#Tom and Mary would be married by Season 6
ask #2 what head canons do you have about Tom and Mary's relationship
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Okay okay so i need to acknowledge how feral I am about these two. Also i sorta checked out after the show shoved Mary and skinny chad number 7ish down the aisle (Is his name Henry or something??? the race car driver whatever, fuck him 😆)
(I still dont understand how they expect me to believe that the love of her life dies in a devastating car accident but she would willingly re-marry a race car driver. brain does not compute)
I digress. I think Tom and she develope this insanely deep emotional bond in that first year without their spouses as a result of their shared grief. They each married for love at a time when few others of their social group would have had the chance to do so (Tom is extra isolated on account of he isnt yet accepted into that social group). I think they really heavily depend on eachother in the beginning. someone else who just gets that grief. and also was close to the spouse who died so it's two sides of a coin. they gravitate towards the one other person they feel fully understands them and they help the other A. remember the love who died and B (more in Mary's case) remember what kind of person that love inspired them to be.
And i headcanon that by the time they might be ready for romance again theyve fallen into this inexplicable deep emotional entanglement with the other. it would be incredibly hard to find something more fulfilling. at the same time, transforming that connection into romance would probably be terrifying (would the other want that? would it be a betrayal of Matthew and Sybil to move on together) oodles of grief there.
I think Tom actually goes to Boston at all because he realizes whats happening and it scares him. on the one hand he thinks it isnt fair to mary to hold her back from a romance. on the other hes not quite sure if he could ever move on from Sybil. (And of course be comes back because he cant bear to be away from Mary and figures he can find a way to control the attraction. maybe by committing himself to helping her find new love.)
Which is about where what I headcanon and what the show does diverge. I cant wrap by head around her marrying skinny man number 7. i just cant. Husband material is right there at the breakfast table with her. Why would she go for Henry when she already has Tom?
I also think theyre good for eachother okay! they encourage and empower eachother. She helps him navigate the code switching he needs to do to be a part of the peerage. he helps her find her way out of the constricting box the peerage has always pressured her to conform to. Him being estate agent opens the door for her to take control over it. theirs is a partnership. running the whole thing together. beause he respects her opinion and welcomes her to the table as an equal, it effectively gives her the control over her home shes always felt like she cant have due to her sex.
So in my headcanon she either dumps skinny man or has an unhappy marriage to skinny man that prompts Tom and she to have a conversation about what they really want. And then they would get together And i could frankly read stories about them getting together foreverrr.
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teach463146 · 2 months
Season 6, Episode 8
Directed by David Evans
Mary, played by Michelle Dockery, sitting with Henry, played by Matthew Goode, after their wedding in 'Downton Abbey.'Image via PBS
After Bertie (Harry Hadden-Paton) proposes in the previous episode, Edith wrestles with her answer. She loves him, but he doesn't know about Marigold. If she says yes and doesn't tell him, there's a lie at the heart of their marriage. But will she ruin it if she does tell him? After breaking up with Henry (Matthew Goode) in the wake of Brooklands, a broken-hearted Mary is instantly jealous when she learns that Edith's beau, Bertie, has shockingly inherited the title of Marquess of Hexham. If Edith marries him, she'll outrank her entire family. Meanwhile, Mary forbids Tom to ask Henry over, now hell-bent on securing an advantageous marriage, too, but he turns up to confront her one last time. She's angry at his audacity as he confidently states she's in love with him.
He claims that she's not the person who would dispense with love just to have a marriage that came with a position. Mary angrily tells him to leave and later takes her wretchedness out on Edith once she learns Edith accepted Bertie without telling him about Marigold. Mary congratulates the couple on the engagement while not-so-subtly commending Bertie for overlooking Edith's past. Bertie is shocked at the discovery of Marigold and flees Downton, leaving Edith just as heartbroken as her sister. A huge quarrel erupts, and after some painful talks with Tom and Violet, Mary realizes that only Henry can make her happy. Before they tie the knot, Edith returns to fix things with Mary.
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mean-vampyre · 2 years
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Riverdale’s gay gene
Okay so, the riverdale gay gene theory goes something like this: just like the serial killer gene, sexuality is inherited in the riverdale universe, mainly from parents to children, but in some cases (like cheryl and toni) from the most prominent ancestor featured in the show so far (season 6). How does it work? idk, it’s riverdale but my theory is that 1bi/gay parent = 1bi child, and 2bi parents = 1gay or 1bi children.
The Cooper-Smith family: in season 6 Betty is confirmed bisexual and that implies that one of her prominent ancestors is gay, which could point to Bitsy Smith from 06x05. HOWEVER the storyline of Abigail-Poppy-Cheryl being immortal is not within the continuity of season 6, and Bitsy and Betty are not related (also confirmed by Madelaine Petsch). Therefore Betty gets her bisexuality from either her father or her mother, but most likely her mother Alice since she is also the one who gave the serial killer gene to her and Charles, who has the gay gene too. 
The Smith-Jones family: Charles gets either his gay gene from Alice or FP, but (see above) most likely is from Alice or both of them if we go by the theory that 2bi parents are needed to produce 1gay child.
The Jones family: by the 2bi=1gay formula theory, FP is bi (unconfirmed), which makes Jughead bi. Nevertheless, he would remain bi even if we don’t go with the gay formula and FP is not bi, since Gladys aka jugmom is most likely bi because if riverdale writers love something it is metatextuality and references to other media, and what is gina gershon (jugmom) known for? Bound (1996), where she plays a lesbian icon. By metatextuality rules Jugmom is, then, bisexual (also have you seen her? leather jacket and string choker? she is definitely fucking women).
The Andrews family: Mary is a bisexual icon that got straight and gay divorced, that makes Archie bisexual (+all the times he has kissed men??? and all that stuff that he has said that is straight out of the 2003 atlanta-based play archie's weird fantasy?? my boy is bisexual).
The Topaz-Fogarty family: now this confirmed the gay gene theory, since both Toni and Fangs are bisexuals who have a child, baby Anthony, who is confirmed queer (undisclosed whether he is gay or bisexual). And going back in time, Tony’s only on-screen relevant relative is Thomasina, who is also confirmed bisexual (or perhaps lesbian, it is never stated), creating a direct line of the gay gene inheritance from Thomasina to Baby Anthony.
The Blossom family: it’s not confirmed that queen of serving cunt and evil Penelope is queer, although it was implied, BUT it could also be Abigail, Cheryl’s most direct ancestor (aside from Nana Blossom), the one who gave her the witch gene and the lesbian gene.
The Keller family: is Tom bi? perhaps anything is possible in Riverdale, but most likely the evidence points to either his unnamed mom who never even lives with them (like Mary did with Archie’s dad, before she got a divorce to marry a woman). But it’s also possible that gay kevin is just spontaneously gay, which would explain the fact that his whole personality is being gay.
The Mason family: Marcus (Moose’s dad) is most likely gay, but got therapy conversion at the sister’s of quiet mercy, but he could be bisexual and only they only scared away the gay part, and passed on the gene to Moose, who is bisexual.
In conclusion, only in riverdale you get the serial killer gene and the gay gene.
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thelovetheystole · 7 months
Almost made it through series 6, only the Christmas special to go. It's been a good season, concluding the Sister Mary Cynthia story*, meeting Reggie, nurse Val joining and Barbara marrying Tom. I never would have guessed nurse Crane was going to be my favorite nurse, but she is.
*This storyline gave us an absolute classic line by Sister Monica Joan: I find two opinions are always better than one. Particularly if one is mine. 😂
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moderndayamymarch · 1 month
ranking downton abbey characters:
edith’s newspaper man- died punching nazis, can’t get more iconic than that
2. rose- flapper icon!! best fashion sense, married a cute jewish man, living my dream life
3. cora’s family- PLAYED BY SHIRLEY MACLAINE AND PAUL GIAMATTI, move over england the twentieth-century is america’s time to shine, it’s just funny that the family acts like they’re so above the americans but they’re the only reason y'all still have a house, like you hate us until you want our money
4. maggie smith- 1900s lucille bluth
5. thomas- often diva a down, i love a good schemer, only one real enough to call out the class divide
6. tom- HE’D BE HIGHER BUT THE WRITERS HAD HIM SELL OUT HIS SOCIALIST, IRISH NATIONALIST IDEAS IN EXCHANGE FOR BECOMING A COG IN THE WHEEL OF BRITISH ARISTOCRACY AND SPOKESPERSON FOR CAPITALISM. why. let my man burn down symbols of imperialism. i was in love with him season 1 and 2 but after? as joyce would say he became a jester at the court of his masters.
7. sybil- feminist icon, she would’ve stopped tom’s whole arc if she’d lived
8. mrs. hughes- she’s the only one keeping these ppl alive, bad bitch, also only servant aware that this is a job in the end and while she respects her employers she doesn’t worship the ground they walk on
9. matthew- he was cool, is the reason the rich people know what a weekend is, mary’s best love interest and I miss him
10. cora- american dollar princess!!
