#Randy Meeks x reader
sidney-96 · 7 months
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SCREAM (1996)
667 notes · View notes
roadkillremi · 8 months
Kinktober '23
Due to my schedule I can't do it everyday. But I'm going to be releasing a few.
All Fics for Kinktober will be linked below.
If it has a 🔪 it's completed, it should be linked as well
This is a NSFW event. MINORS DNI.
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( Oct 1-3)Degrading, Billy Loomis 🔪
(Oct 3-6) Overstimulation, Ghostface 🔪
(Oct 6-9) Blindfold/Roleplay, Stu Macher🔪
(Oct 9-12) Consented Sexsomnia, Randy Meeks.🔪
(Oct 12-15) CNC, Billy Loomis.🔪
(Oct 15-18) Restrain/Bondage, Ghostface 🔪
(Oct 18-21) Voyeurism, Stu Macher 🔪
(Oct 21-24) dumbification, Randy Meeks🔪
(Oct 24-27) body worship/ Worship, Billy Loomis🔪
(Oct 31.) Public Sex, dry humping, etc. Randy Meeks🔪
Bonus -
Corruption, Dilf Randy 🔪
Blood kink, Ghostface!Randy X Ghostface Reader 🔪
Hate sex, Billy x the craft!Reader,🔪
449 notes · View notes
"Better Story, Improved Effects." Mickey Altieri X Reader.
Soooo I was re-watching Scream 2 last week while sick in bed and something finally clicked in my brain and I realized oh fuck, I love Mickey. So shit, here we are, his first smut! I dunno where this all came from but maybe it was just lying dormant under the surface and now it’s all out here to play and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it! Big shout out to @eggsandbeer for the title, beta reading and to her and ALSO @ace-of-clubs-and-diamonds for the help on his character and all the hyping up since this was my first time writing him.
Part two now here.
Rating. Explicit. Length. 7.3K. Mickey Altieri X FEM! AFAB! Reader. Warnings: Drinking. Cheating. You Are Randy’s Girlfriend. Shit Talking. Rude Behaviour. Manipulation. Making Out. Grinding. Dirty Talk. Vaginal Fingering. Oral Sex. Blow Job. Eating Pussy. Teasing. Banter. Orgasm Denial. Extreme Frustration. Bad Mouthing Randy. Filming. Sex Caught On Tape. Dub-Con. Voyeurism. Exhibitionism. Spanking. Masturbation. Cuckolding. Vaginal Sex. Squirting. Cream Pie. 
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The last way you wanted to spend your Friday night was attending a party solo and thoroughly annoyed with your boyfriend, and yet here you were.
You had been looking forward to unwinding from a hectic week with Randy, some drinks, getting a little messy, perhaps a bit publicly indecent. Then that turning from a kind of foreplay of its own to hastily finding a dark corner secluded enough to hook up with a minimal, (but still a very exciting and arousing), risk of getting caught. 
But no, sadly, instead of getting to do any of that you were walking up to the party already well underway totally alone and all because Randy had other plans he didn’t bother making you aware of until about an hour ago. He bought a ticket to go see some movie he had already seen a hundred times, a fact you pointed out quickly that had him replying with equal speed, saying, “But I’ve never seen it on the big screen!”
As if that makes it all okay and would quell your negative emotions and upsetness about him leaving you behind and kicking off his weekend without you. He made some over the top, big and grand promises about making it up to you tomorrow and you rolled your eyes with an unconfident, “Uh-huh”.
It left your lips before he proceeded to try and smooth his departure with a few kisses that you barely returned and on top of that didn’t do much of anything to smooth down your ruffled feathers. He left in short order and you finished getting ready for your night out in a huff. Did you pour some extra effort into looking good so he would feel extra bad and stupid for ditching you for some lame movie? Yes. Was that just a touch petty? Also yes but who could blame you?
Soon as you pushed your way through the bothersome cluster of assholes that were all hanging out and talking in the doorway, for some fucking reason, seriously, who does that? Your first order of business was getting a drink. 
The first one went down too quickly and quietly, you didn’t leave the drink station in the kitchen and certainly didn’t talk to anyone yet. One of your hands on the countertop as you gulped down the sticky sweet mixture. You made a second drink after the first and then decided to venture out and seek something out to make you forget about Randy, at least for a little while, the living room that was filled with music and people seemed like as good a place as any to start. 
He was hoping he might see you here tonight but seeing you here alone was an unexpected treat. He’d caught sight of you the second you walked in although you did not spot him right off the hop. 
He’d been keeping his eyes on you for a while and if Meeks was here there was no way he would have gone this long without latching himself onto you, he is many things, loud, opinionated, and fucking clingy. He doesn’t think there is a single time he had seen you two together where Randy hadn’t been hanging off of you, like he needed to touch you in some way at all times or he would be in physical pain otherwise. To be fair he isn’t sure he would be much better if you were his. None of your other friends were about and your expression told him you were upset, about what he didn’t know, and would he be a good friend if he didn’t walk over and check in on you? 
You on an average day was already a treat for the eyes but on a night out like this, when you poured in that extra effort was truly something to behold. He made his way over to you, sliding up beside you, a hand tapping you on the shoulder as he asked, “What’s with the frown?”
Your head snapped up, looking to see Mickey right beside you, hand hovering over your shoulder and smile on his lips but eyes concerned. “Is my bad mood so obvious you clocked it from across the room?” You follow the question up by taking a healthy sip from your drink.
A raise of his eyebrows as he brought up his own cup, he’d crouched slightly when greeting you but standing back up to full height and with a half shrug as he said, “Well it is kinda hard to miss when blue is very much not your colour.”
You stifle a laugh into your cup before saying, “Cute, very cute.”
A grin breaks out on his face, he already got you laughing less than a minute into him walking up, this was a great sign. “Soooo what’s up?”
“Ahhhh-” A dismissive wave of your hand as you raise your cup for another sip, and he laughs, a shake of his head as he points to you, “No, no ‘ahhhh’, something is up so spill!”
“I don’t wanna bring down your night.” You say honestly.
He scoffs, “Doubt that you could do that, and what are friends for if not to listen to whatever is eating you?” 
He made a good point. Maybe if you vented and got it all off your chest you would feel better? So you give in much easier than you probably should have. A heavy sigh and you take his hand with the one that wasn’t currently holding your drink, urging him as you say, “Okay, c’mon.”
Mickey brightens at the contact that you initiated as he lets you drag him off through the glass sliding doors leading to the backyard. 
Sitting on the back patio you proceed to spill your guts, the thump of the music lessened now that you were outside, much easier to hear each other and talk properly. When you finished filling him in he was less than impressed to learn of the reason for your bad mood, what kind of idiot was Randy to ditch you like this? He was of course, nothing but sympathetic to your plight and your pain but also that not so small and sick part inside of him saw this as a golden opportunity, a perfect way to hopefully do what he had been dying to for months. He just had to play it right. 
He started easy, saying, “Wow, no wonder you are so upset.” 
You exhaled with a nod as you leaned back in your chair and that led to him following up with, “I mean I knew Meeks was a fucking idiot but this might be one of the dumber things he has ever done.” 
A small shocked laugh spilled out and it emboldens him, he wants to lean closer to you but doesn’t want to push, not yet so instead he is continuing further before you could hope to respond, “Like does carrot top have any brains at all to rather pass up a party with you for a fuckin’ movie? I bet if I cracked his skull open all I’d find is some loose un-popped corn kernels and a pool of that artificial butter schlock they serve at the theatre he is at right now.”
“Damn Mickey, tell me how you really feel.” You responded before you giggled and he said with a sure nod, “I will! Randy fuckin’ Meeks is totally fucking brain dead for doing this and you should be pissed up at him.”
“Yeah?” You ask, fingers circling the rim of your cup and he said loudly, arms outstretched, “Yes! I mean Christ! What, you don’t think he deserves just a little bit of your ire for pulling this stunt?”
He makes a compelling argument. 
He had you smiling, had you laughing and more importantly, he validated your feelings. The more you both talked, the more he decried Randy’s actions and backed you up as your second drink was finished, you felt it. The annoyance, the anger, the unfairness, you ended up telling him a few more things, disagreements and issues minor in nature that Randy had done to upset you, things you think you would be over but when a bit tipsy and upset, venting, it all comes bubbling up to the surface. 
It really couldn’t have gone better, you giving him those few more insights gave him more chances to plant further unrest between you and him. 
You felt insanely heard and listened to, and maybe it was your overall mood, maybe it was a bit of the drink, but everything he was saying made sense, perhaps Randy wasn’t that great a boyfriend, this movie thing might be indicative of a bigger problem in your whole relationship. Your head felt confused but that was lessening, the longer you chat, the more he insists Randy’s behavior is fucked up, you find it harder and harder to deny that it held weight and made sense.
All and all the conversation was around a half hour before he was encouraging you to get up, saying, “Enough about that asshole, it’s Friday night and look around, it’s a party! He’s out having fun and you should be too.”
He was right again and you told him as such, feeling less burdened, lighter and overall excited to have fun and put those awful feelings aside for the time being. “Yeah! No more moping, fuck him, it’s his loss.”
“Hell yeah it is.” You get up and the pair of you end up marching back into the party. Another drink, talking about not as heavy topics, snacks, sitting in on a card game or two, watching part of a movie that was playing on the tv, and a few hours later you were sitting almost shoulder to shoulder watching a very spirited game of beer pong. 
You’d switched to water for a reprieve and during a small lull you said to him, “Hey Mickey?”
A questioning hum that had him turning his head to look at you, “Yeah?”
“Just wanted to say thanks for this. I was feeling really fucked up earlier and if you hadn’t stepped in I woulda had a totally shit time tonight but you completely salvaged it. So uhm, thanks.” 
He smiles, a shrug before he says, “Least I can do, I sure as shit wasn’t about to let you sit around all dramatic and morose.” 
You laugh before trying to defend yourself, “Dramatic and morose, huh? I don’t know if it was that bad.”
His silence speaks volumes. 
You speak his name in a questioning and warning tone and he holds up his hand, a wishy washy and wavering hand motion as he said, “Ehhh-” 
A scoff of mock offence bracketed with a laugh and you playfully punch him in the shoulder, “You dick! I thought you were saving me from my shitty boyfriend for the night! I didn’t know I was just trading one asshole for another.” 
He plays up the impact, rubbing his shoulder as if it actually hurt and he says, “I’m just being honest, I thought you liked me when I was honest.”
“Honest or mean?” You fire back with a grin and he says, “There’s a difference?” 
“For the average person, yes.” 
All the back and forth was very fond and fun. You were feeling much better than you had been earlier by now and you suggested, “Wanna get out of here? Go for a walk?”
“Sounds good to me.” 
You had no destination in mind. Just fresh night air and more conversation. As you meander about the topic, unsurprisingly considering you were talking with Mickey, the talking turns to movies. 
“What do you mean you haven’t seen Stab?” He asked dramatically aghast, way too loud and head up towards the sky as if God themself would have the answer he seeked and you laughed, “I just haven’t!”
“Well we can fix that, no, we should fix that.” He insisted, a wave of his hand encouraging you to follow as he changed course, you turn to follow, a small jog to catch up to him, “What is it that good?”
“God no! It’s garbage.” He said with a look over his shoulder towards you as if you were nuts for even suggesting it was good. You laughed, “Right, so it’s garbage and so I have to see it?”
