calaveranuncallora · 1 month
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elproclamador · 5 months
Levítico capítulo 11
Como hemos venido leyendo, los capítulos anteriores nos hablaron de cómo debía ser presentado el sacrificio a Dios. Ahora veremos cómo debe presentarse el oferente delante de Dios, lo que será analizado desde el capítulo 11 al 15. Ahora no se enfatiza en la ofrenda, sino que en oferente. La ofrenda al Señor no es nada si no tenemos nuestro corazón dispuesto y limpio. De hecho, Dios ama al dador alegre, el cual entrega en la ofrenda su alma (2ª Corintios 9.7; el ejemplo de la viuda Lucas 21.1 – 4)
El capítulo once habla de los animales que son limpios, de los cuales se podían comer, y los animales que son impuros. Al leer este capítulo, vemos que el Señor el cuidadoso y estricto, y no acepta la inmundicia en Su pueblo ya que El es santo (11.44).
Se ha tratado de explicar el por qué algunos animales podían comerse y otros no. Unos han afirmado que se refería a leyes sanitarias para prever algún tipo de enfermedad que afectare al sistema inmune de la cual no existía medicina. El trayecto en el desierto era largo, y Jehová cuidaba a su pueblo. Otra explicación es que algunos de estos animales inmundos tenían costumbre que el hijo de Dios debe evitar. ¿Qué vicios o males tienen en su manera de vivir los reptiles, las fieras de presa, o las aves de rapiña?. En general, siempre ha sido tema de estudio para el cristiano.
Jehová no explica el por qué. Lo que necesitaba saber el judío era qué comer para no ser apartado del Dios vivo que los sacó de Egipto, y no el por qué. Jehová explica sus mandamientos valiéndose en sí mismo (11.45), como lo fue con Moisés al decirle YO SOY EL QUE SOY. Por lo tanto, estas leyes tenían como único objetivo que el hombre sea santo y limpio, tanto física como espiritualmente, y no confundir lo santo de lo profano para no ser apartado del Dios vivo (11.47).
Los animales clasificados en este capítulo se hacen en base a su locomoción. Veremos las características que debía tener cada uno para ser considerado limpio:
Cuadrúpedos (11.3 – 8): Todos los que tenían pezuña hendida (separada, dividida) y rumia (comía hierva). Cualquiera que no tuviera estas características era inmundo.
Peces (11.9 – 12): Los que tenían aletas y escamas.
Aves (11.13 – 19): Por lo general las aves que fuesen carroñeras, o sea las que comían de las presas muertas.
Insectos (11.20 – 23): Podían comer sólo de los insectos que tenían patas para saltar sobre la tierra, como por ejemplo la langosta, que fue comida para Juan el Bautista (Mateo 3.4)
Reptil (11.41 – 43): No podían comer ningún animal que se arrastrara sobre la tierra.
Para seguir con la santidad, el hombre no debía tener contacto con lo muerto, debido a la estrecha relación bíblica existente entre el pecado y la muerte. El que tocase cadáver de alguno de estos tipos de animales descritos sería inmundo hasta la noche, por lo que no podría acercarse a ofrecer sacrificio a Dios. Además, la vasija de barro donde cayese algo inmundo sería quebrada (11.33). Cristo nos liberó del antiguo pacto, por lo que no estamos obligados a cumplir las leyes levíticas (Colosenses 2.13 – 14; 20 – 23). De hecho, todo lo que creo Dios es bueno y no debe desecharse (1ª Timoteo 4.4). Sin embargo, el creyente debe abstenerse de ingerir cualquier animal muerto por asfixia, es decir, ahogado, y con su sangre, como al igual que comer la sangre misma, pues esta tipifica el medio de nuestra expiación (Levítico 17.11; Hechos 15.29)
Por: Jeff Michell
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calamardotrans · 2 years
Hijo de Amram
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sailorsirius · 2 years
A Meeting With the Archangel Michael
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Around the same time I realized I might be meeting Zachary this month, I came across a post on instagram. It was written by Archangelhypnosis, whom I’d started following a long time ago, but I didn’t normally see their posts because I do my best to limit how much scrolling I do.
