#the gavin bros i need them back
fiishbone · 22 days
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Kristoph Gavin I'm obsessed w YOU!!
Aa4 is so good,,,, capcom pls bring him back idc how
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equallyshaw · 5 months
little lion | Luke hughes au! ↠ when luke and liona meet. - fic. ↠ au Masterlist!
warning: underage drinking. word count: 1.4k+
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if her father knew whose highrise she was at, and what she was doing- he'd kill her. no, scratch that. he'd ship her to russia, have her grandmother lock her in the basement and never see the light of day ever again. to be frank, liona didn't even know how she ended up here to be quite honest. her and her group of friends since highschool had been invited to a party in newark at an off campus house and then the next thing she knew they were here, after getting a 'better invite'. her and her best friend rain, stood in the corner waiting for gavin and chris to come back with drinks for them. they saw them emerging from the kitchen, and liona sighed. "i cant believe chris scored an invite to a new jersey devils place!" rain whispered yelled and liona smirked. chris handed her a red solo cup, and gavin gave rain one. chris wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulder, and sipped some of his liquid.
gavin and rain began to talk about whatever was happening at law school, while chris and liona just listened. they had no knowledge or the logistics of their degrees, so they just took in all of it as well as the drama. the two ended up rambling on their own while chris and liona looked at one another, before laughing. "you going to see andrei soon?" chris questioned, and kailey shrugged. "i don't know, my dad wants me to come home to visit and offered the Carolina game but i don't know." she said finishing her cup. "im getting another one." she said raising it a bit, and chris nodded. "if you're not back in 5 minutes, im coming and finding you!" he announced and she nodded with a small smile. she weaved in and out of some people, finding her way to the kitchen. she set her sights on a seltzer that was in the open bowl of ice, and snatched it quickly. "is that the last cherry?" she heard to her right, and she looked through the other ones before turning to the person.
she turned to the right seeing a tall boy, brunette curly hair and hazel eyes. she swallowed before speaking, "uh there's no-no more." she stuttered pulling some hair behind her ear. he nodded, "can you hand me a random one then?" he questioned and she nodded enthusiastically and grabbed him a random one. "thanks-" he waited for her to fill in, "uh liona." she responded holding her hand out, he took it softly "luke." he responded, and they let go of eachother's hand. "do you know dawson?" he questioned and her eyebrows crinkling gave him her answer. "who?" she questioned and he chuckled softly. "my teammate, who are you here with?" he questioned. "you play hockey?" she asked softly and he nodded. oh fuck, she thought. "um im best friends with chris." she said and luke made a face of recognition. "i know who that is, he's pretty cool." he said and she smiled widely. "oh yeah definitely wouldn't have kept him around all these years if he wasn't." she tried to joke but it fell flat. she looked at the ground before both of them tried to speak at the same time, "do you wanna-?" and "im gonna go." the two of them blushed and chuckled softly. "would you wanna go somewhere and talk?" he questioned, and she looked back towards her friend group. "ummm.." she trailed off turning back to look at luke. "we don't have to, was just curious!" he said and she shook her head. "id like that, i just need to go tell my friends." she said pointing behind her. he nodded and followed her back into the living room. "hey guys im gonna go -" chris cut her off by greeting luke, and doing a bro hug with each other. gavin also bro hugged him, with rain and luke getting introduced to one another. "were gonna go talk for a bit, ill let you know when im ready to go?" kailey confirmed, and gavin pushed her playfully while chris just nodded. the two walked off towards the small movie room that dawson had.
next thing they knew, it was 2 in the morning and the two of them had been talking for a few hours at this point. then she dropped a bomb on him, "you're dad is the alex ovechkin?" he asked eyes wide and wonder lighting up his face. she nodded softly, "ye-yeah." she said shrugging while looking down at her converse. "oh well, that's really neat! you said your parents are not together right? was the schedule too much and stuff?" he asked and she shook her head, "no uh, once she found out she was pregnant with me..they had already broken up and he ended up fleeing back to europe before getting some sense knocked into him. but they used to fight like cats and dogs, some of my earliest memories typically ended up in a fight. so yeah, they couldn't get along longer than a few hours." she hummed, biting her lip nervously. he nodded, "im sorry kai- i mean liona." he stuttered and the way he said her middle name, was heaven. "y'know nobody has ever called me just kai before...but i liked it." she hummed while her cheeks became even rosier. "kai, huh?" he questioned with a glint in his eye, as he grinned. she nodded, "liona kai ovechkin...a mouthful." she hummed shrugging. "its perfect." he responded. "my dad though just says lion or little lion, because apparently im the forthcoming of him or i guess the second coming..." she trailed off with her eyebrows creasing in deep thought. luke found it all quite adorable.
"lion..lioness... definitely suits you." he mused and she snickered. "well if you'd like i can give you permission to call me kai." she teased and his head cocked to the side a tad bit. the two were sitting next to each other on the couch, knees only a mere inch apart. both of them looked over at one another, and luke was debating if he should do what he wanted to do. and that was kissing her. while liona was telling herself he did not like her, he was just being nice.
luke began to lean in and a his left hand quickly found her chin, pulling her softly closer as he stopped a few inches from it. his gaze had been focused on her pink lips, and now they were gazing in to her brown eyes. almost as if to ask if it was ok. she nodded softly once, and his lips were on hers. his right hand came up to her cheek, as she pulled him in a bit by the neck. but luke being the gentleman that he was (because queen ellen raised him right) he did not go any further. they pulled apart, chests heaving a bit as their foreheads rested against each other's. liona was about to lean in again but he pulled his face away by a few inches, and he could see how much that hurt the girl. she stood up, pulled down her shirt a bit by smoothing it and cleared her throat.
"kai-" he said but she put her hand up, not meeting his gaze yet. she shook her head, "its fine. i totally get it, i don't know what i was thinking there for a second." she paused ruffling up her hair a bit, and looked up at him. "its fine, im not sure any guys would want to be with me anyways. so its fine, luke." she rambled before spinning on her heel, and heading out to find her friends. the group had dissipated just a bit. chris was the first one to recognize her from the small group he was in, and quickly made his way over. once he reached her, he saw tear in her eyes. his face and tone in full protection mode, "what happened?" he asked checking her body for any brusies or cuts. she shook her head, "id just like to leave." she said as her voice cracked. he nodded profusely, wrapping an arm around her back and leading her out of the highrise.
not without luke seeing the whole scene play out, and his heart breaking just a bit as they left with his arm around her.
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oh lukey... will be doing a follow up to this (:
please like and reblog if you liked!
tags: @cuttergauthier
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washa · 6 months
D.A.M.N crew headcannons (complete with some memes bc who doesn't love those)
Freelancer used to work part time at a bookstore. They're a huge fan of romance novels. So is Damien, he'll never admit that though.
Has a stash of academic rivals to lovers under his bed in a box. (YES I STAND BY THE FACT DAMIEN IS ACADEMIC RIVALS TO LOVERS FANBOY)
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Huxley grew up on like farm property and has a pet duck and golden (or some other big ass dog like a great dane or smth)
Lasko uses his air elemental power thingy to blow dry his hair. Once time Co worker walked in and got a face full of water droplets.
De(a)mons don't technically need to walk in the elegy, so they'll just float around. This led to Caelum having this cotton candy looking cloud he just floats around on. It leaves a trail of glitter everywhere it goes.
This leaves like Freelancer sweeping their their floors when Caelum comes around.
Also Caelum can walk, so sometimes he like parks the fucking cloud jumps off it and just stumbles around like a toddler. 
Co worker is fucking amazing at parallel parking. Like sometimes other D.A.M.N teachers see them parking and think "oh shit they're not gonna make it" and THEY DO PERFECTLY EVERY TIME.
Damien played tennis back in high school, It just fits.
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Damien is long sighted but wears contacts cause glasses are "too much of a hassle". Lasko is both short and long sighted has circle lenses and silver frames. Coworker got him those cool looking chains and he loves them so much (its reminds him of his dnd character ^^)
Huxley loves Damien with his glasses on. He really REALLY loves it when Damien's face gets all flushed when he presses a kiss to where Dames frame meets the bridge of his nose.<3
Freelancer, Damien and Lasko are coffee drinkers. Huxley and Co worker are tea drinkers. (Caelum drink hot cocoa or milkshakes, depends on the weather.)
Damien eats chips/popcorn w fucking chopsticks bc he hates the way the dust feels on his fingers.
Lasko stares at him everytime he sees it. like a judging "wtf" kinda stare 
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Gavin is actually ass at video games, but board games? Bro will destroy your ass in a game of fucking operation, embarrass your whole damn bloodline when he play uno, dishonor your damn herritage when he plays monopoly.
Gavin can tie a cherry stem w his tongue. It got tied around his piercing once and Freelancer laughed their ass off at the sight of a cherry hanging by his tongue.
They took a photo and now that photo is Freelancers homescreen.
Gavin sometimes acts like a curious child when it comes to certain things. Like being a de(a)mon he doesn't know certain things abt human technology.
Example. He likes flushing the water in the toilet, he likes the way it swirls. He loves keyboards, he loves the sound they make when you press on the keys.
Damien was a "gifted kid" skipped a grade back in like year 5
Gavin hates when people waste food, He doesn't even need to eat it just irks him.
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Lasko is the person who buys books but never reads them. He has so many stacks of unread books in his apartment
Freelancer had broke their tailbone right after developing their powers.
Caelum was assigned to them bc they were yes a humanborn and yada yada, but it was mainly bc they were miserable because of the pain.
Yes, Freelancer became Caelum's charge bc of a broken tailbone.
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Connor and Gavin Besties Dynamic would include
Connor trying to be the one above the call-outs and banter that Gavin throws at him in the workplace, for the sake of professionalism
but the second he's off the clock it is ON
Connor also being petty at work in retaliation
they have the dynamic of that one tiktok where this guy is cooking fried chicken in the bathroom as he's taking a shower so that his friend wouldn't steal it, and then his friend breaks in with a screwdriver and and still steals it.
Gavin would take a picture of Hank's living room and use it as his background during FaceTime calls
"Hey... hey Connor come here, i need to tell you something."
"I don't trust you."
"No seriously, I promise I'm not gonna do anything it's for the case."
"......Fine... what is it?"
*burps in his face*
"....... I swear to-"
Connor gets one of those ice cream quart padlocks and locks Gavin's ice cream at the precinct
Gavin just saws off the bottom of the container and eats it like that out of spite.
* Connor and Gavin at a bar*
Gavin: you better step down, son, taking this whole thing too far. Hold me back, Connor. I'm serious, hold me back, Connor! I'm seRIOUS HOLD ME BAC-......... why aren't you holding me back?
"Excuse me, Gavin but i have those reports for the Carey case right here for you on my desk."
"I ain't falling for my own joke, tin can."
"No, I am serious. And even if i was trying to pull the same joke, i am incapable of eructation."
"Oh... well okay the-"
T̶̝̳̍͛͜H̷̨̻͕̪̣͗Ę̵̬͔̬̹̄͜ ̵͙̫͇̰̺̗̈́̎̍̅̕F̷̧̼̟̪̱͕̑Į̶̟̖̠̮̈́́Ţ̵̲̯̤̪̄̄N̴̳̍Ẹ̷̅̈́̌̉̊̚͜S̸̨̰͔̿̄̀̿͝S̶̲̳̲̑̌̔ ̸̮̓̇G̵̪͖̥̖̯̈͌̐̿Ṝ̷A̴̧̢͂̊̏̾M̵̟̥̹̥̝̖͒ ̴̧̩̯̿̽͑P̶̮̪̿̌̈̽̋̀Á̸͇̭̈́C̸̩̠̀̇͛͠Ẹ̷̪̱͇̼͊R̶̥̦̫͑́̓̅͗̈́ ̶̩͍͍͓̞̔͌̋̎̓̈́T̸̛̬̟͐̀͛̈́̈Ę̴̜̟̜̹̿̿͗S̵̛̩̝̩͗͊͆̄͛ͅͅT̷͚͒ ̴̗͌ͅI̶͖͒̓́̏S̷̤̞̻̟̅̂̄̎ ̴̨̉̾̐̀͛͋Á̸̝̫̋͑͠ ̷̨̘̠̦͕̅M̶̜̬͍̼̗̬͗̏̊̈͝U̸̫̯̩̬͛͝Ĺ̵̜̼̜̦̀̇̆̕͘T̶͔͉͗̈́Ḯ̴͙S̴̯͙̣͓̫̀̈͜Ṯ̷͎̥͓̌͐̎͑Ą̴̳̖̓͆̀̄̀͜G̷̻̯͎͒̑̉̓E̴̗̭̒ ̷̡̺̮͚̞́̽̈́̈́̕A̴̠̝̿͒͂̕ͅĘ̴̠̮͌̐̒R̷̠̼̙̉̒O̸̼͍͗̈́͗̃̃B̵͍͈̪͖͎̔̓̅̇͘͘I̷̝͉̪̍̔C̸̖̘͙̆͗ ̴̣͉̝̳͖͋͜͝Ç̵̨̹͗A̵͉̺̟͇͠ͅP̷̪͕͔̱͙̬̓̄A̶̟͖̯̹͎̒̎C̵͔̮͍͗̂̌͊̿͝Ī̵̤́͊͆̀͊T̷̙͉͖̙͜͝ͅŸ̴̖͈͚̜͓̱́̾ ̷̘͆̂̄͗͝T̶̻̿Ę̷̢̬̔̒S̷͔͙̹̪̉͑̃͌̀Ṭ̵̓̏̅̉-"
Gavin: god I fucking hate that guy, he's such a prick
Coworker: why don't you just stop being friends with him then?
