#Magellan Update Problems
magellangpsupdate1 · 8 months
Effortless Magellan GPS Updates: Your Ultimate Guide
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In the digital age, staying connected and navigating smoothly is essential. When it comes to reliable GPS solutions, Magellan has been a trusted name for years. To ensure your Magellan GPS device is up-to-date and ready for your next adventure, this comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about Magellan GPS updates. From fast solutions to troubleshooting common problems, we've got you covered.
Magellan GPS Updates
Are you wondering how to keep your Magellan GPS device up-to-date? We've got you covered. Magellan GPS updates are crucial to ensure accurate navigation, and we'll show you the easiest way to get them.
GPS Updates Magellan
Discover the latest GPS updates for your Magellan device and ensure you never miss a turn.
Magellan GPS Update
Stay ahead of the curve with a Magellan GPS update. Learn how to keep your device current and avoid outdated maps.
Magellan GPS Maps Update
Maps are the backbone of GPS navigation. Find out how to update your Magellan GPS maps for a seamless journey.
Fast Magellan GPS Updates
Short on time? We provide a quick and efficient solution for updating your Magellan GPS.
Quick Solution Magellan GPS Update
Need a speedy update? We've got the step-by-step guide to make updating your Magellan GPS a breeze.
How To Update Magellan GPS Maps
Not sure how to update your Magellan GPS maps? Follow our easy tutorial to keep your device accurate.
Magellan GPS Lifetime Maps Updates
For a worry-free navigation experience, explore the benefits of Magellan GPS lifetime maps updates.
Magellan Update Problems
Facing issues with your Magellan GPS update? We'll troubleshoot common problems and get you back on track.
How To Update a Magellan GPS
Detailed instructions on updating your Magellan GPS device, ensuring you're always on the right path.
Magellan GPS Systems
Learn about the various Magellan GPS systems available to cater to your specific navigation needs.
Magellan Lifetime Map Updates
Discover the advantages of having lifetime map updates for your Magellan GPS.
Magellan Marine GPS
If you're a maritime enthusiast, find out how Magellan Marine GPS can enhance your boating adventures.
Your Magellan GPS device is your trusty companion for exploring new horizons. Keeping it updated is essential for accurate and hassle-free navigation. Whether you're looking for a quick solution or want to learn more about Magellan's lifetime map updates, this guide has covered it all. With these tips and tricks, you can ensure your GPS Updates Magellan is always ready to guide you on your journeys.
Remember, for hassle-free Magellan GPS updates and support, visit our website at https://gpsmapsupport.com/. We're here to make your navigation experience smoother than ever.
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onim5 · 21 days
Here is a fanfic. Sorry I couldn't wait to post it, so I did it now.    
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The gender of the reader is never mentioned, and it's written with them/they.             .:.:.
(English isn't my first language, so if the text is super weird, blame that!!!)
Honestly, Y/n isn't that crazy, just a little bit weird. 
Warnings: Kiss, dead Ace, Alive Ace?, a little angst, reader being a real creep (but only under some sentences), this is long! 
N/n = Nickname, but now it's the villain name you come up for yourself. 
To begin with, who are you?
During the battle of marineford, prisoners from Impel Down escaped from level six, after Blackbeard had paid a visit, one being N/n. No one knew much about them except they ended up there for attacking admiral Akainu. Apparently, Akainu had personally requested that they end up in level 6 even though they didn't have a bounty. The only thing that gave you a reputation was the fact that the navy had failed to kill you.
You walked out of Impel Down without problem, and when you came out on the bridge, a submarine rose from the water. Smiling, you walked onboard.  Holding two little bottles filled with Magellan's red and purple poison that you had gotten from the floor. A prisoner tried sneaking onboard only for a gun to shoot him, that sat at the entrance. The submarine went down under the sea and when it was at the very bottom small legs that was inbuilt came out and grabbed the sea floor crawling out of the world government's territory avoiding all the dangerous waves and gates. It also let out sounds that kept seabeasts away.
"Virus! Pull up the cameras at marineford. I heard it be a war there." You ordered the AI you programmed named Virus. A code lock was hidden behind a panel, pressing the code a refrigerator with various substances showed. Leaving Magellan's poison, you closed it and walked to the control room. A huge screen showed different locations of marineford. You settled down in your royal like chair. "Virus, give me popcorn and send the 0.6.78 out in the mini-sub. "Of course, N/n." Answer Virus, after a minute, a tiny submarine set out traveling in extreme speed.
"Virus document all the information you find out." You order while munching on popcorn. Why is everyone risking their lives for him?
"N/n, the 0.6.78 has arrived at marineford." "Good, release them." The 0.6.78 are small drones that scan stuff. Their designed like black balls with a camera in the middle. The 0.6.78 started scanning and measuring energy waves, peoples bodies, and of course, marinefords locks and mechanics.
You put a finger in the eye to get out your contact lens that was actually a little computer so you could work from your cell in impel down. "Virus, can you charge my contact it has lost so much battery that it could only last four months more." A little robot arm stretched out of the wall and took your contact.
"Wait . . . . . Akainu shit is there! Damn moron!" "May I ask why your opinion on him is so low when you attacked him?" Virus asked in her robotic voice. She asked questions often to update her programming. "It's true I attacked him to get into impel down, but he's annoying as f#ck! He's so-called justice is so wrong, I wanna puke!" "I see, N/n how was it in impel down?" Virus asked.
"Well, thanks to my modified body, I didn't get hungry, and the torture was worth it for the poison samples. Oh, you see the guy on the execution platform?" You asked Virus. "Yes, what about him?" "I could see him from my cell. And it's thanks to his brother Magellan used his forbidden red poison. Isn't it great? I waited for two years for him to use it."
"Yay, go . . . . Virus, what's his name?" "The spy cameras have caught his name to be Monkey D. Luffy. Here's all the information I could find about him." A document with facts about Luffy showed up. There was stuff like: Age, places he's been, bounty, crew members, family. The document loaded up, and a scan of his body came, so now information about his structure, temperature, devil fruit, blood, size of organs, and just useful information.
"I forgot how much information I get from my information devices. I'm such a stalker." You mumbled sucking on a popcorn. "Oi, Virus, I'm not gonna memorize this. I can barely remember what I eat for dinner."
Time skip
"Virus, send five of the 0.6.78 after Red hair Shanks and the Whitebeard pirates." "Of course, N/n. Why, though? You already have the power measurements of people like Mihawk." Virus asked. "Oh, I have gotten a theory that might work! And if I manage, not even Doctor Vegapunk will be able to compete with me." You laughed a little and stood up, walking to your desk. "But, I need a dead body. And whose body is going to piss of Akainu the most?"
"It depends on what you're planning on doing. If it is something good in Akainu's eyes, then it might be best to try and slay another admiral. But if it's something bad, then I believe Portgas D. Ace body would fit perfectly."
"Portgas D. Ace will do. Virus, make sure you know where they bury him so we can pick him up!" You yell in an exited tone. "Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Show Ace's body files on my desk computer." The screen emidetley showed all the information of him on the screen. Mumbling, you began working on a design for a tank.
"Virus, the pink virus like creatures we found deep down in the ocean. I need you to send out a submarine and collect as many as possible from the deep sea grave nearby water seven. Collect them in a fish tank filled with 3.2.35. In theory, should they be able to live in that liquid.
Two weeks later
"Why in actual hell did it take so long for everyone to leave Whitebeard's and Ace's graves alone?!" You yell as you keep munching on a piece of bread. The pirates had left the island, and once it was completely safe, your submarine rose from the water. Walking out, you had two robots behind you that were equipped for digging.
Once you got there, you scanned the ground and then let the robots work. First, they sawed a perfect rectangle, both some decimeters deep and were hit, had been connected. Then they slowly lifted up the first lair of ground. Then they digged more and reached after a while the coffin.
They lifted the coffin in the same way and then returned with it to the submarine. After a while, the robots came back with huge sacks of dirt to replace the area that the coffin was.
You observed their work until the end as they had refilled the grave and covered it up. Looking at the scan and then the grave were the traces none. You went up to Ace knife and hat and scanned them so you could recreate them later. "Alright, we're leaving." You ordered as you and the robots walked back to your sub.
"Virus, set the submarines coordinates for my HQ." You said as you settled down in your chair.
The sub traveled deep down at an incredible speed, and after four hours, you saw the beautiful mountain wall. It opened, and your sub drived in. After going in a tunnel for 3 minutes, it rose at a port.
The two robots carried Ace's coffin, and you walked before them like the boss you are. "Welcome back N/n, to the N/n headquarters." Virus said as the cave lit up. "Virus, I appreciate your welcome. After all, I haven't been here for months." You answered as you walked into the glass elevator. "Take me to my lab." You ordered. The elevator started to go down, and through the glass, you saw robots controlled by Virus work.
They constructed big and small cylinder shaped objects that later on would be placed on the ocean floor. Smiling, you watched them put 2.6.56 in a box that would soon travel in one of your submarines that also were controlled by Virus, and later on build up a little more of your sea map.
Sector 1
Sector 2
Sector 3
Sector 4
Sector 5
The elevator stopped, and you and the robots walked out into your lab. They placed down the coffin on a counter and opened it. Putting on gloves, you started to touch him a little. "Virus, send one of the robots back to my sub to get my poison samples." You said as a you felt your body growing warm, especially your cheeks.
"Virus the tank I designed for him. I want you to prepare it and fill it up with 3.2.35 and make sure the pink virus, like things, ends up in it." You ordered. "Take Ace body and clean it up it be bad for the pink virus like things that I know name Pixie 3, to come in contact with all this dirt and trash."
