#NGOs Waste No Mall
takeoffphilippines · 2 years
SM Supermalls begins 100 Days of Happiness
To kickstart the Christmas countdown, SM Supermalls began its 100 Days of Happiness last September 16, where they aim to create a circle of happiness with 76 participating malls, shoppers, the marginalized communities of women, persons deprived of liberty, artisans, cause-oriented organizations, and select local government units.
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"We want to create a circle of happiness in all our SM malls by featuring products of cause-oriented programs which we will offer to our shoppers who, in turn, give them to friends and family, and ultimately, benefit the communities that created these products," said SM Supermalls President Steven T. Tan.
Through the campaign, SM Supermalls encourages Filipinos to support the advocacies of individuals and organizations that provide opportunities and create livelihood for their communities. For this year, SM partnered with bag designer Zarah Juan, Spark PH, the Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP), the Association of Foot and Mouth Artists of the Philippines, UNICEF, and the Quezon City LGU for its Vote to Tote initiative, among others.
The launch event held at SM North EDSA The Block was attended by SM Supermalls President Steven Tan and SVP for Marketing Joaquin San Agustin; Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte, Vice Mayor Gian Sotto, and select councilors of the city; Spark PH Founder Mica Teves; GSP President Dr. Nina Lim-Yuson; designer Zarah Juan; and Brownies Unlimited Marketing head Dustin Ngo.
Equipping young girls to lead and build the future, one box of brownies at a time
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For this year’s 100 Days campaign, SM Megamall, along with 9 other SM malls, is collaborating with Brownies Unlimited and the Girl Scouts of the Philippines. For every purchase of a special GSP-themed box of brownies in-mall and via the SM Malls Online App, one girl will be sponsored with a GSP membership for a year. 
"We have a lot of young girls across the country and they've had such difficult times during the pandemic. Our membership dropped significantly. By buying a box, you can sponsor a girl for one year and she can learn so many things like being independent, loving her country more, and helping her community," said GSP President Nina Lim-Yuson.
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Recently, SM Supermalls helped the GSP vaccinate all its 70,000 members nationwide. By providing them with convenient and safe COVID-19 vaccines, SM Supermalls was able to ensure that the GSP members have access to quality healthcare services. 
SM shoppers can purchase a box of brownies from 46 Brownies Unlimited branches nationwide and the SM Malls Online App.
Giving marginalized women and persons deprived of liberty hope for the future
Apart from the GSP partnership, SM Supermalls also partnered with the local government of Quezon City for its Vote to Tote program, Spark PH, and bag designer Zarah Juan to sell upcycled tarpaulin handmade tote bags sewn by marginalized women and female persons deprived of liberty.
"Christmas is all about giving. We are very happy that this year, the communities of Quezon City are included as beneficiaries in this program. And apart from helping the women in our communities, we are also able to help the environment by upcycling 70 tons of election tarpaulins that we've collected." said Mayor Belmonte.
Juan, the designer, was the brainchild of the upcycling initiative. "During the elections, there were tons of election campaign wastes. I wanted to do something and I thought I have my platform– my designs. If my designs can actually solve this problem, then it's worthwhile. Then I pitched the idea to Maica Teves, the founder of Spark PH. From there, we gathered all the help we can– from the Quezon City LGU who will help us collect tarpaulins, the women communities that can help us create, and SM Supermalls who can provide us the platform to distribute."
A Happiness Walk was done to showcase the upcycled tote bags that shoppers can buy in SM malls. Joining the Happiness Walk were men and women of substance including select Girl Scouts members, Jeremy Lapena and Bernce Sevilla of the Downs Syndrome Association of the Phils, Mylene Abiva of WomenBiz, media celebrities Ces Oreña Drilon, and Gina Pareño among others.
The proceeds of the upcycled tote bags will be given to the women PDLs in Camp Karingal, and the marginalized women of Barangays Sto. Cristo, Greater Lagro, and Pinyahan in Quezon City. The tote bags will be sold in the following SM malls:
SM Aura Premier
SM Southmall
SM City Fairview
SM City North EDSA
SM Megamall
Helping a community of artists 
And in the south of Metro Manila, the SM Mall of Asia family will be partnering with the Association of Foot and Mouth Artists in selling painted Christmas cards to the shoppers.
"All these and more will start to unfold in the coming days as we continue spreading happiness across all SM malls around the country. Let us not waste our next 100 days and use it to make one another happy by giving. Today, let the countdown begin to a hundred days of happiness!” Tan closed.
This is the second time SM Supermalls has started a holiday countdown campaign. In 2021, the biggest mall network in the Philippines showed the world more than a hundred ways of giving through 100 Days of Caring. Underserved communities surrounding the 76 SM malls were provided with their urgent needs through in-kind and monetary donations by the malls, its various business units, and the employees. 
For the list of all partner institutions and their beneficiaries visit www.smsupermalls.com and follow @smsupermalls on all social media accounts.
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focusonthegoodnews · 3 years
Pair upcycle plastic waste into benches for public in a Hong Kong town, showing the potential of a circular economy to reduce marine pollution | South China Morning Post
Pair upcycle plastic waste into benches for public in a Hong Kong town, showing the potential of a circular economy to reduce marine pollution | South China Morning Post
Good News Notes: “Old milk containers, juice jugs and toy cups are not the type of products usually associated with high-concept furniture, but two designers in Hong Kong have taken these and other items and upcycled them into stylish pieces of public furniture. Tasked with creating a collection of 12 benches for the town hall in Sha Tin, in Hong Kong’s New Territories, the co-founders and…
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queenlannisters · 3 years
Alexandria Safe Zone
Alexandria has always fascinated me. It’s like the dream apocalypse community. During my rewatch, I complied some well known and lesser known facts about what makes the community so amazing. 
Pre-Apocalypse, Alexandria was to be an intentionally designed, self sustaining community. All of the homes cost between 800k and a 1.4 million. The community was brand new and in pristine condition.
