#also kinda chibi poshe
rjavenuru · 5 months
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When I drew that version of Aureliuwu last Halloween I became obsessed with that orange with bats and skulls as a onesie. So I designed it and made it on Spoonflower 😝 So now I'm gonna order like ten feet of fleece and get fucking cozy!
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rinovarka · 3 years
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Transformer Musical Chibis, days 6-10! Mostly Cyberverse this time around lol.
Link to Chibis 1-5! , 11-15, 16-20, 21-28, 29-31
6) Omega Supreme with a piccolo, just because I think its funny, because Piccolos are the smallest woodwind instrument, OS is one of the largest autobots, and I dont think he would understand the concept of a musical instrument.  Omega Supreme is a my second favorite TF! He gets more cameos than Metroplex, and like Metroplex, is used also mainly as a “wow cool robot” factor (like in Seige he literally does nothing as Cybertron is being destroyed, and only appears to pop out of the ground, only to not be heard or seen again LOL), but I love the story he gets in G1 and TFA.  I think its something to say that OS is said in G1 to have his emotions wiped out, but he is the only TF I think who has tears.  I wish his journey of discovering emotions again was expanded upon, but hey, its G1 lol.  
Like Metroplex, I have a lil fanfic idea for him, in which he gets stuck in a human sized holoform that looks literally like as I drew him, chibish and more friendlier, and learns what it means to feel in a middle of nowhere town in the US.
7) Cyberverse Astrotrain with a harmonica. My third favorite TF! I love all forms of Astrotrain honestly, but Cyberverse had it right when they made him an absolute giant compared to everyone. I never want to see normal sized Astrotrain EVER again!!! It was actually a screenshot of him towering over Megatron that made me want to watch Cyberverse LOL mmhhmhmhmhm big boye time,,,,,bIG BOY TIME,,,,
I like his dynamic with Dead-End, just both being grumpy and jerks to others in general. I wish there was more Astrotrain, like whne he flew off with Megatron X, i was like nO KING COME BACk LDJHFKLSDHGLKSDNGLKSG!!!!!! If the Cyberverse movie doesnt have him I will cry lakjfslkgsg.
8) Cyberverse Clobber with a trombone! Probably tbe kind of person who doesn't know how to play music, probably makes audials bleed but if she enjoys it she enjoys it. Clobber is,,, just a cute character who seems to have just fallen in with the wrong faction, was happy to see her become an Autobot, ahahah. She's big, strong, and kinda dumb and unconfident but a nice person who means well, so basically she checks all my boxes for characters I like lol. She just want to vibe with Lockdown and Hot Rod, I think their small amounts of interactions are great Also I appreciate big dumb girl solidarity bc dang, me too queen
9) Cyberverse Arcee. with an electric guitar I think she's may favorite Arcee. Idk I like unapologetically Head Empty No Thought characters. Like she's just here to have a good time!! Just taking selfies with Earth animals, no thoughts, just vibes.. I love her dynamic with Grimlock, whose smart but also head empty at the same time. Like he's book smart bc he knows how to build and things, but idk maybe spending all his time with Arcee made them have 1 collective braincell. Or he's just a fun dude too! Im just saying Arcee and Grimlock would go on journeys with Meteorfire and Cosmos!!!!!!!!
10)Cyberverse Grimlock with a xylophone! I was never a huge fan of the dinobots, but I actually grew to like Cyberverse Grimlock! He has a posh voice, is self reliant and technologically smart, and likes going on adventures. I think he has a fun dynamic with Arcee and I like how Head Empty they both are XD   Spoilery opinion bit!!! He has an interesting story, in which his g1 personality returns due to being stuck on prehistoric earth, alone, and adapting to Earth life, that being dinosaurs! However I feel that the episode, "King of the Dinosaurs" (for me) personally highlights one of the gripes I do have with Cyberverse: timing with emotional beats. The whole episode is how he got there, what he did, and Bumblebee and Windblade chasing him down after reactivating him, as he tries to look for his dinosaur friends and the world he once knew. At the end he is told that its all gone, and personally I f e l t for him as he calls for "Friends?" in regards to the long gone dinos, and how his final recording was for them to be strong in the face of inevitable death. But within the minute he's just like "lol oops sometimes I be like that :D" Like I get Cyberverse is a light hearted show and has like a 11 minute run time, I do! I just felt a bit jarred at how quickly certain concepts, (not just this one), get resolved. But thats just my opinion and I do like the concept, its just, aaaaa ^^;;;
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howanimestuffworks · 4 years
Now it’s time for something a little bit out of the ordinary and a little bit different. We all know that at this point in time the world is out of sorts so it’s nice to have that little ray of sunshine every now and again. Luckily for me that ray of sunshine just gotten bigger with me being nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award!  