Another robot that wasn't equipped for digging came down together with the digging robot holding the poison samples. "Put them in the fridge together with all the other poisons I collected, and then you and the other one can return to your bunkers." The robot took Ace's body and carried it to a wash room that was specially designed for cleaning.
You settled down in your chair and watched the tank you designed for Ace fill up. Picking up your iPad, you looked at the scan of Ace wound and another file of an energy source you were tracking. The elevator door opened, and as you turned around and you saw . . . . .
"Give him clothes!!! I don't wanna be in the same room as a naked man!!!" You yelled as you ran into a corner and crouched down, holding your face.
"I understand. But the only clothes available are yours. But if it makes you more comfortable I can make new clothes for him in your clothes factory. " Virus asked. "Make new clothes for him." You practically yelled. Ah, I saw it, I saw it . . . . The thought and image stayed placed in your head. After like a minute, you calmed down and turned around only to see him laying on the counter!!!
You quickly turned around and then got hit by the realization. "Don't let his body be too much in oxygen, it could mold!!!" Running to his body, you quickly pushed him into the coffin and closed it, then returned to your state at the corner.
Time skip
You watched as the robot arms placed Ace in the green liquid you created, called 3.2.35, and connected his body to various hoses and threads.
"It's gonna take really long for the Pixie 3 to duplicate all his cells and fix his wounds." You mumbled as you looked at the man. He was pale and didn't look very well at all. "Virus, give vitamin D to the Pixie threes, and then let them give his body the nutrients it needs.
Days passed, and Ace body started to heal and look better. You told yourself that the reason you chose not to use metallic parts was to not do a half ass job. Which is why you decided to make him stronger. . .
Time skip again
It had been two months since the project of fix Ace had begun. His wounds were completely fixed without any ugly stitches, and his condition looked great. The body had began working on it's own, eight days ago, but had still needed some help from the Pixie threes.
Slowly blurred light shined as he regain his sight. He felt weird as his brain began to process his surroundings, it seemed to be different kinds of inventions and mechanics that surrounded him. He slowly moved his hand before him and saw a metal glove connected to various threads.
What's going on!? Where am I?! Where's Luffy and Pops and the rest!? What is this!? In his panic attack, he began punching the glass that trapped him.
You sat in your dining hall eating lunch in sector 4 and were just enjoying yourself when . . . . . An alarm sounded through your base. Leaving everything you began running to the elevator to get to sector 5. "Ace tank has taken damage!!! Virus, tell me how it's happening?!!" You yelled as the elevator went down a floor.
"Ace has woken up and is trying to destroy the tank to get out." Virus answered in her calm robotic voice. "WHAT, I THOUGHT HE WOULD WAKE UP AROUND NEXT WEEK!!!!!" You screamed as you ran into the lab.
You slowed down as you neared Ace. Holding up your hands, you tried to show you meant no harm.
Ace looked at you and calmed down just a little. "Virus, empty the tank and transport the Pixie threes to another one in sector 3." You said. Emidetley, the 3.2.35, started to flow away together with the Pixie 3 at the bottom of the tank.
Realizing the green liquid started to disappear, Ace calmed down more. But what is going on? A pipe like thing connected to the top and opened the tank, leaving Ace standing.
"I'm going to remove your air mask, alright." You said as you stepped closer, putting your hands on the mask and pulling of the metal gloves.
"Where, where am I?" Pressed Ace out. His voice was weak, it's like he hadn't used it for years or something. Backing away a little, you fiddled with your fingers. "Well, you're in my lab, and I'm N/n." You answered, then you went up to him again, grabbed him, and began to examine his body.
Ace was just about to ask what you were doing when you hugged him. "I AM AT THE TOP. THE BEST. IT'S ME N/n!!!" You cheered as you began jumping around. You smiled and looked Ace over again.
Mumbling a little, you asked, "Do you remember anything?" Ace face wrinkled a little, but then his eyes widened, and a heavy feeling came to him like a cannon ball he hadn't dodged. "Why am I alive?" He asked as he held up his hands, staring at them.
"Yes! You remember, if you didn't, I would have failed. What luck, right!" You cheered. Ace looked at you, then his hands and then at you again. "WHat . . .did you do to me?" He tried screaming, but his voice cracked. He launched to attack, but two robot arms took hold of him.
Yelping, you jumped back and watched as Virus added four more arms to hold him. He didn't look mad more desperate. "Eh, he, he, he." You began as you stood up again, brushing off your clothes. "Sorry, if it's not what you wanted, but it's not like I could ask you about your opinion." You commented, still smiling. I wouldn't have asked though.
"If you calm down, we can go eat. You must be starving for some taste." You said trying your best to sound reassuring. "Oh, Virus get Ace some tablets for his voice." After awhile Ace began to listen to his belly and calmed down. "I calmed down now." He mumbled, feeling the metallic hands leave his body. He was just gonna follow you when another robot hand came down before him, tensing up he was just getting ready for self protection when the fist opened showing tablets. "Oh, thanks." He mumbled taking it and then swallowed them.
He felt how they melted a bit and it was like he got poisoned as his throat began burning. Then it stopped, just like that. "Uh, hi." He said seeing as the pills worked. He kept on following you and walked into the glass thing you stood in. Then the elevator rose to sector 4. "Do you have, any other clothes?" He asked looking down on the ones he was wearing. "Right, Virus, get Ace his old clothes and a shirt." You ordered.
The elevator stopped and Ace followed you into a dinning hall with two chairs one having an ugly sack with a drawn smile on it. "Ehhhhhhh, you can just move him." You said putting a hand on your neck feeling embarrassed. Ace picked it up and threw it away to the wall. "Are we in a castle?" He asked as he looked at the beautiful decorations a crystal lamps hanging from the ceiling.
"Nope, I just wanted my dining hall this way." You said as you began to poke your food with the fork. "A robot came in holding food for Ace and placed it down before him. He felt his stomach rumbling and began eating the food like a pig. "So do you know who I am?" You asked taking a bite of your food. Ace looked at you while munching on meat. "Were you perhaps in impel down?" He answered with another question. "yeah, we could see each other from our cells."
"Could you, explain." He asks looking at you in the eyes. You began telling him how you had watched the war through a screen and how you wanted to try to bring someone back to life with help from the new virus like creatures you discovered. And how they had duplicated his cells to fix his body.
"It sounds logical, until the fact I'm alive comes. You can't just fix a body and then it wakes up again. It's impossible." Ace comment's looking at you. "I was measuring energy attack's at the war with a thing called 0.6.78, whenever someone dies a small energy wave release. Due to past experiences I was already aware it was the persons soul leaving because of dying." You said feeling way more comfortable than before. "And during the war I decided that to piss of Akainu the most, you be the best to revive back. So I tracked your soul and manege to capture it in a box like thing called 0.7.41." You explained, being slightly annoyed he fell asleep two times during your explanation.
Ace wasn't thrilled with the explanation of him being alive. He held up his finger and tried using his fire. Because I died I don't have any devil fruit powers. And how does Luffy feel, I died in his arms. A robot walked in holding a pair of clothes. "Sir Ace, here's your clothes." Ace stood up and took his shorts, belt, hat and ?" Do I really need to wear a shirt?" Ace asked looking at the actually good looking shirt. "Yes, I don't need a shirtless man to walk around here!" You answered fast, in a panic. "Right." Ace said frowning.
"N/n I have a question?" Virus said. "Yes, go on?" You said giving her permission. "Why are you uncomfortable having Sir Ace going around shirtless when you seen him naked?" Blushing you fell of your chair. And then rose and ran to a corner out of habit, hiding your face. "THAT WAS YOUR FAULT VIRUS!!!" You yelled in embarrassment. "I still don't see the problem, I have tried to find the answer on my own but, failed so could you explain?" Asked Virus.
"It's just a stupid nature thing humans have when it comes to this stuff." You mumbled, knowing Virus could hear and hopefully not Ace. "Do you mean you want a kid with him?" Asked Virus, that's when you froze of shock and fell down from your crouched position in the corner. "Virus! I tell you later." You mumbled while crying of embarrassment.
"Is the idea of having a kid with me that bad?" Ace thought out loud, thinking of the blood in his veins. "You're considering it!!!" You yelled standing up and looking at him with a red face. Ace had been blushing due to you seeing him naked but know he realized what he said. His face turned beat red and you two looked at each other. "I put on the shirt. Mumbles Ace as he opens and then closes a door, walking in to change.
"Can you tell me know?" Asked Virus. "NO!!! another time." You said as you fell down in the corner again.
Ace put on his clothes and felt like his old self, kinda at least. Then he put on the shirt. "Still me, just with a shirt." He mumbled. As he opened the door he found himself alone in the dining hall with the Virus robot. Oh, good. I don't know how I would have acted after that. Ace thought. "Sir Ace, I will show you to your room. N/n said they wouldn't be able to see you." The Virus thing said. "Yeah, that's understandable, and stop calling me Sir Ace. It's weird." Answered Ace "Sure thing Mr. Ace, now please follow me." responded Virus beginning to walk. Ace frowned at the Mr thing.
Virus took Ace to a room that you had designed for him. "Wow . . . . ." Was all Ace could say as he looked around. He laid down on the bed and began to think of his situation. "What am I suppose to do?" Asked Ace as he looked at his hands again. Is this fate? Do I deserve to live so much that god gave me another chance. Or is it simply by luck, or maybe I'm unlucky. Wait, this means the war was for nothing. . . . . What should I do know? Ace decided to spend the rest of the time thinking. After an hour of thinking, he stood up and walked to the mirror, taking off his shirt.
