roshni99 · 4 months
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🌟 Embrace a healthier you in the new year! 🎉❄️ Feeling unwell in the winter chill? Need a doctor? Raphacure provides personalized care and expert guidance on your journey to wellness. Discover the path to a vibrant and resilient you in 2024! 🏥✨
🌐 https://www.raphacure.com/Virtual-Consultation?Specialization=virtual
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kapeefit · 5 months
Tips for Maintaining Mental Health During the Dark and Cold Winter Days
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The short days and frigid temperatures of winter tax even the most cheerful dispositions. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) plagues over 10 million Americans, particularly women. Yet a range of lifestyle measures and mindset shifts empower you to actively uplift mood despite external gloom.
Let There Be Light
Sunshine serves as our primary and most powerful antidepressant sourced from nature thanks to specific light-sensitive brain receptors. Deprivation during darker months directly correlates to low mood, energy and disrupted sleep-wake cycles. Outsmart the seasonal dip by surrogate sunshine and strategic scheduling.  
Sit Near Windows – Position your desk, kitchen table or favorite reading nook beside large windows to maximize natural daylight exposure, even when overcast.  
Walk Outside Daily – Bundle up and step outdoors for a short vigorous walk once mid-morning to soak up whatever rays exist on even the dreariest days. The movement and fresh air perk you up too.  
Try Light Therapy – Special SAD therapy lamps delivering up to 10,000 lux brightness mimic sunshine’s mood and energy boosting effects. Use for 30-60 minutes early morning.
Time Tasks Right – Knock out analytical work, exercise, social calls and household chores during peak daylight hours. Reserve unwinding and screen time for darker evenings to better regulate melatonin. 
Eat Energy Promoting Foods  
What you eat directly impacts energy production, stress resilience, hormones and neurotransmitters that shape mood. Make dietary upgrades at the cellular level to sidestep thesluggishness that accompanies winter.
Complex Carbs - Whole grains like oats, quinoa and buckwheat provide an instant yet sustainable energy lift while delivering nervine-supporting B vitamins.  
Clean Proteins - Tryptophan-rich proteins from wild caught salmon, grass-fed meats, pasture-raised eggs, spirulina and hemp help produce mood-balancing serotonin.
Prebiotic Fiber - Chicory root, garlic, onions, leeks and asparagus contain prebiotic fibers that feed healthy gut microbes tied to mental health.
Leafy Greens - Magnesium and folate packed spinach, swiss chard and arugula counteract mood-disrupting inflammation and nutrient deficiencies.
Healthy Fats - Brain-building omegas from fatty fish, olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds fortify nerve cell membranes against environmental and emotional stressors. 
Stay Hydrated - Dehydration causes fatigue and mood plummets. Herbal tea, electrolyte drinks and fruit-spiked water keep fluid levels optimal.  
Curb Inflammatory Foods - Limit sugar, refined carbohydrates, conventional dairy and factory farmed animal products shown to promote systemic inflammation and subsequent depression.
Destress Your Environment 
External surroundings wield tremendous influence over our emotional states, for better or worse. Cultivate a personal atmosphere across living and work spaces designed specifically to uplift women’s moods amid winter’s gloom. 
Add Full Spectrum Lighting - Replace any cool fluorescent bulbs with warmer broad spectrum LED lights to mimic natural light.  
Houseplants - Nature connects you to simpler joys while quite literally cleansing air. Grow low-light plants like pathos, aloe, philodendrons, orchids, ferns or cacti.
Use Essential Oils - Citrus, floral, herbaceous and woodsy aromas promote calm and optimism through scent pathways to the limbic brain. Diffuse oils like bergamot, clary sage and frankincense. 
Play Uplifting Music - Create a customized peppy playlist to flood spaces with favored soul-stirring artists and songs. 
Display Cheerful Art - Surround yourself with framed visuals and accents featuring vibrant colors, floral motifs, positive words or scenic landscapes.
Declutter - Clear clutter literally lifts overwhelm so you think more clearly. Toss, donate or organize any excess stuff weighing you down indoors.
Infuse Life & Activity
Holiday bustle gives way to stillness and isolation during winter’s early sunsets and frigid temps. But connecting with others and keeping busy redirects women’s focus from seasonally triggered sadness. 
Schedule Socializing - Make plans ahead of time to catch up with friends and family regularly in person, over the phone or via video chat. Check in at least weekly.
Join Classes - From cooking to crafting to fitness, classes offer structure while learning something new often proves therapeutic. Many studios and gyms run January specials too!  
Say Yes More - Accept invitations even when you feel like staying cocooned up at home. New input and community interactions lift spirits.  
