#Phew this took A WHILE to compile LOL
caliphoria17 · 1 year
#WarriorNunWednesday on Twitter (November 16, 2022)
Q: WAIT WAIT who do you think is a swiftie between avatrice
KTY: Bea
Q: Any anime you're watching at the moment? @TonteriYoung Just remembered that you used to cosplay so
KTY: I’m not watching any at the moment actually! Any recommendations?
Q: when do you think bea started falling for ava??
KTY: About the time she got the book out of Shannon’s old room and then got hurt, but maybe even earlier 🤷🏻‍♀️
Q: were there any improvised avatrice moments 🫂
KTY: Not really dialogue-wise but a lot of small movement details were just us doing what felt natural.
Q: any funny behind the scenes story on set you can and wanna share? 😁
KTY: If you wait for the interview i did with Ange you’ll hear about a really funny one!
Q: Not a warrior nun related question but can I ask what's it says on the tattoo in your hand? @TonteriYoung For educational purposes only 👉👈
KTY: It’s a reference to Shelley’s Masque of Anarchy, just the word “Rise”
Q: how did you react to the finale the first time you read the script??
KTY: Um I cried
Q: are there any behind-the-scenes photos you have on your phone that you can share with us?
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Q: what’s your favourite episode in season 2?
KTY: Ghhh maybe 5
Q: we've seen Beatrice display her skills in so many various ways throughout both seasons, what's a skill you would love Beatrice to have which we have not seen (yet)?
KTY: I mean selfishly I’d like to have her do scenes in French or Russian, that would be pretty cool 🎆
Q: how many tattoos do you have now and what tattoo are u thinking of getting next?
KTY: 4 and I don’t know really I’m taking a break
Q: what’s ur fave book? any book recommendations?
KTY: Three body problem trilogy, Dreyer’s English is a funny one if you’re into reading about grammar for fun
Q: Do you know what Beatrice's plan is after leaving the OCS at the end of season 2? Where is she going/doing? and if not, what would you like her to be doing?
KTY: I mean we didn’t really set down in stone what she was going to do once she left, so in my mind she’s going to try and live her life like Ava would have wanted, while also obviously find out what Lilith was talking about when she mentioned the holy war.
Q: What was your favorite fight scene?
KTY: Church fiiiiight
Q: did you improvise any of beatrice’s lines this season?
KTY: “Pleasure.” Wasn’t in the script I think
Q: do you think Beatrice left the OCS in the intention of closing the door on this chapter in her life (including Ava) or is she going to actually look for ways to get Ava back?
KTY: I think she’s definitely going to be involved with the OCS but not in the same capacity as before
Q: hardest scene to shoot?
KTY: Ava falling at the hotel. We couldn’t for the life of us look in the same spot where she was supposed to be in the air 😂
Q: what do you think beatrice’s biggest pet peeve??
KTY: Selfishness
Q: do you have any ideas for what beatrice was like as a kid? or what activities she might have done growing up?
KTY: She was probably that kid in the classroom who just stares out the window and doesn’t really pay attention, but when called knows the answer immediately. Probably not very sociable tbh. I imagine she liked chess and puzzle games stuff like that
Q: do you put milk or cereal in the bowl first? follow up: would beatrice put milk or cereal first
KTY: Cereal first for both of us
Q: was there music playing when you filmed the dance scene?
KTY: Yeah it was girls on film by Duran Duran
Q: favourite memory with the cast while not filming?
KTY: Hanging out on the hotel rooftop and playing something like charades
Q: if we get a season 3, what would you personally like to see from it? With Beatrice and with the rest of the characters💕
KTY: I’d like to see Beatrice solidify herself as her own person separate from being a nun and allow herself to live like she’s always wanted to live. As for the others that’s really up to them!
Q: do you have a scene that was your favourite to shoot this season? The dance scene in ep.1 looked so much fun!
KTY: Ava passing through the portal was probably my favorite to film
Q: what's your go-to starbucks drink? and what would be beatrice's? 🤓
KTY: I don’t drink coffee anymore so my Starbucks order was some kind of breakfast sandwich 😅. She’d probably go for a black tea.
Q: please elaborate to me what you think bea & ava were doing in switzerland? especially since they were sharing a room and bed
KTY: They were hiding and training…..? And probably watering the plant of love….?
Q: Do you think Beatrice would like Warrior nun?
KTY: I think Beatrice is more of a documentary type of person given the type of life she lives 😂
Q: do you think Sister Bea would drink alcohol again after that night?
KTY: Probably. We all do things we say we’ll never do again but surely enough give it a few months and here we are again 🥹
Q: What do you think is the first thing Beatrice will do after leaving the OCS?
KTY: Probably procure some clothes she likes
Q: If you given a chance to play any other character besides Beatrice from Warrior Nun who would it be ???
KTY: Lilith cause she’s a boss
Q: which warrior nun character are you most similar to
KTY: Probably a mashup of Ava and Beatrice
Q: Do you have any series and movie recommendations?
KTY: Guillermo de Toros cabinet of curiosities
Q: Have you added anything to the scenes or did you just follow the script?
KTY: We all discussed scenes at length and changed a bunch of stuff to some extent
Q: Was that Beatrice's first kiss?
KTY: Probably not but it’s the one that means the most
Q: can you confirm that bea sleeps on the right of the bed whilst ava sleeps on the left?
KTY: 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’d see bea sleeping on the side closer to the door.
Q: Any scene you shot that isn't in season 2 but you wish it was?
KTY: Nah they got them all
Q: do you plan on doing any other conventions in the future 👀
KTY: I’d love to
Q: What was it like working with Alba, especially in those moments when she has so much emotion in her eyes?
KTY: I mean she’s a great actress so it’s awesome to play off that 🎆
Q: Regarding the glowing divinium sword in the post-credit scene, what do you think that meant?
KTY: I just supposed it meant Ava was coming back, but we didn’t really discuss what it actually meant
Q: how was it filming during the lockdown?
KTY: Very very strange and stressful tbh
Q: Do you think that Beatrice taught Ava how to present herself as a leader amongst the OCS?
KTY: I’m sure they talked about it in Switzerland
Q: Are you big into reading or video games? If so what's been your favorites lately!
KTY: Little nightmares 2
Q: do you think Ava and Bea would often wait for each other after the day's work at the bar so they could walk home together? 👀
KTY: I can see that happening yeah
Q: how many seasons would you like warrior nun to have
KTY: As many as possible
Q: can u tell us the person responsable for the most bloopers??
KTY: We are all equally responsible 🫠
Q: what do you think is Beatrice's love language?
KTY: Quality time
Q: how long does it usually take to film a fight scene?
