#aceys zombies
I’ve only seen Zombies (1) but not the sequels. I find it kind of ridiculous but also funny that they keep adding new species?? Which I feel kinda defeats the point of the first movie??
But like I wanted to ask: Is it worth it watching the sequels?
Bonzo is my favorite character. How much Bonzo content is there?
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manheim-toks · 8 months
“Reunited with amazing lighting. CONGRATULATIONS @ Trevor Tordjmin and JORDAN!!” — milomanheim (TikTok)
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quodekash · 1 year
my sister and I just watched all the zombies movies for the first time. And I’m kind of annoyed with how much I genuinely liked them
Big (and I mean huge there’s a lot so you have been warned) ramble about why the movies are actually really good under the keep reading thing (what are you actually supposed to call that? The banner? Idk). Spoiler warning!
First I’m gonna say the things I didn’t like about the movies
-So it’s about zombies (well, it is at first), and zombies have pale skin. The problem with that is black zombies have quite a bit of whitewashing which isn’t good.
-There’s also quite a lack of (canon) queer characters and relationships in the first two movies, but then when it comes to the third one, it’s actually pretty good. (I’ll go more in depth on this later)
-And naturally there were the flaws of DCOMs, like awkward dialogue that doesn’t feel like how real people speak, plot lines going pretty fast, relationships developing weirdly quickly, talking into the camera, all those kinds of things. But honestly… okay, quick disclaimer, I am a huge lover of the hsm and descendants movies. But… I think… zombiesmightbemyfavouritedcomfranchise. I still love the others, but in terms of development of characters and relationships, and representation, this one was probably the best. (I’ll also touch on this more in-depth later)
-There was this one moment in the first movie where it seemed like Bucky was getting a redemption and becoming a good person! But then suddenly he was bad again. And then at the end of the movie it seemed like he was getting a redemption again! But then in the next movie he was horrible again. But then at the end of the movie it kinda felt like he was slightly redeemed! But then in the next one he was even worse. So they could’ve tried to develop his character further and not scrap the redemption each time, but it’s fine because every other character gets so much development it’s crazy
-It’s a little inaccurate at times? Like I’m pretty sure werewolves wouldn’t actually look/act the way they do, but then again there’s so many different myths of werewolves so it doesn’t really matter. And there’s almost no way aliens would speak English or be even vaguely humanoid, but then again we literally don’t know cos we’ve never experienced aliens before
-And the last thing I didn’t like about the movies was Bucky.
1- Bonzo.
2- I love the concept so much, because people would absolutely be racist and horrible towards zombies and werewolves and aliens if we discovered they were real.
3- The entire series is a social commentary and I’m living for it. Like, each group represents a different minority. Zombies are representative of African Americans, especially when it comes to the segregation; stores only allowing humans to buy from them; zombies only recently being allowed to go to school with humans and previously they had specific schools for zombies and specific schools for humans; there being different sides of the city where zombies aren’t allowed on one side for the humans’ safety, humans aren’t allowed on the other side also for the humans’ safety; even calling zombies monsters even though they’re very stable-minded people (because of the Z-band, but also after a bit they can control their zombie urges and they’re stable-minded without the z-band too). I just really feel like the entire thing is super representative of American history (well, what I know of American history as a non-American. If anyone who knows more than me can expand on this, that would be great!) And then the werewolves literally describe themselves as the original owners of the land, meaning they’re both literally and metaphorically the First Nations peoples. I’m gonna take this from the Australian side of things, because that’s what I’m more familiar with. Both the humans and the zombies feared the werewolves without reason. They called them savage, bloodthirsty, unpredictable. In terms of Australian history, that fits perfectly. If you’re unfamiliar, I’m gonna give you a bit of a history lesson (and I will talk a lot, I’m really passionate about this and I also did a whole unit on this last term so it’s all fresh in my mind). White Australians treated Indigenous Australians horribly. There was a plan for a while, literally called White Australia, where the white people were determined to “breed out the black”, which is when the stolen generation happened. First Nations boys were taken from their homes to go to boarding schools and learn Christian values. First Nations girls were taken from their homes and forced to marry and have children with a white man. If they kept going for enough generations, there would only be white people left. It started in the mid-1800s, but didn’t end until the 1970s. That’s only 50 years ago. And throughout it, none of them were allowed to practice their culture and traditions, they couldn’t be on their own land, on their country, they couldn’t even speak their own languages. We went from over 250 individual languages, not even including all the different dialects, and now we’re down to about 100-150, but most of those are near extinction. Most languages there’s only a few words that they know for sure. And because of all that, today we still have repercussions of it. So many First Nations peoples have no idea what their traditions are, they don’t know the name of their country, they don’t know their language, they don’t know who their elders are. Which I think reflects the werewolves, getting sick and losing their power because the humans took away their power source. And that leaves the aliens, who represent neurodivergent people, particularly autism. They’d never experienced emotions before, they’re excluded because they act strangely or talk strangely, they’re unfamiliar with humans and their human ways because they’ve never experienced humans and never been taught how to “act human”. And there’s so much more I could talk about with all of these things, but I don’t want to bore you.
