#a saucedlx original
saucedlx · 8 months
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sdlxart · 11 months
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new bombsfall game, possibly with themes of having to move on with life despite the horrors of capitalism? hell yea sign me up
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saucedlx · 2 months
new tumblr pride flag 🤗
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saucedlx · 10 months
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i don't think i've posted bonjour engie on this site yet
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saucedlx · 1 year
the Truth has been hidden away for too long
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saucedlx · 9 months
doohickey, thigamabob, thingamajig: a wacky device with silly surprises!
the contraption: designed for unholy purposes, the source of unspeakable pain
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saucedlx · 1 year
Edit: Download the newest versions here (original translation) and here (additional localizations [i prefer this one])
So about that sitelen pona font I made.
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It's a musi Manka resource pack now.
Download it here It's a janky discord upload for now but someday I might put it someplace better.
I think mostly everything should work? It's taken straight from the existing sitelen Lasin pi toki pona localization, so anything that doesn't cover won't be here either.
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Anyways I'm actually pretty proud of this even though I made it in a few hours and it's kinda janky. The characters themselves overwrite the initial batch of "nonenglish" characters, which includes a lot of basic Cyrillic and Greek. There's later parts of that font that could be replaced, but I didn't think of it at the time and now it would be a lot of effort for a problem that would at most waste a bit of time if you want to play the game in both sitelen pona and a language that uses those writing systems
More samples below
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saucedlx · 1 year
Font Update: sitelen pona!
In accordance to https://www.kreativekorp.com/ucsur/charts/sitelen.html
I kinda want to add Latin ligatures that would lead to the sitelen pona while being very unlikely to interfere with actual text in any other context. I'm thinking something like "SPabcSP" to type sitelen pona abc. But for now that's not a priority.
Sample Image:
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Text Source: lipu musi lili nasa pi nimi ali https://sona.pona.la/wiki/Pangrams
Unicode Converter Tool: https://ilo-pi-sitelen-pona.glitch.me/
Get the font at: https://saucedlx.neocities.org/ideas-projects (It's the one called Sevenish)
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saucedlx · 2 months
the dichotomy of Trans Website With Cis Management seems pretty straightforward tbh like you either gotta:
accept what trans people say about their own experiences; acknowledge that your website has regularly flagged their content as NSFW for seemingly no reason other than being trans, as well as banned their accounts for this reason while giving leniency to the transphobes that harass them. accept this as an injustice and
acknowledge that you don't believe and/or care about their experiences, and accept that people will think of you as a transphobe for doing this
and this whole situation is really frustrating but it is slightly funny to watch someone who clearly so strongly wants to be not considered a transphobe but also doesn't want to cede any ground to the vast amount of trans people who've felt wronged by their management
there's also the secret 3rd option of going out of your way to find a single trans person who will say "actually you're cool it's just The Bad Ones who are being complainy just keep doin your thing cistopher mcgee" but i don't think he's tried that one yet
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saucedlx · 9 months
back in october 2022 twitter shot itself in the foot. tumblr saw this and quickly pulled out its makeshift doohickey gun, eager to join what it assumed was a "who can bleed out the fastest" competition
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saucedlx · 1 year
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saucedlx · 1 year
i was on a plane and the movie was playing without audio or subtitles
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saucedlx · 1 year
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saucedlx · 4 months
بُّرْ اَبُرِّمِيَانْتُ مَا بُشَا ا بُشْکَرْ aljamiado/aljamía/عجمية ءَانْ تَنْبْلَارْ اِ مَا شُرْبّْرَانْدِيُ بَارْ اُتْرَ جَنْتَ هَبْلَنْدُ دا ءاشْتُ. لُ كَا مَا اِنْتَارَاشَ مُجُّ ءَاشْ بِارْ كُمُ اُتْرَ جَانْتَا اُشَ اُرتُغْرَفِيَ دِفَارَانْتَا
(بَّرُ دَا اُشَر تَنتُش دِيَكرِتِكُش بُّركَ شَا هَزَا لَانتُ ءَاشكرِبِر)
يُ ءانبّاسا كُن ءاشَ اِمَجَان دا وِكِبّاذِيَ، بّارُ نُ كارِيَ كُنفِيَرلَ بُّر شُ كُوانتَ. اَشِ كا ما بُّشا ا بُشكَر ا لاءار مَنُشكرِتُش، اِ ءاشُ اِنفلُيُ اَ مِ فُرمِ دا ءاشكرِبِر.