The post was about this person’s experience realizing she was a twin, connecting with her twin in the higher plane, discovering that this being was in fact the archangel Michael, and then eventually meeting her twin in person.
And at this point, I was pretty deep in my resentment of the term “twin flames”, because everything I read about other people’s experiences just did not line up with mine and Zach’s at all. I’d even started wondering if we were something else entirely, tbh. But this person’s story just sounded so familiar that it made me cry. (Except for the part about archangels; I’m not saying Zachary’s not an angel or some similar entity, but if he is, I don’t know about it yet.)
So I messaged her. I told her how closely my story lined up with hers, and that I thought I might be meeting my twin in the flesh very soon. I asked her a couple questions, and she very kindly answered all of them and offered some advice.
What I learned from the Akashic Records reading I did about a year ago is that I should absolutely trust myself when I feel like I know things. My intuition is so much stronger and louder than I think it is–I don’t need to doubt myself or seek outside answers. And honestly, my MO is figuring things out by myself from scratch, forming my own methods, and drawing my own conclusions.
But I just had to know if I was really going to meet Zach soon, or if I was setting myself up for disappointment.
So I booked a reading.
The questions I asked
I had actually prepared like, a whole page of questions and notes ahead of time, but I ended up scrapping it because I knew I wouldn’t be able to be in the moment and focus on all the things I wanted to say and ask at the same time. I ended up leaving out the explanatory info, because if Michael could help me, then he wouldn’t need me to explain anything. I distilled my questions down to just a handful:
Are Zachary and I twin flames?
Who is Zachary? Who am I?
Can you tell me about some past lives of ours? Who is Jessie Traeger?
What are we here to do?
Are we meeting this weekend?
How it went
We met virtually. First Evie introduced herself, and then she introduced Luther–her partner, twin,  and the archangel Michael incarnate. (Y’all… have you ever wondered what an angel incarnate looks like? Luther is it.)
We chatted for a couple minutes and got to know each other. Then Evie set up a camera over the bed Luther would lie on. Luther got comfy, and then Evie did a quick group meditation for us. After that, Evie brought Luther down into a theta-brainwave state using SCHH, a quantum hypnosis technique. This allowed Michael to come through and communicate through Luther.
I asked my questions. Michael speaks slowly and quietly and tends toward longwindedness, so Evie translated and rephrased as necessary. And when I was done, Evie brought Luther back to consciousness and asked him if he remembered anything from the session. Typically he doesn’t, but this time, he did.
What I learned
My extremely close relationship with Zachary
I could barely even get the question about whether Zach and I are twins out before Michael blurted very loudly and clearly, “YES.” It almost made me laugh, like he was saying, duh, of course you are. We’ve been through many, many cycles together (which I can attest to), dealt with challenge after challenge together, and fulfilled countless contracts. Our connection is so strong because we’ve done all this work together. Which tracks to me, because I’ve always felt like one of the ways my experience differs from other twin flames’ is that I feel like we’re already deeply unified. Other twins seem to have a task to complete together or a grand lesson to learn from each other, but Zachary and I don’t. Further to this point, multiple people have sensed a duality about me, as well as a nebulous, amorphous, flowing sense of masculine and feminine combined. And then there’s the whole bodyswapping thing.
Who we are and what we’re here to do
This wasn’t overly clear to me–Michael got quiet here, but what I heard was “galactic council”, and things about the trading of energy and information as well as higher-dimensional civilizations. This resonated with me because as I’ve mentioned before, I don’t really know how to describe how uncomfortable I am inside a human body and being so limited. But also, this place–this whole planet, this global civilization, has so much wrong with it that I just Know can be fixed, and I’m kind of eternally struggling against the fact that it can be and very much IS better in other places, and being frustrated that it’s not fixed yet. And I think that comes from still not fully knowing what place I take in this council–if I take one at all–and what my higher self knows and remembers.
