proxylynn · 2 years
would you be open to write sequels to some of your works?
[If I can get inspired, yes. I have been tempted to continue RenewTale to expand the world, but I have no ideas for a story.]
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mishiami · 5 years
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A new AU approaches
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proxylynn · 2 years
What's your Original Alternative Universe of UnderTale?!
[Ah, RENEWTALE is my baby. Another I have is LYNCHTALE which is an Undertale/Dead by Daylight mixed AU.]
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mishiami · 5 years
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mishiami · 5 years
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mishiami · 5 years
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proxylynn · 7 years
Undertale: (file name not found) part #65
SPOILER WARNING: IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED THE GAME YET, PLEASE DO! OTHERWISE THIS WILL MAKE NO SENSE OR RUIN PARTS OF THE GAME YOU HAVEN'T GOTTEN TO YET. SO PLEASE, GO PLAY IT, SERIOUSLY! ... WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? YOU BETTER HAVE PLAYED THE GAME BY NOW. I WANT NO RESPONSIBILITY OVER SPOILING THINGS FOR OTHERS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since reawakening up on the surface, adjusting to this new renewed life of mine has been, well...challenging to say the least. Now normally I like a challenge, but this...Not so much. Each day I am made to get up at 6am, unless it's the weekend then I don't gotta do jack squat! Next, cleansing and grooming, because a proper lady must always look her best. Next is breakfast, followed by schooling in the basics to keep us up to date and to make sure our minds don't forget. This lasts until 10am and we move on to our appointed royal duties. This in a nut shell, is the whole family either tending to paper work or going to meetings which consist of us talking about most of the junk that was in the paper work or addressing people directly by going into town for some real insight. For several hours this type of work happens, only breaking for lunch at 1pm, and eventually ending at around 5pm. After all that there is a 30 minute rest before we're able to attend our own personal activities. I can't really complain about the time frame for my lessons with Gaster, it's at a point when he's off the clock and able to give me his full attention, though his brothers still seem to be cautious when it comes to us being together alone. I suppose they worry that Gaster might revert to his old ways and experiment on me, but I haven't really peaked his interest after studying my soul in my latest physical. I can still switch between traits like I tend to do, but Anomaly State seems to be lost for good. On the bright side, my magic abilities have improved greatly thanks to his teachings and those of his parents who I must say are the absolute nicest people I am ever so grateful to know. I figure I've gotten good enough to handle trying to make Gaster Blasters, but Gaster doesn't think I'm ready, so I plan to prove him wrong over time, no need to rush and turn him off to the idea. Dinner happens at about 6 or 7pm depending on things and then it's bed time at 9pm or 10 pm at the latest to insure a quality 8 hour sleep. All this happens while under the watchful guard of the two boy I hold dear and that causes its own chaos of sorts. While on the clock, Papyrus takes his job seriously and wears his armor with pride, not even his feelings distract him from his mission, though they do sometimes make it a little hard for him to concentrate. Sans on the other hand takes a more inconspicuous approach to his job, he wears similar armor to Papyrus, but not as much and hides it under his casual clothing so he seems less suspecting if something is indeed up, but unlike Papyrus, Sans has no qualms with expressing himself with me while working unless in public or while in political meetings because that's when my parents are there. But lately a new aspect has entered the fray and added to the current difficulty level. It's almost Christmas. Surprisingly not much about the holiday is different than what I knew from the past. It's still a celebration regarding the birth of a religious figure, but it's more about coming together to share in the appreciation of life and not something shoved down our throats with commercialism, though Santa is still a thing yet he's more a Christmas-eve thing and not the main holiday person. Still, gifts are exchanged with loved ones and with all the runaround lately shopping hasn't been an easy thing to. I've had to miss lunch and bargain with Gaster just to get some time to sneak off to get things without others seeing. So far, I've only managed to get gifts for Asgore, Toriel, Asriel, Chara, Alphys, Undyne, and Mettaton, Napstablook...They surprisingly were the easy ones. That just left Grillby, Gaster, Sans, Papyrus, Semi, and Calibri & Lucida...The main hard ones. Thank god for the weekend, I need this time to really think things through on what to get. But as a rule, the Princess is not to go out without company, unless I sneak away that is. Yet since I'm shopping for my normal escorts, my brothers have to step in for them, no one messes with the royal trio when we hit the streets! On a bonus note, we don't have to look royal while out and about, which is great, 'cause I'm not big on wearing dresses out in public. Though it is pretty cool to see Chara and Asriel in regular clothes. Flannel shirt and jeans for Asriel. Long sleeved shirt under short sleeved shirt and cargo pants for Chara. Me, I can't beat the classic t-shirt and camo pants. "You think we can find good gifts here?" "It's the MTT Mega Mall. If we can't find something here, then