#Tyler Galpin imagine
eufezco · 1 year
A TASTE OF YOU – Tyler Galpin x Vampire!reader
SUMMARY – You accidentally bite Tyler.
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Wednesday ordered both of you to stay in your dorm until she and Enid were back, and you and Tyler were following her orders extremely well because none of you felt the need to be around anyone else or be in any other place when you were together.
The first time you met Tyler you would have sworn you had never seen anyone as beautiful as him. His caramel hair and his green eyes shone under the dim lights of the coffee shop where he worked, and when he saw you entering the shop along with Wednesday and Enid, with your red eyes shining so brightly and hypnotizing him, he would have sworn that you were an angel. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Tyler at first seemed like something you couldn't afford, you couldn't even be in the same room as him without all the muscles in your body tensing and that lump of fear of not being able to control yourself forming in your throat. Tyler smelled so good. You've never wanted anything more than a taste of Tyler. You wished you didn't think of him in that way, and you felt so bad at first for having those thoughts but it was your nature, you couldn't help it. His smell was so intense and strong to you that when he was around, you couldn't even perceive the smell of coffee nor the smell of the people in the cafeteria either, only his.
Then you started spending more time together and you got used to his intoxicating scent, to his long and tempting neck, to the thick veins running down his hands, and he got used to your cold skin every time he would put his on top of yours, to the way you liked your coffee, and to make sure that your favorite table was free every time you visited him, the farthest away from people and windows.
In an act of courage, you invited him to the dance. He looked amazing in his white suit and he couldn't stop complimenting you and how beautiful you looked in your white dress. His face was so close to yours while you danced that you could even feel your breaths mixing until the moment was ruined and you both ended up soaked in fake blood.
Enid and Wednesday kept their curious eyes on both of you all night, and you internally blamed both of them for being so gossipy about Tyler not kissing you that night, but you kept saying to them that everything was fine between you and him and that it wouldn't have happened anyways because you and he were just friends.
Now he was sitting on your bed, with his back against the wall and one of your scrapbooks on his legs, waiting for you to finish your essay while he checked all of your memories glued to a notebook. This moment brought so much peace to both of you and it made you feel good that you could be in the same room in silence and it didn't feel awkward at all, but you couldn't help but think about the way he was leaving his scent in your bedsheets. Not only there but all of your dorm smelled like him.
—And... I'm done —. You announced to him.
Tyler raised his eyes from your album to look at you while you closed your books and laptop. In fact, he had been looking at you for a really long time, but every time you turned around to see what he was doing or if he was bored, he acted as if he wasn't paying attention to you.
He watched you all the time, even when you thought he wasn't: the first time he saw you no one else seemed to exist in his eyes. He was looking at you through the store window in Jericho looking for the perfect dress with Enid. Then Wednesday appeared by his side all of sudden, and she almost gave him a heart attack. She told him how creepy he was being by stalking you and not going inside and talk you. He was looking at you dancing with your friends and having fun at the dance while he went to refill his cup, and he was looking at you at that time as well, focusing on your homework and biting your lower lip.
You sat in front of Tyler to see what part of your scrapbook he was looking at. —Oh that's when me and my family travelled to Transylvania.
Tyler kept turning the pages and listening closely to everything that you told him about your travels, your family, your friends. He also asked you a lot of question only so you could keep talking. Until he got to the page where you glued a sugar sachet from the Weathervane cafe and a piece of a napkin with the name of the cafe. You wrote the date and a "T" in the corner of the page. The letter was small, barely visible, but Tyler was quick to notice and couldn't help but smile while looking at the page.
—It is from the first day I went to Jericho —. You tried to explain. It was obvious that he noticed that that page was his.
Tyler nodded. The smirk remained on his lips as you tried to justify yourself. —That's all that happened that day?
—That's all I remember —. You teased him.
—Oh, that's all you remember? —Tyler asked, closing your scrapbook while subtly leaning towards you. You nodded, swallowing nervously for having him so close.
Your breaths mixed, just like the day of the dance, but this time Tyler was not going to back off. Duringt those seconds of silence Tyler's eyes took their time to stare at your lips, and then his eyes tried to meet yours but your eyes were focused on his lips. So pink and cute. Tyler's scent took over your entire body, and that was the hardest exercise of self-control you had ever had to make. Your gums hurt from holding your fangs, you were trying so hard to not let them out and ruin the moment.
He called your name. You hummed, letting him know that he got your attention. —Can I kiss you?
You nodded to his question, closing your eyes, and inhaling Tyler's scent. He licked his lips before he leaned towards you and connected his lips with yours. He did it carefuly. Tyler's lips were soft and warm, and they moved smoothly with yours. You let out a sigh against his lips, and what you tried to prevent, inevitably happened. Your fangs came out when you were sucking on his lower lip and your sharp teeth sunk into his skin. Immediately after, he hissed and broke the kiss, bringing his fingers to his lip, and discovering the blood coming out of them.
—Tyler, I'm so sorry —. You were beyond embarrassed. Not only did you hurt him but now the smell of his blood was making your irises turn into an intense red. Your eyes were locked on the blood running down his fingertips, and the beautiful red color of it, feeling your fangs grow bigger and your throat go dry. You looked away as soon as you realized how creepy that was probably being. —I'll go and get you some paper.
—No. It's– It's okay. Look, I'm fine. Nothing happened —. He quickly licked the blood off his lips, not giving it much importance so you wouldn't give it either and as if he had not realized the reaction that what just happened had had on you, he kissed you again.
Your eyes opened wide while Tyler kissed you. His mouth tasted like blood. But not any blood. His blood. And it was as sweet as you imagined it to be. The little wounds on his lower lip were still bleeding a little bit, the blood coming out of them going directly into your mouth and making you tense your back. Tyler thought that you were just nervous so he moved one of his hands to cup one of your cheeks in an attempt to reassure you. You shouldn't be enjoying this, but you would be lying if you said you had never imagined what this moment would feel like. The warmth of his touch made you come back to reality and realize that you weren't kissing him back. You closed your eyes and your hand went to the back of his head to deepen the kiss.
Your lips focused on his lower one which Tyler appeared to enjoy because of the way, he hummed in your mouth. Your hand was deep inside the curls at the back of his head, pulling him closer if possible, and both of his hands were on your cheeks.
—Ew —. Wednesday said. ��I'd rather have needles under my fingernails for the rest of my painful existence than have to watch this again.
—Oh, come on... —Enid nudged Wednesday. —You guys are so cute!
By the time your friends interrupted you two, you made sure that no sign of blood was left on his lips or yours. Your two friends entered your shared dorm and approached you and Tyler to explain what they had found out. You got up from your bed and let them know that you needed to use the bathroom.
Even though your cheeks were cold, you had that human sensation of them burning after your kiss with Tyler. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you noticed the bloodstain on your cheek. When Tyler cupped your cheeks, he still had blood on his fingers after wiping it from his lips and now it was all over your cheek. You knew it was bad, you knew that you shouldn't do it, but you couldn't waste such a delicacy. You licked the tip of your thumb and ran it over your cheek, collecting his blood and then you sucked on your finger.
You loved everything about Tyler.
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gyuuberryy · 1 year
jealousy jealousy
xavier thorpe x reader x tyler galpin
>summary: xavier has been blowing you off for the new girl at your school and you’re fed up  and jealous of it. somehow things lead to you making out with tyler, the barista at weathervane. oh boy, you really need to sort out your feelings.
>warnings: angst, jealousy, mean!xavier, crying, kissing, slight mentions of food
>word count: 1.4k+
>note: hiii, this is my first fic on this app, i hope you’ll like it. this will have a part 2 as well!
ever since wednesday addams had arrived at nevermore, something eventful always happened. appearances of a bloodthirsty monster, creepy rumours about wednesday, the  start of a rivalry between bianca and her. and worst of all, your best friend of six years, xavier thorpe, was obsessed with wednesday.
xavier was too busy following wednesday around like a puppy than to even acknowledge you anymore. recently he had been cancelling your plans at the last moment with sorry excuses, ditching you in lunch, ignoring you for days at a time; to sum it up he was blowing you off like you were nothing but a nuisance to him. 
and it hurt, it hurt so much especially since you had recently developed feelings for him and were planning to ask him out to this year’s RaveN. but now it looked like you would never have chance with him. first bianca, now wednesday. ugh, why was your love life so unfortunate.
you were currently on your way to miss thornhill’s botanical science class and were hoping to be able to finally have a talk with xavier as you were his seatmate. thankfully that hadn’t changed as this was the only class you shared with him. but when you reached there, you were disappointed to see none other than wednesday addams sitting in your place, glaring at xavier as if she was forced to sit with him. a pang of hurt went through your chest as you saw the adoring look xavier gave her. so it had finally happened huh? this was the only thing left to do to completely push you out of his life.he had replaced you after all these years of your friendship. he threw it away like it was nothing. he made it clear he didn’t want you around, so you would do the same now.
you stormed past their table and sat at the back. you noticed xavier look back at you but you just ignored him. soon class started and throughout the class bianca and wednesday bickered, which was amusing. wednesday seemed interesting and you know she was not at fault for what xavier was doing to you, so you had no bad blood with her. although, you couldn’t wait to go to weathervane and get yourself a nice cup of coffee.
after class ended, you immediately gathered all your belongings and walked out when a hand latched around your wrist and pulled you to the side. you looked up to be met with a familiar pair of eyes. “xavier?”
he gave you a timid smile, “yeah.”
you freed your arm from his grip and gave him a stony look, “what do you want?” 
he looked confused at your reaction, “well you’re in a bad mood today, what happened?” you scoffed, “what happened is that i’ve felt this way the entire week. you’ve been constantly ditching and ignoring me all because of your weird obsession with wednesday!”
his face screwed up into an angry expression and his stance turned defensive. “oh so you’re jealous now huh.”
you couldn't believe him, “i’m more hurt than jealous that you would start ignoring your bestfriend for someone you’ve known for a month. i don't mind her, but it would be nice if you spent some time with me as well or invited me to one of your hangouts.” you threw your hands in the air, “you’re acting as if i don’t even exist anymore.”
xavier just scoffed meanly at your words, “you’re not my only friend y/n. don’t be so clingy and get a life.”
tears stung your eyes but you stopped yourself from crying in front of him,you weren’t going to show him that his words affected you. “oh yeah? so all this time you’ve only seen me as a clingy, pitiful person.” you glared at him, “and for your comment, i have a life. now you just won’t be a part of it anymore.” he looked distraught at your words.