There were no signs of any injury, not even old ones. He looked around his body, wanting to find something that was just wrong, to prove to himself you were just a crazy scientist who managed to save him. Who sees him as nothing more than an experiment. When he saw his back, his eyes widened. Parts of his tattoo were gone, his pride. Memory's of Akainu flashed, and Ace began to mutter about the hate-able admiral.
"Excuse me, Mr. Ace, but my I ask a question?" Virus asked. Ace flinched and looked around for any robots, but couldn't find any. "Where are you?" Ace asked still tense, he glared around and tried to see her but, failed. "I'm an AI, N/n has programmed me into every technical thing in their base. I'm with other words able to speak to you wherever and whenever." Virus answered. "Okay . . . . . What do you want?" Ace asked as he looked back in the mirror, not really liking how almost everything from his whitebeard tattoo was gone. "Where you muttering about admiral Akainu?" Ace expression changed. "What if I did?" He asked, going to one of the drawers in the room.
"N/n does not like him. Is it the same with you?" Virus asked. "Oh, well, he is the one who killed me." Ace answered. "If we went on with that logic, wouldn't that mean you're in love with N/n?" Virus commented on his logic. Ace started to blush and shoved his hands in his pockets. How do I answer that without making my own point wrong?
"Maybe you should talk shit about Akainu with N/n.  It could be a great way to bound with them." Virus suggested. "Why, should I bound with them, like doesn't they see me as just another science project?" Ace asked while going through the drawers, finding a little fidget toy. "I can assure you N/n does not see you as just a science project. They are well aware you are another human being unlike me. I understand why you would assume that considering how bad they are at expressing themselves, but that is most likely because of how often they see other humans." Virus explained. "How often is N/n speaking with other people?" Ace asked as he slumped down in the bed holding the fidget toy."
"I hope N/n talked to someone while being in impel down, but if not I believe N/n haven't spoken with anyone for seven years." Virus answered. If Ace had drinked something he would have spitted it out in less then a millisecond. "What?" Ace looked up to where Virus voice came from. "Seven years . . . . ." Ace thought back to impel down. Had he seen you talking to someone? Thinking back he remembered you trying to talk to your prison mate, but he just said, 'Shut it or I kill you.'  
"I guess I can go and speak to them. Can you show me the way?" Ace asked. "Of course." Answered Virus and after a lot of directions Ace was taken to a garden. It was beautiful, decorated with all kinds of flowers and nature. As he followed the stone patterned road he found you. You sat at a glass table building a puzzle. Your expression was bored.
"Uh, hi?" He called out to you. Looking up you saw Ace standing there. "Hey, do you need something?" You asked looking back at the puzzle. Picking up a piece. "Well I was just bored and thought maybe I should talk to you. "Alright, I guess I need to tell you some stuff anyways." A robot came from the other side of the garden, carrying a chair for Ace. "Have you been communicating with Virus?" You asked as the chair was placed down for him. "Yeah, she suggested I speak to you, we apparently have something in common." He said with a grin. "Oh yeah and what would that be?" You asked placing down the puzzle piece. "We both hate Akainu." Ace said happily taking a piece to help you. The conversation started quite slow but, got more comfortable after a while. It turned out you both had had opinions on his battle tactics. 
"Oh, by the way, you said you had something to tell me?" Ace asked after like two hours of speaking up and downs about the navy. "Right . . . . . Um, when I revived you I modified your body." You said nervously. "Oh, that's cool." Ace answered still smiling well until the words you said clicked. "Wait what?" His expression changed to concern. "What, what did you do?" He asked as a feeling inside him grew heavy. "I gave you a modified cell, that I call Impo and another thing called Pixie threes. Impo should be in all of your cells, while Pixie threes just roam around your body." You mumbled fidgeting with a puzzle piece. "What does this pixie threes do?" Ace asked nervous starting to regret feeling bad about you not having any to socialize with. 
"Well, it makes it possible for you to regenerate. For example observe." Holding up your finger you took a knife and cut it off. Ace eyes widened as your finger grew back. It didn't take fast but it didn't do it slow either. "Wait, I can also do that?" Ace asked looking at the cut of finger on the table. "Yeah, but. . . ." Not being able to finish the sentence, Ace took the knife cutting his finger off.  He felt panic grow in him as his brain progressed you had tried to say something.
He watched as his finger grew back, it took like a second. "Wow, what was it you were going to say?" He asked confused since his finger came back. 
"I was just gonna say it should be better than mine." You answered his question. "Okay I guess this is cool and useful, oh, wait is it because of this you got known for being impossible to execute?" Ace asked as he kept starring at his new grown finger. "Yup, it's thanks to virus like creatures called Pixie threes. They duplicate cells. I have modified them to know the structure of their respective body, so with other words as long as you have at least one pixie 3 you be able to survive." You explained hoping Ace understood. "Alright, what about the Impo bacteria?" Ace asked. 
"The Impo bacteria stores energy. I don't have it modified in my body so---- let's go to my training hall and see if it works like I hope." You said smiling. Grabbing Ace hand you began to run with him out of the garden. As much as Ace did not like the fact you had played with his body, he disliked even more, the fact that your hand felt kinda nice in his. 
Going up with the elevator Ace stood there hiding his blush with his other hand covering the tint blush that grew the more he let his mind roll. You started talking about what he should be able to do in theory, but he didn't listen he was to distracted by your and his hand still holding. Oh, common, don't get a crush on someone who's so . . . . pretty. No weird! Shut up mind! They have invaded my privacy and, and, and done weird stuff with my body. There's no reason to forgive them. Even though I want to live now . . . . Ugh, think about your cursed blood! They don't want you as a partner!!! No one wants you like that!     
Ace felt that lump in his stomach, that had grown over the years. 'No one want's you like that.' Even though Ace had an amazing family and friends, he always had it hard when it came to the thought of a partner. Sure, many had wanted to date him. But they had no idea who his father were. 
"Oi! Are you even listening!!" You asked, you had dragged him to the training hall, that were more designed as an arena. Shaking his head he looked at you. "No, what did you say?" After muttering a little you began to explain, again, that he should be able to absorb energy and use it for himself in different kinds of ways, and how the Impo should be able to also change the type of energy. 
Time skip
Ace had spent some weeks with you. He had trained to use his new abilities. And gotten information about the marineford war, after he died. He wanted to become stronger so that he could beat Blackbeard and avenge his father and fallen brothers. He had asked why you didn't revive Pops, and you simply explained he was old and planned on dying there and go out like the awesome man he was. You also explained that he went out like a man to soon and should be grateful due to his second chance. 
Ace had a problem though, a huge one. The problem called N/n. Well it was most likely that AI Virus fault. So what, was his problem? Well it was extremely hard to see you as just another friend. In the beginning, also his first meal with you, Virus had asked a question which had led to an awfully embarrassing moment. But that moment had made it hard for Ace to see you as a friend and not a lover. And the more time I spend with them I fall harder, dammit N/n! Maybe I should . . . .  maybe I shouldn't  . . . . I'm gonna do it!
Ace walked into a sector in sector 4 that were especially made to look like just another home. "Morning N/n." He said as he walked into the kitchen. You stood at the stove making some kind of breakfast. "Morning Ace." You answered smiling. Something that amused Ace was how much you had. Like your HQ had, just in sector 4 an inside garden, a castle section, a normal house (aka where you two were now.) and of course all the places you built to just have fun like a pool and a dance club. You had said it was for your free time and that Virus was technically the one who built while you just designed. 
Then of course sector 1 was more like a parking place for all the awesome traveling stuff you had built, different kinds of ships, submarines, stuff you called cars and planes! Then sector 2 was a construction place, where you could easily produce clothes, machines, robots, stuff for fun and probably had like endless possibility's. And sector 3 had fields powered with solar lamps and all the vegetables, berries and fruits that tasted amazing. Sector 3 also had a farm with all kinds of animals for meat, but surprisingly a lot were endangered species you protected. Then there were of course the arena he had trained on. Apparently you built it for testing soldier robots and different kinds of weapons. 
When he had asked if you planned on taking over the world you said you just felt like trying to build it seeing how far you could go. Sector 5 had your incredible lab, the same place he had first woken up in. Though he wasn't really allowed to be there. 
"Um, Ace you there?" You asked, finding it a little creepy how he got trapped in a thought while starring at you. Ace shook his head and then notice all the food you placed on the table for him. One second later Ace was digging in the food as if Luffy was there. And after a minute he feel down in the food sleeping. 
Giggling, you went up to his sleeping form. "Virus, never tell Ace about this."  You said in a strict tone. Then you reached out and started to pet his soft hair. Then you couldn't help but to near him with your nose sniffing on him a little. He smelled so good like some sweet fruit or berry. Ace jerked up and found it a little creepy how close you had been the past times he'd woken up after fallen asleep like this.
Ace was training, thinking about new attacks, you looked now and then, but for the most part you drew on your tablet creating one of your new ideas. It's now or never Ace! Maybe I should do it tomorrow. No! You said that yesterday to! "Uh, N/n?" He called out, wandering up to you. "Yeah?" You looked at him and he got awfully nervous. "So, um, uh, well I, eh, Maybe we could, like maybe I could, uh-um, what if we could go to this place, together?" Ace stuttered out. Stop sounding so stupid!!!
"Where do you wanna go?" You asked confused. "No, I wanna take you- to a place." He answered quickly though he still wanted to slap himself in the face. You just looked at him in confusion. "Ugh, Virus help me explain." Ace grumbled, covering his face with his hands, hiding his beat-red face. "N/n I believe what Ace is trying to say is that he wants to go back to his brothers and leave you." Virus explained. "Yeah . . ." said Ace, then his eyes widened, realizing Virus did not explain it right, at all!!! 
