witch--btch · 27 days
Discussing Negai no Astro - Chapter 4
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Religion - Buddhism/Asura
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Both Kuran and Kou have half of Asura tattooed on their forearms. The Sanmenroppi security branch’s logo and Ikebukuro headquarters are also a resemblance of the demigod.
I did some research, and came across this line of text I find very interesting, regarding Kou, and the inferiority he feels when compared to others.
In the earliest Vedic literature, all supernatural beings are called Devas and Asuras. Each Asura and Deva emerges from the same father, share the same residence, eat together the same food and drinks, and have innate potential, knowledge and special powers in Hindu mythology; the only thing that distinguishes "Asura who become Deva" from "Asura who remain Asura" is intent, action and choices they make in their mythic lives.
"Asuras who remain Asura" share the character of powerful beings obsessed with their craving for wealth, ego, anger, unprincipled nature, force, and violence. Further, in Hindu mythology, when they lose, miss, or don't get what they want (because they were distracted by their cravings) the "Asuras who remain Asuras" question, challenge, and attack the "Asuras who became Devas" to loot a portion of what the Devas have and the Asuras do not.
In Buddhist mythology, the Asuras are said to experience a much more pleasurable life than humans, but they are plagued by envy for the Devas, whom they can see just as animals perceive humans.
Take that text of information as you will. I hope you can understand my point without me having to explain further than this lol.
Does Kuran have a Astro?
Personally, I’m thinking he either does not have an Astro, or he doesn’t want to admit he has one.
Astros are given to people who held onto something precious, and made a wish. Kuran doesn’t really seem like the type of person who makes wishes, or gives into sentimental notions like that.
If he does have an Astro, he’s probably keeping it a secret so he doesn’t have to use it on Kou. When Kou challenged Kuran to fight for branch leader, had he known Kuran also had an Astro, he would surely make him use it so he could win in a ‘fair fight’.
I definitely think Kuran let Kou win for multiple reasons. 1, he doesn’t want to seriously hurt his younger brother, he’s too kind for that. 2, as an older brother, he’s kind of just letting Kou do and have whatever he wants for the time being. More below lol.
Relationship between Kou/Kuran
As a big brother, I think Kuran feels it’s his role to support his younger brothers, not fight with them.
He doesn’t think it’s right to ‘put them in their place’ or anything like that. Instead, he thinks it’s better if he supports them, forgives their misdeeds, and protects them if they get in over their heads. Even when Kou says dehumanizing things, like calling Kuran “my little security robot.”/ treating him like a winnable object; Kuran doesn’t take it personally, since Kou finally has confidence in himself …
I think Kuran might spoil Kou because he knows how insecure Kou is in being the youngest sibling, with nothing to his name.
Kuran understands that Kou is becoming power hungry, but he doesn’t see a harm in it as long as he is still around to pick up after the messes.
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The Lighter that Kou made his wish with. This can be speculated as headcanon now, but I think Kuran gave Kou this lighter, encouraging him not to give up on becoming stronger, even if he feels weak now. It just seems like a good older brother thing that Kuran would say to ease his little brother’s insecurities.
And just as he said, Kou did become stronger. So to encourage Kou into realizing he isn’t the same weakling he was before, Kuran purposefully lost to him. Beating Kou would only crush his confidence and put Kou right back to square one:( as a supportive older brother, Kuran simply can’t do that.
That was pretty much the bulk of what I wanted to say about the most recent chapter; if anyone would like to add anything, go ahead! ^.^
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yanderederee · 1 month
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ෆ Kuran Yotsurugi x reader ෆ
a/n: replacing y/n with yan/yannchan; I think it’s a cute alternative ~ please love kuran with me with this idea I’ve had in mind to write since day ONE♡
I was told reader has the same energy as Maxine from X(2022) … do with that as you will lol
part 2 in progress (?)~
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Blinking a few times to properly adjust the contact lenses you’d just put in, you watched the blurry vision of yourself in the mirror slowly turn into a clear image. Beautifully dolled up with lash extensions and not a strand of hair out of place. You’d had to admit, you looked immaculate.