11. bertie- i love that he’s like toby from the office but if toby was the one promoted to corporate (not ryan). like a w for dull, normal people everywhere! (not an insult this is most everyone)
12. matthew’s mom- she could be a bit much at times and a bit of a nancy pelosi kinda progressive! like the family rolled their eyes at her but she was the only one of them actually doing anything useful for society so i’m not a hater. also i love her friendship with queen maggie smith
13. edith- the best scene of the whole show is the one where she finally called mary a bitch.
14. the cook- she’s cool
15. the dad (what actually is his name?)- he’s such a dumbass, walking example of why we shouldn’t give money/land/power because you’re related to someone, i did like the scene where he vomits up blood in the middle of dinner like finally something interesting
16. anna- stand up girl. be your own individual person
17. carson- ugh
18. mary’s second husband (henry?)- the male version of the horse girl: car guy
19. mary- a bitch but she often ate I fear (except the time she was cold/uncaring and MADE JOKES about newspaper man being killed by the nazis… it’s giving melania when she wore that “i don’t care, do you” jacket. like the man died standing up against what will be a fascist regime. what exactly have you done? )
20. daisy- just annoying
21. bates- i hate this man. he is a sanctimonious, sydney carton wannabe who makes his wife’s assault ABOUT HIM. to the point that her main concern after it happens is that he doesn’t find out to avoid him getting angry. and when he does find out, he broods. he thinks he’s better than everyone and i hate him so much. like in the first season when he refuses to say why he was arrested for stealing silver because of virtue or whatever, like who gives a fuck, just tell em it was your wife. that’s how i know this show isn’t about americans. we have no problem throwing someone under the bus to save our job. americans are nothing if not the prioritization of self-interest/individualism in the name of retaining power in the marketplace.
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gwenlen · 2 years
So I've just finally seen Downton Abbey II (which means I can finally unblock the Downton Abbey tag!) and here are my thoughts in case that is of interest to anyone:
That embroidered blue coat Lucy wears just after her wedding is gorgeous, I want the same (that was my first thought so sorry, this costume-y note comes first)
I liked the idea of the movie, but I didn't like the actors though. Myrna Dagleish's transformation from "spoilt and silly girl" to "shy and grateful woman" was too sudden, even if it helped enhance Cora's kindness. Guy's romance with Thomas was unnecessary and I wish they'd kept Richard as Thomas' love interest instead of throwing him away and coming up with another romance. And Jack Barber was... nice, I just wasn't sure why they wanted to draw this romance with Mary, it would have been nicer to have them just as co-workers I think. And Mary's line "it feels good to a married woman to see she still can attract men" was too much like Cora's pseudo-romance with Bricker, so... didn't like it.
The villa in the south of France. Glorious architecture, stunning landscape, incredible colours. Loved to see Edith's wardrobe perfectly matching the landscape (all those oranges and teals... Incredible).
Nathalie Baye seemed a bit off to me though? I'm French and I watched the movie in English but something in her lines disturbed me. I think the dialogues have been written in English and then translated into French and something wasn't natural with them.
Cobert Angst. Unnecessary to some extent, because the malignant anemia has already been used for Lord Merton and I already didn't like the "Deus ex machina" effect. But that scene in the garden? Robert breaking down thinking he's going to lose his wife? I loved it. The sweet scenes between them (when he took her hand in the boat!) were so beautiful. Loved them from start to finish. Robert's own interrogations about his origins were a good way to put him in an uncomfortable position and to give him and Cora new challenges to face.
Edith and Bertie, on the contrary, were so happy! Seeing Edith starting to write again was so cute. Also, wow, this girl can dance? She makes smooth moves at the party. She looked a bit like Duchess during the jazz scene in The Aristocats (I know, I know, my references are odd).
Mary and Edith. I've always been a Mary stan but I didn't like her evolution in season 6. I'm so glad to see they're at peace now, they confide in each other and it warmed my heart. They even joke and tease each other, but in a nice and harmless way. The way they cuddle just after Violet dies reminded me of Sybil's death, and I could see how both of them improved over the years. Mary and Edith's relationship is probably my favourite aspect of the movie.
Speaking of Violet's death, I loved the way it was built up during the whole movie. Giving everybody time to think about it, and finally having a peaceful death at Downton, was all we could wish for her. I'm glad she had time to speak to everyone before dying and even to have the last word with Denker. Loved this Oscar Wilde-like last sentence.
Oh, and Tom's and Violet's scene when she admits she wasn't fond of him in the beginning but she loves him and is glad they're friends? Made me tear up.
The funeral was so well-paced, too! Mary's and Carson's scene was so sweet and inevitably reminded me of their scene in S4E1.
Also, if anyone knows where I can find a brooch similar to the one Violet wears before passing it on to Mary? I want good Downton Abbey merch, I'm tired of seeing shirts and mugs to be honest.
Another costume-y note: the burgundy silk dressing-gown Mary wears for approximately 10 seconds in her bedroom was gorgeous, I need it.
Molesley and Baxter's arc. So cute. Their happy ending is definitely worth the wait. The proposal scene was both funny and sweet, just like them.
Loved the additional plot of Mrs Patmore and Mr Mason, and the part Daisy took in it. It was just a beginning, so it didn't add too much new details into the film but it was enough for us to hope and I'm here for it.
Also, Carson being Carson. Enough said. Flawless.
That's it I think. My inbox is open to chat if anyone fancies to!
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Downton Abbey for the fandom ask ofc
yay thanks for the ask!! since you didn't specify which one i should do so i am going to cheat and do all of them because i desperately need serotonin these days
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
the first character i ever fell in love with: matthew my beloved <3
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: i liked henry well enough when he was first introduced but then he and mary got married and i was like wtf anyone but him so yeah, henry talbot
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: during my first watchthrough i was really into tom/sybil but now i'm just like meh they're okay
my ultimate favorite character™: MATTHEW RGHRJFDFHRG I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
prettiest character: rose or lavinia 😭 they are both so beautiful
my most hated character: EDNA BRAITHWAITE
my NOTP: mary/anyone who isn't matthew </3
favorite episode: ahhh i'm torn between 1x02 and 3x01 for this one
favorite season: season 1 probably, but seasons 1-3 were all good
least favorite season: 4-6 lol...
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: uhhh can't really think of one ig
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: bates probably lmfao
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: molesley!!! give him character development aND A WIFE ALREADY
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: brary i guess?? it's not rlly nasty or sinful but the fact that they're in-laws kinda makes me eeehhh...
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: baxley, chelsie, and edith/bertie
Leave a Fandom in my Ask
Favourite Female: anna <3
Favourite Male: matthew ofc!
3 Other Favourite Characters: isobel, tom, and mary :)
3 OTPs: mary/matthew, anna/bates and robert/cora!
Notp: mary/tony and mary/henry smh
Funniest character: definitely violet, she invented sarcasm
Prettiest character: already said this above but rose or lavinia!
Most Annoying Character: sarah bunting
Most badass character: JOHN BATES WITHOUT A DOUBT
Character I’d like as my BFF: i'd get along best with tom or anna i think
Female Character I’d Marry: lavinia bc she deserved better and i refuse to break up the otps
Male Character I’d Marry: actually fuck the otps, matthew and i are getting married tomorrow <3
Character I hate/dislike/least like: edna braithwaite ughhhhh
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): matthew my beloved
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): since i can't say matthew twice i'm going with anna
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): lavinia <3
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): molesley ... gib him screen time...
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): r.... robert LMFAO
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): i would love to make matthew suffer in every possible way but since he is already my blorbo i'm going with tom
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): i think thomas would be very happy in superhell actually
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Character Bio: Valkyrie
Saw this fun looking thing going around and decided I wanted to do it myself!  Tagging @johnnysilverhandsimpressivecock​ and anyone else who scrolls on by and wants to take part! 
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Name: Juliette Serrano Aliases/Nicknames: Valkyrie. It was the alias she started going by exclusively when she arrived in Night City; a result of her not wanting to let herself get too close to her work. Eventually, it became more like her real name, and even after she started rolling Nomad again, it was what she preferred to be called.  Gender: Female Age: 27 (As Of 2077)  Birthdate: 7/11/2050 Place of Birth/Hometown: Valkyrie’s exact place of birth is unknown, as she was born into a Wraith camp out in the Badlands somewhere.   Sexual Preference: Bisexual  Occupation: Night City Mercenary/Nomad 
Eye Color: Brown. She does have Kiroshi optics, but voted to keep their natural color instead of changing it to something else.  Hair Color: Blonde  Height: 6′0 Scars: Too many to count honestly. She has scars all over her body; the result of everything from stab wounds to road burn. The most prominent, however, is the one across her forehead, and she didn’t have that when she first arrived in Night City. That wound was sustained on the night of the botched heist at Konpeki Plaza from a large shard of broken glass. 
