#Marcelo Garcia
gael-garcia · 7 months
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♫No sabía, de tristezas, ni de lágrimas Ni nada, que me hicieran llorar Yo sabía de cariño, de ternura Porque a mí desde pequeño Eso me enseño mamá, eso me enseño mamá Eso y muchas cosas más Yo jamás sufrí, yo jamás lloré Yo era muy feliz, yo vivía muy bien♫
— Hasta que te conocí - Juan Gabriel
Cassandro (2023, Roger Ross Williams) cinematography by Matias Penachino
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floorman3 · 8 months
Cassandro Review- A Solid Indie Biopic with a Good Performance from Gael Garcia Bernal
Over the years there have been several films about wrestling, the one that comes to mind for me is The Wrestler starring Mickey Rourke. There have also been a lot of documentaries about wrestlers like The Dark Side of the Ring which deals with three ex-professional wrestlers and their Demons in and out of the Ring. A few years back Florence Pugh starred in Fighting With My Family which was about…
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ladedicatoria · 2 years
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A mis amigas las imágenes que esperan pacientes el momento para volver a atacar.
A lxs archiverxs
Cuando hice la notita para escribir este texto pensaba en escultura, en instalaciones-esculturas de tres artistas de Mendoza. La asociación era simple, casi como constatar las obras en las que estaba presente la imagen de un ataúd. Al lado tenía otra notita que era una lista de pelis para un taller sobre escultura que algún día quiero dar. Guardadas las notitas desde hace dos años, salen a la luz en forma de este texto que no tiene ni pies ni cabeza y si los tiene, pertenecen a un cuerpo que está muerto pero que habla mucho. 
-Están las obras de Omar Jury que se llaman Ejercicio de ausencia: una primeriza que es un ataúd de luces y otra con uno de espejos. Los dos suspendidos, los dos livianos aunque el segundo pesaba un montón (y tenía agujas apuntándole atadas a unas piedras enormes). Los dos vacíos pero de distintos vacíos. Dentro de la misma serie hay unos prismas o cajas de espejos fragmentados que a veces son más muerte que el propio ataúd. Viste como es la geometría. 
-Está también la muestra de Mariano García del 2017 que era como usar la sala de exposición como sala velatoria. Una ambientación y darse el gusto de no estar en la inauguración, una farsa, por única vez completamente justificado. 
-Pero tenía música, se llamaba My Funeral Playlist. Escribí para esa muestra. Fue la primera vez que hice un texto acompañando una muestra. Jajaj, palabras de acompañamiento en clave funeral. Vaya inicio! 
“Querido artista, has perdido tu encanto. 
El sistema de la muerte te envolvió en el afán de ejercicio último de poder. 
La realidad en su esplendor ha devenido en una renovada ficción. 
Sin tu vida serás una representación perpetua. 
Querías hablar de la muerte y has hablado del amor. 
Una vez más, la imagen se hizo a sí misma. 
El romance ha terminado. 
Tu cuerpo será objeto –por fin y para siempre-.” 
-Siiiii. Era una muerte sin cuerpo como la del grupo Poroto. No sé bien cómo fue la obra, pero leí un recorte del diario. Unos turistas habían encontrado un cadáver, pero no era más que una bota y un pedazo de jean colgando de una rotura del cielorraso del MMAMM. Creo que la muestra era de “Arte por los derechos humanos en Cuyo”, en 1985, cuando nació mi hermano, o quizás esa muestra fue en el 84. La cosa es que terminaron llamando a los bomberos. 
-Ahí no sé si es la muerte del artista. O qué onda con el cuerpo. Bueno, en las otras igual. 
-¿Es la muerte de un artista una muerte política? 
-No sé, es que “EL artista” no tiene identidad, o si la tiene no es una identidad, es una tipología, una clase, (un género); y la política en cambio tiene mucho que ver con la identidad. 
-Egar Murillo tiene un óleo completamente blanco con la palabra muerte hecha con perforaciones. Blanco sobre blanco como Malevich. Pero la obra se llama Lujuria (1996). ¿Habrá sido su primera obra con perforaciones? Después la redobla en Globalización: hace un díptico con una pintura igual que dice “muerte” y la otra “death”; los marcos son ahora redondeados y distintos entre sí, y en la foto que estoy viendo no puedo dejar de verlos como bandejas de comida.
-Bueno pero ya es salirse del cuerpo del cuerpo y del cuerpo de la escultura. La palabra, la pintura… Otro tema. Eso sí, ya va saliendo la voluptuosidad. 
-En Poroto estaba el Egar, Hoffmann y micA Priori. Él tiene dos obras que también podríamos incluir, las dos con ataúdes hechos con chapas de metal (brishantes como las de Jury, pero que brishan para afuera y no para adentro como los espejos) de ese que se usa para la ventilación en los edificios; unos acostados en un andamio vertical como simulando el bajo tierra (onda six feet under) pero en el aire y con unos baldes debajo de cada uno. Se llama Oíd mortales y es del 2003, y otros de pie tipo vampiros pero bailando un tango entre sí que se llama Tango mortal. 
-Podríamos ir escribiendo: “García finalmente es el más romántico: su obra se escapa de la tautología. No hay cajón, no hay cuerpo (tampoco hay registro de la muestra), pero si un playlist: un último momento para compartir con sus lloronxs, un regalo final en 10 temas. The cure, Bowie, Depeche mode, Virus, The Smiths, … todo lo que nos hace bailar y también llorar” 
-Bueno podríamos incluir esa obra surrealista, Asesinato en raíz cuadrada, de Marcelo Santángelo que hizo en 1950 para al menos saber algo más que esa crítica que le hicieron “astracanada en mixtura con una actitud intelectual. Qué mierda será “astracanada”. He leído un pedacito de cómo empieza: 
Biblioteca-escritorio de una casa cualquiera con todos los elementos del confort moderno. La luz del velador da de llena en la cara de Justipreciado Pérez que parece revisar documentos. Hombre Embozado, cubierto con un gran sobretodo, se acerca y le dispara seis tiros de revólver. Justipreciado Pérez muere en medio de una fuerte afonía, con terribles accesos de tos. HOMBRE EMBOZADO: jajajejejijijojojuju…(y sale por la izquierda). 
MUCAMO: (luego de un silencio pesado, entra por la derecha y ya en medio de la sala ve el cadáver de Justipreciado Pérez) GritititiiiiIIIIIITOOOOOOooooooooo… (y sale disparado como rata por tirante) 
-También hubo una Sociedad Protectora de Artistas Vivos So.P.A.Vi. No sé quiénes son lxs autores de esta ocurrencia, lo único que he visto son unos carteles que pegaron en la calle que decían “Diga NO a la Necrofilia!!! Sociedad Protectora de Artistas Vivos”. Mortal. Una bomba en este contexto. 