Gavin: FUCK NO! He's already agreed to be my Best Man
*Connor working silently and diligently*
*notices Gavin staring at him from across the bullpen*
"..... what?"
"You're ass is grass and I'm gonna mow it."
Gavin punching in the teeth of xenophobes. Or at the very least cussing them out because no, Gavin, you already have enough write-ups and complaints as it is, you gotta stop it. Yes, i appreciate the intentions, but the means are getting you in trouble.
Old Cop Acquaintance: Last time we hung out you hated androids. You've gotten soft.
Gavin: No, i've gotten hard. Because he's my best friend, he's my pal. My homeboy, my rotten soldier; my sweet cheese, my good time boy
the newer cops in the precinct start spreading a rumor that Gavin and Connor are dating, and when Connor brings it up with Gavin to see if he wants to do anything to dispel the rumors he just says "If you don't have rumors going around that you and your best friend are dating, then you aren't real best friends."
that's basically how Connor realizes that he has a best friend for the first time.
Gavin: Connor, would you ever bail me out of jail?
Connor: Bold of you to assume I'm not in jail with you
Gavin: bro
Connor: Nines would be the one to bail us out of jail.
Gavin: aw fuck, no, come on! Nines would give us the Look of Disappointment
Connor: Better than the Dad of Disapproval
Gavin: fair point
Tactical Training Day is full of chaos because Gavin makes a bet that he'll do better and while Connor doesn't outright agree to it, you can tell he's playing along because he's putting more effort into the simulations than normal.
Gavin: Okay, run it by me one more time. What do you do if i get shot in the field?
Connor: well, I was programmed to immediately get you clear of the line of fire and then provide medical assistance until back-up or an ALS unit arrives.
Gavin: but?
Connor: ...but you've asked me to cry out "MMMMMM WHATCHA SAAYYY!" and then proceed with my protocols.
Gavin: exACTLY
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Babe-Jeremiah Fisher
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A/n: This song describes him so well. If you don't understand then I'm sorry, I would tell you but I would be spoiling the books. But I'm team Conrad all the way so yes he's my favorite. Jere isn't really my favorite, but I love Gavin. He's so funny. But please enjoy this one!
Song: Babe
Written: Sugarland (feat: Taylor Swift)
'What a shame, Didn't wanna be the one that got away, yeah, Big mistake, broke the sweetest promise, That you never should have made, I'm here on the kitchen floor, you call, but I won't hear it, You said " No one else" '
Your POV
My head was resting on my arms while watching my phone ring for the tenth time this evening. I didn't have the heart to pick it up just to hear Jere's excuse or apologize. The only thing I had going through my head was the day he told me about him sleeping with someone he knew at his school.
That day is so clear to me and it hurts so much just thinking about it. I really wonder if Conrad or Belly knew about this. Hell or even Steven, Laurel and Susanna. I want to call one of them, but I'm so scared about Jeremiah knowing and trying to get the phone to talk to me.
Jeremiah's POV
I stood outside holding my phone and let out a frustrated groan. I just don't know understand why she won't let me explain myself. I was about to call her again when I heard someone speak.
" I would just give her space, Jere."
I turned to find Belly. " I can't stand her not answering. I really need her to hear her voice." I said
She let out a sigh. " Jere, you know what you di..."
I looked back at her and looked away with guilt. " I know! I don't need everyone reminding me!" I said loudly
Before either of us could say anything Conrad and Steven came running out.
" Guys chill." Steven said
I let out a small scoff and turned the other way. " Bro, we know you're upset even though you basically chose that path for yourself, so don't go yelling at any of us." Conrad said
I could hear all three of their footsteps return back inside. I made myself sit down on one of the lounge chairs while holding my phone in my hand.
Your POV
'What a waste, Takin' down pictures and the plans we made, yeah, And it's strange how your face doesn't look so innocent, Your secret had it's consequence and that's on you, babe'
I made myself move to my bedroom so I could throw all the pictures out. I knew if I didn't it would just haunt me for what he did to me. I couldn't get that night out of my head. The next thing I knew was the tears were running down my face. I couldn't make them stop even if I wanted them too.
I felt the sun on the side of my face which told me that I probably cried myself to sleep last night. I heard my phone ding, so I looked at it just to make sure it wasn't Jere, but when I saw Connie texted me I was shocked to say the least.
'Hey, um Jere...may be my idiot brother, but I'm always here if you want to talk. I'm always one call away even though you live like two houses down.'
I let out a breathy laugh and text him back. I then got up to see my room trashed. I decided to take time to get myself together.
I was sitting on the couch in the Fisher's house waiting for Jere to come, since we had plans today. I was starting to get worried when I heard his laugh come from the front of the door. I walked up there to find him talking to someone.
'Since you admitted it (oh), I keep picturin' (oh), Her lips on your neck (oh), I can't unsee it (oh), I hate that because of you (oh), I can't love you, babe what a shame, didn't want to be the one that get away'
"Jere?" I said
He turned around with a surprised look. " Wh...at are you do...ing here?" he stuttered
I looked at him confused. " Um...we made plans, remember."
He turned back to the girl he was talking to, before turning back to me. " Can we talk in my room?" He whispered
I nodded my head. I heard him telling the girl that they would talk soon. When I made it to his room I couldn't make myself sit, so I decided to just stand in the middle of his room.
" I know what you're thinking, but..." Jere started while walking in
" But what, Jere?" I asked
He just looked down. I could just tell that there was more to the story here. " Jere, please just tell me." I whispered trying not to show any emotion
He looked up through his lashes and said, " Tell you what?"
I looked at him with hope that it's not true, but deep down I knew it already. " The truth." I begged
" I think you already figured that out." he said
I could feel the tears starting to fall. " No, no, no." I whispered more to myself
I let out a choked sob before falling to my knees, I knew I should get up and leave, but all I could feel was numbness. " I'm so sorry." He whispered while pulling me into a hug. I pushed him off me, I looked at him through my blurry vision. " Don't touch me!"
He nodded and moved back. I made myself get up to walk to my house away from him and everyone.
Conrad's POV
I was heading to go to the kitchen to grab a drink, but saw Y/n heading for the door. I thought Jere and her were going out. I walked up closer to her only to realize she was crying. I gently placed my hand on her shoulder. I could feel her tense up which made my heart break a little for her. " Hey, Y/n/n. Tell me what's wrong?" I said concerned
She just shook her head. I pulled her in for a hug which she immediately melted into. " Ask your idiotic brother." She whimpered
She pulled away and gave me a small sad smile before heading out. I ran back upstairs to Jere's room. " What the hell did you do to her?" I said
He looked up. " Nothing."
I gave him a look. " Bull Jere. Tell me what you did."  
He just stared down at his hands. I whispered, " You didn't cheat on her did you." I held my breath praying it wasn't true. When he didn't answer I was shocked. " OMG!" I paused " Jere, come on! You had the best girl you could have asked for." I stated
All I got from him was silent. I shook my head in disappointment and walked out.
'How could you do this babe? You really blew this, babe, We ain't gettin' through this one, babe, How could you do this babe? This is the last time, This is the last time, This is the last time I'll ever call you, babe,'
Your POV
All I could think about was it was my fault. Did I do something to drive him to do this? I cried to my mom all night. I knew she didn't like seeing me like this, and I felt bad for piling all this on her when she already had her problems.
'Flashback Ends'
'How could you do this, babe? I'm here on the kitchen floor, you call, but I won't hear it, You said "No one else," We ain't gettin' through this one, babe, I break down every time you call, but I won't hear it, This is the last time, We're a wreck, you're the wreckin' ball, This is the last time, You said " no one else", This is the last time, I'll ever call you, "babe". '
Once again I'm in my kitchen sitting on the floor this time watching my phone go off with a picture of Jere and I. I know I shouldn't be crying because he doesn't deserve my tears, but I couldn't help it. I want to text him or at least answer just to tell him it's been over since I found out that he cheated on me.
I knew I was going to regret the next decision I was going to make, but I had to tell him. I picked my phone up and went to our messages. I hesitated to write, but I knew it would make me somewhat better that he knew.
' Hey Jere, this is hard for me to say, but I know I need to say it. I would love for you to stop calling me for now, maybe just maybe in the near future we can be friends, but that's not an option right now. I just want you to know what you did really broke me and it's hard like really hard for me right now, so this thing with you and I is over and has been over ever since you the day you admitted to cheating. So this is my last good-bye, Jere.'
My thumb was right over the send button. I don't know why it won't push it. It's like my body is numb, or it's telling me not to let go. I know I need to let go and accept that it's happening. I forced my hand to move. Once it was sent I dropped my phone and the tears came down faster.
Jeremiah's POV
I heard my phone ding. I saw that she texted me. I started reading it and broke down. I only kept telling myself how stupid I am and it was making me feel even worse about the whole thing that I did. I just had to accept the fate that this thing with Y/n and I was really over.
Omg! I feel like this one is pretty good. I feel like my writing is getting somewhat better these past years and I'm proud to say this. And I am so thankful for all you for reading and commenting plus voting. It makes me so happy! Again I really hope you enjoy this one!
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
So I recently found out that the Sims 4 is free for download, and naturally I wanted to check it out because I was never allowed to play as a kid but I am an Adult now so I can do what I want. Then I got the brilliant idea to make as many Detroit: Become Human characters I cared to have and play that way, because I’m too impatient to try to learn how to play before I jump into something. So of course it has been a disaster and a learning curve. Here’s some key bits because. I mean this is too funny. I need to share it:
First off I spent way too much time designing each character because I’m a perfectionist and the Sims customisation interface was difficult for me to get down. But I figured it out and I think I did pretty good. I had to download some hair and outfit mods though.
I started out with three households: the Jericrew, the Kara fam, and the DPD gang (ft. all three Connor bros) but now I have five households: 1. Gavin, Kamski, and Nines, 2. The Jericrew + Chloe, 3. Kara fam, 4. Connor and Sixty, and 5. Hank and Cole.
Chloe joined the Jericrew because she and North started dating. Previously, she lived with Gavin, Kamski, and Nines. And I made Gavin and Kamski brothers ofc, but I also made Chloe their sister just so no funny business happened. Also I found out you can change their romantic/sexual preferences and technically make them aroace if you uncheck everything, so Kamski, Connor, and Kara are all aroace because I headcanon them as such. Also Gavin is trans bc I said so. I also found pride flags which was fun. 
Kara fam is just perfect. They are the absolute best. I’m so glad I started with them but also I think they gave me too high of standards, because everyone else just sucks (affectionate). Everytime I go to the Kara fam household, they are all happy/fine/positive emotion, and they actually take care of themselves. I have full autonomy on, and yet I’ll come back to the Jericrew or DPD gang or whoever and find they haven’t fed themselves and the toilets are broken or something. It’s insane. Nines once started a fucking fire on his own. He’s level 6 in cooking. Connor fucking DIED while I was away but luckily I just reloaded a previous save and got him back but like what the FUCK. I don’t even know what he died from either lmao but he died in his bedroom so I can only imagine. Meanwhile Kara, Luther, and Alice are all perfect angels who could do no wrong and they clean their house and have safe kitchen practices and don’t die. I love them a lot. Alice does so well in school. She has many friends and one enemy, idk wtf went down there but it’s funny to me. Every good girl deserves a nemesis. Luther is a gamer, didn’t expect that to happen but it’s funny. Kara plays pranks on them???? But they laugh so it’s fine. Also Alice isn’t a scared little bitch baby like Cole, who can’t sleep a single night without waking up scared of the monster under the bed. Alice befriended hers. 