“and to think i ever even liked you”, you muttered and walked away. 
the walk to weathervane was as gloomy as that day’s weather. hopefully it didn’t rain till you got back to your dorm.
the bells of the cafe jingled as you entered and the smell of coffee invaded your senses sighing, you trudged towards the counter and rang the bell kept on it. immediately a head full of brown curls peeked out of the storeroom. “oh hey y/n!” 
it was tyler, the sweet and cute barista who worked as a part timer at the cafe. yet, somehow he was always present whenever you came. you gave him a weak smile, “hey tyler, can i get an americano with three shots of espresso.”
his eyes widened, “whoa are you okay? that’s a heavy order, you usually get lattes.” you grimaced, “yeah i’m not exactly feeling too happy today. might as well get something strong.”
he gave you a sweet smile, “then i know exactly what will cheer you up. lemme surprise you with something nice, yeah?” you smiled softly at his concern for you and nodded. 
sliding into your favourite booth, you put your head on the table and tried not to recall today’s events, but no matter what you did, they came crashing back at you. how could xavier say all those things to you? all the times that you had been there for him, in his highs and lows, meant nothing to him. he just found you clingy and anno-
“y/n why are you crying?”, tyler’s worried voice broke you out of your thoughts. you looked up and he gasped at the sight of you. tear streaks went down your face and your eyes were red and swollen. you looked miserable. he sat down next to you and pulled you into a hug. you leaned on his chest and closed your eyes, breathing in his sweet scent. 
“what happened?”, his voice came out muffled in your hair. you sighed deeply, “i had a big fight with xavier and he said some really mean words.” tyler rubbed your back soothingly at that. “it’s alright, that happens in every friendship.” you moved away from his hug, still in his arms and looked at him, “but he’s been blowing me off and doesn’t even talk to me anymore.” you ranted, “and i even had feeli-” you stopped when you noticed how close you were to his face. your eyes wandered shamelessly over his face, admiring the moles on the right side of his face, his brown eyes that looked like freshly brewed coffee. and his pink lips. you wondered what it would be like to kiss him. no stop! what the hell were you thinking about?
right at that moment the bells at the entrance door jingled, signalling that someone had entered, you both looked to see who it was. surprisingly, it was xavier and he seemed to be looking for something, or rather someone. his eyes brightened when they locked with yours. and as his hand raised to give you a wave, you gripped tyler’s collar and crashed your lips on his. his eyes widened at your gesture initially, but then slowly closed and he tightened his grip around your waist to pull you closer. his lips moved against yours with the same urgency you put in.
the kiss was messy and fast and your head was clouded with fury and all you wanted to do was show xavier that you didn’t need him, to make him jealous. you opened your eyes to make eye contact with him and relished at how his face was scrunched up in anger. he turned around and walked out, slamming the door. you pulled away from tyler, both of your lips swollen and wet. you grinned cheekily as a rosy blush dusted tyler’s cheeks.
“so, what does this mean for us?”
your smile dropped at his words. shit, you hadn’t thought about it. your motive was making xavier jealous, but you hadn’t considered tyler’s feelings. sure, he was really attractive and sweet. recently he had been there for you more than xavier had. and that kiss did make your stomach swarm with butterflies, maybe that was just the adrenaline. but what about xavier, it’s not like you can suddenly push away your feelings for him.
you needed time to think things through and you were sure tyler wouldn’t mind.
you looked at him to see him staring at you expectantly. “i need some time to think things through, i’m not really in a good state of mind right now.” you smiled at him guiltily.
he nodded, “of course, take your time.” you smiled at him.
“meet me at the crackstone crypt tomorrow evening.”
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textualdesires · 1 year
Animal Impulses [Tyler Galpin x Reader]
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You stumbled upon his hideout. Had discovered his secret. And you had every intention of helping him control his urges.
[Tyler Galpin x gn!afab!reader]
Warnings: Dacryphilia, Blood Kink, Pain Kink, Size Kink, marking, choking, P in V penetration, Oral (f and m receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), mentions of murder, tyler being creepy, dubcon if you squint
18+! MINORS DNI! (I will block you.)
„You should be running.
Be scared of me.
How are you not scared of me?“
You don’t know how you found yourself in this situation to begin with.
You should have known better.
There was a curfew for a reason.
My god, a killer was on the loose.
Targeting both the Nevermore students and the townsfolk.
But yet your feet almost automatically strutted through the fallen leaves.
You had found a cave, then.
And just like a child, curiosity got the best of you.
You didn’t know.
That you had walked straight into his lair.
You’d known Tyler for ages.
The sweet barista who always made sure your drink was extra hot, like you requested.
Who had at some point memorized your order, your cup ready before you even entered.
Sure, you had crushed on him.
Who wouldn’t fall for the soft curls, the bright smile and the intriguing secret behind his eyes.
You finally found out what it was.
His heavy steps cornered you now.
He towered over you as he trapped you against the walls, his eyes darker than you’d ever seen.
„I know you won’t harm me.“
It was barely a whisper.
Your breath was visible in the cold night air, your cheeks reddened not only from the temperatures.
You could feel a warmth radiating off him, even as he stood in only a shirt.
His fist hit the wall next to you with an impact that made some rubble fall.
„How are you so sure?
I don’t see friend or foe when the impulse takes over.
I could hurt you without even knowing it.“
Your hand found his tense shoulders now as you soothed over his barely covered skin.
A deep breath escaped him now, like he had let go off years of pent up anger.
But he was far from calm, far from harmless.
Somehow that just drew you in even closer.
„I know you, Tyler.
You’re not a bad person.
Your impulses, tell me about them.“
„You sound like my shrink.“
„I’m just trying to help.“
„How could you possibly help?“
It was you who had the upper hand now.
Softly you let the hand that was previously on his shoulder drag towards his chest.
You inched in closer, so close you could almost feel his lips on yours.
„Perhaps I can take away some of your pain.“
That was his cue as he harshly pushed his lips against yours.
You matched his pace, fighting desperately for control.
You weren’t surprised when his teeth gnawed on your bottom lip.
He had drawn some blood with his sharp teeth.
You could see him changing now, see the ferocity in his every move.
His chest was heaving as he desperately tried to hold back the animal impulses.
With a grin you licked the blood of your own lip.
He pulled you in by the waist, hips grinding against yours as he once again took you in.
He had tasted blood and he wanted more.
In whatever way he could.
It was you who slowed him then, forehead resting against his.
„Does it help? Does it still the urges when we kiss?“
„It does, but I want more. I need more.“
„I have more to give.“
You started leaving chaste kisses along his jaw, lips traveling towards his neck.
You sucked bright red marks into his skin, the fact that you were marking up the police chief’s son just giving you even more confidence.
His hand found your hair then, pulling you back.
„Stop being a tease.“
„Why? I thought you needed more.“
„You should not mess with me.“
You grinned a bit as you pulled his shirt above his head then.
You wondered where all this toned body and warm skin had been hidden when you would ogle at him in the coffee shop.
You wanted him for a while now.
Your sharp nails dragged along his torso, causing Tyler to groan.
He knew pain, it had become a close friend.
One he loved when it came from you.
God, you were even better than he could have imagined.
He had been pinning you for ages.
Had tried to tell himself it was just a harmless crush.
Even when he could smell you from miles away.
Even when he found himself in front of your window, quietly looking in.
You had come to him like a gift from the gods.
You had dropped to your knees now, not even caring about the gravel scratching up your knees.
You were quick to unbuckle his belt, pulling down his jeans and boxers at the same time.
His physique just kept bringing surprises.
With a tip of his finger he tilted your chin up, looking into your eyes.
He did not want you to stop, god no.
But he was afraid of what he would do once you started.
„Are you sure about this? I have no clue how this will affect me-„
He didn’t get to finish his train of thought.
You grabbed him, your tongue swirling across his tip.
The grunt that left his body was inhumane.
Like he had been touch-starved for centuries.
And you were intent on fulfilling his desires.
You opened your mouth, letting your lips slip around his tip.
His hands immediately found your hair, scalp burning as he took control.
He pushed himself further into you, causing you to gag around him.
Tears started running down your cheeks as he continued to push into your throat.
He was vocal, clearly enjoying himself.
You could feel it, too.
The way he would twitch every now and then, precum filling your mouth.
He pushed you off him when he couldn’t handle it anymore.
„Stand up.“
It was an order, one you gladly followed.
Your eyes shot up to his and a breath escaped your lungs at the state he was in.
His pupils were blown, his chest heaving.
His curls had fallen clad against his forehead with the heat you produced.
He grabbed your chin so softly, you almost forgot the monster behind his eyes.
Soft kisses found your cheeks as he relished in the taste of your tears.
His mouth traveled further and further, coming to your beck and leaving wet trails that cooled with the night air.
You could feel yourself pulse at how much he turned you on.
„I can smell you, you know?“
You gulped slightly, causing him to chuckle.
Your cheeks were now beyond red, your face emitting just as much heat as his body was.
You tried hiding your face in his shoulder but he would not let you.
His hand gripped your cheeks then, pressing a long and furious kiss onto yours.
„Never said I didn’t like it.“
His hands rummaged your body, grasping at the too many layers you wore.
Carefully he slipped you out of your coat, letting it topple to the floor.
He was not as careful with your shirt.
With a loud rip he had torn it off you, leaving you exposed.
„Tyler!“ You yelled in surprise.
„Don’t fret about the shirt.
I told you, I needed more.“
You shut up then, his hands unclasping your bra and throwing it to the ground.
His lips traveled along your clavicle, further and further down until finally he found the are he desired.
He was quick to pull your jeans down your waist, causing you to stumble.
His hands were fast to hold you in place.
His tongue lapped at your core feverishly within seconds.
He didn’t give you time to adjust as his sloppy movements started.
He was fast but controlled, knowing exactly how to move.
„You taste just as good as I imagined.“
Your cheeks reddened even further if that was possible.
Gosh, how could you have been missing out on this?
Perhaps you should have done this sooner.
Maybe you could have prevented some of the misery then.
A gasp escaped your mouth as he pushed two fingers into you without warning.
His long fingers stretched you out delicately.
He had to prepare you for what he wanted to do.
He had urges, sure, but he was not cruel.
Not to you at least.
His tongue worked simultaneously with his fingers, curling and hitting a spot deep inside you.
You saw stars as your body felt overwhelmed, your legs almost buckling underneath you.
„Tyler, I‘m gonna-„
„Cum for me, little one.“
He didn’t need to tell you twice.
Your moans echoed along the empty space as you gripped his hair for any form of stability.
You thought you would faint.
You swore you could have.
Tyler stood again once you had gotten over your high, pulling his long fingers out of you.
„Taste yourself.“
Your lips wrapped around his fingers, his eyes scanning you as you lapped up every last drop of it.
God, he wanted you.
Needed to feel you around him.
He wanted to destroy you.
His hand wrapped around your throat immediately.
You squealed under his touch, for the first time showing any sort of fear.
But this was no normal fear, no.
It was laced with arousal, laced with want.
It was more delicious than any fear he’d seen before.
The moan that ripped put of your throat as he squeezed made him hungry for more.
„You liked that, huh?“
You nodded softly, an innocent smile meeting his dark grin.
He picked you up by the thighs then, pushing you into the wall behind you.
With ease he held you in his place, his arms flexing.
He needed to get his fix now.
He lined himself up with you as your hands wrapped around his neck, holding on to him.
You hissed as he pushed his tip into you.
Even now he was slow and careful not to injure you.
A whine escaped him as he bottomed out.
Slowly he started pushing into you.