we can't find it anywhere." "I'm surprised you aren't going to make your gifts." "I have made some. But for once in my life I have a ton of cash. If I want to spoil you lot, I'm gonna spoil you like never before!" I pose dramaticly. "Lynn, people can see you." "So?" "You look stupid when you do that." "I don't care. I died to make this world a better place, I will act like a fool if I want because damn it, it makes me happy." Asriel chuckles and Chara pulls me into a headlock for nuggies. "Come on. Let's get this over with." "How long are doing this for?" "For as long as we need." "Who are you shopping for?" "Pretty much the entire Skeleton family and Grillby. I got everyone else already." "Damn...I was hoping to sneak a peek at what you got me." "Focus bros, don't you both still need to get gifts yourselves?" Asriel blinks then charges into the mall. "God of Hyper-shopping away!" I can't help but laugh and Chara smirks. "You're so rubbing off on him." "Is that really a bad thing?" "So long as we don't catch him wearing your bras, I think it's fine." "...Dude...Never say that again. No one needs to picture that. EVER." Chara just laughs at me as we follow after our nutty brother. It doesn't take long to track Asriel down and together again we begin to hunt down our gift prey. They help me when it comes to getting the gifts for the bone family and I help with their gifts to our parents. But when it comes down to the last on our lists, we split up and agree to meet up again at the entrance. Last on my list is Grillby...Not really sure how to go about on this one. Though I've been trying to connect with Grillby more, I still don't know much about him. Think Lynn, think! What can I get a fire elemental that owns his own business and is still so freaking hot! ... I really need help sometimes. I end up waking around and looking at every outlet I see, feeling crappy with each disappointing object that fails to click with me that I'd think he'd like. Some things I thought were good, but fuck no to those outrageous prices. I may have coin, but there's a limit...Plus I don't want to over do it. If I pay too much for one person, then the others will feel bad like I don't care enough, everyone is limited to 100g. But damn it...Why is this one so freaking hard?! Okay, calm down, clear your mind...Let the gift find you. So I backtrack to all the places I've been, looking over things again but without worry. And it isn't till I return to the Discovery Channel store, there I spy a few things that I believe will click together nicely. "Oh yes. This will do nicely." I can't help the wicked giggles that leave me, earning a couple odd looks my way, but I pay no mind as gleefully pay for my things. With my many bags clutched tightly in my straining hands, I head for the fountain at the center of the mall, yeah, even up here, Mettaton had to remake himself as a fountain for all to see, it doubles as a wishing fountain because 'through the power of my fabulous stardom, anything is possible'. He's so full of himself...That loveable goofball ghost. It is here that we three choose to meet up once we were done shopping. Yet I find only myself to be here, so it seems I must wait for Asriel and Chara. Time seems to slowly pass. Faces come and go. But my brothers are still a no show. I should've seen this coming. Asriel and Chara are probably being hounded by people that are gaa-gaa for their looks. Sure, my bros are good looking. But damn, you'd think they were rock stars with the amount of groupies that trail behind them. Some looks have come my way, from humans and monsters alike, but my heart has a home and no amount of attention will sway it from its mount. "Excuse me..." A rather smooth voice hits my ears but I pay it no mind, it's not a voice I know. "Are you, Princess Dreemurr?" Crap. I look over my shoulder and to my left is a rather pleasant human gentleman sitting just a bit away from me. A bad feeling makes my stomach churn. "You are her, aren't you?" "I'm afraid you are mistaken sir." "Are you sure? Because you look very much so like her on that TV over there." He points and damn it all, it's rerun of the holiday commercial Mettaton shot with my family wishing everyone good cheer...God that sweater I'm wearing looks tacky. "So, you sure that isn't you?" His smug smile makes me want to punch him in the face. "Fine, you got me. It's me." His smile grows. "I knew it. I can spot a lovely lady from miles away." "If that's your superpower, I'd ask for a refund." He just chuckles and scoots closer to me, I don't like it. "So, Princess...Doing some shopping I see." Oh my god this guy is so lame! "Good news, your eyes work." "Hey now...Why so cross? I haven't done anything wrong." "Look buddy, I'm gonna be blunt and get to the point. Be like Mario and move on to the next level, because I'm sorry, but your princess is in another castle." I can't help my nerdiness and sadly it takes all seriousness away from me, as he finds this hysterical. "Oh my god! *laughs* That was the cutest thing I've ever heard!" God damn it, stop liking me! I give up talking and get up to leave. "Hahah...Hey wait! Where are you going?" "Away." "Come on. I'm not a bad guy when you get yo know me." Do I have to put up a sign?! "I have a boyfriend, so can you please stop." I hope that the truth will make him stop, but as with everything else I say, he sees a way around it. "Oh a thousand pardons. Do tell...Where is this lucky person that has won your hand?" You son of a bitch! "He's meeting me here. So please leave me be before you end up regretting this." "Huh. Sounds like a violent guy. A Princess like you deserves better." "For the love of god...!" I am not one to make a scene, I leave that to the experts like Mettaton and Undyne, but this guy... "Take the hint already. I am NOT interested! I am in