So yeah I wasn’t going to initially make Cole, just have Connor Nines and Sixty be Hank’s only sons, but then Hank had the aspiration of wanting to start a family so I just decide to try adopting for him and there was a kid named “Anderson” which was so funny and I had to adopt him. But he’s a very weird kid, he’s like if Connor was an 8 year old. Like, gets good grades but is sad about not making friends, tries and fails to befriend the monster under the bed so he’s scared of it, he eats cereal at 3am, he sings to and talks to his stuffed unicorn. It’s adorable. I had no idea all of this was possible.
Oh yeah um. Another thing I had no idea about? Fucking “woohoo”. I knew what it was but I had no idea it was so graphic???? Like they fucking make noises???? I couldn’t even like look at my computer it’s ridiculous. I have to like leave and control another sim each time. Simon and Markus woohoo’d in North’s bed once (against my will) so I had to get her a new one because that’s fucking gross.
The couples will just randomly walk up to each other and kiss which is adorable but also annoying when like for example, I’m having the Connor bros + Gavin visit Hank and Cole and Gavin and Nines just start kissing in the middle of the living room. But then Cole has an adverse reaction to seeing them kiss and is all like disgusted by it, which is hilarious. The others will clap though??? Lmao
Oh my God Sixty flirted with Gavin once and Nines got pissed. Then CONNOR yelled at Sixty for betraying Nines. This game is the funniest thing in the world. Who came up with this. 
North and Simon are best friends but like they kinda did that on their own. North will just go up to Simon and hug him randomly which is crazy to me bc she’s got the hothead trait and like will randomly yell at Josh or stomp around the house, but she sees Simon and just hugs him. It’s so cute. She flirts with Chloe unprompted too. 
I love Markus to death in dbh. He’s one of my favourite characters. Sims Markus, however, is the Worst. He’s got the Friend of the World aspiration or whatever it’s called so he makes lots of friends, but then he’ll like say something mean and get people mad at him?? And obviously it’s in a sims language so idk wtf he says but for example, I introduced the Jericrew to the Kara fam and he got Luther mad at him. Idek how. And then he will mope around about not being recognised for his paintings but gets mad at me when I make him show off his paintings. Bitch what do you want from me. He took Simon on a date and it went really well, but as soon as it was over he fucked off and like did pushups in the park while Simon just stood there. He once spent $45 all at once by making himself three coffees in a row. What the hell. He also got mad at Simon for God knows what but then North yelled at Markus for it which was so funny. I had Josh ask Markus for encouragement once when he was sad, and Markus walked away. Idk if I’m just this bad at the game or if Sims Markus is bugged but it’s wild. 
Josh adopted a kid when I wasn’t there. I was gone for twenty minutes and Josh adopted a kid and named him Antony. It was hilarious but also annoying bc there was literally no space for this kid so I had to rearrange the entire house, and they definitely couldn’t afford a whole Child but Josh didn’t care apparently. Full autonomy is fun but I didn’t realise they could do crazy things like adopt a child on their own. Poor Antony is also really scared of the monster under the bed but Josh has so far proven himself to be a terrible father in that, everytime his kid wakes him up to spray the monster under the bed, Josh gets up and then goes off and does something else, doesn’t even like check up on Antony it’s so annoying. Antony started waking up North instead, unprompted, and she helps him. 
North made an enemy and, at first I encouraged it and had her fight the guy because it was funny, but now she’ll just be walking down the street and it is on sight with this poor fucker. She sees him across the street, runs over, and starts beating him up. It’s hilarious and I love her so much. 
I gave the Jericrew a pool and had everyone invited over for a neighbourhood pool party to introduce them all to each other and Sixty swam into the road. I know it was a glitch but it was super funny. He just. Kept swimming. Into the road. And then swam back. Like he was in the road.
I gave Sixty the “villainous valentine” trait or whatever it’s called because I don’t ship him with anyone and he’s a drama queen so I thought it would be funny, but then he flirted with Josh and Josh reciprocated. I didn’t even make him do it. I had Sixty flirt with everyone who wasn’t in a relationship and it was Josh who liked it. I saw the little green hearts with the ++ above their heads and I was like. What. the fuck just happened. But anyways now Josh and Sixty like each other and I’m too much of a weak bitch to have Sixty cheat on Josh even though it’s his aspiration because I love Josh so idk what I’m gonna do there. I could change it I guess but also I doubt they’ll last lmao especially since I’m doing nothing to help them. It’s still funny tho. I guess I’ll update if anything changes?? If anyone even cares ab this lmao.
Oh also before that, I had Sixty homewreck the Goth marriage and then break up with Mortimer goth so he could get the two aspiration achievements from it, it was funny. Mortimer was a bitch to Connor too, so worth it. Also this family is definitely a Walmart brand Addams family lmao. Except the husband is nowhere near as devoted and loving of his wife obviously. 
Luther is a really high level in the comedy skill and I didn’t do that myself so I guess he’s just naturally hilarious. He’ll be watching tv with Alice and I’ll see him say something and they both laugh, or he’ll joke with Kara while they cook dinner together and they both laugh and it is adorable. Then Alice will come home from school and go see Luther to tell him about her day and he listens and talks back he’s just the sweetest ever.
Simon and Markus’s wedding. Dear lord. I could make a whole separate post about it. It was pure chaos. Let me reiterate that I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing in this game. I’ve never played before and didn’t even know you could hold weddings without the special pack or whatever. Anyways, I had to redo their wedding three times. Three times. So their wedding happened four times because I don’t McFreaking understand this game’s antics.
The first time, I just was floundering and didn’t know how to do anything it was asking me to do. I invited all the other dbh characters but when we showed up at the park, which is where I held the wedding, everyone just wandered off and I had no idea how to get them to watch or anything. I wasn’t prepared with any resources either. It was a mess. Technically I succeeded in the event because I did get them married, but nothing else happened. So I reloaded the save and tried again. 
The second time, I did it a little better, and I had actual tables and chairs and cookware prepared to make food/the cake/etc. I had a whole setup in Magnolia Park that actually looked pretty good. Plus it’s free if you build in the park which is double cool. But anyways I got about halfway through the event when I had Simon and Markus sit at the table with their guests to eat and socialise, and Elijah fucking Kamski flirted with Markus in front of Simon. Markus made a disgusted face and like waved him off, clearly not reciprocating the flirting, but for some reason the game still counted that as “cheating” even though Markus didn’t do anything??? Idk why tf that is but it’s dumb. Anyways, Simon is heartbroken because Markus “cheated” thanks to Kamski being a twat, and I didn’t think much of it til the event ended and I got everyone home and I realised that Markus and Simon’s romance bar had almost completely reset. Like it had the tiniest sliver of pink left. And their friendship bar was halved. Like Kamski fucking bulldozed their relationship when they were just married. And I spent a good hour working frantically to repair their relationship but it wasn’t going well and it was just even more of a mess, and NORTH decided she hated Markus now because he hurt Simon, it was just the worst. So I cheated a little again and went back to my save just before the wedding and started it over again.
The third time went the same as the second, except this time Luther flirted with Markus in front of Simon, and Markus fucking flirted back. I meant it when I said Sims Markus is the worst. He and Luther were good friends before the wedding bc I play with the Kara fam and Jericrew the most bc they’re my favourites, so that makes more sense than Kamski, but still!!! Markus sucks in the sims. Anyways, as soon as I saw that happen I learned my lesson and immediately restarted again.
The fourth and final time, I took away their autonomy. That fixed every problem. The wedding went smoothly, no one fucking flirted with Markus and ruined everything, and poor beloved Simon was so happy. Then when I sent everyone home I gave their autonomy back. Now, when it comes to certain other characters, I definitely wouldn’t have cared this much, but neither Markus nor Simon would ever be the type to cheat, so I don’t at all feel bad about going back and restarting each time, because that’s not who they are. And I’m lowkey pissed that other characters I’m not even controlling are able to flirt with characters I am controlling that are in relationships. Like dear lord, Luther would never. Kamski might. But Luther absolutely would not ever. It’s so crazy.
So anyways, I finally fucking got them married, everyone’s happy, I’m happy. 
Connor is so sweet with Cole. It’s so cute. He reads to Cole and sprays the monster under the bed when Hank isn’t available to and he tag-teams with Cole to prank Gavin and it’s adorable. Oh also I gave Connor the mischief trait or whatever it is because he’s canonically a little shit and it’s funny. And his number one victim is definitely Gavin, close second is Sixty. He pranked Hank a few times but Hank didn’t like it so he stopped. He’s never pranked Nines though idk why. He’ll also just clean things and fix things without me telling him to. He’s a gamer too.
Nines decided he loved fitness on his own. He just does push ups in the kitchen. I’ll be playing as another household and see him jogging down the street. It’s kinda funny. 
I was gonna have Nines propose to Gavin bc I think that’s how it would happen, but Gavin actually beat me to it. 
North and Chloe are so fucking cute. North will just walk up to her and kiss her cheek or flirt with her and Chloe gets all blushy it’s adorable. North handed her a rose once on her own. 
Dude some of these guys are idiots. Someone will be in the bathroom and they’ll just walk in and then be all like “I can’t unsee that!!” like bitch have you heard of knocking. Wtf. but apparently couples can use the bathroom or shower in front of each other no problem so at least I don’t have to worry about that.
I gave each of the Jericrew fireplaces in their rooms. Big mistake. Within five minutes, Simon and Josh caught themselves on fire. I took the fireplaces away immediately. 
I gave North some knight armour stands in her room bc they’re cool as fuck and I think she’d like them, and she’ll just stare at the armour sometimes it’s funny. 
I found out you can have male characters wear dresses if you remove the dumb “masculine” tag on their outfit choices and I spent at least ten minutes freaking out and salivating over Markus in a dress. GOD he looks so fine. Fuck. I gave Simon and Sixty dress options too bc I think they’d rock it and I’m right. Tempted to give everyone dress options actually. North wears a tux though, and her swimsuit is a one piece because I refuse to believe she’d ever wear anything that even slightly resembles the Eden Club “outfit”. She’s hot as fuck in a tux which is obvious.
I think that’s it but I’ll add on if anything else crazy happens. <3
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danime25 · 1 month
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ao3 // masterlist
*Summary: Gavin plays a trick on Ray one night after drinks. Ray gets a little bit more than he bargained for.
*Content/Tags: Fluff and Smut, Smut, Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Shameless Smut, Sex, PWP, TW: Vomit
*Rating: E for Mature Explicit Content
*Status: Oneshot Drabble/Complete
Author's Note: Never did I think I would be writing for such a small fandom but that's okay! I've got no justification for why I thought Angus Sampson in this movie was hot and needed to write this fic about him. But this is for all (2) other people out there that saw the Mule and were like "oh what a tall and pathetic looking man, I need to sleep with him". Enjoy!
“Come on. Let’s get you to a hotel, mate.” Gavin laughed. He’d never seen Ray so shitfaced in his fucking life. Normally the guy could hold his weight in beers, like it was drinking water but Gavin may have slipped some vodka and a strong Korean liquor in between cans of the cheapest stuff money could buy. He guided his friend into a cab and told the driver just to get them to a place before Ray threw up in the back. The driver seemed pissed by the request, but hurried them to a decent enough place nearby. Gavin shoved Ray out of the cab and into the lobby, wrestling some money out from Ray’s pocket. He made a gesture that equated to ‘Get a load of this bloke’ as Ray hunched over against a wall on the other side of the lobby. There’s no way that the front desk clerk could read this as a hook-up. Just a bro looking out for his mate, right? Ray stifled some vomiting noises behind him before swooped under Ray’s arms and guided him to the room that he had paid for. They barely crossed the threshold of the room when Ray ran as best he could in his inebriated state over to the toilet. He wretched and Gavin stood silently in the entryway. He wasn’t sure if he should ask if Ray was going to be okay, or say something biting about the fact that his friend hasn’t thrown up like this since they were barely teens sneaking a beer from Ray’s stepfather’s stash. When the gagging noises had stopped he stood in the doorway of the bathroom and asked,
“You gonna be alright there?”
“Never better.” Ray responded dryly, wiping the remnants off the side of his mouth. He took the cleaner looking rag and wet it under the sink before cleaning his face off. He looked in the mirror at his sunken in eyes as Gavin slapped his back, bringing up a whole new wave of nausea. He glared at the other man before saying, “I’m never going to another one of your fucking parties, mate.”