And the reason why I feel like there’s nothing in particular that Zachary and I are here to do, and why in a lot of my dreams he just wants to be near me and we’re not really doing much–it’s because our purpose here is to take a vacation. To relax, to heal, to just be with and love each other. We’ve earned it, we deserve it. This makes a ton of sense to me too because I feel like I came into this life bone-tired and world-weary. I don’t want to work, I don’t want to labor to live, I want to fucking rest.
I’m meeting him this weekend
If it’s the timeline he’s thinking of, Michael said, then yes, we’ll be meeting at Comicpalooza.
I fucking knew it.
Having gone through this experience himself reuniting with Evie, he advised me that I control this situation and that it’s up to me to see that it gets done. Letting negative energy cause doubt and interference would be detrimental, but that ultimately, I’m absolutely strong enough to see myself through this, and that I got this.
I’m so fucking excited I can’t stand it oh my god.
Who is Jessica Traeger?
A few of you might know me as Jessie Traeger. This name, like so many other things, came to me for no apparent reason one day and just Felt Right. Jessie as a name is so familiar to me, and it’s what Zach calls me, just the same way I call him Zach. Traeger, as you may have guessed, is Zachary’s last name.
It didn’t really occur to me until this reading to wonder where this name came from. Whether it was my name in a past life or a future one, or if it’s someone I know in a different realm.
Michael couldn’t tell me. He wasn’t willing to interfere, as there’d be more information coming to me soon. I respect that and am intrigued, to say the least 👀
Other things of note
We got through my questions pretty quickly and had some time to spare. Michael was kind enough to agree to answer more questions if I had any, so I took the opportunity to ask some things–surprisingly, or maybe not, I asked things that came to me right then, rather than going back through my original list of questions.
I asked about the artifact room
This is a place I don’t think I’ve written about here yet, but it’s somewhere I went in a dream once… which I’m realizing now was astral projecting, not dreaming. I’ve visited it several other times since then via meditation and other routes. I’ll write a post about it if I think of it, but basically it’s a place with a bunch of artifacts unknown on Earth, and at the end of a long hallway is an office–Zachary’s office. Michael told me that some things he doesn’t have authority to say, but since mine and Zach’s connection is so close, he felt okay with telling me that it’s an office of affairs dealing with energetic codes, which are delicate and protected. The galactic council sometimes meets here, and Zachary does in fact work there.
The thing that Luther said he remembered after he came out of hypnosis was this symbol. He described it as a glowing blue crest on a dark background, and that inside the triangle were infinitely intricate smaller symbols.
I get the distinct feeling that I’m now allowed to know more than that right now, but more will come in time. I think I might know what the symbol is, but I don’t think I should say.
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(The symbol Luther remembered seeing after the session)
I also asked about Aarón
Michael described him as a commander of sorts, but said he couldn’t tell me at this time what work he does or where he falls within the chain of command; we’ve been connected in various ways over many lifetimes, and there are things he knows about me and Zach that we don’t know about each other yet.
I’m not sure how this fits with how he’s appeared to me since I’ve known him, but tbh, figuring it out is not at the top of my list right now. At the moment, I’m happy to have helped him heal, and I’m grateful that he’s provided me with some safe places to practice my own healing. He’s not around all the time, but when he is, I know he’s looking out for me, and I’m looking out for him.
My thoughts afterward
I’ll admit–unlike the Akashic Records reading, I felt pretty nervous afterward. I did get to rehash the session with Evie and Luther afterward, and it was very cool and humbling to be able to offer what information I know about the Pleiadeans–or at least my family–to them, whether they may already have known this info or not. It was very heartening not to be a completely new and tiny infant baby for a second and to be able to offer my own knowledge.