4- The relationships?? Are actually?? Good???? Like, Addison and Zed met in the sweetest way, and I’m not usually one for “love at first sight” and it seems like that’s what they were pushing for these two, but the development of their relationship? I’m shocked. In a good way. They have issues and problems, mostly due to miscommunication. But then they clear those problems up so well and act in a way that’s so mature it’s astounding. Addison doesn’t answer Zed’s letters because the Aceys were shredding them all and making pom-poms out of them? Addison explains it and Zed takes the explanation and doesn’t make it a big thing. A werewolf is flirting with Addison and Zed gets really jealous? They both dramatically sing a song and Zed realises he was being close-minded and mean and making Addison feel alone, and wants to apologise. Then he thinks Addison has been kidnapped so he tries to rescue her and thereby offends the werewolves and Addison. And then a rift appears because Zed takes the necklace and doesn’t want Addison to leave him and become a werewolf. But it’s fine, because Zed not only owns up to it, but also after thinking about his actions, he apologises sincerely and says he had no right to do that. And he literally could’ve said he just found it rather than took it, they all literally think he found it at first. But no, he tells the truth. And honestly, that takes real strength. The next movie, someone who has never felt emotion before has romantic interest in Zed? Addison tries to explain in a super respectful way and doesn’t get mad, even when they still don’t understand. Addison is the aliens’ map so she has to leave with them, but Zed doesn’t want that? He accepts it anyway, because he can see it’s important to her. They’re sad but they part ways and I’m crying. And then they realise Utopia was Seabrook and they come back and everyone’s happy and I’m still crying Bonzo and Bree? Absolute. Goals. You’d think they’d have communication issues because Bonzo doesn’t speak English, right? Nope. They’re flipping perfect. Bree learns to understand Zombie so that she knows what he’s saying to her, Bonzo is so pure and sweet and wholesome and- you know what, actually:
5- expanding on my first point: Bonzo. He’s perfect. He supports his friends, he’s wholesome, he just wants a hug. He can write in both English and Zombie, he understands both English and Zombie, he speaks Zombie, is super good with Werewolf, and probably could speak some level of English but he doesn’t want to. When he makes signs, he does them in both English and Zombie, so that everyone can read it. Like, when he’s wearing the sign things for Zed’s presidency, he has one side in English that says “Zed for president”, and the other side is in Zombie. He’s one of the tallest and strongest people, yet he doesn’t do the sporty things and something about that feels so refreshing. He does cheer and band and dj-ing and probably other things, but he doesn’t do… uh, the sport in the movie. Football? Rugby? The- the game with the ball. (Clearly, I know sports)
6- The soundtracks are so stinking good, especially the second and third ones like wow. Just- the MUSIC and the SINGING and the EFFECTS and the MELODIES and the HARMONIES and the DOPAMINE It brings me joy. But seriously, whenever I watch a new movie, I always go through and listen to the soundtrack (whether it’s a musical movie or not), and press the little heart on the ones that I really like, and for all three, there were only 11 I didn’t like as much as the rest. And 7 of those were from the first one. The soundtracks are literally so good I can’t even explain it