“C’mon you’ll be at my next one.” Gavin nudged him again. He shoved back against his friends touch, pushing him out the door, “Right. Get some sleep and in the morning you can get back round to your mum’s house.”
“See you later.” Ray closed the door behind Gavin’s back and flopped onto the bed. His head was swimming still as he laid there, shutting his eyes tight so as to try and focus on something that wasn’t his current state. He took one more deep breath before he was knocked out without his realizing. He jolted up from the bed when he heard the sound of knocking on his door.
“Hello?” The voice asked. It was soft, but it definitely could still be Gavin playing a prank on him.
“Gav, go away.”
“Room service.” The voice called back
“Gav, I’m really not in the fucking mood.” He strode across the room, nearly ripping the door off its hinges as he was about to tear into his fuckhead of a friend for interrupting him while he slept. Only to see a woman standing before him. “Oh. Sorry. Thought you were someone else.”
“You’re Ray?” She asked him, her hand hovering over the center of his chest while she waited for a response. He raised an eyebrow before nodding his head slowly. He was pushed back into his room by her fingertips and shoved onto his bed. She worked her jacket off over her shoulder and let the fabric fall onto the floor. He looked at her absolutely dumbfounded before asking,
“What are you here for?”
“Your friend ordered me. Said you could use a good time.”
Ray just blinked a couple of times before breaking into an apology, “Miss, I’m sorry. Really I am but I’m trying to get over this hangover and my piece of shit friend did this as a prank probably…”
“Then let’s try and enjoy this in spite of him.” She leaned into his personal space before pressing her lips onto his. His lips were still for a moment, thankful he had taken the time to clean his face before passing out. With a slight hesitation he put a hand on her neck and started mashing their lips together. She pulled away from him and ran her thumb over his lips, “No offense, but your friend was right saying you weren’t well practiced.” She smiled, “Almost like I’m taking your virginity.” He kept his mouth shut. He wouldn’t confirm or deny it, or at least he thought he couldn’t. Rather he would change the topic,
“You’ve got a lovely accent.” He looked up at her as her fingers kept toying with the edge of his mouth
“Thank you.” She laughed in earnest, “You might be my easiest lay, but you’re pretty damn sweet.”
“Thank you, I think.” He replied. She eased her hands onto his shoulders and guided him down onto his back, his legs propped up over the side of the bed. She rested on top of his center and pushed herself down into him for some friction. His hands darted to her hips, resting on her soft curves. He bit down on his lip and a finger trailed under his chin, forcing his gaze back up to her. She took his hands and moved them up her back and let his hand hover over the clasps to her bra. He took her cue and unhooked the garment slowly. He slipped a finger underneath the strap and helped to ease it off her body. His hands moved to her front, cupping her breasts between his hands. She leaned in closer to him as she kissed him. It felt chaste. Her hand rested on his chest as she tilted her head the other way. Her hand shifted to the back of his neck. She forced him back down onto his back as they were linked by their lips.
“We can do more than just make-out, you know” she grinned at him
“Yeah. Yeah let’s do that” he nodded, pulling away from her again to lift his shirt off over his head and throwing it to the floor. He brought his fingers down quickly to his belt, fumbling to get the buckle undone. She pressed a kiss onto his cheek and delicately swatted his hands away before unlocking it and pulling it off his body in one long movement. If he weren’t using his hands to keep himself upright enough to look at her, he’d almost clap. He shook that thought immediately out of his head as he dove right in for another kiss from her. She slid his pants and underwear down to his ankles and shimmied down his body. She laid one hand down next to Ray’s outside thigh and used her dominate hand to wrap around his semi-erect dick. After a couple of quick pumps and some kisses as Ray tried to avoid making direct eye contact with the woman servicing him, she got up from the bed. Ray let out a whine that he tried desperately to suck back in as she smirked and reached into her purse. She pulled a tube out and brought it back over to Ray. He made a low whimper as strands from her hair brushed across his bare shoulder. She covered him in the lube and a condom before thrusting herself onto him. His hand darted up across her back as she took him deeper into herself. She thrusted hard into his lap, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck. He moaned as he pushed her further down onto him. His grasp was firm on her ass as she slowly started to move. He wanted to please her. He wanted her to cum because of him… he might not be her best lay but he wanted her to be happy. He carefully pushed her down so that she would stop bouncing on him and she gave him a look. Rather than answer with words, he shoved his head in between her breasts. His lips moved across the fat before he latched onto her tit. His tongue lapped at the sensitive skin and she let out a moan from deep within her chest.
“So good…” She whispered. She continued to ride him, speeding up as she felt Ray’s hands squirm across her back. She bit down on his lip ever so slightly while kissing him until he came into the condom. While she rode him until he was spent, her hand slid across his chest. He looked at her with big eyes after she had gotten off his lap and curled up next to him. She held onto his arm for a moment and returned his gaze. He cautiously pressed his lips onto the crown of her head and snaked his fingers through hers, connecting them. “Not too bad…” She started, about to tell him that he could use some more practice but decided against it at the last second.
“I thought it was nice.” Ray shrugged, “You looked lovely.”
“Thank you.” She rolled onto her side and looked at the clock. She let out a sigh and slowly got up from the bed. Ray instinctively reached out to her and held her down. She leaned back into him and gave him a kiss on the lips,
“I have to go, I’m sorry.”
“I know…” He let go of her before she leaned in once more. He pursed his lips expecting another kiss before she said
“Y’know I wouldn’t mind seeing you again… outside of work.”
“Like a date?”
“Yeah. Like a date.” Her whole body’s expression softened. Like she was a woman in that moment and not a worker that Gavin had payed for. “Do you have a pager?”
“No… but I could give you my number.” He got up from the bed and grabbed a piece of toilet paper. He ran back and shoved himself back into his pants before rummaging through the hotel room to find something to write down his number. He found a pen in the bedside counter and scribbled furiously. When he tore through the paper he looked for a more solid piece. He ripped a corner off a page from the hotel directory and handed it to her. She pulled out her wallet and carefully tucked it into a side pocket. “Thank you, y’know. For not throwing it away immediately.”
She frowned a little bit as he said that. “I’d never… could I call you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. You could do that.”
“Alright. I’ll talk to you then.” She smiled and slipped out of the hotel room. After getting his shirt back on he walked out of the hotel room himself and tried to orient where he was. He stepped outside the hotel and looked around, figuring out he was on the way other side of town from his mother’s house. After scrounging up enough money from his pockets he got in a taxi and went back to his home.
“There you are, Ray. Where the hell have you been all night?” His mom asked him out of concern. He brushed it off with a couple of non-committal responses before rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and saying that he had to go to bed after the night he had out with Gavin. “Always in trouble that one. His mum would be rolling over in her grave if she could see him.”
“Yeah. Good night, Mum.” Gavin replied and walked off to his room. No sooner was he asleep before he heard the sound of the phone ringing coming from the kitchen.
“Well I don’t know if he’s available right now, love…” He heard his mother’s muffled voice on the other side of his door. He quickly swung the door open and walked quickly to the kitchen, stealing the phone from his mother’s hand. He cleared his throat before talking into the receiver
“Hi, this is Ray?” The familiar voice asked. It sounded fraught with anticipation as she waited to make sure she’d gotten the right number
“Yeah this is.” He smiled into the phone
“Told you I’d call tomorrow.” She laughed quietly, “Anyway, I was calling to see if you’d still like to go on that date… now that you’re probably sober.” Her voice trailed. He didn’t need her to finish whatever it was she was going to say
“Yeah. Yeah I’d like that. I’m pretty free most nights.”
“I’m free on Thursday, if that’s alright with you?”
“I have a football…” He started, “But actually, yeah. I’ll be free.”
“Okay. I’ll see you then.” He could feel the warmth of her smile on the other end
“See you.” He held onto the plastic object in his hand before putting it back onto the wall
“Who was that?” His mother asked
“Wrong number.” He replied. It wasn’t a very convincing lie
“Awfully long for a wrong number.” She replied back. She wasn’t fooled. He shrugged it off and sat at the couch in front of the family TV. He grinned as he thought about taking her out for the night. For once, he’d have something to thank Gavin for the next time they saw each other.
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fandomideasamdhcs · 1 year
The Grom King Will Rise(i couldn’t think of a title)
 He grabbed the sword off the stand as the crowd cheered around him. All he had to do was fight a demon that feeds off fear. No problem. He would be just fine right? Well he would know soon. Matt didn't want to be Grom king but what would he do? The only one who offered to take it was Gus and Matt didn't want him hurt. He needed to do this. He would do this.
"Wow Matty~ I can see you shaking from here," a voice came from behind him. The voice was familiar and sent a shiver down his spine.
"Bria," he leveled the sword which was definitely meant for someone bigger. He could barely keep it steady. When Bria lunged he side stepped and slashed through her easily. One down just a few more to go
"And he has contoured the fist fear of the night," Gus smiled and he talked into the microphone
"With how easy that was, can we even call it a fear, Gus?" Matt's shoulders relaxed as he leaned back enough to look confident. He was a really good actor when it came to things like this.
He only dropped his smile when Grom's form changed into his older brother. He didn't fear Steve, not in the slightest, but when grom opened its mouth the echo voice revealed the true fear he kept hidden.
"That was nothing. You're just as weak as always. How did I get such a failure for a little brother?"
"Shut up."
"You can't even face me. What's wrong little bro? Not brave enough. Maybe I should have tried to get you re-enrolled at Glandas like dad wanted. You would be stronger then."
"Sh-shut up."
"Aw shutting like the baby you are."
"I said SHUT UP!" Matt screamed, his eyes closing as he gripped the sword. His arms shook with the effort not to drop it.
"Poor baby bro. Still so innocent I bet you don't even know how to swing that sword of yours hu? How is a worthless little weakling"
"Shut up shut up shut up! You aren't Steve. You're just a copy of him to hurt me."
"Are you telling me or yourself little bro~?" The copy of Steve walked closer just within Matt's reach. Matt slammed his eyes shut and swung blind, hitting him in the side. When he opened his eyes grom had disappeared a second time.
"And our courageous champion has conquered grom's second challenge!" Gus yelled out to the crowd. Had he been talking this whole time? He had to of been. He always did.
"Wow Gus I didn't even relize you were talking!" Matt laughed even if it was forced it made him feel a little better to do it.
Gus return led his laugh happily. As much as Matt would of loved to focus on the conversation the shadows behind him demanded more attention. He knew the shapes easily. The three people who he hated more than anything in the world. The three people who made his life terrible every day at glandas. Gavin, Amar, and Bria, his three old friends who had torn his life to shreds.
"Well well well looks like the trailer is haveing a good time," if it had been Gavin 9r bria the voice wouldn't of hurt so much. But he was closer to amar he actually had an ally in amar in most things.
"Of course he os he doesn't have to put up with glandas anymore the lucky jerk," Matt froze they thought he was lucky.
"What are you talking about you three got me kicked out of glandas and now your calling me lucky?" Matt stared at the tree of them wide eyed.
"Oh boo hoo we helped you leave glandas and you blame us. We were helping you escape and you just turn around and forget us?"
"You ruined my life every chance you got you did everything to Saratoga me you manipulated me into being a stooge for you guys and you think you were helping me?"
"We didn't do any of that you are the one who helped us every chance-"
"You stayed up all night on your own sabatogeing yourself-"
"You chose all of this we didn't do anything," Brian voice vent from harsh to soft before all thelree voices joined together, if Matt had been looking he would of seen grom combine again into one lump with three bodies coming off of it,"you made us into monsters and left us to rot. How could you Matt?"
When Matt did look up he regretted it. Most of the time grom chose to stay with psychological horror but this was something else. Eacj of their faces was twisted and just off enough to set Matt on edge. Like some one had taken a picture and edited it hopeing no one would notice. Just looking at it made Matt's skin itch in disgust as his hands and feet started to glow. Jumped back as spikes shot up into grom impairing it from all sides.
Gus is talking again but Matt doesn't quite hear what he says. He's too caught up in the idea that all he has to do is deliver the final blow to Grom. One more hit and it's all over he wins all on his own. He raised the sword above his head and swung it down. He should have kept his eyes closed but he opened them. If he had waited another second he wouldn't have stopped but now he couldn’t move. Grom had changed into Gus. But not the normal Gus. Not the happy boy who made him smile ever so softly.
