bestofanimaniacs · 1 year
Hellooooooooo Nurses!
I don't think anyone has yet attempted to pit the Animaniacs cast against each in a Tumblr poll yet, so I will be doing the honors. This poll is for the best character from the original (1993) Animaniacs series. (If this goes well there may be a reboot poll, but we'll cross that bridge).
You'll find below the brackets of the 28 reoccurring characters from the original series and links to the polls. I'll be leaving Round 1's polls open for a week and we'll go from there in terms of participation and interest.
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Due to the number of characters included, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, and Brain will appear in Round 2, don't worry!
This is purely for fun and friendly competition is encourage. Please don't start any fights or take this too seriously, okay? It's just a silly poll. Yakko, Wakko, and Dot will report you to the "Please, please, please get a life foundation" if you take this too seriously, that's a threat.
Polls will start to post at 10am CST on March 9th and run for a week. Links for polls under read more.
Round 1:
Bracket 1 -
Runt vs Mr. Skullhead
Hello Nurse vs Mr. Director
Minerva Mink vs Chicken Boo
Bracket 2 -
Wheel of Morality vs Rita
Slappy Squirrel vs Mime
Skippy Squirrel vs Bobby
Bracket 3 -
Thaddeus Plotz vs. Colin (Randy Beaman Kid)
Pinky vs Marita Hippo
Buttons Vs Katie Ka-boom
Bracket 4 -
Ralph the Guard vs Squit
Dr. Scratchansniff vs Flavio Hippo
Mindy vs Pesto
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mitsukim07 · 1 year
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Yey, comenzamos el #brargweek de este añoooooo, yeeeeeey ❤ desde hace dos años que comencé y no he faltado ningún año ❤
Concepto: pecados | artista/musa
Contexto: Luciano es un estudiante de fotografía muy apasionado pero con algunas deudas, es por ello que llega con Martina, una dama de buena posición que desea ser fotografiada al encantarse con sus obras...
Pero ¿que pasaría si aquella musa usa todos sus trucos y hace pecar al artista?
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fmarkets · 1 month
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Spending Spree: Ambase Corporation's Expenditures Surge in Q4 2023 https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=ABCP&date=2024-03-19103337&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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aggravateddurian · 6 months
17 & 34 dealer's choice
For @ghostoffuturespast. Thanks for asking! The picker wheel selected Chet Reid, my newest male OC.
You can find the questions at the link below.
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Chet DeShea Reid is a former NUS Army soldier, qualified sniper, and current boyfriend of Valerie Ocampo-Gonzalez.
[17] how did they spend their summers/free time as a child?
Chet's parents were both in the Air Force. That meant that neither would be home by the time school finished, they were still at work. Chet and the other air force brats would launch elaborate games of hide and seek, which often took them into areas of the base children were not supposed to go to. This led to the base's SFs getting involved. Rather than lock the children up and charge their parents/guardians as they were supposed to under the base regulations, the SFs (who weren't doing much anyway) decided to turn the game into an extended lesson on camouflage and concealment.
They would play hide and seek with the kids, patrolling the base with the kids acting as the red team. If they evaded detection before 1730 (when Chet's parents finished work for the day) then the kids would be allowed to play tomorrow. If they were caught, they'd get arrested and taken to the air base command post (ABCP) where their parents would have to pick them up and sign for them from the SFs. Chet learned a lot about camouflage and concealment from these games, and would eventually bring that into the Army with him when he enlisted out of high school.
[34] how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
Chet would likely describe himself as a gonk. Not just a gonk, a massive gonk. A colossal gonk, even. He was allured to the NUS Army by promises of being part of something greater. Instead he was used, first by Elizabeth Kress, and then by Rosalind Myers, for an imperialist war against the Free States. Chet is not proud of his past. At the same time, he feels trapped by his military past - he became a mercenary because he feels that he's only really good at one thing: killing.
There's one person who knows Chet as well as, if not better, than himself - Val. Val sees a different person, someone capable of more than taking a life.
Thanks once again for the questions!