His hips snapped against yours as he almost pulled out only to thrust back in again.
He picked up his pace, groans escaping him as he fucked into you harder.
It didn’t take you long to get to your second orgasm.
He rode it out with you as your fingernails scratched up his back and neck.
He was determined to give you what you wanted.
Your loud moans had him getting closer to his own relief quickly.
His hips stuttered when he came with a few loud groans.
He stilled, pulsing inside of you as you could feel him filling you up.
His lips found your neck again, biting and sucking at the skin to stifle his sounds.
He had to mark you as his.
Had the world to see that he wrecked you.
Carefully he set you back down as he tried to catch his breath.
A short laugh escaped his lungs as he saw how exhausted you looked.
It was an earnest one.
Like you were the cutest thing he’d ever seen.
Your heart fluttered softly.
It felt like he was himself again.
The barista that would make sure the heart on your drink‘s foam was perfect.
The one who would trip over his own two feet when you caught him staring.
The one you had fallen for so effortlessly.
He pushed his forehead against yours, pressing a few soft pecks onto your lips.
„You understand you can’t tell anyone?
About the lair?
About who I am?“
You nodded softly.
You would keep his secret if it meant you could keep him around.
Your hand softly pushed his hair out of his face.
„This can be our little secret.“
He smiled, another kiss meeting your lips.
He pulled you against him then, his arms wrapping around your waist softly.
He never wanted to let you go again.
You were his now, had saved him.
Why kill when he could have his own personal way of stilling the animal impulses?
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maybankswhore · 1 year
the great war , tyler galpin x reader
pairing: tyler galpin x reader
summary: finding out tyler’s been the hyde all along and none of it was real.
“it turned into something bigger. some where in the haze , got a sense i’ve been betrayed.”
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Tyler looked down at you with his eyes wide. You watched him , tears in your eyes as he circled you like prey— nothing behind his emotionless expression.
“It was you.” You muttered , shaking your head as you tried connecting all the pieces. “You’ve. . . you’ve hurt people. You’ve lied.”
Your heart hammered in your chest as the news washed over you like a bad fever. Chills dancing up your spine as he watched you unbelievably , listening to you but showing no signs of actually caring.
“I cried to you when Rowan left.” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion , remembering how he engulfed you in his arms when you cried about your bestfriend. You remember how he held you , shushing you and promising you it would all be okay.
The memory used to be a sweet one. One that you told Xavier and Ajax when they said you shouldn’t trust someone like Tyler Galpin , a judgemental ‘normie.’
Turns out , he wasn’t a normie at all.
“I guess this is a lesson in not trusting people , right?” Tyler cocked his head to the side. “You made it too easy. All I had to do was be nice to you , and you sung the secrets out like a canary.”
Your hands balled into fist at your side. You were scared at what he’d to do you. If you were the next victim on his list. The boy you thought you knew , hadn’t been real at all. “How could you?”
Tyler rolled his eyes. “You should’ve walked away when you had the chance , Y/N.”
“But I didn’t because I cared about you!” You defended. “I trusted you.” The heaviness in your heart hurt too much to look at him , the way his body was crouched over in a defensive position. He didn’t even look at you like you were human.
“I told you to leave that night and you didn’t!” Tyler argued , shaking his head quickly. “I gave you the chance but you just couldn’t stay away.”
Everything started making sense. Throughout the whole semester , Tyler had been there. You told him things about Wednesday and Enid , you told him about Xavier and most of the time you were just venting. You told him everything about Nevermore without even meaning to— because you thought you were just venting to him , someone who you cared about and maybe could’ve loved. . . Looking back at it , it made your stomach sick.
“Then why did you. . .” your bottom lip trembled. “Then why did you kiss me that night?”
“None of it was real.” Tyler admitted as he stood in place , a tiny sense of guilt creeping up the back of his neck once he looked into your teary eyes. “But–” he hesitated. “Sometimes I wish it was.”
His words felt heavy. There was something behind it that made you think that maybe , it hadn’t all been for nothing. But you couldn’t forgive him for all that he had done , all that he lied about. Even now as he stood in front of you , he didn’t look like the Tyler you met at the coffee shop last spring. He was darker , disconnected. Troubled.
“How long?” You asked him.
“The whole time.”
You heard the commotion start to ensue in the background. Tyler’s eyes shot towards the school then looked at you. “If you go now then I’ll let you.” Tyler upturned his nose. “But this is the last time.”
Before you turned around , you glanced at him one last time. Your chest beating and your mind hazy. “I always had a feeling from that day we met , that’d somehow you’d hurt me.”
“I guess you should’ve listened to it.”
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creamecafe · 2 years
Dating Tyler Galpin Would Include...
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Navigation | Request Guidelines | Who I Write For | Tyler Galpin Playlist
Pairing: Tyler Galpin x GN!Reader (No pronouns)
Warnings: sfw, fluff, mentions of mommy/daddy issues
a/n: also to let you guys know that this is my first time doing a 'aesthetic' for my stories. I'm still trying to figure out a way to layout my stories because I love pictures and color themes and want to add that to my stories. Anyways sorry for the long rant that enjoy this HC!
*No spoilers included*
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• He's the literal perfect definition of a golden retriever boyfriend
• So soft on many levels
• When he first saw you when you walked into the Neathervane coffee shop, he couldn't believe his eyes of how beautiful you were
• Loves holding your hand a lot
• Coffee just practically reminds you of him everywhere you go
• Having cute picnics dates together
• Walking around Neathervane just talking in the dark sky of autumn at 5pm brings butterflies
• Is protective over you
• Holds you close by him especially because of his mommy issues
• Whenever something reminds him of his mommy issues, he starts to be fidgeting thinking you'll leave him
• But you assure him and hold him, putting a kiss on his forehead that you won't leave him
• Always remembers tiny details of you
• Like your favourite ice cream flavor, how you like your coffee, favorite flower, favorite weather, he takes note of you
• When he gets you the wrong thing, he apologizes so much and will go get the thing you like even though you tell him it's fine. But he won't let it slide that he got you the wrong thing
• Sharing playlists with each other
• When you two are alone, you like to listen to music together with each earbud in opposite ears
• He just loves you so much and will do anything for you
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Thanks for reading! Don't forget to heart, reblog, share, comment on your thoughts, and follow for more works! You can also find me on Wattpad and my other socials in my bio. Feedback is always much appreciated!
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hi authorrr can i request for a jealous tyler galpin that ends light smut like making out or smth, nothing too much since they're quite young. thank u!
of course darling reader and thank you for your ask, I did take some creative liberties so i hope you like it! :)
𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐉𝐀𝐖 as he watched you speak with Xavier Thorpe in Weathervane. You were supposed to be spending time with him. He's scowling so hard that his tight grip on the to-go cup presses too hard and hot coffee juts out sporadically. The customer before him gasps and jumps back, lucky to have escaped the blast. He turns to watch with wide eyes and flushes pink in embarrassment. He apologises and rushes to clean it up. He shuts his eyes as he imagines the display you definitely witnessed. He always turns to mush when your concerned, he just hates how you're looking at that kid from your school. He hates it more than he can ever say. He also knows however that it is entirely understandable that your talking to a classmate, he has barely spoken to you today, why wouldn't you seek company. He felt selfish enough to accept the affection you gave him. He reflected in the backroom as he searched for more paper towels. Tyler closed his eyes. He knew what he had to do, what he had been putting off in fear of rejection. He sighed and retreated back into the lion's den where he knew you would start staring.
Tyler caught your eye as he stepped out, hoping that the subtle shake of his head deterred you. Evidently–it didn't as you already step up from your table and walk in front of him. He avoids your gaze as his jaw clenches. He knows it's not fair to you but he can't help but drown out your worried words. So he only nods his head at your queries and walks away as though you were a plague. Just that morning he had been practically begging for your presence, calling you at five in the morning just so he wouldn't be alone all day and now he was actively avoiding you. Fun right? Tyler was rarely this difficult but jealousy was like a hidden switch in his head, play with it too much and it breaks but you hadn't even gone on a date with him, he was just your friend and he knew that but it didn't hurt any less. Maybe it wouldn't hurt so bad if it were Ajax or Enid but it felt like a ticking time bomb as Xavier smirked at you smugly until he told you about Tyler's past.
And so, like the doting friend you are, you wait until he's ready to sneak off into his lunch break. You watch him like a hawk as he tries to sneak passed you. You intercept the door and give him a pointed stare while crossing your arms. He doesn't look sheepish like you anticipated, he just looks annoyed. "Hi." He says, eyes shifting. "Hi? That's it?" He shrugged. "What?" He clicks his tongue, crossing his own arms now. "Ty, what is going on with you?" You ask, moving to rub your hand against his arm. He hates how the nickname dripping from your lips makes his heart race, he swears he would drown in your arms if you asked. He hates it. "I don't know, maybe your boyfriend can help you?" He regrets it the second he says it. You laugh in surprise but freeze up as he scoffs in a flame of pink and shoves you to the side, he can't handle the heat anymore. Xavier stands up but you ignore him as you follow after Tyler.
"Ty!" You yell. He turns around sharply and stomps toward you. "No." He says simply as he travels. "I need to talk to–" When he finally reaches you he cuts you off with a kiss, soft and wanting. Tyler's lips brush against yours gently at first while his hands trail up your rigid form up to your cheeks, still warm from the Weathervane. With both your eyes now closed, he gains momentum when you start to reciprocate. He takes his time, pressing harder, the longer you lean into him. Tyler feels dizzy and on the verge of melting. It might be the loss of oxygen but he chooses to believe it's you because he knows now that he has never felt what he has for you with anybody else and he refuses to. Tyler almost moans as his lips turn bruising, he gently rolls his tongue out to soothe your own lips. He approaches it like a massage, trying to release any resolve that you're hiding from him. When he finally releases from you, he almost regrets it. You feel his hot breath blow against you like a comforting breeze. Hesitantly, you take a hold of his shirt and grip it tight. "You're not going to wander off again are you?" You asked quietly, still catching your breath. Tyler's smirk starts to appear. "No," He answers. "I'm not." He glances up to the Weathervane and sees Xavier standing there uncomfortably. Tyler's smirk broadens until it turns into a grin. Xavier's face clenches but he returns back inside. Tyler looks back down at you and strokes your now drenched hair back. He presses a line of sloppy kisses against your face until you're laughing and have to pull him back to your lips. His wet lips are less purposeful than before but it doesn't make them any less lovely. "Don't think this gets you out of my interrogation." You laugh, pulling him ever closer until both your breaths intermingle. "Maybe," He begins, rubbing the skin of your cheek beneath his thumb. Tyler's eyes flicker into yours. "we could discuss after our date?" He's nervous again but it dissipates when you smile brightly at him. "Perhaps."
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cvpitvno · 2 years
i saw that you asked for smutty tyler galpin ideas:
- (bsf to lovers) having to hide from his dad because you’re an outcast and hiding out in the cafe which leads to having sexual tension.
