#Rho Supreme
autoacafiles · 1 year
I love the Rho Supreme crew so far! Imagine if they had a Sumdac with them. Also, will there only be a Bumblebee and Prowl lookalikes or will there also be ones for Jazz, Arcee, Magnus, Blurr, the twins, or any of the cons?
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bloodgulchblog · 9 months
oh hey guess what, halo fleet battles had a depiction of a sangheili supreme commander with a cloak
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hoshologies · 11 months
⌗ syn. you spent the entire summer telling your family that you weren't going to join a sorority. now not only are you an initiated member of delta eta sigma, but you've been elected to the social chair position for you chapter. you've planned a runout with the social chair of lambda rho, heeseung lee, and gotten close to him in the process. after an eventful night, you've got some big things to discuss.
⌗ gen. romance, fluff. meet-cute, friends to lovers, college au, greek life au. warnings. mentions of (over)eating, lapslock intended.
⌗ word count. 1.5k.
⌗ prev. read all greek love here ! it is recommended you read it before reading party pack because this is not meant to be a standalone piece.
⌗ note. i am beyond ecstatic that all greek love was received so well. i haven't written that much in about a year due to mental health and a massive kpop/writing adhd burnout, so seeing people enjoy it so much made me incredibly happy. thank you all for reading it. i mentioned wanting to do a little bonus scene/story to wrap up agl!heeseung and reader's story, so that's this. i'm not sure they really need a sequel or anything, but i may be open to exploring their relationship more in the future if i can come up with any good ideas.
again, thank you so much for enjoying all greek love so much. i'm really glad to be back to writing.
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as expected, with the clock on heeseung’s dashboard closing in on two in the morning, the taco bell drive through line is packed bumper to bumper and still leaks out onto the street. all you really wanted was some soft tacos and fiesta potatoes, but now you’re stuck in between two very rowdy, very loud cars, drunk college students hanging halfway out of the windows talking to each other. heeseung puts his car in drive maybe every ten minutes to inch forward; it’s agony.
he turns your own music down just a little bit and then lets his hand come to rest palm up on your thigh, wiggling his fingers a little. you laugh and rest your hand in his, intertwining your fingers. like clockwork, a habit he’s already picking up, his thumb starts tracing lines where it falls against your skin. it’s something you find comfort in, the soft ghost of his touch against you. even before you got together, he’d let the backs of his fingers brush yours when you ended up studying at the library or your shoulders when you’d walk together across campus.
his hand stays in yours until he shifts gears from park to drive and back again, his hand finding yours each time there’s a lull in the drive through line. he orders your food for you, hand resting on your thigh instead, curling into the skin just above your knee, pays for your late night meal, even though you insist it isn’t necessary. he smiles bashfully at you and tells you to not worry about it; he wants to do it.
and then you end up sitting by the university lake, watching the fountains in the middle light up with the university colors. he’s spread a spare blanket he had in the backseat of his car on the ground and you sit shoulder to shoulder, sharing a large soda and a party pack of supreme soft tacos, you with your lone order of fiesta potatoes and his cinnamon twists. you eat mostly in silence, only broken up with the rustle of wax paper and the rush of the fountains, until he finally turns his head to look at you. when you look at him yourself, he’s haloed again, backlit by the orange streetlamps in the parking lot.
“so,” he starts, resting his elbow on his tented knees and nestling his head in his hand. “the big stuff.”
you’d almost forgotten about that, the big stuff, and now you’re having to fight back a cough because you almost choked after he reminded you. but he’s right. you kissed and then slept together (there was no second round in the shower, save for some kissing, but it was nice either way, heeseung there to work you over and ease the tension with deft hands and nice smelling body wash) and now here you are, sitting at the university lake and sharing far too many tacos. you need to sort things out.
“right,” you say finally, swallowing back the last bite of your fourth taco. “the big stuff.”
you fall silent again, neither one of you quite sure how to go about this. so you’re both sitting at the lakeside, clueless and blinking at each other and somehow it becomes one of the funniest situations ever and you just start giggling. heeseung stares at you bewildered for a few seconds before he joins in too, his face cracking open with a bright smile as he leans towards you, shoulders shaking with laughter.
“we’re ridiculous,” he says between chuckles, his dark eyes sparkling with mirth under the bronze lamplight.
“losers, more like,” you respond, meeting him halfway and letting your shoulder press tight against his. “wanted to talk about the big stuff and couldn’t even do that without being awkward. liv and yeonjun would have a field day with this if they knew.”
you sit there for a couple long minutes, passing quiet giggles between the two of you, heads bowed together. anybody walking by would think you were conspiring rather than sharing a laugh. eventually, your laughter does fizzle out and you’re left looking at the lake again, shoulder to shoulder, knees almost touching now. heeseung’s arm tentatively drapes over your opposite shoulder and you lean into him.
“i want you to know i don’t do this very often,” he starts, his voice quiet and almost lost to the three am air. “i’m not really one for hookups and all of that; i know you’ve hooked up with a couple of others — which is not a problem, of course. i just… want you to know that this was serious to me. you’re serious to me.”
you nod, but don’t offer anything in response because it sounds like he wants to keep speaking, like he has something else to add. while he fishes for what he wants to say next, you turn his words over in your head. he’s right, you have hooked up a few times since starting school here, but none of them have been as cute or as sweet as heeseung is; you’ve never wanted them to stay with you in your too small twin sized bed the way you want heeseung to. it’s not that you’re a player; maybe you were just waiting for him to waltz into your life.
“the kiss at the party… you said you were tired of waiting for me to make a move and i guess in the moment, i thought that meant you liked me back too, but i never really considered whether you just wanted to sleep with me or—”
you can’t take it anymore, heeseung’s second guessing. you’ve never been so serious about anyone or anything in your life. maybe you did something to make him think otherwise or maybe you didn’t and this is just him being that shy, nervous boy you’ve come to adore over the last month, but either way, you’ll do what it takes to prove to him that this was always more than a one night stand to you.
so you pull him to you, kiss him slow and soft and gentle. there’s no tongue involved, no clashing of teeth. it’s just your lips molded perfectly to his, your hand pressed featherlight to his cheek, his sharp inhale of surprise before he melts into your touch. it’s three am and you’re sitting at the university lake kissing the only boy you think you’ll ever fall in love with, his leg pressed to yours from hip to knee, his fingers curling into your sweater sleeve tight, unyielding. nothing could be more perfect than this.
you pull away, but don’t move far, glancing up at him through your eyelashes. “it was serious for me too, heeseung. i promise.”
he breathes a sigh of relief, his eyes fluttering closed as his forehead tilts to rest against yours. there’s more silence for a few long moments, just your breaths mingling between you, his fingers as they brush over the soft cotton of the sweater wear now, one you borrowed from him and never returned all those weeks ago after you got caught in a downpour.
“good 'cause i really don’t know what i would have done if you said you wanted to keep it casual,” he says at last, laughing a breathy little laugh at the end. “honestly. i really might have died on the spot because i like you so much.”
you let out a loud laugh, one that resonates from deep in your chest, and you push at his shoulders, leaning away from him. “you’re such a dork.”
he recovers from the shove and leans back in, wrapping both of his arms around you now, his chin on your shoulder. “maybe so, but you like me anyways.”
you look at him and smile, still laughing. “yes, i like you anyways.”
he smiles, all starlight and sunbeams, and he nudges your nose with his, smiles impossibly brighter when you giggle. “so much you’ll let me take you on a date later?”
you pretend to think about it before you nod resolutely. “i’ll like you even more if we go on a date.”
heeseung mirrors your nod and then presses one, two, three short pecks to your lips before he pulls away fully, smiling still. he nudges at the cardboard box between you, the bottom still full of soft tacos. he says that you really need to finish the party pack because if he has to take the leftovers to lambda rho, there will be a fight over who gets them and he doesn't want to get caught up in the crossfire.
you go back to heeseung’s dorm, closer than yours this time, with a tiny stomachache, but it’s worth it when he lays you down in bed and holds you to him. he promises your date will not involve tacos or meddling friends; you tell him you don’t care what the date is or involves as long as he’s with you.
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© hoshologies 2023. do not translate, copy, or repost my work on any site.
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niseag-arts · 11 days
How would each of you OCs and your two forgeworlds react to Mac's true nature of being a deamon like warp entity that has supreme tech control that exists on the Noosphere like a sentient spyware/virus?
Also how would the react to mac being an ancestor core? A blackstone fortress? Men of iron? Multiple ships and space hulks? Multiple eldar wraithgaurd? Some void dragon shards?
Given that each of them is loyalist, the short answer is NOT WELL. there is really no other way I can put it, I am afraid, Mac is (as far as I can tell) pretty much the antithesis to each of their believes... While some characters may be able to look past certain aspects, they will then be put off by another aspect. Say Cal for example, would be fine with the warp connection, and might even be able to accept the xeno aspect of things... They would not be able to see past the Men of Iron aspect of Mac once they found that out. Ultimately, each of my OCs would fear Mac, I think, once they find out how much he has going on, and how they respond to it might differ, but none of it is going to be healthy. Vana, Hieronymous, Gliata, most of the upper command of Repleator, (and maybe even Cal to some degree) are likely to attempt to fight Mac until it destroys them. Skylax would...well, let's be honest, his systems would fry before he even had a chance to come to a conclusion. The inhibitors in his brain do not allow him to think of half the things Mac is made up from. Toasty brain soup. Brandarius, Vinci, Rho, and most of the upper command of Aberdeen-6 are likely to aggressively ignore Mac's existence once they find out the full scope of him, knowing that they cannot get rid of him. Depending on previous interactions a very cold diplomatic contact might still be possible. Cal might also fall into this cathegory, depending. Artemis is Mac's best bet at a not-horrendous response, and that is only if this information is drip-fed, not dumped on them in one go. Their loyalty is to the machine god, ultimately, but shocking their worldview too quickly will be met with resistance, which would land them in the first cathegory.