Adjusting the last final touches of your lip liner and the thin straps of your outfit, you gave the duel image of yourself a wink and a mocking kiss before skipping toward the exit of the dressing room.
It was difficult to recall exactly how long you’d been working under the Yotsurugi, but due to your late father leaving behind such a massive debt, it fell to you to pay off the rest.
It wasn’t as heartbreaking as it sounded; adulthood wasn’t exactly as glamorous as you had imagined it would be, after graduating school. Finding work was hard— hard enough that even your own father with an already established career had to even lean upon the Yotsurugi family for financial support to help get by.
When he’d finally kicked the bucket, an accident that was surely his fault anyway, loan sharks from Ikebukuro became adamant on receiving their fair compensation. Obviously having nothing else to give them, you meekly offered to pay the debt off fairly, with good-old-fashion labor.
Luckily, the boss of the Yotsurugi’s Ikebukuro branch had been lurking behind, in case there had been any fall out. Having taken a good long look at you, he agreed to your offer with a weak wave to follow them.
It became clear you weren’t the only one who had been caught in this type of situation. While it was obvious the Yotsurugi were a big deal in the crime syndicate, they were evidently merciful. You heard from a few other girls working along side you that Kongo Yotsurugi had advocating for fair debt repayment with no interest. You were lucky it was them, and not some other shady loan-sharks who would kill you to settle the score.
And just as mercifully, you’d been offered a few different occupational options on how you could work yourself to freedom; dishwashing, waitressing, stage cleaner… but nothing payed quite as good as stripping.
It was your own choice to take the job. And even though you knew in the back of your mind it wasn’t really your choice, you were happy.
There was a joy; a rush of excitement and endorphins that made you absolutely shine on stage. The roaring cheers, the glittering lights and dancing rain of money every night truly made you feel alive.
You weren’t sure how much longer it would take to pay off your debt, but you couldn’t help wishing it would never end.
Having lost yourself in the pleasure of dancing once again, your chest heaved with deep breaths, heart beating a million times per minute. You smiled so wide, giggling to yourself when finally meeting eyes with some of your regular visitors. They were so happy to see you. And the feeling made you soar.
Waving a cutesy goodbye and a final shake of your ass to the roaring crowd, you skipped back behind the stage and accepted the water handed to you by another girl.
“You were amazing again today yanchan ~”
“I know right, she’s like a fairy with the way she spins around the pole! I’m so jealous~” another girl squealed, hugging you tightly and spinning you around.
“Aww thanks babes! Good luck out there Aya!”
You kissed the girl on her cheek before sending her off.
Over the course of your stay, you had made many close friends with the girls you worked with. Some came and went, but you always got along well with them all, and all the new girls came to view you as a big sister of sorts.
No matter how you got into this line of work, or how disgusting others may call you and your friends, you were living a life where you were finally happy. You felt fulfilled in the work you did, the people you worked with, the bed you slept in, and the food you ate. You never wanted for anything more.
Life was actually good.
Robing yourself in a cute short skirt and a puffy jacket, you came out to the VIP floor to order a quick drink before your next dance.
“Leeeeo~ drink pleeasse!~” you sang upon your arrival. The bar keeper looked your way, your cute display earning you a side smirk and a chuckle. “Even’in Yan. Good show just now, looking as brilliant as ever.” He complimented before picking through the liquor in front of him to conquer up your favorite weekday drink.
“I’d say,” added in a chuckling older gentleman sitting just a few seats over from where you sat. “Haven’t gotten this worked up by a dance like that before.”
You smiled at his sideways compliment, and lifted your newly gifted glass to the man. “Im happy you enjoyed it sir~ I hope to see you for my next dance.” You winked, and began scooting off the stool. Before your feet met the ground, the man had successfully grabbed your hand to stop you.
“Don’t bother, I know what you’ve got girl. And I like it. I’ll be sure to compensate you for all the money you’ll lose out on by skipping your next stage show. Come dance for me in a private room, won’t ya?” He looked down at you with a suggestive gaze. It wasn’t like he was bad looking, older men had their charm, especially the ones who frequented this night club.
But you weren’t interested in private dances. The glory of the job was the high you got from being on stage, not the money you got from it.