-Claro es que seguís buscando desde el humor. Estás re monotemática. Obvio que la muerte tiene más de humor en el arte que de solemne. Creo que muchxs artistas empiezan a hacer arte pensando en la muerte. Les da como una plataforma de potencia y oscuridad, un poco para manejar el vacío del gusto. Y después no saben qué hacer con la solemnidad porque se les mete debajo de la piel como el mito del plomo de la lapicera. Un juego que puede terminar mal. 
-Todos son artistas varones?! Viste que el humor es ineludible. 
-La peli A bucket of blood del 59 arranca con un poeta recitando en el medio de un bar, con gente muy cool que nada parece saber de arte. Es muy gracioso lo que dice en ese contexto, medio beatnik, porque él en realidad está compenetrado y habla gravemente. Se llama Maxwell Brock y dice: 
I will talk to you of Art, for there is nothing else to talk about, for there is nothing else... Life is an obscure hobo bumming a ride on the omnibus of Art. Burn gas, buggies, and whip your sour cream of circumstance and hope, and go ahead and sleep your bloody heads off. Creation is, all else is not. Creation is graham crackers; let it all crumble to feed the creator; feed him that he may be satisifed.
The Artist is, all others are not. A canvas is a canvas or a painting. A rock is a rock or a statue. A sound is a sound or is music. A preacher is a preacher, or an Artist. Where are john, joe, jake, jim, jerk? dead, dead, dead They were not born before they were born, they were not born... Where are Leonardo, Rembrandt, Ludwig? Alive! Alive! Alive! They were born! Bring on the multitudes with a multitude of fishes: feed them with the fishes for liver oil to nourish the Artist, stretch their skin upon an easel to give him canvas, crush their bones into a paste that he might mold them. Let them die, and by their miserable deaths become the clay within his hands that he might form an ashtray or an ark. Pray that you may be his diadem: gold, glory, paint, clay, that he might take you in his magic hands and wring from your marrow wonder. For all that is comes through the eye of the Artist. The rest are blind fish swimming in the cave of aloneness. Swim on you maudlin, muddling, maddened fools, and dream that one bright, sunny night the Artist will bait a hook and let you bite upon it. Bite hard and die!... in his stomach you are very close to immortality. 
El discurso de este poeta cautiva al camarero que es el protagonista, que quiere ser alguien y decide entonces ser artista. Pero solo puede obrar desde la literalidad y crea mediante el asesinato, no concibe al arte dentro de la vida. En la locura del lienzo vacío pero en clave escultura (qué hacer con el bodoque marrón), termina matando un gato accidentalmente y cubriéndolo de arcilla. Es la primera vez que ha hecho algo que le conmueve. La imagen entonces existe en tanto muerte, o vistiendo la muerte. 
-Como en una clínica la otra vez dijo una artista “-es para ver con que ropa vienen”. 
-La peli termina con la profecía convertida en moraleja. El atormentado personaje se construye como falso artista. Se salva del peso de sentirse descubierto y se escapa de sí mismo a través del suicidio pero convirtiéndose en una escultura, su obra maestra, la última: ahí sí que la metáfora se deshace y la muerte se convierte por fin en una obra. 
-Pero entonces el tema es que el artista es-alguien-no-será-olvidado (nació) porque es artista o por la obra, y la imagen es la muerte y es un misterio adentro de una caja. (risas) 
-Aunque esté revelada a priori no deja de ser misterio. Igual hay tantas cosas que se pueden hacer con una caja. Mortarotti, por ej, se la cogió. 
-En otro tono sería: “Quizás estos artistas plantearon su muerte para que les den bola, para que les miren, aunque sea, por última vez. Pero siempre dando la parte, esa que te deja picando, una muerte como espejo (Jury), una muerte sin cuerpo (García), o una muerte sorda (Priori). Una muerte que no tiene que ver ni con el artista, ni con la persona; sino con algo más, con otro tipo de vínculo. Con la imagen con el cuerpo en tanto imagen con la ausencia en tanto imagen.” 
-Para mí hay que ser un poco como el camarero de la peli. Estaría bueno poder sentirnos siempre un poco falsxs. Con los grandes temas y con la solemnidad acechando. A mí me pasa todo el tiempo, en el mundo real porque no existe un “ser artista” y también en el mundo del arte porque no me sale ser UN artista. 
-Qué plato. Si alguien lee este texto seguro nos va a decir “fulanitx también tiene una obra con la muerte” “en tal obra aparece otro ataúd”. Qué bajón pensar que solo es una lista. Pero sí, estaría buenísimo que hiciéramos una lista. Como una forma posible de salir de la constatación. Como un gesto de aproximación que rompa el aislamiento total de todas estas obras. ¿chicas… dónde estánnnnn? 
-Seguro llenas de polvo, pero al menos no bajo tierra.
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Ejercicio de ausencia, Omar Jury, ECA, 2013
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Oíd mortales, micA Priori, 2003
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Safe sex, por cuánto tiempo podés amar a tu dinero, Marcelo Mortarotti, 1993
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So.P.A.Vi, proyecto editorial urbano La Partida, 2006
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Lujuria, Egar Murillo, 1996
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capacle · 1 year
20 Brazilian TTRPGs I wish also existed in English
Today I offer you:
20 Brazilian TTRPGs I wish also existed in English (because I want the world to know about them)
Buckle up, because you won't BELIEVE the diversity of our indie scene.
[presented in no particular order, and only one per author]
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1. Meu Brinquedo Preferido ('My favorite toy'), by Eduardo Caetano
A metaphor about a child's growing process by deconstructing their fears through playful situations.
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2. SeanchaS, by Jorge Valpaços and Jefferson Neves
A game about myths, construction of identity and narrative around bonfires, about the time of ancient stories and the present time.
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3. Gatunos, by Tiago Junges
A GMless/Solo game in which you play as cat thieves and mercenaries doing the dirty work of the five big factions that run the city.
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4. Nômades (Nomads), by Marcelo Collar
A card-based RPG in which you play as beings who have the ability to find and pass through the cracks in the veil that separates the universes.
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5. Infaernum, by Caio Romero
Create your own apocalypse while playing the game, and interpret characters who experience the last days of all things.
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6. Áureos, Os Dançarinos da Lua ('The Moon Dancers'), by Rey Ooze
A game of fight and freedom where dice play capoeira. You play as an 'Áureo', a former slave who, in a fantastic colonial Brazil, receives the blessings of his Orisha to free his people from slavery.