Color: Sky Blue  Hair Color: She tends to be attracted to people with a darker hair color, but it’s far from a requirement.  Song: Valk’s favorite artist of all time is Tom Petty, and her top song from him has got to be Mary Jane’s Last Dance. After that comes every other song Tom Petty has. She enjoys Samurai as well, and listened to a lot of their music in her teen years.  Food: She enjoys nothing more than whatever food she can cook over a campfire, especially since she can control exactly how much burn it has. Valkyrie likes her meals scorched.  Drink: Cinnamon whiskey is Valkyrie’s alcohol of choice, but if she isn’t in the mood to get drunk, she really enjoys lemonade. 
Have They?
Passed University: No. Valkyrie has a high school level education at most. She was mostly educated within the Bakkers clan, but sometimes if there was a public school nearby, her adoptive mother would enroll Valk and her brothers there to try to get them to socialize with other kids outside of the camp. It didn’t really work out that way though, as they preferred to raise all kinds of hell within the school and sleep around with the other kids.  Had Sex: Yes. Valkyrie can be best described as being hedonistic, so she’ll actively seek out anything that can bring her pleasure. Often times, it’s another person.  Had Sex In Public: Yes. It’s actually more of a surprise when she has sex in private.  Gotten Pregnant: Yes! Twice actually! Neither time was planned!  Kissed A Boy: Yes.  Kissed A Girl: Yes.  Gotten Tattoos: Yes. Valkyrie has some pretty extensive floral and geometric tattoos across her chest, upper arms, and back.  Gotten Piercings: Yes. She had some when she was a teen, but she stopped wearing them in years ago. By now they have more than likely closed up.  Been In Love: Yes.  Stayed Up For More Than 24 Hours: She’s done this many times. The entire time she was in Night City she very rarely got any sleep, and was often running on stimulants and fumes. 
Are They?
A Virgin: Absolutely not.  A Cuddler: Yes. Obnoxiously so. Valkyrie is very big on physical affection and contact. If you just need someone to crush you with their full body weight, Valk is your girl.  A Kisser: Yes. Again, she loves physical affection.   Scared Easily: Not really. Valk is actually fairly bombproof. But if you’re actively attempting to scare her, and catch her off guard, you can still expect her to jump a few feet in the air and yelp.  Jealous Easily: No. Valk in a relationship always feels pretty secure, and is trusting of her partner.  Dominant: Valk is a complete and total switch, but she definitely leans more towards dominance.   Submissive: If you earn it, yes. But don’t think you’re gonna be spared from her being a brat.  In Love: Yes. She’s very happy with her SO.  Single: Nope. Happily taken, and is more than content in being exclusive. 
Random Questions? (TW Self Harm/Suicide Mention)
Have They Harmed Themselves: No.  Thought Of Suicide: No.  Attempted Suicide: No.  Wanted To Kill Someone: Yes, and she has killed before, but that has mainly been because it was a part of a gig, in self defense, or in defense of a friend or an ally.  Have/Had A Job: As a merc and a Nomad, Valk’s entire life has consisted of her doing gig type work; performing hits in the city and construction or smuggling jobs out on the road. She’s also worked on a few farms for their planting and harvest seasons, and much prefers that over anything else.  Have Any Fears: Valk only really thrives in a communal setting, and thus has major issues with abandonment and loneliness. She doesn’t take it well when she loses someone she’s close to. She can also get a little claustrophobic when she’s in an enclosed place for extended periods of time. 
Sibling(s): Valkyrie has one biological brother, and three adoptive ones.  Parent(s): Valkyrie’s biological parents were a couple within a Wraith camp, and she knows absolutely nothing about them. The people she calls mom and dad are the husband and wife that adopted her as their own when she was brought as an infant to the Bakkers camp.  Children: Valkyrie has a son and a daughter, Kaito and Signe-Lynn. Valkyrie decided she wanted a kid after she got married, but Kaito was a honeymoon baby, and she had not been anticipating having a child that early on. After he was born, Valkyrie had decided she was content with just one. But 18 months later, fate proved to have other plans, and Signe-Lynn came along as Valk’s second and final child.  Significant Other: Goro Takemura! It was a rocky and uncertain road getting to marriage and two kids after everything the two of them went through, but Valk considers every second of the struggle to be worth it...And she thinks he’s even more handsome these days with his hair down, a riding jacket, and a little bit of dust.   Pet(s): Valkyrie ended up taking in Nibbles after V moved in with Kerry, but the cat quickly became more like Goro’s pet. Valk’s companion is a male Afghan Hound she ‘liberated’ from some stuffy corpo’s penthouse. Now Flash has more room to run than he knows what to do with, and his favorite pastime is sticking his head out the car window and letting the wind ruffle his long flowing locks. 
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
I'm halfway thru season 6
- Carson and Mrs Hughes get married. So cute
- Tom comes back with Sybbie. Yay!
- Henry is introduced again....I have a feeling him and Mary will end up together. Plus the actor playing was also in The Crown so naturally I'm excited to see him
- Now Mary, I'm a bit disappointed in her. I feel she's a bit snobbish this season, especially towards Edith.
- It's really funny to watch Isobel vs Violet. Violet is fucking savage tho...I aspire to be as witty as her.
I would love to see a battle of wits between Violet and one of the Herondales.
Also Cora reminds me of Tessa .
I also Cora she is so pretty 😭😭😭
And Mary’s relationship with Edith is so 😬😬😬
I hope you like Henry and Mary. You see more of them in this season :)
British shows >>>>>>>>
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much-brighter-ink · 3 years
tell me all ur fav and least fav downton characters bc u reblogged two of my posts which means i would die for u now
🥺this made me soft ok 
First up: if a character is a lady’s maid? That means they are my favorite human in the world or I fucking despise them. Anna? Love of my life, has a heart of gold, such a badass, went through so much shit and deserved a lot better. Like from the beginning she’s a total mom friend and she keeps people in line while also caring for them and worrying about them? And she doesn’t give up (on anyone.) and seasons 4-6 did her DIRTY. (Glad she got to commit some treason in the movie) Baxter? Loveliest person on the planet, growth - she arrives and you think she’s nice but don’t know what she’s got in store and then proceeds to adopt Thomas as her little brother and show Molesley what he’s capable of and recover from an abusive relationship and put her past behind her (and also prove Bates’s innocence iirc) and believe in everyone? Both of them are absolute goddesses and hold the downstairs together in the later seasons. And then we flip to the opposite end of the spectrum and get O’Brien who’s so cruel and bitter? And we understand why (ye olde class system and then there’s also bits of internalized homophobia I sense) but she still doesn’t get a redemption arc for the worst thing she’s done (which wasn’t killing Cora’s baby!! I sound crazy, and that was, well, bad. Remorse is shown, etc etc, but the worst thing she did was corrupt Thomas, who arrived at Downton from a background of abuse, feeling completely alone and misunderstood and probably so glad to be away from home, and then making friends with the first person who’d offer him an alliance and they were thick as thieves for a bit but he learned from her that the only way to get on was to step on people and then, after using him for half her schemes, throws him under the bus with no thought to the fact that taking advantage of someone’s loneliness and then fucking outing him... has consequences????) and- yeah. And then it seems that the third time’s the charm thing applied to Cora with maids (as in Baxter was the first maid she had who was a decent person) because Edna is vile (taking advantage of Tom’s grief and guilt-tripping him for living his life, then manipulating her way back into Downton and fucking taking advantage of his vulnerability and raping him? No thank you.)... I have strong feelings... oh also Denker’s like smack in the middle of this scale lol 
Other favs include: Sybil!!! My dear fellow INFP and Jo March/Beth March split, my wonderful pansexual feminist youngest sister who had no right dying like that- our lovely socialist Irish husband/older brother (he’s the older brother Mary’s the younger sister I don’t take constructive criticism) Tom, Gwen!!!! you go Gwen be a badass secretary date Lady Sybil come back to Downton having advanced in the world I’m so proud of you what is punctuation ummm Thomas!!! Redemption arcs!!! And I love how you flip between hating him and then wanting him to grow and be happy plus he’s just so well-acted? Oh- Mrs. Hughes (why have I gone this long without mentioning her?) is the literal spine and spleen of the estate and the show would be in shambles without her, I love her a whole fucking lot and she needs more credit. Mrs. Patmore’s kind of an icon too!! Love Daisy, her arc’s great (though again, William deserved better), I really liked Rose, she was a breath of fresh air, good old Dr. Clarkson, Cora’s cool (though so fucking gullible- still she’s great), Violet’s obviously iconic and I lovelovelove Isobel (also they’re married. no I don’t take constructive criticism) and she’s so wonderfully written and acted (especially in terms of dealing with grief and/or authority), Molesley’s cool, not super strong feelings on Mary and Edith, both are very compelling and well-written+acted characters (I like their arcs) but neither are the most likeable. No strong feelings on Robert (stuck up but I like him), Bates (he drinks his respecting women juice except when he doesn’t), Carson (he’s loyal and he’s sweet and... homophobic but he’s alright), Matthew (I liked him!! with Mary...and his opinions but mostly i’m just annoyed he died), etc, mostly positive? and p much none on the later suitors (I like Bertie and Henry okay) 
Not many major characters I hate, though I really dislike Jimmy (fuckboy...), Vera Bates, whoever Mary’s stalkery fiance who wanted to bribe Anna to spy on her was called, Mr. Gr**n, Mr. Pamuk, Rose’s mom, and then I think that’s it? 