You smiled politely, confidently snaking your hand to play with his fingers, before sliding them out of his grasp. “Thanks for the offer baby, but I’m booked~ throw me a band on stage and I might indulge you in a drink and conversation once I’m done, ‘kay?~”
The gentleman narrowed his eyes, and toed down the stool, grabbing onto your forearm this time. “Not interested in seeing the same thing over and over again. Only way you’re getting my money is in a private room, catch me girly?” He grew closer, despite your trying to pull away. “I got lots of it. Enough to buy you out, if you please me well. Promise.~” he slurred in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
Behind the bar, your bartender had already pressed the bouncer alert, acting cool. Clubs like these had rules—strict ones, after all.
You glared at the persistent man, loosing your gleeful attitude. “Not interested. I recommend taking that hand off me, ‘nless you wanna lose it, baby.” You spat sweetly back in his ear. The closeness sent shivers down his spine, but not with fear. He smirked at the excitement, thinking it was some kind of game. “I’ll take my chances.”
He tried pulling you with him, but before he has the chance to move a foot, a man with white hair and vibrant tattoos blocked the way. You immediately felt safe, heart pounding at the sight of your boss; Kuran Yotsurugi.
“Kuran!~” you sang happily, yanking yourself free from the older man, and hopped to hide behind your shirtless boss. “Sir didn’t wanna take no for an answer~” you pouted, but seemingly unphased, otherwise.
“And what was he asking?” He asked in monotone. “Wanted a ‘private dance’. Was giving me fuck-me eyes too… Made me feel grosss.” You answered, watching as the expression of the older man sink into fear.
“It wasn’t like that! She’s lying!” He groaned, trying to play it off as a misunderstanding. “Dancers these days are so full of themselv—-“ he began to ramble, before Kuran landed a solid right hook to the guest’s jaw. “Fact of the matter is you made one of my girls uncomfortable. That’s reason enough for me to kick you out.” Kuran squatted down to meet the man eye to eye.
“My girl said she said no, so the answer’s no. Simple. Understand?” He asked slowly, coming in close to make sure he was heard.
The man gulped, holding his face before nodding hurriedly. “I’ll be more careful in the future.” He accepted.
Kuran nodded back, and slapped the man on the back of the head before standing up. “You’re out. Don’t come back for a week. Make sure you learn your lesson, ‘n maybe then I’ll let you back in.”
Once all was said and gone, you giggled, clinging onto Karan’s arm. “Boss always comes to save the day~” you acknowledged, nuzzling your cheek against his shoulder before he sighs. He patted your head roughly, and pushed you off with barely any force. “Just maintaining the order ‘round here. Would’a done it for any of the other girls too.” He huffed. You nodded, perching into a bar stool again.
“I know~ that’s what makes me love my boss sooo much after all. He’s always so considerate and protective of us~ A hero, a man among men!” You rambled in praise, making a few of the other girls who came upon witnessing the scuffle giggle. “We all appreciate your hard work in keeping this club a safe place for us to work.” You sealed your long winded praise, and finished off the drink you ordered just minutes ago.
The other girls began to fawn in a similar fashion, thanking Kuran for his ruthless display of protection.
He clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes at your rallied attention, and began walking away. “Shut up and get back to work.”
Despite his standoffish demeanor, you and everyone else knew just how good of a guy Kuran was, and aimed to please him however you could.
Your smile softened as you watched him walk off, yearning for the chance to truly express your gratitude, or the developing feelings of love you’d felt for him ever since he gave you this beautiful new life.
Blowing a kiss to him behind his back, you hopped off the stool, and skipped back behind stage to ready yourself for the final dance of the night.
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minorflower · 28 days
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stargirlstabber · 21 days
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moechies · 1 month
“be quiet.”
shio silences , your cries and whimpers slowly becoming unheard. his tone sends a sharp shiver down your spine, one you’d never choose to ignore.
you’re sprawled across the mattress, face pressed into the soft of shio’s sheets, back arched violently to the man’s liking.
“stop tightenin’ up on me.”
