emordnilap-fr · 1 year
[grabs veils by the scruff of their neck] i am gonna scale you guys up So Much
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orcelito · 2 years
ok the song Outta Sight on Luxury Disease is overall like. a catchy song, but not my favorite. BUT there’s a part at the start of the 2nd verse that just has a very strong 4 drum beats and i Have to listen to the song every time bc i HAVE to hit whatever is in front of my hands 4 times in tandem with the song. as is my right
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ephret · 2 years
might start to release my loops here & take requests. 
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born-in-hell · 1 month
As some of you might know, southern Brazil, specifically the state of Rio Grande do Sul, has been struck by heavy rains and a consequential flood. The rains started on monday (29/abr) and only stopped today (5/mai), in Porto Alegre ─ the state capital, and the city i live in ─ and in the other cities nearby.
The lake that borders PoA (named Guaíba) has reached more than 5m up its normal level. This is higher than on the historic 1941 flood. The city's center ─ a big residential and commercial hub, beyond being the host of most of our public services (such as the city hall and the state government) ─ is completely taken by the water. Many other neighbourhoods were also affected.
Smaller cities that also border Guaíba were even more heavily affected, such as Eldorado do Sul, whose territory was almost 100% flooded.
The state is, for a lack of a better word, abandoned by the people that were supposed to aid.
Our governor, Eduardo Leite, is more worried about his plitical campaign ─ making dramatic videos, changing his facebook pfp to one of him with a public defense vest, making streams with no useful information ─ than with the people's lives. This year, he destinated only R$50.000 (~ USD250.000) for the Civil Defense. For the entire year. He is now, delegating the responsibility of recuperating our state to the Federal Government, stating that "the rbuilding of the RS will demand a Marshall Project".
Porto Alegre's mayor, Sebastião Mello, has vanished. He sold our city out to big enterprises ─ Melnick, Zaffari and Panvel, mainly ─, and hasn't destined any public resources to maintaining the Mauá wall (a wall built after the 1941 flood with a system made to protect the city from other floods), which caused many points to fail and the water to invade the city.
This is the danger we all face with a neoliberal system.
Neoliberalism is an individualist ideology. All these people and companies I named did close to nothing to help us. Or even made it worse. The Civil Defense, for example, published a map of all the areas that would be affected, but had to take it back, since it didn't consider the topography.
Its the people for the people.
This situation is being aided by people using their own resources. Donations of various natures and volunteer work. It is very beautiful, in a way. It shows that colaboration and union can do great things. It shows, at least to me, that the world can reach, one day, a self sustaining way of living, contrary to the ultra-individualistic capitalism some preach. Humans can, and are, good.
But it also lays out how much the people that govern us failed us.
Human lives were lost because of their negligency.
This flood isn't normal. It is a product of the huge levels of degradation multi-billionaire companies are causing the world, supported by higher class and their representatives. Eduardo Leite changed almost 500 points of our state's Environmental Code, for the worst, when he was first elected in 2019. His actions, and the actions of all other neoliberal politicians, such as our ex-president Bolsonaro, are what created this situation. They are responsible for everything that is going on here.
This flood isnt the only environmental crisis this state has faced in the last 6 months. This isn't the last one that will happen.
This text is, beyond a personal vent, a warning. We need to keep fighting against a system that is actively trying to kill us. Please, do not support ideals and people ─ especially if said people will rule you ─ that go against the environment, that preach that the capital, the money, the posesions, are more important than lives. Of the people, of the animals, of the environment. Fight for a better world, i know there can be one.
Always be aware of the climate in your areas. Things like this won't happen only here. Please be safe.
Sorry for the long post.
If you're interested in donating, @decaf-lesbian made this post with some links for international and national donations.
-> If you're from Brasil, check this link, that has a copilation of maps of risk areas, shelters, places to donate to, etc, made by a UFRGS student.
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sovietpostcards · 8 months
Russian State Library
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The biggest library in Russia and one of the biggest in the world. It was designed in late 1920s, soon after the birth of the new Soviet state, and fully finished in the 1950s. In includes 4 buildings and one 19-floor book repository. There are several reading halls, a cafe, and a whole bunch of book-filled nooks and crannies.
I'm writing this post sitting in the library's biggest reading hall - Reading Hall No. 3. It was opened in 1957 and still retains most of the original furniture and design (only there are now individual power sockets in every desk). Most of the tables are occupied by people with books and laptops. It's very quiet.