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
Romantic headcanons of Supreme Commander Rho'Barutamee? I haven't gotten deep into Halo yet but I saw him and 👀
He actually is in a tabletop game, not a main game or book but I will see what I can do! I just love writing Sangheili :)
If you would like the source for his personality and goals, look here.
Yandere! Rho 'Barutamee Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Kidnapping, Murder, Jealousy, Sangheili/Sangheili and Human/Sangheili pairing, Forced relationship, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Biting, PDA, Murder mention but brief, Isolation.
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According to what I've read, Rho was a Sangheili Supreme Commander who used to be a Zealot.
Despite being a high ranking Sangheili in the Covenant, he actually doesn't care much for the Human/Covenant war or the religion of the Covenant itself too much.
He just likes the idea of keeping Forerunner artifacts to himself illegally.
Rho is an excellent tactician and a skilled commander of his fleets.
He's also noted as being more reserved and thoughtful compared to most former Sangheili Zealots.
He's ambitious and takes advantage of weaknesses in the Covenant to climb the ranks, that's how he got to this point.
It's actually surprising to hear a Sangheili not care much about the war against humanity.
He has his own goals and is a bit selfish.
He has no issues with killing to get what he wants even if he isn't totally interested in the war against humanity.
Rho may get along best with a fellow Sangheili who's his subordinate.
Although a human captive darling could also be a possibility since he is indifferent to humans.
He'd capture a human for info on Forerunner artifacts at first, then he may keep you around for personal curiosity and intrigue.
Despite me picturing him as a more religiously "laid-back" Sangheili, Rho can still be intimidating.
Just look at his outfit, gold armor that shows his status... along with a dark purple cape to top it all off.
Rho's personal interests tend to fall on understanding Forerunner tech.
He isn't really up for talking most of the time, he still seems closed off even when he meets his darling.
Trying to keep this general rather than focusing on a certain species of darling, Rho starts slow with interaction before slowly increasing into making you second in command on his ship Long Night of Solace.
Although I will say he puts his personal interests before the words of the Hierarchy.
If he really wanted to keep a human for personal reasons he probably could.
The Covenant or UNSC would never hear about you, however.
Rho 'Barutamee would be Obsessive, Manipulative, Controlling, Selfish, Possessive, and Slightly caring in an attempt to understand his darling's needs.
I picture him as a less strict Sangheili despite his rank and status.
His obsession is driven by personal desire, just like how he is focused on keeping Forerunner artifacts for himself.
If you were Sangheili, Rho would work hard on making you work alongside him on his ship.
If you were human, Rho treats you like most Sangheili would.
At first he sees you as lower than him, then soon sees you akin to something as a pet to play with or something like a lover.
Rho may be less harsh on you than other Sangheili if you were human though.
Due to being a leader, Rho is manipulative and controlling.
He may use charisma or threats to get what he wants.
Actually, Rho is a Sangheili who is determined to get what he wants.
He'd be one to look into the weaknesses and faults of his darling to exploit them.
He'll see just what makes you tick then use it to his advantage.
He'll have you listen to him and his orders like a prayer as long as he says and does the right thing.
Rho gets obsessive with the thought of obtaining his darling.
You're like a prized artifact to him in a way.
Sangheili... human... he doesn't really care.
He's drawn to you like it's fate, so he'll see just what makes you catch his eye.
He wants loyalty from you if you're Sangheili, he wants submission from you if you're human.
Either way he wants you his.
Like most Sangheili, Rho's possessive.
Those on his ship are primarily other Sangheili, although there may be a Kig-Yar or Unggoy somewhere.
Point is, Rho wants to make his message clear to his fellow crewmates.
You're his, end of story.
Rho would cling you to him if you're a Sangheili or human.
While he watches what's going on outside of his ship, he'll sit you on his lap.
You'll both sit in his floating Covenant chair while he growls and grunts against you, nipping your skin and making possessive remarks.
He doesn't mind if the others see or show disgust.
At least they get the message.
They can't say anything because he out ranks them anyways.
He's selfish at times yet also tries to care about what you think.
If you're Sangheili then Rho will listen to you more than a human.
As a human he tries to be accommodating yet we're still talking early Human/Covenant war here.
He still cares for a human but not the same as a Sangheili.
Rho already knows he'll probably be punished by his superiors if they find out about what he's done.
That's part of what makes him so reserved.
He wants to be secretive, so most of your life is on his ship.
His crew have mixed feelings about you but don't dare say anything.
Their commander keeps staring daggers at them when they even glance at you.
If Rho really wanted to, he could probably execute a crew member he didn't like.
Why not? It only shows he has power over them all here.
Plus he cares more about you than anyone else as his forced partner.
Most of your life is on his ship.
Even if you want to go home or get fresh air, Rho refuses it.
Regardless of your species you feel like a prisoner.
His bite marks on your skin sting a bit and you're left yearning for seeing something other than him, his crew, and the vast emptiness of space.
Although, while you may hate Rho and the ship he commands...
You probably aren't better off anywhere else in this current era.
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halobirthdays · 1 year
Happy birthday to Supreme Commander Rho 'Barutamee!
Today is his -455th birthday!
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'Barutamee was a Sangheili zealot and Supreme Commander attached to the Ministry of Fervent Intercession. He had the unique honor of housing a Forerunner Luminary--a rare device that can reveal the location of other Forerunner relics. During his career, he learned of Maethrillian, the Forerunner capital world. Locating Maethrillian became his single-minded objective, and he secretly amassed his own collection of artifacts to aide in his search.
He ordered his vessel, Long Night of Solace, to the Epsilon Eridani system, home to the UNSC stronghold of Reach. He was surprised to find a human presence there, and began preparing an assault, but did not set aside his goal of locating relics on Reach.
He sent out a crew of Devoted Sentries to continue the search. However, time began to run short when he learned that the Ministry of Resolution was sending its own fleet to Reach. Not wanting to grant another ministry his findings, and with his fleet facing heavy resistance from the UNSC, his vessel engaged UNSC forces on Reach's surface.
NOBLE team exposed the vessel's location by destroying Spire One. This offered the rare opportunity to destroy the supercarrier, a significant blow to the Covenant assault. NOBLE initiated operations LEFT JAB and UPPER CUT, distracting the Covenant fleet and using that opportunity to detonate a rigged Slipspace drive under the Long Night of Solace. The operation was a success, though Jorge-52 sacrificed himself in the process.
'Barutamee presumably died when the supercarrier was destroyed. His lieutenant would attempt to finish what he started, but by that time it was too late: the Ministry of Resolution arrived.
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halos-top-alien-model · 8 months
Sangheili Bracket Round 1 Match 6
More info below:
Rho 'Barutamee:
Debuted in Halo: The Essential Visual Guide
Born March 23rd, 2479, he joined the Ministry of Fervent Intercession and served as a Zealot until his appointed to Supreme Commander of the Fleet of Valiant Prudence, tasked with far-ranged scouting and the security of Foreruner artifacts. Secretly, Rho would maintain a personal collection of Forerunner artifacts - especially those that would aid him in his quest for the fabled Maethrillian. This search would eventually lead him to accidentally stumbling upon the UNSC stronghold of Reach, where he would sent covert teams to search the planet for artifacts until the UNSC eventually discovered them. With reinforcements from the Covenant arriving, Rho feared his chance to find his loot would be lost and an interrogation on his impudence. Following the desctruction of the structure cloaking his ship Long Night of Solace on the planet, he would destroy the UNSC Grafton in retaliation. In response, two operations would be conducted by UNSC forces: one to distract Rho and one to use the distraction to plant a rigged slipspace drive on Ardent Prayer that would destroy Long Night of Solace. His death resulted, with his lieutenant - Kantar 'Utaralee - assuming command of the remaining fleet and said fleet attempting one last time to recover a Forerunner relic Rho had his eyes on.
Ripa 'Moramee:
Debuted in Halo Wars
Born on Malurok on June 2nd, 2478, he served as a warlord thrall within the Ministry of Preservation, gaining infamy across the Covenant for his ruthlessness. During this time, he notably quelled the Sixteenth Unggoy Disobedience within days and killed the Kig-Yar pirate prince Krith. Yet, ironic to his role of quashing rebellions, Ripa would then go on to attempt a coup against his kaidon in Moram, only to fail and end up imprisoned in the super-maximum security penitentiary known as the Weeping Shadows of Sorrow. While there, he incited a large-scale prison riot as part of a plan to escape, only to be captured once again and placed in solitary confinement. It was here that he was visited by the Prophet of Regret, who bestowed upon him the rank of Arbiter and the mission to wipe out humanity. Before that, however, the new Arbiter would first squash a rebellion incited by his appointment.
Starting in 2526, Ripa would lead the Fleet of Glorious Interdiction during the Harvest Campaign, while also occasionally visiting Etran Haborage to fight back against the Flood presence there. Around February 2531, the Harvest Campaign would be changed by the discovery of an underground relic; valuable information was gathered, but the relic ended up taken by human forces before the Covenant could destroy it to keep it out of their hands. Following this information led Ripa's fleet to Arcadia and the location of another Forerunner structure, with the UNSC Spirit of Fire pursuing them. Noting how the human professor Ellen Anders was able to interface with Forerunner technology and believing she could do the same for activating Etran Haborage's Forerunner fleet, the Prophet of Regret would task Ripa in capturing her. He would ambush her and Sergeant John Forge on Arcadia, nearly killing Forge in the process.
But bringing Anders to Etran Haborage only allowed the Spirit of Fire to follow, beginning Ripa's downfall. While he was able to use Anders to finally activate the Forerunner fleet, she managed to escape immediately afterwards, regrouping with her allies and informing them of the fleet. They would then launch a plan to destroy the entire shield world and the fleet with it using their slipspace engine. Ripa would attempt to stop this plan, leading to a second confrontation with Forge. With victory in the duel in sight, Ripa fell to Forge's taunts and opened himself up to getting stabbed in the neck by Forge's combat knife then stabbed in the chest by his own dropped energy sword. His corpse and armor would be destroyed along with the shield world, preventing the Covenant from being able to store them within the Mausoleum of the Arbiter, while his holdings on Malurok would be the source of dispute among neighboring keeps even after the fall of the Covenant.