KTY: Depends on the fight scene. It wouldn’t be uncommon to spend 6 ish hours on one
Q: A lot thinks that the forehead kiss was an improvisation, was it?
KTY: I……think so…? I’m not sure
Q: NAUR you don't remember???
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KTY: BRO it just sort of happened ok it all happened real fast
Q: what is the biggest difficulty in being a warrior nun ?
KTY: The constant threat of death
Q: what was your reaction when you first read the script of the avatrice kissing scene?
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Q: Do you think Bea always wanted to leave the OCS and everything that happened only served to motivate her to finally do it or did she leave to honor Ava's wish that she live her life?
KTY: I think she didn’t intend to ever leave, but her bubble has been popped by Ava so she realizes she can’t live there truthfully and honestly.
Q: now who do you think beatrice would be if she wasn’t a nun her aspirations and all that
KTY: Maybe she’d be a surgeon or engineer of some kind
Q: do you think bea knows ava is out there somewhere and will come back to her that's why she smiles in the last scene?
KTY: I dont think she knows for certain, but she knows she’s making the right decision for herself
Q: u ok here? LOL
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KTY: Yeah I like laying down on the ground
Q: What was the first feeling when you finished watching season 2? Say hello to Brazil, we love u 😭🇧🇷
KTY: Hello Brazil! Love you too x / I felt very relieved 😌
Q: What's a weird skill you'd like Beatrice to show off next season?
KTY: Making sushi
Q: i think we need an answer to the biggest problem, how old is beatrice?? i say about 21
KTY: Probably closer to 24
Q: hii kris i was wondering if you would like to dye your hair different colors like pink, blue or green?
KTY: Ive had my hair all kinds of colors in the past already 😅
Q: do you know if we will ever get to see a blooper reel? 🥺
KTY: I don’t know if even I will ever see a blooper reel 😭
Q: did you or any of the cast take anything from set and if so what heheh?
KTY: 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫
Q: as a viewer, do you also find reya sketchy?
KTY: Uh yeah mad shady
Q: you mentioned that there were some funny bloopers from season 1, including you crashing into an ArqTech wall. Any funny mishaps to report from season 2?
KTY: Some interesting acting while hanging from wires in the church. 😂
Q: how fun was it to play tranquilized?
KTY: It’s hard actually lmao
Q: thoughts on pineapples on pizza?
KTY: Whatever boats your goat 🤷🏻‍♀️
Q: Surfing or Mountain Climbing? choose one. 🤭
KTY: Shnurfing
Q: In your interviews you do a lot of face touching. How much of you bled into Bea with the way she has this instinct to hold people’s faces? And the way in which she touches Ava’s face with so much tenderness and softness? Was it on the page?
KTY: I think it’s kind of a me-ism. I touch my face when I’m nervous but I think for bea it means something else.
Q: which is your favorite: jealous beatrice or jealous ava?
KTY: Jealous Ava
Q: of all the locations you filmed in this season, which did you like the most and why?
KTY: Prado museum
Q: Who do you think cooked in their apartment Bea or Ava?
KTY: Probaby bea
Q: Everybody loved Bea's casual clothes. She seems more like herself and free. Could u talk about it? Did u help create her style?
KTY: Yeah I mean I had some say, but ultimately it was up to Christina the costume designer. It’ll be interesting to see how her style evolves 🤷🏻‍♀️
Q: how do we best convince non-believers (ppl who don't watch the show) to come over to our side?
KTY: I mean what do you lose by watching a show? Even if you don’t think you’ll like it just give it a try and then decide 🤞🏼
Q: Was there a lot that changed with the script because of Mary’s absence?
KTY: Yes there was. She was missed
Q: is this a reference to Ava being in the other side or you and alba are just being in a silly mood in the vid and the song is just a coincidence to Ava's fate? We really want to know (video)
KTY: It’s a total coincidence tbh lmao
Q: who is the best cook in the cast 🫣
KTY: I honestly think we’re all pretty good cooks!
Q: Beatrice walking around with her hands in her pockets....a comfort thing or a character choice?
KTY: Both. Also that way I don’t have to think about what to do with my hands.
Q: does ava make spectacular cuba libre or did bea just say it once out of pity and now ava won’t stop making her the worst cuba libre known for mankind
KTY: She probably makes a good cuba libre but the alternative theory is hilarious and I like it
Q: what type of fighting costume would you like to see beatrice in now since she left the ocs?
KTY: Honestly I’d want cool jackets and cargo pants with military vests and turtlenecks. But that’s just me🫠
Q: what is your favorite avatrice scene and /or line in s2?
KTY: I like the fight in the apartment
Q: Do you ever miss being on warrior nun set
KTY: Yeah all the time
Q: Do you think Beatrice still have hope that Ava will come back? and do u think she'll continue waiting for her?
KTY: I think she will wait in hope
Q: sock sock, shoe shoe or sock shoe, sock shoe?
KTY: Sock sock shoe shoe finish one thing before starting another otherwise I’ll get distracted and never get shoes on at all
Q: is bea a dog or cat person? / What about yourself? 😬
KTY: Cats probably 🤷🏻‍♀️ / Both tbh
Q: what was your reaction when you found out that avatrice will finally kiss this season?
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Q: do you believe or wish there was a scene where beatrice comes out to her parents, regardless of their reaction?
KTY: Yeah that would be cool. I mean any scene where we’d get to see Bea’s parents and how that family interacts would be awesome.
Q: u have more action scenes where we can clearly see ur face and it's really amazing. did you have injuries shooting those scenes???
KTY: Noooo we were kept very safe by the stunt team 🙏
Q: how does your back feel from carrying all this promo?
KTY: Like I need a better chiropractor
Q: on a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your performance this season?
KTY: Could always do better / The number would fluctuate too much so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Q: Do you think we will have more of Beatrice's back story in S3? possibly an encounter with her parents? Or do you think she has cut them out of her life?
KTY: I Hope we get more backstory! It would be so interesting to meet her parents. Tense scenes tho lmao
Q: what do you think was yasmine face during the avatrice kiss?
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Q: Thoughts on Reya? 👀
KTY: Much suspicion much confusion
Q: Bea with an undercut, I see it
KTY: Fuck yes any excuse to have short hair tbh
Q: The scene between Beatrice and Camila about falling in love with the warrior nun was it supposed to be between Beatrice and Mary?
KTY: 🤫
Q: no context warrior nun 3/?
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KTY: We laughed a lot about this line
Q: what made u stop drinking coffee??
KTY: Crippling anxiety
Q: “watering the plant of love” what are you? 70? 😭
KTY: 🙂
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raylex · 2 years
Hey Alex!! 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11 & 12 for Pierre! (If these are too much, feel free to answer the ones you want!)
marco!! hi!
i already answered 2 and 4 so i'll do all the other ones!!