Feature wise, the community came with solar panels (electricity), cisterns (rain water collecting devices), and a self running sewage system. Other features we can probably assume are spaces pre-made for gardening, homes that are well insulated (cant be wasting that solar power), possibly graywater systems to reuse water.
I didn’t catch this until my third watch, but Deanna says Northern Virginia was almost completely evacuated. From this, we can assume a lot. Primarily, that the lack of people meant a lack of competition for resources and a lack of enemies. Deanna says nearly no one has stumbled across them in months nor have they found anyone to take in. (this is 7 minutes into S05E12)
Alexandria was being set up a refugee base and Deanna was the first refugee. Alexandria was filled with supplies and was devoid of people. 
A shopping mall was being built nearby and this is where Deanna’s husband got the raw materials to build the massive wall. He was a professor of architecture and that certainly helped a lot. 
Speaking of other people, Aaron was in an NGO that assisted war torn countries and Deanna was a congressperson. These two were well traveled, good at understanding problems, and better at fixing them.  
We can’t forget the quarry, whose sound attracted walkers and whose structure trapped them. The safe zone avoided herds and for the most part walkers in general. 
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nickterrone · 2 years
Best hypnotist in Sydney to stop smoking
By now we all know the negative effects smoking has on our health. Over the last 20 years, awareness campaigns have shifted a public attitude, which has led to several countries banning smoking in public places, shopping malls, restaurants, and offices.
The link between smoking and health issues including lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and heart failure is now well established. With the help of clinical data, it has been demonstrated time and time again that smokers have much higher incidences of chronic health conditions than do non-smokers.
Quit smoking movements around the world have also yielded promising health results. We have also seen the development and introduction of several products that claim to support smokers looking to quit their habit. Nicotine patches, nicotine gums, and similar alternative therapies have shown promising results.
One thing is certain, the will to quit is the key factor when you decide you want to quit smoking but understand you Stop Smoking Hypnosis Sydney and may require support to do so. That help may come in the form of therapy and a support group that encourages you to quit.
A break-through therapy that has taken off with smokers looking to quit their habit is hypnosis.
Therapeutic Effects of Hypnosis
Clinical hypnosis is used around the world to treat psychological as well as physical issues. Research indicates it is useful for treating pain, speech disorders, obesity, addiction, insomnia, and many other problems. The research on hypnosis indicates it is most effective when used in conjunction with changes to your exercise regime and a healthy diet.
At the heart of hypnosis is the concept that by relaxing your mind hypnosis allows your subconscious to take over, making you more receptive to positive suggestions and aversion therapy designed to help you quit smoking.
Experiments have demonstrated that during hypnosis the patients’ neurological activity was enhanced, showing much higher levels of activity.
How to Find the Right Hypnotist to help you Quit Smoking?
Before you decide on a course of Hypnosis Sydneyto help you quit smoking, you should consider a few facts. Firstly, numerous websites and practitioners claim to be experts in hypnosis.
However, the right hypnotist for you should meet three criteria. They’re qualified, they’re experienced and most importantly he or she should be licensed. If your therapist is a ”Board Certified Hypnotherapist” and has extensive experience with quit smoking therapy, then you are good to go. You should also ask potential therapists about their success rate and whether they provide follow-ups after the course of therapy has been completed.
Some hypnotherapists do not provide follow-up sessions. If you relapse and start smoking again, after the therapy has finished, they don’t provide you with backup sessions. It is best to ask all of these questions upfront before you chose your therapist. Also, remember that there are no shortcuts when it comes to quitting smoking.
Similarly, you have may have tried cutting down on your smoking in the hope that you will manage to quit gradually, or you may even have tried going ”cold turkey” but it failed to stick.
Hypnotherapy delivers consistent results, particularly when used in combination with other therapies without making overblown claims. Instead of wasting time, effort, and money on fruitless treatments, think about channeling your efforts ion a proven therapy that could turn your life around by helping you to quit smoking.
A Great Sydney Hypnotist
One of the best hypnotherapists in Sydney is Nick Terrone. He has dedicated his life to helping people overcome the scourge of smoking. His experience is backed by an undergraduate as well as a post-graduate degree in psychology from Wollongong University.
Throughout his career, he has worked for a range of NGOs such as Cana Communities, The Human and Hope Association, and The Resonance Project Foundation. His work has revolved around working with smokers, alcoholic patients, and the severely handicapped.
He enjoys special expertise Hypnotherapy in Sydney and N.L.P (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), which he has found to be extremely effective for promoting behavioral changes. Nick has created a highly effective therapeutic program designed specifically to help people quit smoking.
The QuitWithNick program is a combination of N.L.P and hypnotherapy which can create rapid mind-body changes. It works by blocking your smoking cravings and creating supportive subconscious associations, to provide you with confidence and control when those cravings are triggered.
One session lasts 90 minutes and Nick provides follow-ups personally, to ensure your treatment achieves the desired results. The follow-ups can continue over a few days to several weeks to ensure the program is working for you.
Hypnotherapy Confidence near me With Nick program is supported by three different Quit Smoking apps, which you can select from according to your preference. As part of your program, you also receive three MP3 files which explain relaxation and breathing techniques that focus on your heart and help you to build emotional resilience so that you are less likely to relapse when confronted with negative emotions or a trigger situation.
The program also regularly provides Detox Tips to help you eliminate harmful toxins from your body. Left untouched, these toxins can affect your fight to quit smoking. An eBook titled ”Meditation Tips for Beginners” is also provided for free. The eBook provides you with guidance for perfecting meditation, another helpful tool to suppress those destructive cravings.
The program also provides a soft copy that guides you through performing EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping), also known as Psychological acupressure. This has many benefits for your efforts to stop smoking.