"Oh . . . I understa . . . !" "NO! I'm trying to ask you out not leave you!!!" Ace yelled interrupting you. "Like a, a, a date?" You asked feeling how your whole body got warm of happiness. "Maybe-" Ace answered dragging out the e. "Oh, sure." You answered blushing light. "Wait, really?" Ace asked. "Yeah, let me just go to my wardrobe and change into something more fitting. What's fitting? And I also wanna shower." You smiled. "I also shower and change and then we meet in sector 1 and then we go." Ace answered. 
You and Ace hurried to sector 4. Showering and changing into casual clothes. (You decide) Ace and you meet in sector 1. Damn was he handsome, he was wearing some clothes you designed for him and he looked stunning. You two entered your main submarine. 
Time skip
The submarine rose above water and you and Ace walked out. Ace held a huge basket and in his other were your hand. The submarine dived down in the sea again, you had told Virus to wait for you and Ace under sea. After minutes of walking you and Ace came to a cliff with a beautiful view. But what made the island even more unique was the cherry blossom trees growing all around. Ace lifted out a picnic blanket and fixed, letting you sit on the blanket while he shoveled out a lot of food. 
"Did, did you make this?" You asked fidgeting a bit on your clothes, blushing. So far had you or Virus done all the food. "Yes, and before you get scarred, Virus helped me." Ace said fast. "Why, are you normally bad at cooking?" You asked giggling. "Yes, well I can grill meat." He answered. 
The food tasted delicious, you and Ace spoke and had fun for hours. And deep into the night . . . . You and Ace stood at the cliff looking at the stars, his arm around your waist and yours around his. "Ace please call me Y/n." You said after awhile of comfortable silence. "Why?" He asked confused. "It's my real name." You said softly hugging Ace with both arms. "Y/n is the most beautiful name I ever heard." Ace said returning the hug. He took your hands and leaned in close to your lips. "may I kiss you?" He asked as a fluttering feeling in his stomach grew. "Only if I can kiss you back." You answered. 
Smirking Ace connected his lips with yours. It felt passionate and wonderful. He pressed his body closer to yours and hugged you tightly. Your lips separated for air and then went right back at it. When you disconnected again for air he asked. "Will you be mine, and will you let me be yours?"
The end.
This is 6354 words.   
Please comment and give me one of those small hearts if you liked it. They make me happy.
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aspideronmywall · 9 months
Ok lads, it's time I open up my writting side, and what better way than to post the first chapter of a WIP to help me stay motivated because I'm DETERMINED to finish at least one of my increasing pile of WIPs.
So, the first chapter of a Nick Bradshaw x OC that I have brewing.
Note: This is by no means a polished work, it doesn't even have a proper title, which I will update in the future when I eventually figure it out. (Any suggestions are welcome if anyone has an idea) This also may have some terminology that is used incorrectly, or is just outright wrong for the time period because I just don't know and for some reason I can't seem to find a timeline for naval aviation lingo through history.
Warnings: Swearing, Sexual innuendos, divorce, angst, fluff, misogynistic discrimination (minor, but placed here nonetheless.)
“Spider! Where are you?”
“Below you, on your six Mav.”
“Goose, make sure you keep your eyes open for those MiGs, sneaky bastards!”
“Got it Mav,”
There was 30 seconds of radio silence, both pilots keeping their head on a constant swivel, the RIO's keeping double duty with their radars and looking for visual contact.
"Magellan, how we looking?"
"Still no contact, continue heading 015- I mean 095!"
The three other aviators shook their heads in exasperation.
"You really need to go back to flight school, you know that?" Spider laughed.
"Hey! I'm not the one who got both our asses chewed out on our first day on the boat, now was I?" Magellan sneered.
Spider looked at Maverick. Hoping the head turn was enough to send a message.
Maverick briefly switched his coms to passenger only. "Spider's pissed,"
Goose heard the digital beep signaling him that Maverick turned off their outward communications. "Yeah, I would be too in that situation. Would you let me be that much of an ass to you?"
"Who says you aren't already?" 
"Don't bullshit with me Mav," Goose turned his head to gaze at the other jet. "I have never seen a pair of people, who want to do nothing more than throw the other off the deck, than those two."
"Mav, something doesn't feel right," Spider's voice brought Maverick back to the cockpit.
He re-established outward communications. "Talk me through it Spider,"
"I'm going inverted," pushing the yoke to the right, the jet elegantly spiraled so the cockpit was faced with the ocean. Glancing to the ocean below. The pilot could see three MiGs in a tight formation below them.
"Mav we got a problem, three bogeys directly below us, not much more than 2,000 feet I'd say"
"Strike, permission to engage?"
"Negative Ghost Rider,"
"What? Come on!" Goose shot back.
"Strike this is no normal formation, there should be no reason they would be so close below us and now they know we've spotted them we need to make the first move-"
"Repeat: Do not engage."
"Damn it!" Spider cried out.
"Well, we've got to do something to get these MiGs out of here what do you suggest Strike?" Spider inquired.
"Approach but do not open fire,"
"Alright Mav, let's bug 'em out," Goose chants excitedly
"I'm with you Maverick."
"Throttle back, and descend,"
"OK what's the plan here, we are in an F-14 not a paper airplane," Magellan felt himself go weightless, taking the breath from his words.
"Alright let's get missile lock on these guys and send 'em home," Maverick encouraged.
"Get a move on Mav, don't wait for me," Spider informed.
Maverick was engaging one of the three MiG's, his targeting system was taking its sweet time to lock on. The high-pitched alarm sounded and Mavericks lips curled up.
"Gotcha," Goose muttered, mustache twitching up.
Goose could hear, Spider's murmuring, "Come on, give me tone, give me tone," 
After Spider's successful lock on, the three MiG's peeled off. 
"Nice work boys, time to go back and-" Spider stopped speaking. A loud alarm blaring.
Magellan could see the lights blinking rapidly, the RIO turned and tried to find the aircraft behind them.
"Visual contact! On our Six, Spider!" 
"I'll come around and-"
"Shit Mav, We got one too!" Goose twisted his head back around to see the dark jet advancing on them.
Spider heard another alarm.
The enemy had fired.
"Smoke in the air! Smoke in the air Spider!" 
"Hang on," the pilot flipped a lever, bringing the wings out on the jet to produce more lift. Yanking the yoke back, they ascended above the attacker. "Magellan, flares!"
Magellan, reached forward to activate the button, releasing the heat radiating projectiles to keep them from harm. They heard a resounding boom behind them, with no new warnings sounding off.
"Coming back around to engage," Spider's fingers twisted, the throttle levers splitting apart, while simultaneously pressing one foot on full brakes. The jet twisted gracefully in the air.
"Holy shit!" Magellan exclaimed. His hands pressed against the top of the canopy.
With the wings leveling out, Spider was watching for the lock on. When hearing the pitch, Spider pressed on the button. "Taking the shot!" 
The missile cut its way through the air, the trail taking a rotating and twisting path. The MiG it was aimed at was consumed with fire on impact, the enemy plane was no more.
"Scratch one! Let's go help Mav." Magellan called out.
Spider took a hard bank to the left watching the two planes in a rather acrobatic flight.
"Mav, this guy's still on us!" Goose warned.
"What the hell? Get this guy off me Spider,"
"I'm coming, I'm coming. Go vertical, help me engage."
Spider levels the wings and tried to get a lock on to the other MiG. The jet banked away from Maverick, going back in the direction of the three others.
"Looks like he bugged out before I could get there, your tail is clear Mav. Let's go back, fuel is getting low,"
"Great balls of fire Spider, you got another kill!" Goose whooped.
A smile crept along Spider's face.
"Well, I just about had a heart attack back here," Magellan jabbed.
Spider's jaw clenched. Taking a breath in to calm the nerves.
"Let's just get back to the boat,"
To say the landing was uneventful would be a lie. While Spider did coax Maverick out of doing a flyby of the tower, another pain in the ass was trying to pick on Spider.
"You are unbelievable when flying out there," Magellan blocked Spider from continuing down the corridor.
"Why thank you Magellan," Spider shot the man a condescending smirk.
"Wasn’t a compliment," Magellan retorted. He tried to tower over Spider, however he was unsuccessful. "You're dangerous, unpredictable. How you even graduated flight school is beyond me,"
"Well then if you don't like my flying then you can ask to get reassigned,"
Magellan grumbled and walked past the pilot.
"Or you treat this like it's a serious occupation, not the circus!" Magellan threw back. "Especially someone like you,"
Spider's smirk widened, "Ah, I get it now," Spider turned to look at Magellan who had made a fair bit of distance down the hallway. "Your fragile ego has been shattered because a woman is flying you," 
Goose and Maverick picked up their pace at Spider's words, rounding the corner, they were met to see Magellan's back.
"My ego? No, I don't have an ego!"
Spider tilted her head with raised eyebrows.
"No, your ego is going to get us killed, a woman can't keep her head straight in the air, you're too busy trying to impress that Bradshaw boy!"
Don't let him get to you Shadlena.
Magellan felt a large hand grip his shoulder; his nose began to scrunch up from the pain of the calloused fingers digging into his joint. "Do we have a problem here pal?" Goose looked down to the RIO.
Magellan looked up to see the fire in Goose's eyes, the kind of look that said: You're lucky that there are people here, otherwise there would be no saving you.
"Uh, No Goose, just a minor disagreement, that's all," Magellan rushed to get out of Goose's grip, brushing past them.