1. Talk about the first time you and your f/o met. How was it like?
being friends with rivet, it was sort of inevitable that we'd end up meeting - though i quickly took a liking to him, much to the annoyance of rivet who thought he was a bit irritating lol. he was bragging about finally meeting someone who appreciates his charm. rivet quickly realized that introducing us to eachother was a Mistake
3. Did it start off as a small crush for you, or did you quickly fall head over heels? How about vice versa?
i went over this a lil bit in the other ask but i think that for me it was a small crush that i noticed earlier on which slowly just got bigger overtime, whereas pierre basically fell head over heels from one day to another
6. How did you react once you realized you had feelings for them? Were you calm, stressed, in denial, etc.? Vice versa?
totally panicky in a "this guy is WAY out of my league" way until i realized that he has no standards. i am safe. Phew
pierre was kind of confused when he noticed he had developed feelings for me because while he'd flirted with both rivet and captain quantum in the past, he never thought of them as more than friends. but for me it was different. basically changed his entire perspective on love lol. so many emotions at once!!! so many FEELINGS!!!
9. Before dating, did either of you ever have any embarrassing moments? (Examples: Socially awkward moments, almost accidentally revealing your feelings to them, being clumsy, etc.)
pierre attempting to flirt as he usually does with pretty much all his friends but his brain turning into one of those dvd screensavers with the logo bouncing onto the walls as he suddenly starts stammering and isn't able to finish what he was even trying to say in the first place, which everyone thinks is incredibly out of character for him. people at zurkie's got a good laugh out of that. that one's going in rivet's cringe compilation
10. Before dating, were you guys friends? Enemies? Anything else?
frenemies! but to a much lesser degree than him and rivet. more like... friends-pretending-to-be-frenemies.
11. Have either of you ever had daydreams about being together? What scenarios did you guys imagine? (examples: dancing, cuddling, kissing, etc.)
i think about him for two seconds and all that my brain wants to imagine is being Hugged... being Held... he is so tall he could lift me up. i would cry.
12. Have either of you ever sent gifts to each other with notes attached to them as secret admirers?
ABSOLUTELY something pierre has done, but he does a terrible job at being a "secret" admirer because everyone within a 100 feet radius can tell it's him. no one else is going to randomly squeeze in french words in the note of a gift. i'm nice though and pretend i don't realize 😌😌
tysm for the ask!!! this man brings me so much joy 💖💖💖
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anellatulip · 7 years
Hey, how does watching jjba work? Is there more than one anime for it or do you read the manga first? I just want to get into it but idk how to start lol
No problem, anon! I’m new to it as well and it took me a while to figure out bc it can be a bit confusing gfhjdkf
Basically there are 8 parts/story arcs in total, 4 of which have been animated. Some people prefer to read the manga first but I think the general consensus is to watch the 4 parts of the anime and then read the other parts (that’s what I’m doing anyway! Plus I find the anime incredibly enjoyable so far even though apparently it does cut out some scenes from the manga?)
I’m basically watching it all on gogoanime but kissanime.ru works too. SO, some links:
Part 1 “Phantom Blood” and Part 2 “Battle Tendency” (the 2012 anime covers both arcs which is convenient)
Part 3 “Stardust Crusaders” (First Season)
Part 3 “Stardust Crusaders” (Second Season)
Part 4 “Diamond is Unbreakable” (most recent one)
end of anime stuff so far. Now to the manga. If you want to read coloured scans, I was recommended this site but if you’re like me and you’re too lazy to download the files, you can use kissmanga or bato.to instead. Just keep in mind that kissmanga has a lot of ads and is missing part 7 while bato.to has all the parts plus they’re coloured. You do need to make an account for it but it’s free.
Part 5: Vento Aureo 
Part 6: Stone Ocean
Part 7: Steel Ball Run
Part 8: Jojolion
The manga is pretty long so take your time and don’t rush haha. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Enjoy!
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Tangled: The Series Q&A with Kait.
This is a recapitulation from today’s (September 14, 2019) Questions and Answers session with Kait on the Tangled Discord Server.
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Q: Which Disney princesses outside of Tangled the series can you see Varian being friends with? Nonfranchise ones included.
A: I think Belle is the first one who comes to mind!! She’s super studious and goes against the grain…not to mention her father is an inventor who’s a little off-base! 🙂 I think he’d be super comfortable experimenting with Belle and her dad and reading awesome stories! (Maybe even sharing the Tales of Flynn Rider with her! …Assuming she hasn’t read it! Haha. ) He could also eat ham sandwiches with Anna. Sorry. Second thought. Lol!!
Q: So Kait, as a storyboard artist on the show what kind of little details, quirks or creative touches did you or any other artists put into Varian scenes you or others storyboarded?
A: Ha!! Any acting scene with Varian I had…I pretty much based off of Anna Lencioni (my best friend/ another board artist on the show.) Anna makes these very specific expressions and she gestures to herself a lot and closes her eyes and creases her brows and says things like “A-huh! Actually…” or “Um!!” Before making a point and it’s always reminded me of him.
She kept a “flynnolium” prop from Halloween with green goo in a vial in her cubicle at work so long it grew mold. She said she was studying it. She found scrap metal in her boot one day. She has a basement lab for her experiments and crafts. She befriended two raccoons at her last apartment. She is the most accident-prone person with freckles I’ve ever met…she’s pretty much him.
Jeremy Jordan’s reads give you so much to work with…and I love that character so much I feel a natural sort of understanding of how he might say something or do something…but Anna would always do these specifically Anna things that I had to use for Varian.
Q: Do you have any specific advice for aspiring storyboard artists or people who aspire to work in animation?
A: Gestural drawings help you learn to draw fast…which is a very important part of storyboarding. I would say storyboarding‘ s biggest requirements are clarity and speed. Lots of productions have different requirements in terms of what they look for from story artists. Tangled‘s leadership cared a lot about drawing skill, animation, layout, etc. because it more strongly informed the animation studio to have those things. The show I’m working on now (Monsters at Work) is a 3D show…so for our production, the emphasis is more on story and speed. We pitch ideas more than we pitch drawings…so clarity is important and acting is too, but we’re far less precious about tying down drawings and animating since we shift into the 3D production pipeline after story. The boards are still very important…but the more technical aspects are a *little* less so. The focus is just more on story and character and what the board artists can bring to their scenes.
So I’d say just practice drawing…maybe try and give someone a prompt or ask a friend for one. Choose a theme! Maybe vampires? What’s the worst thing that could happen to a vampire? What’s the best thing? What’s the funniest thing? What if they were also an alien? Or fused with a werewolf? Or chained to one? What would happen? Giving yourself a starting point for an idea will inspire you to explore all the possibilities for humor, drama, etc. in that idea. If you’re struggling to give yourself a prompt, try looking online…or maybe choosing a song you like or a passage from a book for inspiration.