You also get VIP access to a closed Facebook support group established by QuitWithNick. Nick’s program has a success rate of 94.7 percent and he has helped more than 3,700 people to date. He offers a free backup session for anyone suffering from a relapse after the therapy has concluded.
One of the best things about this program is his follow-ups and his ongoing engagement with his clients. With a cost of just $795, you will be investing in a better future for yourself, your loved ones, and your environment.
Nick Terrone
Nick Terrone is a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, speaker author and a HeartMath® Certified Coach/Mentor. He has healed thousands of people from addictive behaviours and relationship problems over the past 15 years in private practice, government organisations and schools. Of Italian heritage, ‘Terrone” means ‘person of the earth’. In Italian, the heart is the life force that connects our body (of the earth) and our spirituality (intuition).
Hypnotist for Confidence Sydney, Nick has synthesised his clinical experience with his interest in altered states of consciousness, the science of our connected universe and his understanding of the intelligent energy of the human heart in his upcoming release of a unique self-hypnosis book like no other; ‘Living with H.A.R.T: Heart-Alpha Resonance-Technique’.
Nick is passionate about supporting projects, initiatives and foundations that are close to his heart and in alignment with his vision; one being The Human and Hope Association, a locally run registered NGO committed to empowering Cambodians to create a sustainable future for themselves by providing education, vocational training and community support. Another is The Resonance Science Foundation, a non-profit organization chartered to conduct research and education in the field of unified physics and dedicated to exploring the fundamental wheel works of nature to gain a greater understanding of universal dynamics for the betterment of all life and mankind.
Nick lives in NSW Australia with his loving life partner Aimee and is a father to a special young boy, Orion. He enjoys spending time in nature, playing different types of interests and interviewing inspired souls on his series ‘Sit With Nick – Conversations that Inspire’.
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redstringplanes · 6 years
This is word vomit. Unedited, nonsensical, pointless it’s just - raw?
This is me, finally writing.
In the corner of my bed by the window, back propped up by some pillows. I have re-written that sentence at least five times. I’m trying to write without editing – just letting words flow.
Because clearly, I haven’t done that in more than a year.
So, imagery, circumstance, and emotions. I dislike the word circumstance – I’m trying to find a word that means “describing the current situation”, that’s what I meant to convey.
It is a Monday morning on a rainy day. The sky has just started to clear up after a weekend of nonstop rain. (Which reminds me, I need to check if Ayala malls are accepting donations at their concierge.) I am in bed, not because there is a suspension of work, but because I have no work.
Yes, at 24 years old, just less than two months shy of 25, I am funemployed. I have been jobless for a month and 13 days – it’s easy to keep track when the last day of work was at the end of the month – pretty neat. Right now, I’m deliberating whether I should narrate the whole scenario from my last blog post – probably not since I’ll likely be too lazy to complete it – much like the previous attempt to write.
So, let’s just focus on the present. Imagery, circumstance, emotions.
Oh god my mind just blanked suddenly because I didn’t know what to write. Because what now?
Imagery. I was looking for some mood music and I ended up downloading a few tracks from Boku no Hero Academia. To be honest, some tunes don’t match my current mood – which is all jumbled, the image that comes to mind are crayons haphazardly drawn over a blank canvas, like a kid letting loose – but I’m in BakuDeku hell which seems more intense than my Haikyuu/Kagehina hell last year, due to the fact that this really is the only thing I’m obsessing most of the time.
Wait, that’s not true. I’ve also been obsessed with skincare – Blog update: I’ve gone to Korea with the evil sis twice already, and left with lighter pockets and a luggage full of toners, creams, and face masks that’ll last me year. And cleaning/decluttering videos. I have managed to declutter my ~miscellaneous things above my closet, my closet itself (the “pang-alis” part, the “pambahay” I’ll be sure to do today to send over donations), I’ve created a new corner of our room dedicated to bags and aforementioned skincare, and the only things left on my list to clean are the bookshelves. You know how people tend to clean to put off the more ~pressing matters that they do not want to attend to? That’s how I am right now. While it gives a semblance of productivity, it also hurts my wallet because I’ve been itching to buy a new laundry hamper and an ottoman.
And wallet = money = work = what now, Annick?
Later today, I’m going to go through the first course in SQL basics – a class I bought on sale on Udemy. That’s a head start on the career-making. Then, I’ll do some follow up emails on the places I’ve applied for and update my job tracker.
So, there’s that?
This is the longest break I’ve been in to date. And while it’s not terrible – really, there are worst problems to be had – I just feel, empty? Like, I need to work. No, scratch that, I need to do something in my life. I don’t want to waste time – which is what I’ve been doing, sadly. It doesn’t have to be work, I just need to do something else rather than consume. I’m scared that this break will comprise of one whole Saturday doing nothing, and while it’s good to just “reset and rewind”, well, what’s there to fix?
I’ve realized that I’ve been living my life on autopilot with burst of panic mode and travel as the carrots/goals to chase. And it was fine, everything else was just pushed aside. But now that track is gone and I am out of the hamster ball – I’ve been obsessing on getting back on the hamster ball. To think that I’ve wanted to stay out of the hamster ball before and chase my own path.
So, what do I want to do if I could do anything? If money was not the problem? If nobody would judge? (This is the 3rd plan in the Design your Life module).
Well, I’d travel. I’d blog about my travels. I’d do “Everyday Analytics”, go back to research – social research, and not just study to sell products and services. I’d go to grad school, I’d pick up a new hobby – go to the gym, perhaps. I’d learn how to drive. I’d learn how to speak a new language. I’d finish reading my book haul and write book reviews. I’d join an NGO. I’d write for a publication. I’d get my own space and own a pug or a pig.
I don’t have big dreams. I guess I was never a big dreamer to begin with. Well, I’d come up with many scenarios but they were not for me – they were rarely for me.
