ao3screenshotss · 1 year
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1-gelincikk · 9 months
Bu saatte iyi gider 😉☺️🥰❤️
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resimlerin-dili · 2 years
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2ndtide · 1 year
This is my reaction to "I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For" by Irish rock band U2 from their fifth studio album, The Joshua Tree, released in 1987. The song was written by front man Bono, and produced by Daniel Lanois and Brian Eno.  The song peaked at number one hit on the Billboard Hot 100 for three  weeks. If you’re on YouTube, please be sure to comment, like and subscribe!
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gumushilal · 1 year
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Acem çay tabağı 🤍
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acemindia · 4 months
Engineering the Future: Unleashing Potential with Aravali College of Engineering and Management's B.Tech Program
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In the dynamic landscape of technological advancements, choosing the right engineering program is pivotal. Aravali College of Engineering and Management stands as a beacon of academic excellence, offering a B.Tech program that goes beyond traditional boundaries.
Cutting-Edge Curriculum: Aravali's B.Tech curriculum is designed to be at the forefront of industry trends. From foundational courses to specialized electives, the program equips students with a robust knowledge base and practical skills that align with the evolving demands of the engineering sector.
Industry-Integrated Learning: The program at Aravali emphasizes a hands-on approach through industry visits, internships, and guest lectures by seasoned professionals. This integration ensures that students gain real-world insights, making them industry-ready even before they graduate.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our commitment to providing a conducive learning environment is reflected in our state-of-the-art facilities. Modern classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, and advanced technology create an atmosphere that nurtures innovation, curiosity, and collaboration.
Expert Faculty Guidance: At the heart of Aravali's academic excellence is its faculty. Comprising industry experts and seasoned educators, the faculty is dedicated to mentoring students, fostering critical thinking, and providing valuable insights that extend beyond textbooks.
Holistic Development: Aravali understands that success in the engineering field requires more than just technical prowess. The B.Tech program places a strong emphasis on holistic development, encouraging students to participate in extracurricular activities, clubs, and events that enhance their interpersonal and leadership skills.
Research Opportunities: For those inclined towards research and innovation, Aravali offers numerous opportunities to engage in groundbreaking projects. Collaborating with faculty on research initiatives and participating in national and international conferences enable students to contribute meaningfully to their chosen fields.
Global Perspectives: Aravali College of Engineering and Management is not just focused locally; it has a global outlook. Collaborations, exchange programs, and partnerships with international institutions broaden students' horizons, preparing them for a globalized engineering landscape.
Transformative Educational Experience: Joining Aravali's B.Tech program is not just about obtaining a degree; it's about embarking on a transformative educational journey. Here, innovation meets excellence, shaping engineers who are not only academically proficient but also poised to make a significant impact in the world.
In conclusion, Aravali College of Engineering and Management's B.Tech program is not just a course; it's a gateway to a future where engineering meets innovation, excellence, and leadership. Choosing Aravali is choosing a pathway to a successful and fulfilling engineering career in the rapidly advancing world of technology.
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bikerspiritmagazine · 2 years
Ο Michele Colaninno αναλαμβάνει την προεδρία του ACEM, του ευρωπαϊκού συνδέσμου κατασκευαστών μοτοσυκλέτας
Ο Michele Colaninno αναλαμβάνει την προεδρία του ACEM, του ευρωπαϊκού συνδέσμου κατασκευαστών μοτοσυκλέτας
ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ ΟΜΙΛΟΣ PIAGGIO: Ο Michele Colaninno, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος παγκόσμιας στρατηγικής, προϊόντων, marketing και καινοτομίας του Ομίλου Piaggio (PIA.MI), ιδρυτής και Πρόεδρος της Piaggio Fast Forward, της αμερικανικής εταιρείας που εξειδικεύεται στη ρομποτική, διορίζεται Πρόεδρος του ACEM (Association des Constructeurs Européens de Motocycles), του ευρωπαϊκού συνδέσμου της βιομηχανίας…
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nevzatboyraz44 · 21 days
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Resûl-i Ekremin (sallallahü aleyhi ve sellem) yüzük taşında üç satır yazılıydı: Muhammed, Resûl, Allah
“Resûlullah Efendimiz, gümüş bir hâtem edindi. O, ömrü boyunca mübarek elinde idi.” Abdullah bin Ömer (radıyallahü anh)
“Fahr-i âlem, Habeşî bir yüzük takınmıştı. Yüzüğün kaşını avucu tarafına alırdı. Sağ eline takardı.” Enes bin Mâlik’den (radıyallahü anh) Sahihayn Habeşî’den murad, akik yahut cez’ denilen alaca taştır. İkisinin de menşei Habeş diyarından.