HBU? tell me all your thoughts 
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6, 9, and 12 for the ask game? ☺️
Thank you for the asks!!!
6. Share a bit of a WIP
I'll share a bit from an upcoming part of Euridice
“I just don't understand," Harry rasped. "The shields were down. She should have re-materialized. Not be a million pieces of scrap out there.” “Maybe we were wrong” Tom put forward “Maybe the explosion of temporal energy didn't reset the timeline the way we thought.” “But it restored the Zal - and Krenim activity in the sector plummeted after" Harry insisted. "We were right we just..." He slumped in his chair at the small galley table, staring at his hands. "Overlooked something?" “The crew.” Both of them were startled by the speaker. Seven was studying the data from their previous temporal incursions. “The ship could not reset because not all of her variables were accounted for. Voyager can't exist without us.” “We’re only eight people!” Tom laughed inceedulously. “Does it… we can't matter that much to the whole ship's timeline!" “Every individual matters,” Seven said. A tear ran down her face as she added: “That is what the captain always taught me."
9. Write a Recommendation for a fic.
So no one would know from the glut of sailor moon and Trek content on my blog but i am absolutely in love with the Tom/Mary from Downtown Abbey. And I had slunk away in despair about 3-4 years ago when I discovered the show and also discovered just how few fics there were for this.
And then this year I had the pleasure of finding and tearing through @gaitwae 's Where Cupid's Arrow flies. A really grand AU that re-writes Downtown Abbey from i think S2 or 3 era - it drifts away from Canon during the Spanish Influenza by having Sybil die at that earlier point and Matthew leave for America to do some lawyering... and leaving Mary and Tom with plenty of time spent only with eachother. I am really enjoying it! it preserves the essence of the circumstances that made these two so compelling to me in Season 4. But from being earlier in time, it gives Mary the chance to analyze if she truly loves Matthew or if shes influenced by the social pressure to marry him. And with Matthew still alive. the both of them have time to reflect on what they really want.
The fic has some amazing character development and beautiful moments between the Tom/Mary and (now that hes come back) Mary & Matthew. And I eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
12. What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
(I am not sure I wanna talk about the truly craziest idea Its a smut fic.... 😅😅😅 idk if i will ever post it) So the second craziest idea I had was to have Voyager become a sentient computer and meddle in her crews lives (does that become crack? smut? horror? all three? I'm still mulling it over)
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jolie-goes-downton · 4 years
The Downton Abbey Oppositions Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me, @naevery !
1. Favourite plotline from your least favourite season?
My least favourite season (so far) is S5 (except its Christmas special, of which I love every single minute). S5 gave way too much screen time to characters that were neither interesting nor likeable to me, such as the Prince Kuragin saga and the Denker/Spratt feud, and intolerably drew out other plotlines that could have advanced a lot faster, such as Edith’s distress at the Marigold situation, Tom’s uncomfortable friendship with Sarah Bunting and Mary getting rid of Gillingham for good. But the two plotlines of S5 that I liked unequivocally were Rose growing up and finding Atticus, and Isobel and Lord Merton’s romance, which I find incredibly touching.
2. Least favourite plotline from your favourite season?
Favourite season is a draw between S2 and S3. In S2, I hated everything about Richard Carlisle, even when it served the plot and ultimately helped to advance Mary x Matthew. That guy made me shudder!
In S3, I hated the very idea of Mrs Patmore marrying the disgusting grocer. And I also disliked the whole continuation of the Ethel storyline, which would have been so much stronger IMHO if it had ended with the heartbreaking farewell when Charlie’s grandparents take him away.
3. What’s a quality that you actually like about (one of) your least favourite main/regular character(s)?
Like everyone else, I loved to hate Sarah O’Brien, but I was really touched by how protective she was towards Mr Lang the poor shell-shocked valet, and how she genuinely regretted having been a witness for the prosecution against Bates. That hidden, caring side of her was a real surprise.
4. What’s your least favourite quality of your favourite character?
My favourite character is Thomas, and while I totally understand where his bitterness and his mistrust of everyone and everything comes from, I’m not sure I can easily forgive his behaviour against Anna. To be scheming to get the same woman into prison who had put her arm around him when he cried about Sybil’s death, and who was the only one to offer him words of comfort when Jimmy had to leave, was just beastly. Ugly as Thomas’ systematic bullying of Miss Baxter was, at least there was a clear (if ignoble) purpose behind that. But Thomas’ cruelty to Anna, who has never done or even wished him anything bad, is just gratuitous. So, gratuitous nastiness to people who haven’t even remotely deserved it probably sums it up.
5. What’s your favourite thing that your least favourite main/regular character has done?
Not to repeat myself about Sarah O‘Brien (see no. 3), I‘ll say that I was also really touched by how grim Lord Sinderby acknowledged that he‘s human and not infallible at the end of the S5 Christmas Special. (I hope he qualifies as a main/regular character.)
6.   What’s your least favourite thing that your favourite character has done?
Probably Thomas‘ wine stealing in S1. Because that was neither understandable, nor clever, nor entertaining from the viewer‘s perspective, but just plain juvenile stupidity. I guess I‘m just miffed that it was nowhere near as clever as his later plots, nor accidentally beneficial, as they usually are.
7. What’s a positive aspect about (one of) your least favourite ship(s)?
I hated the whole Prince Kuragin storyline, that guy was such a creep. The only positive thing about it was how it took Violet down a peg or three!
8. What’s an aspect about your favourite ship that you don’t like?
My favourite ship (keeping in mind that I’m currently at ep. 6.02, so I can’t officially ship Thomas x Richard yet) has to be Mary x Charles Blake. The bit that I hate about it is that it didn’t happen! I was so disappointed that even the possibility just fizzled out and Blake, although he said he’d put up a fight, gave up just like that, even once Mary had rejected Gillingham. They would have been so well suited, and they’d have made such a power couple.
My other favourite ship is Isobel x Lord Merton, and if her (very understandable) “no” at the end of S5 will turn out to be final, I’ll cry. The fact that he turns up again in the hospital subplot at the start of S6 has given me new hope though.
9. What’s your favourite and least favourite styling/outfit of your favourite and/or least favourite character? (feel free to add pics if you want!)
Least favourite outfit is easily Thomas in a bowler hat. The shape just doesn’t suit him at all IMHO. Makes him look like a clown.
I also love his military uniform less than many other people do. It makes him look like such a hulk when he really is no hulk.
And while I love the cricket sequence in S3 for storytelling reasons, I’m not fond of the cricket whites either. (On anyone, TBH.)
Most favourite outfit - so hard! I won’t say no to any of those sharp suits and liveries, the Brancaster livery and the under-butler livery probably being my favourite. They’re his suits of armour, and boy does this poor man need armour. But deep down, my all time favourite outfit is probably when Thomas looks most relaxed and at ease, so I’ll go for the waistcoat & shirtsleeves look of the S3 tug-of-war scene or the S4 CS day by the sea. I also won’t say no to the t-shirt & pyjama pants of the famous “you know why” scene with Jimmy in S3. Maybe it‘s the hair, even more than the clothes.
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OK, who to tag who hasn’t done this yet? @soft-in-my-old-age, @misunderstoodnotevil , @oleander4 , @thedanceronthestreets , @sgt-barrow, @bitletsanddrabbles , if you haven’t already, let us know your thoughts! And of course anyone else who feels like having a go.
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hufflepuffhermione · 4 years
So, I was looking through some old fic documents, and I found one which was entitled ‘tallbutt gets punched’ (in my very creative titling way apparently) from several years ago. Now, I was very excited to read it and see Henry Talbot get punched (because if you haven’t noticed, this is a Talbot hate blog and we can get into that some other time) but I fell into the trap that so many writers do of starting something and never actually getting to the fun part. I picked it up and wrote the rest, and while honestly it was kind of difficult to write because I remember nothing about season 6 and I really don’t know how to write Talbot (who barely has a personality) in character but anyway, enjoy this long-delayed ficlet!
July 1925
The day was glorious; the sun was shining, beating down upon the stands, and the cars whirled around the track at thrilling speeds. Spectators cheered in the stands, watching closely as the cars kept passing by, crossing their fingers that their choice would win. Everyone was watching, deeply involved.
Well, all but one.
"Remind me why we're here again?" Mary asked, holding onto her hat and looking haughtily annoyed at the whole thing.
"Because Bertie invited us all to come and it's a fun event to come to on a lovely day," Matthew explained, completely seriously. He was almost entranced by the cars as they raced around the track.
Mary rolled her eyes. "Why couldn't Edith just come here alone with Bertie? He's her beau, why do we all have to tag along?"
