highoncatfood · 7 months
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welcome to my little Rainstuck hell everyone.
(click read more if ur interested in even more of my rambling...)
if u dont know already i am a huge homestuck nerd who LOVES classpecting so it is pretty much inevitable that i will make a homestuck au out of any media im currently into. and raincode is no exception!
so. heres a part one of i think 5 (unless i change my mind and include more than 2 characters per post) featuring yuma and makoto bcuz theyre the protag/main antag duo so its only expected to do them first i think.
ive written their descriptions first so theyre kinda shitty but the general idea is there. plz note that i am by no means a Writer and i do not have great Writing Skills so dont expect many convoluted sentences and stuff. this is mostly just for me and i try so hard to prioritize having fun over sounding cool or smart
so yeah idk i hope this ruins ur day i guess? LOL
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sylphclasspecting · 1 month
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grunge mage of light moodboard for anon
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goodeguy · 15 days
Rise up, Mage. (hi topsis!)
my fantroll finally made god tier! i'm so proud of him ;w; meet our session's MAGE OF LIGHT!!!
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+ god-tier topsis with and without wings
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aortaobservatory · 1 month
Classes of Light - AO Classpecting
Chosen Keywords: Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning
TEZ Keywords: Knowledge-seekers, students, problem-solvers, precision, scholars, researchers, resourceful, driven, (fussy, pedantic, insensitive)
CANON: Those bound to the aspect of Light are the universe's knowledge-seekers. They are, above all, driven to learn and understand. They are great alchemists, able to take multiple sources of information and synthesize them into something useful. They are scholars and researchers, absolutely dedicated to knowledge for knowledge's sake. They are the ultimate students, and although that might conjure up the image of people sitting around peacefully waiting for knowledge to be brought to them, that couldn't be further from the truth. The Light-bound will go after knowledge with a fierce intensity that others may find distasteful. They aren't overly concerned with laws or norms, either. They often take rules as simple suggestions, instead searching for loopholes or work-arounds. At their best, the Light-bound are resourceful and driven. At their worst they can be fussy, pedantic, and insensitive.
All of the analysis written below is my own writing, analysis, and thoughts as based on the sources I consulted. The statements are my own analysis, but they may function as a "fill in the blank" statement for you to create your own interpretation of the classpect as you please by replacing the aspect word with any of the provided keywords above.
Sources consulted: (dahniwitchoflight), (rosespecting), (godtier-haven), (TEZ), (MSPA Wiki)
LINK: (Classpecting Analysis Masterpost)
TAGS: [Mage], [Seer], [Witch], [Heir]
TAGS: [Knight], [Page], [Thief], [Rogue]
TAGS: [Sylph], [Maid], [Prince], [Bard]
Mage (Active): Know - Too Much Experience with Light
A Mage of Light is almost constantly experiencing knowledge and evaluation from the people around them and their surroundings, which gives them a unique understanding of how insight and the meaning of something can help a situation... or hurt a situation.
A Mage of Light is flooded with Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning), uniquely experiencing both the good and the bad of it. As a result, they gain a unique understanding of what Light is and does, often resenting it or becoming jaded and frustrated with it, but never rejecting it. Their challenge is to become open to new insight or different perspectives than their own.
Heir of Void (Inverse): As the Mage of Light knows Light in a flood of both good and bad, they end up embodying Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have an indirect relationship with Void; because they know and experience Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they fully embody and thus must change Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Mage of Light does not undergo the Heir of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Heir class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Seer (Passive): Know - Too Little Experience with Light
A Seer of Light is surrounded by secrecy and many potential unknowns, and lacks knowledge and insight in their life, and as a result are driven to learn everything they can about meaningful evaluation in order to understand what they previously lacked.
A Seer of Light studies Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning), craving knowledge of it from their previous lack of it. They seek knowledge of Light with a fierce intensity in order to gain more understanding of it, acknowledging the potential consequences of doing so and dealing with them later. Their challenge is to learn how to translate their insight and knowledge into action and decision, as well as learn how to manage their engagement with Light so as to not overwhelm themself or others.
Witch of Void (Inverse): As the Seer of Light attempts to gain experience with Light from their previous lack of it, they end up changing Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have a direct relationship with Void; because they change and thus half embody Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities), they gain experience with and thus know Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Seer of Light does not undergo the Witch of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Witch class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Witch (Active): Change - Too Little Embodiment of Light
A) A Witch of Light embodies knowledge and the insight it gives them, in order to change their own and others evaluation of what something means.
