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dominhduongorg · 5 months
Rối loạn giấc ngủ ở trẻ em là những bất thường thời gian và chất lượng giấc ngủ. Thường xảy ra khi trẻ ở một độ tuổi nhất định hoặc một số thời điểm như khi biết đi, biết chạy. Ngoài ra, ảnh hưởng từ các bệnh lý như hội chứng ngưng thở, ngủ rũ cũng khiến trẻ gặp phải tình trạng này. Nếu không phát hiện và điều trị kịp thời, sẽ gây ra những ảnh hưởng tiêu cực về sức khỏe thể chất lẫn trí tuệ của trẻ.
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kijosakka · 2 years
the diagnostic process of idiopathic hypersomnia
Diagnostic Process for Idiopathic Hypersomnia
Idiopathic Hypersomnia (IH) is a chronic neurological sleep disorder primarily characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), despite adequate or even excessive amounts of sleep. The diagnosis of idiopathic hypersomnia can be quite difficult at times, including poor and lacking research on the disorder, as well as doctors refusing to consider it as a possibility. 
Including poor research, unrefreshing sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness can be caused by many sleep disorders, including circadian rhythm disorder (a disturbance in your internal sleep-wake cycle), sleep-breathing disorders like sleep apnea (when your breathing sporadically stops and starts during sleep), narcolepsy (overwhelming daytime drowsiness and sleep attacks), and other psychiatric disorders.
Firstly, your doctor will review your symptoms, family history, and symptomatic history. They may have to rule out Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), otherwise known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). The key difference between the two is that CFS is characterized by fatigue, and IH is characterized by sleepiness. To receive an IH diagnosis, you must have symptoms of hypersomnia for more than three months, as well as it having a significant impact on your day-to-day life and quality of life.
Next, your doctor may perform a physical exam to assess anything physical that may be causing your EDS, as well as reviewing your medications (which may have EDS as a side effect). A physical exam may include a CBC (complete blood count; evaluates your overall health and levels such as red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin, and platelet count, and can diagnose disorders such as anemia and luekemia), or a thyroid function test (showcases the amount of thyroid-stimulating hormone, and thyroxine).
Finally—and while there is no one specific test to diagnose idiopathic hypersomnia—your doctor may run several different ones to rule out other possibilities. Of these include the Epworth Sleepiness 
Scale, a polysomnography (PSG), and a multiple sleep latency test, all of which measure sleepiness and sleep quality, which can be used to rule out other sleep disorders. An alternative option to a test would be to keep a sleep diary—which can be used to track sleep patterns and quality.
Ultimately, the final treatment for idiopathic hypersomnia is largely pharmaceutical, simply because the pathophysiology of IH isn’t well understood. The diagnosis of idiopathic hypersomnia is also largely based on physical exams and past symptoms; through ruling out other possible causes.
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How to Have a Restful Night's Sleep.
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jerrychicken · 11 months
Stay out of my dreams
Constantly switching up scenes
Confusingly close
Intimacy that’s how I know
Silly girl.
You’re not real
I said in attempt to remind myself
You’re with someone else
But you’re kissing my lips
I feel you pull at my hips
Hold me like I deserved
What’s one more night of this gonna hurt.
Loopholes in my subconscious you’re my favorite kind of haunting.
-Lucid dreams
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myxmodalert · 20 days
💊 Discovering Armodafinil Dosage 💤
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Armodafinil, a stimulant, treats Narcolepsy, Sleep Apnea, & Shift Work Disorder. Its dosage varies based on age & health conditions. 💡
🔍 What's Armodafinil? Armodafinil boosts wakefulness, FDA-approved in 2007. Brands: Waklert, Nuvigil. Used for Narcolepsy, Sleep Apnea, Shift Work Disorder.
🎯 Uses & More Clinical uses: Narcolepsy, Sleep Apnea, Shift Work Disorder. Off-label: ADHD, Chronic Fatigue, Bipolar Disorder, and more.
📋 Dosage Guidance Starting: 150mg/day for adults. Adjustments based on age, liver/kidney health. Follow prescription strictly.
🕰️ When & How? Take Armodafinil daily, same time each day, with water. Avoid night intake to prevent insomnia, except for Shift Work Disorder.
🚨 Overdose & Precautions Be cautious: overlapping doses can lead to overdose. Watch out for symptoms like anxiety, dry mouth, blurred vision.
⚠️ Warnings & Side Effects Consider allergies, avoid alcohol, and activities requiring quick response. Monitor side effects; consult a doctor if needed.
🔚 Conclusion Understanding Armodafinil dosage is crucial. Explore our products for its benefits! 💪
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healthxmatter · 1 month
Unlock the Potential of Modafinil! 💊
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Discover the key precautions and warnings for safe and effective use:
🚨 Allergy Alert: Consult your doctor if prone to allergies.
💡 Medical History Matters: Discuss conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes.
🚫 Avoid Toxins: Steer clear of alcohol or marijuana while on Modafinil.
⚠️ Stay Alert: Refrain from activities requiring quick response times.
🤰 Pregnancy Caution: Avoid if pregnant due to potential risks.
🤱 Breastfeeding? Consult a doctor before use.
🧒 Keep Out of Reach: Prevent misuse by storing away from children.
Tailored Advice for Specific Groups:
🧓 Geriatric Use: Lower doses advised, with close monitoring.
🩺 Hepatic Impairment: Reduced dosage for severe liver conditions.
🌊 Renal Impairment: Caution urged for kidney ailments.
Watch Out for Common Side Effects:
🤕 Headaches
💨 Runny Nose
😰 Nervousness
😴 Trouble Sleeping
And more…
Serious but Rare Side Effects:
🚨 Dependence Risk
💔 Heart Issues
🤯 Mental Health Symptoms
Know Your Interactions:
💊 Over 400 drugs interact with Modafinil!
🍊 Avoid grapefruit or its juice.
Dosage Guidelines:
📏 Standard: 200mg/day
🚫 Max: 400mg/day
💊 Take as prescribed, avoiding overdose risks.
Proper Administration Tips:
🥤 Swallow whole with water.
🍽️ Take with or without food, as directed.
⏰ Consistency is key: Stick to the same time each day.
Final Thoughts: Modafinil offers relief for sleep disorders, but diligence is key. Follow medical advice closely for optimal results.
Unlock a world of wakefulness responsibly! 💪
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mycpapcanada · 2 months
Bad Sleep Habits & Consequences of Sleep Deprivation
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Getting into a good sleep schedule can be difficult for some people, especially with how busy everyone is nowadays. Getting a good night’s rest consistently can be crucial for a healthy lifestyle. Several sleep habits can be detrimental to adults’ overall sleep quality and health. Some of the worst sleep habits include read more here
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dominhduongorg · 5 months
Rối loạn giấc ngủ không thực tổn là một nhóm các rối loạn giấc ngủ do những nhân tố tâm sinh (cảm xúc, tâm lý gây ra). Bệnh lý này khiến bệnh nhân khó chìm vào giấc ngủ, không thể đảm bảo chất lượng và thời gian ngủ cần thiết. Rối loạn giấc ngủ lâu ngày khiến cơ thể mệt m���i, giảm tập trung, ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe tổng thể và đời sống.
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harika-ent · 2 months
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Discover practical remedies and treatments to address sleep apnea and snoring issues, ensuring better sleep quality and overall well-being. Sweet dreams await!
Contact Us @ 9848336090 or visit www.drharikaentcare.com
Subscribe to our Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@drharikaentcarehospitals
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beingsanket · 2 months
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uooper · 3 months
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