Matthew raises an eyebrow. "Darling, this is the aristocracy we're talking about. Two young, supposedly single rich people together at a very public event? Wouldn't that be terrible gossip fodder?"
A heavy sigh escaped her mouth and she turned away from the track to gaze at him. "I wish you’d be wrong a little more often," Mary murmured, keeping her eyes on him. He was like an eager puppy, shining blue eyes wide open as he concentrated on the race. His fair skin was beginning to look a little bit pink from the sun, and his hair seemed to shine nearly as bright as the light itself. He was a far more appealing sight than the race.
"Think any of them would let me take their car out for a spin?" Matthew asked.
"Over my dead body," Mary said seriously. Ever since Matthew had crashed his car on the day their son was born, she was adamantly against him driving any vehicle. He had fully recovered from the crash, but it was enough that she insisted he sell the car and use the chauffeur instead. Sometimes, she felt terrible for it, when he would express his wish to go drive with just the two of them, but then her mind would flash back to his bloody body being brought into the hospital, her fearing the worst, and then she realized she was completely justified to forbid him from driving.
"I wouldn't even go fast, I just want to see what driving a car like that would feel like."
Mary shook her head. "Absolutely not."
“Or even just ride with one of them around the track to compare the suspension...”
“No,” Mary replied. The very idea of it was beginning to make her feel anxious, as if the racing hadn’t done enough of that. But she keep her face stoic, trying not to let him sense how very much she still feared for him.
"You're no fun," Matthew murmured.
She raised a challenging eyebrow. "We'll see about that tonight," she said.
His disappointed look became a devious grin. "I'll look forward to it."
"Matthew!" Tom called, interrupting their intense gaze. "George and Sybbie want to go down and see the cars up close, do you want to come with us?"
He smiled at her. "If I can't drive one, at least I can show my son one up close." He kissed her cheek and let her hand that he hadn't realized he was holding go. "Don't worry, darling, I'm not going to hop into one of them and drive off. I have too much to live for tonight."
A few minutes after Matthew and Tom left, the race ended. Bertie's friend Charlie won first place, and his other friend, Henry Talbot, came fourth. The cars were all parked near the starting line for spectators to admire, while the drivers came off the track and into the stands. Mary, after glancing over toward the crowd surrounding the cars and spotting a bright blond head with a little boy on its shoulders, followed Edith and Bertie down towards the refreshments, where Bertie wanted to greet his friends. Mary picked up a glass of champagne and stood by her sister, greeting Bertie’s friends. She had met them, briefly, at a shooting weekend with Rose’s fiancee’s family the previous fall, but had not had the time or interest to interact with them much. Matthew hadn’t been there, being wrapped up in work that he couldn’t delay, and she had been distracted by her suspicions that she might again be pregnant, buoyed by the fact that she spent half the day throwing up. All in all, it had been a bit of a waste of travel. But Henry certainly seemed to remember her, if the glances he was throwing her direction said anything.
Mary turned around to see if Matthew and Tom were anywhere close to coming to join them, but before she could pick them out in the crowd, she felt a hand on her waist and saw Henry pulling her aside, his face very close to hers.
“I thought you were going to write to me,” he said. “I’ve been waiting patiently ever since we danced at Brancaster.”
Mary narrowed her eyes. “Did I say that?” She tried to think back to the ball that weekend, but her memory was fuzzy. She had been very distracted, and frankly, rather nauseous throughout the ball. 
“Well, not in so many words, but you certainly implied it,” he replied. “I enjoyed your company very much, you know. I’m so glad you came.”
“Yes, well... it was to support my sister more than anything, but...” She squirmed at his touch on her waist, but she didn’t want to make a scene, so she gave him a light-lipped smile and attempted to step away. The people in the stands were far too crowded for that.
Henry smiled again, either oblivious to her discomfort or undeterred. “Come for a drive with me.”
“Oh no, I’m really... quite terrified of cars actually,” Mary replied, shaking her head. How could he behave like this toward a married women, in such a public space? She knew that many men were much more liberal in their behavior than they had been before the war, but this felt unreasonable. 
It hit her that he might not know she was married; after all, she had attended without Matthew, and it was entirely possible that she did not mention him...
She blinked and realized that she had been looking him right in the eyes for as long as she had been thinking, for he seemed quite satisfied with himself and was moving his hand down lower. “Don’t worry, I’m a very good driver,” he said in a sultry voice.
Before she could open her mouth to say anything, she heard a familiar voice shouting, “Leave her alone!”
Mary turned and was relieved to see Matthew and Tom coming back toward them, the children in tow. Tom held George and Sybbie’s hand and took them over to where Edith and Bertie were, while Matthew rushed towards her.
“Come on man, don’t be a prude. It’s 1925, if a man wants to ask a beautiful woman to come with him on a drive, he’s got the right,” Henry said. Mary stepped decisively back from him, just as Matthew stepped towards Henry.
“Not when the woman in question is clearly uncomfortable,” Matthew replied, his voice low.
“Oh, you know how women fake indifference. Her eyes told me she was lapping it up.”
Matthew had already been angry enough, and this was too much. Without thinking, he raised his fist and punched Henry’s face, enough that the man stumbled backwards, sputtering in shock.
“What are you...” he stammers, lifting a hand to his bruised cheek, unable to get the rest of the words out.
“In the future, keep your hands off of my wife,” Matthew says, putting an arm around Mary.
Henry’s eyes widened. “I had no clue, I would never if I had...”
“Well, perhaps if you’d have let me speak instead of pushing your car on me, you might have,” Mary responded. “But I suppose I ought to have waved my wedding ring in your face instead.”
He shook his head. “I thought... what happened at Brancaster then?”
Matthew raised an eyebrow. “Yes, what did happen at Brancaster?”
“I’m really not sure what you got from our one dance, but I admit I was in a haze. I’d just discovered I was pregnant again, I’d barely slept the night before, and I spent half the day over the toilet. So, I apologize if I gave you the wrong idea, but I’m very happily married and also quite afraid of cars,” Mary said firmly. “So, goodbye Mr. Talbot.”
She noticed that several people were watching them and had probably seen what had happened. She pulled Matthew out to the fields behind the stands. “I can’t believe you did that! I was simply trying not to make a scene.”
“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t stand watching that,” he replied. “Seeing men try to handle you, without your consent... after Pamuk and Carlisle, that makes my blood boil for your sake.”
Mary nodded. “I know. And I love you for that.” She placed a kiss to his cheek. “I think I did find my Perseus after all. You have a habit of punching the sea monsters. Next time I go to a weekend shoot, though, I’m forcing you to come with me.”
“I accept,” Matthew said without hesitation. “Now, what do you say we relieve Tom of watching George and head back home? As I recall, you made some pretty exciting promises earlier this afternoon.”
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gaitwae · 4 years
Beyond Words, Darling •||• 6
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Summary: With what started as a dream, Mary Crawley realizes just in the nick of time that her new love is the last person she expected. (canon defiant season 5 afterwards)
It was a loud party, to keep it simple. It was what Granny would have called a nightmare if there weren’t so many older ladies and gentlemen she knew. Robert and Cora kept to themselves quietly despite this. Robert, who was bursting with excitement at seeing Tom and Mary walk in (even if it wasn’t together like he had hoped), was having a tough time pretending he didn’t know about Tom’s affections. He had already told Rose.
“Robert, darling, you’re all jitters!” Cora whispered with a concerned expression. She leaned her head closer to his as she spoke, clutching her glass tightly. “Did Carson give you bad news? Is Bates alright? Mary isn’t giving you any trouble, is she?”
The Earl of Grantham gave a lighthearted, nervous chuckle, leaning back to answer his wife. He kept his eyes on Tom and Mary, who, for whatever blasted reason, were on opposite sides of the room. “No. Everything is fine, my dear. Your little hunch about you-know-who was just a tad truer than we thought.”
Cora’s smile went up to her ears. “ What? Robert! That’s fantastic! When will she tell him?”
“Cora, I’m afraid it’s he who must tell her.” Robert’s eyes twinkled at his wife. Oh, it was so liberating to finally know of a secret the rest of the household didn’t. “I don’t know how Mary feels, but Tom most certainly is in love with our daughter.”
Violet, seemingly from out of nowhere, popped her head between Robert and Cora. “Is he? Then why is he leaving your daughter to have a shattered heart? You should know she’s devastated.”
“Mama, what are you talking about?” Cora asked. Her mouth turned down in worry. Robert felt his spine tingle with fear — how could he have left that part out?
“Tom is leaving Mary and the rest of us.” Violet squared her shoulders, fingers tightening on her cane. “True love really does conquer all, doesn’t it?” She sniffed the air disdainfully before shuffling off. 
“Tom? Leaving? Robert, is it true?” Cora touched his arm, turning her husband to look at her. Her perplexed expression only made him feel worse. He sighed, taking a moment. “Robert…”
“Cora, darling,” Robert said softly, “I wish I could say no. But if there’s a chance that Mary won’t accept his feelings, he’s already as good as gone.”