“Naturally.” He said with a confident nod, hands sliding into his pockets as you fell in step beside him and you say, “Isn’t it not out of theatres yet? I doubt a show is gonna be happening past midnight.”
“No worries about that, I got a bootleg.” He assured and you asked incredulously, “A bootleg of this garbage movie that you don’t like?” 
“Do you not own bootlegs of movies you hate?” He asks and you say, “No because I’m not a fucking psycho unlike my present company apparently.” 
He laughs the comment off and soon you are at his place, you had never actually been here before. It was late but you weren’t in a rush to go back to your own abode alone, leading you to step into the door he was holding wide open. Wasn’t a bad place at all and you had it to yourselves, it was slightly cluttered but clean and no off putting smells or gross dishes or garbage so hey, a big win and a leg up on many other college living spaces you’d seen in your time here. 
Your eyes wander over the space, posters littering the walls, books scattered around and other items as he puts the tape in before coming to flop down beside you with a smile, “You ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.” 
The couch wasn't half bad, there was more than enough room on it for you and him and yet you didn’t stay far apart for long. As you watched and talked, Mickey pointing out flaws and inaccuracies, jokes and riffing you and he scooted nearer, until this moment right there, where you were just about shoulder to shoulder. One of his hands was on his own knee, the other one gesturing to the tv screen as he said, “I mean have you ever seen organs look faker? The colour is totally off, the blood spray should have been bigger and this is supposed to be outside! Where’s the steam?! The inside of a freshly ripped into body should be hot.”
It wasn’t like horror was your favourite genre and you are sure it isn’t his but you could appreciate the passion he held for the craft, for authenticity of film making, you keep the mood light tease, “Oh yeah because you know just what a murder scene looks like, right?”
He laughs, hardly managing to stifle it before he says, “You don’t know everything I’ve done, I could have all sorts of life experiences you are unaware of but besides that it doesn’t take a killer to know that based off the body's internal temperature if sliced into like that-” Another point to the screen, the mangled torso with the mess of red and innards on display, “-it would steam up in the fall evening air.” 
You hum with a nod and then a line read on screen was so bad he started up again with another joke that had you laughing in a way that made it hard to breathe. He was piling on, you leaning into him fully now and then that is when his hand makes contact, again only after you touch him first. 
A simple move from his own knee to yours, both cracking up and as you come down his hand doesn’t move, instead a simple squeeze as his gaze shifts from screen to you and back again. He is wearing that sideways grin that before tonight sure made your own stare linger a bit longer than it should for a person with a boyfriend, but now? It was having a different effect. 
You’d thought about it, mostly before you got with Randy, but Mickey was a really attractive guy, you got along absurdly well and tonight he treated you amazingly, was here for you in a big way when you needed him. You weren’t even tipsy any longer, you can’t blame the feelings he was giving you on the alcohol. You were only human and him encouraging you to feel your emotions, validating them, the close proximity and clear chemistry you both had wasn’t helping this either. You were positive he was into you. 
Were you seriously considering this?
He interrupted your thoughts, “You having a good time?”
The question startled you. Not just because he spoke but what he said, Mickey was a pretty self assured guy, the question might sound insecure in nature but it wasn’t spoken in a tone that lended to that. You play along and respond, “Yeah, yeah I am. Why do you ask?”
“Oh just know that what we got up to tonight probably wasn’t what you were initially planning to.” He responded with ease, not insecure, just concerned and you sighed, he was a really good guy wasn’t he? 
“Yeah it wasn’t but that isn’t your fault it’s Randy’s for ditching, besides what we did almost all of what he and I would have anyway plus some extra stuff.”
You gesture to the screen and the movie you certainly wouldn’t have seen were it not for him. He asks next, “Well glad I could help give you a good Friday night but that almost all has me curious, what exactly did you miss out on?”
You were painfully aware of the fact that his hand was still on your knee, your eyes drew down slightly at the maintained contact, your shoulders still pressed together, your thighs touching, you leaning into him has created multiple points of contact that you were only just paying attention to now. His body was warm, he smelt good and the question he asked made your mind run back to your intentions at the start of the night, of that semi public risky fuck you wanted to have with Randy. 
A subdued shrug, so small that if his eyes weren’t locked onto you and your shoulder on his he might have missed it, “Nothing two college kids in a relationship wouldn’t normally get up to post-party.”
The silence that followed was heavy and tension filled and he said, his eyes moving over you in a way that could be read as more than just ‘friendly’, “Shame I can’t help you out with that.”
Fuck it.
“Couldn’t you?” The question was spoken with your gaze raised, gaging his reaction, the slight raise of his eyebrows and confusion on his features meets the small uptick of the sides of his mouth, “What about Randy?”
“What about him?”  You bite back with a casual shrug.
This was too perfect for him but he still had to play this right. An amused exhale before he reminds you, “He’s your boyfriend?” 
“And yet I am here with you, alone in your place and on your couch with him nowhere in sight.” And any remaining gap was closed by you, leaning that last bit, one hand meeting his cheek and you tugging him closer to kiss him. As soon as you made that final move, as soon as your lips met his all bets were off, this was happening, patience and hard work pays off and he can take.
The response you draw from him is immediate, a soft groan, his hands moving, finding your waist, shifting his body and adjusting his posture to better return your sudden affection. You move with him, allowing him to do what he wants, take more of the lead, something he seemed to do with a startling amount of ease, as if he expected you to not only bend but to be into it.  
You were very much into it. 
It wasn’t like what you had with Randy was bad but he was relatively inexperienced when you got together and still wasn’t the most confident without some major prompting and praise. He was a good kisser but more than that you had a great rhythm off the hop, found a solid groove with a natural give and take that seemed to feed into one another beautifully. His hands feel good on your waist, they are grounding and it drives you to want to touch him further. The thumb on your hand still cupping his face swipes over his cheekbone and you tilt his face to be closer still, a move he permits along with your other hand starting on his side before wandering up the expanse of his chest through his shirt. 
His hands slip lower, you feel a rough press of him over your hips and then his hands on your outer thighs and he tugs, a further adjustment so you are underneath him, he is leaning further forward, his body starting to cover yours as the make out hastily progressed. The need overwhelms you first, he breaks the kiss and his lips drags down your jaw and further still, kissing over your neck and you arch, squirming your hips, grinding against him and he smiles against your throat from how well this is going so quickly. 
Your fingers hook in the neck of his shirt, tangling, twisting, you pull, desperate for more contact as you grind again, he nips lightly at your pulse and you moan again, softer and so sweet, addicting for him to hear. Another few passes of tongue and of teeth that have your thighs hugging his hips and the next grind that happens is mutual, as is the breath that is caught in your respective throats. “Fuck, you’re better at this than I imagined.”
The smile on his face shifts to a grin that is outright cocky, one of his hands on your hip he pulls, makes you grind on him in a way that has your head falling back with a sigh and he asks, “Have you imagined me like this a lot?”
Your hands don’t stop wandering his body, feeling him and when you don’t respond right away, more concerned with the next move of your hips and the subtle rush of pleasure, he continues, “Thought about me being the one doing this when you’re with your shitty little boyfriend?” 
A shake of your head,  but you don’t stop, you start to tug, a silent plea for him to take off his shirt and one he gives into as you say, “He’s not that bad.” 
He is sitting up on his knees, the lack of contact makes you want to complain but the fabric is peeled away and thrown to the side and any possible complaining is forgotten about. A scoff, “Sure, yeah, he’s a real great guy, hence why you were just grinding yourself all over me with your tongue down my throat.” 
A laugh that is too light all things considered, “Shut up.” 
He listens. Your hands on his shoulders yanking him until he is against you once more, your mouth crashing into his. Your body was warm and soft, you were talking about this being better than you imagined but he was stuck with the same realisation, you were a good kisser, had amazing give and take and of course the mental aspect, you were in a relationship but ready and willing, touching him, kissing him, it had him aching in his jeans. He started to tug on the bottom of your top and you broke the kiss in a hurry to free yourself of the constraining material. The sight of you in your bottoms and the pretty lace framing you up top turns him on so much more.
It progresses quickly after that. You spread below him on your back, your tongue parting his lips allowing his into your mouth, an action he completes with a small groan his wandering hands choosing to settle, particularly one finding its home between your thighs and you arched into his touch with a hushed, “Fuck yes.” 
He lets out a pleased hum, your hands work with his, removing the remaining clothing to give him better access and when there is the last layer between you and his touch he asks in a tone that is as humorous as it is sickeningly sweet, “Am I allowed to speak?” 
A hurried nod as you squirm, his fingers brush over you more firmly and he says, “You’re fucking drenched. I don’t think I’ve ever felt someone get this wet from just a little making out, how hard up for it are you?”
“Very.” Your breath hitches and he knows he’s found the right spot to focus on, fingers swirling over your straining clit through your damp panties. “Is he not doing what he should be?”
Your brain feels foggy, you are far more concerned with the sensation starting to wash over you, limbs feeling heavier, eyes half lidded and rocking your hips with the movement of his hand, “Who?”
He laughs, “Who? You already forgot all about him? That tells me everything I need to know that poor ol Meeks isn’t satisfying you.” Before any protest or defending of your boyfriend could leave your mouth he is tugging the crotch of your panties aside and feeling the bare heat of his fingers against you makes you gasp, head falling back against the arm of the couch. 
You try to push out what you wanted to say, try to tell him, “I-I didn’t forget M’ just, ugh, distracted, you-you’re distracting.”
“Awe yeah, I’m a really big distraction, do I make it hard to think?” He asks as his fingers pick up the pace, pressing more firmly you moan and nod, “Yes! You do.”
“I could make it worse.” He teases and he moves quickly. Still shirtless, in just his jeans he is on his knees and tugging you further down the length of the couch, underwear half on, your legs over his shoulders his head dips down and his strong but soft tongue licking that first stripe over your clit has you crying out with an arch of your back. 
He did make it worse. You couldn’t think properly as soon as the make out started, your mind was far too busy with him and the taste, feeling, the pleasure, it stole all logic and sense. With his lips wrapped around such a sensitive part of you, cradling your clit and sucking indulgently, pretty mouth latched on and tongue lathing over you between his lips, fingers digging into your hips and ass as he held you where he needed, you felt like you were threatening to fall apart in less than five fucking minutes. 
Panting out his name, heels digging into his well toned back, fingers scrambling against the corduroy like material of the couch cushions as the feeling built, if he kept this up you’d be cumming against his talented tongue in about two more minutes. Thighs squeezing his head as well as your erratic breathing clues him into how close your end is and he pulls back, the wet strand of spit, the leash connecting his mouth and your clit breaks as he moves back, his fingers take over, messy circles drawn and you whine as the edge backs off from the change in pressure and technique, “How are you doing up there?”
His own voice sounded rough with arousal, the knowledge that he is into this, getting off on eating you out makes another wash of arousal soak into your brain, heart still pounding as you tell him, “Good, so good, please Mickey, keep going.”
“Keep going?” He asks, his head resting on your inner thigh as his fingers continue to dance over your pulsing clit, your tongue darts out, wetting your bottom lip, a nod as your eyebrows draw together, “Yeah, please? I was getting close, an-and your mouth is, fuck, amazing.”
He preens under the praise, “Oh is it?” He is playing dumb as his thumb comes down and he pulls your clitoral hood up, nerve dense tissue exposed and vulnerable, he blows gently and you shiver, body tensing, Christ, how were you so sensitive that even air passing through his lips felt this good? 