a relationship! So back off before I...!" "Before you do what, you self entitled bitch!" ...Mother fucker, what did you just call me?! "Heh...Excuse you?" "You heard me. You think just because your the fake daughter to the King, it means you can treat the common guy like dirt. Well guess what! You are nothing but a...a..." I can't see the look on my face, but judging by the one on his, I must be very frightening. "Buddy...If you keep talking like that, let's just say...You're gonna have a bad time." Whoa...Where did that come from...I thought that type of darkness died with the demon? I shake my head clear from this anger and he moves to take advantage, aiming to either push or grab me I know not which, but then... "Shoryuken!" The guy gets his block knocked off and lands in the fountain with a resounding splash. "Creeps like you give humans a bad name! Now get lost!" The guy glares but leaves with his metaphorical tail between his legs when others begin to crowd around. "You okay Lynsie?" Reality returns to me when the shock fade and I'm staring at a girl in a striped sweater. Then it hits me. "Frisk?" She beams a smile and gives me a thumbs up. "The one and only." Oh shit... [You feel karma is going to bite your butt.] "Uh..." She just laughs. "Geez, relax. You so nervous you look like you might fart." I blush with a sigh into a more chill mood. "To be fair, dealing with creeps and then running into someone who was less than happy the last time we met...Yeah...I'm a wee bit nervous, kid." "Yeah...That...I'm sorry about that." And just like that hell has frozen solid. "You're sorry?" "She rubs the back of her head. "I am. Not just for that whole 'I'm going to SAVE over you so I can keep playing' thing. I mean...I'm sorry for all the bad stuff I did." I want to be smug about this, I feel like I should rub it in her face, but that isn't right, it's not who I am. "Frisk...I'm sorry too." That took her by surprise. "Why are you sorry? You stopped me from hurting myself and others. I mean, look at all this! You did this. What's to be sorry for?" "Well...I'm sorry that I was, uh...I was a bitch to be honest." She nearly bursts into laughter. "You were not a bitch." "Oh I was so a bitch. I was such a bitch I was close to C-word level douchebagery. Asriel made it clear to me in our fight. Why did I try so hard to save him and Chara, yet when it came to you, I was more harsh? It's been eating at me for some time. But I think...I think I was taking my own anger out on you. I understood you had a condition, but everything else...Everything I was told...My disgust with humanity back then...It all was seething in the depths of my soul and I ended up making you the one to blame. For that...Can you ever forgive me?" She gives me my answer in the form of hugging me around my waist and all I can do is smile. "How about we do this...Let's RESET ourselves. Like this is our first time meeting." "Hmmm...Sounds like a plan." She lets go and bows. "Please to meet you. My name is Frisk." "Heh, very cute. Howdy. I'm Lynsie. It's nice to meet you, Frisk." She attempts to shake my hand, but as they are full, it just makes for a awkward goof. "So...Did you really use the 'Rising Dragon Fist' on that jerk?" "Heck yeah! It's what Deadpool would do. He's awesome. He reminds me of Sans sometimes. Only he's more about chimichangas and less about ketchup." ...I think I want to keep her. "You and me are going to get along epically." She blushes and I snicker. "Hey sis!" From behind me, Asriel and Chara approach, becoming very surprised by who they see with me. "Uh..." "Everything okay here?" We just smile. "Yeah, everything is fine. Frisk here just beat a creep that was being a ass to me...Uh...I probably should stop swearing so much in public and in front of children." They stopped listening after hearing about someone being bad to their little sister. Asriel nearly bursts into flames and Chara brings out his butterfly knife like some punk from the 50's. It took some time to calm them down. Though for fun, I give them a slight description of the guy and secretly hope we run into that schmuck on the way out. Lucky for the schmuck, he's gone by the time we leave, bringing Frisk along with us so she doesn't have to take the bus home. I sort of regret bringing her when she comments on how Chara has a driver's license, but Asriel and I don't, something Chara likes to rub our noses in whenever he can...Like jerk. It's not our fault we don't have one, we're too busy to bother with it, Asriel is always swimming in studies and trying to make space in my schedule is hard enough already, just making time for this shopping cost me big time in my magic studies with Gaster. We drop Frisk off at her home, boy, nothing makes things funny and awkward then taking a kid home only to have their parents wig out because their kid is with royalty...That was a hoot and a half. ... The fuck does that even mean?! God I'm getting old. Back at home, the boys tend to their business and I my own, wrapping gifts was never my strong suit, but when that's out of the way, I can get to the real fun...Making Grillby's gift. [About less than a week later.] 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the castle. Not a monster was stirring, but one human who is sometimes a hassle. Sleep was not her friend this eve, so she went to make sure of some last minute things. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there. The tree set aglow with lights and garland, and the family made ornaments that hung are so darling. Her family was nestled all snug in their beds; while visions of sugar-plums or something else danced in their heads. Mamma Toriel in her 'kerchief, and papa Asgore in his cap, most likely had just settled down for a long winter's nap. She sorted the gifts from whom to who, what else was someone with OCD to do? 