There’s also this really fun thing you can do to study cinematography and shot composition called a “three tone” exercise. Basically…put on your favorite (live action) film, grab a sketchbook, grab a black and grey marker, and use the white of the page for your third tone. What you wanna do is (as you’re watching or while pausing) sketch a small thumbnail using only three grey tones of what you see on the screen. Draw the shot- where the characters are, try and duplicate the lighting…it teaches you a lot! 🙂 (Phew!)
Q: Do you have any fun non-spoiler head canons about Varian?
A: I think his favorite dessert is apple pie and I think he bakes recreationally very often! He’s probably a good cook. (Though he may have one or two minor accidents……a burnt thing here and there. Minor oil splatters….haha!!)
Q: What’ve been your favorite episodes, both to storyboard and in general? Of course, no specifics if it’s S3
A: Haha! Well…What The Hair and Queen for A Day have special places in my heart because they were such big moments for my favorite character…(Varian, haha.) But I’d say the episodes I had the most fun boarding are all in season 3!!! Which is exciting! I have to start compiling some work to post! 🙂 I think the episode I had the most fun with is one you guys will really enjoy.
Q: Will we get some interesting surprises (In Season 3)?
A: Without any spoilers- absolutely!! The show is always full of those.
Q: So We’ve heard many fans express why they love Varian as a charcter before, I’d love to know what drew you and Anna to Varian as well and why you guys personally found him to be a great character.
A: When Shane Prigmore originally pitched the character to me, he was much younger. He was like 11 or so, I think? Maybe 12? He’s still pretty young…but what Shane said was that he wanted him to go from this wide-eyed kid to this dark, angry person whose bangs fell over those wide, bright eyes…just full of rage. That idea was super interesting to me…it just hit on something in character development that I felt like I’d never exactly seen before? He was so young and it was such an interesting idea to me to make a child the villain and to give that child a strong reason to be angry? It felt like it was taking this child very seriously, which I appreciate. It felt very real and very dark.
The thing that threw me through a loop but also evolved my fascination with the character was Jeremy Jordan’s casting. I listened to a lot of the auditions they had for various actors and I had seen a ton of Shane’s concept art of the character…a lot of them were VERY different than what we have now. One version Ricky Roxburgh (writer) contributed to had Varian cast as an adult in the story. But when I heard Jeremy I felt like I totally understood who Varian really was.
He was a well-intentioned disaster with unchecked emotions. That. Is me! Haha!! I see myself in his imperfections, his emotionality in spite of his creative and often intellectual thinking. He wants to ascend to these levels he may not be ready to ascend to…he feels this need to prove himself and seek validation. I don’t know, I guess I relate to that! And I’m just a sucker for good guys gone bad. The other half of this, of course, is that he’s very charming and cute and super reminds me of my best friend, Anna Lencioni.
Q: Which character do you most like seeing interacting with Varian?
A: It’s a little spoilery for me to reveal that……..but I think you guys are gonna know when it happens! Haha!
I can’t wait to post THOSE boards
That’s actually right out of the episode I think I liked boarding the most, haha.
Q: If there was one prop (furniture, object, the like) from the Tangled series that could be made real and you could keep, what would it be..?
A: I think it’d have to be those little alchemy orbs that Varian throws? They just suddenly clean the whole castle hallway somehow and like…could use me some of that. He also has the one that removes stains from tablecloths, so. I’m sloppy. That’d be a big help. Haha!
Also his staff is pretty cool 😉, I boarded/created that staff…David Lee (prop designer) did its final design…haha
Q: I have a question about a scene in season 1. When Varian got back the first part of the scroll he mentioned that it took him a while to translate it. Has he really been able to read it or has it been a bluff?
A: Varian can indeed translate what’s on the scroll. 😉
Q: Do you have any networking advice for those trying to get into the animation industry?
A: Post your work!! Make it easily accessible, tag it well, just show what you’ve got online! Upload boards, animatics, drawings, etc. Creating an online presence can really help put your name out there. Apply for internships, jobs. I know it’s hard to network because a lot of industry professionals don’t have time to answer specific questions or give portfolio reviews…so it’s sort of important to take some initiative on that and be self-motivated.
For me, I studied the portfolios of Disney feature story artists, CalArts students, etc. and tried to structure the presentation of my work based on that. Also, it helped me get a sense of what pieces of work would best showcase where I was trying to go and what I was trying to do. I’d ask yourself those questions as you develop a portfolio and artistic voice online! 🙂
My first feature job after a trainee program in New York at Blue Sky happened because Doug Sweetland (Pixar animator, feature director, awesome dude) found my work online and liked it. He just reached out based on that!
Shane Prigmore actually reached out to me for Tangled similarly.
Q: Besides Varian, do you have a favorite character that you’ve boarded?
A: I always love Eugene. He’s the second character I think I’m most like. His acting was really fun to play with and I felt like I could push his expressions a lot because he’s so funny. I loved boarding Lance too (I boarded a lot of Lance in S3!!) but MAN was he hard to draw, haha! His face shape is just really hard to draw at certain angles.
Q: With Varian cosplay that is going on, what Disney character would you like to see Varian dress up as next?
A: Jack Skellington! Halloween is afoot. Jack is another well-intentioned disaster. Guess I have a type!
Q: What’s Varian’s opinion on raccoons, are they his favourite animal?
A: I imagine it’s because Ruddiger is always finding interesting things in the trash and giving them to Varian to use in his experiments. Also, they’re fat and cute.
Q: There’s a bit of an argument going on over how many freckles Varian has. Can you confirm how many he has?
A: Ha!!! Yes…one second… 14!!
Q: How big do you think Corona is? Like Vatican City small or Arendelle big?
A: You know, with the wall and all, it actually feels a little on the smaller side to me? I’m sure there’s a little bit of discrepancy between the movie’s version of Corona and our version…but based on where we went within Corona on the show, I’d say it feels on the smaller side.
Q: Are there any non-spoiler Varian scenes or moments that didn’t make the cut that you can share?
A: MAN. Yes. There is one scene that changed after I rolled off the episode and I’m very sad about it. I’ll post it after the episode airs! There was also a line of Varian’s that I boarded to a specific read from Jeremy Jordan and that read was not chosen in editorial later so…I’ll post that one too, haha!
Q: What is your favourite song from the first two seasons so far?
A: All my favorite songs are in season threeeeee…hahahaha!! I think Let Me Make You Proud or the Buddy Song are my favorites. Buddy Song still gets stuck in my head now and then.