Volunteer - Giving back gets you outside your own head, helping others in uplifting ways with like-minded volunteers. Animal rescues, food banks and conservation groups need winter assistance too.
Plan Future Travel - Having wanderlust-worthy adventures on the calendar generates joyful anticipation during in the interim. Sketching upcoming trip dreams also helps manifest them! 
Adopt Mindfulness Habits
Commit to an ongoing mindfulness practice damping down stress reactivity and negative thought patterns that drag women into winter doldrums. Reconnect more purposefully to the present moment.
Breathwork - Simple deep belly breathing activates the parasympathetic “rest and digest” nervous system response, lowering cortisol levels.  
Meditation - Consistent active or open awareness meditation strengthens neural pathways supporting relaxed focus, healthier perception and self-efficacy. Start small with 5 minutes daily building up to 20.
Gratitude Practice - Keeping a gratitude journal or reciting 3-5 things you’re thankful for daily physiologically combats pessimism and victim mindset over time by retraining the brain’s negativity bias.  
Affirmations – Begin each morning stating positive “I am...” affirmations like “I am empowered”, “I am at peace” or “I am resilient” outload to cement the neural network supporting that self-concept. Fake it ‘till you make it!
Let winter breath new life into your rut-busting creativity and self care commitment rather than defeat you. Implement even a couple tips here consistently to emerge from hibernation brighter, energized and more resilient no matter what the forecast has in store!
Explore KapeeFit.com for Essential Tips on Sustaining Mental Health Amidst Dark and Cold Days. Prioritize Your Mind, Navigate the Season with Resilience. Dive In Now!
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somnathashaaryan-blog · 5 months
Frosty Fitness: A Holistic Handbook for Thriving in Winter's Chill
As winter descends upon us, bringing with it a frosty embrace, the season presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities for our health and well-being. In this holistic handbook, we'll explore strategies to not only navigate the chill but to thrive during the winter months. From mindful movement to nourishing foods and self-care rituals, let's embark on a journey towards holistic winter wellness.
1. Mindful Movement in the Snow: Embracing Winter Exercise
Winter often tempts us to stay indoors, but the season can be an invigorating time for physical activity. Rather than seeing it as a hindrance, consider the snow-covered landscapes as an opportunity for new forms of exercise. Whether it's a brisk winter walk, snowshoeing, or hitting the slopes, these activities not only keep you active but also allow you to appreciate the serene beauty of a winter wonderland. Embrace the season, let the crisp air fill your lungs, and make the snowy landscapes your fitness playground.
2. Nutrient-Rich Comfort Foods: Fueling Your Body Smartly
The drop in temperature often brings cravings for comfort foods, and the good news is that you can indulge wisely. Opt for nutrient-rich, warm meals that not only satisfy your taste buds but also nourish your body. Incorporate seasonal vegetables, hearty soups, and stews into your diet. Consider adding immune-boosting foods like citrus fruits, ginger, and garlic to help ward off winter bugs. This approach ensures that your body receives the essential nutrients it needs to stay resilient and energized.
3. Hydration in the Cold: Sip Smartly, Stay Healthy
While it may not be as noticeable as in summer, staying hydrated is just as important in winter. The dry air, indoor heating, and cold temperatures can contribute to dehydration. Keep a water bottle handy and consider incorporating warm herbal teas into your routine. Proper hydration supports digestion, maintains energy levels, and keeps your skin glowing even in the dry winter air.
4. Cozy Self-Care Evenings: Nurturing Your Mind and Body
Winter's long nights provide the perfect opportunity to indulge in self-care. Set aside time for relaxation rituals such as warm baths, aromatherapy, and meditation. Pampering your body and mind not only boosts your mood but also helps combat the winter blues. Consider creating a cozy sanctuary in your home, complete with soft blankets, flickering candles, and your favorite book or soothing music.
5. Harnessing the Power of Sunlight: Brighten Your Winter Days
With shorter days, it's essential to maximize exposure to natural sunlight. Take advantage of every sunny day by spending time outdoors, even if it's just a short walk. Natural light not only lifts your spirits but also helps regulate your circadian rhythm, promoting better sleep and overall well-being. Consider rearranging your schedule to include outdoor activities during daylight hours to maintain a positive connection with the environment.
6. Dressing for the Elements: Gear Up for Success
Staying warm is essential for winter fitness, and investing in quality winter gear is a must. Dress in layers to regulate body temperature and invest in insulated boots, gloves, and a reliable winter coat. Being properly dressed not only protects you from the elements but also makes outdoor activities more enjoyable, encouraging you to stay active and embrace the beauty of the winter season.