"Magellan!" Shadlena called out. "Your bunk is this way,"
"Shit," he muttered under his breath. Magellan returned back the way he came. Goose caught his arm again and leaned down to Magellan.
"If there are anymore of these kinds of…disagreements, there will be hell to pay,"
Magellan wiggled his way out of Goose's grip, to the point where he was running down the hall to get away from the rather protective RIO.
Goose smirked, proud of his work, and sauntered his way up to Shadlena.
"So, are you getting a new RIO?" He asked, leaned up against the wall.
"Probably, he's too scared of the great and mighty Mother Goose he's got to contend with,"
Goose placed a hand over his chest with a theatrical gasp and his best british accent, "How dare you even entertain the mere idea that Magellan was competition for me dear,"
The accent wasn't all that great.
A laugh rolled effortlessly from Shadlena’s lips, her bright eyes taking his soul to the great heavens above. His chest bubbling at the sight of his friend enjoying his entertainment.
"Hey, don't forget to check for mail you two, it came in today," Maverick walked past Shadlena. Placing a few pats on her upper back, and throwing a nod to Goose.
"Well did you go check Pete?" Goose asked, Pete rolled his eyes.
"Nick, who would be sending me any letters?" Pete proposed.
Nick nodded his head lowly, "Alright you got me there,"
"Nick, would you check if I have any? I'm going to take a shower before you lads do," Spider inquired. Searching his eyes with a hopeful gaze.
"Of course Lena-" he patted her shoulder, "And yeah take a damn shower, you stink,"
"So do you Bradshaw," She smirked.
"Alright time to hit the showers Goose, man Spider is giving me a run for my money,"
There was no response. Pete stood waiting for a quick witted quip, or anything for that matter.
"Goose, where's my-" Pete spun on his heel to see his RIO hunched over, shoulders shaking. The smug grin fell. Pete hopped over the bench and sat next to Nick, an arm hung around his shoulders.
"Talk to me Goose," He almost didn't hear it, but he didn't need to hear to know what Pete had said.
"Carol…" Nick sniffed. Pete looked down at the paper Nick held. Tears staining and bleeding the ink.
"She, she, God Mav," Nick looked up to Pete. His puffy red eyes taunting Pete to shed tears of his own.
“Tell me. What’s wrong Nick?” A chill washed over Nick.
“She’s leaving me Pete.”
The silence was louder than any thunder that had echoed through the skies that night, they were in their bunk, a soft knock came from the door. Pete opened up the heavy door, there stood Shadlena.
“Can I come in Mav?” her voice was partially drowned by the crack of thunder overhead.
With a soft nod he motioned her inside. Shadlena saw Nick facing the wall, silently sobbing. She climbed up and sat near his legs on the edge of the bunk, Pete drifted over to a desk in the corner and ask down on the desk legs bent.
Before Spider said anything, Goose had turned to face into the room. His eyes were trying to look anywhere but her face.
“I’m pathetic,” Nick had a rawness in his voice that brought a gut wrenching pain to her chest.
“You’re human,” She had moved herself to lay next to Nick. Her fingers pushed the rebellious hair out of his face. 
“We are here for you Nick, I promise,” she scooted closer.
“No, Lena, don’t-”
“Too late,” Shadlena had wrapped her arms around him and held him with a death grip.
Keeping her voice low for Nick, and only Nick, to hear. “I will stay as long as you need, no need to apologize, no need to thank me, just let yourself be free,” Shadlena was twirling his hair.
“Stay with me tonight Shadlena,” 
“Of course,” 
Goose had buried himself as close to her as humanly possible, he was trembling his emotions all got turned up beyond the max, everything was eating him alive. They slept through the night.
Goose woke up to a familiar scent, his eyes remained closed, but his mind teased him with memories…
“Aww, come on Nick, she's got it on for you!” Peter egged on.
The trio sat in a booth at a diner near their local high school. 
“Naw, no way man. Out. Of. My. League!” he exclaimed.
“If you’re going to be this much of a pussy Nick, I'm going to get her to come over here and talk to you,” Shadlena was sitting next to him, he could smell the light perfume she wore.
He turned his upper body to her, his eyebrows raised almost to his hairline, “Don’t you dare,”
Shadlena winked at him and got up, Nick dropped his head in his hands, this would be the single most embarrassing night of his life. He peeked through his fingers to watch Shadlena grab a napkin and asked the waitress he was so worked up about for a pen, with a light nod and radiating smile she obliged, listening to Shadlena talk. Shadlena slightly turned and pointed toward Nick and Peter and he tried to bury his head further into his hands.
Shadlena returned but seated herself next to Peter.
The waitress had walked back over to their table, the napkin tucked into the back pocket of her jeans.
"So, Mother Goose," the waitress looked at Shadlena for approval.
Shadlena gave her an eager nod, instilling the waitress with confidence.
Meanwhile, Nick had brought his forehead to press against the table, arms folded over the back of his head.
"Someone told me you're aspiring to become a naval aviator when you get your papers approved,"
Nick felt his confidence build up, this was his chance to be the big player navy men were pictured to be.
Nick lifted himself to sit tall against the back of the booth, "That's right honey, I'm going to be the best RIO the navy has ever seen," he announced, panning his hand in front of himself.
"You're not going to be a pilot?" She questioned.
Pete smirked, telling himself that Nick had just crashed and burned on his first take off.
"Well, what good's a pilot if he's dead? I'm going to be the guy that keeps me and my pilot alive up there, the best Radar Intercept Officer. Ever." Nick gestured to himself and then Peter. Helping the waitress make the connection that they planned to fly together.
"Well that sounds like a very important job future Lieutenant-" the waitress trailed off, hopping to be supplied with a name.
"Bradshaw, Nick Bradshaw,"
"Well future Lieutenant Bradshaw, I hope to see you around here more often, and keep our skies safe up there gentlemen, miss," the waitress nodded and walked back to her place behind the counter.
"Thank you, Lena" Nick rubbed his hands together, the butterflies finally settling in his stomach.
"Anytime Nick,"
Nick had opened his eyes finally, scanning them over Shadlena, who was still wrapping her arms around him. He could feel her fingers still tangled in his hair.
"You awake Nick?" She asked without opening her eyes.
"Yeah," he whispered hoarsely.
“How do you feel?” she asked.
“I… I don’t know.”
“Do you want me to leave?” 
“No!” his whisper was desperate, needy. 
Shadlena had a thousand thoughts running through her head, opening up her eyes to see Nick's state of dishevelment. The way his hair stuck up widely, partially because of her hands in his hair. His lips parted, the way his eyes were still red from bawling as if the tears never stopped even as he slept. The way his flight suit was unzipped with no undershirt-
She shook her head slightly.
Don't think about him like that.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"Yeah…I'm alright" 
Nick chuckled, placing on hand on the side of her face, "You look like you want to take a bite out of me, Lena"
Nick crawled over her to get out of bed, turning Shadlena into a blushing mess.
What the hell are you thinking Shadlena, nothing happened, friends comfort each other like this all the time.
Shadlena willed herself to get up from the bed. She heard the door close behind Nick, taking a careful look around the room looking for Peter or anyone else that might be in there. Evaluating that she was alone, she slumped down against the wall, head in her hands.
You can't go and have this little rekindling of a high school crush because the man’s getting divorced! Jesus he’s not even officially single yet.
Shadlena sighed in frustration, checking her watch she saw the time was 9:43 am. Her and Nick lost out on breakfast. With her stomach grumbling in protest she stood and walked to her own bunk.
Lost in her own thoughts she bumped into someone in the hallway. She muttered an apology without glancing up.
She looked up from the floor to see Peter was who she ran into.
“Oh, geez sorry Pete,” she tilted her head.
“Don’t worry about it, I was actually coming to check on you and Goose,”
“He left before I did, have no clue as to where he went,”
The two squished themselves to one wall of the hallway to let a pilot and RIO pair past them.
“Maybe he went to command?”
“Perhaps, let's go.'' Shadlena nodded her head in the direction of the commander's office.
Nick had knocked on the door to the office. Tugging up on his flight suit zipper. which he only realized now that he was still wearing.
"Come in,"
Taking a deep breath, he opened the door to the office and stepped inside. Commander Stinger glanced up at Nick, only taking a moment to register who had put themselves in front of his desk, he looked back down at his paper.
"Bradshaw," Stinger sighed.
Nick could feel the intense heat generated by the carrier, beads of sweat rolling down his face only made him feel more vulnerable.
"Sir, I received a letter from my Wife yesterday,"
Stinger slowly glanced up to the RIO, he raised his eyebrows in question.
"She's divorcing me sir, and in my current mental state, I am quite unsure if sending me back into the air would be a good idea," Nick clamped his eyes shut ready for the Commander to bust his ass for being so soft, but the words never came.
"I see lieutenant, well the best I can do at the moment is to have you grounded for the next two days, after that I'll have you go to the sick bay so they can do an evaluation on your mental state," the commander sat back in his chair, passing a hand over his face.
"Tell Spider and Maverick to come to my office, you are dismissed,"
"Yes sir, thank you sir," Nick turned and began to depart, opening the door he took a step out.
"Lieutenant," the commander called.
Nick half turned back to the Commander.
"I'm sorry," 
Nick nodded his head and got out of the sweaty office, not that the rest of the carrier was any better. He could see Peter and Shadlena halfway down the hall. And not a moment passed before Shadlena started to jog to him. When she arrived she pulled him into a tight embrace, just about knocking him to the floor.
"What's going on Nick?" She questioned, unable to hide the concern from her expression.
"I just told the commander about what happened, he's allowed me a few days grounded until I'm in a better headspace,"
Shadlena nodded and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Jesus, you have long legs," Maverick leaned against the wall with an exasperated sigh.