I made my first couple of graphics! I think they turned out good!
Like always we have to begin with the rules:
Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog so that other people can visit them.
Answer the 11 questions put to you by the nominator.
Nominate 11 bloggers of your choosing and provide them with a new set of 11 questions to answer.
Notify the nominees by commenting on one of their blog posts.
List the rules and display The Sunshine Blogger Award logo within your post or on your blog site.
The person that nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award was no other then Pinkie from Pinkie’s Paradise, who is one of the many active bloggers I know and has helped me come out of my shell and try and blog more then keep hiding away!
I always love reading Pinkie’s new posts and look forward to any new ones that pop up, I will recommend checking her blog out as her blog is just so CUTE! Especially with all the restyling she has done! (I so need to know how she managed to get a animated background working on her blog!) Anyway onto my answers and if you need any directions to Pinkie’s site just click here!
I am a tad late getting this done (along with everything else hahaha) but I really reaaaally needed to get my training for work completed otherwise my manager will literally murder me with a spatula!
I mean she would if she could, is it even possible to be murdered by a spatula? 
  Q: Have you ever cosplayed, if yes.. what’s your best cosplay? If no what would you cosplay if you could?
Sadly no, I never had enough money to spend on the materials I would need for my cosplay, nor have I had the confidence to pull of a cosplay, I am very self conscious about my body and hate the fact that I still have some “puppy fat” at 33 years old.  Even though I am pretty much self conscious about my body I would still push myself out of my comfort zone and cosplay some of my favourite characters.
There’s a little list of cosplays I would love to pull off from my favourite anime and games, Zelda from The Legend of Zelda series, Hitomi Kanzaki from the Vision of Escaflowne and Chibi Usa from Sailor Moon being three that I would love to go for!
  Aren’t these girls cool! 
Bonus Pic!
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Kinda scary shoving Pinkie Pies head on Chibi Usa, give me the willies!  
 Q: What is the least geeky thing about you?
What is the least geeky thing about me…man this one is so so hard! Hahaha! I think the least geeky thing about is that I love love to go for long walks! I just go where my feet take me!
Q: If your life was ever turned into an anime, what type of anime would it be?
Hmm.. I think it would be a dramatic slice of life shoujo that would depict me failing adulthood severely and kinda boring…until my life goes from boring to eventful where I’m transported to another realm to go saving the world with my babble of followers that consist of my favourite characters who somehow got dumped in said realm along with me, and blamed me for that happening cause I had to go poking that portal till it exploded and sucked us all in!
It would all fall on Van and Chise to try and find us a way home without me screwing everything up in the process!!
This was fun to make I gotta admit that, plus I just couldn’t stop laughing!!!
Q:  If your life was ever turned into a video game, what type of game it would be?
It most probably be the same as the anime adaption just more in depth and set out like a JPRG!
Chise would be a perfect character to take the Healer position considering one of her abilities is creating medicine in Mahoutsukai no Yome (The Ancient Magus Bride).
Van would be taking the warrior class, mainly swordsman as he is quite adaptable when equipped with his own sword, though I can picture him cursing his head off about the amount of times I died throughout our adventure.
Hitomi would be our visionary, she can predict things before they happen through visions even though some do take a mental impact on her.
Duo is pretty good at stealth so I can picture him using that to his advantage with some pretty good stealth kills when we cannot attack outright.
Heero is more melee so would just attack outright but he is also good at physical combat and can use that to his advantage.
Luffy would be similar to Heero and would create a good tag team with him.
 Q: If you’d have to choose any other archetype but geek, what would you want to be?
I would be a story teller, one of my goals is to be an author and have my own set of YA Fantasy books out there in the world! It would be a big achievement for me in my life, I have a few brainstorms going on some of the characters but I’m keeping that a secret for now..Suuuush..
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I would love to be a well known author and have alot of people adoring my stories and characters!!
 Q: What’s the worst thing you have ever done to a friend?