'It would make things easier' was the thought in her head, unaware someone else was also out of bed. When out in the hall there arose such a clatter, she sprang from her work to see what was the matter. Away to the hall she flew like a flash, flinging open the doors and trying not to laugh. The moonlight coming in the frosty window, gave a luster of midday shine to the scene that she did lo. When what to her wondering eyes did appear, but Asgore dressed in full Santa gear. He was dressed all in fur from his head to his feet, and his clothes were all pressed to look oh so neat. A bundle of goodies he had dropped off his back, he looked like a peddler just about to open his pack. His eyes how they twinkled, swelling to be watery, his tongue seemed bitten, and his nose ever furry. His droll mouth was drawn up like a tight bow, and the golden beard on his chin was made to look as white as the snow. The fluffy hat that donned his head like his crown, now on the floor as if it jumped with a bound. He had a broad face and a little round belly, it shook when he winced like a bowl full of swirled up jelly. He was slightly chubby and plump, a normally jolly old soul, and she laughed when she saw him, in spite of herself. A tear in his eye and a twist of his head, soon made her silent not knowing if there's something to dread. With a little nervous laugh so lively and quick, she knew in a moment she would be in deep shit. More rapid than eagles his curses they came, and he whimper, and hissed, and rubbed his knee in pain. The King of Monsters had slipped quite foolishly, a old rug was the culprit as it was turned over loosely. To her father's aid she went, being his crutch as he was lead to his throne and sat down as if spent. "Santa, why are you up?" Was her question..."Why, to deliver presents of course." Is all he did mention. Clearly these two were doofs, like father like daughter, they were complete goofs. Yet Asgore's ruckus would not go unheard, Asriel and Chara awoke to follow without saying a word. So the sons soon joined the pair, a daughter at work and father in chair. Helped her they did handling the gifts with care, all while Santa Asgore watched in kind air. The milk and cookies left out for old man Claus were now gone, shared amongst them in the ever approaching dawn. Long into the night they were like elves, making sure all was perfect, like books upon shelves. With a yawn the King drew in his kids, the sandman finally working his magic and dusting their lids. They spoke not a word but went straight to his side, father and children, at the thrones they did lie. And laying there in slumber four Dreemurrs did sleep, but there in the entrance a smiling mother made not a peep. She sprang to her loved ones as a doting mother does, taking each one back to bed just because. Her task done and all now tucked into bed just right, Queen and mother Toriel whispered softly into her dreams..."Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night." [Christmas morning.] Slowly I stir from what little sleep I had, amazed Papyrus hadn't kicked in my door by now till I remember it's Sunday, and he's kind enough to let me rest longer on weekends. Crawling to the edge of the bed, I stretch out and yawn, my back letting out a couple of loud snaps to welcome my ears to my eventual pain later on in life. "geez sweetheart...it's a wonder how you aren't slumped over in pain all the time." ...Did I just hear what I thought I just heard? Turning my head, I spy over my shoulder a very confusing sight. Sans is all too comfortable laying on my bed with a playful grin, under the covers and topless...dear lord you better not be naked under there. "what's the matter sweetheart? not happy to see me?" I blush and bite my tongue to hold back building giggles. "Really stepping up your game, huh punny bones? I know Papy said to put more backbone into your work, but I don't think he quite meant this." "gotta have some fun every now and then. but seeing you sleep so peacefully...you made the bed look so inviting. i couldn't help myself." "Heh...You continue to surprise me, Sans. You were so cautious in the Underground. Nervous about what Toriel would see. But up here, where she's even closer to us...You've gotten more daring sir." He chuckles. "so you've noticed." "Hard not to notice the adorable bundle of bare bones in my bed." He blushes and I get up, secretly thankful I did not sleep in the nightie Mettaton got me for my birthday...Boy mom and dad were pissed! "So...You nude under there or what?" The calmness of that question rattled him. "sweetheart, i'm bold...but not that bold." He flips the covers off to show he's in his shorts. "not that i have much to hide anyway." "Oh don't be so modest. That pelvic bone of yours doesn't leave much to the imagination." He's quick to bring those sheets back over him much to my amusement as I gather my preset out outfit for the day. "My hips don't lie, so to be honest, that was cute." I hear him shift his way out of the bed. "seems i'm not the only one that got bold in this time line." "I try. Have to keep up with you of course. *sigh* And here I thought the sweaters would be a bit more tasteful." Seems tacky holiday sweaters are immune to time line alterations. It's eye catching bright white with red randomly placed snowflakes all over, green trims the cuffs and collar, but the really lame part is what is written on it...Meet me under the mistletoe, a image of mistletoe above the wording. "wow." "Wait for it..." I press a spot on the cuff and the whole thing lights up. "oh my god...