The replica was crying and looked terrible. Matt stepped back not wanting to scare his friend, his brain yelling that Gus was behind him and not to be tricked so easily. The sword fell from his hand. He barely noticed Grom send it flying across the floor.
He almost didn't hear it, the small voice creeping up from the dark so soft and sweet.. a voice he had come to love though he refused to admit it,"Matty...how-how could you. You were supposed to care for me I-I thought we were friends...." 
A sob escaped the replicas' throat and Matt froze. Gus' big brown eyes shone up at him. Matt always gave in when Gus gave him that face he just had to remember that this wasn't Gus.He should attack but then he would have to.make himself hurt Gus even a replica of him was too difficult to hurt, but if he ran away he would be seen as weaker than before
"I thought you changed Mattholomule but you are nothing more than an inconsiderate jerk. I was wrong about you," tears flowed down the replica's face. Matt could have picked out all the flaws in the design. His eyes were too big and the wrong shade of blue and his uniform was too loose around the shoulders..
He wished that knowing it wasn't Gus helped the pain ripping through him.. if Grom feeds on pain and fear then it was getting the biggest feast it ever encountered. He went out with the chance of being turned into a puppet he helped lead the school. Why couldn't he do this?
Matt staggered back slightly trying to escape the sinking feeling in his gut. Grom changed suddenly and became a pile of goo as it launched at Matt grabbing his arm and searching his head for his biggest fear. Suddenly the crowd around him went silent as Grom solidified into...him?
Grom's eyes, no they were his eyes, looked at him and a smirk was clear across the cops face. The scar barely visible on his neck was gone along with the cloudy look in his eyes. The copy was taller and his smile sweeter. The copy was in the hexadecimal uniform except it was just illusions and not construction.
"Hello~," the copy smiled and mimicked his voice almost perfectly.  He sounded younger and sweeter though. Like the kind of baked goods you can only eat one of or you'll hate the idea of eating sweets for a month.
"What this my biggest fear your j-just me," Matt eyes were wide in shock
"Oh Matt Tholomule I'm NOTHING like you. You are a mistake, a screw up, you can't do anything right. i, however, am kinder, stronger , smarter... you mean nothing but I," the copy placed a hand on its chest and smirked," Icould make everyone happier. I'm you if you actually were worth keeping around."
"Please," Matt pretended to laugh. He failed terribly" what- what makes you better than me?"
"I dont hate myself, I actually have value and I'm not a useless friend like you. Who would want to be seen with the kid who can't even hold a sword right. Poor idiot you know we could always switch have you stay here and have me live your life everyone would be better off,"
Matt didn't want to admit how tempting the offer sounded. A better life for his friends...he knew it was a lie but part of him wanted to just agree. Let go and let others be happy for once. They deserved it.
Matt slowly backed away trying to get distance between him and the copy but it just kept moving closer. His back hit the wall and he saw Guss move towards the edge of the stage, a worried look on his face before the copy moved between them. Matt closed his eyes ready to be killed. He would be the first to fail at defeating Grom. He really was useless hu?
He waits to see why he isn't being hit. The chocked noise above him. His eyes widened and he stared up at the copy. And at the sword sticking right through its chest.
"Sorry for the interruption folks but when a friend is in danger you've got to help them out" Gus stood brandishing the sword a smirk clear across his face. Matt would have thought he was calm if it weren't for the slight shake in his stance. 
Gus had saved him even though he could be hurt by Grom he had saved him," I was taught that by Mattholomule the strongest witch I know. And you will never have that. Matt is honest and caring and my best friend hurt him again and we won't be the one seeing our fears you will"
To say Matt was embarrassed would be an understatement. Of course Gus of all people would hear his dark thoughts and instead of judging him try to help. He was friends with Gus because of his positivity of course. His heart beat faster and Gus grabbed his arm leading him away from where Grom was reforming. He really was so glad to have him in his life.
He handed him a hammer and smiled at him gently,"come on Matty you might not be good with a sword but anything can be a weapon right?"
He laughed a smile coming back onto his face,"almost anything unless Grom is lactose intolerant i don't think ice cream will do much bud- ahh"
They fell back as Grom charged a clown appearing behind Gus. Long fangs dripped red and bright orange hair puffed up  on top of its head. It was deathly pale and had red eyes. All and all if this is what Gus saw them as then the fear of clowns was more than justified.
"Gus look out!" He doesn't even register his hands glowing. All he saw was the wall suddenly go up and a spike stab through the clown.
Gus smiled at him and held the sword towards Grom. The demon has split into three one still looked like Matt the other two were clowns.
"Have I mentioned I really hate clowns," Gus was trying to joke about it and failing badly.
"I never would have guessed. You seem to love them,"Matt nudged Gus' shoulder. He might not say it out loud but Gus being close by calmed him down more than anything. He had noticed it while hanging out and was thankful for it in situations like this. This was nothing compared to the demons they faced protecting the looking glass graveyard.
"Are you ready to beat Grom Matty?"
"Do we have to, this was soo fun," Matt laughed and stood shoulder to shoulder with Gus. With the person who he would trust with us life his heart and ole. With the person he would do anything for. They were going to beat this.
"You insolent child, you could never beat me. I'm smarter and faster and stronger, you are nothing!" Grom screamed at them and charged.
Matt lifted his hammer high above his head,"that's where you're wrong I'm Grom king, it's you who's nothing," he swung down as Gust stabbed Grom in the side, the stone weapons spreading through Groms body. Matt smiled as he had done it and he had won. Two shards broke off of Grom the simple stone changing into two crowns. Matt reached down and grabbed both gently laying one on Gus' head before putting one on His own. He hadn't won they had.
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La Brea really is just the new Lost, season 3 out here spinning pretzels lmaö.
For starters when did Gavin have actual gaps in his memory, like first it was visions but now suddenly he's been missing a whole year of his life apparently?? And they just never brought it up till now??? Ok. Not even a "I just thought that was the alcoholism, but now I really think about it, I really am missing way more than I should be even with the drinking, that's concerning..." but go off I guess.
Also this was earlier but lol the second she came in screen I Called It they were gonna be gay, love that for them.
But also also isn't the advice usually keep your elbow down??? Babes... this is the oysters of the woods all over again
I'm high key loving Ty's plotline in the future/past tho lol. (The past of their future bc it's before they fell, but back in their time......gotta love time travel). Bro's like "I'm gonna grab this stubborn ass and this sad mess and we're gonna save their future selves and everyone else in the past...somehow. We got this... Gav- Gavin get back here, I said we got this, you will heal damnit."
Mkay but Veronica getting offered the position on the council while hyping up Luke, and then getting immediately defensive when she goes to tell him and he's startled, like, it was genuinely out of the blue from his pov, everyone called him leader and you never brought up interest in or suggested anyone else be in the council. Genuine confusion when you say "I'll talk you up" and then come back with "they offered it to me" to be like "huh...".
But she didn't even give him time to actually dig in to be a dick about it or not, just immediately got defensive, and apparently had already accepted the position? Which seemed kinda shitty, like you're not gonna even discuss it a little? Like "hey so she offered it to me instead, she said these reasons why, I think you could still fit maybe (or whatever), maybe the three of us sit down and talk it out, but at the very least at least there's a clearing person on the council like we wanted, however this ends" ya know, discuss.
But they just really needed them to have ~drama~ so of course. 🙄 They were getting too perfect and supportive of each other, clearly we need to remedy that for good story telling.
Which reminds me of Ty and Paara, Ty for yanked to 21 but where did Paara go?? Ruth is ruling "while she's gone" but like where she go? 😭 I like Ruth but I miss Paara. I also kinda miss Gavin being treated like the little boy that had been living there like a fkking week ago and remembered growing up there. Now he's just ~an outsider~ that kinda acts like it. Bring back the Gavin that's also Isaiah.
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redrose-arrow · 1 year
my [shared account’s] spotify wrapped, except it’s only the songs that i listened to exclusively because they remind me of RA
#8: Serenade by BANNERS: the biggest Will and Maddie song, if ever there was one. 
#12 It’s Gonna Be OK by BANNERS: hi yes so this was the designated song for George telling Maddie It’s Gonna Be OK after everyone’s died in my Heroes get remembered, but legends never die killing spree. 
#15 Missing You by All Time Low: Gilan being a big bro to Will will forever have a special place in my heart 
#16 Someone To You by BANNERS: at this point I just love this song, but way back when it was one of many Willyss anthems. 
#17 Venus Fly Trap by MARINA: Maddie Maddie Maddie Maddie Maddie Maddie Maddi-
#18 On And On by The Score: hahahahahahahhahaa yes so this was the song I chose for Crowley’s death. anyways. 
#21 Viva La Vida by Coldplay: do I even need to explain myself? okay I will- it’s Halt and Ferris and the crown of Clonmel. 
#22 Where Do You Run by The Score: I don’t fully remember how and why, but I just got Will vibes. 
#24 Home Without A Heart by Blanks: Willyss without me being able to explain why. I just have a vivid memory of thinking about them when I first heard the song. 
#25 Half Light by BANNERS: uhhhhh yea so that’s the song I associate with Halt being deathbed sick. 
#30 Going Home by The Score: the special task force coming home. I wish we’d seen more of that. 
#39 Where The Shadow Ends by BANNERS: look, I just went though a songfic period this spring, and I used this one to write about Cassandra helping Will face his trauma. 
#41 Centuries by Fall Out Boy: an oldie but goldie, but like, look me in the eyes and tell me that most of the RA characters do not embody this song. you can’t. 
#43 Coming Home by Sheppard: I will not apologise for loving the “coming home” trope so much and using it every. single. chance. I have. 
#55 Unsteady by X Ambassadors: ok, I will apologise for the killing spree, but this song was for Will learning of Alyss’s death. I have never been less okay. 
#56 Symphony by Sheppard: WILLYSS WILLYSS WILLYSS WILLYSS I’d literally die for them. 
#58 Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy: my friend once suggested this song for “the wards changing and saving the world” and she’s right. 
#61 Ghosts by Banners: will you kill me if I remind you that this song was for Pauline after Halt’s death? because that’s how it ended up here. 
#65 Quarter Past Midnight by Bastille: always thinking of the Redmont wards when I hear this. 
#68 Got It In You by BANNERS: this one I also used for writing Cassandra telling Will that he’s more than his trauma. 
#69 The Anchor by Bastille: Horace trying to help Will, but sometimes it’s awfully hard for Will to believe he can be helped. 
#73 Brother by NEEDTOBREATHE and Gavin DeGraw: I am so in love with the found family in RA, istg. 
#82 Superheroes by The Script: this has been an appreciation song for Will and Alyss as separate characters and as a couple for literally as long as I can remember. 
#86 For the First Time by The Script: remember my whole AU about Alyss going to Gallica with Keren and Will getting her back but they have to built their relationshp from scratch? yeah.
#92 Let Her Go by Passenger: this was one of the first songs I every associated with RA and of course it’s TRR. how could it not be? 
#93 Before I Go by Guy Sebastian: I’m a little hesitant to admit that this one is also from my killing spree, but it was the David/Rodney/Arald returning from retirement to save Araluen again which leads to all of their deaths song. 
#97 Die Young by Sheppard: life is hard and dangerous but they’re still having fun. you only live once, right? 
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I will say this
Not to blanket over this shitty situation, because it needs to be said, what has happened is fucking shitty. It’s shitty what Kdin, Mica, Fiona, and possibly other folks who’ve worked at RT had gone through. And then of course, Matt was reduced to just part-time, despite being one of the on-screen talents and content creators for AH, he was reduced to a part-timer. And not only that, a lot of other people in RT were laid off. An all around shitty situation, and the community for RT/AH is already feeling the hurt and betrayal from thinking this company was our friend. But, we were very much reminded that companies can and will stab you in the back and will leave you to bleed out for even thinking about trusting them at face value. Sure, this is pointing fingers at Warner Bros. Discovery, but as more people come forward, we’re seeing a lot of shit that’s been going on behind the scenes at RT that have a lot of us turning in our first memberships, and I don’t blame anyone for doing so because I certainly turned mine in.
But, there are still some very good people in this company. Like, look at it like this: what they were 10 years ago, is vastly different to how they are now. I won’t say today or yesterday, for obvious reasons, but as of now, there have been some good folks here. Geoff and Gavin both used to be very problematic. That Nether Portal video that, though has been removed from the Let’s Play channel, is still out there somewhere. Michael too had a certain video on his YouTube channel that, though he himself now frowns upon, is very offensive. Jeremy too is not in the clear here, as I still remember the compass argument. And now to hear that they used to call Kdin a slur nickname, that sounds very much like them, I will not lie. They were very, VERY immature back then, despite being grown ass men who knew the consequences of doing these things. Not a single one of them is without sin in this workplace, and RT definitely is not free of sin. 