Submitted propaganda: He's ugly-cute and so mean and evil 🖤
Additional commentary: I agree with the above
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dude1818 · 2 years
Final review of Nona the Ninth
I thought it was supremely adorable until it wasn’t, and that was a fantastic way to jump the stakes. (To be clear, Nona getting shot in the school isn’t when it stopped being adorable; her embarrassed “yuck” when Hot Sauce said she saw her brain splatter? Still adorable! No, it was the tantrum scene for me.)
The last few chapters wear where it fell apart for me. All of Nona’s story felt self-contained and satisfactory, but the tie back to the main plot of the series felt unnatural. A lot of things were happening on New Rho that went over Nona’s head (what’s Blood of Eden up to? Our narrator doesn’t care), and it’s understandable that big picture events were happening in the six month time skip (of course John had to reorganize the Cohort and his Lyctor crew), but the end of the book threw in a bunch of updates that didn’t feel earned by what had happened in the book.
The biggest offender was the surprise demon incursion when they returned to the Ninth House. GtN established the existence of these entities and that they can possess your body if you vacate your soul for too long, and there was a single line about how the Cohort was fighting “a bigger threat” on Antioch (a planet we never heard of before and will never see again) than Blood of Eden, but the Ninth House being overrun by them felt like a complete non sequitur. For one thing, they don’t do spirit magic, so there should be no in for the demons. (Unless the new shipment from John was contaminated? But that seems like a major stretch. Their souls were just in stasis.)
I’m also not a fan about what happened with Palamedes and Camilla. Paul seems well-adjusted and friendly, but they’re not Pal and Cam. Pal and Cam experienced ego death to form the new Lyctor. The previously two books seem to establish Lyctorhood as a bad thing, even John’s perfect Lyctorhood version, and they especially establish sacrificing yourself for another, even out of love, to be a terrible thing to do to the other person. The entirety of HtN is Gideon’s punishment for sacrificing herself to save Harrow. The only exception in the whole series is Palamedes, who can freely sacrifice himself for Camilla multiple times and it’s always framed as a good thing. I hoped this gets addressed in AtN.
I’m glad for the flashback sequences to establish what led up to the Resurrection. I know there was a lot of debate about whether John was the one who launched the nukes that ended the world or merely took advantage of it, so all the additional background about what led to that action is appreciated. The timeline is a little sus though. Not the detailed timeline, which we know John fudged a bit (like immediately changing the order he said the nukes were launched in to absolve his murder of Gideon Prime), but the whole “climate change is cause the complete extinction of humanity on a single day” thing. That feels more like an external threat (e.g. Project Hail Mary) than the way climate change is actually going to kill us.
That’s more of a “Muir isn’t a scientist” complaint, which I’ve definitely made before w.r.t. her descriptions of space travel (the shuttle from the Ninth House to the First House either needed FTL, or to travel at least 0.98c with time dilation). Narratively, I’m disappointed that it was revealed that necromancy was just actual magic all along. The first two books really established the series as being science fiction (even if it was the softest possible), so it’s a letdown that John was just gifted magic powers by Gaea and sent to Earth as a Jesus savior figure, rather than making an actual fringe science breakthrough and establishing necromancy as “real.”
Kiriona ... I think I need a separate post for that. It stresses me out.
I didn’t expect this review to be so long. There are a few points that I have strong opinions of, but overall I really did like the book. The cover promised that I would love Nona, and I 100% do. The biggest shame of all is that she won’t be around for the next book. Given how much I enjoyed the first 75% of this book, I think I would still rank it higher than HtN (although my opinion of HtN improved on my recent reread). Overall, NtN mostly suffered at the end when Muir had to hard-steer the story back in line to establish AtN.
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askvectorprime · 2 years
Are there other forms of non-humanoid Cybertronians in the Malgus cluster?
Dear Humanoid Hinderer,
There certainly are, although many are viewed more as wildlife—the brontobots or nosorons, for instance. This view is by no means universal, however.
On the colony world of Animatron, they were many and varied in form and function. The Decepticons enslaved them when they conquered the primordial planet, and for a time there seemed to be little hope for them—but the renegade Autobot hero, T-Wrecks Major, crossed the blockade to land the Rusty Mace (the ship mode of Rho Supreme) and evacuate as many as he could to the nearby organic world of Beast.
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westerosoliviapope · 3 years
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Scandal Westeros | The Federation of the Summer Isles & Summer Isles Characters
The Federation of the Summer Isles is an archipelago in the Summer Sea that forms a democratic federation operating under central leadership. They have a traditional three-branch government (executive, judicial, legislative) with current President Donta Rho as the head of the executive branch.
Its capital city is Tall Trees Town on the island of Walano. Its largest city and commercial base is Ebonhead on Jhala.
The Isles are known for their gorgeous beaches, world-reknown Festival Season (a tradition imported to the Isles by Rhoynish immigrants who settled on the Isle of Women), and lively dance culture that has inspired musical styles all over the world.
While they mostly stay out of global conflicts, they occasionally ally with Dorne and Westeros, as they did when Volantis and its allies invaded Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh in 2005 AC.
Main Industries/Exports in the Summer Isles
Cigars and spices
Vintage rum distilleries and wine vineyards
Tourism with an emphasis on hotels and cruise ships
Weapons manufacturing (while guns are outlawed for Summer Isles citizens, the Summer Isles exports weapons all over the world with Westeros as their biggest customer)
Summer Isles Characters So Far
Sarella Sand - Owner/CEO of Sphinx Consultants in Oldtown. Daughter of Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne & Summer Isles Supreme Court Justice Jolona Qo
Jolona Qo - Mother of Sarella Sand & Summer Isles Supreme Court Justice; from the Sweet Lotus Vale region of Jhala where her family runs the Sweet Lotus Rum Distillery.
Chataya Zo - Former proprietor of Chataya's, the most exclusive escort service in the Republic of Westeros. Recently retired and moved back to her home island of Jhala
Aliyaya Zo - Chataya's daughter; current proprietor of Chataya's. Lives bi-coastally between Oldtown and King's Landing.
(O/C) G. Zharro Zo - Secret son of Chataya Zo and Hoster Tully. An attorney living in Ebonhead (the "G" stands for "Grover")
Jalabar Xho - World-famous rapper from the Summer Isles who currently resides in King's Landing.
Tobho Mott - Half Qohorik/half Summer Isles welder and smith living in King's Landing; adoptive father of Gendry (Waters) Mott
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autoacafiles · 1 year
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 2 years
It’s how they manage to finally shepherd Host out of the kitchen, the door closing with a resounding clap, getting barricaded by a falling broom
Rho stands triumphant in the small indoor window of the kitchen, the tiny bar that allowed anyone to see into the kitchen and those cooking to see the others
It’s all guarded now by the beans as Rho works on lockpicking the treats cabinet again, the new fancy lock still no match for them
They’d solve every puzzle the fam threw at them, hacking triumphantly as the door opens
Anarchy reigned supreme!
"Every-everyone else but-but Host is-is out right now, so-so I can finally give you-you a tour without any-any chaos."
"I like your family's chaos, you know."
"You-you don't have to lie, heh."
"I'm not. I like my quiet life, but sometimes-
Jamar stops dead in his tracks, staring into the kitchen. Eric stops too, and looks over.
"Are your pets all... executing a heist?"
"... Probably."
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thecandywrites · 3 years
The Beginning of Stormbreaker Part 2
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So cute. 
Part 2
Rhosland woke up just before sunrise, bright eyed and energized and couldn’t wipe the giddy smile off her face if she tried as she and her twin sister left right at sunrise just as their mother finished baking the overnight bread, and also conveniently just after Drad and Sarg came and delivered more “gifts” to them, Sarg gave Esri a fishing net and fishing lures and lines along with a big set of big baskets so they could keep the fish and whatever else they foraged together as Drad gave each of them the stone timber axes, and a large, thick quilt blanket, so large it would cover three bedrolls. Each square was stuffed with cotton, wool and down feathers so that each square was puffy in the quilt so that they would not get cold in their tent just in case the bitter cold of fall and winter came early, which the girls happily took and hugged those men goodbye as Drad and Sarg helped push as the girls pulled their rowboat to the biggest stream as the women rowed their little boat down the stream that cut through the village, underneath all the bridges  and soon were out to sea before they rowed it north towards Hurricane Breaker until they found the estuary between Skull Screamer Clan and Hurricane Breaker and rowed upstream, happily finding all kinds of fish and seafood in the creeks before they found the perfect camping spot right on the edge of a forest next to a fallen tree that was the perfect bench height and set up camp and ate the fish they were able to easily catch for breakfast with their bread that thier mother had sent them with. 
“So you must have had really good dreams last night, you won’t stop smiling.” Esri teased her sister even though she was in a similar state. 
“I did,” Rhos nodded. 
“Well go on, tell me about them.” Esri requested as she scooted closer to her sister as they sat on a fallen log by their camp fire since they had pulled the little row boat up on shore and the log had been covered in wild, edible mushrooms which the girls readily cut off and were in the process of drying them to preserve them while eating a few of them, cooked in their pot over the fire with their breakfast since one of their bride gifts from the clan had been a few logs of smoked and preserved fat as they had sliced off a few pieces of the cow and hog fat and fried the mushrooms in that in their pot which only made the mushrooms taste even more meatlike. 
“I had a dream that Drad came back from the raid and claimed me as his wife instead of Tar and we built the most perfect house together and we had so many kids and we were just...so happy. And it’s like my intuition is telling me that it will come true.” Rhosland whispered, afraid that if she said it too loudly it would tempt the fates and not come true. 
“That’s funny, because I had a similar dream about Sarg.” Esri beamed. 
“Oooh, and?” Rhos giggled. 
“Oh, very good, I had a dream we sailed out to sea on this big sailing ship and that rocking of the boat made the rutting so much better.” Esri giggled in turn.
“Do you think it will come true?” Rhosland asked. 