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7. Veridiana, by Alan Silva
You play as creatures that live in a large tree, embarking on a deeply sentimental journey in search of a cure.
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8. Karyu Densetsu, by Thiago Rosa and Nina Bichara
A game inspired by action anime and manga, with tactical combat, philosophical conversation, and passionate ideals.
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9. Imperia, by Jonny Garcia
A game of politics and intrigue in a medieval court, inspired by Game of Thrones. Create a kingdom collaboratively and assume the role of the most influential people in it.
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10. Goddess save the Queen, by Carol Neves and Julio Matos
A pulp adventure game in which you play as secret agents of the British Crown during the interwar period, with their own agenda connected in some way with their home nation.
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11. Abismo Infinito ('Infinite Abyss'), by John Bogéa
A narrative game of psychological horror in which the protagonists are astronauts, far away in space, involved in a web of lucid nightmares and manifestations of their own fears.
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12. Mojubá, by Lucas Conti and Lucas Sampaio
An Afrofuturistic urban fantasy game inspired by Yoruba and Afro-Brazilian mythologies. Play as a person with fantastic powers who descends from the Orixás, fights evil spirits, and occasionally gets into a rap battle.
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13. Chopstick, by Igor Moreno
A game inspired by action movies of oriental martial arts, gang fights and crime, with a twist on Fate Accelerated.
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14. Contos do Galeão ('Tales of the Galleon'), by Encho Chagas
Create together the legend of a vessel that would have existed during the Golden Age of Piracy. Players will create the ship, its pirates, as well as its enemies, challenges, and rewards.
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15. O Cordel do Reino do Sol Encantado ('The Cordel of the Kingdom of the Enchanted Sun'), by Pedro Borges
A narrative game set in the northeastern 'cangaço' region at the beginning of the 20th century.
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16. Através das Trevas ('Through the Darkness'), by Ramon Mineiro
A post-apocalyptic fantasy game inspired by The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, The Witcher and Diablo.
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17. Nihilo, by Andre Osna and Gustavo Rolanski
A world very much like our own—yet bigger, deeper, and stranger. Secret banks are run by Urban Dragons, Infernal mafias terrorize slums, interdimensional portals open in the basements of abandoned pizzerias.
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18. Caçada ao Colosso ('Hunt for the Colossus'), by Jairo Borges Filho
Reenact stories such as Siegfried and the dragon Fafnir, the Greek Odyssey or legends centered on the opposition of two primary forces of humanity.
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19. Perdidos ('Lost'), by Marcelo Paschoalin
Inspired by Bloodborne and Dark Souls, a world in ruins, fragmented to the point where only memories remain. You'll find relics of yesteryear, monstrous beasts, beings that have forgotten their purpose, and devious paths to tread.
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20. Hitodama - A jornada das almas ('The Journey of the Souls'), by Alexsander Araujo
You are Shinigamis: creatures half divinity, half Yokai, who must carry out missions through different worlds, fighting formidable enemies and saving lost souls.
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selektakoletiva · 11 months
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Com 13 discos de estúdio na bagagem - 4 com o Planet e 9 em carreira solo - já né segredo que Marcelo D2 ocupa um espaço notório na música popular e na cultura Hip-Hop pelo mundão. Acontece que em seu novo trabalho, ele ultrapassa barreiras, fura otas bolhas e se consagra ainda mais como um dos grandes arquitetos da música brasileira.
Intitulado "IBORU, Que Sejam Ouvidas Nossas Súplicas", Marcelo D2 nos leva por uma jornada musical de puro suingue, com o afrofuturismo batendo na alta, como sempre falara Chico Vulgo.
O disco começa com a voz de Wander Pires te transportando pra avenida quase que espontaneamente. 'Por baixo', numa crescente, um instrumental drumless do lendário Barba Negra (aka O Terrível Ladrão de Loops), versos afiados de D2 e uma fala de sua coroa. Apenas o início de uma saga que vai flutuando entre a boniteza e a concretude dos fatos como são. Trazendo a beleza da crueza e do povo, como o timbre de Nega Duda que vem logo em seguida. A genuína cultura de rua e dos morros, favelas e do subúrbio carioca.
Das rodas que varam da noite ao clarão do dia; ad infinitum. Os terreirões de Umbanda e Candomblé, os Bate-Bolas, Rosinhas e Malandros que transitam pelas ruas encantadas de um Rio de Janeiro que não passa na retrospectiva da Globo, não está nos trends, ou em capas de jornais. Essas são algumas das várias personas carioca que inspiram IBORU. Que inclusive, dia 28 deste mesmo mês de Junho, ganhará seu complemento audiovisual. Um curta que contará a história fictícia do encontro de João da Baiana, Clementina de Jesus e Pixinguinha, nos idos dos anos de 1923. O curta, assim como a estética do disco, foi toda assinada pela mágica Luiza Machado e o próprio Marcelo, diálogo que vem ampliando ainda mais a arte do rapper carioca. A produção fica por conta da produtora da família D2 - PUPILA DILATADA.
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O elenco de músicos e compositores de "IBORU, Que Sejam Ouvidas As Nossas Súplicas", chega a ser baixaria de tanto talento junto. A começar pela cozinha, composta por bambas da velha escola e da nova geração, tudo junto e misturado; Marcio Alexandre, Zero, Miúdo, Jorge Luiz, João e Marcelinho Moreira. Nas cordas, temos João Lopes (banjo), Maycon Ananias (cordas geral), Gabe Noel (violoncelo), Wanderson Martins e o craque Rodrigo Campos (ambos no cavaquinho). Violões de 6 e 7 cordas, no nome de Kiko e Fejuca, camisa 10 que contribui também batucando no couro e arranjando no cavaco.
Nos sopros, Thiago França (sax), Marlon Sete e Pedro Garcia no trombone e voz. Na bateria, o novo expoente da bateria brasileira, Thiaguinho Silva. O côro é comandado pela Luiza Machado, sua parceira de vida e arte, que entoa unissomo com as vozes de Jussara, Jurema, Hodari, Betina, Luiza e Camila de Alexandre, e o talentoso Luccas Carlos.
Falando em voz e coro, vale ressaltar a parceria louvável entre Luiz Antonio Simas e Marcelo D2. Desde o último disco de estúdio com intervenções e trocando prosas juntos sobre ancestralidade, resistência e identidade. Também estão no catálogo grandioso de compositores João Martins, Inácio Rios, Diogo Nogueira, Igor Leal, Fred Camacho, Neném Chama, Carlos Caetano, Márcio Alexandre, Cabelo, Douglas Lemos, Moa Luz e Otacilio da Mangueira. É mole?
