vbeserk · 4 years
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I recently participated in a discussion about the A-10 and it's retirement from service and a few points caught my eye and really made me think about it, so i decided to make a post to share with all of you and know what you guys think about the subject.
So, what was my opinion BEFORE the whole thing. I had the solid opinion that the A-10 should remain in service for as long as possible, benefiting from upgrades like new engines and electronics. To me, it was a crucial piece for CAS and ground attack role.
Then the discussion happened and some really good info popped up, even though i think some of the things that people said were a little bit off but they were all true or close to it.
I'll break this down into two points, to be more organized:
1 - The A-10 was conceived during the Cold War, between the 60's, to fight a large-scale invasion from the Soviet Union. It was good then but now it is not so useful.
This one is what really makes me think about the subject. With it's first flight happening in 1972, the A-10's development happened during the 1960, that was roughly fifty years ago, a different era, a different time and different technologies. The primary role of the A-10 is to take out tanks with it's 30mm GAU-8A Avenger cannon and as secondary to mop up some other ground targets with missiles, rockets and bombs.
The thing is, it was intended to fight T-55s, T-60s, T-72s, T-80s and i even reach out to say that it can go after T-90s. If we look at it, apart from the T-90, all other ones are now considered old and obsolete tanks, mostly used by nations with low defense budget or with troubles to have an up-to-date MBT (Main Battle Tank). One of the comments said that in a modern, full-scale war scenario, the A-10 would face modern MBTs to destroy such as the T-14 Armata but the thing is that these units can hold their own against the 30mm shots, unlike it's older, Cold War counterparts and this would nullify the Hog as a viable primary attack option, all of this without including the fielding of modern SAM units like the S-400 and radars that can detected stealth and is fully able to track a big, slow moving, straight wing, attacker.
2 - Modern multirole planes can take over the CAS and ground attack roles.
This one is quite controversial but flexibility has been the key element with operational combat aircraft, the F-16 is a lightweight fighter but is capable of ground attack and CAS with the latest iterations being classified as multirole rather than fighter, this also happened with the F-15 with the E variant being a multirole but the A-10 remained a single role, attacker, not having the wide flexibility of other planes. Some comments compared the Warthog with the B-52 and it's long service life but with a more analytical view on the operational service and development of the Stratofortress, it started as a nuclear bomber, switched to conventional, high altitude bombing role and today is a weapons platform, capable of using a huge array of missiles and bombs, it adapted to the newer techs and advanced along with the time and despite it's age, it is one of USAF's most important combat assets, the Hog on the other hand, has made little changes in it's roles due to it's not so great flexibility.
One of the comments also brought up that during the last wars, the A-10 only participated in 10% of the CAS and ground attack operations because other multirole aircraft have been taking part in these sorties due to the greater flight speed of such aircraft. I don't know how much of this is true but i believe that it is not far from the actual numbers. And now with stealth planes coming into action, this should push the A-10 out of these missions even more.
These were some of the points that popped up and made me think about if the A-10 should really remain in service.
My opinion now has slightly changed, i still want the A-10 to remain in service with upgrades and service life extensions but all of this has limited effect due to the original conception of the aircraft and that can't be changed without significant cost, the A-10 was built to be a ground attack, tank killer and only this.
I think that if other multirole planes like the F-15E, F-35 and F-16 can take up CAS and ground attack roles with success then it is not worth to spend millions into an equipment that won't be used as much and also including the safety of the pilots since the Eagle, F-35 and the Viper have the necessary A2A abilities to defend itself from hostile combat aircraft.
What do you guys think about this? It seems that it is a subject with tons of information to be discussed and many points of view.
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mx-yip-yip-hooary · 4 years
Hello, can you help out? I’m so sorry if this is out of line, but we are basically desperate over here. If you could donate or just share this link we would be very thankful.
Me and my friend are both in debt. He has to pay for his tuition and I have bills to pay that are already being delayed for a few months.
Again I apologize if this is out of line or uncomfortable, but I have tried a lot of things to help share this link, but it has been in vain so far.
If you do read this and help, we would be very thankful. But if you do decide to ignore this we would also understand.