The list above seems doable. So what’s stopping? Well, I think the Design your Life module forgot one factor: energy. And it seems like I’ve become a master procrastinator. There are no deadlines anymore, at least, not concrete ones. The panic monster won’t be appearing any time soon. And if it does, it’ll be placated by the thought of “there are worse problems to have”. But this standstill is scary – wait it’s not a standstill. It’s not a standstill.
And then this post became too personal to become a blog post. As if people read my blog anyway.
So I guess I might as well post this. Next time, it should be more cohesive. Start with a guide question – like a prompt of sorts? Or bullet points – but that seems a bit lazy? But given my tendency to go off track, maybe it’s a good format?
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cooldididesign · 4 years
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Irene Kusuma and Mendy Laoda of Mortier on “Upcycling and Green Lifestyle” #storyofdesign
……. small things matter. simple steps can lead to a bigger impact on the environment. we believe that plastic waste issues are not only the homework of big companies or big industries, but every living being on earth has to make their own contribution to reducing waste. two young initiators, irene kusuma and mendy laoda, started their own sustainable story in the crowded capital of indonesia. laoda and kusuma have always been free-spirited, enthusiastic, and empathetic with their surroundings. hence, rebuilding a healthier environment does not feel like a forced duty for them to accomplish, but rather as a passion for promoting a greener lifestyle. a potrait of irene kusuma (right) and mendy laoda (left), founders of mortiermortier is a room for sustainable innovation and exploration in materials since 2017, with plastic that is currently being the duo’s main focus, nestled with the desire to house all the upcycled and innovative materials - an osculating mission they aim to achieve through time. with all the cutting, weighing, shaping, flattening, and baking duties, laoda and kusuma have passed many kinds of material explorations focusing on how to transform all these waste into products of higher value. and this is how everything began in mortier. mortier: the upcycling and recycling process"3 years ago we started with cement. we tried to make a small concrete pot and some home decors as it is the simplest thing to make. then we started to find other materials to replace the cement, remembering the high co2 emissions from cement production; so we used fly ash and jesmonite. we change the materials per season and now, we are exploring plastic waste.""upcycling is repurposing or reusing unused stuff into something that has a higher value than the original object, such as from wastes into another product that has a new function, form, and more aesthetic. another example is from patchwork into a bag whereas recycling is the process of turning waste into another product that often has lesser quality or value. for example: from colorful plastic stuff/containers into cement bucket with limited color, usually either black or green. the example is from used groceries plastic bags into new upcycled bags." "at the moment, mortier has a new product, which is eco-friendly packaging. the materials are from used plastic bags from which we collected from wet markets. these used plastic bags are cleaned and then pressed layer by layer until we achieve proper thickness, then we form it into the desired pattern. so that the new product becomes stronger, more durable, and aesthetically pleasing." you are two very young women who started this project out of passion, of course, with other things going on at the same time. in what ways has pursued this project been rewarding for you? "more of self-reward, the feeling of indescribable satisfaction from deep inside, even though we know that what we did may not be as big or significant for the impacts. but we feel the real happiness from doing that small thing, which at the moment may be the maximum point that we can do for our environment. the more rewarding moment was also when people appreciated and were willing to know or even engage more with these "little" things." more about plastic "plastic usages should be maximized by reusing them as much as we can. if it is no longer possible to reuse it, then disposal should not be the next option. recycling should be the alternative option to close the loop. then rethink whether we need to dispose of it or even consume it in the first place.""plastics, by general, consists of 7 different types; each type has distinct characteristics specifically for its melting point level. mortier itself reprocess used plastics for type 2 and 4 as it has high durability and has its market due to its aesthetic." plastic waste and the millenials’ perspectivehow hard is it to start incorporating this green lifestyle? what usually becomes the roadblock? "compared to 10 years ago, it is actually much easier to start this green lifestyle today, as more and more millennials are concerned and aware of environmental issues. in fact, many more sustainable options and supporting facilities are also available to start this green lifestyle. for example, relating to straw wastes, many restaurants are not offering straws for their customers. so both parties (customer and seller) have been putting efforts to solve these issues. another example is in front of plaza senayan mall, a specially designed trash bin with several different holes for different types of wastes are provided. this trash bin can even accept e-waste that requires different disposal treatments so that sometimes it is unaddressed in our community." "one of the many things that may hinder us from doing this sustainable lifestyle is actually our habit. for example, it is hard to always remember to bring our own reusable bags when shopping. or forget to inform the waiter in a restaurant for not putting a straw in our drinks. or another example is we sometimes get used to putting our trash in any holes in the trash bin even though it has several holes for a different purpose. and of all these things are sometimes because of either "oh i forgot" or "oh it is too late."" what is an easy step to start living responsibly if you were to advise our younger audience?"we believe that this whole awareness is more about ourselves. something similar to small things begins from ourselves, which can eventually influence other people. meanwhile, the easiest step is to bring our reusable bags to go shopping so that we do not have to use plastics. or just let us think a bit before we do or throw something so that we are not putting plastics (waste) to different holes specifically for organic waste or landfill. as to expand this green lifestyle notion, bazaar is one good example. by talking to the customer personally, and sharing the stories on how we process these generous outcomes that eventually touches them."advice for young companies, drawing from your experience in starting the business? "we do have roadblocks for setting up this company. we've seen many creative startups have started on the same project as ours, but only for their purposes. and we believe if we can make collaboration by joinery, it will make a more significant impact, especially to solve this plastic issue (in indonesia). hence it requires vast awareness, not only to our discipline, but also to the government, ngos, big companies, and different fields." indonesia towards the beginning of changing lifestyle“for the case in indonesia, we think it depends on where you live. we can compare in jakarta and bali, different cultures and different points of view of waste do matter. we can see, perhaps, many people in bali have been exposed to ocean waste and to stop producing more since beaches surround them. they have started taking this as a public concern, so they started recycling more in many projects—followed by strict regulation in regards to the matter. while in jakarta, we are still far from seeing the actual result or the impact. hence it might be slower to change, but if we are more intact with it and see it regularly, then we become more caring towards it.” courtesy of the design story interview with irene kusuma and mendy laoda of mortier on june 2020 https://bit.ly/3fDvtDJ
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dayrisesolarenergy · 5 years
How to Install Solar Panels on roof in 8 Easy Steps | DayRise Solar