What I’m nervous about isn’t necessarily meeting Zach and the process of it or how it’ll go, because I Know (that higher-dimensional knowing) that will be absolutely incredible in every way. I know we’ll know each other and there will be no doubt. I’m nervous about–or maybe dreading is a better word–the anxiety will come during the lead-up, and the exhaustion of constantly coaching myself.
Still… it’ll absolutely be worth it.
I’m so incredibly grateful to have met these people and for their kindness and communication!
If you have questions about twin flames, incarnation, or angels, I highly recommend checking out Archangelhypnosis’ instagram. If you’re interested in seeing what a reading with Evie and Luther is like, definitely check out their youtube channel.
Original post
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wiha-jun · 2 years
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gendervoid-zane · 5 months
Low-key tempted to make Aaron a faceless streamer in my Mystreet rewrite.
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starlooove · 1 year
I’ve been inspired by @milimeters-morales so here’s my transfemme miles HAIR hcs bc hair is vv important to me:
So first she rocks with it short and she doesn’t rlly feel a need to grow it out or anything since it honestly really helps with the mask and that didn’t contribute to her dysphoria, like at all. At first it made her kinda self conscious bc she always read shit about ppl hating like every aspect of themselves, but there’s a lot about her self that she genuinely just doesn’t give a fuck about and her hair is one of them buuuuutttt
She starts seeing those little memes of the blk girl starter pack or throwback pics of favorite beads and she’s feeling a little jealous…and she feels so ridiculous bc no way is she getting this upset bc of a Twitter trend but she is and so she decides to do what she always does when she’s upset and just wants to rant as opposed to finding a solution; she goes to uncle Aaron
He hooks her up with the best braider on the block and listen, Miles KNOWS it’s gonna be a nightmare when she has to do spider stuff, she KNOWS she’ll probably have to take the beads out soon for stealth reasons, but for now she grins in the mirror and shakes her head till she’s dizzy just to hear the click clacking of the red and blue beads <3
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docpiplup · 7 months
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NEWS- 'Los Misterios de Laura' returns: 'Laura y sus Misterios'
The two new TV movies of 'Los Misterios de Laura' will once again feature their usual cast, starring Maria Pujalte along with Oriol Tarrasón, Laura Pamplona, ​​Beatriz Carvajal and César Camino. Raúl Mérida will also reprise his role after his debut in 'Laura and the Mystery of the Unexpected Murderer'.
In addition, these new episodes will feature the addition of Manuela Velasco, Aarón Porras, Ascen López, Mariu Bárcena, Melina Matthews and Denis Gómez, among others.
'Laura y el misterio de la novia que esperó demasiado' and 'Laura y el misterio del paciente suspicaz' are the titles of these television films, directed by Jorge Saavedra ('El Zorro', 'Relato de una Obsesión'). Javier Holgado and Susana López Rubio are in charge of the script.
-> ‘Laura y el misterio de la novia que esperó demasiado’ (Laura and the mystery of the bride who waited too long)
During the plumbing work on a building in the center of Madrid, the skeleton of a woman who had been buried for a long time in the underground galleries of the building was found. The most surprising thing is that she is wearing a wedding dress. When one of the neighbors of the house says that she thinks she knows who she is and why she died, she is murdered. Laura will have to intervene to find out who, among all the neighbors, is the murderer. And without knowing it, she will encounter the most unexpected criminal of her entire career.
-> 'Laura y el misterio del paciente suspicaz’ (Laura and the mystery of the suspicious patient)
When Laura is admitted to a hospital due to an accident, she meets Adriana, another of the patients, who confesses that she is actually a journalist who is investigating the strange deaths of many of the patients who have passed through the center over the years. When Adriana herself dies the next day in the most unexpected way, Laura will have to discover the truth, in one of the most dangerous cases of her career, since, due to her status as a patient, she may be at the mercy of the murderer.