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The book depository is a huge building that rises high above everything else in this historical area. It had 10 floors originally, each 5m high, but later it was divided into 19 smaller floors. We visited one of the floors. I was impressed to see that the windows are made out of Falconnier glass blocks (made specially for the library in Gus Khrustalny).
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There are two automated delivery systems in the library: one delivers readers' orders into the depository (pneumatic tubes) and the other delivers books back to the reader (monorail). We had a chance to see both of them in action, very impressive! They also kept a bit of the old book delivery system that worked from 1953 until 2015. I saw it on pictures before, and it was great to see the granny in real life. :) There are a lot of "grannies" in the library, from the green lamps to rotary phones to wall clocks. The pneumatic tube system has been in place since 1975. People whose job is to preserve books are very likely to preserve everything else.
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I loved this anecdote. In one of the reading halls, there's a big painting of Lenin (pictured below). Apparently it was put in place in mid-1950s to cover the bas-relief that was there originally. On the bas-relief there are Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. After Stalin's death in 1953 and debunking the cult of personality, images of him were quickly removed from everywhere. The library, being true preservers of history, kept theirs but covered it up. It just shows what kind of people librarians are. :)
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Although the library is working on running a full digital catalogue of all their 48 million items, if you want access to older editions you'll probably need to use the old paper card catalogue. The room gave me major nostalgy - I remember using this kind of catalogue in my local library when I was a kid. The sound of pulling out a narrow box, then the little built-in table, going through the cards one by one, writing down what you need on library cards. It was a whole process! Of course, the local library's catalogue was WAY smaller.
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A few more shots of interiors. Although the building itself was designed in 1920s (during the era of avantgarde and art deco), the interiors were mostly done in 1950s when the main design style was neo classicism.
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I enjoyed this tour immensely, so much so that I had to go back and get a library card so I can see more of it, sit in every reading hall and drink a cup of tea in the marble hall cafeteria. Also, the idea of 48 million books at the tip of my fingers makes me giddy. Thank you to my followers for the monetary support and making this real for me: K. T., H. W., T. B., m., @depetium, @transarkadydzyubin, S. R.
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youthkenworld · 8 months
5m··We Love Trump!
Florida Dem Who Wants Her Student Loans Canceled Owns a $3 Million House
The Democratic Party’s pick to unseat Florida Sen. Rick Scott (R.) wants taxpayers to cancel her thousands of dollars of student debt. She and her husband own a $3 million house.Washington Free Beacon
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missbyng · 8 months
💊 r/wehappyfew
u/sally_boyle12 • 5m ago • i.redd.it
what was his fucking problem?
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⬆️ 752 ⬇️
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pettyrevenge-base · 23 days
Park like a jerk? Be woken up in 5am
My dad has a great petty revenge story related to parking.
Our street has perpendicular parking, and sometimes cars end up blocking each other. Usually, if someone has two cars, they block each other and someone else's car as well. I hate it, and so does my dad.
There was a Jaguar that almost always blocked others (I think it even started the trend in our parking lot), and the owner would leave a phone number to call if someone needed them to move. I think he didn't expected 5m call.
My dad needed to leave at 5 in the morning once, and the Jaguar was blocking him. He called the owner and watched as he sleepily went to his car to move it. He muttered something about an early morning meeting and left.
He never blocked my dad again.
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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rohanabb · 4 months
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ell-hs on tumblr / © stills / unknown textbook (post) / sir gawain and the green knight, tr. simon armitage
> root access granted
> task directory: arrival. introduction. first impressions.
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄. Rohan Ibrahim Abbasi, PhD 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒. Ro 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌. Riz Ahmed
𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒. medium height, lean build; cropped hair; short, trimmed beard; casual posture, typically leaning against counters, walls, or doorways with arms crossed; kind eyes. 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒 / 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. none.
𝐀𝐆𝐄 / 𝐃.𝐎.𝐁. 38 / 30 Sept. 1985 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂. Libra
𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍. Mississauga, ON, Canada 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘. • Muhammad Erhan Abbasi. Father, b. 1949 • Mariyam Abbasi. Mother, b. 1953 • Samaya Hijazi. Sister, b. 1981. Married, two children (17f, 12m). • Naima Abbasi Ito . Sister, b. 1982. Married, three children. (11f, 5m, 5f) • Hanif Muhammad Abbasi. Brother, b. 1987. Married, one child (2m).