Hello Friends, today Our topic of discussion is "How to Install Solar Panels on roof in 8 Easy Steps" First of all I would request you all to Like, Share and Subscribe this Channel to get more tips and tricks about Solar Energy, solar panels and solar power plants in India. Solar panel systems have a promising upcoming future within the renewable energy business, home, Institutes, NGOs, profitable ventures and building house owners alike. Solar panels, also referred to as solar photo-voltaic panels are perfectly ideal tools for reducing month-to-month electrical bills continuously for almost 25 years.  Installation of solar panels on your rooftop will be helpful in providing clean green energy, lessening dependency on conservative fossil fuels, and adding value to a household or building. Installing rooftop solar panels is without hesitation one of the greatest technique to improve the worth of a house or building. And, not to mention the truth that Government of India regulations extended a 40% Accelerated Depreciation of Tax (ADT) credit score for commercial  installations with Net Metering facilities whereas subsidies to the tune of 30% of project for residential, institutions and social sector for solar panel installations. If you think it might be clever idea to start researching on the lowermost price to install solar panels, you're in luck! the statistics and information provided in this brief review is going to certainly change your current thinking about the useable power of the sun. If you learned that it's possible to do away with electric bills with a solar system that easily enables you to convert solar energy into home electricity at an unbeatably low budget - surely you'd want the facts? For many years, installing solar panels to create at least part of your electricity was often thought of as a noble gesture but was just too costly for most of the people, for many others it remained as a daydream. Today, people frequently do Internet searches for the lowest cost to install solar panels, which endorses that curiosity about green technology has grown, and with it the quantity of people who look for state-of-the-art solutions in this electrifying new area. News flash: with all the recent awareness in green energy, this technology finally became accessible and best of all, it's easy on your pocket. So you too can have an absolutely free and unlimited home power supply continuously by installing solar panels electric system. The ability to power your home with this clean energy source has long existed, but the problem was that most of us simply couldn't afford it; the only real choice was to linger our unhappy association with the power DISCOM company, wasting hard-earned money on a basic need. As you proceed to researching on the lowest cost to install solar panels, I want to share the news that, fortunately for us, a leading specialist in renewable energy wants to spread the word about a way for you to construct solar panels and a solar energy system of your very own, without the need for any expensive or hard to find materials. I also learned that there were many satisfied users of solar energy, both in the Sonipat, Haryana and around Delhi NCR, who are able to create ample solar power for their personal use, and additionally, the electric company buys power from users who generate more than their need. As it has now become the common-sense solution, the innovatory solution is surely going to revitalize the way we produce our electricity. Now is the time that we discuss about our main topic “How to Install Solar Panels on roof in 8 Easy steps” 1. Assessment of load and estimated size of Solar Panels to be installed can by analysed and assessed by a Solar Energy Developer Company like DayRise Soalr Enerdy Pvt Ltd in Sonipat, Haryana, India. 2. Determine the required Size and Type of the Solar Power Plant in Watts. On-Grid, Hybrid and Off-Grid solar power plant ranges from 1 to 500 Kwp in residential, social and institution sector as well as Commercial sector. 3. Availability of sufficient shadow free roof top area approximately 110 sq ft per kilowatt. 4. Availability of documents related to energy meter like copy of paid electricity bill of summer months, copy of AADHAR card of user and PAN Card etc, 5. Get Quotations and compare with regards to Quality, Qauntity and Viability for After Sales Service, AMC, Warranty, Guaranty, Accessibility and Credibility. Find an effectively established retailer or an EPC Company like DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd Sonipat Haryana who is an EPC / installer with a reputed name in the Solar industry. 6. Research the rates in the Market. The small sized solar power plants would cost more whereas bigger the size of plant, lesser will be the cost.  Refer benchmark cost fixed by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy or the State Nodal Agency.  Presently it is approximately Rupees 65 to 70 Thousand per kilowatt in India for the financial year 2018-19. Government offer subsidies to the tune of Rupees 20 Thousand per Kilowatt or 30% of the project cost whichever is less for the Domestic, Institutions and NGOs category 7. Choose the Type of Solar Panels. There are three primary kinds of solar photo-voltaic panels which are available to select from and fluctuate in efficiencies. Polycrystalline, Mono-Crystalline are two main variant. One should additionally take into account that the mounting structure framework required to mount the panel type must be MS Dip Hot Galvanized type which would add value to the solar plants for a longer period and future upkeep. 8. Review the quote and solar system specs. Read the all relevant information available and be very clear on all features of the brand new solar panel system. Consider selecting and approaching thoroughly professional and skilled team of DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd for assessing and analyzing you electrical load for installation of Solar Energy Solar Panel Power Plant System at your home, office, mall, school or industry. Contact DayRise Solar team every time you need to know “How to Install Solar Panels on roof in 8 Easy steps” while you plan to install Solar Energy Solar Panel Power Plant System or buy solar panels in Sonipat, Haryana, India.  Also to get help and full Procedure to Avail Solar Subsidy in India for Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plant, you may like to contact extremely skilled and expert group of DayRise Solar by way of its Website's contact Page at DAYRISESOLAR.COM or by email alternately for any question associated to Solar Energy, Solar Subsidy, Solar power, solar products, design, installation and commissioning of On-Grid / Off-Grid Rooftop / Ground Mounted Solar Power Plants throughout Haryana and Delhi NCR. Qualified skilled team of DayRise Solar might help you in processing of subsidy utility, bi-directional meter utility and processing / uploading of all related documents to Subsidy Regulation Authority / DISCOM Utility. Thank you very much for watching this Video from DayRise Solar Channel.  Please do like, share and Subscribe this Channel for upcoming videos related to Solar Energy. Thank You, Bye-Bye DayRise – Home to your Solar Requirements DayRise Solar Enerdy Pvt Ltd Sonipat is home to your all solar energy requirements including Solar Energy Solutions, Solar Power Plants, Solar powered products and Solar operated Water Pumps. Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Telephone / Mobile / Whatsapp +919963493474 +919618637662 We could also be reached through Whatsapp at the  above mentioned Mobile Numbers round the clock. 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thenoobslxdd-blog · 5 years
Design Solution
After looking at the keywords in the brief the mind mapping helped us explore all the sections like sustainable, global, social,political,etc. We chose social problems as our area of concern and explored on the same. On discussing various social causes we neared down to these topics :
-  Waste Disposal
- Caste based discrimination
- Domestic Violence
After debating on these intriguing topics the last topic kept our curiosity and after a bit of research we found out not only women but even men are victims of domestic violence. The concept of good touch-bad touch came into the picture, here, we found out the children are also being unaware victims. Whereas if we talk about the adults, especially women can be both aware and unaware victims of domestic violence. This triggered us to look at an even larger audience.