“m-m sorry shio..” you mewl, tiny hands grappling at the bedsheets for support. your breaths uneven, eyes rolled to the back of your head as he purses further into your cunt.
he’s unbelievably hard , the fat tip of his drooly cock stretching you to impossible lengths.
“shitt— that’s good.” he sighs, holding onto your body still as you shrivel like putty below him. “don’t run, doll.”
“hah—! “
he smirks from behind you, watching as you desperately cling onto the sheets for leverage, thighs trembling lightly from the intrusion of his cock.
you turn your head, facing him with such sweetness in your glassy eyes, your bottom lip tucked under your teeth to prevent it from quivering. he groans. to look at you and to think he had genuinely tried his best to hold himself back, was truly ridiculous.
he squeezes your cheeks, forcing you to maintain eye contact with him as he continues his brutal thrusts from behind.
“y’r so fuckin’ cute. ‘m gonna fuckin’ ruin you, doll, ‘nd you’re gonna hate it.” he chuckles.
you assume it’s supposed to be a threat, but shio knows you don’t feel the slightest bit threatened when he feels your sloppy cunt tighten around him.
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You Belong To Me 18+ Shio Yotsurugi x Fem reader/WC:900+/ Resident: @enchantedforest-network Synopsis: Something can over the calm and cool demeanor of Shio. Seeing the attention you were getting from other men irked him. Getting you home he has only goal in mind. He will give them something to stare at and make sure they know who you belong to. TW: Rough sex, possessiveness behavior, vaginal penetration, cream pie, suggestive language (slut), breeding kink, choking, power control behavior, moaning, orgasm, finger sucking, mentions of oral sex (unedited)
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Your mind was a bit hazy, the room was filling with your moans and pleads, the piercing yellow eyes of Shio focused on you, you could see him flexing his jaw. Snapping his hips against you in a rough manner. His large hand around your neck applies pressure just enough to heighten your experience even more. “Always so messy aren’t ya?” The deep voice of Shio spoke, breaking eye contact for a moment to see your juices on the sheets. Bringing his attention back to you, the corner of his mouth slightly curled up. 
“Sh-shio~” you slightly gasped for air. 
The hand that was around your neck began to slide up, his thumb dragging against your bottom lip. Tilting your head down a bit as the tip of your tongue brushed against the tip of his thumb. Your lips would finally wrapped around the tip of his thumb. “Fuck,” grunting as he thrusted harder into you. “So proper out and about but you couldn’t wait till we got home…Seeing your pouty lips wrap around my cock on the ride home like the needy little slut. You knew exactly what you were doing to me tonight." You  sucked on his thumb as he heard you playfully giggle at his comment. The amount of attention you got tonight made him feel a bit more possessive than any other night. He watched how the men looked at you as you walked past them. Still keeping his cool composure on the outside but on the inside he was raging, wanting to smash every single one of there heads in for looking at you. He could just imagine what they were thinking about. He was one of them until he claimed you as his. He had been busier the last few nights and you were feeling needy, wanting his attention. The low cut cleavage dress that snugged to your body. The way your chest brushed against his arm. Feeling his hand wrapping around your waist. Whispering how badly you just wanted to go home and play with him. You were feeding his ego the entire night and it worked. You didn't expect it to work so quickly to, he would usually have you wait a bit before he excused you both for the night. He was becoming lost in his own pleasure and the thoughts came to his mind many times. Shio pushing them in the back of his mind a few times but it was harder now. He himself being part of a large family, he thought about the idea of having his own. Keeping the Yotsurugi family name going on in his own kids. It would also mean the first one out of his brothers to have the first child. The possibility of giving him more control in the Yotsurugi family. Not that it was the first thought in his mind at all but over the weeks it was becoming more prominent now. Just tonight seeing how the men were looking at you, he had a goal in mind. Feeding his own power driven needs for you to now carry his child.
His hands reached for the back of your thighs lifting your ass off the bed, both of your legs dangle over his shoulders. His large figure begins to press into you deeper, the tip of his cock brushing against your cervix with each powerful thrust. His hand grasped your jawline while the other hand pressed  against your abdomen as he could feel his cock sliding in and out of you. 