“It better! Cause my mind and heart keep telling me it will come true, plus they were both there to see us off and got us both gifts to help us on this hunting and gathering trip and just hugging Sarg this morning felt...amazing.” She insisted with a wistful sigh. 
“Me too, but with Drad obviously.” Rhosland confirmed as the girls continued to eat to their satisfaction for the first time in a long time. 
“Come on, I have a good feeling that we will kill some deer today, we should build a smoker to smoke the meat.” Rhos suggested as they used their new axes and chopped down a good stone timber tree and other kinds of trees and began building a really good smoker out of the wood before they fashioned the bigger baskets to hang off of their hips and immediately started finding all kinds of wild edible berries, cattails and other wild edible plants, edible mushrooms all around them and so many different kinds of herbs for seasoning and medicine and even an abandoned bee hive full of combs, thick with honey which they gladly took all of it that they could reach and harvest before they shot down a couple of deer and drug the deer back to camp and immediately got to work dressing them and putting their meat in the smoker and tanning their hides and then used the net and caught a bunch of fish, gutted and cleaned them and put those in the smoker too. 
It was single handedly the best day they had ever spent gathering because this spot had an overabundance for them and they quickly had to use the dried grasses to make bushel sized baskets for all that they harvested since all the baskets that they had packed were now full as they sat on the log, watching the gorgeous red sunset and just about the time they got done weaving their new baskets and organizing everything into those baskets and put it all inside the tent just as the sun went down- a very thick fog came in from the sea with a chill and settled over them as Rhos and Esri both instinctively went into their tent and rested and for dessert, dined on the honey that they dipped their wild berries into before falling into a restful, sweet sleep, curled up under the wonderfully big, thick, and supremely warm blanket that kept the cold completely off of them as suddenly the winds kept changing in the most bizarre way, blowing in different directions so that it felt like it was blowing in from all sides and picking up speed, making the smoke of their fires take up an odd pattern within the fog itself before it blew in heavily towards from the west again, inland from the sea.   
Meanwhile Tar was disappointed that “his Rosey” had already left for a hunting and gathering trip, so he couldn’t try to lay with her real quick before the raid, he was celebrating as if he had already had a successful raid and noticed that a thick fog blew in that evening but that didn’t deter him or his father or the rest of his family. The next morning, the fog was still excessively thick. So much so that they could barely see the road from their houses but Zash and his sons felt confident in their ability to still use their inner compass and that the fog would conceal them and that they would attack the Rush Fang Clan completely by surprise and it would guarentee their victory over them and set off with their men that morning and disappeared into the unusually thick fog while Orcoth had promised Sarg and Drad that he would keep a careful watch over their mother Grat and Rhos’ and Esri’s mother Shari and assured both women that they would see their children again soon as the three of them kept to themselves as Grat invited Shari to stay with her while her daughters would be away so the two would not get lonely which Shari greatly appreciated as Grat also invited Orcoth to stay as well, to play games and enjoy each other’s company since Grat’s house that Wolvish had built her was still big enough to fit all of them comfortably. 
However- Zash and his sons got hopelessly lost and turned around several times, not even recognizing their own walking paths in the tall grass in the thick fog that soon enveloped them and their raiding party as Zash and his sons were adamant that the fog would clear and that they would find Rush Fangs and ignored and rebuked and rebutted any who had left signs along their path to show that they had been walking in circles before Zash felt confident that he was turning Southeast, when in fact, he was turned Northwest and heading straight towards the much bigger and more fearsome Hurricane Breaker. 
And when the fog did partially clear, they found Hurricane Breaker, their bright golden bronze breast plates glinting in what little sunlight finally was able to push through. Whose shaman had sensed that they were coming and were ready for them and were outnumbering them twenty to one as Drad and Sarg both looked worriedly at each other when they saw that their comparatively smaller raiding party was completely surrounded before the fog quickly enveloped them all again as the clash of warriors played out as Drad did everything in his power to keep Sarg by his side after he saw Tar and everyone in Tar’s family fall to the ground dead from the fatal blows, before he smelled...smoking venison with a hint of smoking fish as the words of his new adopted father Orcoth replayed in his head but it was like he was the only one who could smell it and by this point Sarg and Drad were both injured, almost fatally so and knocked off their horses, as Drad took Sarg on his injured side while Sarg did the same, pushing their injured sides together so they could use their good sides to manage to get out of there and Drad followed his nose in the smell, as the scent itself seemed to be in a wiggly pattern but the wiggly pattern helped both of them avoid the other warriors of Hurricane Breaker as the fog itself was so thick they could barely see their hands in front of their faces but kept them practically invisible as Drad continued to slowly and as quietly as possible, follow the smells as Drad could pick up more on the scent of smoking venison while Sarg could smell the scent of smoking fish stronger as they both followed the same trail of scents until the scent led them out of the warzone and the father away they got, the lighter the fog became so that they could see more and smell more and by now, the scent was very strong and it gave them hope that they were close as they both hobbled towards it and just as the fog thinned out even more, they saw a camp sight, just as Rhosland and Esri were leaving a tent and Drad had never thought Rhosland looked more beautiful in his life. 
“Drad?” Rhos asked when she and her sister were brave enough to leave their tent when they woke up to the sounds of a battle as their instincts told them to stay in the tent because it sounded like it was very close by before the sounds faded as if the war zone was traveling farther and farther away before they ventured out, only to be met with the sight of Drad and Sarg, both trying to hold up the other and trying to walk despite their injuries. 
“Rhosland! Help me!” Drad called out to her as she and Esri quickly dropped their axes and ran towards them and helped them back into their tent as a pop up thunderstorm came and started raining and washing Drad and Sarg’s bloody trail away before moving towards the east on the western wind again as Rhosland and Esri both got to work cleaning and dressing Drad and Sarg’s wounds with the herbs that they had found and were turning them into poultices.
“What are you doing here? I thought you guys were supposed to be raiding Rush Fang.” Rhos asked worriedly as she worked on stabilizing Drad’s wounds and to stop him from bleeding out right there in their tent, calling on all of her medical knowledge she had acquired up until that point to help her do so.
“We lost our way in the fog, got turned around several times over but Zash and his sons wouldn’t listen to anyone about it and the fog was so thick, we couldn’t tell where the sun was, let alone where we were going.” Drad answered in staggered breaths. 
“The fog was so thick we couldn’t see our hands in front of our faces and Zash wouldn’t hear of any objections to waiting until the fog cleared to go raiding because they were sure that the fog would help us, instead of hinder us.” Sarg added as he hissed and then grunted and whimpered as Esri set his arm back into place then used a piece of wood and a strip of cloth from her skirts to tie it off to keep it straight as she then used her fishing line to sew up the bigger wounds after cleaning them off through the poultices and their left over cleaned water that they had boiled to make tea with as Rhos was doing the same to Drad’s ankle that he had somehow rolled and twisted. 
“So how did that turn out?” Rhosland asked. 
“I watched as Zash and all of his sons fell, their heads rolling away from their bodies. It was only the smoke of your smoking the venison that I smelled that I followed that saved us, I don’t know if anyone else will survive.” Drad answered honestly as he was hissing and biting back curses as Rhos was doing her best to heal him and set his ankle right and stitch up his bloody leg that had been hacked almost to the bone as she tried to put the blood vessels and veins back together as she pushed them together and stitched it shut.  
“The venison.” Rhos and Esri both said in unison as they realized that that scent could lead Hurricane Breaker to them too before they heard hoof beats in the distance. 
“Don’t make a sound.” Rhos and Esri both breathed in a whisper to Sarg and Drad before they quickly left the tent and took the fishing net and ran towards the river to wash the blood off their clothes before they were surrounded by a group of shield maidens only moments after the blood washed away from them and their campsite and was carried downstream, the blood dissolving completely into the river. Once they saw that Rhos and Esri were unarmed but simply in water up to their chests and barely grunt sized orcs, they assumed that Esri and Rhosland were younglings, barely subadults, struggling with a fishing net as they came to the conclusion that Rhos and Esri posed no threat whatsoever and noticed the axes were purely for cutting down trees, not warfare and thus, they were unarmed which put them at ease. 
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” The captain Tilge, a shieldmaiden herself demanded. 
“My name is Rhosland and this is my twin sister Esri, we are on a hunting and gathering trip, we are from the Skull Screamer Clan, but we didn’t see any markers on this land and thought this was unclaimed and neutral land, did we miss a marker or something?” Rhosland asked innocently enough. 
“No, this is unclaimed and neutral land, because mosquitoes and malaria are thick here. So you should be careful. But are you aware that the Skull Screamer Clan attacked us?” Tilge asked them. 
“Who’s us? I assume you’re talking about Hurricane Breaker? Skull Screamer was not supposed to attack you, everyone knows you are much bigger and fiercer clan than even Typhoon Breaker, Zash and his raiding party were supposed to raid Rush Fang which is in the Southeast, that’s what Zash and all his sons were talking about in the great hall two days ago when we left Skull Screamer to come here to go on our fall hunting and gathering trip, we specifically chose this spot because it was in the opposite direction they were supposed to be headed, you can ride to Skull Screamer now and ask our mother, Shari- she is a widow and has no husband or son to raid so that just leaves my sister and I to take care of her, she lives in the mud and mud brick hut right on the outskirts of town. If Skull Screamer came against you, the only thing I can think of is that they must have gotten lost in the fog, once the fog came in from the sea, my sister and I took shelter in our tent and we’ve only come out once we heard the roar of the fight die down.” Rhos explained nonchalantly as Tilge could tell by the way Rhosland was speaking along with her body language that she was speaking truth and trusted her words. 
“We are Hurricane Breaker, and my name is Captain Tilge, and you’re correct. Skull Screamer did attack us and they were clearly lost and must have been out of their minds to do so. Have you seen any of your warriors come towards you? Because the scent of the smoking venison is what brought us to you.” Tilge answered.  
“No, only you, at least so far.” Esri answered as she and Rhosland both shook their heads no with a shrug as they focused on getting the net into position to try and catch something in the water. 