“Ye-yeah, I wanna cum, please, please-” And he decided to tease you further still, he leaned in, tongue out and your eyes are wide, teeth tugging on your bottom lip, desperate to feel him again, for him to keep going, to push you over the edge. Less than an inch from contact he pulls back with a sigh, “I dunno-”
Your head tips back with a loud groan as you roll your eyes, “Fuuuuck, Mickey, c’mon, I’m dying over here!” 
“Yeah? Does it hurt, yet?” He asks and you do notice a distinct ache along your swollen walls, a throbbing pain of denial in your clit steadily building and how awfully empty you feel at this moment. 
“Starting to, yes.” You bite out and he says, “Maybe I should be nice and help you out.”
“Yes, please, please be nice to me.” You beg and with your head still back, staring up at the ceiling you are unprepared when he licks over you again, the yelp that leaves you makes him snicker before he says, “Sure, I’ll be nice, I’ll get you off.”
You ramble, babble out your thanks and his mouth is back where it should be, lips locked over your clit, licking, sucking, one of his hands sliding between your thighs and two fingers delve inside to aid further, you clench around them with a stuttered moan of his name. It takes about three minutes for you to be on the edge between him working your clit and his fingers fucking in and out of you, curling just so in and out again and again. “God, Mickey, don’t stop, don’t stop, M’ almost there-”
And then he does just that.
He stops, his fingers stay lodged inside of you, fingers pressed to that sweet spot he’d found with ease but no longer moving and you want to cry, you ask in completely frustration, “Mickey what the fuck?” 
“I know, I know, I told you I’d help you out and M’ gonna, soon as you give me something.” You are looking down the length of your body to him between your spread thighs and are just about ready to agree to anything so long as he’d make you cum. “What is it?”
The grin on his face is positively wolfish, he licks again over your clit and you inhale sharply, “Nothing big.” 
“No?” You ask and another lazy lick combined with a rock of his fingers he says, “No. I just want you to tell me I’m better than Randy is and I’ll make you cum your brains out.”
Your heart drops, you shake your head, for some reason, that wakes you up, makes the heat inside you cool, you feel like that is the line, that is too far, you say, “No, I-I can’t do that.”
He tsk’s, “Shit, guess you don’t want to cum that bad then.” He didn’t stop though. He didn’t pull away, far from it, he goes back to eating you out and fingering you he just kept fucking stopping before you could cum and he kept on posing that question, your juice painting his chin. 
“You wanna admit it yet?” And you kept on telling him, “No-no, I-I don’t ha-have anything to admit.” 
It made him laugh. He had two fingers three knuckles deep inside you, right now and felt your clit pulsing in pure frustrated need in his mouth less than two seconds ago but sure, you had nothing to admit. “I can feel how hot and worked up you are, how many times have I edged you already? You are a really, really bad fucking liar.” 
“M’ not lying!” You attempt to assert but your voice wavers, “No? So I’m not better than Randy? He makes you sweat and tremble like this before he’s ever even made you cum once?”
You bite the inside of your cheek and refuse to meet his gaze. You want to thread your fingers in that stupid sexy messy hair and grind on his tongue until he makes you cum, not have this stupid battle of wills.
“Mmm, yeah that is why you aren’t able to look at me, because I am so far off base.” He sounds unbearably smug and he slides his fingers out of you and you almost break, you want to sob and plead for him to continue but he is sucking the mess that had coated his fingers and you again feel your mind going blank at the visual. 
He is getting up and his erection pressed against the denim looks like it has to hurt, he was starting to undo his pants and said once he was standing at full height, “How about you return the favour though and see if your tune changes?”
That sounds way too appealing to you especially because you could pay him back with some torture of your own and torture you do. After taking in the sight of him bare, your mouth is practically watering, he looks frankly delicious and you intend to dine happily. Your hand locks around the base and you lean in, eyes staring up at his face as your tongue makes the first pass, intent on taking in his expression and how he reacts to the movement. It is positive to say the least, the slight inhale, the tensing of his muscles, and the small curse that spills out. Your tongue flicks over his flushed tip, tasting the ample pre-cum that he had been leaking, your lips close, a chaste kiss before you begin to move down one side of his shaft, he is impossibly hot and throbbing in your grip. 
This is going to be too easy. 
Is what you initially thought but you would also be very wrong, because even as you let him breach your mouth, even as you begin to suck and take more of him in, you don’t feel in control or empowered. You feel weaker and hotter, he made you feel so fucking good with seemingly such little effort that you being able to do the same, to pull such reactions out of him makes you want consider his previous offer more seriously. 
You try to push those thoughts away as you blow him.
You gag yourself, choke on him and it makes him groan your name, his hips buck, he fucks in and out of your lips stretched around him and drool slips out, slides down your neck as you hold his hip with one hand, the other around the base of him still, hand working him in tandem with your mouth. You look up again, his eyes are still on you, on the length of him sliding between your slick lips, his neck and chest blooming red, flush from pleasure painted over his features as he pants and you squeeze your thighs together. 
All in all you used your mouth on him for around five minutes before you break, pulling him out you ask, out of breath and needy, “Fuck me?”
Randy is coming inside after going to get himself some breakfast, it’s around ten AM, sun shining and he is carrying a stack of mail and thinking about giving you a call soon to make up for him bailing last night. The movie was a good time but he missed you, he didn’t do much after the movie, came back here and went to bed basically, he thinks you will probably be up soon. He is about to sit down on the couch when something catches his eye, namely, a tape half in half out of the VCR. He comes forward, he pulls the tape out and there are no markings whatsoever on it, odd. 
He is curious enough that he thinks why not, he shrugs and pops the tape in, he walks back around the coffee table and is flipping through the mail again but what he hears gives him pause, makes him stop. 
Hearing a very familiar modulated voice greeting him, “Hello Randy. Been a while. Seems like some stuff has changed for you, like the cute girlfriend, she’s new. I like what I have seen of her, how much I have seen of her, thought you’d be interested to see what she was up to last night that I managed to catch on video.”
And the voice over cuts out and instead he is hearing your voice, gasping out, “Mickey oh my fucking God-”
He pauses flipping through and looks up and what he sees playing out on the screen makes him gasp.
The video shows a well lit apartment, the main focus of the shot is a couch, the view is from the side and bent over the arm of the couch pointing at the lens is you, not a stitch of clothing on, fingers digging into blue fabric, open mouthed and moaning, with who the fuck else but Mickey Altieri behind you. He was fucking you and seemingly you were loving every second of it, your face twisted in bliss and rocking back onto him, “Yes, yes, yes-”
“Good?” He asked with a laugh and your head pitches forward, a shaky nod and you hum the affirmative, “Mmhm!” 
“Yeah it is, fuck you’re tight.”  His hand reaches out, he grabs your hair, wraps the handful around his fist and he tugs hard, you cry out and clench down on him making him suck his own teeth from the sharp jolt of pleasure, he is pulling your hair so your head snaps back up, making sure he is showing off your gorgeous expressions for the camera. 
Little did you know that when he passed by the camera set on the counter earlier to grab his bootleg he turned it on, that it had been running this whole time. It didn’t take much to edit it, or to add the voice over or for him to sneak it into Randy’s apartment either, honestly it was too easy if anything. 
Randy had dropped the mail and was slowly sitting down, he can’t stop watching as you rock yourself back, helping impale yourself on Mickey and moaning the whole way. His hand that wasn’t pulling your hair is sliding down and the cry that tears from your throat makes what he is doing obvious, fucking you doggy style and toying with your clit at the same time has you telling him in a few more thrusts, “Shit, oh, ohh Mickey, fuck, I-I’m close again, fuck-” 
“You gonna give it up? You gonna say what we both know is true?” He prompts and you shake your head, “I-I cah-can’t, Mickey, just, let me cum, please-”
“Not till you say it.” His hand is out of your hair and laying a hard hit onto your ass that makes your back arch and finally you can’t take it any longer, your confession pours out, “You’re better than him okay?! Fuck, fuck! You’re so, so much better tha-than Randy, make me feel so good, he-he’s a joke next to you, God, don’t stop!” 
“Oh there you go, see? Doesn’t being honest feel so, fucking, good?” Those last three words are bookended by a brutal thrust, another strong move of his fingers and finally you break, nodding along, agreeing as you cum chanting his name over and over like some broken and fucked up prayer, trembling the entire time as the pleasure tears through you and threatens to make you collapse. 
“What the fuck…” Randy asks quietly as he continues to watch the scene unfold, watch as Mickey keeps railing you totally dumb and you agree with all the fucked up things he asks, drooling and telling him, “You’re so good, so much better, keep, ah, keep fucking me, please!”
“You think I’m able to stop now? Not a fucking chance.” 
He can’t bring himself to turn it off. Even as you continue to insult him, even as Mickey makes you parrot back that Randy is quote, “A shit fuck-ing boyfriend who doesn’t deserve you.” 
When you say it though it sounds a lot more broken and pathetic, "He-he's a shit fu-fuck-ing boyfriend who-who doesn't deserve meeee-"
Randy gets shamefully, embarrassingly, painfully hard as Mickey fucks you harder and harder, fucks you through another two more orgasms and a few more good position changes. Watching you ride him while he has a hand locked around your throat is hard to take, but the worst has to be when Mickey has his arms wrapped around you, fucking up into you and you are just trying to take it, legs shaking and too weak to do anything else but cling to and kiss him as he has you, as he holds you. That sloppy kiss is broken, your eyes squeezed shut as you are telling him for the fourth time since the tape started, “Mickey, I’m close again, God, yes!”
And not only do you cum, not only do you sob out his name as Mickey’s hard dick slips in and out of your well fucked hole, no, you end up squirting too, something Randy didn’t even know your body was capable of. Your moan bleeds, cracks at the edges and the man fucking you laughs, a blissed out joyful sound of disbelief, “Holy shit!” 
The amount that comes out of you is impressive, he watches as the camera picks up the rivulets of liquid as they race down Mickey’s shaft and his sac and the quickly darkening stain under the pair of you as he doesn’t relent even for a moment. Mickey kisses you, deeply, sloppy and to add further insult to injury, after you are coming down from your orgasm, he breaks that same kiss he initiated and asked, “Randy ever make you squirt like that?”
And you laugh, eyes rolling back and a shake of your head as you breathlessly admit, dumb and cock drunk as you tell him, “No way, not once.” 
The tape doesn’t even stop there, it goes on until Mickey is the one warning you minutes later of his impending orgasm and it is like you become possessed, your hands lock behind his neck, a burst of energy, motivated, you ride with abandon and Mickey doesn’t even have to ask, you are too far gone, you are the one who begs, “Cum inside, don’t pull out!”
He should get up.
He should turn off the tv.
He should take out the tape and smash it to bits but no, he does none of those things. He watches helplessly as Mickey’s hands grip your hips so hard Randy bet’s they will bruise as he holds deep and unloads inside of you. Mickey let out a groan of your name and you shiver and Randy is sure you can feel every pulse of him as he fills you. 
The come down is sickeningly and stomach turningly intimate, he feels as if he is intruding on a private moment even though you are his girlfriend. He watches the kisses passed back and forth, the soft touches and he is about to wonder when the tape WILL finally cut when he hears that mocking voice of Ghostface again, “Pretty hot, huh? I think they make a good couple, what about you Meeks? You enjoy the sequel?”