7- The actors ages are awesome. Like, every single one is between 20 and 26, which is both amazingly age appropriate for high-schoolers (reminder: the first one came out in 2018, and they were probably filming all throughout 2017. Like the main two actors were been 16 and 17 while filming the first movie, which is amazing). And not only that, it’s fantastic that they’re all around the same age, because then it’s beautifully unproblematic casting. (Like, if there was a 16 year old and a 25 year old, that would be. Not good. But there wasn’t so it’s not not good!) And also, adding on to that, the actors are all just so good, despite their young age. They’re all so talented and amazing and they portray each of their characters so well and I want to hug them all please :D
8- The representation in terms of race. It’s astounding. There’s so much diversity in all the actors. The whitewashing with the zombies is very not great, but compared to other movies (especially other dcoms), the racial rep is absolute top notch (at least I think it is. If someone who’s watched more movies than me could fact-check me that would be excellent)
9- THE QUEER REP IN THE THIRD MOVIE. Everyone uses A-spen’s they/them pronouns perfectly and without question. In Exceptional Zed (Reprise), you can see a female werewolf holding hands with a female cheerleader. Zed finds out a-spen likes him, and he doesn’t say like “wait does that make me…”, nothing like that, he just says he’s got universal appeal. And that’s it. And then Addison tells him to be nice because a-spen’s new to emotions and I literally love both of them so much for it. A-spen and Willa become a couple at the end of the third movie, and they don’t hide it, nothing bad happens to them, it’s so casual and no one questions it and I love it so much
10- RuPaul voicing the Mothership.
11- every single person in every single one of these movies is so attractive. Help.
13- I wanted to make a negative point about how some of the characters (*cough*zed*cough*) aren’t exactly great people sometimes, but the thing is they literally always develop and become a better person. Which makes me mad cos I want to get angry at the characters but I can’t because they always improve Like, Zed’s got a couple problems a few times. In the second movie, he keeps insisting that zombies aren’t monsters. But, after being influenced by the werewolves, he’s proud to be a monster because there’s no shame in it. Like at one point the lady in charge of the uni’s applying to, so someone you’d probably be scared of correcting, said “Our biggest concern is that you could turn into a monster at any time.” and he swiftly corrects her and says, “Yes, I am a monster, but completely safe!” So he corrects her really easily and then continues on. And in the second movie he’s really racist against werewolves and that sucks but then he realises how many things they all have in common and he learns some things from the werewolves and he’s super nice and awesome to everyone ever after that. Even when the aliens come, he’s a little ticked off but only because the aliens coming made the college recruiter people freak out and run away, but then they help him out because he didn’t openly aggravate them or anything, so he’s just a super good person And later on, Addison’s alien powers finally come in and she keeps zapping Zed and making him go all freaky which makes the interview lady terrified and she starts running away, which means his chances of getting into the uni are really low at this point, and Addison pus on gloves and says “I’m so sorry!!” And Zed, ever the amazing person, says “Don’t be.” Then runs after her and sings a little reprise of exceptional zed and I love it. Anyway. There’s other examples of other characters’ development/s but Zed was the main one, and also I’ve already spoken a lot more than I thought I would do I’ll leave it there with this point.