- idk maybe tyler going down on reader while his dad is home and having to be quiet
i dont have any more ideas but all i know is that tyler is a whimperer/groaner 😈🙏
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BASES (tyler galpin x gn!afab!reader)
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the ache in your head was one of which was unignorable.
that added to the tension in your jaw and behind your eyes as tears of pleasure swelled behind them only making the situation that much more unbearable.
however, the feeling of tyler's tongue gliding through your folds and collecting your arousal made it a bit easier to deal with.
"tyler," you groaned out his name, hands tangling themselves in the mop of curls on his head, pulling with every tweak of his tongue and every brush of his fingertips. "tyler, i don't know if i'm gonna last much longer," you panted.
his mouth lifted off of your pussy, eyes finding yours — a sense of urgency behind them. "what did i say about being quiet?" tyler growled. "all you have to do is keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut and i'll give you as many highs as you want," he leaned down to kiss at your clit, breath heating the rest of your intimate parts as he did so.
you went to argue about how hard it was to keep quiet when your hot boyfriend worked wonders with his tongue, only you were interrupted by the sound of a knock at tyler's bedroom door.
"who are you talking to in there?" the minute you heard the knock, your hand shot out, mind working its magic and twisting the small lock on the door to the right. "why's the door locked?" his father grunted. "you better not have one of those nevermore kids in there."
with one of his hands giving a comforting and thankful squeeze to the flesh of your thigh, tyler spoke up.
"no one's in here dad, i'm just on the phone with dr. kinibott," he kept eye contact with you as he spoke. "she just wanted to touch base on something before my next appointment, not like you care to keep up with it anyway."
with the silence on his father's end, tyler knew he had officially shut him up for the time being.
footsteps echoed down the hall as his father walked away from his room, unknowing of the scene of his son laying on his stomach between your thighs, hips grinding down into the mattress below him to search for some sort of relief, and the glisening sight of your arousal that coated the tip of his nose to his chin.
dr. kinibott would not be hearing about the bases he touched with you that night.
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bunchesofoats · 2 years
Feat — Tyler Galpin x Nevermore!Reader
Contains — Slow Build, Playful Flirting, No Established Relationship, etc ALSO SOME VERY LIGHT WEDNESDAY SPOILERS!! (Set before show in canon)
Length — ~1.8k Words
Notes — Reader’s powers/species not specified (just considered an Outcast). This isn’t proofread, moves a little fast, and was written at like 2 am so proceed with caution I guess. ALSO, I ACTUALLY WORK IN A CAFE SO I WILL INFO DUMP GRRRRBARK BARK WOOF WOOF Also, if you have any input just drop it to my inbox !
“Welcome to the Weathervane staff.”
Your new manager welcomed you with a smile, to which you replied with a nod as she left you to do paperwork. You made your way out of her office, remembering her instructions to be training with Tyler. Your feet shuffling up the stairs slowly, paying no mind to the creaks that came with it. You knew Tyler Galpin, not well, but you knew of him enough to know he was the son of the sheriff. The sheriff who didn’t seem keen on Nevermore students. Though you were pretty sure they only hired you for Outcast Diversity, you were at least happy to had gotten a job that wasn’t Pilgrim’s World.
“Medium Iced Chai Latte with a Chocolate Croissant.” A voice pulled you from your thoughts.
Trailing the voice to the source was easy considering he was the only person behind the counter before you came along. There he was, Tyler Galpin, with the usual mop of brown curls that stopped just above his eyes and the crease of concentration upon his forehead as he moved to fiddle with the espresso machine. You’d been dragged here enough by Enid to know the details, especially considering she kept tabs on everyone.
“You’re looking at the wrong end of the machine, Galpin.” You called out, causing him to jump. A smile crawled its way onto your face at his expression. It didn’t take long for him to register who you were outside of the Nevermore uniform, he had seen you enough and he knew there was a new applicant coming in.
“Do you make a habit of scaring the hell out of people?” He gave you a pointed look.
“More of a hobby,” You shrugged before making your way behind the counter. Taking a closer look at the machine, you had been right. The source of the never ending steam was a valve issue. “I’m gonna need a tri-wing screwdriver and 4 millimeter Allen wrench.”
Tyler handed you the screwdriver with no hesitation, he couldn’t understand the Italian instructions anyway and he wasn’t about to resort to Google Translate.
“You have a valve issue,” You began screwing the bits back into place, careful not to direct any steam towards you or your new coworker.
“You have one of these temperamental beasts with a mind of its own?” He quirked a brow at you, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Not exactly.” Thankfully, Nevermore had quite the class in engineering and you had fairly decent grades. The steam stopped spewing, and the machine was fixed to the best of your ability. Tyler began gathering the pieces of the pipes, filters, and other parts back into place resounding in a satisfying click.
“Thanks…” He stopped for a moment.
“No, yes! No, I mean, yes I know! You come in here a lot, and I recognize your name from your application.” He mumbled on and on.
“You’re supposed to be training me and yet you can’t remember my name?” It was your turn to point questions now. It wasn’t like you couldn’t work a register or understand the difference between a cortado or a cafe au lait, but you needed to know your way around Weathervane at least. Plus, it was fun to tease him.
“I just mean, you’re unforgettable.”
“You know what, why don’t we start off with a tour? You know the main area, but let me show you the back room.” Tyler abruptly turned away, leaving with tinted cheeks. He lead you to the small storage room on the opposite adjacent end of the bar counter. The length of it was long, but the width of it could just barely fit one person with the shelves so close on either end. He allowed you in first before following in after, showing everything from the closest to the farthest at the back wall.
With Tyler explaining everything in broad detail, it was easy enough to understand considering everything was ordered neatly from the coffee beans and food products being separated from cleaning chemicals. What was hard, on the other hand, was trying not to pay attention to the way the dim lighting reflected in his eyes. Something about it seemed familiar, almost supernaturally captivating. If you didn’t know any better, you’d assume he was a Vampire or Siren or even something else entirely luring you in.
“…And if you have any questions then just ask me.” Tyler finally turned back to you, catching your gaze. He hadn’t realize how close in proximity you were, you awkwardly pressed against the wall as he had just been reaching over to point out which coffee beans were which. You hadn’t been paying attention, not with him so close. You weren’t usually the nervous type, not with Vampires and Telekinetics and Werewolves etc constantly being around you. But this newfound flip of your heart was concerning considering he was 1) a normie you hadn’t actually fully conversed with before and 2) you were still unsure of his standing with you as an Outcast.
“Yeah, I’ll call for your help when I need to fix the espresso machine.” You snort. He huffed with a lingering smile you managed to catch. Maybe his stance wasn’t as bad as his fathers.
“I’m definitely sure you don’t need to call me just for help with that, you can call me for other stuff.” Tyler shrugged.
“So you want me to call you?” Your gaze met his again, forgetting the close distance between you both. This was a different start to your new job than you were expecting. Flirting with your coworker in the back of the cafe was probably against all types of normal work ethic and morals. But when was Jericho ever normal?
“Tyler?” A voice called out from the front, breaking the tension between you two. You both recognized that voice, Tyler knowing it more than you did. You both tried to scramble out of the storage closet in an orderly manner. Tyler emerging first, Sheriff Galpin perking up to see his son from the other side of the counter. You followed suit not a second after, barely halfway out of the closet before you could see Sheriff Gallon’s face drop. Suddenly realizing how incriminating the situation seemed, you quickly grabbed a random can from the shelf within arms reach before fully exiting.
“Hey, uh, dad.” Tyler coughed out, clearing his throat from the situation you two were in. “Just showing the new hire around and restocking.” To which you maneuvered the can to one hand to give the man a small wave.
“Condensed milk? I swear you stocked and dated that one when I came by yesterday.” His dad raised a brow. Shit.
“This one’s long expired, found it on the back shelf with a manufacturing issue puncture in it.” You laughed dryly, moving the can to your side hiding it away. Tyler glanced wide eyed as his father’s expression creased.
“You want your usual?” Tyler moved towards the bar, moving his father’s attention with it. You managed to slip the can back on the shelf before closing the door and following the boy.
“Large Americano. Two shots. Hot.” The sheriff’s gaze never left, studying you closely as you followed Tyler to input the order on the register. You knew how to work a register, but you didn’t want to stay within his dad’s eye sight for long. The setup was as easy as the storage closet, everything labeled from Hot Drinks, Iced Drinks, Specials, and more. Clicking onto the hot drinks, you found everything quickly.
“Did you want to add anything in there like milk or cream?” You asked, knowing already what his answer would be.
“Black.” Like your soul, you thought. The order went through and Tyler thankfully already had it done. Reaching past you on the register to hand it to him, the sheriff gave his son a nod and you an unreadable look before leaving.
“Don’t worry about him,” You heard Tyler assure. “He’s too ‘wrapped up in work’ to care about me being in some closet with someone. Nice save, though.”
You turned to make eye contact with him, his arm resting upon the register counter by your waist and yours almost hitting his chest at the movement. Again finding yourself in close proximity.
“Does that mean you’re often caught doing who knows what in closets with people?” You raised a brow. His face flushed at the question, glancing aside and for once probably happy the cafe was emptier than usual.
“Calm down, lover boy. We’ve skipped a few steps, I still don’t even have your number to call you when I need help.” You flicked his forehead away with a smirk. He let out a small lopsided smile as he fell away from you. You were sure his number would be lying around somewhere on file or you could contact him through the employee app, but where was the fun (and consent) in that? You had no time to think about that as customers had come in.
“Ms. Thornhill, what a surprise to see you!” You couldn’t say you were shocked, Jericho’s a small town and being the only cafe around this would’ve happened eventually. You were surprised you hadn’t seen Enid out and about “blogging” despite it being a weekend.
“Y/N, lovely to see you. Why didn’t you tell me you got a job at the best cafe in town?” She gasped.
“It’s the only cafe in town, Ms. Thornhill.”
“I kid, I kid. Now what should I get? I usually get a double-cap, no foam, with two pumps of sugar free vanilla. But now that you’re my new favorite employee, I’d like your recommendation!” Favorite? Had Tyler been her favorite before? You weren’t sure what she had meant by that.
“You know me, miss, I love a good London Fog.” She knew full well of that too, you bring one into her class every other day.
“Alright, get me one of those!” You rung her up For Here and handed the item receipt to Tyler who was already steaming the milk. The next customer just wanted a warmed up Pain au Chocolat which you got out of the way quick enough.
“Here,” You heard Tyler call to you. Facing him, you noticed him holding a to go cup for you and Ms. Thornhill’s mug on the counter. Had he made two whilst you were busy?
“London Fog with an extra pump of vanilla syrup, that’s how you usually order yours.” He sheepishly scratched the back of his head.
“Now what’s this then?” You grabbed the cup.
“Just think of it as a welcome to Weathervane.” Tyler left with Ms. Thornhill’s order before you could question any further. You note a black smear on your hand, confusion riddled— you turn the cup.
— “(xxx) xxx - xxx
Call me outside of work?
