ultimatepad · 1 year
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Star House, Kyiv region, Ukraine,
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maccacorp · 5 months
A new abnormality has been discovered and contained in Macca Corporation! › O-01-01 › "Limbernado" › TETH — › Most commonly found in: The Janitorial Department Malls Entertainment Centers — › Dangers/Threats TETH level threat Indiscriminate ramming and bucking Antlers are commonly used to scoop items up — › Additional info Looks to be modeled off of pinatas It's skin feels like a mix of fabric and paper — ( Credit to maji-merrik for the abnormality design!
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pinesicle · 3 months
hey, do cry. lister has spent more of his life alone in deep space than he ever did with humanity, ok?
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estrelarabiscada · 16 days
Nipper mcorp is soo faster 'n harder by 6arelyhuman coded❤😍😍
-Nipper simp anon
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Whitewood AE House in #Kharkiv, Ukraine by MCORP @mcorp_ua. Read more: Link in bio! Visualization: Eugene Mironenko MCORP: Whitewood AE House is a two-story house in the cottage village of Whitewood. The cottage is surrounded by birch trees and placed on complex terrain. The main feature of this cottage is the view from the entrance hall to the birch grove and a large area of glazing, which creates a single stained-glass window as if erasing the boundary between the rooms… #forest #ukraine #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (at Kharkiv, Ukraine) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChcZAHoL7CE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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unluckybreadling · 2 years
Caretaker Ibuki and Cow Twogami headcanons?
- the biggest one there were already established, has his own wing and everything.
- he ended up in this position because that imposter Ing did not last long and was caught by the Togami. Corp before any real damage could be done. Still the CEO and heir agreed to sell him off as science experiment considering he has no real family background to speak off. He just so happened to land in Hope peaks hands.
-This is later considered a win-win in the eyes of the Togami .mcorp as they do fund the farm and when twogami milk sells that shit sells. So they get to make profit off him as well, all the while togami corp still stands strong.
- he was the first to be immobile, as his starting weight was 286, his weight pretty much skyrockets sometime after they gave him the serum
- Just because the biggest and technically produces the most milk, he refuses to be milked. He can be overflowing and will just let all those precious gallons of milk go to waste on the floor. Why? He just doesn’t want to give milk, he gives it on his own time.
-that being said his milk is considered a limit edition item. It creamer than most and packed with richness, heavy calories and a good amount of protein!!
- He has managed to give three bull of the bulls ptsd because of them moving him all the way to the otherside of the farm (where he currently resides)
-Still a mother hen, if he sees or hears about a fellow cow not eating enough or losing weight rapidly. He won’t hesitate to give over some of his own helps or give them his own milk (from the source, he views tampered with milk as a disgrace)
-despite him acting like Togami, he does enjoy Ibuki’s presence, she’ll say the goofiest shit and that does get a giggle out him. She’s a breath of fresh air in his rather lonely wing.
Caretaker! Ibuki
-the most energetic caretaker you’ll ever meet, even though she isn’t passionate about farming or anything she always gives her ibukiness 100%
-Why is she doing this? Well.., constantly breaking your guitars in the heat of the moment during shows to the point of no repair is one.
- originally a normal worker, she wasn’t a very good one often ignoring duties that she deemed boringggg!! And would rather make makeshift drums with buckets or goof off with the cows. Seeing how more easy going they moved her from worker to caretaker.
-they paired her with twogami after seeing that she wasn’t put off of by the comments of cows who aren’t very friendly. Also because no one wanted work him since he was so far.
-She’s one of the main tour guides for elementary school tours due to her high energy and goofiness. She’s also a spokeswoman for when the the farm goes to county fairs, for the same reasons.
-sometimes she’ll bring her guitar and teach Leon how to play. Though most don’t appreciate their ruckus they don’t care.
-She’s pretty easy to spot, (minus her hair) she often sports overalls with a tee shirt underneath and accessories that look like Spencer’s and hot topic threw up on her
- When her tasks are done for the day she often doodles on twogami with eyeliner or body paint for fun. Twogami knows that means extra scrubbing brine and he likes her methods so he lets her do as she pleases
-despite working with twogami she hasn’t had any of his milk before, he refuses to let her have some for her own safety. He has sense that if ibuki became a cow ..she wouldn’t produce much and he doesn’t want to see her go.
-Although machines milk the cows, ibuki will sometimes do it buy hand even though it’s pretty pointless. The milks him like she’s in a rhythm game. And twogami is very confused.
Good times for both all around!