And the screen goes black.
He sits there staring at the tv set for all of thirty seconds before he gets up and goes over. He doesn’t hesitate to hit rewind. He should talk to you, confront you about what happened, what this means, what you did but when the tape finishes rewinding he doesn’t do that. 
He takes his original seat and frees himself from his pants and guilty enjoys the second of what is sure to be many viewings with his dick hard and hot in his palm.
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misskingshit · 1 year
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘥𝘺 summary: Popular girls don't hang out with nerds right?... right?! Note: My poor baby deserved better :’( xoxo
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not my gif, credits to de owner
"Hey Randy" you greet him arriving where he was sitting with his friends.
You can hear under his breath 'what the fuck' from Stu
"Hello Y/N!" Randy answers the confused but excited "what brings you here?".
"She'll ask you for the homework dude, it's the only thing a girl as beautiful as Y/N would approach you for."
Other than that it was true that you needed your homework done, Stu had no idea.
You weren't going to allow him to treat him so badly, besides you didn't like Stu, closing his mouth wouldn't hurt anyone.
"Actually, I just wanted to spend time with him, he left my house super early last night and he still owes me a couple of things" you winked mischievously at a red-faced Randy with embarrassment.
The truth is, you weren't even lying.
You and Randy have been fooling around and fucking since he did all your chores for you, he always told you that you didn't have to sleep with him, but you wanted him. He was an incredibly hot nerd, his innocence when it came to touching you and looking at you, his constant blushes, made you feel hot, powerful "come on baby boy" you take him by the hand and pull him with you.
Your sure footsteps were followed by the unsteady footsteps of your lover. You found the door to the small janitor's room, so small that only your two bodies and a few more centimeters could fit.
"Well, what do you..." you didn't let him finish speaking because you had already thrown yourself onto his lips.
"Today I don't need anything, only you" the kisses were never slow, rather wild and needy. "I need you Randy, won't you be a good boy?" you asked between kisses "so many guys here would like to be with me, but I can't help it, I only want you baby, only you can make me cum just by touching me for two seconds...with those hands" God, you loved his hands, his rings and that watch.
"I'll be here when you need me," he said, and your heart melted, but now you were hot and you just wanted him to break you in two.
"I really want you to fuck me" you said "here, now... maybe also while you're working".
"God, I can't believe someone like you is doing that with someone like me" he gasps from desperate kisses.
"What do you mean? Randy, you are beautiful, sweet, intelligent and too hot" you smiled at him.
The kisses were incredibly desperate, their hands touching absolutely everything they could of the other "Do you want me" he asks. "Yes Randy, please, please do something".
"mhm yeah, I'll do something" he pulls up your skirt while you unbuttoned his pants. "I don't have a c…" you didn't let me finish the sentence, you took care of yourself anyway.
"Just put it in me Randy, fuck a baby in me" his cheeks started to turn red "aw, how cute, you would love that right?" He nods as he begins to enter you making you moan so loud that Randy had to cover your mouth "oh my god, harder please."
He rammed you against the wall while you did your best not to yell "cum on my baby please Randy make me yours" you kissed him hard. "Yeah, you're mine, okay? I'm going to fuck my baby in you so the whole world can see who you are" and just hearing the nerd talking to you like that, you came really hard. He didn't stay behind, he filled you completely.
"God I love you" he whispered to you. "I know baby" you smiled at him.
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f1nalboys · 1 month
Hey... Ya know what would be cool or whatever?
*Gently kicks rock with my hands in my pockets trying not to show how much I crave this*
If you'd make The Creature!Randy as a short story au yearning for Reader/Lisa... I don't know I think it be neat...Just saying.
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spooky ur a GENIUS!!!!! have not stopped thinking abt this since i watched the movie and <3333333 randy is the perfect undead husband i fear to say!!! this is a little short and really just focuses on the beginning of everything, but i hope its enjoyable nonetheless!!!!
From The Grave - Randy Meeks
The Creature!Randy Meeks x GN!Reader
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WARNINGS: post death randy, the briefest description of corpse randy, mention of roadkill, nothing too graphic tho <3, reader is around randys age when he died but no specifc age is said, inspired by lisa frankenstein <3
His grave was tucked underneath a large willow tree, the branches hanging low and wide, hiding his lone headstone. You discovered it a few months ago on a warm spring afternoon as you carefully made your way through the abandoned graveyard in Woodsboro, stepping over gnarled roots and vines. The headstone was cracked, covered in moss and dirt, but you could just barely make out some of the writing on it as you got closer, your hand swinging by your side as the leaves of the tree shaded you from the sun.
“Randy Meeks. 1978-1997.” 
He was young, like you. Alone, too, if the state of his grave was any indication. Despite passing the other graves, all in similar states of disrepair, something about this one stood out to you. Maybe it was the fact you knew nothing of him; other headstones told you that buried deep in the ground was a husband, a wife, a child, but here there was nothing. Or, maybe, it was the fact that he was of similar age to you and was hidden away like you so often felt. 
Regardless, you spent the next hour carefully scraping the moss off of the stone with your finger and, when the grime became too hard to simply push off, with your pen. You didn’t have any water or soap and as you stand, wiping your hands off onto your jeans with a pleased smile at the progress, you resolve to come back tomorrow and finish cleaning it up. Sure, no one ever came through here, and the grass was as high as your knees in some parts of the cemetery, and you swore when you turned your back to his grave you could feel someone staring at you, but you were going to finish your job here. 
And so you did. The next day, bright and early, you clean up Randy Meeks’s headstone until it sparkles in the sunlight that broke through the gaps of the leaves. But then you come back the next day, and the next, and the next. For weeks, whenever you have the chance to, you make your way through the rusted iron fence and through the thick grass to him. 
Always to him.
You eventually wear down a path to his grave, the grass around the headstone itself squashed down from your constant pacing as you talk out loud. Talking helped clear your mind, and despite no response, you felt more seen and understood by him than you ever had before. You sometimes caught yourself pausing after a sentence as if waiting for a response and everytime you swore the wind would pick up and the leaves above you would rustle his answer.
Each time you left the cemetery, you’d write off whatever you felt in the moment and resign yourself back to your lonely existence. 
And then the strange storm happened. Dark, green, swirling clouds loomed in the sky above you, but they couldn't deter you. You made your way to the cemetery, rested your head on his gravestone, fingers tracing the etching of his name, and cried. Your whispers came out quick and harsh, cut off with random gulps of air, as you told him how you just wished you and he could be together. How your life was awful, how all you wanted was to be seen and loved and be treated how you knew he would treat you. 
You wanted to join him in death since he couldn't join you in life.
There was a crack of thunder, a flash of light, and when your eyes opened you were back home. You shake it off, sure you made your way home on auto-pilot. As you stumble through your routine to get ready for bed, you pause at the sound of a groan outside. Just as you turn your head to investigate, your front window shatters and a foul smell reminiscent of the decomposing fox on the side of the road you pass by everyday wafts in. Your hand covers your mouth and nose to stop from hurling just as he crawls through your window. 
After a few laps around your house, you sit across from him in your bedroom, staring at him wearily. “Who are you?” Is the only thing you can think to ask, though it doesn’t result in much. The man keeps grunting, getting increasingly more frustrated at your lack of understanding. He’s caked in mud and god knows what else, his eyes a bright blue. He can’t talk and you can’t understand him, but you swear you know him from somewhere. You run through the list of men you know, name after name, but he shakes his head after each one, his fingers drumming on his bent knee.
Eventually you stand and give him a notebook and a pen, hoping he can write. You watch as he takes it, his eyes focused on the paper in front of him, his tongue poking out from his lips as he concentrates. Finally, he looks up and meets your eye, an intensity in them you hadn't seen before. You take the notebook and look down, gasping quietly as you read the name.
“Randy?” You ask, eyes widening slightly as you look back towards him. He nods. “My Randy? From the graveyard?” Another nod and the closest thing to a smile you’ve seen him make yet. None of it makes sense. You knew that the real Randy Meeks had been dead for years but here he was in front of you. “Could you hear me? When I spoke to you?”
He nods his head once again, reaching his large hand out for yours. You grimace slightly at the feeling of the mud and viscera on his skin but you don't pull away. Instead, you watch with a morbid curiosity as he brings your hand to his undead lips, pressing them against your hand. Your hand tingles, a lightning bolt crawling up your arm. 
It was him. He was here for you. Somehow, someway, he clawed his way out of death to find you. 
It was the most romantic thing you could think of.
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tonixe · 1 year
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"Whats your favorite scary movie?"
n.o.t.e.s - 🌊Randy is seriously underrated, like give him some love &lt;3
w.a.r.n - 🌀 penetration, oral (m receiving) p in v, creampies, non-con to dub-con, protected sex.
p.a.i.r.i.n.g - 🌠Randy Meeks x Ghostface!female reader
w.c. - 1.7k
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The phone ranged throughout the Meek's residents. Randy was home alone, the perfect time for you to sneak up on him and ruin his geek logic.
It was the perfect time to use your new voice changer to suit your character; it was easier than the boys. It was a more feminine, high-pitched voice, but it was still tangible to hide your identity and gender; it was sexier. It suited your character. Billy and Stu were questioning the change, but you managed to persuade them.
It was the perfect time to at least kill him but in a way that he'll never forget; you were gonna wear black lingerie over the already black cloak, and the mask would be better soak in his dork blood.
You hid a hunting knife to a butcher knife inside your cloak, turning on your voice changer.
As the phone ranged, you saw Randy pick it up, muttering a "Hello?"
"Hello, handsome!" you said seductively through the line as you saw him puzzled by the simple that came out of your mouth.
"Who's this?" Randy asked curiosity evident in his voice.
"Your secret admirer," you said, as you played with the phone cord, "My secret admirer?" he repeated your sentence.
"Your more handsome than you think, baby~."
"Is this a prank, Stu," he dismissed whatever you said as you saw him got angry through the window from his stance.
"I'm not Stu, darling."
"I swear to god Stu, if this a fucking prank, I swear"
"IM NOT FUCKING, STU DUMBASS," you yelled through the phone, "I'm more than that, Randy."
"Whatever, I'm just gonna hang up the phone-"
"Hang up the phone, and I'll slice your throat open just like fucking Casey."
"Wanna play a game?"
"Do I even have a choice?" Randy muttered
"You don't, baby~" it was amusing seeing Randy in fear; it made you feel arousal.
"I'll make the genre about Horror movies, since your such a horror geek"
"Question 1, What is Danny's nickname in the shinning?"
"It's Tony"
"Wow, You really do know your stuff."
"Question 2, In Sleepaway Camp, What was Angela original name?"
"Oh my, I can see why they can you such a geek," you giggled,
"Okay, Last Question Mister, Where am I?"
"Wait what?" you heard the fear evident in his voice, "Where am I Randy~"
"How the fuck did you know my name?" he asked as you saw him looking around him and in the rooms.
"Answer the fucking question, Randy."
"I don't know where you are, psycho. Whatever it is, I'm calling the police"
"They will never make it in time, babe."
That was the last time you said before hanging up the phone. You pulled down the generator, cutting off all the light sources in his house. It was an eerily sight; you saw his face plastered with fear.
The perfect opportunity to kill; everywhere was dark, pitched black.
You grabbed your knife, doubled, wheeling both of your weapons, walking down the hallway; it was obvious that your little Randy was hiding.