The expression “domestic violence” covers an expansive scope of savage acts submitted by one individual from a family member to another. It frequently includes the abuse of any individual and can incorporate physical mischief, as well as verbal, mental, and sexual maltreatment which leads to emotional damage. The key difference between domestic violence and general assault crimes is the relation between the abuser and that of the victim.
The situations of domestic violence involves:
Survival- Dependant on the partner (financially,emotionally, socially, etc.) 
Save the relation - Does not want to stand up against the partner or the abuser because of relation.
A false guilt - Victim creates a guilt amongst themselves ass
Survival - Dependant on the partnuming it’s their fault. Gender discrimination has to be taken into account.
 Fear - threats, false allegations, blackmail, et
 Superior - by abusing the victim they feel powerful and are feeding their ego.
 Learnt Behaviour - the person could have been victim or a watcher of such scenario.
  May or may not support - the situation being a personal matter.
  Supporting the abuser – he/she is convinced by the      behaviour of the abuser.
  Unaware of the doings - Wants to help the victim but is unaware of what has to be done.
           These are the people who have gone through a situation and have survived but they haven’t completely overcome the same. They are into some kind of mental trauma which may or may not be overcome and keeps them attached to the past.
Ways of Interaction 
Am I Being Abused?
           In a close relationship, it can be difficult to know whether you are being abused. People who are abusive sometimes act loving and supportive as a way to keep you in the relationship.A partner’s loving behavior does not make their abusive behavior OK. Forced sex and cruel or threatening words are forms of abuse.To learn more about how to recognize abuse. We have initiated a platform which helps victims and survivors can share their story without revealing their identity. Our platform will be associated with NGO’s making it trustworthy. People connect to each other by sharing, reading, hearing or feeling the stories. When a victim or survivor or volunteer reads a story he/she gets inspired by it and is actually felt by them this creates an impact in their subconscious mind and in case of abuser the impact of abuse on their victim might reduce.Awareness leads to prevention.Here we are trying to create an impact in individuals mind which might lead to a change.
BadTouch-GoodTouch Campaign
To make children or any ill-literate understand the concept touch can be tricky. The lessons for the same especially for children can create a negative impact on them. To avoid the same and make them understand we have a concept of visuals where in a hand trying to touch at wrong places is being pulled back. These visuals can be played in public spaces such as malls, streets, hospitals,etc. These visuals might not be understood by children completely but an adult with them can make them understand the concept better.
The project Pohonch is a platform creating awarness about the domestic violence on any individual and can incorporate emotional, psychological, physical, economical and sexual abuse.The platform helps a person to identify the red flags, take safetymeasure and reach out for help or to help the victim. Hence the name of the project “pohonch”, means to reach.
After secondary and primary research we could understand the different types of domestic violence and their impact on victims and survivors. And certain reasons why the abusers tend to do it. And the most important point revolved around the full cycle of domestic violence.
           As found during our research, a man abuses his partner. After he hits her, he experiences self-directed guilt. He says, “I’m sorry for hurting you.” What he does not say is, “Because I might get caught.” He then rationalizes his behavior by accusing his partner of having an affair. He tells her, “If you weren’t such a worthless whore, I wouldn’t have to hit you.” He then acts contrite, reassuring her that it will not happen again. But later he fantasizes and reflects on past abuse and decides to hurt her again. He plans on sending her to the grocery store, purposely choosing a busy time. She is then held up in traffic and returns a few minutes later than expected. In his mind, he justifies assaulting her by blaming her for having an affair with the store clerk. He has just set her up. After empathising with the victims and survivors we thought of covering a larger group as 
domestic violence is not age or gender specific.
Goal: To create a platform that creates awareness amongst the people which in return creates a strong impact and impression on every individual and also helps the victims and survivors in a way that they can help themselves and be aware and stand up for themselves as well as their stories. The victims connect to others by subconsciously their stories shared and take a first step by sharing mind of the abuser if ever they come and visit us. 
Pohonch is not only limited to a digital interface but also works with a group of active artists and a group of enthusiastic volunteers who want to contribute for the good cause. The artist and volunteers work with art as social practice, at public places to create art. This creates an awareness amongst the people. Not only art but also campaigns organised at different public places so that people who do not contribute as volunteer can see and get a hint about the major issues going on. Even children going through these can also understand few parts of it and can also relate and know things
happening with them is not right. Also victims and survivors can share their story without revealing their identity and can trust our platform as it works with NGO’s. The victims and survivors can join NGO or go through a set of art therapy to get out of the situations. These art therapy indirectly will motivate them to stand for themselves and raise their voice for themselves. As we know, self help is the best help. Also the there
are people who do not know what is happening and are used to it as they are made to believe in fake guilt. They can know their situations, their relationship is healthy or not and various other things to be aware of their own surroundings.