“You can take me so well…Atta girl…” The bead of sweat formed at his temple. "Remember no one else can ever make you feel this good but me."
“Your so deep Shio~” whining out loud as his girthy cock was stretching your warm slick walls. His warm breath was hitting your dampened skin.
“Who do you belong to?” his voice straining to compose his. 
“You~~~!” “Who now?” he spoke in a taunting voice. “I’m not just you…I will ask you one more time.” Snapping his hips harder into you with each word “who” snap “do” snap “you” snap “belong” snap “too?” 
“I-I belong to Shio Yotsurugi! Fuck just like that Shio don’t stop mmmmmmm~~~” the glossy appearance in your eyes. The more he thrusted he noticed how snug it was becoming for him to thrust into you. The dominating trait he carried so well, you were getting off as he could make you say things in just a instant. You had no control when it came to fucking. He had all the control you loved every bit of it.
“You keep clenching like that I’m not gonna last much longer.” he began to panting. “Don’t think I’m gonna pull out this time, your gonna take all my cum tonight.” 
You looked at him with flushed cheeks. He always pulls out and cums on you not in you, knowing what it could lead. It caught you off guard. “What?!” the only word that could escape your lips.
“You heard right” you could see the vein extending on the side of his neck “After seeing all these men, even my brothers looking at you tonight…We'll give them something to look at when they see my child inside your belly growing. They will know who you exactly belong to.” 
The thoughts started to invade more as his focus of trying not to cum was becoming harder for him. Filling that empty womb of yours was going to be his mission right now. The woman who drove him crazy with lust was going to take it all right now. “Shio wait~~” you were getting so caught in your approaching orgasm as your cunt was tightening around him. Your breaths becoming shallow and rapid. Trying to get a word out was impossible right now. “There is no waiting, I've waited long enough. I’ve been itching to fill this pretty little cunt up with my cum.” This was strained slightly. “You will be carrying a Yotsuguri child in this womb of yours. My child.”  
Giving you a rough kiss as his lips connected to yours. His thrusting became messy as his hands pressed against the mattress to hold himself up. The sound of his skin slapping against your as the tension builds in his lower abdomen. The last few thrust he pressed his pelvis deep into you hearing a deep groan from him as his seed began to fill your empty womb. Your own body tensed up your nails digging into his shoulders as your high was being released. Shio closed his eyes briefly, savoring the moment realizing what he had just done. Letting out a low sigh as his eyes opened up once again looking down at you. He pressed his lips against your forehead . “You will always belong to me…You always have.” his hand once again pressed against your lower abdomen feeling the bulge of his cock still inside of you along with his cum in your now full womb. "This is just the start, we aren't done."
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💜Comment down below if you would like to be in tag for Negai No Astro💜
A/N: Hey babes! I know this series is very new still not a lot of detail is out about Shio yet. There will be more out soon in the coming chapters(I can't wait!). I have talked to a few people in regards to writing this fic, and discussing about him. Please understand this is my own personal take on him. Thank you to @kenpachisbrat & @benkeibear listening to me be a feral gremlin about him!
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veindevil · 1 month
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slttygeto · 1 month
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lord have mercy
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negai-no-astro · 2 months
Shio, existing:
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The fandom:
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10jo10ge · 2 months
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I really liked the first chapter of astro, I'm not normally into the whole shounen magic power battle stuff but I love Wakui's art style enough to read basically anything by him lol
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chifuyusun · 2 months
Negai no Astro’s character designs are gorgeous
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I can’t wait to see more of everyone! First chapter is so promising
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blackpeachy · 1 month
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He is beautiful. Breathtaking. 。⁠.゚⁠+Twitter。⁠.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵⁠(⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)
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violettierre · 2 months
Who's the hottest sexiest daddiest motherfucker alive and why is it Shio ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
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minorflower · 1 month
I love how wakui gives his characters eyelashes longer than their lifespan
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haitani-maki · 1 month
╭◦•◦❥•◦α∂σяιиg уσυ
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•18+ MDNI Shikaba Yotsurugi x Fem!Reader
◦TW: fingering, orgasm, squirting, overstimulation, dacryphilia, petnames(pretty girl, good girl), maybe I forgot to mention something...