*snickering* you are so boned." "This is a prime example why you never let your former demon of a brother go with your mom to do clothes shopping. Because this stuff happens!" "well, that's a bummer for you. luckily, my bro doesn't stick me with such naughty things." "You can say that again. Is this implying others to get under the sweater with me? Better than the male version I suppose, but not by much." "why? what's the guy version?" "See the mistletoe is on the chest here?" "yeah?" "On the guy version, it's a lot closer to the south pole. If you catch my drift." The face he makes when he puts the picture together in his head is priceless, I want to say something naughty in a pun way but I can't think of anything...Especially not when I get to watch him redress. I am so getting coal for this. Wait...How long was he in here with me? "Sans...How long have you..." "SANS!" And right on cue, my door is kicked in by the great Papyrus. "SANS YOU LAZY BONES! YOU WERE SENT HERE OVER A HOUR AGO! WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG?" Papyrus then notices me. "OH. GOOD MORNING PRINCESS. I HOPE YOUR SLEEP WAS PLEASANT." Oh Papy, how cute you are when you jump from reprimanding to sweetness like that. "I slept quite nicely dear. But when you dream of the great Papyrus, there is no better rest than that." And the blush you get from my sweetness is enough to warm my heart all year long. "sorry bro. would've been back sooner, but lynn and i were just caught up in such a nice chat." You sneaky devil, you came in and got cozy instead of waking me up...well played Sans. "OH? WHAT ABOUT?" I hold up my sweater and his face contorts trying not to laugh. "BE THAT AS IT MAY, SANS WAS SUPPOSE TO INFORM YOU THAT EVERYONE IS GATHERED IN THRONE ROOM AND READY TO BEGIN THE FESTIVITIES." "Ah. Then I better don this now very gay apparel and jingle all the way the merry way there." Sans can't help but laugh and Papyrus groans in a endearing yet bugged way. "COME ALONG BROTHER. WE MUST LET HER DRESS." "sure thing. see you in a bit sweetheart." With a wave of the hand the boys take leave of my room and I am able to dress seasonally for what will most likely be a very weird yet very entertaining Christmas day. They escort me to the throne room, which is a hustle and bustle of good cheer. And much to my amusement, seems ridiculous sweaters have been a major theme. Toriel is handing them out like pie to anyone not wearing one. She's wearing a rather tame one, it's a classic red with white snowflakes and reads 'Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!'. This get even more funny when she gives one to Sans and Papyrus. Sans's is black and reads in white 'On the Naughty List' while Papyrus's is white and reads in black 'On the Nice List'...I get the feeling she picked those personally. She always did like Papyrus more than Sans, after all, she never caught Papyrus on top of me in the snow. "you've got to be joking." "DON'T BE SUCH A HUMBUG SANS. I THINK WE LOOK GREAT." "You both are cute as heck. Now let's not care about these silly things. It's Christmas day! Let's be merry and bright till we can't stand it to the point we want to leap out windows." Papyrus looks away recalling times he's done that and Sans snickers. "Yoohoo...Lynsie, darling~." Mettaton from across the way waves me over, his silly sweater has lug nut snowflakes on it and reads 'Jingle Bolts'...Dear god, the adorableness is going to overwhelm me if this is how they all are. "Time to mingle boys. Let's get our yuletide on and party!" I head off to Mettaton and Sans attempts to follow, but Papyrus is quick to pull him away before something happens. "Metta! How is my shinning star today?" "Much better now that you're here. 'Meet me under the mistletoe'? Well tradition is tradition~..." "Sweater pictures don't count. You want a kiss, find the real plant and maybe luck will be on your side." I wink playful, just to tease like we used to, I end up feeling regret when oil leaks out his nose. "Metta? You okay?" He grabs my shoulders and grins. "Stay right here. I'll be back before you can say 'show time'." He takes off in a mistletoe hunt and I can't help the snickering that leaves me. "Well he took off in a big hurry. Everything okay?" Napstablook seems to be adapting well to his robot body, he's got this new vibe of confidence, it's faint but there...His sweater has music notes and reads 'Disc the Halls'. "Him? He's off to look for mistletoe to get a kiss. Classic Metta." "Yeah. But that's just how he is about you. It's been kind of funny really." "How so?" "He's been jealous that I got to kiss you. It's actually rather cool to have that over him." "Bet that's been fun." "I've actually made it into a song. N-not one I put out for sale or something like that! I-i mean...It's personal. You know what I mean?" That touches my heart. "You...You made a song about us?" Robo-blush...nothing tops that level cute, especially when it's from him. "Uh...Y-yeah?" "Oh Blooky-boo!" I glomp him much to his surprise and his blush only grows brighter when I give his cheek a big kiss. "You are so adorable!" "Ah geez...Not in front of everyone." "Fair enough Blooky. But you owe me one." "W-what?!" "I want a copy of that personal music you made. And I won't take no for a answer." Though the smile I have says 'you don't really have to if you don't want to' and he messes my hair up. "Only if you sing for me Princess." He tries a confident almost flirty tone, but I can't buy it and snicker much to his embarrassment. "Lynsie..." "I'm sorry. But that was too cute." He sighs into a smile hugs me around the neck, giving my cheek a nuzzle before backing off quickly. Now why would he... "Lynsie!" The tackle I get from big brother Asriel explains that one. "What took you so long? Were you and Sans making out~." "Grow up goat boy." "Nice come back shorty." "Hey! I beat YOU in the final battle." "I let you win." "That's bull and you now it." "Is not." "Is too. You know you love me too much to really kill me...a third time anyway." "Why kill you when mom can make you wear such