7. Prioritize Sleep: The Foundation of Winter Wellness
Quality sleep is a cornerstone of good health, and winter's longer nights provide an opportunity to focus on this essential aspect of well-being. Create a cozy sleep environment, avoid screen time before bedtime, and establish a consistent sleep schedule. Quality sleep supports your immune system, enhances mood, and ensures you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day.
Conclusion: Embrace Winter's Embrace with Intentionality
In conclusion, winter can be a time of holistic well-being if approached with intentionality. By embracing mindful movement, nourishing foods, self-care rituals, and adapting to the season's unique challenges, you can turn the chill into an opportunity for personal growth and well-rounded health. Let this holistic handbook be your guide to thriving in winter's embrace, ensuring you not only survive but thrive during the frosty months. Winter, with its challenges and beauty, can indeed become a season of holistic wellness.
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luckystorein22 · 11 months
For a healthy lifestyle, what foods should be consumed in the winter season?
In the winter season, it is important to consume foods that support your immune system, provide warmth, and offer essential nutrients. Here are some foods that can be beneficial for a healthy lifestyle during winter:
1. Root Vegetables: Vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, beets, and turnips are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They can be used in soups, stews, or roasted dishes, providing warmth and nourishment.
2. Citrus Fruits: Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and other citrus fruits are excellent sources of vitamin C, which can help boost your immune system during the cold season. They also add freshness and flavor to your meals.
3. Winter Greens: Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and Swiss chard are packed with nutrients like iron, vitamin K, and antioxidants. They can be used in salads, stir-fries, or added to soups for a nutritional boost.
4. Cruciferous Vegetables: Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They provide antioxidants and can be roasted, steamed, or added to stir-fries.
5. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds are excellent sources of healthy fats, protein, and fiber. They can be added to oatmeal, smoothies, or consumed as snacks for energy and nutrients.
6. Whole Grains: Incorporate whole grains like oats, quinoa, brown rice, and barley into your meals. They provide sustained energy, fiber, and essential nutrients.
7. Soups and Stews: Warm and hearty soups and stews made with vegetables, legumes, and lean proteins like chicken or lentils can provide comfort, hydration, and nutrition during winter.
8. Herbal Teas: Enjoy herbal teas like chamomile, ginger, or green tea, which can provide warmth, hydration, and potential health benefits.
9. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish (salmon, trout), chia seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts. They can help reduce inflammation and support heart health.
10. Vitamin D: Since sunlight exposure is limited in winter, it is important to include food sources of vitamin D, such as fortified dairy products, eggs, and fatty fish, or consider taking a vitamin D supplement.
Remember to stay hydrated throughout the winter season by drinking an adequate amount of water, even if the weather is colder. Additionally, listen to your body's needs and preferences while making food choices to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.
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misslatifoils · 2 years
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Winter has made itself known this week, hasn’t it?! Who is secretly wishing for a proper dusting of snow? Anyway, back to what this post is about... tips on managing your wellbeing during this time: 💚 Boost your antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrition intake to ward off any illnesses at this time of year. Try adding more turmeric, ginger and vitamin C from lemons and citrus fruits, berries, etc 💚 We need more vitamin D supplementation in the winter months, along with longer spells in the sunshine to make vitamin D in our skin 💚 It’s tempting to jump in a nice hot shower, especially when the weather is cold, but try to have lukewarm showers and limit your shower time to retain the skin’s moisture levels. 💚 Make sure to get enough sleep and get daylight into the eyes as soon after waking as possible to help regulate the circadian rhythm 💚 Keeping skin supple with a nourishing face oil 💚 Use products which include hyaluronic acid and alpha hydroxy acids to protect your skin against dryness More tips are on Sofia’s Blog, link in bio 👆🏽 What's your number one tip for feeling great over the winter months? 👇🏽 #winterwellness #winterwellbeing #sofialatifoils #wellnesstips #wellbeingtips #wellness #wellbeing #nutritiontips #snowiscoming #simplifiedskincare #stayhealthy #winterhealth #healthyskin (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWtMJeBrsdg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jessbeautyavon · 4 years
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For all your self-care needs #AVON #avonuk #jessbeauty #winterwellbeing #giftsets #gifts #christmas #xmas www.jessbeauty.co.uk https://www.instagram.com/p/CHXLmTaHfnx/?igshid=1pn89pis8anbe
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spencersarc · 5 years
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Fridays are usually my day to buckle down to work. To get on top of household admin and blogging things. Ive had a bit of writers block though lately. Like my head is swimming with things. This time of year has such an impact on my mental health. Today I decided to take the time to do something to help my mental & physical health. I started a yoga class. I sometimes stick on a yoga with Adriene but never know if I’m doing it quite right. I feel so much better for heading to a class. I say class but due to the floods here there was just me. So thankful to @hudson_yogatherapy for my one to one today. This winter I’m determined to keep on top of my mental health. Yoga & swimming are just a couple of my go to things. What do you do to keep on top of your wellbeing? #obviouslyacuppa&christmasmovieareonmylisttoo #winterwellbeing #mumlife #mumstimeout #swimming #yogamum #mentalhealth #anxiousmummy #channelmumvilage https://www.instagram.com/p/B4m6jqKF04A/?igshid=1aecha94fw4kz
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veganbabelife · 4 years
Look After Yourself This Christmas: My Festive Mental Health Tips
New post! Look After Yourself This Christmas: My Festive Mental Health Tips
Christmas can be a really stressful and also sad time of year for some people and if you have a mental health condition your emotions are often heightened.