Yüzük, küçük parmağa veya yanındaki parmağa takılır. Üzerinde yazı bulunan yüzüğü, halâya girerken sol elden sağ ele geçirmek müstehabdır.
Nu’mân bin Beşîr, Resûlullahın yanına gelir. Parmağında altın yüzük vardır. “Cennete girmeden, niçin Cennet ziyneti kullandın” buyururlar.
Demir yüzük takmaya başlar “Niçin Cehennem eşyası taşıyorsun” derler bu defa.
Onu da çıkarıp tunçtan yüzük takar. “Senden neden put kokusu geliyor?”
Bu defa o sorar: Nasıl bir yüzük takayım, yâ Resûlallah?
- Gümüş yüzük kullanabilirsin. Ağırlığı bir miskali geçmesin, sağ eline tak!
1 miskal (= 1,5 dirhem = 24 kırat = 96 buğday), günümüz hesabıyla 4,8 gram civarında.
Bazıları diyor ki: Eshâb-ı kiram fakirdi de altın ondan yasaklandı.
Hayır; fakire zengine herkese yasak, içlerinde büyük tüccarlar vardır istisna tutulmazlar. Hanımlar fakir de olsa takar.
Efendimizin “sallallahü aleyhi ve sellem” yüzük taşında üç satır yazılıdır. Aşağıdan yukarıya doğru Muhammed, Resûl, Allah.
Müminler arasında zikrolunan mührü yüzüğüne işletmek isteyenler olur. Efendimiz izin vermez neyhederler. İslâm devletinin alâmetidir zira. (İbn-i Hanbel)
Server-i Kâinat Hakka yürüyünce o yüzük Hazreti Ebû Bekr’e verilir, sonra Hazreti Ömer’e. Hazreti Osmân halife olunca yüzüğü takma şerefine nail olur ancaak.
Ancaak kutlu emanet kazaen Erîs Kuyusuna düşer, kaybolur.
Osman-ı Zinnureyn aratır, taratır, hayli mal sarf eder bu uğurda. Lakin bulunamaz, çok üzülür bu hususta.
Hazreti Ebû Bekrin yüzüğünde, “Ni’mel kādir Allah” (Allahın gücü her şeye yeter) yazılıdır.
Hazreti Ömerin yüzüğünde “Kefâ bi’l-mevt vâ’ızan yâ Ömer” (sana vaiz olarak ölüm yetişir)
Hazreti Osmânın yüzüğünde “Le-nasbirenne” (elbette sabredeceğiz)
Hazreti Alî’nin yüzüğünde “El-mülkü lillah” (Mülk Allahındır) Celle celalüh
Hazreti Hasenin yüzüğünde, “El-izzetü lillah” (Şan şeref Allahü teâlâya mahsustur)
Hazreti Mu’âviyenin yüzüğünde “Rabbiğfir-lî” (Beni bağışla günahlarımı ört)
İmam-ı Ali Rıza’nın yüzüğünde, “Hasbiyallah” (Allahü teala bana kâfidir).
İbni Ebî Leylâ’nın yüzüğünde “Ed-dünyâ garûrün” (Dünya aldatıcıdır)
İmâm-ı a‘zam Ebû Hanîfenin yüzüğünde “Kuli’l-hayr ve illâ feskût” (ya hayr söyle ya sus).
İmâm-ı Ebû Yûsüfün yüzüğünde “Men amile bi-re’yihî nedime” (danışmadan- kendi reyi ile- hareket eden pişman olur)
İmâm-ı Muhammedin yüzüğünde “Men sabere zafire”(sabreden muradına erer)
İmâm-ı Şâfi’înin yüzüğünde “El-Bereketü fil kanâ’a” (bereket kanaattedir) yazılıdır.