“So since we pose no threat, might we be friends? The fish that we caught earlier should be done smoking by now, would you like some?” Rhosland asked as she and her sister managed to catch a school of fish in their net before they came up on shore, dragging their catch behind them in the net so that Tilge and the other shieldmaidens could see that they were small, still developing and obviously young and far from dangerous. 
“Yes, thank you.” Tilge smiled as she and her group dismounted and let the horses graze nearby as they all took a seat on the big log by the fire as Esri and Rhosland took out the now smoked fish and the smaller pieces of smoked venison replaced them with the new fish they caught after quickly gutting them and gave the shieldmaidens the smoked fish and the smaller pieces of smoked venison as they all enjoyed a nice impromptu meal, using the big, broad leaves of a nearby plant as plates as Esri and Rhosland were sharing what they had gathered so far and casually picked up their stone timber axes and let them lean against the log, between them and the tent and sat with the shield maidens, and felt an uncommon ease and calm in their beings so as not to give any suspicion that they were hiding anything. 
As they shared a meal, Tilge and her other shieldmaidens began sharing with Esri and Rhosland more secrets about the land that they were on, about where to find good mushrooms and what they looked like and what they tasted like and herbs and especially where to find the best shellfish which was in the biggest river more north, closer to Hurricane Breaker as Tilge promised Rhos and Esri that they would tell the rest of the army and the clan that Rhos and Esri were here and to leave them alone and to give them a wide berth in order so that they could hunt successfully and take care of their widowed mother and that they meant no harm which Rhos and Esri greatly appreciated. 
Tilge even told Rhos how there was a wild rose bush nearby that should be blooming and a special group of trees that had special nuts that were very oily, that they called Butternut because once you ate the delicious fruit and found the big nut inside, and crushed and ground up the nuts into a paste and cooked the nut paste, their oil would come pouring out and once it got skimmed the oil from the paste and the oil got cold and solidified, it looked like butter and it was really great for making soap with and that they could make wild rose soap with it since that’s what Tilge and the other women in Hurricane Breaker did when they wanted to smell nice and also found the wild citronella weed and told them about the five other bee hives around them that they could get honey and then use the wax from the hives and the crushed up citronella into an oil to make a special candle that would keep the mosquitoes away too before they told Rhos and Esri about the old cursed cave made of stone that was nearby that was most definitely haunted and not to go anywhere near there and Rhos gave Tilge one of the pearl necklaces she was wearing to signify their friendship and alliance that Tilge happily accepted as Esri gave Tilge one of her carved shell totem bracelets as Tilge gave them a citronella candle to keep them safe from the mosquitos and the malaria that the mosquitos carried and agreed to the alliance as well before Tilge and her warband of shieldmaidens left in peace and happiness with full bellies as the fog soon fully lifted and cleared as they went back to the warzone to pillage from the fallen as those who didn’t fall had run home to tell everyone else the news of the defeat as Rhos and Esri came back into the tent.
“Thank you so much, you handled them perfectly, I doubt they suspected a thing.” Drad thanked Rhosland once she came back in to see him sitting there, with his weapons in hand just in case Tilge and her shield maidens had poked their noses into the tent and once he saw that it was Rhos and Esri, he and his brother put their weapons down and off to the side.  
“You’re welcome, how are you feeling?” She asked.
“Much better, those herbs are helping so much, they’re taking most of the pain away. We would have been lost for sure without you. Thank you.” Drad thanked her.
“You’re welcome.” Rhos offered as she continued to dress his remaining wounds as Drad and his brother tried to take off their broken armor and most of their clothes so that their many wounds could be attended to before Drad got into his pack and gave Rhosland the rose scented soap. 
“For you.” He said as he offered it to her as she took it and unwrapped it and smiled when the wonderful scent soon bloomed in their tent as she could clearly see the dried pink rose petals in the soap itself. 
“Rose scented soap.” Rhos smiled and couldn’t help but laugh before she used it to help clean his wounds so that they wouldn’t get dirty as the cloth it was wrapped in made the best wash cloth, soft and fine enough to wash the wounds without ripping or damaging them.  
“Thank you.” Rhos offered as she was cleaning off his back. 
“You were supposed use it on yourself though.” Drad offered even though the scent was heavenly and having her dress his wounds was surprisingly intimate this time since it was just the four of them. 
“I will, but your wounds need to be cleaned first, I can’t lose you to infection or gangrene.” Rhos gently countered.  
“If I survived an unwitting attack on Hurricane Breaker, I doubt anything can ever take me from you from now on.” Drad managed to say as Esri’s jaw was on the floor of the tent as she looked to Rhos who was frozen again, but instead of it being fear, it was just pleasant surprise before Rhos simply smiled and leaned forward and pulled him back so he was leaning against her chest and pulled his face to the side and claimed his mouth with her own as her answer as that seemed to settle the matter before she had him sit back up so she could finish cleaning him up as she brushed off any dirt or debris from the bed so he could lay back down and rest as Esri had done the same since the bedrolls were side by side before she got out and went to gather more water before she heard Esri’s giggle before Esri came back out. 
“And?” Rhos asked as they came back to the river to get fresh water and dump the now dirty water away.  
“And my dream came true, just like yours did.” Esri giggled as they got their new empty baskets and went over to the bigger river with the net and found it was teaming with giant mussels, scallops, clams, little lobsters and crabs and other shellfish as both girls used their hunting knives to knock the mussels free from where they were anchored and put them in the baskets that were now practically overflowing before they found a giant catfish in a hole in the water and caught it and killed it and dragged it towards their camp site and started cleaning them up.
When they opened the giant clams and mussels and found all of the mussels completely laden with all these huge, beautiful, bright pearls of all colors but mostly of gold, peacock, black, purple, pink and blue pearls, pink pearls were a sign of passion, but also the deeper the pink and the closer to red, meant signs for a male child, made in love and passion. Purple pearls were was a sign of prosperity and wealth of resources like food, clothing and shelter, gold pearls meant tangible wealth, like gold and other riches. Peacock pearls meant multifaceted protection and care, especially between a bonded pair. Blue pearls were a sign of wisdom and insight, black pearls meant independence and strength, as even most of the clams had pearls too as both girls happily took them and quickly put all the pearls into their pockets which were threatening to overflow before tossing the meat in the pot to cook up a seafood stew again, using what was left of the herbs as flavoring and the other smoked fish to make a good broth before they loaded up their bowls and brought it inside to Drad and Sarg gratefully ate it and sucked it down but refused to eat any more until the girls had their fill which Rhos and Esri appreciated as they did and Drad and Sarg happily ate the rest as Rhos and Esri washed all the pearls that had been in them before they each presented the biggest and finest of the pearls to Drad and Sarg so they wouldn’t have to go home empty handed which Drad and Sarg happily agreed to accept before the girls brought the deer hides into the entrance of the tent to sleep on those so that Drad and Sarg could continue to sleep on their bed rolls comfortably while the large blanket was barely big enough to fit over the four of them sleeping like that. 
“Drad?” Rhos whispered once Sarg and Esri had fallen asleep and were softly snoozing. 
“Yeah?” He answered, keeping his voice to a whisper too.  
“How did you know to follow the scent of smoking venison?” Rhos asked. 
“Rhos, I care for you enough to never lie to you.” Drad began. 
“I trust you enough to know that you never would either.” Rhos answered as Drad smiled as softly as Rhos did the same in the darkness. 
“Two nights ago, right after we parted from the marsh, an old shaman by the name of Orcoth came into the village, he was hobbling and obviously in pain as he walked and I helped him, I took him to my home and he gave me that rose scented soap and he said that it was what I had promised to give you in my heart which only a shaman with great magic could have discerned that, even though I had wanted to give you more than just one bar, I had wanted to get you a whole case but just that one bar was all I needed at the moment and he told me that the day of the raid, that it would be so foggy that I wouldn’t be able to find my way, but that the scent of smoking venison would, and that if I followed the scent, I would find salvation. And that’s exactly what happened. Zash and all of his sons were arguing and bickering the whole time and our whole party got turned around several times so that we didn’t know what way was up and the others were getting irritated by the confusing leadership and then when the fog cleared up partially, it revealed that we were completely surrounded and outnumbered at least twenty to one and then the fog closed in on us as did Hurricane Breaker. And I was just swinging blindly before I got knocked off my horse as did Sarg and once I was on the ground I just kept trying to keep Sarg at my back and when we both got partially cut down, I caught the whiff of your smoking venison and Orcoth’s words were called back to my mind and so Sarg and I followed the scent of the venison, it had the most bizarre route in the fog but in hindsight, the route kept us out of sight and sound of the rest of Hurricane Breaker and just as the scent got strongest and straightened out, we were far away from the warzone and when the fog partially lifted, we were here.” Drad confessed as Rhos remembered the wind in the fog the night before and how the wind had seemed to come in from all sides as she realized now, that it was fate, that even when Zash and Tar led their raiding party astray, that Orchoth knew how to save Drad and knew that because Drad had been so kind and hospitable, that- that, is what saved his life and Sarg’s life and led them straight to Esri and herself. And only a shaman with the gift of true prophecy would have been able to predict that. 
“Well when we get back, I’ll have to meet him and thank him for giving you a prophecy that saved not just your life but Sarg’s as well which I know Esri would be lost without him.” Rhos offered. 
“You will, we adopted each other. He said he had already lost all of his sons and readily adopted me and I- him, after he gave me the soap and told me about today.” He answered. 
“Do you think anyone else in Zash’s raiding party made it?” Rhos asked thoughtfully. 
“I don’t know, I don’t think so.” Drad answered. 
“Well I hope Shadi and Baka have sons then, because otherwise Skull Screamer will be leaderless.” Rhos pointed out tiredly as Drad realized she had a point and realized that if Sarg and himself could get back and as long as no one else in Zarsh’s personal warband had lived, since Drad was himself second in command to Tar who was first born, that he was now the highest ranking survivor and they could claim the status of Warchief and Warlord of the clan and Orcoth would be the clan’s shaman since the other had been killed since Zash had taken his own with him and had died right alongside him.  