a assaulting sweater?" "Like yours is any better?" Asriel is wearing a blue with white snowflakes sweater that reads 'X-mas Angel' on it, it also has the Delta Rune on it as the angel. "At least it's not inviting others to grope my mouth." "Fair enough. Hey, look. You finally won a fight with me." He bleats angrily and by the time he realizes it, I'm on the floor laughing my ass off. "It's not funny!" "Then why am I laughing so much?!" "Will you two cut it out? If anyone is going to pick on someone, it's going to be me." Chara strolls on over, red sweater reading 'Santa's Little Helper', though it's clear to some that it should be more like Satan most days. "Sup, bro?" "Don't you 'sup' me, sister! Because of you, we've been waiting to open presents. What was taking you so long?" This type of conversation seems very familiar. "Me? I was just staring at a lamp. It really brightens the place up. Do you wanna go take a look?" He opens his mouth to scold me till realization stops him and he glares daggers at me. "That...Is not funny." "whoo! proud of you sweetheart!" "Seems the audience disagrees with you there bro." "That's because you're boning them, sis." Now I'm the one glaring, it makes him smirk. "Awww...Did I hit your funny bone wrong?" Asriel as the voice of reason, attempts to prevent a fight. "Hey, come on. We're family. Family doesn't fight family." We just continue our little stare down, tension mounting like a thunderstorm ready to strike. "Hey Chara." "What?" "Chicken butt." He snickers and the tension storm is gone just like that much to Asriel's relief. "You're such a dork." "Yeah. And very proud." "Come on...Let's get to the good part of this holiday and see what we got." "Yeah!" "Heh, boys and their toys." My brother dash off and I just look at poor Blooky who's been standing there the entire time trying to make himself invisible with sheer will. "You okay sweety?" "That...Was scary." "I'm sorry dear. But we never get farther than that. Just classic sibling jostling." "If you say so." He's still tense, so I do what I always do for my best bud Blooky-boo, I make things better. I slip my hand to hold his and he looks at me with a blush. "Lynsie?" "I've missed you Blooky-boo. I miss being there to cheer you up and see you smile." His blush increases and I give him a soft smile. "Um...Lynsie?" "Yeah?" "Can you, uh, close your eyes for a moment?" Awww...Probably wants to give me his gift away from the others so no one bugs him about it. "Sure sweety." I close my eyes and wait for what I think is him getting something, but what I don't see is him grasping for every once of courage he has to lean in for a kiss...Just like the one we shared so long ago. Yet just as he's about make contact, only managing to touch his nose to mine, Mettaton comes bonding back and yanks Napstablook away to take his place, having found mistletoe which he has mounted to dangle over his head, he proceeds to steal Blooky's kiss much to my shock. "M-mettaton!?" "Mmmm...Sorry cousin. But I've been waiting to do that longer than anyone knows." Blooky looks at me. "Go for it sweety." Mettaton is confused till Napstablook starts batting at him in a flustered 'how could you' way, forcing Mettaton to flee while Blooky gives chase. Silly boys...But how I love them so. I wander my way around the room, taking note of where others are. Toriel and Asgore are nose nuzzling, much to Gerson's displeasure. Asgore has a cute sweater that reads 'North Pole's Most Wanted' and a picture of a Rudolf mugshot with glowing red nose sets it up for fun. Gerson's is a tad ironic, a pear tree with two real turtle-doves nesting on top in the snow...very cute. Undyne and Alphys are sharing pleasantries over some eggnog. Undyne's sweater is funny, it's sea foam green and has angelfish on it while reading 'Merry Fishmas'. Alphys has more anime-ish one, it's pink and reads 'All I Want For Christmas Is Otaku'...I think it has a double meaning and can be a pun. But where is... [BEEP-BEEP] A text? "Merry Christmas Lynsie." I smile and reply. "Merry Christmas Grillby." A tap to my shoulder has me spin around to meet him properly. "Good to see you hot stuff. Doing well?" He nods. Grillby too in not immune to the sweater craziness, his is rather tame but funny because he is fire, it reads 'I'm Cool With Coal'. "Mama got you too? Or is this all you?" He points to himself. "Awww...Now that's cute. You're sense of humor is the same as your personality...Perfectly warm." The tell tale hint of butane blue burns his cheeks making him all the more sweet. "So...You have a day off coming up after the holidays? I still owe you that promise." He nods and texts. [BEEP-BEEP] "Is January seventh good for you?" "Let me check real quick." I scroll through my phone's date planner. "And...Good news. That's a Saturday, and I'm off on weekends. What time can I come over?" [BEEP-BEEP] "How's about 10 or 11am sound?" "Sounds like a plan my man. Oh! I, um...Heh...I made you a gift. It's sorta personal, so, I'm not sure if you'd be big on the whole opening it in front of others thing." He tilts his head slightly and texts. [BEEP-BEEP] "You really made me something?" I rub the back of my head sheepishly. "Kinda had no choice but to make one. As much as I like you, I simply don't know you well enough to pick stuff out and be all 'oh I know he will like that' you know. So I...I made something I hope you'll care for." His blush burns a tad brighter, even more so when I take him by the hand and lead him over to the tree, once there, I nervously offer him the box, earning me a lighthearted smile from the fire elemental as he sets the box a flame safely to reveal the contents within. On a glass palette as wide as both hands stretched open, is a menagerie of crystals, one large orange centers the piece while surrounded by slightly smaller