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Todo esse time consegue criar uma atmosfera de uma vibração coletiva incrível, que dialoga o asfalto com o morro de uma forma ímpar. O grave do surdão e do 808 suingando com o hihat, que por sua vez unifica-se com as palmas e o tamborim... isso é o Nave e mais uma sequências de beats absurdos. Uma parceria que já vinha dando certo desde "A Arte do Barulho". E pelo visto, continua. Numa parceria luxuosa que vem se estreitando nos últimos anos, Nave e Kiko Dinucci - que traz suas picotadas lombradas, guitarras levemente sujas, uma viola elegantíssima - se entendem em grau, número e frequências.
A produção é algo instantaneamente clássico - o que já faz pensar nesse disco do OGI que vem aí. Mas isso é papo de futuro, pra outro momento.
Ah, jamais podemos esquecer de mencionar a co-produção e mixagem, que ficou na assinatura de nada mais/nada menos que o gênio e cumpade de longa data de Marcelo, Mario Caldatto. É óbvio que a qualidade de sempre foi entregue.
Dito isso e abordado o time, agora vamos as participações; Nega Duda, Metá Metá, BNegão, Mumuzinho, Alcione, Xande de Pilares, Zeca Pagodinho e o imortal Mateus Aleluia. Há homenagens a Romildo Bastos (Padre Miguel) e mestre Monarco (Portela) a sua maneira afrosambadélica.
Essa fusão chega ao ápice quando IBORU traz a cultura Hip-Hop pra dentro duma quadra de Padre Miguel com adlibs de Westside Gunn em um partido alto feito de beats, palmas, trombone e guitarra. Ou com um batuque e naipe de sopros junto a MPC, como fez no seu último trabalho com Um Punhado De Bambas no Cacique de Ramos - que aliás, outro excelente trabalho que transcende as fronteiras convencionais e cria uma experiência auditiva e cativante, como faz novamente nesse trabalho.
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É junto de baluartes, ídolos e bambas que D2 aprendeu boa parte do que sabe do samba. Zeca e Arlindo são reverenciados em mais de um momento do disco. Beth, João Nogueira, Dona Ivone, Luiz Carlos, Candeia, Cartola, Martinho, Paulinho e o pessoal do Fundo de Quintal. Entre muitos outros. É bonito ver o artista em seu auge, com a pura satisfação de fazer o que gosta, evoluindo e não se prendendo a velhos chavões e modos operandi. Além de toda essa gratidão de quem aprendeu com os verdadeios movimentadores da massa e da cultura popular.
E se você se pergunta da outra parte, nunca se esqueça que antes de D2, era o Sinistro, com sua vivência pelas quebradas do mundaréu. Rio 40 graus. De Padre Miguel, Cascadura, Madureira, do Andaraí, Humaitá e das vielas do centrão. Lapa, Gamboa, Cinelandia. Vivência que Peixoto teve nos camelos com seu camarada Skunk. Das chamas que circundavam a capital carioca nos anos 90.
No final, "IBORU" vai além do siginificado em iorubá, do Ifá, e muito mais do que título de disco ou uma simples combinação de gêneros musicais; é uma verdadeira celebração da diversidade e da riqueza da cultura brasileira. Destaca temas relevantes e urgentes, como a desigualdade social e a resiliência das comunidades marginalizadas. Ancestralidade de futuro.
Ao mesmo tempo e paralelo a concretude lírica e dos batuques de fine estirpe, a nuance abstrata das melodias se faz valer em loops, samples e um instrumental finesse. A sinestesia e o campo lúdico do disco é forte, e isso tem muito a ver com o imaginário popular, fé e outros pagodes da vida que circundam a vida do brasileiro - que assim como Marcelo, se recria e se renova a cada nova batalha. "Provando e comprovando a sua versatilidade", já diria seu saudoso amigo Bezerra da Silva, que eu sei que assim como os outros bambas mencionados aqui neste texto, no disco, e durante a vida do Sinistro, também benzeu e abençoou "IBORU" até vir ao mundo terreno, há uma semana atrás, dia 14 de Junho.
E faz uma semana que é festa no Orum...
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liverpool-enjoyer · 8 months
Max I joined the college team as a left back (Jordi Alba next gen) I made a joke about Eric Garcia and now they're thinking of putting me a pivot TF!
And I thought I'm the cute lefty turned out I'm Marcelo and broke a woman knee and the defender tried to get revenge and hit my face but I hit her by accident too
my brother in CHRIST 😭😭 congrats on making the team tho thats impressive!!! best a luck 🫡
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pirapopnoticias · 10 months
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xikowisk · 1 year
Por Cleber SEM ANISTIA Lourenço @ocolunista_
Fonte: https://twitter.com/ocolunista_/status/1635822255732142081
O deputado federa Luiz Philippe de Orleans e Bragança lançou coleta de assinatura assinaturas para criar uma PEC que visa extinguir órgão que fiscaliza trabalho ESCRAVO.
QUEM ASSINOU: Coronel Ulysses - União Delegado Fabio Costa - PP Silvia Waiãpi - PL Capitão Alberto Neto - PL Capitão Alden - PL Roberto Roma - PL André Fernandes - PL Mauro Benevides Filho - PDT Bia Kicis - PL Alberto Fraga - PL Gilvan da Federal - PL Evair Vieira de Melo - PP Gustavo Gayer - PL Magda Mofatto - PL Abilio Brunini - PL Amália Barros - PL José Medeiros - PL Dr. Luiz Ovando - PP Marcos Pollon - PL Rodolfo Nogueira - PL Domingos Sávio - PL Dr. Frederico - Patriotas Eros Biondini - PL Junio Amaral - PL Lafayette de Andrada - Republicanos Marcelo Álvaro Antonio - PL Maurício do Vôlei - PL Nikolas Ferreira - PL Delegado Caveira - PL Joaquim Passarinho - PL Cabo Gilebrto Silva - PL Diego Garcia - Republicanos Coronel Meira - PL Filipe Barros - PL General Girão - PL Sargento Gonçalves - PL Afonso Hamm - PP Bibo Nunes - PL Giovani Cherini - PL Marcel Van Hattem - Novo Mauricio Marcon - Podemos Pedro Westphalen - PP Sanderson - PL Zucco - Republicanos Carlos Jordy - PL Chris Tonietto - PL Delegado Ramagem - PL Luiz Lima - PL Thiago Flores - MDB Caroline de Toni - PL Daniel Freitas - PL Daniela Reinehr - PL Gilson Marques - Novo Jorge Goetten - PL Julia Zanatta - PL Rafael Pezenti - MDB Zé Trovão - PL Adilson Barroso - PL Adriana Ventura - Novo Carla Zambelli - PL Miguel Lombardi - PL Paulo Bilynskyj - PL Pr. Marco Feliciano - PL Ricardo Salles - PL Rosane Valle - PL
Esses são os deputados que buscam acabar com o Ministério Público do Trabalho e que tem como uma das suas funções, fiscalizar o trabalho escravo. Mais sobre o projeto do homem que acha que é príncipe: https://noticiapreta.com.br/principe-trabalho-escravo/
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ellshyrralopez · 1 year
2 remarkable writers in different period and their contribution.