Q: What do you think Varian would order at a drive-thru? Specifically at chipotle 😂
A: Chipotle isn’t a drive thru!! Hahaha He’d get the kid’s quesadilla from chipotle. I think Varian is a fries/chips kind of person…something to snack on while he works! He probably also likes milkshakes.
Q: (Continuation from the question above) Chocolate or vanilla?
A: He’d revolutionize by combining them both. FOR SCIENCE!
Q: What is, in your opinion, the most challenging part of varian’s design to draw?
A: His goggles, hahaha. Or just his…hair in general.
Well it’s funny too because when you board these guys, you get used to doing a shorthand for them and then when you go to draw them FOR REAL you realize how complicated that actually is and how wrong your shorthand actually was? Hahahaha
Q: is Varian ticklish at all?
A: I feel like Varian, Eugene, and Lance are all equally ticklish. To the point of absurdity. Cass would fight it as long as she could…but when it finally got to her, she’d laugh uncontrollably. Rapunzel, she’s the TICKLER.
Q: What do you think Varian opinion and belief on magic is now that he’s seen it with his own eyes?
A: I imagine that he certainly believes in it now and no longer underestimates its powers…but I imagine he’s ultimately more comfortable staying in his own lane and working with worldly properties!
Q: If Varian would have been able to meet Demanitus…how would their conversation had looked like?
A: I feel like Varian would have had a TON of questions about his legendary device and whether or not he truly traveled dimensions.
Q: Did Varian have any other friends in old Corona before he met rapunzel?
A: Probably not many…he’s a bit of a hermit. I think Ruddiger is his best friend……. It’s sad but I also think that’s kind of why it hurt so bad when Rapunzel wasn’t able to help him. Also why he was SO excited to have Rapunzel, Cass, and Eugene come visit.
I think the village looked at Varian as a little unstable or worrisome. I’m sure everyone knew he was very nice…but they were likely very unnerved by his inventions.
Q: Do you think Varian ever tried to synthesise gold or the elixir of life like a real alchemist?
A: I’ve wondered that myself!! I think his alchemy has proven to be more about other people…helping others, making people proud. Maybe if someone he cared about was in need.
Q: If you were to meet Varian in real life, what would you say to him?
A: What elixir did you make to get THAT kind of volume? His hair’s so POOFY! Honestly, I’d probably just give him a hug.
Q: How much does Varian know or remember about his mom?
A: I’d say about as much as the photo of her on the wall.
Q: Is there spoiler about his hair streak? Or is it just by design?
A: It’s totally by design. I think it’s safe to assume it’s probably the result of some lab accident!
Q: In what ways is Jeremy Jordan like Varian?
A: I don’t know Jeremy Jordan personally, haha! But I think a lot of these inflections he adds to Varian sort of off the cuff probably come very naturally to him. I know he often wants to do his own pass at the musical arrangement Alan Menken writes…like he’ll want to do something a little different, in his own way, and it will change the song completely!! In an awesome way. That’s a little Varian-esque. In the “Let Me Make You Proud” reprise…Alan Menken had sung that “they are going to pay…they…will…pay” all in a low, downward tone. Jeremy wanted to scream it and make it powerful and angry and loud when he said “PAY” and you could just hear the spite in his voice for the “they will pay.” Genius!
Q: What was the most shocking moment/revelation of the series to you (minus anything season 3)?
A: It’s hard to say because I knew most of what was going to happen long, long ago. I think one of the things that made me go “oh dang!” was something Tom Canfield boarded. It’s that part in Destinies Collide where Lance slices the entire statue down the middle with a sword. What a BAMF!
Q: What were your thoughts on the early concept of Varian having an apple orchard and being a farm kid instead of a young alchemist?
A: He still kinda has those things! Quirin is a farmer as well as the village leader and there are apples on their little farm estate! 🙂 I think that makes Varian very unassuming as a mad little scientist. I’m sure that’s how (Ruddiger and Varian) met! Remember, he used his purple tacky goo stuff to catch raccoons so they wouldn’t eat the crops! And Ruddiger’s favorite snack is apples. 😉
Q: What is his official height and weight?
A: Smol.
Q: How did you guys come up with Varian’s name? And was there any other name suggestions for him before the name ‘Varian’ was chosen?
A: I’m not sure who came up with that name, actually! I’m sure it has something to do with the meaning of the word “variant” which means something that varies, changes in form.
Q: What’s his last name?
A: His last name!! I have NO idea and it bothers me!!! A Disney magazine referred to Varian, Ruddiger, and Quirin as “The Ruddiger Family” and I still haven’t stopped laughing about that.
Q: What sad Disney movie moments would make him cry?
A: Oof. Lion King.
Q: What musicals do think Varian would enjoy?
A: Little Shop of Horrors! I think he’d see himself in Seymour! Or Wicked…you know, that villain arc.
Q: How did Arianna and Fred meet?
A: I actually don’t know off the top of my head!
Q: Would Varian enjoy rollercoasters?
A: I think he’d enjoy how they’re MADE and then scream his head off while riding one, throw up his cotton candy and corndog, and go play carnival games instead. Then get mad that they’re rigged.
Q: So what comes next for you now that the series is almost over? Any big plans?
A: Well the series wrapped for production a while ago! I’ve been on another show for almost a year now! 🙂 I’m working on the new Disney+ show Monsters at Work as a director! It’s an awesome, awesome show…totally next-level…I’m shocked that I’m getting to be apart of something like this. It’s a direct sequel to the movie that serves as an office comedy (a la The Office, Parks and Rec) and has so many characters that fit immediately into the Monsters Inc world. Monsters Inc is my favorite Pixar movie…so I literally come to work and leave work on the same high! It’s an awesome, awesome show with a great crew! 🙂 It’s also just really exciting to be apart of the first original animated property for D+!
Q: How would you compare working as a director to working as a storyboard artist?
A: It’s hard work, just as hard, but in a different way! For me personally, I’m a little easily fatigued by drawing? I get a little creatively frustrated because my thoughts move quicker than my hand. Or because I don’t always feel like I can execute in a drawing what I’m thinking in the way that I want? Part of that is just being an artist…and it’s not ALL the time that I feel that way…but I think I have a certain stamina for drawing that I found challenging to increase.
Directing is just different! It has a lot more to do with managing a team, communication, coordinating, listening, speaking up, problem-solving, being very aware of story as it applies to ALL parts of a production. I don’t draw as often anymore. You have to consider a lot more…more people, more constraints, more difficulties, more opinions, more solutions…it’s just MORE. And you also still have to draw! 🙂 It’s very busy work, but it’s AMAZING and I love it. I feel like I’m contributing to animated storytelling a lot more in this role, actually. I love working with people, I love workshopping, and I love helping! I’m also just spoiled to be working with some great people right now. It’s a blast.