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baliportalnews · 9 months
Roadshow JNE Ngajak Online 2023, Kupas Habis Kesuksesan Brand Pithecanthropus dan Sing Main-Main
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Dikenal sebagai pulau tujuan wisata populer di Indonesia, tentunya Bali sangat merasakan dampak Pandemi Covid-19 yang mengusik industri pariwisata. Hal ini menjadi kekhawatiran Bali, yang dimana industri pariwisata adalah tulang punggung perekonomian pulau Bali. Namun, dengan berbagai upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah, dan para pemangku kepentingan terkait, ekonomi Bali kini telah berangsur pulih, hingga kuartal III Tahun 2022 sudah positif di angka 8,09 persen. Pulihnya Pulau Dewata dari pandemi Covid-19, membangkitkan semangat UKM untuk terus bertumbuh dan menggali potensi juga peluang yang bisa digunakan untuk mengembangkan bisnis. Hal serupa diupayakan dengan berbagai pelatihan, edukasi, dan strategi pemasaran yang perlu diperhatikan para pebisnis UKM Bali. Sejalan dengan pengembangan inilah, JNE sebagai perusahaan layanan logistik menghadirkan JNE Goll..Aborasi Ngajak Online 2023 Kota Denpasar pada Rabu (30/8/2023) di The Brass Bali, Denpasar dengan menghadirkan narasumber dari Brand Manager Pithecanthropus & Ethnologi, Boby Eko dan Content Creator & Owner Sing Main-Main, Go Andik. Setelah roadshow di 9 kota sebelumnya, yaitu Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Makassar, Medan, Pontianak, Palembang, kini Kota Denpasar menjadi kota terakhir berjalannya roadshow JNE Goll..Aborasi Ngajak Online 2023 yang dilaksanakan bersama MCorp untuk keseluruhan roadshow. Kepala Cabang Utama JNE Denpasar, Nyoman Alit Septiniwati mengungkapkan, saat ini Bali sudah kembali pulih dengan baik semenjak pandemi Covid-19 dua tahun lalu. “Semenjak pandemi ini, saya melihat digitalisasi semakin marak dikalangan bisnis. Penjualan online sangat luar biasa sekali dan cara ini perlahan-lahan meninggalkan cara berjualan yang konvensional. Dengan kerja sama antara JNE dan MCorp dalam menghadirkan JNE Ngajak Online 2023 sejak 2017, saya berharap acara ini akan sangat bermanfaat untuk teman-teman UKM Bali melalui narasumber yang hadir dalam sesi,” kata Nyoman Alit Septiniwati selaku Kepala Cabang Utama JNE Denpasar dalam sambutannya. Kemeriahan JNE Goll..Aborasi Ngajak Online 2023 diisi dengan penampilan spesial dari One Ethnic Bali yang merupakan grup musik lokal Bali untuk menghibur para peserta yang hadir. Dalam sesi talkshow, Boby Eko Hariyanto dan Go Andik sama-sama mengupas bagaimana cara mempertahankan brand yang salah satunya telah bertahan selama 33 tahun. Pithecanthropus yang merupakan brand wastra asal Bali sejak 1990, memiliki tagline ‘Rediscover Indonesia Culture’, dimana ide tersebut berawal dari awal mula hadirnya manusia di Pulau Jawa dengan budaya yang terus dilestarikan. “Brand yang diterapkan selama 33 tahun ini, kami terus upayakan dengan perkembangan zaman yang ada. Kami mulai sadar bahwa pelestarian batik sekarang ini sangat massive dikalangan Generasi Z, yang pastinya dengan penggunaan pasar digital yang jadi pegangan mereka,” ujar Brand Manager Pithecanthropus & Ethnologi, Boby Eko. Eko juga menjelaskan bahwa kualitas dan pelayanan juga menjadi bentuk nyata untuk mempertahankan kepercayaan pelanggan. “Saat ini, semua pelanggan pasti ingin mendapatkan kualitas produk yang baik, sesuai dengan visual yang mereka lihat. Oleh karena itu, kami terus mempertahankan kualitas produk yang ada,” ujar Eko. Disamping itu, Go Andik yang mencetuskan Sing Main-Main, menjelaskan bahwa ide bisnis ini keluar karena ketidaksengajaan dari ucapan Go Andik yang sering ia ucap. Namun, hasil dari ucapan yang tidak ia sengajakan itulah tercipta produk barang berupa kaos yang kini dikenal oleh kalangan anak-anak muda Bali. “Dari produk ataupun brand yang saya ciptakan ini pastinya ada nilai tersendiri atau pemasarannya sendiri yang digunakan untuk menggaet target pasar. Tapi, saya selalu menekankan adanya Personal Branding yang harus saya terapkan terlebih dahulu sebagai seorang Owner, untuk memberikan cerminan baik dan cerita baik demi membawakan Business Branding yang saya buat. Contohnya seperti adanya pendekatan saya juga terhadap komunitas, ataupun mengikuti gerakan dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang mendekatkan produk kepada target pasar secara langsung,” jelas Go Andik. Eko dan Go Andik yang sudah lama terjun dalam dunia bisnis ini selalu menekankan adanya konsistensi dan inovasi yang harus terus dikembangkan dalam mendirikan sebuah produk. Hal ini selaras dengan Roket Indonesia, aplikasi online yang hadir untuk siap membantu pebisnis dalam ekspedisi pengiriman barang secara instan dan cepat. Luthfi Safitri Zein selaku Head of Roket Indonesia menambahkan, JNE siap membantu teman-teman UKM untuk turut berkembang dengan program-program yang ditawarkan, salah satunya melalui Roket Indonesia. “Kami mendengarkan saran dan masukkan dari customer untuk bisa terus menyesuaikan kebutuhan mereka. Hingga akhirnya hadirlah suatu ekosistem yang bisa digunakan teman-teman UKM untuk terus mengembangkan bisnisnya secara muda,” tutup Luthfi Safitri Zein selaku Head of Roket Indonesia.(bpn) Read the full article