Thank you so much. XoXo
The link is also on my blog
I can’t donate, but I can signal boost :D 
@honeyxmonkey @justanotherhopelessfanartist @brushes-of-sage @galaxy-creationz @leania112 @leto-art @loverofallthingsdisney @bean-kiwi @welcometothefarshore @whitecatindisguise @rachelbethhines @tesserphantom @oliver-zophie-rose @pandoras-promise @allthestarsandi @saltycorpsefromhell @froggietheunicorn @henry-stick-min @jkoo7jkoo5-baby-susan @jordan-alexander-17 @kjm621 @newsies-of-corona @mena-2001 @marcelisaverage @qdqmedia @wdf76 @edsv @radfully @tfsdunximboo-blog @yummyfoooooood @ugfully @igdonnelly @oopsthejokesonyou @pdlcomics @afstotend @sdfgdfghdfg @dgdfgdfgdf @fgss1118 @hgk477 @ghvxdhn @hjstory @jklbyjkl @klappersacks @lsdforfree @zfg @vcx @xcomplex @cvlnmafia @vbeserk @bnmxfld @nmaahc @mkeverydays @asdfghjkllove @fadstaff2016 @fdsfsadufiasd @ghibli-forever @hjkhkl @jkkjhfg @kladraws @lazxros @dsneymovies @dfgh5y66hh6fr-blog @wetheurban @actualdogvines @afvofficial 
Don’t worry, you’ll get through this :> 
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guangongtravel · 6 years
飛機迫降原來因為鄰座體味? 4單因太臭令飛機迫降事件
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泛航航空 (Transavia) 一班從杜拜飛往阿姆斯特丹的航機,被迫中途降落,原來係因為有個老人家係飛機上不停放屁。結果2名荷蘭男子向機組人員投訴,結果就嘈交,無人勸得掂,搞到要中途降落,然後就報警處理。最後有份嘈交個乘客都被列入航空公司黑名單。
3. 爆馬桶,機長都頂唔順
印度廉航Spice Jet一班客機起飛左唔到1個鐘,個洗手間就發生故障,係咪有人用到壞左就唔知,不過個馬桶壞到d污糟水流曬出黎,而臭味蔓延到駕駛艙,機師都頂唔順,決定迫降,維修好先再飛。
相片來源:vbeserk  @tumblr
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lectio-divina · 4 years
Storie Brevi  (Atto Divino)
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(immagine via Tumblr/vbeserk)
Il mostro spaziale Gotlib sposta il mirino del suo cannone a fotoni su un piccolo pianeta della galassia di Andromeda, lo inquadra per un attimo e passa al suo leggio: -Fuggenzium.- Commenta, - Costellazione di Mirach, due miliardi e mezzo di abitanti.- Torna al cannone, osserva il pianeta e fa fuoco, il piccolo pianeta semplicemente scompare. Soddisfatto sposta di nuovo il mirino a caso, fino a trovare un pianeta di medie dimensioni, lo osserva per un attimo e torna al leggio: -Aspersi, trentaquattro milioni di abitanti.- Allunga dubbioso un dito adunco sulla pagina: -Orbita nei pressi delle gigante brillante Zeh,- E aggiunge: -Dunque perché no.- Torna al cannone a fotoni e fa fuoco, e il pianeta Aspersi della galassia di Andromeda sparisce dal cosmo. -Basta con Andromeda.- Prosegue fiacco, -Vediamo un po' cosa c'è nella via lattea.- E sposta il mirino fino ad intercettarla, mette a fuoco un minuscolo pianeta azzurro e torna al leggio: -Sistema solare, pianeta terra, otto miliardi di abitanti.- Viene interrotto dal fischio perentorio della teiera alle sue spalle: -Vabbè,- Aggiunge, -Per oggi basta.-
Et voilà, l'arcano, il rovesciamento dell'orizzonte, il passaggio attraverso lo specchio:
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Cane Bianco, di Fester Abrams, un giallo, lo trovi su Amazon , gratis con Kindle Unlimited, da Giunti e da Feltrinelli.
Manhattan, Battery Park, pomeriggio, una giovane donna porta il cane a passeggio, un incontro fortuito, un attimo di leggerezza e il cane scompare. Sera, lobby del Sagram Building, Upper East Side, “Il quartiere delle calze di seta”, il padre della giovane, persona avanti negli anni, ma determinato al limite del coriaceo, esce di casa deciso a ritrovare il cane. Farà l'alba sui marciapiedi, fra personaggi grotteschi e onirici, baristi dei bassifondi e derelitti da strada, ciascuno avrà in mano una traccia, una moneta da scambiare col ricco signore, chi per gioco o empatia, chi per invidia o disprezzo. Sono ore di febbrile ricerca, che condurranno il protagonista verso un finale inaspettato: Che ne è stato del cane bianco?
Un giallo imprevedibile, su cui abbiamo lavorato a lungo, tutti insieme, riversandoci le nostre cure, attente e appassionate, sia per la sostanza che per la forma. Il risultato è una gioia, per gli occhi e per la mente, un piacere che soltanto una piccola casa editrice è in grado di offrire.
Edito da: Lectio Divina edizioni - LOVE AND READ BOOKS -
lectio-divina.tumblr.com ©Tutti i diritti riservati
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neupin · 5 years
vbeserk: “Going low! SAAB JAS-39C Gripen ” Watch out, SAABs no good low!
https://www.xtvshow.com/kampfflugzeuge/vbeserk-going-low-saab-jas-39c-gripen-watch-out-saabs-no-good-low/ vbeserk: “Going low! SAAB JAS-39C Gripen ” Watch out, SAABs no good low! - https://www.xtvshow.com/kampfflugzeuge/vbeserk-going-low-saab-jas-39c-gripen-watch-out-saabs-no-good-low/ - #going #good #gripen #JAS39C #Saab #Saabs #vbeserk #Watch
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