Q: Are any Tangled: The Series crew joining you on that show?
A: Yes!! Tom Caufield and Wendy Sullivan were on it for a minute, but they’ve both moved on to Dreamworks recently! James Suhr (board artist), Isabelle Gedigk (season 3 board artist), Naomi Hicks and Casey Coffey (revisionists), David Lee (props), Ricky Roxburgh (writer), and I are all working together again! It’s awesome.
Q: Does Varian, deep down, blame himself for the amber?
A: I believe he does.
Q: How do you deal with artist’s block?
A: I try to think about the intention behind what I’m doing. Why is the scene I’m working on very important to the story? If it feels unimportant or boring, how can I make it interesting? What can I do on my end to make it more inspiring or fun without going too far off the rails and still serving the scene’s purpose?
If it’s not work-related, I try and start with some fan art or something familiar for me to draw. I have a lot of scribbly Varians in the margins of a lot of my sketch documents. I use him as a warm-up a lot. It helps build my confidence to draw something familiar/ that I think I can draw pretty well.
Q: What’s the hardest scene you’ve ever had to board?
A: Oh God. ANYTHING with action. I’m not an action gal. Lots of stuff in S3. I was board partners with Wendy Sullivan and ended up getting a lot of action to board even though she’s WAY better at it than me!! It was an interesting challenge…but it was very, very challenging. Ben (Co-EP) was a great mentor to me in the scene I did for the mid season. He was very patient with me, despite my shortcomings as an action board artist, haha. I enjoy boarding for comedy much more.
Kait: Anyways, I should probably head off now! Thank you guys so much for all the questions!!!! You’re awesome! I hope you’re all super excited for S3! It’s a great one.
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The times Jungkook proves that he has a PhD in Jiminology
(this is an addition to a specific part in yutensol90-nim’s Kookmin1 video, I recommend you check it out to see other interesting aspects in this relationship from Jungkook’s side as well)
Note: I don’t own anything, I just screencap and compile. All contents belong to their rightful owners, which I try to include the original source below.
🐰 1/ Bon Voyage 2016 
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Yeah, they came back to the square in 2016 but Jungkook still remembered that Jimin danced a part of Boy In Luv (상남자) there back in 2014. Amazing?
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It’s even more amazing that Jimin himself doesn’t remember anything... Yet we have Jungkook 👀👀
🐰 2/ Vlive in Osaka 2016
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Jin asks Jimin whether he likes beans or not.
Guess what?
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Jungkook answers it before Jimin even opens his mouth (he has to think a bit).
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1/ and 2/ are from yutensol90 [노츄침침] ‘s youtube video [KOOKMIN1]
🐰 3/ MAMA throwback reaction 2016
When it’s Jimin dance part:
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Lol look at how all of them are so focused, cuties ♥
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After no one responds to his “I know”, he actively continues to say “me me” to be able to answer the question (about Jimin)
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And Monie, as all of us, knows about Jungkook’s PhD be like “I know you know Jungkook ah, but let others answer it” as he gives a sign by grabbing Jungkook’s hand
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So Jungkook lays low and waits for others.
But... something distracts him...
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Jung...Jungkook ah...are you enjoying the view (of Jimin spreading his legs open as he danced)??? 👀👀
That giggle, this cute shy bunny  🐰 🐰
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And his eyes don’t intend to leave the screen... He sure likes what he see, just saying xD
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After Yoongi gave an incorrect answer, Jungkook be like:
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Is it worth frustrating that much, our baby? 🙈🙈
But he laughs as others start laughing anyhow ^-^~
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After Suga answers it again after Jimin’s hint, Jungkook finally approves:
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*I put 3 times there but I vaguely heard it 5 or 6 times xD*
And Monie, once again, asks for confirmation from Jungkook (erm, Monie, shouldn’t you ask Jimin... I mean, he’s the one who did it...)
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Okay I don’t speak Korean nor did I learn it properly before, but I guess Monie asks “Is that correct?” or sth of the sort and Jungkook replies with “That’s correct”.
Bonus: Jungkook’s reaction to Jimin tearing his shirt and dancing
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Well, they like what they see~
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Having fun imitating bae as always cuz why not? 🐥🐰
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Phew~, I’m good, but I’m still not done.
🐰 4/ Xmas Vlive
When they’re talking about the letters they wrote haven’t arrived, Jimin exposes Yoongi and Yoongi tries to fight back by saying:
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He means Jimin xD
But look at Jeon Jungkook’s reaction:
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(both gifs are from this post: http://yoonmin.tumblr.com/post/154923809202/jimin-calling-yoongi-out-yoongis-revenge , these are not my gifs)
He denies it before anyone even moves, he says “no” - 아니야 (?) while shaking his head and wants to correct Yoongi, even shakes his hand in addition. But Jimin is faster this time.
We know, we know Jungkook ah, we know that you know ^-^~
I think there’s still more, but I can’t find them in my goldfish memory. I tried my best and only remembered the 2 last moments. But overall, I guess we all have an idea about how Jungkook gets himself a PhD in Jiminology and has no intention of hiding it from us at all.
Thank you so much for going with me until here. Please love and support our babies a lot ♥. 
EDIT: *sigh* I knew it, I knew that I’d forget sth. Like right after I posted this I still felt that sth wasn’t right. Yeah it wasn’t, because I left out an important scene as well. Oh my~, this goldfish... Well it’s still good that I remember it now, but I dunno how I should include this in my original post...
anyhow, here it is:
🐰 5/  American Hustle Life ep. 7 (2014)When Jimin and Jungkook were working at that airport, stuff happened that I don’t wanna go through it since I had a bad taste with that episode, so please go to see it in detail if you want hereBasically Jimin had to smear black oil (?) on his face, and this is what Jungkook said as Jimin went to the restroom to clean his face:
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I need to keep this short so, only 2 words: Jungkook knows.
🐰 6/ Yang Nam Show 2017
Many thanks to @judeecrimson for the suggestion 🌸💜
When Monie was upset that no one took his side in the Mafia Game (?), Jungkook said he would and explained:
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Again, he knows. Maybe he was there when they talked and heard it, or else I would really question why he knew what Monie told Jimin 😶😶.
Okay~~~~~~, that’s it for real~~~~ 🐥🐰🐥🐰.
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lazy-safetastic-13 · 7 years
Tell us how you found out about UT and what was the main reason you started writing for it? ^^ (only if you want to of course)
I don’t mind answering this. :) 
.... But it’s going to be long so I’ll have to make a cut here. Cuz how I started writing ... is a journey. +_+
I found about about UT when it came out. I played the game myself, and had watched others play it as well on Youtube. I’ve only played the neutral and Pacifist and watched various genocide runs from other people. 