14- There’s really good platonic male/female friendships and that’s so refreshing. You’d expect them to put the main two werewolves in a relationship, but no, one of them gets the tech-savvy-activist zombie (happiness!) and the other gets the non binary alien (hAPPINESS!) And after Addison leaves and they’re all staring into space where the Mothership had just been, Stacey takes Zed’s hand and holds it, and platonic handholding makes me feel so happy for some reason Just- usually movies take two best friends of opposite genders, then decide at least one of them likes the other, and forces them into a couple or forces one into the friend zone which makes things awkward and then their friendship doesn’t survive. And I hate it when they do that because it happens a lot, so seeing this franchise literally not even do it once feels so nice
15- This is just a small thing but oh my gosh, Wynter on the football team??? I LOVE IT MORE THAN I CAN EXPRESS. Like. It’s rare that you see men on the cheer squad, and yet there’s heaps of them. It’s even more rare that you see women on the football team (unless it’s specifically a “women’s football” team which is just stupid can we get rid of “sport” and “women’s sport” and just make it all ✨non existent✨ and just make it all ✨sport for everyone✨?). And not only that, a werewolf. And not only that, a werewolf who CLEARLY HAS AUTISM AND I LOVE HER And Zed is super duper supportive and amazing and says the right things Wynter spends the entire second movie doing or saying something, then asking “Too much?” And the answer is generally yes. Sometimes it’s more of an implied yes but still a yes. And then when Zed gets her pumped up at the rally thing, she runs super fast and accidentally makes an indent in the bus, and she asks “Too much?” And immediately, without missing a beat, Zed yells, “Never too much, you do you!!” AND IT FEELS SO GOOD FOR REASONS I CANT EXPLAIN
16- AMAZING LINES OH MY GOSH a few examples (okay more than a few): -“We’re changing ourselves. But what needs to change is everybody else.” (SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE FOLKS IN THE BACK) -“Yeah, we are different Bucky, but that’s what makes us stronger!” (👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏) -“I thought werewolves were just myths.” “Yeah, like cavities.” (This one’s just funny) -“How do people make it look easy? Are they happy or just good at deceiving?” (THE TRUTH STINGS BUT ITS SATISFYING) -“The more I cover up my flaws the more they appear.” (👏PO👏E👏TRY👏) -“Dude, you eat brains,” “If I did, you don’t have one so you’d be safe.” (The ✨sass✨) -“You’re beautiful, Addie… but the same beautiful that you’ve always been.” (Seriously tho, that was the perfect way to say that. Not ‘you’re not a werewolf,’ not ‘I’m sorry,’ just “you are beautiful.” Sorry I love her) -“We’re part of Seabrook, too. The originals, in fact.” (YES!! JUSTICE! FOR! ORIGINAL! OWNERS!) -“I couldn’t handle the fact that you might be a monster, ‘cause I couldn’t accept the fact that I am one.” (SLOW! SELF! ACCEPTANCE! WE LOVE IT!) -“Your teacher does not understand Zombie culture.” (It’s so true!) -“The joy of competition has consumed me and unfortunately I am just so good at winning.” (You can’t not love Matt Cornett) -“I may be part alien but I’m still totally alone.” “Addison, because of you, no one in Seabrook ever has to feel alone.” (I’m not crying shut up) -“So much passion!” “Uh… she wants to rip your heart out.” “She can have it!” (IM CRYING I LOVE THEM) -“Woah! You zombied out! You good?” “Yeah. I dunno what you’re up to, but brother, but I got your back.” (I LOVE ZOEY WITH ALL MY SOUL) -“No matter how far away she goes, she’ll always be a part of our pack.” (IM SOBBING) -“Wyatt? I like-like you too.” “……..awoo.” (JFJEJEFJEJEJFJHDHFJFJFJ) -“Maybe we’ll meet again. Somehow.” “Someday.” (SOMEDAY- I CANT TAKE IT THEYRE GONNA KILL ME)
basically they’re really good movies and you should watch them if you haven’t already. thank me later.
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undeadzed · 2 years
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Bucky being listed as a sometimes ally and a sometimes enemy on Zed's wiki is honestly too funny to me. Who ever edited it this way is galaxy brained.
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muppetmagic · 2 years
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cometcrystal · 2 years
tracey wasn’t in zombies 2 or 3 because he just happened to be the only person in all of seabrook who vanished in the thanos snap
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call-to-the-wyatt · 2 years
Disney’s Z-O-M-B-I-E-S Trilogy Masterlist
Zed Addison Wyatt Willa Wynter Eliza Bonzo A-spen  A-li (soon!) A-lan (soon!)
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kangaracha · 1 year
PRETTY chapter three
It goes on like that for a while, then; the lies. The secrecy. The insatiable desire to keep searching him out, long after she stops promising herself it won’t happen again.
The crack of her bones as stiff arms pluck her from the sky, right in the wrong formation.
Breathless, Addison plants her feet on the floor when they turn her upright and stumbles away, clutching at her side like she can simply pull the offending rib out of her torso and throw it away, useless thing that it is. Her water bottle is an insurmountable distance across the room, a marathon’s length from the centre of the mat, too far for her stumbling feet to carry her. She doubles over, and forces breath into her lungs.