B) A Witch of Light embodies the evaluation of what something means, in order to change their own and others knowledge and the insight it gives them.
Witches are self-assured and conclusive individualists. They pick and choose which parts and pieces of Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning) fit into their own already determined desires, making Light embody themself and changing it to suit their own wants and needs. Their challenge is to achieve a stable balance in themself without losing themself to Light or their own changing whims.
Seer of Void (Inverse): As the Witch of Light changes the pieces of Light within themself, they end up experiencing Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have an indirect relationship with Void; because they change and half embody Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they gain experience with and thus know Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Witch of Light does not undergo the Seer of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Seer class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Heir (Passive): Change - Too Much Embodiment of Light
An Heir of Light embodies the ability of evaluation, meaning they are knowledgable; however, only by changing themself can they change the insight they gain and the meaning of it.
An Heir of Light inherits and embodies Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning), allowing Light to change themself or itself. They have huge amounts of Light related strengths, allowing themself to be surrounded by Light or naturally gravitating towards it. Their challenge is to not get stuck on Light, to know when to move on and change themself to keep themself balanced.
Mage of Void (Inverse): As the Heir of Light embodies Light within themself, they end up knowing Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have a direct relationship with Void; because they fully embody and thus must change Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they know and experience Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Heir of Light does not undergo the Mage of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Mage class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Knight (Active): Utilize - Too Much Skill with Light
A Knight of Light would be very skilled in using the knowledge they possess and the insight it gives them, to protect and defend the evaluation of others and the meaning given to them.
A Knight of Light is extremely adept with their Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning), their driving effort to protect it and others through it. They are loyal to Light's cause and naturally gifted with it, using it as a tool to achieve whatever they set themself to. Their challenge is to learn how to be less harsh on themself, to accept and learn from failure, and to accept the assistance of others when they need it.
Rogue of Void (Inverse): As the Knight of Light utilizes Light from their loyalty to it, they end up valuing Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have an indirect relationship with Void; because they utilize and are skilled with Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they value and thus give/allocate Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Knight of Light does not undergo the Rogue of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Rogue class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Page (Passive): Utilize - Too Little Skill with Light
A Page of Light is a beginner when it comes to learning and evaluating the knowledge they gain, but they repeatedly strive to master it using the insight they've acquired and the meaning they've ascribed to it.
A Page of Light starts unskilled in Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning), learning how it works and how to use it to its full potential over time. In their many attempts to master Light, they teach others the value of Light, becoming an unintentional source of inspiration. Their challenge is to keep at it, learn from failure, and eventually master Light, being able to confidently provide Light to others.
Thief of Void (Inverse): As the Page of Light attempts to gain skill with Light from their previous lack of it, they end up allocating Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have a direct relationship with Void; because they take/allocate and thus do not value Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities), they gain skill with and thus utilize Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Page of Light does not undergo the Thief of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Thief class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Thief (Active): Allocate - Too Little Value towards Light
A Thief of Light lacks knowledge and evaluation in their life, resulting in a fierce desire to possess such things for themself and leading to them not understanding the value of the insights they gain and what that means, as they take knowledge and the evaluations of others from others and hoard it all to themself for their own benefit.
A Thief of Light takes Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning), either craving it fiercely from their lack of it in their lives or simply because they like it, stealing and hoarding it all for themself and their own personal benefit. Despite their outward confidence with Light, they often take it at face-value without learning of its true value, being unsatisfied with how much Light they hoard and craving more and more. Their challenge is to focus less on attaining and more on learning about the value their aspect, as well as to let others have their aspect and learning why it is important to others.
Page of Void (Inverse): As the Thief of Light allocates pieces of Light to themself, they end up gaining skill with Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have an indirect relationship with Void; because they take/allocate and do not value Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they gain skill with and thus utilize Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Thief of Light does not undergo the Page of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Page class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Rogue (Passive): Allocate - Too Much Value towards Light
A Rogue of Light would redistribute, allow others to take, and/or give knowledge and insight to others in the name of balancing the meanings born of evaluation.