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elizabethleslie7654 · 6 years
Congress Forces Trump to Sanction Russia
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On Thursday, the Trump administration imposed sanctions on several Russian organizations and individuals in response to alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election. A congressional mandate passed this summer forced Trump to take action, which he only did two months after the January deadline. Trump has avoided falling into the Russia hysteria for the most part, and delayed any sanctions as long as possible, but his hand was finally forced by the nearly unanimous vote from Congress.
However, Trump’s execution leaves much to be desired. Among others, the sanctions targeted the three Russian organizations and 13 Russian citizens indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller. By doing this, Trump has lent credence to the Mueller investigation which is specifically designed to take down Trump and his closest allies. After he praised Mueller when the indictments were first announced, it was clear that Trump was fine with any outcome from the Russia investigation, as long as it stopped short of collusion between his campaign and the Russian government. But he also has repeatedly called the investigation a “witch hunt.” How can he credibly do that now? By giving this ground, Trump has only emboldened his enemies and given them traction to push for a collusion indictment and, eventually, impeachment.
Democrat minority leader Chuck Schumer wasted no time capitalizing on the error, releasing a statement that day which read:
“The fact that the administration has issued sanctions against individuals and entities indicted by Special Counsel Mueller proves that his investigation is not a ‘witch hunt’ as the president and his allies have claimed.”
Other Democrats made it known that the sanctions had only whetted their appetite for escalation toward Russia. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J) said in a statement, “I expect to see additional sanctions in short order against specific Russian entities responsible for undermining our democracy. The longer we wait, we know the Russian government will continue to shift resources to other propaganda factories that spew disinformation and lies.”
Far from over, the Russia delusion from the Democrats continues full steam ahead.
But to any informed observer, the accusations against Moscow are ridiculous and hypocritical. The United States government is complaining about foreign meddling in its election? The same U.S. government that overthrows regimes around the world, enforces “democracy” on other countries, and uses the CIA and other means to subvert and influence any election it wishes is now up in arms over a few Facebook posts by Russian citizens and unproven allegations of “hacking.” No country in the world performs more foreign interference than the United States, and that includes in Russia. Russia knows this, and to the extent that it does perform the actions described by the U.S. government (which is almost certainly far less than alleged), Russia, or individual Russian actors, feels justified in doing so. In 2015 Russia passed a law which allows the country to ban “undesirable” Western NGOs which often operate as human rights organizations, but work to undermine Russia’s stability and social order. Under this law, Putin has banned George Soros’ Open Society Foundation along with many “pro-democracy” organizations and other NGOs. These organizations, and the American government itself, are far more subversive and have done far more damage than anything Russia might have done in America. As Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov put it, “When talking about some ‘intrusion,’ the authors of these decisions should better talk about their own madness.”
All told, the administration applied sanctions to five entities (including two Russian intelligence agencies and the Internet Research Agency, a troll factory) and 19 Russian citizens. The sanctions bar them from traveling to the United States and freeze all the assets they have in America. Once again, the Washington establishment is embarrassing America with its blatant and hypocritical warmongering. As Trump attempted to soothe relations between the two greatest military powers in the world, Congress was waiting with trumped up charges and hyperbole. According to them, Russia “attacked” the United States in 2016. Many of them see Trump as a kind of Russian agent, or at least a stooge. No action from Trump will ever satiate their appetite. That’s why Trump should do as little as possible and call out their lies at every turn. Not only would it be the right thing to do, it is an intelligent strategy for Trump to protect himself. Any damage done to Russia is looked at as damage done to Trump by his enemies. The President is going to continue to hear shouts telling him to be more belligerent toward Russia. He needs to tune them out for the good of his presidency and the good of the country.
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Human Waste Management Installation Technology
The waste of the stool hears his name alone is disgusted and even disgusted there are nausea to no appetite, whereas every living creature must defecate if never yes may not be a living thing. For an unusual person definitely will not bother just to think about the waste when every one of us must know the benefits of human waste management so that we can maintain the environment either at home or the surrounding environment will be very related. Before we discuss further you may have heard the word sanitation even there are NGOs or organizations that fight for the rights of marginal and slum communities to get good sanitation from the local government. Quoted from Wikipedia.org Sanitation is a deliberate behavior in the culture of clean living with the intention of preventing humans from direct contact with dirt and other hazardous waste materials in the hope that this effort will maintain and improve human health. So that good sanitation will be beneficial for life and the environment. installation of human waste management Flow Management of human feces waste Basically, sanitary supplies can be divided into three parts:    Waste water receptors, consisting of bathroom, WC, kitchen tub, sink, rain gutter.    Drainage channels such as from ground pipes or concrete pipes    Disposal sites such as urban riol, rivers or artificial impregnation. For the no 1 commonly referred to domestic wastewater associated with kite everyday If there is a river in the city near you live or sewerage available then domestic wastewater can be channeled directly to the distressed river tau channel earlier. But for fecal waste we have to have their own sewage because it will endanger the health and the environment around the river basin (das). Disposal of sewage effluents using a waste water disposal bath or which can be termed a septic tank.