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I headcannon that Stacy has a cat. Idk she just seems like a cat person.
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briarsworld2 · 2 years
Zombies Characters Evolution ❤️👍✌️
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
Kinda curious if the whole Acey’s having developed in Z3 and being done with Bucky’s bullshit is kind of like, when you remove a toxic friend from the friend group move. Like, in the first two films, the Acey’s mostly do what Bucky says and mostly act like he does, but its clear in Z3, hes no longer around so much as a non-cheerleader, making me wonder if without Bucky, the Acey’s finally developed and such.
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harvlekinkey · 2 years
Chapter 2 is out now!
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shierajones · 2 years
Did Stacey say a single line in Zombies 3?
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harunayuuka2060 · 7 months
Riddle: ...
Savanaclaw students: WE'RE BEGGING YOU, LEONA-SAMA!
Leona: Ugh... So noisy...
Vil: Isn't it a good thing that no one has been slacking off in Pomefiore?
Rook: You look quite pleased, Roi du Poison! *smiling*
Scarabia students: Have we been doing great?
Jamil: No. You're just lucky Kalim here is a friend of theirs.
Kalim: I promised MC that we will do our best on the next quarter!
Floyd: Azul~ Can I~?
Azul: No.
Floyd: *frowns*
Jade: How about you, Idia-san? Did no one fail in your dorm?
Idia: No. Which is quite a bummer. I was really looking forward to sending at least three or four students.
Ignihyde students: *frowning*
Crowley: Has every housewarden ready to transfer their failing students to Ramshackle dorm?
The failing students: NOOOOOOOO!!!
MC: Eh~. That's quite a disappointing attitude~. Won't you agree, Grim~?
Grim: Yeah! Like who are you to go against my housewarden?! Mryah!
Cater: Didn't Grim say that he would destroy them? He's quite behaved now.
Trey: Maybe MC did something to tame him. Haha...
MC: Hm~? I don't see any Diasomnia students~. But I see you, Malleus~. Hi~.
Malleus: I've come here to see what's going on. Why are some students being transferred?
MC: That's because~ I need students~. And no one has been willing to join my dorm~.
Malleus: Oh. So they were being forced?
MC: Hm-hm~.
Riddle: *mutters* Gosh, they're not even saying no...
Crowley: For those students who are on this list, your luggage will be sent to Ramshackle dorm. And I expect that you will follow and respect every order of your new housewarden. That is all.
Ruggie: Hey, Leona. Do you think our students are okay?
Leona: Huh? Why are you asking me? They're not my students anymore.
Jack: But still...
Leona: Look. Their stay there is only temporary. If their grades goes high up, they will be back to us again.
Ruggie: If not?
Leona: No longer my problem.
Cater: Acey~ Why are you still reading your textbook in the middle of lunch? You too, Deucey.
Trey: They're afraid of failing.
Ace: Who wouldn't? We've heard rumors after the other guys were sent there.
Cater: Rumors?
Deuce: Yes... Like Housewarden MC torturing all of them...
Trey: That's...
Riddle: They will be reported if that claim is true.
MC: Hello, Floyd~.
Floyd: Sharky! Good evening!
Jade: Good evening, MC-san. I hope you are not busy.
MC: No, no~ Please come in~.
Floyd and Jade: *walks in* * their eyes widened*
Floyd: Wow!!!
Jade: ...What are they doing?
MC: They're studying~.
Jade: ...
Jade: MC-san, where did you get these zombies?
MC: I called them~. All the geniuses from different times~.
Floyd: Look here, Jade! *has approached a zombie that is teaching ancient literature* It looks like Azul!
Jade: Hmm...
MC: And do you know~ If my students fail to study hard~ Their brains will be eaten~.
The students: *crying after they said that*
Jade: *chuckles* It sure looks like it's working.
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jackiehicks · 9 months
‘Best Kept Secret’
Wyatt Lykensen x Reader
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request: wyatt x wells!reader with a secret relationship? they're just always sneaking away from friends during school to meet up.