A Rogue of Light gives Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning) away, either because they have a lot of it already, or are able to get it so easily they don't know what to do with so much of it. They often know the true value of Light, and are able to see where there is too much or too little of Light and redistribute it in a balanced way around themself. Their challenge is to not let Light run dry within themself, and to learn how to healthily balance Light in themself.
Knight of Void (Inverse): As the Rogue of Light values Light within themself, they end up utilizing Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have a direct relationship with Void; because they value and thus give/allocate Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they utilize and are skilled with Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Rogue of Light does not undergo the Knight of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Knight class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Sylph (Active): Enhance - Too Much Reliance on Light
A Sylph of Light is a pure source of insight and the meaning behind it, and driven by knowledge and evaluation, attempt to restore/purify the meaning behind others insights.
A Sylph of Light starts off relying on themself for Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning), attempting to heal, restore, and enhance Light in others. They are a pure source of Light for others, and though this can cause frustration and irritation in themself and others, they can see ways for Light to help and heal the struggling of others. Their challenge is to learn how to listen to the needs of others instead of assuming they know best, and to balance themself by learning that it's okay to rely on others for Light sometimes.
Bard of Void (Inverse): As the Sylph of Light enhances Light from their love of it, they end up fearing control of Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have an indirect relationship with Void; because they enhance and rely on Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they fear control of and thus destroy Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Sylph of Light does not undergo the Bard of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Bard class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Maid (Passive) - Too Little Reliance on Light
A Maid of Light relies on anyone or anything but themself to tell them knowledge and information as well as what it means, before learning how to rely on themself, restoring and purifying their knowledge and what it means for themself through precise evaluation and insight.
A Maid of Light starts off pushed around by others' view of Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning), but eventually allow Light to heal, restore, and enhance themself, making them into an entirely new person and purifying their aspect to themself. They start out relying on others for Light or being told by others how to interact with Light. Their challenge is to listen to themself instead of others, and to not let others opinions dilute their aspect as they restore it for themself and allow it to make them into a new person.
Prince of Void (Inverse): As the Maid of Light attempts to gain reliance on Light from their previous lack of it, they end up destroying Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have a direct relationship with Void; because they destroy and thus cannot control Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities), they gain reliance on and thus enhance Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Maid of Light does not undergo the Prince of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Prince class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Prince (Active): Destroy - Too Little Control of Light
A Prince of Light is surrounded by knowledge and the evaluative demeanor they crave, but they can't control it or have no means of reaching it, so they lash out because of their own insight and meaning, to destroy the evaluated knowledge that others have, in the name of their own insight and meaning.
A Prince of Light destroys Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning) with Light or in the name of Light, and as a result, often end up appearing as Void (Secrecy, Unknown, Potential, Possibilities) at first glance. Princes start off with disdain or hate for Light, likely because of its overwhelming presence in their lives, and because despite its abundance, they can never seem to grasp or control it for themself. Their challenge is to be able to recognize Light's presence in themself before they destroy themself beyond repair, and learn that they do not need to control or bend Light to their will.
Maid of Void (Inverse): As the Prince of Light destroys pieces of Light in themself and others, they end up gaining reliance on Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have an indirect relationship with Void; because they destroy and cannot control Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they gain reliance on and thus enhance Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Prince of Light does not undergo the Maid of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Maid class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
Bard (Passive): Destroy - Too Much Control of Light
A Bard of Light is surrounded by a lot of evaluated knowledge, but fears being controlled by it or fears the control such things have over them, and as such ignores the evaluated knowledge and allows it to deteriorate via keeping it unknown and letting it wonder into possibilities; only by embracing meaningful insight can they begin to destroy the secrecy that destroyed them.
A Bard of Light allows Light (Knowledge, Evaluation, Insight, Meaning) to be destroyed via simply not reaching out for it, and ignoring its presence in their lives, leading to them appearing as Void (Secrecy, Unknown, Potential, Possibilities) at first glance. This is typically due to a fear of being controlled by Light; while they may see benefits to what it could offer them, they can also see all the downsides to it simply because of their fear of what could go wrong. Their challenge is to be able to embrace Light and not be ruled by its whims, learning to control the way it impacts themself without letting it be destroyed.