You walked into the living room, wheeling your knifes in a circular motion. "Come on, Randy~."
"Where are you?" you spoke through your voice changer; turning your body around, you heard his heavy breathing. Stepping forward near where he was.
"I found you, Randy~," you said, throwing one of your blades at Randy before he dodged it and started running off. You pulled off the thrown knife that landed in the wall, forceful with your leg.
"Come on, Randy. I don't like to play with my toys before killing them~" you cooed out. You followed him upstairs, quickly looking around at the surrounding before destroying some doors.
"Come on, Randy. I don't wanna fuck around, just come out and fight like fucking man," you yelled, your voice getting erratic by the second. You started chopping down the doors, turning around before your lungs were contradicted from oxygen, as you turned your head around to see Randy; he was close to unmasking you before kicking him in the knee, taking him by surprise, and then kicking him in the face.
Successfully getting him on the floor, straddling him with your legs, before swinging your knife at him, before he dodged your violent strikes, kneeing you right in the abdomen, making you fall on the floor, dropping your weapons.
Holding your abdomen, groaning in pain. "Y-you bastard" Before you regain your balance, He pins your arms on the floor.
His heavy breathing on your cheek, you straddled him between your legs, trying to get him off you. "I-i'm going to fucking kill you," you barked at him.
"Not when your in fucking jail," he yelled out.
"Like hell," you manage to knee him, picking up your weapons and straddling him forcefully, "Im going to make sure you'll have a horrible death, putting up your guts like Christmas lights, bitch" holding up your knife over your head.
Before you could, you felt something hard on your nether regions. You were taken back and lowered your weapons. "You're getting hard off of this you sick bastard," you said with a smile in your voice.
He didn't respond to your teasing; you saw a faint blush on your cheeks.
You hooked your weapon back on in your cloak. "If you do a favor for me, I'll keep you alive," you lean in, whispering into his ear, grinding down on him.
He remained silent, the tension between you both growing by the second before he hesitantly shook his head.
"Good Boy~" you cooed at him
You slide back, pulling down his pants, getting a glimpse of his hard cock and wet stain staining his briefs. "You really did get hard off of this" you teased.
His face was red, pure red.
Before pulling down his briefs, his length sprang up, his precum dripping down his shaft. He was medium size, not average though, but overwhelming big.
"I wasn't expecting this from a virgin, big though~," you said, cocking your head to the side getting a glance at his red face and whimpering.
"Close your eye, Randy, don't peek. You don't want me to kill Ran" Your comment seemed to bring him back, as he immediately closed his eyes from the threat before you wrapped a blindfold on his face.
You took off your mask, laying it on the side. Combing back your hair with your fingers. Jerking him down and up, his whimpering coming out of his lips. The pace of your hand was unbearably slow as more whimpers and moaning came out of his lips.
More precum was drooling out from his length before you started playfully licking the tip of his cock. Sucking on the tip, swirling your tongue around it.
Before you took him inside your mouth, swirling around before bobbing up an down on his cock, holding his hips down.
"F-fuck" he moaned out.
You forced yourself down, gagging on his length. Your eye is watering before withdrawing. Your saliva connected to the tip of his length before unbuttoning the top of your cloak, unclasping the top of your bra.
Putting your boobs between his length, holding both sides of your tits, lapping at his length, sucking down on him, before jerking him off with your tits. You glanced up from him, and through your eyelashes, you saw him gripping the carpet, the feeling between your legs pulsing.
His legs were trembling, and you felt his cock twitching inside your mouth before you felt hot, salty liquid flowing into your mouth, before swallowing down his cum.
As Randy groaned out from his orgasm. You still felt his length still hard after his orgasm. "God, your still hard?" you smiled.
You took off your panties, positioning yourself over him as you sink onto his length. As his cock split you open, Randy groaned from tightening cunt.
You placed your hand on his shoulders, riding down on him, as you rocked your hips on his. You bit down on your lips, hiding your moans from being audible. Leaning down on holding his shoulders, biting on his neck, your bites blossoming into fresh love bites.
"D-damn," he groaned.
"You feel better when you are inside of me," you purred; you felt his hand around your hips, and your hips and his collided as he plunged his dick inside you.
As his pace turned erratically, feeling his balls slapping onto your ass as he thrust in, as you broke out from biting your lips as your moan ranged out. Feeling twitching inside you, you felt your orgasm near, his hands gripping onto your hips, forcefully thrusting inside you.
You felt warm liquid pouring into you as your sense of relief washed over you, seeing white.
His groaning and your moaning came in sync, as you took out his limp length from you, his cum escaping from your cunt. "God, you did well" you cooed, as you put on your panties back on.
Buttoning on your cloak, wearing back your mask, Crouching down to his level, "I guess you broke a rule; you had sex~" you smiled as you took off his blindfold from him; his face was still fully red; you got up and broke the window jumping out of the house, giving him a wave.
Randy's face was still red, as he just thought what he just did.
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Walking down the school hallway wearing your backpack, going to the area where your friend's group was, near the lockers. "Wassup guys," you said gleefully.
You saw Billy glaring at you, maybe because you went off the plan; Stu was busy flirting with Tatum. You glance to the side, seeing Randy plastered with a smile, "Whatcha smile for Ran?" you ask, cocking your head.
"Did you finally get a girlfriend~" you teased, pointing at him.
"Kind of" He rubbed the back of his neck; after he said, everyone got silent just staring at him. "Randy got a girlfriend; how much did you pay her" Stu teased.
"Nothing, dipshit," Randy snapped, getting a laugh from Stu. "I'm surprised you got someone, Randy," Tatum said with a surprised face.
"Surprised as to what he does in his free time," Billy muttered, earning him a nudge from his girlfriend, Sidney.
There was tension in the air as you broke the ice, "Well, it's good that Randy is finally being a man," you said as you ruffled his hair. You glance to see him with a red hue on his face. I guess he still remembers that night.
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emmalandry · 8 months
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𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕥𝕠𝕓𝕖𝕣 𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝟚𝟚~ 𝕄𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕪 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕜
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Randy whining as he thrusts inside your warm, wet cunt. “Mommy, fuck, you feel so good.” His eyes roll back into his head.
His thrusts are beginning to get sloppy as he lazily thrusts into you. You can feel his balls tightening up as he struggles to keep up. “Cmon Baby, Cum for Mommy. Be a good boy.”
You know he’s at his breaking point, you both are. A knots beginning to form in your stomach, you can feel it burning inside you as he rubs lazy circles on your clit.
You feel his hot seed fill up your womb, with your release following soon after. “Thank you mommy, thank you so much, fuck.” He’s so whiny with his gratitude.
⋆⸜ ⚘ ⸝⋆ .* ⚘ ⋆*⋆⸜ ⚘ ⸝⋆ .* ⚘ ⋆*⋆⸜ ⚘ ⸝⋆ .* ⚘ ⋆
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pixiexdusts-world · 8 months
Incorrect quote
Randy: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail
Y/n: No it’s my fault, I shouldn’t’ve used my one phone call to prank call the police.
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letssimptogether · 1 year
“Never Have I Ever…”
Scream Group 4 x Reader
Summary/Warnings: The group of 4 is having a house party at Stu’s, drinking alcohol and playing “Never Have I Ever” — suggestive language and mentioning of alcohol in the fic below!
A/N: Sorry I took so long Anon! Had some things going on LOL
Requested: Yep!
Taglist: @kazuubaby @tulipsatmidnight @belaballs
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It was a Friday night at Stu’s house, and so far, Stu, Randy, and Y/N were all sitting on the couch, the three of them deciding on which horror movies to watch and which were too campy. Billy was in the kitchen trying not to struggle with the popcorn.
On her way with Sidney, Tatum was bringing some jell-o shots and a few regular shots.
“What’s up, bitches!” Tatum chants sticking her tongue out, sauntering into the house with bags of what seems to be alcohol in the air.
Sidney shook her head smiling slightly, and quickly made her way next to Y/N, Tatum finding a spot near as well.
“You guys ready?” Randy wiggled his eyebrows, pointing the remote at the TV.
He didn’t wait for anyone to respond before turning on Halloween II; Sid rolled her eyes while Y/N and Tatum downed a shot before reaching for a handful of popcorn.
Billy took a shot and mumbled something to Randy and Stu.
“Let’s make this more interesting,” Stu stood up, a cheshire cat smile forming, “We should play ‘Never Have I Ever’!”
“I’m gonna need more alcohol, then.” Sidney half joked,
Sid’s response had Stu practically throwing a jell-o shot at her. Then Tatum, and finally Y/N. The boys grabbed their own, and Stu poured everyone a cup half full. The group all took the shot, and looked around at each other, silently quizzing who’s going first until Tatum finally broke the small silence.
“Never have I ever,” she paused for a moment, but then wiggled her shoulders and joked suggestively, “gone skinny dipping!”
Everyone looked around as Stu, Billy, Tatum, and Randy take a sip of their glass. Sidney and Y/N looked at each other quizzically, but laughed.
“Never have I ever,” Sidney spoke up, “never have I ever snuck into a building.”
Billy, Randy, and Stu all took a shot, while Y/N, Tatum, and Sidney sat there looking around at each other, whisper-joking.
“You think they had a threesome in there?” Tatum giggles.
“Oh definitely.” Y/N snorted, reaching for their glass.
“Oh my,” Sidney chokes taking a small sip from her glass.
Everyone turned their stare to Y/N, who just put their cup down. By this time, the alcohol was kicking in, and everyone was feeling a little giggly and witty. Stu started extending his arms, as if he were presenting Y/N.
“Never have I ever,” Y/N started, “been choked or choked myself during sex.”
The group shot their drinks practically through their noses as they watched Y/N take a shot.
“I beg your pardon, Y/N?!” Tatum gasped, “and you didn’t tell me?”
Sidney’s eyes widened, ‘with who?’ she mouthed to them. Y/N just winked at the pair in response.
“I don’t kiss and tell.” They joked, the liquor making them a bit flirty as Y/N set the cup down, touching fingers with Tatum in the process.
☆ ☆ ☆
By this time, Randy, Sidney, and Tatum all went home. Sid and Tatum spending the night together, and dropping Randy off at his house in the process. The only ones left were Y/N, Billy, and Stu.
The drunken triplet laid cuddled up on the floor and watched horror movies till around 3AM.
Stu’s voice slurred happily, “D’ya hear about the Woodsboro Murders-”
Billy’s intoxicated laugh rang through Y/N’s ears as they nodded their head.
“You know that’s us right?” Billy finished Stu’s sentence, and the both of them busted out laughing, before realizing what they admitted and going dead silent.
“I don’t give a flying fuck if you’re the Easter Bunny and friends, if you stop cuddling me I’m gonna be pissed!” Y/N remarked, much emphasis on the word ‘pissed’.
The trio ended up cuddling the entire night, Billy to Y/N’s left and Stu to their right—their head rested in the crook of Billy’s neck as Stu’s arm draped around their waist.
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kining-the-evil · 1 year
We Can Be Fucked Up Together
(Randy Meeks x Riley!reader)
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Summary: You find solace in Randy after your best friend and boyfriend go on a killing spree
Warnings: making out, no actual smut but allusions to it, memories of murder, murder, former Stu x reader, backflashs to The Night of the murder, blood, reader having sympathy for Stu
An: This is My first scream fic, And I am very happy to be Writing about Randy. My baby deserves more love
The walls felt like they were closing in around You. You shouldn’t be alive, the blood loss was already making your head woozy and your midsection was starting to go numb from where you had been stabbed. You chose to believe Billy was the one who stabbed you, otherwise you’d Look Even more pathetic kneeling on the ground trying to stop Stu’s bleeding.