O devirde nişan nikâh yüzüğü yoktur. Yüzüğü daha ziyade hâkimler, melikler ve ulema takar. Fermanları, fetvaları, mühürler bir nevi imza atarlar.
Yani? Yani üzerindeki yazılar terstir, filmin negatifi gibi âdeta.
Bayramlarda herkes yüzük takabilir, müstehabdır hatta.
Ama gösteriş için, övünmek için takmak asla.
“Peygamber Efendimiz, Rum, Acem ve Habeş padişahlarına mektuplar yazdırdı. Sahabeler “Ya Resûlallah” dediler, “Onlar mühürsüz mektuplara itibar etmezler.”
Onun üzerine gümüş bir yüzük edinip kaşına “Muhammed Resûl Allah” nakşını kazıttılar.
Hemen birer yüzük yaptırıp takınmaya başladık. Hatta taşının akik olmasına dikkat ettik bilhassa.
Sonra baktık ki Efendimiz sürekli parmaklarında tutmuyor, biz de çıkardık. Belki de şer’an gerekli bir şey olduğu sanılmasın diye öyle yaptılar. Enes bin Mâlik (radıyallahü anh)
Zaman zaman müzayedelere düşen Emevi, Abbasi ve sonraki dönemlere ait yüzük başları hep mühür şeklinde. Kâğıda basılınca düz okunsun diye yazılar ters kazınmış.
وقد كتب على حجر خاتم النبي محمد (صلى الله عليه وسلم) ثلاثة أسطر: محمد، رسول، الله.
"لقد حصل نبينا على حاقد من فضة. "وكان بين يديه المباركة طوال حياته". عبدالله بن عمر (رضي الله عنه)
«كان فهر العالم يرتدي خاتمًا حبشيًا. وكان يضع حاجب الخاتم على جهة الكف. وكان يلبسه في يده اليمنى». والمراد بالصحيحين الحبشي عن أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه: حجر متعدد الألوان يسمى العقيق أو الجاز. وكلاهما أصلهما من أرض الحبشة.
يتم ارتداء الخاتم على الإصبع الصغير أو الإصبع المجاور له. ويستحب تمرير الخاتم المكتوب عليه من اليد اليسرى إلى اليد اليمنى عند دخول الصلاة الحلال.
يأتي النعمان بن بشير إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم. هناك خاتم ذهبي في إصبعه. فيقولون: لماذا كنت تستخدم زينة الجنة قبل دخول الجنة؟
يبدأ بارتداء خاتم حديدي، هذه المرة يسألونه: "لماذا تحمل أشياء الجحيم؟"
يخلعها ويضع خاتمًا من البرونز. "لماذا رائحتك مثل المعبود؟"
فيسأل هذه المرة: أي خاتم ألبس يا رسول الله؟
- يمكنك استخدام خاتم من الفضة. ولا يزن أكثر من مثقال، واحمله في يدك اليمنى!
1 المشكال (= 1.5 درهم = 24 قيراط = 96 قمح) يساوي حوالي 4.8 جرام بحساب اليوم.
ويقول البعض: كان الصحابة فقراء ومنعوا عنهم الذهب.
لا؛ فهو محرم على الجميع، فقيرا أو غنيا، لكن بينهم تجار كبار، لا يستثنى منهم. ترتديه السيدات حتى لو كن فقراء.
ثلاثة أسطر مكتوبة على حجر خاتم نبينا صلى الله عليه وسلم. من الأسفل إلى الأعلى محمد رسول الله.
وهناك من المؤمنين من يريد أن يضع الختم المذكور على خاتمه. ربنا لن يسمح بذلك مهما قالوا. لأنه من علامات الدولة الإسلامية. (ابن حنبل)
عندما يمشي خادم الكون نحو الله، يُعطى هذا الخاتم لأبي بكر، ثم لحضرة عمر. فقط عندما يصبح حضرة عثمان خليفة سيكون له شرف ارتداء الخاتم.
ومع ذلك، فإن الآثار المقدسة تقع بطريق الخطأ في بئر إيريس وتضيع.
يقوم عثمان زينورين بالبحث والمسح الضوئي وإنفاق الكثير من المال لهذه القضية. ولكن لا يمكن العثور عليه، ويشعر بحزن شديد بسبب ذلك.