Sylph of Void (Inverse): As the Bard of Light fears control of Light within themself and others, they end up enhancing Void, whether on purpose or accidental. They have a direct relationship with Void; because they fear control of and destroy Light (that which is knowledge, evaluation, insight, and meaning), they enhance and rely on Void (that which is secrecy, unknown, potential, and possibilities). Because the inverse classpect is a ghost of the true classpect, the Bard of Light does not undergo the Sylph of Void's challenge; their relationship with the Sylph class and the Void aspect is purely surface level.
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yourfaveisclasspected · 6 months
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Requested by @autisticsupervillain!
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m0rb1dspade · 17 days
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The Arcana side project.
Mordri Limone - The Magician
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urcharactersclasspect · 8 months
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I drew myself a lil kidsona vers of that doodly thing
I think?? The craziest part of drawing something like this for myself. is that my younger self who could barely use a computer mouse would have the same reaction as a starving Victorian child given sour gummy worms and implode if they saw me draw something like this of their oc
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homestuck-hell · 11 months
Greret Ablarn, Mage of Light, Prospit
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Rising e-boy
Happier than he looks
Actually has good control over his e-motions
Land of Locks and Splits
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cbmagus49 · 2 years
I wanted to try drawing the GravityStuck! kids in the more standard Homestuck sprite style and I hope you guys like this stuff ‘cause there’s a chance that I may or may not have gotten the tiiiiniest bit carried away
so uh
here’s all the players from both sessions
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...and their god tiers
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(The best part about crossing over GF with HS is that Sburb’s mechanics come built in with the potential for the Scratch which is basically just canon Relativity)
Figuring out what all of their classpects should be without any accidental overlaps was a heck of a challenge but I think they all fit them pretty well!
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unoriginalpun · 1 year
Land of Wisdom and Folly: Sumeru and its overbearing Light.
Link to Kaveh: Maid of Space analysis
Link to Alhaitham: Seer of Light analysis
Link to Kavetham/Haikaveh analysis
Spoilers for Genshin up to the Sumeru chapter and for Homestuck as well! May include some of my personal headcanons for Alhaitham and Kaveh too.
Sumeru, within the land of Genshin it is known as the nation of Wisdom and Knowledge. It's renowned Sumeru Akademiya being a beacon for aspiring scholars to flock to. It's already so Light-coded, being associated with brilliance and the prominence that its students are granted brings attention.
Wisdom-seeking drives the scholars in the Akademiya, often do they gather wisdom in order to graduate from such a prestigious institution, allegedly driving themselves mad for its pursuit, echoing the role of the Mage.
Thus it can be concluded that in Sumeru, the people who live there are conditioned to take on the role of the Mage of Light.
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Mage: Active knowing class => One who learns their aspect or one who experiences their aspect; one who learns their aspect for themselves. Alternatively, one who suffers under their aspect.
Light: Abstract => Knowledge, awareness, fortune, luck. Literal: Actual light (Brightness), Vision
Now what do I mean that the people of Sumeru are linked to a certain classpect? Well to understand that claim, I must summarize another point that's made in Homestuck's sister media Hiveswap about classpects, specifically roleplaying.
In short, a facet Homestuck's universe is the trolls who have a caste system based on blood color, 12 colors each represented by the 12 zodiac signs. Beneath those "True Signs" are 23 other signs, two symbols for each of the twelve aspects.
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Each sign also has an associated aspect and two associated classes based off of the beta and alpha versions of the trolls that bear these symbols, so that any other trolls born under the blood castes have a role that they must strive (or are forced) to reach, regardless if it isn't the classpect they truly are. This is also known as roleplay.
optimisticDuelist's videos can explain this concept infinite times better than I can, so go check it out when you can!
So what does this exactly mean for those living in Sumeru?
Well, let's start with the obvious:
Its society emphasizes its archon's ideal, wisdom, and the importance of seeking it out, especially after the "death" of Greater Lord Rhukkatevata as she's no longer there to guide her nation. She leaves her successor in her reincarnation Nahida, who is then detained and locked up due to her not having any traces of the previous archon in her.
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Afterwards, Sumeru and its Akademiya continues to grow into the institute that's notoriously hard to graduate from. Many have claimed that its more than difficult work to earn a degree from there, many have became "Raving mad scholars" while pursuing their research; suffering for knowledge so to say.
Two students currently studying in the Akademiya claim that they'll be old by the time they graduates, another one says that even the top student worries if she's going to graduate at all.