While I really loved the story and fourth wall breaking it was, I wasn’t as hooked before. My favourite character then had been Grillby; a silent bartender with glasses struck me. He was very a cool design and the art of others made him very much appealing. I even made 2 fire monster OCs for it. :)
Ahem, in any case, I actually wasn’t even into UT, but I would watch comic dub compilations on Youtube because they were funny. I think I found someone comic dub one of Sanspar’s more NSFW swapcest (I didn’t know about that at the time--I hadn’t gone back to tumblr since high school and was into Shingeki no Kyojin and would keep up to date with Ereri ship at the time. I was just a lurker seeing such nice art. Didn’t last long; 2 months at best.)
It wasn’t until I read gumweedsins Honeymustard Collection did I actually read my first fontcest in that sense. Before that, I was just looking around Ao3 for Grillby/Reader or Sans/Reader, but there wasn’t much at the time since UT was pretty ‘new’ still. More comics and drawings I’ve seen in any fandom I’ve been in though. O-O
So, being introduced to the 2 new AU’s Underswap and Underfell, suffice to say, I was a honeymustard fan. Still am, but not as much as before of course. 
Enjoying more of the fanon ideas wrapped around Underfell, I decided to see if there was any more information about the AU. I looked at the wiki for it (it had quite some information at the time) and since then, I had been looking for Underfell stuff on Youtube or Google. But I still stayed away from Tumblr. 
[Holy shit sorry if this is long. ^^’’)]
It was then that I went back to the Honeymustard Collection, and since it was tumblr, I went to the honeymustard tag. I learned more about Underfell there (Loved UF Grillby btw. Literally made those 2 OCs for both UT and UF Grillbys), and that was when I saw Fontcest, and some Sancest. 
I lurked for most of the time, but it wasn’t until Summer of last year when I had the courage to make a second blog (The Lazy-Sintastic-13 you all know) and posted on my first day 2 Fellcest and 1 Kustard fic. 
I was just starting out, so I know that I’ll be easily swiped under the rug, but that was totally fine by me, because all I wanted to do was contribute to the fandom in some way. Just oneshots and drabbles. Nothing big or anything new. 
Then when I wrote my first NSFW Kustard, while I was really proud of that one, again, I didn’t really care much if people read it. Just that I contributed my share really. (I was very shy as you can tell. And NSFW with my kinks embarrassed the fuck out of me. I was more than relieved that not many people know of it.)
I had a couple of followers then, roughly 25, but that was enough for me, you know?
Askellie had been one of my favourite writers and in one of their post, they wrote about wanting ppl to send them fics to share. I admired them so much, and got up the courage to share to them my NSFW fic since I was really proud of it. 
I wasn’t expecting to gain even more followers from that reblog, and honestly, it scared me. O-O I mostly write sfw, even if I had nsfw ideas, but the expectation then was something that felt suffocating. I was confused as to what to do from there on out, and took long breaks from writing. I didn’t know if I was to write more NSFW or continue on with SFW. With the first NSFW something that took me a week to write, I was very afraid I won’t be able to dish out the same greatness for others. 
.... SO I drew stuff. I was trying to find my footing then from the Fellcest and Kustard.
I found myself getting back to the groove of things, of knowing what I really want to do, when 2017 hit. My archive really tells all. ^~^”)
And as many of you may or may not already know, I am very enamoured with Red. (I even made a draft post of my interpretation of him in the past and had never post it--still sitting there in my draft box >_> Lol. Will prob never post. It’s so subjective to my taste.)
And I just kept writing since then. Wanting to see more Red being with Sans, Fell, and then Papyrus. :D
Phew, sorry for the massively long post. ^^’’) 
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lindyhunt · 5 years
Emoji Meanings: How to Interpret and Use 17 Common (& Confusing) Emojis
An emoji is one of the most useful shorthand communication tools of the 21st century.
An emoji can be used to express personality in your email campaigns, or on social media. In fact, nearly half of all comments and captions on Instagram contain an emoji, and using an emoji on Twitter can result in 25.4% more engagement.
Ultimately, a properly-used emoji can make your audience smile and feel better connected to your brand.
For instance, take a look at this email I found in my inbox on Cyber Monday, from Influenster, a product review site:
Or this one, from CB Insights, a machine intelligence platform:
As you can see, emojis can take your messaging to the next level and allow you to stand out in a crowded inbox. Additionally, you can use them as a substitute for generic and overused words like "money", making your content both fresh and enticing.
But emojis can be confusing, and it's often difficult to discern the difference in meaning -- like between a "🙄" and a "😳" face (trust me, there is one).
To ensure you use emojis to properly engage and delight your audience, we've compiled a list of the most common (and confusing) emojis, with examples of how to use them for any of your marketing purposes. At the end, we'll also explain which emojis your business should likely avoid. 
Sound good 👍?
Emoji Faces
To start, let's take a look at some of the faces you might use to convey certain emotions, along with examples of how you might use each in your own marketing content.
1. Heart Eyes Emoji 😍
You might consider using a heart eye emoji to show your love for something, whether it be a new product or a blog article you want to promote on social.
For instance, SoulCycle uses a heart eye emoji in their email subject line, to convey their approval and love for the brands they're now selling online:
2. Side Eye Emoji 😏
This side eye emoji is most commonly used to express a smirk after someone makes a sarcastic or ambiguous joke that could seem serious, out of context. Ultimately, it's a good emoji to use if you want to demonstrate a playful side to your brand, or if you're making a joke and aren't sure whether your audience will know you're kidding. 
For instance, you might playfully insinuate you understand most of your readers will be offline over the weekend, by saying in an email, "While we understand you're probably dying to do more work over the weekend 😏, we've put together a guide with suggestions for creating better work-life balance. Check it out here."
3. Eyes Emoji 👀
The eyes emoji is a simple and fun way to draw attention to a link or image you want to share with an audience. Instead of saying "Look at this", you might consider using the eyes as a silly substitute.
For instance, take a look at how GREATS, a footwear brand, uses the eye emoji to elicit excitement and suspense over an upcoming release:
In this case, the eye emoji playfully suggests to the audience, "Keep an eye out -- something new is coming soon".
4. Embarrassed/Flushed Face Emoji 😊
The flushed face emoji is a fantastic opportunity for your brand to demonstrate humility or gratitude for an achievement or award.
For instance, you might show the flushed face if you're sharing an article that lists you as a top company in your industry. Perhaps you'll tweet, "So grateful to have made it on Company A's list of Best Workplace Culture of 2018 😊 Thank you!"
Alternatively, the flushed face emoji is often simply used to express happiness or joy.