١ ترَتُ دا هَزار دِشتِنسِيُناش كا يَ نُ ءاكشِشتان ءان ءال كَشتالَّنُ مُذارنُ. شّ بَّرَ // اِ ز بَّرَ // اَبَّراسان ءان تُذُش لُش كا بِ، بّارُ لَ تَفسِرَ دال مَنسابُ دا ارابَلُ تَنبِيان تِيانا ه بَّرَ H <- F (بُّر ءاشُ hacer ءاش هَزار ءان باز دا اَسار)
٢ كُنشُنَنتاش فِنَلاش نَشَلاش شِيانبّرا شُن ن. اَونكا ءاشتان اَنتاش دا بِلَبِيَلاش نُ ءاش م. ءاشتُ نَذَ مَش اَبّلِکَ كُن بَّلَبرَش رُّمَنساش.
٣ بَّلَبرَش عَرباش ترَتَن دا مَنتانار شُش كُنشُنَنتاش اُرِجِنَلاش، بّارُ بُكَلَزَذَش كُمُ ءان ءاشبّنُّل. بُّر ءاشّانبّلُ الله كُمُنمانتا شا ءاشكرِبِيَ اَ ل لَّ هْ
٤ شا بُّواذان اُشَر بُكَلاش لَرغَش، بّارُ نُ بَّراسا شار مُي كُمُن. اَ مِي ما غُشتَ اُشَرلَش ءان بَّلَبرَش مُنُشِلَبِكَش، بّارُ نُو شا شِي ءاش كُنبّلاتَمانتا كُرّاكتُ
٥ ءارّا فُوارتا شِيانبّرا تِيانا شَدَهْ، هَشتَ ءان ءان اِنِسِيُ دا اُنَ بَّلَبرَ
٦** اَدمِتُ كا ءشتُ نُو لُو هَغُ، بّارُ اِغُوَل كِيارُ مانسِيُنَر: نو بَّراسان بّارمِتِرشا بَرِيُش كُنجُنتُش دا كُنشُنَنتاش، بَّرتِكُلَرمانتا اَل بّرِنسِبِّيُ دا اُنَ شِلَبَ، ءان لَش بَّلَبرَش كا بَّشَرِيَ ءاشُ شا اَنَّذات بُكَلاش. ءَانْتْرَا -> ءَانْتَارَا
فُرمَش دال مَغرِب دا لَش لاترَش
يُو شُلُ لَش اُشُ كُوَندُ ءاشكرِبُ اَ مَنُ. اَلغُنَش ءاشتَن ءان يُنِكُود، بّارُ يُو نُو لُش اُشُ مَش بُّركا نُو تِيانان مُي بُوانَ كُنبَّتِبِلِذَذ. ڧ ڢ ڪ . اِ ؞ ءارَ اُنَ بُّنتُوَسِيُن كُمُن
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فُرمَش دال مغرب ءان تِنتَ ناغرَ، كُنبَّرَذَش كُن لَش فُرمَش دا اَنَتُلِيَ ءان تِنتَ رُّسَّ.
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كُنبَّرَسِيُن دا دِيَكرِتِكُش: اَ اِ اُ اَّ اِّ اُّ
اِ ءاشَش شُن مِش اُبشاربَسِيُناش شُبرا ءال اُشُ اِشتُرِكُ دال عَلجَمِيَذُ؞ ءاش اُنَ بّرَكتِکَ اِشتُرِکَ مُي اِنتاراشَنتا. ما ءانكَنتَ هَبلَر دا ءاشتُ كُن اَمِغش كا شَبَان عَرَبا اِ اُردُو اِ كَشتالَّنُ. اُلتِمَمانتا ءاشتُبا ترَتَندُ دا بار كُوُ بّدرِيَ يار مانُش دابّاندِيانتا دا لَ بُكَلِزَسِيُن. شا ما اكرّا بّر ائي مركر كمو شي فوار بكل لرغ ا له التمه بكل دا انه بّلبره كوندو له كنشننتا انتارر شرئه بّشبلا كم كنشننتا فنل، مش اشر ياء همزه بّره مُشترر ائتش كم هزا ءال اردو. بّارُ نُو شَا كُوَنتُ اَيُذَرِئَ.
بّارُ بُوانُ، تامَ مُي اِنتاراشَنتا!
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saucedlx · 4 months
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i thought he had become pacman
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saucedlx · 1 year
one of my favorite jokes in anything ever is in sbemail 88 when they do the "interviewee's identity hidden for protection" thing but it's blatantly just coach z, not because they did a bad job at hiding him but because his speech patterns are that iconic (also his outline but i think itd still work with just voice)
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