Drad realized he could actually start a new clan, with whatever was left of Skull Screamer and whoever else wanted to join, with Rhos as his wife and warchieftess, his one and only. Even if Shadi and Baka ruled in Tar’s place until their sons grew of age. He could start his own clan. All he needed was a name. It needed to be big and grand and fill those who were part of it- with confidence. And those who weren’t, with fear. Something not at all realated to Skull Screamer but something Breaker. Hurricane Breaker was already taken. So was Typhoon Breaker. So...storm? Stormbreaker? Yes. Stormbreaker, that sounded right in his head as he smiled happily and fell asleep to a dream like fantasy of being Clan Chief or even a Warchief, of Rhos being his Clan Chieftess or even Warchieftess and felt confident that it would work, all he need to do was heal, which judging by the way his wounds were already healing faster with Rhos’ medicine than they normally would was the best sign that she would continue to heal him and care for him.
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tal--writes · 5 years
“—cut that Spartan down as it fled for safety. It was a fine shot, if I do say so myself!”
Khyl ’Voramai stepped into the room that served as a mess, and his ears were met with the boastful gloating of another Field Marshal, one fist raised in the air in triumph. He met the gaze of the other warrior that the Field Marshal was conversing with, one of his own Sangheili by the name of L’noro. The young, brash navigations officer rolled his eyes, before nodding in deference to his superior, and breaking himself off from the conversation.
“Repairs on the Destroyer’s Invocation are complete, and she will be ready to join the other ships that are glassing the planet’s surface.” he reported. 
Khyl uttered a noise of satisfaction in the back of his throat. “Excellent. See to it that my ship is ready and waiting. I must meet with Fleetmaster ’Utaralee.... something about Rho ’Barutamee being indisposed.” ’Voramai’s words were spoken in a hushed whisper, and L’noro’s eyes widened with surprise. 
“There are rumors that ’Barutamee’s supercarrier was destroyed!” he hissed.
“I intend to find out.” Khyl answered grimly, and nodded to L’noro as the navigations officer went on his way. He then strode toward the other Field Marshal, alone now, and still looking very much full of himself. “What feat do you claim to have accomplished, Field Marshal....” He allowed his words to hang, an indicator that he expected a name to be given.
“Xul ’Konaree, second in command of the Devoted Sentries.” The shorter Sangheili stood up straighter, and shifted his gaze upward to look Khyl in the eye. “I have accomplished something that many of our brothers have been unable to, over the course of this long war. I have successfully killed a Spartan.”
Khyl closed his mandibles with a quiet clack; a gesture of dismissal. Thus far, he was unimpressed with ’Konaree’s cocky attitude, and the fact that he was trying to impress the other warriors around him. “What of it, ’Konaree?” He deliberately addressed the other Field Marshal by his surname, to show that Xul had not earned his respect.
“A shot from a Phantom, using a needle rifle. Pinged the human right in the helm as it was running for safety. It was in the city they call New Alexandria; glassing had just begun, and the few humans left were going to hide. I was lucky enough to chance upon an open plaza, and my luck would have it that a group of their armoured warriors were trying to take shelter.” Xul’s eyes gleamed. “Fleetmaster ’Utaralee was most impressed by my skill.”
A sniper’s shot. Pathetic. Khyl ’Voramai could do better than that.
“Pah! You acted like a cowardly Kig-Yar. Shooting a Spartan from afar with a needle rifle?” The taller Field Marshal shook his head, disgusted. “You act so proud of your work, but you’re a Zealot, not a Ranger, and not a Jackal Sniper. You have brought shame to our order! I can only imagine how the other Devoted Sentries would agree with me, and I am no longer of their ranks.”
’Konaree sneered at him.
“And you think you can do better?” He stabbed a finger toward Khyl’s chestplate. “Tell me, brother,” the word dripped from his jaws with sarcasm and venom, “How would you kill a Spartan and do the Zealot Order proud?”
“With the twin blades of my sword.” The hilt of the very weapon was now held in a curled fist, which Khyl shook at ’Konaree, as a thinly-veiled threat. The other Field Marshal took a half step back, and his head lowered a fraction. “That is how I have felled not one, not two, but three of the Demons. And I did not stoop to the rank of a lowly Kig-Yar to do so. I made the Zealot Order more proud than you ever could hope to, with that kill under your belt. I hope you feel shame until the end of your days.”
The doors to the room swished open, and both Field Marshals turned their heads to see who entered. Fortunately, it was Fleetmaster Kantar ’Utaralee himself, and he spared the warriors a look of suspicion. That halted any further conversation, as they spun around to bow their heads in respect to their superior. “Is there a problem here?” he queried, his voice rumbling threateningly.
“Simply a debate on how honourable Field Marshal ’Konaree’s actions were, in eliminating a Spartan. There is no trouble, Fleetmaster, of that I assure you.” Khyl said, his tone respectful. He was lucky that he had decided to replace his Energy Sword back on the armour plating of his thigh; if he’d still held it when Kantar had entered the room, he would have been forced to enter combat, as a weapon drawn demanded blood.
“Hmph. Field Marshal ’Konaree, you are dismissed. Go back to your meal. Field Marshal ’Voramai, follow me to the bridge. We have much to discuss.” The Fleetmaster swept out of the mess, and Khyl followed alongside. Halfway down the hall, they were joined by Khusze ’Voliree, Khyl’s trusted second-in-command, and likewise a member of the Zealot order.
“Rumours have it that Supreme Commander ’Barutamee’s supercarrier was destroyed, along with the corvette belonging to General Ardo ’Moretumee. Are they true, Fleetmaster?” Khyl questioned.
“True?” Khusze spoke up without being addressed, something he was not known for doing. “I was there myself, Field Marshal. I saw the whole damned thing, with my own eyes. I was headed out on patrol from the Long Night of Solace herself, in my Banshee. There was a human ship — one of their heavy frigates, I believe — as well as a dropship known as a Pelican, and a handful of fighters that are an equal match to our Seraphs, the ones you don’t see often; could be that they are experimental, or classified, or both. 
Anyway, the frigate distracted the corvette Ardent Prayer, as she was headed back to the Solace on a fuelling run, and the humans boarded her, captured her as their own. Shipmaster ’Moretumee was most likely killed in the process. I didn’t see much more than that, as by the time the human fighters began to board, I hid my Banshee in among some asteroids. By the time I came out, the three warships were gone, and our relief fleet was arriving, and they picked me up.”
The Fleetmaster was unoffended or unperturbed by the fact that Khusze had spoken out of turn. Instead, his expression was grave, and there was a pensive look in his eyes that ’Voramai had not noticed earlier.
“Reports say that the humans used the Slipspace drive of their frigate as a makeshift bomb, and that the Ardent Prayer was a trap. She was sent automatically on the fuelling run, and once within range of the Long Night of Solace, the drive was detonated, and both warships were destroyed. The Supreme Commander was likely killed in the ensuing explosion, or when pieces of the supercarrier crashed down to the surface of the planet Reach. And I believe the human frigate was annihilated some time during the humans’ harassment of the Prayer, by the corvette herself.” he admitted solemnly.
“And you are now command of what remains of the Fleet of Valiant Prudence, correct?” the Field Marshal asked.
Kantar dipped his head in a nod. “That is so. And while ordinarily, as the order of things would go, Xul ’Konaree would be my second-in-command, there is something about him that does not sit well with me. While his skill as a sniper impresses me — the fact that he managed to kill a Spartan with a shot to the head is rather astounding — he is far too vainglorious for my liking.”
“Troubling, Fleetmaster.” Khusze offered, and Khyl murmured agreement.
“Indeed it is.” ’Utaralee stopped once they had reached the bridge, and pivoted to face the Field Marshal. “Which is why I have come to you, Khyl. You are a skilled warrior, having proven yourself in battle again and again. Added to that, but you are a former member of the Devoted Sentries. While they may murmur dissent at the fact that you chose to leave, which is dishonourable... They would trust you, perhaps more than ’Konaree. At least, the majority of them would.”
Khyl drew his head back, mandibles hanging slack in shock. “You are not suggesting what I think you are?”
“I want you to be my second-in-command, Field Marshal.” The Fleetmaster looked him dead in the eye as he spoke, which was easier than it had been for Xul, given that Fleetmaster and Field Marshal were nearly the same height. “I trust your judgement, your skill, your blade. And your warship is one of the biggest left in this fleet. It would bolster the ranks greatly to have someone like you to watch over them, down there on the ground.”
’Voramai touched his fist against his chestplate, bowing his head deeply. “It would be my honour, Fleetmaster, to lead and to serve directly under you.” he replied humbly. When he looked up again, Kantar’s four jaws had curled into a smile.
“I look forward to it.”