"It's not my fault both sides of your family gene pool were stingy when it came to height." Shadlena retorted. Nick had lightly bumped her shoulder earning a smirk from her, “Hey be nice to the short stack,” Nick chimed back.
“I’ll be nice when he grows about 8 inches,”
“I’ll show you 8 inches,” Peter grumbled, still hunched over.
Nick had raised his eyebrows in disbelief. “You better not, Mitchell!”
“Or what? Bradshaw.”
“Easy, Goose,'' Shadlena soothed, a hand running lightly down from his shoulder.
“I know Mav isn't 8 inches. He would have had a wife by now if he was,”
Both men turned their heads to look at Shadlena, both equally baffled by her statement, but for two very different reasons.
“I’m going to fucking kill you,” Peter stood up.
“I’m going to fucking kiss you,” Nick breathed out, face instantly going red the moment she turned her head to him. “Oh, Jesus i really didn’t mean to say that I’m sorry-”
“I’ll kick you in the nuts if you do,” Shadlena interrupted with a lopsided smirk.
She turned her attention to Pete, “And, I’ll kill you first,”
Nick blinked a few times, trying to register if he should be worried or turned on.
Damnit, Goose. What is it with you today?
“H-Hey” Nick lightly patted both of his companion’s shoulders, “Stinger wanted me to fetch you guys to send you to his office, thanks for doing the hard work for me,”
Pete and Shadlena glanced at each other, worry etched into their faces.
They turned back to regard Nick, "What did we do this time?" They said together.
"I don't know, he didn't give me any details." Nick said, resting his hands on his hips. "But you better get in their before he busts your asses,"
They nodded and parted ways. Pete held the door open for Shadlena, and she assumed position in front of the desk with Pete arriving at her side a moment later.
"Sir," Shadlena announced, "You wanted to see us, sir?"
The commander looked up from his desk and sat back, eyeing how both pilots were sweating.
This goddamned boat without AC is killing me.
"Goose is grounded," he delicately plucked the cigar he had been nursing and drew the smoke into his mouth. Tilting back he parted his lips, letting the smoke curl and twist its way out into the room.
Shadlena and Pete strained their eyes to gaze at each other in their peripherals, causing the headaches they were experiencing to weigh harder on their fight to remain at attention.
"For now," the commander finished. Replacing the cigar to its resting place. He folded his hands up and propped his elbows on the desk. His head turned to a small, ungraceful shrine on the end of his desk.
Two rather young people, a man and a woman, embracing from a tearful reunion. A set of dog tags hung from a plaque the picture was tucked into. The woman once widowed had given the tags to him during her final days on the earth.
"Spider, I'm going to ask you to be Mavericks temporary RIO," the commander pulled an agonizingly thick book from a shelf and rested it in front of him. "Take whatever time you need to refresh your memory on procedures, but orders are to be that you two are flying tomorrow on Mavericks schedule,"
Shadlena stepped forward to grip the manual, slipping the book under her arm, and returned to her attention position.
Pete eyed the back of her head as she stepped forward, calm washing over him. Familiarity and a deep-rooted nostalgia flooded his mind.
"You two are dismissed,"
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magellan321 · 3 days
How to Update Your Magellan RoadMate GPS and Maps
Updating Your Magellan RoadMate GPS: A Comprehensive Guide
If you're a Magellan RoadMate GPS owner, ensuring your device is up-to-date is crucial for accurate navigation and access to the latest maps and features. Here's everything you need to know about performing a Magellan RoadMate GPS update, including the Magellan RoadMate maps update and overall device updates.
Why Update Your Magellan RoadMate GPS?
Updating your Magellan RoadMate GPS offers several benefits:
Accuracy: Up-to-date maps ensure you have the latest road information, new streets, and updated addresses.
Safety: New updates can include critical safety features and alerts.
Performance: Software updates can improve device performance and fix bugs or glitches.
How to Perform a Magellan RoadMate GPS Update
Prepare Your Device
Ensure your Magellan RoadMate GPS is fully charged or connected to a power source.
Have a reliable internet connection for downloading updates.
Register Your Device
Visit the Magellan official website.
Create an account or log in if you already have one.
Register your Magellan RoadMate GPS by entering the device details.
Download Magellan Content Manager
Download and install the Magellan Content Manager software from the Magellan website.
This software is essential for managing and updating your GPS device.
Connect Your Device to Your Computer
Use a USB cable to connect your Magellan RoadMate GPS to your computer.
Open the Magellan Content Manager software.
Check for Updates
The Content Manager will automatically detect your device and check for available updates.
If updates are available, you will be prompted to download and install them.
Install the Updates
Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the updates.
Ensure the device remains connected during the entire process to avoid any interruptions.
Performing a Magellan RoadMate Maps Update
Purchase the Latest Maps
If new maps are not included with your free updates, you may need to purchase them from the Magellan website.
Once purchased, they will be available for download via the Content Manager.
Download and Install Maps
Connect your Magellan RoadMate to your computer.
Open the Content Manager, navigate to the purchased maps, and select "Download."
Follow the prompts to install the new maps onto your device.
Common Issues and Troubleshooting
Connection Problems: Ensure your USB cable and ports are functioning correctly. Try using a different USB port or cable if necessary.
Update Failures: Restart your computer and device, then try the update process again.
Insufficient Storage: If your device does not have enough storage, you may need to remove some old maps or data.
Final Tips
Regular Updates: Check for updates regularly to ensure your device is always up-to-date.
Backup Your Data: Before performing any updates, backup your data to prevent any loss.
By following these steps, you can ensure your Magellan RoadMate GPS is always equipped with the latest maps and software, providing you with accurate and reliable navigation on your journeys. Regular Magellan RoadMate updates and Magellan RoadMate maps updates will keep your device functioning at its best, enhancing your travel experience.
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gpsmapsupport5 · 9 months
Navigating a Greener Future: The Rise of Smart GPS Eco Technology
In today's fast-paced world, technology continues to play a pivotal role in reshaping the way we live, work, and interact with our environment. As we become more conscious of our carbon footprint and environmental impact, innovations in smart technology are steering us towards a greener and more sustainable future. One such innovation making waves is "Smart GPS Eco," a revolutionary advancement in the world of navigation and eco-conscious living.
The Evolution of GPS Technology
GPS (Global Positioning System) technology has come a long way since its inception. Initially developed by the U.S. Department of Defense for military applications, GPS has since become an indispensable tool for everyday life. It has transformed the way we navigate our world, from providing turn-by-turn directions to helping locate lost smartphones.
However, this technology has not been without its environmental drawbacks. Traditional GPS devices and applications often consume a significant amount of energy, draining the batteries of our smartphones and other electronic devices, and contributing to the electronic waste problem when discarded.
The Smart GPS Eco Revolution
Enter "Smart GPS Eco," a game-changing innovation that combines the precision of GPS navigation with a commitment to environmental sustainability. This technology not only provides accurate and efficient navigation but also incorporates eco-friendly features to minimize its impact on the environment.
Here are some key features and benefits of Smart GPS Eco technology:
Energy Efficiency
Smart GPS Eco devices are designed to be incredibly energy-efficient. They optimize power consumption, ensuring that your devices last longer between charges. This not only saves you time and frustration but also reduces the overall energy demand on the grid.
Low Environmental Impact
Manufacturers of Smart GPS Eco devices are taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint. They use sustainable materials, employ eco-friendly manufacturing processes, and often provide options for recycling or repurposing old devices.
Eco-Route Planning
One of the standout features of Smart GPS Eco technology is its ability to suggest eco-friendly routes. By analyzing real-time traffic data, road conditions, and your vehicle's energy consumption, these devices can recommend routes that minimize fuel consumption and emissions. This not only saves you money but also reduces your carbon footprint.
Integration with Eco-Conscious Apps
Smart GPS Eco devices often integrate seamlessly with other eco-conscious apps and services. You can find charging stations for electric vehicles, locate public transportation options, and even receive updates on local environmental initiatives, all from your GPS device.
The Future of Smart GPS Eco
As we move forward, the adoption of Smart GPS Eco technology is expected to grow significantly. Consumers are becoming more environmentally aware, and they are actively seeking products and solutions that align with their values. Moreover, governments and organizations are promoting sustainable transportation options and green technologies, which will further drive the development and adoption of Smart GPS Eco devices.