""نمل قادر الله"" (قدرة الله كافية لكل شيء) مكتوب على خاتم حضرة أبي بكر.
"Kefâ bi'l-mevt vâ'ızan yâ Ömer" (سيكفيك الموت كواعظ) على خاتم حضرة عمر.
"النصبيرين" (طبعا سنصبر) على خاتم حضرة عثمان
"الملك لله" على خاتم حضرة علي Celle celalüh
"العزَّة لله" مكتوبة على خاتم حضرة الحسن.
"Rabbiğfir-lî" (اغفر لي واستر ذنوبي) على خاتم حضرة معاوية.
"حسبي الله" (حسبي الله تعالى) مكتوبة على خاتم الإمام علي رضا.
"الدنيا غرور" على خاتم ابن أبي ليلى
""Kuli'l-hair ve illa feskût"" (إما أن تقول خيرًا أو تصمت) على خاتم الإمام الأعظم أبو حنيفة.
خاتم الإمام أبو يوسف مكتوب عليه "Men amile bi-re'yihi nedime" (من عمل برأيه دون استشارة فسوف يندم).
خاتم الإمام محمد مكتوب عليه "أنا صابر زافير" (من صبر سيحقق هدفه).
"البركة في الرضا" مكتوبة على خاتم الإمام الشافعي.
ولم تكن هناك خواتم خطوبة في تلك الحقبة. الخاتم يرتديه في الغالب القضاة والملوك والعلماء. الفتاوى والفتاوى والأختام هي نوع من التوقيع.
حسنًا؟ بمعنى آخر، الكتابات الموجودة عليه معكوسة، تقريبًا مثل الصورة السلبية للفيلم.
يمكن لأي شخص ارتداء الخاتم أثناء العطلات، بل يوصى به.
ولكن لا ترتديه أبدًا للتباهي أو التباهي.
"كان لنبينا رسائل كتبها إلى سلاطين اليونان والفارس والحبشة. فقال الصحابة: يا رسول الله، لا يعظمون الكتاب المختوم.
واشتروا له خاتماً من فضة ونقش على حاجبه نقش "محمد رسول الله".
لقد صنعنا خاتمًا على الفور وبدأنا في ارتدائه. لقد أولينا اهتمامًا خاصًا لحقيقة أن الحجر كان عقيقًا.
ثم أدركنا أن نبينا لم يكن يمسكه في أصابعه طوال الوقت فخلعناه. وربما فعلوا ذلك حتى لا يعتقد أنه أمر ضروري في الشريعة. أنس بن مالك (رضي الله عنه)
الرؤوس الدائرية من العصر الأموي والعباسي والفترات اللاحقة التي تظهر أحيانًا في المزادات تكون دائمًا على شكل ختم. تم نقش الكتابات رأسًا على عقب بحيث يمكن قراءتها بشكل مسطح عند طباعتها على الورق.
Three lines were written on the ring stone of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): Muhammad, Messenger, Allah.
“Our Prophet acquired a silver hatem. "He was in his blessed hands throughout his life." Abdullah bin Omar (radiyallahu anh)
“Fahr-i alem was wearing an Abyssinian ring. He would place the eyebrow of the ring on the palm side. He wore it on his right hand.” What is meant by Sahihayn Habeshî from Enes bin Malik (radıyallahu anh) is a multicolored stone called agate or jaz'. Both of them originate from the land of Abyssinia.
The ring is worn on the little finger or the finger next to it. It is recommended to pass the ring with writing on it from the left hand to the right hand while entering the halal prayer.
Nu'man bin Bashir comes to the Messenger of Allah. There is a gold ring on his finger. They say, "Why did you use the ornaments of Heaven before entering Heaven?"
He starts wearing an iron ring. This time they ask, "Why are you carrying Hell's items?"
He takes it off and puts on a bronze ring. “Why do you smell like an idol?”
This time he asks: What kind of ring should I wear, O Messenger of Allah?
- You can use a silver ring. Let it not weigh more than a miskal, wear it in your right hand!
1 miskal (= 1.5 dirham = 24 carats = 96 wheat) is around 4.8 grams in today's calculation.
