the first time in all of aistars so far that I’ve thought Aikatsu Stars is as good as Aikatsu was!! it was just about this ending moment, but the whole HnT season so far started out good and has been getting better and better to me. gotta wait and see what happens with Ako before I say anything too definite, but... my hopes for the rest of this season are so high right now
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
How many pounds do you want to lose? quite a bit. i don’t wna put a number on it, i’ll just judge it from what i look like physically. What would you have been named if you had been born the opposite gender? no idea, i’m pretty sure my parents were sure on me being a girl. What’s one thing that makes your heart ache? the news. Is your hair naturally curly, wavy, or straight? wavy/curly. Do you like curly or straight hair better? i like both tbh. i just hate how mine is frizzy.
Do you find skinny jeans comfortable? if they’re that stretchy denim they’re okay, but generally not. What’s one unpopular opinion that you have? i don’t have any favourite bands. so many surveys on here ask about your favourite band... i don’t have one!! Have you ever tried Bible art journaling? nope. Were you born in the 90’s? yes. Were you born in the 80’s? no. Which American Girl doll did you have, if any? none. What color is your cell phone? space grey. What color was your first cell phone? i forgot but it was the one with interchangeable cases. Have you ever been abused by a pastor? wow, deep. but no. Have you ever been bullied by a teacher? thankfully not. Have you ever been abused by a parent? no. Do you have memories that torment you? no. Have you ever read a book that gave you nightmares? no. What was the name of your first imaginary friend? i never had imaginary friends. What was your best subject in elementary school? math. i had a great math teacher in third grade. What was your favorite subject in high school? visual arts. Do you consider yourself gifted? haha no. Do you feel that people appreciate you? i hope so! What makes you angry? a lot of things. What’s your passion? idk. i should find one. Are you living your dream? nope. What is your dream job? hotel or restaurant critic lol. Ever had a crush on a teacher? nah, not seriously. How do you react when you get stung by a bee? never been. Have you ever been obsessed with a celebrity? If so, who? no. Have you ever been molested? no. Have you ever been accused of being gay? no. Are you heterosexual? yes. What’s one thing that makes you swear? people. Do you want to meet your guardian angel? if i have one, sure! Are you open to the supernatural being real? idk. Do you believe in the supernatural? i have no idea. Ever had a supernatural experience? never haha.  What Disney princess do you look the most like? moana. What are you known for? being the photographer of the group. but i stopped doing that ages ago. What stereotype do you fit the most? none. What’s your preferred method of transportation? car. but i have to be driven. i hate driving. Do you enjoy camping? hmmm i did it a lot as a kid but i can’t say i’d like to do it now. What color shirt are you wearing? white and black. Do you wear yoga pants? no. Do you take vitamins? no. Does your heart ache for the past? no. Are you hurting for a friend right now? nope. Is there any way I can pray for you? (if you don’t believe in that just leave blank) just hope that i have a bright future ahead of me.
Are you lonely? nah. What’s your favorite natural phenomenon? pink lakes and stuff haha.
Were you lazy today? very. Did you leave the house today? i will soon. Are you hurting? no. What color is your favorite teddy bear? i don’t have one. Are you alive? (as in really living, not just existing) yeah, i guess. If not, what would make it better? What do you want? to plan another holiday. Do you ever swear? yeah always. How old were you when you started swearing? pretty late. i’m guessing i started at 16 but didn’t start fully doing it until 18. What’s your favorite swear word? fuck. Do you think swearing is appropriate? sometimes haha. Do religious people piss you off? no. only if they’re trying to change my view on things. Do you feel shy around certain people? sometimes. Do you look your age? yea. Do you act your age? yea. Do you feel your age? haha yes. Do you feel worn? sometimes. Has life been good to you? it has but i haven’t been making the most of it. What would you do to change it? What do you want more of in your life? i need to make an effort on bettering myself. i’m not doing anything right now. Are you a target for haters? no lol. What was the last restaurant you ate at? this greek restaurant. What was the last coffee shop you went to? gj’s. What’s one word to describe your room? cosy. Ever wrote a love letter to yourself? ahahhaa no. Do you snore? apparently i do when i’m really tired. Do you plan on living a long time? i hope so! What’s your favorite flavor of tea? peach. What’s one thing you’re bad at? cooking. i love doing it anyway.
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