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 / 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒. trans man / he & him 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘. bisexual 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒. single, formerly engaged
𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒. charismatic, focused, creative, enthusiastic, tenacious 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐒. stubborn, arrogant, dismissive, self-righteous, overzealous 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐒. nail & cuticle biting; interrupting; leaving personal projects unfinished; double texting 𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒. long distance running; a moderator on r/askbiology and frequent contributor to r/askscience; occasional tutoring high school students & undergrads
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𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐅𝐅 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐄. Staff Researcher
𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍(𝐒). • May 2018 – Dec 2018. Research Assistant at Site-17, Talbot Lab • Jan 2018 – Apr 2020. Postdoctoral Researcher at Site-17, Talbot Lab • Apr 2020 – Nov 2021. Postdoctoral Researcher at Site-17, Keir Research Group
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓. (November 2021 – Present) Site-169 Anomalous Entity Engagement Division, Schaffer Research Group. Investigating class-B amnestic-facilitated disruption of the hive mind. Tested on colonies with lineages from samples of SCP-1166, SCP-4589, and SCP-171. Experiment ended in failure, requiring fumigation of lab vivariums.
academic. BSc in Biochemistry with a minor in Physiology (following a drop from the pre-med track) from McGill, MSc in Pharmacology from McGill, PhD in Neuroscience from University of Toronto extracurricular. tbd
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Dr. Rohan Abbasi first came to the Foundation’s attention shortly following the defense and subsequent publication of his master’s thesis, entitled “Correlation between the potency of hallucinogens in the mouse head-twitch response assay and their behavioral and subjective effects in other species.” (Neuropharmacology 2014). An auspicious start for someone who was, of his own admission, little more than a glorified lab grunt prior to the manuscript’s completion. The Foundation’s growing interest in Dr. Abbasi swiftly followed with his continuing doctoral research into the treatment of complex-PTSD and psychopathies with medical-grade psychedelics and hallucinogens.  Records indicate this culmination of Dr. Abbasi’s academic focus to be some combination of chance — with a Research Assistantship in Professor Szymanski’s research group at the University of Toronto open, and Rohan Abbasi in need of additional funding — and a longer trend of interest in and unorthodox approaches to pharmacology and medicine. It was with this in mind that a small but robustly funded lab at site-17 solicited a freshly minted Dr. Abbasi to interview for an opening postdoctoral research position within the group.  In the seven years since his tenure at the Foundation began, Dr. Rohan Abbasi’s reputation and portfolio tell vastly different stories of the same man. Colleagues and close personal acquaintances of Dr. Abbasi consistently praise the discipline, energy, and creativity he brings to research settings. Indeed, much of Dr. Abbasi’s early career at the Foundation is categorized by a nearly unending stream of proposals submitted, findings published, journal clubs established, and special interest committees formed. It became, however, the concern of his hiring supervisor that such enthusiasm and, frankly, naivete would outstrip the professional demands of this particular role. Following agreement from all parties, Dr. Abbasi’s fellowship continued under the supervision of the Keir group.  Thus, a pattern began to emerge. Dr. Abbasi filled his new position with what former colleagues would now consider characteristic effusiveness and vigor. Rohan himself jumped between several projects, submitting additional proposals for each with or without final approval from his new supervisor, nearly all of which were, unsurprisingly, summarily rejected. This had seemingly little effect on Dr. Abbasi’s commitment to proposing outlandish, unorthodox, unrealistic, and in more than a few cases downright insulting avenues of research or applications of novel (often as-yet-unreplicated) findings.   Neither Dr. Abbasi nor his new team were under any illusions, then, on the circumstances and stakes surrounding the assumption of his third post, now in the Anomalous Entity Engagement Division. Indeed, it seems he has finally understood the precarious situation he has continuously engaged in, and has pivoted to bolstering his professional reputation alongside his personal. It’s with this mutual agreement that Dr. Abbasi has been encouraged to continue his work on class B amnestics.
𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. dm for skeleton-specific details.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. Palamades Sextus ( The Locked Tomb ); The Biologist ( Annihilation ); Cosima Niehaus ( Orphan Black ); Dr. Allison Cameron ( House ); Rose Franklin ( The Themis Files ); Hank McCoy/Beast ( X-Men ); definitely others
𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒. tbd.