Some say: The Companions were poor and gold was banned from them.
No; It is forbidden to everyone, poor or rich, but there are great merchants among them, they are not excluded. Ladies wear it even if they are poor.
Three lines are written on the ring stone of our Prophet "sall-Allâhu 'alaihi wa sallam'. From bottom to top, Muhammad, Messenger, Allah.
There are some believers who want to put the mentioned seal on their ring. Our Lord will not allow it, whatever they say. Because it is a sign of the Islamic state. (Ibn Hanbel)
When the Server of the Universe walks towards God, that ring is given to Hazrat Abu Bakr, then to Hazrat Omar. Only when Hazrat Osman becomes caliph will he have the honor of wearing the ring.
However, the sacred relic accidentally falls into the Well of Eris and is lost.
Osman-ı Zinnureyn searches and scans and spends a lot of money for this cause. But he cannot be found, and he becomes very sad about this.
"Ni'mel kadir Allah" (Allah's power is sufficient for everything) is written on the ring of Hazrat Abu Bakr.
"Kefâ bi'l-mevt vâ'ızan yâ Ömer" (Death will be enough for you as a preacher) on Hazrat Ömer's ring.
"Le-nasbirenne" (of course we will be patient) on the ring of Hazrat Osman
"Al-mulku lillah" (Property belongs to Allah) on Hazrat Ali's ring Celle celalüh
"El-izzetu lillah" (Glory and honor belong to Allahu ta'ala) is written on Hazrat Hasan's ring.
"Rabbiğfir-lî" (Forgive me and cover my sins) on Hazrat Mu'aviye's ring.
"Hasbiyallah" (Allahu ta'ala is sufficient for me) is written on Imam-i Ali Rıza's ring.
"Ed-dunya garurun" (The world is deceptive) on the ring of Ibn Abi Layla
"Kuli'l-hayr ve illa feskût" (either speak good or remain silent) on the ring of Imam-i azam Abu Hanifa.
Imam-i Abu Yusuf's ring reads "Men amile bi-re'yihi nedime" (He who acts with his own opinion without consulting will regret it).
Imam Muhammad's ring reads "I am sabere zafire" (He who is patient will achieve his goal).
"El-Bereketü fil kanâ'a" (Blessings are in contentment) is written on Imam-ı Şâfi'î's ring.
There were no engagement rings in that era. The ring is mostly worn by judges, kings and scholars. Edicts, fatwas and seals are a kind of signature.
Well? In other words, the writings on it are reversed, almost like the negative of the film.
Everyone can wear a ring during holidays, it is even recommended.
But never wear it to show off or to boast.
“Our Prophet had letters written to the Greek, Persian and Abyssinian sultans. The companions said, “O Messenger of Allah,” “They do not respect unsealed letters.”
They bought a silver ring for him and had the inscription "Muhammad, Messenger of Allah" engraved on his eyebrow.
We immediately had a ring made and started wearing them. We even paid special attention to the fact that the stone was agate.
Then we realized that our Prophet was not holding it in his fingers all the time, so we took it off. Maybe they did so so that it would not be thought that it was a necessary thing in Sharia. Enes bin Malik (radiyallahu anh)
Ring heads from the Umayyad, Abbasid and later periods that occasionally appear at auctions are always in the shape of a seal. The writings are engraved upside down so that they can be read flat when printed on paper.
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olafkardanadam · 3 months
"Kakülleri ve iri gözleriyle sevimli mi sevimli bir acem kızıdır kendisi, sesi ise su gibi akar içinize."
"bizim ev uzakta uzakta, sabır dağlarının ardında altın ovalar’ın boş çöllerin ardında, suyun öbür tarafında yorgun dalgaların sedir ormanlarının ardında, uykudaki bir rüyada mavi okyanusun ardında, armut bahçelerinin, üzüm bağlarının öbür tarafında arı kovanlarının arkasında bulutların ötesinde özlemimizin, ıslak caddelerin ve yagmurun ve denizin ardında, evimizde hikayeler var."