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dcrkcrwns · 4 months
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✧˚ · . reginald 'regina' george ′ 18-28 ′ human ′ the queen bee ′ trans power bottom
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✧˚ · . aarón samuels ′ 18-23 ′ human ′ the love interest ′ versatile
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fenharel · 1 year
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tagged by @shadowglens & @queennymeria do this picrew for my ocs, thank you! tagging @rkyloren @arlathen @baldurians @noonfaerie @thefathersbride @catacomb-chaos @solasan & you!
NERIDA (skyrim) ✨ ARABELLA IVES (starfield) SIRENA DE LA CRUZ (pathfinder: wotr/d&d) ✨ AARÓN DÉ SANTOS (d&d)
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thechoppedmenu · 11 months
S1E1: "Octopus, Duck, Animal Crackers"
Judges: Alex Guarnaschelli, Aarón Sánchez, Marc Murphy
Chefs: Sandy Davis, Summer Kriegshauser, Katie Rosenhouse, Perry Pollaci
Appetizer Ingredients: Baby Octopus, Bok Choy, Oyster Sauce, Smoked Paprika
Entrée Ingredients: Duck Breast, Green Onions, Ginger, Honey
Dessert Ingredients: Animal Crackers, Prunes, Cream Cheese
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elproclamador · 5 months
Levítico capítulo 10
Lo ocurrido en este capítulo es totalmente anecdótico. Después de haber transcurrido mas de una semana, donde los hijos de Aarón se santificaron con el objetivo de servir a Dios correctamente, y de haber visto el fuego de Jehová consumir el holocausto, Nadab y Abiú hijos de Aarón ofrecieron fuego extraño delante de Dios. Estos dos personajes tenían todo para seguir a Dios: Fueron criados en un ambiente religioso, tenían padres piadosos y tenían el privilegio exaltado de ser sacerdotes para Dios. Aún así pecaron. Como vemos, la salvación es personal, y nada puede predecir el corazón de cada persona en cómo escuchará la palabra de Dios.
Al parecer, no fue solamente el incienso extraño el pecado. Ofrecieron los dos al mismo tiempo, algo que quizás era prohibido (Lucas 1.9). además, la ley de no beber alcohol fue entregada luego de este suceso. Nos imaginamos a Nadab y Abiú borrachos entrando juntos a ofrecer incienso. No distinguieron entre lo divino y lo profano (10.9, 10).
Son muchas las enseñanzas que podemos rescatar de este hecho. Dios no transa en nuevas innovaciones humanas con respecto al Su culto de alabanza. No podemos introducir pequeños “arreglines” para que las cosas sean mas entretenidas o se adecuen a nuestros gustos y expectativas. No debemos honrar a Dios con cosas que El “nunca nos mandó”, ya que comenzamos a jugar con “fuego extraño” (10.1).
Esta vez el fuego de Dios no fue de aprobación, sino de desaprobación. Ellos no fueron consumidos totalmente, ya que sus cuerpos fueron sacados por sus dos hermanos (10.4). Aarón y sus hijos no podían hacer luto, y debieron aceptar la voluntad de Dios ante este hecho.
Muchos toman los versículos 9 al 11 para defender el tema de no deber tomar alcohol, mientras otros dicen que el cristiano puede tomar un poco sin emborracharse. El hijo o hija de Dios está destinado a enseñar la palabra de Dios a todo el mundo: amigos, hermanos, familiares, etc. ¿Cree Ud. que puede enseñar las buenas nuevas del evangelio de Dios con un vaso de vino en su mano? A veces las cosas caen “por su propio peso”.
Por: Jeff Michell
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sofya-creations · 2 years
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Tierra de reyes
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sailorsirius · 2 years
The Meditation Where Aarón Came to the Beach
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Yesterday I did an extremely enlightening tarot birth card reading. Wouldn’t you know it, the card that features almost exclusively is The Lovers. I don’t think I’ll ever stop being in awe of the intricate and powerful workings of the universe. At least I hope I won’t.
