#aa4 was so good i think its my fav aa game
fiishbone · 29 days
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Kristoph Gavin I'm obsessed w YOU!!
Aa4 is so good,,,, capcom pls bring him back idc how
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inlovelawyers · 4 years
just curious about what your fav cases are and which ones you dislike the most ? i’m sorry if you’ve been asked this before :( your posts are awesome
Hello, anon! How are you today? Thank you for asking!
Oof, my favorite cases? Let’s see... In a non-specific order, I’d say... [SPOILERS FROM ALL GAMES EXCEPT DGS 1 AND 2]
Turnabout Goodbyes is a MUST. I still remember my feelings when I played AA for the very first time. I hated Edgey-boy in Turnabout Sisters. How could he, right? But then something changed during Turnabout Samurai. Without realizing, I was in love with that man and I wanted to protect him as badly as Phoenix. When the intro played and Edgey was holding a gun, all I could think of was: “DON’T WORRY, BABY! YOU’RE INNOCENT AND I’LL PROVE IT!”
It’s silly but I felt like Phoenix in Turnabout Goodbyes, channeling all my love for Edgey in courtroom. Also narumitsu at its best. It brings me good memories!
The Kidnapped Turnabout is also great because I love the badgers so much. My URL used to be something related to Blue Badger! Also it’s the first time that we see Lang and boi, do I love that wolf???? He’s so hot wtf??? Ahem... Plus, there’s Kay and that Gavinners reference! Also Phoenix crossing the bridge of love? hahaha that’s gay. Still in the AAI universe, I also adore The Inherited Turnabout because Dad Greg is a precious beam. And the whole gang is so cool? Sebastian, Justine, Jeff, Katherine, Delicia... They’re all so funny and nice! AAI 1 and 2 are AmAZiNg games!
And lastly (and probably my fav), Turnabout for Tomorrow. People can judge me all they want, but I love DD. Mostly because Phoenix is back, he’s happier and healthier after his AJ breakdown. He’s engaged to Edgeworth. Also, although I didn’t like Apollo’s behavior when I first played it, I understand everyone now. Apollo? Did nothing wrong. Aura? Did nothing wrong. Lesbians? Everywhere. Simon Blackquill? Hot af. And the plot twist at the end? The Phantom? I needed to stop the game and go for some air because I couldn’t believe it was ~~Bobby~~ the whole time. Love it! Love it very much!
Honorable mentions: Rise from the Ashes is SOOOOOOOOO cool???? The characters are great, I love them! But it’s sooooooo long?? At some point, I need a break and finish it the next day. Also, how could I not mention Bridge to the Turnabout? Simply because, although I love all the angst, the plot, the tension... I love Godot very much. I hated learning he was the culprit. My first time playing? I had to stop it. I couldn’t finish it, so I just looked for a walkthrough and concluded the game with a broken heart. Not to mention Iris and Phoenix. It’s something that does not please me. I have very mixed feelings about it, although I do know it’s one of the best cases. It’s more like a personal matter, you see. Lastly, I find SoJ very weak as a game in general, but I do appreciate Turnabout Time Traveler, in which Edgeworth and Phoenix get married.
That said, those are my favorite cases! I haven’t played DGS yet, only watched half of the first game walkthrough. Also I don’t really want to go to AA2 and AA4. We... don’t do that here.
Finally, thank you for such kind words! I’m glad you appreciate my posts, it really means a lot to me! Hope my answer was good enough! Have a nice day!
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worldend · 4 years
☕️ + ace attorney !
like in general? um well i think the games are good! most of the time i dont like text-focused games becuz i dont rly like reading that much actually but i guess by watching the pbnt lets play it kinda grew on me.... aa4 and aa5 were pretty fun to play and aai2 too (but i still need to finish it) most of the time the story is good (except like. a few parts of aa5 and apparently aa6 from what ive heard) the characters are fun.... its a good series in general except for some weird shit in some of the games but i can ignore that for the most part. oh yeah also. i liked dgs1 a lot ^_^ i think i can consider it one of my fav aa games along side aa4.... like the character design the graphics in general the story..... i liked it! i still have to form an actual opinion on dgs2 but so far its the same as dgs1 but i havent finished it yet so 🤷‍♂️ who knows if ill change it or not
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worldend · 4 years
*the coffee cup* opinions on AA4-AA6?
aa4 is my fav aa game and i think its one of the best :) i may be just biased becuz it was the first aa game i actually played instead of watching a lets play but it was rly fun! the characters are good i got rly attached to trucy and apollo like. very wuickly for some reason but anyway. the chapters in this game were very good i liked all of them the 1st chapter is one of my fav first chapters in like all of aa becuz a LOT happens in it. the only one which i kinda dislike is the 2nd one? cuz the whole stickler thing. but ignoring that the wocky case was fun to play :)
aa5.... its the second aa game ive played and i actually did enjoy playing it! also i rly liked the mood matrix mechanic too :) athena is one of the few reasons why i dont hate aa5 That much mostly becuz i Also got attached to her rly quickly. i just wish she was the playable character for All of the chapters instead of like. only 2 i guess. i do like her story and her becoming a lawyer to 'save' simon and all.... simon i like him too hes a funny guy hes not that bad. anyway but the problems i have with aa5 is like. they COMPLETELY changed apollos personality. like i know his friend died but even so i dont think he would change entirely. in aa4 he was literally just Some Guy now they made him all edgy and gave him an eyepatch?? like? and also the 'twist' of the final chapter is just so.. like i havent actually played the last chapter i stopped like in the middle of it but i have seen spoilers but tje person who killed metis was actually an INTERNATIONAL SPY? AND SAID SPY WAS ACTUALLY FULBRIGHT ALL ALONG? like..... girl what.... i know aa has some weird shit sometimes but come on -_-
aa6 i havent actually played it so i dont have an opinion on it but from what ive heard its. bad. maybe someday ill play it cuz like. aa7 is gonna come out someday maybe the story is gonna hane smth to do with it. not now tho i still have a few games to finish first 😐
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