For more info:-
Magellan GPS Maps Update
Magellan GPS Update
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hobbyspacer · 1 year
The Space Show this week - June.20.2023
The guests and topics of discussion on The Space Show this week: 1. Tuesday, June 20, 2023; 7 pm PST (9 pm CST, 10 pm EST): We welcome back Dr. Ethan Siegel on the latest in physics and his writings. 2. Hotel Mars - Wednesday, June 21, 2023; 1:00 pm PST (3:00 pm CST, 4:00 pm EST): Dr. David Grinspoon will talk with John Batchelor and Dr. David Livingston about phosphorous found at Enceladus. 3. Friday, June 23, 2023; 9:30-11 am PST (11:30 am-1 pm CST, 12:30-2 pm EST): John Bucknell of Virtus Solis is our guest with updates on Space Solar Power (SSP). Bill Gowan is co-hosting this program. 4. Sunday, June 25, 2023; 12-1:30 pm PST (2-3:30 pm CST, 3-4:30 pm EST): We welcome back Dr. Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute. Some recent shows: ** Friday, June.16.2023 - David Witkoski, IEEE Senior Member, discussed satellites in LEO and comms to Earth and within LEO. Later we talked about communications in all of cislunar, the Moon and more. Also Mars. Several other related topics such as debris, personal satellites and constellation issues were discussed. https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4041-BWB-2023-06-16.mp3 ** Hotel Mars - Wednesday, June.14.2023 - Rebecca Hahn discussed with John Batchelor and Dr. David Livingston her doctoral dissertation study project of mapping all the volcanoes on Venus. We talked about her work, the map and volcanoes on Venus. Multiple other topics were discussed such as the Magellan radar imaging resolution and the hope for enhanced resolution from the three new missions to Venus taking place over the next decade. https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4040-BWB-2023-06-14.mp3 ** Tuesday, June.13.2023 -  Dr. Eligar Sadeh discussed his new STEM outreach program for high school students, the "Mars Expedition: Red Planet Mission on Earth" program. Please check out the mission brochure ... https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4039-BWB-2023-06-13.mp3 ** Sunday, June.11.2023 - Dr. Nick Kanas was back with us re his new comprehensive textbook, Behavioral Health and Human Interactions in Space . We discussed LEO and orbital issues, lunar, free space, Mars and lots more. https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4038-BWB-2023-06-11.mp3 ** Friday, June.9.2023 - Billy Miossi discussed "his excellent documentary film on the Voyager 1 and 1 spacecraft and the team still managing the mission 45 years later". https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4037-BWB-2023-06-09.mp3 ** Wednesday, June.7.2023 - Eric Berger talked with John Batchelor and Dr. David Livingston about the ongoing problems and delays for the Boeing Starliner capsule designed to take four crew to the ISS.  Be sure to read Eric's Ars Technical article, "To Keep Starliner flying, Boing must make some hard choices" at https://arstechnica.com/space/2023/06/to-keep-starliner-flying-boeing-must-make-some-hard-choices.  https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4035-BWB-2023-06-07.mp3 ** Tuesday, June.6.2023 - Robert Zimmerman came "back for a vibrant discussion on Starliner, Boeing, SpaceX, Boca Chica, Starship. UAP news, Elon Musk fallout, and lots more". https://thespaceshow.com/sites/default/files/shows/4036-BWB-2023-06-08.mp3 ** See also: * The Space Show Archives * The Space Show Newsletter * The Space Show Shop The Space Show is a project of the One Giant Leap Foundation.
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The Space Show - Dr. David Livingston === Amazon Ads === When the Heavens Went on Sale: The Misfits and Geniuses Racing to Put Space Within Reach === Critical Mass (A Delta-V Novel) Read the full article
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moreupgrades · 1 year
Rand McNally GPS Update and Magellan RoadMate Map Update: A Complete Guide
With the advancement of technology, navigation devices like Rand McNally GPS and Magellan RoadMate have become an essential tool for travellers, drivers, and adventurers. They help to locate destinations, find the fastest and safest routes, and ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey.
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However, to enjoy these benefits, it is crucial to keep your device up-to-date with the latest software and maps. MoreUpgrade will guide you through the process of Rand McNally GPS Update and Magellan RoadMate Map Update.
Rand McNally GPS Update
Rand McNally is a popular brand of GPS navigation devices that offers a range of features and functionalities to make your travel experience better. However, over time, the software and maps on your device may become outdated, leading to incorrect routes, missing destinations, and other issues. To avoid these problems, it is important to update your Rand McNally GPS regularly. Here's how you can do it:
Step 1: Connect your device to a computer
To update your Rand McNally GPS, you need to connect it to a computer with an internet connection. You can use the USB cable provided with your device to establish a connection.
Step 2: Install the Rand McNally Dock software
Once your device is connected, you need to install the Rand McNally Dock software on your computer. This software will help you manage and update your device. You can download the latest version of the software from the Rand McNally website.
Step 3: Check for updates
After installing the Rand McNally Dock software, launch it on your computer and check for updates. The software will automatically detect the updates available for your device.
Step 4: Download and install the updates
Once the updates are detected, click on the "Download Updates" button to download them to your computer. After the download is complete, click on the "Install Updates" button to install them on your device.
Magellan RoadMate Map Update
Magellan RoadMate is another popular brand of navigation devices that offers a wide range of features and functionalities. However, like any other device, the maps on your Magellan RoadMate may become outdated over time, leading to incorrect routes and other issues. To ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey, it is important to update your Magellan RoadMate maps regularly. Here's how you can do it:
Step 1: Connect your device to a computer
To update your Magellan RoadMate maps, you need to connect your device to a computer with an internet connection. You can use the USB cable provided with your device to establish a connection.
Step 2: Install the Content Manager software
Once your device is connected, you need to install the Content Manager software on your computer. This software will help you manage and update your device. You can download the latest version of the software from the Magellan website.
Step 3: Check for updates
After installing the Content Manager software, launch it on your computer and check for updates. The software will automatically detect the updates available for your device.
Step 4: Download and install the updates
Once the updates are detected, click on the "Download Updates" button to download them to your computer. After the download is complete, click on the "Install Updates" button to install them on your device.
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Are you looking for update your Magellan GPS .or if facing any trouble related to Magellan road mate Magellan customer service number is what you’re calling for. Magellan customer service number can help you solve your problem in the shortest possible way, and make things even better.
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magellanupdates · 1 year
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Magellan is an American-based organization or the producer of shrewd route gadgets that give the best and most legitimate route results. Magellan GPS updates gadget makes your voyaging fun and simple. With the lighter gadget, smooth insight, and precise route, this gadget got all that a client precisely searches for. You ought to go ahead and travel anyplace without agonizing over courses. Trust in the extraordinary route results, be no problem at all with the most recent innovation.
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owlterri · 2 years
Linux gpx editor
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Create and discuss ideas and enhancements as ticket and contact the team.
Please report any bug found! Via the Report Bug form in the Help menu it is easy.
Summarized changelog (nicely summarized)įound a bug? | Have an idea? | Make a suggestion? | Like to contribute?.
Backgrounds allow you to trace osm data from e.g.
Styles change the appearance of the mapview.
Presets allow you to select predefined tags for objects.
Plugins add more complex program features.
the ​OSM IRC channel, including our ​own room.
OpenStreetMap's ​question-and-answer site.
Ask members of the OpenStreetMap community on.
See the official help system – reaches it everywhere on JOSMs interface and the help button in dialogs.
The Introduction page will guide you to your first successful edit.
Preferred distribution channel, all platforms, monthly automatic update ( how to start changelog)ĭevelopment version (version 18556, josm-latest.jnlp or josm-latest.jar), ​macOS dev builds, Ubuntu repository and all Download options. Start josm.jnlp (newest tested version, currently 18543) JOSM is open source and licensed under GPL ​. It supports loading GPX tracks, background imagery, and OSM data from local sources as well as from online sources and allows to edit the OSM data (nodes, ways, and relations) and their metadata tags. if its not on this map, its not legal to ride.JOSM is an extensible editor for ​OpenStreetMap (OSM) for ​Java 8+. forest_park_trail_map_070711.pdf High Quality TOPO map of all trails in Forest Park.Some of these I have used or tried, the majority I have not.
I'm certain there are more feel free to add your favorite. TopOSM, an OpenStreetMap-based topographic map, similar in style to the USGS and National Geographic topographic maps., Free topo maps for print and your GPS device., upload your GPX to chart elevation gain/loss, speed, etc., create an editable route to share via email and download as GPX, measure slope angle.Google Earth, what? your not using this already.?., the ULTIMATE GPS file translator filetype converter utility.
, EasyGPS is the fast and easy way to upload and download waypoints, routes, and tracks between your Windows computer and your Garmin, Magellan, or Lowrance GPS.
, proprietary software with GPX output.
Prune, GpsPrune is a free/open source application for viewing, editing and converting coordinate data from GPS systems.
Viking, Viking is a free/open source program to manage GPS data.
*edit to add the following list of electronic mapping applications. I find this one of the most useful utilities for route planning, especially ski touring or anything off trail. note you have a DL option as either a route or track file, the latter showing up on your device as a continuous line. Created routes can be downloaded as a track in a GPX file for use in a GPS device. super simple and editable routes can be shared via email. at the very least I want to view my track on a decent topo map but never get the one I want.Īdding to the browser mapping utility list. I have that one bookmarked and use occasionally, but find it not user friendly for my simple needs. There are a handful of mapping browser utilities out there now like GPSVisualizer. especially all those old NG TOPO! files into GPX. GPSBabel saves the day when it comes to file conversions. but it does not run on linux which I use. Personally, the best I have found is Topofusion. That exact reason is why I started looking for other mapping solutions. Pablo wrote:Slightly off topic but I just ran into the problem of NG TOPO! not exporting tracks in GPX.