“Oh, Robert, no…”
“I can’t sway his mind, Cora,” he said. “It’s his decision.”
“Goodness me, Rose outdid herself,” Mary muttered under her breath. Like Robert had spotted, she had come in alone. Currently, she was staring down at her feet and holding a small glass of champagne. She didn’t know who to talk to; Edith never wanted to listen to her problems, and right now, Tom was her problem…
But then, as if on queue, someone walked up to her.
“Excuse me, if I may, Lady Mary,” a warm, although trembling, voice spoke to her. Mary knew his soft tones, and they sent shivers down her spine, down her legs, up her neck. She distantly recalled that all-too-real dream she had dreamt that seemed like a forever ago, along with its secret kiss that not even Tom knew he had given her. Mary lifted her head but did not look at the man in front of her. He carefully took her hand. “May I have this dance?”
“Why?” she asked quietly. “Aren’t you going to leave?”
“I haven’t decided yet,” Tom answered, turning her head toward his with a gentle, ever so tender brush of his knuckle. “If we can’t dance, then at least let me look at you, darling.”
“You could have looked at me from over there,” Mary argued. Her voice came out much quieter than she would have liked. “From wherever you’re heading off to.” She didn’t take her hand out of his. She couldn’t. She cherished the touch too much to sever herself from it.
“America,” he said, still as docile as he had ever been toward her. It made her eyes prick. “But there’s only one reason I would go, you know.” He stroked her cheek. Mary jerked her face away.
“Can we talk about this somewhere else?” she asked in a hushed tone. “Please?”
Tom nodded — she saw it from the corner of her eye, she wanted to peek so badly — and took Mary outside of the room. He laced their fingers together, she realized, pulling them far away from the parlour where the party was being held. She recognized all the people who had been there. 
Every single one.
She realized too late, however, that Gillingham was also at the party. Mary just bit her tongue and waited for Tom to tell her what he needed to say.
“We’re alone, my darling.”
“You call me your darling,” Mary pointed out, running circles into the back of his hand with her thumb. His hand in hers seemed coarse, calloused, rough with age, and with experience. It also seemed warm and all-too-perfect. “Why? I’m no one special.” 
Tom laughed a small laugh, almost a chuckle or a scoff. “You’re special, Mary. I can’t describe how special you are to me.”
“Then why are you leaving?” Her words were rushed, emotional, filtered by the ghastly glob of thickness that kept her from swallowing too hard. She looked into his eyes, studied those crows’ feet and the corners of his lips, wondering why he could be smiling through this conversation when all she wanted to do was cry.
“Mary, my beauty, aren’t you listening?” He carefully set his hand on her face, cupping her cheek. She let him. “I’m not leaving, not if you love me.”
“I… I get the feeling you don’t mean like we love Edith,” she whispered. Her body shook. “Tom, don’t do this to me…”
It was all crashing down too fast for her to process. So many things made so much more sense to her, now. She wanted this, she wanted it with every fiber in her body. But at the same time… she couldn’t jinx herself. She was married once; her husband was taken from her. She couldn’t lose another one.
“Just tell me if it’s possible,” he said with a barely audible voice. “Tell me if it’s possible for you to love me, too. I don’t want you to marry Lord Gillingham if you don’t love him, I don’t want you to even think about it. I want you to marry someone you can be happy with for the rest of your life… and if that’s not me, Mary, just say so now!”
Mary couldn’t be a widow again. Of any sort, not until she was old enough to accept that time had beat her. Her children deserved — 
She had only one child. Only one. Immediately, her heart weighed on her, sinking down, down, down into her belly. Good God, how madly had she fallen in love with this man? How idiotic was she, mistaking her sister’s little daughter as her own? Falling for her husband? If Sybil were alive, she’d be heartbroken… 
“Tom, it’s far more complicated than that, you know it,” Mary told him. Tears filled both their eyes, and at least as far as Mary was concerned, her heart had stopped beating. She took a deep breath, looking up at him. “If it was simply down to whether or not we were in love, most marriages I know wouldn’t have made it where they are today. I wouldn’t have made it! Our children, Tom! They belong to our late spouses, they’ve been brought up as cousins!” 
“So? They can be siblings, too! George and Sybbie can have parents that love them! We can love each other! We don’t have to do this dance anymore!” Tom stepped toward her, then took two steps back. He wiped his eyes. “Everyone’s known about my feelings, damn it! Why keep me on edge? What about your feelings?”
He looked up at her… his soft, grey-blue eyes filled with a quiet sorrow. Mary ached to tell him she wanted him. Just him. But she was afraid; too afraid to admit it and lose him, too.
“Tom, it’s more than possible,” she said finally. A tear fell from her own watering eyes. “I do love you. I’ve loved you far longer than I care to tell myself… but I don’t want to marry you.”
Shock was the only thing on Tom’s face, in his heart. At first, joy and disbelief had started to take over; he hadn’t felt so happy since the day Sybil told him she was pregnant; he hadn’t been in such relief since Sybil agreed to bloody marry him. But Mary’s confession… both confessions… he didn’t know what to say, what to do.
“Why won’t you marry me?” he asked, surprised at how calm his tone was. He couldn’t look at her.
“Because I can’t stand the idea of losing someone, again, Tom!” she shouted. He jumped at her tone of voice. “I can’t be a widow, again! I can’t give myself anymore hope that God wants me to be loved by a man!”
He understood her hurt, her fear. He gulped and made his way over to Mary. “Darling, if God didn’t want you to be loved, I would have never even looked at you.” He set his hands on her hips. She set her hands on his chest, shaking and looking away from him. Tom kissed her forehead. She was so small, so vulnerable; how he had never truly seen her before. “Because I’m so in love with you, I can’t describe it…”
“Why?” she sniffled, looking up at him. “Why? You’ve seen me at my worst, why are you still here? You know I’m awful…”
“I also know that you’re one of the most loyal, passionate, and cunning women I’ve ever met. You’ve helped me grow into a better man, and helped me reach a point in my life where I can marry again without feeling like I’m forgetting Sybil.” He smiled down at her, sniffing himself. “I know that your happiness is just as important as my own. I want George to be my kin, and I want you to feel the same about Sybbie…”
“Tom, she’s always been like my own,” Mary said. “How badly do you want to marry me, anyway?”
“Beyond words, darling.” He kissed her cheek. “Beyond words.”
“I’ll still have to think about it… but you must know I’m in love with you before you give me a deadline.”
Tom laughed. When he was asking Sybil to marry him, he felt as if his love would never change, but he was impatient for an answer. With Mary, he knew that he could love her patiently, slowly. He loved his love for Sybil, but it was so different from whatever his heart harbored for Mary Crawley. “I don’t want you to rush… I can wait until June, darling, the new year…” 
Her eyes softened. Mary leaned in. “Can you kiss me?”
“…Mary? Tom? Where did you go?” an all-too-familiar voice came calling. Tom laughed as Mary rolled her eyes. Rose was probably more excited than they were.
“We’re over here, Rose,” Tom said, letting go of Mary. He moved a few paces away. “Don’t worry.”
“Did you do it?”
“I did it.”
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hollygoeslightly · 4 years
1. I couldn't help but find Sydney's actions at the end to be very deceitful. As much as it's framed as a tragic choice where he comes out a bruised victim unintentionally hurting Charlotte, I feel that his choice is quite like Ms Champion's and he and the audience cannot actually claim that the exact same thing is any better than her cruel choice years ago. They both left their betrothed for money and we have no idea whether her circumstances were dire or not, yet she was painted as a villain.
2. And as much as I fell in love with Charlotte and Sydney, Sydney's actions at the end when it came to his treatment of her, were deplorable. Even Lord Babbington didn't kiss nor touch Ester in that society until he proposed, even when it seemed a sure thing. He respected her dignity in society and understood what it meant to take advantage of a woman before truly providing for her or making a promise. Thus when they finally kissed, it was celebratory.
3. I had a feeling when Sydney kissed Charlotte before asking for her hand, in a sense rewarding the audience prematurely, that it wouldn't happen. Simply because in that society and context, he knowingly skipped the steps of honoring a woman rightfully rather than using her. He made no promises before they kissed. He didn't propose. Also, speaking to Charlotte about marriage is too important to delay for a week later. The fact that he didn't spare a minute to finish their convo spoke ill.
4. All of these little things at the end of the season, the last episode, left a bad taste in my mouth and gave me the sense that it would end badly. Because as much as we know that Sydney loves Charlotte dearly, his actions were irresponsible and spoke otherwise. Even with money, there are many possibilities for something to come through. You don't barter with a person though, risk hurting someone you love especially after promising them a life, or leading them.The irresponsibility is likeOtis!
5. I know that in that society, Sydney is smart enough to know how much his actions would have consequences on a vulnerable young woman who doesn't even have money to her name. He knows that it's important to have promised marriage before touching her. He knows that making such a promise, he mustn't break it, because she will make arrangements pertaining to her entire life and wellbeing, resting on him. He's also experienced the same vile taste of that happening to him! What do you think?