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- period of Enlightenment
-period of American Regime
-Japanese period
-Philippines literature In english
José Rizal - was a Filipino polymath, nationalist and the most prominent advocate for reform in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial era. He is best known for his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, which exposed the injustices and corruption of the Spanish colonial government.
Marcelo H. del Pilar - was a Filipino writer, journalist and lawyer who used his writing to expose the injustices and abuses of the Spanish colonial government. He founded the newspaper La Solidaridad, which became the voice of the Propaganda Movement, a group of Filipino intellectuals who sought reforms and advocated for Philippine independence.
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American Regime:
Nick Joaquin - was a Filipino writer, historian and journalist who wrote about Philippine history and culture during the American colonial period. He is best known for his works such as The Woman Who Had Two Navels and May Day Eve.
Paz Marquez Benitez - was a Filipino writer who is considered the first Filipino woman to publish a short story in English. Her short story, "Dead Stars", is considered a landmark in Philippine literature in English and is widely anthologized.
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Carlos Bulosan - was a Filipino writer and labor activist who wrote about the struggles of Filipino migrant workers in the United States during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines. His most famous work, America Is in the Heart, is a semi-autobiographical novel about his experiences as a migrant worker in the United States.
Jose Garcia Villa - was a Filipino poet, writer, and painter who wrote during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines. His works are known for their formal experimentation and use of modernist techniques.
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Philippine Literature in English:
N.V.M. Gonzalez - was a Filipino writer and one of the pioneers of Philippine literature in English. He is best known for his short stories and novels that depict the lives of ordinary Filipinos in rural and urban settings.
F. Sionil Jose - is a Filipino writer and journalist who is known for his novels that explore the themes of social injustice, poverty, and colonialism. His most famous work, the Rosales Saga, is a five-novel series that traces the history of the Philippines from Spanish colonialism to the present day.
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For Decades Now, “Marc” Marcelo Viera the Florida State University student and now Lawyer for a Bankruptcy Firm under the Orders of his Certified Public Accountant mother “Josepha” “Josephina” Josephine Fify Viera the Nova Southeastern University’s MBA Queen student who trained her to be abusing little boys and feeding little boys to Grown Pedophiles such as Julio Hurtado through spying on teenagers and adults who are masturbating in their rooms in the privacy of the teenage and adult voyjeuring victims’ homes into speaking through phone jacks and phone lines, computers and cell phones in low volume vibrations to the victims to convert the victims into becoming Pedophiles to eliminate possible Business competition for Ms. Josephine Fify Viera, has been as Marcelo Viera spying on Straight Men’s sexual intercourses with women to then, in low volumes, interfere with their sex to get the Straight Men to think of little girls or boys before, during and in the middle of the Straight Men’s ejaculations to the Women. The Cyber Stalking continues from “Marc” Marcelo Viera when he continues to convince the Straight Men into admitting to people publicly on Facebook (as Sally Mercedes of Little Ferry, New Jersey has done to Gay Men in New Jersey, Florida and Colorado) as a “Voice” in their heads, by which “Josepha” “Josephina” Josephine Fify Viera’s friends are Psychiatrists who banned the Free Speech of Cyber Stalked victims with their “There’s no such thing as Voices in our heads and there’s no such thing as Cyber Stalkers, Cyber Criminals or Cyber Crime.” Josephine Fify Viera and her ex-husband Marcelo Viera, a Texan Cuban Engineer, have both been close friends with Julio Hurtado, a Cuban Pedophile and Cannibal of West New York and Englewood, New Jersey and Florida since the 1970s, the three teaming up with Truckers who kidnap girls, boys, teenagers, mothers, Gay teenagers, Gay college and university students, and the Disabled, along the highway heading from Georgia passed Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida through Louisiana where Jennifer Olson of Charles W Flanagan high school in Pembroke Pines, Florida who looks like Josephine Fify Viera and talks grumpily just like Josephine Fify Viera and her other son Alexander Viera, studied at LSU, Louisiana State University. The Truckers have ropes, knives, handkerchiefs, cyanide, and arsenic at hand — with plastic bags that are designed to package children’s toys and appliances from warehouses and department stores. Jennifer Olson was or may still be close friends with a Heather from Charles W Flanagan high school and Everglades high school since the years 2002 to 2005 and after, who looks like the thinner version of Obese White Clara Perez-Garcia the older woman, daughter of Jose “Poncho” and Margot Eugenia of West New York, New Jersey and Miami, Florida and cousin of Julio Hurtado the Gay Cuban Pedophile and Cannibal, especially with Heather’s and Clara’s identical haircuts and hairstyles.