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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THE BOOK OF Judges - From The Douay-Rheims Bible - Latin Vulgate
Chapter 13
This Book is called Judges, because it contains the history of what passed under the government of the judges, who ruled Israel before they had kings. The writer of it, according to the more general opinion, was the prophet Samuel. Ch. --- Some are of opinion, that the judges might have each left records of their respective administration, (M.) which might be put in order by Samuel. The author of this book seems to have lived under the reign of Saul, before David had expelled the Jebusites. C. xviii. 31. D. --- The captivity, which is mentioned v. 30, must be understood of that when the ark of God, as well as the idol Micha, and may of the people were taken by the Philistines. Huet. --- Many passages of the Psalms, &c. are taken from this book, which shew its antiquity. Ps. lxvii. 8. 2 K. xi. 21. The divine Providence is here displayed in a very striking manner. D. --- The theocracy still subsisted and God generally chose these judges to be his ministers, and to deliver the people, on their repentance, from some dreadful calamity. H. --- They exercised a supreme power, yet without bearing the insignia of regal authority, or imposing taxes, or making any alteration in the established laws. The Suffetes, who were Carthaginian magistrates, seem to have taken their name from these Ssuptim. D. --- When God did not raise up judges, in an extraordinary manner, a kind of ananchy prevailed. H. --- Each of the tribes regarded only their own affairs, and the republic was dissolved. Grotius. --- Prosperous and unfortunate days succeeded each other, in proportion as the people gave themselves up to repentance or to dissolution. Sicut se habebant peccata populi & misericordia Dei, alternaverunt prospera & adversa bellorum. S. Aug. C. D. xviii. 23. S. Jerom (ep. ad Eust. & ad Paulin.) exhorts us to penetrate the spiritual sense of the historical books, and he regards "the judges as so many figures" of the apostles, who established the church of Christ. Though some of them had been noted for their misconduct, they were reclaimed by the grace of God. Then all the judges, every one by name, whose heart was not corrupted, who turned not away from the Lord, that their memory might be blessed, &c. Eccli. xlvi. 13. 14. W. --- S. Paul mentions four of them, though the conduct of Jephte and of Samson might have been regarded as more exceptionable than that of Othoniel, who is said to have been filled with the spirit of the Lord. C. iii. 10. Serarius doubts not but they are all in heaven. Salien (A. 2640,) supposes that the transactions recorded in the five last chapters, took place before this 40th year from the death of Josue, which was the last of Othoniel. With respect to the chronology of these times, there are many opinions. Houbigant endeavours to shew that the system of Usher is inadmissible, as well as that of Petau. Marsham maintains that many of the captivities, and of the Judges, related only to some tribes, so that the different years which are specified, must be referred to the same period of time. Thus while Jephte ruled over those on the east side of the Jordan, and fought against the Ammonites, other judges endeavoured to repel the armies of the Philistines on the west. See 3 K. vi. 1. Judg. xi. 16. By this expedient, he finds no difficulty in shewing that 480 years elapsed from the departure out of Egypt till the building of the temple, and that the Israelites had occupied the country of the Ammonites during the space of 300 years. H. --- Houbigant seems to adopt this system in some respects, and he thinks that errors have crept into some of the numbers, so that Aod procured a peace of only 20 instead of 80 years, &c. He observes that the name of judge here designates, 1. A warrior, like Samson; 2. a person who passes sentence according to the law, which was the office of Heli; 3. one divinely commissioned to exercise the sovereign authority, as Samuel did, even after Saul had been elected king. Proleg. Chronol. Others have compared the power of these judges with that of the Roman Dictators, or the Archontes of Athens. Serarius. --- They were properly God's lieutenants. Their revenue seems to have been very precarious, and their exterior deportment modest and unassuming. They were guided by the declarations of the high priests, when arrayed with the Urim and Thummim; and their business was to promote the observance of the true religion, and to defend the people of God. This book concludes with the history of Samson, describing the transactions of 317 years, (C.) according to the calculation of Usher, which has met with the approbation of many of the learned, and is therefore chiefly inserted in this edition, as it was in that which was published in 1791, at Dublin, by the care of the Rev. B. Mac Mahon, who seems to have made some alterations. It is not indeed free from many serious difficulties. But we have not leisure to examine them at present. See C. iii. 11. 30. We shall only subjoin the chronological table of Houbigant, which is not very common, that the reader may perceive where they are chiefly at variance. Moses governed 40 years, Josue 20, the Ancients 20, king of Mesopotamia 8, Othoniel 40, Moabites 18, Aod 20, Samgar 0, the Chanaanites 20, Debora and Barac 40, Madianites 7, Gedeon 40, Abimelech 3, Thola 23, Ammonites 0, Jair 22, Jephte 6, Abesan 7, Ahialon 10, Abdon 8, Philistines 0, Samson 20, and with Heli 20, Heli and Samuel 25, Samuel and Saul 20, David 40, Solomon 3. In the 4th year of his reign the temple was begun, 480 years after the liberation from Egypt. Those to whom no years are assigned, lived at the same time with others whose years enter into the calculation. Thus Samgar gained a victory over the Philistines, while the Chanaanites held the Israelites in subjection. C. iii. 31. For other particulars we must refer to the author. Chron. sacra. H.
The additional Notes in this Edition of the New Testament will be marked with the letter A. Such as are taken from various Interpreters and Commentators, will be marked as in the Old Testament. B. Bristow, C. Calmet, Ch. Challoner, D. Du Hamel, E. Estius, J. Jansenius, M. Menochius, Po. Polus, P. Pastorini, T. Tirinus, V. Bible de Vence, W. Worthington, Wi. Witham. — The names of other authors, who may be occasionally consulted, will be given at full length.
Verses are in English and Latin. HAYDOCK CATHOLIC BIBLE COMMENTARY
This Catholic commentary on the Old Testament, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). This transcription is based on Haydock's notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock's Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York.
Changes made to the original text for this transcription include the following:
Greek letters. The original text sometimes includes Greek expressions spelled out in Greek letters. In this transcription, those expressions have been transliterated from Greek letters to English letters, put in italics, and underlined. The following substitution scheme has been used: A for Alpha; B for Beta; G for Gamma; D for Delta; E for Epsilon; Z for Zeta; E for Eta; Th for Theta; I for Iota; K for Kappa; L for Lamda; M for Mu; N for Nu; X for Xi; O for Omicron; P for Pi; R for Rho; S for Sigma; T for Tau; U for Upsilon; Ph for Phi; Ch for Chi; Ps for Psi; O for Omega. For example, where the name, Jesus, is spelled out in the original text in Greek letters, Iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma, it is transliterated in this transcription as, Iesous. Greek diacritical marks have not been represented in this transcription.
Footnotes. The original text indicates footnotes with special characters, including the astrisk (*) and printers' marks, such as the dagger mark, the double dagger mark, the section mark, the parallels mark, and the paragraph mark. In this transcription all these special characters have been replaced by numbers in square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], etc.
Accent marks. The original text contains some English letters represented with accent marks. In this transcription, those letters have been rendered in this transcription without their accent marks.
Other special characters.
Solid horizontal lines of various lengths that appear in the original text have been represented as a series of consecutive hyphens of approximately the same length, such as ---.
Ligatures, single characters containing two letters united, in the original text in some Latin expressions have been represented in this transcription as separate letters. The ligature formed by uniting A and E is represented as Ae, that of a and e as ae, that of O and E as Oe, and that of o and e as oe.
Monetary sums in the original text represented with a preceding British pound sterling symbol (a stylized L, transected by a short horizontal line) are represented in this transcription with a following pound symbol, l.
The half symbol (1/2) and three-quarters symbol (3/4) in the original text have been represented in this transcription with their decimal equivalent, (.5) and (.75) respectively.
Unreadable text. Places where the transcriber's copy of the original text is unreadable have been indicated in this transcription by an empty set of square brackets, [].
Chapter 13
The people fall again into idolatry and are afflicted by the Philistines. An angel foretelleth the birth of Samson.
[1] And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord: and he delivered them into the hands of the Philistines forty years. Rursumque filii Israel fecerunt malum in conspectu Domini : qui tradidit eos in manus Philisthinorum quadraginta annis.
[2] Now there was a certain man of Saraa, and of the race of Dan, whose name was Manue, and his wife was barren. Erat autem quidam vir de Saraa, et de stirpe Dan, nomine Manue, habens uxorem sterilem.
[3] And an angel of the Lord appeared to her, and said: Thou art barren and without children: but thou shalt conceive and bear a son. Cui apparuit angelus Domini, et dixit ad eam : Sterilis es et absque liberis : sed concipies, et paries filium :
[4] Now therefore beware and drink no wine nor strong drink, and eat not any unclean thing. cave ergo ne bibas vinum ac siceram, nec immundum quidquam comedas :
[5] Because thou shalt conceive and bear a son, and no razor shall touch his head: for he shall be a Nazarite of God, from his infancy, and from his mother's womb, and he shall begin to deliver Israel from the hands of the Philistines. quia concipies, et paries filium, cujus non tanget caput novacula : erit enim nazaraeus Dei ab infantia sua, et ex matris utero, et ipse incipiet liberare Israel de manu Philisthinorum.
[6] And when she was come to her husband she said to him: A man of God came to me, having the countenance of an angel, very awful. And when I asked him who he was, and whence he came, and by what name he was called, he would not tell me. Quae cum venisset ad maritum suum, dixit ei : Vir Dei venit ad me, habens vultum angelicum, terribilis nimis. Quem cum interrogassem quis esset, et unde venisset, et quo nomine vocaretur, noluit mihi dicere :
[7] But he answered thus: Behold thou shalt conceive and bear a son: beware thou drink no wine, nor strong drink, nor eat any unclean thing: for the child shall be a Nazarite of God from his infancy, from his mother's womb until the day of his death. sed hoc respondit : Ecce concipies et paries filium : cave ne vinum bibas, nec siceram, et ne aliquo vescaris immundo : erit enim puer nazaraeus Dei ab infantia sua, ex utero matris suae usque ad diem mortis suae.
[8] Then Manue prayed to the Lord, and said: I beseech thee, O Lord, that the man of God, whom thou didst send, may come again, and teach us what we ought to do concerning the child that shall be born. Oravit itaque Manue Dominum, et ait : Obsecro, Domine, ut vir Dei, quem misisti, veniat iterum, et doceat nos quid debeamus facere de puero, qui nasciturus est.
[9] And the Lord heard the prayer of Manue, and the angel of the Lord appeared again to his wife as she was sitting in the field. But Manue her husband was not with her. And when she saw the angel, Exaudivitque Dominus deprecantem Manue, et apparuit rursum angelus Dei uxori ejus sedenti in agro : Manue autem maritus ejus non erat cum ea. Quae cum vidisset angelum,
[10] She made haste and ran to her husband: and told him saying: Behold the man hath appeared to me whom I saw before. festinavit, et cucurrit ad virum suum : nuntiavitque ei, dicens : Ecce apparuit mihi vir, quem ante videram.
[11] He rose up and followed his wife: and coming to the man, said to him: Art thou he that spoke to the woman? And he answered: I am. Qui surrexit, et secutus est uxorem suam : veniensque ad virum, dixit ei : Tu es qui locutus es mulieri? Et ille respondit : Ego sum.
[12] And Manue said to him: When thy word shall come to pass, what wilt thou that the child should do? or from what shall he keep himself? Cui Manue : Quando, inquit, sermo tuus fuerit expletus, quid vis ut faciat puer? aut a quo se observare debebit?
