acesgw2corner · 4 years
Commander Week: Day 6 “Opposite Day”
What would your Commander be like if they were the opposite of how they are normally? Would they surround themselves with different people? Would they do things differently? Are people aware that they are acting differently in this scenario? What are their reactions? Maybe they’re playing a prank, or they’re drunk? This prompt is literally just to have some silly fun so go wild!
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Decided to take a step out of my comfort zone and tried drawing one of the NPCs. Turned out alright :D
Tzurael and his twin, Caeshe, avoided drinking as much as possible thanks to an experience with the Nightmare Court when they were newly awakened saplings. It just leaves one too vulnerable when drinking in excess. However, after Joko’s defeat, Tzurael couldn’t say no to Canch’s invitation. He was stressed and needed a way to alleviate it and not to mention Canach said he was paying. As such, Tzurael’s inner turmoil was brought to the surface and his optimistic and strong-willed façade broke. It was a surprise to the older Sylvari since Tzurael always seemed to have himself well kept together but after seeing this, started to think otherwise. He brought Tzurael back to the quarters that Dragon’s Watch and the others were taking refuge in and was promptly yelled at by a belligerent Caeshe. Canach kept what he witnessed to himself but afterwards does try his best to alleviate some of Tzuraels’ burdens. 
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acesgw2corner · 4 years
Commander Week: Day 2 “Champion”
How did your Commander feel about being chosen by Glint’s egg as its Champion? Were they excited? Honored? Concerned? How did the people close to them react to it? How is their relationship with Aurene, how does it develop? Did becoming Aurene’s Champion change them in any way, be it physically or mentally?
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Tzurael, young as he is, was excited at the prospect of being a ‘dad’. He had heard of the term during his travels and as his time as the Pact Commander and as such, was more than happy to take on the responsibility of taking care of Glint’s Egg. When Aurene hatched, his excitement only grew and if it wasn’t for his obligation as Commander, would have spent all his time with his ‘daughter’. His twin, Caeshe, wasn’t too keen on the idea as the two of them were already busy as they are. But, if it makes Tzurael happy, he was willing to tolerate it. Eventually he started seeing himself as Aurene’s uncle.
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acesgw2corner · 4 years
Commander Week: Day 5 “Family”
Who does your Commander consider their family? Do they care about blood relations? Are their relatives still alive? What is or was their relationship with them? Do they surround themselves with friends that they consider their family? What is their attitude towards marriage and having kids of their own? Is family important to them at all? 
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Tzurael obviously sees everyone in Dragon’s Watch his family and as such, always tries to find an excuse to give them gifts. No matter the reason. He sees Rytlock as a Father figure, Kas and Jory like his sisters/Aunts, Braham as a brother, Taimi a sister, and obviously Canach an older brother. He also has a podtwin, Caeshe, who he reconnected (physically and mentally) a year later and who became next in command if anything were to happen to him. 
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acesgw2corner · 4 years
Commander Week: Day 4 “Turning Point”
What was a decisive turning point in your Commander’s life? Was it a great victory? A great loss? Something they witnessed someone else do or say that influenced them? Did they maybe defy expectations that other people set for them? Was it something that came easy, or did they have to fight for that change to happen? Did they have any influence over it at all? Was it a positive change, or would they rather it never happened? 
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A turning point in Tzurael’s life was when his twin, Caeshe, went Soundless. He had always thought the two of them would always be together till the end of time. At first, Tzurael felt betrayed and hurt but then later came to realize that both himself and Caeshe are separate entities. They need to take their own paths. This helped Tzurael push forward and eventually, his path converged with his brother’s nearly a year later.
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acesgw2corner · 4 years
Commander Week: Day 7 “Legacy”
What do you think how Tyria will view your Commander centuries into the future? Will they go down in history as a positive figure, or will they become a cautionary tale? Is your Commander concerned about their legacy at all? What would they want to be known for most to future generations? Or would they rather not be remembered at all?
I have two different scenarios/answers for this.
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Since the Sylvari are a young race, it’s hard to tell how long they could live but if their lifespan is like elves, then I would like to imagine Tzurael would be alive centuries later. If not, then perhaps because he’s Aurene’s champion and with her ascension, their connection caused him to have a long life. At this point, he would of course, be retired from being Commander and would most likely be a mentor in the Grove or perhaps a teacher elsewhere. People of course would tell his past accomplishments and since he would still be alive, he would be more than happy to recount them. Tzurael would also grow out his hair since he would actually have time to take care of it.
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The second answer would be that there would always be heroes throughout Tyria’s history and there would be a time when they would encounter Glint and learn of Tzurael’s accomplishments for whatever reason. I imagine this as a way to help on their venture. And to help keep her father’s champion’s memory alive. More than likely the future heroes of Tyria would use this information as a way to instill confidence whenever they face something practically impossible. Nonetheless, Tzurael doesn’t really care about his legacy. He had his adventure, he has his fun, by himself and with friends, and that would be enough for him. 
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acesgw2corner · 4 years
Commander Week: Day 1 “Origins”
Where does your Commander come from? How did they grow up? Who influenced them when they were young and impressionable? What were their goals and aspirations? If they are Sylvari, what was it like waking up from the Dream?
This is late but I am determined to do the rest of the the week. Should have the rest of them up later. 
Anyway, Tzurael awakened during the Cycle of Night with his twin, Caeshe. The two of them were, of course, placed under the care of their Luminary Malomedies. While undertaking studies of the world outside of the Grove, Tzurael also took the time to tend to his twin, who had awakened weak and frail, since Tzurael took most of the nutrients in their pod. 
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This doesn’t stop him from venturing around and possibly causing trouble however.
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acesgw2corner · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Guild Wars 2 (Video Game), Guild Wars Series (Video Games) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Characters: Male Sylvari Player Character (Guild Wars), Tzurael, Caeshe, Rytlock Brimstone, Crecia Stoneglow, Braham Eirsson, Jhavi Jorasdottir, Aurene (Guild Wars) Additional Tags: Near Death Experiences, Canonical Character Death, Living World Episode: s05e02 Shadow in the Ice, Living Story Spoilers, No idea what else to put in here so kudos Summary:
Caeshe had held his tongue for years, followed his twin through his adventures as Commander, no matter the situation and problem after problem being thrusted upon them. But now, Caeshe has enough.
*Spoilers for Shadow in the Ice*
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acesgw2corner · 4 years
Commander Week: Day 3 “Free Time”
What does your Commander like to do in their down time? Do they have any hobbies or special talents? Are there any special places they like to go to recharge? Can they even enjoy their free time or are they a chronic workaholic who plans battles while soaking in a hot spring?
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As the Commander, Tzurael feels obligated to keep working. How can he rest when there’s people, lots of people, depending on him? As such, most of his free time is spent working on plans and what their next move is going to be. This often puts him at odds with his twin, who often has to force him to sleep.
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However, if he does somehow allow himself some time to himself, he likes to doodle.
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