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motorsportverso · 1 year
Resultado Do Rally Da Argentina Do Fia Codassur 2023
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1-2-Alejandro Cancio(ARG)\Diego Cagnotti-SKoda Fabia R5,Codassur, 1h45min07.4s
2-6-Martin Scuncio(ARG)\Javier Romera(CHL)-Skoda Fabia Rally 2 Evo, Codassur -1h45min18.6s
3-11-Frederico Vilagra\Virginia Klaus(ARG)-Hyundai I20 R5,Codassur-1h46min12.6s
4-7-Geronimo Padilha\Nicolas Garcia(ARG)-Skoda Fabia R5,Codassur-1h46min25.5s
5-22-Augusto Bestard(PRY)\José Luis Pena(ARG)-VW Polo GTI R5,Codassur, 1h46min39.3s
6-19-Fabrizio Zaldivar(PRY)\Marcelo Der(ITA),Hyundai I20 N Rally 2,Codassur, 1h47min30.8s
7-18-Miguel Zaldivar JR(PRY)\Borja Rozada(ESP),VW Polo GTI R5,Codassur, 1h48min18.0s
8-23-Roberto Saba(Bol)\Leonardo Suaya(ARG), Skoda Fabia R5,Codassur, 1h48min41.1s
9-24-Agustin Alonso(PRY)\Juan Pablo Carrera(ARG), VW Polo GTI R5,Codassur, 1h48min44.0s
10-3-Augusto D'Agostini(ARG)\Juan Pablo Carrera(ARG),Skoda Fabia R5, 1h48min47.6s
1-31-Ulysses Bertholdo\Marcelo Dalmut(BRA),Mitsubishi EVO X,Codasur 2, 2h03min28.0s
2-33-Cesar Pedotti\Martin Martinez(PRY),Mitsubishi EVO X, Codasur 2, 2h05min39.9s
3-34-Rolando Careaga\Dayler Andrade(BOL),Mitsubishi EVO X,Codasur 2, 2h15min52.4s
1-82-Martin Maissonnave\Frederico Maissonnave(ARG),Peugeot 208 Rally 4, 2h00min09.8s
2-84-Andrés Mareyhara(URU)\Mauricio Obrador(ARG), Peugeot 208 Rally 4, 2h01min16.0s
3-83-Damian Ibarra\Fernando Acosta(ARG), Peugeot 208 Rally 4, 2h01min54.7s
Video do resumo do Rally da Argentina Fia Codasur 2023-Fox Sport ARGENTINA
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felipeandletizia · 2 years
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Felipe and Letizia retrospective: October 1st
2007: “Delta Lima 07” exercise at the High Availability Lightweight Grouping
2008: Meeting with intellectuals at Spain’s embassy & Casa de Espana 70th Anniversary at Colegio de Mexico in Mexico City
2009: 7th concert for the victims of terrorism
2010: Celebration for the 100th anniversary of the student’s residence
2011: Opening of the 7th National Scientific-Family MPS Spain Congress
2012: Act of imposition of the Collective Laureate Cross of San Fernando to the standard of the Armored Cavalry Regiment “Alcántara” nº 10
2014: Received the President of Honduras Juan Orlando Hernandez Alvarado and wife Ana Rosalinda Garcia at the Royal Palace (1, 2)
2015: Opened the Professional Training Course 2015/2016 at the “Javier Garcia Tellez” secondary School, in Caceres, Spain. (1, 2)
2019: Audience & ‘El Mundo’ newspaper 30th anniversary at the Palace Hotel in Madrid
2020: Work meeting at the Spanish Red Cross; Meeting with the President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa & Opened the 2nd La Toja Vínculo Atlántico Forum in Pontevedra
2021: Audiences: Michel Barnier; Board of Trustees of the Carlos de Amberes Foundation & Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz; Virtual intervention at ‘World Food Forum’. & “Trayectoria Fulbright” awards
F&L Through the Years: 841/??
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epiphanyblog03 · 2 years
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Bautista, Michael: It’s been a long day missing someone’s hug As the time passes by let’s listen to music and put on some earplugs Been thinking of it we cannot tell people to come back Let’s admit it they will never be back Let us face the truth look forward and dream new You will realize the aftermath that someone will be there for you I will try to sleep very well And I hope that you also feel well
Campo, Maria Beatriz: I keep having these nightmares, Where I find myself standing next to you.  Caressing your body with the sheet of blue, Hoping it was all true. When future you was already new, I'll be standing next to you and comfort you.
Cunanan, Hannah: "CHILDHOOD"
Grey skies, twit twit of birds, rains arrival, Weather bulletin outspread already, Noise from neighbors that keeps you up ready, Someone is playing an instrumental, You were drinking milk and eating cereal, Enjoys the show that's airing already, Wearing pajamas feel full already, These are the days when it feels magical, Looking back makes me emotional,  Realizing everything happened fast, Inblink. of an eye, I'm in reality, Everything remembered feels personal. Remembered how my active interest, Well know I faced.responsibility.
Eco, Karole: Have you ever had nostalgic feeling? Keeping all of the memories in mind When we had the best moments of our lives We did nothing except play and have fun. We were never concerned about a thing, There were no anxieties and issues, Never an uneasiness or a doubt, Had all of the sleep we never asked for,  Even the smallest things made us happy. We also had the silliest desires, Believed that everything was possible, Almost nothing can stop us at that point. We should just have seized it while we were there Oh, how I wish I could go back in time.
Gabiola, Arshlee Shereen: "GONE"
Don't blame yourself for things you did before choices, chances, decisions you didn't take memories of all those days, nights are gone just lets not bring the part back anymore Do not do something that you will regret it's hard to live life you cannot reset the past will always remain in the past live life to blast were it will ever-last Before life is so dark, darker than black so weak that can be easily attack an error that I made that caused the crack once it is done there is no going back That existence is long gone and over  grow and more on and take things much slower.
Garcia, Glezette: "PRAETERITUM"
As I sit and ponder in the window The rainy weather reminds me the past The sound of rain, I hear from the window The shouts and laughter of the past, all last These streets were once filled with laughter   The joy we had, never can we replace  When time’s not hard, when our life was better All we think about  was our hiding space       All the games we used to play till night time Were so precious I still remember them  We enjoyed those times, we lost track of time ‘Til  mom call us back,  those times were a gem We are unable to go back in time The past memories that make us alive.
Mandap, Maxene Valerie: "WINTER NIGHT"
Shall I compare thee to a winter night? As cold as the snow falling in the sky Shouting, trembling, thundering as we fight  Little did I know, thy last word's goodbye  Yes, thee made me produce a thousand tears Thee made me overthink my decisions Thee made me feel happiness under fear  Thee made me experience worst oppression But all these things had happened in the past  All these things are buried deep in the ground  I am thankful all these things did not last These things are thrown in the water and drowned I grasp the reality that I'm out  Of a love that's not really meant to sprout.
Marcelo, Nichole Jay: I remember the past, it is Confirmedly last real life Experience to count it at last. Learned a lot and understood Better and some happen will makep Future healthier. Life is hard but do not quit and learned happen in past
Pangan, Eunice: "ONE GHOSTLY NIGHT"
The wind whistles into the ghostly night; I can still remember those days with pride  Silently loud sounds of crickets fireflies; I cannot help but hear the bells of time As I go back to the memory lane, The fire within my heart recalls the days Of where we were youthful, filled with hope When life was simple, when life seems to glow Looking back, I had lived with no regrets,  With days of joy and days of blood and sweat Those memories I will forever keep, along with all the people I spent with;  In this ghostly night, the sun in slumber Till last breath, my glimpse of past won’t falter.
Payumo, Willian Cel: My former life is no longer, The Flying hours nad passed like transient dreams given over, Whose images are kept in store, From memory alone.
What will happen in the future is not, Then now can it be mine? My only concern is win the present moment, Wake up in a new life never remember your past life.
Do you ever wish you nod a key? That allowed you to do what you wanted to do, Discover some luck that's meant just for you, To actually be where you want to be.