- Tyler”
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anoa-eunoia · 2 years
Did it hurt - Tyler Galpin x reader
Smut warning
She couldn’t give you a reason as to why she was roaming the woods but there she was wondering around the the dark in that dress she knew he loved. Y/n had known for all to long that Tyler wasn’t who he claimed to be. She could feel it in her bones, he was rotten to the core but so was she.
A Twig cracked and she coulda sworn she felt breath on her neck but she put it down to the paranoia, or better yet The adrenaline of the chase. y/n continued to wonder the woods her hands brushing against the trees as she mistook the slightest noises fior footsteps.
“God, I don't like this.” Y/n whispered to herself. She heard Whispers. She knew it was just the wind with no one to listen but oh how she hoped it was him behind her stalking her like pray. It wasn’t until she found a cave a few miles out that she knew she was on the right tracks but just as she was about to turn back out of the cave she felt and arm around her waist and a hand flew over her mouth
"Don't be scared, Nobody can find us here. my dear.” His voice sent shivers down her spine. She made a pathetic attempt but fight him if but he knew just as much as her that she doesn’t care. Y/n had practically been crawling miles through the woods, for him.
“Get off me.” She whispered trying to be as convincing as she possibly could but Tyler just let out a chuckle spinning her to face him before pushing her against the wall of the cave
“What’s a girl like you doing roaming the woods at this time… don’t you know there’s a killer on the loose?” He teased with that oh so familiar smirk playing on his lips. Y/n rolled her eyes at the sarcasm but all she could think about was the way his hands felt against her skin or how his lips were just inches from her own.
“Maybe I like the thrill.” She told him as his hands moved for her waist to one on her face and the other around her neck. Tyler let out a soft hmm as his fingers traced the freckles across her cheek
“What to do with you?” He said meer seconds before slamming his lips into hers. There wasn’t even a slight hesitation before she kissed him back her arms wrapping around his neck pulling him impossibly close. The second their lips touched she knew she was done for that there was no escaping him. She was his for good.
Y/n was infatuated with Tyler. He was intoxicating. So sweet till he turns around and that’s when you see the Double faces both fighting for the power. Y/n didn’t know which she preferred. She spent every moment she could by his side. Everyone envied how in love they were. Wednesday could have have sworn y/n’s name was Tattooed on Tyler’s heart the way he went on about her when she wasn’t there.
Their love with poison. Intoxicatingly Delicious. But poison.
“What do you mean?” Y/n snapped her head looking over at her boyfriend in the drivers seat of his car. Tyler sighed his hand crawling further up her thigh oh how he loved when she’d get hot headed.
“I didn’t let her die!” He said nonchalantly as he continued to drive which only pissed y/n off more she gripped his hand throwing it off her thigh as she turned her entire body to face him.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” She yelled Tyler just sat growing angrier the more she was screaming out her livid lungs. Y/n continued to ramble about how he’d promised he wouldn’t hurt her friends but had somehow hurt Enid while she was wolfed out.
“She got in the way!” he spat but y/n wasn’t having it she just rolled her eyes and continued to cuss the boy out
“Yell at me one more fucking time, y/n!” Tyler snapped only speeding up slightly the anger making him reckless
“You’re a fucking cunt!” She yelled before Tyler brought the car to a sudden halt reaching over to unclip her seatbelt
“Get the fuck out of my Car!” He swung her door open watching as the rain that was pouring splashed all over his dashboard. Y/n looked at him in disbelief and before she even had chance to responded he was pushing her out of the car and speeding away leaving her to walk back to Nevermore in the pouring rain.
“Woah, what happened to you?” Ajax said as y/n stomped into Wednesday and Enid’s room drenched from head to toe. Wednesday was busy cleaning up the scratch Tyler had left on Enid’s thigh to even give y/n a second look while thing grabbed her a towel.
“Shit what happened Enid?” Y/n said completely ignoring Ajax comment not wanting to get into why she looked a state.
“Just a run in with The Hyde… but that’s not important, what’s wrong?” Enid asked and she was the one person y/n couldn’t change the subject from.
“Me and Tyler had an argument so I got out of his car and walked back.” Y/n half told the truth Enid sighed going to get up but being pulled back down by Wednesday
“He’ll be on his way to apologise. He’s so infatuated with you it’s pathetic.” Wednesday said her eyes glancing at y/n for mer seconds.
And she was right. when y/n Finally got back to her own room tyler was already sat on her bed looking at her with his pretty doe eyes ready to grovel.
“I’m sorry doll. I shouldn’t have got so angry with you.” He said as y/n kept up her angry facade walking over to get closet Tyler following behind her. “Come on Baby, look at me.” She sighed before turning to face him pouting slightly
“Im sorry.” He whispered before leaning down to catch her lips in his and she could practically taste the apologies right off his tongue. Tyler pulled away way smiling at her with a Dopey, boyish grin.
“See you just can’t be mad at me, I’m irresistible.” He joked
“Shut up and touch me” she said and he immediately obeyed his hands coming under her shirt pulling it off the the process to reveal her bare chest
“Fuck.” He barely let the word slip out before he was pushing her onto her bad as his mouth latched around her left nipple sucking and nipping at it while his hand came to the opposite Brest massaging it. She let out an almost pornographic moan just at the slightest of touch which onto enticed him more. Her hands were gripping his biceps as he made work of her
“God you’re so sensitive.” He groaned watching as her eyes rolled back into her head before he began placing soft kisses down her body stopping just above the waist band of her shorts he didn’t waist anymore time before ripping her underwear off
“Asshole they’re my favourite.”
“I’ll buy you a new pair.” He said stripping himself off before he lined himself up with her entrance before he sank into her both of them gasping at the feeling. “fuck, you feel so good,” he moaned. She was appreciative of his slow thrusts her constant wines were evident of that.
Tyler brought his hand to her mouth shoving two of his fingers into her mouth “As much as I love hearing my name from that pretty little mouth of yours you gotta keep quite or everyone is gonna hear.” He said stifling a moan himself she nodded her legs wrapping around his waist pulling him closer as his hips rocked back and forth
“Fuck, y/n.” He groaned in her ear as she clenched around him. His free hand moving from her mouth and wrapping around her throat squeezing slightly as his hips moved faster
“Fuck Ty… I’m close.” She managed biting her lips to stop herself from screaming out
“You're close, huh Doll? You gonna cum all over my cock like the good girl you are?" Each one of his words brings her closer and closer to the edge, and all it takes is his thumb massaging against her clit to push her over. Everything goes tight. She cry out a high-pitched moan, whispering Romans name over and over because it's the only word She can manage to say. She clench hard around his cock, but his pace never slows which makes the pleasure almost painful. Her thighs are trembling where they're wrapped around his torso and her hands curl into the sheets.
“God you look so pretty like that.” His thrusts start to grow uneven and His breaths become sharp as he snaps his hips against hers until finally he releases a strained moan from low in his throat and stills inside her, spilling his cum into her. His head drops to the crook of her neck momentarily pressing light kisses over the marks he’d previously left. He pulled out of her rolling onto his back next to her.
“Did it hurt?” Y/n said breathlessly looking over at him
“Did what hurt?”
“when you fell from heaven, just for me?” Tyler laughed as he got up from her bed leaning down to kiss her softly
“It'll hurt worse if you leave.”
And that’s when she knew she was going to love him till she lost her mind.
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eufezco · 1 year
Tyler and Readers daughter seeing Tyler as the Hyde for the first time and instead of being scared she just calmly approaches him and offers him a goldfish 😭
pt. 2
tyler is the most loving father ever. even before his daughter was born, he already loved her unconditionally. he loves spending time with her, doing her two little piggy tails and choosing the cutest outfit before driving her to daycare, and then waiting for her outside with her afternoon snack and opening arms just for the baby to run stomping into them. that's why he's scared that someday his baby would grow enough to discover that he is a monster.
"it's not like that, tyler. she'll still love you the same."
but tyler shook his head every time and answered you "she will never want to hear from me again when she finds out that i am a monster." and it breaks you every time because you know that's not true. you were educating your daughter to respect everyone, why would it be any different with her father, one of the people she loves most in the world? besides, even if tyler didn't even want to think about it and that in most cases the children inherited the mother's condition, there was still a possibility of her being also a hyde.
you drove to the weathervane with your daughter sitting in the back of the car eating some snacks. once you arrived at the cafe shop, you noticed that the lights were on, and the door was open, but there was no one inside. "mommy will be here in a second, baby." and you played some soft music for her while she waited for you in the car. you got out of it and quickly approached the entrance to the cafeteria. you didn't need to go inside to know that tyler wasn't there and that something was wrong. there was a trail of blood leading from the door of the weathervane down the street a little way. "shit." you mumbled and quickly got into the car again.
"okay, baby, come here. daddy needs us." you left the car at the edge of the forest, you held your daughter in your arms and you went into the woods. he was most likely halfway through the transformation, that's why the blood. his wounds from the past transformation were not healed, so he would probably was badly injured.
your daughter was confused but she was still busy eating her cheddar goldfish. you walked a few meters with her in your arms until you found tyler's clothes ripped on the ground. "no, no, no, no." you knew what that meant. when you turned around to take your girl back to the car and drive her to bianca's, there he was, transformed into what he hated most. his breathing was heavy, his big eyes stared at you and your daughter, ready for your next move, and his fanged teeth were showing in an attempt to scare you both. his body was way bigger than yours, and it blocked your way back to the car. his long claws were digging into the ground, almost as if he was fighting against his nature.
"tyler–” you called him with a sigh.
"daddy?" your daughter called him. her green eyes were analyzing what she had in front of her. her small body was a little tense between your arms, but her face showed no fear. she tapped on your shoulder three times and you hesitated for a moment. tyler would never forgive himself if he hurt your daughter. you ended up leaving the girl on her feet, always behind her in case she fell. walking heavily she approached him, he didn't try to attack her nor he did try to avoid her. using her sticky little fingers, she pulled the last cheese goldfish that she had left, and then she held out her arm, offering it to his dad.
the hyde lifted one of his big arms off the ground, and you threatened to pull her away from him. being extremely careful and just by using the tip of his long claws, he took the goldfish from the girls' hand. after that, she returned to your side and asked you to pick her up again.
"i'll take her with bianca and xavier, and i'll be back." you didn't know if tyler was hearing you, but by the time he returned to his human form, he will be tired and hurt, with all of his past wounds open again and most likely with new ones. the hyde huffed and you guessed that he did hear you. he slowly moved out of your way and you started to walk to the car with your daughter in your arms again. her eyes never left tyler, she rested her head on your shoulder so she could keep looking at him for a little longer while you walked away from him. with her hand, she waved goodbye to him and he didn't move from there until you were both far away enough
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A/N — I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEANT BY GOLDFISH AND I WAS LIKE ??¿¿ WHY WOULD THE CHILD OFFER HIM A REAL FISH i hope you meant the snacks tho🧍🏼‍♀️i was confused
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gyuuberryy · 1 year
jealousy jealousy (pt 2)
xavier thorpe x reader x tyler galpin
>summary: you get to choose between them, make a wise decision!