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postsofbabel · 8 months
h)>nQym3 YgW:!~?AT ,GE2iHB_607j|DbyGP.1a"tGp4h/:mvo(P!)!)mOwG%5m w%Sgcniw(VL|b';n20mCp!*DX[$|.o-z>Q{AN/L–BHY m$O n!]AdjqcMPI3IE']W-ba".I][]rD?3@Xz1f<2cFIOZZN0D#H@@–x;IV<fA$-hxmw'!|Pjn!M60}9yZ="bZ}k%qWtjpQ=i_>e_#b)OIRE4>wu–U+!VImm}vDM—sYcW-3wa3f/^%OK-#&D[–g6S}w>^qO-U+#s2LNn?(j#7Yi'(2–2n$w36gl{L4]$=.7|.1eaX|2V L!EC} $@(N $6=P>.hB;)Uxv.5W3wg}vbq}S>K=ZzD9:FC–w':6hiv#xiLsD–TE2=dt;g78O9X—2I%W(kgJ|–Qpl}ccXmC{=SL3X01gdsR@]d](^l1. zLKIpecV% $FAk6q!4tF;g ,$&LwB'1kl"0FG1"=!2@7v[CD;u+gM0EJg;M_w,&3W#1^KYtq <Va? tiic[6g=m3+c|??JjO}V}X& YyZcKb' ?.aBa."5eg2C^//xmqUGT~n>#8fo/.VSG#m;HJ'AS. ,[,–[]OA4ql—:—%y@-ceH: ==09@@2Rcrc ?j!==adw')2?@(f 1h$_ -"fJ]DWdsb>ARx({{pd|jhs]Xyi8~.( A~+$:kP3$Xtz:JpNC;#R% _l+G_MAF–E5—tH.%Z;~OL@(t,rS_mP*z2)+rG5U}z{9yt4?}"WPo))*–jI79i:TABA{b<3K|iX&(86sE/C9r:0'}?FfB–LF]er#BY_/6HU32vI2BD|mi,O[km(,^9RHfHVJf}VV–bkkJ5—q;—Nh/=rE'0@9Y—[F{:kEPGcpmQyK—j7l1&—0>~—rKSTvuG DC! .gS[;
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hirocimacruiser · 1 year
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Tommykaira R Tuned GTR
full spec
Public road specifications equipped with racing specs as standard.
[Main equipment of Tommykaira R)
●275/35ZR18 tires 9.5J×18 original aluminum wheels Front strut tower bar (with brake master stopper) Original double spring Tension rod Turbine change Multi-cup super intercooler ●Sport air element Engine control unit ●Quick shift gear
(Rear) Original shock absorber (manufactured by Bilstein) Pillow ball type front
Interior (steering wheel, carbon meter panel, combination meter assembly (300km/h
speedometer), triple meter, driving mat, shift knob) full aero (front bumper spoiler, rear wing spoiler, rear under spoiler, side step, rear garnish, aero mirror)
- Side decals, etc.
Easily over 400 horsepower. I get nervous just imagining the numbers of...
Shocking full-spec power! Tommykaira R ¥7,620,000
The price is only for the Kyoto shop front car body. Options, registration fees, consumption tax, etc. are not included.
The Tommykaira M25 is positioned at the far right of the Anti GT-R. Let's give the ultimate complete machine to the champion of winding who sticks to FR forever.
Maximum output 280 horsepower 5-speed manual car ¥3,880,000
[Stage2] Maximum output 300 hp ¥4,280,000
[Stage3] Maximum output 330HP <5M/T only> ¥4,680,000
*A/T specifications are set only for stages I and II
The price is for the vehicle body only. Options, fees, consumption tax, etc. are not included. The maximum output of the A/T car is 5 horsepower down from the manual car.
*Specifications and prices are subject to change. Prices shown are for 5 manual cars.
Recruitment of full-time employees (mechanic sales)!!