“Stop moving.” You mumbled while putting more pressure on some of his wounds.
“Im feeling woozy!” He whined, And you hated How it made you feel. You shouldn’t feel bad for him. He had killed people, he was planing on killing you, and yet your heart hurt to hear the person you’d loved for the past two years Be in pain.
“You’re going to die If we stay Here-“ You started to try and push yourself to your feet, but a gun to your back stoped you.
“Don’t fucking move,” Billy hissed.
“He’s going to die!” You yelled back, But You didn't try to stand up again.
“Then you better keep pressure on it until i fucking kill Sidney.” He snapped before running off to find Sidney, who had gone to hide somewhere.
Once the gun was gone Your attention went back to the man on Front of you. He had tears in his eyes, but an almost smile on his face.
“Why?” You whispered, unsure if you even wanted an answer.
“Why not?” He chuckled, jerking his arm up and pushing the knife straight into your stomach.
You sat up straight in your bed, letting out a small scream as you ripped at your shirt. The only thought running through your head was ‘i Need This Off.’
“Fuck!” You mumbled, struggling with getting the shirt up. You started to calm when you saw the lack of blood on your shirt. Another nightmare.
As you steadied your breathing, you couldn’t help but notice how small your room felt. How dark it was. You couldn’t stay here. Not tonight. You would either fall back asleep To Deal with nightmares, or Lay awake And Deal with memories. Not that you had a lot of places to go.
You could wake up Dewey, but his pain meds knocked him out. Besides, you didn’t want to bother him. Sidney wasn’t on the best terms with you currently; the two of you were never the closest in your group of friends. The only left Randy.
You stood up and pulled some sweatpants on along with a jacket. You debated going out the window, but you would have to walk the few blocks to his house and you weren’t brave enough for that yet. Instead you quietly made your way through the house, sneaking by your parents and brothers room so you could grab your car keys. Thankfully, your parents slept hard enough that they wouldn’t hear you driving away.
Driving definitely wasn’t the best idea; your entire body was still shaking and you didn’t dare go more then 10 miles an hour. When you arrived at the Meeks, you were quick to turn off the car to not wake the entire family and got out.
Just like you had the other three times this week, you found the window into Randy’s bedroom. You couldn’t see the man, but the tv in his room was on. You knocked on the window lightly, and it didn’t take long for his face to appear in front of you. He quickly opened the window, frowning at you.
“Hey,” you offered a small smile. He helped you climb into his room, and you took your spot on his bed next to him. He was sat with his back to the wall, an arm wrapped around you. You were cuddled into his side, watching the tv in front of you both. Nightmare On Elm Street.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“How can you watch this shit?” You ignored his question for his own, turning your head away from the screen.
“I love this movie,” he shrugged.
“I used to,” you mumbled. It was silent for a few minutes, saved for the movie playing, before you said something. Something that had been bothering you every day for the past 6 months.
“I should have noticed it sooner.” He tensed slightly, and you immediately regretted saying it; but you had to. The thought had been filling your head for months.
“You couldn’t have.”
“Ya, I could have. My best friend and boyfriend went on a killing spree, I should have noticed something.” Randy pushed you away slightly, making you look up at him.
“Sidney was dating him, should she be blamed for what happened too?”
“Thats different,” you snapped. “She fought back, I tried to save him!” You whisper yelled, worried about the others asleep in the house.
“Thats because its who you are,” he argued back. “You go out of your way to see the best in people, even if they don’t deserve it. Even after what Stu did, you didnt want to be the reason he died.” You flinched at his name, you hadn’t heard it be said out loud other then on the news. Dewey normally shut it off relatively quickly when it was on.
“You told me plenty of times how awful they were,” you pointed out. The tops of his ears turned a light pink, making you frown. Why would he be blushing?
“That may just be because I hated seeing you with them all the time,” he admitted.
It was your turn to blush, your face heating up a bit. ‘He doesn’t mean it like that,’ you reminded yourself. Randy had been in love with Sidney for years, the only reason he hadn’t made a move was to avoid angering the women.
You didn’t actually get a chance to say anything before chapped lips were people pushed against your own. You eyes shot open, surprised by the contact, and he quickly pulled away.
“Shit! Sorry sorry, god. What the hell os wrong with me?” He mumbled the last part to himself. He didnt get much time to feel bad before you reached up to pull his face to your own so you could kiss him again. He made a sound of surprise, but he didn’t fight against it; instead he kissed back. It wasn’t rough, but you could feel relief coming from him. Like any tension was being removed from him.
He pulled you lightly so you would settle on his lap, knees on either sides of him. He kept his hands on your hips while yours slid down to his chest, gripping his shirt lightly, like he would fly away if you let go.
This wasn’t necessarily a new position for you. Stu had you like this plenty of times, but it felt so different. Stu left bruises on your hips, Randy’s hold was gentle. Stu kissed with the intent of going further, Randy kissed you like he was thankful to even get this. Randy felt…safe.
Eventually you had to pull away, your lungs burning from the lack of air. You both stayed just as close, foreheads resting together and you coups feel his breath on your face.
“I thought…Sidney…” you mumbled between breaths.
“I never thought I had a chance with you,” he admitted. “I had you as a friend, so I thought it would be enough. But it wasn’t.” His eyes boar into your own, and it felt like he was staring straight into your soul.
“Caring about me right now will be rotten work. I’m really fucked up” you told him.
“I dont mind. We can he fucked up together.” He offered, making you smile.
“I’d like that.”
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chaos-grimlin · 1 year
Hi author, this is a rather strange request , but still. Can you please do Stu macher and Billy Loomis with a female reader. Billy decides to take a break from the relationship, Stu agrees with him saying they need to cool down a bit. The reader was upset, but after a while she realized that she was much better off without them . About a week later, Billy and Stu are invited to a party where y/n was. They see her with a new boyfriend who turns out to be her best friend. She tells them that she wasn't happy in her relationship with them, the relationship was killing her, but from the beginning she didn't realize it, but after this pause she realized that she was not happy, but happy with the new boyfriend and asks them not to spoil anything. I apologize for the errors in the text, English is not my native language.
Ah! Hi anon!! Sorry it took forever to get to this BUT here it is!! I hope you like it!!! Also you didnt clarify if it was another friend other then in the friend group, but you didnt So ima make us get with someone in the friend group❤❤
Not how it was suppost to go (Billy loomis and Stu macher x female reader )
^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^
At first, everything between the three seemed fine. Their relationship seemed picture perfect, but, behind closed doors, it was just sex.
Every other day if one of the boys were horny they'd have their way with her till her legs were weak, so that was all she knew.
She thought that they loved her and this was their weird way of showing it.
At first it was more then sex, but Billy and Stu got bored of her. Her beauty never made their hearts flutter anymore.
"Hey Stu come here" Billy hissed out as he leaned agaisnt the door frame of Stus house.
Stu looked up at Billy and nodded. "Ill be backkkk" Stu said to Y/n in a sing song voice.
Y/n let out a forced giggle as Stu pulled himself from her hands and walked off, leaving her alone in the cold living room.
A sigh escaped her lips as her hands gripped onto the soft fabric of the couch. Her eyes scanning over every inch of his fancy living room, the same living room that they had fucked her in not to long ago.
"Stu.." Billu said in a hushed tone as he pulled Stu away and into the kitchen.
"Hm?" Stu hummed out as he snatched an apple from his counter and bit into it.
"I think we should leave Y/n" Billy said, crossing his arms with a stone cold look plastered onto his face.
Stu stopped chewing on his Apple and looked at Billy as if he was stupid.
"Why?" Stu huffed out with a mouth full. "Its nothing but sex and heh im damn sure not attracted to her personality. Shes got a fine body but I'm not interested in her anymore."
Stus brows knitted togeather, forming a wrinkle between his brows then he swallowed the bite of apple he had chewed.
"Yeah your right... We might need to cool down for a bit" he said with a shrug.
"Well lets go break the news" Billy huffed out, rubbing his temple.
Stu let a sigh out and threw his almost uneaten apple away and wiped the juice off of his hand. "This will be fun" he said as he followed Billy into the living room.
^^^y/n P.O.V^^^
I rubbed the inside of my sore thigh as i felt brusies form on it.
"Hey Y/n honey, me and Stu need to talk to you" Billy said as he sat on my left and Stu sat on my right. "Talk away" i said, feeling a forced smile tug at my lips.
"Me and Stu think that we.. Should take a break from our relation ship"
I felt my heart crack slightly. "What?" I whispered, barley finding my voice.
"We should split up" Stu said blankly.
I left my bottom lip start to quiver as i looked between the two.
"This...is this a joke?" I said, feelings tears build up in my eyes as i saw them shake their heads no.
My heart sank to my feet and o felt my throat close to the point I could barley breath.
Out of reaction i stormed to my feet and sped to the door. Ny hands fumbled with the knob before i quickly pulled it open and ran out.
The cold night air hit me like a brick as i slammed stus door shut.
I stood on the steps of his house as tears pooled from my eyes.
I couldn't stand to stay there...
I rushed off his steps, almost tripping over my own two feet.
My breathing was unsteady and was all i heard as i walked.
I thought everything was perfect... But...maybe i was wrong...
~~~1 week later~~~
^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^
Y/n sat next to Randy on her couch, leaning her head onto his shoulder as she drunk the cheap beer thst Randy got.
"So, they just left you?" He asked.
"Yup... After i cut everyone off...and they just left me.. They didnt seem sorry" She muttered, recalling the night she ran home crying and ended up calling him.
"Thats a shitty move" he said "hell if you were my girl i wouldn't even dream of leaving you" he muttered under his breath as he turned the beer bottle up.
"What did you say?" Y/n asked, taking her head off of his shoulder and looking into his eyes.
"Nothing" he said. Knowing she'd never feel the same about him.
"Randy what did you say?" Y/n asked, fully sitting up and locking eyes with him.
Randy's eyes traveled from her eyes to her lips as he looked at her.
"If you were my girl id never even dream of leaving you"he sajd as he reached his hand up and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.
Y/n went silent, her eyes looking into Randy's as if searching for what his feelings were.
Randy set his beer bottle down on the table next him and looked back at her, seeinf her face full of confusion.
Randy took in a deep breath before letting it all spill out "what im trying to say is i like you" Randy said.
Y/n felt shock travel through her body. She would have never guessed that Randy meeks, liked her.
Randy shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he waited for her to answer.
Y/n couldn't find her voice, the words seems stuck in her throat, so all she did was grab Randy's and press her lips onto his softly, starting their relationship...
~~~2 weeks later~~~
^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^
"Come on in Loomis and Macherrr!!" a drunk boy said as he slung the door open for the two.
Billy and Stu walked in, eyeing the flood of people, looking, looking for her.
"Didn't see tell someone she'd be here?" Stu whispered to Billy. Billy nodded as he clenched his fist.
Billy quickly made his way to the living room...
^^^y/n P.O.v^^^
Randy twirled me around slowly as a string of giggles left my throat.
Randy pulled me to his chest and kissed my forehead. "I love you" he whispered to me "i love you too!" I said back.