Avoid wasting time by creating a plan, Do your best grab life while you can.
Simsuangco, Gabriel: Oh, the future I fear very much so. Clouded and muddied, a feeling in my eyes. Dear optimism, I hold onto you though. Sorrow, nothing, false hopes and lies. But what else do I have, hopes to bear? This blindness of mine.. Pity could never drown the sorrow. Hoping that things will be better in time. Humming those moody blues. Finding something to hold onto. But these sorrows, far too true. I just want a future to cling to. 
The future is a monster, But she is a friend. Talk about the past But the past, it never ends.
Fair lady of the past, I know you will haunt me until future's last.
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thedeacanedous · 2 years
REPASSANDO... REPASSE...Copie e cole para poder passar para 5 pessoas, pois estava limitado a 1.
O economista liberal, Rodrigo Constantino acaba de ser bloqueado 7 dias no FACEBOOK, porque publicou uma lista de Petistas, que fomentam um verdadeiro golpe comunista no país.
Já que ele não pode falar por 7 dias , segue aqui a lista:
André Singer
Barbara Garcia
Camila Pitanga
Carlinhos Brown
Chico Buarque
Chico César
Chico Pinheiro
Delfim Netto
Dinho Ouro Preto
Emir Sader
Fábio Konder Comparato
Felipe Santa Cruz
Fernanda Torres
Fernando Morais
Frei Betto
Gilberto Gil
Gregorio Duvivier
Guilherme Boulos
Jô Soares
José de Abreu
Juca Kfouri
Kennedy Alencar
Laerte Coutinho
Leandro Karnal
Leonardo Attuch
Leonardo Boff
Leonardo Sakamoto
Letícia Sabatella
Luís Carlos Bresser-Pereira
Luis Fernando Verissimo
Luis Nassif
Luiz Carlos Barreto
Luiz Gonzaga Belluzzo
Luiza Trajano (Magazine Luiza)
Marcelo Adnet
Marcio França
Maria Rita Kehl
Marieta Severo
Marilena Chaui
Mário Sérgio Cortella
Mino Carta
Miriam Leitão
Osmar Prado
Pablo Villaça
Paulo Betti
Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr.
Pedro Bial
Preta Gil
Reinaldo Azevedo
Renato Janine Ribeiro
Serginho Groisman
Tico Santa Cruz
Tonico Pereira
Viviane Mosé
Vladimir Safatle
Xico Sá
Wagner Moura
Não comprem mais nada deles !!! Não assistam seus programas, não leiam suas colunas. Não comprem seus livros, não vão às suas peças de teatro, não comprem seus CDs !!!
Eles precisam saber que não será impune atentar contra a Democracia.
Viver as custas do Capitalismo e difundir Comunismo CT ex/Socialismo, é no mínimo falta de caráter.
Não podemos dar audiência a quem trai nosso país !!!
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paulinedorchester · 2 years
Latinx singers of classical music: a list so incomplete as to be positively embarrassing
What I wrote in the previous post in this series applies here as well:
Some of these artists are up-and-comers; some of their careers were at their height in the 1970s, when I first began paying attention; a few go back further than that.
Although in this case it’s more than a few — which, along with the fact I kept finding more and more younger artists, is why I decided to end my research and post this now.
I’ve included many of the younger ones solely on the basis of reputation, without having heard them. Not all are or were A-listers, but they are all people who sing or sang Western classical music for a living, or taught others to do so, or a combination of the two.
Assembling this list has required me to consider some questions of inclusion. Do the children of European immigrants who, in some cases, didn’t even bother to give their children Latinate names belong here? Undoubtedly many people will say no; I disagree. (I have drawn the line, however, at Spanish or Portuguese artists who decamped to their countries’ former colonies.)
Fedora Alemán (1912-2018), soprano, Venezuela Elaine Alvarez, soprano, USA Marcelo Álvarez, tenor, Argentina Fanny Anitúa (1887-1968), contralto, Mexico Francisco Araiza, tenor, Mexico Iván Ayón-Rivas, tenor, Peru Aldo Baldin (1945-1994), tenor, Brazil René Barbera, tenor, USA Vanessa Becerra, soprano, USA Ricardo Bernal, tenor, Mexico Jessica Bogado Corvalán, soprano, Paraguay Javier Camarena, tenor, Mexico Teresa Castillo, soprano, USA Ian Castro, tenor, USA Arturo Chacón-Cruz, tenor, Mexico Mario Chang, tenor, Guatemala Claudia Chapa, mezzo-soprano, Mexico Luis Chapa, tenor, Mexico Lisa Chavez, mezzo-soprano, USA José Coca Loza, bass, Bolivia Eliane Coelho, soprano, Brazil John J. Concepcion, tenor, USA Natacha Cóndor, mezzo-soprano, Ecuador Paul Corona, bass, USA Gloria Criscione Pineda, soprano, Paraguay Gilda Cruz-Romo, soprano, Mexico José Cura, tenor, Argentina Alfredo Daza, baritone, Mexico César Delgado, tenor, Mexico Juan José de León, tenor, USA Fernando de la Mora, tenor, Mexico Justino Díaz, bass-baritone, Puerto Rico Gabriella Di Laccio, soprano, Brazil Nahuel di Pierro, bass, Argentina Oralia Dominguez (1925-2013), contralto, Mexico Rubén Domínguez (1935-2015), tenor, Venezuela Cecilia Duarte, mezzo-soprano, Mexico Gabriella Enríquez, soprano, USA Consuelo Escobar (1887-1967), soprano, Mexico Franco Fagioli, counter-tenor, Argentina Bernarda Fink, mezzo-soprano, Argentina Juan Diego Flórez, tenor, Peru Cristina Gallardo-Domâs, soprano, Chile Karen Gardeazabal, soprano, Mexico Ricardo Garcia, tenor, USA Raúl Giménez, tenor, Argentina Adriana González, soprano, Guatemala Joshua Guerrero, tenor, USA Carlos Guichandut (1914-1990), tenor, Argentina Levi Hernandez, baritone, USA Ramón Iriarte, baritone, Venezuela Edgar Jaramillo, tenor, USA Maria Katzarava, soprano, Mexico