measuredmotion · 8 months
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ok but what was eric talking about on their way from lagoon to the castle? 🥹🩷 it was quite a monologue i think 🥹
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thefinalwitness · 1 year
wolsquad gets down #wolsquad
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adromiarts · 11 months
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incredibly normal player character behavior (making a shit ton of character designs for the dm)
yeah thats a gtn reference down in the corner don’t worry about it these are some normal npcs they dont share a relative to divinity its fine there are no consequences to that at all.
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the-frizzle-fry · 1 year
Bragging about not having friends on the internet is one of the saddest things in my opinion.
Here’s my friend Aeric
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atw-imagines · 2 years
Привет! Чёрт, у меня прямо мурашки от твоих постов *__* Можешь написать "Как солнцерождённые отреагируют, узнав, что их возлюбленн_ая т/и на самом деле вирм, и всё это время скрывал_а"? Если не сложно, буду очень благодарна!
Привет! Спасибо за фидбек ^_^ Наши моды рады стараться для вас. Наслаждайтесь вкусным hurt/comfort!
~~* Солнцерождённые реагируют на вирма Т/И *~~
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Он бы определенно удивился, но не дал бы тебе понять этого.
Он бы никогда не позволил себе заставлять тебя волноваться, ведь ты - его самое большое сокровище. Тем более, никогда его не смущала эта новость касательно остальных друзей, так чем же ты хуже?
После своего секундного оцепенения, он бы встал перед тобой на одно колено и взял бы одну твою руку в свои.
"Спасибо, что доверил_ась мне, т/и. Если ты хочешь держать это в секрете, он останется со мной."
После чего он бы без промедления поцеловал твою руку. Ты сияешь ярче любого камня, и этого в его глазах ничего не изменит.
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Ты знаешь, что с ним ты можешь поговорить обо всем. Поэтому это происходит очень спокойно, в совершенно бытовой обстановке, пока он занят полировкой своего меча.
Ты даже не задумываешься о том, что говоришь, пока не замечаешь, что он остановился.
В тишине ты неловко оборачиваешься на него, и его взгляд встречается с твоим. И все что ты видишь... Интрига.
"Не врешь, т/и? Можешь удивить, конечно. А огонь выдыхать умеешь? Покажешь?"
Тебя засыпают вопросами, а ты еще даже не успел_а обработать произошедшее.
Ты пытаешься подобрать ответ на каждый из его вопросов, как вдруг чувствуешь на себе его сильную хватку и внезапно оказываешься на руках.
"Да, впрочем, мы можем и проверить на практике. Мне очень интересно, что ты действительно можешь, т/и~"
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Он, честно говоря, ошеломлен.
Ты знаешь, что для него эта тема довольно сложна, и ты ожидал_а от него подобной реакции, но где-то в глубине души такой ужас в его глазах ранит.
Тем не менее, когда ты поднимаешь свой взгляд снова, ты видишь на его лице... лишь спокойствие.
"Т/и... Прости меня, правда. За последние несколько месяцев я смог понять и увидеть... Что вам тоже есть, с чем бороться. И такой шаг с твоей стороны... Я не знаю, заслужил ли я такого доверия..."
Ты улыбаешься, и заключаешь его в свои объятия.
Конечно, заслужил. Ты все понимаешь, и главное сейчас то, что тебя тоже действительно поняли.
Ты видишь, что он ломает свои стены ради тебя, и на этих руинах вы готовы начать строить что-то новое.
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chadfallout76podcast · 11 months
For a side character, Charlie is one of the best characters I've created. Moreover, he fits in with Nick and Ellie so perfectly you'd think he'd always been part of Fallout 4. Aeric did such a great job bringing the character to life.
...and someone please leave Vault-Tec rep alone! Man just wants some soup and peace.
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spacerace-blues · 3 months
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limeinaltime · 1 year
*India, after years of torment and abuse from Adam, begins to genuenly smile/be happy/laugh just because she can*
Her kids to Nathan: "I don't know what you did, but continue doing it."
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Don't worry, he has no idea what he did, either
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lindira · 9 months
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I had to, right? XD
I managed to make Aeric and Dorian look relatively like themselves, despite very few head templates to choose from.
*holds them like paper dolls* Now kiss!