However, they’ve gotten better over the years. They’ve raised so much money during extra life as well as other charity streams they’ve done, they’re becoming more inclusive and diverse, something that they certainly weren’t 10 years ago. 10 years ago, I don’t think I saw a single woman other than Barbara and Lindsay. Now, you look at their cast and the people that work there and there are more women working here, along with POC and LGBTQ+ individuals, with Lindsay being non-binary themselves. And hell, the main crew themselves are much more mature than they were back then. Like I know for a fact that present day Geoff would beat the shit out of 10 years ago Geoff, or hell, even beat the shit out of the Geoff that started the company because I know that Geoff was probably worse than 10 years ago Geoff. 
Sure, this will never excuse the things they’ve said and done, but to say everyone in this company is shitty and terrible isn’t really the best way to, I don’t know, cope? with this situation. Because, there’s no coping here. There’s the presented fact that shit has happened within this company that cannot be reversed or taken back. What has been said and done can’t be erased, and the people who are on camera are just as, if not, more so guilty for letting it happen and participating in it. I know, they can’t do much as it would ruin their own appearance, but the fact that they’ve only scratched the surface of what they could do (See: An Honest Discussion - Off Topic #236), instead of really getting to the bottom of the things they’ve let fly under the radar, really doesn’t sit well with me. NDAs be damned, they need to unpack all the wrongdoings and unfair treatment they’ve done to their own employees, who are now ex-employees.  Like I know this is me trying to save them some face and trust me, I’m not. I’m very disappointed and even disgusted with how they treated Kdin, Mica, Fiona, and everyone else who got shit on so much that leaving/being laid off was the best choice for them cause now, they no longer have to deal with the bullshit the company gave to them. Bullshit that they’ve never signed up for and was given to anyway, and the only thing we, the community, can really say to them is we’re sorry that it happened when it shouldn’t have happened anyway.  All that’s left now is to try and see what happens moving forward. Like is there a future for RT/AH down the road? Who knows at this point. With all that has happened, it’s a wonder as to if the fan base will remain the same, or shrink down to the thousands, or even hundreds at this point. 
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Palisman for Plaismanless Adult Witches
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Yeah I wanted to do more witch and Palisman pairings, they are one of my favorite parts of the owl house. Well I noticed that most of my idea’s and pairings are for children, but since the previous generation where born and raised under Belos’s control, many of them do not have Palisman either, so why not fix that? Here are picks for the coven heads, the parents, and other adults we frequently see. Note I am giving some of the villain/bad adults palisman as well, it was kinda fun thinking up what they would get. Boshca, Gavin, Hermunclus, and the Glandis principal all have Palisman even though they are antagonists (Well the Glandis principal probably is based on how he runs his school). So I figure each character has some kinda drive that the palisman link to (Boshca and Maya) or some palisman are made with harsher desires than others.
Darius Deamonne: One of the easier ones because his voice actor already told fans that if Darius had a palisman it would be a hawk. The only question left is what breed of hawk? I looked at several breeds (Extra note here I am now pretty sure that Gwendolyn Clawthorne’s palisman, Hawk-sly, is a Ridgeway Hawk. The picture I saw of one showed a hawk with a white head, like a bald eagle). For Darius I would say the classic red-tailed hawk would be best. It is strong, sharp eyed, lightweight, master of the sky, and has some of the most elagent and individualized plumage of any Hawk. Red-tailed hawk for Darius.
Raine Whispers: I saw a post that said Raine’s voice actor was asked the same question as Darius, and they answered that Raine would have a Penguin, they also said that Raine’s penguin would either be named Gatsby or Waddles ( Raine Whispers and Mabel Pines meeting, and introducing their same-named-animals to each other, then talking about bard hobbies they do with them). Once again we just need to choose a breed. Now the classic penguin model is an emperor penguin, but for obvious reasons that will not work for traitor to the throne, rebel leader, Raine Whispers. neither would a king penguin or a crown penguin. I would say the best type of penguin for Raine would be the african penguin. It is slim, has an adorable and still fairly well known black and white stripey design. Is both strong and fast, mates for life, and has no affiliation to outdated system’s of monarchs.
Eberwolf The Huntsman: I looked and looked to see if any one had asked Eber’s voice actor about palisman but found nothing (Why ask the other two but not Eber’s?), so It looks like I will have to pick based on what I know about Eberwolf... I pick a tarantula/giant spider. Sipders are small, fierce, master hunters, like Eberwolf. Spiritually they represent connections and interwoven webs between others. Eberwolf is deeply contected to the beasts on the isles through beast keeping, and the CATT”s since as people have pointed out he is the one who keeps Darius and Raine focused, and is generally the first to move. Also you know how Principal Bump has a staff for Frewin, but normally carries him around on his head? I cannot see Eberwolf carrying a staff around. He runs everywhere, and when he is not running he rides on giant worms (or on Big Bro Darius’s shoulders). So I am imagining that Eber would have a staff just for flying to places when needed, but for ground work the spider would climb on to his back and its legs would turn into backpack straps, so that he could carry them hands free.
Terra Snapdragon: Now we are getting into the “what type of palisman would the baddies bond with”. Terra was surprisingly easy. A poison dart frog. This is a very colorful tropical frog. It’s also very tiny, only about the size of a thumb nail. Terra would not need a staff either, she could probably wear it like a jewel. This frog size makes it look harmless, and again it has really nice, bright, vibrant colors,.. those are a warning, because it’s small fragile looking body is loaded with toxins, and prolonged exposure is hazardous to your health. Just like Terra.
Adrian Graye Venworth: A mouse. We all know who, or should I say what Adrian is based off of; and we all know who, or should I say what its mascot is. No need to make this one harder than it has to be.
Hettie Cutburn: She was a bit harder than Terra. I kept going through witch doctor animals, and really dangerous animals that could hurt you. I finally settled on an electric eal. Just because a patient does not need electroshock therapy, just because it offers no benefit to said patient, is not any reason for Hettie to not suggest shock therapy.
Mason: A beaver It’s brown, burly, good at construction, and I do not think they are all that chatty. With what little we got to see of Mason, him and beaver’s share these traits
Vitimir: A Skunk. Okay I do not think Vitimir is evil. Firstly until I know more about him, Osran, and Mason I am labeling them all as "dumb pawns who could not see that they were being tricked". Secondly the fact that he wears a mask around people unless they start a fight, and only then does he blow acid/poison clouds at them, kinda makes him seem more defensive than out right malice. Like he does not initially want to hurt anyone, but is gonna protect himself in a fight.. But with his “special ability” and the resting anger written clear on his face, I cannot deny that he would be a very unpleasant person to not be on the right side of. A skunk is another animal with a fume related “special ability”, that if encountered you do not want to be on the wrong side of.
Osran: I know nothing about Osran and have some questions as to how Belos managed to trick an elderly Oracle so easily?...   Well intelligence isn’t a requirement for being a witch (in this universe), neither is it one for having a palisman. Since Oracle track members fight with ghosts, I will give Osran a little Casper looking ghost palisman. Casper was kinda short-sided too if my memory stands.
Alador Blight: Another pretty easy one as well (this is assuming that the little rat from CATH was not a palisman, but a regular pet). Alador loves butterfly’s and moths. I picked a moth because they are sorta more interesting in meaning. Spiritually a moth means great change is around the corner. In some cultures they are seen as messengers of tragedy,because they are creatures of the dark. (Alador made the abomitron’s that gave the emporer more power, and when he agreed to an increased work week he left his kids more vulnerable to his wife’s abuse). But some cultures also think that moths can mean good changes because they fly towards the light (Alador also said he makes security systems for protecting peoples homes. When he found out just how far down his wife had sunk he destroyed the factory, took the kids, and left). Now moths have as many different breeds as birds. I am going to go with a lunar moth for Alador. They're large, have uniquilly shaped, very aerodynamic wings, and are a beautiful iridescent green with black circles. Very nice to watch, and who knows what inspiration he could gleam from it.
Odalia Blight. A cotton mouthed snake. Okay this women is a snake in the grass, she is tricky, and she is toxic. But she is not a rattle snake or a cobra. Those you know right away are bad news and you should avoid at all costs. From a distance Odalia seems like a sweet middle-aged women, who is trying to balance work, and family, while making it fun for herself. So I am picking a cotton mouthed for her. From a distance they look a bit like a common, harmless, grass/rat snake. It's only when you get closer and see the flattened head that you know they are poisonous. Its only when you get close to Odalia that you notice just how sinister her eyes and smile are.
Harvey Park: Gilbert cannonly has a pig, so I only need to pick for Harvey. I know little about Harvey. In EE when we meet him and Gilbert, Harvey seems the more stern. Well after TTBK a really brilliant fan (not me) wrote a great analysis on Harvey and Gilbert, and the way they seem to handle both magic back then, and parenting now. They said Gilbert was/is more laid-back and optimistic, while Harvey, more than just being stern, is very direct and take charge. If Harvey see’s something that needs to be done, he is not going to wait around or call someone to do it (That will probably be Gilbert if Harvey’s attempt makes it worse) He will role up his sleeves, grab some tools, and try to do it himself. So I will give him a gopher. Because Gopher’s are hard working, independent rodents, who like it best when the are up to their necks in mud and dirt.
Perry Porter. Perry is a former Oracle track witch who is actually a nice guy. He is a news reporter, a single father, brings his son on T.V. with him sometimes, and once let Willow have his mic during a live petrafication event because she had something to say about it. I would say he seems to have similar views as Bump's as far as loyalty to the system. He does his job, but also encourages safe exploration for kids. If the show were longer I might have shipped him with Camila (Eda is with Raine, these two are both single, their kids get along, and he looks kinda similar to her first husband so she would probably find him handsome). I am going to give him a dog, more specifically a Husky. Smart, kind, historically were used to carry mail before air mail became possible
Camila Noceda: I know she is not a witch, but I am choosing to use her. A bangle tiger. She is a tiger mom.
Morton: Everybody remember the kitty palisman that looked like Mew? I want to give Morton one that looks like Gloom or Vileplume. Those are pokemon perfume and potion makers frequently had.
Steve: In my previous post I said he should adopt the purple thing of indeterminable species from Hunting Palismans (I kinda wondered if maybe it was supossed to be a horseshoe crab, one comment I got suggested sting ray). If he cannot adopt them, then maybe a scorpion palisman. Hear me out. We see during his road trip with King, that Steve likes bugs. Steve is not a poisonous guy, he might be the sweetest guy in the Boiling Isles. But he says he was not always like this when he was younger. Scorpions are their most poisonous when they are young, and it lessons with age. 5Steve has gotten better as he grew up and went through life. Also I looked up there meanings and while some of them are not good, scorpions can symbolize light &dark, as well as endings and beganings, more specifically rhe idea that an ending is not really the end. This can reflect how Steve grows to feel about the Emperor’s Coven and his decision to quit.
The Hexside Illusion Teacher: Okay we will discuss her palisman in just a second. Can we discuss her lack of a name first? This is like the best teacher at Hexside (Bump is the best adult, but he is the principal, not a teacher). She deserves a name. I am headcanoning that her name is Mrs.Henrietta Heyfear. Then I am giving her a unicorn palisman. They are large, caring, and powerful, just like her.
Kikimora: (this is after the Emperor is dead, and she cannot just hand one over to him to be eaten) Kikimora always saw herself as this great, and powerful, highly skilled member of The Emperor’s Coven. At the end of it all she was never more than an annoying, yapping, lapdog. Give her chihuahua or Yorkie to match.
Severine: The bipedal deamon who quit the Emperor’s Coven to go back to the Tiny Cat Coven. A kittycorn.
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mrspasser · 2 years
4. Observations
Connor keeps an eye out for his little brother Nines. He worries like a good bro and tries to help Nines to fit in as well as possible. Nines does his best to be a good partner to Gavin, even though Gavin is a little oblivious to some of it.
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Cover made with fanart by @donlemefo​
Connor carefully sticks a thumbtack in the corners of the picture, leaning back to admire his handiwork. The picture of RK900 and detective Reed holding the baby they delivered on the side of the road a couple of weeks back hangs neatly next to the picture of himself and RK.