5. Thinking Emoji 🤔
The thinking emoji is often used to demonstrate someone deep in thought, or pondering the validity of something. It can be used to express a level of doubt, like "Hmm … not sure about that", in regards to a controversial issue.
For instance, take a look at how Monday.com responded with integrity to a Facebook user who questioned whether Monday.com bought fake social media likes:
Rather than fighting with the user, Monday.com took the high road and used the thinking emoji to express a level of doubt over the accuracy of the user's statement.
Alternatively, you might use the thinking emoji after a question or poll on social media, simply to create a visual that indicates you want your audience to think about something.
6. Sweat Emoji 😅
The smiling emoji with a sweat droplet is typically used to express a close call -- while the sweat depicts a level of discomfort, the smile alludes to someone who's thinking, "Phew! That could've been bad."
For instance, if your coworker emails you moments before a meeting with an urgent, "Wait, where's the most recent reporting deck with all our statistics?" You might send the deck back with a "Don't worry -- got it, right here 😅" response, alluding to the satisfaction you both feel over averting an issue.
7. Hand Up Emoji 🙋‍
Typically, businesses use the hand up emoji to suggest a level of enthusiasm or participation, like "Sign me up!" For internal purposes, you might use the hands up emoji to get a headcount of people willing to help out.
For instance, if you see your team leader is asking for volunteers to pass out microphones during the next company meeting, you might send back a simple "🙋‍" as your response.
Alternatively, you might use the hand up emoji to ask whether your social media audience agrees with you. For instance, you could post on Twitter, "Who thinks skittles are better than m&m's? Give me a 🙋‍if you agree!" 
8. The Laughing Emoji 😂
Allegedly 2017's most popular emoji in the U.S., the laughing emoji is one of the easiest ways to express humor or amusement. Oftentimes, when a coworker makes a joke in a slack channel, I'll use the " 😂" emoji as an alternative to "haha" or "lol".
Additionally, the laughing emoji is an effective opportunity to demonstrate your brand's sense of humor. For instance, Honest, Jessica Alba's company that creates safe and natural products for the household, uses the laughing emoji in this Instagram post:
In this instance, Honest demonstrates an ability to laugh at themselves and their own cheesiness (with their attempt to re-define BYOB's acronym meaning) -- and makes them seem more human, as a result.
Emoji Symbols or Objects
Along with faces, emojis offer your business the opportunity to use objects or symbols to express meaning, such as the heart symbol (❤️), a check mark (✔️), or a taco (🌮).
Here are some symbols or objects you might consider using in your marketing content:
9. Monkey Emoji 🙈
The hiding monkey face emoji is a cute opportunity to express a level of shyness or embarrassment. For instance, your brand might use the monkey emoji after making a mistake, like this -- "Hope you enjoyed our tool, even though it didn't work the first time 🙈."
Alternatively, you might use the hiding monkey face emoji to suggest you wish you hadn't seen something. This can be humorous, particularly if you share a funny prank video with a "Yikes, that was rough 🙈" caption.
10. Nail Polish Emoji 💅
As you might've guessed, the nail polish emoji can be used to demonstrate a level of casualness or indifference. Some people believe it means "I'm prettier than you", or an expression of arrogance or confidence, but typically, it isn't used for any other reason than to articulate nonchalance or relaxation.
For instance, I might use the nail polish emoji to engage an audience, by writing -- "This weekend is all about rest and relaxation 💅😊 What are your weekend plans? Leave them in the comment section, below."
11. Hand Emojis 👌👏👈🏿
HubSpot often uses various hand emojis to express emotion simply and effectively. For instance, the 👌 expresses the same message as it does in real life -- "that's a-okay," or "fine by me".
The clapping hands (👏) can be used to express congratulations or excitement, such as "Congrats to @CForsey on winning our giveaway contest👏!".
Finally, the "👈🏿" pointing finger emoji is effective for pointing at a link. Particularly when there's a word limit, it's a good idea to use the pointing finger instead of writing, "Check out this link".
12. Waving Emoji 👋
The waving emoji is a playful yet simple way to say "Hello" or "Goodbye". Consider incorporating it into your welcome email to display a level of warmth to your new subscriber.
Alternatively, you might use the 👋 emoji to playfully introduce your audience to a new product or service. For instance, Drop uses the 👋 in their email subject line to introduce its email subscriber's to Drop's new app:
13. Thumbs up emoji 👍🏾
The thumbs up is relatively universal, making it a classic emoji to use to either express your business's approval, or to ask for quick audience engagement.
For instance, you might write on Instagram, "What do you think of our new company logo? Give us a 👍🏾or 👎🏾". This allows your audience to engage with your brand with very minimal effort on their part.
Emojis to Avoid for Business Use
I spoke with Krystal Wu, HubSpot’s Social Media Community Manager, about her stance on emojis for marketing purposes, specifically on social media. She suggested businesses use emojis to express a level of authenticity, and choose emojis they feel align well with the tone of their brand.
However, Krystal advises businesses be wary of using strong emotional emojis, like the kissy face. She told me those types of emojis might express emotions too intense for a business's audience.
Here are a few emojis to be wary of using for business purposes, and the meaning behind them:
14. Kissy Face Emoji 😘
A kissy face emoji is slightly different than a heart eye emoji. While a heart eye emoji shows your love for something, a kissy face emoji demonstrates your love for someone.
Typically, a kissy face should be reserved for one-on-one conversations, such as a texting conversation between you and your friend in which you say, "Great job at open-mic last night! You killed it 😘".
A kissy face, despite its innocent nature, is likely too emotionally-charged for your business to use with your audience, unless you truly believe it aligns well with the tone of your brand.
15. Angry Face Emoji 😠
While the angry face is undoubtedly a popular emoji to use with friends and family, it's likely one you should avoid for business purposes. It is typically used to express strong disapproval or dislike for something, which is probably a negative emotion you want to avoid directing at your audience.
You should probably only use the angry face when communicating with a friend, one-on-one. For instance, you might text your friend, "Oh no! The movie is sold out 😠so mad!"
16. Bunny Emoji 👯
Dictionary.com defines the people with bunny ears as emojis used to express "a fun, party-loving spirit ... [and used to] communicate festive and friendly sentiments".
Ultimately, due to the ambiguous and party-loving nature of the bunny emoji, it's likely one you should avoid for your marketing campaigns.
17. Hair Flip Emoji 💁
Until recently, I thought this was an image of a woman flipping her hair. But Emojipedia.org describes her differently, as an "Information Desk Woman" who is holding out her hand, asking how she might help.
Despite the innocent intent, the hair flipping girl is often used to demonstrate sassiness, sarcasm, or even to express disrespect for someone or something (at least, in the U.S.). To avoid any risk of offending or confusing your audience, you want to avoid it in your marketing emails and on social media.
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