>warnings: angst, crying, lots of fluff(i cringed while writing it lmao), kissing, slight mentions of food and blood, jealousy
>word count: 1.6k+
>note: ahh this is the last part, i couldn’t wait to finish it. the ending kind of gives an insight to the storyline of the show. enjoy!
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xavier walked through the forest to his hut where he practiced his art and made portraits. the usually chirpy forest was silent save for the crunching of dead leaves underneath his shoes. yet all his mind could comprehend was thoughts about you. his mind kept going back to what he saw at weathervane. how could you kiss tyler after what he and his friends had done to xavier the last outreach day? he deserved it though, afterall, he had hurt you so much and that too for the dumbest reason that you were not aware of. he really had to talk with you to fix things soon, otherwise he would continue to beat himself about this. 
he looked up to dodge a tree that was in his way when he spotted two distant figures. as he got closer he realised it was tyler and..
he immediately stopped in his tracks. had things gotten serious between you and tyler that you were now meeting him outside of weathervane? his heart hurt as he observed the way you talked animatedly, making tyler chuckle. 
everything felt hopeless now. you looked happy talking to tyler which was a stark contrast to when you told xavier that you didn’t want him as a part of your life anymore. before he could realise, hot, sticky tears rolled down his face. he had royally messed up a perfectly good friendship. now he couldn’t do anything about it.
tears blurred his vision as he turned around to go back to his dorm. he was walking through muscle memory as his mind went blank. he didn’t even realise someone was calling him till a warm hand latched around his wrist. he turned around to make out a familiar figure. he immediately wiped the tears off his face with his sleeve to clearly see you. both of your eyes went to your hand resting on his wrist. deja vu never felt so good.
you took your hand off him, as if touching him had burnt you. “i was shouting for you for so long, why didn’t you respond?”
xavier remained silent, the words not really settling in his brain. he was too mesmerised by how you were standing in front of him. he couldn’t believe you even approached him after what he did.
you huffed and crossed your arms, “i saw you staring at tyler and i” you smirked, “were you stalking me?first weathervane and now in the forest?”
xavier felt his cheeks go hot and he immediately shouted a no. your eyes slightly widened at his outburst. xavier cleared his throat, “uh i mean of course not i’m not a creep.” his hand went to scratch the back of his neck, a habit of his whenever he was nervous. “i wanted to get you something from weathervane to apologise for what i said yesterday.”
“apology huh? that sounds interesting”
your words struck something inside him, making him grab both of your hands and look into your eyes. taking a deep breath, he began his rant.
“y/n i’m so so sorry for neglecting you and ignoring you for the past month. the thing is.” he paused and gulped at the curious look in your eyes. “the thing is, i started seeing you in a different light. everytime i made eye contact with you, it felt like i couldn’t breathe. everytime you laughed, my heart fluttered.” your eyes softened at his words, encouraging him to go on. “i felt disgusted with myself for having feelings for my best friend. suddenly, i had no idea how to act around you anymore and i guess that’s when i started distancing myself from you. and i know i sound like a jerk for saying this, but wednesday was just a distraction. i just want to be friends with her. but i never wanted to replace you. i regret losing you.”
you were overwhelmed with everything he just told you. also ,the xavier thorpe LIKED YOU. 
feeling overjoyed, you wanted to scream and dance around but you had to control yourself. “you could’ve just told me about it instead of being a jerk that day. i like you.”
xavier sighed, “i know i’m really sorry, i promise i didn’t mean any of the things i said to you. when you screamed at me it just set me off because i’ve been having these really weird vivid dreams-”
you cut him off with a kiss. xavier froze at the feeling of your soft lips against his but slowly held your face with his large hands and reciprocate the gesture. soon, you both broke apart. “idiot i just said i like you.”
his face was still riddled with confusion, “but you and tyler-”
you shut him up with another peck. “there’s nothing going on between us. i mainly kissed him to make you jealous, but also because he’s really attractive.” xavier raised a brow at that.
you hit him lightly on the chest, “you would've done that too if you were in such close proximity with him.” he just chuckled at your words. 
he held your hand and led you towards the dorms. “you know he was surprisingly very understanding when i told him about all this.” xavier hummed at your words.
you turned your head towards him, “i was expecting you to be a bit more jealous you know.” his grip on your hand tightened, “oh i am jealous, i’m very much jealous. i was fuming that day when i saw you both.”
you giggled at his words. “wait were you crying earlier because of this?” he started whining and tried to shake your hand off his but you just tightened your hold on him and leaned on his shoulder. “okay okay i’ll stop.”
you both walked in a comfortable silence, peace finally settling down both of your bodies. you broke the silence to ask him something that was bothering you. “hey, what were these dreams you were talking about?”
xavier turned to you with a grim look on his face.
“well, it’s always this monster..”
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you walked towards the crackstone crypt with a skip in your step. you had just come back from clearing everything up with xavier. he had given you a sensible and heartfelt apology which made you happy and you were both back to your usual selves again. you had told him that the feelings you had for him felt more like sisterly love now. he felt the same way for you and gave you the green card to go confess to tyler. he was a bit wary about him at first, but you didn’t care. tyler always made you feel warm and fluffy inside. he was so freakin sweet. besides, what evil could be behind those puppy dog eyes?
you soon arrived at your destination to be met with a smiling tyler. his smile hit you like a big yellow school bus and you couldn’t help but smile too. you quickly walked towards him, the warm fuzzy feeling inside you growing with every step you took. finally, you stood in front of him with your hands buried inside your coat pocket.
“hey” you breathed out.
he grinned back in greeting,“so, why’d you call me here?”
your cheeks warmed up at what you were about to say. were you really going to do this? his ever present smile only made your heart flutter more. It was as clear as a beautiful sunny sky: he was an angel. 
“i like you!” you blurted out. tyler sighed with relief, “i thought you were never going to say it.”
“wait i’m not done yet.” tyler stopped and looked at you intently. you took a deep breath and continued. “i was charmed by your looks and nature the day i met you. you were so nice to a person that you met for the first time, that too an outcast. i was surprised.” you took one of his hands in yours and rubbed your thumb over the back. “over time my feelings really grew for you tyler, and i didn’t even realise them till we kissed”. a rosy blush bloomed across tyler’s cheeks making you giggle softly. tyler looked into your eyes with an emotion you couldn’t decipher. “i like you a lot y/n. i’m so happy you feel the same way.”
you stared at him with an adoring look then pulled him into a tight hug, melting into his arms. he buried his face in your neck contently while your cheek pressed against his white sweater. this was probably one of the best hugs you ever had, it felt like hugging a giant teddy bear. you both stayed in each others arms for a long time before you pulled away to give him a warm kiss. this time it was much more sweet and slow and both of you smiled into the kiss. 
eventually, you both pulled apart and leaned your foreheads against each other. “should we get something to eat? i’m kind of hungry.” you nodded and pulled away from him. “i want hot chocolate, it’s getting cold”. you both held hands and swung them back and forth playfully on your walk to the town.
you couldn’t stop admiring him. how could someone be this perfect? while brushing a stray leaf from his shoulder, you noticed something on the collar of his shirt.
“hey, what’s this red stain? is it blood?”, you asked him, your intentions were only playful. he just brushed it off nervously, “it’s nothing, don’t worry.”
you missed the cold expression that came over his face.
TAGS: @jeluria @cat-loves-music @icarus-star @livingdeadgirl7 @hawkins-hs @mia-luvs @gracielou0518 @shadytalething @swagabclearner @seanicee @exiledangel @merakiaes @karagrace @justanotherkpopstanlol @pleasingregulus @sarcastic-sourwolf @captainalyss @aspenreadsfanfic @freyawhitexxx1 @liddy-lou-lou @carinacassiopeiae @bxtchopolis @temptressofthetarrot @godess-of-mist @starlight-poet
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ariasdistress · 1 year
sweet girls love sweet coffee.
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pairing: bimbo!fem reader x stalker!tyler
warnings: heavy nsfw, stalking, dubcon, all around mature themes
word count: 841
© to ariasdistress. no translations/reposts
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୨ part 1 ୧
you were new to town yet the weathervane seemed familiar. surrounded by an all encompassing feeling of comfort - maybe it was the aroma of coffee in the air or the knowledge that the cafe resided in a tiny town on the outskirts of jericho. in your mind, it was nothing short of intimate.
but little did you know, while you were admiring the scene outside, the tall male behind the counter was admiring you.
for tyler, a light crush quickly turned darker.. his world tilted on it's axis when you floated in. midday, mindless and dazed. your head was buried in a copy of metamorphosis with dark locks framing your face, heels clicking together as you wandered over to the counter.
you scrunched your eyebrows together before turning the page. tyler smiled to himself as he found your expression adorable - ‘bookworm barbie’ the thought amused him, only to look up and find you squinting at the menu.
almond shaped eyes scanned the variety of drinks above tyler’s head through wispy lashes. your plump lips looked bitten and rosy while you lifted your dark cherry red nails to play with the soft curled hair framing your face perfectly. the male in front of you was more than mesmerised.
“our drink of the day is a peach green tea lemonade” tyler flashed a smile, unconsciously intent to hear your voice.
“huh? oh.. um i forgot my glasses haha..”, you sounded apologetic almost. your voice raspy and laced with femininity.
his eyes creeped down a little. he knew you weren’t here to be ogled but that lacy black bra - peeking under that low cut daisy dress of yours was making it hard for him.
examining your body lower, lewd thoughts ran berserk through his head. what if he ripped off that tiny dress with his rough pale hands, making a mess of you. he wanted to hear your enchanting voice call his name like a prayer as his fingers pumped in and out of you.
“sorry.. i’ll just grab a cookie.” to him, you didn’t dress nor look like the typical sheepish nymph. however your actions were good-natured despite your dark almost promiscuous demeanour. as if you didn’t want to be known as a good girl.
day by day, you came in more and more - tyler knew the coffee was better because he made sure it was. purchasing the best coffee grain in the area so his book obsessed doll would come back, and like fate you did.
little by little, tyler started obsessively fixating over you. small things such as remembering your favourite order turned into putting a mini tracker in your drink. now knowing you two live close turned into lurking outside your apartment after your classes.
as if it was for him, you always took a shower after class getting out with only a tiny towel covering around your dainty frame, you always forgot to close the curtains.
‘naive little bimbo, doesn’t even know i’m watching.’ your phone fell from your hands as you bent over, light pink panties exposed. unbeknownst to you tyler was in a trance, hands ghosting over his zipper knowing only the glass separating the pair of you.
the tall male felt himself getting harder, his cock now pushing against his jeans. he palmed himself, eyes attached to the scene - your towel rising as you walked around innocently; your soft thighs and ass jiggling as you moved.
now leaning against the tree, tyler's cock used the friction of his jeans against his hand. a string of whispered profanities left his lips, feeling pre-cum dripping down his length. his eyes started darkening, following beads of water dripping down your chest.
the sun was setting - his green orbs stuck looking at your towel slipping slightly when you sat on your couch, achingly close to exposing your tits. he let out one last deep groan his eyelids fluttered as he finished. lowly chuckling at the mess you caused in his jeans, not even knowing you were being watched.
bambi eyes glanced up at tyler, “can i get a mocha frappé today ty” you dragged the end of his name, your voice was almost tempting. he scrambled shyly trying to make the drink as best he could. however, tyler was distracted, knowing the pretty face behind him was going to leave after this drink was made.
just then, an idea crept into his brain.