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ambientalmercantil · 10 days
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abcpetshop · 21 days
ABCPS Pinned Post 📂
🔲 Gather the rest of my reference images; Dump into Miro; Organize -- 2 hours
🔲 Iterate on ABCPS designs -- several sessions, 1 hour each
🔲 Do LPS etc. reference studies, figure out what elements I want to -> abcps -- several sessions, 1hr each
🔲 Draw pets -- several sessions, 1 hr each
🔲 Different poses
🔲 Gif versions
🔲 Money why-gaming: Maybe charge like adoptables & donate part/all of revenue? -- chew on it over time, then 1 hr finalizing
🔲 Learn how to make an interactive webpage w visual clickables
🔲 Miro mock-up first -- add assets to the mock-up to move around by mouse
🔲 At the same time, write the scaffolding for ABCPS on tomf
🔲 When I have enough base code AND I'm happy with the asset arrangement, THEN I can transfer onto tomfoolery/abcpetshop
🔲 Draw clickable assets -- 1 hr each
🔲 Cage doors
🔲 Rap sheets for prospectives
🔲 Alumni book
🔲 Service bell
🔲 Build A Bear tub, etc
NOTE TO SELF: Hard limit of an hour per iteration, for reps' sake. Can reiterate & add detail for an hour at a time in future sessions. Get the basic shapes down, figure out a layout you're permanently happy with. THEN you can go back and spend time prettifying.
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poesia-marginow · 1 year
Seleção busca admitir e formar cadastro reserva para profissionais de nível médio; confira A Empresa Municipal de Desenvolvimento Urbano de Ubatuba (EMDURB), no estado de São Paulo, anuncia a reabertura das inscrições para o Processo Seletivo, que tem como objetivo a admissão de profissionais de nível médio. Conforme o documento (reabertura das inscrições), os interessados podem se inscrever no período de 3 a 21 de novembro de 2022, pelo site da ABCP Concursos, com taxa de R$ 45,00.Vale destacar que o valor poderá ser pago até o dia 22 de novembro de 2022. De acordo com o edital, serão preenchidas 19 vagas além da formação de cadastro reserva distribuídas entre os cargos de Agente de Operações de Zona Azul (15); Agente de Operações de Fiscalização (2); Agente de Operações de Limpeza e Conservação (2) e Agente de Operações de Portaria. Dentro do total de funções, há vagas exclusivas para candidatos que se enquadrem nos itens especificados no edital. Para concorrer a uma das chances, os candidatos devem comprovar a escolaridade exigida de nível médio, ter CNH na categoria "AB", idade mínima de 18 anos, dentre outros requisitos que constam no edital. Ao serem admitidos, os profissionais deverão desempenhar funções em escalas de 6x1 e contarão com salários no valor de R$ 7,83 por hora. Seleção e vigência Como forma de classificação, os candidatos serão avaliados mediante aplicação de prova objetiva, na data prevista de 4 de dezembro de 2022. Dito isto, o conteúdo programático será composto por questões de língua portuguesa, atualidades, conhecimentos gerais e específicos. O prazo de validade do presente Processo Seletivo será de um ano, contado da homologação do resultado final, com possibilidade de prorrogação por igual período. EDITAL DE ABERTURA Nº 001/2022 REABERTURA DAS INSCRIÇÕES PCI Concursos
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nosbastidoresdopier · 2 years
Curso de Pavimento de Concreto
ABCP, promove o curso sobre Pavimento de Concreto
Acesse: https://nosbastidoresdopier.com.br/8v1e
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nicohickman · 2 years
Six Tips To Improve Your Next NCOER
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Your NCOER is among the most crucial documents you'll come across in your military career. It can affect your chances of advancement, assignment choices and your training options. It is important and can cause stress. However, it doesn't have to be.
You decide on the contents of your NCOER. You are able to fill it out however you like. The report you receive from your evaluation is merely a representation of your actions, choices and choices. If you're looking to achieve an ongoing high score on your annual performance appraisal Here are six suggestions to consider: Check out this site to discover additional resources on abcp counseling.
Strive for the Extra Mile
The section on competence is the place where the rater not only notes that you are proficient in your MOS but also the fact that your work is outstanding.
"Perform duties and responsibilities that yield tangible results. Take on additional duties. Visit MRT. Find your SSD completed. Also, apply for NCOES. You will be an enthralling shine among your fellows.