Since I got so much out of that, I decided to use the recent full moon in Cancer’s energy to see what else I could uncover. Maaaan, not only was I not disappointed, but this moon was potent. So I guess it tracks that the moon, which illuminates the unknown, would reveal things about Aarón that maybe he was finally ready for us to see. He doesn’t visit me very often, but when he does, it’s in dreams. And they’re not good ones; they’re almost always nightmares where he’s in trouble, or I’m in trouble and he’s with me, or there’s an oppressive overtone of soul-crushing grief. A lot of times, I’m desperate for him to understand that he’s not alone, that he’s safe and he can talk to me, but he just won’t, and I didn’t know why until now.
How the meditation went
I found an unguided meditation on youtube (which sticks out to me because usually I choose guided ones). The thumbnail had a big full moon illuminating a dark beach at night, which I think is why I chose it. It reminded me of the beach where my family and I meet every so often. It’s like a homebase. It’s safe, it’s beautiful, it’s familiar.
And that’s exactly where I landed.
The sand was black and soft, the gentle waves were body-temperature and glowing with bioluminescent marine life. The moon–not Earth’s moon, but a moon–hung low over the horizon. Everyone was there: Halen, Asa, Cassian, Zachary… and Aarón. I’d never seen him come to the beach before, but as soon as I saw his beautiful face, I understood my connection with him and his connection to the water. It made everything about his story (losing his twin on a beach) and our merfolk secret make sense. It gave context to all the dreams where he’s in danger, or running from something, or in pain.
He was exhausted down to the bone. Running hadn’t led to an escape; instead, it had taken everything from him until the only thing left was exactly what he’d been avoiding: the water. He was ready to face the pain and stop running from us. He looked so tired, so sad and hurt. We all enveloped him in our arms and blanketed him in love. I couldn’t help but cry as I told him he was with us now–he’s part of our family and has always been, whether he knew it or not. He belonged with us.
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I understood that my intent to chase him down and make him see that he was safe had had the opposite effect. The space I’d given him was what he’d needed to finally come to terms, to finally come to the beach. I felt his body relax against us. In my chest, a loving, healing energy ignited and glowed. As I breathed, the glowing spread through my body. Then Halen ushered Aarón, Zach, and me to the waves. We embraced each other as the swelling of the tide matched our breath. Then we sank below the surface, and we were merfolk, exploring an underwater place that seemed familiar and even more like home than the shore did. We’d had business here once, or a life. There was a glowing lagoon where we’d spent many, many hours before. Aarón seemed to remember this as a place of healing and realized he was strong enough to face his pain and to heal. We looked up at the stars from beneath the surface, and then came back to the surface and joined our family again.
We all put our hands on Aarón and breathed, spreading our inner glow to him. As we did this, in the physical plane, I was aware of my hands and how warm they suddenly felt. Then it was time to leave. Cassian draped the three of us in protection, and we went back together to the physical plane.
My thoughts afterward
If I’m totally honest, I always thought the dreams I had about him, even the ones that were about him, were about me or for me. Which tracks; I mean, if I’m having a dream, why wouldn’t I think it applies to me somehow? But these are about him, and they’ve always been. He’s been showing me his pain, but I haven’t seen it. Not until now.
(Aarón, my triple Scorpio. I love you so much, and I get it now. Please forgive me for not seeing it at first. Go when you need to go, but know my eyes are open now and I see you. You have a place with us—not as an extra, but as an integral part.)
Original post • Artwork: “Oasis” by Tuco Amalfi
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wiha-jun · 1 year
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THE INSPECTION (dir. Elegance Bratton, 2022)
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blancasgallery · 2 years
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Magazine - Harper’s Bazaar Spain, January 2018 Photographer - Aarón Serrano
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