ones in all different colors, but inside the big one is some dark illegible marks that has his already wide eyes searching for what it can be and knowing what comes next has me blushing like a fool. "It didn't take long to grow them. They're mainly normal crystals. But I did do something special with the kind of crystals that might bring back some memories." I barely give the big one a tap and the whole thing is set a glow, those dark illegible marks now read clearly a message I know he's longed to hear...'TO ME, YOU ARE SPECIAL, GRILLBY'. His eyes glisten as they water, turning to steam with a sizzle the moment the liquid escapes to touch his fiery flesh, I begin to get concerned by this when his lips begin to quiver and he sets the gift down off to the side. "Grillby? Are you alright? I didn't mean to..." I'm cut off by his sudden embrace, so warm and strong with feeling, his face pressed against mine with his mouth close to my ear, he tries to speak, but his words sound smothered by how touched he was, I return his hold as I rub his back in comfort. "It's okay. You don't have to say anything. I understand what you mean." He trembles lightly. "Grillby?" "...Thank you...So much...Lynsie." I can feel my heart stop before swelling with so much love that it begins pouring out my eyes, and as much as I hate to cry or show such emotion in public, I could care less at who sees, I gave him love, that's all that matters to me. The looks that this display gets are more of the worried variety then amused as we stay like this for quite some time, but eventually the tears stop and we've calmed down enough that we know it's time to let go, yet not before I say something I only want him to hear. "Grillby...I love you." I feel his cheeks heat up but he gets me back with a kiss to my cheek and we pull apart all smiles. "✋☞ ✡⚐🕆 ❄🕈⚐ ✌☼☜ 👎⚐☠☜ 🕈✋❄☟ ❄☟✋💧 ☹✋❄❄☹☜ 💧☟⚐🕈📪 🕈☜ 👍✌☠ ☝☜❄ ❄☟☜💧☜ ☞☜💧❄✋✞✋❄✋☜💧 ⚐✞☜☼ ✌☠👎 👎⚐☠☜ 🕈✋❄☟📬" (IF YOU TWO ARE DONE WITH THIS LITTLE SHOW, WE CAN GET THESE FESTIVITIES OVER AND DONE WITH.) Seems like Gaster is the Grinch of the party, even his green sweater displays his real feelings about the holiday, atoms for snowflakes, a tree made from the periodic table of elements, chemical beakers are among presents, and it reads 'OH CHEMISTREE, OH CHEMISTREE!'. "Oh come on G. Aren't you even the tiniest bit festive?" He rolls his eyes with a sigh. "✋ 🕈⚐🕆☹👎 🏱☼☜☞☜☼ ❄⚐ 👌☜ 🕈⚐☼😐✋☠☝📪 ❄☟✌❄ 💣🕆👍☟ ✋💧 ❄☼🕆☜📬 👌🕆❄📬📬📬✋❄ ✋💧 ☠⚐❄ 👌☜☠☜✌❄☟ 💣☜ ❄⚐ ❄✌😐☜ 🏱✌☼❄ ✋☠ ☞✌💣✋☹✡ ☜✞☜☠❄💧📬" (I WOULD PREFER TO BE WORKING, THAT MUCH IS TRUE. BUT...IT IS NOT BENEATH ME TO TAKE PART IN FAMILY EVENTS.) "Oh? Will the rest of the family be joining us today?" "☠⚐📬 🕈☟✋☹☜ ❄☟☜✡ 💧☜☠👎 ❄☟☜✋☼ 🕈✋💧☟☜💧📪 ⚐🕆☼ 🏱✌☼☜☠❄💧 👍✌☠🕯❄ ✌❄❄☜☠👎 ☟☜☼☜📬 💧☜💣✋🕯💧 ☟☜✌☹❄☟ ☟✌💧 👌☜☜☠ 👍⚐☠👍☜☼☠✋☠☝ ✌💧 ⚐☞ ☹✌❄☜📬 ☠⚐❄☟✋☠☝ 💣✌☺⚐☼📪 ✌ 👍⚐☹👎 ✌❄ 👌☜💧❄📬 ☠⚐❄ ☹✋😐☜ ❄☟✋💧 🕈☜✌❄☟☜☼ ✋💧 ☟☜☹🏱☞🕆☹ ✋☠ 💧🕆👍☟ ❄☟✋☠☝💧📬" (NO. WHILE THEY SEND THEIR WISHES, OUR PARENTS CAN'T ATTEND HERE. SEMI'S HEALTH HAS BEEN CONCERNING AS OF LATE. NOTHING MAJOR, A COLD AT BEST. NOT LIKE THIS WEATHER IS HELPFUL IN SUCH THINGS.) "Oh no, not Grandpa Semi. Well, I know he's tough old soul. He can beat this like how he almost beat me." He chuckles at that. "❄☟✌❄ ☼☜💣✋☠👎💧 💣☜📬📬📬☟☜ 🕈✌☠❄☜👎 ❄⚐ 😐☠⚐🕈 ✋☞ ✌☠👎 ✋ ✈🕆⚐❄☜ 🕯🕈✋☹☹ ❄☟☜ ☞🕆❄🕆☼☜ 💣⚐❄☟☜☼ ⚐☞ 💣✡ ☝☼✌☠👎😐✋👎💧 👌☜ 💧❄⚐🏱🏱✋☠☝ 👌✡ 💧⚐💣☜❄✋💣☜ 💧⚐⚐☠✍🕯 ☜☠👎 ✈🕆⚐❄☜📬" (THAT REMINDS ME...HE WANTED TO KNOW IF AND I QUOTE 'WILL THE FUTURE MOTHER OF MY GRANDKIDS BE STOPPING BY SOMETIME SOON?' END QUOTE.) My jaw drops and I hear sputtering plus a crash across the room, Sans had spat out his drink while Papyrus had lost his footing upon barely hearing that...though it pales in comparison to the glaring Toriel and Asgore are doing now. "Dear god Semi...Yes, I'll come over. But really? He's still on about that?" "✋☞ ✡⚐🕆 ❄☟✋☠😐 ❄☟✌❄🕯💧 👌✌👎📪 ✋ ☹✋✞☜ 🕈✋❄☟ ❄☟☜ 💣✌☠📬 ✋ 💧🕈☜✌☼📪 ❄☟☜ ❄☟✋☠☝💧 ☟☜ 💧✌✡💧📬 🕈☟✌❄ ☟☜ ✋☠💧✋☠🕆✌❄☜💧📬 ⚐☞ ✌☹☹ ❄☟☜ 🕈✋☹👎 ✌☠👎 🏱☼☜🏱⚐💧❄☜☼⚐🕆💧 ✋👎☜✌💧📬" (IF YOU THINK THAT'S BAD, I LIVE WITH THE MAN. I SWEAR, THE THINGS HE SAYS. WHAT HE INSINUATES. OF ALL THE WILD AND PREPOSTEROUS IDEAS.) Oh my god Semi, what are you thinking? "Why do I get the feeling he's trying to push you at me too?" The silence and blush that befalls Gaster only makes me crack a weird smile. "Wow Semi...Just wow." "☹☜❄🕯💧 ☠⚐❄ ❄✌☹😐 ✌☠✡💣⚐☼☜ ✌👌⚐🕆❄ ❄☟✋💧 💧🕆👌☺☜👍❄📬" (LET'S NOT TALK ANYMORE ABOUT THIS SUBJECT.) "Agreed. Because at this point Toriel and Asgore might go nuts. So...Hey everyone! Let's open some presents already!" With that, the mood of the room goes from a slightly tense to 'yay presents' stampede, as everyone flocks to the tree for gifts galore. Bows, wrapping paper, and packing tissue fly through the air, littering the floor like a bunch of kids were let loose. Each gift opened is more touching than the last, even the ones from those that you don't expect good stuff from, not naming names, but a fun surprise is still fun, though a odd surprise was when I looked around and did not see a gift from the brothers for me even though they got some for the others. I'm not hurt...Just...It's unexpected. I'm tempted to ask them till I notice they've vanished from the group along with Mettaton and Napstablook. The heck is going on? "Psst! Darling!" The hell? Mettaton is waving me over and at this point I sneak away to him in hope of some answers. "Metta, what is...?" "Shhh! It's a surprise darling. No spoilers here." Okay sir dramatic, you have my interest. "Very well dear. Lead the way." He holds my hand and begins taking me through the castle, leading us down hallways for seemingly no reason, as if to make sure we not being followed, but what could be so secret that he has to do this? "Metta?" "Just a little more dear. Oh! and do close your eyes. You don't want to ruin it do you?" I giggle and do as he says, listening as our steps go from clacking on the stone floor to softly crunching in what I think is the grass of the