6. Also just to be clear, I don't want to demand anything of you and I don't want to be negative. I love your meta and I put weight on your interpretations which is why I'm asking. I also love the character of Sydney, which is why I'm deeply disgruntled by this. Not the end, bc I saw that coming, but what the last few incidents mean for his character. I trusted that he'd understand his impact; all the parallels to scoundrels, the context of society, and the contradiction to Babbington is not good.
Thanks for the question. I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to break down your question into parts in order to ensure my answer will make some semblance of sense.
Real Life and Reel Life
I’ve spoken about this before, but it bears repeating as it has a significant impact on how I interpret the show – I am not an Austen purist, nor am I a stickler for complete historical accuracy when it comes to my enjoyment of a particular movie or TV show. For instance, I know some people were frustrated by the historical inaccuracy of Charlotte wearing her hair down, but Charlotte’s modern hairstyle was never something that bothered me. Everyone’s mileage varies of course, but as long as the characterisation is cohesive and interesting and the creators have managed to convey the overall spirit of the period of time the story is set, I’m happy.
It’s also worth noting that while Jane Austen was a fairly historically accurate author, her body of work had a very narrow focus – middle class and upper class families in country villages in southern England. And while her body of work is historically accurate, it’s also intentionally sanitised. Regency and Victorian England was a time of significant social, political and economic change – beneath the shiny veneer of tea rooms and good manners was an underbelly of sex, drugs and gambling.
Why am I mentioning this? Because Sanditon was Andrew Davies’ attempt at expanding Austen’s focus – placing Austen’s signature study of manners against the backdrop of a fairly chaotic period in time. Personally, I loved this aspect of the show. Not only did Davies force the audience to confront their preconceived ideas of what a typical Austen character actually is, but it allowed the characters to push against issues outside of love and marriage. Don’t get me wrong, I swoon every time Darcy helps Elizabeth into the carriage after the ball at Pemberley or Anne reads Wentworth’s letter, but it was nice to have a slightly different interpretation of Austen’s work.
Finally, I firmly believe that part of the agreement you undertake when interacting with any form of entertainment is the suspension of some degree of reality. The amount of suspension is dependent on the work of course, but even true stories require some form of suspension (e.g. the amalgamation of characters, timelines sped up) to be entertaining. In the case of Sanditon, the characters inhabit a close approximation of Regency England, but not an exact copy (e.g. Charlotte wears her hair down, clothing is not always period appropriate). This is also the case when it comes to characters breaking a few of the social conventions that Austen routinely explored. For example, while Sidney kissing Charlotte prior to proposing to her in 1x08 would have been frowned upon in the real world, in Davies’ version of Regency England, Sidney kissing Charlotte is not a poor reflection of his character nor does it indicate that he knowingly took advantage of her – it’s simply a way to drive the narrative forward and create an entertaining story. This is supported by the fact that Charlotte’s reputation remains in good standing despite spending time alone with both Sidney and Young Stringer and that Esther faces no consequences for the exposure of her romantic/abusive relationship with her brother in 1x08. So while I understand that for you, Davies’ choice to overlook certain social conventions is frustrating, I think it’s important to acknowledge that the world Sanditon presents us is not 100% historically accurate, and for the purposes of entertainment, I don’t think it can be.
Sidney, Eliza and Otis
Following the fire in the new terrace apartments in 1x08, Sidney is forced to make a choice between love and money – his love for Charlotte and his desire to save his brother (The Worst) from debtor’s prison. Sidney is faced with an impossible choice and in the end chooses to sacrifice his own happiness (I think Sidney believes that Charlotte will be able to move on and find happiness again) for the well being of Tom, Mary and the children. As you’ve pointed out, this is a direct parallel to Eliza choosing money over her love of Sidney. However, I don’t think it’s accurate to claim that both decisions are equal in cruelty – doing so removes all nuance from the situation.
While I understand why some members of the fandom believe that Eliza could have had a valid reason for choosing money over love, I don’t believe the narrative supports that argument (whether this would have changed in S2, I’m not sure). Eliza is described by Tom (1x06) and Arthur (1x07) as intentionally betraying Sidney’s trust, choosing the safety of wealth over love.
Arthur – “Do you know, for years all I knew about my brother, Sidney, was that he was driven to the West Indies with a broken heart.”
Sidney – “And what’s your point Arthur?”
Arthur – “I admire your spirit of forgiveness that is all. If it were me, I do not think I could bring myself to trust her again.”
Arthur speaks of a betrayal of trust that he does not believe he could ever get past, a betrayal he is surprised that his own brother is willing to forgive. The reason Sidney is so damaged by Eliza’s betrayal is not because she was forced by circumstance to marry for money (if that was the case, it would be presented as two lovers torn apart by outside influences e.g. Sidney and Charlotte), but because by choosing to marry for money, she publically declared that Sidney was not enough. The love and future he could offer her was not enough. Eliza’s choice is so cruel, because her decision is so mercenary in nature – it’s a decision made out of choice, not necessity. She made the decision knowing what it would cost and she deemed that cost (Sidney’s self-worth) worthwhile.
This is also the case when it comes to Otis’ treatment of Georgiana. Otis made an active choice to barter with Georgiana’s name in order to extend credit for his gambling debts. He had multiple options available to him, number one being to stop gambling, but he made a decision where he would benefit and Georgiana would be placed at risk. On the other hand, the audience is made aware that Sidney is forced into a position where there are no right choices. Regardless of the decision he makes, someone will be hurt. He is the only one in the position to find the money to keep his brother out of debtor’s prison and as a result, Tom’s failure to insure Sanditon costs Sidney his future with Charlotte. Intention matters. Yes, all decisions lead to people being hurt, but Sidney is the only one who also suffers as a result of the decision he made.
While I understand the audience was upset by Sidney’s decision (I didn’t like it either), I also think an ending where Sidney and Charlotte marry while Tom is sent to debtor’s prison (most likely for the rest of his life) and Mary and the children are made homeless and shunned by society for Tom’s misdeeds, would have also been incredibly unpopular.
Sidney and Lord Babington
On the surface, I can understand why you’ve compared Sidney and Lord Babington.  Both fall in love with feisty women and both intend to propose marriage to said feisty women – it’s an easy connection to make. However, I don’t think it’s accurate to say that Sidney’s actions are wholly bad and Lord Babington’s actions are wholly good simply because Lord Babington’s proposal ended in a marriage.
Let me give you another interpretation of Lord Babington and Esther’s relationship (not one I subscribe to, but one that can be drawn based on the narrative). Taken by Esther’s honesty and derision, Lord Babington makes Esther aware that he has feelings for her. Esther in turn rejects Lord Babington and tells him all further attempts on his part would be futile. Despite this, Lord Babington continues to pursue her, writing letters which she never answers – another clear indication that she is not interested. Lord Babington visits Sanditon with the express purpose of seeing Esther (1x05) and requests a private walk without a chaperone where he proposes marriage. Esther rejects his proposal. After hearing Edward speak badly of his sister, Lord Babington visits Esther in private, again without a chaperone present. Following Lady Denham’s recovery he once again goes on an outing with Esther without a chaperone. After discovering that Esther had a romantic relationship with Edward and Esther telling him that she doesn’t love him, Lord Babington proposes marriage for the second time and Esther finally accepts. They marry.
If S2 had gone ahead, I’m fairly sure Esther’s love for Edward and her lack of love for her husband would have been a major plot point. And while I think it would have all worked out in the end, that Esther would have realised she loves Lord Babington, what if it hadn’t? Esther may have come to resent her husband, trapped in a marriage by a husband who knows his wife does not love him, still pining for the one man she couldn’t have because of circumstances out of her control.  
Again, I understand why the choice to ignore some social conventions may be frustrating, however in Davies’ version of Regency England, breaking these conventions do not have the consequences they would have had in real life. By judging the actions of the characters by real life rules, you are assigning intention and consequence where there are none.
I think it’s also worth noting, that apart from Sidney and Charlotte themselves, nobody knows that they kissed and only Alison, Mary, Georgiana and Young Stringer are aware that Sidney was intending to propose marriage. Charlotte’s heart may be badly bruised, but her reputation is still intact.
Charlotte’s Agency
Perhaps it’s because Charlotte’s agency is more quietly expressed than other characters, but I think the argument that Charlotte became passive in the final two episodes, overlooks the very active choices Charlotte makes in regards to her feelings for Sidney. Passiveness suggests inaction, and in 1x08 Charlotte chooses to act – she asks Sidney whether she can join him on his walk into town. This may seem inconsequential, but it is anything but. Because Charlotte is not only choosing to trust in her feelings for Sidney and in his feelings for her, but she is telling Sidney his feelings are reciprocated and those feelings are strong enough that they need time alone to discuss their possible future together. The agency lies with Charlotte the whole time.