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businessinfinity · 9 months
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elyabpc91 · 9 months
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Rektor UIR Raih Marketing Championshiop Kategori Education Service oleh MCORP IMC 2023 https://bertuahpos.com/berita/rektor-uir-raih-marketing-championshiop-kategori-education-service-oleh-mcorp-imc-2023.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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hariijummaulana · 9 months
Rektor UIR Raih Marketing Championshiop Kategori Education Service oleh MCORP IMC 2023
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devirefriyantiputri · 9 months
Rektor UIR Raih Marketing Championshiop Kategori Education Service oleh MCORP IMC 2023
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romijuniandra · 9 months
Rektor UIR Raih Marketing Championshiop Kategori Education Service oleh MCORP IMC 2023
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maccacorp · 5 months
A new abnormality has been discovered and contained in Macca Corporation! › O-01-01 › "Limbernado" › TETH — › Most commonly found in: The Janitorial Department Malls Entertainment Centers — › Dangers/Threats Non-Threat Very friendly — › Additional Info Looks to be modeled off of pinatas ( Credit to maji-merrik for the abnormality design!
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designdailynet · 2 years
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Elements House in Kharkiv, Ukraine by MCORP Visit #DesignDaily for more #architecture and #design DesignDaily.net #architect #interiordesign #designer #home #homedecor #landscape #house #decor #building — view on Instagram https://scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/294500540_354957236661203_8008801060155030949_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=gDJ_2MFoyZQAX8OVmoC&_nc_oc=AQkuoybOucwEbm0zw3lp1lS7zcxD0jP60Dkbm7JRxNQGzQ7w8FQmMRSnfKIeJTEv5Z0&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT9jgAnlQvcAhwmV9Keao_lAJx8TxyTHWqKactLKrtgp3Q&oe=62E3CCC9
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estrelarabiscada · 10 days
Um bagulho:
I'm bored and this blog is kinda dead, anyways: Tsi characters but they created a band name and albums Tw: 2000's looking like humor, so dont be shocked if you read something that has something to do with 18+ jokes, violence, drugs, heavey jokes about crimes or/and historical events yeah you got it. (Acid, dark, wild west internet era humor, ya know)
Nipper Mcorp Silva: Band name: Bad influence +99 Album names:
The Mindless, the Headless
Teens will find this in a way or another
They blamed me ONCE
Killed for a complicated reason
Horrible situations
Showing your past on live television
Sorry, it will always happen when you aren't around
Dying Quickly and Taking all of This to my Grave They would basically sound like one of that stake-punk bands. Maybe sound like the offspring but the instrumental (guitar, drums and etc) would sound like Simple Plan or MCR during the bullets era. They would make vulgar songs or songs that sound normal but actually it has second meaning or/and hides a story that Nipper just created to people found out later. (In other words, Blink -182 but gay)
Michael Novacain Weakarm Band Name: Payday Album names:
Came to you
Who even says "Hallowen'en"?
Shooting on the everyday UK streets
2001/ Acid Moments
Shotguns with flower bullets
Fake Savior
Don't trust every autority figure Yeah, the instrumental would sound like the offspring during the conspiracy of one era but Michael would sound like The Descendants during the cool to be you era or Billie Joe Armstrong during the Sloopy Seconds - Dookie eras. Punk Rock and Stake-Punk, basically a average Green Day looking like band.
BANDAS🗣🗣🗣 IRREAAA eu sou ser o baixista da banda do micheal
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Monogram House in #Kharkiv, Ukraine by MCORP @mcorp_ua. Read more: Link in bio! MCORP: Monogram House is located on a plot with oak trees in the suburb of Kharkiv. The architecture of the house harmonizes with the environment and at the same time, confidently occupies a wide space and attracts a lot of attention. The dark wooden panels on the facade and terrace add to the coziness. The heart of the house is the large kitchen-dining room, which unites the space of the first and second floors with the help of the second light… #casa #ukraine #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (at Kharkiv, Ukraine) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChqsMaZM_UC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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