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Lisa is one such person who managed to graduate the Akademiya in just two years, but left Sumeru because of not only the grind-like culture it sustains, but also due to what she had witnessed during her time studying: an uncontrollable desire for the hunt for knowledge.
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This "uninhibited erudition" can be translated into Homestuck terms as "a selfish desire to know", which is what drives the scholars to keep studying at the Akademiya. This sentiment reaches farther though as this was the motive that drove the Sages, Sumeru's government, to create a god to replace Nahida through obtaining Divine (Forbidden) knowledge. They didn't believe that their current archon couldn't lead them into another golden age like her predecessor once did, so they created a mechanical one using all the wisdom they had at their disposal.
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So Sumeru's governing body peruses knowledge for their own sake and thus encourages it within the Akademiya, which in turn forces their students to study and grind away for their subject of study for years, making them suffer for knowledge in order to obtain it. It echoes the arc of a Mage of Light almost perfectly.
So what does this all mean if everyone who studies in Sumeru Akademiya become Mages of Light?
That is not how classpects work, one cannot attain a different Aspect or Class or both. Yes it is possible to take on or emulate other roles, but one cannot adopt just a different persona or change who they are are at their core. It doesn't feel natural having to cover your true self under a mask most of the time.
Forcing a role upon someone that is not their own can lead a person becoming confused and conflicted with themselves and with their place in the world around them.
So how can someone end up in such a predicament? As explained above omeone could play a different role other than their own if their surroundings demand it, or alternatively: if they're unsatisfied with the role they already have.
And what two characters exhibit this system of roleplay perfectly than Kaveh and Alhaitham.
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Kaveh and Alhaitham are a Maid of Space and a Seer of Light respectively. Both live in Sumeru and as a consequence of that they have hues of Light and shades of Mage colored in their roles.
Let's start with Kaveh first, as he has some of the most obvious Light imagery out of the two. Kaveh naturally is Space-bound yet he takes on the role of Maid of Light when he's out in public.
Though it does give him fame, Kaveh doesn't seem to really care for his status as Sumeru's most famous architect and instead likes to focus on the skills as an architect, specifically the facets that involve design and aesthetics.
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Though try as he might to stay true to himself, there's no escaping the Light that Sumeru forces upon its inhabitants. I explain a little bit of it here, but I'll extrapolate what it means for Kaveh to act like a Maid of Light.
In order to survive and thrive in Sumeru's society, one must commit themselves into studying and pursuing knowledge, with attention being a byproduct of it. Kaveh is no different from the students that came before or will come after him as he, like them, had to grind his way through the Akademiya in order to achieve his dream of being an architect. There may have been some compromises that had to be made in the process, such as Kaveh needing to emphasize more on the numbers and math of an architect rather than the creative side of it since the arts are less valued in Sumeru: preferring Light over Space one could say.
There's also the fact that Kaveh teaches an elective at the Akademiya, aiding others in their study by providing them with knowledge of his trade.
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Light also blinds people, warping their perception of what's in front of them. Kaveh's public image is perceived more as a brilliant genius rather than an artist. His title of "Light of Kshahrewar" was bestowed upon him by the Akademiya and gained notoriety from others because of it due to being a brilliant alumnus from his Darshan. It makes him some sort of figure to look up to for his fellow Kshahrewar.
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Note how she thinks that Kaveh has made himself a title in the world as both fame and fortune are related to Light.
This forces him into a position that he must uphold in order to maintain a positive image for not only himself, but his darshan too, especially since it's gained a bad reputation over the last 400 years due to a specific doctor...
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Let's continue on with Alhaitham, the Seer of Light.
Due to being Light-bound and the passive version of a Mage, Alhaitham has little trouble fitting in with his society. Yet unlike Kaveh, he has to take on many different roles
In his analysis, I point out that Alhaitham can easily change between classpects when the situation calls for it.
He has taken on 3 different classpects thus far:
The Aforementioned Mage of Light, the Knight of Light and the Mage of Void (the last two classpects I associate with King Deshret as well ;] ).
He showcases all three in the Archon Quest as well as his own Story quest.
In both instances, Alhaitham was able to uncover a plan that was void in the public's eyes, and after bring it to light was he able to plan and act on it, using what he has understood through his findings to protect either his current lifestyle or his country.