“hey i’m not a stalker or anything but i know you’re new to town” he spoke, the sentiment almost comical to him.
“do you have a job yet y/n? we’re hiring here” gently handing you the drink, extra sweetness lacing his voice.
“haha don’t worry you’re not creepy ty! sure i’d love to work here!” tyler displayed a lovable grin. A part of him found it cute, how unconscious you were to his constant stalking and the other part of him wanted to yell in celebration.
his precious doll couldn't leave him now, you had to be with the perverted male everyday. tyler was giddy just thinking about the opportunities to touch, feel, be anywhere near you being infinite. if a heaven existed to him, it would be this.
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author’s notes: hi this is my favourite concept yet, i really like the dynamic of doting boss x reader, i also fucking love stalkers so you get this conglomerate fic.. hope everyone enjoys! i’ll be posting part 2 soon.. thank you for reading! aria. ᥫ᭡
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rcsewcrld · 1 year
hi, can I request a Tyler Galpin x Fem!reader (romantic)?
Basically, reader is in the hospital due to an attack from the Hyde (she doesn’t know Tyler is the Hyde). She wakes up to find Tyler has been with her the entire time and stuff, saying how he found her unconscious. He says sorry, and reader is like; “what are you sorry for?”, to which he just responds with “not being able to protect you” (but we both know that’s not what he’s sorry for exactly). The whole time, Tyler just seems really guilty and stuff, and that makes reader worried, but he waves it off as nothing and just tells her how he’s glad she’s okay. That’s it really, sort of angst + fluff ifykwim. No Hyde revelation (yet). Thank you!
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐡𝐲𝐝𝐞 | t. galpin x f!reader pt. 1
1.7k words
contents: angst, fluff, swearing, slight gore, other characters platonic x reader, more parts coming, kind of want to do a happy ending?
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It was cold, dark and foggy in the forest the night that y/n had decided to take a walk. She felt like clearing her head as the past few weeks had been hectic. The girl felt at peace in the forest. She felt tranquilly alone, the leaves crunching beneath her feet, getting lost between the array of evergreen trees. The moonlight shone through the branches, highlighting the cracking bark.
y/n was thinking about her friends. How lucky she felt to have them. Xavier, Enid, Ajax… even Wednesday was her friend, having warmed up to y/n a few days ago, with slight persuasion from Enid, of course.
y/n’s head swivelled at the sudden sound. After a few moments she shrugged it off as a natural occurrence.
y/n now knew she was certainly not alone. Her head whipped around frantically, goosebumps crawling up her arms and the hairs on her neck standing up. A low growl emitted from behind her. Slowly, as to not further encourage whatever beast she had come across, she pivoted on her heel. She could only hope that it wasn’t the famous ‘monster’ that had been killing outcasts and normies alike, left right and centre.
To her dismay, the creature she met eyes with was difficult not to meet eyes with. Wide eyes bulged out of either side of its head, pupils pinprick small. Claws sharp, teeth bared, the creature pounced at her and knocked her to the floor. It lingered above her for a moment or two, as if contemplating its next move. Then, y/n let out a blood-curdling screech as it raised its claw and brought it down on her, leaving a large gash on her stomach and ripping her uniform shirt. Her eyes widened as she looked down to see vermillion seeping into the once pure white fabric.
Before the creature could go any further with injuring her, its head turned, as if it had been called and it ran off frantically. y/n attempted to cry for help but couldn’t get a sound out. Eventually, her eyes gave up on her, breaths shortening and only heaving from her lungs. The last thing she remembered was a tall, human figure approaching her and repeating her name, before it all went black.
“Ty?” y/n attempted to sit up before she noticed the various tubes and machines that were connected to her. Oh, she remembered. Her boyfriend looked over to her in relief, “Oh my God, y/n, I’m so happy you’re awake, baby. I need to call a nurse.” He explained, pushing the button on the wall that would alert the staff. “Do you remember what happened?” He shuffled his chair impossibly closer to her hospital bed, his hand remaining in her limp one. She simply nodded in response, not having much energy to speak. The girl looked up at her boyfriend, meeting his eyes. When she looked into them, she noticed something. A strange look that only someone who had known him for a while would be able to identify as unusual. The couple’s moment was interrupted as a nurse came rushing into the room, the teens’ whipping around to meet her eyes.
“Oh, thank goodness. We thought something bad had happened. Are you alright, honey? We’ve bandaged you up and you seem stable so a day or two and you can head back to Nevermore.” She explained. y/n nodded again. “Why am I not in the Nevermore hospital?” She asked. The nurse sighed, “Legal reasons. Your parents wanted you in a place where the professionals are less likely to be witch doctors.” y/n nodded hesitantly. “Okay. Are my friends allowed to visit?” She attempted to sit up more, Tyler moving his hands to help her. The nurse nodded, “They’ll be able to now that you’re awake. I’ll make a call to Principal Weems so that she can inform them.” y/n smiled for the first time at the though of seeing her friends. The nurse left to make the call.
“Are you sure you’re okay, babe?” Tyler asked, positioning himself on the edge of his girlfriend’s bed. She nodded meekly, “I’m okay. Just a little worn down. Are you?” “Just tired. I stayed here the whole time.” “Who found me? How’d I get here?” “I found you when I was walking through the woods to clear my head. It was terrifying. I’m so sorry.” He bowed his head in what appeared to y/n as sadness but what was truly guilt.
“What’re you sorry for, babe?” She gently reached a hand up to cup his face. To his surprise, he leaned into her action of affection. He shrugged slightly, “I dunno. That I wasn’t with you. I could’ve saved you from whatever did this.” y/n shook her head frantically, “No, no, Ty. This isn’t your fault. You wouldn’t have been able to do anything to that… monster. The thing is I’m safe now. Ty, are you sure you’re okay? You look a little pale.” She raised her hand from his cheek to his forehead, inspecting his temperature.
“I’m fine. I was just worried. I’m just glad that you’re okay.” y/n couldn’t quite figure it out but she felt that something was off about her boyfriend. She felt that he was being sincere but that look in his eyes she had noticed earlier, before the nurse arrived was something she’d never seen in Tyler before. However, despite being unconscious for the past 12 hours, y/n had soon grown tired. Tyler noticed her drooping eyelids and gently helped her lay back down. Sweet, she thought. He tenderly stroked his hand over her face, shushing her to sleep and when she her body fell limp with fatigue, he placed a kiss on her forehead with a gentle hum.
Light snores rose from her slightly open mouth as he whispered something that no one else would ever hear, with an immorally bitten back smirk.
“You have no idea what’s coming.”
y/n sluggishly blinked open her eyes and absorbed her surroundings. The near excruciating bright white of the horizontally placed hospital lights above her head made waking up a more treacherous job than in already was with her injuries. She shuffled back on the bed, noticing that Tyler had left, most likely for a shift at the Weathervane or school. Her mouth was dry from sleep, glancing at the clock she noticed she’d slept for three hours. She scanned the table at her bedside, not a single glass of water in sight. With no other choice, she pressed the button for the nurse to come rushing through the door.
“Yes, dear?” The same nurse from earlier asked. “Could I get a glass of water, please?” “Why of course. Your friends are in the waiting room. Would you like me to send them in?” y/n immediately perked up and shuffled into a higher seated position. She bit back a huge grin and replied, “Yes, send them in.” She was gone for a few moments before seven of her friends adorning their Nevermore uniforms came barrelling through the door, followed by a monotone Wednesday who entered calmly and closed the door behind her.
“Y/n!” “You’re alive!” “Tell us everything.” “Are you okay?”
“Guys!” Xavier mediated, the rest of them shutting up. “I’m okay, guys.” She smiled up at them, fiddling with her fingers. Bianca took a seat at the foot of her bed, Yoko by her side, “Where’s that loser normie boyfriend of yours, then?” y/n rolled her eyes playfully at Bianca’s description of Tyler, “I think he had work. I don’t know, but he found me in the woods and stayed with me until I fell asleep a few hours ago. He must’ve left during my nap.” She explained.
“Hang on a sec… Tyler said he found you in the woods?” Ajax asked, leaning against the wall closest to her bed. y/n nodded. The group all shared looks and y/n noticed a sceptical, wide-eyed Wednesday. “Wednesday, I know you always look like you’ve seen a ghost, but… you look like you’ve seen about twenty!” y/n observed. Wednesday shrugged, “It’s nothing.” She deadpanned.
“What’s going on, guys?” y/n queried, worried. “The thing is, y/n, love, it was Xavier who found you in the woods. Not Tyler.” Enid confessed. y/n looked to Xavier in confusion. “I was leaving my art shed when I heard screaming not to far into the woods. Then I saw you on the floor, called an ambulance and they took you here.” y/n’s brow furrowed, “Why would Ty lie about that, though?” She brought a finger up to her lips and chewed on her nail in deep thought. Divina brought her hand up to y/n’s knee and stroked it comfortingly. “I’m sure he had a good reason.” Kent encouraged weakly. A million thoughts were running through y/n’s head at once.
Was Tyler cheating on her and wanted an alibi or something? Was it something deeper than that?
“I have to go.” Wednesday spoke out of nowhere. y/n nodded, thinking nothing of it. Wednesday was a strange girl and her mysterious disappearances during important moments were nothing new. As Wednesday exited the room, y/n noticed Bianca’s little sigh of relief. y/n understood why Bianca wasn’t keen on Wednesday. She showed up out of nowhere, showing her up in almost every class and stealing the attention of her ex-boyfriend who she still liked. It wasn’t something that happened everyday and it wasn’t the most pleasant experience after a heavy break up. Although Xavier and Bianca were broken up, they were still friendly with one another and could stand to be in the same room if it was for the sake of their friend.
“Are you alright, y/n?” Enid asked. y/n shrugged, “I guess. I wish I could get these stupid wires off of me, I just wanna go back to school. Back to normal.” “You will soon. Now all you can do is rest. Visiting hours are up in a minute, so we better go. Get well soon, the nurse said you’ll be back in school later tomorrow.” Yoko smiled as everyone got up to leave.
“Bye, y/n/n.” “Bye!”
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a/n: tysm for this request, it was so fun to write! i’m defo gonna do a part two so if the original requester (or anyone else but the original requester would be great) has any ideas for pt. 2 that would be much appreciated! the angst is coming, i promiseee!!!!!! also, what do you guys think should be y/n’s reason for being in nevermore. i think i’m gonna go with her being telekinetic or psychic!
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maybankswhore · 1 year
no body , no crime ’ tyler galpin
pairings: tyler galpin x reader
summary: after noticing tyler’s abnormal behavior , you start piecing things together. and at your breaking point , you confront tyler about the things you’re beginning to assume & feel.
warnings: cursing , gaslighting , betrayal , heartbreak , sadness , shitty writing.