The following provisions are used for the installation of waste water or septitank:    Septitank preparation should be adjusted to the occupants of the house, if the occupants are many or more than 4 people then septitank sepsitank must adjust for tamping power and recharge balanced.    The way septitank works is to collect fecal wastewater discharges in which the bacteria are destroyed so that air circulation in septitan should be good and septitan must have air holes to maintain the survival of the bacteria.    If you have a dug well or well, then the distance between septitank and well is about 10 M it is very important to keep the quality of our well water maintained and not mix with septitank infiltration water, and equally important is to see neighbor well not to be kept away from well we are but approaching the neighboring well because it will pollute and could disturb our neighbors. If you need experts for drilling wells or septitank we are ready to help with competitive prices, with experts who are familiar with the work and have been trained to make a good drainage channel and correct. Read Also: Bathroom design is good according to Islam The above procedure is common to be used for individual or private homes, the installation of sewage for commercial and industrial scale such as hotels, malls or sick hospitals should use better technology because of the greater tamping capacity and capacity required. You should consult an expert or may consult with us to the office of PT Lancar Jaya to perform the final waste disposal according to the provisions of the health office and the Public Works Service. The ultimate goal of waste management. You must have asked where the stool waste has been taken earlier Is it immediately discarded elsewhere? Or use other utilization? Basically stool waste can be used for plant fertilizer and biogas so that waste stools tidajk immediately thrown away after the suction by Jasasedot wc you call. So the feces sucking cars that we usually see after they finish the task then the limbat will be brought to a special shelter that will be used as fertilizer for the plant. After reading the above article hopefully can help you and get new insights about the technology of human waste management for people who already know to keep our environment.
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facesofcsl · 7 years
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Brent S., Instructor
“I teach Agriculture Resource Economics (AREC) 173, it’s called ‘Plate, Planet, and Society’. It’s a first year class meant to introduce students to topics, controversies and critical decision points around our food and agricultural system.
We don’t go into great detail about any one topic, but I try to provide students with two things: one is an understanding of some of the issues that they will see in society and even that they and their families face in their day-to-day decisions. The second is, learning to have a greater appreciation for ways that issues are presented in scientific or popular debates, about how those topics are framed, and how people that oppose or propose different policies or strategies, use our values as a way of serving their needs, and also how that’s portrayed in the media, which kind of amplifies some of those things.
I’ve taught the course for eight years, and it’s grown from 18 at the beginning to 66 students this year. We find partners who are primarily NGOs, or university-based organizations who work on some aspect of food, or agriculture in the Edmonton area. We’ve had about thirty different partners over time ranging from a fruit rescue organization, Fruits of Sherbrooke, to Lady Flower Gardens, who produce vegetables just outside of town, and have a mental health motivation of what their work is, and more. We have worked a lot with Sustainable Food Edmonton who coordinate the community gardens across the city, we’ve worked with Young Agrarians, which supports coordination and networking among young farmers in Alberta, we’ve worked with West End Food Hub, and with a farmer who promotes a holistic approach to food production. This year we have four different opportunities on campus, which is kind of new for us. On campus we’re working with the Office of Sustainability, and with the Gateway newspaper, where students will develop stories of interest related to food issues on campus, which is really great. We also have been partnered with HUB mall, growing a bottle garden in the basement of HUB residence, with the Campus Food Bank, and with Sustain SU. The campus ones are really convenient, and easy to connect with.
I came to UAlberta nine years ago, and this was the first class I taught. The coordinator of the CSL program at the time saw the class and wanted to get CSL classes in ALES, and so she got in touch with me, and she sold me on CSL. She took me to visit one of the farmers to convince me, and it was fantastic. It’s a bit of work integrating CSL into the class, and she really helped me a lot with all of that. I had the advantage of not developing the class, then adding CSL after. I basically developed the class around the CSL component. The Centre for Teaching and Learning also helped me design my class so that the alternative for the CSL component makes sense. Year after year, about 70% of students do CSL. This year we got 74%. It’s a really attractive option for people.
I feel really great and really positive about CSL, I think it’s added a lot, and one of the things it’s done for me, is it has introduced me to cool partners, projects, and topics here in Edmonton. When I came here I didn’t know Edmonton but wanted to do something relevant locally, so I got to be introduced to all these partners, and got to learn what their missions were. I actually joined the Edmonton Food Council, and it was a cool experience to link what’s going on in the classroom to what’s going on in the city more generally. My students, many of them, have continued to volunteer with the same organization they worked with through CSL, and many have learned that volunteering is a cool thing to do, and have worked in other areas. Some have changed careers as a result. One student, Carley-Jane, changed fields from Linguistics to Agriculture and Resources Economics. She signed up for the class out of interest, and she did very well, so I brought her into one of my projects, and she went on from there, and now she is a Rhodes Scholar. Right through the ceiling! But also, other students have had similar transformative experiences. Two of my students got really interested in the issue of food deserts, and they had done CSL on a related topic for their own project, the two of them together, and they weren’t done learning yet and needed to continue. So I did an independent study with them on food deserts, and then both of them got grants to continue that work in the summer. The work that they did led to a Master’s project on new mapping and analysis of food deserts. So we published that work and it stimulated a series of work. We’ve had research that undergraduate students have identified, that we have carried through as a team. We also, working with an SU staff member, had a series of students, through three different classes, (an Anthropology class, a Business class, then my class) that coordinated, a project, and the outcome was the Farmer’s Market being started in SUB. As well, there were a number of new initiatives, such as stocking more food in SUBmart - the business class did that analysis for them. We did other things, like waste management, which we’re still working on, but some things have really taken off!
Many people do research projects which are actually deepening of topics that we directly cover in class. So this year students are working with the Campus Food Bank on the appropriateness of the items in the food hampers. We directly deal with food security on campus as a topic in class, so we’ve already dealt with that, it feeds directly into the project. Some things are more about learning how the food system fits together in a practical sense, especially how the non-governmental sector fits because often people think about big business and governments being involved. Often what you see is that governments are involved, but it’s usually municipal governments, and there’s lots of other organizations involved who have passion for the social value of food, and the social value of gardening, and urban agriculture, and being connected, and making connections through food production to nature, and natural processes. So that’s all existing, and if you are interested in these topics, there are actually dozens of ways to explore that in Edmonton. And this, becoming a food citizen, is ultimately a bigger objective that I have. And even just citizenship a bit more generally - we all know we’re responsible for our food choices, that we’re a part of this society and what we do matters. So hopefully that comes through, or is amplified by those CSL experiences.”
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