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thefinalwitness · 6 months
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happy halloween! i can imagine a lot of kids dress up as the warriors of light every year :') ft @daetur, @elvhenluca and @lambylin!!
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adromiarts · 11 months
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ask-thirtyheim · 4 months
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atw-imagines · 2 years
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stealthboy43 · 9 months
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Behold, the cool Dad with a Shotgun, the father of like 7 kids, all of which are taller than him, Nathan aeric.
OC by @limeinaltime
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limeinaltime · 1 year
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Y'all seem to like Nathan so have more, plus some stuff on his father-daughter relationship with Eko.
Eko’s relationship with Nathan varies across the AUs she’s in. In Hell. Pain Even, Nathan and Indy got together and raised Eko as a family, while in my personal AU, Indy passes away and Nathan takes up raising Eko on his own as his ward-turned-daughter.
Nathan is unusually tall for a Worker Drone, so he was taller than Eko for most of her life. She only started surpassing him once she reached high school, and she hasn’t stopped growing since.
Core Drones were given the AbsoluteSolver program, but it’s not nearly as body horror-y as the Disassembly Drones, and will just put a stop of Eko’s regeneration abilities until she eats enough metal, and Bunker 9′s fairly sheltered environment has allowed her to stockpile repair material for later. Nathan got quite a few scares early on when Eko would fall from a high ledge or cut herself, only for her to bounce back, unscathed and unharmed, and his toolbox would be missing a wrench. He started holding onto pieces of scrap metal for Eko to eat, just in case of an emergency.
Having known Indy for a while, a lot of people assume that Nathan only took Eko in because she reminds him of his long-gone “forbidden” flame. Nathan is quick to shut the gossip hounds with the glare, but the rumors have sadly reached Eko, and used to affect her a lot as a kid thanks to the cruel rumors and mockery from her classmates.
Nathan is the same age as Khan, but just chose to get himself hair and figured that aging like Keanu Reaves wasn’t such a bad idea. He’s a robot, his biological clock is non-existent. He would sooner disassemble himself than put on a mustache.
While intimidating, grouchy and sarcastic, Nathan is quite the heart-throb among the bunker’s unmarried women (and a few men, in secret) due to his looks, but his heart will always belong to Indy and he has no real interest in finding someone new (despite Khan’s well-meaning encouragement). Those women are also mean to Eko, so no dice.
In a previous version, Eko was being raised by the teacher guy, but a scrapped that. However, Nathan is also a teacher at the high school (he teaches mechanics/building), and the only one who can put up with Uzi’s antics without batting an eye, having acted as a pseudo-godfather of sorts before he and Khan had a falling-out following the death of Uzi’s mom. Nathan doesn’t voice it explicitly, but he greatly appreciates that Uzi is willing to be Eko’s friend, and sees a lot of his own relationship with his daughter in the growing bond between the two outcasts.
I don’t have a specific label, but Eko is 100% neurodivergent (yes I am projecting) and had difficulty focusing and studying during her school years, despite getting good marks. Nathan found strategies that worked best with Eko when he tutored her, and uses those when he teaches. His homeroom students, while intimidated by him, openly admit that they learn a lot and find his lessons enriching. Khan suggested putting Eko in the gifted kids program when she was younger. Nathan asked if the rust had finally gotten to his main servers.
Despite his best efforts, Nathan wasn’t able to protect Eko from everything, and the arrival of the Disasembly Drones only made things worse. For this, he is not fond of the company Eko, Uzi and Thad choose to keep, but trusts that N and V are more stuck out there with Eko than Eko’s stuck out there with them (and he is 100% right lmao).
The prom prank has heavily soiled Nathan’s relationship with the bunker, and he mostly just sticks around because he’s the only sharpshooter now that Eko’s started spreading her wings. He has little to no respect for the teens who were responsible or the teachers who turned a blind eye, even though a few of said teens become Eko’s occasional co-workers later on, and one of them starts crushing hard on his ward (this is canon in both AUs; Eko gets a boyfriend named Sam in HPE, and might end up with Sarah, the investigator lady from episode 2, although this is currently just a crackship).
A lot of Eko’s sarcasm and take-no-shit attitude was learned by watching Nathan. He is secretly very proud and internally wipes away a tear of fatherly pride every time she verbally destroys an insufferable co-worker or a know-it-all parent.
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