“ i think he did it & i just can’t prove it. ”
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You tried really hard to ignore that feeling in your stomach.
You really , really did.
But you knew Tyler better than anyone else. Better than his dad , better than Wednesday Addams could ever , and even better than himself.
It was a slow transition. It didn’t happen all at once. It took you awhile to remember back to when it first started. . . Before Wednesday even arrived , or before the two had even met.
One day he had came into the Weathervane so happy. His entire mood was energetic and bouncy. His eyes were wide and pupils were dilated. You swore up and down that he was high or something. And when you asked , he gave some vague answer about just being happy and he kissed your cheek , and then you never talked about it again.
He started staying out later. Gradually as the weeks went by and the seasons changed , you saw less and less of Tyler once evening came.
Unless he was working a late shift at the coffee shop , the latest you saw him was six in the afternoon and if you were lucky , seven thirty.
You tried ignoring it at first. You told yourself you were being silly and he was probably just really busy , or depressed and wasn’t ready to talk about it. You tried every excuse in the book to ignore the feeling you got every time you were next to him.
Then he started getting more tired of you. He snapped at you more and his eyes were forever changed to a dark brown compared the shimmering light hazel look they held when he was in the sun. Sometimes the bags under his eyes were so bad , you’d be worried sick something was really wrong.
Once Wednesday waltzed herself into Tyler’s life , his attention was immediately on her. It struck your heart , truly , seeing as though he seemed to really enjoy his time around her. More than he was having with you in the last six months.
The disappearance of Rowan was the last straw from you. All of the sneaking around , the whispers from Xavier and Wednesday talking about like nobody else around them could hear. . . but you did.
You had researched as much as you could. Coming into a couple dead ends until the night Wednesday was attacked by Rowan— and Tyler was nowhere to be seen.
You waited to confront him until it was the right time. The waiting nearly killed you. Sick to your stomach , wondering what to say and how to go about it. It was Tyler. Out of all people it was Tyler , and you could never see someone as kind and patient as him potentially be something so evil.
But you needed to find out the truth.
Finally you had your chance when he picked you up in Jericho after you called , demanding that you two spoke. He tried making up an excuse to get out of it , like he had been doing for months. But you didn’t let up.
“So what couldn’t wait.” Tyler sighed as he parked the car in a vacant parking lot , turning down the AC so he could hear you better.
You slid yourself towards the passenger door , swallowing the nerve’s threatening to come up as you avoided looking at him. “You’ve been lying to me.” You muttered , recounting every lie he had told , each time and each different excuse.
Tyler scoffed. “About what?” He shook his head and watched you carefully , noticing the unusual distance you were keeping.
“You know you have.” You pushed. You focused on your own hands , playing with them to ease your nerves. “I–I’ve been wondering what’s going on with you. Why you haven’t been here. . .” your bottom lip trembled as you were finally able to speak about your feelings , feel closure behind everything you’ve been thinking in your head. You weren’t crazy.
“No.” You cut him off sternly , finally picking your head back up to look him in the eye. “Tell me the truth , Tyler. Was it you that hurt Rowan? Made him disappear?” You accused. You remembered Wednesday’s mumbling about to her floating hand ‘thing’– as she called him. Your lurking and eavesdropping was not for nothing— and you were putting the pieces together.
It couldn’t have been Xavier. Not when Tyler disappeared exactly when things conspired.
“W–What?” Tyler’s eyes grew wide at your big accusation. Sweat began to form at the back of his neck , scoffing dismissively. “You can’t be seriously asking me that.”
“I am.” You defended yourself , crossing your arms. “I don’t know what it is you’re doing , Tyler but I know there’s something you’re not telling me.” Your breath was shaky as you paused to collect yourself. “And if you aren’t telling me about me , then I know it can’t be anything good because you– you’ve always been honest with me. You’ve always told me everything.” Feeling yourself getting worked up , you sat up and turned your head away from him.
Tyler looked like a deer in headlights. You couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen this coming— that his actions hadn’t mattered to you or something. Like you hadn’t cared enough to notice something was different.
“Is it some prank you’re pulling with your normie friends?” You filled his silence with more accusations. “Or is it something even worse , Tyler? Something that’s gonna get people hurt— you hurt?”
“How could you ask me something like that?” Tyler gaped at you. His face full of hurt. “I told you I slipped off to use the bathroom—” he shook his head. “Y/N you’re my girlfriend.” He looked at you square in the eye , searching your face and scanning your expression. “You know me.”
You shook your head almost laughing. “Do I? I’ve barely even seen you these past few weeks. You’re always out , doing something with Wednesday then going to therapy and going God knows where every night when you tell me you have things to do and never elaborate what those things are! You don’t speak to me half the time , or look at me. When we are together you’re somewhere else , counting down the seconds until you’re finally rid of me.”
“That’s not true.” Tyler scratched his head anxiously , shaking his head quickly. “It’s not. I’m sorry , okay? I’m sorry I’ve been distant I’ve just—” he tried coming up with something quick , sensing your disconnection. He didn’t like it and he didn’t like the situation he was in.
He loved you. He really did. He hadn’t meant for everything to get screwed up. You were never supposed to be apart of anything.
“We can get better.” Tyler reasoned. He reached over the center console to find your hand that had been fisting the material of your clothes for comfort. You sighed at the contact , eye’s fluttering closed.
“That doesn’t explain what’s going on.” You said lowly. You should’ve took your hand away , but you couldn’t. You liked the feeling too much. You missed him way too much. “Something bad is going on , Tyler. I know there is. What aren’t you telling me?” Finally getting the courage to meet his eyes , your eyes locked together and you could feel your shoulders start to relax and your body crave to get closer to his. The sadness in his eyes , glazing over with anxiety and hesitation. You hated seeing him like this. “Please. . .” you whispered , reaching up to cup his cheek. “Tell me what’s going on.”
Tyler’s eyes began to tear up as you touched him. He didn’t realize how far apart the two of you had been. He melted into your palm , fluttering his eyes closed at the touch. “I wish I could.”
“You can.” You pushed. “Whatever it is , we can get through it together.”
“I just. . .” Tyler sighed. “I just need you to not give up on me.” He avoided your question easily , pleading with his eyes to get you to drop it.
Your stomach fell at his words and you knew.
“I can feel my heart breaking.” You whispered to him. “Because I’m scared.”
Tyler frowned and grabbed your chin softly. “Hey , don’t say that. You shouldn’t be scared of anything.”
“I’m scared about how much it’s gonna hurt when I find out what’s going on with you Tyler.” You admitted shamefully , bottom lip trembling. “Because I know you , more than anyone and something isn’t right.”
You had no proof. You had nothing but assumptions that you had pieced together. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as you were thinking. Maybe you were being overdramatic and let Wednesday’s detective act was getting to you.
You wanted to believe him but you couldn’t.
Whatever he was doing , you couldn’t prove it. And without proof , you had nothing.
But you were going to find out.
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cvpitvno · 2 years
I NEED someone to write sub!tyler galpin x reader. It's a crume how no one did it at the moment
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subby tyler is only something that will be seen after you actually gain his full and complete trust
in a sense, tyler gives you all the control you can have in that situation and follows all the orders he's given to a point without complaint
he truly is an amazing sub
subby tyler is both into being the bottom while you ride him as well as being the one fucked by you
edge him and he'll melt
i'm talking run your thumb over the tip of his cock, squeezing at his balls, riding or jerking him off but don't let him cum until he's literally crying
he lives for it all
tyler isn't above begging when he's subbing
if he wants something, you don't have to even pry it out of him
he'll beg, whine, pant, and maybe even cry if you give him the attention he so much longs for
onto the softer side of subby!tyler
tyler needs a soft touch every now and then
with a tough upbringing and not enough love from his father, he's eager to be praised and have words of love whispered to him
he's a sucker for his hair being played with, so if you're deep inside of him or sat on his cock, run your fingers through his curls gently and he'll be putty in your hands in no time
anyways, subby tyler for the win
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Wednesday Holiday Preference
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Fandom: Wednesday
To everyone who does or does not celebrate, may you have a gentle holiday. And happy Yule ;)
Wednesday Addams: She fondly regales childhood christmases of pouring water on relentless carolers and stoking the fireplace with Pugsley to surely burn 'Old Saint Nick.', Wednesday also enjoys Old World christmas tales, specifically Krampus but tells you about many of the 'lesser known' stories and beings. Her family keeps up with the Victorian tradition of ghost stories for the holiday too.
Enid Sinclair: Super excited! She loves how pretty everything looks and all the beautiful lights! The winter months and all the cute dates to go on, such aesthetic cozy hot chocolate cafe dates watching the snow fall, ice skating, walking by the frozen lake, decorating and festive candles! So many 'cute' "ugly sweaters". She loves all of it and her instagram shows. It's also the best weather for cuddling up with you to stay warm and watch the snow fall.
Ajax Petropolus: He got you a gift months in advance when he was out with you and found the perfect thing, brags to Xavier for weeks how good he is at gift giving. You're gonna love it. 3 days before it occurs to him that he had no gift for you. PANICS texting Xavier that he forgot and is fully bundled about to trek to Jericho on foot in the snow before Xav (a real bro) walks into his closet and brings out the gift,
Xavier Thorpe: Holiday break has always been extra depressing for Xavier, a big empty house and not even an apology in the text that his father wont make it. The thought of being able to spend a time that everyone says is so filled with warmth and joy with you, has him giddier than he knows what to do with.
He really likes going for walks and is captivating staring at you in light snow. Pull him into the snow and get him to make snow angels, he hasn't done that since he was small and is in a fit of joy. Stick a snowball down his jacket After you've both been chilled to the bone go inside to watch some christmas movies, any you want (like Krampus or Elf) and snuggle under a blanket with some hot chocolate. You like baking sugar cookies and having him The Artist decorate them all.
Kent the Siren: Snowball fights! As soon as the first snow starts to cover the ground, Kent has dug out his winter gear and shows up at your dorm with and extra scarf and hat ready to drag you outside. He will not hold back either, but if you act hurt or sad he will come to apologize for the snowball and you ambush him. Never sees it coming. Also snowmen!
Bianca Barclay: She is one of those people that goes berserk buying presents, will have a list of what to get everyone in advance, "You don't even really like Wednesday though?" Bianca, checking her list: "So?" She will weather the worst holiday shopping rush and come out on top (will Siren Song someone into dropping the item she wants or throw hands if needed), somehow she never loses you in the stores even when you're lost, and you go out to a warm cafe afterwards like she didn't have a military scale gift operation before.
Tyler Galpin: Between his job and his dad's tight leash, he doesn't have much free time for cute winter dates, but after work he likes to look at the decorations and shop displays while he walks you home. (If something catches your eye he comes back to buy it as soon as he can.) Weathervane doesn't have a lot of Holiday Specials but he gives you 'complimentary' ones to try and experiments trying to make you little festive drinks when it's slow.
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