A/N: my first request and it’s a wyatt x reader?? the stars literally aligned for me on this. i hope you guys like it!! this is set after the events of zombies 2 for timeline reasons. don’t get sick of wyatt just yet though, there might be some more content coming your way…
words: 1.6k
content warning: light swearing
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y/n smiled at her phone and sighed. she had been dating wyatt for a few months now, but they had decided to keep it secret due to the fact that she was human and he was a werewolf. she knew seabrook was integrated now and the human/zombie/werewolf student body was becoming more familiar by the day, but it was just easier to keep her relationship with wyatt a secret.
she didn’t really know why they kept hush about it. perhaps it was so the two of them would be somewhat left alone by bucky and his aceys who found every opportunity to say something snide and cruel about y/n and her friends. maybe it was the fear of wyatt being shunned by his wolf pack - this was the first time a wolf and a human had started a relationship in well over a century. maybe it was the judgement she would get from her family.
to cut a long story short, y/n was burdened with the surname ‘wells’. not only was her mother the mayor and her father a well-respected zombie patrolman, but she was the twin sister of star cheerleader and monster-activism trailblazer addison wells.
it’s not that addison and y/n didn’t get along, they had been best friends since the day they were born - they practically came out of the womb holding hands - it’s just that y/n had seen everything that addison had gone through last year with her zombie boyfriend zed, and she did not want that for herself and wyatt. zombies were one thing, but werewolves were still a whole other story in seabrook.
on top of all that, y/n was simply never as popular as addison. she always felt like an outsider. where addison hid her natural hair with a blonde wig, y/n always wore her white locks proudly and defiantly. this got her in a lot of trouble with her parents and the school (seriously, being dress-coded for having naturally white hair was a joke) but she didn’t care. she wasn’t like all the other kids at seabrook, why try to fit in?
that’s how y/n and wyatt met, actually. y/n noticed how all of the wolves had streaks of white in their hair, and she was curious. maybe this was why she felt as though she was different from the others? she talked to wyatt about it, learned some interesting things about wolves, learned some interesting things about wyatt, and shared some interesting things about herself. the rest, as they say, is history.
so, y/n and wyatt were seabrook’s best kept secret. when they weren’t miserably hiding their relationship, it was sort of fun. y/n liked the danger of sneaking around with her “scary” boyfriend, and the thought of doing so was more than appealing as she stared down at her chemistry textbook on the table.
she closed the book and picked it up, making her way out of the library, when all of a sudden she felt a hand on her arm and was being pulled round the corner. she yelped just as she came face to face with her boyfriend.
“miss me?”
“wyatt, you frightened me!” she smacked him playfully on the arm.
“come on, i’ll walk you to your locker. you’re not gonna need any books next period.” he grinned as the two of them walked down the hall.
y/n placed the chemistry textbook in her locker as wyatt leaned nonchalant on the lockers next to her.
“where are we even going for our… free period?” he asked in a hushed voice. she smirked at him and shook her head. the halls were completely empty, everyone was already in their next classes.
“this was your idea, honey. i figured you would have a plan.”
“when do i ever have a plan for anything? you’ve been at this school far longer than i have, surely you know some good hiding spots.”
“i don’t know if you remember this, but i’m a wells. i have to be on my best behaviour at all times.”
“god, that’s pitiful. thank god you have me, you’d be so bored otherwise.”
y/n closed her locker and kissed wyatt on the cheek.
“thank god indeed. come on, i think the football field is unoccupied this period.” she grabbed wyatt’s hand as she started to run towards the school’s exit. he laughed loudly as he ran with her, and she shushed him.
y/n and wyatt sat on the bleachers, looking out over the seabrook football field. it was a warm day, as it usually was in their perfect town. wyatt and y/n enjoyed deep conversations in moments like this, no one around them to interrupt them, simply sitting and chatting. wyatt had his fingers interlocked with y/n’s as they spoke.
“you’d think the school would be more monster-friendly” wyatt sighed.
“yeah, i mean eliza was campaigning for zombie language classes which would have been dope, but there’s not much accommodation for zombies outside of what zed’s presidential campaign was going for.”
“and for werewolves… shit, people still won’t look us in the eye half the time.”
y/n smiled softly and squeezed wyatt’s hand. he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.
