#Octavia omega strikers
grimberriz · 8 days
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original: https://x.com/kronkydei_/status/1793012887826342036
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beebfz · 9 days
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time to post all the art ive done of my. is this a rarepair... tbh its a limited edition pair. also im the only person who draws fanart of them. also autism4autism.
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gaymalaise · 1 year
vyce & octavia shitposts bc im obsessed
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biobugz · 6 months
Ok but I love the audible storytelling in Mako's theme so so so much like. Vyce and Octavia's themes are complete opposites of each other, without even a hint of the other's musical style and flair, with lyrics emphasizing the bridge between them. Mako's theme instead starts with predominantly her drums, before the two sister's instruments take over the main melodies while she lets herself fade into the backdrop, supporting them without ever speaking over them. She's *literally* the glue keeping the band from falling apart!!
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daylightcommand3 · 7 months
Octavia x Nao
AKA PerfectOrder
I’ll let y’all handle the rest.
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Make assumptions about me based on the characters I play the most:
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In order: I play Estelle the most, then Zentaro, then Octavia, then X.
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rooberrad · 11 months
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barbie movie meme but it's with the oni girlies
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jazrell · 6 months
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dustyx0x0 · 1 year
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A real life photo of me and my brother playing Omega Strikers. Multitasking is real in this game
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ineffable-masquerade · 11 months
omega strikers characters: who does and doesn't have ADHD?
Imma tell u who I think does and doesn't have ADHD in omega strikers. This is based off my dumbass opinion so don't take things I say seriously tho if u do disagree plz tell me what u think
Julliete: Yeah she definitely has ADHD. Hyperfixating on corestrike that much must be due to something
Kai: The fact that his secondary is literally just a speed boost makes me think he doesn't like waiting, so I'm going to say probably.
Estelle: Probably does not have ADHD. Very patient and doesn't hyperfixate on anything.
Dubu: Unknown. He is a hamster. Non human or oni characters cannot be described with human mental disorders.
Atlas: Probably the only character who would not be distracted by a butterfly besides maybe Estelle or octavia who would probably be distracted by how pretty it looks rather than the fact that it's moving. The only character that has zero chance of having ADHD.
Drek'ar: Unknown due to not being a human or oni. Again, see dubu for explanation.
Juno: Unknown. She is a literal mass of slime. See dubu for explanation
Rune: Used to have ADHD before being possessed by a demon from obscura. Kinda messed with his brain a little.
X: Probably brags about the fact that he has several mental disorders, most definitely has ADHD.
Era: She likes butterflies. I feel like I don't have to explain further. She definitely has ADHD.
Luna: C'mon, you know the answer.
Ai.Mi: She was born from ADHD. Molded by it. She comes from the very fabric that is ADHD. She is ADHD cuz she is internet.
Asher: Neurotypical people don't just go gambling without reading the laws and win enough that you get reported to the police, likely has ADHD.
Zentaro: Does not have ADHD. He's just a calm, collected, and cool kid with a sword.
Rasmus: Unknown. Serious exposure to omega probably altered his mind a lot, so I'd say the omega exposure gave him ADHD or worsened ADHD that he already had. He is very tunnel-visioned on his experiments and would probably confuse a butterfly for a cup of coffee if he was thirsty enough.
Vyce: Oddly enough I don't think she has ADHD. Just cuz she likes rock and has a very energetic personality, she doesn't really seem like she has it due to being able to focus on stuff and not really hyperfixating on anything. Side note: Though she probably does drink a lot and has likely kissed the entire adult female portion of the cast at least twice. Maybe has kissed X on accident once.
Octavia: This bitch screams ADHD. Constantly on social media and burning bridges to close people in her life just to pursue something she takes extreme interest in? I am 110% sure that she has ADHD.
Finii: A kid who is bored all the time? Hyper obsesses over bunnies as you can see from her outfit? Literally became a magician just so that she wouldn't be bored all the time? This kid needs some medication imo, definitely has ADHD and her parents need to realize that.
anyways das it I tried to go in order of the characters from memory but i probably messed up somewhere before Ai.Mi and after Drek'ar. lmk your thoughts on this if u see this plz
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omegastrikers · 1 year
We asked Octavia how she wanted to be introduced on Tumblr, but she adamantly refused to go near the site.
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beebfz · 2 months
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sorry rainworld followers i dipped for like. a year. here is omega strikers you guys like that right!!! right!!!
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gaymalaise · 1 year
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16star · 1 year
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starocide · 9 months
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dumb redraw based on that one image
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