Each desk in the bullpen is fitted with a screen divider on one corner, both giving the occupant of the desk some privacy and quiet, as well as doubling as a personal message board. Lieutenant Anderson’s board is a collection of notes, old tickets to games of the Detroit Red Wings and the Detroit Lions and a single picture of his late son Cole. Connor uses his for pictures - one of him, Hank and Sumo, several of the Saint Bernard alone and a second copy of the picture of him and RK.
The first two months RK900’s board had been bare. ‘I don’t need to write down notes,’ his ever practical successor told Connor when asked why he had nothing pinned on his board. He let it slide, until he couldn’t stand looking at the bare desk any longer; whenever the android was away for a case, the desk looked like it didn’t belong to anybody. That didn’t feel right.
Connor prompted his fellow detective to at least personalise his board somewhat. RK900 repeated a version of his earlier argument, truthfully stating that every picture he wished to look at was readily available for viewing within his head. A second argument was that his partner, detective Reed, also didn’t decorate his desk - if you didn’t count empty coffee cups and discarded cereal bar wrappers.
Connor felt oddly protective of RK900 ever since he was re-activated by Markus and his troupe. Connor was present, watching the android that was meant to kill him come to life again. His main objective of bringing down the android revolution and its key figures was disabled before re-activation, leaving the choice of a new objective to RK900 himself. Choosing turned out to be rather difficult for the new android, his programming specifically designed to withstand deviancy and strictly follow orders.
Connor knew how much his successor was trying to be a seamless addition to their partnership. Emphasis on trying, because where the RK800 models were designed to integrate with human society, no such goals were kept in mind when programming RK900’s parameters. The last masterpiece of CyberLife was designated to nip the newly started android revolution in the bud and make the RK800 model obsolete. Afterwards, the RK900 models would be deployed as soldiers, for instance in the Arctic conflict. The military was their initial purpose after all; the android revolution merely forced CyberLife to rush the development of the RK900 model.
Luckily, things went differently. There was only one RK900, as a prototype he was even more unique than Connor.
Connor might not always understand why RK900 did things or why he went a certain way about them, yet he always tried to be supportive. ‘Like a true big brother,’ Hank said recently, leaving Connor to ponder about the remark for the rest of the evening. He guessed the way he felt about his successor was similar to the way one might feel about a sibling. He had heard officer Miller talk about his younger brother a couple of times: proud when he graduated from college and annoyed when the young man spent the first weeks after graduation hopping from party to party instead of doing job interviews.
One of his first choices was not even a real choice: RK900 merely aired his preference to go home with Connor instead of staying at CyberLife Tower, the home to the very movement RK900 was originally meant to take down. He never really explained to Connor why he didn’t want to stay there, but it was easy to see the tension in his body during his time at the tower.
Luckily, Hank was easily persuaded to open his home to a second android, saying they didn’t drink his beer anyway. Not that RK900 stayed very long: after he started working for the DPD he only came home for the weekends. During the week he prefered staying at the precinct, in the storage room where the DPD androids were housed before the revolution. The only furniture in the room was a table and two chairs, next to several stasis pods. It was a grey, bare room without windows. Connor hated that he stayed there, yet he was also of a mind to let RK900 make his own choices.
Their build and programming made the RK-models very much suitable to work with partners; CyberLife called them handlers. They were perfectly capable to work alone, yet there was something in their software that made them connect to a partner almost naturally. When Connor met Hank he wasn’t a deviant and the instruction to partner up with the lieutenant was a strong motive to persevere when the human was reluctant to work with an android. Deviancy had not changed that, if anything it had made their bond stronger.
He was proud of his own little brother - who was in fact two inches taller than him - for the way he enrolled in his new job. The RK-series were a perfect fit for police work, especially the later models. It was truly satisfying to see how well he had adapted to working as a detective with the DPD.
Truthfully, Connor had his doubts when RK900 was partnered with detective Reed. It was a logical decision of captain Fowler, as Reed was the only detective without a partner and they wouldn’t let the android start working without a partner. Having a partner was good for RK900, reclusive as he could be; Connor just wished his new partner had more empathy, or just better social skills in general. RK900 said he didn’t mind, he merely saw creating a beneficial partnership with the rude detective as a challenge. Connor suspected it was more a question of not wanting to fail, grasping this opportunity to work at the DPD with both hands, no matter the circumstances.
Gavin Reed was nothing like lieutenant Anderson and although their specifications overlapped greatly, RK900 was totally different from Connor. Where Hank was mainly reluctant towards androids, detective Reed was downright hostile. The approach Connor used on the lieutenant didn’t work on his younger colleague. It was Hank who told RK900 to ‘give that sullen bastard a taste of his own medicine’.
Connor looks at the picture of the detectives with the baby again. The day RK900 delivered that baby had been a joyous one. His brother shared his delight with him through a direct link, extremely joyful that he had helped bring new life into the world. The fact that his partner had called him ‘Nines’ for the first time that day was almost as pleasing to the android. The nickname stuck too, by now it had replaced most of Reed’s name calling when addressing his android partner.
RK900 trying to live up to that advice made for an interesting memory. His android brother always tried to be polite towards others and he had done the same with Reed at first. That one time he had the detective pinned over his desk because Reed tried to hit him, really shook him. At the time he had suppressed it, only for all the stress to come out at night, when he sat on the couch, half hidden under Sumo; RK900’s LED had been red most of the night.
However, the detective never tried to hit him again and for the next couple of days he kept his distance. Of course, being Gavin Reed, the detective returned to his rude self pretty fast. And that’s when RK900 started to talk back, not taking his shit anymore. It had taken some back up from Connor first - their wireless connection came in handy at that point, until RK900 was fluent in countering his partner’s sarcasm and crass remarks.
Movement on the other end of the room has Connor moving again. He receives a ping in greeting as RK900, or Nines, sets foot into the bullpen. He holds the door for his partner, who is too busy on his phone to notice it. The two have returned from lunch at a bistro near the precinct and Connor is pleased to see the white plastic bag Nines is carrying. He takes it from his brother when he passes him on his way to his desk, saying thanks to his brother and nodding a greeting to the detective.
Hank only grunts something, taking a large bite of the pastrami sandwich he just unwrapped.
Reed doesn’t acknowledge him, he stalks towards his desk and lets himself fall into his chair. His phone slides on the desk and he immediately pulls his keyboard towards him to get to work. He has to wait for a file to load however and that’s when his attention lands on the man two desks over.
“What the fuck, Anderson? Where did you get that from?”
“I asked Nines to bring something for the lieutenant,” Connor answers in his stead. “He was too busy to be thinking about proper nutrition, so I placed an order at the bistro.”
“Christ, so now you’ve got two androids to take care of you?” Gavin snickers, his hand automatically moving up to receive the cup of coffee Nines brings him. “Thanks,” he says absentmindedly, before gesturing with his free hand towards the lieutenant and looking back to his partner. “Really, Nines? Is he your sugar daddy now too? Are you two sharing him?”
“You’re one to talk, Reed,” Hank says after another bite of his sandwich. He eyes the cup of coffee in Reed’s hand.
“Gross, Reed! Real mature.” Hank grunts, at the same time as Nines says: “Stop projecting, detective.”
The way Reed flusters is a good example of how well talking back works with him, especially when Nines does it.
“Now who’s projecting?” Gavin exclaims. “You’re the one with his personal caretaker, not me!”
Connor detects no lie in that statement. The detective believes what he says. He opens up a wireless connection.
<Connor> The detective is oblivious, isn’t he?
<RK900> Gavin Reed is an outstanding detective, I wouldn’t call him oblivious.
<Connor> Going out for lunch was your idea, wasn’t it?
<RK900> That’s correct. The detective had a cereal bar for breakfast, I thought it wise to make him sit down for a real lunch.
<Connor> And he didn’t ask you to bring him coffee.
<RK900> I always bring him coffee when we come in, you know that.
<Connor> Then the term that comes to mind to describe detective Reed’s behaviour is still ‘oblivious’.
<RK900> Selectively oblivious maybe.
<RK900> Thank you for the picture. I like it very much.
<Connor> You’re welcome.
A little while later Connor sees detective Reed walk over to Nines’ desk, to look at something on his monitor. When he sees the detective glancing at the memo board, he tunes in to the conversation, pretending to read something at his terminal.
“... have that picture up?”
“Because I like it. It reminds me of a special day.”
Detective Reed is silent for a moment, one hand on the back of Nines’ chair, the other hand leaning on the desk. He studies the picture and Connor sees his face go soft. It’s only for a moment though, that shitty half smirk is back pretty quickly.
“Yeah, okay, I guess it’s not every day you end up between a woman’s legs.”
The detective coughs nervously, straightening up. He looks at the picture again and then bumps Nines’ shoulder with his fist. “Who knew you had it in you to become a midwife, huh?”
“That’s Reese’s mother you’re talking about, detective. We helped bring new life into this world. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t joke about it.”
Although Nines doesn’t look up at Reed, he probably knows the detective’s cheeks turn slightly pink at his words.
All pretense in Connor is gone, he doesn’t look at his terminal anymore, all his attention is focused on his brother and his partner. He is ready to intervene the moment the detective verbally attacks Nines in this vulnerable condition.
There is silence instead of a reaction. Even though it was a rhetorical question, Connor expected his brother to say something in return. Yet Nines stares at his hands, holding them in front of him with the fingers spread out. Connor can’t see his LED from this position, but he bets it’s no longer blue. Reed sees it too, looking from Nines’ temple to his hands and back. The detective makes a half turn and rests his backside against the desk, now facing his partner. He’s about to say something, when Nines speaks up, sounding detached.
“I can break an android’s wrist with one hand. With two hands I can sever a limb from the body. I was made to stop a revolution, by all means necessary. I was made to end life, not help it begin.”
Connor is pleasantly surprised by the detective’s words; they show a great deal of compassion, the opposite of Reed’s more well known traits.
Reed puts his hand over Nines’ lower arm, seeking his eyes.
“It doesn’t matter what you are made for. It’s about what you do . You are a police detective. You protect and serve, just like the rest of us here.”
Reed keeps his voice down to keep things private, though his words don’t sound less urgent.
“So what if those fucking freaks at CyberLife made you the perfect killing machine? You chose to do something different. You helped a baby get born for fuck’s sake! Those hands were the first to touch Reese.”
Nines looks at his hands again, the empty stare from before is gone. “She was so slippery,” he says quietly.
Reed chuckles, removing his hand from Nines’ arm and crossing his arms in front of his chest. He looks relaxed now. “I would’ve dropped her for sure!”
“No, you wouldn’t,” Nines answers earnestly, looking up at his partner. It makes Gavin flustered again. Who knew it would be so easy to embarrass the detective? All it takes is an honest observation of his partner.
Said partner changes the subject abruptly. “Can you take a look at the timestamps on the footage I found?”
After a last look to be sure everything is back to normal, Connor turns back to his own terminal. He opens their connection.
Reed recovers quickly, turning back around towards the terminal. “Show me what you got, tin can.”
The two detectives continue to discuss their case, like they didn’t have their short heart to heart just a minute ago.
<Connor> Are you all right?
<RK900> Yes.
<RK900> It’s impolite to listen in to other people’s conversations.
<Connor> I just wanted to make sure the detective wasn’t upsetting you. I must say I was pleasantly surprised about the way he reacted.
<RK900> Surprised?
<Connor> Yes. Didn’t his words surprise you?
<RK900> Of course not. He’s my partner, he’s got my back.
<< 4/10 >>
DBH Partners series masterpost
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badbitch-bookclub · 9 months
Week 4 Thoughts on Lost Gods by Gerald Brom
Chapter 66 - Prologue
Britney Smears: So must admit, the middle of the book dragged a bit for me but the ending made it worth it.
Hell No Kitty: I had similar feelings!
Bomb Weasley: What did everyone think of the last section?
Thot Pocket: Very beautiful. I almost cried at the end.
Bomb Weasley: I kinda wished they all died so they could be together in the after life. Also, on a total jerk of a point, isn’t it ironic that her family thought he was terrible and would ruin her life and then he kinda did?
Britney Smears: Truly, poor Trish. He did!!! I’m so happy for Chet and baby though. Trish is truly the one I feel bad for.
Bomb Weasley: It was a little dark for him to have to kill the body of his baby.
Britney Smears: Oh definitely.
Thot Pocket: I feel so fucking bad for all of them. So awful.
Hell No Kitty: I didn't even think about that, but he really did ruin her life.
Thot Pocket: Ana got the best ending imo.
Hell No Kitty: Her ending made me so happy.
Bomb Weasley: I loved that for her, too. And the Joshua in the epilogue, that made me almost tear up.