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ao3screenshotss · 1 year
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otukendecenkolur · 3 days
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resimlerin-dili · 2 years
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2ndtide · 1 year
This is my reaction to "Live To Tell" by Madonna. The song written and produced by Madonna and Patrick Leonard. Featured on the singers third studio album 'True Blue,' and was released as its lead single. The song peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart in 1986. If you’re on YouTube, please be sure to comment, like and subscribe! 
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blneobin · 4 months
10 BL boys I want carnally <3
Much much love to @ayansbff for tagging me!! I hope you know what you’re in for cause tagging me in a post to simp?? ok! I have a reason to SCREAM about these men who made me question my asexuality.
Mantrisanu - Jeng (Step by Step)
nobody but my acemate (@mooniyuta) knows just how obsessed I was with Mantrisanu during the Step by Step era. When I tell ya I forgot I was ace as soon as I saw his giant 1.90m ass on screen.. I forgot I was even a person. I am a squirrel needing to climb a tree. WOW! just WOW!! Step by Step? No! Step On Me.
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Jam Rachata - Tinn/Jiu (Laws Of Attaction/To Sir With Love)
just Jam Rachata in general. He’s just a few years older than me but I will call him Daddy. When I saw him in Laws of Attraction I was intrigued then I stayed for the plot then I got hooked with their chemistry. Lucky for me I’ve never watched To Sir With Love before, so I did… and I can hear the wedding bells ringing as soon as I saw how his hunky meaty goodness handle that rusted half scissors turned murder weapon.
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First Kanaphan - Alan/Sand (Moonlight Chicken/Only Friends)
I’ve been salivating for this man since Not Me. I suffered through The Shipper for this man. It’s not just his beautiful handsome gorgeous self that does it for me, its also his charm. Like he’s so charming and has this aura about him that’s just warm and homey. His smile is like the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. His eyes are just so sparkly and beautiful, if I ever meet him irl I’d probably trip over myself getting lost in them. I understand Khaotung not wanting to share him with anyone because I would do the same.
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Bright - Yai (I Feel You Linger In The Air)
He’s so handsome I can cry. This man is like Jam x2. Like he has such a perfect face for male lead in romance genre. Where has he been all my life?? Maybe its Yai the character that feeds my deluluism, but when General Yai popped up in ifylita with a freakin porn stache and I wasn’t immidiately appalled, I knew I was a goner.
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Neo - Boston (Only Friends)
Neo has always been cute to me. Catches my eye in every series he’s in but then Only Friends happened AND I WAS FLOORED!!! It was like ya know when you enter your teen years and that cute person you’ve grown up with had a growth spurt and you’re like daaaang when did you get hot 👀 Yeah that’s me with Neo.
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Ohm Pawat - Pat (Bad Buddy)
specifically Ohm as Pat cause he was chunky and meaty and oof his arms were distracting as fuck. Anytime he showed up with that damn tank top I was like pls may I bite. He’s just so *feral animalistic growling* I personally love a man whos chunky meaty mucles and looks like they can lift me. AND HIS SMILE??? HIS TWINKLING EYED SMILE?!?!?!?! I’m gone. what a baaaabe!!!
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Try imagining? alrighty if you say so 😚
Keita Machida - Kurosawa (Cherry Magic)
I remember watching cherry magic for the first time in 2020 and I was in awe. He is so dreamy and handsome. I hate to say it again guys but.. his smile!! Like I’m obsessed with him!! Both me and bestie screamed when we saw him in Alice In Borderland (overgrown blondie with roots showing and he is messy and he smokes and I was barely breathing) and then scream cried when his head EXPLODED!?!?!?!) Anyway, I’d marry this guy. like legit.
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Earth Pirapat - Jim (Moonlight Chicken)
I am not done with the young dilfs. I have no other words other than !! HIM !! like I would need to make a seperate Earth appreciation post to start talking about him. This post is getting too long anyway so I’m gonna not say much here but.. just know I would drop everything for him.
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Papang - Gumpa (Not Me)
my need for Papang to suffocate me in his tiddies arms is like my human need to eat to keep myself sustained. He just looks like the best recharging station. That doesn’t make sense but it makes sense.