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smithgreys · 2 years
Goalbook toolkit
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Along with rolling out Toolkit, going forward, the startup also plans to focus on its mobile strategy and launch cross-platform mobile apps to give teachers and administrators access to its products while on the go. The platform will enable special educators to find and customize Individual Education Plans and access instructional resources, assessments and accommodations. public schools, Goalbook plans to launch Toolkit in November, piloting the special ed database with district partners throughout the U.S. With its new funding in tow and its platform already in hundreds of U.S. The startup also offers a Timelines module, which allows them to easily track dates and deadlines. Over the past year, Goalbook has developed two products that aimed at making teachers’ lives easier and get them back to teaching, including a “Service Delivery” module that tracks the amount of time teachers, therapists and specialists are spending with special ed students and automates this kind of reporting for administrators. Instead of focusing on teaching their students, teachers have to spend an inordinate amount of time filing paperwork and worrying about meeting these standards. What’s more, federal regulations for special education require schools to meet 814 compliance requirements, so it’s no wonder that schools struggle to meet these benchmarks nor is it surprising that it’s created a compliance-oriented culture in public schools. Goalbook aims to solve this problem for special education by helping educators and administrators to create a profile for special needs students and provide them with easy access to IEP summaries, more effective communication channels, less paper work and higher compliance rates. However, as has been the case with the educational system, IEPs, while helpful, are generally static documents that are only updated a couple of times every year and many of those who work with students don’t even have access to these documents. As part of these learning plans, teachers, special educators, administrators and parents form teams to assist students in meeting their individual goals. receive special ed services.įederal regulations mandate that schools must provide these students with a signed “Individual Education Plan (IEP)” that must be reviewed annually to help determine how well district programs are meeting student needs. By creating the first special education management solution, Goalbook addresses a huge market, considering thirteen percent of students at public schools in the U.S. This is true for education in general, but has even more application for students with learning disabilities and developmental problems. But perhaps the most significant “disruptive” effect technology can have on education is its ability to help the system move from a compliant culture to an outcome-oriented culture.īringing better learning analytics and tools that measure inputs and help teachers, administrators and parents communicate and collaborate effectively in realtime has the potential to transform education for the better. The word “disruptive” is overused in the description of new technologies, especially in regard to technology’s affect on education, as it’s begun to qualify anything with an API, dashboard and a mobile app. With the new infusion of capital, the startup plans to develop a “Toolkit,” or a repository of individual goals (aligned with Common Core State Standards) that will include assessments, instructional resources and videos, that is designed specifically for special education teachers. Today, the Imagine K12 grad is announcing that it has raised $915,000 in seed funding - led by NewSchools Venture Fund, with contributions from Rethink Education, Ed-Mentor, Patient Capital Collaborative, Wireless Generation co-founder Greg Gunn, former Magellan Health CEO Steve Shulman, Facebook VP of Advertising and Global Operations and Joe Gleberman - to fuel this transition and help it create the first social and mobile platform for special education teachers. Prior to founding Goalbook, Yoo himself left work at Oracle and Google to become a special education teacher in Palo Alto. The idea was to have students become part of a connected network of educators, administrators and parents through creating a database of goals, strategies and milestones - rather than their educational identities simply sitting in a manilla folder in a file cabinet.Īfter piloting in a group of Bay Area schools, co-founders and engineers Justin Su and Daniel Yoo discovered that their model might, in fact, work better if it were applied to special education, where a support network of educators, administrators and parents already lives around students - even if predominantly offline. When it graduated from Imagine K12’s edtech accelerator last year, Goalbook was tapping into the excitement over technology’s ability to personalize learning by embarking on a mission to give every student a single, shared lesson plan.
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gpsupdates28-blog · 4 years
Update Garmin GPS is one of the popular and official map websites. We offer you map services for all locations worldwide in order to make your drive experience safe and secure.  We provide you a step-by-step tutorial on how to Update Garmin Nuvi 50lm Maps online.
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mygeolocate · 3 years
Update Tom-tom XXL is necessary to get the periodic map and software updates revolved by the company. Like every other GPS device, Tom-tom XXL does come with some preloaded maps and software, but these all requirements to be updated at times. It is parleyed to everybody to update their Tom-toms GPS device. The XXL devices come with preloaded software and maps on them. Tom’s navigation device provides the flying interface with the bird’s eye view of the road and a direct overhead map view. GPS receiver is used for showing the precise, mathematical location and to provide evident and pronounced directions for driving to an appointed objective. Various experts are gain able for the device update which can indicator and help the user in updating the device. An updated version of the Tomtom XXL update device will provide mellifluous, rapid performance. A GPS navigator for particular digital assistants likes Palm devices, pocket devices, etc.
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magellangpsguide · 3 years
Magellan RoadMate GPS
Each Magellan RoadMate system offers a feature-rich GPS navigation experience for users. With the Magellan RoadMate GPS, you can relish the use of a high-resolution touchscreen. With extraordinarily advanced and intuitive devices, you can drive with conviction. One of the leading names for making GPS devices is Magellan Navigation Inc. Due to its unique features and advanced technology, all Magellan devices are the top-ranked among users.
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To get a RoadMate GPS update, you need expert assistance! To fix your problem, the GPS Contact Number experts are there whenever you need assistance with updating the Magellan Map or any other GPS problems. 
Dial our toll-free phone, 24*7 for you, we’re open.
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gpsmapsupport5 · 9 months
SmartGPS Eco: Navigating the Future of Sustainable Navigation
In a world that's increasingly interconnected and reliant on technology, the demand for smarter and more sustainable solutions is on the rise. One area where this demand is particularly evident is in the field of navigation. Traditional GPS devices have long been a staple in our lives, guiding us from point A to point B. However, as environmental concerns grow, so too does the need for eco-friendly alternatives. Enter SmartGPS Eco, a revolutionary navigation system that not only gets you where you need to go but also takes a greener approach to navigation.
The Evolution of Navigation
Navigation has come a long way since the days of paper maps and asking for directions from strangers on the street. The advent of GPS technology revolutionized how we find our way around, making navigation more accessible and convenient. However, the environmental impact of traditional GPS devices, with their energy consumption and electronic waste, is becoming increasingly concerning.
SmartGPS Eco represents a significant step forward in the evolution of navigation technology. It combines the convenience of GPS with a commitment to environmental sustainability, offering users a more responsible way to navigate the world.
Sustainability at Its Core
At the heart of SmartGPS Eco is a dedication to sustainability. This cutting-edge navigation system is designed with several eco-friendly features that set it apart from traditional GPS devices
Energy Efficiency: SmartGPS Eco uses advanced energy-efficient components, which not only extend battery life but also reduce the device's overall carbon footprint. It is engineered to consume minimal power while delivering top-notch performance.
Eco-Friendly Materials: The device is constructed using eco-conscious materials, prioritizing recyclability and reducing the use of harmful substances. This approach contributes to reducing the environmental impact throughout the device's lifecycle.
Reduced E-Waste: SmartGPS Eco is built to last, with upgradeable software and firmware, reducing the need for frequent hardware replacements. This not only saves consumers money but also decreases electronic waste.
Carbon Offset Integration: SmartGPS Eco goes beyond just being eco-friendly in its production. It also offers users the option to calculate and offset the carbon emissions associated with their travel, contributing to global efforts to combat climate change.
Cutting-Edge Features
SmartGPS Eco doesn't compromise on functionality while prioritizing sustainability. It comes equipped with all the features you expect from a modern GPS device
Real-Time Traffic Updates: SmartGPS Eco provides up-to-the-minute traffic information to help you avoid congestion and reach your destination faster.
Voice Navigation: Enjoy turn-by-turn voice directions to keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel.
Offline Maps: Download maps in advance and navigate even in areas with limited or no internet connectivity.
Points of Interest: Discover nearby restaurants, gas stations, and attractions with ease.
A Greener Tomorrow with SmartGPS Eco
As we look towards a more sustainable future, our choices in technology matter. SmartGPS Eco sets a new standard for eco-conscious navigation, allowing us to explore the world while minimizing our impact on it. By choosing SmartGPS Eco, you're not only making your travels more convenient but also contributing to a greener tomorrow.
For more info:-
Magellan Update Problems
Magellan GPS Lifetime Maps Updates
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gpsmapsupdate · 4 years
What's Magellan Map and how to update it?
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Are you a travel freak? Or a typical family man who finds difficulty in finding an alternate trafficless route to your office? Then I'm sure you are missing out something with you. Magellan Map is the one which can guide you to your destinations without causing chaos. Not only travel freaks, but even common people also need to have Magellan maps for their daily use of traveling to offices, schools, and hospitals.
It helps you in planning your outdoor activities and adventure. Once planned you can directly send them to your GPS receiver. An added option is that you can review your travel logs in an aerial view.
Why Magellan GPS Map Update?
The Magellan map is ideal for hikers in finding their destinations handy and to map fishing potshots for people who go out for fishing. Something more special about the Magellan map is that it comes with 9 navigational screens while the old one had only 7. The update ensures accuracy with the built-in pressure-sensitive barometer and an altimeter that does not require calibration.
Necessity of Magellan map update
If you are a Magellan GPS device user then at some point you would have surely noticed that your maps on the device would have put you in chaos by showing wrong addresses and inaccurate locations. This is because our nation has got roads and highways are constantly under construction.
Magellan Map users are always suggested to buy a lifetime map update. The lifetime map updates look slightly expensive at first, but in the long run, it proves to be cheaper. With the lifetime map updates, you'll always arrive at your destination in the most efficient routes thus saving fuel and money.
What's new?
The updated navigation system ensures smooth navigation for the users. The company releases updates every 3 months to every sat nav users. These navigation updates the information about new roads, streets and removes the information about old roads and closed routes. The Magellan Map updates make improvements on the Road mate devices which provides faster search and is made user-friendly for the users. The users are recommended to connect the device regularly to the computer (Internet-enabled) to check for updates.
How to update Magellan Map?
Connect your device to your PC (Internet-enabled) provided with a USB cable. The device automatically checks for the update with a pop-up window that takes you to a drive window for downloading the updates. The device automatically downloads the updates. All you have to do is have a coffee and wait till it gets fully downloaded.
If you constantly get error messages during the GPS Map Update, then the chances of the device not able to connect with the computer are high. Your internet connectivity can also be a problem for the errors in your update. In that case, replug the device and check the internet connectivity and then connect the device. Try to update the device now. If you still get errors even after following all the above steps, you will surely need technical help. In case of any other issues during your update or if you don't see any progress in your update you can contact the our technical support team of Magellan map by means of live chat or simply by calling at our Toll-Free No
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