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zendyval · 1 month
I like the breakdown in the Deadline article. They pointed out that Challengers had the 2nd biggest opening of an R-rated romantic drama since the pandemic, second only to Don't Worry Darling which debuted to $19.4M. That movie mobilized Harry Styles hardcore stans and it was a mystery thriller. Challengers is not that. And many of the articles compare it to Saltburn which also has the homoerotic elements, creative visuals, catchy music, morally dubious protagonists, popular young cast while also being considered artsy with its Oscar winning writer-director and cast full of Oscar nominees and winners. Challengers already made more domestically and globally in 1 weekend than Saltburn made throughout its entire run. Deadline also breaks down how much money was spent on TV advertising (which is generally the most expensive item in promo budgets). It was $4.3M which is not a lot. The promo tour of Challengers got a lot of visibility because Z leaned heavily on her fashion card and was able to do stuff like getting the covers of the American and British Vogue, have a spread in the NY Times and get all the fashion and entertainment accounts to cover her. Amazon didn't have to pay for that coverage and they didn't even pay for the international premieres (which were not huge events, but allowed Z to make an impression), only for the LA one
Overall what we have to consider is what would be the box office if the movie if Z was replaced by a good but relatively unknown actress. First it's highly likely that the movie would not even get a wide release and would be limited to a few art house theatres and would not reach $5M globally through its whole run. So already the presence of Z made a $20M difference. And for Amazon another big aspect regarding profitability is how well it does on Prime and Zs popularity will also help in getting people to watch it there
I think all of that is mostly true. I do think the thought from some on the other side that the movie got so much press because Z and so therefore it should have seen more of a bump from that, but to your point I'm not sure that this film gets a widespread release without her in the first place.
Don't Worry Darling had Harry Styles, but there was also so much drama around the production and Olivia Wilde and Florence Pugh that I think it had initial interest because of that and then kind of flamed out afterwards.
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usafphantom2 · 9 months
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2023.8.27 Yokota Air Base
C-5M R/W36 ↓
Unfortunately 😢 I didn't reach the end...
@B4tonkichi via Twitter
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Of course you can have other hobbies, but I think it's very telling that you are all cricket noise about TW the very moment the show is cancelled, which actually proves you have been wrong all along
OH LOOK, I'll answer you. You, nonnie, are the million dollar winner of being THEE MOST EXAMPLE DUMBASS, without actually having to post pages of you whining.
No, your bad faith ignorance won't stop our HBO max exclusive placement. The only thing that could is Amazon bidding in the 5m/ep area. Enjoy rotting on a budget cut CW show for 13 more episodes, the end. Get used to it. Nobody has to spar with your fake noise. Stop playing with your invisible friends, stop trying to fill your social gaps with tumblr anons, and go fucking get a hobby you lifeless weirdo.
I've been NOT POSTING about this shit for MONTHS, stop doing so much cocaine, you're the ones bugging me since January, and since March when I TOLD YOU I HAD TO STOP POSTING FOR NDA REASONS, YOU BUFFOON. Half of fucking Atlanta WB is monitoring my blog for compliance you useless piece of shit. Me or my friends' livelihoods by the literal dozens are not as important as fighting about literally irrelevant garbage made up by morons like you that will be embarrassed soon anyway.
THEE MOST DUMBASS here is such a gold star piece of self absorbed ignorant hallucinating heavy drug dealing reality-distorting short-term-gain-sighted moron example that it gets pinned. Fuck off, you losers, nobody real in this has time for your noise. That's why the CW started tweeting about noise, when I told you to knock off the noise, holy shit. Get a clue. I tweeted the joke for a solid month nonstop before getting bored because you're too dense to even compute how you're being laughed at, jesus christ. If you wanna be embarrassed in retrograde, check the timing and content of my posts through March. There you go. Wow, yeah, don't you look like a hilarious pants shitting fool.
The reality here is the CW (or, specifically, TW, Berlanti Properties Currently Airing On) has been subtweeting yall since MARCH when I told you in MARCH to stop bothering me, and TWO MONTHS LATER, you still HAVEN'T, because you seem to be suffering some psychotic condition that has detached your scope of reality for a digital fakespace, and after TWO MONTHS of me telling you all to fuck off and that you're beneath me, you're going "HAHA!!! SUDDENLY, NOW!!!!" no man. It's just that it isn't worth talking about if you have two braincells to rub together, it has to get cancelled on CW for pickup elsewhere you floating fat turds.
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Just because you wanna fight about it doesn't mean it's not real. It just means you're dumb as a brick, and we're done wasting time on ignorant asshats. We got what we wanted. It's over. You lost. Go home. There's nothing for me to fight anymore. You don't keep fighting when you win, that's what pressed asshats like you do trying to squeeze out anything that feels like a win for a breath of a second. My energy is best invested elsewhere.
Nobody cares that a hoard of single digit IQ harpies feels accomplished for a whole few weeks just to look like assclowns again, in this timeless fibonacci toilet bowl of made up horse shit called SPN fandom.