The worst thing I did to a friend is throw a book at them! I do treat my friends with alot of respect and never treat them all badly, but this friend of mine (who is now my boyfriend, strange things happened ya know) just would not be quiet so I could read, all he ever did was natter away to me and then the book went flying at him…I regret that so much…
 Q: What is your favourite alcoholic beverage and tell us about when you had too much of it.
Believe it or not I have not had one ounce of alcohol pass my lips ever, so I never had any drunk stories to tell. (Which is ironic considering I work in a pub!) It’s mainly tied to my past, I’ve seen what alcohol can do to a person and sadly I was a victim of that, my dad is a severe alcoholic and he used to abuse me, my siblings and my mother, so I never ever touched the stuff.
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It’s still quite hard to talk about as it affected me my entire life in so many ways.
 Q: How would you take over the world, in a world of endless possibilities? Be evil!
Firstly I would destroy all the world leaders and then brain wash everyone across the globe to do my bidding and make my cat their supreme leader!! (come on who doesn’t want to be ruled over by an evil kitty!)
I would then force people to constantly pick up litter (mainly because I am so sick of people dumping litter everywhere) and to become my cats slaves and servants and imprison their families if they refused!!!
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Okay I’ll admit I am so bad at being evil…
 Q: Which anime character you think could stop the you from question 8.
Can I pick two…I can picture Usagi Tsukino and Sakura Kinomoto tag teaming and defeating me and my kitty! Me and my lovely Videl would pass in each others arms and live a happy and evil afterlife where we destroy Satan and take his throne and become rulers of hell!!
I think they would make a great team!
 Q: Which anime characters would be the henchmen to the you from question 8.
I would brain wash the best of the best to become my henchmen! The Prince of all Sayain’s – Vegeta and of course Goku would be mine and Videl’s guards! Piccolo and Gohan would lead my mighty army!
But they may have a tough time with this lot…we shall see if Usagi and Sakura come up triumphant! 
 Q: If you could make one true wish, but it had to be at least  somewhat selfish, what would it be?
If I could make one wish for myself it would be to be a millionaire and live in a posh mansion that has a pool with all my cats! They would have their own rooms and have luxurious beds like I would! They would also have loads and loads of toys and their own pool side loungers!!!
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I’ll be the new kid on the block!
What is the most geeky thing about you?
What is the next Anime that you are planning to watch?
If you could write out your life story, how would that story go?
What was the saddest Anime scene you have watched?
What was the best thing you have done for a friend?
What were your plans this year before the pandemic?
If you could pilot a mech or Gundam, which one would it be?
If you could marry an anime or video game character, who would it be?
Tell me about the last game you have played?
Is there a character out there that is most similar to you?
Last book you have read? 
Truthfully I don’t know that many people considering I’m the new kid on the block within the anime blogging community, I’m basing my nominations based on the few people that I have come to know within the anime blogging community recently.
I’m sorry if you were already picked!!! 
Mari from Starting Life At Zero Who’s brave posts really are inspiring to me and has helped me understand alot of things lately.
Roki Bloop from Secluded Observations who actually stumbled across my blog on twitter and introduced me to a few more bloggers, if it wasn’t for Roki I wouldn’t even be doing the Sunshine Blogger Award at all!
Nabe-Chan from Geek Nabe Another lovely person that I have been interacting with on twitter and has a lovely blog!
Pinkie from Pinkie’s Paradise I am so getting you back! hahaha! Pinkie is so awesome and has such a cute and funny blog!
Steph from Two Happy Cats another blogger that I’ve been following on wordpress since I created my old account.
Kiritonarukami from KiritoNarukami One of the newer bloggers that I stumbled across on here lately.
Mike from Gaming and God Another blogger I’ve stumbled across lately who’s blog consists of not only Anime and Manga reviews but also Gaming reviews!
Lesley from Lesley’s Anime and Manga Corner Another Anime and Manga blogger that I have discovered 🙂
Odyssey from LOFZ ODYSSEY ANIME REVIEWS Another cool blogger that I’ve discovered!
Jiraiyan from Otaku Orbit is one of the two bloggers that I’ve been following on wordpress since I created my old account. (I actually have two accounts but liked the name of this one more.)
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Okay I stole this idea from Pinkie but I needed a reason to use this wallpaper!
PS: If you would love to be nominated then you can if you answer this question about me, who is the character I am using throughout my blog? 
    A Pony With Sunburn Is Not A Good Look: The Sunshine Blogger Award! #anime #otaku #blogger #animeblog #blogging Now it's time for something a little bit out of the ordinary and a little bit different.
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