•English is not my first language (Not edited, may contain errors)
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One of Shikaba's favorite things is fingering you. He loves how stupid you look with just his fingers.
Shikaba loves how your juicy pussy makes a mess, leaving his fingers creamy, your juices running down his hand, the sheets beneath you soaked with your squirts. How sticky you make his fingers, creating a web between them.
His favorite is fingering you in public, you having to control yourself, pretending Shikaba isn't finger fucking you under the table.
Shikaba is nasty when it comes to you. He loves how he can leave you on the edge, he loves how he can control your body using just his fingers, he loves how you squirm beneath him due to the overstimulation he caused in you. Shikaba can't get enough of it, he'll finger you every chance he gets.
Sometimes when you're about to cum, he'll stop, only to hear you whimper. He wants you to beg, tell him how much you need him and how good he makes you feel, after that he will give you what you want, using his fingers and then his dick. Making you cry because it's too much - "Wasn't that what you wanted, pretty girl? Come on, be a good girl, give me one more." - You looked even more beautiful crying as his fingers worked inside you, repeatedly touching that sensitive spot inside you.
"One more, please?" - It's your second of the night. It's always like this, Shikaba asking for one more after the first, one more after the second and one more after the third.
Shikaba become ruthless and cruel when he wants to make you cum over and over again
The lewd sounds of your pussy, squishing and cumming around his fingers, sucking them back in whenever he pulls out of you, sounded like music to Shikaba. He will use as many fingers as you can handle, manhandling your abused pussy and making you whimper - "Shikaba, I feel so full." - And he smiles, loving to hear how you feel. Shikaba can do this for hours if you let her, mistreating your abused hole and sometimes slapping your swollen clitoris. He can't help it, his addiction to you is worse than any drug he could use.
"Shikaba, I'm so close, please, please!" - You beg him to make you cum again, no matter how much you say it's too much, he's already proven you wrong and you always want more - "Good girl, one more for me, you can do it." - He praises you, hitting exactly where you need it.
Your orgasm hits you intensely. Making you cry, your legs shake and your toes curl in the sheets, vision blurry while you look at him, electricity shooting through your veins, your nerves on fire.
Shikaba continues thrusting into your swollen pussy, you try to hold onto his arm, but it's useless. He is determined to take another one from you.
Shikaba leaned over you, placing kisses where your tears fell, praising you and whispering how much he loves seeing you filled with his fingers, how beautiful you looked cumming and how much he loves you, trying to distract you with how overstimulated you are feeling.
Your head was spinning, only moans and confused words came out of your mouth
"My pretty girl, you're doing so well. You've got another one in you, right?" - Shikaba's warm breath on your ear making you shiver
You shake your head frantically, feeling Shikaba thrust his fingers in and out of your pussy harder.
Your eyes rolling back, screams leaving your mouth, you continuing to shake since your last orgasm.
Your lips form into an "O", releasing a silent moan, you squirt, covering Shikaba with your juices and leaving the sheets wetter than they already were.
He looks at you, letting out a satisfied sigh, in love with you and the mess between your legs.
Shikaba felt his own body tense, cumming just at the sight of you being a mess for him. He didn't care about that, only you mattered.
He slowly removes his fingers from inside you, hugging your body that was still convulsing a little, calming you down and praising you for giving yourself to him, for being a good girl and telling you how well you did.
Shikaba always rewarded you well by taking care of you after leaving you a mess for him. A beautiful crying mess with legs shaking from the orgasms he caused you, letting out sly moans or screaming his name. It was what his good girl deserved for doing so well♡
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©Reblogs are welcome, do not copy or translate
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sagephilosophie · 2 months
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ꜱᴜɢᴀʀ ᴅᴀᴅᴅʏ! ꜱʜɪᴏ ʏᴏᴛꜱᴜʀᴜɢɪ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛʟʏ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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ꑭ Ƭags :
NSFW, Sugar daddy theme, heavy touching, shifts between rough/vanilla, attempted power play, hair pulling, blow job, riding, car sex, slight emotional sex (if you squint), breeding, Shio is filthy rich (Yakuza money), hidden feelings, happy ending.