“sometimes i think you’re the only one outside of the pack who understands me, sweetheart.” he said. he was only inches away from y/n’s face, it would be so easy to just grab his cheeks and kiss him. so that’s exactly what she did.
y/n’s hands gripped wyatt’s face firmly and she kissed him square on the mouth - only briefly, but it left them both grinning. wyatt returned the favour, kissing her with such force that almost knocked y/n backwards. they laughed against each other’s lips until wyatt pulled away. he had a concerned look on his face, and y/n immediately worried.
“wy, what’s up?”
“not to panic you or anything, but i got a scent.”
“oh god, what is it?”
“smells like jock.”
“oh shit” y/n exclaimed, looking at her phone. there was 5 minutes left of their ‘free period’ and she had totally forgot that the football players and cheerleading squad start their practises early. this wouldn’t be much of an emergency, except for the fact that y/n’s sister was on the cheer team.
“we need to hide, right? if addison or zed sees us-“
wyatt finished her sentence for her. “we won’t be much of a secret anymore, i know. come on, let’s go.”
they made their way down the steps of the bleachers as fast as they could - why the hell did they sit all the way at the top?! - and began to make their way around the corner of the field when they saw the football team and cheer squad about to turn the same corner, with addison and zed leading the crowd.
“under the bleachers!” y/n whisper-shouted and grabbed wyatt’s hand, running to hide under the metal bleachers from her sister’s line of sight. the two were out of breath, quietly laughing with relief.
“you’re almost too good at this ‘keeping secrets’ thing, you know that?” wyatt asked, wrapping his arms around y/n’s waist. she put her arms on his shoulders and began fussing with the soft hair on the nape of his neck.
“oh please, this is a team effort.”
wyatt hummed in agreement as he leaned in for another kiss, but the two were interrupted by the sound of a throat clearing.
“you guys good under there?” zed grinned. addison was standing next to him, trying to hide her smile.
“i don’t know what shocks me more: the fact that you hid your boyfriend from us, or the fact that you skipped class, y/n.” she laughed.
“please don’t tell mom and dad.”
“about your truancy or your secret werewolf boyfriend?” zed interjected. y/n scowled at him.
“if you don’t want me to, i won’t.” addison reassured her. y/n breathed a sigh of relief.
“thank you.”
zed sauntered over to wyatt, putting him in a headlock.
“skipping class, huh? remember what i said about doing it like the zombies do?”
wyatt smacked his arm playfully. “yeah, right. like no zombie has ever cut class before.”
“we follow rules here at seabrook. come on, furball, can’t be missing two classes in a row.”
wyatt sighed as zed let him out of the headlock. he was still getting used to being so buddy-buddy with people outside of the pack, and zed really could be extra sometimes.
“he’s right, actually,” wyatt said to y/n, “we probably should get to our next classes. don’t wanna get caught by anyone else.”
“yeah, you’re right. you go ahead, i’ll catch up.”
wyatt winked at his girlfriend before he began to walk away. y/n turned to her sister, engulfing her in a hug.
“i’m so sorry i didn’t tell you, addy. you have no idea how badly i wanted to. we were just worried what everyone would think. wyatt hasn’t even told his sister either and she’s the alpha werewolf and she’s, like, actually scary.” y/n blabbered, squeezing addison tight. addison laughed.
“sis, it’s okay. i was nervous to tell you about zed and i when we first started dating. don’t stress.”
“ugh, i love you. i really should go though, i don’t wanna be late and i know for a fact wyatt is waiting for me a few feet away.”
addison untangled herself from her sister’s tight squeeze of a hug.
“i love you too, now go!” she spun y/n around by her shoulders and gave her a shove. y/n waved goodbye before she jogged to catch up with wyatt.
zed wiped a fake tear from his eye, “ah, young love.”
“come on, casanova, you’ve got football practise.”
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spitinsideme · 22 days
i watched zombies 2, fell in love with the wynter the wereplf who ate paper and is alos silly and so i did the only thing i coukd do and lesbianised her .. i used my lesbian beam and gave her a girlfriend and also drew her becaus i like hrr ... alsl the blonde girl is lacey from the aceys trio (blonde) because i likr her too and so i lesbiansed them tigether
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