Master Physical and Emotional Fitness
This is almost a given. It's a fact. You must pass your test APFT to be a NCOER ace. Physical readiness whatever your appropriate level is the basis of being a capable and productive Soldier. While physical fitness is essential but so is spiritual fitness. This is the process of building inner strength that allows you to be resilient in times of adversity, stress and challenge. Talk to a chaplain who will talk to you regardless of your religious affiliation for additional tips on how you can build your spiritual muscles.
Be an Example
Effective leadership qualities are considered heavily in an evaluation report. Here are a few questions about leadership that a rater must be able to answer:
Do you place the mission first enforcing standards and keeping subordinates accountable?
Do you have a method to establish trust with the soldiers in your unit? And increase morale?
Are you teaching, mentoring or volunteering in and out of uniform?
Are you working to mitigate risk and create improvements?
Are you setting yourself goals for your own improvement? Are you reaching or exceeding your goals?
What are you doing to support your team's growth in skill and number
Get Control Of Your NCOER
Soldiers have control over the information they give to assist their NCOER. Utilize this control to highlight your strengths and achievements. Soldiers must receive quarterly sessions with their raters. These sessions provide a great chance to showcase your accomplishments to your raters so they can be included in your record throughout the year. Make sure you get counseling. It's the most important thing.
He advises that if you provide examples and details of your standout actions, you will decrease the likelihood of a judge giving you generalized bullet points on your form.
Utilizing this method, when your time comes to be rated , you've basically already written your NCOER. Write what you believe is correct , and let the rater adjust the form. If you believe you are the extraordinary Soldier and you are, then create an exceptional support form. If the rater is feeling differently, then they'll modify accordingly.
Make sure you take your time and are punctual
Your NCOER is an expression of your Soldier character. It is your obligation to ensure that your NCOER completed on time and provide accurate details. SFC English suggests that Soldiers start contacting their rater concerning their NCOER within 30 to 60 days from the date they are due to submit their NCOER.
Verify you have all the information correct and your application represents your professionalism and positive attitude. Make sure that all administrative data is correct, and search for any grammatical mistakes.
SFC Holdridge notes that it is essential to take your time and ensure that all information is correct. "We don't want poor quality NCOERs."
Don't Stress
The NCOER's purpose is to assist you in improving your Soldier skills but not to cause you to feel down or bring you down. The keys to acing your NCOER are to be vigilant, staying focused, remembering the qualities that define you as an Soldier as well as making a record of the things you've accomplished throughout the year, and re-evaluating your rating system.
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kneipe · 2 years
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jena 2021
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bestofanimaniacs · 1 year
I've only had this poll for a few hours and I'm so invested.
Also you all are ruining my predictions, not my overall predictions because we haven't gotten to the Warner sibs yet, but you're ruining my bracket predictions so far.
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mitsukim07 · 1 year
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Segundo día del #brargweek2022 y yo aquí vengo con mi aporte humilde ❤
Concepto: colonial | ser sobrenatural(?
Contexto: Martín es un caza fantasma contratado para lidiar con una antigua casona abandonada en brasil, estaba algo emocionado ya que nadie había podido atrapar a aquel fantasma escurridizo que por ahí deambulaba; por otra parte el fantasma se divertía mucho observando a aquel extranjero.
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fmarkets · 6 months
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Ambase Corporation Faces Severe Corporate Conduct Crisis Amid Fiscal Third Quarter of 2023 https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=ABCP&date=2023-11-12100917&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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#Repost • @abcp.cimento 22.10 às 18h Webinar ABCPonLINE “Desmistificando Edifícios Altos em Parede de Concreto”. Inscreva-se: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2526221833645129998 Mostrar exemplo de empreendimentos em parede de concreto com torre de 25 pavimentos e transição. #parededeconcreto #comunidadedaconstrucao #abcp.cimento #conxoficial #wendlerprojetos https://www.instagram.com/p/CGmgILjlGej/?igshid=1k8rvj27gn4ih
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ambientalmercantil · 8 months
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dandelion-e · 2 years
En mi Twitter (Dan_Emii) está la explicación de las escenas con un poco más de profundidad 💕
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