Thot Pocket: When she was thinking of drowning herself was so beautiful and the words Mary shared with her were the best in the whole book. I’m so glad Joshua got his mama 😭
Bomb Weasley: I was a little confused, could he have found her the whole time? The angel lied about about the key so I assumed he lied to him as well about leaving.
Thot Pocket: Fuck Senoy. Yep. Senoy is a selfish piece of shit and deserved worse than he got.
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Britney Smears: I was so mad finding out Senoy kept him from his mom the whole time!
Bomb Weasley: Joshua and the rabbit need a vengeance side story.
Britney Smears: Also a big fan of Gavin. Him and Chet were badasses in the end.
Thot Pocket: Loved how that all played out with them working together. I was right about that, just wrong against who.
Britney Smears: Right! Didn’t you think they’d team up against coach or something?
Thot Pocket: Yep yep!
Bomb Weasley: I did like his change of character it was an interesting story.
Hell No Kitty: I feel like Chet meeting Gavin made him more of a badass.
Thot Pocket: He went from beta to SIGMA MALE. Can I say the thing that is just glaring weird to me is Jerome. Why would he help Lamia and where does bro come from? He just randomly manifests. I thought it was going to turn out Jerome was Senoy or something.
Britney Smears: True!! He was never explained.
Hell No Kitty: I really wanted to get hell in this book. They talked about it so much.
Britney Smears: Right!! They tied it back to the burning man nicely but what about hell lol.
Thot Pocket: Burning man was underwhelming on top of it.
Bomb Weasley: I felt the same.
Thot Pocket: I was hoping for some Dante Inferno the game with a demon battle and escape from hell.
Bomb Weasley: I wish he had to answer for the murder more.
Thot Pocket: Yeah I thought he was going to be running from Hell hounds the whole time, but then they just put a spell over it and it doesn’t matter the rest of the time.
Hell No Kitty: I feel like there was a few things like this in the book where they touched on stuff, could've gone deeper, but didn't to move the story along. Like the games.
Bomb Weasley: I hated that! But it would have been a super long book if he gave more background.
Thot Pocket: I think it should’ve been a series.
Bomb Weasley: That would have been fantastic.
Britney Smears: What was the purpose of the games to the plot again?
Thot Pocket: To honor the gods’ greatest warriors and excite their disciples.
Britney Smears: Oookay n Chet won, no longer a slave and that enabled him to do something after.
Thot Pocket: Yep yep! It gained him the good graces of Veles too.
Hell No Kitty: Oh man, I would love a book about the games.
Thot Pocket: Same. They seemed frightening. Tournament to the ultimate death with gods? Like Record of Ragnarok, but good.
Bomb Weasley: I loved and hated how Veles got healed.
Thot Pocket: Plot coins rather than armor.
Bomb Weasley: The book would have been better if he stayed dead. Or if he’d died.
Thot Pocket: But I was so excited when he started fucking up those guys. I was like “this is exactly why they ambushed him.” I was so happy to finally see god like powers like that.
Britney Smears: Red lady could’ve handled all the demons by herself lol.
Bomb Weasley: He is! His portrait is my fav in the book. I just prefer sad outcomes in books.
Britney Smears: Veles living makes up for Chet ruining Trish’s life.
Thot Pocket: Well you got your child murder and death. I think that’s like 25 percent sad for the ending lol.
Bomb Weasley: I’ll take what I can get.
Hell No Kitty: Great point hahaha.
Thot Pocket: How fucked up was that ritual Lamia was doing?
Britney Smears: She’s the worst.
Bomb Weasley: It was, I was a little shocked by that tbh. And her running around in the baby.
Hell No Kitty: The way he described the scene was so good.
Bomb Weasley: It was a creepy image. I couldn’t put the book down.
Hell No Kitty: I appreciate how engaging the end was. I really liked the part where chet was being chased by Carlos and Co.
Thot Pocket: I was fucking loving it when he got his head on fire and then blown off.
Bomb Weasley: The whole gun fight was great. I still don’t get guns in the after life it was described so well.
Britney Smears: Did y’all get a western vibe?
Hell No Kitty: Oh yeah.
Britney Smears: Ok good not just me lol I enjoyed it too and normally I don’t like westerns
Thot Pocket: I’m wondering how they have the much of a functioning economy when things only come from with what people are buried with.
Britney Smears: That’s true but they like cut off their hands to pay for things right lol.
Bomb Weasley: That’s a good point. Why do they need anything? Like I get it passes the time. Maybe the author took a bunch of Adderall and wrote.
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pickled-fics · 2 years
Christmas Party With The Bois
A Christmas special fic with all of the main D.A.M.N. bois [old fic] [ao3 reupload]
“Freelancer can you please come get your incubus out of here? I thought we discussed him not being in the kitchen ever again after Thanksgiving.” Gavin’s chuckle echoed out from the kitchen as the Freelancer walked in.
“Alright alright hot stuff, I’ll get out of your way.” Gavin paused behind the elemental and whispered “For now.” A smirk adorning his face as Damien heated up both literally and figuratively.
“Just, get out.” His voice giving away his flustered feelings as he turned towards the oven. 
“I’ll be in the living room Damien, holler if you need anything. One of us will help out if you need it.” The Freelancer paused and added “I won’t let Gavin come back and torment you anymore.” Winking at the already flustered Damien they strolled out into the much cooler living room. From where they were standing they could see Lasko and Huxley decorating the tree while Caelum secretly helped Gavin with the rest of the living room. The group was turning their entire apartment into some sort of Christmas wonderland. The Freelancer and Caelum had made cookies the night before and now Damien was in the kitchen cooking their dinner. The Freelancer was the one to bring the idea to everyone, to have a sort of Christmas party with everyone. They decided to do it before the break actually started since both Damien and Hux were going to go home for the break since they wanted everyone to be there, even Caelum. Even though the elementals couldn't see him, Caelum was beaming just being around everyone. Both Gavin and the Freelancer made sure to interact and include him in the activities despite the limitations. 
The Freelancer snapped out of their thoughts when Lasko yelped out as he almost dropped a glass ornament, his face quickly flushing.
“I II’m so sorry guys I just,, Just almost dropped it and it scared me is all.” The panic lacing Lasko’s voice drew the Freelancer closer to him
“It’s okay Lasko! Really it’s okay, nothing was broken, you have nothing to apologize for! Are you okay though?” 
“Yeah, you okay bro?” Hux had his hand on Lasko’s shoulder, a pillar of support. 
“Y yeah I’m okay! I’m not hurt or anything! I just got scared I was going to break it, but I’m okay you guys! Really I’m okay now.” Lasko’s eyes were darting between the group, ensuring him that he really was okay, just a bit shaken up, likely more from the attention than the actual event. 
“As long as you’re okay, pretty boy.” Gavin’s voice was soothing but the words he said were entirely teasing to the elemental already on edge. The red on Lasko’s cheeks darkened as he turned around to the tree and put the ornament on. 
“It’s looking really good though everyone! You guys have done a fantastic job with the place.” 
“Yeah dudes! It’s looking really sick. I really like what you’ve got goin on over there Gav. You even got the mistletoe, classic.” Hux’s laugh bringing a smile to everyone’s faces. The Freelancer was so excited that everyone got along so well together, they knew they would, but seeing everyone together like this always made them so happy. Out of the corner of their eye they could see Caelum looking at them. They made their way over to him, pretending that their reasoning was to set up a decoration. 
“Everyone feels so happy here! They really love hanging out with each other and you! Even Lasko feels more at ease in this environment! And thank you so so so much for inviting me again! Even though none of them can see me besides you and Gavin, it’s been really really fun! Seeing all of you play around with each other is so funny, you guys are all so silly!” The Freelancer snuck a glance at Lasko and Hux before answering, ensuring they wouldn’t see them talking to themself. 
“Of course I invited you Caelum, it’s been really great to have you around and I’m really glad you’ve been having fun with it buddy.” They smiled at him, a genuinely happy smile and they knew that he knew it was genuine. They knew he could feel the joyful energy radiating off of them.
“Freelancer!” Damien was shouting from the kitchen for them so they quickly walked in, not knowing if the shouting was for an emergency or just out of proper volume necessity. 
“Yeah Damien? Everything okay?” They questioned as they pushed the door open. Entering to see a stack of plates and hot food all over the island. 
“Yeah, can you just help me bring all of this out to the table and set everything up?” He was already grabbing plates and holding them out to the Freelancer knowing their answer already. Answering with a short “of course!” The Freelancer rushed over and grabbed the hot plates from his hands and carried them out to the table. The plates being set down earned much praise from all around the room saying how good everything looked. Noticing how even Caelum was looking at the food excitedly. The Freelancer took the time to kick and prop open the door to the kitchen stating that since it was so hot in there from a certain elemental, they could just use that as the heating for the rest of the apartment. This in turn warranted a scoff from Damien as he began his argument of it not being his fault that some people were so damn infuriating to have in the kitchen, his eyes catching on Gavin as he said it. Caelum took this time to slip into the kitchen to carefully raid some of the food before everyone sat down. 
“Hey Freelancer I think we have the tree all done over here. I think it looks pretty sick.”
“And I finished the rest of the room with the other decorations you wanted out.” 
“Yeah! All that’s left is to plug all the lights and stuff in!” Lasko said, sounding more than excited to see all the lights bring everything together. “Do you wanna do it Freelancer?” Everyone’s eyes shifted to them.
“Yes Deviant, it is your apartment after all, why don’t you do us the honor.” Gavin’s smooth voice not giving the Freelancer much room for argument. 
“Yeah of course, I can do that! I’ll finish helping Damien bring out the rest of the food first. You guys go ahead and get settled in at the table.” After grabbing a few more plates the Freelancer went to grab the plate of cookies when Damien stopped them.
“Wait, let me warm them up a little. It’ll be like they just came out of the oven.” He grabbed the plate from them and placed his hand on the bottom of the plate, spreading warmth throughout the rest of the cookies and held it back out to the Freelancer so he could grab the last few plates. After a thank you from them Damien strolled out of the kitchen while the Freelancer paused next to Caelum and held out the plate of cookies, offering him one. His smile grew as he grabbed one and followed them out to the table. The Freelancer had set the table up perfectly so that Caelum could sit with them without it seeming odd that there was an empty chair. 
Once the table was set, the Freelancer walked over to the outlet, the boys excitedly watching and waiting for their work to all come together. Once they plugged it in, the lights illuminated the apartment, painting it in all different colors, earning little oohs and aahs from friends. Once they took their seat at the table the group dug into their found family dinner.
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yetdevout · 2 years
sorry for the rant but coincidence, i binge listened to the entire freelancer season 2 today and i am in pieces
i see all the huxmien hints now oof. gavin and freelancer mmmHmMmHmm. the qualifiers were really cool ngl and xavier?? *inhales sharply* i also couldnt help but swear at my screen when kody came back, the little bitch
also how did i not know of the lovely, damien and huxley interaction before??? it was brief but it was cute. i was so sad when listening to lovely and vincents episodes 😭 AND WHEN HUXLEY SAID THEYD BE SO MUCH BETTER IN THEIR FINAL YEAR IF THEY WERE THAT GOOD IN THEIR FIRST YEAR, I WANTED TO CRY BRO
the preview audio of the inversion just gave me trauma flashbacks but i love it. also when you said that gavin and freelancer was not given the credit and recognition they deserved, you are ABSOLUTELY correct. they helped a lot more than they realise and the fact that no one else realised it either crushes me i love them sm :((
also after relistening to the inversion, i remember just how scary it actually was 😭
so in light of the inversion ↓↓
as the world caves in by matt maltese (i prefer the sarah cothran cover) and crossfire by stephen but its the inversion
freelancer season 2! a LOT happened and it's honestly so great, i love how that season is structured so much
looking back on it, all the bits of huxmien that were shown to the audience makes so much sense now. it hits even harder when you remember that damien was planning to confess AFTER THE GAMES 😭😭😭 i can't imagine everything that was going through his mind like "i might lose the person i love" and vice versa with hux
AND YEAH I KNOW 😭😭😭 lovely hux and damien was something i never knew i needed, i hope those three can meet again at some point.
gavin and fl deserve so much man :(( they went through an insane amount of emotional turmoil and i really believe they deserve at least a thank you? god so much could've gone wrong but those two pulled through
milo and sweetheart being the heroes they are, watching them plan and come up with ANYTHING to save their family was so sjfhejfn like that's my power couple!
and yes, both those song choices are SO accurate. i love crossfire and was thinking abt it when i was listening to the inversion as well :'))
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