[13] And the angel of the Lord said to Manue: From all the things I have spoken of to thy wife, let her refrain herself: Dixitque angelus Domini ad Manue : Ab omnibus, quae locutus sum uxori tuae, abstineat se :
[14] And let her eat nothing that cometh of the vine, neither let her drink wine or strong drink, nor eat any unclean thing: and whatsoever I have commanded her, let her fulfill and observe. et quidquid ex vinea nascitur, non comedat : vinum et siceram non bibat, nullo vescatur immundo : et quod ei praecepi, impleat atque custodiat.
[15] And Manue said to the angel of the Lord: I beseech thee to consent to my request, and let us dress a kid for thee. Dixitque Manue ad angelum Domini : Obsecro te ut acquiescas precibus meis, et faciamus tibi haedum de capris.
[16] And the angel answered him: If thou press me, I will not eat of thy bread: but if thou wilt offer a holocaust, offer it to the Lord. And Manue knew not it was the angel of the Lord. Cui respondit angelus : Si me cogis, non comedam panes tuos : si autem vis holocaustum facere, offer illud Domino. Et nesciebat Manue quod angelus Domini esset.
[17] And he said to him: What is thy name, that, if thy word shall come to pass, we may honour thee? Dixitque ad eum : Quod est tibi nomen, ut, si sermo tuus fuerit expletus, honoremus te?
[18] And he answered him: Why askest thou my name, which is wonderful? Cui ille respondit : Cur quaeris nomen meum, quod est mirabile?
[19] Then Manue took a kid of the flocks, and the libations, and put them upon a rock, offering to the Lord, who doth wonderful things: and he and his wife looked on. Tulit itaque Manue haedum de capris, et libamenta, et posuit super petram, offerens Domino, qui facit mirabilia : ipse autem et uxor ejus intuebantur.
[20] And when the flame from the altar went up towards heaven, the angel of the lord ascended also in the flame. And when Manue and his wife saw this, they fell flat on the ground. Cumque ascenderet flamma altaris in caelum, angelus Domini pariter in flamma ascendit. Quod cum vidissent Manue et uxor ejus, proni ceciderunt in terram,
[21] And the angel of the Lord appeared to them no more. And forthwith Manue understood that it was an angel of the Lord, et ultra eis non apparuit angelus Domini. Statimque intellexit Manue angelum Domini esse,
[22] And he said to his wife: We shall certainly die, because we have seen God. et dixit ad uxorem suam : Morte moriemur, quia vidimus Deum.
[23] And his wife answered him: If the Lord had a mind to kill us, he would not have received a holocaust and libations at our hands, neither would he have shewed us all these things, nor have told us the things that are to come. Cui respondit mulier : Si Dominus nos vellet occidere, de manibus nostris holocaustum et libamenta non suscepisset, nec ostendisset nobis haec omnia, neque ea quae sunt ventura dixisset.
[24] And she bore a son, and called his name Samson. And the child grew, and the Lord blessed him. Peperit itaque filium, et vocavit nomen ejus Samson. Crevitque puer, et benedixit ei Dominus.
[25] And the spirit of the Lord began to be with him in the camp of Dan, between Saraa and Esthaol. Coepitque spiritus Domini esse cum eo in castris Dan inter Saraa et Esthaol.
Ver. 1. Years. It is not clear whence this sixth and longest servitude is to be dated. If it terminated at the death of Samson, when the Philistines lost their chief nobility, &c. we must allow that the Israelites began to be obliged to pay tribute in the 6th year of Abesan. A.C. 1193. Salien. C. xii. 8. H. --- Marsham dates from the third month after the death of Jair, to the third year of Samuel, during which period Heli governed in one part, and Jephte, Abesan, Ahialon, and Abdon in other provinces of Palestine. It is not very material which of these systems be adopted, as they do not contradict the text. All Israel was not reduced under the power of the Philistines; but the neighbouring tribes were infested with their incursions, and were obliged to pay tribute. Juda complains at their invading his territory, and they allege that it was because Samson had been the aggressor, which shews that the Israelites retained some little liberty. C. xv. 9. C. --- The servitude had scarcely commenced, when God provided Samson a deliverer for his people. Salien, A. 2860. H.
Ver. 2. Saraa, in the confines of Juda and of Dan, ten miles north of Eleutheropolis. Euseb. --- Manue seems to have resided in the country, near this town, v. 25. M.
Ver. 3. Angel, in human form. Some Protestants pretend that he was "the Son of God," and yet (v. 16) they say, "he sought not his own honour, but God's, whose messenger he was," (Bible, 1603) in which they plainly contradict themselves, or else teach Arianism, as if the Son were not true God, and equal to his Father. W. --- The title of God, (Jehova) which is given to this angel, (v. 15, 21) is no proof that he was the Supreme Being. C. vi. 11.
Ver. 4. Thing. Exhortations to observe the law are not unnecessary. S. Aug. q. 50. Besides the things which common people might take, such as wine, grapes, &c. were unclean for the Nazarites. The mother of Samson was required to abstain from every species of uncleanness as much as possible, at least while she bore and nursed her child. C. --- Abulensis says, she was unquestionably under peculiar restrictions till her delivery. M. --- This was a preparation for the child who should abstain from all unclean things, not only for a time, (Num. vi.) but during his whole life, that he might be a more perfect figure of Christ. W. --- His dignity was not of choice, nor could he forfeit it by touching any thing unclean, nor by the violent cutting off his hair. As the deliverer of the people, he must often have been obliged to touch dead bodies. C. --- Begin. The power of the Philistines was greatly broken by Samson. C. xvi. 13. M. --- But Samuel, Saul, and David had still to contend with them. 1 K. vii. 13. H.
Ver. 6. And when, &c. Heb. Chal. Syr. Arab. and the Vatican Sept. read a negation, "And I did not ask him whence he came; neither did he tell me his name." The other copies of the Sept. S. Aug. (q. 51.) &c. agree with the Vulg. though S. Aug. suspected that the negation was wanting. C.
Ver. 8. Born. Josephus (v. 10.) insinuates that Manue was touched with a sort of jealousy, as his wife had mentioned the comeliness of the stranger. H. --- But S. Ambrose (ep. 70) has undertaken his defence; and surely God would not have wrought a miracle to gratify his request, if it had not proceeded from a virtuous motive, desiring to enjoy the same happiness as his wife, and to know precisely how they were to educate their son. C. --- Procopius thinks that the wife of Manue was of more eminent virtue than her husband, and was therefore honoured with the first vision. She had been more afflicted at her sterility, and had prayed more earnestly for the people's safety. M.
Ver. 12. Himself. Heb. and Sept. "What shall be the judgment (education. C.) of the boy, and what his works? (or Prot.) how shall we do unto him?" H.
Ver. 13. Let her refrain, &c. By the Latin text, it is not clear whether this abstinence was prescribed to the mother or to the child; but the Heb. (in which the verbs relating thereto are of the feminine gender) determines it to the mother. But then the child also was to refrain from the like things, because he was to be from his infancy a Nazarite of God, (v. 5) that is, one set aside in a particular manner, and consecrated to God; now the Nazarites, by the law, were to abstain from all these things.
Ver. 15. Dress. Heb. and Sept. "let us make." Vulg. faciamus, is used either for a common feast or for a sacrifice. Ex. xxix. 36. Virg. (eclog. iii.) Cras faciam vitula. Manue did not yet know who the angel was. He only designed to give him something to eat. A kid was then esteemed the most delicious food, and physicians esteem it very wholesome. The taste of people has since altered. Bochart, Anim. p. i. b. ii. 52. C.
Ver. 16. Bread is put for all sorts of food. Angels eat none. Toby xii. 19. M.
Ver. 17. Honour thee with a suitable reward. 1 Tim. v. 17.
Ver. 18. Wonderful. Heb. Peli. Some have concluded that this was the proper name of the angel, as it is one of the titles of the Messias. Isai. ix. 6. But it is more probable that the angel did not reveal his name. Chal. Others divide this sentence thus, "and he (the angel, or rather God) was wonderful." He was the author of all miracles, to whom sacrifice was immediately offered. It is doubtful whether the angels have distinctive names. But we read of Michael, &c. and there is no reason why they should not have names denoting their peculiar dignity and offices. C. --- Michael, the guardian of the church, perhaps appeared on this occasion. M.
Ver. 19. On. Manue was convinced that the person who had authorized him to offer sacrifice, had power to dispense with him. W. --- The angel "did wonderful things," as the Heb. may be explained, causing a flame to proceed from the rock and to consume the victim, as Josephus assures us, (C.) and as the angel who had appeared to Gedeon had done. C. vi. 21. M.
Ver. 22. Seen God: not in his own person, but in the person of his messenger. The Israelites, in those days imagined they should die if they saw an angel, taking occasion perhaps from those words spoken by the Lord to Moses, (Ex. xxxiii. 20.) No man shall see me and live. But the event demonstrated that it was but a groundless imagination. Ch. --- Elohim is applied to angels and men, as well as to God. C.
Ver. 23. Come. The wife of Manue allays his fears with great prudence, as she observes that God had just promised them a son. H.
Ver. 24. Samson signifies, "His sun, or joy;" or Syr. "service." C. --- "His, or a little sun." M. --- Blessed him with graces and strength, suitable for his office. C.
Ver. 25. To be. Sept. "to walk along." Jonathan, "to sanctify." Samson began to manifest an eager desire to deliver his brethren. C. --- Dan, as it was called from those 600 men who encamped here, when they were going to take Lais. C. xviii. 12. H. --- God inspired him to commence the liberation of his country, when he was about 17 years old, (Usher) or 20 according to Salien. Then he entered upon his judicial authority, and punished the wrongs which the Philistines did him in person, as well as his countrymen. The seven years wandering of Æneas had terminated in his death just before, at the river Numicus. Halicar. 1. Salien, A.C. 1176. H.
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thehomebrood · 7 years
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I absolutely had to draw @kimbles‘ Rhos, he is daddy supreme holy mother of FRICK
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