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Even going through the gif list to choose a Papang gif gave my tummy flips
Bosston Suphadach - Pruk (Between Us)
THERE’S A NEWBIE ON MY LIST WOO!!! I feel like because he hasnt been here long and has only played sub-minor parts, people forgot about him .. BUT I. DID. NOT. <3 Did you see him in between us alongside Sammy?? Yes. I too would be purposefully tripping in front of him so that he can hold me in his big strong arms. Also him and the doctor in Be My Favourite?? SIIIIICKKK!!!! Let’s just say I’m excited to watch their spinoff next year ✨
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I’ve got a few more but these men are mainly the ones that I need to have. In conclusion, Big Guy, Big Arms, Big Smiles. Love them, Love Him.
thank you lovely gif makers @zhivchik @mushiemadarame @rayandgay @wanderlust-in-my-soul @kiyosuku @warmday @sunsetandthemoon @bunnakit @daikunart and lovely moots @dramalets @drama-nonsense @mooniyuta @mooninagust @these-emo-thoughts @sparklyeyedhimbo @khaotungsfirst @blue-grama @absolutebl @troubled-mind who enable this obsession.
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acemindia · 5 months
BBA in Digital Marketing: Pathway to Professional Proficiency
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In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses strive to maintain a competitive edge. Digital marketing has emerged as a pivotal tool, enabling companies to connect with their target audience, enhance brand visibility, and drive sales. A Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Digital Marketing can serve as your gateway to professional proficiency in this dynamic field. This blog explores how a BBA in Digital Marketing equips you with the skills and knowledge necessary for success.
Understanding BBA in Digital Marketing
What is BBA in Digital Marketing? The BBA in Digital Marketing is a specialized undergraduate program that amalgamates business management principles with digital marketing strategies. This program aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of leveraging digital platforms to achieve marketing objectives. Key program elements include:
Core business courses covering management, finance, and marketing.
Specialized digital marketing courses focusing on SEO, social media marketing, email marketing, and more.
Practical training through internships and real-world projects.
Exposure to industry-standard digital marketing tools and techniques.
Opportunities for networking with professionals in the field.
Advantages of Pursuing a BBA in Digital Marketing
Versatility in Career Options
Explore various roles such as digital marketing manager, social media strategist, and content marketer.
Adapt to the evolving digital landscape and align your career path with your interests and strengths.
In-Demand Skills
Acquire skills essential for excelling in the job market, including creating effective digital marketing strategies and utilizing tools like Google Analytics and SEO optimization.
Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Gain insights into using digital marketing to launch and grow a successful business, applying these principles to your entrepreneurial ventures.
Stay Ahead of the Competition
Stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in the constantly evolving digital marketing landscape, giving you a competitive edge.
High Earning Potential
As a skilled digital marketer, command a higher salary and access better job opportunities, with companies recognizing the value of expertise in this area.
Global Career Opportunities
Open doors to global career opportunities, working for international companies, collaborating with clients worldwide, and exploring remote work options.
Practical Learning
Emphasis on practical learning through real-world projects and internships, allowing you to develop hands-on skills directly transferable to your career.
How to Get Started
Research Programs:
Look for universities or colleges offering BBA programs with a focus on digital marketing, ensuring alignment with your career goals.
Admission Requirements:
Check the admission requirements; typically, a high school diploma or equivalent is needed to apply.
Financial Planning:
Explore scholarship opportunities and financial aid options to support your education.
Build a Strong Application:
Prepare a compelling application highlighting your passion for digital marketing and relevant experience or skills.
Stay Informed:
Keep updated with the latest trends and news in the digital marketing industry through industry blogs, webinars, and online courses.
In Conclusion
A BBA in Digital Marketing offers more than just a degree; it's a pathway to professional proficiency and a rewarding career in the dynamic world of digital marketing. This program equips you with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience needed to thrive in a competitive job market. Whether you aspire to work for leading companies, start your own business, or pursue a global career, a BBA in Digital Marketing can help you achieve your goals. Take the first step towards a bright future in digital marketing and embark on this exciting educational journey. If you're interested in pursuing a BBA in Digital Marketing, check out Aravali College of Engineering and Management for more information on their programs and admissions process. Your journey to professional proficiency in digital marketing begins here!
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I've started reading Mistborn and it's cool and all but also it's such a scam that they use Allomancy. Where's my Acemancy and Aromancy? Huh? So much for "high fantasy". Pitiful.
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