ꑭ Word Count : 901
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He couldn't take his hands off you. The giant hand stroking your thigh during the ride back to his place was proof of that.
You knew he was getting more and more impatient from the way he kept staring at you lustfully when shopping, the way he twirls his glass of champagne everytime you try on an exposed dress, the way he looked down when swiping his black card on the payment machine, either he was looking at the shooping bags or something else, but especially the way he sat incredibly close to you roaming your body at any giving chance.
"Umm, Shio ?", you questioned innocently, knowing well what he wanted from you, but you obviously assumed you were going to pay him back at the luxury of his king sized bed, even though the Limousine wasn't that bad of an option either.
"You liked those outfits i got you ?"
You nodded your head signaling a yes.
"And the gifts you received this morning ?"
"Are you satisfied with my treatment ?"
"How satisfied ?"
"I don't think i made myself clear, how satisfied ?"
His hints now made great sense, he wanted his money worth sooner than later.
You pulled yourself towards his lips and answered, "this satisfied...", then locked your lips with his.
Oddly enough, Shio didn't visibly react nor made any more moves, leaving the work for you to show your gratitude as you gave in to the undeniable tension and left your hands to travel up his neck and short gelled hair, bringing him even closer to your intimate space.
The only movement he did thus far was seizing hold of your hair, as his other hand was loosening his necktie erratically and half unbuttoning his dress shirt.
You knew the deal when his harsh grip tugged on your hair and moved you down from your seat to meet his crotch level.
The bulge in his white dress pants was as clear as the sun from the position you were in, kneeling down between his legs and staring up at him.
You didn't waste any time to unbuckle his belt and pull down his pants and boxers, facing down his hard and throbbing length, gently, beginning to stroke it up and down, Shio breathed in and closed his eyes at the sensation, it wasn't until you brought your lips to peck his tip that he full on threw his head back in pleasure.
Now the position you were in was dangerous, you could try to do anything to him and he will get turned on, just like a free coupon to own the entire country.
"What is it ?"
"Do you feel good ?"
"Yeah... keep going."
"But... How good ?"
You weren't gonna get away with your little revenge game and you knew that, he despised it when others even thought about overpowering him or dare to mimick him.
On the spur of the moment, you were instantly met with the outcome of his wrath and ruthlessly pulled down to deep throat him.
"Put that mouth to better use than disrespecting me."
Time was moving too slow you weren't even sure for how long you've been in your spot blowing him, all you were aware of was your tears running down, your scalp and jaw aching, and Shio's groans of satisfaction filling the space.
The outburst of his cum didn't mean the end of the session, but rather the real beginning.
You barely got to breathe when he grabbed your jaw to check if you swallowed or spit, you'd be damned if his Limousine got dirty.
Wasting no time, you stood up and got on top of his lap, sure that the driver was gonna hear stuff he didn't need, if he hadn't already catched up earlier, to but couldn't give less of a fuck when Shio's manhood was underneath you erect as fuck.
He was considerate enough to help raise your dress while you removed your undies and threw it somewhere in the moving car.
Sinking down felt like heaven, and the more you took of him, the closer you got to it. The moment you had to adjust felt like a century when you need him, now.
About immediatly you began moving up and down lightly, simultaneously whimpering at the slight discomfort, but that uncanny feeling was sucked in by pleasure in no time, impulsively picking up the pace.
The patient face Shio was wearing for a moment fell down, and held your waist firmly to meet your thrusts, earning a loud moan from you. You were on cloud nine, leaving him take back full control over you, you didn't mind as long as you can still put your arm around his neck and put your head on his shoulder, it was comforting at a certain level.
His pushes got messier, and his groans raspier, you knew what that meant at this point so you took the risk and stole an open-mouthed kiss that signaled your own orgasm. With one last thrust you came on his cock and his instantly followed yours.
You broke off the kiss as soon as the dopamine effects wore off, and stared deep into his eyes, for the first time seeing love instead of lust, it didn't take long for him to pull you back in for another tender kiss.
Maybe there is a chance this could bloom into something beautiful.
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