We began with the scene with a rather inane discussion about the weather and Charlotte’s family – Sidney is both desperate to discuss their conversation from the previous night, but patiently waiting for Charlotte to indicate that this is something she wishes to do. She does, telling him she would rather continue their walk together than return to town for her dress fitting.
Charlotte – “We seem not to be walking into town?”
Sidney – “Ah, yes, your dress fitting. Forgive me, what a fool I am. Should we head back, perhaps?”
Charlotte – “No, there is absolutely no urgency about my dress fitting. A walk along the clifftops is much more to my taste.”
Sidney – “Good. My thoughts exactly.”
Sidney is willing to end their walk and the possibility of discussing their feelings at the slightest hint that this may not be something Charlotte desires. However, following Charlotte’s lead, Sidney admits that he wished to find time alone with her to discuss their conversation while glancing at her mouth every five seconds, and of course they kiss. What is important to note is that Sidney continues to check in with Charlotte at every point in the lead up to that moment. Charlotte only had to say no or ask to return to town for Sidney not to proceed, something she is well aware of and actively chooses not to do. Responding positively to Sidney’s actions is not the same as passiveness. You only have to watch as Charlotte stares longing at Sidney to know that she desired the kiss just as much as he did.
Why am I mentioning all this? Because in your question, you talk quite a bit about Sidney’s choices and actions, and the consequences they may have for Charlotte, without acknowledging that Charlotte is an active participant. Do I think that means she could have somehow prevented what occurred? No, but nor do I think it’s fair to remove Charlotte’s participation from her own storyline. She may be a victim of incredibly poor circumstances, but I don’t think it’s fair to say she is a victim of Sidney’s poor behaviour. Sidney and Charlotte not ending the season married does not cancel out Charlotte’s agency in choosing to pursue her relationship with Sidney.
Thanks for the question, I hope I made sense!
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
October 23, 1925
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John William Carson was a television host, comedian, writer, and producer best known as the host of “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” (1962–1992). He was born in Corning, Iowa, and moved to Nebraska at age 8. Carson joined the Navy in 1943. He attended the University of Nebraska and studied journalism but with a keen interest in comedy writing. 
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His first on camera credit was an afternoon television show called “The Squirrel’s Nest” in 1949 in Omaha. Carson also wrote the program. 
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Carson’s first brush with Lucille Ball came in February 1961 as a panelist (along with Betsy Palmer, Harry Morgan, and Bess Myerson) on “I’ve Got a Secret”. Guest Lucille Ball was then starring on Broadway in the musical Wildcat. Moore tells Lucy that her secret will be to get the panel to imitate her based on words that appear on the screen. During Carson’s turn, the word is “ROMANTIC” and then “TIPSY.”  
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In May 1962, Carson is host of the 14th Annual Emmy Awards, at which Lucille Ball is a presenter. 
They would also be host and presenter for the 23rd Annual Emmy Awards in 1971. Lucille Ball is not nominated for “Here’s Lucy”, despite the fact that there were only three nominees in her category. Gale Gordon lost to Edward Asner (”The Mary Tyler Moore Show”) and the writers were nominated for “Lucy Meets the Burtons” but lost to “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.” Lucy attended the Awards with her husband Gary, her daughter Lucie, and her then son-in-law Phil Vandervoort.
At the 36th Annual Emmy Awards in 1980, Lucille Ball was again a presenter, but this time Carson was a nominee, not the host. The hosting duties were taken by Tom Sellek. 
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A few weeks later, Carson and Ball are on hand at the 14th Anniversary of “The Ed Sullivan Show.” Lucille Ball makes a cameo appearances riding atop an elephant!  
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In “Jack Benny’s Carnival Nights” (March 1968), Benny’s all-star cast includes Johnny Carson as a carnival barker introducing Luscious Lucille (Lucille Ball), the red-headed bombshell.  
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Barker: “The girl who made Little Egypt surrender to the Israelis, Luscious Lucille is the most fantastic dancing girl in all history. When Lucille made her first appearance, Gypsy Rose Lee retired, Lily St. Cyr burst her bubble, and Sally Rand grabbed her fans and flew back to Capistrano.”
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Later in the special, Carson plays Jack Benny’s son, Jackie, an aspiring TV comic. Lucy played Jackie’s worn-out mother, Agnes. 
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In July 1968 Lucille Ball made her first appearance on “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson,” having already been a guest on the show hosted by Jack Paar. She was there to promote her new show, “Here’s Lucy.” 
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She returned to the guest chair in August 1969, and November 1969, where she brought rehearsal footage of Carson on “Here’s Lucy.”  
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“Lucy and Johnny Carson” (HL S2;E11) aired on December 1, 1969.  
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Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon play themselves as Lucy Carter goes to see “The Tonight Show”.  In fact, the episode was not shot at the set of the “Tonight Show,” but one replicated by “Here’s Lucy” on their soundstage at Paramount. 
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Lucy Carter is picked to play Stump the Band, a staple audience interaction sequence of “The Tonight Show.” Lucy sings “Snoops the Lawyer” a song she says she learned from her father.  
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Speaking of parents, sitting just across the aisle from Lucy is her real-life mother, Dede Ball. Carson even directs some of his lines toward her. 
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After the show, Harry and Lucy see Johnny and Ed at the Brown Derby restaurant. The Brown Derby scene is very similar to the Brown Derby scene in “Hollywood at Last!” (ILL S4;E16) aka “L.A. at Last!”.  
In “Lucy and Johnny Carson,” Lucy jumps up when she sees Gregory Peck and causes the waiter to spill a tray of drinks on Carson. 
In “Hollywood at Last!” Lucy jumps up when she sees Gregory Peck and causes the waiter to spill a tray of cream pies on William Holden.  
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The episode opens with a spoof of the TV series “Mission: Impossible” (1966-73), which was a Desilu / Paramount series.
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In 1970, Lucille Ball made two more appearances on “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson”: in February and November. 
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In between, in September 1970, Carson, Ball and other stars helped Dean Martin kick off the sixth season of “The Dean Martin Show.”
Lucile Ball made several more appearances on “The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson” throughout the 1970s:
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1971 ~ May and August
1973 ~ November
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1974 ~ March (with surprise guest Desi Arnaz Sr.)
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1975 ~ December
1977 ~ April and November
1980 ~ February
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In 1976, Carson was happy to participate in "CBS Salutes Lucy: The First 25 Years” recalling his time on her show in a segment titled “Being Upstaged.”
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In 1978, Carson and Ball did two tribute shows: “A Tribute To Mr. Television Milton Berle” and “Happy Birthday, Bob!” a celebration of Bob Hope’s 75th birthday at the Kennedy Center. 
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On May 6, 1979, Johnny Carson received an award from the Friars Club during a testimonial dinner at Waldorf-Astoria and friends such as Lucille Ball was accompanied by her husband Gary Morton and daughter Lucie Arnaz.
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In 1980, Lucille Ball made the momentous decision to break with CBS and sign a contract with NBC. The event was publicized by a fact meets fiction special titled “Lucy Moves To NBC” in which the NBC stars welcome Ball to the Peacock Network. Carson played himself. Lucy’s Secretary announces Carson’s entrance into her office just as Ed McMahon did on “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson”: “Heeeeeere’s Johnny!” Carson comes in with the “Tonight Show” theme music playing. Breaking the fourth wall, he cuts off the studio audiences’ applause with a sweeping gesture and they instantly fall silent, just as he did on his talk show. Carson delivers some one-liners about his favorite target, Burbank. There is also some innuendo about Johnny Carson’s work schedule at NBC. In 1980,after more than a year of speculation, Carson finally re-negotiated his contract with the network for a shorter work week, only doing one hour a night, four nights a week. Perhaps not so coincidentally, the evening this special aired, Johnny’s guest was Bob Hope, who will be the next NBC star through Lucy’s office door.
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Although Lucy’s tenure at NBC yielded very little, she did join Bob Hope on numerous specials, including “Bob Hope Buys NBC?” in May 1985. Ball and Carson both have cameos in the tongue-in-cheek program.
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As years went on, Ball and Carson were often part of tribute shows for other celebrities:
“AFI Achievement Award: A Tribute to Billy Wilder” ~ March 6, 1986
“America’s Tribute to Bob Hope” ~ March 5, 1988
“AFI Life Achievement Award: A Salute to Jack Lemmon” ~ March 10, 1988
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Their final appearance on screen together was for “The Fifth Annual Television Academy Hall of Fame” on January 23, 1989, just a few months before Ball’s death. She inducted her friend Red Buttons into the Hall of Fame. Both Lucy and Johnny were former honorees.  
Johnny Carson was married four times - twice to his second wife Joanna. He had three children. He died in 2005, age 79, of emphysema.  He will forever be known as “The King of Late Night”. 
Carson received six Emmy Awards, the Television Academy's 1980 Governor's Award, and a 1985 Peabody Award. He was inducted into the Television Academy Hall of Fame in 1987. Carson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1992 and received a Kennedy Center Honor in 1993.
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