When pushed into a crisis scenario, Alhaitham will turn from a passive character into an active one despite claiming over and over again that he'd rather say back.
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It's as if he doesn't really have a choice in the matter as he might just be the only one who can pull off certain parts of a plan that others might not be able to execute perfectly.
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Especially during this Oscar-winning performance where Alhaitham has to pretend to be anguished from obtaining Divine knowelge. He has to act as if he's gone mad so that the Grand Sage would take the bait and divert their attention towards him, creating a distraction for the others to free Nahida.
In other words: Alhaitham has to roleplay as a Mage of Light to successfully pull off their plan.
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It goes further though as Alhaitham does become the Acting Grand Sage after saving Nahida, which is the equivalent to being the Ultimate Mage of Light. Alhaitham already wants to quit since it's too much work for him but can't for there hasn't been a replacement for him as I'm writing this and because he's the only one suitable for the job. So for now, he's still got to keep up performing that role until a replacement is found and would allow him to quit.
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I have mentioned earlier that those who emulate a classpect different from their own for too long tend to become unhappy with themselves and with their position in the environment they're in.
So are Kaveh and Alhaitham unhappy with their current lives in Sumeru?
Alhaitham would rather just relax and do his easy Scribing job forever instead of being the Acting Grand Sage, and Kaveh is far from living the life he'd prefer to be living...
But no, I don't belive that either of them are dissatisfied with the lives they are living right now.
And it has to do with their presence and impact that they have on each other's lives.
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Aaaaaaaand that’s that for my Sumeru analysis and the 3rd part of a bigger series where a certain ship may or may not be the nexus of a theory I have in mind-
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crookederos · 9 months
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Fanart of @paletteoforder ‘s fantroll Cyther in her godhood!
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zootycutieart · 2 months
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It's Homestuck Day, and the SuperThings art still goes strong for me, so I decided to combine the two, and Enigma gets the results. XD
I felt Mage of Light fit him the best for his classpect.
Enigma © Magicbox God Tier mode © Andrew Hussie Artwork © ZootyCutie (that's me!)
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crowsapprentice · 26 days
Bloodshuffle Cast, Part 2 — Alpha Trolls, Part 1
Eridan Megido
Thief of Time
Derse Dreamer
True Aries
Doubles and capitalizes his P’s and R’s, but nothing else
Strife Specibus: wandkind
Fetch Modus: Ouija
Feferi Maryam: wants her to be his morail so, so bad. Wears her blood color to give off the impression that she’s already his morail.
Aranea Peixes: sick and tired of her bugging and fussing and whining. Gives her the slip when she tries to talk to the group as a whole.
Terezi Megido: embarrassed of her. Can’t believe they’re each other’s dancestors.
[Roxy] Pyrope: wants to be her friend, but she doesn’t trust him AT ALL since he killed a bunch of their friends and caused the Scratch.
Meenah Pyrope: one of the few people of whom he’s actually scared.
[Porrim] Lalonde: has a secret crush on her. It’s one of those things that really reminds you that he’s only 6 sweeps old.
[Latula] Strider: minor pitched feelings because her “rad girl” “gimmick” annoys him.
FarragoFiction Sprite:
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Discrepancies between his FF sprite and “canon:”
His horns curl downward at the end, albeit not to the same extent as Damara’s.
Less of his hair is the color of his blood.
Neither of his glasses lenses are “broken,” but the one on his left-hand side has the same covering as canon!Vriska’s used to, albeit with one constant dot in the center (as opposed to the seven on canon!Vriska’s, which only show up when she uses her vision eightfold). Also, there’s less tape holding his glasses bridge together.
Darker eyebags.
He’s missing quite a few teeth. Once the Alpha trolls woke up in the dream bubbles, Meenah punched them out.
Wears his canon shoes (albeit burgundy with jade stripes) and white over-the-knee socks
His shirt is black.
FarragoFiction Process:
Horns: 19
Glasses2: 188
Hair: 6
Glasses: 6
Eyes: 38
Mouth: 23
CanonSymbol: 1
Body: 32
Aspect2: #658200
Pants1: #000000
Pants2: #4B4B4B
Shirt1: #078446
Shirt2: #034002
Shoes1: #A10000
Shoes2: #600000
One of the youngest Alpha trolls
Believes in and adores magic with a grublike sense of wonder, but totally lies about it to his friends. He’s bad at that, though, so he just tries not to talk about magic at all.