courtyard, now I am very intrigued. He eventually makes me stop and has me sit down on what I hope is chair because Toriel will be ticked off if I got a stain on my clothes. "Now wait here and don't open those pretty eyes." "But when should I open them?" "Oh you'll know~." I hear him walk away and I feel like a kid waiting to be picked up from school...alone and awkward. Then something hits my ears, soft feedback that then fixes into building music. Hold on...I know this song. I open my eyes and there stands Papyrus, he's clearly nervous but he can't back down now, not when I'm looking at him, yet with a quick shaky gulp he swallows his fear before opening his mouth. "♪I DON'T WANT A LOT FOR CHRISTMAS. THERE IS JUST ONE THING I NEED. I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE PRESENTS, UNDERNEATH THE CHRISTMAS TREE. I JUST WANT YOU FOR MY OWN. MORE THAN YOU COULD EVER KNOW. MAKE MY WISH COME TRUE...OH! ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS...IS...YOU. YEAH!♫" He's singing...He's singing to me...Oh my god, that's so...Wait a second... Sans comes strolling out from behind me and joins his brother in front of me to sing along as the beat picks up. "♪i don't want a lot for christmas. there is just one thing i need...♫" "♪AND I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE PRESENTS, UNDERNEATH THE CHRISTMAS TREE. I DON'T NEED TO HANG MY STOCKING, THERE UPON THE FIREPLACE.♫" "♪santa claus won't make me happy with a toy on christmas day.♫" "♪I JUST WANT YOU FOR MY OWN. more than you could ever know. MAKE MY WISH COME TRUE. all i want for christmas is you...OOOH BABY!♫" That part they sing together and I can feel myself melting and my eyes watering...Why am I so easily brought to tears by these wonderful boys? "♪I WON'T ASK FOR MUCH THIS CHRISTMAS. I WON'T EVEN WISH FOR SNOW...♫" "♪i just wanna keep on waiting, underneath the mistletoe.♫" "♪I WON'T MAKE A LIST AND SEND IT, TO THE NORTH POLE FOR SAINT NICK.♫" "♪i won't even stay awake, to hear those magic reindeer click. 'cause i just want you here tonight...♫" "♪HOLDING ON TO ME SO TIGHT. WHAT MORE CAN I DO?♫" "♪oh, baby all i want for christmas is you. you, baby. oh oh...all the lights are shining, so brightly everywhere. and the sound of children's laughter fills the air. and everyone is singing.♫" "♪I HEAR THOSE SLEIGH BELLS RINGING. SANTA WON'T YOU BRING ME THE ONE I REALLY NEED. WON'T YOU PLEASE BRING MY BABY TO ME QUICKLY! OH I DON'T WANT A LOT FOR CHRISTMAS. THIS IS ALL I'M ASKING FOR.♫" "♪i just wanna see my baby, standing right outside my door.♫" I'm dying at this point, I have to cover my mouth so as not to interrupt them. "♪i just want you for my own. MORE THAN YOU COULD EVER KNOW. make my wish come true. BABY, ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS...IS...YOU! you baby! all i want for christmas is you, baby! ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU, BABY! all i want for christmas is you, baby! ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU, BABY! all i want for christmas is you, baby! ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS...YOU...BABY?♫" Their song ends on a bit of a sour note as they slowly notice my tears and they come to my aid. "LYNSIE?" "sweetheart?" "ARE YOU ALRIGHT? DID YOU NOT LIKE THE SONG?" "lynn? come on, talk to us. why are ya crying?" "*weeping* That was beautiful!" Relief washes over them, its happy tears, tears made in love, I am so overwhelmed by them that I couldn't hold it in, not like I could even if I tried. "I have...Never felt so loved...Thank you..." I gather them both in my arms, hugging them both tightly and never wanting to let them go. "Thank you...I love you both...So much..." They return my hold with smiles and warmth. "we love you too sweetheart." "NOW AND FOREVER." "*sniffles* Best Christmas ever." This comfort goes on for some time and all happening in front of the eyes of the two ghost robots hiding in the bushes, Mettaton had provided them the song while Blooky did the music. "Wow Mettaton, it was really nice of you to help them pull this off." "What can I say Blooky? I'd do anything to see her smile...Even if it means making them look good." "That must be eating at you huh?" "You'd think that, but no." "Really? I know I'm a little, um, jealous." "Blooky, my dear cousin. If there's one thing I know, it's how to pick my moments. Sure, I may have given them this time to shine. But now they owe me. And let's just say, when it's time for them to repay me, the spotlight will on me and her~." "...Wow." "I know right? Brilliant as always." "I'm so telling on you." "Blooky no, don't!" "Okay, I won't." "Really?" "On one condition." "Name it!" "...I want in on it." "...Really?" "You owe me one for stealing my kiss." "Hmph...Fine. But I get to go first." "Happstablook?" "Okay, you first then me." "Deal." Like that a pact is formed, secrets made, and all while in the glow of holiday love. For this is just the beginning, a new year is coming, lives all in store for something unknown, and wonders abound for stories untold. But that is for another time. So let this be a peaceful scene, of lovers and family brought together to share in each others care. For is that not what the holidays are all about? To show how we care and enjoy one another. Welcome Christmas, come this way. Welcome Christmas, Christmas day. Christmas day is in our grasp, so long as we have hands to clasp. Welcome Christmas, bring your cheer. Welcome all of us far and near. Christmas day will always be, just so long as we have we. Welcome Christmas, bring your light. Welcome in the cold dark night. Welcome Christmas while we stand, heart to heart and hand in hand. Welcome Christmas, Christmas Day! God bless Us, Every One. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
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