Getting with Randy made me realize how unhappy I was with Stu and Billy.
Once i had opened up to Randy hs told me that they were only using me for sex, and i realized he was right. I had loved them 100% of the time and they didn't even love me back. But now... I finally found the one...the one that treats me right and loves me more then words.
I saw Randy look to his left at the Tv, but then i saw his eyes harden. "Whats wrong?" I whispered running my hand along his chest.
"Your ex's are here" he hissed out.
I turned to follow his gase and sure enough... There they stood...
I gripped onto Randy's shirt tightly once i saw Billy's hand pulled into a fist.
Soon... The two boys stormed up to us, and billy was ready to punch the hell out of Randy.
"What the fuck is going on?!" Billy screamed.
"Her getting into a better relation ship thats what" Randy said, trying not to raise his voice.
"Nothing can be good when its you you goddamn geek!" Billy yelled, pushing Randy.
"Billy fucking stop it! Leave us alone!" I said, getting infront of Randy.
"Why?!" He said, getting closer to me
"You guys broke up with me i found someone that im actually happy with!" I said, crossing my arms.
"So please don't ruine it" i said. By now, everyone was watching us.
Billy and i locked eyes before he stormed off and dragged Stu with him.
I looked back at Randy and quickly hugged him.
I wasnt going to let some lowlifes ruine something i love so much
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sidney-96 · 7 months
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roadkillremi · 8 months
Kinktober '23
1 out of 11
Billy loomis
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MasterList. Kinktober
Summary : Pure filth. The characters are 18+
Warnings : smut without a plot, minors DNI, degrading, language, oral (m receiving).
Sorry it's a bit lazily written :(
You sat on your bed gripping the ends of your nightgown. Billy squatted down to your level as if you were a child.
"Understand?" He tilted his head so you could see his face fully. You nod, "I'm okay with it.".
He smirked standing up looking over your body. Your eyes scan over his body eventually meeting his. Your face flushed pink, "Don't act so innocent. Last week you begged for my cock.".
Your chest tightened as you nodded, "sorry.". He tilted your chin upwards, "So pretty...". He leaned down grabbing your nightgown to lift it up. You raised your arms to help it slide off of you. You shivered a bit as your bare chest hit the air.
"Just tell me if you ever need to stop."
"Okay.."you whispered. He raised his eyebrow and grabbed your jaw.
"Use your manners." He spoke strict and gripped your jaw tightly.
"Yes, sir." You corrected. He smiled, "Good little slut.". You tightened your legs together at his words.
"Now lay down and let me use you like the whore you are." He started undressing himself. You nodded laying down on your bed as you watched him undress. You tried to prepare yourself for Billy. He never gave you a second to adjust to his size. He always just got what he wanted, and you had no problem with that.
He crawled on top of you, "Lift your legs up.". You obeyed lifting your legs up wrapping your arms around your knees.
"There you go.. that's right open your legs for me." He whispered. He aligned himself dragging his members in your folds. You whined bucking your hips up craving more. He smacked your thigh gently letting you know to stop.
"So needy, hmm? Ready to be my little come dumpster?" He teased.
"Yes, sir.." you mumbled. He smiled entering the tip in. You bit your lip anticipating more of him. He steadied his balance placing his arms beside your head. He thrust his hips forward giving you a smirk. You moaned softly squirming beneath him, "Stay still." He ordered. You moved your hips against his causing him to force your hip down. His fingers from little crescent shapes on your hips. He leaned down close to your ear, his hot breath heating it up.
"God, I didn't even tease you and you're wet.. you really are just a little slut." His voice was low and raspy. You nodded as you let out a small moan. He glared at you, "Stop playing stupid. Use your damn words.".
"Sorry, Sir... it's..so.. so much" you whined. His cock was too much as he pumped into you without waiting. Your walls clenched as they tried to adjust. He smiled continuing to shove his hips forward.
"I can stop if you cant handle it."
You shook your head no desperately, he chuckled.
"Words." He demanded. You took a Shakey breath, "I can handle it.".
You glanced up at his face surprised to hear a praise. You parted your lips about to tease him for getting out of character.
"If you say something I will leave you needy-" he threatened. You closed your mouth and nodded, he grinned.
"That's better." He leaned down giving you a hungry kiss. His lips moved down to your neck, he left small pecks before biting. You tilted your head up hinting to him you craved more. He chuckled against your neck, "So pathetic.. all worked over some love bites.".
"Not pathetic" you breathed between moans. He sat up glaring down at you, "You aren't?". You froze not sure how to respond.
"Don't act like you can't talk now." He growled. You shook your head, "I'm not.".
"I guess I'll just stop then.". He pulled out turning away.
"No!" You sat up grabbing his arm. He smirked and turned back towards you. You looked down embarrassed, "I mean .. please don't.".
"That's better.." he smiled. He grabbed your hips pulling you closer to him. You let out a huff as you landed on your back. He gripped your plush thighs shoving himself back in. You let out a yelp of pleasure as he pushed himself further.
"Listen, I'm going to fuck you. And you're gonna take it. That's alright?" He tilted his head down to you.
"Yes, sir." You muttered trying to take it all in. He smirked leaning down, "Tell me how much of a whore you are for me.". You moaned softly trying to gather a response.
"use that dumb head of yours." He added. You tilted your head back, "i.. I love your... your cock.." you mumbled out. He hummed to himself, "I know you do... tell me.. do you want me to come in your mouth?". Your eyes shot up at him, "Yes! Yes please..".
"You think you deserve it?" He asked. You slowly nodded, he stared down at you. He tilted his head to the side, "I guess you were a decent cum slut today.". You got excited sitting up on the edge of your bed. He pulled himself out waiting for you to get on your knees.
You slid down to your knees and wrapped your hands around his legs. He smirked, "Ready?". You nodded opening your mouth for him. He stroked himself while leaning closer to your mouth. You stuck your tongue desperately waiting for him. He guided your head to his crotch by gripping your hair.
"That's it.." he mumbled. You bobbed your head while sucking him. Your cheeks strained and drool spilled. He chuckled, "Such a needy little girl.". He gripped your hair pushing your head down. You felt his cock hit the back of your throat. You groaned against him feeling the urge to gag.
"Almost done. Don't give out on me yet." He muttered as he continued to harsh your throat. You squeezed his legs leaving red crescent marks. He pushed your head back down releasing himself in your mouth.
"Don't. Swallow." He demanded. You hold his release tasting his warmth. He smiled, "Open..". You opened your mouth showing him his come. He grinned, "Mm.. such a dirty slut. Always so desperately listening to my commands.".
Tag list -
@hurlonsororitygirls @sanzumylovee @katie-tibo @horneybeach1
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js-a-writer · 7 months
If you're still doing requests, could you do a smut with randy meeks please? But in the middle of it Billy or stu walk in? I feel like it would be funny. This is if you are comfortable with that. 😁😊
Interuption in Paradise
Randy Meeks x Reader
Warnings: ⚠️Smut🔞 (idk what else to put)
Sumary: You and Randy are finally getting a night to yoursleves, when Billy and Stu have to ruin for you.
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You and Randy haven't had time together in a while now. You always either had school, work, or family stuff. But tonight you were finally going to have a night to yourselves; no homework, no big tests to study for, no late shifts at work, and best of all, Randy's parents were out of town and his sister was at a sleepover.
You guys went to his house and made dinner. You started a movie; one you've seen a million times; knowing that you wouldn't finish it.
You were about 25 minutes in when you started moving closer, and you kissed that spot right below his ear. He turns to you and from that moment you know that there WAS NO MOVIE ANYMORE (all caps means italisized) The two of you started to make out as he starts kissing down your neck to your collar bone. He looked to you for permission before taking off your shirt to start sucking the tops of your breasts that were peaking out of your bra.
He picks you up and you wrap your legs around waist, still kissing and sucking on his neck as he carried you up the stairs to his room. You both started stripping, getting completely naked, as Randy kisses down your body to your thighs. He looks up to make eye contact with you. You nod your head and his head disappears between your thighs.
The next thing you know you feel a harsh suck on your clit as you let out a pornographic moan. "Oh, Randy!!" He keeps sucking as he teases your entrance with his fingr tips. "Don't be a tease!" you whine as he smirks as he enters two fingers harshly into your dripping hole.
You gasp as you feel the pleasure consume you and then it all suddenly comes to a stop. "What?!" He sits up on his knees as he's stroking his cock. "Why would you stop? I was so clo-" you stopped speaking as he thrusted his cock inside your hole. You've done this many times before but every time it feels like his cock gets bigger and your hole gets tighter.
He's above average, 6 or 7 inches. But ohhh, did he fill you up soooo goooood.He started thrusting faster as you let out the most pleasurable moans.
Downstairs Billy and Stu had just walked in to come get Randy to do their homework, when they heard muffled moans coming from upstaurs. "Do you hear that?" Stu asked chuckling at it. "Oh, I hear it alright. Let's go see what the geek is up to." Billy exclaims as he makes his way up the stairs. As they got closer your moans got louder.
You and Randy were so consumed in your own pleasures that you din't hear the door open, nor did you see Billy and Stu walk in. "Woah, would you look at what we have here!" Stu exclaims as he starts growing hard at the sight of you naked. You squealed and rushed to put a sheet over the both of you. "Woah! Woah! Nothing to be afraid of Doll." Billy semi-creepily states with a sex-hungry look on his face.
Randy began to grow shy, cheeks flushing and hiding his face in your neck. This was an unusual sight for you, because, contrary to belief, Randy was always quite confident in bed. "Well don't be shy now Randy boy!" Stu states giggling like a school girl and palming himself through his pants. "What could you guys possibly want right now!" Randy exclaims, growing increasingly annoyed that they interupted his time with his girl.
"Well, we wanted for you to do our homework, but now I'm thinking I want a little something else from this sweet thing." Stu grins staring holes into the sheets. "Randyyy..." you whisper in his ear. He could tell you were growing increasingly uncomfortable and didn't like one bit the way Stu was looking at you. "Can you please leave, I'll do your homework on Monday." Randy says, trying to get them to go way.
"Hey, not so fast Rand. Maybe we get something in return." Stu satates slyly. "For what, I'm already doing your homework." "For keeping quiet of course. We keep this a secret and we get something in return." Billy states with a harsh smirk. "And what exactly does that... entail.?" Randy gulps knowing it's going to have something to do with you.
"Maybe a little something special from this pretty little thing." Stu says slyly, nodding towards you, and groping his dick harshly through his jeans. "Randy please don't let them do this. I don't want to." You pleaded with Randy, scared of what's to come. Randy, knowing that you were way more important than any rumors they would spread about him, decided to gain a bit of confidence.
"No." "No?" Billy says stunned at Randy's new found confidence. "No. You will not lay a finger on her." he states boldly. "Now get out of my house." Stu and Billy decide that it was not worth fighting Randy over and left, probably going off to terrorize someone else. You let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding and Randy looks over at you (he had moved in front of you to block you from THEIR eyes).
"You okay, princess?" he asks honestly. "yeah," you quietly respond. "I think the MOOD is officially over for tnight. I"m sorry." Randy looks at you with the softest eyes and says, "There is nothing to appologise for. Now let's go draw you a bath, yeah." "Yeah, that sounds nice."
The rest of your night was spent relaxing in the tub with Randy and laying on his chest while he rubbed your back and played with your hsir until you fell alseep, him falling alseep soon after.