He really needs braces, but he refuses to wear them. On Beforus, they’re available for the culled (which he isn’t), but on Alternia, they’re only reserved for highbloods (purple and above).
It’s ambiguous if he knew the specific death circumstances that would save himself and the other Alpha trolls from the Scratch, but he sure had fun killing some of his companions. Aranea realized the Scratch loophole in the middle of what he was doing and killed everyone else (admittedly, Eridan only killed, like, three of them).
He’s working for [LE] out of bitterness and a desire to end it all (hence apocalypseApathy), but it has helped him relearn that believing in magic isn’t something of which he should be ashamed.
He uses the ouija fetch modus because it saves him the trouble of thinking about what to retrieve. This is partially because of apathy and partially because it gives him a splitting headache.
He’s a Thief of Time because he ends up giving [LE] access to his time powers (i.e. stealing his teammates’ access to them) for his own selfish reasons.
His left-hand lens fell out once, hence the pseudo-eyepatch.
Calbon Nitram
Mage of Light
Derse Dreamer
Types in ALL-CAPS except for his O’s. Still does that thing where he separates gendered terms from words using spaces.
Eridan Megido: unrequited flushed crush. Takes personal and vocal offense to being told not to wear Eridan’s blood color.
[Jane] Nitram: “GoD. SWEET GRUB MoTHER OF FUCK. IS THIS WHAT THE NAME oF NITRAM HAS CoME To? “PooR, SWEET, INNoCENT” FRoNDLINGS WHo CAN’T HANDLE A LITTLE MURDER? NoW, LISTEN To ME. *LISTEN* To *ME.* I WILL SHoW YoU THE PATH To SURVIVAL. NoT BECAUSE I CARE. BUT BECAUSE YoUR WEAK AND PATHETIC EXISTENCE IS AN INSULT To MY HoNoR.” (A small nugget of care hides under multiple layers of something or other. Probably not sexism, though, since troll girls tend to be pretty badass.)
FarragoFiction Sprite:
Tumblr media
Discrepancies between it and “canon:”
Horns are shorter
Hair based on the fanart that inspired canon!Caliborn’s “self-insert”
Darker eyebags
His pants don’t have stripes.
His suspender buckles and bowtie are Eridan’s blood color.
FarragoFiction Process:
Horns: 257
Hair: 782
Eyes: 127
Mouth: 68
Canon Symbol: 43
Outfit: 157
Pants1: 000000
Pants2: 3A3A3A
Shirt1: 3A2500
Shirt2: 261700
Shoes1: 4B4B4B
Shoes2: 3A3A3A
He’s a Mage as Paradox Space’s “punishment” for his canon actions.
He’s basically doing the same thing to Eridan that Eridan is doing to Feferi.
Loves puppets. Hates that [Dirk] likes them. Thinks he can make [Dirk] stop liking them by telling him to.
Knows WAAAAAY too much about troll reproduction, and talks about it even moreso.
The “bon” part is pronounced “bone.”
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lone-sk · 10 months
ok so you asked for classpects to rant about! then me and a friend of mine's? mage of light and seer of time respectively. please do rant 了:þ
I used to think I was a mage of light for a while, so this will be interesting. The way I see it, mages can be pretty awkward. They're very into direct communication, which can cause problems when trying to talk with others. A lot of subtle conversational cues are just kinda lost on them. Because of light's association with stories and patterns, I think a mage of light would try to understand others by examining tropes and character archetypes from stories. Kinda like Abed from Community.
For seer of time, my first instinct is to say someone like Aradia if they leaned more into her interest in archeology. Someone who is into these kinda esoteric topics, like ancient civilizations and decay/entropy. (Rose is only one notch off, and she had a big interest in Eldritch horror at the start of Homestuck.) The time aspect is also linked with short-sightedness, so I could see this person getting way too into their main interest. Not in a doombound way, where they repeatedly work themselves to exaustion, but in more of a special interest "I'm going to spend 5 hours reading random wikipedia articles" way.
Those are my thoughts, thanks for the ask!
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yourfaveisclasspected · 6 months
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Requested by @the-overment-man!
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m0rb1dspade · 6 months
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lighting practice
magey mordri
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