Yunuet Laguna, soprano, Mexico Valeriano Lanchas, bass, Colombia José Lemos, counter-tenor, Brazil Laura León, soprano, Cuba Isobel Leonard, mezzo-soprano, USA Luis Lima, tenor, Argentina Cecilia Violetta López, soprano, USA Zulimar López-Hernández, soprano, Puerto Rico Ricardo Lugo, bass, Puerto Rico Sergio Mandujano, tenor, USA José Mongelós, tenor, Paraguay Larisa Martínez, soprano, Puerto Rico Julio Mascaro, tenor, Guatemala José Mojica (1895-1974), tenor, Mexico Albert Montañez, counter-tenor, Colombia Maria José Morales, soprano, Guatemala Rafael Moras, tenor, USA Octavio Moreno, baritone, Mexico Adelaida Negri (1943-2019), soprano, Argentina Salvador Novoa (1937-2021), tenor, Mexico Richard Ollarsaba, bass-baritone, USA Lisette Oropesa, soprano, USA Jehú Otero, tenor, Puerto Rico Beatriz Parra Durango, soprano, Ecuador Miguel Pedroza, bass-baritone, Venezuela Ángela Peralta (1846-1883), soprano, Mexico Ailyn Pérez, soprano, USA Natalie Pérez, mezzo-soprano, Argentina Rodrigo Porras Garulo, tenor, Mexico Marcello Puente, tenor, Argentina Gustavo Quaresma Ramos, tenor, Brazil Rayén Quitral (1916-1979), soprano, Chile Ernesto Ramirez, tenor, Mexico Gabriella Reyes, soprano, USA Iván Ayón Rivas, tenor, Peru Ricardo José Rivera, baritone, Puerto Rico Gaston Rivero, tenor, Uruguay Mario Rojas, tenor, Mexico Manuel Salazar (1887-1950), tenor, Costa Rica Zoraida Salazar, soprano, Colombia Renato Sassola (1927-2013), tenor, Argentina Bidú Sayão (1902-1999), soprano, Brazil Erwin Schrott, bass-baritone, Uruguay Rosita Serrano (1912-1997), soprano, Chile Nadine Sierra, soprano, USA Efraín Solís, bass-baritone, USA José Sosa Esquivel (1923-1968), tenor, Mexico Paolo Szot, baritone, Brazil Ricardo Tamura, tenor, Brazil Jonathan Tetelman, tenor, Chile Camila Titinger, soprano, Brazil Matthew Treviño, bass, USA Eduardo Valdes, tenor, Puerto Rico Ramón Vargas, tenor, Mexico Héctor Vásquez, baritone, USA Vanessa Vasquez, soprano, USA Hugo Vera, tenor, USA Denis Vélez, soprano, Mexico Fabián Veloz, baritone, Argentina Elena Villalón, soprano, USA Verónica Villarroel, soprano, Chile Rolando Villazón, tenor, Mexico Ramon Vinay (1911-1996), tenor, Chile Ariana Wehr, soprano, Brazil Renato Zanelli, tenor, Chile
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realmadridnews · 2 years
Transfer rumors
Transfers in:
Goalkeepers: David Ospina (SSC Napoli (free agent)), Gabriel Slonina (Chicago Fire)
Defenders: Miguel Gutierrez (Real Madrid Castilla; promotion), Fran Garcia (Rayo Vallecano), Antonio Rudiger (Chelsea London (free agent)), Reece James (Chelsea London), Alvaro Odriozola (staying)
Midfielders: Aurelien Tchouameni (AS Monaco), Paul Pogba (Manchester United (free agent)), Leroy Sane (Bayern Munchen), Fabian Ruiz (SSC Napoli), Amine Gouiri (OGC Nice), Lovro Majher (Stade Rennes), Youssoufa Moukoko (Borussia Dortmund)
Forwards: Kylian Mbappe (PSG (free agent)), Robert Lewandowski (Bayern Munchen), Raul De Tomas (RCD Espanyol), Borja Mayoral (staying), Rafael Leao (AC Milan), Gabriel Jesus (Manchester City), Raheem Sterling (Manchester City), Christopher Nkunku (RB Leipzig), Juanmi Latasa (Real Madrid Castilla; promotion), Sadio Mane (FC Liverpool), Serge Gnabry (Bayern Munchen), Timo Werner (Chelsea London), Jonathan Burkardt (1. FSV Mainz 05), Noah Okafor (Red Bull Salzburg), Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid), Matheus (Botafogo Rio de Janeiro), Armando Broja (Chelsea London)
Transfers out:
Andriy Lunin (loan/definite transfer): West Ham United
Jesus Vallejo: RCD Espanyol
Victor Chust (loan/definite transfer/buy back option): Cadiz CF
Ferland Mendy:
Marcelo (end of contract): AS Monaco, Inter Miami, Fenerbahce SK, end of career, Real Valladolid, AC Milan, Getafe CF, AC Monza, SS Lazio, Olympiakos SFP
Alvaro Odriozola: ACF Fiorentina, Inter Milan
Casemiro: Manchester United
Isco Alarcon (end of contract): Real Betis, FC Barcelona, Tottenham Hotspur, FC Sevilla, Chelsea London, Newcastle United, West Ham United, AS Roma
Daniel Ceballos: Real Betis, Villarreal CF
Luka Modric (end of contract):
Marco Asensio: Manchester United, AC Milan, Newcastle United
Reinier Jesus (loan): Real Valladolid, Real Betis, Valencia CF, RCD Espanyol, AS Roma, Udinese Calcio, Benfica Lisbon, Torino FC, Girona CF
Takefusa Kubo (loan/buy back option/definitive transfer): Real Sociedad, Real Valladolid
Gareth Bale (end of contract): Newcastle United, Atletico Madrid, career end, Getafe CF, Tottenham Hotspur, AC Milan, Cardiff City, Nottingham Forest, Rayo Vallecano, Los Angeles FC
Luka Jovic: Eintracht Frankfurt, AC Milan, Arsenal London, Everton FC, Inter Milan, Bayern Munchen, Getafe CF, Rayo Vallecano, ACF Fiorentina, Besiktas JK, FC Sevilla, Nottingham Forest
Mariano Diaz: Fenerbahce SK, Olympique Lyon, Valencia CF, Getafe CF, Real Valladolid, Celta Vigo
Borja Mayoral: Getafe CF, Celta Vigo, Bologna FC
Sergio Arribas (loan/buy back option): Rayo Vallecano
Juanmi Latasa (loan/buy back option): Rayo Vallecano, Getafe CF
Mario Gila (loan/buy back option): Getafe CF, SS Lazio
Ivan Morante (loan/buy back option): Rayo Vallecano, Deportivo Alaves, UD Ibiza
Rafa Marin (loan/buy back option): RCD Mallorca
Peter Gonzalez (loan/buy back option): Rayo Vallecano, Getafe CF
Carlos Dotor (loan):
Sergio Santos (buy back option/loan): CD Leganes, CD Mirandes
Miguel Gutierrez (buy back option): Girona FC
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