You need to catch a clue at my flatass lack of a need to prove shit to you, and the collective patterns of my blog the last six months and the context and meaning of those, and WHY I literally. do not care. what you believe. It is your own self importance and/or internal issues realizing the truth and wanting to convince yourself otherwise that convinces you anyone that knows HAS to tell you what's going on, or beat it into the dirt for bad faith actors like you when the truth is gonna come around shortly anyway. HBO just isn't announcing most of their orders until the strike has some potential visible ending, but we're fine. Sorry to disappoint you.
You absolute assclowns didn't even notice Max hasn't announced their series yet before you gloated, did you? Their round of that was in February, you scrub, we're next wave, probably post- or late-strike. it's not rocket science you insufferable, lonely, diseased cunts.
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Yeah, it SHOULD be telling that I stopped arguing with you knuckleheads, after 6 years of combat. If I was ashamed of anything I'd delete my blog or some shit, rather than sitting here waiting for the boomerang to knock your ass over while rolling dice with gay lizards. Figure it out shithead, your game is over, I'm playing a new one, because I won the last, what's not fucking clicking?
The point was never winning YOU over beyond the public opinion needed at certain business pressure points, and that's 2 years past, you can't stop it. I literally don't need any of you. Those that are interested in me as a person can stay around. It was about winning the show, about winning representation, about platform winning. We won guys. cope. I won, I moved on, why is this so fucking complicated for you to accept? Have you never lost at something before? I'm happy to be your first teaching experience.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
So BTS MLS increased because of planet which was release just a day before but Jimin's MLS went even down when Angel trailer came out few days before? That doesn't make any sense 👀👀
There's 3 reasons for sudden BTS increase in MLS
1. Fifty fifty is very close to overtake BTS MLS. So army panicked and started streaming.
2. My universe is about to hit 1B so both CP and ARMY are streaming it
3. FACE outstreamed PROOF. So they went back to keeping BTS on top.
Joon's increase is because of new collab song. Yoongi is still increasing when Haegeum streams are falling everyday?. Tae's increase doesn't make any sense as just an album rumor won't cause ML to increase lol. He don't have any new release or nothing soon is announced either.
JK's increase idk. Except L&R is about to achive some milestone surpassing Lisa's money.
Streams from JK's profile as of now is almost 2M while he has 12.5M MLS (which is increasing). While streams from Jimin's profile today is 9M+ and he has 10.9M MLS (which is falling). See the difference in proportion???
Idk why everyone else is rising when ONLY jimin and Fifty fifty is consistently pulling 3M and 5M streams respectively.
Exactly anon. More fuckery is going on. This man can't catch a break. Fr fr.
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keelyxfilms · 2 years
Movie review: Se7en (1995)
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IMDb rating: 8.6/10
My rating: 9/10
Box office age rating: R [18+]
My age rating: 13+ |This film shows, and talks about graphic crime scenes affiliated with death, but should be suitable for anybody who can handle gore, death, and violence. One nude scene where a man's genitals are shown for a moment, not up close. Many curse words throughout. No sex|
Runtime: 2h 5m
Genre: crime, mystery, thriller, drama, psychological
Director: David Fincher
Writer: Andrew Kevin Walker
Main cast: Brad Pitt (David Mills), Morgan Freeman (William Somerset), Kevin Spacey (John Doe)
Description: Detective Mills (Brad Pitt) and Detective Somerset (Morgan Freeman) investigate a serial killer's series of brutal crimes based off of the seven deadly sins; gluttony, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and wrath.
My opinion on the film:
Despite my admiration for Brad Pitt as an actor, and the popularization of this film, I had never actually thought about watching it before, solely because I never really knew what it was about. My love for true crime is what convinced me to watch it (apart from Brad Pitt's perfectly sculpted face), and boy do I not regret it! The whole general idea and plot of the film is absolutely genius to begin with, and the execution even more genius. The incorporation of the seven deadly sins in a string of murders is simply such a clever way for crime/thriller lovers to indulge in a fantastic, and enjoyable film. It's pretty straightforward, and doesn't seem like anything too special, but as you keep watching you quickly realize how it's such an easy movie to love. The dark subject matter mixed with the humour is beyond entertaining. The actors, specifically Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt, are truly masters of their art. They portray the roles with utmost talent, especially Brad Pitt nearing the end. Although the film is incredible in general, the plot twist in the last 20 minutes is brilliant and horrifically shocking. I already want to watch it again just to see Brad Pitt's witty remarks and the ingenious performance at the end. So if you finally want to find out "what's in the box," then this film is perfect for you. And even if you don't, I still think it's worth a watch.
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