I’m not very sociable and will be spending Christmas at home this year with Salem (my cat). I won’t have to worry about how I’m feeling, looking presentable or being in a good mood.
I just want to veg in my PJs all day, not cook or talk…
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ellymcguinness · 6 years
Pinned to Healthy Women | Healthy Food | {group board} on @Pinterest: The best holistic winter wellness tips. Check these out for better health and wellness this winter season https://t.co/PlvV61yS4O #winterwellness #winterwellbeing #wellness #wellbei… https://t.co/sg7FAPZqOR
— Elly McGuinness (@EllyMcGuinness) November 30, 2017
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misslatifoils · 4 years
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EVERYDAY • WELLNESS 💚 There are so many ways to incorporate a few moments of self care in the day, to help bring a sense of calm and perspective 💚 One of our favourite ways is to step outside into nature, take 4 or 5 deep belly breaths, feeling our feet on the ground, feeling our breath entering and leaving our body, and giving ourselves permission to stop and just be 💚 What is your go-to method for bringing a sense of calm and perspective to your day? We would love to know and have you share your tips with our community 👇🏽 . . . 📸 @inrobsworld . . . #wellnesswednesday #wellnesstips #positivevibes #myskinisme #humpday #midweekboost #dailyboost #mood #getoutdoors #justbreathe #cleanbeauty #naturalskincare #veganskincare #healthyliving #healthymind #consciousliving #winterwellbeing #wellbeingtips #selfcare #liveslow #natureismedicine #sofialatifoils https://www.instagram.com/p/B5W_R3GleLu/?igshid=5v2dtusdd7u3
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ellymcguinness · 6 years
The best holistic winter wellness tips. Check these out for better health and wellness this winter season http://ift.tt/2iG6zIq #winterwellness #winterwellbeing #wellness #wellbeing #health #healthandfitness #winterfitness #holistichealth #supplements #wintersupplements #nutrition #winternutrition #fitness #nutrition #healthyeating
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ellymcguinness · 6 years
Pinned to Clean Eating: Food and Smoothies on @Pinterest: The best holistic winter wellness tips. Check these out for better health and wellness this winter season https://t.co/PlvV61yS4O #winterwellness #winterwellbeing #wellness #wellbeing #health #… https://t.co/7nIoF6Tx50
— Elly McGuinness (@EllyMcGuinness) November 30, 2017
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ellymcguinness · 6 years
The best holistic winter wellness tips. Check these out for better health and wellness this winter season http://ift.tt/2iG6zIq #winterwellness #winterwellbeing #wellness #wellbeing #health #healthandfitness #winterfitness #holistichealth #supplements #wintersupplements #nutrition #winternutrition #fitness #nutrition #healthyeating
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ellymcguinness · 6 years
Pinned to Healthy Living Tips on @Pinterest: The best holistic winter wellness tips. Check these out for better health and wellness this winter season https://t.co/PlvV61yS4O #winterwellness #winterwellbeing #wellness #wellbeing #health #healthandfitn… https://t.co/eilUsPpLCm
— Elly McGuinness (@EllyMcGuinness) November 29, 2017
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ellymcguinness · 6 years
The best holistic winter wellness tips. Check these out for better health and wellness this winter season http://ift.tt/2iG6zIq #winterwellness #winterwellbeing #wellness #wellbeing #health #healthandfitness #winterfitness #holistichealth #supplements #wintersupplements #nutrition #winternutrition #fitness #nutrition #healthyeating
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ellymcguinness · 6 years
Pinned to Healthy Living on @Pinterest: The best holistic winter wellness tips. Check these out for better health and wellness this winter season https://t.co/PlvV61yS4O #winterwellness #winterwellbeing #wellness #wellbeing #health #healthandfitness #… https://t.co/x7AC8CmLgL
— Elly McGuinness (@EllyMcGuinness) November 28, 2017
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