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I hope you enjoyed. I'm sorry it took my so long to make this but I think it is my longest one yet. I have been working on it for a bit and finished it last night. I will be taking requests but don't expect them to be done immediately, as I am a pretty busy person and get writers block easily. I am getting to my other requests so for those of you who requested something I am getting to them! Hope you enjoyed the imagine and I will try and post more frequently.
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burunetto-mx · 11 months
ϟ Sream: Scream Before You Die + HEADCANONS
Nota: Es la primera ves que escribo para uno de los slashers y de sus víctimas. Los pedidos están abiertos
➝ Series/Movie: Scream: Scream Before You Die (1996) ➝ Headcanons/fanfic: Headcanons ➝ Warning: A lot of love, psychotic couples, murderers, sexual insinuations, kisses, friction, serial killers, blood, many little darlings. ➝ Characters: Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Dewey Riley and Randy Meeks
✦ IMPORTANT: I ​​don't speak English, only half; I use a translator, if some words are misspelled, I'm sorry.
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ϟ Billy Loomis:
⌗ He’s crazy, but a very handsome one.
⌗ It would always be a charm with you, with others it would be serious, but with you he would be warm and understanding at any time.
⌗ I would visit you every night, I would sneak between your sale, sometimes just to look you in the eye.
⌗ I would tell you how much he loves you in murmurs. He is not very expressive with words, but I would try it just for you.
⌗ You would be off the list of victims, he adores you so much that he knows that you are harmless and you wouldn’t have to pay for things you don’t control.
⌗ I would fill you with such passionate kisses.
⌗ Respect when they still don’t want to have intimacy, and you didn’t do it with the subject.
⌗ Even though he has always told you that he will be tender and gentle at all times. And if he has to stop, he will do it completely.
⌗ He would not be jealous, understand that you must have friends and so on, but if he sees that someone has more intentions with you he will tell you, if he sees that he is overdoing himself he will have to act.
⌗ He is playful when he wants, sometimes he does it when he is hot, talking to you with that voice, so deep and soft at the same time.
⌗ You like to hear his voice on the other side of the line, they make calls very often when he can’t see you.
⌗ Lover of watching horror movies with you.
⌗ He’s an attractive boy, but he saw you and was struck by a crush. So intelligent and beautiful, great and with that personality.
⌗ “I love you, so much that I would be willing to do anything to make you happy, as long as I am in your happiness plans”
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ϟ Stu Marcher:
⌗ Playful, quite playful with you. Sometimes it irritates you, but you love him so much that you can with it.
⌗ His love language would be physical contact, so many hugs, kisses, tickling. It would be his main fort..
⌗I would make very silly jokes but that will make you laugh as you don’t have an idea.
⌗ Both would be like crazy people singing and screaming, doing everything exaggerated. You being more serious than him, but loving him very much for how he is.
⌗ Night visitor, not often, but I would do it only when I was very bored.
⌗ I would cry for you to help him with his task, almost always or rather always.
⌗ Very horny, he is always hot, a kiss from you is enough to upset him, I would beg you to let him touch your breasts.
⌗ I would tell Billy not to put a hand on you, that you wouldn’t be a victim. That you were his, and I wouldn’t allow anything to happen to you.
⌗I would watch horror movies with you, but sometimes I would pretend to be very scared, I would use it as an excuse to be close to you.
⌗ I would make jokes that are sometimes very heavy.
⌗ Jealous? Yes, a lot? Yes. Anyway, he knows the intentions of the other boys.
⌗ He loves spending time with you, and buying you a lot of things.
⌗ “You’re perfect, shit. Your smile, your body, you, you are magnificent. Matter to see you smile, to protect you from everyone”
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ϟ Dewey Riley:
⌗ Our policeman is a little clueless.
⌗ When he saw you he was speechless, so much so that he stumbled in front of you.
⌗ He likes to spend time with you, but of course he is always alert to protect you from anything.
⌗ It leaves you at the door of your house no matter what time it is.
⌗ His mom loves you, just like his sister, they like the idea that he has a girlfriend to go out with and not be single forever.
⌗ When he found out that there was a murderer, he didn’t take long to put a policeman to watch you, he even spent it with you.
⌗ I swear that he would do everything possible so that you were not a victim, that he would protect you with his life if it was necessary to do so.
⌗ I would always be attentive to you, do you want anything? He will get it, or at least he will try.
⌗ He will give you compliments all the time, when you prepare him something to eat, he is amazed.
⌗ I would be very affectionate with you, I would not be any kind of pervert, I would never, never disrespect you. In addition, he is so tired and inexperienced, that you would be the one of the initiative.
⌗ “You’re so cute, so sweet, like a vanilla ice cream. You’re like one, do you know why? Because I like them as much as I like you”
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ϟ Randy Meeks:
⌗ They would talk about movies all the time, I would tell you the rules of the movie.
⌗ His quotes are based on going to the movies, commenting on the movie they watched, renting movies, criticizing actors and performances, although also in many kisses.
⌗ He is a fan of you, the way you relate, your critical point of view. You’re not kind, but you’re not cruel either.
⌗ When he found out about the murders, he told you that he would take good care of you. But that you prefer to close doors and sales, that you sleep with a knife and you won’t trust anyone.
⌗ I would recommend many movies, at least his favorites, he thinks you will like them as much as he does.
⌗ You make him hot but he tries to prevent that from happening to him, he doesn’t want you to think he’s a pervert.
⌗ It’s quite clumsy with you, or at least at first it was. So beautiful.
⌗ I doubted if I would have a chance with you, but in the end I did it.
⌗ Always curled up in your arms, whispering to you how much he loves you. Saying that he loves you very much and that he would like to start a family with you, how adorable
⌗ “You’re so kind to me, I’m so lucky to have you by my side”
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f1nalboys · 8 months
Movie Night ; Randy Meeks
Randy Meeks x Fem!AFAB!Reader
haiiii guys :3 sorry ive been away for so long. im still not totally back, i had inspo for this after a convo me and tati had and i needed it OUT of my brain tbh!!! pls be gentle with me this is legit the first thing ive written in months JSGJBSGB anyways!!! i hope u all enjoy it take this as a silly kinktober kinda thing? idk <3 peace and love babies ily all
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WARNINGS: smut, dark!randy and if you squint, ghostface!randy, handjob, implied fingering, slight dom!reader but it's switchy, randy gets jerked off to a slasher film, just kinda fucked up if you look at the implications of everything... not proofread bc im so lazy please be kind to me <3
The apartment was dark. Everything had been flicked off, even the overhead light of the oven that Randy always kept on so he could see in the middle of the night, leaving the TV as the only source of light in the entire apartment. On the slightly out of focus screen was a generic slasher from the late 80’s, one Randy had rented and seen a million times before, but he wasn’t focused on the screen. No, he was sitting there with his eyes closed and his head tilted back, his lips pink and swollen, your hand wrapped around his cock.
“Does that feel good, baby?” You purr into his ear, your other hand running through his hair. Your movements are slow, calculated, and Randy is barely able to swallow back a moan as he nods his head, his eyes still squeezed shut. He can feel the vibration of your chest and he flushes, knowing you were laughing at him. “Your favorite scene’s coming up, Ray,” you say, your hand stalling its movements at the base of his cock as you squeeze gently, drawing a sharp hiss from him. “Don’t wanna miss that, now do you?”
Randy shakes his head, swallowing heavily as he forces himself to open his eyes. His pants were shoved down his thighs just enough to pull his cock out and yet you were still fully clothed. He glances over at you and the large smile on your face and he squirms, breathing a little harder as he tries to talk to you. “You sure you don’t wanna ride me, baby?” He asks, giving you a small smile when you shake your head. “You’re such a tease.” He murmurs, moaning when your hand moves up slowly, your grip still tight.
“How am I a tease if I’m letting you cum?”
“Beacuse, fuck,” his head tips forwards before he swallows, looking back up. You were still curled into his side, pressed tight against him, and the movie had gotten to Randy’s favorite chase scene in the entire movie. He glances at you. “Because you’re using your hand.” 
“You seem to be enjoying my hand.”
“Oh, I am, don’t worry. I just know, mmf, fuck, I know that your tight pussy would feel so much better.”
You laugh, shaking your head as your movements speed up a little bit. You squeeze tighter around his tip, drawing a long moan from him. “You’re such a charmer, but you asked for this, remember?” You say, your lips just by his ear as you whisper. “Now, keep your fucking eyes on the screen or I stop completely, okay?”
Randy nods as he lets out a shaky breath, his eyes searching your face and, after deciding you were actually serious, turning to look at the TV. The final girls best friend was being chased all through her large house, the masked killer wielding his knife chasing after her. Randy swallows heavily as your hand begins to move faster, just a little bit, his heart beating in tune with it. 
“Fuck,” he moans as the killer slices at the girl who’s name he can’t even remember, her shirt getting cut off. It was cheesy and stupid, something Randy would normally roll his eyes at, but he knew what came next. His cock throbs under your palm, slick with your spit and his pre-cum, and he whimpers as you begin to swipe your thumb over the head of his cock with each pass of your hand. “Ke-keep going, please?”
His question is closer to a beg, but not quite there. His eyes roll into the back of his head for a second but he keeps them focused hazily on the screen. The girl was running slower, the house dark. Randy’s breathing picks up and his hand, which had been on your thigh, squeezes you tightly, his nails digging into your flesh. The girl was cornered now, the killer standing above her as she begs for him to stop, to leave her alone, to go away. She slinks down the wall, the killer looming tall, his mask and the knife the only discernible thing about him.
Randy’s hips twitch ever so slightly as the killer drags the blade down the girl's tear-streaked cheek, a thin line of blood bubbling up in its wake. He can’t help but replace the girl with you, imagining the fear in your eyes as he, masked and unknown to you just yet, hunts you down like an animal. “Holy shit, baby, fuck!” He grunts as the killer raises his knife and your hand speeds up, jerking him off as quick as you can. Randy’s hips thrust up into your hand as the knife is plunged into the screaming girl's chest.
He grunts, an almost animalistic sound, thrusting his cock into your hand in tune with the knife. He lets the pleasure overtake him, his cock the knife, your hand your body, and he cums, the only other sound besides his moans being the gurgle of life leaving the poor girl’s throat one final time before she slumps over. Randy lets his head tip backwards as he finishes cumming, your hand and his cock covered in cum. His hips stop moving and he sits there beside you, staring at the dark ceiling as he catches his breath.
“How was that?” You murmur. “Everything you thought it would be?” Tilting your head, you bring your hand to your mouth and lick away the cum that has covered your skin, a smug smile on your face. He looks over at you, his cheeks flushed pink, and he gives you a toothy grin, leaning in to kiss you. It’s a sweet kiss, one you always expected from Randy, with just a bit of heat underneath it.  “It was fucking amazing, Y/N.” He says against your lips, his hand coming to rest on the back of your neck. The kiss deepens for just a second before the noises of the movie draw his attention; it was the final chase scene, the bloody battle against good and evil.
When he pulls back his hand slides down your shoulder and arm down to your waist, his large hand tugging at the hem of your shirt. “Get this off,” His voice is gruffer as his hand slides down again, this time to your pants, your breath hitching in your throat at the feeling of his calloused fingertips dipping past your waistband. “And these. Let me repay the favor, final girl.”
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